HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAG93-001 - Other - Valley Communications Center - 1977 Budget & Resolution - 05/24/1977 VALIX) CMT[UNICIATION 1,''TVLATG Of,' I:)iPHNI)I'11111f;S •J[T1 11 lif ot!GH DD'T.^ at', 1)77 AN I) j CON 1'H I HUTIONS 1?EQt111?1;0 11t0M C 1T11;S H)I? f1;11ANCE OF 1977 TO 0PI:IIATI 1 Act.rtal crtylr orr Italt(I as of ,luny. )0, 11)717 ------------------------------ 103,757.78 + 2) ADD (;ETA rvimhursenurnts to be received ,fungi (.Irrou,4I1 Sel)tentber lc)77 --- 4, lh9.81r + I)1J►l I(;"I' bi l 1 a 1 read v paid fillyy 15, 1977 ------------------------------ 16,276.37 - 1r� 1)I;DUCT es ti nst Led sa I a r i e s and helw f i t s I o he pa id from July 1 , thr•ouI'lr December 31 , 1977 see ;ttta.ebed Iisf ) --------- O91073.`)3 - 5) DI-DUCT (!sl imated oltet•af ink erlrenses to Ite paid front Auau:;t I through December )I , 1977 see attached list) : Sultltl i es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 ,1t0c). 10 O AWU Sery i c•es & Charges . . . . . . . 70, 550-7h Capital Otrt l;t�. . . . . . . . . . . . . l.'t,5c)2.8 5u1,-To to 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . $80,552.011) W;SS: IL)lancc to be s1,en1, front .fusi,ic,e (Ir;trtL c) )LH _ )I --------- 77,01).78 - 0) TO CONTH I It IJAONS NI�:I;OIAl '10 OI'IIIATT 1�AL1,IA CMNIIN1CAA ION �(IN'I'lA? IO 1)I,CI;MIffal 51 , N_ii ------------------------------------------------- !h_�i'�'t7(t.'r(r 'IOTAI, N1;l;0Gll CONTH l 111 TI ONS NCl;I1l;O 1'OII 1iAI NCI, OF 1977 HIIOKI;N I)OWN HY CITY: $ 84,h7b.1tG 11' 'I`tdcwi .la Ita� s contributions for• March tbrou-lt •Iurce to be on ;tn equal. basis wi1.H outer cities who have poid or'it!in;tlly estimated conIxibulions tltrottt�lt June 1977, ci I,ios would need to contribute as i'ollows: '1'ukwi.1_a - Cont,r'ibuticnt(- owed I'oU March Lbruu,01 •Juite I977 11 mos. GP 82, 525.00 ----------------------------------- s 1U, )OO.00 - h,;ivcs a I,;t l auc•e needed o f --------------------------- q 71r,376.1rO I'ultwi la - 1(1,"' of $71t , 37(,.11() = � 7,1,)7.6 i + ? IO, I no.OO - L7, 5)7.05 Hesston - 57 of $71t , 370. 1r(, = 927, 519.29 Kettt, - " f .$71t, TI-0. h(, - $'>(1,(N1 .6 Aubrrr•n - "(,;;, o f 's711 ,)7(t, 1tG = 1')i j37.Sti I Vli, 57(r.1t(i NOTE: Fst.imated savings of 1 .�f�fir__�r�Gc c1_i�' LF�cc: �� ��8• �U _ _.. _ ___..-_ it a-wz G' �QiJ _.�r�E Cam. C/<'� � �Y�P CJ .J'�.e�.> �06/ •_.�� �Jr�,.Q�-- --------- 711 � __✓1=Za./.�Cc<,�.�c ,�Cuc.� „1G�lC�G�� .f�G�Cm�t_ .._ - -- - . . /D7, 0il. oa, Ii111,Akl)(A% t)f SAI A I i I I 10l%- ;l I1 LSTMVI1 ) "1O Ifl•; PA11) 1'11Wr 7/1/77 1O 12/_)1/77: At l irr ' Di recfor• — 1 I mn, ----- New Oi-rec ) or Ili ry H/I/77) 5 trio . Sul;rry ;rnd Ifeuel'i is $1 ,796.70/111o. ) — 8,IM 5. 50 Le;rrl Sirinry r (l u r 1 ed 5/16/77) ( 'r1 mop. C�c� 1 , 555.c)7/nnr; 1 mo5, I ,h15.i0 - SLe1, increase afl,(!r 0 mos. effcrt,ive I1/10/77) --------- 8,215.N2 Lo Pledi e;r 1 a r•c,rdy Ir;r id for 7 77 h )i/77 -------------------------- � 171 .70� Le s s: ])en L.r l ;r l retul v paid for 7 l7 ----------------------------—————— ('l;'IA Sceref;ri•y IIired 2/7/77) ( I rno. N, $I ,()19.111 ; 5 mos. 61' 81 ,050. 