HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK04-199 - Original - Don and Barbara Clasen - Purchase of Parcel Numbers 3422059187 & 3422059192 - 10/08/2002 , T ecords M eme WAl XINGTON Document CONTRACT COVER SHEET This is to be completed by the Contract Manager prior to submission to City Clerks Office. All portions are to be completed, if you have questions, please contact Mary Simmons, City Clerks Office. Vendor Name: j Contract Number. This Is assigned by Mary Simmons Vendor Number: nn Project Name: Q koutaca e I Contract Effective Date: lir Contract Termination Date: 5.11k Contract Renewal Notice (Days): LY� Number of days required notice for termination or renewal or amendment Contract Manager: � IL f Department: wLs P1 J11�1� Abstract: ADCL7832 07/02 REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT WITH EARNEST MONEY PROVISION This contract controls the terms of the sale of real property (Please read carefully before sienine. This Agreement is entered between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation, whose mailing address is 220 4th Ave S, Kent, Washington 98032, (`Buyer"), and Don and Barbara Clasen, husband and wife, whose marling address is 13602 SE 282"d Street, Kent, Washington, ("Seller"), for the sale and purchase of real property as follows 1. PROPERTY. The property, including all improvements and appurtenances situated thereon, which Buyer agrees to buy and Seller agrees to sell, is approximately 11 22 acres comprised of King County tax parcel numbers 3422059187 and 3422059192, legally described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Property") A map indicating the location of the Property is also attached as Exhibit B, incorporated herein by this reference 2. EARNEST MONEY. Upon mutual acceptance of this Agreement, Buyer shall deposit with Pacific Northwest Title Company, 116 Washington Avenue N, Kent, Washington 98032, Sixty Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($60,000 00) in the form of a City of Kent Purchase Order ('the "Purchase Order"), as refundable earnest money to be applied towards the purchase price of the Property payable at Closing The Purchase Order shall be funded and converted to cash within fifteen (15) days of mutual acceptance of this Agreement The Buyer shall pay directly to Seller upon mutual acceptance of this Agreement, an additional Two Thousand Five Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($2,500 00), as nonrefundable earnest money to be applied towards the purchase price of the Property payable at Closing 3. PURCHASE PRICE. (a) The purchase price for the Property is a minimum of One Million Two Hundred Fifty Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($1,250,000 00), plus additional potential payment described in subsection 3(b) below (b) If the sale price for the twenty-eight (28) or greater lot subdivision described in subsections 4(f) and 4(g) below exceeds $1,250,000 00, then that amount exceeding $1,250,00000 shall be apportioned ninety percent (90%) to Seller and ten percent (10%) to Buyer Due to uncertainties in the current real estate market, Buyer makes no representations to Seller that it will be able to sell the subdivision described in subsections 4(f) and 4(g) for any amount exceeding $1,250,000 00 REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT WITH EARNEST MONEY PROVISIONS—Page 1 of 9 (between City of Kent and Don and Barbara Clasen) (October 1, 2002) (c) The purchase price shall be payable in cash at Closing (d) Although Seller owns two parcels of real estate which will be sold to Buyer under the terms of this Agreement, one of these parcels, tax parcel # 3 42205 91 87-05, with a mailing address of 13636 S E 282 St , Kent, King County, Washington, is owned by Barbara Clasen, as her separate property, and the proceeds from the sale of said property are intended to remain her separate property following the Closing The purchase price will be allocated $500,000 to Barbara Clasen as her separate estate, with the remaining balance being allocated to the community property of Don and Barbara Clasen 4. CONTINGENCIES This Agreement is contingent upon (a) Acceptance of its terms by the Kent City Council at the first Council meeting after the City has entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement or other similar document with a third party per the terms of section 4(g)below (b) Buyer's review and approval of the title report according to Section 5(b) (c) Buyer's receipt of an appraisal of at least One Million Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,250,000 00) within forty-five (45) days of mutual acceptance of this Agreement (d) A Feasibility Study as follows (i) Buyer shall have forty-five (45) days from the date of mutual acceptance of this Agreement to determine, in Buyer's sole and absolute discretion, if the real property is feasible for investment and/or development by Buyer Buyer agrees to assume all liability for and to defend, indemnify and save Seller harmless from all liability and expense (including reasonable attorneys' fees) in connection with all claims, suits and actions of every name, kind and description brought against Seller or its agents or employees by any person or entity as a result of or on account of injuries or damages to persons, entities and/or property received or sustained, arising out of, in connection with or as a result of the acts or omissions of Buyer or its agents or employees in exercising its rights under the right of entry granted in this Section, except for claims caused by Seller's negligence (n) Buyer's feasibility study may include (but is not limited to) a Phase I and/or Phase II environmental assessment, utilities availability and capacity, access availability, zoning, preliminary architectural and engineering studies, marketing feasibility (in) A Phase I environmental assessment generally will consist of a review of title of ownership and land use, review of geologic and hydrologic maps of the area, review of federal and state databases for known hazardous water generators or contaminated sites and a site visit If the Phase I