HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW08-115 - Original - King County - Conservation Futures: OpenSpace Acquision Projects - 01/29/1991 INTERLOCAL COOPERATION-AGREEMENT BETWEEN KING -COUNTY AND THE CITY OF Kent SUBURBAN CITY OPEN SPACE ACQUISITION PROJECTS THIS INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT is entered into between the CITY OF Kent ("City") and KING COUNTY ("County") . Article I. Recitals On September 21, 1989, the King County Council passed Ordinance 9128, which established a Conservation Futures Levy Fund and appropriated a total of $2, 900, 000 in conservation futures levy proceeds to King County ($1, 100, 000) , the City of Seattle ($1, 100, 000) and suburban cities ($700, 000) . Ordinance 9128 also established conditions for use of the Fund, including conditions covering allowable projects, costs and expenses. The Open Space Citizens Advisory Committee has recommended an initial and a secondary allocation of Conservation Futures funds from the Suburban City Open Space Acquisition Project following notification to the suburban cities that funds were available, provision of an opportunity for the suburban cities to respond and receipt by the committee of requests for funding, all pursuant to Ordinance 8867 . The King County Council by Motion 7742 has approved the initial allocation and by Motion 8120 the secondary allocation of 1989 Conservation Futures funds, and authorized the King County Executive to enter into interlocal cooperation agreements with the suburban cities in order to initiate the f\rinticoop.agt/12-14-90 1 approved projects. Pursuant to King County Ordinance 9128, King County Motion 7742 , Washington Statute Chapter 84 .34 RCW and Washington Statute Chapter 39. 34 , the parties agree to follows: Article II. Definitions 1. Open Space The term "open space" or "open space land" means: a) any land area so designated by an official comprehensive land use plan adopted by any city or county and zoned accordingly; or b) any land area, the preservation of which in its present use would: 1) conserve and enhance natural or scenic resources; or 2) protect streams or water supply; or 3) promote conservation of soils, wetlands, beaches or tidal marshes; or 4) enhance the value to the public of abutting or neighboring parks, forests, wildlife reserves, natural reservations or sanctuaries or other open space; or 5) enhance recreational activities; or 6) preserve historic sites, or 7) retain in its natural state tracts of land of not less than five acres situated in an urban area and open to public use on such conditions. as may be reasonably required by the legislative body granting the open space classification. 2. Project. The term "Project" means specific projects which meet open space criteria as described in King County Ordinance 8867, Section 1, and RCW 84 . 34.020 and which are attached to and incorporated by reference . in King 'County Ordinance 9071 or added to the list of approved projects by the County. 3 . Conservation 'Futures The term "conservation futures" means developmental rights which may be acquired by purchase, gift, grant, bequest, devise, lease, or otherwise, except by eminent domain, and-may . consist of fee simple or any lesser interest, development right, easement, covenant, or other contractual right necessary to protect, preserve, maintain, improve restore, limit future use of, or otherwise conserve open space land, all in accordance with the provisions of Washington Statute Chapter 84.34 RCW and King County Ordinance 8867 . Article III. Purpose of the Agreement The purpose of this agreement is to create a cooperative arrangement between the City and the County relating to the Projects and to define the terms and conditions governing both parties' obligations created by this agreement. Article IV. Term of Agreement This agreement shall be and continue in full force and effect and binding upon. the parties hereto upon execution of the agreement by both parties. The terms of the agreement shall be indefinite. The agreement will be terminated if the City is unable or unwilling: 1) to expend the funds provided through this agreement; 2) to satisfy the matching requirements contained in this agreement; and 3) upon reimbursement by the City to the County of all unexpended funds provided by the County pursuant to this agreement in the manner and amounts described below. f\:int1coop.agt/12-14-90 3 Article. V. Conditions of Actreement Section 5. 1 - Project Description. Funds available pursuant to this agreement may be used only for Projects' listed in Attachment A, which is incorporated herein by reference, or such substituted Projects as may be approved by the County as set forth below. All County funded Projects must meet open space criteria as described in King County Ordinance 8867, Section 1, and Washington Statute Chapter 84 . 34 . 020 RCW. Section 5. 2 - Use of Funds. Funds provided to the City pursuant to this agreement as well as funds provided by the City as match pursuant to this agreement maybe used only for expenses related to property acquisition. Those expenses include appraisals, title searches, negotiations, administrative overhead, and the cost of.actual acquisition or purchase options, all in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 of Ordinance 9128 . Funds utilized pursuant to this agreement may not be used to purchase land obtained through the exercise of eminent domain. Section 5. 3 - Substitution/Deletion of Projects. If the City does not proceed with the Projects described in ,Section 5. 