HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG1977-003 - Original - Puget Sound Council of Governments - Regional Planning Agreement - 05/12/1977 INTER LOCAL AGREEMENT PUGET SOUND COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS 1 This agreement is made and entered into by and between the undersigned 2 member agencies of the State of Washington to establish the Puget Sound Council 3 of Governments, pursuant to provisions of the Interlocal Cooperation Act of 4 1967, Chapter 39. 34 R.C.W. 5 Definitions 6 For the purpose of this Interlocal Agreement and all other agreements, 7 contracts and documents executed, adopted or approved pursuant to this agree- 8 ment, the following terms shall have meaning prescribed to then wi;.hin this 9 section unless the context of their use dictates otherwise: 10 (1) Member agency shall mean a„y public agency which is a party or become 11 a party to this Interlocal Agreement and is a county, city, town or 12 Indian tribe. 13 (2) Public agency shall mean any city, town, county, public utility district, 14 port district, fire protection district, school district, air pollution 15 control authority, Indian tribe, or metropolitan municipal corporation 16 of this State, any agency of the State government or of the United States 17 and any political subdivision of another state. 18 (3) State shall mean a state of the United States. 19 (4) Region shall mean that territory physically lying within the boundaries of 20 the counties of King, Pierce, Snohomish, Kitsap and any other member 21 county. 22 (5) • Subregion shall mean that territory physically lying within the boundaries 23 of any one of the member counties. 24 (6) Population shall mean that population of any general purpose local govern 25 ment that is a member agency last determined for each such member as 26 certified by the Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management or its 27 succeeding office of the State of Washington as of the first day of 28 January of each year, except that the population of member counties • 29 shall be that population determined in the same manner for the unincorpo 30 rated area of such county; and further that the population of Indian tribes 31 shall be the latest figures established and certified by the Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs. 1. 1 (7) Regional population shall be determined by adding together the population 2 of the member agencies. 3 (8) Subregional population shall be determined by adding together the popula- 4 tion of the member agencies within the subregion. 5 (9) Major city shall mean any city with a population in excess of 50,000. 8 (10) Assembly or full Assembly shall mean that body of local elected 7 officials which is formed by the meeting of all member agencies of the 8 Puget Sot-nd Council of Gov(-r.nments. 9 (11) Executive Board shall mean that body of local elected officials who have 10 been appointed to represent member agencies to carry-out all delegated 11 powers and managerial and administrative responsibilities between 12 annual meetings of the full Assembly. 13 (12) County Subregional Council shall mean that body which is formed by the 14 meeting of member agencies and other public agencies within a subregion 15 Each County Subregional Council serves as a permanent semi-autonomou., 1 ; 18 body of the Puget Sound Council of Governments. t 17 18 Recitals 19 WHEREAS, the undersigned member agencies recognize the need and 20 desirability to participate in a forum for cooperative decision making by 21 elected officials of said agencies in order to bring about a continuous and 22 comprehensive regional planning process; and r. 23 WHEREAS, the undersigned member agencies desire to jointly undertake 24 A-95 review, continuous, cooperative regional development, land use, housing 25 and transportation planning that results in plans and programs consistent with 28 the.adopted Regional Development Plan for the central Puget Sound area; and 27 WHEREAS, it is agreed that the Puget Sound Council of Governments 28 shall perform the functions required by the Office of Management and Budget 29 Circular A-95 (revised), "Federal and Federally-Assisted Programs and 30 Projects Evaluation, Review and Coordination;" and 31 2. 1 WHEREAS, the organization created meets the minimum federal ' 2 criteria and requirements for a Metropolitan Planning Organization, -and 3 Areawide Planning Organization; and 4 WHEREAS, it is the belief of the undersigned member agencies that 5 regional planning and review should be accomplished whenever possible at tl 6 subregional level by County Subregional Councils and should receive policy 7 direction from that level; and 8 WHEREAS, the undersigned member agencies are authorized k nd 9 empowered to enter into this agreement pursuant to Chapter 39. 