review reveals the potential of a contaminated site, a Phase II environmental assessment may be conducted which generally will consist of on-site sampling, including the digging or boring of test holes for soil samples BY EXECUTING THIS REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT WITH EARNEST MONEY PROVISIONS—Page 2 of 9 (between ON of Kent and Don and Barbara Clasen) (October 1, 2002) AGREEMENT, SELLER HEREBY AUTHORIZES BUYER A RIGHT OF ENTRY ON TO THE PROPERTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONDUCTING THIS FEASIBILITY STUDY INCLUDING A PHASE 1, AND IF NECESSARY, A PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT SELLER WILL BE NOTIFIED IF A PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT IS TO BE CONDUCTED (iv) Buyer agrees to conduct its feasibility study at its sole cost and expense, and if Buyer does not remove the feasibility contingency on or before the expiration of the feasibility period, then Buyer also agrees, if requested by Seller, to deliver to Seller copies of all information and documentation obtained or developed by Buyer in connection with its feasibility study (e) If Buyer fails to notify Seller of the removal of the contingencies in 4(c) and 4(d) above, in writing, on or before forty-five (45) days after mutual acceptance, then this Agreement shall be terminated, and neither Buyer nor Seller shall have any further rights, duties or obligations hereunder, except that the refundable earnest money held by Pacific Northwest Title shall be immediately returned to Buyer Buyer agrees to return the Real Property to its original state (i e , fill all boring holes, etc ) If the contingencies in 4(c) and 4(d) above are satisfied, Buyer shall, within five (5) business days, notify Pacific Northwest Title to release the refundable portion of the earnest money to Setter (f) Buyer obtaining preliminary approval for a subdivision containing a minimum of twenty-eight (28) lots on a minimum of six (6) acres of the Property The subdivision will include a lot containing the current residence of Seller located on King County tax parcel number 3422059187 The parties anticipate obtaining preliminary plat approval by October 15, 2002 Seller agrees to reasonably cooperate with Buyer's efforts to obtain preliminary plat approval and Buyer agrees to reasonably cooperate with Seller if Seller becomes Buyer's successor to the Development Rights defined below Buyer agrees that the preliminary approval shall be obtained at its sole cost and expense Should the Closing not occur for any reason whatsoever, all documents, permits, approvals, and other property and rights associated with the approval of this subdivision (the "Development Rights") shall become the sole property of Seller, and Buyer agrees to execute any and all documents which may be necessary to effectuate any transfer of the Development Rights to Seller REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT WITH EARNEST MONEY PROVISIONS—Page 3 of 9 (between City of Kent and Don and Barbara Clasen) (October 1, 2002) (g) Buyer entering into a purchase and sale agreement or other similar document with a purchaser for the subdivision discussed in subsection 4(f) above Buyer will be using the proceeds from that sale to pay Seller the purchase price for the property The purchase price for the subdivision must beat least One Million One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars($1,150,000 00) The sale between Seller and Buyer shall close simultaneously with the sale closing between Buyer and the purchaser of the subdivision (h) Should either the contingencies in 4(f) or 4(g), not be satisfied prior to Closing, or the contingencies in 4(a), 4(h), or 4(1) not be satisfied by their deadlines, then this Agreement shall terminate and neither Buyer nor Seller shall have any further rights, duties or obligations hereunder, other than the obligation of Buyer to indemnify and hold Seller harmless set forth in subsection 4(d) In such event Buyer shall deliver to Seller copies of all information and documentation obtained by Buyer in connection with obtaining preliminary approval for a subdivision, and the refundable portion of the earnest money shall be returned to Buyer As part of the consideration for keeping the Property off the market for an extended period of time, Seller shall not be required to return the refundable portion of the earnest money until closing of a sale of the subdivision created in 4(f) or May 1, 2004, whichever is first Should the refundable portion of the earnest money not be returned to Buyer within thirty (30) days of the termination of this Agreement, Seller shall secure the refundable portion of the earnest money with the promissory note and deed of trust attached as Exhibit C, incorporated herein by this reference executed with respect to the real property contained in the subdivision the subject of the 4(f) The parties agree to amend tins Agreement to include a legal description of the real property that will be the subject of the deed of trust within fourteen(14) days of mutual acceptance (i) Approval of its terms by Seller's attorney within thirty (30) days of mutual acceptance 0) Approval of its terms by Buyer's attorney within thirty (30) days of mutual acceptance 5. TITLE (a) Conveyance. At Closing Seller shall convey to Buyer fee simple title to the Property by duly executed and acknowledged statutory warranty deed (the "Deed"), free and clear of all defects and encumbrances (for purposes of this Agreement, the following shall not be deemed encumbrances or defects reasonable and customary rights reserved and federal patents or state deeds, building or use record) and subject only to those exceptions that Buyer approves pursuant to this Agreement (the"Permitted Exceptions") (b) Preliminary commitment. Buyer shall order a preliminary commitment for an owner's standard coverage policy of title insurance in the amount of the Purchase Price to be issued by Pacific Northwest Title Company, whose address and telephone number is 116 Washington Avenue N , Kent, Washington 98032, (253) 520-0805 (the "Title Company") and