1 of this agreement, the City may reimburse the County all funds provided by the County less approved expenses previously incurred in good faith to acquire the property for open space, plus accrued interest earnings on the unexpended balance. Alternatively, the City may submit specific requests for project reprogramming to the County for its approval. All projects proposed for reprogramming must meet open space f\:int1coop.agt/12-14-90 4 criteria as described in King _County Ordinance 8867, Section 1, and Washington Statute Chapter 84. 34. 020 RCW, be submitted to and recommended by the County's Citizens Oversight Committee or its successor and be approved by action of the King County Council. All reprogramming requests shall be submitted to the County's Department of Parks, Planning and Resources, Office of Open Space. Section 5.4 - Eminent Domain. If any Project requires the exercise of eminent domain to acquire the property all funds provided pursuant to this agreement plus accrued interest on such funds shall be reprogrammed as provided in this agreement or repaid to the County. Article VI. Responsibilities of the City Section 6. 1 - Matching Requirements. Any Project funded by Conservation Future Levy proceeds shall be supported by the City in which the Project is located with a matching contribution which is no less than the amount of Conservation Futures Levy funds allocated to the Project. This contribution may be in the form of cash, land trades with a valuation verified by an appraisal conducted by a MAI certified appraiser, or credits for other qualifying open space acquired on or. after January 1, 1989. Any City match, other than cash, shall require County approval. County approval and County acceptance of the City's cash match will be transmitted in writing to the City by the Manager of the County's Office of Open Space or his successor in function. If the Project involves two or more suburban cities, those f\ti.ntl.coop.ant112-14-9n 9 cities shall determine the allocation of contributions to the matching requirements of this agreement, so long as the total match is no less than the amount of Conservation Futures Levy funds provided by the County. Such matching contribution must be available within two years of the City's application for County funds to support Projects identified herein or approved substitute Projects. If such commitment is not timely made, the County shall be released from any obligation to fund the Project in question, and the City shall reimburse the County all funds provided to the City pursuant to this agreement plus accrued interest on such funds. All such monies will be available to the County to reallocate to other approved Projects. By appropriate . legislature action taken not more than 60 days following the effective date of this agreement, the City shall commit to contribute its required match. Section 6. 2 - Project Description. As part of the application to receive Conservation Futures Levy funds from the County, the City shall submit the following information concerning each project: 1) a narrative description of the project; 2) a description of the specific uses for Conservation Futures Levy funds in the Project; and 3) a description of the means by which the City will satisfy the matching requirements contained in this agreement. . Section 6.3 - Reporting. All funds received pursuant to this agreement and accrued interest therefrom will be accounted for separately from all other City funds, accounts and monies. Until the property described in the Project is acquired and all f\:int1coop.agt/12-14-90 6 funds provided pursuant to _this. agreement expended, .the City shall provide semi-annual written reports to the County within 30 days of the end of each relevant time period. The semi- annual report shall contain the following information: a) an accounting of all cash expenditures and encumbrances in support of the Project; b) the status of each Project and any changes to the approved time line; and c) other relevant information requested by the County for the purpose of determining compliance with this agreement. Following acquisition of the property and expenditure of all funds provided pursuant to this agreement, the City shall provide the County with a final report, within 90 days of the end of the calendar year in which all funds were expended. Said report shall contain a summary of all project expenditures, a description of the project status and accomplishments and other relevant information requested by the county for the purpose of verifying compliance with this agreement. The City shall also provide the County, within 90 days of the end of each calendar year, annual reports which specify any change in the status of the Project during the prior year and any change in the status of the Project which the City reasonably anticipates during the ensuing year. Such reports shall 'be required only if a change has taken place or is anticipated, except as provided above for ongoing and final project reports. All such reports shall be submitted to the County' s Department of Parks, Planning and Resources, Office of Open Space. f\:inticoop.agt/12-14-90 7 Section 6.4 - Disposition of Remaining Funds. Open Space Bond funds as authorized by Ordinance 9071, are available for Projects identified in this agreement. If allocation of Conservation Futures Levy funds to such Projects produces an excess of revenues over the approved cost of the Projects, then as to such excess funds, the City will: 1) reprogram such excess funds as set forth in this agreement; or 2) justify to the County's satisfaction that such excess funds are necessary to complete the Project; or 3) repay such excess funds to the County. If the City does not expend all funds provided through this agreement and no substitute project is requested or approved as to the excess funds, such funds shall be refunded to the County. For purposes of this section, "funds" shall include all monies provided by the County plus interest accrued by the City on such monies. Section 6. 