HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK05-074 - Original - HoneyWell - City Hall Card Access System Installation - 03/29/2000 1 Installation and Service Agreement No This agreement is made and entered into this 29 clay of MARCH 2O00 between HONEYWELL INC HOME AND BUILDING CONTROL hereinafter referred to as'Honeimil'and CITY OF KENT hereinafter referred to as'Customer System and Service220 4TH AVE S KENT WA 98032 Honeywell agreesent too install monitor and/or maintain,dining the term of this agreement at the premises of the Customer at located at a CARD ACCESS SYSTEM FOR CITY HALL system as described in the attached Schedule of Service and Protection 2 Term,Renewal and Expiration This agreement shall remain in force for an Initial term of sixty(60)months from the date the system frsl becomes operative under this agreement or the execulion dale of this agreement,whichever is eadie, and shall be automatically renewed for consecutive terms of one year unless either party gives written notice at least sixty(60)days prior to the antl of such term to the other of intent to allow the agreement to expire as of the end of the then current term or unless terminated as provided herein 3 Payment(prices do not include any applicable state and local sales or use lax) Customer agrees to pay Honeywell A S 46,825 00 for the installation of the system as follows 1) $9,365 00 is payable as a down payment upon the signing of this agreement 2) Additional amounts will be billed monthly on a prorated basis based on the work completed in a given billing period 3) Any balance due is payable upon the completion of the installation In addition there will be a telephone line mstallaban and/or connection charge of 5 payable upon the completion of installation B $ 000 per month for monitoring maintenance of Honeywell-owned equipment or other service as specified in the attached Schedule of Service and Protection payable (_quarledy _semiannually or _ annually)in advance commencing from dale the system becomes operative and payable during the first Twenty-four(24)months of this agreement Cus c5b Owned System S U UV per month for maintenance service either(check one) ❑Extended Serve B am-4 pm Monday through Friday excluding holidays or ❑ Service Plus 24 hours a day 7 days a week including holidays payable ( —quarterly _ semi-annually or _annually in advance commencing from the completion of installation and payable during the Orsl twenty four(24)months of this agreement Customer mibals d maintenance service contract is decfned C Customer agrees that at any time fallowing expiration of the first twenty four(24)months of this agreement,Honeywell may increase the basic monthly charges specified in paragraph B once a year for the balance of the term and any renewal thereof Customer agrees to pay the full amount of such increase which increase shall not exceed nine(9)percent over the previous revolve months'basic ongoing charges In the even)Honeywell increases the basic monthly charge by an amount greater than nine(9)Percent Customer may terminate the agreement upon written notice to Honeywell within fifteen(15) days of notification of such increase 4 Liquidated Damages and Honeywell's Limits of Llablllty A A II is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that Honeywell is providing a system andlor service designed to reduce the risk of loss only that the payments provided for herein are based solely on the value of[he system and/or semces as tlescnbed herein and are unrelated to the value of any property located on Customers premises Thal Honeywell is not liable for lasses which may occur in cases of malfunction or non function of any system provided by Honeywell that Honeywell is not liable for losses which may occur in the monitoring repamng signal handling or dispatching aspects of the service even if due to Honeywell's negligence or failure of performance that Honeywell is not liable for losses resulting from failure to wam or inadequate training that Honeywell is not an insurer and that insurance covering personal injury,property toss damage to and on Customers premises must be obtained and/or maintained by Customer Customer understands that it is Customers duly 10 purchase such insurance that Honeywell offers severe)levels of protection and semces and had the system and/or service described in the Schedule