HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG1990-0573 - Original - PRC Public Management Services - Installation of Software for MDT System - 04/03/1990 CONTRACT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF COMPUTER APPLICATION SOFTWARE FOR A MOBILE DATA TERMINAL SYSTEM BETWEEN THE CITY OF KENT AND PRC PUBLIC MANAGEMENT SERVICES This Contract is made this day of MaWlt —1990, by and between the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation (hereinafter CITY) , and PRC Public Management Services, Inc. (hereinafter PRC), for the installation of a computer application software subsystem for a Mobile Data Terminal System. 1.0 DOCUMENTS The following documents are attached by reference and shall be considered as included in this agreement as contract documents. In the event of any conflict in the definition or interpretation of any work responsibility, service, schedule or completeness of work between this Contract and these Attachments, or between Attachments, said conflict or inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence first to this Contract and any amendments to same, and then according to the following contract document priority: A. Detailed Design Document and Implementation Plan B. Addendum to Specifications for a Mobile Data Terminal System, published by the City of Kent on March 31, 1989. C. Specifications for a Mobile Data Terminal System, published by the City of Kent on February 17, 1989. D. Proposal for a Mobile Data Terminal System received from PRC/Public Management Services on April 28, 1989 and revised on June 7, 1989. 2.0 SCOPE OF CONTRACT This Contract is to provide, install and test a computer application software subsystem to operate a Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) system on the PRC/PMS Computer Aided Dispatch System operated by Valley Communications Center (Valley Com) , in Kent Washington. The MDT system is being provided to the CITY under a separate contract with Mobile Data International (MDI) . The combined MDI-MDT/PRC-CAD system is intended for the initial use of the Kent Police and Fire Departments, and for the future use of the other Valley Com user agencies, as determined by the CITY and Valley Com and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract. The total contract cost for PRC's work is $85,152, including all applicable installation charges, travel and per diem and taxes. PRC acknowledges that the CITY reserves the right to establish reasonable procedures for the coordination between PRC and MDI with regards to performance of work in this project and agrees to abide by these procedures. 1 3.0 PAYMENT SCHEDULE Payment will be made as shown in Exhibit A which reflects the following contract payment points: 30% Upon approval of the Detailed Design Document. 30% Upon completion of the functional acceptance testing. 20% Upon completion of Training. 20% Upon acceptance of the complete system by the CITY. PRC shall provide the CITY invoices for any payments due under this contract. All invoices shall be rendered in duplicate. Payments shall be made no later than 30 days after receipt and approval of a proper invoice. Invoices shall detail the separate items or deliverables being charged and clearly show the City's Purchase Order number. 4.0 STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE AND ACCEPTANCE The CITY will accept the system upon successful completion of the performance and acceptance testing procedures outlined in the Detailed Design Document, and the successful completion of the thirty (30) day acceptance test period. PRC shall certify in writing to the CITY when said System software supplied by PRC hereunder is installed and ready for use. The system shall be ready for use when the functional testing, as defined in the Detailed System Design document, has been completed. The performance period, a period of thirty (30) calendar days, shall commence within thirty (30) days of date of certification at which time operational control becomes the responsibility of the CITY. If said System operates on-line at a level of effectiveness of ninety- nine (99%) percent for a period of thirty (30) consecutive days from the commencement of the performance period, it shall be deemed to have met the City's standard of performance for that phase of the system. The level of effectiveness is a percentage figure determined by dividing the total system operational time (time the system was available in a production status to on-line users) by the number of hours in the performance period [30 days x 24 hours per day = 720 hours) . Therefore, system downtime of more than seven (7) hours will constitute a failure of test and require repeating of the test period. It is not required that one thirty (30) day period expire in order for another performance period to begin. Downtime caused by equipment or software not supplied by PRC shall be included in the number of hours in the production status. 