HomeMy WebLinkAboutILA1999-0378 - Original - King County Housing Authority - Valley Kee & Springwood Apartments Policing Services - 12/01/1999 ContrOauinber 625-2000-0008 • KING COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY RESIDENT SERVICES 15455 65"AVE S• TUKWILA, WASHINGTON 98188-2583 PHONE(206)244-7750•FAX(206)244-1948 Contract for Social Services between the King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department This Contract is entered into by and between the Mng County Housing Authority. hereinafter referred to as "KCHA", and the Police Department of The City of Kent, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "the Agency", whose principal office is located at 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032-5895 WHEREAS, the King County Housing Authority has determined the need to have certain community policing services performed for residents, and WHEREAS, the King County Housing Authority desires to have the Agency perform such services pursuant to certain terms and conditions. now, therefore, IN CONSIDERATION OF the mutual benefits and conditions hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows 1. Definitions. The following definitions are applicable to this Contract A. "KCHA"means the King County Housing Authority B. "Agency"means the person or other entity entering into the contract with KCHA to perform all of the work required under the contract C. "HUD" means the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, its delegates, successors, and assigns, and the officers and employees of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development acting for and on behalf of the Secretary D. "Contract" means the contract entered into between KCHA and the Agency It includes the contract form, the Certifications and Representations, these contract clauses, and the scope of work It includes all formal changes to any of those documents by addendum, amendment, change order, or other modification E. "Contracting Officer" means the person delegated the authority by KCHA to administer and/or terminate this Contract and designated as such in writing to the Agency The term includes any successor Contracting Officer and any duly authorized representative of the Contracting Officer also designated in writing 2. Contract Documents. The clauses set forth in the Contract Documents are hereby incorporated into and made part of the Contract The Agency acknowledges receipt and review of all Contract Documents applicable to the performance of services and to the premises The Contract shall consist of the following component parts (1) This Instrument, (2) Exhibits, as listed, Exhibit A Scope of Work Exhibit B Project Budget and Invoice Schedule Exhibit C Reporting Requirements Exhibit D Invoice Format Exhibit E Monthly Resident Contact Data Report Exhibit F Monthly Narrative Reports Exhibit G Section 3 Certification Requirements Exhibit G-1 -- Section 3 Certification Form (Agency) Exhibit G-2 -- Section 3 Certification Form (Operatives) Exhibit H Insurance Requirements (3) All Bid documents (4) Any modifications duly delivered after execution of this Contract (see Section 7, Contract Modifications) 3. Terms of the Contract. A. Duration of Contract: The Contract shall be in full force and effect for a period commencing December 1, 1999, and ending November 30, 2000. unless sooner terminated, pursuant to Section 8, Default and Termination, herein Time is of the essence for this Contract This Contract maybe extended for additional twelve (12) month periods, up to a total of thirty-six (36) months, through written amendments, change orders or other modifications to this Contract B. Scope of Services to be Performed by the Agency: The Agency shall perform those services and reporting activities as described in Exhibit A and Exhibit C attached hereto and incorporated herein The Agency shall furnish all equipment and supplies reasonably necessary to carry out the purpose of this Contract and shall provide the necessary funding, personnel, supervision and programs to realize the intended purpose of the Contract No activities other than those necessary for, reasonably King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department Contract for Social Services Page 2 of I I related to, and associated with the purpose of this Contract shall be carried out under this Contract C. Compensation and Method of Payment: KCHA shall pay the Agency for services rendered according to the rate and method set forth on Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein D. Agency Budget: The Agency shall apply the funds received under this Contract within the maximum limits set forth in this Contract and according to the budget itemized on Exhibit B The Agency shall request prior approval from KCHA whenever the Agency desires to amend its budget by transferring funds among the budget categories,pursuant to Section 7, Contract Modifications, herein E. Employee and Volunteer Screening: The Agency assumes responsibility for screening all employees and volunteers who come in contact with vulnerable children and adults as per RCW 43 43 830 - 43 43 842, 74 15 010 - 74 15 030 or any other industry standard 4. Independent Contractor. The Agency and KCHA agree the Agency is an independent contractor with respect to the services provided pursuant to this Contract Nothing in this Contract shall be considered to create a relationship of employer and employee between the parties hereto Neither the Agency nor any employee of the Agency shall be entitled to any benefits accorded KCHA employees by virtue of the services provided under this Contract KCHA shall not be responsible for withholding or otherwise deducting federal income tax or social security or contributing to the State Industnal Insurance