HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG1990-0136 - Original - Eberharter & Gaunt, Inc. - King County Library System - New Library at Smith Street Between First and Second Avenues - 06/11/1990 T H d A 'A E R I C A N I N S T I T U T E O F A .R C H I T E C T S REr UN EBERHARTF.R Cl- aR O..1K AIA Document A101 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor where the basis of payment is a STIPULATED SUM 1987 EDITION THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. The 1987 Edition of AIA Document A201, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, is adopted in this document by reference. Do not use witb otber general conditions unless this document is modified. This document has been approved and endorsed by The Associated General Contractors of America. AGREEMENT made as of the eleventh day of June in the year of Nineteen Hundred and ninety BETWEEN the Owner: King County Library System City of Kent ova~and addrm) 300 8th Avenue North 220 4th Ave . South Seattle, WA 98019-5191 Kent, WA 98032 and the Contractor: Eberharter & Gaunt, Inc. (Name and address) P.O. Box 70544 1115 NW 51st St . Seattle, WA 98107 The Project is: A New Library for the City of Kent at Smith (Name and location) Street between First and Second Avenues . The Architect is: The Henry Klein Partnership, Architects (Name and address) 205 Matheson Building Mount Vernon, WA 98273 The Owner and Contractor agree as set forth below. Copyright 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1967, 1974, 1977,01987 by The American Institute of Archi- tects, 1735 New York Avenue,N.W.,Washington,D.C.20(()6.Reproduction of the material herein or substantial quotation of its provisions without written permission of the AIA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will be subject to legal prosecution. AIA DOCUMENT AM •OWNER.CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT• TWELFTH EDITION• AIA* • 01987 A10l-1987 THB AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS,1735 NEW YORK AVENUE.N.W.WASHINGTON,D.C.201" ARTICLE 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, Conditions of the Contract(General,Supplementary and other Conditions), Drawings, Specifications, Addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement, other documents listed in this Agreement and Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement,these form the Contract,and are as fully a pat of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein.The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations, representations or agreements,either written or oral. An enumeration of the Contract Documents, other than Modifications, appears in Article 9. ARTICLE 2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT The Contractor shall execute the entire Work described in the Contract Documents,except to the extent specifically indicated in the Contract Documents to be the responsibility of others, or as follows: ARTICLE 3 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 3.1 The date of commencement is the date from which the Contract Time of Paragraph 3.2 is measured,and shall be the date of this Agreement,as first written above,unless a different date is stated below or provision is made for the date to be fixed in a notice to proceed issued by the Owner. (Insert the date of commencement,if it differs from the date of this Agreement or, if applicable,state that the date mill be fixed in a notice to proceed.) Date will be fixed in a Notice to Proceed Unless the date of commencement is established by a notice to proceed issued by the Owner, the Contractor shall notify the Owner in writing not less than five days before commencing the Work to permit the timely filing of mortgages,mechanic's liens and other security interests. 3.2 The Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work not later than as follows (Insert the calendar date or number of calendar days after the date of commencement.Also insert any requirements for earlier Substantial Completion of cer- tain portions of the work, if not stated elseu•bere in The Contract Documents.) Phase I: Completion of Building with issuance of certificate of substantial completion within 300 calendar days . Phase II : Completion of site including all paving and landscaping within 360 calendar days . subject to adjustments of this Contract Time as provided in the Contract Documents. (Insert prof-isions, if any,for liquidated damages relating to failure to complete on time.) If the Contractor