HomeMy WebLinkAboutIL1971-0137 - Original - King County Rural Library District - Contract & Lease for Downtown Kent Library - 09/07/1971 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT RELATIVE TO KENT PUBLIC LIBRARY AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of September, 1971 , by and between THE KING COUNTY RURAL LIBRARY DISTRICT and the CITY OF KENT , witnesseth : RECITALS 1. The King County Rural Library District (herein called "District" ) is a duly organized, existing rural county library district of the State of Washington. i_n inq County. 2 . The City of Kent (herein called "City" ) is a duly orga- nized and existing city of the third class in King County, Wash- ington. 3. In order to make more efficient use of their powers , and to ?provide services and facilities that will best serve the needs of the population within the limits of the respective parties , the City and the District desire to expand and improve the Library which they have maintained :in cooperation ,:with each other within the City limits of Kent under an agreement originally dated October 19 , 1959 . OBLIGATIONS In consideration of the mutual promises herein made by each party to the other, it is agreed as follows : 1. The District and the City have previously entered into an agreement, dated October 9 , 1959 , and last amended effective January 1, 1967 , whereby a library is being operated by the District in the City of Kent. 2 . The Citv is the owner_ of the real property on which the present library building is located and also owns the real property upon which. it is, contemplated the library building will be expanded. The City, on behalf of both parties , may procure options on additional property for the purpose of orovid.ing off-street parking as required by Section 10 . 11 . 3 and any other applicable sections of the City' s Ordinances , giving such consideration for such op- tion or options as may be required in the circumstances. No real property shall be purchased except after a grant of authority by the governing bodies of: both parties . All costs of procuring such options , including the consi.d^ration given for such options , shall be contributed equally by tht. parties . Real property ac- quired pursuant to this agreement, and real property already owned by the City and currently in use or to be used for expan- sion shall be held by the City and the District as tenants in common with equal interests ; provided, However , that the City shall receive a credit against the construction costs of library expansion and acguisi_tion cos ' of land for off-street parking in accordance with Section 3 below. Should the parties hereto mutually agree that any real property acquired pursuant to this agreement exceeds the needs for a .li.0rary site , then the District grants to the City the exclusive option to purchase any such ex- cess within one vear after the dates of recording of the conveyance to the parties hereto for a ?rice equal to the District' s con- tribution to the proportion of the square footage of the excess over the total square footage of the site acquired, times cost of acquisition of site . 3 . The City and the District shall each contribute fifty percent (50) of the capital cost of construction, improvement and development of the library expansion, including on-site and off--site improvements such as lawn, landscaping and parking spaces ; provided, however, that the City shall receive a credit against its fifty percent (50%) share of said costs in an amount .ual to the fair market value of the present library property and the improvements thereon together with the fair market value of any real property owned by the City which will be utilized for the library expansion. All preliminary expenses incurred under this agreement prior to acquisition of the o "f-street parking sites , in addition to those mentioned in Paragraph 2 hereof , shall be borne equally by the parties . Should one party to this agree- ment advance any funds pursuant to a purpose hereunder agreed to, one-half of such advance shall be- reimbursed by the other party within thirty days . Each party hereto agrees to jointly or singly make any applications and/or take other steps necessary to obtain any available grants or subsidies from the state or federal governments available to dither party alone , or to the _ 2- parties jointly, in aid of this project . Any funds received as a grant or subsidy from the federal or state government by either or both parties shall be applied directly in reduction of total capital costs , and this agreement shall be construed to require equal contribution by the parties to capital costs only in excess of grants and subsidies so received. It is further understood that the total financial commitment of both parties hereto is limited by their respective budgets , and the limitations of bond issues of the respective parties . 4. The parties agree to construct an addition to the present library building having approximately 11 ,110 square feet of space at an estimated construction cost of $32 . 00 per square foot, and to remodel the existing building of approximately 4 , 190 square feet at an estimated cost of approximately $20 . 