34 R. C.W. 10 THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual promises and covenants 11 herein, -it is hereby agreed: 12 1. Organization - Composition and Nature: The undersigned memb, 13 agencies agree to maintain the organization called the Puget Sound 14 Council of Governments as a separate legal and administrative agency 15 with the power in its own name to employ agents and employees; to 16 make and enter into contracts; to acquire, hold and dispose of 17 property, real and personal; to sue and be sued in its own name; to 18 hire legal counsel and to incur debts and liabilities or obligations. 19 The Puget Sound Council of Governments shall consist of a full 20 Assembly, with management vested in an Executive Board, and 21 County Subregional Councils in each subregion, structured as herein- 22 after provided and by the Bylaws attached hereto and by this reference r. 23 incorporated herein. The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote a 24 of full Assembly members who are present and voting. 25 2. Delegated Authority and Purposes: The Puget Sound Council of 26 Governments shall have the following delegated authorities and purposf 27 A. To provide a forum for cooperative decision making by the 28 region's elected officials in order to bring about a 29 continuous and comprehensive planning process. ` 30 B. To foster cooperation and mediate differences among 31 governments throughout the region. 3. I C. To maintain an ongoing planning system and coordinate t 2 actions so that we may make the best use of our land, air. 3 water and energy resources; overcome the problems of 4 waste and pollution. 5 D. To carry out such other planning and coordinating activities g which are authorized by the full Assembly or Executive 7 Board. 8 3. Financing: The Puget Sound Council of Governments shall be 9 financed by assessment against each member agency in a manner 10 provided by the Bylaws attached hereto. The Puget Sound Council of 11 Governments is authorized to apply for such federal, state, or private 12 funding of any nature as may become available to assist the organiza- 13 tion in carrying out its purposes and functions. 14 4. Withdrawal from agreement: Except as provided, any member 15 agency shall have the right to withdraw from this Interlocal Agreement 18 by giving written notice, six months prior to the annual assessment, 17 to the Executive Board. The member counties and major cities that 18 are parties to this Interlocal Agreement agree that withdrawal will not 19 absolve them of responsibility for meeting financial and other obligations 20 of annual contracts or agreements which exist between the State of 21 Washington or the federal govdrnment and the Puget Sound Council of 22 Governments at the time of withdrawal. :. 23 5. Duration: This agreement shall remain in force and effect per- 24 petually or until terminated by member agencies which represent 25 75 percent of the regional population. 28 6. Disposition of Assets: Upon termination of this agreement any 27 money or assets in possession of the Puget Sound Council of Governments 28 after payment of all liabilities, costs, expenses, charges validly 29 incurred under this agreement, shall be returned to all contributing 14 30 governments in proportion to their assessment determined at the time 31 of termination. The debts, liabilities, and obligations of the Puget Sound Council of Governments shall not constitute a debt, liability or obligation of any member agency. 4. i 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this [nterlocal Agreement shall have full 2 force and effect from and after May 12, 1977. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 r. x, 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 // BYLAWS 1 ARTICLE I 2 Name 3 The name of the organization shall' be the Puget Sound Council of 4 Governments. 5 ARTICLE II g Purpose 7 The purpose of the Puget Sound Council of Governments shall be to 8 exercise the authority delegated to it pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement; 9 and specifically: 10 a) To provide a forum for cooperative decision making by the region's 11 elected officials in order to bring about a cooperative, continuous, and com- 12 prehensive planning process; and 13 b) To jointly undertake through its membership participation, A-95 14 review and continuous, cooperative regional development, land use, housing 15 and transportation planning that results in'plans and programs consistent 18 with the adopted Regional Development Plan for the.central Puget Sound area. 17 c) To monitor federal legislation and regulations adopted pursuant 18 to such legislation as directed by the Executive Board; and 19 d). To engage in legislative lobbying activities arthe state and federal 20 level to the extent legally permissable as directed by the Executive Board; and 21 e) To ensure that the aforement'oned purposes of the Puget Sound 22 Council of Governments are carried forth whenever possible at the sub- 23 regional level by County Subregional Councils. 