2 5.0 CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS/CHANGE ORDERS Amendments to this agreement shall become attachments when signed by both parties. No variance of the Contract, or waiver of the terms of such, shall be valid unless reduced to a written document signed by both parties. PRC shall adhere to the CITY's Change Order procedure prior to commencement of any work specified in such Change Order. The CITY shall not make payments to PRC for any changes to this contract that were not authorized in writing in advance by the CITY. A waiver of any one term or condition shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other term or condition of this contract. 6.0 LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS PRC, in entering into this Contract, herein agrees that it shall be solely responsible for conformance to, and will abide by, all applicable Federal , State, County and City codes, laws, ordinances, conditions, requirements, rules, and regulations covering public contracts and works of this type. In the event that any litigation should arise concerning the construction or interpretation of any of the terms of this Contract, the venue of such action or litigation shall be in the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for the County of King, and this Contract shall be controlled by the laws of the State of Washington and the City of Kent. 7.0 HOLD HARMLESS CLAUSE PRC shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the CITY from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, proceedings, judgments, losses, damages, injuries, penalties, costs, expenses (including attorneys' fees) and liabilities of, by, or with respect to third parties, which arise solely from PRC's negligent performance of services under this Agreement. PRC shall not be responsible for, and CITY shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless PRC from and against, any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, proceedings, judgments, losses, damages, injuries, penalties, costs, expenses (including attorneys' fees) and liabilities of, by, or with respect to third parties, which arise solely from the CITY's negligence. With respect to any and all claim, demands, suits, actions, proceedings, judgments, losses, damages, injuries, penalties, costs, expenses (including attorneys' fees) and liabilities, of, by, or with respect to third parties, which arise from the joint or concurrent negligence of PRC and the CITY, each party shall assume responsibility in proportion to the degree of its respective fault. 3 In no event shall PRC be responsible for special , indirect or consequential damages of any nature (regardless of whether such damages are alleged to have arisen from the negligence of PRC, its subcontractors, agents or employees or other; breach of warranty; breach of contract; other act, error or omission; or from strict or absolute liability in tort; or from any other cause whatsoever; or any combination of the foregoing) including, but not limited to: damages arising from the use, or loss of use, of any facility; loss of anticipated profits or revenue; costs of replacement services and goods; damages arising from delay; claims of customers; or interest. 8.0 CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE PRC shall file with the CITY, through the City Clerk, a Certificate of Insurance issued by its insurance carrier (a facsimile of an insurance policy is unacceptable) evidencing a policy of Worker's Compensation Insurance on Contractor's employees, in force for the entire term of the Contract. Said Certificate(s) shall contain therein, or have attached thereto by endorsement, the provision that the insurance carrier will endeavor to provide written notification to the City Clerk 30 days prior to any cancellation of said policy. In any event, PRC is at all times required to maintain all insurance as set forth herein. Prior to commencing installations, PRC shall furnish evidence of insurance coverage to the Owner at least in the sums below: (1) Bodily Injury: $1,000,000 each accident. (2) Property Damage: $1,000,000 each accident. (3) Worker's Compensation: Statutory Limits. (4) Or; $1,000,000 all risks inclusive. The CITY shall be named as additional insured with no exceptions. 9.0 PATENTS PRC shall hold and save the CITY, its elected officials, officers, agents, representatives and employees harmless from liability of any nature or kind, including reimbursement of costs, expenses, and attorney's fees for or on account of any patented or unpatented invention, article, or appliance manufactured or used in the performance of this Contract, including their use by the CITY. 10.0 SUBCONTRACTORS PRC agrees that all subcontractors shall maintain full compliance with the requirements of this Contract. The CITY shall hold PRC responsible for the conduct and performance of any subcontractor. 