Program. or otherwise assuming the duties of an employer with respect to the Agency, or any employees of the Agency 5. Assignment of Contract. The Agency shall not assign or transfer any interest under any of the Contract documents without the prior written consent of the Contracting Officer 6. Subcontracting and Subcontractors. A. "Subcontract" means any contract. purchase order, or other purchase agreement, including modifications and change orders to the foregoing, entered into with a subcontractor to furnish supplies, materials, equipment, and services for the performance of the prime Contract or a subcontract B. "Subcontractor's means any supplier, vendor, or firm that furnishes supplies, materials, equipment, or services to or for the Agency or another subcontractor C. The Agency shall not enter into any subcontract with any subcontractor who has been temporarily denied participation in a HUD program or who has been suspended or King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department Contract for Social Services Page 3 of 11 debarred from participating in contracting programs by any agency of the United States Government or of the State of Washington D. The Agency shall be as fully responsible for the acts or omissions of its subcontractors, and of persons either directly or indirectly employed by them as for the acts or omissions of persons directly employed by the Agency E. The Agency shall insert appropriate clauses in all subcontracts to bind subcontractors to the terms and conditions of this contract insofar as they are applicable to the work of subcontractors F. Nothing contained in this Contract shall create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor and KCHA or between the subcontractor and HUD 7. Contract Modifications. A. Only the Contracting Officer has authority to modify any term or condition of this contract Any contract modification shall be authorized in writing and approved by the Executive Director of KCHA, or his designee, and the authorized agent of the Agency B. The Contracting Officer may modify the contract unilaterally - (1) pursuant to a specific authorization stated in this Contract, or (2) for administrative matters which do not change the rights or responsibilities of the parties (e g , change in KCHA address) All other Contract modifications shall be in the form of supplemental agreements signed by the Agency and the Contracting Officer C. All modifications to this Contract which includes a change in the Total Contract Value shall be in the form of a Change Order signed by the Agency and the Contracting Officer 8. Default and Termination. A. KCHA may by written notice of default to the Agency, terminate this Contract for any one of the following circumstances (1) If the Agency fails to perform any of the services or reporting activities specified in Exhibit A and Exhibit C within the time specified herein or any extension thereof, or (2) If the Agency fails to perform any of the other clauses of the Contract, or so fails to make progress on the performance of any of the other clauses of the King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department Contract for Social Services Page 4 of 11 Contract as to endanger performance of this Contract in accordance with its terms, and in either of these two circumstances does not cure such failure within a period of ten (10) days (or such longer period as KCHA may authorize in writing) after receipt of notice from KCHA's Contracting Officer specifying such failure B. In the event KCHA terminates this Contract in whole or in part for default as provided above, KCHA may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as KCHA may deem appropriate, services similar to those terminated, and the Agency shall be liable to KCHA for any excess costs for such similar services provided the Agency shall continue the performance of this Contract to the extent not terminated under the provision of this clause The rights and remedies of KCHA provided in this clause shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies by law or under this Contract C. The Agency shall not be liable for any excess costs if the failure to perform the Contract arises out of causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Agency Such causes may include, but are not restricted to acts of God, casualties, and labor disputes If the failure to perform is caused by the default of a subcontractor, and such default arises out of causes beyond the control of both the Agency and the subcontractor, and without the fault or negligence of either of them, the Agency shall not be liable for any excess costs for failure to perform D. This Contract may at any time be terminated by either party giving the other party thirty (30) days written notice specifying the nature, extent and effective date of the termination If the Agency's insurance coverage is canceled for any reason, KCHA shall have the right to terminate this Contract immediately Further, KCHA may terminate this Contract in whole, or from time to time in part, for KCHA's convenience, or due to changes in the availability of funding to support Contract activities E. If the termination is for the convenience of KCHA, KCHA shall be liable only for payment for services rendered before the effective date of the termination F. Upon receipt of notice of termination, the Agency shall immediately discontinue all services affected (unless the notice directs otherwise) and shall deliver to KCHA all information, reports, papers, and other materials accumulated or generated in performing this contract, whether completed or in process 9. Waiver and Severabilrty. A. The failure or delay of either party to insist on performance of any provision of the Contract, or to exercise any right or remedy available