00 per square foot, and to this end, the parties have selected an architect to prepare plans and specifications for such building. The City will ad- vertise for bids and let the contract in .its name and under its authority for the construction of U_ie addition to the library building in the manner required by statutes governing cities of the third class ; provided, that the District and the City shall at or after the bid opening analyze construction bids received, and jointly agree on whether to award a contract or reject all bids , pursuant to which purpose the District shall provide a re-- presentative to be present at the bid ope�i_`.ng. The plans and specifications , as well as the form of construction contract, are subject to final approval of the governing bodies of both parties which shall be given prior to advertising for bids . In the event a contract is awarded , the District shall be obliged to reimburse the City to the extent of one-half of all sums paid pursuant to such contract , including change order., , extras or options provided in the contract, such reimbursement to be made pursuant to the pro- cedure established in. Paragraph 5 hereof . 5 . The District shall pay to the library construction fund of the City of Kent a pro rata share of the sums becoming due and payable under the construction contract according to the schedule of payments t.'').erein provided, at the times such sums are therein provided to be paid, and the City shall be similarly obliged as to a pro rata share of the remainder less any credits allowed as pro- vided in Section 3 of the agreement. .3 6 . The parties intend this paragraph to govern the relative duties of each party respecting the operation of the library , as distinguished from the costs of operation and maintenance of the building in which the library is housed. Upon completion of the building contemplated by this agreement to be constructed, the District shall operate it as a public library to be known as the KENT PUBLIC LIBRARY and in connection therewith, shall furnish all books , periodicals and necessary supplies at the sole expense of the District, employ a librarian and necessary assistants , and provide trained supervision equal to standards maintained by the District in other facilities operated by it, and pay salaries or wages of all such personnel,. Such personnel shall be employees of the District and under the direction of the District, and not the City. Books will be allocated, regulations established and the library operation conducted by , the District, and not the City. In payment of the services so provided by the District under this paragraph, the City shall pay to the District each year during the life of this agreement, for the year in which the service is ren- dered, an amount equal to the mil.lage paid by the residents of the County (as distinguished from tho residents of a City within the County) for the services of the King County Rural Library District for the year in which said payment is made (not to exceed two (2) mills) multiplied by the assessed evaluation as ultimately and finally determined by the highest authority passing thereon, of the property within the corporate _Limits of the City for the year immediately preceding the year in which said payment is made; pro- vided, however, that should the amount of the contract fee when ex- pressed in the City ' s per capita support of the library service ex- ceed that of the per capita support of the Seattle Public Library as expressed in the total budget allocation for that year, then the Seattle per capita support multiplied by the City ' s population may be elected as the basis for the contract fee. a. The population shall be based on the annual Washington State Census Board reports For th.e year in which the District budget is adopted. b. The total Seattle Public. Lihr.ary operating budget for the year in which the District budget is adopted shall be utilized as the basis for determining the per capita support. Capital construction shall not be considered in arriving at: the total. __4... Payment shall be in two equal installments , the first to be remitted on or before the first day of June , and the second to be re- mitted on or before the first day of December. 7 . The parties intend this paragraph to govern the duty of providing, as between the parties , the operation and maintenance of the facility , as distinguished from the duty of -paying the costs thereof, the latter being covered by Paragraph 8. The City shall provide all maintenance , repairs and services required to operate the library facility except those costs provided under Paragraph 6 to be paid by the District , including, but without intending to limit the generality of the obligations , the follow- ing: maintenance and repairs of the building , heat, lights , power, gas , ventilation, water, sewer and garbage and janitorial services , -.­:ntilation maintenance and repairs , iDainting of interior and ex- terior of the building when deemed required by mutual agreement of the parties , plumbing repair, , maintenance of grounds and park- ing areas including lawns and shrubbery, window cleaning, fire extinguishers and janitorial supnli_ec , and maintenance and replace- ment of lamps and tubes . Replacement and/or repairs of major damage to structural members , walls , ceiling and roof, and/or the cost of insuring against damage thereto, are not included under this para- graph as an obligation of the City to provide , but shall be governed by the co-equal ownership of the facility and shall be subject to the mutual agreement of the parties in the event major replacements or repairs are required. 8 . The District shall contribute to the City toward the cost expended by the City pursuant to its obligations under paragraph 7, an amount formulated by the District now equaling sixty (60) cents per year per square foot, hereinafter called "formulated con- tribution" , semi-annually . In addition , the District shall con- tribute toward such costs , during the first year this agreement is in effect, one--half (1/2) of the excess. After the first year this agreement is in effect, the District will contribute toward such costs , in addition to the "formulated contribution" , that propor.