HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2001-0434 - Original - TMA Systems, LLC - Purchase & Install of Facility Maintenance Management System (FMMS) - 08/07/2001 vencbr� 3 -75q to Agreement Between TMA Systems and the City of Kent, WA for the Purchase and Installation of a Facility Maintenance Management System (FMMS) Gry of Kent TMA Systems Conbac! Table of Contents 1.0 DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................................................1 2.0 FINANCIAL PROVISIONS ..............................................................................................2 3.0 LICENSES...........................................................................................................................2 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES .........................................................................................................2 5.0 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT DESIGNATION.........................................................2 6.0 CHANGE IN DESIGNATED OPERATING ENVIRONMENT...................................3 7.0 ADDITIONAL LICENSES AND LICENSE FEES.........................................................3 8.0 PRODUCT FUNCTIONALITY........................................................................................3 9.0 TIMELY SERVICE AND CORRECTIONS ...................................................................3 10.0 WARRANTY.......................................................................................................................4 11.0 DAMAGES AND LIMITATION ON LIABILITY.........................................................5 12.0 INSURANCE.......................................................................................................................5 13.0 SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE...................................................................................6 14.0 TERMINATION.................................................................................................................8 15.0 ATTORNEYS' FEES............................................................... ..............................8 16.0 GOVERNING LAW...........................................................................................................9 17.0 ENTIRE AGREEMENT....................................................................................................9 EXHIBITS A Vendor's Price Proposal B. Payment Schedule C TMA Maintenance Agreement D FMMS Request for Proposal & Addendums E Vendor's RFP Response Cny of Kent 1 TMA Systems Conlrael CONTRACT BETWEEN CITY OF KENT AND TMA SYSTEMS PARTIES This Contract is entered into by and between the City of Kent, a municipal corporation under the laws of Washington State (hereinafter referred to as the "City" or"Purchaser") and TMA Systems, L.L.C, an Oklahoma Limited Liability Company (hereinafter"Vendor"), located at 6846 S Canton, Suite 510, Tulsa, OK 74136, for the purpose of providing a Facility Maintenance Management System. 1.0 Definitions Accessory Software Software delivered with the licensed software products but which require separate license with a third party prior to their use City Operating Environment Operating environment means all host computer(s), network, client, and software operating systems, database software (i e SQL Server), and any other peripheral devices necessary to operate the City's system Final Acceptance Final acceptance means the date, as determined by City, that the software product shall operate in conformity with representations made by Vendor including, but not limited to its response to RFP, the user manuals and "on-line" documentation in that order Licensed Software Product The computer programming code, including object code and any source code which may be provided, for the software programs provided by the vendor under the vendor's response to the RFP. Licensed software products do not include any accessory software Request for Proposal or RFP Request for Proposal or RFP means the City's published document seeking proposals for Enterprise Document Management Software and Implementation Services, issued on September 18, 2000. Response to RFP Response to RFP means vendor's response to City's RFP, dated October 27, 2000, together with vendor's demonstrations and supporting documentation presented at City's site Software Documentation Software documentation includes, without limitation, all media, machine readable or otherwise, including tapes, disks, diskettes,recordings,memories, chips, photos,printed or written documents, manuals of any type, and any other media containing recorded or stored information. Software Installation City of Kent TMA Systems Contract �C 1 of 1 2f Software installation means the point in time when all modules of the complete application software package have been delivered to the City's site, configured to perform correctly on the City's system, put into operation, and executed by City employees. Software Support Agreement Software support agreement means an agreement entered into between vendor and City to become effective at the expiration of the warranty period that will provide for ongoing service, maintenance, and updates of the software product and software documentation through telephone and onsite assistance. Update(s) Update(s) means program corrections, enhancements or upgrades to licensed software within the scope of City's purchase of software product and software documentation Warranty Period Warranty period means the ninety-day (90) period after final acceptance in which the vendor is responsible for service, maintenance, and update of the software product and software documentation through telephone and onsite assistance prior to any software support agreement taking effect Maintenance agreement will begin at the end of the warranty period 2.0 Financial Provisions Payment for the products and services to be provided under this agreement shall occur as established in Exhibit B, Payment Schedule. 2.1. Payment Method All payments shall be made in U S Dollars within forty-five (45) days of invoice, so long as City has accepted and approved the products and services listed on the invoice 3.0 Licenses Any software license provided under this agreement shall be guaranteed in perpetuity to the City for use at the locations designated on the Client Registration Profile 4.0 Responsibilities Vendor will provide the software product(s) and provide implementation and other services as negotiated with the City in the final contract Vendor will provide documentation which includes program specifications that describe the program setup, operation, and maintenance. 5.0 Operating Environment Designation The license granted to use the software products under this agreement will be fully operational when used on the City's operating environment The City may not use the software on a Wide Area Network or Intranet unless the City has an explicit written exception to this agreement, signed by Vendor The City may not use the software for use in a call center, act as a service bureau or provide processing of third party data unless the City has an explicit written exception to this license, signed by Vendor City of Kent TMA Systems Contract 2of2 Y l 6.0 Chanpe in Desii;nated Operatin¢Environment 6.1. City City may change its designated operating environment at any time without mcumng additional license fees, or the vendor shall specify other acceptable operating environment alternatives that would not incur additional fees. The City may not use the software on a Wide Area Network or Intranet unless the City has an explicit written exception to this agreement, signed by Vendor The City may not use the software for use in a call center, act as a service bureau or provide processing of third party data unless the City has an explicit written exception to this license, signed by Vendor 6.2. Vendor Support for Existinp Operating Environment Vendor will provide all identified support levels for the City's operating environment for a minimum of five (5) years from the date the City issues its final acceptance of the Vendor's software. 7.0 Additional Licenses and License Fees If the City increases the number of concurrent users until the expiration of the warranty period, customer will pay additional license fees at the same rate as the initial license fees 8.0 Product Functionality 8.1. Functionality The vendor's software application shall provide the following functionality. ♦ Functionality documented in the vendor's response to RFP. ♦ Functionality documented in any amendments to vendor's resr to RFP ♦ Functionality demonstrated during the product demon, s as described in the City's RFP. ♦ Functionality documented in the vendor's software documentation. ♦ Functionality documented as part of this contract 8.2. Alterine Functionality In the course of updating or enhancing the software application,the vendor may alter an application's functionality in accordance with the Maintenance Agreement. 9.0 Timely Service and Corrections 9.1. Timely and Professional Service Vendor services shall be performed in a timely and professional manner Vendor further represents that the services furnished under this agreement will be performed in accordance with industry practices in effect at the time those services are performed City of Kent TMA Systems Contract 3of3 J 4.2. Defects Corrections Throughout implementation and during the terms of all support and maintenance agreements, including all renewal periods, vendor will correct all defects to the extent those defects originate from the acts or omissions of vendor's products or personnel 10.0 Warranty 10.1. Title Warranty Vendor warrants that is has full title and ownership of the software products and other products Vendor further w arrants that is has the full power and authority to grant the license(s) granted by this agreement to the City and that the license to and the use by the City of the software products and other products in no way constitute an infringement or other violation of any copyright, trade secret, trademark, patent or other proprietary right of any third party. 10.2. Merchantability and Fitness Warranty Vendor represents and warrants that the software product(s), other products and software documentation will be merchantable and will be fit for the particular purposes established in City's RFP and vendor's response to City's RFP 10.3. Ninety Day Express Warranty Vendor warrants that for ninety (90) days after purchase of the license by The City, the software shall reasonably conform to the standards defined in the Documentation The sole and exclusive remedy for a failure of the software to perform in accordance with the Documentation is for The City to notify VENDOR in writing of the nonperformance within ninety (90) days of purchase Vendor sole obligation shall be to provide The City with a performing copy of the software within a reasonable time after receiving notification of nonperformance Any replacement software provided under this limited warranty will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer THE FOREGOING STATES THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES FOR VENDOR BREACH OF WARRANTY THE LIMITED WARRANTY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT GIVES THE CITY SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS THE CITY MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS, WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE OR JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION 10.4. Virus Warranty Vendor warrants that the software product(s) or other products do not contain any malicious code, program, or other internal component (e g , computer virus, computer worm, computer time bomb, or similar component), that could damage, destroy, or alter any computer program, firmware, or hardware or which could in any manner, reveal, damage destroy, or alter any data or other information accessed through or processed by the software product(s) or other products in any manner Vendor shall immediately advise the City, in writing, upon reasonable suspicion or actual knowledge that the software product(s) or other products may result in the harm described above 10.5. Maintenance Warranty Vendor warrants that it will maintain the software product(s), other products and software documentation, including all updates, so that the software product(s), other products and software documentation will operate in conformity with all improvements, additions, or modifications of the software installed at City's site or sites for a period of not less than five (5) City of Kent TMA Systems Contrw 4 of 4 years from the date of City's final acceptance of all software products, other products and software documentation providing the City's Maintenance Agreement is in effect Vendor warranty is defined in the Maintenance Agreement 10.6. Indemnification Vendor will indemnify and hold harmless the City against any liabilities, claims, or demands that may be made by any third person for infringement by, or alleged infringement by, Vendor of any U S third party Mark, or any U S Patent issues as of or after the effective date of this Agreement, or any claim of Copyright Infringement Provided, however, that (1) The City shall have given Licensor prompt written notice of such claim, suit, demand, or action; (2)The City shall cooperate with Licensor in the defense and settlement thereof; and (3)Licensor agrees to cure an infringement by obtaining the nght for the City to use the item or designing a replacement item that does not infringe upon the rights of the third party 11.0 Damages and Limitation on Liability VENDOR'S TOTAL LIABILITY HEREUNDER FOR ALL DAMAGES, LOSSES, AND CAUSES OF ACTION WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), OR OTHERWISE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS LICENSE, IN NO EVENT, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, WILL VENDOR OR ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY LOSS OF DATA OR LOST PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF VENDOR OR ITS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY 12.0 Insurance Vendor shall procure and maintain for the duration of this agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may anse from or in connection with the performance of the work by the vendor, their agents, representatives or employees. Insurance verification is to be provided by vendor. 12.1. Automobile Liability Automobile liability insurance (including commercial automobile liability insurance) covering all owned, non-owned, hired, leased vehicles Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed 12.2. General Liability General Liability insurance shall cover liability ansing from premises, operations, products- completed operations, independent contractors and personal injury and advertising injury. The City shall be named as an additional insured under the vendor's General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City. City of Kent TMA Systems Contract „/ 5 of 5 1�:,�/yY�j- 12.3. Deductible Any payment of deductible or self-insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of vendor. 12.4. Endorsement The City, its officers, officials, employees, and agents shall be named as an additional insured on the insurance policy, as respects work performed by or on behalf of the vendor. The vendor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of amendatory additional insured endorsements. 12.5. Coverage Vendor's insurance shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability 12.6. Primary Vendor's insurance shall be primary insurance as respects the City, and ghMl be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party except after thi, , „lar days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to ifie City of any cancellation, suspension or material change in coverage 12.7. Failure A failure to provide insurance coverage and written acceptance of the tendered policy shall be deemed to constitute a material breach of contract by vendor The City reserves the right to then award the contract to another bidder In order to protect the public interest and notwithstanding any provisions herein to the contrary, vendor's failure to comply with any provision in this section shall subject the contract to immediate termination without notice and without recourse by any person 13.0 Support and Maintenance Vendor will also enter into a software maintenance services agreement with the City that will enable the software system to perform in accordance with this agreement, the City's RFP, the vendors response to RFP, and other identified documentation, including amendments or addenda that may be issued from time to time This software maintenance services agreement will go into effect at the conclusion of the applicable warranty period. Unless sooner terminated in accordance with Section 10 of the Maintenance Agreement, this Agreement shall continue in effect for (1) year renewal terms Agreement will be deemed renewed if payment of renewal invoice is made within thirty (30) days after the start of the renewal term If payment is not made within sixty (60) days after the start of the renewal term, Vendor will cease providing maintenance services to the City and this Agreement will automatically terminate without further responsibility on The City or Licensor City of Rent TMA Systems Contr¢ct „! 6of6 During the tetra of this maintenance agreement, vendor will provide, at a minimum, the following software maintenance services: ♦ All new releases of the software product(s) ♦ All software system modifications, updates and revision ♦ All software system improvements ♦ All functional problem resolutions to the software product(s) ♦ All software documentation modifications, updates and revisions ♦ Telephone support during the hours of 6 00 a m and 0 p m , Pacific Time, Monday through Friday, excluding national holidays 3,proem_ 9PS ♦ All support services listed in the license agreement, the City's RFP and the vendor's response to RFP Vendor shall correct, within a reasonable period of time, any material reproducible error or malfunction in the System The City agrees to notify Vendor of any such material error or malfunction in the System immediately upon The City's detection If the City, in its discretion, requests written verification of a material error or malfunction discovered by the City, the City shall immediately provide such verification, by facsimile transmission or overnight mail, setting forth in reasonable detail the respects in which the System fails to perform Vendor agrees to commence correction within eight (8) business hours after receiving notice from the City of such material error or malfunction An error or malfunction shall be "material" if it represents a material nonconformity with Vendor's current published specifications for the System and Vendor, in its discretion, deterrmnes (and notifies the City) that such error or malfunction unreasonably restricts the City's use of the System City of Kent TMA Systems Contract ri<' 7of7 (`jtf� J 14.0 Termination 14.1. Vendor's Right to Terminate The vendor may terminate this agreement if the City fails to make timely payment as provided in this agreement, so long as the vendor has first provided the City with written notice of that default and the default has not been corrected within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt of vendor's written notice of default. 14.2. City's Right to Terminate This agreement and the license granted hereunder may be terminated by the City if the vendor is in default of any provisions of this agreement, so long as the default is not corrected within thirty (30) calendar days of the receipt of written notice of the default from the City For the purposes of this Section 15 1, "default" shall include, without limitation, any failure to abide by the terms or conditions of this agreement including the City's RFP and vendor's response to RFP, together with any of the instances of the following ♦ Vendor defaults on any of the terms of its contract with the City; ♦ Vendor ceases its ongoing business operations, ♦ Vendor stops maintenance support of the software module in question; ♦ Vendor fails to perform the contract in a timely fashion, ♦ Vendor suffers any act of insolvency, or ♦ Vendor fails to maintain technical staff capable of supporting or modifying the software system. 14.3. Termination for Convenience The City may terminate this agreement, including all related agreements (e g. maintenance agreements, etc ) in whole, or from time to time in part, whenever the vendor is prevented from proceeding with the project work by reason of a preliminary, special, or permanent restraining order from a court of competent jurisdiction where the issuance of such restraining order is primarily caused by either acts or omissions of the vendor or by acts or omissions of persons or agencies other than the vendor 14.4. Claims Any claim for damages incurred by either party resulting from breach of this agreement by the other party shall survive termination The remedies provided herein shall not be deemed exclusive but shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to all other remedies provided by law and equity No delay or orr ssion in the exercise of any remedy herein provided or otherwise available to vendor shall impair or affect its right to exercise the same 15.0 Attornevs' Fees Subject to the indemnification and limitation of vendor's liability provisions set forth in this agreement, if any action or suit is brought with respect to a matter or matters covered by this City of Kent TMA Systems Contract 8of8 � agreement, each party shall be responsible for all its own costs and expenses incident to such proceedings, including reasonable attorneys' fees 16.0 Governing Law The construction and performance of this agreement shall be governed exclusively by the Washington State Uniform Commercial Code, Title 62A Revised Code of Washington, and other laws of the State of Washington without regard to the conflict of laws provisions thereof If parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference or claim ansing from the parties'performance of this agreement, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference or claim shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court located in Kent, King County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process 17.0 Entire Agreement The terms and conditions outlined, together with City's RFP and vendor's Response to RFP constitutes the entire agreement between vendor and City and shall not be modified or rescinded except in writing, signed by both parties In the case of inconsistencies or disputes among this agreement, the City's RFP, and the vendor's response to RFP, the following order of precedence shall prevail in descending order of priority 1) This agreement and any written and fully signed amendments thereto. 2) TMA Maintenance Agreement 3) The City's RFP and any written amendments thereto 4) The vendor's response to RFP and any authorized written amendments or clarifications thereto If any terms or conditions of this agreement are invalid under any applicable statute or rule of law, they are to that extent to be deemed omitted and the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired City of Kent 9of9 TMA Systems Con,"1 4 d' In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto, having read this Contract in its entirety, including all attachments, do agree in each and every particular and have thus set their hands hereunto APPROVED APPROVED City of Kent, Washington TMA Systems SIGNATURE SIGNATURE DATE DATE D(o Av6uc,'F O Q';/w "' , Jaws P_ S, 'j k� Jt hite �^ 7_ O I NAME _ M or TITLE VP Sh l-(; S APPROVED AAS TO F gRM: / _U l(A vim_ SIGNATURE DATE Sze M. a4UP AKefL NAME �.Ly Attorney Cary of Kent TMA Systems Contract _ 10 of 10 @ @ @ @ @ @ C� / 00 \ _ _ m m m m e / _ @ @ @ @ E ) / k / k / } 7 e ^ e cq m \ ? * � e / / \ ) \ m « $ 5 cl § � 9 � � \ � 2 g ) 5 ] ( § , \ § @ 7 § \ ) ± 7 \ �� 0 0 0 0 in v 00 0 0 00 00 o M M fl O H3 ss ey ^" 2 � U O T H � O O O N N � O 69 U M M N R A QGoro ' ^ E •y y cl 3y — � 3g _ � � Y = onot 7 = u w r 2 m ,� C iC b 3 N pC In, o O o G C G U O G U C i.. a�i c ccc g m w � �., .d o L ca G 0 a u _ � � > Q aY k N m to a u 3 cCd o v F c = a b > G h y a %� E L oc v eq bU .�. n c ti U bU O C ce N c=C y p a 3 y u .>, c cui en p bA >, C Z, r L 'b bq ++ U C w - u y ro ❑ G „`�, U m C, C V] 'b .,� --n y C U w n � 3bC° 03 ° 0 , u � C y C > y H w 0 q Le) >, Z o C °C ° a y v c d � COO M V)� ° y U m O F y �, C F =.�O 'N" 4 c7 Q L o co = aoav° fw Cn] w ro = > Ln a ,p � " ca � Gacvn W •.+ m vai 3 5 C ° 3 3 i.. n. o h V G Pr •Vi =" "3 d Ctl v a o c E v F E V] � cd L' m .� O Y O CYi kn A �!.' V ,l iC Lei A F'� W F N U 4 - f @ / % § ) ? / / \ - k § § \ § m r e , �� Exhibit B Payment Schedule Payment will be made after each deliverable listed below is complete. Deliverable Payment Amount Phase I $8,630 00 TMA eXpress Software Installed TMA iService Desk Software Installed TMA VrewCad Software Installed TMA DMA Software Installed Phase II $8,630 00 TMA eXpress Software passed final acceptance testing TMA iService Desk Software passed final acceptance testing TMA V]eWCAD Software passed final acceptance testing TMA DMA Software passed final acceptance testing *Implementation Services Complete $ 4,785 00 *Traming Services Complete $ 4,785 00 *Data Conversion Services Complete $ 3,600 00 TMA Gold Annual Support Plan — Initiated after all $ 2,589 00 software modules have passed final acceptance testing Total Payments $ 33,019 00 * Payment for professional services will be limited to actual services rendered. Associated travel expenses will be limited to actual expenses incurred not to exceed $500 per day per person rendering services onsite at the City and will be billed separately. City of Kent TMA Systems Contract B-1 of 1 Exhibit C TMA Maintenance Agreement City of Kent TMA Systems Contract ( a MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT THIS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement"), made and entered into this 3rd day of August, 2001 by and between TMA Systems, LLC, an Oklahoma corporation having principal offices at 6846 South Canton, Suite 510, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136 (the "Licensor"), and City of Kent, a municipal corporation having principal offices at 220 41° Ave S, Kent, Washington 98032(the "Licensee") PRELIMINARY STATEMENT Licensor owns or otherwise has the right to license TMA Express, which consists of a computer software program in machine-readable form and related user documentation (collectively, referred to as the "System") A TMA Systems, L L C License Agreement of even date separately executed by the parties grants Licensee a right and license in and to the System LICENSOR AND LICENSEE, INTENDING TO BE LEGALLY BOUND, AGREE AS FOLLOWS Section 1 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 1.1 Licensor shall provide to Licensee all modifications to the System in the form of fixes and further releases that Licensor makes generally available to all end-users Such modifications shall be released at least once each calendar year 1.2 Such modifications, when delivered, shall become part of the System, shall be maintained in accordance with this Agreement, and shall otherwise be subject to all of the terms of the TMA Systems, L L C License Agreement Section 2 ERROR CORRECTION 2.1 Licensor shall correct, within a reasonable period of time, any material reproducible error or malfunction in the System Licensee agrees to notify Licensor of any such material error or malfunction in the System immediately upon Licensee's detection If Licensor, in its discretion, requests written verification of a material error or malfunction discovered by Licensee, Licensee shall immediately provide such verification, by facsimile transmission or overnight mail, setting forth in reasonable detail the respects in which the System fails to perform Licensor agrees to commence correction within eight (8)business hours after receiving notice from Licensee of such material error or malfunction An error or malfunction shall be "material" if it represents a material nonconformity with Licensor's current published specifications for the System and Licensee, in its discretion, determines (and notifies Licensor) that such error or malfunction unreasonably restricts Licensee's use of the System. 2.2 Licensee shall reimburse Licensor at Licensor's then-current time and material rates for all work of Licensor spent investigating an error or malfunction that Licensor reasonably determines to have been caused by a modification to the System that was neither made nor authorized by Licensor 5-FMT-00 1158 �j Section 3 TELEPHONE SUPPORT Licensor shall, during the hours of 8 00 a m to 5 00 p m CST on weekdays (exclusive of holidays), make reasonable telephone support available to Licensee's Project Leader and other personnel of Licensee who have been fully trained by Licensor in the use of the System Section 4 OTHER MODIFICATIONS Licensee may at any time request that Licensor make additional modifications to the System to add functions or improve performance Licensor shall, within sixty (60) days after receiving Licensee's request in writing, take one of the following actions, in Licensor's sole discretion. 1 Notify Licensee that Licensor has determined that the modification would be of sufficient interest to enough end-users that Licensor intends to provide such modification as part of its regular maintenance service Such notice shall specify an estimated date on which the modification may be supplied 2 Notify Licensee that Licensor has determined that the modification will be undertaken only on an individual basis and provide Licensee with a written estimate of the charges for perfomung such modification If Licensee accepts Licensor's proposal by written notice, Licensor agrees to perform the modification for the estimated charges plus out-of-pocket expenses for travel and materials Should Licensee revise its request for modification after Licensee accepts Licensors estimate, Licensee acknowledges that Licensor may impose additional charges, calculated at its then-current time and material rates, for work performed to accommodate those revisions 3 Notify the Licensee that Licensor has determined that the modification is not technically feasible Section 5 DELIVERY In order to satisfy any delivery obligation hereunder, Licensoi its option, send Licensee a single copy of any modification, error correction, fix, or release to icm, together with instructions for Licensee's installation and implementation thereof Section 6 CHARGES 6.1 Licensee shall pay Licensor an agreed upon annual maintenance fee The first such annual fee for the 12-month period commencing on the date Licensee accepts installation of the System shall be due and payable ninety (90)days after such acceptance 5-FMT-00 1158 ( � 6.2 At least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the initial term or any renewal term of maintenance services, Licensor shall send to Licensee a renewal invoice for maintenance services for the subsequent twelve (12) month period Each subsequent annual maintenance fee shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days of the beginning of each such 12-month period If payment is not made within sixty (60) days of the start of any renewal term, Licensor will cease providing maintenance services to Licensee and this Agreement will automatically terriunate without further responsibility on Licensor After the initial 12-month period, Licensor may increase the annual maintenance fee by an amount no greater than 10% of the current annual maintenance cost In no event will Licensor increase the annual maintenance fee other than on an anniversary of any 12-month period,except if additional Licensor software options or users are added to the System 6.3 Licensee agrees to pay all agreed upon charges resulting from additional functions, improved performance, or other modifications provided to Licensee at Licensee's specific request. 6.4 Licensee agrees to pay all agreed upon charges resulting from exceeding the recommended data specifications (Exceeding the recommended data specifications may impact data integrity) 6.5 Licensee agrees to pay when due (or reimburse Licensor, as applicable, for) any applicable sales, use, property, excise, and other similar taxes A monthly interest charge at the rate of one and one- half percent (1-1/2%) or the maximum legal rate, whichever is less, will be assessed on all charges more than thirty (30) days past due Licensee's obligation to pay the amounts due or to become due under this Section 6 0 shall be absolute and unconditional and shall not be subject to any reduction, setoff, defense, counterclaim, or deferment for any reason whatsoever. Section 7 OWNERSHIP The modifications to the System, including all intellectual property rights associated therewith, made or provided by Licensor pursuant to this Agreement, whether alone or with any contribution from Licensee or its personnel, shall be owned exclusively by Licensor To the extent Licensee or its personnel may acquire any right or interest in such modifications or associated mtellecti i iy by operation of law, Licensee irrevocably assigns all such right and interest exclusive's nsor Licensee shall maintain and enforce agreements and policies with its personnel sufficr effect to the provisions of this Section 7 Section 8 LIMITED WARRANTY 8.1 Licensor warrants that it will render its services under this Agreement in a good and workmanlike manner. 8.2 As Licensoe's sole responsibility and Licensee's exclusive remedy for any breach of subsection 8 1 above, Licensor shall make a reasonable effort to remedy any such breach reported to Licensor by Licensee within ninety (90) days following the provision of services or the date of required provision of services 5-FMT-00 1158 J' 7 8.3 EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION 8, LICENSOR MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ITS SERVICES, THE SYSTEM, THE DESIGN OR CONDITION OF THE EQUIPMENT OR ANY PROGRAMMING, OR ANY OUTPUT BASED ON USE OF THE SYSTEM LICENSOR SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE Section 9 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The total liability of Licensor (including its subcontractors and suppliers) for all claims, whether in contract, tort (including negligence and product liability), or otherwise, arising out of, connected with, or resulting from any performance or nonperformance hereunder shall not exceed the fees allocable to the service that gives rise to the claim In no event shall Licensor be liable for any incidental, consequential, indirect, or special damages, including, without limitation, damages for loss of revenue, cost of capital, claims of Licensee for service interruptions or failure of supply, and costs and expenses incurred in connection with labor, overhead, transportation, installation, or removal of equipment or programming or substitute facilities or supply sources Section 10 TERM 10.1 This Agreement shall commence on the date of Licensor's acceptance, as set forth at the end of this Agreement Unless sooner terminated in accordance with this Section 10,this Agreement shall continue in effect for (1) year renewal terms Agreement will be deemed renewed if payment of renewal invoice is made within thirty (30) days after the start of the renewal term If payment is not made within sixty (60) days after the start of the renewal term, LICENSOR will cease providing maintenance services to LICENSEE and this Agreement will automatically terminate without further responsibility on Licensee or Licensor 10.2 In addition to its termination rights set forth in Section 10 1 above,Licensor may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice of termination to Licensee upon the occurrence of any of the following events 10 2 1 Licensee defaults in the performance of any requirement or obligation created by this Agreement, the TMA Systems, L L C License Agreement, any Equipment Lease Agreement, any Equipment Purchase Agreement, or any other agreement between Licensor and Licensee, 10 2 2 Licensee fails to make any payment to Licensor within thirty (30) days of its due date, whether under this Agreement, or the TMA Systems,L L C License Agreement, 10 2 3 Licensee ceases doing business, 10 2 4 Licensee is the subject of any state or federal bankruptcy, insolvency, or similar proceeding,becomes insolvent, or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; 10 2 5 A receiver is appointed for a substantial part of Licensee's assets, 10 2 6 Licensee becomes unable to pay its debts when due, 10 2 7 Any action is taken toward the liquidation or winding up of Licensee's business, 5-FMT-001158 f 10 2 8 An agreement between Licensee and its creditors generally is entered into providing for extension or composition of Licensee's debt, or 1029 Licensee suffers a materially adverse change in its financial condition or operations 10.3 Upon and after any termination of this Agreement 103 1 Licensee, its receivers, trustees, assigns, or other representatives shall immediately cease using and shall return without delay all property belonging to Licensor, including, without limitation, all manuals and informational materials furnished by Licensor to Licensee 10 3 2 Neither Licensee nor its receivers, trustees, assigns, or other representatives shall, In advertising or otherwise, use or display any of Licensor's trademarks, trade names, or logos, or any name, mark, or logo that is confusingly similar to Licensor's trademarks 10.4 No termination of this Agreement shall release Licensee from any obligation to pay Licensor any amount that has accrued or become payable at or prior to the date of termination 10.5 All communications from Licensee relating to the termination of this Agreement shall be directed to Licensor at the address indicated on the first page of this Agreement No sales person or field representative of Licensor shall be authorized to act or make any commitment for Licensor except pursuant to written instructions made and signed by a duly appointed officer of Licensor Section 11 DELAYS The date on which Licensor's obligations are required to be fulfilled will be extended for a period equal to the time lost by reason of any delay arising directly or indirectly from (1) acts of God, unforeseeable circumstances, acts (including a delay or failure to act) of any governmental authority, war, not, revolution, fires, floods, strikes, labor disputes, sabotage, or epidemics, (2) inability due to causes beyond Licensor's reasonable control to timely obtain instructions or information from Licensee, necessary and proper labor, materials, components, facilities, or transportation The foregoing extension will apply even though such cause(s) may occur after Licensor's performance of its obligations has been delayed for other causes Section 12 GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORIZATIONS Licensee will be responsible for timely obtaining all required authorizations Licensor will not be liable if any authorization is delayed, denied, revoked, restricted, or not renewed and Licensee will not be relieved thereby of its obligations to pay Licensor under Section 6 above Section 13 NOTICES Any notice to a party required or permitted under this Agreement shall be sufficiently given only when provided in writing, and either personally delivered, sent via certified or registered marl, or sent via facsimile with hardcopy sent via regular U S Mail within three (3) business days, to the party's address indicated herein Licensee shall promptly give Licensor notice of any address change 5-FMT-00 1158 W Section 14 MISCELLANEOUS The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with provisions of this Agreement This Agreement shall obligate and benefit the parties, their personal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns Licensor may assign all or any part of this Agreement, but no assignment or transfer of any interest in this Agreement may be made by Licensee without the prior written consent of Licensor In the event that any portion of this Agreement is held unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions being shall remain in full force and effect and the parties shall negotiate in good faith a substitute provision which most nearly effects the parties' intent in entering into this Agreement This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Washington Licensee herein consents to venue and jurisdiction of both the state and federal courts of King County, Washington Any lawsuit seeking to enforce or interpret the terms of this Agreement shall be brought in the state or federal courts located in King County, Washington This Agreement constitutes the complete and entire agreement between the parties concerning the subject matter of the present transaction and supersedes any prior representations, understanding, communications, commitments, agreements or proposals, oral or written, concerning such transaction No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless made in writing and signed by Licensor and Licensee. Any piovisions in any purchase order, quotation, acknowledgment or other forms or contract documents applicable to any service, performance, purchase, or other transaction that are inconsistent, or in conflict, with any of the provisions of this Agreement or the TMA Systems, L L C License Agreement will be ineffective and inapplicable, unless the inconsistent or conflicting provisions are in a written agreement dated subsequent to the effective date of this Agreement and signed by Licensor. By execution hereof, the person signing for Licensee below certifies that he/she has read this Agreement and that he/she is duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of Licensee IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives as of the day and year first above written LICENSOR TMA SYSTEMS, L L C LICENSEE City of Kent By `4 Y° By Authorized Signature Aut razed Signature Name Jim Sinko Name. hm Whtte Title Vice President, Sales Title Mayor m 2000,TMA Systems,L L C MA0400 2 5-FMT-00 1158 QS CY' Exhibit D FMMS Request for Proposal & Addendums City of Kent TMA Systems Contract v d City of Kent Computerized Maintenance Man',,, '�vstem Request for Proposal 40\..47 • KENT WASHINGTON V City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Table of Contents Section Page 1. General Information and Background . ............ . .... . . ... .. . ......... .. .................... .1 1 1 Intent of City 1 12 Key Objectives 1 1 3 Prime Contractor 3 14 Partial Solutions 3 15 Background Information 3 2 Procurement Process ....... ... . .. ........... .. ... .. . .............. ......... ........................9 2 1 Procurement Schedule 9 2 2 RFP Communications ................ 9 2 3 Summary of RFP Process 11 2 4 Proposal Process 14 3. Vendor Instructions ...... ...... . .... ..... . .... . .................. .. ................. .17 3 1 Proposal Format 17 3 2 Response to Questionnaires 20 4. Maintenance Management Questionnaire. ... .... ...... .. .......... . . ..................... ........21 4 1 Preventive Maintenance Scheduling 21 4 2 Facility Equipment Inventory Management 23 4 3 Work Order Management ... 24 4 4 Parts Inventory Management 26 5 Facility/Space Management Questionnaire. ...... ..... . ..... .. . ................................ .... .28 5 1 Physical Asset Management 28 5 2 Facility/Space Management 29 5 3 Project Management 31 6 Technology Questionnaire .. .. ... .. . ... ..... ... .. ........... . .................. ............. 33 6 1 Overall Requirements 33 6 2 Operating Environment 33 6 3 Customization 34 6 4 Security 35 6 5 Support 36 6 6 Reporting 37 6 7 Interfaces 38 6 8 Other Third Party Products 39 6 9 Product Vision 39 U Section Page 7 Implementation Questionnaire.. . . .. ..... .. .. ....... ....... . ...... ..... ......... ..... . ..... 