under the Contract, shall not be King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department Contract for Social Services Page 5 of 11 construed as a waiver of that provision, right, or remedy in any later instance Waiver or breach of any provision of the Contract shall not be construed to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of the Contract, unless the Contract is modified pursuant to Section 7, Contract Modifications, herem B. If any provision of the Contract is or becomes void or unenforceable by operation of law, the remaining clauses shall be valid and enforceable 10. Disputes and Dispute Resolution. A. In the event of dispute arising under this Contract, the Agency shall immediately notify the Contracting Officer in writing of its contentions and submit its claim(s) The Agency shall proceed with its work in compliance with this Contract, but such compliance shall not be a waiver of the Agency's rights to make a claim provided KCHA has been notified as above stipulated B. In the event of any dispute, claim, question or disagreement arising out of or relating to this Contract or the default thereof, KCHA and the Agency hereto shall use their best efforts to settle such disputes, claims, questions or disagreement To this effect, KCHA and the Agency shall consult and negotiate with each other in good faith and, recognizing their mutual interests, attempt to reach a just and equitable solution satisfactory to both parties If KCHA and the Agency do not reach such a solution within a period of thirty (30) days after KCHA was initially notified of the dispute, claim, question or disagreement, the parties agree to try in good faith to settle any dispute by mediation administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Commercial Mediation Rules or another nationally recognized mediation organization, before resorting to litigation or any other dispute resolution procedure Each party shall pay its own expenses in any mediation proceedings, but in any arbitration or litigation proceeding which ensues if neither negotiation nor mediation have been successful, the prevailing parry shall recover its reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred therein, which amount shall be included in the judgment or award entered in the matter 11. Prohibition Against Liens. The Agency is prohibited from placing a lien on KCHA's property This prohibition shall apply to all subcontractors at any tier and all material suppliers 12. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Both parties understand and agree that the Agency is acting hereunder as an independent contractor, with the intended following results King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department Contract for Social Services Page 6 of I 1 A. Control of personnel, standards of performance, discipline, and all other aspects of performance shall be governed entirely by the Agency, B. All persons rendering service hereunder shall be for all purposes employees of the Agency, C. All liabilities for salaries, wages, any other compensation, injury, sickness, or liability to the public for intentional or negligent acts arising from performance of the law enforcement services by the Agency hereunder shall be that of the Agency To such purpose, the Agency will protect, defend, mdemmfy, and save harmless KCHA, its officers, employees, and agents from any and all costs, claims, judgments, or awards of damages, arising out of or in any way resulting from the negligent acts or emissions of the Agency, its officers, employees or agents The Agency agrees that the obligation to indemnify, defend and hold harmless KCHA and its agents and employees under this provision extends to any claim, demand or cause of action brought by or on behalf of any employee of the Agency, against KCHA, its officers, agents or employees and includes any judgment, award, and cost arising therefrom, including attorney fees D. KCHA will protect, defend, indemnify, and save harmless the Agency, its officers, employees, and agents from any and all costs, claims, judgments, or awards of damages, arising out of or in any way resulting from the negligent acts or emissions of KCHA, its officers, employees, or agents KCHA agrees that its obligations under this provision extend to any claim, demand or cause of action brought by or on behalf of any employees of KCHA, against the Agency, and includes any judgment, award, and cost arising therefrom including attorneys fees 13, Insurance. A. The Agency agrees to comply with the insurance requirements described in Exhibit H - Insurance Requirements B. The Agency hereby certifies that the Agency and each subcontractor has, and shall maintain for the duration of this Agreement, Workers' Compensation insurance in accordance with Washington Workers' Compensation laws C. KCHA acknowledges, accepts, and agrees that the Agency is a member of the Washington Cities Insurance Authority (WCIA), a self-funded pool that provides liability protection for numerous municipalities in the State of Washington The Agency's continued membership in WCIA shall constitute full satisfaction of the insurance requirements of subparagraphs A and B above The Agency shall deliver a synopsis of coverage by WCIA to KCHA before execution of this Contract King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department Contract for Social Services Page 7 of 11 14. Section 3 Requirements. The Agency agrees to comply with the Section 3 Certification Requirements described in Exhibit G - Section 3 Certification Requirements, Exhibit G-1 - Section 3 Certification Form (Agency), and Exhibit G-2 - Section 3 Certification Form (Operatives) 15. Equal Employment Opportunity. A. The Agency shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race. color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, citizenship