-- tion of the excess established Fey the ratio of borrowers residing outside the City over the total horro�.ve.r.s both in and out of the ._5__ City. To determine this ratio, records of residence of borrowers will be kept for the first week of July , a two-week period in October, and a two--week period between February 1 and April 30 of each year, and such figures shall be made available to each party so that the ratio can be established by June 1 of each year. The ratio so established by June 1 of eacl-i year shall apply to the following year. 9 . This agreement shall be in full force and effect for a period of ten (10) years from the date hereof, and thereafter for like periods of five (5) years until terminated by written notice from either party to the other at least one (1) year prior to the expiration of any such period. Notwithstanding any termination , this agreement shall remain in effect for so long and to the ex- tent necessary to maintain and o�:)erate the library facility until disposition of the facility is effected. 10. L'ac' r:arty agrees to ?provide the other with all docu- ments , records , vouchers , invoices or true copies thereof , to support any claim or right of contribution one party claims against the other warty hereto. 11. The District hereby grants to the City an irrevocable option to purchase the interest of. the District at any time during the final one year of any agreement period described in Paragraph 9 . In the event the City desires to exercise this option, it shall give written notice to the District of its intention, wit]_-,._n sixty (60) days after the beginning of the final one (1) year period de- scribed in Paragraph 9 . The purchase price and all. other terms shall be governed by the provisions of. Paragraph 12 . 12. If the City elects to purchase the interest of the Dis- trict pursuant to the provision. of. Paragraph 11, the purchase price shall be determined in accordance with this Paragraph 12 except that there shall be subtracted from the price which would otherwise be required to be paid. , all state or federal grants in aid of the project , the intention being that the District would receive the fair market. value o f: its one-half_ (1/2) interest in the project less the amount of ;tate nr federal contribution to its one-half (1/2) interest. __6- Upon receipt by the District of notice of the City's inten- tion to exercise the option contained in Paragraph 11 , the pur- chase price , terms of purchase , closing date and all other con- ditions pertaining to the sale of the interest of the District to the City shall be concluded by negotiated agreement between the City and the District. If no such agreement is reached by the City and the District within sixty (60) days following the receipt of notice of exercise of the option , then both parties agree to list the entire property for sale with one or more real estate brokers , for a period of six (6) months , the six-month period to begin immediately following the termination of the sixty-day period during which the parties shall have attempted to negotiate in good faith, the purchase by the City. If during said six-months listing period a firm offer to purchase the property is received. from a third party , and in the further event that the offer is acceptable to both the City and the District, then the City shall. have the right to purchase the interest of the District for the following formulated purchase price , upon the same terms as those made in such offer, rateably adjusted in the proportion that the following formulated purchase price bears to the purchase price in such offer, to-wit: (a) such offered purchase price shall be reduced in the proportion that the dollar amount of federal grants to the original project bears to the total original cost; and (b) the City will pay to the District for the interest of the District, one-half_ of the resulting amount based upon the one--half ownership by the District. In the event no firm offer is received within the six-month period, or in the event the parties cannot agree on the price and terms of the offer received from any third party , then the property will be sold at a public auction conducted. at the site of the Kent Public Library by a professional auctioneer after adequate prior publi- cation of notice , and appropriate publicity as is usual in such cases , at which both the City and the District shall have the right to submit bids. In the event either the City or the District is the successful bidder at such auction , either party shall be obliged -7- to pay the other party for its interest, the bid price as ad- justed in accord with the formula set forth in subparagraphs (a) and (b) above . 13. This agreement may be amended in any particular by following the procedure used for the adoption of this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Board of Trustees of King County Library District , and the duly authorized officers of said City have caused their presents to be executed on the day and year in this agreement first above written. CITY OF KENT i By t . ISABEL HOGAN, Mayo ATTEST: City Clerk xvc, � THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES KING COUNTY RURAL LIBRARY DISTRICT r ` -8__ I . it ti'•u Count Library System. 