of Service and Protection has been chosen by Customer after considering and balancing the levels of protection afforded by various systems and the related costs B IT IS AGREED THAT IT IS IMPRACTICAL AND EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO FIX ACTUAL DAMAGES WHICH MAY ARISE IN SITUATIONS WHERE THERE MAY BE A FAILURE OF THE SYSTEM ANDIOR SERVICES PROVIDED DUE TO THE UNCERTAIN VALUE OF CUSTOMER'S PROPERTY OR THE PROPERTY OF OTHERS KEPT ON THE PROTECTED PREMISES WHICH MAY BE LOST STOLEN DESTROYED DAMAGED OR OTHERWISE AFFECTED BY OCCURRENCES WHICH THE SYSTEM OR SERVICE IS DESIGNED TO DETECT OR AVERT INABILITY OF HONEYWELL TO GUARANTEE POLICE FIRE DEPARTMENT AND MEDICAL ALERT RESPONSE TIME AND ESTABLISHING A CAUSAL CONNECTION BETWEEN THE SYSTEM OR SERVICE PROBLEMS AND CUSTOMERS POSSIBLE LOSS THEREFORE IF ARTICLE 4A IS JUDICIALLY DETERMINED TO BE INVALID OR UNENFORCEABLE AND ANY LIABILITY IS JUDICIALLY IMPOSED ON HONEYWELL ITS EMPLOYEES AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE OR PERSONAL INJURY SUCH LIABILITY SHALL BE LIMITED TO AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE ANNUAL SERVICE CHARGE OR S10 000,WHICHEVER IS LESS (IF THERE 15 NO ANNUAL SERVICE CHARGE HONEYWELL'S LIABILITY SHALL BE LIMITED TO S500 00) THIS SUM SHALL BE PAID AND RECEIVED EITHER(1)AS LIQUIDATED DAMAGES AND NOT AS A PENALTY OR(,,)AS A LIMITATION OF LIABILITY APPROVED AND AGREED UPON BY THE PARTIES THE PAYMENT OF THIS AMOUNT SHALL BE HONEYWELLS SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE LIABILITY REGARDLESS OF WHETHER LOSS OR DAMAGE IS CAUSED BY THE PERFORMANCE OR NONPERFORMANCE OF OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS CONTRACT OR BY NEGLIGENCE ACTIVE OR OTHERWISE OF HONEYWELL ITS EMPLOYEES AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES NO SUIT OR ACTION SHALL BE BROUGHT AGAINST HONEYWELL MORE THAN ONE(1)YEAR AFTER THE ACCRUAL OF THE CAUSE OF ACTION THEREOF C If Customer wishes Honeywell to increase Me amount of the liquidated damages as provided above Customer may obtain from Honeywell an additional amount of liquidated damages by paying an additional monthly service charge to Honeywell This clause will in no wily be interpreted to establish Honeywell as an insurer D SINCE THE PARTIES AGREE THAT CUSTOMER RETAINS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE LIFE AND SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS IN ITS PREMISES AND FOR PROTECTING AGAINST LOSSES TO HISIHER OWN PROPERTY OR THE PROPERTY OF OTHERS IN ITS PREMISES CUSTOMER AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND SAVE HARMLESS HONEYWELL ITS EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS FROM AND AGAINST ALL CLAIMS LAWSUITS AND LOSSES BY PERSONS NOT A PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT ALLEGED TO BE CAUSED BY THE IMPROPER OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM WHETHER DUE TO MALFUNCTIONING OR NONFUNCTIONING OF THE SYSTEM OR THE NEGLIGENT PERFORMANCE OR NONPERFORMANCE BY HONEYWELL OF THE INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE,MONITORING SIGNAL HANDLING OR DISPATCHING ASPECTS OF THE SERVICE E Paragraphs A through 0 of the Article 4 shall apply to any other company or entry which in addition to Honeywell promotes markets or Incomes the installation mentioning or maintenance provided hereunder F Limited Equipment Warranty Where Cuslomer purchases a security system under this agreement Honeywell warrants that the equipment and parts of the secunty system will be free from defece in matenal and workmanship for a period of ninety(90)days from the date 0e secunly system is placed into doll If during[his warranty,period any of the equipment or parts are defective or malfunclion they will be repaired or replaced at Honeyrvell's sale option free of charge This warranty will not apply if the damage or malfunction occurs through no fault M Honeywell while the system is in the possession of the Customer or because the system has been adjusted added to altered abused misused or tempered with by the Customer or otherwise operated or used contrary to the operating instructions If mspec[ion by Honeywell fats to disclose any defect covered by this limited equipment warranty the equipment will be repaired or replaced at Customers expense and Honeywelis regularservice charges will apply DISCLAIMER OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES TO THE EXTENT THAT THIS AGREEMENT IS DETERMINED TO BE SUBJECT TO THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE THEN WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE FOREGOING LIMITED EQUIPMENT WARRANTY HONEYWELL MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE THAT THE SYSTEM OR SERVICE SUPPLIED MAY NOT BE COMPROMISED OR THAT THE SYSTEM OR SERVICE WILL IN ALL CASES PROVIDE THE PROTECTION FOR WHICH IT IS INTENDED IN NO EVENT WILL HONEYWELL IT EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER HONEYWELL MAKES NO WARRANTIES CONCERNING ANY EQUIPMENT OR DEVICES ATTACHED TO CUSTOMER'S SYSTEM UNLESS SUCH EQUIPMENT OR DEVICES WERE ORIGINALLY PURCHASED AND INSTALLED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT 5 Entire Agreement It is agreed to acid understood by the parties that this agreement including the provisions an the back page and the attached Schedule of Service and Protection constitute the entire agreement between the games and supersedes and replaces all other prior understandings or agreements whether brat or written reiatng to the premises covered by[his agreement This agreement may not be changed modified or varied except m wnlmg signed by an authorized representative of Honeywell It is understood and agreed by and between the paNes hereto that the terms and conditions cf this agreement shall govern notwithstanding any additional or inconsistent terms or conditions contained inany purchase order or other document submitted by Customer This a reemenl shall ncc become bidding on Honeywell until aoorovetl by Honeywell s Management as provided below Customer hereby acknowledges that he/she has read this entire agreement and agrees to se bound y al its terms and conditions 6 Miscellaneous Charges and Increase in Charges A Customer shall pay any City Slate or Federal taxes fees or charges which are imposed upon the equipment the installation thereof or performance of the services provided for herein including any B increases in charges to contractor for facJities required for transmission of signals under this agreement At Honeywell s option a fee may be charged for any false alarm caused by Customer or for any unnecessary service inn If either Honeywell or Customer is assessed any fine or penalti by any municipally C fire or police protection theinot as a result of any false alarm Customer shall pay the full amount of such fine or penalty The payments set forth in paragraphs 31 and 3(C)include telephone company toil line charges if required Honeywell may immediately increase its monthly charges to exact such increased tine charges for the Customer facility covered by this agreement Customer shall also pay any telephone company colt line charges incurred by the operation of the system HONEYWELL INC 9qq n n��� _ CUSTOMER Sales Representative _14 U w p+f L./1 L'� IV I/ By(Signature) q Approved and accepted by Honeywell In/ Name(Pant or Type)���IyyV A A L/1 By A Title �i� oea.1 1FM Title fill Oat, t Date a NOT BINDING ON HONEYWELL WITHOUT MANAGEMENT APPROVAL SIGNATURE a1-3453u092 REV 3-99(1 SAGREE Electronic 1(0-99) D Installation Charges set forth in Article 3 assume installaton will be performed during Hmteywelfs normal working hours and using its own personnel If Customer requests the Installation or any part thereof to be performed Outside ordinary business hours or if the Installation must be performed by outside contractors,or Honeywell wage rate do not apply the Installation charge is subject to revision E If any government agency requires any changes in the system originally Installed Customer agrees to pay for any such changes It is Customers responsibility to obtain all alarm use permits required by the local jurisdiction F The paces quoted for the alarm system in Article 3 are based upon the number Of components type of security and service specified in the Schedule of Service and Protection Should Customer request Or require additional protection security devices Or services this may affect the final contract price G Failure to pay amounts when due shall give Honeywell the right to charge the legal rate of Interest an any delinquent balance A balance becomes delinquent thirty(30)days after payment is due under ANtle3 7 Further Obligations of Customer A Customer al its own expense shall supply appropriate