fails to complete either phases on time, he agrees to pay as liquidated damages three hundred ($300.00) dollars for each consecutive calendar day thereafter until the work is fully completed. AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT•TWELFTH EDITION•AIA• • C1987 A1O1-1987 2 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS,1735 NEW YORK AVENUE,N.W.,WASHINGTON,D.C.20006 ARTICLE 4 CONTRACT SUM 4.1 The Owner shall pay the Contractor in current funds for the Contractor's performance of the Contract the Contract um oDollrf two million five hundred ninety,u �ct to additions and deductions as provided in the Con ra2t'�Oct2ttti 000 .00 4.2 The Contract Sum is based upon the following alternates, if any, which are described in the Contract Documents and are hereby accepted by the Owner: ner tbt ibe ow (State The e numbers or ae menu i of of acceber pted ait alternates I Xthe s eciio gun on o beea t a the te retate e to unrtl�biCb tbat amount subsequent �alidt�o the execution of Base Bid: $ 2 , 524,000 .00 Add Alternate #3 : 21 ,600 .00 Add Alternate #8: 49 ,400 .00 Deduct Alternate #6 : 3,000.00 Contract Sum: 2 ,592,000 .00 4.3 Unit prices, if any, are as follows: ADD CREDIT 1. Excavation (earth) per c.y. $ 4.00 $ 0.20 2. Asphalt per s .y. 15 . 50 5.00 3. Forms - Plywood sq. ft . 11.00 2.00 4. Reinforcing Steel per Lb. 0.50 0. 30 5. 4,000 P.S .I. cone. pe-r c.y. 91 .00 40.00 6. Piling, per lin ft . 9.00 3.00 7 . Machine Excavation, per c .y. 20.00 6 .00 Filling, Compaction to 95% dry density, in place. 0.20 8. Structural fill per c.y. 15 .00 Compaction to 95% 9. Pit run gravel , 6" minus 15. 50 0.20 per c.y. 0.20 10. Pit run gravel , 2" minus 17 .00 per c.y. 7.00 11. Crushed rock, 1 1/211 25 .00 minus , per c.y. 0.20 12. Haul excess material off site 7 .00 per c.y. per c.y. 18.00 6.00 13. Top Soil 14. Drill through 51 frozen soil 100.00 0.00 per pile AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT• TWELFTH EDITION • AIAG • 01987 A101-1987 3 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS,1735 NEW YORK AVENUE,N.W.,WASHINGTON,D.C.20006 ARTICLE 5 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 5.1 Based upon Applications for Payment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Certificates for Payment issued by the Architect, the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the Contractor as provided below and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 2 0 t h 5.2 The period covered by each Application for Payment shall be one calendar month ending on the l:t day of the month,or as follows: Pay request must be delivered to Architect on 23rd day of month in order to be processed for payment . 5.3 Provided an Application for Payment is received by the Architect not later than the twenty—third (23) day of a month,the Owner shall make payment to the Contractor not later than the thirtieth ( 30) day of the following month. If an Application for Payment is rsc�iY4d by the Architect after the application date fixed above,payment shall be made by the Owner not later than y l U) days after the Architect receives the Application for Payment. 5.4 Each Application for Payment shall be based upon the Schedule of Values submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Schedule of Values shall allocate the entire Contract Sum among the various portions of the Work and be prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Architect may require.This Schedule, unless objected to by the Architect, shall be used as a basis for reviewing the Contractor's Applications for Payment. 5.5 Applications for Payment shall indicate the percentage of completion of each portion of the Work as of the end of the period covered by the Application for Payment. 5.6 Subject to the provisions of the Contract Documents, the amount of each progress payment shall be computed as follows: 5.6.1 Take that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to completed Work as determined by multiplying the percentage completion of each portion of the Work by the share of the total Contract Sum allocated to that portion of the Work in the Schedule of Values, less retainage of five percent ( 5 %).Pending final determination of cost to the Owner of changes in the Work,amounts not in dispute may be included as provided in Subparagraph 7.3.7 of the General Conditions even though the Contract Sum has not yet been adjusted by Change Order; 5.6.2 Add that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to materials and equipment delivered and suitably stored at the site for subsequent incorporation in the completed construction(or,if approved in advance by the Owner,suitably stored off the site at a location agreed upon in writing),less retainage of f ive percent( 5 %); 5.6.3 Subtract the aggregate of previous payments made by the Owner; and 5.6.4 Subtract amounts, if any, for which the Architect has withheld or nullified a Certificate for Payment as provided in Para- graph 9.5 of the General Conditions. 