300 Eighth Avenue North, Seattle, Washington 98109. Telephone 344-7465. ,mg Y Herbert F.Mutschler,Director October 22, 1981 Mr. Richard Cushing, City Administrator City of Kent p• 0. Box 310 Kent, WA 98031 Dear Mr. Cushing: System will continue its policy of not increasing S The King County Library ystem wes for 1982 by more than 106% on property contract fees for library even though revaluation has increased it which is on the 1981 tax rolls, by more. Additional fee amounts are derived from new s whichwi construction be on vtaxarolls and increased valuation due to any for the first time in 1982. Thentsse are arefactored added to the theratio the base fee. (For receive the2e72Snactualhofetheoallowable $3 .60 city tax rate equals .7569 example: $ , of $_SO per $1,000 of assessed valuation.) of the Library District's levy . - • • • - . . . . $322,992.86 The 1982 contract fee for library services will be The amount due was determined as follows: 1981 contract fee of $274,539.97 • x 106% $291,012.37 _ - - _ _ _ 31,980.49 plus new construction - - - - - - - . plus annexations, if applicable - - - - - - - - - - - 1982 contract fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . Building maintenance support to be paid to • • • . . _ - - - - _ _ _ . $ 10,875.00 the City by the Library System . . - - - • - • - - . • . The amount indicated for maintenance support reflects half of the total _available in the budget. The other half is credited to the County Library for its responsibility per our agreement. if contact me. Tel. #344-7476. f there are any questions, ple . Sincerely, Herbert F. Mutschle t, Director 1 A, 1 ' n 'COMMUNITY LIBRAP't MAINTENANCE It shall be the policy of the KING COUNTY RURAL LIBRARY DISTRICT to assist to the extent of its financial ability in the maintenance of local library build- ings. This assistance should not interfere with the basic provision to all the member libraries of books , personnel and supervision. This policy shall apply equally to libraries located in unincorporated and in incorporated areas. The amount to be allocated shall be determined annually and become part of the budget presented for the succeeding fiscal year. The following criteria and procedures shall be used for the application of the policy: 1 . For the purposes of this policy maintenance costs are defined to include all necessary expenditures for custodial labor and supplies , all utilities and such other costs which keep the building and its site in a satisfactory condition to serve the library public. 2. To determine the allowance for each library the following factors will be considered. (a) The number of square feet of floor space. (b) The number of hours the library is open to the public with a maximum of forty (40) hours per week serving as a basis for factoring. (c) An amount per square foot of floor space as shall be determined each year. (For the fiscal year January 1 - December 31, 1970 the amount used shall be 800 per square foot) 3. The total system wide allocation shall not exceed 80% of the total fines collected in- the system during the previous year. 4. In instances where a library is housed in a county owned facility or a public housing development and for which maintenance is provided without charge, no payment shall be made. 5. Payment or reimbursement shall be made after approval by the Library Board at the July and December meetinqs each year. 6. Payment to incorporated areas shall be made to the city or town in which the library building is located. 7. Reimbursement to sponsoring groups for library buildings in unincorporated areas shall be made on the dates as above upon the receipt of expenditures that have been made and substantiated. In any event, payments shall be only to the extent the formula allows. Any additional costs will have to be met locally by the sponsoring group. 8. The King County Rural Library District Board of Trustees reserves the right to make any adjustments necessary in the payment of the maintenance allowance. In case of question the Board reserves to itself the right of final determination. 9. The effective date for this policy shall be January 1 , 1966 ,�,► / 70 King County Library System. 300 Eighth Avenue North, Seattle, Washington 98109. Telex'lone 344-7465. Herbert F.Mulschler,Director RECEIVED CITY CLERK December 11, 1980 CITY OF KENT Mr. Richard Cushing City Administrator City of Kent AUC Z S 1981 P. 0. Box 310 Kent, WA- 98031 Dear Mr. Cushing: The King County Library System will continue its current policy of not increasing contract fees for library services for 1981 by more than 106% on .property which is on the 1980 tax rolls, even though revaluation has increased it by more. Additional fee amounts are derived from new con- struction which will be on the tax rolls for the first time in 1981 and any annexations which will be on the tax rolls for the first time will be . ;t factored at the ratio ' the city received these funds. These amounts are then added to the base fee. (For example: $2.725 of allowable $3.60 = .7569 of $.50 per $1,000 of assessed. valuation which will be collected in the Library District.) The 1981 contract fee for library services will be . . . $274,539.97 _ The amount due was determined as follows: 1980 contract fee of $221, 569.95 x 106% = $234,864.15 Plus new construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,062.76 Plus annexations, if. applicable 613.06 1981 contract fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $274,539.97 BUilding maintenance support to be paid to the City by the Library System. This has been increased by about 16% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21,750.00 If there are any questions, please contact. me. Tel. #344-7476. Sincerely, Herbert F. Mutschler •Director L E A S E This Lease Agreement entered into this ,Vy'__!' day of August, 1972 between KENT WEST MALL SHOPPING CENTER AS- SOCIATES, a limited partnership, hereafter called "LESSOR" , and the KING COUNTY RURAL LIBRARY DISTRICT and CITY OF KENT LIBRARY BOARD, hereafter called "LESSEE" WITNESSETH That the Lessor desires to lease to the Lessee and the Lessee desires to lease from the Lessor certain space located in Kent West Mall, a shopping center located in the City of Kent, King County, Washington, under the following terms and conditions : 1. The term of the lease shall be for a period of one (1) year commencing approximately October 15 , 1972 . 