51 — Sf(-1r inc•rerrse ;rffer• 0 rriorc. effec il'ive 8/l/77) ------------------------- 0,301.96 NOTE: t'13'A fuudirlir nr;+y end 13/5(1/77 - Salary firure includes 3 mos. relnrl;rr cmlrloyrnen1, - j, 109.53. Less: Medie<rl ;rlre;rdy Ir;rid for 77 �� S/77 ( 1.71 .70� Lcss: 1)en(,;rl ;dYe;rdy Iroid For 7 77 - - --------------------------- (33.t)5 CII;11K5 - IIIHI; fi/1/77: 3 Clerks (al Grade I.,—)A — �850.00/mo. S;rl;rry ksl.. Bell efiI,s $1 ,071 .53/mcr. x 5 MOS. x j Clerks — ------------- 16,077.4 5 1 C1erk (ri) Grade 121.1 -- $910.00/111o. SoIary -1 rnu. E"i,. Ilene f i (,s I, 1 8.711/1110. x 5 mo s. - ------------------------ 5,tic)3.70 2 Clerks (b Grade 12C Ior•y 1, .1HS.92/rno. x 5 rnu s. x 2 Clerk's = ------------- 11,889.20 2 Clerks 4 Gr•;rde 121) - $I 00-J.00/111o. S;rl;u•y iF 1 -').1r'i rnu. E"1'. Iferrel,i I s $1,: 1i2.Vi/mo. x 5 mos. x 2 Clerks = ----------- 12,11211.110 h Clerks 0) Grade 1.21? - 1 ,0 50.00/1111). S,r lavy 'rh.87 mo. hs(. Ifenel'i t,s 1,2911.87/mo. x 5 mos. x h C 1 e r-k s = ----------- 2 5,Sc)7.Jr 0 Over IA me --------------- $2, 5110.00 137.00/v I C,1 3.00 lnd. Ins. -------------------------- 2,500.00 GRAND) TOTAL, - ESTIMATED SAIAIH EI & Ifl'INEF.ILTS 7/1/77 TO 12/51/77 --------- - 929 � r n 000000 00 000 o rno 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m 0 v D O A O U O 0 0 0 00 U U U -1 U rV- af of d d d d d d 0o d d (A d � O \ m v CA (A CA 0 v U' U' U U Ut V• S. L V rV N N N ry (U rt) N N N N n -1 n n c dw dddvw and d000a z o .- .- .- .- .- .- .- — - < o d P P Or P P P C)W W W O uUi s t ♦ O ru Nr OO U O n a, 0 0 0 C O U O CA 0 0 In } —O N—U O I O O d 0 O A It ♦ f r In v n A n V 3 3 (1 O u n 'D C1 0 D. O n m ❑ 0 0 . 1- -/ m ❑ A -1 ❑ n r a Z 71 O n v Z r a O Z r 0 (nm = m ❑ i -nrn .. cm) n 0 -1Dn + D ncrnDn n m . mu < zn . zcn m . A r r CC) m r N -1.. (A (n\ z r mmrlv m III n .. mr- -4 m ❑ n -f z ❑ < O D n 0 X m \ n c 0 m z c < -4 z < . 0 < n + :1 C) u LDCr -r m . .- ► m . r -1z no c n 9- oQ- n In r 0 n -4ff- r9n rn mz mW n r- u < n u 0 r*1" < an v In (n u A m . u u (n (_ Z m 0 < z o 0 v o u v z v 1 C_ D z < fl N M i n 1*l \ n \ 0 < n n In Z r I < 0 x n n z ► V mn . z x m r (n , x . u r 0 r r c z . c) r x m m rn m m < -+ (n cn c, In < 1 m a u = x n n m v C) o rn < 3 f z z n z m o n n c < V ❑ A v ma A -1 W N r• U C_ (n w v Cr O d s a, O C -4 jo x r ►In P P CA O CA (A O < -i Z P O` It O N O O O ► C -r V V V O O O O O 1 N Ul O V• Z O O O (; O O O O O :D O O O 00 O 0 0 1 m �- V CO O V A V -4 In N rl) x rV 0 N V D In IU P O• d lD z rU V V O t s Ci d kD P nl d d t (O O O O %D w O m Z n C l m A s z n n1 n n t0 N ♦ U V P s N CP (A an CD LA In P CA i W d V O a0 U', O IA r d V O O N O ► 1 CD In CA 001 O 0 0 n .- 0 0 00 0 m v In N KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Jib May 25, 1977 TO: J. Street, City Administrator FROM: J. B. Skewes, Chief of Police::�'� SUBJECT: Valley-Com System As discussed at our meeting on May 24, 1977, it is evident that the Kent Police Department must expend funds for radio equipment in order to be operational with the Valley-Com system. At the time of our preliminary budget preparation (August 1976) it was not known how the Valley-Com system would operate, however I estimated that the cost to the City of Kent would be approximately $100,000.00. To date it is estimated that the City of Kent' s