status, creed, age, marital status physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, political ideology, or status as a veteran B. The Agency shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color. religion, sex. national origin, handicap, citizenship status, creed, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, political ideology, or status as a veteran C. The Agency shall give all notices and comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders in regard to Equal Employment Opportunity including but not limited to Executive Order 11246, as amended, Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor The Agency shall include the terms of this Clause in every subcontract so that such Term shall be binding on each subcontractor 16. Record Keeping. A. The Agency shall maintain accounts and records in accordance with State Auditor's procedures, including personnel, property, financial and programmatic records which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended and services performed in the performance of this Contract and other such records as may be deemed necessary by KCHA to ensure proper accounting for all funds contributed by KCHA to the performance of this Contract and compliance with this Contract B. These records shall be maintained for a period of six (6) years after termination hereof unless permission to destroy them is granted by the office of the archivist in accordance with RCW Chapter 40 14 and by KCHA King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department Contract for Social Services Page 8 of I I • 17. Audits and Inspection. The records and documents with respect to all matters covered by thus Contract shall be subject at all times to inspection, review or audit by KCHA or any other government agency so authorized by law during the performance of this Contract KCHA shall have the right to request a copy of the Agency's most recent financial statement at any time during the duration of this Contract 18. Grievance Procedure. If available, the Agency shall provide a copy of the Agency's written client grievance procedure to KCHA within fifteen (15) days of the execution of the Contract and shall make copies of the client grievance procedure available to clients, if requested 19. Organization Conflicts of Interest. A. The Agency warrants that to the best of its knowledge and belief and except as otherwise disclosed, it does not have any organizational conflict of interest which is defined as a situation in which the nature of work under this Contract and the Agency's organizational, financial. contractual or other interests are such that (1) Award of the Contract may result in an unfair competitive advantage, or (2) The Agency's objectivity in performing the Contract work may be impaired B. The Agency agrees that if after award they discover an organizational conflict of interest with respect to this Contract, they shall make an immediate and full disclosure in writing to the Contracting Officer who shall include a description of the action which the Agency has taken or intends to take to eliminate or neutralize the conflict KCHA may, however, terminate the Contract if it deems the action to be in the best interest of KCHA C. In the event the Agency was aware of an organizational conflict of interest before the award of this Contract and intentionally did not disclose the conflict to the Contracting Officer, KCHA may terminate the Contract for default (See also Section 8, Default and Termination) D. The provisions of this clause shall be included in all subcontracts and consulting agreements wherein the work to be performed is similar to the services provided by the Agency The Agency shall include in such subcontracts and consulting agreements any necessary clauses to eliminate or neutralize conflicts of interest 20. Interests of Members of Congress. No member of or delegate to the Congress of the United States of America shall be admitted to any share or part of this contract or to any King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department Contract for Social Services Page 9 of 11 benefit to arise therefrom, but this provision shall not be construed to extend to this contract if made with a corporation for its general benefit 21. Interest of Members, Officers, Commissioners and Employees, or Former Members, Officers and Employees. No member, officer, or employee of KCHA, no member of the governing body of the locality in which the project is situated, no member of the governing body in which KCHA was activated, and no other public official or such locality or localities who exercises any functions or responsibilities with respect to the project, shall, during his or her tenure, or for one year thereafter, have any interest, direct or indirect, in this contract or the proceeds thereof 22. Dissemination or Disclosure of Information. The Agency shall not disseminate or disclose information or material concerning this project to the general public, the news media, or any person or organization without prior express written approval by KCHA, except as required by state law governing access to public records 23. Integration and Merger. This Contract. including attachments and documents incorporated herein by reference, constitutes the entire agreement between KCHA and the Agency related to the subject matter of this Contract The rights and remedies afforded to either party pursuant to any part or provision of this Contract are in addition to any other rights and remedies afforded by any other parts or clauses by this Contract, by law, or otherwise 24. Notices. Any notices required or permitted by this Contract shall be in writing and shall be either personally delivered or sent by