HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW07-148 - Other - The City of Tacoma - The Second Supply Project Partnership Agreement - 11/01/2002 ��. Records M - - gem e KENT Document W..anina,ox 9 CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed, if you have questions, please contact Mary Simmons, City Clerks Office. Vendor Name: Contract Number: This is assigned by Mary Simmons Vendor Number: Project Name: S T to"o ,2 f sM, mEn �sr fsz `J Contract Effective Date: Contract Termination Date: Contract Renewal Notice (Days): Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: L-a t, 222o Department: Qg4e a/.'4q Abstract: n �r Ent LLo/Efrr ' Yn L�2 ee +n_ Ja. S/�r� Qy ZbF lid s_ ADCL7832 07/02 ' final REPAYMENT AGREEMENT This Agreement, effective November 1, 2002, is by and among the City of Tacoma, Washington ("Tacoma"), the City of Kent, Waslungton ("Kent"), Covington Water District ("Covington") and Lakehaven Utility District ("Lakehaven" and, collectively, the "Participants") WHEREAS, the Participants entered into the Agreement for the Second Supply Project (the "Project Agreement") to obtain required permits for, design, finance, construct, operate and maintain certain property and facilities to obtain and receive deliveries of water for the Participants from the exercise by Tacoma of the Second Diversion Water Right (the "Project'), and WHEREAS, the Project offers to all of the Participants an additional source of water with the benefits of joint development, tax exempt financing and economies of scale; and WHEREAS, Tacoma has agreed to finance, to the extent not prepaid by Participants, Initial Project Construction costs (as defined in the Project Agreement) by the issuance of nonrecourse revenue bonds to be issued by Tacoma for a separate regional water supply system (as defined in the Project Agreement, "Project Bonds"); and WHEREAS, Lakehaven has elected to pay its share of Initial Project Construction costs and will not participate in the issuance of the Project Bonds, and WHEREAS, Kent and Covington have elected to have Tacoma issue Project Bonds to finance a portion of their shares of Initial Project Construction costs; and WHEREAS, the Tacoma Public Utility Board has approved and the Tacoma City Council will adopt an ordinance (the "Ordinance") authorizing Tacoma to issue not to exceed $100,000,000 principal amount of its Regional Water Supply System Revenue Bonds, 2002 (the 'Bonds'), to finance the portion of the Project described in the Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Tacoma City Council will adopt a resolution(the "Resolution") once the Bonds are sold setting the final terms of the Bonds; and WHEREAS, it is advisable to elaborate on the Project Agreement's payment sections, and WHEREAS, the Bonds will be Project Bonds under the Project Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Participants wish to set forth the terms under which the Participants shall make payments to Tacoma equal to their share of the principal of and interest on the Bonds when due and to confirm other matters required to market the Bonds, and WHEREAS, this Agreement has been duly authorized by ordinance or resolution of each of the Participants and by the City, NOW, THEREFORE, the Participants agree as follows Section 1. Term. This Agreement shall take effect upon its execution by the Participants and shall expire when the Bonds are no longer outstanding under the Ordinance. Section 2 Payments by Kent and Covington Notwithstanding any provision of Section 25 of the Project Agreement to the contrary, Kent and Covington's obligations to repay their share of the Bonds shall be governed by the following provisions. (a) Covington and Kent hereby acknowledge and agree that they shall pay Tacoma 22.0914% and 22.9348%, respectively, of the principal of and interest on the Bonds and are liable to repay Tacoma amounts due and owing with respect to such principal and interest as estimated on Schedule A. A final schedule showing Covington and Kent's proportionate share of the payments of debt service on the Bonds will be attached to this Agreement when the Resolution has been adopted by the Tacoma City Council. Interest on the Bonds is payable semiannually on each June 1 and December 