24 ARTICLE III 25 Structure 28 The Puget Sound Council of Governments shall be composed of the full 27 Assembly, with management vested in an Executive Board, and County 28 Subregional Councils, 29 Section 1. The full Assembly of the Puget Sound Council of Governments 30 shall consist of member agencies, as defined in the Interlocal Agreement. 31 1. 1 Section 2. Except as hereinafter provided by these Bylaws, between 2 annual meetings of the full Assembly, all powers of the Puget Sound 3 Council of Governments shall be exercised and the affairs shall be 4 managed by the Executive Board. 5 Section 3. The County Subregional Councils shall serve as permanent 6 semi-autonomous bodies of the Puget Sound Council of Governments and 7 shall have those powers that are specifically granted to it pursuant to 8 the Interlocal Agreement and Bylaws and such other powers that may be g delegated to it by the full Assembly or the Executive Board. 10 ARTICLE IV 11 Members 12 Section 1. Membership: The Puget Sound Council of Governments 13 recognizes as a member any jurisdiction of general purpose local 14 governments, or Indian tribe, Mithin the boundaries of- the counties 15 of Kitsap, Pierce, King and Snohomish that is or becomes party to 16 the Interlocal Agreement which establishes said organization. 17 Section 2. New Members: Any jurisdiction of general purpose local 18 government, including an Indian tribe, within the counties of Kitsap, 18 Pierce, Snohomish and King, which is not.a.member• of the Council of 20 Governments, may become a member by adopting the Interlocal Agree- 21 meet by appropriate action. 22 Section 3. Assessments: The Puget Sound Council of Governments shall 23 be financed by assessments against each member agency. The assess- 24 ment to support the adopted budget of the Council of Governments shall 25 be divided equally between the member cities including Indian tribes as 26 a unit and member counties as a unit. The counties shall determine 27 allocation among member counties; and cities, including Indian tribes, 28 shall determine allocation among member cities. 29 The assessment to support the adopted budget of the Council of Govern- 30 ments, as allocated pursuant to this section, shall as to each member 31 become a binding obligation which shall be due and payable in advance 2. 1 on or before the first day of April of each year, provided however, that 2 the assessment may be paid by calendar quarters. A member agency 3 desiring to pay its assessment by calendar quarter shall notify the 4 Executive Board in writing of its desire on or before the first-Aa}t.of 5 March of each year. 6 Section 4. Withdrawal: Except as provided by the Interlocal Agreement, 7 any member agency desiring to withdraw.from.the Puget Sound Council g of Governments shall submit its resignation in writing to the Executive 9 Board for action, six months prior to the annual assessment. The 10 Executive Board shall be required to accept a member's resignation in 11 instances in which the member's current and past annual assessment 12 are paid in full; in all other instances the Executive Board may act at its 13 own discretion. 14 Section 5. Expulsion: Any member delinquent in payment of its assess - 15 ment may be disqualified by the Executive Board from participation in 16 all or part of the Council of Government's business, including the right 17 to vote, so long as the delinquency exists. A member delinquent for . . 18 more than one year in the payment of its assessment shall be subject to 19 direct legal action for recovery of the delinquent assessment. 20 21 ARTICLE V 22 Officers 23 Section 1. The officers of the Puget Sound Council of Governments shall 24 be a President and a Vice President. 25 Section 2. Elections: The President and Vice President of the Puget 26 Sound Council of Governments shall be elected by the full Assembly 27 from the Executive Board membership. Nomination of candidates for 26 tho- office of the President and Vice President shall be presented 29 annually to the full Assembly at its first meeting of the calendar year for 30 the full Assembly's action. The Vice President shall be a member of the 31 Executive Board and froma different subregion than the President. 3. I Section 3. Term: The President and Vice President shall serve for one 2 year and their term of office shall begin at the close of the.annual 3 meeting at which they are selected. 4 In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice President 5 shall succeed to said office for the unexpired portion of the term.. In the e event there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President 7 shall appoint a new Vice President for the unexpired portion of the term. 8 In the event there is a vacancy in the office of the President and Vice . 9 President, the Executive Board shall elect from its membership a new 10 President, and Vice President, to serve the unexpired portion of the 11 terms. 