first-class marl, certified with return receipt requested, and addressed to the parties as follows If to KCHA Deanna L Briese Drug Elimination Grant Coordinator King County Housing Authority 27360— 129"'Place SE Kent, WA 98031 If to the Agency Jim White Mayor of the City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98031-5895 King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department Contract for Social Services Page 10 of 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties signing this Contract warrant and represent for themselves and for their respective organizations that they are duly authorized to sign this Agreement, and that upon such signing their respective organizations are bound thereby KING COUNTY THE CITY OF T HOUSIM UTHORITY LICE DE P T i BY BY Stephen J rman Jim ete, Executive erector May of the City of Kent 15455 6 ' Avenue South 220 curth Avenue South Tukwila, WA 98188 Kent, WA 98032-5895 DATE /Z/rT 5 DATE King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department Contract for Social Services Page 11 of 11 EXHIBIT A - SCOPE OF WORK THE CITY OF KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW OF CONTRACT: Contract Number: 625-2000-0008 Contract Period: December 1, 1999 to November 30, 2000 Total Contract Value: $84,452 00 Provision of Services: The Agency shall furnish the residents of the King County Housing Authority communities of Sprmgwood Apartments and Valli Kee Homes, drug elimination services, employing the community policing concept, including the operation of a police substation on site in Sprmgwood Apartment with two (2) half-time police officers In performing such services, the Agency shall at all tunes comply with all Federal, State and local statutes, rules and ordinances applicable to the performance of such services and the handling of any funds used in connection herewith KCHA may, subject to the provisions contained in Section 8, Default and Termination, by written notice of default to the Agency, terminate this Contract for (a) acts by the Agency outside of the scope of described services or (b) failure to perform any of the services or reporting activities specified in this Contract SCOPE OF WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY AGENCY: The Agency shall furnish the residents of Sprmgwood Apartments and Valli Kee Homes, drug elimination services, employing the community policing concept and will operate a police substation on site in Springwood Apartments with two one half-time police officers serving the two communities The City of Kent Police Department agrees that it will not reduce its current level of police services to the public housing developments, particularly in the areas of community policing, patrol, criminal investigation, records, dispatch and special operations Kent Police Department will cooperate with the King County Housing Authority to eliminate drug-related crime in King County Housing Authority communities based upon the Drug Elimination Grant written proposal as the Plan of Operations to establish the manner and method of performance for community police services to be provided The City of Kent Police Department will participate in semi-annual program evaluation and reporting based on program goals as stated in the Drug Elimination Grant written proposal Either party to the contract may amend the scope of the plan of operations through written request for an amendment The Executive Director of the King County Housing Authority and the Mayor of the City of Kent shall provide final determinations regarding the establishment of an amendment to the plan of operations The City of Kent Police Department will provide the following services King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department Exhibit A—Scope of Work Page I of 3 EXHIBIT A - SCOPE OF WORK THE CITY OF KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Description of Services Levels of Services / Qualifications 1. Community Policing • 20 Residents minimum Resident Contact (Walk-in's &Telephone) 2. Walking/Bicycle Patrols • 10 Patrols per each site mrmmum 3. Community Policing Contacts Sprmgwood Apartments • 100 people minimum Valli Kee Homes . 25 people minimum 4. On-view Contacts/investigations a 10 minimum 5. Self-initiated field Activities (prevention . 10 minimum /Mediation/intervention) 6. Enforcement Contacts /Patrol Assists . As they occur Traffic Reports /Follow Ups etc 7. Crime Prevention activities • On-going Coordinate, tram and support the activities . At least 1 activity per quarter per site of on site recreation, social services programs, serving a minimum of 15 residents resident council and KCHA 8. Crime Prevention, Security and Safety e Provide Housing Staff- 1 program per Education Programs semester or work 1 on 1 with staff 9. Advise KCHA in the planing and a As requested implementation of other security programs 10.Home Safety / Security Surveys for residents at Sprmgwood and Valli Kee . 1-2 per Quarter 11.Childhood Safety / Crime Prevention Program at Sprmgwood and Valli Kee . 