1, commencing June 1, 2003. Principal of the Bonds shall be payable annually on each December 1, commencing in 2005 and ending in 2032 Interest on the Bonds shall be calculated based on a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months The Bonds shall bear interest at the rates set forth in the Resolution. (b) Kent and Covington shall remit to Tacoma by the 15th day of each month (or the next following business day if such date is not a business day), commencing with the month following the issuance of the Bonds, an amount equal to one-sixth of the interest and one-twelfth of the prmcipal (or such greater fraction if there are less than six or twelve months, as applicable, to the next interest or principal date) next coming due based on their percentage share of the Bonds as shown on the final Schedule A. Payments shall be sent by check or electronic transfer to the address or account shown on Schedule B Tacoma shall not be required to bill Kent and Covington for these payments All interest earnings on the amounts subrnitted by Kent and Covington in any year shall be used to reduce their respective first monthly interest and principal payment in the next succeeding year. Each December Tacoma shall send Kent and Covington a reconciliation statement showing their January payment to reflect the interest earned on their prior year's payments (c) Tacoma agrees to deposit all amounts received from the Participants under this Agreement in the City of Tacoma Regional Water Supply System Bond Fund created under the Ordinance and to use such money for the sole purpose of paying the principal of and interest on the Bonds and Future Panty Bonds (as defined in the Ordinance). If Tacoma draws on the Reserve Account to cover a payment not made by any Participant, Tacoma may deposit amounts 2 P WMNWMN221 related to such late payments paid pursuant to paragraph(b) above to the Reserve Account to meet the Reserve Account Requirement(as such terms are defined in the Ordinance). (d) Kent and Covington may provide for the prepayment of all or a portion of their allocable share (in increments of$5,000)of the Bonds on any date when the Bonds are subject to optional redemption (at the price set forth in the Resolution) upon at least 60 days written notice to Tacoma at the address shown on Schedule B. Tacoma shall apply those amounts to the redemption and prepayment of an allocable portion of the Bonds (e) Consistent with the terms of the Project Agreement, each Participant agrees that it will establish, maintain and collect rates and charges for water and other services, facilities and commodities sold, fumished or supplied by it through its water system which shall be adequate to provide revenues sufficient to enable the Participant to make its required payments under tlus Agreement (in the case of Kent and Covington) and the Project Agreement and comply with the rate covenants in their respective resolutions or ordinances authorizing their senior lien water bonds (as such covenants may be changed). (f) Kent and Covington shall remain obligated to provide for their respective shares of debt service on the Bonds listed on final Schedule A unless all Participants consent to add a new Participant or to permit an existing Participant to assign its interests to a new Participant and all of the requirements set forth in Section 20(c) of the Ordinance are met In such event, Schedule A shall be adjusted to reflect the revised debt service schedule for all Participants, including the new Participant. All other terms and conditions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. (g) Tacoma may to its sole discretion issue bonds that refund the Bonds ("Refunding Bonds' if and only if there is a debt service savings for each maturity of Refunding Bonds (compared to the Bonds and except as necessary to round out maturities to the nearest $5,000) and the final maturity date of the Refunding Bonds is not later than that of the Bonds In such event, Kent and Covington shall be obligated to provide for the payment of their respective shares of the principal of and interest on those Refunding Bonds, and Schedule A shall be adjusted to reflect the revised debt service schedule for the Refunding Bonds. Refunding Bonds that do not