accompanied by copies of all documents referred to in the commitment (the `Preliminary Commitment") Buyer shall advise Seller by written notice what exceptions to title, if any, are REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT WITH EARNEST MONEY PROVISIONS—Page 4 of 9 (between 0A,of Kent and Don and Barbara Clasen) (October I, 2002) disapproved by Buyer('Disapproved Exceptions")within fifteen (15) business days of receipt of the Preliminary Commitment and legible copies of all exceptions to title shown in the Preliminary Commitment Seller will have fifteen (15) days after receipt of Buyer's notice to give Buyer notice that (i) Seller will remove Disapproved Exceptions or (ii) Seller elects not to remove Disapproved Exceptions If Seller fails to give Buyer notice before the expiration of the fifteen (15) day period, Seller will be deemed to have elected not to remove Disapproved Exceptions If Seller elects not to remove any nonmonetary Disapproved Exemptions, Buyer will have until the expiration of the feasibility study period to notify Seller of Buyer's electron either to proceed with the purchase and take the Property subject to those exceptions, or to terminate this Agreement within fifteen (15) business days after receipt of Seller's notice If Buyer elects to terminate this Agreement under this Section, the escrow will be terminated, the refundable earnest money will be returned to Buyer, all documents and other funds will be returned to the party who deposited them, and neither party will have any further rights or obligations under this Agreement except as otherwise provided herein If this Agreement is terminated through no fault of Seller, then Buyer shall pay any costs of terminating the escrow and any cancellation fee for the Preliminary Commitment (c) Title policy. Seller shall cause the title company to issue to Buyer at Closing a standard coverage owner's policy of title insurance insuring Buyer's title to the Property in the full amount of the purchase price subject only to the Permitted Exceptions (the "Title Policy") The Title Policy must be dated as of the Closing date 6. CLOSING COSTS AND PRO-RATIONS. The cost of escrow shall be shared equally between Buyer and Seller, except those fees which are expressly limited by Federal Regulation Seller shall pay for excise tax and revenue stamps Taxes for the current year, rents, interest, association, condominium and/or homeowner's fees, water and other utility charges, if any, shall be pro-rated as of date of Closing unless otherwise agreed 7. CLOSING OF THE SALE WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THIS AGREEMENT, this sale shall be closed on or before May 1, 2003, unless said Closing date is extended in writing by mutual agreement of the parties ("Closing") When notified,the Buyer and Seller will deposit, without delay, in escrow with Pacific Northwest Title, 116 Washington Avenue N, Kent, Washington 98032, all instruments and monies required to complete the transaction in accordance with this Agreement At Closing all documents will be executed and the sale proceeds will be available for disbursement to the Seller 8. CASUALTY LOSS. If prior to Closing, improvements on said premises shall be destroyed or materially damaged by fire or other casualty, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect without any reduction of the purchase price, provided, all insurance proceeds or coverage available to cover casualty damage to the improvements on the Premises will be applied to the purchase price by Seller at Closing, and Seller agrees to maintain the current levels of insurance on the Property until Buyer takes possession of the Property REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT WITH EARNEST MONEY PROVISIONS—Page 5 of 9 (belween City of Kent and Dan and Barbara Clasen) (October 1, 2002) 9. POSSESSION. Buyer shall be entitled to possession on Closing, with the exception of the residence on Tax Parcel No 3422059187 Seller shall be entitled to possession of the residence for up to nmety(90)days following Closing 10. LEASE AND SALVAGE. As part of the consideration for the sale of the Property Seller may lease the white house, currently located on King County Tax Parcel No 3422059192, rent free for 365 days after Closing or until June 19, 2004,whichever comes first The lease is attached as Exhibit D Seller is also entitled to salvage, at its cost, the following items all fences on the Property, the red barn, the "old" loafing shed, any small plants on tax parcel number 3422059187, and any personal property or fixtures from the white house on parcel number 3422059192 All salvage of the red barn, loafing shed, fences associated with the property platted in 4(f), and the plants must be complete witlun 6 months of Closing All of the remaining salvage must be completed prior to Seller vacating the Property 11. SELLER'S REPRESENTATIONS. Seller represents (a) that he/she will maintain the property in present or better condition until time of agreed possession, reasonable wear and tear excepted, (b) that he/she has no knowledge or notice from any governmental agency of any violation of laws relating to the subject property except None, and (c) that the property is not encumbered by any leases 12. SELLER'S ENVIRONMENTAL REPRESENTATIONS. Seller represents that to the best of his/her knowledge that he/she is not aware of existence of, or has caused or allowed to be caused, any environment condition(including,without limitation, a spill, discharge or contamination) that existed as of and/or prior to the Closing date or any act or omission occurring prior to the Closing date, the result of which may require remedial action pursuant to any federal, state or local law or may be the basis for the assertion of any third party claims, including, claims of governmental entities This provision shall survive the Closing and be in addition to Seller's obligation for breach of a representation or warranty as may be set forth herein 13. SELLER'S INDEMNITIES: Seller agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Buyer, against and in respect of, any and all