HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW1990-0150 - Original - Sweet-Edwards Emcon, Inc. - KENT SEWAGE LAGOON SITE ASSESSMENT - 05/23/1990 CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF KENT AND SWEET-EDWARDS/EMCON, INC. ARTICLE 1 - RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES AND GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. 1 The City of Kent, Washington, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "City" , employs Sweet- Edwards/Emcon, Inc. hereinafter referred to as the Consultant, to perform the scope of work described herein. The City acknowledges that the Consultant is a Washington State corporation organized and operated under the laws of the State of Washington. 1. 2 The parties to this Agreement understand that the Consultant services are engineering services provided to the City for the purpose of site contamination assessment at the old Kent Sewage Lagoons. The Consultant will act as an independent contractor. The Consultant also agrees to provide consultation and advice to the City on project related alternatives and system feasibility. 1. 3 The parties to this Agreement each bind themselves, their partners, successors, executors, administrators, and assigns to the other party to this Engineering Agreement. 1. 4 All materials, workups, notes, data files, computer tapes, mylar original maps, film negatives, reports, calculations, analyses and any and all other data and information generated by the Consultant including agents and subcontractors, under this Agreement shall be the property of the City. Any reuse of these materials, data and information by the City or their agents not occurring as a part of this Agreement shall be without liability to Kent. The Consultant may retain copies for their own use throughout the period of this Agreement. Any computer data and files created by the Consultant under this agreement also constitutes property of the City and shall be stored at the Consultant's office in Washington and made available upon reasonable request by the City of Kent for the purpose of editing, modifying, and updating as necessary until such time as the City is capable of storing such information at the City. At the City's request, it shall be afforded any duplicate copies of the above-described information at reasonable cost to the City. 1. 5 The City and the Consultant agree that in all matters relating to this Agreement, the City and the Consultant shall have no right, power or authority to create any obligation, expressed or implied, on behalf of each other, and shall have no authority to represent each other as agents. However, the City reserves the right to direct the Consultant to represent the interests of the City at meetings and interagency briefings in performing duties under the Scope of Work provisions below. The Consultant shall not be an employee of the City. 1. 6 The City warrants the accuracy of any information supplied by it to the Consultant; the Consultant acknowledges that the Consultant will not verify the accuracy of such information, and agrees that the Consultant is entitled to rely upon any such information. ARTICLE 2 - CONTRACT PERIOD 2 . 1 It is the intent of the parties that the services provided in this Agreement shall continue for the duration of project completion as detailed in the Scope of Work provisions at Article 4 below. This Agreement for contract services between the City and the Consultant shall begin on execution of the Agreement and expire on completion or acceptance of project by the City unless mutually extended by written agreement of the parties. 2 . 2 The right is reserved by either party to terminate this Agreement at any time upon not less than sixty (60) days written notice. In the event of termination of the Agreement for any reason provided for under this Article, the City of Kent agrees to pay the Consultant upon submission of all invoices for its services rendered and expenses incurred to the effective date of such termination. 2 . 3 In the event of the death of any project team member, the Consultant shall complete the work as required under this Agreement. In the event this Consultation Agreement is terminated prior to completion during any permit year, original copies of the Consultant reports, drawings, prints, plans, field notes, specifications and any and all other documents and recordings prepared by the Consultant pursuant to this agreement shall be delivered to the City of Kent upon its written request at no further cost to the City. 2 . 