2 . The leased premises is described as approximately the West 71. 5 feet of the North 56 feet of the area designated by Lessors as Space No. 2 in its rental plan of Kent West Mall, which plan is at- tached hereto as Exhibit A and is incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. 3. The monthly rental shall be computed on the basis of $1. 50 per square foot per year for approximately 4 , 000 square feet, provided that the monthly pay- ment shall not exceed $500 . The first monthly payment shall be due on or before the 15th day of October, 1972 and subsequent payments due on or before the 15th day of each month thereafter until the termination of the Lease. 4 . The monthly rental shall include heat, lights and water. -1- 5. The Lessees covenant and agree that at the termination of the lease they will return the premises to the Lessor in as good a condition as at the commencement of the lease, normal wear and tear excepted. KENT WEST MALL SHOPPING CENTER ASSOCIATES y KING COUNTY RURAL LIBRARY DISTRICT By KENT LIBRARY BOARD By [-J -2- I CD 1 K I - bo � r • I u N ri coco co N -TT • "� CTt .� W N Fr O C7 00_•+7 m Cn W N — W >+0, 'I "'I I , *7v; i-A N v O i O `'' O O I C iv p a G7 Ut .i-. W ND O fo C O J O O O O rJ :4 11 o O • r: f.!1 SYSTEM g�I� coin rY LIBR�.R ,8122 . East u-5035 1 1100 East Union Seattle, Washington Herbert F. Mutschler, Director Octc)L:er 15, 1969 CITY CLERIC CITY OF KENT City Hall OCT 1 '_1059 303 w. Gowe Kent, wa. 98031 RECEIVED Re: CONTRACT COSTS FOR LIBRARY SERVICES - 1970 The assessed valuation below 1Sec�editedhforfact taxingthat purpose0% s. of the watercraft valuation is of $5.53 per capita is less If the Seattle Library it is used as the contract than the equivalent in 2 mills,cost. Excluded from the Seattle per capita support were all Capital costs. Total assessed valuation $ 67,341 ,446.00 l $ 134,682.89 Contract cost for 1970 @ 2 mills Contract cost @ $5.53 per capita as per $ 94,369.45 formula, if applicable population as of April 1 , 1969 -- 17,065 i7 l KING COUNTY LIBR RY SYSTEM 1 ierbert F. Mutschl r, Director cc. Library Board _...� �N.,...-----_•�„�,,, lam/ KIN(", cou�zrry CITY CLERK OCT 1 1969 October 15, 1969 R ECEI V E D City of Kent City Hall 303 W. Gowe Kent, Wa. 98031 Gentlemen: Tne King County Library System Board of Tr.astees is happy to inform you that the maintenance reimbursement for Community Libraries will be increased from 60� per square foot per year to 30d per square foot annually. Accordin ] to the enclosed formula the 1970 reimbursement for your li !)rary will be $ 3,376.00 Sincerely, KING COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM Herez� er Di rector cc. Library Board c �� flySYSTEM r i, n,j on �5122 1100 Lj,j,,jt uf)ion Ktu t sch I D! October 15, 1969 CITY OF KENT CITY CLERK 'k�E� City Hall OCT I � ICE 303 W. Gowe Kent, Wa. 98031 RECEIVED Re: CONTRACT COSTS FOR LIBRARY SLRVICES - 1970 The assessed valuation below reflects the fact that only 20% of the watercraft valuation is credited for taxing purposesss . If the Seattle Library support of $5.53 per capita is le than the equivalent in 2 mills , it is used as the contwereractall cost. Excluded from the Seattle j-�-er capita support Capital costs. Total assessed valuation $ 67,341 ,446.00 Contract cost for 1970 @ 2 mills $ 134,682.89 Contract cost @ $5.53 per capita as per, $ 94,369.45 Tormula, if applicable Population as of April 1 1969 17,065 KING COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM Director r rect ierbert F. Mutschl r, Director cc. Library Board January 1966 CQMMUNITY LIBRARY MAINTENANCE It shall be the policy of the King County Rural Library District to assist to the extent of its financial ability in the maintenance of local library build- ings. This assistance should not interfere with the basic provision to all the member libraries of books, personnel and supervision. This policy shall apply equally to libraries located in unincorporated and in incorporated areas. The amount to be allocated shall be determined annually and become part of the budget presented for the succeeding fiscal year. The following criteria and procedures shall be used for the application of the policy: 1. For the purposes of this policy maintenance costs are defined to include all necessary expenditures for custodial labor and supplies, all utilities and such other costs which keep the building and its site in a satisfactory condition to serve the library public. 