damages, claims, losses, liabilities, judgments, demands, fees, obligations, assessments, and expenses and costs, including, without limitation, reasonable legal, accounting, consulting, engineering and/or other expenses which may be imposed upon or incurred by Buyer, or asserted against Buyer, by any other party or parties (including, without limitation, a governmental entity), ansing out of or in connection with any breach of the representations made in Sections 11 and 12 of this Agreement This indemnity shall survive the Closing REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT WITH EARNEST MONEY PROVISIONS—Page 6 of 9 (between City of Kent and Don and Barbara Clasen) (October 1, 2002) 14. PROPERTY SOLD IN "AS IS" CONDITION. In connection with its Feasibility Study, Buyer will inspect those aspects of the Property, including, without limitation, its physical condition, that Buyer deems necessary in order to make a determination whether to purchase the Property Buyer hereby acknowledges that it intends to purchase the property "as is" and that it has received no representations or warranties from Seller as to the condition of the Property other than that contained in Section 12 of this Agreement 15. DEFAULT AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. (a) Buyer's Default. If Buyer defaults hereunder, other than with respect to its obligation to indemnify and hold Seller harmless set forth in subsection 4(d), Seller's sole monetary remedy shall be limited to damages against purchase in the liquidated amount of the earnest money previously paid into escrow or to Seller in the amount of Sixty-two Thousand Five Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($62,500 00) Buyer and Seller intend that said amount constitutes liquidated damages in order to avoid other costs and expenses to either party in connection with potential litigation on account of Buyer's default Buyer and Seller believe said amount to be a fair estimate of actual damages Notwithstanding the above, Seller shall be entitled to an assignment of all development rights described in Subsection 4(l) of this Agreement in the event of a default by Buyer (b) Seller's Default. If Seller defaults hereunder, Buyer shall have all the rights and remedies available at law or in equity (c) Attorney's Fees and Costs. In the event of litigation to enforce any of the terms or provisions herein, the prevailing party shall be awarded its reasonable attorney's fees and costs 16. NON-MERGER The terms, conditions, and provisions of this Agreement shall not be deemed merged into the deed, and shall survive the Closing and continue in full force and effect 17. NOTICES All notices required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be sent U S certified mail, return receipt requested, or by facsimile transmission addressed as set forth below (a) All notices to be given to Buyer shall be addressed as follows John Hodgson,Director Parks,Recreation& Community Services Department City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent,Washington 98032 REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT WITH EARNEST MONEY PROVISIONS—Page 7 of 9 (betiveen City of Kent and Don and Barbara Clasen) (October 1, 2002) (b) All notices to be given to Seller shall be addressed as follows Don and Barbara Clasen 13602 SE 282nd Street Kent,Washington 98042 Either party hereto may, by written notice to the other, designate such other address for the giving of notices as being necessary All notices shall be deemed given on the day such notice is personally served, or on the date of the facsimile transmission, or on the third day following the day such notice is mailed in accordance with this paragraph 18. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement, including all incorporated exhibits, constitutes the full understanding between Seller and Buyer There have been no verbal or other agreements that modify this Agreement 19. BINDING EFFECT AND SURVIVAL. This Agreement shall be binding upon parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors and assigns, and the terms, conditions and provisions of this Agreement shall survive the Closing of this transaction 20. DATE OF MUTUAL ACCEPTANCE. For the purposes of this Agreement, the date of mutual acceptance of this Agreement shall be the last date on which the parties to this Agreement have executed this Agreement as indicated below 21. CONFIDENTIALITY. Prior to Closing of the purchase of the Property, Buyer will not distribute or divulge, or allow its agents or consultants to distribute or divulge, the information or materials Buyer and its agents and consultants may generate in connection with Buyer's feasibility study to other persons except as may be required by law Buyer further agrees that prior to Closing, except as may be required by law, it will not further divulge or further distribute any information or materials concerning the Property except with Seller's consent If Buyer elects not to purchase the Property, and if Seller requests copies of the written reports and studies prepared for Buyer in connection with this Agreement, then Buyer will deliver to Seller copies of the final reports and studies Buyer will, in that event, cooperate reasonably with Seller to coordinate Seller's communications with the consultants IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date set forth below BUYER: SELLERS: CI O KNT D LASE By ;�Ka � f � Jr hate,M yor Dated C o Date /D X- O� REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT WITH EARNEST MONEY PROVISIONS—Page 8 of 9 (between CM of Kent and Don and Barbara Clasen) (October 1, 20021 SELLERS: APPROVED AS TO FORM: BA RBARA CLASEN ` Tom Brubaker, City Attorney Dated jD 0epZ5;,Z, Dated 10 •—f -oQ P\Cwd1PILHS%LVa dee\069tTt=bs�SaleAgevuatlClea 2302 dm REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT WITH EARNEST MONEY PROVISIONS—Page 9 of 9 (between City of Kent and Don and Barbara Clasen) (October 1, 2002) Legal Descriptions: EXHIBIT A Property located at 13602 S E 282 St., in the city of Kent, King County, Washington more particularly described as follows