5.7 The progress payment amount determined in accordance with Paragraph 5.6 shall be further modified under the following circumstances: 5.7.1 Add, upon Substantial Completion of the Work, a sum sufficient to increase the total payments to ninety-five percent( 95 %)of the Contract Sum, less such amounts as the Architect shall determine for incomplete Work and unsettled claims; and 5.7.2 Add, if final completion of the Work is thereafter materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor, any additional amounts payable in accordance with Subparagraph 9.10.3 of the General Conditions. 5.8 Reduction or limitation of retainage, if any, shall be as follows: (if it is intended,prior to Substantial completion of the entire work, to reduce or limit the retainage resulting from The percentages inserted in Subpara- graphs 5.0.1 and 5.6.2 above,and this is not explained elseu-bere in the Contract i)ox'uments, insert here provisions for such reduction or limitation.) AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT • TWELFTH EDITION• AIA11 • 0c1987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE,N.W.,WASHINGTON,D.C.Z(i(II)(i A1�1-1987 4 ARTICLE 6 FINAL PAYMENT Final payment,constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum,shall be made by the Owner to the Contractor when(1) the Contract has been fully performed by the Contractor except for the Contractor's responsibility to correct nonconforming Work as provided in Subparagraph 12.2.2 of the General Conditions and to satisfy other requirements, if any, which necessarily survive final payment;and(2)a final Certificate for Payment has been issued by the Architect;such final payment shall be made by the Owner not more than 30 days after the issuance of the Architect's final Certificate for Payment, or as follows: See Section 01200 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES for other final payment requirements . ARTICLE 7 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 7.1 Where reference is made in this Agreement to a provision of the General Conditions or another Contract Document,the ref- erence refers to that provision as amended or supplemented by other provisions of the Contract Documents. 7.2 Payments due and unpaid under the Contract shall bear interest from the date payment is due at the rate stated below,or in the absence thereof,at the legal rate prevailing from time to time at the place where the Protect is located. (insert rate of interest agreed upon, if any.) Prime interest + 2%, not to exceed 18%. (Usury laws and requirements under the Federal Trutb in Lending Act,similar state and local consumer credit laws and other regulations at the Owner's and with restpect deletions deaplaces or d business, ki oust a location o at io r g the Project requirements such as-wr ttect diThe validity or tthisprovi ion.i��advice sbould be obtained 7.3 Other provisions: ARTICLE 8 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION 8.1 The Contract may be terminated by the Owner or the Contractor as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions. 8.2 The Work may be suspended by the Owner as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions. AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT•TWELFTH EDITION• AIA• • ©1997 AIOI-1987 5 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS,1735 NEW YORK AVENUE,N-W.,WASHINGTON,D.C.20006 ARTICLE 9 ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 9.1 The Contract Documents,except for Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement, are enumerated as follows: 9.1.1 The Agreement is this executed Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor,AIA Document A 101, 1987 Edition. 9.1.2 The General Conditions are the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction,AIA Document A201, 1987 Edition. 