12 Section 4. The President shall appoint at least two months in advance of 13 the annual meeting of the full Assembly a committee, representative of 14 members of the Council of Governments, composed of at least two 15 members from within each of the several counties composing the 18 Council of Governments, one representing the municipalities of each 17 county and the other representing the county. The-committee shall 18 nominate candidates for the offices of President and Vice President. 19 Such nominations shall be presented to the•Assembly at its annual 20 meeting for the assembly's action. Additional candidates may be 21 nominated at the same meeting by member agencies. It is the 22 sense of the Council of Governments that the office of President be 23 rotated among jurisdictions of different size, type and location and the 24 nominating committee is instructed to consider these factors when 25 making its selection. 28 27 ARTICLE VI 28 Duties of Officers 29 Section 1. President: The President shall conduct the annual meeting 30 of the full Assembly and the meetings of the Executive Board, and shall 31 be responsible for the preparation of the agenda for said meetings. The 4. 1 President shall ensure that the functions of the Puget Sound Council of 2 Governments are carried out to the best of his or her ability. The 3 President shall have the responsibility to direct the Executive Director 4 and the staff; and shall make such reports as needed: . 5 Section 2. Vice President: The Vice President shall preside and perform 8 the duties of the President and in the absence of the President. The 7 Vice President shall serve also as Vice President of the Executive Board. 8 9 ARTICLE VII 10 Meetings of the full Assembly 11 Section 1. Date: The full Assembly of the Puget Sound Council of 12 Governments shall meet annually, with such meetings held on the 13 second Thursday of the month of January, or as necessary at the call 14 of the President. 15 Section 2. Composition: The full Assembly shall be composed of the 18 elected officials from member agencies located within the boundaries of 17 the four-county region of King, Pierce, Snohomish and Kitsap counties 18 who become parties to the agreement establishing the Puget Sound 19 Council of Governments in accordance with'Article IV, Section 2 of 20 these Bylaws. 21 Section 3. Notice: Written notice and the agenda of all Assembly meetings shall be delivered or mailed to all member agencies at least 23 ten days prior to the meeting; provided, however, that if the President 24 or Executive Board determine that an emergency exists they may make 25 a written finding to that effect in which event a meeting may be held on 26 written notice delivered to each member at least three days before the 27 meeting; and, provided further, that a member may waive notice of 28 the meeting by written instrument filed with the Executive Board. 29 Section 4. Purpose: The purpose of the meeting of the full Assembly 30 will be to adopt or amend a regional development plan or Bylaws, to 31 adopt an annual work program and budget, to elect a President and 5. 1 Vice President and take action on such other. matters that the Executive 2 Board or the President may determine. 3 Section 5. Quorum: A quorum of the full Assembly shall be one-half of 4 the member agencies of the organization who shall represent at least 5 50 percent of the regional population. e Section 6. Voting: Each member agency of the Puget Sound Council of 7 Governments shall have voting strength in the same proportion that its 8 population bears to the total regional population. 9 Section 7. Voting: Except as specified in Article VII, Section 8, action 10 on all matters coming before the Assembly shall require a simple 11 majority of the votes cast on the issue and the manner of voting shall be 12 determined by the presiding officer except that a roll call vote shall be 13 taken upon the request of any two member agencies. 14 Section S. Voting: The following matters calling for full Assembly action shall be the subject of a roll call vote and shall require the 16 affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of those present and voting on the 17 matter: 18 a) Approval of the annual work program and budget; 19 b) Adoption or amendment of a regional development plan; and S0 c) Amendment of these Bylaws. 21 i 22 ARTICLE VIII 23 Meetings of the Executive Board 24 Section 1. Date: The Executive Board shall meet at least once monthly 25 at its designated date and time or upon request of the President, or 26 upon call of two representatives, providing those representatives are 27 from different subregions. 28 Section 2. Composition: The Executive Board shall consist of a total of 29 twenty-two (22) representatives distributed amongst the following member 30 agencies: 31 6. I King County. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. representatives 2 Seattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 representatives 3 Other towns and cities located 4 within King County . . . . . . . . 2 representatives 5 Kitsap County . . . . . . . . . . . . Z representatives 8 Bremerton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 representative 7 Pierce County . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 representatives 8 Tacoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 representatives 9 Other towns and cities located 10 within Pierce County . . . . . . . 1 representative 11 Snohomish County . . . . . . . . . . . 2 representatives 12 Everett . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 representative 13 Other towns and-cities located 14 within Snohomish County . . . . I. representative 15 Section 3. Appointment: Representatives from member agencies shall 18 be appointed in a manner as hereinafter provided: 17 A) In the case in which member agencies are permanently 18 assigned positions on the'Executive Board, the method of 19 appointment is at the discretion of the member agency. 20 B) If the representative is to be chosen to represent a number 21 of non-central city jurisdictions, the method of appointment is at 22 the discretion of the subregional member agencies. 23 C) Each Executive Board representative shall be an elected 24 official and may have one designated alternative. The alternate 25 must be an elected official also from the same.subregion. 28 D) The name, address and phone number of all representatives 27 and their designated alternates shall be filed in writing with the 28 k Executive Board. 29 Section 4. Notice: Agenda with supporting materials shall be mailed 30 at least seven (7) days-in advance of all regularly scheduled meetings; 31 provided, however, that if the President or Executive Board or a 7. 1 County Subregional Council determine that an emergency exists they 2 make a finding to that effect in which event a special meeting may be 3 held on telephonic and written notice delivered to each representative 4 at least five (5) days in advance. The agenda for a special meeting shall 5 be limited to those items specified in the notice. 6 Section 5. Purpose: The purpose of the meetings of the Executive Board 7 shall be to direct the affairs of the Puget Sound Council of Governments 8 between the annaul meetings of the full Assembly. The Executive 9 Board shall exercise on behalf of the Puget Sound Council ct Govern- 10 meets all delegated powers and managerial and administrative a:ithority. it The Executive Board shall appoint and remove the Executive Director. 12 Section 6. Quorum: A simple majority of representatives of the 13 Executive Board shall constitute a quorum. 14 Section 7. Voting: Each representative of the Executive Board shall 15 have one vote. 18 Section 8. Voting: All actions of the Executive Board shall be majority 17 vote unless otherwise provided. 18 Section 9. Voting: A two-thirds(2/3) majority vote may be called for .19 by any member of the Executive Board on any issue unless otherwise 20 specifically provided. When a simple majority is required on a vote, 21 it shall be one-half (1/2) plus one of those present and voting. When 22 a two-thirds (2/3) majority is required, it shall be a two-thirds (2/3) 23 majority of those present and voting. 24 Section 10. Committees: The President may appoint or the Executive 25 Board may require the President to appoint ad hoc or standing Executive 2e Board Committees to advise or assist the Board in its function. 27 Section 11. Ad hoc Executive Board Committees shall have a specific 28 charge, within a given time frame, with a required and stated product, 29 and shall cease to exist after their function is performed. 30 Section 12. Standing Executive Board Committees shall be established as 31 necessary and provided with a charge appropriate to their functions. 8. 1 Section 13, The Chairperson and other members of all Executive Board 2 Committees shall be designated by the Executive Board and member- 3 ship may include elected officials, local government staffs, citizens, 4 professionals in the field, or other experts. 5 . . g ARTICLE IX 7 Meetings of the County Subregional Councils 8 Pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement, there shall be a County Sub- 9 regional Council for each of the subregions within the boundaries of the 10 Puget Sound Council of Governments. The County Subregional Councils 11 shall serve as permanent semi-autonomous bodies.with such powers and 12 authorities as hereinafter provided. 13 Section i. Date: Each Subregional Council shall meet as a majority 14 15 of their members.may determine provided, however, that each 18 Council shall meet at least once monthly. 