unswilched AC electric power outlets for such power located according to Honeywell s requirements and telephone company interconnection jacks if required B Customer shall not tamper with alter adjust add to disturb injure,move,remove or otherwise interfere with equipment installed by Honeywell nor shall Customer permit the same to be done by others It is further agreed that Customer indemnities and holds Honeywell harmless for any claim arising out Of the foregoing and[hat if any work is required 10 be performed by Honeywell due to Customer's breach of the foregoing obligations Customer will pay Honeywell for such work in accordance with HOne m ywell's then current prevailing charges Custoer mdemmries and holds Honeywell harmless against any claim ansing Out a(the interconnection by anyone other than Honeywell of any equipment Or device to any Honeywell equipment C For those premises where Honeywell is to provide Customer Service Center monitoring Customer shall furnish Honeywell a list Of Vie names hoes residence addresses telephone numbers and signatures of all persons authorized le enter the premises of Customer during scheduled Closed periods and shall be responsible for updating such lists In man of supervised service,Customer shall also furnish Honeywell with an authorized daily and holiday opening and closing schedule O Customer shall set the alarm system al such limes as Customer shall close its premises Customer shall test the alarm system prior to inch closed period and shall immediately report to Honeywell any claimed inadequacy in or failure of the system E Customer shall permit Honeywell access to the premises for any reason ansing out Of Orin connection with Honeywells rights or obligations under this agreement F Should any pan of[he system be damaged by fire water,lightning acts Of God third Comes Or any cause beyond the control Of Honeywell any repairs Or replacement shall be paid for by Customer(ordinary, wear and tear excepted In the Case of a Honeywell Owned system) G Any claim by Customer of improper installation or defect in the system shall be made in writing to Honeywell within thirty(30)days of installation completion H Customer represents and warren is that Customer is the owner Of the premises or if not that the owner agrees and consents to the Instailabon of the system an the premises Customer shall indemnify and hold Honeywell harmless from any losses or damages including attorney fees resulting from breach of such representation and warranty or from Honeywell s inability to recover Honeywell owned system components when customer moves Out of the premises I For those premises where Honeywell is to provide central station sprinkler supervisory and water flow alarm or automatic fire alarm service Customer warrants and agrees that all alarm valves gate valves pumps compressors inspector lest Connections or Other elements o/the sprinkler system as now installed or to be installed,are or will be Connected at Customers ex tine so as to be acceptable to the insurance and Other authorities having junsdmhon when equipped with HOneywell's signaling devices Customer further agrees to fumish any necessary water through Lustomers meter and at Customers expense to place hoods over any open forges or fires and to pipe all boiler blow offs and steam exhaust durable the premises to be protected J For those premises where dosed Circuit television equipment is provided Customer will provide adequate illumination under all operational conditions for the proper operation of the closed arcud lei camera and will provide 110 AC power supply where required as well as shelf Or desk space for monitors K It is mutually agreed that the Customer assumes full responsibility for the operation of any and all bypass or switch units provided for disconnecting or reconnecting the alarm sounding and/or transmitting equipment at Customers premises L Customer represents Nat except to the extent it has given Honeywell written notice poor to the execution of this agreement to the best of its knowledge there is no asbestos or presumed asbestos-mnlaming material formaldehyde or other potentially toxic Or hazartleus matenal Contained within or in on or under any portion of any area where wort,will be performed under this contact If such materials(whether or not disclosed by Customer)are discovered and such materials