2 per Year per site 12.Youth Prevention Activities at Spnngwood and Valli Kee • 1 per Quarter per site King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department Exhibit A—Scope of Work Page 2 of 3 EXHIBIT A - SCOPE OF WORK THE CITY OF KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT 13.Apartment watch meetings or other prevention activities at Spnngwood and Valli Kee • 1 per Quarter per site 14. Coordination and Communication: • On going Attend Resident Council Meetings and maintain communication lines with resident leaders 15.The Agency will coordinate support efforts . As needed with other social service agencies, schools, lob support and health care providers serving resident families and make referrals for services 16.Reporting: Outcome-based program . As needed or as requested by DEG reports and data information to the Drug Coordinator Elimination Coordinator 17.Report to Housing management all police . As needed concerns, incidents of drugs and drug related crime occurrences, and non-emergency criminal activities in the communities Coordinate crime reduction efforts, 18.Respond to Housing Management written As requested requests for services or information and provide requested public information which deals with criminal activity in the King County Housing Authority communities 19.Provide Housing Management with a On-going calendar of officer's monthly schedules 20.Attend all Team ' meetings to plan, On-going coordinate and schedule programs, problem- solve, and maintain project commumcation King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department Exhibit A—Scope of Work Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT B - PROJECT BUDGET AND INVOICE SCHEDULE THE CITY OF KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT PROJECT BUDGET: Service Activity: Amount Allocated: Springwood Police Substation: community policing services for residents of Springwood Apartments and Valli Kee Homes in $84,452 00 Kent Total Contract Value: $84,452 00 INVOICE SCHEDULE: Invoices for payment shall be submitted for each of the Contract Months listed below no later than ten(10) days after the end of the Contract Month The value of the reimbursement requested shall be based upon the schedule provided below The total value of reimbursement requested during this Contract Period shall not exceed the value of this Contract for this Contract Period Contract Month Invoice Due Reimbursement Schedule December 1999 January 10, 2000 $7,037 66 January 2000 February 10, 2000 $7,037 66 February 2000 March I O, 2000 $7,037 66 March 2000 April 10, 2000 $7,037 66 April 2000 May 10, 2000 $7,037 66 May 2000 June 10, 2000 $7,037 66 June 2000 July 10, 2000 $7,037 66 July 2000 August 10, 2000 $7,037 66 August 2000 September 10, 2000 $7,037 66 September 2000 October 10, 2000 $7,037 66 October 2000 November 10, 2000 $7,037 66 November 2000 December 10, 2000 $7,037 74 Total Contract Value $84,452.00 King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department Exhibit B—Project Budget and Invoice Schedule Page I of 1 EXHIBIT C -REPORTING REQUIREMENTS THE CITY OF KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Monthly Narrative Reports: The Agency shall submit Narrative Reports, providing overviews of project progress and achievements, to KCHA no later than ten (10) days after the close of each Contract Month The format for the Narrative Reports is attached as Exhibit F Monthly Resident Contact Data Reports: The Agency shall submit a Resident Contact Data Report, providing demographic information regarding program participants receiving services during the reporting period, to KCHA no later than ten (10) days after the close of each Contract Month The format for the Resident Contact Data Report is attached as Exhibit E Monthly Invoices: The Agency shall submit Invoices to KCHA no later than ten (10) days after the close of each Contract Month. as described within the Project Budget and Invoice Schedule (see Exhibit B) The Invoice format is attached as Exhibit D Schedule of Program Activities: The Agency shall submit to KCHA a written Schedule of Program Activities regarding the services and activities supported through this Contract The Agency shall notify KCHA in wntmg of changes to this schedule Insurance: Certification(s) of insurance coverage as required by the social services contract shall be delivered to the Contracting Officer of KCHA before execution of the Contract Information regarding insurance requirements is provided in Exhibit H Copy of Grievance Procedure: If available, the Agency shall provide a copy of the Agency's written client grievance procedure to KCHA within fifteen (15) days of the execution of the Contract Section 3 Certification Form: The Agency shall submit a Section 3 Certification Form to KCHA semi-annually, beginning within ten (10) working days of execution of this Contract Information regarding Section 3 requirements is provided in Exhibit G and the Section 3 Certification Form is attached as Exhibit G-1 Taxpayer Identification and Certification: The Agency shall submit to KCHA a completed W-9 "Request for Taxpayer Identification and Certification"Form with the executed Contract Monitoring and Coordination: At least once during the duration of this Contract, KCHA will visit the Agency to monitor contract progress The Agency shall be expected to work as a team member and coordinate efforts with KCHA on-site management, KCHA Resident Services staff and other service providers King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department Exhibit C—Reporting Requirements Page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT D—INVOICE FORMAT THE CITY OF KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Contract Number: 625-2000-0008 Name and Address of Contractor: The City of Kent Police Department Spnngwood Apartments/Valli Kee Homes Community Policing 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 Contract Month: ❑ December 1999 ❑ June 2000 ❑ January 2000 ❑ July 2000 ❑ February 2000 ❑ August 2000 ❑ March 2000 ❑ September 2000 ❑ April 2000 ❑ October 2000 ❑ May 2000 ❑ November 2000 Amount Requested this Contract Month: Total Amount of Contract Budget $84,452 00 Reimbursement to Date Amount Requested this Contract Month: Balance Invoice Prepared and Submitted By: Name Title SIGNATURE Date Coding : 175-4230-105-625-080 King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department Exhibit D-Invoice Format Page 1 of 1 .y m m � » ° z a Ali » n £k4fiX" N i U' a -1 { Q t^m N t't CiY yw�- 41 'XI Q i+ +m *lactt m m " m - D � m 34 `G S O D o 2O1 .