The West 330 feet of the North 330 feet of the West 600 feet of the North 5/8 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest '/4 of Section 34, Township 22 North, Range 5 East W M , ALSO The West 15 feet of the North 518 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 34, Township 22 North, Range 5 East W M ; except the South 30 feet thereof (for County road) all situate in King County, State of Washington Property located at 13636 S E. 282 St, Kent, King County,Washington more particularly described as follows The West 600 feet of the North 5/8 of the Northeast'/4 of the Southwest '/4 of Section 34, Township 22 North,Range 5 East W M ;except the West 15 feet thereof, and except the East 315 feet of the West 330 feet of the North 330 feet thereof, and except the South 30 feet of the Remainder(for County road) situate in King County, State of Washington Terra Properly Analylics, LLC EXHIBIT B 3 26-0 9 a 1 LOT 1 0 q m 44 1 A MIS ` n at t CAT 2 aG t M ' e - o n . 'a. f'] N m N t5 251.2 o O 77a9lG0789-30 .�_ .5-�' S E. 282 N D. S-T. •��0 ¢Zz u 09 i4 EXHIBIT C-1 DEED OF TRUST "en Recorded Return to. CITY OF KENT Property Management 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent, WA 98032 SHORT FORM DEED OF TRUST Grantor: DON AND BARBARA CLASEN Grantee: CITY OF KENT Legal Description(abbreviated) ❑O Complete legal on ExHisrr A Assessor's Tax Parcel Identification No(s): Reference Nos. of Documents Released or Assigned: N/A THIS SHORT FORM DEED OF TRUST, SECURITY AGREEMENT,AND FIXTURE FILING (the "Deed of Trust") dated , 2002, is made between DON CLASEN and BARBARA CLASEN,husband and wife(the"Grantor"),whose address is 13602 SE 282nd Street, Kent,Washington 98042, Pacific Northwest Title Company(Trustee),whose address is 116 Washington Avenue,Kent,Washington 98032 and CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation of the State of Washington(the"Beneficiary),whose address is 220 Fourth Avenue S, Kent, Washington 98032 1. GRANTING CLAUSE. Grantor hereby irrevocably bargains, sells, and conveys to Trustee, in trust,with power of sale, all of Grantor's right,title, and interest in and to that certain real property located in King County, Washington, more particularly described on EXHIBIT A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Property"); together with 1.1 After-Acquired Title. Any after-acquired title of Grantor in the Transferred Property, DEED OF TRUST—Page 1 of 5 (between City of Kent and Clasen) 1.2 Easements, Etc. All of Grantor's easements, tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances now or hereafter belonging or in any way appertaining to the Property, 1.3 Rents. The rents, issues, and profits of the Property, 1.4 Improvements. All buildings, improvements, structures, and fixtures of the Property now or hereafter erected on, attached to, located on, or used or intended to be used in connection with the Property; and 1.5 Additional Property and Rights. All other property or rights of any kind or nature further set forth herein or in the Master Form Deed of Trust referred to below, all of which shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the Property and not severable wholly or in any part without material injury to the freehold and shall be included in any references to the Properly hereunder 2. OBLIGATIONS SECURED. This Deed of Trust is given for the purpose of and does secure the following obligations. 2.1 Promissory Note. Payment of the sum of Sixty Thousand and No/00 Dollars ($60,000 00),with interest, in accordance with the terms of the Promissory Note of even date herewith payable to or to the order of Beneficiary and made by Grantor (the "Note'), and all renewals,modifications and extensions thereof, and anYludgment rendered on the Note or any renewals thereof or substitutions therefor; 2.2 Obligations Under Deed of Trust. Performance of each agreement, term, and condition set forth in this Deed of Trust 3. MASTER FORM DEED OF TRUST. By executing and delivering this Deed of Trust and the Note secured hereby, the parties agree that all provisions of Paragraphs 1 through 35 inclusive of the Master Form Deed of Trust recorded July 25, 1968, in the official records of Ding County, Washington and Recording No. 6382309 (the"Master Form Deed of Trust"), except paragraphs 5, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 30 and 32 and such other paragraphs as are specifically excluded or modified herein or such terms of the Master Form Deed of Trust as are otherwise in conflict with the provisions of the Note, are hereby incorporated herein by reference and made an integral part hereof for all purposes the same as if set forth herein at length, and Grantor hereby makes said covenants and agrees to fully perform all of said provisions 3.1 Conflicts. In case of any conflict between the provisions of the Master Form Deed of Trust and this instrument or the Note, the terms of the Note shall control. DEED OF TRUST—Page 2 of 5 (between City of Kent and Casen) 3.2 Copy Provided. A copy of the Master Form Deed of Trust has previously been or is hereby furnished to Grantor By executing this Deed of Trust, Grantor acknowledges receipt of such Master Form Deed of Trust 4. REPAYMENT OF BENEFICIARY'S EXPENDITURES AND ADVANCES. Grantor shall pay,upon 15 days written notice from Seller, all sums expended or advanced hereunder, and all costs incurred by Beneficiary or Trustee in enforcing or protecting their nghts or interests hereunder(including, without limitation, attorneys' fees, accountants' fees, and any other costs or expenses whatsoever), with interest from the date of any such expenditure or advance at the Default Rate provided in the Note, and the same shall constitute advances made under this Deed of Trust and repayment thereof shall be secured hereby 5. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. To protect the security of this Deed of Trust and for the benefit of Beneficiary, Grantor does, for Grantor and for Grantor's successors and assigns, represent, covenant, warrant, and agree as follows. 