17 Section 2. Composition: Each Subregional Council ,shall consist of 18 the member general purpose local governments within each subregion, 19 and other public agencies within the subregion who receive the approval 20 of the Subregional Council. - 21 Section 3. Purpose: Each Subregional Council shall meet to carry-out 22 the following responsibilities. 23 A) General Responsibilities. The Subregional Councils are to 24 be the primary planning organization of the Puget Sound Council 25 of Governments. They will carry the principal burden for the 28 27 planning that is done for regional plans and policies. The 28 primary function of the regional staff is to coordinate the 29 activities between-and among Subregional Councils and to 30 establish uniform methods for accomplishing the agreed upon 31 objectives of the planning organization. The planning process is 9., 1 to evolve from the plans adopted by general purpose local governments which will be coordinated and agreed upon at 3 'the subregional level and integrated into regional plans and 4 policies. All issues are subregional unless deemed other- 5 wise by the Executive Board or through the appeals process a stated in Article X. 7 B) Subregional Issues. The Subregional Councils shall have. 8 the power to review and take action on A-95 applications and 9 environmental impact statements of less than regional significance 10 and to establish additional planning functions and activities to 11 be carried out as deemed necessary and pertain to the authority 12 and responsibility of its members and are of less then regional 13 significance. 14 The Subregional Councils have authority to initiate topics for 15 consideration by the Executive Board or the full Assembly. le C) Regional Issues. Subregional Councils shall have the right 17 to review and the opportunity to comment, prior to final approval 18 or recommendation for approval by the Executive Board, on the 19 annual budget, regional transportation plan, prospectus, trans- ' 20 portation improvement program, transportation systems program, 21 regional development plan, A-95 review and environmental 22 impact statements of regional significance and other programs 23 as may be undertaken by the Puget Sound Council of Governments 24 including the unified work program for a fiscal year. Such 25 right to review.and opportunity for comment shall be a pre - 28 condition for final approval or recommendation for approval by Executive Board or full Assembly. 28 Section 4. Voting: Each Subregional Council shall establish its own 29 method of voting; however, the initial voting structures shall be on a 30 per capita basis. 31 10. 1 ARTICLE X 2 Appeals and Open Meetings 3 4 Section 1. Any member agency may appeal from an action of a 5 Subregional Council to the Executive Board, or an action of the e Executive Board to the full Assembly, by filing,with the Executive 7 Director written notice of appeal within 30 days after the action 8 from which the appeal is talon. Such notice shall state the reason 9 for the appeal, describe the regional significance of die action, and 10 be accompanied by a certified copy of a resolution of the member 11 agency who is making the appeal. By two-thirds (2/3) vote of the 12 Executive Board or full Assembly as appropriate, the action may be 13 reversed, modified or remanded for reconsideration. 14 Section 2. All meetings of the Council of Governments shall conform to 15 the Open Public Meetings Act cndified under RCW 42. 30 and the 18 Executive Board shall adopt procedures to-ensure appropriate notice 17 of all meetings of the Council of Governments. 18 Section 3. The organization shall maintain in force a resolution 19 providing for public hearings with respect to proceedings before the 20 Council of Governments regarding the adoption or interpretation of 21 a general plan or elements thereof, and the Executive Director shall 22 undertake all actions necessary to carry. out the provisions of such a 23 • resolution. 24 25 ARTICLE XI 28 Executive Director 27 The Executive Director shall be appointed or removed by the Executive 28 It 29 Board. The Executive Director shall have the following duties and 30 responsibilities: 31 A) The Executive Director shall be responsible for overall super 11. 1 vision and management of the business of the Council of Governments 2 including, without limitation of the foregoing: keeping a written 3 record of all actions of the Assembly or the Executive Board; 4 receiving monies payable to the Council of Governments and 5 disbursement thereof as authorized by the Assembly or the e Executive Board; maintaining accurate and complete accounts of 7 all receipts and disbursements; supervising all studies and programs 8 authorized by the Council of Governments; supervising all staff, 9 including the hiring and firing of staff, and where agreed-upon 10 procedures are in effect then those procedures will be adhered to; 11 and performing such other duties as may be-assigned to the Executive 12 Director from time to time by the full Assembly or the Executive 13 Board. 