�'.I»I.�." 4 Nq Q `,' ~ , O y� vi 6ffi3� (7 N V W ' yy W i tF3" Or , � � e� o � � a � e � aao eaves ���jnm � J�d � w � � my � , aaa g t«, C" 0o as c w m a ° L•t e ° m .�. � +!1 A F 6 m RA ' h k .."t-` m x r 5 55 a mdo L i >s mm -0z z D C m Pr N Z f� ? 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J m i b �+ O W e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o c o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • EXHIBIT F—MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT FORMAT THE CITY OF KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT: Service Activity: Kent Police Department Springwood Substation and Community Policing Please provide a brief summary of program activities, addressing the following issues for the service activities described within this Contract 1. Highlights: Describe highlights of program activities and accomplishments 2. Performance Standards: Please describe progress toward the accomplishment of program objectives and standards Also, please describe any performance standard(s) not on target and provide explanation 3. Crime Reduction Outcomes: Please describe examples of successful changes in crime trends in your communities What lessons have you learned about your community policing efforts as a result of these changes 4. Problems and Program Adjustments: Please describe any major problems identified and any solutions, corrective actions and/or adjustments made to your program to address identified problems 5. Other Comments: Please provide any other comments or observations you wish REPORTING SCHEDULE: This Monthly Narrative Report should be submitted to KCHA no later than ten(10) days after the close of each Contract Month Contract Month Report Due December 1999 January 10, 2000 January 2000 February 10, 2000 February 2000 March 10, 2000 March 2000 April 10,2000 April 2000 May 10, 2000 May 2000 June 10, 2000 June 2000 July 10, 2000 July 2000 August 10, 2000 August 2000 September 10, 2000 September 2000 October 10,2000 October 2000 November 10, 2000 November 2000 December 10, 2000 King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department Exhibit F—Monthly Narrative Report Format Page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT G - SECTION 3 CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS THE CITY OF KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Purpose of Section 3 Requirements: The work to be performed under this Contract is on a project subject to the requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U S C 1701u (Section 3) The purpose of Section 3 is to ensure that employment and other economic opportunities generated by HUD assistance or HUD-assisted projects covered by Section 3, shall, to the greatest extent feasible, be directed to low- and very low-income persons, particularly persons who are recipients of HUD assistance for housing The parties to this Contract agree to comply with HUD's regulations in 24 CFR Part 135, which implements Section 3 As evidenced by their execution of this Contract, the parties to this Contract certify that they are under no contractual or other impediment that would prevent them from complying with the Part 135 regulations Agency Requirements: The Agency agrees to send to each labor organization or representative of workers with which the Agency has a collective bargaining agreement or other understanding, if any, a notice advising the labor organization or workers' representative of the Agency's commitments under this Section 3 clause, and will post copies of the notice in conspicuous places at the work site where both employees and applicants for training and employment positrons can see the notice The notice shall describe the Section 3 preference, shall set forth minimum number and job titles subject to hire, availability of apprenticeship and training positrons, the qualifications for each, and the name and location of the person(s) taking applications for each of the positrons, and the anticipated date the work shall begin The Agency agrees to include this Section 3 clause in every subcontract subject to compliance with regulations in 24 CFR Part 135, and agrees to take appropriate action, as provided in an applicable provision of the subcontract or in this Section 3 clause, upon a finding that the subcontractor is in violation of the regulations in 24 CFR Part 135 The Agency will not subcontract with any subcontractor where the Agency has notice or knowledge that the subcontractor has been found in violation of regulations in 24 CFR Part 135 The Agency will certify that any vacant employment positions, including training positions, that are filled (1) after the Agency is selected but before the Contract is executed, and (2) with persons other than those to whom the regulations of 24 CFR Part 135 require employment opportunities to be directed, were not filled to circumvent the Agency's obligations under 24 CFR Part 135 The Agency shall submit a Section 3 Certification form (see Exhibits G-1 and G-2 [Section 3 Certification Forms] and Exhibit C [Reporting Requirements]) Non-Compliance: Non-compliance with HUD's regulations in 24 CFR Part 135 may result in sanctions, termination of this Contract for default, and debarment or suspension from future HUD assisted contracts King County Housing Authority and TheCity of Kent Police Department Exhibit G-Section 3 Certification Requirements Page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT G-1 -- SECTION 3 CERTIFICATION FORM (AGENCY) THE CITY OF KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT ilk KING COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY SECTION 3 CERTIFICATION FORM (Agency to return this Section 3 Certification Form ONLY) Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Act