9.1.3 The Supplementary and other Conditions of the Contract are those contained in the Project Manual dated May 3 , 1990 and are as follows: Document Title PaBs 00800 Supplementary Conditions 18 00840 Hazardous Substance Information Z 00850 Environmental Pollution Information 5 9.1.4 The Specifications are those contained in the Project Manual dated as in Subparagraph 9.1.3, and are as follows: (Eitber list the Specifications bere or refer to an exbibit attacbed to ibis Agreement.) section Title Pages See attached sheets . AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT• TWELFTH EDITION•AIA* • 01987 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS,1735 NEW YORK AVENUE,N.W.,WASHINGTON,D.C.20006 A101-1987 8 9.1.5 The Drawings are as follows, and are dated unless a different date is shown below: (Eitber list the Drawings bere or refer to an exblbit attached to Ibis Agreement.) Number Title Date 4/9/9 0 INDEX OF DRAWINGS : AO Cover sheet A19 Roofplan/Details Cl Civil Site Plan S1 Typical Details/General Notes C2 Civil Notes & Details S2 Foundation & Piling Plan Al Site Plan S3 Slab Reinforcement Details A2 Utilities/Survey-Before S4 Roof Framing Plan Demolition S5 Clerestory Plan, Section & Details A2 .1 Survey - Spot Elevations S6 Steel Truss Sections/Details After Demolition S7 Sections A3 Floor Plan S8-Sll Structural Details A4 Elevations ME1 Site Plan A5 Elevations/Exterior Details M2 Floor Plan-Plumbing A6 Building Sections M3 Floor Plan - HVAC A7 Wall Sections/Details M4 Schedules/Riser Diagrams A8 Wall Sections/Details M5 Mechanical Room Plan/Details A9 Plan Details E2 Legend, Notes & Details A10 Exterior Details E3 Lighting Plan All Bathrooms/Kitchens E4 Power Plan/Signal Plan Al2 Interior Elevations E5 Diagrams/Schedules A13 Interior Elevations L1 Layout Plan A14 Clerestory Details L2 Grading Plan A15 Window Details/Door L3 Irrigation Plan Details L4 Planting Plan A16 Casework L5 Planting & Irrigation Details A17 Casework L6-L7 Site Details A18 Reflected Ceiling Plan/ F1 Furniture Layout-Reference Only Details 9.1.6 The Addenda, if any,are as follows: Number Date pages 1 April 24, 1990 30 2 May 2 , 1990 33 Portions of Addenda relating to bidding requirements are not part of the Contract Documents unless the bidding requirements are also enumerated in this Article 9. AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT•'TWELFTH EDITION• AIA* • 01987 A101-1987 7 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS,1735 NEW YORK AVENUE,N.W.,WASHINGTON,D.C.2oo06 9.1.7 Other documents, if anv, forming pan of the Contract Documents are as follows: (List here anv,alditnnud drx'umencs u-bicb are intended to form tart o/the contract Dcxuments. The General Conditions pn"de tbat Melding requirements stab as advertisement or invitation to bid,lnstrta:Rons to Rudders,sample Jones and the Contractor bid are net part of the contract Documents uniess enumerated to this Agreement 77Ary sbould he listed here oniv i/intended to he part of the contract D uments.) Section 02300 Pile Foundations 7PP• Acceptance of Section 02300, Pile Foundations, as part of this contract is conditioned upon the owner's and contractor's understanding that Section 02300 was not part of the bid documents. Contractor reserves his rights to submit a Change Order Proposal for any additional costs resulting from the inclusion of this specification section. Section 00800 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS 11.1.7 The following procedure shall be followed by contractors upon submission of a claim to the Owner by third parties for damages alleged to be caused by the Contractor. A. The Owner shall, in a timely manner, tender all sum claims directly to the Contractor, and shall also copy the Contractor's insurance company with a copy of the claim, a copy of the Owner's letter of notification to the Contractor,and a copy of insurance authority and/or Owner's evaluation of the appropriateness of forwarding the claim. B. Contractor shall notify the Owner of all steps regarding the claims evaluation process. C. Contractor shall copy the Owner with all documentation relating to, or informing of, progress on the status of the claim received by the Contractor from the Contractor's insurance company,and shall authorize Contractor's insurance company to so communicate to Owner all information on claim status. D. Contractor and/or Contractor's insurance company shall resolve in a timely manner all claims submitted to the Contractor and/or Contractor's insurance company. All claims shall be resolved no later than 30 days after the Owner's submission of the claim to the contract. E. Failure by the Contractor/insurance company to resolve all claims and notify the claimant of the decision within 30 days of the Owner's submittal of the claim shall constitute a violation of the contract by the Contractor. This violation shall result in the disqualification of the Contractor for participation in any future City of Kent bid process until such time as all outstanding claims have been resolved. 