provide and unsafe or unlawful condition such discovery shall conshlute a muse beyond Honeywell reasonable control and Honeywell shall not start or continue to perform its work under the contract until Customer has remedied Me unsafe or unlawful Condition at Customers sole expense Customer shall indemnify and hold Honeywell harmless from and against any and all claims,cost and expenses of any kind(including a11Omeyos fees)for bodily injury,property damage delay or work stoppage that arises under or results from such unsafe or unlawful conditions(regardless of whether or not Customer disclosed such materials to Honeywell) S Further Obligations of Honeywell,Limitations A Honeywell shall not be held responsible or liable rot delay in installation of the system Or intemlption of service due to strikes lockouts role,floods fires lightning,acts of God or any cause beyond the control of Honeywell including interruptions in lelephdne service Honeywell will not be required to perform Installation or supply service to Customer while any such muse shall continue For those premises where Customer Service Center momtonng is provided Honeywer upon receipt of alarm signal alar signal from Customers premises shall(unless previously instructed otherwise by Customer) B make a reasonable effort to Iransmit the alarm promptly to the police fire department medical agency or Customer designated agency having jurisdiction or resporslblllly Honeywell shall also make a reasonable effort to notify Customer's designated representative by telephone of every genuine alarm received unless ioslructed la do otherwise by Customer To avoid false alarms,Honeywell shall have the right in its sole judgment,to first Investigate the muse W a signal by either telephoning Customer or drspatching a representative to the Customers premises to determine whether an emergency condition exists warranting notification of the police Customer agrees that lelephome Calls received or transmitted by the Customer Service Center,including the receipt and transmission of alarm signals may be electrammlly recorced by Honeywell and Nat Customer consents to such recordings Customer understands that if the system installed under[his agreement is monitored due to the nature of the method used for communicating alarm signals to the Customer Service Center there may be C limes when that communication method is not able to transmit signals and Honeywell mil not receive alarm signals Digrial Communicators use standard telephone lines and Honeywell does trot receive signals when the telephone systems becomes nonroperational or the telephone line is cut interfered with or otherwise damaged There will be times when any radio frequency method such as cellular,public or private radio systems Cannot transmit an alarm signal do to lack of signal strength or availability of a communication channel Similarly any other type of communication method installed under this agreement also inn experience an inability to Communicate alarms signals Customer understands that Honeywell offers several levels Of Communication methods of alarm signals to the Customer Service Center and Nat the Services described on the front page of this agreement and on the Schedule of Service and Protedron have been chosen by Customer after ocra demng and balancing the levels of protection afforded by various communication methods and the related costs Customer acknowledges and agrees that Customer is solely responsible for the selection of the type of communimbon method and whether the uhllzabon of more than one communication method is required In Case of possible communimhon method trouble detected by Honeywell Honeywell shall Contact the communimbon method provider and request Net it determine the location Of the trouble it unknown to D Honeywell When the trouble has been traced to a Customer Honeywell will make a reasonable effort to notify Customer of the designated representative In the event any service or repair to Customers equipment becomes necessary Honeywell shall within a reasonable time dispatch a representative to Customers premises for the purpose of malung the necessary services Or repair II is understood that the communication method provider is riot the agent Of Honeywell and Honeywell shall not be liable for the cdmmunimlion method providers negligent performance or delay in