5.1 Transferred Property Not Agricultural. That the Property is not used principally for agricultural, timber, grazing, or farming purposes; 5.2 Warranty of Title. That Grantor has good and marketable title to an indefeasible fee simple estate in all real property described herein subject only to such liens and encumbrances, if any, (1) specifically described in the preliminary title report from Pacific Northwest Title, Order No. , EXECUTED as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON By Name Title DEED OF TRUST—Page 3 of 5 (between City of Kent and Clasen) STATE OF WASHINGTON I ss. COUNTY OF KING On this day personally appeared before me to me known to be the , for the CITY OF KENI', a Washington municipal corporation, that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged such mstrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of such municipal corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that was duly authorized to execute such instrument. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL this day of 2002. -Notary Seal Must Appear lithw Thu Box- -WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington residing at My appointment expires DEED OF TRUST-Page 4 of 5 (between City of Kent and Clasen) REQUEST FOR FULL RECONVEYANCE The undersigned is the legal owner and holder of the Note and all other indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust. The Note,together with all other indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust, having been fully paid and satisfied, you are hereby requested and directed, upon payment to you of any sum owing to you under the terms of the Deed of Trust, to cancel the Note and all other evidences of indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust, together with the Deed of Trust, and to reconvey, without warranty, to the parties entitled thereto, all of the estate now held by you thereunder DATED this_day of 12002. BENEFICIARY: a By Its P\CmTFTLES\O,.F 1.1 71\DEED OF TRUST d.c DEED OF TRUST—Page 5 of (between City of Kent and Clasen) EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROPOSED TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 1 OF KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT 377084 AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7710280712 (BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W M, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON); THENCE SOUTH 01°00'14" WEST 797.71 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89024'58" EAST 327 21 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01000'14"EAST 767 73 FEET; THENCE NORTH 08015'18"WEST 30 64 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF AFOREMENTIONED LOT 1, THENCE NORTH 89028'09" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 1 322 28 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT AND POINT OF BEGINNING EXHIBIT C-2 PROMISSORY NOTE $60,000 00 (U S > 2002 Kent, Washington FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned, DON CLASEN and BARBARA CLASEN,husband and wife ("Clasen")promises to pay to the order of CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation, ("City"), the sum of Sixty Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($60,000.00). 1. Interest Rate. 1.1 Note Rate. From and after the date of this Note, interest shall accrue on the unpaid principal balance from time to time outstanding hereunder at an annual interest rate of zero percent (0%)("Note Rate"). 1.2 Default Rate. Should Clasen default in the payment of this Note when due hereunder or if Clasen defaults in the observance or performance of the Deed of Trust of even date securing this loan, interest shall accrue hereunder from the date of such default at an annual interest rate equal to twelve percent(12%)per annum("Default Rate") 1.3 Computation of Interest. hiterest shall be computed on the basis of a 365-day year and accrue on the basis of the actual number of days (including the first day but excluding the last day) Clasen is in default on this Note 2. Security. This Note is secured by a Deed of Trust, (the"Deed of Trust') of even date herewith made by Clasen in favor of the City. Clasen hereby agrees to perform and comply with all of the agreements, terms, and conditions of the Deed of Trust. 3. Repayment. This Note shall be due and payable in full on or before the sale of the real property described in the Deed of Trust, or May 1, 2004,whichever is first 4. Prepayment. Clasen may prepay the obligations under this Note in full or in part at any time or from time to time without premium or penalty. 5. Application of Payments. Payments received by the City from Clasen shall be applied first to interest and then to principal 6. Acceleration. Upon Clasen's failure to pay any amount payable hereunder when due or upon the occurrence of any other default under this Note or the Deed of Trust of even date,the City may declare, at its sole option and upon fifteen(15) days written notice to Clasen, the entire indebtedness evidenced hereby immediately due and payable in full Promissory Note—Page 1 of (between City of Kent and Clasen) Failure to exercise this option or any other right City may have shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise such option or any other right in the event of any subsequent default 7. Costs and Fees of Collection. Clasen and every other person or entity at any time liable for the payment of the indebtedness evidenced hereby shall also be liable for all costs, expenses, and fees incurred by the City in collecting any amounts owing hereunder, including reasonable attorneys' fees Should either party initiate litigation, the prevailing party shall be entitled to costs and reasonable attorney's fees Any judgment recovered by the City shall bear interest at the Default Rate 8. Applicable Law. This Note is made with reference to and is to be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington,without regard to that state's choice of law rules. NOTICE: ORAL AGREEMENTS OR ORAL COMMITMENTS TO LOAN MONEY, EXTEND CREDIT, OR FORBEAR FROM ENFORCING REPAYMENT OF A DEBT ARE NOT ENFORCEABLE UNDER WASHINGTON LAW. EXECUTED as the day and year