'Resolved' for purposes of this paragraph is defined to be the issuance of notification to the claimant of the decision either accepting or rejecting the submitted claim. F. Provided however,where the Contractor can establish to the Owner's sole satisfaction that the Contractor has exerted all best efforts to resolve submitted claims, and that any delays are the sole result of action or inaction of Contractor's insurance company, no disqualification shall take place. OWNS rig County 1 rary System This Agreement is entered into as of the day and year first written above and is executed in at least three original copies of which one is to be delivered to the Contractor,one to the Architect for use in the administration of the Contract,and the remainder to the Owner. ,I I O ER TRACTOR (Signatu (StrratureJ Dan Kelleher, Mayor Gerald F. Buettner, Vice President (Printed name and title) (Printed name and tide) City Office , City of Kent Eberhartpr & Gaunt, Tnc. AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT • TWELFTH EDITION•AIA* • ©1987 A1O1�19S7 B THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS,1735 NEW YORK AVENUE,N.W.,WASHINGTON,D.C.2(1006 KENT LIBRARY SPECIFICATIONS PAGES DIVISION 0 Table of Contents 7 00030 Advertisement for Bid 2 00040 Contractor's Qualification Statement A305 1 00050 Bidder's Check List 1 00100 Instruction to Bidders 9 00110 Description of Base and Alternate Bids 2 00300 Form of Bid 7 00310 Bid Bond (AIA A310) 1 00320 Performance Bond (AIA A311) 1 or Public Works Bond 00360 Certificate of Insurance (AIA G705) 1 00700 General Condition (AIA 201 Available 1 on Request) 00800 Supplementary Conditions 18 00840 Hazardous Substance Information 2 00850 Environmental Pollution Information 5 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01010 State of Work 6 01020 Cash Allowances 2 01025 Unit Prices 2 DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (cont. ) 01035 Modification Procedures 2 Table of Contents PAGES 01040 Project Construction Procedures 2 01045 Cutting & Patching 3 01060 Codes & Standards 5 01095 Format of the Specifications 2 01135 Abbreviations 4 01200 Administration Procedures 5 01300 Project Meeting & Administration 5 01400 Inspection & Testing 3 01500 Temporary Facilities and Controls 4 01630 Substitutions and Product Options 3 01700 Project Closeout 5 01800 Soils Report (See Attachments 1 through 8) 2 DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK 02010 Subsurface Conditions (Addendum #2 , Cut and Fill Estimates) 02200 Earthwork (Addendum #1) 02221 Trenching, Backfilling and Compacting 7 02530 Dewatering (Addendum #1) 02600 Paving & Surfacing 2 02800 Site Improvements 4 02810 Irrigation System 16 02900 Landscaping/Planting 14 DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE 03100 Concrete Formwork 5 2 Table of Contents PAGES 03200 Concrete Reinforcement 2 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete 5 03345 Concrete Finishing 5 DIVISION 4 - MASONRY 04150 Mortar and Grout 4 04170 Anchor and Tie Sections 7 04200 Concrete Unit Masonry 14 04250 Brick Unit Masonry 10 04270 Glass Unit Masonry 4 DIVISION 5 - METALS 05100 Structural Steel 3 05200 Metal Fabrications 3 05700 Architectural Metals 2 DIVISION 6 - CARPENTRY 06100 Rough Carpentry 3 06150 Glue Laminate Lumber 2 06190 Manufactured Wood Trusses 3 06200 Finish Carpentry and Millwork 8 06300 Pressure Treatment 2 06400 Casework 4 DIVISION 7 - THERMAL MOISTURE PROTECTION 07100 Waterproofing 3 07150 Dampproofing 2 DIVISION 7 - THERMAL MOISTURE PROTECTION (cont. ) 07200 Insulation 3 3 Table of Contents PAGES 07400 Preformed Roof Panels 3 07500 Modified Bitumen Sheet Roofing 4 07600 Sheetmetal Fabrication 3 07630 Downspouts, Rainwater Leaders & Gutters 1 07800 Roof Accessories 1 07900 Caulking and Sealants 5 DIVISION 8 - DOORS WINDOWS & GLASS 08100 Hollow Metal Doors & Frames 4 08200 Wood Doors 4 08300 Access Doors 2 08350 Accordion Folding Doors 2 08500 Aluminum Windows 7 08700 Hardware 7 08800 Glazing 7 DIVISION 9 - FINISHES 09220 Cement Plaster 4 09240 Synthetic Plaster Finish 3 09250 Gypsum Wallboard 5 09310 Ceramic Tile 3 09500 Acoustical Ceilings 5 09530 Acoustical Treatment 2 09680 Carpet 6 09682 