performance For those premises with a direct connection to the police fire department or other agency it is mutually understood and agreed that signals Iransmitted hereunder will be monitored in police andlor fire departments or other agencies and Mat the personnel of such police andlor fire departments or other agencies are not Honeywell agents nor does Honeywell assume any responsibility for the manner in E which such signals are monitored or the response 0 any to such signals F For those premises where Card access security is provided Honeywell assumes no respOnsrbitily or liability for lost or stolen Cards 9 Title to Equipment and Use of Honeywell-owned Equipment Any Honeywek owned equipment installed on the Customers premises shall at all limes remain solely the property of Honeywell and Customer agrees not to permit the attachment thereto of any equipment not furnished by Honeywell If Customer purchases equipment Customer agrees that Honeywell retains a security interest in the equipment until the full purchase price is paid It Is further understood and agreed that Honeywell may remove or abandon all Honeywell-owned equipment including all wining installed by Honeywell in whole or in pan upon termination of the agreement by lapse of time default of any monies due hereunder Or otherwise without any obligation to repair Or redecorate any pomOn of the protected premises provided that such removal or abandonment shall not be held to Constitute a waiver of the right of Honeywell to coiled any charges which have accrued hereunder 10 Termination A Honeywell may terminate this agreement immediately upon written upon written notice (i) In the event Customer defaults in the performance of any of the terms and conditions of the agreement including the failure to make any payment as agreed herein in which case the balance of the monies due and for Ire unexpired term of this agreement shall become immediately clue and payable together with interest at the maximum legally allowable rate Customer shall also pay attorney and/or collection fees darned!as an additional thirty-five percent(35%)of the outstanding balance owed,incurred in collecting Customers account,Or (n) In the event Honeywell s Customer Service Center the telephone Imes wires or Honeywell s equipment within Customer premises are by any muse beyond the control of Honeywell,destroyed Or so substantially damaged[hat it is commercially impractical to continue service to Customers premises or (in) As provided in Article 2 relating to expiration Article 3(c)relzhng to pros increases and Article it relating to assignment B Customer may terminate the agreement 00 Immediately upon written notice in the event Customers premises are by any muse beyond the control of the Customer destroyed or so substantially damaged[hat it is Commercially impractical for Customer to Continue any operations at such premises or (n)As provided in Amide 2 relating to explralion Article 3(c)relating to price increases and arlde 11 relating to assignment C Upon termination of this agreement Customer shall permit Honeywell access to Customers premises in Order to deactivate Me telephone line signaling device andlor to remove the equipment pursuant Io Article 9 11 Assignment This agreement may be assigned by the Customer or Honeywell provided that the other party receives thirty(30)days advance written notice within which time the assignment may be accepted or the agreement may be Cancelled 12 NO Subrogation Customer does hereby for itself and other paces claiming under It release and discharge Honeywell from and against all claims ansing from hazards covered by Customers insurance it being expressly agreed and understood that no msurence company or insurer will have any right of subrogation against Honeywell 91-3453 092(Page 2)REV 3 99(I SAGREE Electronic 10.99) Honeywell SCHEDULE OF SERVICE AND PROTECTION ANY OR ALL SERVICES PROVIDED BELOW ARE DEFINED IN AND SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE ATTACHED INSTALLATION AND SERVICE AGREEMENT DATED MARCH 29, 2000 BETWEEN HONEYWELL AND _CITY OF KENT FOR SERVICES AT 220 4TH AVE S KENT, WA 98032 SCHEDULE OF SERVICE ❑ HONEYWELL CENTRAL STATION MONITORING DIRECT CONNECT TO TELEPHONE INSTALLATION CHARGES INCLUDED ❑ OTHER ❑POLICE IN HONEYWELL AGREEMENT ON PRICES AND TERMS ® NONE ❑FIRE DEPARTMENT OYES ®NO TYPE OF SYSTEM ❑BURGLAR