4 11.0 SYSTEM WARRANTY AND REMEDIES a. Warranties For a period commencing on the date of Final Acceptance and one year thereafter, PRC warrants that (i) the software provided by it under this Agreement shall perform in accordance with the Detailed System Design; and (ii ) the services performed by it under this Agreement shall be performed in accordance with the ordinary skill and care which would be executed by those who are knowledgeable, trained and experienced in rendering these types of services at the time such services are performed. THESE WARRANTIES ARE IN LIEU OF AND EXCLUDE ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ANY WARRANTY WHICH MAY ARISE BY REASON OF USAGE OF TRADE OR CUSTOM OR COURSE OF DEALINGS. At the conclusion of this 12 month Warranty period, MDT software maintenance shall be incorporated into the blanket CAD system Maintenance Agreement held by Valley-Com. b. Remedies (1) If, during the warranty period the CITY (a) discovers defects in the software provided by PRC under this Agreement, such that the software will not perform in accordance with the express warranty set forth in Section a. , and (b) notifies PRC, in writing, of such defects, then PRC shall , without charge to the CITY, correct such defects. (2) If, during the warranty period the CITY (a) discovers defects in the services performed by PRC under this Agreement had not been performed in accordance with the express warranty set forth in Section a. , and (b) notifies PRC, in writing, of such faulty services, then PRC shall , without charge to the CITY, re-perform such services to the extent necessary to correct the fault therein. (3) THE REMEDIES SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION ARE IN LIEU OF AND EXCLUDE ALL OTHER REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO THE CITY RELATING TO WARRANTIES FOR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. 12.0 PROJECT COMPLETION DATES AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES All work to be performed under this Contract shall be completed and the system shall have passed functional testing, as defined in the Detailed Design Document, within a project schedule to be determined between the CITY and PRC upon execution of this Contract. In no case however will the completion of functional testing be more than 180 calendar days from the date of Notice to Proceed by the CITY, except as allowed for in Section 13 of this Contract. 5 Such Notice to Proceed will not be issued by the CITY to PRC until an appropriate transmitter site has been secured for use in the system and concurrent Notice to Proceed has been issued to MDI. Notice to proceed will be issued to PRC no later than May 31, 1990. If Notice to Proceed is not issued by May 31, 1990, PRC reserves the right to revise the Contract amount and/or the Contract schedule. Failure on PRC's part to comply with the completion date shall result in a payment as liquidated damages for the damage to the CITY due to the delay of $250 per day for every day beyond the completion date. Such liquidated damages shall be assessed until the system is accepted as provided for in the Specifications. Liquidated damages will not be assessed if the system is substantially complete and the CITY is using the system in its ordinary course of business. The CITY agrees to provide PRC thirty (30) days written notice of its intent to invoke liquidated damages. Liquidated damages will be limited to a total dollar amount of $22,500, which represents 90 days at $250 per day. 13.0 DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS Should PRC be obstructed or delayed in completing delivery as specified caused solely by act or omission of the CITY, the inability of MDI to meet its delivery commitments, or by strikes, fires, acts of God, or by the inability to obtain materials, equipment or labor due solely to Federal Government restrictions then the time of completion shall be extended for such periods as may be agreed upon the CITY and PRC. Should there by insufficient time to grant such extensions prior to the completion date of the Contract, the CITY, at its sole discretion, at the time of acceptance of the application software, may waive liquidated damages which may have accrued from failure to deliver on time, due to any of the above, after hearing evidence as to the reasons for such a delay and making a finding as to the cause of same. Such determination shall be made by the Kent City Administrator. 14.0 TERMINATION BY THE CITY If PRC should be adjudged bankrupt or should make a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or if a receiver should be appointed on account of its insolvency, the CITY may terminate this Agreement. If PRC should persistently or repeatedly refuse or should fail , except in cases for which extension of time is provided, to provide enough properly skilled workers or proper material , or persistently disregard laws and ordinances, or not proceed with work or otherwise be guilty of, a substantial violation of any provision of this Agreement, then the CITY shall give PRC thirty (30) calendar days written notice. Upon receipt of such termination notice, PRC shall be allowed thirty (30) calendar days to cure such deficiencies. 