2. To determine the allowance for each library the .following factors will be considered. (a) The number of square feet of floor space. (b) The number of hours the library is open to the public with forty (40) hours per week serving as a basis for factoring, (c) An amount per square foot of floor space as shall be determined. For the fiscal year 1 January 1966 — 31 December 1966 the amount used shall be 60� per square foot. 3. The total system wide allocation shall not exceed 80% of the total fines collected in the system during the previous year. 4. In instances where a library is housed in a county owned facility or a public housing development and for which maintenance is provided without charge, no payment shall be made. 5. Payment or reimbursement shall be made after approval by the Library Board at the July and December meetings each year. 6. Payment to incorporated areas shall be made to the city or town in which the library building is located. 7. Reimbursement to sponsoring groups for library buildings in unincorporated areas shall be made on the dates as above upon the receipt of expenditures that have been made and substantiated, In any event, payments shall be only to the extent the formula allows. Any additional costs will have to be met locally by the sponsoring group. 8, The King County Rural Library District Board of Trustees reserves the right to make any adjustments necessary in the payment of the maintenance allowance. In case of question the Board reserves to itself the right of final determination. 9. The effective date for this policy shall be January 1, 1966. KING C."OI;JNTY LIBRARY RARY SYSTEM L(1C >t 11r!on n _ ;t,�n . Q812? . East 4-5036 Her[)ert F. Mutscli'; August 12, 1966 layor blex hornton and Tiemlbers of the City Council City Nall Kent, dashin -ton G'entleTren: At its regular June, 1966, meeting the Board of Trustees of the King County Library System adopted a new policy relating to Contract Library Service. A copy is enclosed for your information. This policy is designed to prevent the rapid escalation of contract costs due to an unusual assessed valuation increase without a proportionate increase in population. In arriving at this policy it was decided to use Seattle's per capita library support since all the residents of a community affiliated with the King County Library System have full and free access to Seattle's library facilities. This is available through a contract with the Seattle Library Board. It was felt that any maximum for contract service, under the circumstances, should not be less than that support. Residents of non-affiliated areas are required to pay an annual non-resident fee of $5.00. This new policy in conjunction with the maintenance reimbursement program is in line with the Board's policy to furnish the best in library service at the lowest cost practical. If there should be any questions about the policy, please feel free to contact the County Library and we shall be happy to answer them for you. Sincerely, Herbert F. Mut ler Director January 1966 COMMUNITY LIBRARY MAINTENANCE It shall be the policy of the King County Rural Library District to assist to the extent of its financial ability in the maintenance of local library build- ings. This assistance should not interfere with the basic provision to all the member libraries of books, .personnel and supervision. This. policy shall apply equally to .libraries located in unincorporated and in incorporated areas. The amount to be allocated shall be determined annually and become part of the budget presented for the succeeding fiscal year. The following criteria and procedures shall be used for the application of the policy: 1. For the purposes of this policy maintenance costs are defined to include all necessary expenditures for custodial labor and supplies, all utilities and such other costs which keep the building and its site in a satisfactory condition to serve the library public. 2. To determine the allowance for each library the following factors will be considered. (a) The number of square feet of floor space. (b) The number of hours the library is open to the public with forty (40) hours per week serving as a basis for factoring,, (c) An amount per square foot of floor space as shall be determined. For the fiscal year 1 January 1966 -- 31 December 1966 the amount used shall be 60� per square foot,, 3. The total system wide allocation shall not exceed 80% of the total fines collected in the system during the previous year. 4,, In instances where a library is housed in a county owned facility or a public housing development and for which maintenance is provided without charge, no payment shall be made. 5,, Payment or reimbursement shall be made after approval by the Library Board at the July and December meetings each year. 6,, Payment to incorporated areas shall be made to the city or town in which the library building is located,, 7. Reimbursement to sponsoring groups for library buildings in unincorporated areas shall be made on the dates as above upon the receipt of expenditures that have been made and substantiated. In any event, payments shall be only to the extent the formula allows. Any additional costs will have to be met locally by the sponsoring group. S. The King County Rural Library District Board of Trustees reserves the right to make any adjustments necessary in the payment of the maintenance allowance. In case of question the Board reserves to itself the right of final determination. 