ALARM ❑HOLD UP X ACCESS CONTROL ❑DURESS ❑FIRE ALARM ❑INDUSTRIAL PROCESS ❑CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION ❑OTHER THIS SYSTEM IS A ❑ CUSTOMER-OWNED SYSTEM ❑ HONEYWELL-OWNED SYSTEM TYPE OF TRANSMISSION I BYPASS RUNNER RESPONSE ❑DIGITAL ❑HSL ❑CELLULAR ❑RF ® OTHER NONE OYES ®NO ❑YES ®NO OPENING AND CLOSING SUPERVISION TYPE OF SUPERVISION REPORTS ❑ NON-SUPERVISED OPENINGS AND CLOSINGS ❑WEEKLY ❑ TRACKING OF NON-SUPERVISED OPENINGS AND CLOSINGS ®NONE ❑ SUPERVISED OPENINGS AND CLOSINGS NUMBER OF SCHEDULES SERVICE AGREEMENT ❑ EXTENDED SERVICE CUSTOMER RECEIVES FULL REPAIR SERVICE AS SET FORTH IN THE LIMITED EQUIPMENT WARRANTY,INCLUDING PARTS AND LABOR,FROM 8 00 A M TO 4 00 P M MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY,EXCLUDING HOLIDAYS ❑ SERVICE PLUS CUSTOMER RECEIVES FULL REPAIR SERVICE ASSET FORTH IN THE LIMITED EQUIPMENT WARRANTY,INCLUDING PARTS AND LABOR TWENTY-FOUR HOURS A DAY,SEVEN DAYS A WEEK,INCLUDING HOLIDAYS EQUIPMENT INCLUDED IN ABOVE SERVICE AGREEMENTS ALL HONEYWELL-PROVIDED EQUIPMENT OR PARTS THAT ARE DEFECTIVE OR MALFUNCTION DURING THE PERIOD ARE INCLUDED EXCLUSIONS TO ABOVE SERVICE AGREEMENTS TELEPHONE OR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OR LINES DEFECTS OR MALFUNCTIONS CAUSED BY DAMAGE,ALTERATION,ABUSE MISUSE,OR TAMPERING WITH THE EQUIPMENT,FALSE ALARMS,ACTS OF GOD OR ANY OTHER CAUSE NOT ARISING FROM MALFUNCTION OR DEFECT IN THE HONEYWELL EQUIPMENT ARE EXCLUDED ® TIME AND MATERIAL SERVICES SERVICE IS BILLED AT THE TIME SERVICE IS PROVIDED AT THE PREVAILING OR STATED RATES INSPECTION FIRE ALARM NOTE: INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS MAY REQUIRE INSPECTIONS ❑BI-MONTHLY ❑SEMI-ANNUALLY ZNOINSPECTION [—]OTHER ON-SITE PRINTER ❑ HONEYWELL WILL PROVIDE THE PRINTER CUSTOMER AGREES TO CHECK AND RE-SET THE SYSTEM CLOCK TIME MONTHLY (SEE ❑ CUSTOMER WILL PROVIDE THE PRINTER INSTRUCTIONS IN THE HONEYWELL OWNERS MANUAL)PRINTER CLOCK AND THE CLOCK IN THE HONEYWELL CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER MAY DIFFER THE OFFICIAL TIME FOR SYSTEM EVENTS INCLUDING ALARMS IS BASED ON THE CLOCK IN THE HONEYWELL CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER PROTECTION DEVICES: LIST TYPE, QUANTITY,AND LOCATION FOR EACH DEVICE SEE ATTACHED PAGE #2 ADDITIONALPROTECTION DEVICES LISTED ON NEXT PAGE CUSTOMER GNATURE DATE �,. 1 J' ;? A 81-3653-075 REV 11-94 (SCHSV-P Electronic) DOC SCHEDULE OF SERVICE AND PROTECTION CONTINUED PAGE 2 OF 2 CUSTOMER CITY OF KENT PROTECTION DEVICES (LIST TYPE,QUANTITY,AND LOCATION FOR EACH DEVICE) Honeywell's scope of work to include • Providing(2)4100 digital 8 door controllers • Providing (2)MIRO 1618 boards(contacts,rex's,strike power) • Providing (2)Enclosures,sized to house a 4100 and two MIROs • Providing(9)Interior prox card readers • Providing(3)Exterior card readers • Providing(1)CI-1 Data broadcast box • Providing(11)Rex's request to exit motion detectors • Providing(12)Stand off mounting brackets (to attach the readers to the bricks) • Providing(3)NexStar couplers(to home run readers to controllers) • Providing(2)5amp power supplies • Providing(10)24 Door photo ID software package • Providing(1)Fargo 850 printer • Providing(1)Sony digital camera • Providmg(8)Single door contacts • Providing(3)Double door contacts • Providing(3)Fargo ribbons • Providing(2)Fargo cleaning kit • Providing(1)500 unit card stock • Providing Wire, electrical permit, installation,testing • Providing(12)Hours for drilling through brick walls and Distillation of sleeves • Providing(20)Hours of traming on the new system and photo ID process • Providing(42)Hours of labor to support the system programming and reconfiguration of Software Notes 1 The above system does not include the cost of the electronic door strikes (Lock-Tech to install and bill on separate invoice) 2 This installation does not cover any damage to interior bricks if damaged when drilling for the installation of readers (Customer can have others drill holes, or repair damages) 3 Labor to run wire through bricks and up to the server room is estimated If problems arise additional labor hours may be needed 4 Elevator company to provide contacts and programming of elevator to elevator reader Honeywell to inn wire 5 Customer to provide tripod for camera and power for each controller 61-3653-075 (PAGE 2)REV 11-94 (SCHSV-P Eiectronic) DOC