4 In the event this Agreement is terminated prior to completion of work, a final payment shall be made to the Consultant. This final payment, when added to all payments previously made, shall compensate the Consultant for all services rendered and incurred to the effective date of such termination. ARTICLE 3 - PAYMENT FOR SERVICES 3 . 1 For services furnished, the City of Kent shall pay the Consultant an amount based on the attached "Schedule of Fees" , incorporated by reference herein. Billing rates are adjusted annually. 3 3 . 2 On the basis of the Scope of Work outlined and prioritized in Article 4 below, the maximum amount to be paid by the City under this Agreement shall not exceed $60, 000 without the prior written authorization of the City in the form of a negotiated and executed supplemental agreement. 3 . 3 In the event that Scope of Work is modified or changed so that more or less work or time is required by the Consultant and such modification is agreed to by the City and the Consultant the payment for services and maximum contract amount shall be adjusted accordingly upon agreement of the parties. 3 .4 The Consultant shall submit monthly progress invoices to the City and a final bill shall be submitted upon completion of the services. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of an invoice, the City shall pay the full amount of the invoice. If the City objects to all or any portion of any invoice, it shall so notify the Consultant of the same within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of said invoice and shall pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute, and the parties shall immediately make every effort to settle the disputed portion of the invoice. If the City fails to make payment within thirty (30) days after receipt of an invoice, then the City shall pay an additional monthly service charge of one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) on all such amounts outstanding. The additional charge shall not apply to any disputed portion of any invoice resolved in favor of the City. In the event that all or any portion of the 1-1/2% service charge provided for herein is deemed to be an interest charge, then and in that event said interest charge shall be limited to the maximum amount legally allowed by law. 4 3 . 5 The event of delays or failures of performance of the Consultant caused by circumstances beyond its control as agreed to by the City. The maximum fee established under this Agreement and time allowed for performance shall be equitably adjusted, and such delays or failures shall not constitute a default or give rise to any claim against the Consultant. 3 . 6 Records of reimbursable expenses pertaining to additional services and services provided pursuant to the Scope of Work provisions contained in Article 4 shall be kept on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles and shall be available in a timely manner to the City or the City' s authorized representative at a mutually convenient time. ARTICLE 4 - PRIORITIZED SCOPE OF WORK 4 . 1 The Scope of Work shall specifically include the work detailed in the articles below. [PROVIDE DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK] See Attachment A - Scope of Work 4 .2 Provide letter type report, reporting results of the investigation including tabulation of all field data and discussion of results. COST NOT TO EXCEED $60, 000 (Including State Sales Tax if any required) 5 ARTICLE 5_- CONTRACT REPRESENTATIVES 5. 1 The following authorized representatives are hereby designated as contact persons for administration of this Engineering Agreement: Don Wickstrom Director of Public Works Suzan Amundsen, Water Ouality Engineer 5. 2 Communications and contacts with the City or the Consultant which affect the contract cost, fee, schedule, scope of services or other contract terms and conditions shall be made only with the contacts named above. No changes to this contract will be binding upon the City of the Consultant unless incorporated in a written modification to the contract and signed by both parties. The effort set forth in the Scope of Work shall be performed under the general direction of the City' s representatives described above and in a manner consistent with accepted engineering practice. Any communications in the technical direction which shall affect the Scope of Work shall be submitted by the Consultant to the City in writing. When in the Consultant' s opinion, any directive from the City constitutes a change to this Agreement, the City shall be notified immediately for authorization of any such change. The Consultant shall perform in accordance with this Agreement as written until such authorization for change is granted by the City' s contractual representative. Any such additional services resulting from a change to the Contract Agreement shall be paid for by the City as provided for in this Agreement. 