49 7 1 Implementation Methodology 40 7 2 Implementation Team Size 41 7 3 Training 1 41 7 4 Post-Implementation Support 41 7 5 Implementation Customer Reference 43 Appendix A—Vendor Response Forms Vendor Profile A- 1 Vendor Authorization A-4 Subcontractor Identification A- 6 Software Customer Reference A-7 Cost Model Instructions A-S Year 2000 Compliance Statement A- 10 Non-Collusion Certificate A- 12 Equal Employment Opportunity Declaration A- 13 Exhibit 1 A- 14 Appendix B—Mandatory Contract Provisions Mandatory Contract Provisions B - 1 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal 1. GENERAL INFORMATION AND BACKGROUND The City of Kent, hereinafter referred to as the "City", is seeking proposals for a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) and Facility Management Information System (FMIS) The overall scope of the Request for Proposal (RFP) is to select a Vendor to provide the application software that best meets the functional, data, interface, technical, and Vendor requirements addressed within this document, as well as services to support the software unplementation 1.1. Intent of City The City of Kent intends to acquire software and implementation services to perform the following functions Table I-RFP Functions Maintenance Mgmt. Facility Mgrnt. Preventive Maintenance (Required) Asset Management(Required) Facility Equipment Inventory (Required) Facility/Space Management(Required) Work Order Management (Required) Project Management (Required) Parts Inventory Mgmt (Required) Server hardware and operating systems are not included in this RFP, nor are they to be included in proposals Vendors are encouraged to submit solutions to the following if such solutions are not embedded in proposed product suite. ♦ Reporting Tools (sophisticated reporting solution is required) ♦ Web-based solutions (optional) ♦ PDA Solutions using non-proprietary hardware Vendors must submit responses for all required modules (listed above), along with implementation services, in a single proposal 1.2. Key Objectives The City has defined several key objectives that are important to the organization and critical to the success of this project The City desires to purchase and implement a CMMS/FMIS system, either as an integrated system or as two separate systems that can be fully integrated The focus will be to first implement CMMS General Information and Background 1 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal capabilities and then proceed to FMIS capabilities for asset, space and project management A phased approach is being taken to insure that each piece of the eventual total system is fully functional and users are familiar and comfortable with the CMMS portion of the system before implementing the FMIS portion. The current paper work order system used in the maintenance function makes it difficult to track and manage historical data, especially cost data Little usable historical work data is being collected on labor hours or material costs Likewise, the current PM process is largely "ad-hoc" and not based on a structured scheduling process This procurement's long-range goal is to provide the City with a fully integrated system that includes Intranet capability and can manage the City's facility maintenance and facility/space management needs with specific capabilities that include • Maintenance work history, • Labor and material cost history, • PM scheduling and performance, ♦ Parts inventory management, ♦ Maintenance and operations budgeting, • Space management for City facilities/employees, • Lease management for leased facilities, ♦ Project management for larger repair/renovation projects and construction, ♦ Budgeting and financial management for maintenance and operations, ♦ CAD and GIS integration capability to track facility/space utilization graphically The City seeks an integrated system that allows application of modern facility maintenance and management techniques to assist the City in managing its facility resources in a cost-effective manner while optimizing life-cycle costs and the overall level of facility condition The system's key goals include- * Ease of use in information sharing among operating elements responsible for facility maintenance and management and between the Parks Department and other City departments An "open" technology system is desired This system will allow data used by one department to be easily accessed and used by another department in any format desired ♦ Capability to easily interface between the new system and existing databases maintained by the City and to transfer data easily between existing systems and the new system • A system that does not require modification of existing procedures,but that can easily be adapted to the City's current operating procedures In effect, the system should not drive the process ♦ A system with the ability for Intranet or electronic mail customer access and work request/work management capability, including work status review General Information and Background 2 �5 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal ♦ A customizable PC-based system that is user-friendly and easily integrated into the City's existing computer network technology. Successful Vendors will also meet the following requirements ♦ Vendor will have a proven track record for both software use and implementation services for public sector organizations similar in size and complexity to the City The City's project team is approximately 4 fulltime staff members, supplemented on a part time basis by an additional 10 — 15 employees ♦ Vendor will be dedicated to ongoing development of and support for the proposed solution(s) ♦ Proposed software solution will be compatible with the City's technical environment as described in Section 1 5 Vendor ♦ Proposed software solution will have strong query, data extraction, drilldown, and reporting features ♦ Proposed sofhvare solution is integrated to minimize interface requirements. ♦ Software must have the capability to link with or easily export financial data or billing transactions to the City's financial management software/system • Proposed software solution will have the ability to deliver rich functionality and usability 1.3. Prime Contractor The City prefers to work with a single prime contractor for all product and implementation services Vendor 1.4. Partial Solutions Proposals for partial solutions will be evaluated on the basis of their potential role in the overall solution set The City would prefer to receive proposals for all required modules 1.5. Background Information 1.5.1. City Information The City of Kent is the eighth largest city in Washington, with a population of 73,060 and a geographic area of 28 5 square miles Kent's population is projected to grow to 100,000 or beyond within the next few years Facility maintenance and management functions in the City are coordinated and managed by the Parks Department, which is also responsible for the operation and maintenance of the City's parks The City currently manages twenty-three municipal facilities than encompass approximately 334,500 SF of space These facilities range in size from approximately 1,800 SF to 50,000 SF In addition to the physical plant, the City also operates and maintains parking lots, parking structures and grounds areas General Information and Background 3 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal associated with these facilities In addition the City currently leases 2 facilities encompassing some 15,300 SF of space In addition to its facility maintenance responsibilities, the Parks Department is also responsible for facility expansion/new construction, facility/space planning and management, space allocation and the coordination of all moves for City employees Current facility maintenance operations are carried out by a combination of in-house maintenance staff and contractor support The in-house staff consists of nine full-tune maintenance personnel, augmented by three seasonal/part time workers In addition, the City also has fourteen custodians and eight park maintenance workers The City's Information Services staff size is approximately thirty FTEs (full-time equivalents) including seven FTEs engaged in multimedia activities, e g , cable television, graphics and printing 1.5.2. Budget The City's General Fund Operating Budget for 1999 is over $50 million, with a Total Operating Budget of over $94 million The Capital Budget is approximately $130 million, which includes $100 million in carryover project budgets In April of 1998, the City Council approved a three-year, $12 8 million technology plan to provide resources to address the City's technology infrastructure and information needs The areas addressed in this plan include ♦ Network Infrastructure: State-of-the-art network technology has been installed ♦ Desktop Standardization: All City workstations are standardized and all users are trained on the new desktop software ♦ Business Applications: Many of the City's current business applications are being replaced ♦ Information Technology Staffing In order to implerrient these changes, a greater number of information systems personnel have been retained These personnel work with Vendors, contractors, and City departments to ensure departmental and public infrastructure, information, and application needs are met The City's Information Technology department currently employs approximately thirty full-tune equivalents (FTEs) including seven FTEs engaged in multimedia activities, e g , cable television, graphics and printing 1.5.3. Estimated Data Requirements The following information is provided to establish the initial system data handling requirements The City's current maintenance management program is focused largely on reactive, breakdown maintenance and some preventive maintenance that is not done on a formally scheduled basis The basic management tool is a manual work order system that is used to track work requests. However, man-hour and material cost estimating for work orders is largely non-existent Materials are purchased as needed for specific projects, except for lights, HVAC equipment filters and some electrical items that comprise the only parts inventory currently maintained Purchasing is currently managed through a spread-sheet based Purchase Order(P O) system In 1997, the City developed a comprehensive inventory of HVAC equipment in twenty-five of its facilities. Inventory data for some 852 pieces of equipment exists in a d-Base compatible computerized General Information and Background 4 4�, City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal inventory management system In 1997, the City also conducted a comprehensive facility condition survey to establish a baseline for a multi-year maintenance plan The condition survey data and maintenance plan baseline data also reside in a d-Base compatible computerized system The City is in the process of implementing a preventive maintenance program for its HVAC equipment This program is based on a set of comprehensive PM requirements that include frequency and man-hour requirements This data is also stored in a d-Base compatible system Currently, approximately 100 work orders are processed by the City's maintenance staff every month The space management component of the City's facility operations can be characterized as a first generation system that relies largely on mformation managed on an Excel spreadsheet system There is also a furniture inventory associated with this system The asset inventory is mamtamed in MS Access, however,much of the inventory is considered out of date 1.5.4. Legacy Environments As the City currently has no automated maintenance management or facility management system, no legacy environments are to be replaced by this project However, as stated in Section 1 5 2, several d- Base compatible databases currently exist for equipment inventory, facility condition, and maintenance planning functions 1.5.5. Proposed Technology Environment This section describes the City's technology environment In most cases, the components are deployed Table 2 - Business Application standards Business Application Component Standard Database Servers Windows NT/2000 Application Servers Windows NT/2000 Web Server Microsoft Internet Information Server(IIS) DBMS Oracle 8 x or Microsoft SQL Server Table 3 -Network Infrastructure Network Component Standard Network Backbone ATM Network Operating System Novel 4 11 (current), Novel 5 (planned) General Information and Background 5 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Network Protocols IPX, TCP-IP Topology Switched Ethernet to the desktop (Ethernet_II) Cable Infrastructure Category 5 File and Print Services Novell NetWare Novell and Exchange Serer Hardware HP Net Server Message Server MS Exchange 5 5 Table 4 -Desktop Environment Desktop Component Standard Desktop Machines (Minimum Configuration) Pentium-100 PCs with 32MB RAM, 1GB hard drive, and CD- ROM drive Desktop PC Make and Model HP Vectra and HP Kayak Desktop Operating Systems Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT Business Software Suite Microsoft Office 97 Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 01 Marl Client Microsoft Outlook 98 CAD Software AUTOCAD V Table 5 - Telephone System Telephone Component Standard Main PBX Nortel 81C Voice Marl Nortel Call Pilot General information and Background City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal 1.5.6. Project Information City Project Personnel Full-time: Charles Lindsey Facilities Manager 220 4`i' Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Phone (253) 856-5081 Fax (253) 856-6080 Email clmdsey@ci kent wa us Mike Hattrap Capital Projects Coordinator 220 4"' Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Phone (253) 856-5082 Fax (253) 856-6080 Email mhattrup@ci kent wa us Approximately twenty Parks Department personnel including project managers, maintenance staff, technicians, and clerks will make inquiries, process work orders and perform preventive maintenance functions Parks Department personnel will also be responsible for facility management functions 1.5.7. Sites The City provides network access and connectivity to over 25 sites including. City Hall campus facilities, several Parks and Recreation facilities, a golf course, Public Works and associated maintenance facilities, Police, Corrections, Municipal Court, and 8 Fire Department facilities 1.5.8. Implementation Priorities The City may elect to implement the software in two phases In this case the following implementation priorities would apply Phase I Modules ♦ Preventive Maintenance ♦ Equipment Inventory ♦ Work Order Management General information and Background 7 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal ♦ Parts Inventory Management Phase H Modules ♦ Asset Management ♦ Facility/Space Management ♦ Project Management Data Conversions HVAC equipment inventory, facility condition data and maintenance planning data currently residing in d-Base III/IV compatible files are to be converted to the new application General information and Background 8 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal 2. PROCUREMENT PROCESS This section outlines the City's procurement process for this RFP 2.1. Procurement Schedule Table 6, below, shows the procurement schedule for this RFP The City reserves the right to modify the schedule as circumstances may warrant Table 6-Procurement Schedule Milestone Scheduled Date Release RFP September 15, 2000 Vendors' Pre-proposal Conference September 28, 2000 Proposals Due October 13, 2000 City Announces Finalists November 10, 2000 Scripted Demonstrations/Interview/Proposal November 20 - 22, 2000 Validation Additional Demonstration, Site Visits, Project November 23, 2000—January 10, 2001 Research City Council Selection Approval January 16, 2001 City Announces Apparently Successful Vendor January 17,2001 Contract Negotiations and Detailed Planning Following Selection Announcement Contract Signed Estimate 30 days following completion of negotiations 2.2. RFP Communications The information given in this subsection pertains to communication between Vendors and City regarding this RFP 2.2.1. Proposal Date, Time. Location See Vendor Response Section for format of proposal Proposals are to be received at the address listed below no later than 3 00 PM, Pacific Time on October 13, 2000, as noted by the clerk's clock Vendors are solely responsible for ensuring that proposals are delivered on time Delays caused by any delivery General Information and Background 9 r�-;xJn'` V Y City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal service, including the US Postal Service, will not be grounds for a waiver of the deadline requirement Proposals submitted after the deadline may be rejected All proposals must be delivered to City Clerk Facility Management Automation RFP City Of Kent 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 2.2.2. Communications mith the City of Kent All communications regarding this RFP from Vendors and other sources must be directed as follows Mike Hattrup Capital Projects Coordinator 220 4`i' Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Phone (253) 856-5082 Fax (253) 856-6080 Email mhattrup@ci kent wa us 2.2.3. Vendor Clarifications and Questions The City will address specific issues unique to this RFP at a vendors' pre-proposal meeting to be held at 9 00 A M on September 28, 2000 Specific Vendor questions concerning the REP must be submitted in writing (may be faxed or sent via e-mail) However, questions must be received by 8 00 a m , PDT, October 2, 2000 Copies of questions relevant to the RFP process, together with the City's response will be distributed to all participating Vendors Vendors who seek information, clarification, or interpretations from City of Kent employees without using this written submission process are advised that such material is used at the Vendor's own risk and the City shall not be bound by any such representations,whether oral or written 2.2.4. Clarifications The City reserves the right to obtain clarification of any point in a Vendor's proposal or to obtain additional infonnation necessary to properly evaluate a proposal Failure of a Vendor to respond to such a request for additional infonnation or clarification may result in rejection of the Vendor's proposal The City's retention of this right shall in no way reduce the responsibility of Vendors to submit complete, accurate, and clear proposals 2.2.5. Vendor Contact The proposal must include the name of the specific individual who will act as the primary contact for the Vendor during proposal evaluation The proposal must identify the contact's organization, position in the organization, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address. 2.3. Summary of RFP Process General Information and Background 10 / Q V P City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal The outline given below describes the City's procurement process after release of the RFP 2.3.1. Vendors' Pre-Proposal Conference Vendors are encouraged, but not required, to attend a Vendors' Pre-proposal Meeting at the City of Kent The Vendor pre-proposal meeting will be held at 220 4h Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 on September 28, 2000 from 9 00 AM to noon The Pre-proposal Meeting's purpose is to provide a forum for open discussion and to resolve questions relative to the RFP 2.3.2. RFP Changes or Amendments Any revisions to the RFP will be issued in the form of an addendum and will be distributed to all Vendors prior to the proposal due date 2.3.3. Vendor Submits Proposal Reference Vendor Instructions in Section 3 of tlus document 2.3.4. City Evaluates Proposals The Vendor responses will be evaluated based on the merits of their proposal described in Section 3 0 The City's evaluation team will determine which Vendor solution can best serve the City's goals and environment The evaluation will focus on the following aspects ♦ Vendor Qualifications ♦ Software Functionality ♦ Ease of Installation and Calibration ♦ Ease of Use ♦ Data Maintenance Requirements ♦ Technical Environment and Support ♦ Adequacy and Ease of Use of System Documentation ♦ System and Software support ♦ Costs ♦ References 2.3.5. City Announces Finalists General Information and Background 1 1 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal The City will announce up to three finalists The City reserves the right, at any time during the selection process, to include additional Vendors for final evaluation activities The selected Vendors will be notified and a time N ill be scheduled for the Vendor to participate in scripted demonstrations Finalist Vendors will be asked to provide the City with system documentation 2.3.6. Cite Evaluates Vendor Documentation The City will evaluate the Vendor system documentation from the three finalists The City may also request additional documentation 2.3.7. Vendor Demonstration The Vendor demonstration by the three finalists will consist of two activities taking place on one day, as described below Scripted Demonstrations The City will provide demonstration scripts in advance Each finalist will demonstrate their products based on the issued scripts The Scripted Demonstrations will run approximately 2 to 4 hours The first portion of the demonstration will focus on the CMMS system, including Preventive Maintenance, Equipment Inventory, Work Order Management, and Parts Inventory Management capabilities The second portion will focus on the Facility Management application's capabilities The presence of Vendor functional experts from the areas to be covered by the demonstration will be required The City may also require Vendor technical experts to participate at this time in discussions with City of Kent Information Technology staff Scripts will include some sample data Such sample data will be minimal and preparation of sample data is not expected to be burdensome Proposal Validation The second part of the Vendor Demonstration is for proposal validation The intent is to discuss the City's needs and the proposed solution, including the cost model The purpose of this activity is to ♦ Enable the City to fully understand the proposal's cost element in order to equitably compare competing proposals ♦ Discuss technical architecture ♦ Discuss learning curve for users ♦ Discuss Vendor business qualifications ♦ Discuss scope of potential system modifications ♦ Discuss potential team members 2.3.8. Hands-On Demonstration of Proposed Products General Information and Background 12 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Finalist Vendors may be required to arrange the on-site availability of proposed products to give selected City personnel the opportunity to work with the proposed products At minimum, access to the proposed products must be available for two weeks The Vendor may be required to provide on-site assistance to the City during this period of time 2.3.9. Cit) Visits Vendor Client Sites and/or Vendor Product Laboratories Finalist Vendor(s) may be required to make arrangements for a team from the City to visit up to three (3) representative customer sites for purposes of viewing first hand the proposed products being used in a live, production environment The Vendor may also be required to prepare and coordinate an agenda prior to the visits In addition, the Vendor may be required to make arrangements for a technical team from the City to meet with members of the Vendor's development team or visit the Vendor's product laboratories 2.3.10. Final Vendor Selection The City will invite the selected finalist Vendor to participate in separate, on-site "discovery" session The purpose of this session is to allow the Vendor to ask questions and find answers that will enable the Vendor to develop a detailed Statement of Work The Statement of Work, including updated costs, will be submitted to the City for evaluation and will become the basis for contract negotiation The selected Vendor will be notified and a time scheduled for final contract negotiations 2.3.11. Implementation Acceptance Test Plan The City will develop (in consultation with Vendor) and reach mutual agreement with Vendor on an implementation acceptance test plan detailing the scope of implementation testing and specific test cases for each software module and for the complete software system Acceptance test will consist of two steps The first step will be to test the implementation of individual modules The second step will be to test the implementation of the complete software system 2.3.12. Progress Payment Schedule The City expects to make staged progress payments based upon on-time completion of specific work packages and delivery of corresponding functionality These units of work and performance requirements are to be defined prior to contract execution The City anticipates issuing progress payments at the following milestone points • Software Installation ♦ System Configuration ♦ Existing Data Installation/Calibration Acceptance • Completion of Training ♦ Conversion Completion • Final Acceptance General Information and Background 13 WS City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Actual payment terms, including license, products, documentation, structures, data, and functions, shall be negotiated with the selected Vendor The costs and terms shall be in effect one year after the final acceptance date The final contract will be financially binding and will include a non-performance clause 2.3.13. Finalize Contract This selection phase will be used to finalize the contract terns and conditions. Certain terms and conditions are mandatory See Appendix B for the mandatory contract terms and conditions If the City and Vendor are unable to agree on terms and conditions at this point, the City may exercise its right to negotiate with other Vendors The City reserves the right to add terms and conditions during contract negotiations These terms and conditions will be within the RFP scope and will not affect the proposal evaluations. 2.3.14. Contract Approval The City's obligation will commence when the City Council, Mayor, and Information Technology Director approve the contract Upon written notice to the Vendor, the City may set a different contract starting date, and all warranty, price guarantees, and other time sensitive conditions will be adjusted accordingly The City will not be responsible for any work done by the Vendor, even work done in good faith, if it occurs prior to the contract start date set by the City 2.4. Proposal Process 2.4.1. Reference Checks The City may conduct reference checks on competing Vendors throughout the procurement process The City may also contact any person or organization for information regarding a Vendor regardless of the references provided by the Vendor 2.4.2. Costs Incurred by Vendors The City shall not be liable for any costs incurred by a prospective Vendor for preparing or submitting a proposal to the City or for any subsequent demonstrations required by the City Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of Vendor capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the proposal 2.4.3. Right of Selection or Rejection of Proposals The City offers this proposal for software products and technical services as a competitive negotiation The City, at its sole option, may select or reject any or all proposals for any reason, may waive any informality in the proposals received, and may waive minor deviations from the specifications and shall be the sole judge thereof Selection of a Vendor shall not be construed as an award of a contract The City may award a contract on the basis of information in addition to that received in a proposal Therefore, it is emphasized that all proposals should be complete and submitted with the most favorable financial terms. General Information and Background 14 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal 2.4.4. Incorporation of RFP and Proposal in the Final agreement This RFP and the Vendor's proposal, including, without limitation, all promises, warranties, commitments, demonstrations and representations made during the proposal selection process, shall be binding and incorporated by reference into the City's contract with the Vendor 2.4.5. Errors in Proposals Vendors are responsible for all errors or omissions in their proposals and any such errors or omissions will not serve to diminish their obligations to the City Vendors will not be allowed to alter proposal documents once proposals have been submitted The City reserves the right to allow corrections or amendments due to errors identified in the proposals by either the Vendor or the City The City may waive minor administrative irregularities contained within the proposal documents 2.4.6. Vendor Prime Contractor Responsibility If a Vendor's proposal includes equipment, hardware, software, or services to be supplied by other entities, it is desirable that the proposing Vendor acts as prime contractor for the procurement of all products and services The Vendor, as the prime contractor, should be the sole point of contact, including payment of any and all charges resulting from the purchase of the proposed software and services The Vendor, acting as the prime contractor, should take full responsibility for the demonstration, construction (if required), delivery, installation, and acceptance testing of the proposed items supplied by its subcontractor(s) Each subcontractor used by the Vendor on this project shall be identified to the City in the form titled Subcontractor Identification, found in Appendix A of this document 2.4.7. Period of Proposal Validity The Vendor inust certify that its proposal will remain in effect for 180 days after the completion of Vendor Demonstration The City may request an extension beyond the 180 days 2.4.8. Proprietary Material The City will attempt to protect legitimate trade secrets of all Vendors Examples of such information would be unpublished descriptions of proprietary system designs Any proprietary information contained in the proposal must be designated clearly and should be separately bound and libeled with the words "Proprietary Information " Marking the entire proposal proprietary may result in the rejection of the proposal Vendors should be aware that the City is required by law to make its records available for public inspection, with certain exceptions This legal obligation may not require the disclosure of proprietary, descriptive literature that contains valuable designs, drawings, or documentation However, the Vendor, by submission of materials marked "Proprietary Information," acknowledges and agrees that the City will have no obligation or liability to the Vendor in the event that either the City or Vendor must disclose these materials 2.4.9. Proposal Confidentiality General Information and Background 15 V City of Kent Washington Request for Proposal Additionally, The City intends to keep each proposal confidential By submitting Itself to the City's proposal process, each Vendor agrees that it will not seek to obtain, review, or compare any other proposal until final selection Is complete Accordingly, if the City receives any such requests from any Vendor, the City will refuse that request, and will not disclose any part of any other proposal If a Vendor nevertheless persists in its efforts to obtain, review or compare any other proposal, the City may, at Its sole option, eliminate that Vendor from further consideration 2.4.10. Proposal Disposition All materials submitted in response to this RFP shall become the City's property General Information and Background 16 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal 3. VENDOR INSTRUCTIONS This section provides the format and description of the information required for a Vendor's response to be considered by the City The Vendor must submit five (5) hardcopies (paper) and one (1) electronic copy of then proposal at the date, time, and location given in Section 2 2 1 of this document 3.1. Proposal Format The Vendor's proposal shall be submitted in the format outlined in this section. Failure to comply with the specified format may result in the City's rejection of your proposal The City reserves its right to reject all proposals Other subject headings may be added as the Vendor believes necessary The City reserves the right to require additional information or materials after the proposals are submitted Vendors must respond to all requirements stated in this RFP and all of the appendices for the solution(s) they are offering, whether the Vendor is proposing a complete software solution or a partial software solution The proposal must be signed by an officer authorized to negotiate for and contractually bind the Vendor The Vendor must demonstrate this authority by completing the Vendor Authonzation located in Appendix A Submit one original of your proposal, along with four (4) copies, and one (1) diskette in Microsoft Word 97, with the cost model in Microsoft Excel 97 The entire proposal must be submitted to the City Clerk in a sealed envelope or box The following is an outline of the proposal contents Guidelines for completion of each section are included below I Cover Letter 11 Table of Contents III Maintenance Management Questionnaire IV Facility/Space Management Questionnaire V Technology Questionnaire VI Implementation Questionnaire VH Vendor Response Forms — Appendix A VIII Proposal Price Guarantee IX Acceptance of Terris X Additional Materials Submitted by Vendor General Information and Background ` �V 17 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal I. Cover Letter The Cover Letter is to Identify the Vendors) and provide a summary of the proposal. II. Table of Contents III. Maintenance Management Questionnaire Complete Section 3 of this document See Section 3 2 for instructions IV. Facility/Space Management Questionnaire Complete Section 4 of this document See Section 3 2 for instructions V. Technology Questionnaire Complete Section 4 of this document. VI. Implementation Questionnaire Complete Section 6 of this document VII. Vendor Response Forms—Appendix A Vendor Profile The Vendor must complete the Vendor Profile provided in Appendix A Vendor Authorization The Vendor Authorization must certify that this is the Vendor's response to the City's RFP and identify both a contact point for the Vendor and the person authorized to negotiate for and contractually brad the Vendor A format is provided in Appendix A Subcontractor Identification The Vendor must provide information for each subcontractor included in the proposal A format is provided in Appendix A Software Customer References The Vendor must provide at least five (5) references These references should be as similar as possible to the City of Kent in function and size and must be either municipal or county government agencies In addition, at least two references should describe projects completed by the proposing Software Vendor/Implementation Team combination A format is provided in Appendix A General lnrormatron and Background 18 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Cost Model City representatives will review the cost model Aith finalist Vendors following system demonstrations All customization costs determined by the Vendor to be necessary for successful system implementation must be provided with the cost model in Appendix A Year 2000 Compliance Statement The Vendor must certify that all proposed software and hardware is Year 2000 compliant according to the City's definition A statement of compliance is in included in Appendix A for the Vendor to review, sign, and return with their proposal The Vendor may substitute their own Year 2000 Compliance Statement Non-Collusion Covenant The Vendor must certify that it has in no way entered into any contingent fee arrangement with any firm or person and that the Vendor has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure any advantage over other Vendor(s) A Non-Collusion Covenant is located in Appendix A for the Vendor to review, sign, and return with their proposal Equal Employment Opportunity Declaration The Vendor must certify that they comply with the City of Kent's Minority and Women Contractors Policy A copy of the City's Administrative Policy and a declaration are included in Appendix A for the Vendor to review, sign, and return with their proposal VH. Proposal Price Guarantee The Vendor must provide a written guarantee to maintain the prices proposed in the cost summary for 180 calendar days beyond completion of the Vendor Demonstration DL Acceptance of Terms An authorized Vendor representative must submit a statement demonstrating the Vendor's acceptance of all parts of the Request for Proposal If the Vendor cannot provide this acceptance statement, the Vendor must enumerate each specific exception to the City's RFP, together with the Vendor's proposed changes The City will not accept substitutions by the Vendor with the Vendor's own boilerplate documents R Additional Materials Submitted by Vendor VENDORS SHOULD BE AWARE THAT THIS DOCUMENT, THE VENDOR'S RESPONSE AND AN IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE NEGOTIATED SALES CONTRACT. IN ADDITION, THE WARRANTY CLAUSE IN THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT MUST STATE THAT THE SOFTWARE WILL OPERATE IN CONFORMANCE WITH VENDOR'S RESPONSE TO THIS RFP. General Information and Background 19 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal 3.2. Response to Questionnaires Version The Vendor must complete the questionnaires based on the functionality and technology existing in the most current installed version of the product The Vendor w il] provide the version numbers to the City in the Technology Questionnaire If the feature does not exist in the most current installed version, the Vendor must respond by checking N The Vendor should also indicate if the feature will be provided in a future version Legend for Questionnaires Provide = Used in the Application Feature and System Questionnaires and indicates Y or N must be checked Y=Yes A check (✓) in this column indicates this functionality or requirement is included in the Vendor's product as priced N =No A check (✓) in this column indicates this is an unavailable product feature A description of the Vendor's planned approach (e g , future versions, customization, Hurd party, etc ) to this Application Feature/System Requirement should be included in the Comments column Written answers to all questions shall be provided Short answers that provide adequate detail for evaluation are encouraged Each answer shall be preceded by the appropriate Reference # from the RFP questionnaire section In addition, the Vendor may use this section to clarify a response, state any modifications needed to realize the feature, indicate if the feature is provided in a future version and/or specify if the feature is to be provided by a third party General Information and Background 20 �'4 City of Kent Washington Request for Proposal 4. MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT QUESTIONNAIRE The City intends to implement a computerized facility maintenance management system (CMMS) as its first priority as part of this procurement The City requires the flexibility to implement the CMMS in a staged fashion to minimize start-up, data collection/migration and calibration problems For example, the City's maintenance staff may decide to fully implement a Preventive Maintenance and Equipment Inventory module before Implementing a Work Order module based on resource availability or perceived importance of specific functions The CMMS software must include the following basic functionality ♦ A Preventive Maintenance Scheduling and Work Order Management module ♦ An Equipment Inventory module ♦ A Work Order Management module ♦ A Parts Inventory Management module. 4.1. Preventive Maintenance Scheduling The preventive maintenance module must be able to create PM schedules for equipment as well as facility spaces/]ocati ons Schedules must be calendar based and should have the option of also being meter based or schedule based on some type of real-time operational parameter Ref. # Application Feature/System Requirement Y N 4.1.1 Provide the capability to create PM schedules for equipment as well as facility spaces/locations 4.1.2 Provide the capability to create a user-defined library of PM requirements that can be linked to an individual piece of equipment or an equipment category (e g Centrifugal Pumps, 1/8 to 1 HP) 4.1.3 Provide the capability of attaching labor-hours and material requirements to each PM requirement in the user-defined library, modifying those requirements as necessary and tracking actual labor-hour and labor and material costs for each piece of equipment 4.1.4 Provide the capability to define various levels of equipment criticality and apply criticality ratings to each piece of equipment as determined by maintenance staff 4.1.5 Provide support for the use of hand-held devices such as PDAs or bar code readers with the ability to download PM requirements from the user-defined library for an individual piece of equipment and uploading of completion data to the hosts stem Once uploaded, the capability must exist to General Information and Background 21 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Ref. #1 Application Feature/System Requirement Y N generate a work order for each piece of equipment for which data is recorded that is out of specified parameters PDA hardware shall not be proprietary 4.1.6 Describe w hat platforms the PDAs used with your software support 4.1.7 Provide support for multiple crafts to be scheduled on any PM and allow for unlimited number of PMs per piece of equipment 4.1.8 Provide the capability to create/use PM schedules that are either based on a fixed frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, etc), a sliding frequency based on the last completion date of a PM or a user-defined frequency 4.1.9 Provide the capability to schedule PMs for any specific date and/or day of the week and handle multi year/period PM scheduling cycles 4.1.10 Provide the capability to forecast labor and material requirements for any specified time period and to identify any tools and special equipment that may be required to perform the PM 4.1.11 Provide the capability to combine PMs (monthly, quarterly, etc ) for a piece of equipment If they coincide for a given frequency 4.1.12 Provide the capability to support contracted preventive maintenance, schedules and work orders generated by a contractor and contractor labor and material costs 4.1.13 Provide the capability to individually create PM schedules from area/location or equipment data or create schedules in batch mode from the task library 4.1.14 Provide reporting capability that, as a minimum, will allow reporting by PM priority, work center, by technician or by facility/space Also provide the capability to project person-hour requirements 41.15 Provide the capability to generate PM work orders either with or without estimated person-hour requirements 4.1.16 j Provide the capability to suspend PMs for a piece of equipment that is out of service and track downtime for that piece of equipment 4.1.17 Provide the means to create a unique account number for all equipment records and allow the account number to be copied to corrective work orders if a corrective work order is created from a PM work order 4.1.18 Provide the capability to create user-defined fields or modify field names General lniormation and Background 22 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Ref. # Application Feature/System Requirement Y N 4.1.19 List/discuss standardized reports produced by the software's PM module and discuss the capabilities and ease/difficulty of creating user-defined reports 4.2. Facility Equipment Inventory Management Ref. # Application Feature/System Requirement Y N 4.2.1 Provide the capability to record and classify equipment by facility, facility area, equipment category and system Provide hierarchical capabilities that allow larger, more complex pieces of equipment (such as a chiller) to be broken down into sub-assemblies or individual components 4.2.2 Provide the capability to support bar coding of inventory data, and should have the capability to support alternative technologies such as smart memory buttons The software should also provide the capability to support inventory data collection using non-propnetary PDA devices 4.2.3 Provide the capability of developing a parts and Vendor list, including parts pricing, for each piece of equipment inventoried 4.2.4 Provide the capability of creating user-definable fields to allow for entering user-defined equipment data These fields must have the capability of being included in sorts and reports. 4.2.5 Provide the capability of linking individual PM requirements in the PM module requirements library directly to a piece of equipment 4.2.6 Provide the capability of establishing an equipment maintenance history file for each piece of equipment, including saving life-to-date PM labor and material cost data and corrective work order description, and labor and material cost data Provide the capability to access this data from within the inventory module 42.7 Provide the capability of generating an equipment down-time history, including pails wait-time, that can be viewed from the inventory module 4.2.8 Provide the capability to identify equipment locations and tie equipment locations to a graphical database such as a CAD drawing, a GIS file or to a text file such as a maintenance manual or to a multi-media file of schematics Provide the capability of supporting DWG, TIFF, JPEG, PDF and ESR] ArcView 3 0 and later files General Information and Background 23 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Ref. # Application Feature/System Requirement Y N 4.2.9 List/discuss the standardized reports produced by the equipment inventory module and discuss the capabilities and ease/difficulty of creating user- defined reports 4.3. Work Order Management Ref. # Application Feature/ System Requirement Y N 4.3.1 Provide the capability to maintain and track work histories on facility spaces, equipment and assets Pr0\ide the capability to flag any work order for equipment still under warranty 4.3.2 Provide the capability to track and compare estimated versus actual labor hours, estimated versus actual material costs, tools used and safety requirements 4.3.3 Provide the capability to monitor work orders and flag all work orders that exceed estimated labor and material costs and schedules 4.3.4 Provide the capability to submit work requests via an Intranet or Internet and to query requests for status 4.3.5 Provide users with the capability to submit work requests via electronic mail or browser, or to enter requests directly into a work request screen or similar Capability must include the ability to notify the originator of the work order via E-mail when the work request is approved and the work order completed Provide status checking capability via E-mail 4.3.6 Provide the capability to create work orders in the field using a non- proprietary PDA device and to check on work order status in the field via the same device 4.3.7 Provide the capability to track labor hours, labor cost and material cost for multiple crafts on the same work order and to combine multiple work orders into a single "project" 4.3.8 Provide the capability for users to define, create and track work categories (e g emergency work, routine maintenance, minor repair, etc.) and failure codes 4.3.9 Provide adequate descriptive capability for a work order through an unlinuted length comments field 4.3.10 Provide the capability to identify and schedule special tools and equipment General Information and Background 24 `^M1{�?