share of the Valley-Com budget for 1977 will be $81,810.00, however this amount does not provide for the conversion of Kent's radio equipment to the new frequencies. The Valley-Com Police System will operate on three (3) frequencies, none of which are the existing Kent Police frequency. It will be necessary for us to purchase new radio crystals on the new frequencies and the radios must be "retuned" by technicians to accomodate the frequency change.. The existing Kent radio console must be moved to Valley-Com however prior to that move several items must be removed by radio technicians and replaced in a new mini-console or control center at Kent Police Department, i.e, video camera con- trol, jail door controls, sewer and water alarm controls, etc. Our office will be required to maintain a radio control station at Kent Police Department because Valley-Com will not be able to answer records checks, SEA-KING checks, arrest warrant checks, and other radio messages specifically directed to Kent Police Department. The approximate cost for the above equipment is as follows; 1. Cost to "recrystal" existing radio equipment; $ 5,500.00 2. Remove controls in existing radio console and reinstall in new location: 500.00 3. Radio control station with capability of new radio frequencies: 4,100.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL COST: $ 10,100.00 I have tried to fully explain the needs of our department however the concept is complex. I would be happy to appear before the necessary committee to answer any questions they may have. jy BEFORE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR VALLEY COMMUNICATION CENTER WASHINGTON A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE RESOLUTION ) RESOLUTION NO. K�_ APPROVING A PLAN BY THE WASHINGTON ) STATE RETIREMENT SYSTEM EXTENDING ) FEDERAL OLD AGE AND SURVIVORS INSURANCE ) T BENEFITS TO EMPLOYEES OF VALLEY ) COMMUNICATION CENTER WASHINGTON TO ) ? BE EFFECTIVE AS OF JANUARY +,-197q ) AUGUST 1, 1977, PROVIDING FUNDS ) THEREFORE AND REQUESTING A ) REFERENDUM THEREON. ) WHEREAS a resolution was adopted May 12, 1977, authorizing an election by the employees to determine whether they desired to have O.A.S.I. coverage; and WHEREAS unavoidable delays have occurred; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the original resolution be amended to make the effective date August 1, 1977, subject to referendum held and conducted in the manner provided by law. All other items of the original resolution remain the same. DONE IN REGULAR SESSION THIS 16th DAY OF August 1977. BOARD OF Directors FOR Val ey Communication Center WASHINGTON. 77 Isabel Hogan, M City-' of Kent arl_eDs Delauren/ti� Mayor, City ot Renton ;Edg Bauch, M ity of Tukwila S anley P. Ker y, Mayor, City of A ATTEST: I I ■pus . /J(7t� �, 1 I 1 F TO John Coulson Valley Com P. O. Box 5067 Kent, WA 98031 � i I November 16, 1977 j i I I Dear Mr. Coulson: In accordance with instructions from City Administrator Joe Street, I have had the Valley Com agreement recorded with the u King County Auditor. I have enclosed the I original recorded document for your files along with a bill for $10 covening the cost dor recording. Very truly yours, ,� e v f.✓ y Rgiedenjen, CMC