6 ARTICLE 6 - APPLICABLE STATE LAW AND COMPLIANCE 6. 1 This Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The Consultant agrees to comply with all applicable provisions of any federal, state or local law or ordinance, including any orders, rules and regulations issued thereunder. ARTICLE 7 - EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 7. 1 The Consultant will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of age, race, color, marital status or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap, sex, or national origin. ARTICLE 8 - CONTRACTOR DUTIES 8 . 1 The Consultant shall carry insurance coverage in the amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500, 000. 00) on maps, drawings, specifications, computer files and other valuable information against loss by fire, damage, destruction and theft, until all the work contemplated by this Agreement has been completed and given to the City. The cost of such full coverage shall be included in the basic fee as set forth in this Agreement. 8 . 2 The Consultant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, appointed officials, and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, and causes of actions of any kind or character whatsoever, arising as a result of the consultant' s employees' or third parties' claims of alleged personal injuries, death, or damage to their persons or property to the extent caused by 7 negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the Consultant and/or its agents, subcontractors, employees, or representatives; provided that no duty to defend, indemnify and hold harmless shall arise by reason of the sole negligence of the City of Kent or determined by a trier of fact. The City of Kent agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Consultant its partners, officers, employees and subcontractors from all claims, expenses and liability, following operation of applicable rights of contributions, to the extent caused by negligent acts, errors or omissions of the City and its employees, and subcontractors, except the consultant including any claims made by employees of the City. 8. 3 The Consultant shall maintain comprehensive general liability insurance covering the work to be performed under this Agreement and naming the City as a co-insured with limits of at least one million dollars ($1, 000, 000) and professional liability insurance of one million dollars ($1, 000, 000) . A certificate of insurance as evidence of coverage will be provided to the City upon execution of this Agreement. The City will be provided notification of any changes to the said certificate within fifteen (15) days of change. Any cost associated with such coverage is included in the Consultant' s basic fee and not chargeable to the City. 8 . 4 The Consultant represents that the services furnished under this Agreement will be in accordance with generally accepted professional practices in effect at the time such services are performed. Estimates of cost of equipment, construction, ownership or operation furnished by the Consultant shall be the Consultant's opinion based upon its professional 8 judgment and experience. The Consultant makes no other representation or warranty, express or implied. ARTICLE 9 - CONTRACT INTERPRETATION AND DISPUTES 9 . 1 Any dispute arising under this Agreement shall be determined by arbitration and such dispute or controversy shall be judged pursuant to the rules and procedures of the American Arbitration Association. The judgment of such arbitration shall be final and binding upon the parties. Attorney's fees and costs may be awarded by the arbitrator upon a finding that a party has substantially prevailed on the majority of disputed issues on matters before or submitted to the arbitrator. 9 . 2 Upon acceptance of this Agreement, the City and the Consultant agree that the provisions of this Contract including any and all documents incorporated by reference herein, including any written amendments, shall constitute the entire Agreement between the parties hereto, and shall supersede any and all prior oral and written agreements relating to the subject matter hereof. This Contract may not be modified or terminated verbally, and no modification or claimed waiver of any of the provisions hereof shall be binding unless made in writing and signed by the party against whom such modification or waiver is sought to be enforced. ARTICLE 10 - PUBLIC INFORMATION 10 . 