( V 1 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Ref. # Application Feature/ System Requirement Y N resources as part of the work order utilizing a dedicated field 4.3.11 Provide the flexibility to either automatically assign work order identification numbers or override the function for manual assignment 4.3.12 Provide the capability to track work order backlog by craft, individual worker, customer department,or user-defined parameters. 4.3.13 Provide the capability of updating the status of a work order either manually or automatically 4.3.14 Provide the capability to retrieve work orders from the equipment history in the Equipment Inventory module to allow for historical lob analysis. 4.3.15 Provide the capability of producing a work order schedule on a daily, weekly or monthly basis as well as a user-defined period 4.3.16 Provide the ability to query work orders, work order status and open and closed work orders with user-defined parameters 4.3.17 The software must support time entry by an employee and approval by a supervisor, and must allow employee information, including labor rates, to be linked with a future ERP system Specific controls must be provided to tie a unique employee to a specific work order on a specific date 4.3.18 Provide the ability to link to an equipment record in the Equipment Inventory module when a work order is created that references a specific equipment identification number 4.3.19 Provide support for the allocation of maintenance and repair costs from completed work orders to multiple customer accounts and monitoring of year-to-date costs by customer 4.3.20 ProNide support for tracking work orders that result in repairs being contracted by allowing tracking of labor and material costs by contract and contractor 4.3.21 Provide the capability of rolling-up individual work order costs to a "project" identification number in situations where several individual work orders may be handled as a single project 4.3.22 Provide the capability to attach CAD drawings, a text file such as a maintenance manual or a multi-media file of schematics to a work order The work order module must have the capability of supporting DWG, TIFF, JPEG, PDF and ESRI ArcView 3 0 and later files General Information and Background 25 0- City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Ref. # Application Feature/ Sy stem Requirement Y N 4.3.23 List/discuss the standardized reports produced by the work order management module and discuss the capabilities and ease/difficulty of creating user-defined reports 4.3.1. Parts Inventory Management Ref. # Application Feature/System Requirement Y N 4.4.1 Provide the capability of generating a spares reorder request notification when the quantity of an inventory item drops below a mimmum reorder threshold defined by the user Provide the capability of generating either an automatic or manual purchase requisition 4.4.2 Provide the capability to track unit price information for inventoried items using average costs, as well as FIFO and LIFO accounting protocols. 4.4.3 Provide the capability of managing multiple inventory locations, maintaining a unique bin identification number for each inventoried item, an on-hand quantity for each bin and a physical location description for each bin 4.4.4 Provide the capability of maintaining a Vendor file for spare parts, including unit prices File data must be retrievable either by part number or by Vendor 4.4.5 Provide the capability of automatically tracking individual parts cost to an indnidual work order in cases where more than one part is required to complete a work order 4.4.6 Provide notification of parts received on pending work orders that are awaiting parts for completion 4.4.7 Provide the capability of using the Internet to access Vendors on-line or to access on-line Vendor parts catalogs, such as Grainger 4.4.8 Provide support for the creation of Vendor quotes for parts and materials and the capability of easily converting quotes to Purchase Orders 4.4.9 Provide support for the creation of Purchase orders for parts and materials either as hard copy for mailing or faxing, or for on-line ordering through the Internet 4.4.10 j Pr0\ide the capability for structuring blanket Purchase Orders, General Information and Background 26 .J City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Ref. # Application Feature/System Requirement Y N 4.4.11 Provide the capability for creating multiple line Items on a Purchase order, linking each line item to a specific work order and to a specific maintenance cost account 4.4.12 The software must support blanket Purchase Orders with specified dollar limits and provide for automatic calculation of remaining balances Blanket POs are defined as POs against which one or more items can be purchased an indefinite number of times till a pre-determined dollar limit is reached 4.4.13 Provide the capability of re-opening previously closed POs for modification 4.4.14 Support the printing of requisitions to the screen, a file or a printer 4.4.15 List/discuss the standardized reports produced by the parts inventory management module and discuss the capabilities and ease/difficulty of creating user-defined reports General Information and Background 27 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal 5. FACILITY/SPACE MANAGEMENT QUESTIONNAIRE The City requires the capability to more effectively manage all city-owned and leased facility spaces, to manage leases for tenants in city-owned spaces and to efficiently evaluate space requirements and utilization for owned and leased facilities As part of its space management responsibilities the City also desires to automate the capability to manage personnel/asset moves from space/facility to space/facility and for cable management The Facility/Space Management software must include the following basic functionality- * A Physical Asset management module ♦ A Facility/Space Management module ♦ A Project Management module 5.1. Phi,sical Asset Management The City requires the capability of tracking and maintaining histories for select non-facility system assets such as furniture, audio-visual equipment, communications equipment, computers etc Discuss whether or not your software offers this capability as a module and describe the capabilities of this module to meet the following minimum requirements Ref. # Application Feature/System Requirement Y N 5.1.1 Provide the capability to record, classify and code non-facility system assets by categories that are user-definable 5.1.2 Provide the capability of storing asset records in a hierarchical structure (i e facility name, facility location, floor, room, asset category, asset, asset component) 5.1.3 Provide the capability to link an asset directly to a facility and a space within a facility, as well as to a Vendor and manufacturer 5.1.4 Provide the capability to identify an asset location graphically through linkages, including AUTOCAD Release 12 and newer and ARC VIEW Version 3 0 and newer 5.1.5 Provide the capability to generate an asset catalog that can be viewed on- line and searched by key words, location or equipment identification numbers, and that allows printing of user-selected data 5.1.6 Provide the ability to move individual assets or a group of assets from one physical location to another on-screen in a drag and drop environment and to automatically update the underlying database(s) with all modifications General Information and Background 28 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Ref. # Application Feature/System Requirement Y N 5.1.7 Provide for bar coding of assets and the use of non-proprietary PDA hardware for field inventory recording %1.8 Provide the ability to track warranty and service contracts, including contract terms and providers The software must be able to flag an asset at a user-defined point prior to the expiration of a warranty or service contract 5.1.9 Provide the ability to access manufacturer and/or Vendor catalogs on-line via the Internet 5.1 10 Provide the capability of alloHing user defined multi-level charge-backs Each charge-back must be able to support a budget and encumbrances, and must have the ability for payments to be tracked and compared to budgets by cost-centers of for a City department 5.1.11 List/discuss standardized reports produced by the software's asset management module and discuss the capabilities and case/difficulty of creating user-defined reports, 5.2. Facility/Space Management This module must have the ability to create flexible space use models with user-defined ciiteria to generate multiple "what if' space-planning scenarios Ref. # Application Feature/System Requirement Y N 5.2.1 Provide the capability of maintaining data on personnel space assignments, physical space inventory and characteristics and workstation configuration and locations The software should allow the user to define additional elements to track 5.2.2 Provide the capability of planning and managing space requirements, including the creation of "what if' scenarios This capability should include the creation of user-defined fields for facility and space data management 5.2.3 Provide the capability to track critical data about any space and its occupiers, including organizational linkages, SF occupied data, space categorization data and cost center data 5.2.4 Provide the capability of evaluating affinity and adjacency relationships and generating stacking diagrams, including the ability to stack multiple buildings in a single session and drag and drop stacks bemeen buildings Genera!Information and Background 29 V City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Application Feature/System Requirement Y N 5.2.5 Provide the capability of producing stack projections based on spatial forecasts of space use 5.2.6 Support the most current IFMA and BOMA space management standards 5.2.7 Provide the capability of supporting multiple charge-backs for an individual space if that space is occupied by personnel from more than one department or cost center 5.2.8 Provide the capability of creating user-defined data fields to assign facility component information such as HVAC equipment and wall/floor/ceiling finish data to individual spaces 52.9 Provide the capability to monitor City space ]eases and cost data, track gross and usable leased area, track lease costs and manage lease charge- backs to occupying City departments 5.2.10 Provide the capability to hnk data to either the Vendor's project management software or to a stand-alone project management software package such as MS Project 5.2.11 Provide drag and drop type personnel and furniture move management capabilities that allow users to move personnel and associated assets by dragging objects from one location to another Software must allow users to define a move from one space or building to another 5.2.12 Provide the capability for users to categories purpose for moves (e g renovation, reorganization, etc ) and sub-categories (e g growth) 5 2.13 Provide the capability of creating multiple levels of move work orders to support incremental or staged moves 5.2.14 Provide the capability of adding items to a move work order at any point prior to the completion of a move Allow for move audits and status reporting 52.15 Provide the capability of tracking data and telecommunications cabling installation and modifications, including jacks, routers, wiring and hubs, and providing visual analysis of connectivity among computer network or teleconunumcation components via a CAD or similar interface 5.2.16 Support the generation and management of work orders for installation and re-routing of cable and other telecommunications components 5.2.17 Provide the capability to develop user-defined service categories (e g LAN, General Information and Background 30 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Ref. # Application Feature/System Requirement Y N FAX, etc) and computer network topologies (e g lOBT) 5.2.1 S Allow users to easily query the database for any component and its associated data 5.2.19 Provide linkages to the CMMS work order and parts inventory management modules 5.2.20 ProN ide the capability of allowing user defined multi-level charge-backs Each charge-back must be able to support a budget and encumbrances, and must have the ability for payments to be tracked and compared to budgets by cost-centers of for a City department 5.2.21 Provide support for cost recovery for space management and the ability to create budget exceptions for]eased and owned space 5.2.22 List,discuss standardized reports produced by the software's facility/space management module and discuss the capabilities and ease/difficulty of creating user-defined reports 5.2.1. Project Management The City requires the capability to track and manage internal maintenance and repair work as well as contracted work for maintenance, repairs, minor construction and renovation, and major renovation and new construction At its most basic, the requirement is to be able to group or time-phase individual activities, perform interactive planning for resource allocation, and budget and track single or multiple expenditures associates with varied projects Ref. # Application Feature/System Requirement Y N 5.3.1 Provide the capability to create, define, estimate and budget projects and break projects down into user-defined tasks. 5.3.2 Provide the capability to link an unlimited number of tasks to a project and schedule an unlimited number of resources for each task 5.3.3 Provide the ability to link project tasks to a specific work order and link or aggregate mdividual work orders into "projects" 5.3.4 Provide the capability to support multiple charge-backs from one project by percentage and dollar amount 5.3.5 Provide a user-definable Vendor list for each project and allow estimated material and labor costs to be assigned to each task that comprises a project. General Information and Background 31 �l-,.�(�)c V V City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Ref. # Application Feature/System Requirement Y N 5.3.6 Provide the capability of allowing users to modify tasks and resources for a project at any point in the project time-line and automatically adjusting schedules and resource allocation 5.3.7 Provide the capability of managing large renovation and remodeling projects and change orders for all sizes of projects 5.3.8 Provide the capability for accessing on-line cost estimating data from resources such as R S Means and finking this data with any stand-alone cost estimating software 5.3.9 Provide the capability of interfacing with or easily exporting data to financial management and cost accounting software. 5.3.10 Discuss how the software differs in capability from MS Project. Identify key differences that provide enhanced capabilities over MS Project 5.3.11 Provide Import and export capabilities with spreadsheet software such as Excel and database software such as Access 5.3.12 Provide the capability of allowing user defined multi-level charge-backs Each charge-back must be able to support a budget and encumbrances, and must have the ability for payments to be tracked and compared to budgets by cost-centers of for a City department 5.3.13 List/discuss standardized reports produced by the software's project management module and discuss capabilities and ease/difficulty of creating user-defined reports General Information and Background 32 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal 6. TECHNOLOGY QUESTIONNAIRE Refer to the General Information and Background Section of this RFP to obtain relevant information relating to Technology objectives and transaction/user information 6.1. Overall Requirements Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.1.1 List the software version number and release date for each proposed module, including third party solutions 6.1.2 Describe the preferred as well as minimum server/terminal as well as stand-alone desktop hardware requirements, including processor speed, graphics requirements, computer memory and disk storage requirements. 6.1.3 Is the menu system compliant with MS Windows development/interface standards? 6.1.4 Does the system provide context sensitive help based on the cursor location9 6.1.5 Does the system provide help information at the system, module, screen or field levels? 6.1.6 Does the system provide ability to create user-customized help at all levels? (e g system, module, screen, field) 6.1.7 Describe/list technical and user documentation provided with the proposed solution 6.1.8 Describe and/or attach materials documenting method of determining system response time 6.2. Operating Environment Reference the description of the City's technical operating environment located in Section 1 5 5 Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.2.1 Is the system 100% compatible with the desktop components as described in the Proposed Technology Envmronment9 Describe any known conflicts with the proposed technology environment components 6.2.2 Based on the technology proposed, describe the minimum, recommended, and optnnal client hardware configuration for a user General Information and Background 33 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.2.3 Does the system provide automated network client installs and upgrades9 6.2.4 Does the system provide messages to the system administrator if the maximum number of concurrent users is exceeded9 6.2.5 Does the system provide 32-bit client support9 6.2.6 Describe variations among modules in user interface look and feel Describe the differences 6.2.7 Describe the server hardware requirements for your product including CPU, disk space, and RAM Provide recommendations for initial install as well as for 5 years of growth Attach documentation if appropriate 6.2.8 Describe the database platform on which the product was originally developed 6.2.9 Does the system provide support for network components as described in the Proposed Technology Environment? Describe exceptions 6.3. Customization This section will provide the City with information concerning the available customization features and the ability to cant' customizations forward into future releases Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.3.1 Does the system provide the ability to modify items, (e g , fields, elements, objects) visible to user based upon security9 6.3.2 Does the system have user definable fields? 6.3.3 Does the system provide a mechanism for data entry validation of user-definable fields? 6.3.4 Does the system allow customization of menus for each user or group? 6.3.5 Does the system allow for display or removal of non-required fields without customization? 6.3.6 Attach documentation describing the tools and processes required for product customization 6.3.7 Describe how the proposed product accommodates version control That is, how software configurations, customizations, and upgrades are managed Attach additional documentation if desired General Information and Background 34 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.3.8 Describe how the proposed product provides audit trails of software configurations, customizations, and upgrades Attach documentation if desired 6.3.9 Describe, in detail, how configuration and/or customization changes are affected by subsequent software releases 6.3.10 Describe how software customizations impact the software maintenance and agreement support Attach documents if available. 6.4. Securi This section probes the proposed solution's security features Clearly indicate where the security features addressed in this section vary between or among modules Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.4.1 Describe the product suite security features that allow user access to specific processes and functions (e g , add, change, and delete) 6.4.2 Describe the product suite features that provide easy, efficient application security setup (e g , the use of copy capabilities, security templates, definition of roles) 6.4.3 Does the system provide an interface so that a user can be automatically updated with an end date when separated from employment? 6.4.4 Does the system provide the capability to manually deactivate and reactivate a user? 6.4.5 Does the system provide the ability to restrict the mformation the user can see to the information for which the user has security? 6.4.6 Does the system provide the facility to register custom processes, (e g , reports), making them available to users with appropriate privileges? 6.4.7 Does the system provide the ability to format menus corresponding to users' privileges (e g , only the processes to which the user has access are shown)? 6.4.8 Describe how passwords are managed, including password assignment, syntax requirements, encryption, reuse, and expiration 6.4.9 Does the system provide automatic logout of unattended workstations? 6.4.10 1 Does the system provide functionality to disable a user after a specified number of invalid login attempts9 General Information and Background 335 I�1 � U City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.4.11 Describe how the invalid login rules are specified 6.4.12 Does the system provide invalid login logging? 6.4.13 Describe the security reporting available for audit purposes (e g , application functions each user can access, user database access, etc) Attach additional documentation if desired 6.4.14 Does the system provide a single user logon for all proposed applications/modules? 6.4.15 Describe cases in which a user must use more than a single logon for all proposed applications/modules 6.4.16 Describe any other security features that have not been covered 6.4.17 Describe the audit trail for tracking data changes 6.5. Support Influence in the direction of the application, support, and training is important to the City Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.5.1 Describe your policy and timing for dropping support of client operating system, server operating system and database versions 6.5.2 List contact names, phone numbers and addresses for user groups that focus on elements of the proposed solution set 6.5.3 Describe the role user groups play in setting priorities for new features 6.5.4 List the locations of the nearest support offices 6.5.5 Describe the support offerings available to the City, including support during non- peak hours 6.5.6 Describe problem management and escalation procedures 6.5.7 Describe the technical services provided in the product's basic license fees 6.5.8 Describe any additional technical services available 65.9 Describe training support available Attach documentation if desired 6.5.10 Does the system provide a knowledge base, e g , the ability to access a database of incidents,problems, error messages, and solutions? Genera!Information and Background 36 �CJ City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.5.11 Does the system provide knowledge base keyword search capability to facilitate a search of the knowledge base for a problem and find a solution? 6.5.12 Describe the support knowledge base format, e g , web site, distributed media, etc 6.5.13 Describe documentation types, levels and media that are provided 6.5.14 Describe the process for implementing application software updates. Include resources and time 6.515 Describe the process for implementing major application software upgrades Include resources and time 6.5.16 Describe your policy for supporting older application versions 6.6. Reportin2 The City views reporting as a critical solution component The intent in this section is to communicate the City's minimum needs for an end user reporting tool Vendors are encouraged to attach additional documentation describing the proposed solution's reporting capabilities As well, Vendors are encouraged to supply information about "add on" or third party reporting tools that may enhance the solution set. Vendors may provide some basic functionality but will propose a third parry reporting tool as well Please be clear which answers below are provided in the base product versus those provided in a third party tool Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.6.1 Please indicate whether the proposed reporting tool is provided as an integral part of the product suite If not, please name the proposed product and version number 6.6.2 Describe the reporting architecture included in the proposed solution For example, what components reside on the client, the server, etc Attach additional documentation if desired 6.6.3 Describe the administrative tasks necessary to prepare the reporting tool for use, e g , populate the data dictionary, etc Attach additional documentation if desired 6.6.4 Describe the reporting tool's drill down capabilities 6.6.5 Describe the options prodded to produce and catalog on-demand reports based on user defined criteria Attach additional documentation if desired 6.6.6 Does the system provide the ability to select data directly from database tables or General Information and Background 37 V City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N pre-defined views? 6.6.7 Does the system provide the ability to sort, in ascending or descending order, by any combination of database fields and/or temporary and computed fields? 6.6.8 Does the system provide the ability to embed selection criteria in the procedure and enter criteria at run-time? Selection criteria must support wild cards and ranges of values 6.6.9 Does the system provide the ability to Import the data into Microsoft Excel 97, Microsoft Access 97, and Microsoft Word 97? 6.6.10 Does the system provide the ability to reformat report data for mailing labels, or other printed outputs? 66.11 Does the sy stem provide both columnar and non-columnar reports? 6.6.12 Does the system provide the ability to interrupt executing queries? 6.6.13 Does the system reporting tool require the user to know SQL 66.14 Does the system provide the ability for the user to choose between a desktop default printer and central high-speed printer? 6.6.15 Does the system provide the ability to schedule reports in batch processes? 6.6.16 Does the system provide the ability to perform queries on-line? 6.7. Interfaces Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.7.1 For each module proposed (e g , Work Order Management, Asset Management, etc ), describe the external interface facilities For example, are there tables to receive data from other systems9 Is the interface facility documented? Is there a standard for import/export to these modules? Attach additional information. 6.7.2 Does the system provide 32-bit ODBC support? 6.7.3 Does the system provide an interface to Microsoft Exchange in order to generate user e-mail notification of business events? 6.7.4 Describe the process to import application data to Microsoft Excel 97 Attach documents if desired 6.7.5 Describe the process to import application data to Microsoft Access 97 Attach General Information and Background 38 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N documents if desired 6.7.6 Describe ways that Microsoft Word 97 integrates with the product 6.7.7 Describe ways that Visio 5 0 integrates with the product 6.7.8 Describe the ways in which AUTOCAD integrates with the product and what versions are currently supported 6.8. Other Third Party Products Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.8.1 Describe conversion tools if proposed Attach materials if necessary 6.8.2 Describe any web-based products proposed 6.8.3 Describe other third party products proposed Attach materials if necessary. 6.9. Product Vision Attach documents describing the major technological improvements your company is planning for your products and services over the next three to five years Please address the following potential development areas ♦ Company's strategic direction ♦ Adjustments to user interface and/or client software requirements ♦ Potential adjustments to operating environment ♦ Major adjustments to product development tools ♦ Browser access to system (Please indicate if for specific software modules or all modules) ♦ Changes to architecture and/or platforms supported • Commitment to proposed database platform ♦ Functional Enhancements and)or new software modules under development ♦ Partnerships and/or alliances with other Vendors in the industry ♦ Any other planned product changes that might be of interest to the City General Information and Background 39 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal 7. IMPLEMENTATION QUESTIONNAIRE The City's implementation prionties and anticipated project staffing are located in the General Infomiation and Background section The Vendor is strongly encouraged to use this information as a guideline to complete the Implementation Questionnaire The Implementation Questionnaire contains the following sections ♦ Implementation Methodology ♦ Implementation Team Size ♦ Training ♦ Post Implementation Support ♦ Implementation Customer Reference The City expects the Implementation Team to possess high levels of knowledge and experience in proven methodologies and best practices of maintenance and facility management The City's focus is on determining that the implementation team and/or organization has a high degree of experience with successful implementations Expertise should include both technical and functional expertise in public sector installations for the proposed products Note: The finahst(s) will be required to provide a comprehensive project plan that Rilly describes how the Vendor intends to complete implementation activitieq Ind successfully complete the City's project Note: The City will interview and/or review resume information about n,..,,bers of the implementation team as part of the final selection and negotiation process 7.1. Implementation Methodology Attach a description of the proposed implementation methodology that addresses, at minimum, the following 1 Briefly describe your company's implementation experience and expertise. 2 Describe your company's implementation methodology in detail. 3 Attach project plan outline for a project of similar size and complexity with your proposal response 4 Describe how the pre-contract implementation plan is developed 5 Describe bow your organization approaches data conversion issues 6 Describe how customization requirements are identified and defined 7 What software modules are typically grouped and installed together'? General Information and Background 40 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal 8 What amount of elapsed time in months is typically required to implement a project of this size and complexity9 7.2. Implementation Team Size Please review the Implementation Priorities as identified in the General Information and Background section Assume that the Vendor is proNidmg supplementary resources to implement all Phase I modules first followed by all Phase lI modules 1 Please describe how you propose to supplement the City's project team Describe number of FTEs, the role each individual will play in the process, and expected duration of service for each individual Describe experience level and,'or technical expertise to be provided by each team member 7.3. Training The City believes that training is critical to the success of this project The following questions explore the technical, functional and end user training recommended by the Vendor For each question, discuss technical and functional implementation team training separately from end user training I How many training hours are included with the proposed system? 2 How many hours and/or days of training are typically required for a comparable sized customer? 3 What are the options available for the location of training, e g on-site, Vendor training facility, etc 4 Do you provide additional training, if needed? If so, what is the average hourly, daily and/or class rate? 7.4. Post-Implementation Support 1 Please describe post-implementation support for the system, including the following ♦ Transition from implementation team to users ♦ Describe all parties that the City would be working with • Response procedures for priority vs non-prionty calls ♦ Hours of service ♦ Remote site support ♦ Any other information that would be appropriate to provide to the City 2 Please describe how both minor system enhancements and major system upgrades are provided Please include information with regard to ♦ Frequency of delivery ♦ Impact on City staff resources General information and Background 41 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal ♦ Cost implications for City ♦ Training impacts ♦ Whether expert help from Vendor or third parties is generally required 3 Please describe the process tour company has in place to deal with customer/user complaints and to integrate feedback into subsequent releases 4 Does your firm directly provide technical support or do you rely on independent distributors/consultants9 General Information and Background 42 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal 7.5. Implementation Customer Reference (MUST SUBMIT AT LEAST 5 REFERENCES) (Public Sector Reference Preferred) Organization Contact Name Contact Title Address Telephone Project Name Engagement Dates Descl rbe your firm's involvement with this project in the following areas: ♦ System Configuration ♦ Module Installation ♦ Data Conversion and Interface Development ♦ System Calibration/Testing ♦ Customization ♦ Initial User Training ♦ Follow-Up User Training General Information and Background 43 City of Kent, Wavinngton Request for Proposal 8. Appendix A Vendor Response Forms Cay of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Vendor Profile Please provide the following Vendor information Year founded Headquarters location Local officer(s) Total gross revenues, average for last five years Total gross revenues for public sector, average For last five years Average rate of growth in sales over the last three years Percentage of gross revenues invested in research and development. Past year past three years Dollars invested in research and development dedicated to public sector products past year past three years Number of full-time personnel total company management technical support product support research and development (includes programming) Number of full-time personnel dedicated to public sector products Technical Support Product Support Research and Development 0'6- City of Kent, Washington Requestfor Proposal Number of total customers by product suite past year past three years Number of new customers by product suite, past year past three years Number of public sector sales by product suite past year past three years Washington State When was the product first released and how many major releases (X 0) have there been to date? How long has the most current version of your software been available? Is a new version under development? If so, what is the current anticipated release date? Is it an incremental upgrade or a major release? Is your product focused on a specific user group (e g education facilities, municipalities, manufacturing, etc) or is it generic? Has you software been developed totally in-house, is it all built from third-party offerings or is it a hybrid? What parts or modules were not developed by your firm? Discuss your quality assurance program,both pnor to and after a software upgrade release City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Database Platforms—Installed Base Number of customers "live" utilizing Oracle 7 x or higher SQL Server Other Number of customers in implementation phase utilizing Oracle 7 x or higher SQL Server Other Proposed Software- Installed Base Database Server- Hardware Platform Number of customers `live" utilizing NT 4 x Other Number of customers in implementation phase utilizing NT 4 x Other 6� City of Kent, Washington Requestfor Proposal Vendor Authorization I, <Vendor Representative Name>, certify that<Vendor Name> has reviewed the City of Kent's Request for Proposal (RFP) for software and implementation services for performance of the following functions Maintenance Mgmt. Facility/Space Mgmt. Preventive Maintenance Asset Management(Required) (Required) Facility Equipment Inventory Facility/Space Management (Required) (Required) Work Order Management Project Management (Required) (Required) Parts Inventory Management (Required) Other functions, if not embedded in the proposed product suite, include- * Reporting Tools (sophisticated reporting solution is required) ♦ Web-based solutions ♦ Non-Proprietary PDA solution <Vendor Name> has responded to all required sections as directed in the RFP This proposal constitutes <Vendor Name> response to the City of Kent's RFP 1 further certify that I am authorized to negotiate for and contractually bind <Vendor Name> in all discussions with the City of Kent for the procurement of the software and associated services named above All contact with <Vendor Name> should be directed to Name Title Address Telephone Fax Email City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Signed Date Title Corporate Seal City of Kent, Wasinngton Request for Proposal Subcontractor Identification Please provide the following information for each subcontractor included in this proposal. Organization Organization Contact Contact Title Address Telephone Fax Email Please provide a description of Subcontractor's duties whilc perfom mg work for the City of Kent V�- City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Software Customer Reference (MUST SUBMIT AT LEAST 5 REFERENCES At least two references should describe projects completed by the proposmg Software Vendor/Implementation Team combination Pubhc Sector References Preferred ) Organization Contact Name Contact Title Address Telephone Server/Database Platform Number of Concurrent Users Contract Dates Number and Type of Support Personnel In the table below, list the modules that were included in the project and the dates they went live Module Approximate Go Live Date Describe any web-based and PDA technology implemented with this project. City of Kent, Washington RequestforProposal Cost Model Instructions City representatives will re-,iew the cost model with finalist Vendors following system demonstrations The cost model must represent all costs associated with software licensing, implementation and support services, documentation, training, etc City of Kent internal resource costs should not be included The City has provided a generic cost model located in Appendix A The Vendor must use the cost model provided, however the Vendor may adjust the format as is reasonable and appropriate The Vendor is responsible for presenting accurate and valid price information Applicable sales taxis to be added to the proposed prices The local sales tax rate Is 8 6 percent Additional information relating to the cost model follows Applications Software Section ♦ Include number of concurrent users proposed Refer to the General Information and Background section for supporting information ♦ List application software modules or suites by product names Include version numbers if necessary for clarification Other Software and Utilities ♦ List all other proposed software, with the exception of conversion utility software, including version numbers Such software might include third party reporting products, necessary system utilities, etc Installation Services ♦ Provide appropriate cost information relating to installation As- n IlP-UX machine is available but include costs for database installation and other it, ,ed ♦ Where appropriate, separate installation costs for optional third party products Implementation Services- ♦ The City expects the Vendor to supplement the City's project team, as described briefly in the General Information and Background section If a dedicated database administrator is recommended, please create a line item for that resource It may be appropriate to separate implementation resource costs by product suite ♦ Implementation priorities Please reNiew Implementation Priorities as identified in the General Information and Background section Assume that the Vendor is providing supplementary resources to implement all Phase I modules first followed by all Phase II modules Training �," IJ City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal ♦ List training costs associated with proposed products Please note that the City has a modem training classroom that can accommodate 12 workstations. Customization ♦ Customization costs must be provided where anticipated Conversions ♦ The City expects to convert some current maintenance and inventory data that resides in a d- Base format, and some additional data in a spreadsheet format Ass,,,, . that Vendor resources will work with the City to determine field-to-field mapping List any tools Losts in this section Other Costs ♦ List all other costs as necessary Ongoing; Costs ♦ List ongoing costs as specified Cost Model Please provide a summary of estimated costs for the suggested software, including implementation and related services and ongoing costs in the format contained within this section Supporting details are to be attached to the proposal Initial Costs 1. Application Software Package Extended Description of Application Software Price Discount Modifications Price Maintenance Management # users___ Subtotal Facility Management # users Subtotal Subtotal Sales Tax 8 6% Total 2. Other Software and Utilities Package Extended Description of Software/ Utilities Price Discount Modifications Price Subtotal Sales Tax 8 6% Total Total Initial Costs �J Implementation and Related Services 1. Installation Services Average Extended Description of Services Hours Hourly Rate Total Site Preparation Technical Configuration Software Installation Other Total 2 Implementation Services Average Extended Description of Services Hours Hourly Rate Total Design Modeling Configuration Testing Go Live Support Travel Other Total 3. Training Extended Description of Services #Trainees Cost Discount Total Total 4. Customization Requirement Estimated Average Extended Description of Services Reference # Hours Hourly Rate Total Subtotal Sales Tax 8 6% V Total 5. Conversion Costs Tools Estimated Average Extended Description of Services Cost Hours Hourly Rate Total Tools Sales Tax 8 6% Subtotal Services Subtotal Total 6. Other Costs Tools Estimated Average Extended Description of Services Cost Hours Hourly Rate Total Subtotal Sales Tax 8 6% Total Total Implementation and Related Services Ongoing Costs (after final acceotancel Average Description of Services Year 1 Years 2-5 Annual Software License Fees Software Support Fees Software Upgrades Other Subtotal Sales Tax 8 6% Total Total Ongoing Costs (5 year total) Cost Model Recap Total Initial Costs Total Implementation and Related Services Total Ongoing Costs (5 year total) Grand Total �� City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Year 2000 Compliance Statement I, <Vendor Representative Name>, certify that all systems and services proposed in this response to the City of Kent's Request for Proposal (RFP) for software and implementation services are Year 2000 compliant This statement of compliance includes, but is not limited to the following functions Maintenance Mgmt. Facility/Space Mgmt. Preventive Maintenance Asset Management (Required) (Required) Facility Equipment Inventory Facility/Space Management (Required) (Required) Work Order Management Project Management (Required) (Required) Parts Inventory Management (Required) Definition of Year 2000 Compliance An information system is "Year 2000 Compliant" when the hardware, Kcfiv', ' mbedded systems are able to store, process and report data before, during and beyond the year U the standards by which this compliance is judged include Century Compliant: The system will accurately process data and perform calculations based on dates Common calculations include subtraction, sorting and comparative operations Leap Year Compliant: The system will accurately process data and perform calculations based on all valid leap years February 29, 2000, is a rare century leap year, and all systems will recognize and correctly process this date Interface Compliant: Connected systems will accurately share data with other systems as designed Common formats and protocols will be implemented between connected systems to ensure all data is processed including dates Projections and Analysis: The system will correctly perform all processes across the year 2000 boundary in both directions This means that all functions and reports will perform correctly looking forward for projections as well as backward for functions such as trend analysis. The Vendor represents and warrants that the computer equipment, software and systems, individually and in combination, are Year 2000 Compliant when used in accordance with the documentation supplied by the Vendor The Vendor further represents and warrants that any upgrades, modifications, customizations or new versions of the computer equipment, software and systems, individually and in combination, shall be Year 2000 Compliant, when used in accordance with the documentation supplied by the Vendor The Vendor further represents and warrants that the computer equipment, software and systems, when used in combination with other information technology shall accurately process date/time Cay of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal data if the other information technology properly exchanges time with it In addition to all legal and equitable remedies available to the City of Kent for breach of this paragraph, the Vendor shall allow City of Kent employees, or authorized representatives of the City of Kent,to repair, remove or alter computer equipment, soflware and systems v,hich are not Year 2000 Compliant Signed Date Title 41 City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal Non-Collusion Certificate The undersigned, being duly swom, deposes and says that he/she is the identical person who submitted the foregoing proposal, and that such proposal is genuine and not sham or collusive or made in the interest or on behalf of any person not therein named, as further, that the deponent has not directly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding, and that deponent has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to himself/herself or to any other person any advantage over another bidder or bidders for the project described as follows Application software, including implementation and related services, for a maintenance management and facility management system Vendor Name Signed Title Notary Public Sworn to before me this day of 1999 Name Signature Equal Opportunity Employment Declaration The City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity As such all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers �A ho perform work for the City shall comply with the regulations of the City's equal employment opportunity policies The following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any contractor, subcontractor or supplier to adhere to An affirmative response is required on all of the following questions City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal The questions are as follows 1 I have read the attached City of Kent administrative policy number 12 2 <Vendor Name> does not and will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability 3 <Vendor Name>provides a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer 4 <Vendor Name> actively considers hiring and promotion of women and minorities 5 The requirements outlined in this adherence statement shall be complied with prior to the execution of any contract between<Vendor Name> and the City By signing below, <Vendor Name> agrees to fulfill the five requirements referenced above Signed Date Title General Information and Background 2 wli� City of Kent, Washington Request for Proposal EXHIBIT 1 CITY OF KENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NUMBER: 1.