9. The effective date for this policy shall be January 1, 1966. willow KING COUNTY RURAL LIBRARY DISTRICT Resolution No. i - 1966 CONTRACT LIBRARY SERVICE Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the King County Rural Library District this 8th day of June, 1966, that Contract Library Service shall be rendered to cities and towns of King County according to policies as indicated below: I. DEFINITIONS The following words and phrases as defined in this paragraph when used in this Resolution shall, for the purpose of this Resolution, have the meaning herein ascribed to them: A. "Board" means King County Rural Library District Board of Trustees,. B. "District " means the King County Rural Library District . II. THE KING COUNTY RURAL LIBRARY DISTRICT operates under the provisions of RCW 27.12.040 for the purpose of providing public library service to its constit- uents and to units with which it may contract . Therefore, it shall be the policy of the District through its Board to provide and administer library service to any city or town in King County which desires to contract for the provision of its library service according to the conditions hereinafter set forth The County Library shall provide full and complete District service to the contracting unit , The residents of the unit shall be entitled to the same library privileges as are 'provided for the residents of the District under the provisions of the library law as found in Ch.l19, Laws of 1935, and laws amenda- tory thereof and supplemental thereto. The District shall furnish the needed library supplies and trained supervision. It shall employ personnel to serve as librarian and such other assistants as needed. Persons so employed will be responsible to the District . Salaries are to be paid by the District . The books will be selected with the needs of the community in mind and their allocation and the regulation thereof shall be established by the Board. Library service offered to a contracting city or town shall be avail- able to residents of the District on the same terms as to residents of the con- tracting city or town and they in turn may utilize any of the other affiliated District Library facilities . The facilities of the Seattle Public Library shall be available to any resident of a contracting city or town in the same manner as they are to residents of the District so long as the contract for service with the Seattle Public Li- brary shall be in force. The library building and its equipment, and the care and maintenance thereof shall be the basic responsibility of the contracting city or town. The District will contribute financially according to the then existing policy toward the cost of maintenance. III. THE CONTRACTING CITY OR TOWN AGREES: A. To pay to the King County Rural Library District as the annual contract fee an amount equal to two mills ($0.002) levy upon the assessed valua- tion of the property within the city or town as set forth by the King County Assessor . B. Should the amount of the contract fee when expressed in the contracting city or town°s per capita support of the library service exceed that of the per capita support of the Seattle Public Library as expressed in the total budget allocation for that year, then the Seattle per capita sup- port multiplied by the population of the city or town may be elected as the basis for the contract fee. i . The population shall be based on the annual Washington State Census Board reports for the year in which the District budget is adopted. 2. The total Seattle Public Library operating budget for the year in which the District budget is adopted shall be utilized as the basis for determining the per capita support . Capital Construction shall not be considered in arriving at the total C. The Contract year shall be the fiscal year (January i - December 31) unless otherwise agreed upon. D. Payment shall be made in the following manner - at least one-half of the fee to be paid no later than July i of each year . The second half, or remainder, no later than December i of that year . IV. EFFECTIVE DATE The terms of this Resolution shall become effective January 1, 1967. i Approved. Moved: Judge Birdseye Supports Mrs . Mansfield KING COUNTY RURAL LIBRARY DISTRICT Boar Trustee n D, Spellman hairman Eileen Mansfield, S retary Q /Yl/YJ/CLO/�QM! old Pd.4- SC36 1100 PQdI UAWde4lClE 22 IUOdIU/1q� November 17, 1961 The Mayor and City Counc-11 City of Kent Kent, Washington Dear Sirs: The King County Public Library wishes to remind you that the final payment on your contract for library services should be rece .ved not later than December 1st as stated in our letter which accompanied our bill of May 17th. This is so that we may plan our expenditures in our current budget. According to our records the amount that your city still owes is $13,195.53. Your cooperation in this will be greatly appreciated. Veiy truly yours, King County Public Library Dorothy Alvo�rd, Librarian DA/es V a rrrr��Ubi / tPlS f ea-4- Se36 //o0 ead wuen deA 22 uX6 &11 n TO THE CITIES WHICH CONTRACT WITH KING COMY RURAL LIBRARY DISTRICT: It has been the custom for King County Public Library to send a statement at this time of year to each of the twenty—two contracting cities, and it is included with this communication. In answer to many questions, we are eyplaining that the final assessed valuation as of December 31st sometimes varies from the earlier figure which is provided in September. This results from court cases which were pending and have been settled. Because it is the final valuation, as printed in the County Assessorts Report, on which taxes are received, and because this principle applies to all the cities alike, and to the Rural Library District also, it is this final valuation that is used in computing the contract amount for each city to pay the Rural Library District. Many cities make their total payment before Jane first, and others have paid part of it later. The Library Board is grateful when total payments are made by June because this is