of 1968, as amended, requires that Housing Authorities and agencies receiving HUD funding encourage, to the greatest extent possible, the hiring of low-income persons To this end, we ask that you provide the following information Based on the chart below, were any of your current staff s income, for at least one of the past three years, at or below the low-income limit listed for his or her household (circle one)9 YES NO If YES, were any of these individual(s) Housing Authority Resident(s) (circle one)? YES NO If YES, how many? Family Low-Income Limits (per year) For King or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Snohomish Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Counties Income in $ 33,450 38,250 43,000 47,800 51,600 55,450 59,250 63,100 For Pierce 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 County Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Income m $ 27,400 31,300 35,200 39,100 42,250 45,400 1 48,500 1 51,650 I certify that of my staff, for at least one of the immediate past three years, has/have been at or below the low-income level as designated above Signature Date Title King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department Exhibit G-1 - Section 3 Certification Form(Agency) Page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT G-2 -- SECTION 3 CERTIFICATION FORM (OPERATIVES) THE CITY OF KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT ilk KING COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY SECTION 3 CERTIFICATION FORM (To be distributed to operatives of the Agency directly connected with the provision of contracted services) Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Act of 1968, as amended, requires that Housing Authorities and agencies receiving HUD funding, to the greatest extent possible, direct that funding to businesses that provide economic opportunities to low-income persons To this end, we ask that you provide the following information Name Address Date of Hiring Housing Authority Resident (circle one)? YES NO Based on the chart below, please indicate whether your income, for at least one of the past three years, was at or below the low-income limit listed for your household My income level, for at least one of the past three years, was at or below the low-income limit (circle one) YES NO Family Low-Income Limits (per year) For King or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Snohomish Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Counties Income in $ 33,450 38,250 43,000 47,800 51,600 55,450 59,250 63,100 For Pierce 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 County Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Person Income in $ 1 27,400 1 31,300 1 35,200 1 39,100 1 42,250 45,400 1 48,500 51,650 I certify that my income, for at least one of the immediate past three years, has been at or below the low-income level as designated above Signature Date Title King County Housing Authority and The City of Kent Police Department Exhibit G-2 -Section 3 Certification Form(Operatives) Page I of t ERIBIT H—INSURANCE REQUIREONTS THE CITY OF KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Requirements for Insurance: The Agency shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the Agency's operation and use of the leased premises All insurance shall be carried with companies which are financially responsible and admitted to do business in the State of Washington The cost of such insurance shall be borne by the Agency Required Insurance Coverage: Commercial General Liability Commercial General Liability coverage with a mmimum coverage of $1,000,000 00 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this premises or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit Professional Liability Insurance (If required) The Agency shall maintain or ensure that its professional employees or contractors maintain professional liability insurance in the event that services delivered pursuant to this Contract, either directly or indirectly, involve providing professional services Such professional liability insurance shall be maintained in an amount not less than $1,000,000 00 combined single limit per claim/aggregate For the purpose of this paragraph, "professional services" shall mean any services provided by a physician, licensed psychologist, or other licensed professional General Liability and Automobile Liability The Agency's general liability and automobile liability policies must have a minimum coverage of$1,000,000 per occurrence and are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following clauses (1) KCHA, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds with respect to liability arising out of ownership, maintenance or use of that part of the premises leased to the Agency (2) The Agency's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects KCHA, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by KCHA, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Agency's insurance and shall not contribute with it (3) Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be canceled or materially changed, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to KCHA Maintenance of Insurance Maintenance of the proper insurance for the duration of the Contract is a material element of the Contract Material changes in the required coverage or cancellation of the coverage shall constitute a material breach of the Contract Certificates of Insurance and Endorsements: The Agency and each subcontractor shall furnish KCHA with certificates of insurance with endorsements showing the required insurance is in force and will insure all operations under the Contract King County Housing Authority and the City of Kent Police Department Exhibit H-Insurance Requirements Page i of 1