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998 SUBJECT: MINORITY AND WOMEN SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 CONTRACTORS APPROVED BY: Jim White, Mayor POLICY: Equal employment opportunity requirements for the CITY of Kent will conform to federal and state laws All contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers of the CITY must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding contracts with the CITY amounting to $10,000, or more within any given year, must take the following affirmative steps. 1 Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer 2 Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully d, s the CITY's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be cc, in breach of contract and subject to suspension or termination for all or pa*' ,ntract Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Dir( larnmg, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duti; sir respective departments 1 Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subject to these regulations are familiar with the regulations and the CITY's equal employment opportunity policy 2 Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state, and local laws, policies, and guidelines General Information and Background 3 Exhibit E Vendor's RFP Response City of Kent TMA Systems Contract *6 ORIGINAL CITY OF KENT Computerized Maintenance Management System Request for , A Submission Date October 27, 2000 Jim Sinko National Sales Director Annette Poston Account Executive TMA SYSTEMS, L.L.C. 6846 South Canton, Suite 510 Tulsa, OK, 74136 918.494.2890 WS CITY OF KENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Section One. Cover Letter 10 Cover Letter 3 11 Company Narrative 5 Section Two. TMA Response to Questionnaires 6 21 Maintenance Management Questionnaire 6 22 Preventive Maintenance Scheduling 6 23 Facility Equipment Inventory Management 8 24 Work Order Management 9 2 5 Parts Inventory Management 11 Section Three Facility/Space Management Questionnaire 12 3 1 Physical Asset Management 12 3 2 Facility/Space Management 13 33 Project Management 14 Section Four Technology Qi, 16 4 1 Overall Requirements 16 42 Operating Environment 16 43 Customizations 17 44 Security 18 4 5 Support 19 46 Reporting 20 4.7 Interfaces 21 48 Other Third Party Products 21 49 Product Vision 22 Section Five Implementation Questionnaire 23 51 Pre-Implementation 26 52 TMA Training 28 53 Professional Services 39 54 TMA Project Team 41 5 5 TMA References 42 kgy<f CITY OF KENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Six. Vendor Response Forms 43 6 1 Vendor Profile 43 6 2 Vendor Authorization 46 6 3 Year 2000 Compliance Statement 47 6 4 Non-Collusion Certificate 49 6 5 Equal Opportunity Employment Declaration 50 Section Seven Proposal Price Guarantee 51 Section Eight. Acceptance of Terms 52 Appendix 1 Software Description Appendix 2 Software Specifications Appendix 3 TMA Hardware Requirements Appendix 4 TMA Standard Agreements Appendix 5 TMA Balance Sheet Appendix 6 Sample Implementation Schedule Appendix 7 Cost Model SECTION 1: Cover Letter 1.0 Cover Letter 1.1 Company Narrative TMA TMA Systems,L 1 C 6646 South Canton,Sulte 510 Tulsa,Oklahoma 74136 Duect 918 494 E890 -S�StELLLS Fax 918 494 4898 Sales 80086E 1130 October 24, 2000 Mr Mike Hattrup Capital Projects Coordinator City of Kent 220 4 s Ave S Kent, WA 98032 Dear Mr Hattrup TMA understands that Cit% of Kent is actively looking for Computerized Maintenance Management (CMMS) solution This proposal presents a client/server CMMS solution for your organization We have had several conversations with the City of Kent personnel and exacting reviews of the supplied RFP in order to understand Nour specific needs We are presenting our TMA Enterprise solution based on the following • Its ability to meet and/or exceed the functional requirements as specified in the RFP • Its ability to be user friendly and have the ability to share the data between multiple repair centers Its ability to record and organizing the relationships among the various assets, in particular the hierarchy of sub-components and the respective subdivided location identification are essential • Its ability to be a management too] capable of providing system-wide analysis reports and detailed facility data • Its ability to be a management too] that allows the City of Kent to make strategic plarmmg decisions • It ability to provide an open architecture (ODBC) allowing for integration with other 3" party applications and systems Its ability to assist in promoting the maximization of facility revenues through cost- effective operations,management, and utilization Creation of the TMA proposal included strong detail to the specifications and requirements, as outlined in the RFP All information necessary to formulate an understanding of how TMA can satisfy this project will be found in the following document 3 www.tmasystems.com W� The signatories to this letter can satisfy any, and all, negotiations pursuant to a contract If any personnel involved in the procurement process should require assistance in answering any questions on the TMA response, they may contact Annette Poston Account Executive TMA Systems. LLC 6848 South Canton, Suite 510 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136 Direct (918) 858-6685 Facsimile (919)494-4892 annetteposton,Qtmasystems com www tmasystems cont With our expertise and unique approach, we are confident NAe can bring effective results to City of Kent We believe that the solution presented in this document demonstrates how the City of Kent and TMA can achieve the aforementioned objectives We appreciate the opportunity to present a proposal for TMA Enterprise This project wrll be given our highest priority and attention 11rector ere , I 4b Sio Annette oston A Systems, LLC TMA Systems,LLC of Sales Account Executive 4 1.1 COMPANY NARRATIVE For over a decade, TMA Systems has been recognized as a technology innovator and provider of expert solutions for facility management professionals TMA partners are organizations whose primary mission is to account for and maintain physical assets These organizations require effective enterprise asset management software that can benchmark and measure savings in both cost and time TMA's solutions improve customer service by managing the workflow process from the plammDg stage to completion of the job TMA's reputation of rapid execution and implementation provides a total solution that results in the fastest possible return on investment TMA has a proud and strong history of partnering with government agencies The first company to focus specifically on area and space-based maintenance management, TMA quickly was recognized as having a superior advantage in product design within the education industry In fact, our first partnership was with an education institution, Lewis University in Chicago, Illinois It's with a tremendous amount of pride that we sa} Lewis University continues to be a TMA user Always recognized as a technology leader in computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS), TMA has continually provided state-of-the-art products that are always leading edge Technology advances introduced b} TMA include the first graphical CMMS for MS Windows (1989). the first CMMS to integrate E-mail in the work request process (1993), the first web- enabled module to link browser technology to a desktop CMMS (1996) and the first Palm hand- held computer interface to provide a paperless solution(1998) By using industry standard tools and open architecture, TMA allows you to integrate your facility information throughout your organization TMA products currently operate under Windows 95l98. Windows NT, Wmdows 2000. Lmux and Mac OS TMA offers networked and web- enabled solutions that transparently share data on mixed platforms TMA Enterprise allows you to utilize robust client server databases such as Oracle and MS SQL Server Adding to the power of our software solutions, TMA provides a variety of professional consulting services including, but not limited to requirement definitions, return on investment analysis, system design and programming, implementation services, and all phases of project management TMA is currently assisting thousand of users and clients worldwide to mar- ❑s of square feet of facilities Our staff has over a hundred years of combined exp, .ng at all levels of facility and maintenance management This includes emplo<< „diates in the United States,Europe,Mexico and Canada BM CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ^5 ' S SECTION 2: TMA Response to Questionnaires 2.1 Maintenance Management Questionnaire 22 Preventive Maintenance Scheduling 2.3 Facility Equipment Inventory Management 2.4 Work Order Management 2.5 Parts Inventory Management 2.0 TMA Response to Questionnaires The following identifies the capability of TMA Systems (TMA)to satisfy the City of Kent (City) functional requirements set forth in Section 3 of the RFP. A check in the column indicates this functionality or requirement that is included in TMA Enterprise version. Pleas see attachment 2, TMA Software Specifications, for further information regarding TMA's Software. 2.1 Maintenance Management Questionnaire TMA understands that the City intends to implement a computerized facility maintenance management system (CMMS) as its first priority as part of this procurement. The City requires the flexibility to implement the CMMS in a staged fashion to minimize start-up, data collection/migration and calibration problems For example, the City's maintenance staff may decide to fully implement a Preventive Maintenance and Equipment Inventory module before implementing a Work Order module based on resource availability or perceived importance of specific functions. The CMMS software must include the following basic functionality: ♦ A Preventive Maintenance Scheduling and Work Order Management module. ♦ An Equipment Inventory module. ♦ A Work Order Management module. ♦ A Parts Inventory Management module. 2.2 Preventive Maintenance Scheduling The preventive maintenance module must be able to create PM schedules for equipment as well as facility spaces/locations Schedules must be calendar based and should have the option of also being meter based or schedule based on some type of real-time operational parameter. L Application Feature/System Requirement Y N Provide the capability to create PM schedules for equipment as well as X facility spaces/locations. Provide the capability to create a user-defined library of PM requirements X that can be linked to an individual piece of equipment or an equipment category(e g. Centrifugal Pumps, 1/8 to 1 HP). 4.1.3 Provide the capability of attaching labor-hours and material requirements to X each PM requirement in the user-defined library,modifying those requirements as necessary and tracking actual labor-hour and labor and material costs for each piece of equipment 4.1.4 Provide the capability to define various levels of equipment criticality and X apply criticality ratings to each piece of equipment as deterrmned by maintenance staff. 4.1.5 Provide support for the use of hand-held devices such as PDAs or bar code I X T,VL4 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Ref. # Application Feature/System Requirement Y N readers with the ability to download PM requirements from the user-defined library for an individual piece of equipment and uploading of completion data to the host system. Once uploaded, the capability must exist to generate a work order for each piece of equipment for which data is recorded that is out of specified parameters. PDA hardware shall not be proprietary. 4.1.6 Describe what platforms the PDAs used with your software support. X TNIA response: Palm Pilot operating systems: Palm III,Palm V,Palm V11, and Handspring, Symbol SPT-1500 & 1700 bar-coding models. 4.1.7 Provide support for multiple crafts to be scheduled on any PM and allow for X unlimited number of PMs per piece of equipment. 4.1.8 Provide the capability to create/use PM schedules that are either based on a rX fixed frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, etc ), a sliding frequency based on the last completion date of a PM or a user-defined frequency. 4.1.9 Provide the capability to schedule PMs for any specific date and/or day of the week and handle multi year/period PM scheduling cycles. 4.1.10 Provide the capability to forecast labor and material requirements for any specified time period and to identify any tools and special equipment that may be required to perform the PM. 4.1.11 Provide the capability to combine PMs (monthly, quarterly, etc) for a piece X of equipment If they coincide for a given frequency 4.1.12 Provide the capability to support contracted preventive maintenance, X schedules and work orders generated by a contractor and contractor labor and material costs. 4.1.13 Provide the capability to individually create PM schedules from X area/location or equipment data or create schedules in batch mode from the task library. 4.1.14 Provide reporting capability that, as a minimum, will allow reporting by PM X priority, work center,by technician or by facility/space. Also provide the capability to project person-hour requirements. 4.1.15 Provide the capability to generate PM work orders either with or without X estimated person-hour requirements. 4.1.16 Provide the capability to suspend PMs for a piece of equipment that is out X of service and track downtime for that piece of equipment. 4.1.17 Provide the means to create a unique account number for all equipment records and allow the account number to be copied to corrective work orders if a corrective work order is created from a PM work order. 4.1.18 Provide the capability to create user-defined fields or modify field names X 4.1.19 List/discuss standardized reports produced by the software's PM module X and discuss the capabilities and ease/difficulty of creating user-defined _ reports. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 7 W-1 2.3 Facility Equipment Inventory Management Ref. # Application Feature/System Requirement Y N 4.2.1 Provide the capability to record and classify equipment by facility, facility X area, equipment category and system. Provide hierarchical capabilities that allow larger, more complex pieces of equipment (such as a chiller) to be broken down into sub-assemblies or individual components. 4.2.2 Provide the capability to support bar coding of inventory data, and should X have the capability to support alternative technologies such as smart memory buttons The software should also provide the capability to support inventory data collection using non-propnetary PDA devices. 4.2.3 Provide the capability of developing a parts and Vendor list, including parts X pricing, for each piece of equipment inventoried. 4.2.4 Provide the capability of creating user-definable fields to allow for entering X user-defined equipment data. These fields must have the capability of being included in sorts and reports. 4.2.5 Provide the capability of linking individual PM requirements in the PM X module requirements library directly to a piece of equipment. 4.2.6 Provide the capability of establishing an equipment maintenance history file X for each piece of equipment, including saving life-to-date PM labor and material cost data and corrective work order description, and labor and material cost data Provide the capability to access this data from within the inventory module. 4.2.7 Provide the capability of generating an equipment downtime history, X including parts wart-time that can be viewed from the inventory module. 4.2.8 Provide the capability to identify equipment locations and tie equipment X locations to a graphical database such as a CAD drawing, a GIS file or to a text file such as a maintenance manual or to a multi-media file of schematics Provide the capability of supporting DWG, TIFF, JPEG,PDF and ESRI ArcView 3 0 and later files. 4.2.9 List/discuss the standardized reports produced by the equipment inventory X module and discuss the capabilities and ease/difficulty of creating user- defined reports. TMA response: See list of TMA Standard Reports attached. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 8 2.4 Work Order Management Ref. # Applieation Feature/System Requirement Y N 4.3.1 Provide the capability to maintain and track work histories on facility X spaces, equipment and assets Provide the capability to flag any work order for equipment still under warranty. 4.3.2 Provide the capability to track and compare estimated versus actual labor X hours, estimated versus actual material costs, tools used and safety requirements. 4.3.3 Provide the capability to monitor work orders and flag all work orders that X exceed estimated labor and material costs and schedules. 4.3.4 Provide the capability to submit work requests via an Intranet or Internet X and to query requests for status. 4.3.5 Provide users with the capability to submit work requests via electronic X mail or browser, or to enter requests directly into a work request screen or similar Capability must include the ability to notify the originator of the work order via E-mail when the work request is approved and the work order completed Provide status-checking capability via E-mail. 4.3.6 Provide the capability to create work orders in the field using a non- X proprietary PDA device and to check on work order status in the field via the same device. 4.3.7 Provide the capability to track labor hours, labor cost and material cost for X multiple crafts on the same work order and to combine multiple work orders into a single"project". 4.3.8 Provide the capability for users to define, create and track work categories X (e g emergency work, routine maintenance, minor repair, etc.) and failure codes. 4.3.9 Provide adequate descriptive capability for a work order through an X unlimited length comments field 4.3.10 Provide the capability to identify and schedule special tools and equipment X resources as part of the work order utilizing a dedicated field. 4.3.11 Provide the flexibility to either automatically assign work order X identification numbers or override the function for manual assignment. 4.3.12 Provide the capability to track work order backlog by craft, individual X worker, customer department, or user-defined parameters. 4.3.13 Provide the capability of updating the status of a work order either manually X or automatically. 4.3.14 Provide the capability to retrieve work orders from the equipment history in X the Equipment Inventory module to allow for historical job analysis. 4.3.15 Provide the.capability of producing a work order schedule on a daily, X weekly or monthly basis as well as a user-defined period. 4.3.16 X Provide the ability to query work orders, work order status and open and X closed work orders with user-defined parameters. 4.3.17 The software must support time entry by an employee and approval by a supervisor, and must allow employee information, including labor rates,to TVA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 9 WS Ref. #E Application Feature/ System Requirement Y N be linked with a future ERP system Specific controls must be provided to he a unique employee to a specific work order on a specific date. TMA response: No approval by supervisor. 4.3.18 Provide the ability to link to an equipment record in the Equipment X Inventory module when a work order is created that reference a specific equipment identification number. 4.3.19 Provide support for the allocation of maintenance and repair costs from X completed work orders to multiple customer accounts and monitoring of year-to-date costs by customer. 4.3.20 Provide support for tracking work orders that result in repairs being X contracted by allowing tracking of labor and material costs by contract and contractor. 4.3.21 Provide the capability of rolling-up individual work order costs to a X "project"identification number in situations where several individual work orders may be handled as a single project. 4.3.22 Provide the capability to attach CAD drawings, a text file such as a X maintenance manual or a multi-media file of schematics to a work order. The work order module must have the capability of supporting DWG, TIFF, JPEG, PDF and ESRI Are View 3 0 and later files. 4.3.23 List discuss the standardized reports produced by the work order X management module and discuss the capabilities and ease/difficulty of creating user-defined reports TAM CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 10� 2.5 Parts Inventory Management Ref. #/ Application Feature/System Requirement Y N 4.4.1 Provide the capability of generating a spares reorder request notification X when the quantity of an inventory item drops below a minimum reorder threshold defined by the user Provide the capability of generating either an automatic or manual purchase requisition 4.4.2 Provide the capability to track unit price information for inventoried items X using average costs, as well as FIFO and LIFO accounting protocols. 4.4.3 Provide the capability of managing multiple inventory locations, X maintaining a unique bin identification number for each inventoned item, an on-hand quantity for each bin and a physical location description for each bin 4.4.4 Provide the capability of maintaining a Vendor file for spare parts, X including unit prices File data must be retnevable either by part number or by Vendor 4.4.5 Provide the capability of automatically tracking individual parts cost to an X individual work order in cases where more than one part is required to complete a work order. 4.4.6 Provide notification of parts received on pending work orders that are X awaiting parts for completion. 4.4.7 Provide the capability of using the Internet to access Vendors on-line or to X access on-line Vendor parts catalogs, such as Grainger. E44Provide support for the creation of Vendor quotes for parts and matenals X and the capability of easily converting quotes to Purchase Orders. Provide support for the creation of Purchase orders ,, d matenals X either as hard copy for mailing or faxing, or for on-luiL ., u.ng through the Internet Provide the capability for structunng blanket Purchase Orders. X 4.4.11 Provide the capability for creating multiple line items on a Purchase order, X linking each line item to a specific work order and to a specific maintenance cost account. 4.4.12 The software must support blanket Purchase Orders with specified dollar X limits and provide for automatic calculation of remaining balances Blanket POs are defined as POs against which one or more items can be purchased an indefinite number of times till a pre-determined dollar limit is reached. 4.4.13 Provide the capability of re-opening previously closed POs for X modification. 4.4.14 Support the printing of requisitions to the screen, a file or a printer. X 4.4.15 List/discuss the standardized reports produced by the parts inventory X management module and discuss the capabilities and ease/difficulty of creating user-defined reports TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 11 �S SECTION 3: Facility/Space Management Questionnaire 3.1 Physical Asset Management 3.2 Facility/Space Management 3.3 Project Management QPS 3.0 Facility/Space Management Questionnaire TMA understands that the City requires the capability to more effectively manage all city-owned and leased facility spaces, to manage leases for tenants in city-owned spaces and to efficiently evaluate space requirements and utilization for owned and leased facilities As part of its space management responsibilities the City also desires to automate the capability to manage personnel/asset moves from space/facility to space/facility and for cable management The Facility/Space Management software must include the following basic functionality: ♦ A Physical Asset management module ♦ A Facility/Space Management module. ♦ A Project Management module. 3.1 Physical Asset Management TMA understands that the City requires the capability of tracking and maintaining histories for select non-facility system assets such as furniture, audio-visual equipment, communications equipment, computers etc Discuss whether or not your software offers this capability as a module and describe the capabilities of this module to meet the following minimum requirements: Ref. # Application Feature/System Requirement Y N 5.1.1 Provide the capability to record, classify and code non-facility system assets X by categories that are user-definable. 5.1.2 Provide the capability of storing asset records in a hierarchical structure (i e X facility name, facility location, floor, room, asset category, asset, asset component) 5.1.3 Provide the capability to link an asset directly to a facility and a space X within a facility, as well as to a Vendor and manufacturer. 5.1.4 Provide the capability to identify an asset location graphically through X linkages, including AUTOCAD Release 12 and newer and ARC VIEW Version 3 0 and newer. 5.1.5 Provide the capability to generate an asset catalog that can be viewed on- X line and searched by key words, location or equipment identification numbers, and that allows printing of user-selected data. TMA response: HTML Report, create ad hoc report, save as HTML 5.1.6 Provide the ability to move individual assets or a group of assets from one X physical location to another on-screen in a drag and drop environment and to automatically update the underlying database(s) with all modifications. 5.1.7 Provide for bar coding of assets and the use of non-propnetary PDA X hardware for field inventory recording 5.1.8 Provide the ability to track warranty and service contracts, including X contract terms and providers The software must be able to flag an asset at a user-defined point prior to the expiration of a warranty or service contract. 5.1.9 Provide the ability to access manufacturer and/or Vendor catalogs on-line X via the Internet. TWA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 12 Ref. # Application Feature/System Requirement Y N 5.1.10 Provide the capability of allowing user defined multi-level charge-backs. X Each charge-back must be able to support a budget and encumbrances, and must have the ability for payments to be tracked and compared to budgets by cost-centers of for a City department. 5.1.11 List/discuss standardized reports produced by the software's asset X management module and discuss the capabilities and ease/difficulty of creating user-defined reports. 3.2 Facility/Space Management TMA understands that this module must have the ability to create flexible space use models with user-defined cntena to generate multiple "what if' space-planning scenarios. Ref. # Application Feature/System Requirement Y N 5.2.1 Provide the capability of maintaining data on personnel space assignments, X physical space inventory and characteristics and workstation configuration and locations The software should allow the user to define additional elements to track. 5.2.2 Provide the capability of planning and managing space requirements, X including the creation of"what if' scenanos. This capability should include the creation of user-defined fields for facility and space data management. 5.2.3 Provide the capability to track critical data about any space and its X occupiers, including organizational linkages, SF occupied data, space categorization data and cost center data. 5.2.4 Provide the capability of evaluating affinity and adjacency relationships and X generating stacking diagrams, including the ability to stack multiple buildings in a single session and drag and drop stacks between buildings. 5.2.5 Provide the capability of producing stack projections based on spatial X forecasts of space use. 5.2.6 Support the most current IFMA and BOMA space management standards. 5.2.7 Provide the capability of supporting multiple charge-backs for an individual X space if personnel from more than one department or cost center occupy that space. 5.2.8 Provide the capability of creating user-defined data fields to assign facility X component information such as HVAC equipment and wall/floor/ceiling finish data to individual spaces. 5.2.9 Provide the capability to monitor City space leases and cost data, track X gross and usable leased area, track lease costs and manage lease charge- backs to occupying City departments 5.2.10 Provide the capability to link data to either the Vendor's project X management software or to a stand-alone project management software package such as MS Project. 5.2.11 Provide drag and drop type personnel and furniture move management X capabilities that allow users to move personnel and associated assets by TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Ref.# Application Feature/System Requirement Y N dragging objects from one location to another Software must allow users to define a move from one space or building to another. 5.2.12 Provide the capability for users to categories purpose for moves (e g X renovation, reorganization, etc ) and sub-categories (e.g growth). 5.2.13 Provide the capability of creating multiple levels of move work orders to X support incremental or staged moves 5.2.14 Provide the capability of adding items to a move work order at any point X prior to the completion of a move Allow for move audits and status reporting. 5.2.15 Provide the capability of tracking data and telecommunications cabling X installation and modifications, including jacks, routers, wiring and hubs, and providing visual analysis of connectivity among computer network or telecommunication components via a CAD or similar interface. 5.2.16 Support the generation and management of work orders for installation and X re-routing of cable and other telecommunications components. 5.2.17 Provide the capability to develop user-defined service categories (e.g. LAN, X FAX. etc ) and computer network topologies (e g 1 OBT). 5.2.18 Allow users to easily query the database for any component and its X associated data. 5.2.14 Provide linkages to the CMMS work order and parts inventory management X modules. 5.2.20 Provide the capability of allowing user defined multi-level charge-backs X Each charge-back must be able to support a budget and encumbrances, and must have the ability for payments to be tracked and compared to budgets by cost-centers of for a City department. 5.2.21 Provide support for cost recovery for space management and the ability to X create budget exceptions for leased and owned space. 5.2.22 List/discuss standardized reports produced by the software's facility/space X management module and discuss the capabilities and ease/difficulty of creating user-defined reports 3.3 Project Management TMA understands that the City requires the capability to track and manage internal maintenance and repair work as well as contracted work for maintenance, repairs, minor construction and renovation, and major renovation and new construction. At it's most basic, the requirement is to be able to group or time-phase individual activities,perform interactive planning for resource allocation, and budget and track single or multiple expenditures associates with varied projects. Ref. # Application Feature/System Requirement Y N 5.3.1 Provide the capability to create, define, estimate and budget projects and X break projects down into user-defined tasks. 5.3.2 Provide the capability to link an unlimited number of tasks to a project and X TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 14 4S Ref.# IApplication Feature/System Requirement Y N schedule an unlimited number of resources for each task. 5.3.3 Provide the ability to link project tasks to a specific work order and link or X aggregate individual work orders into "projects" 5.3.4 Provide the capability to support multiple charge-backs from one project by X percentage and dollar amount. 5.3.5 Provide a user-definable Vendor list for each project and allow estimated X material and labor costs to be assigned to each task that comprises a project. 5.3.6 Provide the capability of allowing users to modify tasks and resources for a X project at any point in the project time-line and automatically adjusting schedules and resource allocation. 5.3.7 Provide the capability of managing large renovation and remodeling projects X and change orders for all sizes of projects. 5.3.8 Provide the capability for accessing on-line cost estimating data from X resources such as R S Means and linking this data with any stand-alone cost estimating software. 53.9 Provide the capability of interfacing with or easily exporting data to financial X management and cost accounting software. 53.10 Discuss how the software differs in capability from MS Project. Identify key X differences that provide enhanced capabilities over MS Project TMA response: See TMA Bid specifications. 5.3.11 Provide import and export capabilities with spreadsheet software such as X Excel and database software such as Access. 5.3.12 Provide the capability of allowing user defined multi-level charge-backs. X Each charge-back must be able to support a budget and encumbrances, and must have the ability for payments to be tracked and compared to budgets by cost-centers of for a City department 53.13 List/discuss standardized reports produced by the software's project X management module and discuss capabilities and ea— ty of creating user-defined reports. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ( 15 SECTION 4: Technology Qii, 4.1 Overall Requirements 4.2 Operating Environment 4.3 Customizations 4.4 Security 4.5 Support 4.6 Reporting 4.7 Interfaces 4.8 Other Third Parry Products 4.9 Product Vision �U 4.0 Technology Questionnaire Refer to the General Information and Background Section of this RFP to obtain relevant information relating to Technology objectives and transaction/user information. 4.1 Overall Requirements Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.1.1 List the software version number and release date for each proposed module, X including third party solutions. 7.0 6.1.2 Describe the preferred as well as minimum server/terminal as well as stand-alone X desktop hardware requirements, including processor speed, graphics requirements, computer memory and disk storage requirements. See TMA Hardware Specifications. 6.1.3 Is the menu system compliant with MS Windows development/mterface standards? X 6.1.4 Does the system provide context sensitive help based on the cursor location? X 6.1.5 Does the system provide help information at the system, module, screen or field X levels? 6.1.6 Does the system provide ability to create user-customized help at all levels? (E g X system, module, screen, field) 6.1.7 Descnbe/list technical and user documentation provided with the proposed X solution. 6.1.8 Describe and/or attach materials documenting method of determrmng system X response time. 4.2 Operating Environment Reference the description of the City's technical operating environment located m Section 1.5.5. Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.2.1 Is the system 100% compatible with the desktop components as described in the X Proposed Technology Environment? Describe any known conflicts with the proposed technology environment components. 6.2.2 Based on the technology proposed, describe the mrmmum,recommended, and X optimal client hardware configuration for a user See Hardware specifications. 6.2.3 Does the system provide automated network client mstalls and upgrades? X 6.2.4 Does the system provide messages to the system admimstrator if the maximum X number of concurrent users is exceeded? 6.2.5 Does the system provide 32-bit client support? X 6.2.6 Describe variations among modules in user interface look and feel. Describe the X differences TMA response: All modules are inter-relational and have the same look and feel. 6.2.7 Describe the server hardware requirements for your product including CPU,disk X space, and RAM. Provide recommendations for initial install as well as for 5 years TM4 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 16 Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N of growth Attach documentation if appropriate TMA response: Hardware. Specifications 6.2.8 Describe the database platform on which the product was originally developed X TMA response: C++. 6.2.9 Does the system provide support for network components as described in the X Proposed Technology Environment? Describe exceptions. TMA Response TMA only supports TMA Software. 4.3 Customization TMA agrees that this section will provide the City with information concerning the available customization features and the ability to carry customizations forward into future releases. Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.3.1 Does the system provide the ability to modify items, (e g., fields, elements, objects) X visible to user based upon security? 6.3.2 Does the system have user definable fields? X 6.3.3 Does the system provide a mechanism for data entry validation of user-definable X fields? 6.3.4 Does the system allow customization of menus for each user or group? X 6.3.5 Does the system allow for display or removal of non-required fields without X customization? 6.3.6 Attach documentation describing the tools and processes required for product X customization. TMA Response (Customization is supported by TMA). 6.3.7 Describe how the proposed product accommodates version control. That is,how X software configurations, customizations, and upgrades are managed. Attach additional documentation if desired. TMA Response. Upgrades are included in Maintenance Agreement and are developed so that the new release can be installed by the client in less than 3 hours 6.3.8 Describe how the proposed product provides audit trails of software configurations, X customizations, and upgrades Attach documentation if desired. 6.3.9 Describe, in detail,how configuration and/or customization changes are affected by X subsequent software releases. TMA Response. All customizations are supported in future releases 6.3.10 Describe how software customizations impact the software maintenance and X agreement support. Attach documents if available. TMA Response Support is include for all customizations with quoted prevail. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 17 4.4 Security This section probes the proposed solution's security features Clearly indicate where the security features addressed in this section vary between or among modules. Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.4.1 Describe the product suite security features that allow user access to specific X processes and functions (e g , add, change, and delete) 6.4.2 Describe the product suite features that provide easy, efficient application security X setup (e g , the use of copy capabilities, security templates, definition of roles). 6.4.3 Does the system provide an interface so that a user can be automatically updated X with an end date when separated from employment9 6.4.4 Does the system provide the capability to manually deactivate and reactivate a X user? 6.4.5 Does the system provide the ability to restrict the information the user can see to X the information for which the user has security? 6.4.6 Does the system provide the facility to register custom processes, (e g., reports), X making them available to users with appropriate privileges? 6.4.7 Does the system provide the ability to format menus corresponding to users' X privileges (e g, only the processes to which the user has access are shown)? 6.4.8 Describe how passwords are managed, including password assignment, syntax X requirements, encryption,reuse, and expiration TMA Response. The System Administrator assigns the passwords. 6.4.9 Does the system provide automatic logout of unattended workstations? X 6.4.10 Does the system provide functionality to disable a user after a specified number of X invalid login attempts? 6.4.11 Describe how the invalid login rules are specified. X TMA response: Invalid log ins is rejected. 6.4.12 Does the system provide invalid login logging? X 6.4.13 Describe the security reporting available for audit purposes (e g., apphcation X functions each user can access,user database access, etc.). Attach additional documentation if desired. 6.4.14 Does the system provide a single user logon for all proposed applicationslmodules? X 6.4.15 Describe cases in which a user must use more than a single logon for all proposed X applications/modules. 6.4.16 Describe any other security features that have not been covered. X 6.4.17 Describe the audit trail for tracking data changes. X TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 118 4.5 Support Influence in the direction of the application, support, and training is important to the City. Ref.# Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.5.1 Descnbe your policy and timing for dropping support of client operating system, X server operating system and database versions TMA response: Backward support for at least two years — Support is discontinued if a maintenance agreement is not renewed. 6.5.2 List contact names, phone numbers and addresses for user groups that focus on X elements of the proposed solution set. TMA response: All clients are members of the user group. (See Software Customer References) 6.5.3 Descnbe the role user groups play in setting priorities for new features. X TMA Response General questionnaire and suggestions over List Server. TMA is very customer driven company. All the advances of the software have been direct recommendations and needs from our clients. The client requests are channeled thru sales and technical support staff and then onto programming. Programming then determines the appropriate timeline of the request making it into the next system maintenance release. TMA has an "Election for Direction" questionnaire for our clients to input their suggestions to enhance the features of the neat TMA product. 6.5.4 List the locations of the nearest support offices X TMA Response: Tulsa, Ok. 6.5.5 Descnbe the support offerings available to the City, including support dunng non- X peak hours. TMA Response: See TMA Maintenance Agreement. 6.5.6 Descnbe problem management and escalation procedures. X TMA Response See TMA Maintenance Agreement 6.5.7 Descnbe the technical services provided in the product's basic license fees. X TMA Response See TMA Maintenance Agreement. 6.5.8 Descnbe any additional technical services available X TMA Response: Technical services are available during normal business hours (8 00am-5 30 pm) CST /DCT 6.5.9 Descnbe training support available. Attach documentation if desired TMA Response See Training description. TMA has additional training if needed. 6.5.10 Does the system provide a knowledge base, a g., the ability to access a database of X incidents,problems,error messages,and solutions? 6.5.11 Does the system provide knowledge base keyword search capability to facilitate a X search of the knowledge base for a problem and find a solution? 6.5.12 Descnbe the support knowledge base format, e g , web site, distnbuted media, etc. X 6.5.13 Descnbe documentation types, levels and media that are provided. X 6.5.14 Descnbe the process for implementing application software updates. Include X resources and time. TMA Response: Updates are available at TMA F.T.P Site. one day by your personnel. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 19 4 Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.5.15 Describe the process for implementing major application software upgrades X Include resources and time. 6.5.16 Describe your policy for supporting older application versions. X 4.6 Reporting TMA Systems understands that the City views reporting as a critical solution component. The intent in this section is to communicate the City's minimum needs for an end user reporting tool. Vendors are encouraged to attach additional documentation describing the proposed solution's reporting capabilities As well, Vendors are encouraged to supply information about "add on" or third parry reporting tools that may enhance the solution set. Vendors may provide some basic functionality but will propose a third party reporting tool as well. Please be clear which answers below are provided in the base product versus those provided in a third party tool. Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.6.1 Please indicate whether the proposed reporting tool is provided as an integral part X of the product suite. If not, please name the proposed product and version number. TMA Response 400 canned reports. 6.6.2 Describe the reporting architecture included in the proposed solution. For example, X what components reside on the client, the server, etc? Attach additional documentation if desired. TMA Response: Use Crystal Reports version 4.0. 6.6.3 Describe the administrative tasks necessary to prepare the reporting tool for use, X e g , populate the data dictionary, etc. Attach additional documentation if desired. TMA Response. Based on selection of report writer. 6.6.4 Descnbe the reporting tool's drill down capabilities See above. X 6.6.5 Descnbe the options provided to produce and catalog on-demand reports based on X user defined criteria. Attach additional documentation if desired. TMA Response: Sort by date, Tag numbers, area, and department. 6.6.6 Does the system provide the ability to select data directly from database tables or X pre-defined views? TMA Response: Direct from the tables 6.6.7 Does the system provide the ability to sort, in ascending or descending order, by X any combination of database fields and/or temporary and computed fields? TNIA Response Depends what Report writer is chosen. 6.6.8 Does the system provide the ability to embed selection criteria in the procedure and X enter criteria at run-time9 Selection criteria must support wild cards and ranges of values. TMA Response Depends what Report writer is chosen 6.6.9 Does the system provide the ability to import the data into Microsoft Excel 97, X Microsoft Access 97, and Microsoft Word 979 TN1A Response: Crystal Report writer. T.YIA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 20 Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.6.10 Does the system provide the ability to reformat report data for marling labels, or X other printed outputs9 6.6.11 Does the system provide both columnar and non-columnar reports') X TMA Response Both. 6.6.12 Does the system provide the ability to interrupt executing queries? X 6.6.13 Does the system reporting tool require the user to know SQL7 X 6.6.14 Does the system provide the ability for the user to choose between a desktop X default printer and central high-speed printer? 6.6.15 Does the system provide the ability to schedule reports in batch processes? X 6.6.16 Does the system provide the ability to perform queries on-line? X 4.7 Interfaces Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.7.1 For each module proposed (e g , Work Order Management, Asset Management, X etc ), describe the external interface facilities. For example, are there tables to receive data from other systems9 Is the interface facility documented? Is there a standard for imporUcxport to these modules? Attach additional information. 6.7.2 Does the system provide 32-bit ODBC support? X 6.7.3 Does the system provide an interface to Microsoft Exchange in order to generate X user e-mail notification of business events? 6.7.4 Describe the process to import application data to Microsoft Excel 97 Attach X documents if desired. 6.7.5 Describe the process to import application data to Microsoft Access 97. ,Attach X documents if desired. 6.7.6 Describe ways that Microsoft Word 97 integrates with the product. X TMA Response Linked documents. 6.7.7 Describe ways that Visio 5 0 integrates with the product. X TMA Response Linked documents. 6.7.8 Describe the ways in which AUTOCAD integrates with the product and what X versions are currently supported. TMA Response AutoCAD 14 — ViewCAD options links to all building, area and equipment. 4.8 Other Third Party Products Ref. # Technical Feature/Requirement Y N 6.8.1 Describe conversion tools if proposed Attach materials if necessary X 6.8.2 Describe any web-based products proposed. X TMA Response. See TMA Software Specifications. 6.8.3 Describe other third party products proposed Attach materials if necessary. X TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 21 4.9 Product Vision Attach documents describing the major technological improvements your company is planning for your products and services over the next three to five years. Please address the following potential development areas: ♦ Company's strategic direction. ♦ TMA Response TMA has embraced the Palm technology. Our existing Palm interface possesses a robust set of features, such as bar coding, work order management, etc As new technology become available, TMA plans to continue its enhancement of its Palm interface,providing our clients with a true paperless solution We are developing our interface to operate a wireless Palm technology ♦ Adjustments to user interface and/or client software requirements. ♦ TMA Response: None ♦ Potential adjustments to operating environment. ♦ TMA Response: None ♦ Major adjustments to product development tools. ♦ TMA Response- N/A ♦ Browser access to system (Please indicate if for specific software modules or all modules.). ♦ TMA Response: Netscape and Explorer. ♦ Changes to architecture and/or platforms supported. ♦ TMA Response. None ♦ Commitment to proposed database platform. ♦ TMA Response At least. ♦ Functional Enhancements and/or new software modules under development. ♦ TMA Response- TMA is aggressively developing and incorporating thin client technology into its CMMS products Our goal is to provide our clients with a full- featured CMMA solution that will be fully operational via the Web. Our initial Work Order module release is scheduled for fourth quarter, 2000 Our full- featured solution is scheduled for a 3'd quarter 2001 release. ♦ Partnerships and/or alliances with other Vendors in the industry. ♦ TMAResponse Grainger/Oracle/Microsoft Any other planned product changes that might be of interest to the City. TMA Response. Thin Client, Web application for beta in 2nd Qtr 2001. API Mapping- TMA is developing an API for its CMMS products, as this will aid TMA clients when interfacing to other systems For those clients who do not have the desire or capability of housing and supporting a CMMS solution, TMA will offer a "total" solution, where TMA hosts the server, and the client accesses the application via the Web TMA expects to offer this service beginning in third quarter, 2000. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 22 SECTION 5: implementation Questionnaire 5.1 Pre-Implementation 5.2 TMA Training 53 Professional Services 5.4 TMA Project Team 5.5 TMA References �S 5.0 Implementation Questionnaire The City's implementation priorities and anticipated project staffing are located in the General Information and Background section. The Vendor is strongly encouraged to use this information as a guideline to complete the Implementation Questionnaire. The Implementation Questionnaire contains the following sections: ♦ Implementation Methodology ♦ Implementation Team Size ♦ Training ♦ Post Implementation Support ♦ Implementation Customer Reference The City expects the Implementation Team to possess high levels of knowledge and experience in proven methodologies and best practices of maintenance and facility management The City's focus is on determining that the implementation team and/or organization have a high degree of experience with successful implementations. Expertise should include both technical and functional expertise in public sector installations for the proposed products. Note: The finalists) will be required to provide a comprehensive project plan that fully describes how the Vendor intends to complete implementation activities in order to manage and successfully complete the City's project. Note: The City will interview and/or review resume information about members of the implementation team as part of the final selection and negotiation process. Implementation Methodology, TMA Response: See 5.1 Pre-Implementation. TMA will be the prime vendor and take full responsibility for the sat,,C,, 'ory deliver, installation, migration, correct operation and on going support system as described in the RFP. Attach a description of the proposed implementation methodolog) ,i,at addresses, at mimmum, the following: 1 Briefly describe your company's implementation experience and expertise. TMA Response: See 5.1 Pre-Implementation TMA will be the prime vendor and take full responsibility for the satisfactory deliver, installation, migration, correct operation and on going support of the system as described in the RFP- TMA has implemented over 600 sites from American Airlines (six sites) to Kent School District. 2 Describe your company's implementation methodology in detail. TMA Response:See 5.1 Pre-Implementation 3 Attach project plan outline for a project of similar size and complexity with your proposal response. TMA Response- See attached Sample Implementation Schedule. 4 Describe how the pre-contract implementation plan is developed. TMA Response: See 5.1 Pre-Implementation 5. Describe how your organization approaches data conversion issues. 6 TMA Response: TMA review data prior to estimating cost for conversion. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 23 f � 7 Describe how customization requirements are identified and defined. TMA Response TMA reviews customization requirements prior to quoting the customization. 8. What software modules are typically grouped and installed together? . TMA Response: See Training Schedule. 9 What amount of elapsed time in months is typically required to implement a project of this size and complexity? TMA Response: Please see attached sample of Implementation Schedule— Approximately 6monthsforfull implementation.. Implementation Team Size Please review the Implementation Priorities as identified in the General Information and Background section. Assume that the Vendor is providing supplementary resources to implement all Phase I modules first followed by all Phase II modules. 1. Please describe how you propose to supplement the City's project team. Describe number of FTEs, the role each individual will play in the process, and expected duration of service for each individual. Describe experience level and/or technical expertise to be provided by each team member. TMA Response: Please see TMA Project Team Training TMA Response TMA aggress that training is regarded as a key factor in the success of systems implementation at the City TMA understands that the City believes that training is critical to the success of this project. The following questions explore the technical, functional and end user training recommended by the Vendor. For each question, discuss technical and functional implementation team trarning separately from end user training. L How many training hours are included with the proposed system9 . TMA Response 5 days 2 How many hours and/or days of training are typically required for a comparable sized customer TMA Response: 5 days? 3. What are the options available for the location of trairung, a g. on-site,Vendor training facility, etc.? . 4 TMA Response: TMA has an in-house training room at our Corporate Office or TMA's Consultant may train at the Client's location. 5. Do you provide additional training, if needed9 If so, what is the average hourly, daily and/or class rate? 6. . TMA Response:Yes, TMA Cost is $1,500 00 per day at the Client's Location or $500 00 per day at TMA's Corporate Office TAM CONFIDENTLIL INFORMATION 24 �� Post-Implementation Support 1 Please describe post-implementation support for the system, including the following: ♦ Transition from implementation team to users After on site implementation the hand off would be to our Technical Support Center in Tulsa Okla. ♦ Describe all parties that the City would be working with. TMA Response: Please see TMA Project Team ♦ Response procedures for priority vs. non-prionty calls. TMA Response: Please Pre-Implementation Section. ♦ Hours of service TMA Response Please see Professional Services. ♦ Remote site support TMA Response: TMA has technical support during normal business hours (8:00am-5:30pm) CST/DST Support is given via phone, Internet, Fax,E-Mail. ♦ Any other information that would be appropriate to provide to the City. TMA Response, Please Pre-Implementation and Training Section 2. Please describe how both minor system enhancements and major system upgrades are provided Please include infonnation with regard to- TMA Response TMA has a FTP Site that the client may download any new upgrades and all upgrades are included with a current annual Afaintenaru c .0 charge. ♦ Frequency of delivery — Quarterly for maintenance annually or bi annually on major up grades. ♦ Impact on City staff resources — Recommend a TMA coordinator at the facility level and approximately 10% of an IS person. ♦ Cost implications for City TMA Response: With a current Maintenance support contract with TMA. Our clients are entitled to free technical support during normal business hours (8 00am-5.30pm) CST/DST Support is given via phone, Internet, Fax, E-Marl. ♦ Training impacts — Client dependent but recommend at least that your TMA coordinator be involved in releases and upgrades ♦ Whether expert help from Vendor or third parties is generally required. TMA Response: Yes — TMA is available to assist in maintenance releases and upgrades. 3. Please describe the process tour company has in place to deal with customer/user complaints and to integrate feedback into subsequent releases. ♦ Does your firm directly provide technical support or do you rely on independent distributors/consultants? TMA Response TMA has technical support during normal business hours (8:00am-5: 30pm) CSTIDST Support is given via phone,Internet, Fax, E-Mail. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 25 5.1 TMA Pre-Implementation The scope of this engagement will include extensive TMA professional services, of which part shall include being pre-implementation and project management. The following information presents a general scope of these services that n,11 be provided to the University. Pre-implementation Pre-implementation is designed to serve several purposes for new TMA clients Primarily it is a planning session where members of the implementation team work together to set realistic goals for each phase of implementation It is also a chance for the team to evaluate existing methods and procedures and determine where changes need to be made Finally, thorough implementation planning will ensure more efficient usage of the TMA software once up and running. During the session, a certified TMA installer will act as a consultant for the discussions and will provide materials to assist with planning. They will also provide additional information about the data structure and operation of the TMA System. The attached agenda will give you an idea of the topics normally covered during pre-implementation. These topics can vary depending on interests and needs. It is encouraged that attendees bring with them to the meetings any documentation, notes, examples, questions, etc that they may wish to discuss Because the pre-implementation session is concerned with strategic planning rather than system training, it is not necessary to have the TMA software loaded pnor to the session. TMA personnel will install the software on the client's site, as well as bring a current TMA working model for reference As each new TMA client's requirements are umque, the following agenda is designed as an overview of a typical pre-implementation session. These items can be adjusted to allow for the maximum benefit to the University. Establish Goals • Discuss the anticipated outcome of the TMA implementation. • Determine short range vs. long-range goals. • Prepare preliminary implementation schedule, subject to revision. Assess Current Operations • Review existing maintenance management procedures. • Determme what is mandatory to meet facility requirements. • Determine what areas require enhancement or change • Define existing roles of personnel within the effected areas. • Define proposed roles of personnel after implementation of TMA.. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFOPMATION 26 Review Data • Review existing data. • Determine what maybe readily converted and loaded into TMA. • Determine what data may need to be collected from the field. • Discuss advantages of starting TMA with minimum data vs. full data Overview of TMA Structure and Operations • Summarize TMA set-up requirements and hierarchy. • Summarize key TMA operational features • Compare and contrast TMA capabilities with existing facility procedures. • Determine possible solutions for any problem areas • Document any possible customization requests Sofware/-lardware Review • Review TMA licensing and planned installation. • Review requirements for TMA software installation and any TMA options • Review DBA and System Administrator requirements. • Establish Information Systems contact(s) for network and/or server issues. Review Resources • Determine individuals to be involved with TMA implementation process • Determine responsibilities to be assigned and time allocation required. • Address any resource limitations and devise solutions. Finalize Strategy • Prepare check sheet. • Develop final implementation schedule. • Schedule follow up meetings. • List and address remaining problems and questions. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 27Y� , 5.2 TMA Training Training of City of Kent personnel is crucial in allowing maximum utilization of the TMA system. During this project phase, TMA staff will set up the appropriate TMA modules. We will help you identify a proper coding scheme for master records (buildings, equipment, inventory, etc.) and assist you in setting up the master records We will also tram appropriate staff to use the TMA modules. This training will include, but will not be limited to, how to enter data, perform key processes, print needed reports and maintain the integrity of the module. Training is hands-on and does include documentation to assist with key issues As each new TMA client's requirements are unique, the following agenda is designed as an overview of a typical training outline during implementation. We emphasize that TMA training will be customized to the City of Kent with suggestions and support from TMA. Training Guide: TMA is an area or space related software This means that all work orders, PM's, and projects are written on specific areas All assets, equipment, and vehicle records are linked to a specific location ID. Before using TMA, several files or tables have to be initialized Certain tables are linked to other tables in TMA, which make up the data file structure with the work order being the center of focus Therefore, records in each of the tables have to be established rn TMA such as buildings, areas, trades, equipment, job library, etc. This process is done through administrator and system set-up There are three major components to the software. The first is Omnis or the data base engine. Omms is the link between the application program and the database. Next is the application program that includes the library file and program file. Finally, there is the database or schema that contain all the tables and records. The database is like a filing cabinet that holds information that can be accessed by multiple users and where data is stored. The database resides on the server and is shared by all TMA users. There are primarily two types of installations. One is the concurrent installation and the other is the workstation installation. With a concurrent installation, the DBE, application or program files, and the database all reside on a server. The program can then be accessed from a workstation or node. A shortcut or path is created on each workstation that point to the software that resides on the server. The workstation installation is where the DBE and application files are installed in each individual workstation's hard drive or `C' drive The database is stored on a server and the workstations are linked to the server allowing users to share data TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 28 4s- Administrator Setup: The administrator setup allows the system administrator to customize the program to some extent Minor adjustments can be made to the program in the preferences window. Default settings along with prefixes and counters are established that will be used throughout TMA The system administrator can limit what functions in TMA that users can access in their user access record. Accounts can be established that will be used for chargeable work orders. System Setup: System setup is where you begin entering information in tables to establish relationships throughout TMA. There are various location related files and personnel related files in TMA The location related files include facilities, buildings, and areas. The personnel related files include shops, trades, and personnel System setup is also where records for equipment, assets, and vehicles are established. Once all the data has been entered into the appropriate tables and records have been established, you can begin entering work orders. It is important to develop a good plan for establishing the data structure since the links established in TMA are permanent. Types categorize building, area, equipment, asset, and vehicle records therefore; you must establish Type categories before inputting the individual records. Types are used in various pick lists that allow users to search for an item by category. TMA Features: There are several features that are used throughout TMA. The "home screen" is the main screen with the large icon buttons that will take you to different functions in TMA The top menu includes the main menu access system The top toot bar includes icons for adding, editing, deleting, and finding records with a print and help icon. As you go through the program, you will be able to get a pop up or pick hst that contains information set up previously in TMA. Some of the pick lists will have a type to choose from the top list which when chosen, will bring up a list of items linked to that particular type. You can get a pick list by tabbing through a required field or clicking the down arrow beside the field. A required field is denoted by an underlined field name. The underlined fields have to be populated before you can save the record. To save a record, click the OK icon in the top tool bar or hit the enter key. After entering data in a field, get in the practice of tabbing out of the field to validate the entry. Tabbing is also the recommended method of moving from field to field within a window. DO NOT use the enter key to try to move from field to field—use the Tab key. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 29 W There is a message bar at the bottom of each window that will display on line information depending on what field the cursor arrow is pointing to. Through out TMA, there are windows with columns of data that can be sorted in a different order by clicking on the column heading. You can find a specific record in TMA using the Find button in the top tool bar. (See the separate hand out for specific instructions on how to use the Find function.) The active/inactive buttons in various windows will include the item in a pick list if active or omit the item from the list if inactive. The drag & drop feature in TMA allows you to drag a line to another field while holding the left mouse button down after getting the "gnpping hand". Right mouse clicking in select fields will open a window with several options. Some options include `drilling down' to that specific field record, work history, and others. Administrator Setup: Preferences - customize program by changing nomenclature, add priorities and work order types, select date format, set-up prefixes and counters, establish global equipment user definable fields, select e-mail system if applicable, and set-up a data base lock out procedure. Time types— set-up time types, one is to be used as a default entry for work orders which is established in the repair center window The rate multiplier is used in the labor calculation. Repair Center - the maintenance organization responsible for maintaming equipment, assets, vehicles, and areas. There has to be at least one repair center or you can have multiple repair centers that can share the software between two or more maintenance organizations. Allows uses to access records that are exclusive to their repair center. Only dispatchers and system administrators can view records for all repair centers. TMA tracks costs for each repair center. User access - there are three levels of access in TMA. The first level, the system administrator, has access to all repair centers and assigns other users access rights. The dispatcher also has access to records in all repair centers. The third level, the user or operator, only has access to the repair center they have been assigned and can only see records in their repair center The user and dispatcher can be restricted from menus and features in TMA. TAM CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 30 Accounts - there is a charge back system in TMA that allows users to make a work order chargeable. This feature allows the repair center to charge clients/departments for work performed or track maintenance costs by department. All costs will be posted to the appropriate account after a `Post Charges' procedure has been performed. System Setup: Shop —groups together similar trades The shop level is optional and is mainly used for reporting purposes and search queries All work order costs will roll up to the shop level when a shop is linked to the work order's primary trade. Account numbers that are entered in the shop window are default credit account numbers that will appear in labor, parts, and other charges line entries in windows 2 & 3 of the work order for the work order's primary trade. Trades — groups together technicians with similar skills Each personnel record will be linked to one trade. Each work order is required to have a primary trade responsible for the work that is to be done on the work order. A work order can have multiple trades associated with it. Personnel - this is where a record for each worker is created. An account number will default from the shop record if applicable. The charge rate is used in the calculation of labor cost on the labor line of the work order. Each personnel record liaq to be linked to a specific trade PPE items, training courses, and supplemental skills Cc,n be added to each technician's record. bepartment/Client - this is an optional table in TMA. The department is a cost center or organization that is responsible for the maintenance costs incurred in a specific area or a specific piece of equipment. The account number in the department window will default to work order window 1 when a chargeable work order is written on an area that is linked to that department Any costs incurred in the work order will be posted to the department's charge account number Facility - this is the highest level in the location related hierarchy in TMA Facilities are linked to buildings that are linked to areas and therefore, any costs incurred on an area will ultimately roll up to its facility. Building - the next level in the hierarchy is the building level. Costs incurred on areas will roll up to the individual buildings they are linked to. Areas - this is the lowest level of the space hierarchy. All work related functions in TMA are written on areas Assets, equipment, and vehicles are all linked to a specific area. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFOAMATION 31 Equipment - information on specific equipment All equipment records are linked to a Location ID Systems - optional feature that groups similar equipment types. Displays costs to maintain all equipment linked to an equipment system. Types - categories of equipment that will be linked to each equipment record. Nomenclature - this feature provides users definable fields that will be specific for each equipment type. Tlus information will appear in window 7 of the equipment record. Assets - (optional) non-mechanical items linked to a specific Location ID used to track inventory Types are categories of assets used in the asset record. Nomenclature - this feature provides users definable fields that will be specific for each asset type that will appear in window 5 of the asset record. Vehicles - (optional) information on vehicles Types are categories of vehicles used in the vehicle record. Nomenclature - this feature provides users definable fields that will be specific for each vehicle type that will appear in window 4 of the vehicle record. Groups - allows you to schedule maintenance or condition monitoring on multiple items that follow the same PM schedule or are similar in operations for assets, equipment, vehicles, and areas. Task library -job codes are supplied in the task library by TMA that are used to identify specific lob descriptions Each work order is required to have a primary lob code. Additional lob codes can be added to the work order. Job codes are linked to a specific job type. A default trade can be assigned to eachjob type When a Job code is selected in the work order, the trade that was assigned to the job code's'type will automatically populate in the trade field. Operations: Work Orders - one of the main features of TMA is the work order. The work order assigns a maintenance task to a specific area or tag # The work order can be generated for corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance, or linked to a project. The work order can be assigned to a specific worker; one trade, multiply trades, or an outside contractor and can be prioritized Each work order is assigned a job code or multiple Job codes The work order can be charged to a specific account or multiply accounts. The work order can include time/labor charges, parts costs, and other charges costs. Labor can be from in-house maintenance technicians or from an outside contractor. Material can be charged out from inventories or purchased from an outside source. Work orders can be generated one at a time from the Work Order window, the PM generator, Request Log, and from a Project Labor, parts, and other charges can be quick posted to the work order in batch type format. Work orders can be printed one at a time or done through batch printing based on specific cnteria. Data in the work order will come from information in the data base previously set up in TMA for buildings, areas, repair centers, task codes, trades, personnel, accounts, equipment, assets, or vehicles. Short cuts to create work orders include typing an /E, /V, /A. /G + the tag # in the tag # field or TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 32 ,rA a location ID and TMA will populate the location information along with the corresponding equipment, vehicle, asset, or group tag number. Also, typing an /E, N, /A, /G in the tag # field will open a pick list for equipment, vehicle, asset, or group linked to a specific location ID. Work Order Browse - allows users to view open and/or closed work orders sorted by a date range, facility, building, work order type, department, shop, or trade. Select work orders by highlighting the work order lines and then choose to a) remove the selected work order(s) from the list, b) zoom to the work order, c) view the work order detail, or d) hatch print work orders You can choose from a pre-selected sort list or a user defined sort list to select different sort options from the list. Scheduling Work Orders - this feature allows users to assign a specific technician or technicians to open works and manipulate their schedules. You can also view worker assignments Quick Posting Work Orders - this feature allows users to add labor, material, & other charges to a work orders in a batch type format. A number of entries can be added in a single batch for a specific charge. Printing Work Orders - there are several options for printing work orders in TMA. Single work order - find the work order you wish to print and click the printer icon from the tool bar. Batch print work orders - choose the date range (assigned or request date), trade, work order type, and repair center and TMA will print work orders that meet the criteria that have not been previously printed. Batch print override - allows printing work orders by entering a range of work order numbers no matter if they have been printed previously Work Order Browse - select work orders using the work order browse selection process and clicking batch print. Scheduler & PM Generator— after scheduling work orders or generating PM work orders there will be an option to batch print the work orders. Post Charges - this procedure will post costs to the appropriate accounts in TMA for work orders that have been marked as `chargeable' Anytime a work order is marked as `chargeable', a charge account and credit account is required. The costs will not be posted to the appropriate accounts until the Post> Charges procedure is done. Once costs have been posted, the line items that are tied to an account number cannot be edited. To make a correction, an offsetting entry will need to be made. You can Post>Charges through a specific date, if the `closed work orders only' check box is marked, no costs will be posted to open work orders. If a work order is not in balance, a message window will appear displaying the work order numbers that are out of balance. The list of work TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 33 � orders with out of balance or missing account #'s can be printed out. Then you can go to those specific work orders and make corrections and run the Post>Charges procedure again Post Rollups - this procedure will rollup costs charged in work orders to the appropriate records such as facility, building, department, area, shop, equipment, etc. Preventive Maintenance - allows users to generate work orders at pre-determine intervals for scheduled maintenance on areas, assets, equipment, vehicles, or groups. There are two ways to create PM's in TMA Record based PM's are created on a specific area, asset, equipment, or vehicle in their respective record. Task based PMs are created on a specific task in the task library Users can create a task based PM on areas, assets, equipment, vehicles, or groups. PM's can be scheduled on a fixed schedule or a floating schedule Fixed schedule - the date the PM work order is closed does not affect when the next PM is due. It is based on the generation date of the PM. Floating schedule - the closed date of the work order determines when the next PM is due - starts counting from the closed date. PM Consolidation will combine PM schedules due in the same PM generation time period into one work order. The least frequent schedule's task code will display as the default trade on the work order The task code will have an * beside it in the generation list after generating PM's if it is a consolidated PM. Projects - TMA defines projects as work requests that require multiple work orders to be completed. Project costs can be tracked two ways One is through the project work order which tracks labor, material from inventory, and other costs Two is through the project requisition, which is used to order material, or services not in inventory that will be used in the project and linked to the project by the project number. Project Requisition - this function in TMA allows users to purchase goods and services from outside vendors to be used in a project Estimated and actual costs will rollup from the requisition to the project Stockroom - the stockroom function in TMA allows users to set-up inventories in various stockrooms or warehouses and issue parts from those stockrooms on a work order Prior to implementing the stockroom several sub-systems have to be established in TMA, which includes vendors, stockrooms, parts, tool crib,hazardous material, & refrigerants. Vendors — records of vendors from which parts are purchased. Vendor types or categories have to be established prior to setting up a vendor record. Stockroom/warehouse - this is the location where the parts are kept. If an account # is enter in the record, the number will default to the credit field in window 3 for a material line entry issued from the stockroom. Parts — enter records with detailed information about parts or material stocked in the various warehouses. Part types are categories of parts. Records contain specific information on each part Location displays a list of all stockrooms where parts are TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 34 �� inventoried. Suppliers display a list of vendors where the part was purchased or cross- referenced. On-Hand Adjustments - line adjustments that track stock movement in TMA. Typically stock movement will be logged when parts are entered on a work order. Other types of stock movement adjustments are - positive & negative, worker return, order arrival,issue a part, and defective part Making on-hand adjustments sets up the initial inventory. Once saved, editing or deleting on-hand adjustments is not permitted. Editing on-hand adjustments have to be made prior to saving the adjustment. If an error is made entering an on-hand adjustment, an offsetting adjustment will need to made to correct the mistake. Part Transfer - this function allows users to transfer parts from one warehouse to another in batch type entries. Quantities are adjusted into the receiving warehouse and out of the sending warehouse. Request for Quote - used to request a price quote from a vendor. The request can be converted into a purchase order or requisition When the request is printed, a blank line will replace the unit cost for the vendor to fill in. To convert the request into a purchase or requisition, click Convert to Order button. There is a text field for comments and freight can be added to the request Once the request is converted, it ceases to exist as a request and appears as a requisition. The new requisition can be found in the purchase requisition window. Purchase Requisition - this function is used for placing an order for parts or material with a vendor TMA tracks purchases for each vendor Each time a part is Purchased from a vendor, the name of the vendor is automatically entered into the `Suppliers' window of the part record. Once the requisition is saved, it can be printed out as a purchase order or a purchase requisition. If the `authorization required' has been enabled in preferences, the purchase requisition will have to be authorized before it can be printed. The parts are received into inventory from the Receiving window Parts can be automatically posted to a work order by double clicking a part line and entering information in the window. Once the part is received, the quantity will automatically be posted to the work order. The Under stock button will open a window with a list of all under stocked parts in all warehouses. OTP - one time purchase - parts not normally stocked in inventory. When `OTP' is typed in the part code field, a window will open to enter the vendor's part code & description and allows you to auto post the part to a specific work order. The vendor's part code will appear in the purchase requisition. Blanket Order - this feature will allow users to make purchases from a vendor using the same PO#. The PO can be edited until closed. Credit limits can be set if applicable. Receiving - this function is a follow up to the purchase requisition. Receiving makes a code 3 adjustment in the on-hand adjustment window and adjusts the quantities in inventory. The purchase requisition can be closed from this window. TMA CONFIDENTUL INFORMATION 35 Sales Order - this function in TMA is used to `sale' parts from a stockroom to other departments/clients at your facility. A sales order is a special type of on-hand adjustment (code 8) After a sales order is written, you must indicate if the part(s)has been shipped to the client before any adjustments are made to the inventory To indicate a shipment, click the `Shipped' button while in the edit mode and click OK to save. TMA will not adjust the inventory until the `Shipped' button has been checked. Sales Orders cannot be edited or deleted once they have been marked as `shipped' An offsetting adjustment or an additional sales order will have to be created to adjust any error. Pending sales - orders allows users to ship back ordered items. Once the back ordered items have been received, click the `Pending' button. A window will open with a list of all pending sales order Select the appropriate sales order and click the `Use pending' button to load the back ordered items. Pick list will print information on the part being sold Returns - is used to return parts that have been previously purchased and are being returned to inventory. Billing - performs the same function as the billing feature in work order window 2 Allows users to add additional charge accounts for multi-billing purposes. Additional Features: Contracts and Contractors - TMA gives users the ability to issue work orders to outside contractors and track costs to those contractors. One or more contracts can be linked to a contractor and contain information about the type of work the contractor has been contracted for. There is a contract start and end date to specify how long the contract will be valid, a total value and balance field for tracking how much the contract is worth and how much money remains on it If a contractor has a valid contract for the type of work being done (the task type tied to the contract) on the building or piece of equipment receiving the work, then the costs will roll up to the contract and the contractor record. Cross References Parts - When a part is issued to a work order, TMA automatically references the part with the respective equipment. When a part is received through the receiving window, the part is automatically referenced to the respective vendor. When a part is issued to a vehicle, it is referenced to the respective vehicle. This allows parts to be cross-referenced to either a piece of equipment, vendor, or vehicle. These references can be viewed from the `other function»parts in stock' feature in the individual equipment and vehicle records and from `other functions»parts x-ref in the vendor record You can also add cross-references in TMA to equipment, vendors, or vehicles. SOP - stands for standard operating procedure, winch is created from the Equipment»SOP window. The SOP is linked to the equipment in the equipment record window 2 and can be printed out from the `other functions' feature. The SOP does not print out automatically. TAM CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 36 Authorization - enabling `authorization required' in preferences will require requisitions and projects to be authorize before they can be printed or processed. Authorization limits and levels can be set in the user records and job library. Lock Out Procedure - this is a procedure that needs to be completed before any work can be performed on a piece of equipment or in a specific area. Before linking to an area or piece of equipment, the procedure must be created. It is created in Equipment»Lock Out Created the procedure for a specific type of equipment. In the equipment record window 2, link the lock out procedure to the equipment and when a work order is written on that equipment, the lock-out procedure will print out with the work order. Link the procedure to an area in the area record window 1 and when a work order is written on that area, the lock out procedure will print out with the work order. Time & Attendance - this feature allows users to view a technician's work time and/or non-work time Labor lines can also be added to work orders (have to know work order number) for a specific technician A technician's time can be viewed based on various criteria. Select a technician, time type (opt), start & end date, and work time or non-work time. Enter the criteria and click OK Batch Time add non-work order tune (vacation, absences, sick time) in batch format for individual workers. Asset, Equipment, Vehicle Transfers - this feature allows users to transfer a piece of equipment, asset, or vehicle to a new location from one window Required Field Editor - this feature in TMA will allow users to make a field that is not required in a window mandatory. While you can make a non-required field mandatory, you cannot make a required field non-mandatory. Condition Monitoring - this feature allows certain conditions to be monitored for areas, assets, vehicles, and equipment for specific check types A check condition table holds a list of various checks that can be performed on items in the group. Alarms levels can be set of each check condition created on each item in the group. Request Log - this feature allows users to store and view work requests or e-mail requests The requests can then either be accepted or rejected. The accepted requests are automatically turned into work orders and TMA will send an automatic accepted or denied reply back to the requester via the e-mail system. Batch validation - allows users to validate requests in batch format. Request browse allows you to search for accepted, rejected, and/or pending requests by a variety of search criteria. Cable Tracking - this feature allows users to track cables, the pairs that comprise those cables, panels, lacks, and the devices connected to them. Using this information, TMA can produce a complete signal trace from the panel of origin to the jack or connected device. TIM CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 37 t�1 Tool Crib - tracks and accounts for tools. Assign a tool to a technician and print a check out form for the technician to sign. Hazardous Material - tracks details and accounts for hazardous material. Hazardous material types will have to be set up prior to entering records. Refrigerants - tracks and accounts for refrigerants. Have to first set up refrigerant types. Risk Assessment - this feature allows users to assign priorities to equipment. Available in equipment record window 1 in `other functions' You can . gn values to predetermined categories and calculate a score for each piece of equipment to determine the equipment's priority This feature is only available in the Hospital version. Failure Codes - these are codes that are setup and used in conjunction with the preventive maintenance function to track failed PM's. A failure analysis report can be created on the failed PM's from the report manager. Purge - deleted records from the data file or move posted information to the next month or year. Reports - the report manager is used to generate `hard coded' reports in TMA. Reports are broken down into several categories. The executive button allows each user to store selected reports for easy access. TMA CONFIDFAML WFORMATION 38 j�{� 5.3 Professional Services Pre-Implementation &Training Services Pre-Implementation Services- ten participants max. $ 1,500 00/day* On-Site Services- ten participants max. $ 1,500.00/day* *All Travel and Expenses are not Included Support Gold Annual Support Includes free & timely upgrades to your current version of TMA programs, when released. Unlimited technical support during regular business hours, Monday- Friday, (8 00a in -5 00p in. CST). Support via Phone, Fax, E-mail, and Internet Platinum Annual Support Includes free & timely upgrades to your current version of TMA programs, when released and unlimited technical support during regular business hours, Monday- Friday, (8.00a in -5 00p in. CST). Support via Phone,Fax, E-mail, and Internet Emergency after hours Phone Support-24 hours a day, 7days a week. Training Discount: 50% discount at TMA Corporate Office 15% discount at Client Site Importing/Conversion of Data Spreadsheet templates and instructions can be provided to allow their own data or TMA Systems, L L.0 can perform the importing. TMA Systems, Inc can perform the importing. TMA can import/export data in all major file formats including: -ASCII -Tab delimited - DIF - dBase - Lotus - Comma delimited - SYLK(Excel format) TALL CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 39 If data is provided to TMA in one of these formats and it contains all of the required fields for the file then it can be imported at the following rate: $150 00/hour- Minimum of$1,200.00 Data that needs conversion and or manipulation before importing will be quoted on a per case basis. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 40QY'� 5.4 TMA PROJECT TEAM Contact: Jim Sinko, BBA, MS-Operations Management. Director of Sales 17 years experience in project implementation and sales (IBM, SAS Institute and TMA) Account Manager: Annette Poston , Representative -10 Years Experience in Sales and Major Accounts (AT&T and TMA) Murray State University, Murray, KY, Pre-Implementation: Gary Cox, Texas Tech University. Experience with several major implementation projects at Universities, Schools and Medical facilities Three years at TMA with focus on Client Services and Pre-Implementation of CMMS Has extensive data conversion experience at Wichita State University, Western Michigan University and Brevard School District. Training: Chico (Arthur) Seay MS-Applied Mathematics BS-Geophysics Seven years of experience with Tulsa University's Information Services Division and is currently on TMA's Technical Support Team. He assists clients in all areas of TMA and TMA Enterprise.. Technical Support: Royle Vagle PhD — Educational Technology MBA — Management and Administration More than 28 years experience in computing systems and technology including major software implementation and conversion of several large installations. Have served as consultant/educator/trainer for last 10 years for medical, educational, and government clients TM 4 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 41 d 5.5 TMA References 1. Kent School District Mr Dan Lea Facilities Management 12033 SE 256°Street Kent,WA 98031 dlea@kent wednet edu Solution: TMA AFM SQL, 20 Concurrent users-Chent Server, DMA interface, Pager Interface, Clear Access, Event Scheduling-Palm Pilot,TMA Talk, E Mail Interface Installed August 21, 1998 2. Fort Wayne Parks &Recreation Mr Ken Lozo Physical Plant Buildings& Grounds 1900 North Clinton Street Fort Wayne, IN 46805 Solution: TMA AFM, 10 Concurrent users Installed October 31, 1996 3. City of Chattanooga Parks & Recreation Administration Stuart Inbody 101 E 1la' Street City Hall Room 216 Chattanooga, IN 37402 Solution: TMA PowerBase, 5 Concurrent users-Installed September 9, 1999. 4. City of Las Vegas Mr Marshall Hutchinson Facilities Engineering 400 E. Stewart Avenue Las Vegas,NV 89101 mhutchinson@ci las-vegas nv.us Solution: TMA AFM-SQL-Client Server, 10 Concurrent Users,E-Mail InterfaceInstalled June 22, 1998. 5. City of Tulsa Mr Tom West Building Operations 200 Civic Center, Room B03 Tulsa, Ok 74103 Solution: TMA AFM, 5 Concurrent Users,E-Marl Interface,RS Means Interface, Installed October 9, 1998 TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 42 11 SECTION 6: Vendor Response Forms 6.1 Vendor Profile 6.2 Vendor Authorization 6.3 Year 2000 Compliance Statemr 6.4 Non-Collusion Certificate 6.5 Equal Opportunity Em; ' nt Declaration 6.0 Vendor Response Forms 6.1 Vendor Profile Please provide the following Vendor information. Year founded: 1989 Headquarters location: Tulsa, Ok Local officer(s): None Total gross revenues, average for last five years: $ 4,500,000.00 Total gross revenues for public sector, average For last $1,000,000.00 five years Average rate of growth in sales over the last three 30% years Percentage of gross revenues invested in research and Past year-20% development: Past three years-30% Past year past three years Dollars invested in research and development dedicated 10%, to public sector products: 10% past year past three years Number of full-time personnel: Total Company-40 total company Management/Sales/Marketmg-14 management Technical Support-12 technical support Product Support-6 product support Research&Development-8 research and development (includes programming) Number of full-time personnel dedicated to public Technical Support-4 sector products: Product Support-2 Technical Support Research& Development-2 Product Support Research and Development Number of total customers by product suite: 119, past year past three years 326 TMA CONFIDENTIAL LVFORMATION 43 Number of new customers by product suite: Same as above past year past three years Number of public sector sales by product suite: 16, past year past three years 38, Washington State 2 When was the product first released and how many 1997, 4 releases major releases (X 0) have there been to date? How long has the most current version of your 6 months software been available9 Is a new version under development9 If so, what is the current anticipated release date9 Is it an incremental upgrade or a major release9 Is your product focused on a specific user group (e g Target Markets;(a) Education,(b) education facilities,municipalities,manufacturing, etc.) Healthcare,(c)Retail, (d) Government. or is it generic? Has you software been developed totally in-house, is it All core modules developed in house all built from third-party offerings or is it a hybrid? What parts or modules were not developed by your firm? Discuss your quality assurance program,both prior to 1 month Quality Assurance (QA)- 3 month and after a software upgrade release beta. Database Platforms—Installed Base Oracle, 136 Number of customers "live'utilizing: 132 Oracle 7 x or higher 132 SQL Server 4 Other none Number of customers in implementation phase 18 utilizing: 6 Oracle 7.x or higher I SQL Server Other Proposed Software- Installed Base Database Server-Hardware Platform Number of customers "live"utilizing: TNM CONFIDENTIAL INFORMAT_TON 44 `E � NT 4.x Other 172 Number of customers in implementation phase 380 utilizing: 17 NT 4 x Other 8 9 TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 45 �� 6.2 Vendor Authorization I, Jim Smko certify that TMA Systems, LLC has reviewed the City of Kent's Request for Proposal (RFP) for software and implementation services for performance of the following functions- Maintenance Mgmt. Facility/Space Mgmt. Preventive Maintenance Asset Management (Required) (Required) Facility Equipment Inventory Facility/Space Management (Required) (Required) Work Order Management Project Management(Required) (Required) Parts Inventory Management (Required) Other functions, if not embedded in the proposed product suite,include: ♦ Reporting Tools (sophisticated reporting solution is required) ♦ Web-based solutions ♦ Non-Propnetary PDA solution TMA Systems, LLC has responded to all required sections as directed in the RFP. This proposal constitutes TMA Systems, LLC response to the City of Kent's RFP I further certify that I am authorized to negotiate for and contractually biro' VIA Systems, LLC in all discussions with the City of Kent for the procurer f the software and associated services named above. All contact with TMA Systems, LLC should be directed to Name: Annette C Poston Title.Account Executive Address:6846 S. Canton, Suite 510 Telephone 918.494 2890 Fax: 918 494.4892 Email. Annette poston cr tmasystems com TMA CONFIDENTL4L INFORMATION 46 ( � 6.3 Year 2000 Compliance Statement I, Jim Sinko certify that all systems and services proposed in this response to the City of Kent's Request for Proposal (RFP) for software and implementation services are Year 2000 compliant. This statement of compliance includes,but is not limited to the following functions: Maintenance Mgmt. Facility/Space Mgmt. Preventive Maintenance Asset Management (Required) (Required) Facility Equipment Inventory Facility/Space Management (Required) (Required) Work Order Management Project Management (Required) (Required) Parts Inventory Management (Required) Definition of Year 2000 Compliance An information system is "Year 2000 Compliant"when the hardware, software and embedded systems are able to store,process and report data before, during and beyond the year 2000 The standards by which tlus compliance is judged include: Century Compliant: The system will accurately process data and perform calculations based on dates Common calculations include subtraction, sorting and comparative operations. Leap Year Compliant: The system will accurately process data and perform calculations based on all valid leap years February 29, 2000, is a rare century leap year, and all systems will recognize and correctly process this date. Interface Compliant: Connected systems will accurately share data with other systems as designed. Common formats and protocols will be implemented between connected systems to ensure all data is processed including dates. Projections and Analysis: The system will correctly perform all processes across the year 2000 boundary in both directions. This means that all functions and reports will perform correctly looking forward for projections as well as backward for functions such as trend analysis. The Vendor represents and warrants that the computer equipment, software and systems, individually and in combination, are Year 2000 Compliant when used in accordance with the documentation supplied by the Vendor. The Vendor further represents and warrants that any upgrades, modifications, customizations or new versions of the computer equipment, software and systems, individually and in combination, shall be Year 2000 Compliant, when used in accordance with the documentation supplied by the-Vendor. T.1IA CONFIDENTM4L INFORMATION 47 The Vendor further represents and warrants that the computer equipment, software and systems, when used in combination with other information technology shall accurately process date/time data if the other information technology properly exchanges time with it. In addition to all legal and equitable remedies available to the City of Kent for breach of this paragraph, the Vendor shall allow City of Kent employees, or authorized representatives of the City of Kent, to repair, remove or alter computer equipment, software and systems which are not Year 2000 Compliant. Signed 1 U1J Date Title tip'e-migz" Or � tom TAM CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 48 � S 6.4 Non-Collusion Certificate The undersigned, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is the identical person who submitted the foregoing proposal, and that such proposal is genuine and not sham or collusive or made in the interest or on behalf of any person not therem named, as further, that the deponent has not directly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding, and that deponent has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to himself/herself or to any other person any advantage over another bidder or bidders for the project described as follows: Application software, includmg implementation and related services, for a maintenance management and facility management system. Vendor Name TMA Systems, LLC Signed pp Title f F o2 Notary Public: Swom to before me this C 5 day of Name Pohv %7;Y, i Signature � MY COMtv1ISSION EYPI ES JANUARY 27,2003 TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 49 � 6.5 Equal Opportunity Employment Declaration The City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity As such all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work for the City shall comply with the regulations of the City's equal employment opportunity policies. The following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any contractor, subcontractor or supplier to adhere to. An affirmative response is required on all of the following questions. The questions are as follows. 1 I have read the attached City of Kent administrative policy number 1.2. 2. TMA Systems, LLC does not and will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of any sensory,mental, or physical disability. 3 TMA Systems, LLC provides a wntten statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 4. TMA Systems, LLC actively considers hiring and promotion of women and minorities. 5. The requirements outlined in this adherence statement shall be complied with prior to the execution of any contract between<Vendor Name> and the City By signing below, TMA Systems, LLC. agrees to fulfill the five requirements referenced above. Signed Date TitleIptL�iP. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 50 SECTION 7: Proposal Price Guarantee 7.0 Proposal Price Guarantee TMA has agreed to maintain the prices proposed in the cost summary for 180 days from the completion of the Demonstration. Please see the Cost Summary Section. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 51 7� SECTIONS; Acceptance of Terms �S 8.0 Acceptance of Terms TMA accepts all terms, excluding those noted areas within Vendor's Questionnaire and the items listed below: 1. TMA does not currently support an interface to a GIS system. 2 Require 64 MB Ram for Desktop, See Attached Hardware Requirements. 3 TMA Client Support Team must review conversion of data prior to quoting on the cost and delivery time. TWA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 52 APPENDIX I: Software Description TMA SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION TMA Enterprise CLIENT/SERVER Basic Package $39,995.00 Includes 10 Concurrent Users Additional User $1,995.00/User The TMA Enterprise versions runs on multiple operating systems—Windows 3.x,Windows 95, Windows 98,Windows NT and Power Macintosh In addition the TMA Enterprise is able to handle large volumetric capabilities,high transaction processing performance,high availability (low database time),Industry ODBC standards,open architecture,Manageable security,Database enforced integrity, Client/Serve environments, Thin-Client architecture, Scalability,Expanded integration possibilities, Connectivity-TCP/IP(LANS and WANS). TMA-Enterprise Client/Server version provides a truly scalable and open architecture solution for OracleOO and other popular SQL or clientiserver backend databases These are the features that are included with TMA Enterprise: Work Order Management Equipment Management Asset Management Scheduling Inventory Control &Tool Crib Personnel/HR Management Preventive Maintenance Report Manager&Graphs Chargeback Accounting Multiple Repair Centers Building/Space Management Vehicle Management Project Management Contract Management Refrigerant Management Haz-Mat Records Bar Coding Condition Monitoring/Groups Safety,&Risk Management Cable Tracking The system includes on-line help,with the entire manual available on-screen. Over 300 pre- formatted ready-to-run reports and ad hoc report writer makes up the TMA Enterprise System, as well as over 650 task codes Project Management Included in System Compare—budgeted, estimated and actual costs over the life of a project. • Track all costs—internal work,contract work and purchases against a project. Estimate—detailed estimates for each activity and resource Setup and track an unlimited number of activities and resources per activity Assign and track dependencies for activities Sub-projects—create and attach to a major project See at a glance—all work orders and project requisitions for a particular project Reports—make use of ready-to-run project reports Project work orders—easily choose pre-planned activities to convert into project work orders Authorization levels—only persons with proper authorization level can approve projects Cost control becomes a snap with TMA. Work orders can be charged to and tracked by account. From one screen you can post costs and'comments to work orders in a batch process. Costs are automatically rolled up to the appropriate facility,building, area, department and account records from the work order. • Control and prioritize work flow • Predefined customizable tasks • Multiple trades can be assigned and tracked on a work order • Automatic duplicate checking • Automatically checks equipment warranties and service contracts • Parts posted on the work order are automatically deducted from inventory • Posts an unlimited number of items on a work order • Posts costs to appropriate accounts and accommodates multi-account billing Preventive Maintenance Included in System TMA makes it easy to stay on top of preventive maintenance for any piece of equipment, asset or vehicle Periodic inspections of equipment or areas are easy to schedule and track One of the most outstanding features of TMA is our detailed maintenance library.Over 350 detailed maintenance tasks and preventive maintenance procedures have been pre-programmed This can save you months of work You can add to and customize the task library to match your specific needs. TMA also helps you control costs by projecting preventive maintenance man-hours by the week, month and year. Schedules can be set by calendar, meter or season Meter based PMs are used when your item requires maintennce at intervals based on meter readings. Calendar base PMS are used for items that require maintenance on a weekly,monthly, semimonthly, etc,basis. • Predefined customizable task library • Set fixed or floating schedules as your needs dictate • Calendar,meter and seasonal PM schedules • Schedule PM and track compliance by priority • Project man-hours by week,month or year • Consolidate PM function Equipment and Building Management Included in System Specifications and histories on your equipment and buildings are automatically maintained in TMA Analyze trends in maintenance and costs by site,by building and by space. Conveniently track space inventories and space assignments,plus store graphics (schematics, parts explosion diagrams, etc)with each record. Information on air Handlers, chillers, boilers, air conditioners, etc, is stored in Equipment records Equipment refers to any mechanical pieces of equipment • Easily find and view parts and subassemblies on equipment • Easily combine items into equipment systems and assemblies Analyze failures by equipment,type of equipment, system, building, manufacturer,model number, etc. • Regulation documentation—confined space permits and instructions,lockout/tag-outs and TQM reports • Building and equipment work histories • Space inventories and space assignments Entities Entity records are used in TMA to better accommodate the information and maintenance requirements for components of your facility not associated with building m,d ,1 aces. Entity items have full TMA functionality and can be grouped, scheduled for preventive maintenance and they may be connected to work orders. Examples of nonstructural entities • Parking Lots • Streets • Sidewalks • Grounds • Ponds • Landing Pads • Athletic Fields • Tank Storage Areas Reports, Graphs and Charts Included in System When you need information,TMA delivers Over 350 common maintenance reports are pre- formatted and ready to run You can create and save your own custom reports generated in TMA's ad-hoc report writer This is especially useful in generating reports to meet mandatory requirements for agencies such as OASHA, JCAHO,ISO 9000 and the EPA. Copying selected data from TMA's screen reports into other applications is a simple matter of select, copy and paste TMA also makes it easy to chart and graph information with a powerful built-in 3D color-graphing module With TMA you have access to ummagii anounts of information, literally at your fingertips Reports include: • Work order analysis by type • Average time to complete jobs • Work order status reports • Job analysis • PM workload and PM compliance • Labor costs • Open work orders • Equipment history • Inventory reports • Project Reports • Safety and Risk Reports Chargeable work orders & over 350 more reports! Inventory Control Included in System When it comes to tracking inventory, TMA will keep you organized Parts are easily issued to work orders or accounts. Parts or materials are also easily cross-referenced to vendors,- equipment and vehicles. You can assign a maximum and minimum stock level for each part, and TMA will automatically notify you when you have reached that specified minimum. TMA will then link part information to a purchase requisition and even calculate the average lead-time required to restock that part. Store graphics and electronic drawings of parts for easy identification Keep track of whether a part is in stock and at which location. Users with sufficient authorization levels can approve requisitions, and audit trails are tracked on each transaction. In essence, TMA gives you the power to view your facility's entire inventory without leaving the comfort of your desk. • Track locations and supply of parts and materials in inventory Cross-reference parts by manufacturer, vendors and equipment • Seamless integration with work oiders • Predict the time it will take to restock • Easily see where parts are utilized • Transaction audit trails • Automatic notification of low inventory • Record order unit vs issue unit. Chargeback and Cost Accounting Included in System TMA has not forgotten that you are running a business and that you must see a return on your investment Along with the various functions that save money by maximizing efficiency,TMA can also be employed to control costs. TMA gives you the ability to chargeback costs to departments, clients or multiple accounts Use TMA to set up budgets and track remaining balances as costs are posted TMA's one-write design means costs and work are automatically tracked by facility or site, by department or cost center, and by building and area View cost trends on-screen without running ieports Personnel and Training Included in System TMA stores detailed records of personnel, including basic information,charge rate,pay rate and emergency information Track training and certification records for personnel,which classes they have attended and when next certifications are due TMA lets you track personnel by both shop and trade Track training, certifications and renewal dates • Keep quality control reports, productivity and work performed by employees Asset Management Included in System Track the costs, location and specifications of your valuable assets Classify assets by type for analysis and reporting • Track life-to-date expenses and depreciation on assets_and equipment. — • Perform asset inventories via bar code readers • Reference for asset location • Transfer assets from one area to another Cable Tracking Included in System TMA can produce a complete signal trace from the panel of origin to the jack or connected device TMA permits the user to track cables,the pairs that comprise those cables,panels,Jacks and the devices connected to them. • Jacks—location,traces and basic information • Panels—information on location and details • Connections—track information on connections • Cables—basic information and trace information • Cable parts—pertinent information on cable pairs Hazardous Material Tracking Included in System • Account for hazardous materials and refrigerants • Maintain details about your hazardous materials • Categorize hazardous materials for reporting and sorting Advanced Materials Management Included in ` ,tem • Create and track requests for quotes Convert into requisitions or PO's after the quote comes bac' Stockroom Transactions Included in System • Issue stock to cost centers or work orders Track sales orders to accounts Tool Crib Included in System Track and account for tools—whom they've been assigned to and when they are expected back. Bar Coding Included in System • Bar coded work orders—bar code fonts are supplied so that work order numbers and other items can be printed as bar codes • Bar code reader programs for asset and equipment inventories, stockroom inventories and stockroom transactions are supplied --- -------•- Providea variety-of services including:-Requirements Definitions/R-etum on-- - -- ------ Investment (ROI) analysis, System Design Programming, Implementation,Project Management, Training and Support Extensive experiences in a manufacturing atmosphere Contract Management Included in System • Contractors—provides details on contractors by linking work to contractor records for work and cost histories • Contracts—automatically tracks detailed information on contracts for maintenance and work life-to-date for contract • Tracks declining balance for fixed contracts • Choose from lists of previous contractors for the item and type of work Condition Monitoring Included in System • Reading—tracks parameter readings on equipment and analyzes them over time • Unlimited number of measurements and readings per equipment • Graph and analyze readings versus standard deviation,manufacturers specifications,warning and alarm levels Easily record these readings in a batch process Grouped PM Included in System Create easy PM schedule for a group of equipment,areas,assets or vehicles. When the PM work order is generated, there is only one work order for the group and each of the items is listed Work history for each item is saved. Diminishes paper usage and decreases chance of error Ideal for route based inspections CFC Management Included in System Let TMA help you take some of the worry out of CFC management. With TMA,you can track and manage the CFC stored and used at your facility TMA's CFC Management function not only tracks what CFC you have and where they are located, it also classifies CFC by type and amount and tracks how much has been added to and removed from equipment at each servicing. Vehicle Maintenance Included in System C6-;)S- TMA provides user with the ability to track work history and other pertinent information for vehicles Information such as VIN(vehicle identification number), where it is located or parked, when the last emission test was performed, odometer and PM meter reading, etc,will be available. _-Track and-report detailed-information on your vehicles_ Work orders—track corrective work orders and costs from the work order system PM—schedule and track preventive maintenance and inspections on your vehicles Easily account for fuel and oil costs per vehicle Safety and Rick Management Included in System Track and report on incidents relating to safety and risk issues Track and report on response and corrective actions Multiple Repair Centers Included in System Multiple repair centers can use the system simultaneously while remaining semi-autonomous • To each repair center it appears that they have their own system. When a worker logs onto the system they only see appropriate items from their repair center Higher level users can have simultaneous access to all repair centers and see the"big picture" Equipment, personnel, work, etc can be separated by and reported on by repair center OPTIONAL MODULES TMA DMA Interface $1,995.00/5-User TMA gives your maintenance department the ability to become mobile, not to mention paperless! With TMA's handheld_ electronic work order system utilizing the PalmPilotTm,technicians are able to: • Upload work orders to the PalmPllot from the TMA database • Download work, labor and materials from the PahuPilot into the TMA database • Update all lookup data on the PalmPilot from within the TMA database • Download inventory records of space and equipment into the TMA database, creating new records Through HotSync technology, mobile technicians can retrieve work order data through the facility's computer network or by PalmPilot modem that dials up remote network access regardless of their location After all work has been completed,work orders from the PalmPilot are downloaded into the TMA database where they are numbered and updated. To go one step further, TMA offers all the benefits of the Digital Maintenance Assistant on Symbol Technologies SPT 1500 bar code scanner integrated into the PalmPilot. Automating data capture for work order assignments through bar code scanning technology. TMA Pager Interface $495.00[Workstation The Pager Interface instantly communicates with and dispatches work orders to your mobile work force via alphanumei is pagers Write up work orders, select the assigned worker and automatically page the work order information—all within minutes! TMA's Pager Interface also supports dial-up pagers, allowing you to enter a call back phone number directly from TMA. Great for emergency situations where instant communication is a must • Supports alphanumeric pagers • Intuitive interface • Supports direct dial-up pagers for sending phone numbers • Instantly dispatch work information to technicians in the field • Include details such as location,task,contact and priority • Recall workers for reassignment to higher priority tasks • Improve response times and overall efficiency of maintenance operations TMATALK (INTERNET[INTRANET INTERFACE) $8,000.00/1-500 USERS The TMATalk web enabler provides a full-featured set of functions to anyone with access to a web browser TMATalk allows any TMA user to web-publish select facilities data to clients across an Intranet or the Internet In addition, clients can enter their own work request and query a TMA database for the status of both request and work orders through TMATalk, ---- - -- - ___ Using TMATalk's open and modifiable HTML, you can create custom pages. Users can now publish select data to thousands of end-users or clients at one facility or around the world. TMATalk allows clients to enter their own requests from any location with access to the Internet. It also enables clients to monitor the status of their request and work orders from any location at any time. By implementing TMATalk,facility managers can improve the quality of services and increase their response time by providing current updated data. • Log work requests • List open and closed work orders by select building • Query for select work requests and work orders • Link to other pages • TMATalk reports list • Facility new page • Emergency procedures page TMA c-MAIL Interface Provides the ability to interface with e-mail systems, including Microsoft MailTm , cc Mairm , Novell GroupwiseTO" ,Eudora"" and Qmck-Mail'" Electronic work requests can be entered by anyone on the e-mail system and sent to your organization Maintenance personnel can then periodically view these requests,verify them and select valid requests,which are then converted through a semiautomatic process to open TM work orders No retyping of the request is needed. An automatic reply can be sent via e-mail to the requested reporting that the work is proceeding and providing them with the work order number, or telling them the request was denied. When the work is completed the system can automatically notify the requester via e-mail. TMA ViewCAD Interface $895.00/Workstation A function for viewing, redlining, lmking, converting, and printing CAD drawings. • Read AutoCAD drawings in their native format DWG, as well as other formats • View and print over 100 different file formats • Full redlining capabilities are included • Link an unlimited number of documents to various records in TMA • Print, convert, link or markup any of the file formats without using the CAD program itself • Graphical information system—the CAD drawings become a handy interface to TMA Wk TMA RS MEANSO INTERFACE $1,995.00/WORKSTATION If the anticipated costs of your work orders and projects leave you guessing, use the RS Means Data Interface to access reliable data for more accurate estimates. With the RS Means Data Interface, the TMA Task Library gains easy access to the RS Means Facilities Maintenance and Repair Costs database containing time and-cost estimates and__- - — -— detailed tasks Tasks, hours, and cost data from the database can be used in TMA for planning work orders and projects The interface option also allows you to compare the performance of your business to national standards. TMA Quick Work Order $1,995.00l5-Users TMA offers an important opportunity to improve your accessibility to customers. With TMA Systems' Quick Work Order Interface, your customers can enter work orders into your TMA system and check the status of their requests Quick Work Order reduces your load of incoming telephone and written requests while improving feedback to and relationships with, your customers Customers can log into Quick Work Order from anywhere on the network and enter work requests into a sample screen Customers are immediately provided a work order number from the system for reference, and your customers can later log into the interface to gain specific access to their order. Your system's security is not compromised—Quick Work Order allows you to restrict the browse function to view work only for that customer's department or building TMA Key Management $1,995.00 TMA maintains accountability for all your facility's keys while providing a fully automated audit trail by tracking key information,key issuance and key assignment Easily keeps track of keys, the issuance of keys and key holder,providing a full audit trail that is completely automated. Stores specific key information including key number,assignment status,description,bitting, symbol, and serialized status and hook number Regardless if keys are assigned or unassigned to a room,key management maintains accountability for all keys in your database All the appropriate fields are supplied,so compiling in-depth information on each individual key is left up to the discretion of the user • Individual room key assignment • Keys lost quantities • Misplaced keys and responsibility • Master keys and descriptions • Keys by department and function • Created and destroyed quantities • Number of keys in database • Cross-keying information • Serialized and non-serialized keys • Historical data on key issuing TMA Event Management $1,995.00 Designed to record event information,schedule event resources and estimate event setup requirements Links seamlessly to area, equipment, asset and vehicle data for assignment of resources, as well as to projects(available only through TMA's AFM software)for estimating and scheduling work Convert saved events into projects and link work orders and requisitions to the projects for a complete event detail and cost record. — -" TMA Utility Management $1,995.00 Utility tracking allows users to define energy types,transformers, meter and sub-meters Rate schedules can be established, and bills recorded along with daily weather information Meters can be assigned to buildings and accounts. Budgets can be estimated on a per meter basis The utility tracking module permits tracking of energy costs by building across your facility. Graphs and reports make analyzing your energy consumption data a breeze TMA allows you to track costs by area or department, setup rate schedules, assign meter type and location and document transformer capacity By recording monthly utility measurements in TMA, overtime you will be able to estimate and budget for future utility costs Icy� APPENDIX 20 Software Specifications Software Specifications REQUIREMENT DEFINITION a) The proposed solution must be a client/server system using Oracle or MS SOL Server as the back- end database a) The proposed system's host software must be Oracle or Microsoft SQL dependent 3; _393'Wt6ct17�e�'V1'Va Zl a) The proposed system must support a true 32-bit client/server code b) The proposed system supports TCP/IP network protocol c) The proposed system must be able to import and export data in all major file formats including Dif, dBase, Lotus, Excel, Delimited (commas), Delimited (tab) d) The proposed system must be fully Year 2000 Compliant A.S ,LS�`iEf Ii3'te1 > Ce ,a.-.�..-,, ih� _ _ *�" .xuc 'e ilm a) The proposed system must support Microsoft®Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI) standards b) The proposed system must be capable of running on multiple client platform(s) such as Microsoft Windows 3 x, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Macintosh, Power Macintosh and be able to transparently share data on mixed platform networks c) The proposed system must be compatible with Novel, Banyan Vines, LAN Manager, and/or NT Server d) The proposed system must provide an Internet- based user interface Specifically, a Web browser client for connection to the database and entry of customer requests e) The proposed system must provide all coded data through pop-up lists f) The proposed system must provide concurrent licensing at no extra charge GOP� Software Specifications '�. #I �t1 p�$Ii}��E a) Multiple repair centers can use the system simultaneously while remaining semi-autonomous b) To each repair center it appears that they have their own system When a worker logs on to the system they only see appropriate items from their repair center c) Higher-level users can have simultaneous access to all repair centers and see the "big picture" d) Facilities, Equipment, Assets, Vehicles, Trades, Task Codes, Work Orders, and Personnel can all be separated by and reported on by repair center 2.R work Orders,:.' i`; i s T°,° r.tin 4 f a) Work histories maintained in separated ata files which allows for accurate reporting on spaces, equipment, assets, vehicles and groups b) Duplicate work order checking with user defined date range c) Automatic checking and warning if service contracts and warranties have expired d) Assignment and closing function for multiple trade's e) Assignment of work to specific repair centers f) Lookups for facilities, buildings, space, equipment, trades tasks, etc g) Auto calculation of lapsed times h) Work order priority classification (5-user defined priority types) i) Classification of Work Orders by type of Work Order(unlimited Work Order types) t) Posting of conditions using condition monitoring from work order k) Posting of down-time on equipment from work order 1) Right-mouse functions for drilling down to other areas, Email, CM readings, PM's, and maintenance histories m) Right-mouse functions for bringing up maintenance histories n) Posting of unlimited labor lines to specific workers and time types o) Posting of unlimited material lines and auto-adjustment of inventory levels p) Posting of miscellaneous other charges q) Split billing of charges to an unlimited number of accounts r) Charge back accounting credits and debits the appropriate accounts Software Specifications REQUIREMENT DEFINITION s) Linking of failure code to work orders t) Status changes can be tracked and recorded (unlimited types) u) Estimating of labor, material, hours, mist for each individual work order v) Safety and Risk Management sub-module keeps track of S&R related work w) TQM questionnaire can be printed with work orders x) Detail sheets on spaces and/or equipment can be included when printing y) CAD drawings and linked documents can be viewed and printed with work orders z) Linking and roll-up of work order cost to specified projects aa) Linking of contract work orders to specific contracts and contractors with declining balances bb) User defined action reports can be drag-and-dropped as part of work history cc) Technician's report of action taken allows detailed reports to be part of work history dd) Multiple levels of authorization and approval supported ee) Categorization of other charges supported ff) Individual billing of work orders to individuals 3:`r t3atc��oS' ingot„'1a3��r, hi;a��r➢a�'i�it 'utter charyss {�i p�;�,�,� „` -=tx=tM; a) Batch posting of an unlimited number of labor charges against multiple work orders within one batch b) Batch posting of an unlimited number of matenal charges against multiple work orders within one batch c) Batch posting of an unlimited number of other charges against multiple work orders within one batch d) Lookups for workers, accounts, parts charges, other charge types, etc e) The ability to post technician's report of corrective action taken along with charges dP Ri qub�t,Log ing a) Request log that is separate from the work order system for holding all requests b) A method of classifying requests via a lookup table of user definable request types c) An interface via email and/or Internet browser that can collect all requests-facility d) A batch method of validating, approving, and or denying all requests e) An automatic process where requestors receive email notice of accepted and denied requests Software Specifications REQUIREMENT DEFINITION f) Look-ups in the request log for facilities, buildings, areas, etc 6: Chafe liack?iaccoUnfing - _ 1 M _ ITt ��Nan I 4" M NIP, a) The ability to charge work orders, sales of material, fuelioil, and project requisition to cost centers b) The ability to credit any charges on a line item basis, one account per line item c) The ability to charge any of the above items to an unlimited number of accounts (split billing) d) The ability to post charged line items,which prevents editing of those tines after posting e) The ability to roll charges and credits up to the accounts used f) The ability to encumber funds when ordering items from the purchase order window & PM Gexie ,,01Q6 ,,, ". "' n - a) PM schedules can be created for spaces,�equipment, area,vehicles,entities, toots, groups and assets b) PM schedules can be meter based or calendar based c) PM consolidation (e g quarterly and monthly combined to reduce paperwork) d) Seasonal PM's are supported (user defined seasons) e) Automatic assignment of selected work for selected PM schedules f) Automatic assignment of accounts to be charged can be created g) Contract based PM's are supported with corresponding contract work orders being created h) PM schedules can be batch created via drag-and-drop from task library window Q PM schedules can be viewed from area, equipment, and vehicle windows f) Manual PM creation allows one to over-ride the PM schedule and select priority work k) Supports Fixed and Floating Schedules 1) Batch transfer of PM Assignments to other workers m) Meter based PM's support percent margin on meter readings n) Batch window for quick posting of meter readings o) PM load report projects man-power requirements into the future p) PM generation by PM priority S Software Specifications �REQILIIREMENT DEFINITION q) PM generation by repair center r) PM generation by technician s) PM generation by selected building E Hai nt Tf#'kj"n aintenance;Flistories;"` a) Equipment can be recorded and classified by category and system b) Unlimited number of sub-assemblies can be created using parent/child tag numbers c) Kit items allows the linking of non-tagged items to equipment or sub-assemblies d) Down-time history can be viewed from equipment window e) Equipment can be linked directly to facility, building, and space f) Equipment can be linked to vendor and/or manufacturer g) Equipment can be designated as a building asset so maintenance costs roll-up to building record h) Unlimited number of motors can be linked to an piece of equipment or sub-assembly i) Lock-down procedures can be required and linked to a piece of equipment /) Standard-operating procedures can be linked to a piece of equipment k) Integrated bar-code inventory programs can track inventory and record date and workers name 1) Unlimited number of PM's can be scheduled on a piece of equipment m) Life-to-Date costs are recorded in real-time as charges are posted on work orders n) Alternate tag number that is indexed for easy re-tagging programs by allowing cross-referencing o) Energy consumption specifications can be recorded and roll-up to totals displayed from space record p) Priority of PM on a selected piece of equipment can be established and used during PM generation q) Drag-and-drop window allows the batch transfer of equipment from one space to another r) Maintenance histories include detailed technician report (narrative of what was done to correct problem s) Safety and Risk incidents recorded on work orders are rolled-up to equipment histories t) Unlimited number of graphics in BMP or WMF can be linked to equipment or sub-assembly u) A CAD drawing with associated links to sub-drawings can be linked to a piece of equipment, Software Specifications REQUIREMENT DEFINITION v) Listing of equipment by facility, building, area, and equipment category by point and click w) Risk assessment module (JCOHA method) for biomedical equipment used in hospitals _ x) Parts cross-referenced to the equipment they are used on whenever parts are issued on work orders 8 ..