provide the debt service savings with the maturities described above may be issued by Tacoma only with the written approval by both Covington and Kent. "Refunding Bonds" shall be treated as "Bonds" for the purposes of this Agreement, and all other terms and conditions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Section 3. Covenants (a) Kent and Covington shall not (a) enter into any contracts with private parties for the management of their water systems or (b)enter into any contracts with a private party or the Federal Government that exceed three years (or such lesser period if informed in writing by Tacoma) for the sale of water from the Project without providing a copy of any such proposed contract to Tacoma for review by Tacoma and Tacoma's designated nationally recognized bond counsel. Kent and Covington shall not execute any such contract if, in the opinion of such bond 3 P'WMNWMNM counsel, the sales or management agreement as proposed would adversely affect the tax-exempt status on the Bonds. (b) Kent covenants that it will not amend its Ordinance No. 3258 or adopt an ordinance authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds the effect of which would be to limit Kent's ability to declare Kent's obligations under the Project Agreement and this Agreement to be a contract resource obligation of Kent. Kent agrees that it shall provide Tacoma a certificate of an engineer as provided in Section 22 of Ordinance No. 3258 and take all other necessary action to declare Kent's obligation to pay its share of costs of the Project as a contract resource obligation of Kent (c) Lakehaven covenants that (1) it will not amend its existing bond resolutions to limit its ability or obligation (so long as the Project is producing water) to pay all costs of the Project as operating and maintenance expenses of its system and (2) when it issues additional bonds, it will amend its bond resolutions to permit it to treat its share of all costs of the Project, including when the Project is not operating, as operating and maintenance expenses of its system or as a contract resource obligations. (d) Covington covenants that it will not issue any additional bonds on a panty of hen with its Water Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds, 1995 and its Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, 2001, and that it will include a provision in its future bond authorizing resolutions enabling it to treat its share of all costs of the Project, including when the Project is not operating, as a contract resource obligation (e) Each Participant represents that it has no outstanding utility revenue bonds or other obligations including Public Works Trust Fund loans, and covenants that it will issue no future utility revenue bonds or other obligations including Public Works Trust Fund loans,that in either case permit the owners or holders to accelerate debt in the event of a default. Each Participant further covenants that it will not enter into any agreement or adopt any resolution or ordinance granting the owners or holders of any revenue obligations the right to accelerate payment in the event of default. Section 4. Ongoing Disclosure To assist the underwriters of the Bonds in complying with the ongoing disclosure requirements of Section(b)(5)(i) of Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Rule'), Covington and Kent agree to include reference to the Bonds in their regular ongoing disclosure filings pursuant to the Rule or, in the absence of a regular ongoing disclosure filing, to provide or cause to be provided annually to each nationally recognized municipal securities information repository and to the state information depository for the State of Washington (if one is created), in each case as designated by the SEC in accordance with the Rule, audited financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applicable to Washington municipal corporations (except as noted in such financial statements) within eight months after each fiscal year. Covington and Kent shall provide Tacoma a copy of such filing by each September Vt 4 P wMN%NMN221 Section 5. Official Statement The Participants acknowledge that Tacoma is preparing an official statement for the sale of the Bonds. The