Carpet Squares 7 09700 Matting 1 DIVISION 9 - FINISHES (Cont. ) 09900 Painting 12 4 Table of Contents PAGES 09950 Special Coatings 2 DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES 10100 Chalk Boards, Tackboards & Markerboards 2 10150 Metal Toilet Partitions 2 10200 Louvers & Vents 2 10250 Fire Extinguisher and Cabinets 2 10400 Identifying Devices 3 10500 Lockers 2 10800 Lavatory Accessories 2 10990 Miscellaneous Specialties 2 DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT 11415 Kitchen Equipment 2 DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL 15010 General Mechanical Provisions 5 15011 Special Provisions 3 15030 Electrical Provisions of Mechanical Work 4 15051 Access Excavations and Backfilling 2 15055 Mechanical Identification 5 15060 Pipe, Tubes and Fittings 4 15080 Piping Specialties 3 15090 Supports, Anchors and Seals 4 15100 Valves 3 DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL (cont. ) 15140 Pumps 2 5 Table of Contents PAGES 15250 Mechanical Insulation 4 15350 Gas Piping System 3 15401 Domestic Water Piping System 4 15405 Soil and Waste Piping Systems 4 15410 Fixtures 2 15550 Automatic Sprinkler Systems 5 15650 Refrigerator Piping Systems 4 15670 Condensing Units 3 15690 Evaporator Coils 2 15700 Heating 2 15820 Air Distribution Equipment 2 15840 Ductwork 4 15870 Outlets and Inlets 3 15910 Temperature Controls 4 15980 Testing, Adjusting and Balancing 2 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL 16010 General Provisions 7 16110 Raceway 5 16120 Wires & Cables 2 16135 Electrical Boxes and Fittings 2 16140 Wiring Devices 3 16160 Panelboards 3 16180 Overcurrent Protective Devices 2 16450 Grounding 2 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL (cont. ) 16500 Lighting 4 6 Table of Contents PAGES 16720 Fire Alarm System 6 16730 Sound System 7 16775 Security System 5 SCHEDULES Room Finish Schedule 2 Door Schedule 2 Window Schedule 5 Door Types 1 Frame Types/Window Types 6 ATTACHMENTS 1 Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Report 2 Summary of Additional Studies/ Report Revision 3 Summary of Test Drilling 4 Soil Contamination Assessment 5 Soil & Groundwater Contamination Assessment 6 Subgrade Preparation Recommendations 7 Interim Progress Report 8 Preliminary Recommendations for Asphalt Emulsion Design 7 DIVISION 2 SITEWORK Section 02300 PILE FOUNDATIONS Revised 6/18/90 02300 PILE FOUNDATIONS 1. GENERAL A. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE 1) Soils Report - Section 01800 and Attachments 1 through 8 ; Attachment 9 (Addendum 2) 2) Test Pile Field Report - Attachment 10 (Add. 2) 3) Cut and Fill Estimates - Section 02010 (Addendum 2) 4) Earthwork - Section 02200 (Addendum 1) 5) Dewatering - Section 02530 (Addendum 1) 6) Concrete for Pile Caps - Division 3 7) Structural Steel - Section 05100 B. The work of this section consists of furnishing all timber piling as indicated ont he drawings and as specified herein. The work includes all piles together with all plant and equipment necessary to accomplish the work in every respect. The pile contractor shall show evidence of past satisfactory performance of projects of equal magnitude and character, located in this area. All excavation, including excavation to required levels below pile cut-off, dewatering, maintenance of embankments and the laying out of all lines and levels for piles, will be performed by the General Contractor. The contractor is to guard against excessive vibration to surrounding area and to review methods and material of this Section with the Architect, Engineer, and Owner prior to commencement of work. C. BUILDING CODE: Conform to the requirements of Uniform Building Code, 1988 Edition, as supplemented and modified herein. D. INSPECTION: As described in "Testing and Inspection" , Section 01400. E. RELATED DOCUMENTS: The general provisions of the Contract, including General and supplementary Conditions and General Requirements apply to work specified in this Section. 1 PILE FOUNDATIONS Section 02300 F. TEST REPORTS, TIMBER PILES: Submit two copies of each test report for pile length within two days after completion of initial driving. G. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: Based on the test pile program, any materials ordered or delivered to the project site prior to verification of the assumed pile length will be at the Contractor' s risk. After pile length are verified, deliver materials to the project site in such quantities and at such times to assure the continuity of pile driving operations to the project schedule. Carefully handle by means of rope lings or other means which will not break wood preservative seal; do not use peavies, cant hooks, or other sharp tools. H. SITE INFORMATION: The data shown in the Soils Report on indicated subsurface conditions are not intended as representations or warranties of the continuity of such conditions. It is expressly understood that the Owner will not be responsible for interpretations or conclusions drawn therefrom by the Contractor. The data is made available for the convenience of the Contractor. Additional test borings and other exploratory operations may be made by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner, provided such operations are acceptable to the Architect,except where such tests are mandated by the soils engineers at ,off locations " away from final structural vile locations. At these test locations the contractor is to be reimbursed at a previously agreed upon rate. Test results for these mandated test are to be analyzed and data provided_ to the contractor within 48 hours of completion of said tests. or the owner may be charged the cost of an additional mobilization by the contractor and pile driving subcontractor. The contractor is also to be reimbursed for costs directly associated with the additional surveying work necessitated by this test pile program. 2 PILE FOUNDATIONS Section 02300 I. PROTECTION: Protect structures, underground utilities and other construction from damage caused by pile driving operations. Pre-excavate for piles if required, as herein specified. J. MEASUREMENTS: The pay length of the pile shall be the length measured from the point to cut-off elevation. No payment shall be made for misplaced or rejected piles. K. UNIT PRICES: See Form of Bid. Piling Contractor shall include in his proposal the following unit prices: 1) Price per linear foot for pile length in excess of Base Bid Length. 2) Credit per linear foot for pile length less than Base Bid Length. 3) Add/Credit drill through 5 ' frozen soil per pile. L. CUTTING OFF HEIGHT: Tops of piles shall be cut off true and level at the specified elevations. M. BEARING CAPACITY: See soils report and general structural notes. 2. MATERIALS A. TIMBER PILES: Round, clean-peeled, in one piece from butt to tip, complying ASTM D-25 with a minimum allowable compressive stress of 1250 psi parallel to grain. Thirty ton capacity piles shall have a minimum tip diameter of 911 . At locations where specifically identified 25 ton capacity piles shall have a minimum tip diameter of 811. B. APPLY CREOSOTE TREATMENT: Apply creosote treatment by the pressure process in accordance with UBC Standard No. 25-12 and AWPA Standard C3 to a net retention of 17 lbs. per cubic foot. 3 PILE FOUNDATIONS Section 02300 C. STRAPPING: 1 1/4" wide, 0. 031" thick cold rolled, heat treated steel, painted and waxed. Unless otherwise indicated, provide two straps located at 6" from the tip and approximately 18" from the butt. D. FIELD-APPLIED WOOD PRESERVATIVE: Coal-tar (crystal free) Creosote complying with AWPA Standard P2, or approved alternate method. 3. DRIVING EQUIPMENT A. GENERAL: Furnish pile driving equipment of a type generally used in standard pile driving practice, operated at manufacturer's specified rate, to develop the required rated energy per blow. B. HAMMER: Furnish pile driving hammers of a size and type able to deliver consistently effective dynamic energy, suitable to the piles to be driven and to the subgrade material into which they are to be driven, when operating at not less than 75 percent efficiency of the rated driving energy. Unless otherwise indicated, use a hammer with rated driving energy of not less than 15,000 ft.lbs. per blow, nor more than 26, 000 ft.-lbs. per blow. C. DRIVING CAPS: Equip hammer with a driving cap capable of protecting the pile head and providing uniform distribution of hammer energy to the pile head. D. LEADS: Use fixed rigid type pile driver leads that will hold the pile firmly in position and alignment, and in axial alignment with the hammer. Free-swinging leads will not be permitted. Extend leads to within two feet of the elevation at which the pile enters the ground. 4. INSTALLATION A. GEOTECHNICAL REPORT: Refer to the Geotechnical Engineering Report No. W- 5618 prepared by Rittenhouse-Zeman and Associates dated April, 1988 for specific recommendations. 