most helpful in administering the service. If it is not possible to do this, the Board hopes that no less than half the fee can be paid by June. The last several contracts which have been made have been set up on the basis of two a ual- payments, the first of which is due not later than June first, and the second not later than the first of December. King County Library Board would like to encourage the cities which do not make en-ire payment by June to proceed on the plan of two equal payments as stated above. It is understandable that the Library District needs to have the contract payments in time for the money to be spent during the year for which it is allocated for service. That is the reason the more recent contracts have designated "not later than December first" for the final payment. It is a splendid record that each city on con-Loac!t since 1944, and during the later years, has met the fiscal requirement of i;;s contract payment. King County Library Board is aware that this has not always beer easy for the cities to do, and is very appreciative of the fine teamwork these contracts represent in the matter of providing adequate library service for the people. The record for each city during every year shows that the library service as provided exceeds in expenditure the amount of money paid on contract. These additional expenditures have been made from lural Library District funds and represent the people who live near but outside the city°s Units. It is this pooling of funds which manes it possible to enlarge the scope of librar-y service for the people within the contracting cities, They, being nearest to the library, receive the most benefit from the service,, During 1960, King County Public Library circulated over two million books (2,019,482) through 41 libraries and 3 bookmobiles. �T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Library record for 1960 shows its circulation total to be , . . 118.-M.. . . . . . . . .books. This is in addition to the reference service as used within the library, a service which increases every year. The members of King County Library Board extend their good wishes to the governing council of each city and reaffirm their intention to provide the best library service they can make possible from the funds available for co ty library purposes. a . Jo D. Spellman, president 4 Eileen Mansfield (Mrs. Har d), secretary Mil ed R. Oule (j` . Le Donald Ether {��Y v Story Birdse ____ A G R E E M E N T This AGRMiENT, entered into this ninth___ day of October A.D. , by the Board of Library Trustees of the Rural County Library Dist+ ric of King County, hereinafter called the Board, and the City of K F T-IT T hereinafter called the City, witnesseth: The Board agrees, according to the provision of Section 7, Chapter 119, Laws of Washington, 1935, as amended, that it shall render full and complete rural county library district service to the City; and in pursuance thereof, the residents of said City are hereby entitled to the same library privileges as are provided for the residents of said Rural County Library District of King County under the provisions of the library law as found in Chapter 119, Laws of 1935, and laws amendatory there- of and supplemental thereto. In consideration of the foregoing agreement on the part of said Board, the City hereby agrees to pay to King County Rural Library District on or before June 1 th 1960 , a sum of money equal to the millage paid by residents of King County, Washington, to the King County' Rural Library District, multiplied by the assessed valuation of the taxable property situate within the corporate limits of the city of I311TtT and prorated for the number of months in 1960�_ in which county library service is used; and on the first day of `�,n in each year thereafter a sum of money equal to the millage paid by residents of the King County Rural Library District for the year in which said pay- ment is made multiplied by the assessed valuation of property within the corporate limits of said City in accordance with the assessment last made prior to the date Of said payment. It is agreed that the said City shall provide and maintain suitable quastexs for the library, and shall provide satisfactory heat, light and janitor services without cost to the Board. The Board will furnish needed library supplies and trained supervision. It will employ a person to serve as local librarian and other assistance as needed, and will pay the necessary salaries. The person or persons so employed will .be responsible to the Board. Books will be allocated and regulations established by the Board. _ Library service offered under this contract will be available to residents of the King County Rural Library District on the same terms as to the residents of since it is through the pooling of the city funds with those of the surrounding area that this contract is made possible. This agreement shall be in full force and effect when executed by the Board and City and until the same shall be terminated. This agreement may be terminated at the end of any calendar year by either party giving written notice of such termination on or before October 1st of such calendar year, and if such notice is not given, this agreement shall be in full force and effect for the following calendar year and until terminated as provided herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Boar& and the said City have caused these presents to be duly executed by their respective officers on the day and year in this agree- ment first above written. THE CITY UP Mayor Date October 9,1959