Participants agree to cooperate with Tacoma in providing information regarding the Participant for inclusion in the Official Statement and to certify that the information provided is accurate Section 6. Assignment; Third Party Beneficiary The Participants shall not assign their interests or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of all the other Participants This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall bind the respective assignees. The Bondowner's Trustee (as defined in the Ordinance) may enforce a Participant's obligation to provide for payments that are due under this Agreement There are no other third party beneficiaries of this Agreement. Section 7. Communications Communications between the parties, including reconciliation statements and electronic transfers sent pursuant to Section 2(b), shall be delivered in person, mailed, e-mailed or faxed to the addresses and to the attention of the person and account specified on Schedule B of this Agreement. A party may change such address or account or specified person by submitting to the other parties a revised Schedule B Section 8 Operating Reserve. The Parties agree to establish an operating reserve account to help smooth out operating expenses and provide a contingency. The Project Committee shall, from time to time, establish the appropriate level of operating reserve, which amount shall be not less than $200,000 Section 9 Amendments, Reliance No amendment of any provision of this Agreement shall be valid unless set forth in a written amendment signed by all parties Tacoma will issue the Bonds in reliance on this Agreement. Section 10 Severability If a provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid or unenforceable provision had never been contained in this Agreement Section 11. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed and interpreted under the laws of the State of Washington. Section 12. Counterparts This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, and each shall be considered an original when the signature of each party has been obtained. Section 13 Waiver No provision of this Agreement may be waived except as documented or confirmed in writing and no such waiver may be used to materially impair the force and effect of any substantive provision of this Agreement Any waiver at any time by a party of its right with respect to a default under this Agreement, or with respect to any other matter arising in connection therewith, shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or matter. 5 rwnar MNUI IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Participants have duly executed this Repayment Agreement on the date first written above City of Tacoma City of t Department of Public Utilities Water Division By: _ 5 evec By: Ti for �cTj ApprAA as totrofftin egality: Approved as to form and legality: Covington Water District Lakehav Utility Distr' By. � By. Title: Title. Approved- as to form and ty Approved as to7f, m d legality: 6 NNM"MN221 SCHEDULE A Allocable Payments for Debt Service A-1 P WMMMN221 t ' SCHEDULE A Nov 8, 2002 trepyska (1) (2) Principal 2002 ISSUE (ONLY) basis for Year Kent & Ending Covington Estimated Interest Dec 1 Share Rate Amount Total 2003 $ 4,208,750 4,208,750 2004 4,208,750 4,208,750 2005 $ 500,000 2.75 % 4,208,750 4,708,750 2006 600,000 3.00 4,195,000 4,795,000 2007 850,000 3.25 4,177,000 5,027,000 2008 1,000,000 3.50 4,149,375 5,149,375 2009 675,000 4.00 4,114,375 4,789,375 2010 625,000 4.00 4,087,375 4,712,375 2011 600,000 4.25 4,062,375 4,662,375 2012 625,000 4.25 4,036,875 4,661,875 2013 675,000 4.50 4,010,313 4,685,313 2014 725,000 4.50 3,979,938 4,704,938 2015 825,000 4.75 3,947,313 4,772,313 2016 875,000 4.75 3,908,125 4,783,125 2017 1,000,000 5.00 3,866,563 4,866,563 2018 1,075,000 5.00 3,816,563 4,891,563 2019 2,075,000 5.00 3,762,813 5,837,813 2020 2,175,000 5.00 3,659,063 5,834,063 2021 2,300,000 5.25 3,550,313 5,850,313 2022 2,400,000 5.25 3,429,563 5,829,563 2023 2,550,000 5.25 3,303,563 5,853,563 2024 5,425,000 5.25 3,169,688 8,594,688 2025 5,700,000 5.25 2,884,875 8,584,875 2026 6,000,000 5.25 2,585,625 8,585,625 2027 6,325,000 5.25 2,270,625 8,595,625 2028 6,650,000 5.25 1,938,563 8,588,563 2029 7,000,000 5.25 1,589,438 8,589,438 2030 7,375,000 