4 PILE FOUNDATIONS Section 02300 B. INSPECTION: Installer must examine the areas and conditions under which timber piles are to be installed and notify the Contractor in writing of conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the installer. C. Continuously drive each pile at the locations indicated, to the required point elevations and driving resistance established by the driving of test piles. D. Carefully maintain the center of gravity for each group or cluster of piles to conform to the locations shown on the drawings. E. Carefully plumb the leads and the pile before driving. Take care during driving to prevent and to correct any tendency of piles to twist or rotate. F. When handling and driving long piles, take special precautions to ensure against overstress or leading away from a true position when driving. When high- resistant strata lying near the surface must be penetrated, spud piles may be used to minimize hard driving of long piles during the early stages of driving operations. G. Drive piles within the following maximum tolerances: 1) LOCATION: 3" from the location indicated for the center of gravity of each single pile or pile groups: 1" for piles under walls. 2) ALIGNMENT: Maintain 1" in 10 ' -0" from the vertical, or a maximum of 411, measured when the pile is above ground, in the leads. H. DAMAGED OR MISDRIVEN PILES: Damaged piles, and piles driven outside the required driving tolerances, will not be accepted. If practical, withdraw piles rejected after driving, and replace with new piles. Drive additional pile or piles where the center-line deviation exceeds 3" and an analytical determination indicates a load on any pile 5 PILE FOUNDATIONS Section 02300 4 . H. (cont'd) exceeding 110 percent of the design load. Rejected piles may be abandoned and cut-off if removal is impractical and additional piles driven to replace the rejected units as the newly designated locations by the Structural Engineer. Solidly fill spaces that are left by withdrawn piles, that will not be filled by new piles, using cohesionless soil material such as gravel, broken stone, and gravel- sand mixtures. Place and compact throughout the length of the space. I. CUTTING-OFF: All piling shall extend a minimum of 3 ' above grade. final cut-offs will be made by Building Contractor. Re-coat cut-off of piles with two coats of hot creosote, followed with one coat of coal tar pitch. Allow sufficient time between applications to permit absorption of each coat before the succeeding one is applied. J. SPLICES: Splices in timber piles will not be permitted. K. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: Install a minimum of four test piles in order to verify design pile lengths. Test piles, furnished and driven by Contractor to determine lengths of piles, may be located, cut off, and become part of the foundations system provided they conform to the contract requirements. L. LOAD CAPACITY: The load to be carried by an individual pile shall be determined by the following formula: ENGINEERING NEWS RECORD FORMULA (as applied to diesel and single acting hammers) 2E R S + 0. 1 Where R is the driving resistance and also the calculated safe bearing capacity in pounds. S is the "set" in inches. The set is the distance the pile is driven for each hammer blow during the last six (6) inches of driving. 6 PILE FOUNDATIONS Section 02300 M. MEASUREMENT OF PAYMENT: 1) BASIS FOR BIDS: Bids shall be based on the number of piles indicated, from point to cut-off plus not less than one foot of overlength for cutting piles at the required cut-off elevations. 2) BASIS FOR PAYMENT: From the data obtained as a result of driving piles, the Engineer and Inspector will calculate the actual total new length of piles used in the work. Contract prices per linear foot includes all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for performing all work for furnishings, driving and cutting off piles. This includes disposal of cut- offs. 3) MEASUREMENTS: Will be based ont he effective length of piles in place, with all fractional lengths measured to the nearest foot. Payment for linear footage in excess of that indicated on the drawings, and credit for linear footage less than that indicated in the drawings, shall be made at the unit prices stated in the Contract and shall be based on net addition or deduction. 4) Test piles that become part of the completed foundation system will be considered as an integral part of the work. 5) No payment will be made for rejected piles, including piles driven out of place, imperfect piles, or piles damaged in driving or handling. End of Section 02300 7