14 B) The Executive Director shall have authority to execute contracts 15 in the name of the Council of Governments which are in conformance 18 with the work program and budget and which are in the amount of 17 five thousand dollars ($5,000) or less without the prior approval of 18 the Executive Board. .The President shall be notified of such action. 19 A contract in which the Council of Governments is party and which is 20 in the amount of greater than five thousand ($5,_000) shall require the 21 prior approval of the Executive Board before execution by the 22 Executive Director. 23 C) The Executive Director shall prepare, under direction of the 24 Executive Board or committee thereof, an annual work program and 25 budget. 28 27 ARTICLE XII 28 4 Work Program and Budget 29 Section 1. The work program and budget shall be presented to the 30 Executive Board for review, revision and adoption before being 31 presented to the full Assembly. 12. I Section 2. The Assembly. shall adopt the final work program and budget. 2 Section 3. The Executive Board shall control all expenditures in 3 accordance with the adopted work program and budget and shall have 4 the power to amend the work program and budget to meet unanticipated 5 needs or changed conditions. Members of the assembly shall be 8 given notice within ten days of any Executive Board action involving 7 an amendment to the annual work program or budget. 8 9 ARTICLE XIII . 10 Parliamentary Authority 11 The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order 12 Newly Revised shall govern the Assembly and the Executive Board in all 13 cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with 14 these Bylaws or any special rules of order the Assembly or the Executive 15 Board may adopt. 18 17 ARTICLE XIV 18 Amendments to Bylaws 19 These Bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the 20 21 full Assembly by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those present and voting; 22 provided however, 'that a copy of the proposed amendment has been mailed 23 to each member at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting at which the 24 vote to amend is taken. 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 13. CITY OF 11 C-C April 6, 1977 MEMO TO: Council Members FROM: Joseph Street, City Administrator - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Attached is a copy of the Interlocal Agreement and a copy of the Bylaws of the revised Puget Sound Council of Governments. At last Council meeting, you directed the attorney to prepare a resolution for consideration of adopting these articles. /pss C� 14s RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington authoriz- ing participation in an Interlocal Agree- ment establishing the restructured Puget Sound Council of Governments . WHEREAS, the City of Kent, Washington recognizes the need and desirability to participate in a forum for cooperative decision making by elected officials of local jurisdiction within the central Puget Sound region, in order to bring about a continuous and comprehensive region- al planning process; and WHEREAS , the Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1967 (Chapter 39 . 34 , Revised Code of Washington) permits the establishment of said forum by enabling local government units to exercise jointly any power or powers , privileges or authority exercised or capable of exercise by a unit of local government; and WHEREAS, an Interlocal Agreement has been pre- pared by �an ad hoc committee of local elected officials and approved by the full Assembly of existing members of the Puget Sound Council of Governments; said document estab- lishing a restructured organization having delegated autho- rity and purposes consistent with the needs of local units of government; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: Section 1. That the City of Kent hereby enteres into the Interlocal Agreement establishing the restructured Puget Sound Council of Governments ; and Section 2 . That, by becoming a party to the Inter- local Agreement, the. City of Kent agrees to exercise jointly, with other local units of government entering into said In- terlocal Agreement, the powers conferred upon them by con- stitution or statute or powers implicit in those conferred powers; and Section 3 . That, the Mayor is authorized to ex- ecute and submit, for and on behalf of the City of Kent any information or documentation as may be required in connec- tion with the foregoing agreement. PASSED at the Regular Meeting of the Kent City Council this 18th day of April, 1977 . ISABEL HOGAN, MAYOR ATTEST: MARIE JENSE , ITY CL RK ROVED AS TO FORM: A : MAAJ�'A �I U_-J DONALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Reso- lution No. passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 18th day of April, 1977 . (SEAL) MARIE ffE'N EN, CIr CLERK 2 -