1 The Consultant shall not issue any statements or other releases of information for public dissemination without the prior approval of the City of Kent. 9 IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING TERMS AND CONDITIONS, THE PARTIES HAVE ENTERED INTO THIS AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE THIS3 DAY OF 19 CITY OF KENT 220 Fourth Ave. S. Kent, Washington 98032 By: Dan Kelleher, Mayor L Fortier,"President Sweet-Edwards/EMCON Approved/,-pLs to form: By: \_ Sand a Driscoll City Attorney ATTEST: M e-r ri-non e i 1 Brenda -,sober, OcP �y r�lerr6C 683-90 10 ATTACHMENT A KENT SEWAGE LAGOONS SITE INVESTIGATION SCOPE OF WORK/COST ESTIMATE/SCHEDULE MAY 18, 1990 INTRODUCTION Sweet-Edwards/EMCON, Inc. (SE/E) has prepared the enclosed scope of work, cost estimate, and schedule for conducting a site investigation at the Kent Sewage Lagoon's site located near the Green River. The scope of work will be implemented in five tasks. The total costs for conducting the investigation is $60,000. A break-down of costs by task has been provided in the submittal. The schedule includes a listing of submittal/project activities, and submittal dates. Task 1 Plan Development SE/E will develop a sampling and analysis plan/quality assurance project plan, and health and safety plan for the site investigation. The sampling and analysis plan/quality assurance project plan will be prepared following regulatory requirements established by Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and include, but not be limited to sampling locations, types of samples, number of samples, sampling methods, analytical methods, quality control requirements, and decontamination procedures. The health and safety plan will be prepared following OSHA requirements for waste site work, and will include, but not be limited to personal protection procedures (e.g., respiratory protection, decontamination procedures) to protect worker health. The plan will be submitted to the City of Kent for review. Upon receipt of comments from the City of Kent, SE/E will then finalize the plans. Task 2 Site Investigation/Sampling SE/E will conduct sludge and ground water quality sampling at the site. The proposed numbers, locations, and types of samples are as follows: 536/KENT-C2.518/ch:1(wp) Rev. 0,05/18/90 W27-01.01 1 • Eight sludge samples in Lagoon 1 and 2. Samples will be analyzed for MTCA metals and PCBs. • Eight sludge samples in Lagoon 3. Samples will be analyzed for MTCA metals and PCBs. • Twenty sludge samples total in the North Lagoon (ten locations—two depths). Samples will be analyzed for MTCA metals, PCB/pesticides, volatile organic compounds (VOC), and semi- volatile organic compounds (Semi-VOC). • Installation of new MW-4 (drive point) ground water monitoring well. Samples will be analyzed for MTCA metals, PCB/pesticides, VOC, Semi-VOC at two ground water monitoring wells (MW-3 and MW-4). Task 3 Data Analysis/Evaluation SE/E will send the samples to our certified laboratory for analysis. Upon receipt of the analytical results, SE/E will conduct an evaluation of data to determine if the data have met data quality requirements established by EPA. Data results will be verbally reported to the City of Kent prior to report preparation. Task 4 Report Preparation SE/E will prepare a letter report summarizing the findings of the investigation. The report will include a description of the field investigation procedures and site conditions, an analysis of the analytical data, a summary of the investigation findings, and recommendations. Task 5 Meeting Support/Administration SE/E will meet with the City of Kent during the project as required, provide project support, and attend a public meeting if requested. For cost estimating purposes, SE/E has projected time and preparation for two 4-hour meetings. 5W/IB4T-CE.518/me:3(WP) Rev.0,05/18/90 W27-01.01 2 COST ESTIMATE Kent Sewage Lagoons Site Investigation Cost Estimate May 17, 1990 Task 1 Plan Development $ 6,500 Task 2 Site Investigation/Samplings 11,000 Task 3 Data Analysis/Evaluation 33,000 Task 4 Report Preparation 7,500 Task 5 Meeting Support/Administration 2,000 Total $ 60,000 a The cost estimate does not include survey services. SE/E has assumed that survey services will be provided by the City of Kent's contractor. PROPOSED SCHEDULE The proposed project schedule is as follows: Activity/De live rable Date Project Notice To Proceed May 21, 1990 Submittal of Project Plans to City of Kent May 30, 1990 Comments on Plans from City of