>p szt(4Nion,,: nechanical,assets)7rbli "�r ;i;lpl iirite once_' i e � a) Provide an area to store information on non-mechanical assets such as furniture and AV equipment b) Assets can be recorded and classified by category c) Assets can be linked directly to facility, building, and space d) Assets can be linked to vendor and/or manufacturer e) Integrated bar-code inventory programs can track inventory and record date and workers name f) Unlimited number of PM's can be scheduled on an asset g) Life-to-Date costs are recorded in real-time as charges are posted on work orders h) Alternate tag number that is indexed allows easy re-tagging programs by allowing cross-referencing i) Drag-and-drop window allows the batch transfer of assets from one space to another �) Maintenance histories include detailed technician report(narrative of what was done to correct problem k) Unlimited number of graphics in BMP or WMF can be linked to asset or sub-assembly 1) Listing of assets by facility, building, area, and category by !point and click N.. �.rr, '�� a uis�"�'S�^.a ::%d°� , siR)+ .=xk �;,• a) Space records table holds information on rooms, parking lots, grounds, and roofs b) Unlimited number of PM's can be scheduled on a space record c) Space records are linked to a specific building and categorized from a lookup table of categories d) Dedicated window for plumbing information on each room or space e) Dedicated window for HVAC information on each room or space f) Dedicated window for window information on each room or space g) Dedicated window for door information on each room or space h) View of all equipment, tools, hazardous materials, assets, and/or events linked to a space record Software Specifications REQUIREMENT DEFINITION i) The ability to drill-down to any equipment, tools, assets, hazardous materials, assets and/or events record from the space record ----- j) The ability to assign a department and/or account to any space record k) A drag-and-drop enabled window for batch assigning and re-assigning of spaces to departments 1) Listing of spaces by facility, building, department, and space type by point and click m) Confined space permit can be linked to a space and prints when printing a work order n) Record an unlimited number of phone numbers to a space that can be used as keys to generate WO o) Drill-down from space record to a building, facility, equipment, or asset record p) Analyze maintenance costs by square footage and type of space q) Track YTD expenses from work orders on individual space records r) Auto-track jobs update fields on space record (Date last painted,cleaned,fixtures changed, etc) s) Over twenty user definable fields (including field labels) f o tactµ►na a ,e"petit;#o`}*0jJ4IW— d gitiPree�rrk - a) Special tables which hold information on contractors and their MTD and YTD charges b) The ability to enter an unlimited number of contracts and link them to a contractor c) The ability to designate a work order as contract based and roll-up all costs to a linked contract d) The ability for the work order to pop up a list of contracts that applies, based on the type of work, equipment and/or space being worked on e) The ability to do declining balance accounting on fixed price contracts automatically from work order f) The ability to specify what type of work is covered in a contract and which specific buildings and pieces of equipment are covered by the contract g) The ability to notify you when all the money allocated under a contract has been committed h) Reports which compare using an outside contractor versus doing the work in-house i) The ability to send Contractors email from within the Contract Management window 1,i Project lVlAhagetrtent a) Project creation, definition, estimating, and budgeting b) Sub-classing of project into system and sub-system c) Unlimited number of activities can be created and linked to project d) Unlimited number of resources can be scheduled for each activity Software Specifications REQUIREMENT DEFINITION e) Activities can be linked to a specific work order f) Protect requisitions can be linked to a specific work order g) Work orders can be linked to a specific project h) Cast from work orders and project requisitions can roll-up to a project Q Protect module can be utilized for tracking deferred maintenance j) IRS Means Facility Maintenance and Repair Database can be used to estimated activity cost •, Aras a) Project Requisitions which link directly to established projects b) Each line item can have estimates and actual cost c) Each line item can be linked to a specific protect d) Cost roll-up from project requisitions to the designated project e) Project requisitions are tied to the vendor table f) Each line item can be marked when it has been received and paid ANA a) Create Purchase Ordersfor parts and material b) Pick and link vendors from popup list c) Auto-numbering or manual numbering of purchase orders d) Blanket purchase orders e) Link each line item to a selected account f) User definable nomenclature for purchase transactions g) Each line item ordered can be linked to a WO h) Each line item ordered can have its' own comments field i) Blanket Order dollar limits and balance remaining are calculated l) Print requisitions to screen, file, or printer and copy any portion to clipboard 14xRegbestfot a te',:gt �" a) Create quotes to vendors for selected materials and parts b) Conversion of quotes to purchase orders or requisitions Software Specifications REQUIREMENT DEFINITION c) Large comments window for notes a) Parts and material can be received on previously recorded purchase orders and requisitions a) Materials can be sold directly to departments b) Department are looked up from department table c) Sales Orders can be billed to one account or split-billed to an unlimited number of accounts d) Each line item can be credited to a specific account e) Pending Orders created when line items are back ordered f) Pick list can be printed so orders can be filled g) Supports returned materials and credits accounts h) Lookups for materials and accounts i) Review pending orders windows 17.,Vehicf6,TFat-j-" an laini ratite' _is Ti s ,f ;RN"" - = a) Provide a dedicated table to store information on vehicles such as trucks, cars, buses, tractors, etc b) Vehicles can be recorded and classified by type c) Vehicles can be linked directly to facility, budding, and parking area d) Vehicles can be linked to vendor and/or manufacturer e) Unlimited number of PM's can be scheduled on a vehicle f) Life-to-Date costs are recorded in real-time as charges are posted on work orders g) Maintenance histories include detailed technician report(narrative of what was done to correct problem h) Listing of vehicles by facility, building, area, and vehicle category by point and click i) Fuel and oil expenses are rolled-up to each vehicle from the fuel and oil ticket window f) Vehicle specific info stored such as tire information, engine size,VIN number, and state inspections k) CAD drawings and linked documents on vehicles can be viewed and printed Software Specifications REQUIREMENT DEFINITION 1) Over 20 user-definable fields (including field labels 't, •_71aa(£1�tD"��I, ;1'PI'SfE: .:a ' �� t• fr4;+�I.:,� _ _. ems. `'<`4x> a ,L:a,E" _ "r a) The ability to select inventories from a warehouse and batch transfer to another selected warehouse b) The ability to print out pick list of items to be transferred c) The ability to audit all transfers by individual worker responsible faa« to� al- ackin9 I - � �i ' °s�k�6� � s'` � a) Maintain records on all hazardous material stored within your facility b) Ability to track individual location and quantity records of any hazardous material c) Ability to store spills procedures and user precautions on line d) Ability to display all hazardous material located within any space by point and click e) Ability to classify all hazardous material by type from a lookup table of hazmat categories f) Ability to track multiple lines regarding disposition of the removal of all hazardous material for disposition history g) Over 20 user-definable fields (including field labels) 201`Refri§6Jra ,7rac `indr; -�k -„s .,r•€ ,.. ` -_; . a) Ability to setup up refrigerant classification lookup b) Maintain individual inventory of refrigerant cylinders, location of cylinders, type of refrigerant, and quantity of refrigerant in each cylinder c) Ability to record all refrigerant service transaction by worker, cylinder, equipment, and quantity used d) Complete reporting of refrigerant used by equipment or audit trail of individual cylinder e) Ability to batch process an unlimited number of refrigerant transactions in a single batch record 31.Conditkcb Monitoring a) The ability to define a table of check types or classifications b) The ability to define individual checks or conditions to be monitored Each check can have high and low warnings and various alarms c) The ability to apply a set of checks to a group of various items including equipment, vehicles, spaces, and assets d) A window for batch recording all conditions monitored on a selected piece of equipment e) The ability to print out a report of all readings on a selected piece of equipment f) The ability to record condition monitored from the work order window by right mouse click activating a condition reading window Software Specifications REQUIREMENT DEFINITION g) The ability to graph readings based on various standard deviations 114,„ ;'�,I�'' mIlY1' '„k'11 -- $+1 81'i,;c„°,aali'ia,�'P ¢'=-,s.'„'" w pi`a;,..d`:` ,.,.. - a) The ability to define an unlimited number of time types b) The ability to separate work order time from non-work order time, c) The ability to decide which time types to include in productivity reports d) The ability to define rate multipliers, including shift differentials for various shifts e) The ability to view a selected worker's time sheet for a user-specified period f) The ability to view time by the type of time recorded (E g all vacation time) g) The ability for a worker to have an unlimited number of charge rates based on time types 201�Yjlrah i i' e fia ri :ilt9.t r-,empl 'Y`e0 ;a; i,r°i 1,;14,1,mVl a) A list of training courses can be established and separated by maintenance repair center b) Unlimited number of courses can be linked to a workers personnel record c) Training record stores information on date course taken, course tuition cost and travel cost d) Queries available for finding our how many people have a course expiring within X number of days ,zc,.Batch postinb,-,* taiiii>ig_aft dance a) The ability to select a training course and batch enter all the attendees, their hours, tuition, and travel cost The batch will update the personnel records of all employees who attended the training ,;a;,Batch p,0tin -,0 a eq0ipa*nt d0�w - a) The ability to batch processes the downtime on an unlimited number of pieces of equipment 28.Satd(asr�sjg,"'"'J t ,departmehts a) The ability to select a building and a department After selecting all the desired spaces for anew assignment, the CMMS will batch update the department assigned to each of the selected rooms 27. Direcj,jpteriace to(n#ermee bay co!04eade �:N'`' �x;�,r; �,I I�; a) CMMS has built-in Intermec PCIRL programs for auto loading into hand-held Barcode readers b) Paperless inventory program for counting stock on-hand in warehouses c) Issuance of inventories over-the-counter and recording of worker and work order from bar codes d) Uploading of inventory transactions and auto-adjustment of quantities on hand at end of day e) Asset and equipment inventories with old locations, new locations adjusted and worker involved a) Various graphs of work order transactionse line style, bar, area, 3D, histograms, pie, etc Software Specifications REQUIREMENT DEFINITION b) Over 200 options for controlling the look and feel of each graph c) Not necessary to export data to Excel or Lotus to graph, graphing is built directly into the CMMS 23:1C�03{S� 1�'�.1�U7 �,95''"' � ',e'�,*.`-�`w„ u ',;ur� '•yr xx; a) Over 300 hundred canned reports, divided into broad categories such as Management, Setup, Stockroom, PM, Work Order Status, Safety and Risk, etc b) ODBC Report writing with reusable reports c) 'Executive' report function allows each user to define their list of favorite reports d) Drag and drop printing of reports e) Vertical and horizontal split bars on all screen reports f) Copy data from any screen report and paste into any other Windows application g) Reports can be output in various file formats I,cl a (. BID SPECIFICATIONS Section D - Service Requirements REQUIREMENT a) All look ups available via auto-find method and popup lists _ b) Entire application is drag and drop enabled Click on item in a lookup and drag to field and drop c) User definable nomenclature on key field labels d) Mandatory or required fields turn red if they are missing upon record insert e) Help bar for important information at bottom of each window f) On-line electronic manual available from toolbar g) On-the-fly lookups for commonly used functions h) Keyboard equivalents for commonly used functions i) Four levels of security for each user and each data entry window f) Individual fields can be marked hide or read-only This function should work with fields, drop down arrow buttons, and tables that can be applied to all or one repair center k) Paste link available for all data displayed in list or table I) Copy and paste any data elements from reports printed to screen m) Reports can be printed to screen, a file, a printer, the clipboard channel, or a channel n) Horizontal and vertical split bars on all screen reports o) Built in wildcard search capability on all popup list or displayed list p) Scaleable windows for large monitors q) Work Order Browse Function and SQL Browser Window a) E-mail interface (allows email request and auto-reply for acceptance and denial of work- unlimited users) i) Support Microsoft Mad, cc Mad, Novell GroupWise, Eudora, Quick-Mad, and/or SMPT/POP3 Internet Mad n) Electronic work request can be entered by anyone on the e-mail system and sent to your organization in) Maintenance personnel can view requests, verify them and select valid request that are converted through semiautomatic process to open CMMS work orders iv) Automatic reply can be sent via e-mail to the requester reporting that the work is proceeding and providing them with the work order number, or tells them the request was denied v) When work is completed the system can automatically notify the requester via e-mail a BID SPECIFICATIONS Section D- Service Requirements REQUIREMENT DEFINITION vi) Clicking on any field containing an e-mail address will allow users to send e-mail messages from within the CMMS software vii) Work Orders can be routed via e-mail from within the work order screen b) Internet module (Using browsers such as Netscape 3 0+ or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3 0+) Q Log Work Request via Internet browsers' n) Query for Work Request and display current status in) List Open Work Orders (by select building) iv) List Closed Work Orders v) Query for Work Orders and display current status vi) Display reports Buildings, Rooms, Staff, Inventory by category, Vehicle, etc vu) User definable Facility Department Home Page vni) Emergency Procedures page c) Pager Interface (both alphanumeric and numeric) i) Support alphanumeric pagers u) Intuitive interface in) Support direct dial-up pagers for sending phone numbers iv) Automatically dispatch work order information to technicians in the field v) Include details such as location, task, contact and priority vi) Recall workers for reassignment to higher priority tasks vu) Improve response time and overall efficiency of maintenance operations d) CAD Viewer i) ViewCAD allows the viewing, printing, and redlining of CAD drawings within the CMMS n) Over 103 formats can be opened and viewed AutoCAD, DXF, many databases, spreadsheets, word processor formats, GIF's, JPEG's, and dozens of graphic formats uq Drawings can be linked to equipment and space records and will auto-load upon demand iv) An unlimited number of drawings can be linked so clicking on one drawing area loads another drawing BID SPECIFICATIONS Section D- Service Requirements REQUIREMENT DEFINITION v) Measurements can be taken from the drawings,which is useful for doing material or space estimates vi) Drawings can be opened from the work order window and printed along with work orders vii) Click on user defined icons on drawings to send a URL to launch your browser and contact vendors e) Handheld Electronic Work Orders - utilizing the PalmPilot, Palm III, Palm V or Symbol SPT 1500 Q Upload work orders from PalmPllot to the CMMS database it) Upload work, labor, and materials from PalmPllot to the CMMS database ni) Update all lookup data from within the CMMS database iv) Upload inventory records of space and equipment into the CMMS database, creating new records f) RS Means Data Interface i) Tasks, hours, and cost data from the database can be used in the CMMS for planning work orders and projects g) Key Management Q Maintain accountability for all keys within the facility and provide fully automated audit trail by tracking key information, key issuance, and key assignment n) Individual room key assignment iu) Lost Key quantities iv) Misplaced keys and responsibility v) Master keys and descriptions vi) Keys by department and function vu) Created and destroyed quantities Vitt) Number of keys in database ix) Cross-keying information x) Serialized and non-serialized keys xi) Historical data on key issuing h) Event Scheduling i) Record event information, schedule event resources and estimate event setup requirements BID SPECIFICATIONS Section D- Service Requirements REQUIREMENT • u) Link seamlessly to area, equipment, asset, and vehicle data for assignment of resources uQ Convert saved events to projects and link work orders and requisitions to the project for a_ _ complete event detail and cost record Q Utility Tracking i) Track costs by area or department, setup rate schedules, assigning meter type and location and document transformer capacity �S-- APPENDIX 3: TNU Hardware Requirements TMA SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS To operate the TMA Enterprise solution in the City of Kent environment, the following are required: Server: • Pentium II400 • 1GB Free Space • 256 MB RAM • RAID 5 • Tape or optical backup • Supports shared server—not required to be dedicated • Novell 4 x,NT Server or Banyan VINES Workstations: • Pentium 166 or greater • 150 MB free space • 64 MB RAM(96 MB RAM for NT) • Network card Small font setting (600x800 resolution)with SVGA monitor • Windows 95/98 or NT • CD ROM • 1 MB video card Printers: • Laser • Supports landscape mode and graphics • Minimum 2 MB RAM TMATalk on the server: • Microsoft NT • TCP/IP protocol • 100 MB free space • 32 MB RAM • Application files • Access to data files and database engine TMATalk on the client: • TCP/IP protocol • Web browser TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 17" APPENDIX 4: TMA Standard Agreements �5 SYSTEM LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS SYSTEM LICENSE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement'), made and entered into this day of , 20_ by and between TMA Systems, LLC, an Oklahoma corporation having principal offices at 6846 South Canton, Suite 510, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136 (the -"Licensor")-- and- - '- --"- having principal offices at (the "Licensee"). LICENSOR AND LICENSEE, INTENDING TO BE LEGALLY BOUND, AGREE AS FOLLOWS Section 1 DEFINITIONS In addition to terms elsewhere defined in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth in this Section 1 for purposes of this Agreement: I.I. "Defect." Any failure by the System or any phase or component thereof to conform in any material respect with applicable specifications set forth in the Documentation 1.2. "Documentation." All specifications, manuals, documents, drawings, and other tangible items pertaining to the System, other than Licensed Programs, as set forth in attached Exhibit A, Schedule of Documentation. 1.3 "Licensee." 1.4 "Licensee Equipment." The Local Area Network (LAN) central processing units (CPUs), including all terminals, and other components thereof, situated at Licensee Premises on which the System will be installed, operated, and maintained. 1.5 "Licensee Facilities.' The space, environment, and other facilities located at the Licensee Premises and to be provided by Licensee under this Agreement in connection with the installation, operation, and maintenance of the System 1.6 "Licensee Personnel." All persons engaged from time to time as officers, employees, agents, or independent contractors of Licensee 1.7 "Licensee Premises." 1.8 "LAN." A limited-distance distributed processing network that comprises the Licensee Equipment and supporting communication facilities interconnected by a transmission medium in order to facilitate the inter-exchange of data. 1.9 "Licensed Programs." The computer programming code in object code(i e,machme- readable)form 1.10 "Licensor IP" A collective reference to each of the System, the Licensed Programs, TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION the Documentation, and all intellectual property rights associated with each. 1.11 "System." TMA Systems' product, including Licensed Programs and Documentation, and modifications thereto and standard updates thereof furnished by Licensor pursuant to the terms hereof with the number of concurrent users as specified in Exhibit B 1.12 "System License Fees." The fees set forth in Exhibit C, as the same may be amended in accordance with the terms hereof 1.13 "Year 2000 compliance." Year 2000 compliance refers to the ability of the Component System to correctly interpret,use,calculate,report and/or sort dates occurring after December 31, 1999, both alone and in reference to date occurring before December 31, 1999 Year 2000 compliance is herein defined to include,but not be limited to: a The use of four digit fields for entering, storing, processing, reporting and/or calculating year data, and; b Reflecting the correct occurrence of leap years with the inclusion of February 29 where appropriate, including the year 2000. Section 2 GRANT OF LICENSE TO LICENSEE 2.1 Scope of License. Upon payment by Licensee of the System License Fees due under Section 5 1, Licensor grants to Licensee, and Licensee receives from Licensor, without further action by Licensee or Licensor, a personal, nontransferable, perpetual, nonexclusive, and non- assignable license to install, execute, and use the System (including modifications and updates of the System furnished pursuant to the terms hereof) on Licensee Equipment at Licensee Premises for its own internal data processing and computing needs (but not for service bureau or time- sharing services), and to make copies required for such use, including copies for archival and backup purposes, all in accordance with the terns and conditions hereof. 2.2. Termination of License Rights. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the license rights granted hereunder and all use of the System shall terminate upon any termination of this Agreement. 2.3 Documentation and Training. In connection with its installation of the System, Licensor shall provide Licensee with Documentation and training for personnel of Licensee as set forth in Section 8, and the license granted herein shall authorize the use of Documentation by Licensee in accordance with the terms hereof. 2.4 Additional Charges. In addition to payment of the System License Fees,Licensee shall pay, or reimburse Licensor for,taxes, costs of shipping and insurance,and other costs or expenses identified in Section 5 2.5 Conditions Precedent to Licensor Performance. The obligations of Licensor under this Agreement, including without hmitation, Licensor's obligation to conform with the delivery and installation schedule set forth in the Purchase Order,Exhibit B, are subject to and conditioned upon the timely performance of Licensee's obligations under this Agreement. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Section 3 OBLIGATIONS OF LICENSOR In addition to obligations otherwise set forth in Agreement, Licensor shall perform the obligations detailed in this Section 3. 3.1 Obligation for Property Damage. Licensor shall repair, replace, or, at Licensee's election, reimburse Licensee for the cost of repairing or replacing programs, data, or other property of Licensee damaged through the negligent act or omission of Licensor Licensee shall have the obligation of maintaining and having available backup copies of all such programs and data Licensor's obligations hereunder are conditioned on the availability of such backup copies, and Licensor shall have no obligation to rewrite or recompile programs or data not preserved through backup procedures. 3.2 New Releases. Licensor shall notify Licensee upon the release for general use versions of the System more current than those previously delivered to Licensee Upon written request of Licensee, Licensor will deliver to Licensee such newer versions (as such versions have been released by Licensor for general use) of the System in the same form and quantity as originally delivered. For a period of ninety (90) days following installation of the System, such releases shall be at no additional charge After ninety (90) days, provided a current Maintenance Agreement has been entered into,Licensee shall be provided new releases of the System 3.3 System Maintenance and Support. Licensor shall provide options to Licensee for continuing maintenance and support of the System. Section 4 OBLIGATIONS OF LICENSEE In addition to obligations otherwise set forth in this Agreement, Licensee shall perform the obligations detailed in this Section 4. 4.1 Availability of Equipment and Facilities. Licensee shall furnish and make available such Licensee Equipment and Licensee Facilities as required for installation, operation, or maintenance of the System and take such action as may be necessary to ensure that all Licensee Facilities and Licensee Equipment required for operation of the System are completed and operable at least seven days prior to the date scheduled for delivery of the System to the Licensee Premises 4.2 Access to Premises. Licensee shall grant to Licensor such access to Licensee Premises, all parts of the System situated thereon, and all Licensee Facilities and Licensee Equipment as may be necessary or appropriate for Licensor to perform its obligations under this Agreement. 4.3 Confidentiality of Terms. Licensee shall neither discuss nor otherwise disclose to any third party any terms of this Agreement, except to the extent, if any, that(1)Licensee chooses to disclose such terms to any bank or other financial intermediary for purposes of financing the acquisition of the System, (2) Licensee may be required to make any such disclosure by any subpoena, court order, decree, law, or regulation applicable to Licensee; or (3) Licensee reasonably deems such disclosure necessary in connection with litigation involving the System or this Agreement. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION _ S Section 5 LICENSEE PAYMENTS TO LICENSOR 5.1 System Fees. In consideration of the undertakings of Licensor and the grants of a license herein,Licensee shall pay the System License Fee set forth in Exhibit B to this Agreement 5.1.1 Licensee may call or write TMA to add additional products and users. These additional products may result in additional license fees winch are effective and will be invoiced upon software shipment. 5.1.2 Licensee agrees to pay when due the System License Fee set forth in Exhibit B to this Agreement A monthly interest charge at the rate of one percent (1%) or the maximum legal rate, whichever is less, will be assessed on all non-disputed charges more than thirty (30) days past due Licensee's obligation to pay the amounts due or to become due under this Section 5 0 shall be absolute and unconditional and shall not be subject to any reduction, setoff, defense, counterclaim, or deferment for any reason whatsoever 5.2 Taxes. The System License Fees and all other payments provided for under this Agreement are exclusive of all state, local, and other taxes or other charges (other than income or franchise taxes payable by Licensor) directly applicable to the licensing, installation, support, or use of the System, and Licensee will pay or contest in good faith any such taxes or charges within 10 days after Licensee's receipt of proper bills or statements from Licensor or the taxing authorities. 5.3 Delays. If installation of the System or any component thereof is delayed as a result of the unavailability, incompletion, or improper installation or operation of Licensee Facilities or Licensee Equipment and such delay continues for more than seven days after Licensor gives Licensee notice of such delay, Licensee shall reimburse Licensor for all reasonable costs and expenses(including,without limitation,reasonable personnel expenses)incurred by Licensor as a result of any such delay in installation, provided, however, that Licensee shall not be liable for any cost or expense attributable to (1) errors or omissions of Licensor or (2) Licensee's determination that delay in installation is required pursuant to Section 6.2. Section 6 SYSTEM DELIVERY 6.1 Delivery; Expenses for Same. Licensor will arrange for delivery of the System to Licensee Premises on or before the date agreed to for installation. 6.2 Dates of Delivery and Installation. Absent an Event of Force Maleure as set forth in Section 11 1, Licensee may specify delivery and installation dates for the System later than those agreed to (a) by written notice to Licensor at least 30 days prior to such delivery or installation date and (b) if (i) Licensee reasonably determines that Licensee will be unable to prepare Licensee Facilities or install Licensee Equipment prior to the scheduled date for installation for the System and(h) such delay will not extend beyond a period of one hundred eighty(180) days. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Section 7 LIMITED WARRANTY, LIMITATION OF REMEDIES -- - 7.l Limited Warranty of Conformity to Documentation. Licensor wairants,-solely for the - -- benefit of Licensee, that for a period of ninety (90) days after acceptance of the System, the System will operate in substantial conformity with the Documentation and that during such period, Licensor, at its own expense, upon receipt of written notice from Licensee of a Defect, shall, subject to the provisions of this Section 7, make all corrections and modifications necessary to the System and each component or portion thereof so that the System will so operate. Licensor specifically does not warrant that the System will operate uninterrupted or error-free This Section 7 1 sets forth Licensee's sole and exclusive remedy, and Licensor's sole obligation, for a breach of Licensor's limited warranty Any replacement software will carry the limited warranty under this Section 7 1. 7.2 Warranty of Right to License,Non-infringement. Licensor warrants that it is owner or licensee of the System, that it has the right to convey the licenses set forth in Section 2 hereof, and that the Licensee's use of such System in accordance with the terms of this Agreement shall not infringe any thud-party rights in patent, copyright or trade secret m the United States. 7.3 Warranty Service Terms. Warranty service shall be performed during normal weekday business hours,excluding Licensor holidays,with an average response time of 3 days. 7.4 Licensor Obligations Under Warranty. Licensor's sole obligation under the aforesaid warranties shall be to utilize commercially reasonable efforts to correct or modify such portion of the System that contains a Defect that has been reported by Licensee with notice to Licensor during the aforesaid warranty period 7.5 Conditions Precedent to Licensor Obligations. All of the warranties made by Licensor hereunder are, and all obligations of Licensor under this Section 7 shall be, contingent upon Licensee's use of the System in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and specific instructions relating thereto furnished by Licensor consistent with the terms of the Agreement, and,to the extent that any of the following cause a breach of Licensor's limited warranty,no such warranties or obligations shall apply to any portion of the System that has been: 1. Installed or operated by Licensee in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement or modified by a party other than Licensor without the written approval of Licensor, 2 Damaged by negligence or misuse by other than Licensor or by fire, casualty, or other external causes, 3 Subjected to conditions beyond environmental and operating constraints or subjected by parties other than Licensor to unusual physical or electrical stress; or 4 Moved from its original place of installation without the prior written approval of TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Licensor, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 7.6 Disclaimer; Limitation on Liability. LICENSOR'S TOTAL LIABILITY HEREUNDER FOR ALL DAMAGES, LOSSES, AND CAUSES OF ACTION (WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) , OR OTHERWISE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT PAID BY LICENSEE FOR THE SYSTEM. IN NO EVENT INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, WILL LICENSOR OR ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE TO LICENSEE FOR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY LOSS OF DATA OR LOST PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SYSTEM, EVEN IF LICENSOR OR ITS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO LICENSEE Section 8 TRAINING AND DOCUMENTATION Licensor will provide Licensee with training and Documentation as follows 1 The System Training Course according to the terms in that certain purchase order, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit B, and 2 The Documentation of the TMA software. Section 9 LICENSEE'S USE AND PROTECTION OF TRADE SECRETS 9.1 Acknowledgment of Proprietary Materials; Limitations on Use. Licensor represents and Licensee acknowledges that the Licensor IP are the property of Licensor or its licensors and that Licensor holds the copyright interests therein or is licensed to exploit any copyright in the Licensor IP Licensee further acknowledges that Licensor IP is treated by Licensor as secret and proprietary information of Licensor of substantial value,and Licensee shall treat such information so received in confidence and shall not use, copy, disclose to any third party, nor permit any Licensee Personnel to use, copy, or disclose to any third party any Licensor lP for any purpose that is not specifically authorized under this Agreement, provided,however,that should Licensee and Licensor be unable to reach an accord on an agreement for the continued maintenance of the System, this covenant shall not be interpreted to prohibit Licensee from (a)retaining a reputable expert third-party entity (on terms no more favorable to such thirty-party entity than those terms offered by Licensor and rejected by Licensee) to maintain the System and (b) disclosing to such entity such information as is necessary to allow such entity to maintain the System, so long as such maintenance entity shall agree in writing to observe all applicable restrictions set forth in this Section 9 with respect to such information as may be so furnished to it by Licensee. Licensee shall take all steps as are necessary to inform Licensee Personnel of the terms and conditions of this Section 9 and to bind such Licensee Personnel to this Section 9 for the benefit of Licensor, and to be fully responsible for each such Licensee Personnel's observance of such terms and conditions. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 9.2 Secure Handling. Licensee shall ensure that the Licensed Programs, to the extent not installed on the Licensee Equipment, and the Documentation, be kept on the Licensee Premises v,hich shall be maintained in a manner so as to reasonably preclude unauthorized persons from having access thereto. 9.3 Proprietary Legends. Licensee shall not_remove any copyright-notice -or- other____ proprietary or restrictive notice or legend contained or included in any material provided by Licensor, and Licensee shall reproduce and copy all such information on all copies made hereunder, including such copies as may be necessary for archival or backup purposes 9.4 Obligations of Parties Having Access. Licensee shall limit use of and access to the Licensor IP to such Licensee Personnel as are directly involved in the operation or maintenance of the System by Licensee Licensee shall use its best efforts to (1) disclose Licensor IP only to Licensee Personnel whom Licensee has no reason to believe are untrustworthy or may violate the provisions of this Section 9 and (2) prevent all Licensee Personnel from having access to any Licensor IP that is not required in the performance of his/her duties for Licensee; provided, however, that Licensee shall be permitted to convey the same to the maintenance entity in accordance with Section 9 1, if necessary 9.5 Assistance of Licensee. At the request and expense of Licensor, Licensee shall use reasonable efforts to assist Licensor in identifying any use, copying, or disclosure of any portion of the Licensor IP by any present or former Licensee Personnel in any manner that is contrary to the provisions of this Agreement, so long as Licensor shall have provided Licensee with information reasonably justifying the conclusion of Licensor that such contrary usage may have occurred 9.6 Rights to Injunctive Relief. Recognizing and acknowledging that any use or disclosure of the Licensor IP by Licensee or Licensee Personnel in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement may cause Licensor irreparable damage for which other remedies may be inadequate, Licensee agrees that Licensor shall have the right to petition for injunctive or other equitable relief from a court of competent jurisdiction as may be necessary and appropriate to prevent any unauthorized use or disclosure by Licensee or Licensee Personnel of any Licensor IP and that, in connection therewith, Licensee shall not oppose such injunction on the grounds that an adequate remedy is available at law 9.7 Limitations on Confidentiality. The restrictions set forth in this Section 9 respecting confidentiality of the Licensor IP shall not apply to any portion of the Licensor IP that(1) is in or becomes part of the public domain or (2) is required to be disclosed by Licensee pursuant to any valid order or directive of a court or governmental agency of competent jurisdiction, in the event that Licensee has furnished Licensor notice of such directive or order prior to disclosure 9.8 Survival of Terms. The provisions of this Section 9 shall survive termination of this Agreement for any reason TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Section 10 LICENSOR INDEMNIFICATION FOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS INFRINGEMENT 10.1 Scope of Indemnification. Licensor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Licensee from and against any claim, suit, demand, or action alleging that the System or any component thereof infringes a U S copyright, trade secret, or any other proprietary right of any thud party, and Licensor shall indemnify Licensee against all costs, expenses, and damages arising from any such claim, suit, demand, or action, provided, however, that (1) Licensee shall have given Licensor prompt written notice of such claim, suit, demand, or action; (2) Licensee shall cooperate with Licensor in the defense and settlement thereof, and (3) Licensor shall have control of the defense of such claim, suit, demand, or action and the settlement or compromise thereof. 10.2 Licensee Remedy Upon Injunction of System Use. If a temporary or a final injunction is obtained against Licensee's use of the System or any portion thereof by reason of an infringement of a U S copyright, trade secret, or other proprietary right, Licensor will, at its option and expense, either 1 Procure for Licensee the right to continue using the System or 2 Replace or modify for Licensee the System or such infringing portion thereof so that it no longer infringes such copyright, trade secret, or other proprietary right, so long as the utility or performance of the System is not adversely affected by such replacement or modification and the System continues to materially conform with the Documentation. If after reasonable efforts, Licensor is unable to achieve either (1) or (2) above, either party will have the right to terminate this agreement upon ten(10)days written notice to the other, and Licensor will refund the amount paid for the license of the System to Licensee 10.3 Exclusion of Liability. Licensor shall have no liability to Licensee for any infringement action or claim that is based upon or arises out of the use by Licensee of the System or any component thereof in combination with any other system, equipment, or software in the event that, but for such use,the claim of infringement would not lie. 10.4 Exclusivity and Survival. This Section 10 sets forth the exclusive remedy of Licensee against Licensor with respect to any action or claim for an alleged patent, copyright, or other proprietary right infringement by the System or any component thereof, and this Section 10 shall survive any termination of this Agreement. Section 11 FORCE MAJEURE AND EXCUSABLE DELAYS 11.1 Event of Force Majeure. Neither party shall be liable for any costs or damages due to nonperformance under this Agreement arising out of any cause or event not within the reasonable control of such party and without its fault or negligence, such causes or events sometimes being hereinafter referred to as "Events of Force Majeure " TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 4 5 11.2 Notice Requirement. Each party shall give the other party prompt notice of the occurrence of any Event of Force Majeure that may cause delay hereunder, and the date of performance by any party that gives such notice shall be extended for a period not exceeding the period of delay caused by the Event of Force Majeure so identified. 11.3 Postponement of System Shipment. If requested by written notice received from __Licensee after either party is given notice of Event of Force Majeure, Licensor shall postpone shipment of the System for such period (not exceeding 3 months in the aggregate) as Licensee may request by written notice to Licensor. In the event of any such postponement, all dates of performance by Licensor under this Agreement shall be extended for a corresponding period 11.4 Limitation on Period of Force Majeure. Unless the performance by either party of its obligations under this Agreement is delayed by the occurrence of an Event of Force Majeure for a period of more than one year (and such nonperformance is excused under the foregoing provisions), no Event of Force Majeure shall be an excuse for permanent nonperformance but shall be an excuse only for delays in performance and only to the extent that such delays are directly attributable to such cause Should any event of Force Majeure delay performance in any material respect for a period of more than one year, either party shall have the option to rescind this Agreement upon notice to the other party. 11.5 Exculpation. Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement that directly results from any failure of the other party to perform its obligations as set forth in this Agreement. Section 12 TERMINATION 12.1 Termination for Cause. Either party may terminate this Agreement forthwith at any time upon the giving of written notice, 1 In the event that the other party fails to discharge any obligation or remedy any default under this Agreement for a period continuing more than 45 days after the aggrieved party shall have given said other party written notice specifying such failure or default and that such failure or default continues to exist as of the date upon which the aggrieved party gives such notice so terminating this Agreement, or 2 In the event that the other party makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or commences or has commenced against it any proceeding in bankruptcy, insolvency, or reorganization pursuant to bankruptcy laws or laws of debtor's moratorium 12.2 Cure. A failure or delay in performance by either party under this Agreement shall not constitute basis for termination of the Agreement under this Section 12 if such performance is effectively commenced or completed prior to the giving of notice of termination. 12.3 Termination of Licenses. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, all licenses granted hereunder shall terminate and Licensee shall immediately cease use of the System Licensee shall, immediately upon such termination, return to Licensor all copies of the Licensed Programs and Documentation. Licensee shall certify to Licensor that it has retained no copies of such System TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Section 13 MISCELLANEOUS 13.1 No Assignment. This Agreement shall not be assigned in whole or in part by either party without the prior written consent of the other, and any attempt by either party to so assign this Agreement shall be invalid 13.2 Notice. Notice to either party to this Agreement shall be deemed given(1)when mailed by certified mail, postage prepaid, or (2) when dispatched by facsimile or electronic mail (and confirmed by written instrument mailed by regular mail, postage prepaid, within 48 hours after such dispatch) Mail shall be addressed as follows Licensor. Licensee. TMA Systems, LLC Attn President Attn- 6846 South Canton, Suite 510 Tulsa, OK 74136 e-mail sales@tmasystems com e-mail- or to either party at such other address as it shall have notified the other pursuant to the provisions of this Section 13.2 13.3 Entire Agreement: Governing Law and Forum Selection. Except for any Maintenance Agreement that may be executed by the parties pursuant to Section 3 3, this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Licensor and Licensee with respect to Licenser's delivery, installation, and maintenance of the System and Licensee's use thereof. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance'with the laws of the State of Oklahoma Any lawsuit seeking to enforce or interpret the terms of this Agreement shall be brought in the state or federal courts located in Tulsa County,Oklahoma. 13.4 Independent Contractors. The parties are and shall remain independent contractors Nothing herein shall be deemed to establish a partnership,joint venture, or agency relationship between the parties Neither party shall have the right to obligate or bind the other party in any manner to any third party 13.5 Authority to Contract. Each party represents that it has the full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to convey the rights herein conveyed.Each party further represents that it has not entered into nor will it enter into any agreements that would conflict with its obligations hereunder or would render it incapable of satisfactorily performing hereunder. 13.6 No Waiver. Neither party shall,by mere lapse of time,without giving notice thereof,be deemed to have waived any breach by the other party of any terms or provisions of this Agreement The waiver by either party of any such breach shall not be construed as a waiver of subsequent breaches or as a continuing waiver of such breach TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 13.7 Y2000 Compliance Licensor hereby warrants and represents that the System is and will continue to be Year 2000 compliant In the event that the System is later found not to be Year 2000 compliant, Licensor agrees to assume all costs associated with all software upgrades necessary to achieve Year 2000 compliance for the System should Licensee so elect, in lieu of other remedies 13.8 Source Code If Licensor ceases to be in the software business due to being declared bankrupt and insolvent by a court of competent jurisdiction, Licensee will have the right to -- - - - obtain, for its own and sole use only, the then current version of the source code for the System supplied under this Agreement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives as of the day and year first above written LICENSOR. TMA SYSTEMS,LLC LICENSEE- By: By Authorized Signature Authorized Signature Name Name: Title Title (TMA Systems,LLC O1/01/2000) TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION n� MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT THIS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement"), made and entered into this day of 20 by and between TMA Systems, L L C , an Oklahoma corporation having principal offices at 6846 South Canton, Suite 510, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136 (the "Licensor"), and a having principal offices at (the"Licensee"). -- —" --- PRELIDMARY STATEMENT Licensor owns or otherwise has the right to license , which consists of a computer software program in machine-readable form and related user documentation (collectively, referred to as the "System") A TMA Systems,L L C License Agreement of even date separately executed by the parties grants Licensee a right and license in and to the System. LICENSOR AND LICENSEE, INTENDING TO BE LEGALLY BOUND, AGREE AS FOLLOWS Section 1 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE 1.1 Licensor shall provide to Licensee all modifications to the System in the form of fixes and further releases that Licensor makes generally available to all end-users Such modifications shall be released at least once each calendar year 1.2 Such modifications, when delivered, shall become part of the System, shall be maintained in accordance with this Agreement, and shall otherwise be subject to all of the terms of the TMA Systems, L L C License Agreement. Section 2 ERROR CORRECTION 2.1 Licensor shall correct,within a reasonable period of time, any material reproducible error or malfunction in the System Licensee agrees to notify Licensor of any such material error or malfunction in the System immediately upon Licensee's detection. If Licensor, in its discretion,requests written verification of a material error or malfunction discovered by Licensee, Licensee shall immediately provide such verification, by facsimile transmission or overnight mail, setting forth in reasonable detail the respects in which the System fails to perform. Licensor agrees to commence correction within eight (8) business hours after receiving notice from Licensee of such material error or malfunction An error or malfunction shall be "material" if it represents a material nonconformity with Licensoe's current published specifications for the System and Licensee, in its discretion, determines (and notifies Licensor) that such error or malfunction unreasonably restricts Licensee's use of the System 2.2 Licensee shall reimburse Licensor at Licenser's then-current time and material rates for all work of Licensor spent investigating an error or malfunction that Licensor reasonably determines to have been caused by a modification to the System that was neither made nor authorized by Licensor TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 45 Section 3 TELEPHONE SUPPORT Licensor shall, during the hours of 8 00 a in to 5 00 p in CST on weekdays (exclusive of holidays), make reasonable telephone support available to Licensee's Project Leader and other personnel of Licensee who have been fully trained by Licensor in the use of the System. Section 4 OTHER MODIFICATIONS Licensee may at any time request that Licensor make additional modifications to the System to add functions or improve performance Licensor shall, within sixty (60) days after receiving Licensee's request in writing, take one of the following actions, in Licensor's sole discretion 1. Notify Licensee that Licensor has determined that the modification would be of sufficient interest to enough end-users that Licensor intends to provide such modification as part of its regular maintenance service Such notice shall specify an estimated date on which the modification may be supplied. 2 Notify Licensee that Licensor has determined that the modification will be undertaken only on an individual basis and provide Licensee with a written estimate of the charges for performing such modification If Licensee accepts Licensor's proposal by written notice,Licensor agrees to perform the modification for the estimated charges plus out-of-pocket expenses for travel and materials Should Licensee revise its request for modification after Licensee accepts Licensor's estimate, Licensee acknowledges that Licensor may impose additional charges, calculated at its then-current time and material rates, for work performed to accommodate those revisions 3 Notify the Licensee that Licensor has determined that the modification is not technically feasible. Section 5 DELIVERY In order to satisfy any delivery obligation hereunder, Licensor may, at its option, send Licensee a single copy of any modification, error correction, fix, or release to the System, together with instructions for Licensee's installation and implementation thereof. Section 6 CHARGES 6.1 Licensee shall pay Licensor an agreed upon annual maintenance fee. The first such annual fee for the 12-month period commencing on the date Licensee accepts installation of the System shall be due and payable ninety(90)days after such acceptance TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 6.2 At least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the initial term or any renewal term of maintenance services, Licensor shall send to Licensee a renewal invoice for maintenance services for the subsequent twelve (12) month period Each subsequent annual maintenance fee shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days of the beginning of each such 12-month period If payment is not made within sixty (60) days of the start of any renewal term, Licensor will cease providing maintenance services to Licensee and this Agreement will automatically terminate _ without further responsibility on Licensor After the initial 12-month period, Licensor may increase the annual maintenance fee by an amount no greater than 15% of the then current retail price of the System In no event will Licensor increase the annual maintenance fee other than on an anniversary of any 12-month period, except if additional Licensor software options or users are added to the System 6.3 Licensee agrees to pay all charges resulting from additional functions, improved performance, or other modifications provided to Licensee at Licensee's specific request. 6.4 Licensee agrees to pay all charges resulting from exceeding the recommended data specifications (Exceeding the recommended data specifications may impact data integrity) 6.5 Licensee agrees to pay when due (or reimburse Licensor, as applicable, for) any applicable sales, use, property, excise, and other similar taxes A monthly interest charge at the rate of one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) or the maximum legal rate, whichever is less, will be assessed on all charges more than thirty (30) days past due Licensee's obligation to pay the amounts due or to become due under this Section 6 0 shall be absolute and unconditional and shall not be subject to any reduction, setoff, defense, counterclaim, or deferment for any reason whatsoever. Section 7 OWNERSHIP The modifications to the System, including all intellectual property rights associated therewith, made or provided by Licensor pursuant to this Agreement, whether alone or with any contribution from Licensee or its personnel, shall be owned exclusively by Licensor. To the extent Licensee or its personnel may acquire any right or interest in such modifications or associated intellectual property by operation of law, Licensee irrevocably assigns all such right and interest exclusively to Licensor Licensee shall maintain and enforce agreements and policies with its personnel sufficient to give effect to the provisions of this Section 7. Section 8 LIMITED WARRANTY 8.1 Licensor warrants that it will render its services under this Agreement in a good and workmanlike manner 8.2 As Licensor's sole responsibility and Licensee's exclusive remedy for any breach of TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION (1Qc� I. subsection 8 1 above,Licensor shall make a reasonable effort to remedy any such breach reported to Licensor by Licensee within ninety (90)days following the provision of services or the date of required provision of services 8.3 EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION 8, LICENSOR MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO ANY --MATTER-W-HATSOEVER,-INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION,,-ITS-SERVICES;TH)T- SYSTEM, THE DESIGN OR CONDITION OF THE EQUIPMENT OR ANY PROGRAMMING, OR ANY OUTPUT BASED ON USE OF THE SYSTEM. LICENSOR SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Section 9 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The total liability of Licensor (including its subcontractors and suppliers) for all claims, whether in contract, tort (including negligence and product liability), or otherwise, arising out of, connected with, or resulting from any performance or nonperformance hereunder shall not exceed the fees allocable to the service that gives rise to the claim.In no event shall Licensor be liable for any incidental,consequential, indirect,or special damages,including,without limitation,damages for loss of revenue, cost of capital, claims of Licensee for service interruptions or failure of supply, and costs and expenses incurred in connection with labor, overhead, transportation, installation, or removal of equipment or programming or substitute facilities or supply sources. Section 10 TERM 10.1 This Agreement shall commence on the date of Licensor's acceptance, as set forth at the end of this Agreement Unless sooner terminated in accordance with this Section 10, this Agreement shall continue in effect for (1) year renewal terms Agreement will be deemed renewed if payment of renewal invoice is made within thirty (30) days after the start of the renewal term If payment is not made within sixty (60) days after the start of the renewal term, LICENSOR will cease providing maintenance services to LICENSEE and this Agreement will automatically terminate without further responsibility on Licensee or Licensor. 10.2 In addition to its termination rights set forth in Section 10.1 above, Licensor may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice of termination to Licensee upon the occurrence of any of the following events- 10 2 1 Licensee defaults in the performance of any requirement or obligation created by this Agreement, the TMA Systems, L L C License Agreement, any Equipment Lease Agreement, any Equipment Purchase Agreement, or any other agreement between Licensor and Licensee, 10 2 2 Licensee falls to make any payment to Licensor within thirty(30) days of its due date, whether under this Agreement, or the TMA Systems,L.L.C.License Agreement, TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION �� 10 2 3 Licensee ceases doing business, 10 2 4 Licensee is the subject of any state or federal bankruptcy, insolvency, or similar proceeding,becomes insolvent, or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, 10 2 5 A receiver is appointed for a substantial part of Licensee's assets; 10 2 6 Licensee becomes unable to pay its debts when due, 10 2.7 Any action is taken toward the liquidation or winding up of Licensee's business; 10 2 8 An agreement between Licensee and its creditors generally is entered into providing for extension or composition of Licensee's debt, or 10 2 9 Licensee suffers a materially adverse change in its financial condition or operations 10.3 Upon and after any termination of this Agreement: 10 3 1 Licensee, its receivers, trustees, assigns, or other representatives shall immediately cease using and shall return without delay all property belonging to Licensor, including, without limitation, all manuals and informational materials furnished by Licensor to Licensee. 103 2 Neither Licensee nor its receivers, trustees, assigns, or other representatives shall, in advertising or otherwise, use or display any of Licensor's trademarks, trade names, or logos, or any name, mark, or logo that is confusingly similar to Licensor's trademarks. 10.4 No termination of this Agreement shall release Licensee from any obligation to pay Licensor any amount that has accrued or become payable at or prior to the date of termination. 10.5 All communications from Licensee relating to the termination of this Agreement shall be directed to Licensor at the address indicated on the first page of this Agreement No sales person or field representative of Licensor shall be authorized to act or make any commitment for Licensor except pursuant to written instructions made and signed by a duly appointed officer of Licensor. Section 11 DELAYS The date on which Licensor's obligations are required to be fulfilled will be extended for a period equal to the time lost by reason of any delay arising directly or indirectly from(1)acts of God, unforeseeable circumstances, acts (including a delay or failure to act) of any governmental authority, war, not, revolution, fires, floods, strikes, labor disputes, sabotage, or epidemics, (2) inability due to causes beyond Licensor's reasonable control to timely obtain instructions or information from Licensee, necessary and proper labor, materials, components, facilities, or transportation; or (3) any other cause beyond Licensor's reasonable control. The foregoing TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION extension will apply even though such cause(s) may occur after Licensor's performance of its obligations has been delayed for other causes Section 12 _ GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORIZATIONS Licensee will be responsible for timely obtaining all required authorizations. Licensor will not be liable if any authorization is delayed, denied, revoked, restricted, or not renewed and Licensee will not be relieved thereby of its obligations to pay Licensor under Section 6 above. Section 13 NOTICES Any notice to a party required or permitted under this Agreement shall be sufficiently given only when provided in writing, and either personally delivered, sent via certified or registered mail, or sent via facsimile with hardcopy sent via regular U.S Mail within three (3) business days, to the party's address indicated herein Licensee shall promptly give Licensor notice of any address change. Section 14 MISCELLANEOUS The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with provisions of this Agreement This Agreement shall obligate and benefit the parties, their personal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns Licensor may assign all or any part of this Agreement, but no assignment or transfer of any interest in this Agreement may be made by Licensee without the prior written consent of Licensor In the event that any portion of this Agreement is held unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions being shall remain in full force and effect and the parties shall negotiate in good faith a substitute provision which most nearly effects the parties' intent in entering into this Agreement This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Oklahoma Licensee herein consents to venue and jurisdiction of both the state and federal courts of Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Any lawsuit seeking to enforce or interpret the terms of this Agreement shall be brought in the state or federal courts located in Tulsa County, Oklahoma This Agreement constitutes the complete and entire agreement between the parties concerning the subject matter of the present transaction and supersedes any prior representations, understanding, communications, commitments, agreements or proposals, oral or written, concerning such transaction No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless made in writing and signed by Licensor and Licensee. Any provisions in any purchase order, quotation, acknowledgment or other forms or contract documents applicable to any service,performance,purchase, or other transaction that are inconsistent, or in conflict, with any of the provisions of this Agreement or the TMA Systems, L L C License Agreement will be ineffective and inapplicable, unless the inconsistent or conflicting provisions are in a written agreement dated subsequent to the effective date of this TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION (} . Agreement and signed by Licensor By execution hereof, the person signing for Licensee below certifies that he/she has read this Agreement and that he/she is duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of Licensee IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed m - - duplicate by their duly authorized representatives as of the day and year first above written-- - --- -- LICENSOR TMA SYSTEMS,L L.0 LICENSEE: By By Authorized Signature Authorized Signature Name Name Title Title: ©2000, TMA Systems,L L C MA0400 2 TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (this "Agreement"), made and entered into this day of , 20 by and between TMA Systems, L L C, an Oklahoma corporation having principal offices at 6846 South Canton, Suite 510, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136 (the "Licensor"), and a having principal offices at (the "Licensee'). PRELIMINARY STATEMENT Licensor owns or otherwise has the right to license which consists of a computer software program in machine-readable form and related user documentation (collectively, referred to as the "System") A TMA Systems, L L C License Agreement of even date separately executed by the parties grants Licensee a right and license in and to the System. This Agreement relates to professional services provided by Licensor for the implementation and installation of the System and the training of Licensee Personnel LICENSOR AND LICENSEE, INTENDING TO BE LEGALLY BOUND, AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 DEFINITIONS In addition to the terms elsewhere defined in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth in this Section 1 for purposes of this Agreement• 1.1 "Agreement" means this Professional Services Agreement including its Exhibit A Installation and Training, Exhibit B: Pre-Implementation Services-Tentative Agenda, Exhibit C: Training Agenda; and Exhibit D• Rate Sheet, all of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein. 1.2 "Deliverable" is the written document identified in Exhibit A Installation and Training, which Licensor is required to produce in connection with different Project Tasks including, without limitation, drawings, technical specifications and documentation, estimates, reports, user manuals, a completed systems installation, and other items, whether in the form of writing, figures, delineations, or electronic data, each as prepared in connection with this Agreement 1.3 "Reimbursable Costs" means the actual out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Licensor in connection with the services performed herein and includes only the following, to wit airfare (economy class), baggage handling, hotel accommodations (single room rate), auto rental (based upon the lowest automobile classification appropriate for the size of the group requiring use of the vehicle), meals (not to exceed $50 per day per person), laundry and dry cleaning charges (if Licensor staff is on travel for a period in excess of four(4) days), parking, ground transportation, and toll fees 1.4 "Non-Allowable Expenses" means personal entertainment expenses, alcoholic TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION beverages, travel expenses for family members, use of health facilities (unless included in the price of hotel accommodations), movies in a hotel and other non-business related costs, or Reimbursable Costs for which no receipt is produced by Licensor. 1.5 "Project Task" means the defined undertaking described in Exhibit A. 1.6 "Project Manager" means Licensor's employee assigned for coordinating, - scheduling, and executing the Project Tasks and Deliverables set forth in Exhibit A. Licensor's Director of Professional Services shall act as the Project Manager on behalf of Licensor for the duration of this Agreement unless otherwise approved by Licensor. 1.7 "Subcontractor" means each person or firm retained by Licensor to assist in the performance of the Project Tasks required under this Agreement Other terms used but not defined in this Agreement shall have the meaning given in the TMA Systems, L L C License Agreement executed between the Licensor and Licensee contemporaneously with this Agreement Section 2 CONSULTANT SERVICES 2.1 Licensor agrees to provide its technical knowledge, skill, and expertise to Perform the Project Tasks and to deliver the Deliverables set forth in Exhibit A, Exhibit B, and Exhibit C Licensor agrees to complete performance of the Project Tasks and delivery of the Deliverables in accordance with the time schedule set forth in Exhibit A. Dunng the term of this Agreement, Licensor represents that it will maintain the ability to perform the services described herein Licensor shall provide project management, including planning, staffing, and coordination as part of the services to be provided herein. 2.2 Licensor shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion, and coordination of all services furnished by Licensor, its subcontractors and consultants, and its and their principals, officers, employees and agents under this Agreement In performing the specified services, Licensor shall follow practices consistent with generally accepted professional and technical standards. 2.3 Licensor has the duty to assure that its work product is technically sound within the generally accepted standards of the Information Systems Industry Licensor shall, without additional compensation, correct or revise any errors or material in Licensor's designs, specifications, reports, and other services not in conformance with the requirements of this Agreement identified by Licensee within ninety (90) days following Licensee's acceptance of each Deliverable as defined in Exhibit A. 2.4 Licensor agrees that the Project Manager and other employees will cooperate with Licensee in the performance of services under this Agreement and will be available for consultation with Licensee at reasonable times with advance notice as to not conflict with their other responsibilities. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Section 3 TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall commence as of the date first set forth above and continue for a period of 180 days, unless sooner terminated due to one of the following events (i)Licensor completes the services required; (u) the total Compensation set forth in Section 5 is expended, (ni) the -- - — —Agreement-is-termmated under Section 9 1 below The parties may-agree to extend the term-o€--- — — this Agreement to complete the Project Tasks and Deliverables if it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of Licensee that Licensor has substantially completed the Deliverables and Project Tasks identified in Exhibit A. Section 4 INSPECTION AND CORRECTIONS 4.1 Licensee's Rigbt of Inspection. Licensee reserves the right to inspect each and every part of the services and Deliverables provided by Licensor under this Agreement, as Licensee reasonably deems necessary 4.2 Unsatisfactory Performance. If Licensor shall not have performed the Project Tasks and delivered the Deliverables in a timely manner,or in a manner reasonably acceptable to Licensee, Licensee shall notify Licensor in writing that Licensor's performance is unsatisfactory and that Licensor is therefore in breach of this Agreement. Licensor agrees to remedy its unsatisfactory performance within five(5)calendar days of receipt of written notice thereof,or to commence such a remedy and to complete it within a reasonable time (not to exceed 15 calendar days). Section 5 COMPENSATION 5.1 Compensation. For the services provided under this Agreement, Licensee agrees to compensate Licensor in an amount equal to Licensor's fee set forth m Exhibit D ("Compensation") 5.2 Invoice. Licensor shall submit an invoice for payment of the services rendered for the designated incremental periods wherein certain Deliverables and Project Tasks are completed. At a minimum, the invoice shall specify the date of the invoice, Licensor invoice number, the Project Task and Deliverable being invoiced, invoice total, and the total amount due as of the invoice date. Each invoice shall bill for the performance of services by Licensor upon the completion of each Project Task and/or Deliverable Licensee shall have thirty (30) days to verify and pay the invoice for all services of Licensor and related Reimbursable Costs upon completion of each Project Task and/or Deliverable and/or Consultant's services. The net amount is due within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 5.3 Reimbursable Costs. In addition to the Compensation set forth in subsection 5.1 above, Licensee agrees to reimburse Licensor for its Reimbursable Costs incurred each month in the performance of this Agreement Licensor shall submit a monthly invoice for any Reimbursable Costs incurred (with receipts in support thereof) for the previous calendar month. Licensee shall have thirty (30) days from receipt to verify and pay the monthly invoice. - -- - - - - - -- - - Section 6 -- — SUBCONTRACTS Provided prior approval has been given by Licensee, Licensor may retain various subcontractors to assist in the performance of the Project Tasks and Deliverables set forth in Exhibit A The compensation to be paid to a retained subcontractor shall be the sole responsibility of Licensor and shall not require the payment of any additional Compensation under this Agreement Section 7 PAYMENT OF TAXES Licensee shall pay all taxes, duties, levies, and assessments applicable to and assessable against any equipment, materials, and services, incidental to or involved in this Agreement including but not limited to, retail sales and use, transportation, export, import, business, and special taxes Licensee is responsible for ascertaining and acquainting itself with such taxes and making all necessary arrangements to pay them The fixed fee established in this Agreement does not include compensation for any taxes Licensee 1s required to pay by the laws and regulations in effect during the term of this Agreement. Section 8 DISPUTES 8.1 Disputes on Quality or Acceptability of Services. If Licensee and Licensor cannot agree as to the quality or acceptability of the services performed hereunder , .liether there is a change in the services and/or the Compensation required under thi, -.went, Licensee or Licensor may promptly give to the other a written notice thereof A «iitten response shall be given by the other within ten (10)days thereafter. 8.2 Licensor's Notice. Any notice given by Licensor pursuant to subsection 8.1 above shall include any possible claims against Licensee, including the amount of Compensation requested Thereafter, Licensee shall, with reasonable diligence, determine the quality or acceptability of the services or whether a change in the services is required, and/or the Compensation payable to Licensor. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Section 9 RIGHT OF TERMINATION 9.1 Both Licensor and Licensee may, upon thirty (30) days written notice, termmate this Agreement, in whole or in part,for any reason whatsoever. Upon receipt of such notice,Licensor shall immediately discontinue the performance of any further services (unless the notice directs otherwise), deliver all data, drawings, specifications, reports, estimates, summaries, and other - information and material as may have been prepared or developed by Licensor pursuant to this Agreement, whether completed or in progress, to Licensee Termination of this Agreement shall be effective as of the date that such notice is received by Licensor unless otherwise specified in the notice. 9.2 Licensor shall submit a final invoice within thirty(30)days of termination. Licensee shall pay Licensor Compensation and costs incurred up to the effective date of termination. Licensor shall deliver or otherwise make available to Licensee all Deliverables in the form in which they exist on the effective date of termination Section 10 LICENSORAS INDEPENDENT CONTR.1� r' Licensor represents that it is fully experienced and properly qualified, licensed,equipped, organized, and financed to perform the services required under this Agreement. In the performance of the services required hereunder, Licensor is acting as an independent contractor and not as the agent of Licensee. Licensor shall maintain complete control over its employees and all of its subcontractors Nothing contained in this Agreement or any subcontract awarded by Licensor shall create any contractual relationship between any such subcontractor and Licensee. Licensor shall perform in accordance with its own methods subject to compliance with this Agreement Section 11 NOTIFICATIONS Notice to either party to this Agreement shall be deemed given (1)when mailed by certified mail, postage prepaid, or (2)when dispatched by facsimile or electronic mail(and confirmed by written instrument mailed by regular mail, postage prepaid, within 48 hours after such dispatch). Mail shall be addressed as follows Licensor: Licensee: TMA Systems,L.L C. Attn President Attn. 6846 South Canton, Suite 510 Tulsa, OK 74136 e-mail sales@tmasystems cam e-mail- or to either party at such other address as it shall have notified the other pursuant to the provisions of this Section 11 TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Section 12 DELIVERABLES 12.1 Each Deliverable, whether finished, unfinished, or draft, developed, prepared, completed, or acquired by Licensor during the performance of services required, by this Agreement for which Licensor has been compensated shall become the property of Licensee ancr- --'-'---' shall be delivered to Licensee's representative upon completion of such Deliverable or termination of this Agreement,whichever occurs first. 12.2 Each Deliverable prepared by Licensor shall be reviewed and approved by Licensee as to compliance with the requirements of this Agreement Licensee's approval of a Deliverable shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld. 12.3 Licensee's review and acceptance of a Deliverable shall be solely for the purpose of determining compliance with requirements hereof and not for format or style or for the incorporation of additional ideas and functionality. Acceptance shall be granted if the Deliverable conforms in all material respects to the descriptions set forth in Exhibit A and this Agreement In the event of Licensee's rejection of a Deliverable, Licensee shall identify in reasonable detail,with specific references to the requirements of this Agreement, all deficiencies which require corrective actions or changes to be made by Licensor in order to make the Deliverable conform to the requirements of this Agreement. Section 13 RIGHTS IN TECHNICAL DATA 13.1 Documents and Materials Prepared. All documents and materials first prepared or developed by Licensor pursuant to this Agreement including, but not limited to computer software or database applications, patentable work product, or other work product entitled to protection under the laws of the United States shall be deemed work made for hire and shall become the property of Licensee without any restriction or limitation on their use, and shall be made available for transmittal to Licensee upon request. The originals of such documents and materials shall be delivered to Licensee upon completion of the services or termination of this Agreement Licensor shall be permitted to retain copies of such items for its internal use only Licensee acknowledges that Licensor retains ownership and all other rights associated with the System and Licensor IP as set forth in the TMA Systems,L L C.License Agreement. 13.2 Right to Duplicate Technical Data. Licensee shall have the right to use, duplicate,modify, or disclose the technical data and the information conveyed herein, in whole or in part, in any manner whatsoever, and to have or permit others to do so. TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Section 14 WARRANTY Licensor warrants that all services shall be in accordance with this Agreement and shall comply with the standard of performance for a period of ninety (90) days from acceptance of the services In the event of breach of thus warranty, Licensor shall take the necessary_actions to correct the breach at Licensor's sole expense. Such corrective actions shall be carried out in the most expeditious manner as permitted by existing circumstances Section 15 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACTUAL RIGHTS It is agreed that Licensor shall not assign,transfer, convey,or otherwise dispose of any of Licensor's rights or duties under this Agreement,without prior written consent of Licensee which consent will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed Section 16 MISCELLANEOUS 16.1 Waiver. The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Agreement 16.2 Attorney Fees. In the event of any litigation in any way arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the unsuccessful party costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees. 16.3 Applicable Law and Forum Selection. It is expressly understood and agreed that this Agreement shall be subject to and construed under the laws of the State of Oklahoma (excluding its rules on conflicts of law) as well as the copyright laws of the United States Any lawsuit seeking to enforce or interpret the terms of this Agreement shall be brought in the state or federal courts located in Tulsa County, Oklahoma 16.4 Meaning of Article and Section Headings. The section headings appearing throughout this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and shall not be deemed to explain, modify, amplify, or aid in the interpretation, construction, or meaning of the provisions of this Agreement 16.5 Severability. In the event that any portion of this Agreement is held unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions shall remain in full force and effect and the parties shall negotiate in good faith a substitute provision which most nearly effects the parties' intent in entering into this Agreement TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION _ / 16.6 Disclaimer; Limitation on Liability. LICENSOR'S TOTAL LIABILITY HEREUNDER FOR ALL DAMAGES, LOSSES, AND CAUSES OF ACTION(WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) , OR OTHERWISE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT PAID BY LICENSEE FOR THE SYSTEM. IN NO EVENT INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, WILL LICENSOR OR ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE TO LICENSEE FOR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, _INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES,INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY LOSS OF DATA OR LOST PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SYSTEM, EVEN IF LICENSOR OR ITS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO LICENSEE 16.7 Force Majeure. Neither party shall be liable, nor be deemed in default for failure in its performance of its obligations under this Agreement where such failure is due to causes beyond the reasonable control of the party affected, including but not limited to acts of God, acts of the government, fires, flood, riots, labor difficulties, embargo, and civil commotion Such party shall notify the other party promptly and shQ 2000, TMA Systems,L L C all resume all obligations as promptly as possible 16.8 Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including its Exhibits, constitutes the complete and entire agreement between the parties concerning the subject matter of the present transaction and supersedes any prior representations, understandings, communications, commitments, agreements, or proposals, oral or written, concerning such transaction. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives as of the day and year first above written LICENSOR TMA SYSTEMS,L L C LICENSEE- By By Authorized Signature Authorized Sigii Name Name: Title. Title: ©2000, TMA Systems,L.L C (01/01/2000) TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION APPENDIX 5: TMA Balance Sheet TMA Systems,LLC Balance Sheet December 31, 1999 ASSETS Current Assets Cash $ 504,493.75 Accounts Recievable 911,128.59 Employee Advances 4,225.64 Prepaid Expense 5,208 00 Total Current Assets 1,425,055.98 Property and Equipment Equipment 302,741.15 Furniture&Fixtures 45,869.62 Auto 20,204 00 Accumulated Depreciation <217,249.25> Total Property and Equipment 151565.52 Other Assets Intangible Assets-Net 1,179,017.07 Deposits 5,261.80 Total Other Assets 1,184,278.87 Total Assets $ 2,760,900.37 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities Accounts Payable $ 143,542.99 Sales Tax Payable 78.25 Accrued Payroll 14,717.82 Accrued Payroll Taxes 893.00 Accrued 401(k)Plan 6,019.17 Deferred Revenues 62,770.00 Total Current Liabilities 228,021.13 Long-Term Liabilities Total Long-Term Liabilities 0.00 Total Liabilities 228,021.13 Capital Paid in Capital 1,841,802.13 Member Distribution c654,750.00> Net Income 1,345,827.11 Total Capital 2532,879.24 Total Liabilities&Capital $ 2,760,90037 Unaudited-For Management Purposes Only APPENDIX 6: Sample Implementation �`k1►edule e ; ; 9 | _ ( § ( ( \ k k § k \ § § k § k } ( ! ) j 7 7 7 7 7 / ! } k \ § § k k \ \ § § ( ( § \ \ \ \ k k k k § } I k ! 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IL E 2 ) 7 ( « $ | ] g ) / ! ; . ? k ) ; | a E § i\ � � 2 § 2 2 - 2 i § ! iL ! § 2 ) ! § ; ! ! k : sc k � ) } 9 2 _ ! n at { ¢ co) 3 E E ! 2 | % , . o � � } $ } ♦ 2 § e $ ƒ k m E \ ; \ § #f 2 im 2 § � 2 2 2 | � � ! � ) ; £ ! ! k : k � } ) 0 _C k Ek • 9 \ ) { ) c » » E ! _ « � ) CL Eco 2 ( a | ! ƒ / ; r # « k k ) r | § f\ ; ƒ� APPENDIX 7: Cost Model r Client information .1p�//L. Ca Mike H ttrupProjects Annette Poston T1V1A.. Capbal Protects Coordinator Account Executive City of Kent TMA Systems LLC 220 4th Ave S GB46 S Canton,Suite 510 S�s1.CVp14 Kent WA 98032 Tulsa,OK 74136 Phone (253)856-5082 (918)858-6685 Facsimile (253)856-6080 (918)4944892 Date 10/25/00 E-mail rn�l¢@cl kent.wa.us Vabd Un01 04/11/01 Quotation is Valid for 180 days Licensed Faclityll-ocatlon City of Kent,Kent WA 98032 SOFTWARE-Primary Facility Location(Server Location) TMA Enterprise 5-Concument User Cbent/Server Version 1 $ 27,99500 TMA Talk&E-mall Web Interface&E-mail(Enterprise) 1 It 8 000 00 Software Subtotal $ 35.99500 Oracle or MS SOL database not included PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Pre-ImplementabordConsulting/Project Management $1,500 per day,5 Days 5 $ 7,50000 Travel Expenses not mc/uded Client-site Training $1,500perday,5Days, 10 participants per class 5 $ 7,50000 Travel Expenses not included Professional Services Subtotal $ 15,000 00 SUPPORT SERVICES TMA Gold Annual Support Plan 1 $ 5,39926 It - $ 5,39925 Subtnal $ 56,39425 Freight We Tax We Total $ 56,394 25 TERMS and CONDITIONS Software will be licensed to City of Kent for the Following facility City of Kent Kent WA98032 Payment is due net 30 days after receipt of software 1 5%per month will be charged on all past due invoices These prices do not include applicable sales tax These prices are for your information only and are subject to change Acceptedby Annette Poston Name Name Account Executive Title Title 10/26/00 Date Date TMA CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION (60- TMA COST Model Total Start-Up Costs (software, installation, training, etc) Software Purchase/License Costs. TMA Enterprise/Client Server version* 5 concurrent user Client Server version $ 27,995 00 TMATalk (web interface) $ 8,00000 Software Total $35,;95 00 *Does not include Oracle or MS-SQL. Installation Support Costs plus travel and expenses. Pre implementation ($1,500 per day)x 3 days $ 4,500,00 Project Management ($1,500 per day) x 2 days $ 3,000.00 Services Total $ 7,50000 Training Support Costs plus travel and expenses Client-site training ($1,500 per day)x5 days $ 7,50000 Maintenance Costs Gold Annual Support Plan $5,399 25 On going Maintenance Cost not to exceed over 5 % of CPI Total Cost for the First year $ 56,394.25 Projected On-Going Operational Costs (software maintenance, etc.) Ongoing Operational Support Costs. Provider will include a five-year projection of maintenance costs Ongoing support costs are subject to change if other modules or interfaces are added to the original software proposal. These prices are based on the original quote. Year 2 maintenance costs $ 5,399 25 5% CPI $ 26996 $ 5,669 21 Year 3 maintenance costs $5,669 21 5% CPI $ 283.46 $5,952.67 Year 4 maintenance costs $ 5,952 67 5% CPI $ 29763 $ 6,250 30 Year 5 maintenance costs $ 6,250 30 5% CPI $ 31251 - 1 e-2 81 Annual support plan includes free and timely upgrades to the current version of TAM programs when released, technical support during normal business hours (8 00 am — 5 00 pm CST/DCT), with support available through phone,fax, e-mail and Internet Other Costs Include any and all other costs required for successful implementation. Data Conversion Cost $ 1,500 0042,000.00 per day. Pricing for Data Conversion is quoted only upon a complete examination of the data to be converted TMA provides assistance converting your existing maintenance data into TAM Enterprise Some of the data will be converted electronically With some data, it may be more efficient fo you to input manually. Customization Cost-Quoted on case-by-case basis and specifications. Optional TMA Modules and Interfaces TMA DMA (Personal Digital Assistant interface) $1,995 (5 users) TMA Pager (pager module) $495 (workstation) TMA RS Means (Means Data interface) $1,995 (workstation) _ TMA Vehicle Rentals (vehicle module) $1,995 TMA Event Management(event module) $1,995 E +, o vi U 2 E ClNtn t,� N �+ Lf1 00 N J korn CD ; y � o I E � W o a � � � u CV N O CO 00 N U k O fo ca ,0 O ca v r �" N � N y4-1 CA Q q � � � o CO3 ti cr O U a o � g uq o •d ° O obiD °~ °' a V m 0 01 p vow b o a ° o b o ff ° a o 0.4 Q) r ^ � u Q �o Iu cd cd U N U ctS N U U O 4� U+ dEd A N 1-1 N in J � U VI y "� COD U "d Q O >, cn V m a V. m Q bA "u O v GJ N GA +rCD N ^� cd V rp U O U dmd = U U o .� � O O o � M Q) Ce � Ho Q i M1 '?..'�1 rY ski` < I�?':•{In<r o?'• .i�}f'r:n`N S I � n . 1■I � I ■ ■ I�I�p �< oL ■ . L ■ ■ .w ■ ■ — Go IC C {C b o. to ■� , 6'JOM �I 12 d �I y ® _ 2, 4 X �y to I O ■ Lul On JI fi� d, LLI� ® v + \❑ W IZ3 N `tea) Or U •, O U cd cd U 4-4 o C*4) o CV � u rn _• O o 4-1 4 U 4-J i to 4 O CO3 (U o •� cd aJ cw � O o -ti o �ibis 4-j U O N N N 3 mu y Q � ^v N � � v ' N . 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