HomeMy WebLinkAboutIL1991-0200 - Original - Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle - Infiltration Inflow Reduction Project Agreement - 02/13/1991 CITY OF KENT MUNICIPALITY OF METROPOLITAN SEATTLE INFILTRATION/INFLOW PROJECT AGREEMENT This Agreement, made as of this �-- day of JS etween the City of Kent, a municipal corporation i the State of Washington, hereinafter "the City" and the Munipipality of Metropolitan Seattle, a metropolitan municipal corporation in the State of Washington, hereinafter "Metro;" WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the parties have entered into a long term agreement for sewage disposal dated May 18, 1967 and amended thereafter (hereinafter referred to as the "Basic Agreement") ; and WHEREAS, Metro has determined that substantial amounts of extraneous water (hereinafter "infiltration/inflow") enters portions of the City's local sewer system which is tributary to Metro's wastewater conveyance and treatment facilities; and WHEREAS, Metro has estimated the cost savings it can realize by reducing infiltration/inflow in a portion of the City's sewer system and is willing to spend an equal amount on a project to reduce said infiltration/inflow; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that it is in the City's best interest to undertake an infiltration/inflow reduction project because it will preserve capacity in and extend the useful life of local sewage facilities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1 Section 1. Definitions. The defined terms used in this agreement shall have the meanings set forth in the Basic Agreement unless otherwise indicated herein. Section 2 . Sewer System Rehabilitation. The City will rehabilitate and/or replace all local sewers, including private side sewers as permitted by property owners or law, in the 9.93 acre area designated "Kent East Basin" in the Metro report entitled "Local Sewer System Evaluation; Phase II, " dated April, 1989 and delineated on Exhibit A attached hereto. The City will make every reasonable effort to complete the work during 1991. Plans and specifications for said rehabilitation and replacement shall be subject to review by Metro. In the event the City is unable to secure access rights adequate to replace or rehabilitate side sewers on private property as described herein, or is unable to commence construction or rehabilitation by December 31, 1991, Metro may, at its sole discretion, rescind this agreement upon notice to the City and reimbursement as provided in Section 3 of project costs incurred up to the date of such notice. Section 3 . Reimbursement by Metro. Metro shall reimburse the City for 54% of the total project cost of the work described in Section 2 , said reimbursement not to exceed $140, 000. Total project cost for the work described herein shall include contract construction cost, sales tax, permit fees, legal costs, property restoration costs, engineering design costs and construction inspection costs. Payment shall be made to the City not more frequently than monthly at the rate of 54% of costs incurred for the work described in Section 2. Payments shall be made within 45 days of receipt of a properly documented invoice. Section 4 . Inspection and Acceptance of Contractor's Work. The City shall inspect, control, and administer the work in progress. Metro shall have the right to review and inspect the work in progress and at completion. 2 *+t Unchanaed. The City shall Section 5. Basic Aar — comply with all provisions of the Basic Agreement without qualification or condition by reason of any provision or interpretation of this Agreement, it being the intention of the parties that the Basic Agreement shall not otherwise be affected or modified hereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the date and year first written above. APPROVED TO FORM: CITY OF KENT oger u ovic City orney M or a�- ATTEST: ity Clerk MUNICIPALITY OF METROPOLITAN %f SEATTLE ichard K. Sandaas Executive Director ATTEST: Bonnie Mattson Clerk of the Council 3 w m 1 a Aw rn t D rn 9awl . 'Opt, (A W Im � >� �' , � ��� la'^ti«•�' � 'mow. .�a. �., � �� aim � k;�'i:« � '�€€F€FF������,�??� �y µ`me% ��K i., � f .,•.,_ W �"�+... M''�� a}�� .k •�}x� w-F ,�6YW?, +:r� ,.�s � w � i=t i �_.._4 1 ^ tarp • 1 v 41 ' �; f 0 7 � �'"d > jet �` ....:..-.. r-,r.-,.ac..a..•..>;x+.s-t - � t, * `` a N 1 r3t4..I a•'�:'��s.�� 'A�,• yti 3�r -. � ...� 'f:W.��3 3. '° }