Kent' June 1, 1990 Sampling Location Survey' to be coordinated and scheduled by the City of Kent May 30, 1990 Commence Field Activities June 5, 1990 Verbal Notification of Sampling Results June 29, 1990 Draft Site Investigation Report July 15, 1990 Final Site Investigation Report 10 days after receipt of comments from City of Kent ' If comments are not received from the City of Kent by the scheduled date or the surveyor cannot be scheduled as identified, new submittal dates for all subsequent activities and deliverables will need to be renegotiated with the City of Kent. 536/TENT-CE.518/me:3(wp) Rev.0,05/18/90 w27-01.01 3 Attachment B Swmet-Edward EMCON, Inc. 18912 North Creek Parkway,Suite 210 Bothell,Washington 98011 (206)485-5000 FAX(206)486-9766 SCHEDULE OF FEES 1. SERVICE OF PERSONNEL Rate Per Hour Professional: Regional/Branch Manager 80.00 - 110.00 Executive Manager/Project Manager 70.00 - 95.00 Sr. Engineer/Geologist/Chemist 60.00 - 75.00 Project Engineer/Geologist/Chemist 60.00 - 70.00 Staff Engineer/Geologist/Chemist 40.00 - 69.00 Certified Indust. Hygienist/Indust. Hygienist 50.00 - 75.00 Technical: Engineer/Geology Technician 35.00 - 55.00 Industrial Hygiene/Field Technician 30.00 - 50.00 Drafting 35.00 - 55.00 Technical Writer 35.00 - 50.00 Administrative: Contract Administrator 35.00 - 50.00 Word Processor/Clerical 25.00 - 40.00 Notes: A. Travel time after 50 miles or 1 hour per trip at 50% of above. B. Expert testimony in deposition/trial at 150% of above rates. 2. DIRECT EXPENSES Actual direct expenses associated with performing services such as: fares on public carriers, rented vehicles, meals, lodging, long distance communications, special supplies, computer service costs, reproduction and expendable materials at cost plus 10%. Mileage of Consultant and employee owned vehicle at $0.38/mile. Use of Consultant owned microprocessors: word processing, $7.50/hour; data entry, $15.00/hour; computations/modeling/CADD, $20.00/hour. 3. SUBCONTRACTS AND EQUIPMENT RENTAL Subcontract services and equipment rentals at cost plus 15%. 4. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Rates for Consultant owned equipment at a fixed daily, weekly or monthly rate per "Standard Equipment Rates" on the reverse. 5. RATE CHANGES Schedule of Fees and Standard Equipment Rates subject to change without notice. 6. PAYMENT Monthly invoices are to be paid within 30 days from the invoice date. Interest on late payments will be at 18% per annum. CONT1/FEES-90.510/kmcp Rev.8, 05/10/90 A subsidiary of EMCON Associates Printed on Recycled Paper STANDARD EQUIPMENT RATES Rate 1. SAFETY EQUIPMENT: Level of Protection: "D" - Gloves, hard hat, eye protection, & disposable suit $ 20.00/day "C2" - Above plus respirator 40.00/day "Cl" - Above plus chemical suit 80.00/day "B" - Above plus SCBA 125.00/day Explosive meter 102 def., toxic, combust.) 100.00/wk Gas Tech NP204 15.00/day Gas Tech 1939-OX 30.00/day Photovac meter 50.00/day 0 VA-88 60.00/day Combustible gas/02 meter 30.00/day 2. MONITORING AND SAMPLING EQUIPMENT: Peristaltic pump $ 30.00/day Large peristaltic pump and generator 50.00/day Centrifugal pump for pore volume removal 25.00/day Submersible Win.) pump with generator for pore vol. removal 50.00/day Middleberg pump (e.g. Well Wizard) 50.00/day Draeger/Sensidyne pump (doesn't include tubes) 15.00/day Stainless steel or Teflon bailer 10.00/day Bailing reel and tripod 15.00/day Electric depth probe (e.g. Actat) 10.00/day Field gas chromatograph w/back flush 1000.00/mo Field lab trailer 500.00/mo Conductivity meter (e.g. Chemtrix, Cole Parmer) 10.00/day Data logger/transducer 100.00/day Transducer with cable (assumes reusable) 50.00/day Current meter (e.g. Swoffer) 50.00/day pH meter (e.g. Yokogawa, Beckman) 20.00/day Continuous recorder with security casing 40.00/day Hand auger 10.00/day Motor blower 100.00/day Regenerative blowers 25.00/day Magnehelic gauge 10.00/day Van gas chromatograph 175.00/day Van - tools - generator set 100.00/day Moisture density gauge (nuclear gauge) 20.00/day Tensiometer 20.00/day Soils lab (field) 25.00/day Soils equipment 5.00/day 35mm camera 5.00/day 3. DRILLING EQUIPMENT: Rates for company owned drilling services may be on a per-foot or time-and-materials basis as project conditions and/or client needs dictate. CONT1/FEES-90.510/kmcp Rev.8, 05/10/90 4 O Q 1 N m � n m � - Z 1 r C a m o N _ m 0 G m r p r' 0 0 � rm ma r� r AL mr IF w i N r r a � 0 0 O p Oz z � N t� I G '4 V m q J-4 a � C, N col r 3at m w v O A O y N NT T r a Z m � m < * _. G I m �= -V vim viv = v -i m m rn m a x a go o r G) r-I O N-i N co m D D rmv 0m� v_v