5.25 1,221,938 8,596,938 2031 7,750,000 5.25 834,750 8,584,750 2032 8,150,000 5.25 427,875 8,577,875 82,525,000 $ 99,606,125 182,131,125 SCHEDULE A 2002 BOND ISSUE (Preliminary- Will be adjusted after sale of bonds) CITY OF KENT 24.0324% Col (1) & (2) Fixed Debt Service Responsibility to be reduced by actual interest Less Year earnings each year on Bond Reserve Estimated Total Ending and Construction Fund. Interest Estimated Dec 1 Principal Interest Total Earnings Payment 2003 $ $ 1,011,464 1,011,464 $ (244,890) 766,573 2004 1,011,464 1,011,464 (178,801) 832,663 2005 120,162 1,011,464 1,131,626 (130,736) 1,000,889 2006 144,194 1,008,159 1,152,354 (82,671) 1,069,682 2007 204,275 1,003,833 1,208,109 (82,671) 1,125,437 2008 240,324 997,194 1,237,518 (82,671) 1,154,847 2009 162,219 988,783 1,151,002 (82,671) 1,068,330 2010 150,203 982,294 1,132,497 (82,671) 1,049,825 2011 144,194 976,286 1,120,481 (82,671) 1,037,809 2012 150,203 970,158 1,120,360 (82,671) 1,037,689 2013 162,219 963,774 1,125,993 (82,671) 1,043,322 2014 174,235 956,474 1,130,709 (82,671) 1,048,038 2015 198,267 948,634 1,146,901 (82,671) 1,064,230 2016 210,284 939,216 1,149,500 (82,671) 1,066,828 2017 240,324 929,228 1,169,552 (82,671) 1,086,880 2018 258,348 917,212 1,175,560 (82,671) 1,092,888 2019 498,672 904,294 1,402,966 (92,671) 1,320,295 2020 522,705 879,361 1,402,065 (82,671) 1,319,394 2021 552,745 853,225 1,405,971 (82,671) 1,323,299 2022 576,778 824,206 1,400,984 (82,671) 1,318,312 2023 612,826 793,925 1,406,752 (82,671) 1,324,080 2024 1,303,758 761,752 2,065,510 (82,671) 1,982,838 2025 1,369,847 693,305 2,063,151 (82,671) 1,980,480 2026 1,441,944 621,388 2,063,332 (82,671) 1,980,660 2027 1,520,049 545,686 2,065,735 (82,671) 1,983 064 2028 1,598,155 465,883 2,064,038 (82,671) 1,981,366 2029 1,682,268 381,980 2,064,248 (82,671) 1,981,577 2030 1,772,390 293,661 2,066,050 (82,671) 1,983,379 2031 1,862,511 200,610 2,063,121 (82,671) 1,980,450 1958 641 102,829 2,061,469 (82,671) 1,978,798 $ 19,832,738 $ 23,937,742 43,770,480 $ (2,786,557) 40,983,924 SCHEDULE A 2002 BOND ISSUE (Preliminary- Will be adjusted after sale of bonds) COVINGTON UTILITY DISTRICT 23.1487% Col (1) & (2) Fixed Debt Service Responsibility to be reduced by actual interest Less Year earnings each year on Bond Reserve Estimated Total Ending and Construction Fund. Interest Estimated Dec 1 Principal Interest Total Earnings Payment 2003 $ $ 974,271 974,271 $ (235,885) 738,386 2004 974,271 974,271 (172,226) 802,045 2005 115,744 974,271 1,090,014 (125,929) 964,085 2006 138,892 971,088 1,109,980 (79,632) 1,030,349 2007 196,764 966,921 1,163,685 (79,632) 1,084,054 2008 231,487 960,526 1,192,013 (79,632) 1,112,382 2009 156,254 952,424 1,108,678 (79,632) 1,029,047 2010 144,679 946,174 1,090,854 (79,632) 1,011,222 2011 138,892 940,387 1,079,279 (79,632) 999,648 2012 144,679 934,484 1,079,163 (79,632) 999,532 2013 156,254 928,335 1,084,589 (79,632) 1,004,957 2014 167,828 921,304 1,089,132 (79,632) 1,009,500 2015 190,977 913,752 1,104,728 (79,632) 1,025,097 2016 202,551 904,680 1,107,231 (79,632) 1,027,600 2017 231,487 895,059 1,126,546 (79632) 1,046,914 2018 248,849 883,485 1,132,333 (79,632) 1,052,702 2019 480,336 871,042 1,351,378 (79,632) 1,271,746 2020 503,484 847,025 1,350,510 (79,632) 1,270,878 2021 532,420 821,851 1,354,271 (79,632) 1,274,640 2022 555,569 793,899 1,349,468 (79,632) 1,269,836 2023 590,292 764,732 1,355,024 (79,632) 1,275,392 2024 1,255,817 733,741 1,989,558 (79,632) 1,909,927 2025 1,319,476 667,811 1,987,287 (79,632) 1,907,655 2026 1,388,922 598,539 1,987,461 (79,632) 1,907,829 2027 1,464,155 525,620 1989,775 (79,632) 1910,144 2028 1,539,389 448,752 1,988,141 (79,632) 1,908,509 2029 1,620,409 367,934 1,988,343 (79,632) 1,908,712 2030 1,707,217 282,863 1,990,079 (79,632) 1,910,448 2031 1,794,024 193,234 1,987,258 (79,632) 1,907,626 2032 1886 619 99,048 1985 667 (79,632) 1,906,035 $ 19,103,465 $ 23,057,523 42,160,988 (2,684,092) 39,476,896 SCHEDULE B Notice Addresses Tacoma's electronic wiring instructions are as follows. Seafirst Seattle Mam ABA# 125000024 Cr: Tacoma City Treasurer Account#67650200 Checks should be mailed to Tacoma City Treasurer Tacoma Municipal Building 747 Market Street, Room 250 Tacoma, WA 98402 Attn: Second Supply Project B-1 P WMNWMN221