6 15.0 ASSIGNMENT Neither this Agreement, nor any portion thereof, may be assigned by PRC without the written consent of the CITY first having been obtained. Any attempt by PRC to assign any performance of this agreement without the written consent of the CITY shall be null and void and shall constitute a breach of this Agreement. 16.0 SECURITY AND PRIVACY PRC agrees that none of its officers or employees shall use or reveal any research or statistical information furnished by any person and identifiable to any specific private person for any purpose other than the purpose for which it was obtained. Copies of such information shall not, without the consent of the person furnishing such information be admitted as evidence or used for any purpose in any action, suit, or other judicial or administrative proceedings, unless ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction. The CITY shall be notified immediately upon receipt of any such order of court, pertinent to production of such information. PRC shall incorporate the foregoing provisions of this paragraph in all of its authorized subcontract. 17.0 LICENSE PRC grants to the CITY a non-assignable, non-transferrable and non- exclusive license to use the proprietary computer programs provided under this Agreement. The CITY understands and acknowledges that the software is and shall remain proprietary in nature and constitutes confidential trade secrets. The CITY agrees that it shall not knowingly, without the prior written consent of PRC, directly or indirectly disclose, proliferate, provide or otherwise make available, or permit, any disclosure, proliferation, provision of or making available of, the software in any form, in whole or in part, to any other person, firm, corporation, government agency, association or other entity. Further, the CITY agrees that it shall not, without the prior written consent of PRC, copy or reproduce (except as necessary for archive, diagnostic, backup, emergency restart purposes or any other use solely by the CITY) , the software, in who or in part. Neither the license granted to the CITY by PRC nor the software may be, in whole or in part, assigned, sub-licensed or otherwise transferred by the CITY without the prior written consent of PRC nor may the CITY knowingly, directly or indirectly, permit any use of the software, in whole or in part, by any other person, firm, corporation, government agency, association or other entity, without the prior written consent of PRC. Further, the CITY agrees to comply with such other terms and conditions applicable to any software furnished by Digital Equipment Corporation to PRC and provided to the CITY under this Agreement, which are imposed by Digital Equipment Corporation. 7 PRC acknowledges that it is the intent of the CITY to transfer the license granted under this Agreement to Valley Com at a later date. At the time that such transfer is to be executed, the CITY shall request such transfer in writing from PRC and approval of the transfer will not be unreasonably withheld by PRC. There shall be no charge for said transfer to Valley Com provided Valley Com accepts the terms and conditions of PRC's license provisions above. 18.0 NOTICES AND COMMUNICATIONS All communications between the CITY and PRC related to this Contract shall be directed through their designated Project Managers. Any changes in these designated contact persons shall be provided to the other party in writing. At the time of execution of this Contract, the designated contact persons are: For the City of Kent: For PRC/Public Management Services Project Communications: Lt. Kevin Kearns City of Kent Fire Department PRC Public Management Services 220 4th Ave. So. Kent, WA 98032 (206)859-3153 Notices: Darrell Bertness PRC Public Management Services, Inc. 1500 Planning Research Drive Mail Stop #3W6 McLean, VA 22102 8 19.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PRC and the CITY acknowledge that they have each read this Contract, including all of the attached documents, and understand the Contract and agree to be bound by its terms. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CITY and PRC have caused this Contract to be executed by their duly authorized officers as of the date set forth below. CITY OF KENT PRC PUBLIC MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. Dan Kelleher, Mayor F.W. Koe ne, President 3 qo 3 -;ZG -90 Date Date ATTEST: �Mari�eOensen, y MeO APPROVED AS TO FORM: / V ( Sandra ri c 1 , City Attorney 9 EXHIBIT A Contract Amount and Payment Schedule A. PAYMENT SCHEDULE FOR SOFTWARE AND SERVICES Progress Payments will be made as follows: 1) Approval of Detailed System Design Document and Implementation Plan $ 23,631 2) Completion of Functional Acceptance Testing $ 23,631 3) Completion of Training $ 15,755 4) Final Acceptance $ 15,754 SOFTWARE AND SERVICES TOTAL $ 78,771 B. TAXES Washington State Sales Tax of 8.1% or $6,381.00 will be paid by PRC. Total Contract value including Sales Tax is Eighty Five Thousand ONe Hundred Fifty-two Dollars ($85,152.00) C. Payments are Net 30 Days upon receipt of invoice. 10