first above written. DON AND BARBARA CLASEN By Date: By Date. (Notary Acknowledgement Appears on Next Page) Promissory Note—Page 2 of 3 (between City of Kent and Clasen) STATE OF WASHINGTON 1 ss COUNTY OF KG )} IN On this day of 2002,before me a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,personally appeared DON CLASEN and BARBARA CLASEN, husband and wife, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence)to be the persons who executed this instrument and acknowledged it to be their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument Nolaq Seal Must 4ppear if rthm Thu Bar IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written NOTARY PUBLIC,in and for the State of Washington residing at My appointment expires P\CnI\EILFS\OOrnF0esW6]I\PrormsearyNote doc Pronussory Note—Page 3 of 3 (between City of Kent and Clasen) EXHIBIT D LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE is entered into the date fully executed by and between the CITY OF KENT, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter called the "Owner", and DON CLASEN and BARBARA CLASEN,husband and wife,hereinafter called the"Tenant' 1. PREMISES The Owner hereby lets and leases to the Tenant the house located on King County Tax Parcel No 3422059192 The area so leased is hereinafter called "the premises" and is depicted in Exhibit"A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference 2. USE Tenant shall use the premises for a personal residence and shall be allowed to make reasonable use of the remainder of King County Tax Parcel No 3422059192 for horse pasture and for no other purposes without the written consent of Owner. No use shall be made of premises, nor act done in or about premises, which is illegal, unlawful, or which will increase the existing rate of insurance upon the premises Tenant shall not comrmt or allow to be committed upon premises, any waste or any public or private nuisance Tenant will comply, at Tenants own cost and expense, with all reasonable orders, notices, regulations or requirements of any municipality, state or other governmental authority respecting the use of the premises 3. TERM The term of this lease shall be for 365 days from the closing of the Purchase and Sale Agreement between Owner and Tenant, or June 19,2004, whichever is sooner. 4. RENT The rental value of the premises was included in the consideration of the sale between Owner and Tenant for the prermses Therefore,no further rent will be collected 5. TAXES Tenant shall pay any tax that tlus Agreement, or the interest created thereby, may be subject to at any time during the term of the Lease or renewal thereof 6. RE-DELIVERY Tenant, at the expiration of the term hereof or any extension thereof or upon any sooner termination thereof, will, without notice, quit and deliver up said premises to the Owner peaceably, quietly, and in as good order and condition as the same now are or may hereafter be placed by Owner, reasonable use and wear thereof excepted. LEASE AGREEMENT—Page 1 of 7 (between City of Kent and Clasen) 7. CONDITION OF THE PREMISES The parties acknowledge that the premises are being leased to Tenant for Tenant's convenience The premises are being leased "as is" It is Owner's intent to destroy the premises once Tenants vacates. Owner is not obligated to make any repairs to the premises 8. REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS Tenant shall not make any alterations, additions or improvements to said premises, without the consent of Owner in writing first, which will not be unreasonably withheld All alterations, additions and improvements that are made, shall be at the sole cost and expense of Tenant All improvements shall become the property of the Owner except for improvements that Owner, at Owner's option, agrees are the property of Tenant, or improvements that Owner requests Tenant to remove at termination If the Tenant shall perform work with the consent of the Owner, Tenant agrees to comply with all laws, ordinances,rules, regulations of the appropriate City or County, and any other authorized public authority The Tenant further agrees to save the Owner free and harmless from damage, loss or expense arising out of the said work Tenant agrees that Owner has the right, but not the duty, to make alterations to the premises 9. UTILITIES Tenant shall pay for all utilities provided to the premises 10. INSURANCE The Tenant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Lease insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with Tenant's use of the premises and the remainder of the tax parcel for horse pasture 11. INDEMNIFICATION/HOLD HARMLESS The Tenant shall defend, indemnify and hold the Owner, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, ansmg out of or in connection with the performance of this Lease, except for mjunes and damages caused by the sole negligence of the Owner. Should a court of competent junsdiction detemune that this Lease is subject to RCW 4 24 115,then, in the event of liability for damages ansing out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Tenant and the Owner, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Tenant's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Tenant's negligence. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Lease LEASE AGREEMENT—Page 2 of 7 (between City of Kent and Clasen) 12. LIENS AND INSOLVENCY Tenant shall keep the leased prenuses and property in which the leased premises are situated, free from any hens ansing out of any work performed, materials fumrshed or obligations incurred by Tenant 13. ASSIGNMENT Tenant shall not assign this lease or any part thereof and shall not let or sublet the whole or any portion of the premises This lease shall not be assignable by operation of law. 14. ACCESS Tenant will allow Owner or Owner's agent free access at all reasonable times to said premises for the purposes of inspection, cleamng or making repairs, additions or alterations. This right shall not be construed as an agreement on the part of the Owner to make repairs, additions, or alterations 15. DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION In the event the premises or the braiding is damaged to such extent as to render the premises untenantable in whole or in a substantial part thereof, or is destroyed, the Tenant shall give Owner or Owner's agent immediate written notice thereof, and,it shall be optional with the Owner to repair or rebuild the same, Owner shall have not more than thirty(30) days after date of such notification to notify the Tenant in writing of Owner's intentions to repair or rebuild said premises,or the part so damaged as aforesaid If Owner elects to repair or rebuild said premises, Owner shall prosecute the work of such repainng or rebuilding without unnecessary delay If Owner elects not to repair or rebuild said premises this Lease shall be terminated 16. NOTICES All notices to be given by the parties hereto shall be in writing and may either be served personally or may be deposited in the United States Mail, postage prepaid,by either registered mail or by regular mail with certificate of mailing obtained Notices shall be mailed to the addresses below, or a later changed addressed provided in writing to the party OWNER: John Hodgson,Director Parks, Records and Community Services Department 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent, Washington 98032 (253) 856-5100 LEASE AGREEMENT—Page 3 of 7 (between City of Kent and Clasen) TENANT: Don and Barbara Clasen 13602 SE 282n1 Street Kent, Washington 98042 (253) 631-3333 17. DEFAULT AND RE-ENTRY If Tenant shall violate, default or not comply with any of the material covenants, agreements or provisions of this lease agreement, then the Owner may cancel this lease upon giving the notice required by law, and re-enter said premises,using such force as may be required. The failure of the Owner to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements of this lease, or to exercise any option herem conferred in any one or more instances, shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of any such, or any other covenant or agreements,but the same shall be and remain in full force and effect 18. COSTS AND ATTORNEYS FEES If by reason of any default on the part of Tenant it becomes necessary for the Owner to use an attorney, or if Tenant shall bring any action for any relief against Owner, declaratory or otherwise, ansing out of this lease, the prevailing party shall have and recover against the other party in addition to the cost allowed by law, such sum as the court may adjudge to be reasonable attorney's fees 19. REMOVAL OF PROPERTY In the event of any entry in, or taking possession of, the leased premises as aforesaid, the Owner shall have the right, but not the obligation, to remove from the leased premises all personal property located therem. Owner may store the same in any place selected by Owner, including but not limited to a public warehouse, at the expense and risk of the owners of the personal property, with the right to sell such stored property in accordance with Chapter 59.18 RCW 20. HEIRS AND SUCCESSORS Subject to the provision hereof pertaining to assignment and subletting, the covenants and agreements of this lease shall be binding upon the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of any or all of the parties hereto. 21. HOLDOVER If the Tenant shall, with the written consent of Owner, holdover after the expiration of the term of this lease, such tenancy shall be for an indefinite period of time on a month to month tenancy, such tenancy may be terminated as provided by the laws of the State of Washington LEASE AGREEMENT—Page 4 of 7 (between Cz),of Kent and Clasen) During such tenancy Tenant agrees to pay to the Owner a rate as agreed upon by the parties, and to be bound by all of the terms, covenants, and conditions as herem specified, so far as applicable. 22. SUBORDINATION Upon Owner entering into any financing or refinancing affecting the subject prennses, Tenant agrees to execute documents at the request of Owner to subordinate this lease to any mortgage, (or deed of trust or other security) granted to a financing institution or other secured party or entity 23. COMMUNICATIONS Tenant is responsible for all installation,operation and termination charges related to its own independent telephone system, including, but not limited to, costs, expenses and charges for telephone equipment and line charges, line installation, inside wrong, re-configuration, and system repairs The foregoing conditions are mutually agreed to by the Owner and the Tenant. TENANT: OWNER: City of Kent, a municipal corporation of DON CLASEN and BARBARACLASEN Husband and Wife By DON CLASEN Print Name- Title BARBARA CLASEN Date Date. (Notary Public Acknowledgements Appear on Next Page) LEASE AGREEMENT—Page 5 of 7 (between City of Kent and Clasen) STATE OF WASHINGTON } } ss KING COUNTY } On this day personally appeared before me to me known to be the , for the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation, that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged such instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of such municipal corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that was duly authorized to execute such instrument. -Notary Sed Mull Appear Within Thu Box- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written NOTARY PUBLIC, in and for the State of Washington residing at My appointment expires LEASE AGREEMENT—Page 6 of 7 (between City of Kent and Clasen) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) On tlus day of 2002, before me a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, personally appeared DON CLASEN and BARBARA CLASEN, husband and wife, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons who executed this mstrument and acknowledged it to be their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument -Notary Seat Must Appear Wulun nu Box- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written NOTARY PUBLIC,in and for the State of Washington residing at My appointment expires APPROVED AS TO FORM Tom Brubaker, City Attorney P�nMLeS\Open,WG67 V�doc LEASE AGREEMENT—Page 7 of 7 (between City of Kent and Clasen)