5 - Maintenance, in Perpetuity. The City, and any successor in interest, agree to maintain properties acquired with funds provided pursuant to this agreement as open space in perpetuity. If the City changes the status or use of properties acquired with funds provided pursuant to this agreement to any purpose, the City shall pay the County an amount in cash to be mutually determined or substitute other property acceptable to the County. In either case, the value of the property shall be established at the time of the change in status or use, based on the changed status or use and not based on its value as open 'space. Upon changes in status and/or use of the property acquired herein, at its own cost, the -City will provide the County an independent MAI appraisal in accordance with this section. The value established by the appraisal will not be binding on the County. 'The City shall provide the County with written notice prior to the change of use and shall reimburse the County within 90 days of such notification. Reimbursement not received within 90 days will accrue interest at the then legal rate. Article VII. Responsibilities of the County Subject to the terms of this agreement, the County will provide Conservation Futures Levy funds in the amount shown in Attachment A. The City may request additional funds; however, the County has no obligation to provide funds to the City in excess of the amount shown in Attachment A. The County assumes no obligation for -future support of the Projects described herein except as expressly set forth in this agreement. Article VIII. Other Provisions Section 8. 1 - Hold Harmless and Indemnification. A. The County assumes no responsibility for the payment of any compensation, fees, wages, benefits or taxes to or on behalf of the City, its employees, contractors or others by reason of this agreement. The City shall protect, indemnify and save harmless the County, its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims, costs and whatsoever occurring or resulting from: 1) the City's failure to pay' any compensation, wage, fee, benefits or taxes; and 2) the supplying to the City of work, services, materials or supplies by City employees or agents or other contractors or suppliers fN:int3.coop.agt/12-14-90 in connection with or in support of performance of this agreement. B. The City further agrees that it is financially responsible for and will repay the County all indicated amounts following an audit exception, which occurs due to the negligent or intentional acts or failure for any reason to comply with the terms of this agreement by the City, its officers, employees, agents or representatives. C. The City shall protect,. defend, indemnify, and save harmless the County from any and all costs, claims, judgments, or awards of damages, arising out of or in any way resulting from the negligent acts or omissions of the City, its officers, employees or agents. For purposes of this agreement only, the City agrees to waive the immunity granted it for industrial insurance claims pursuant to Washington Statute Chapter 52 to the extent necessary to extend its obligations under this paragraph to any claim, demand or cause of action brought by or on behalf of any employees, including judgments, awards and costs arising therefrom including attorneys' fees. Section 8 .2 - Amendment. The parties reserve the right to amend or modify this agreement. Such amendments or modifications must be by written instrument signed by the parties and ' approved by the respective City and County Councils. Section 8. 3. _- `Contract Waiver.. No waiver by. either party of any• term or condition of this ,agreement shall be deemed or construed to be a waiver of any other term or condition, nor shall a waiver of any breach be deemed to constitute a waiver f\:int1coop.agt/12-14-90 10 of any subsequent breach whether' of the same or different provision of this agreement. No waiver shall be effective unless made in writing. Section 8.4 - Entirety. This agreement is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral representations or understandings not incorporated are excluded. This agreement merges and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and agreements between the parties relating to the projects and constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in the performance of the provisions of this agreement. f\ :int.lrnnn.nnt/17_1A_00 � �. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, authorized representatives of the parties hereto have signed their names in the spaces set forth below: _. KING COUNTY CIT OF Kent HILL .! '�- ''„�` ,�XECllTIYE Dan Kelleher, Mayor, City of Kent ng Co ty et�� _ Date: JAN 2 9 1991 Date: Acting under authoritr of Acting under authority of authority" of Motion authority of Motion Approved as to form: Approved as to form: NORM MALENG LIJLiOVICH King County Prosecuting Attorney Kent City Attorney f\:int1coon.agt/12-14-90 1.2 NsgO r' Lar r .yy.tit ;1 7Y �7 wy+ 7 OA v ���•E H-��Iti— 7l9C 9C 7R rql TT TT r Y Y Y Y Y 7 D O 7 7 �pN_M_N_ AMP I �� ^ ose..rr 8 n H Hn8H .. g a villa 11$11$1 a.!Ra 31 fill a z o M 3 o ro 'n y z lg 9 1 V f 111 l BE � N ll f I opt BillMZMAR25 l um a A SA y l 11 fill llllq�EBfi!s(�sfa I if l . V f f so l all 1. es in O l O I N AMENDMENT TO THE CONSERVATION FUTURES INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN KING COUNTY AND THE CITY OF KENT FOR OPEN SPACE BOND ACQUISITION PROJECTS Preamble The King County Council, through Ordinance 9128, has established a Conservation Futures Fund and appropriated proceeds to King County,the City of Seattle, and certain suburban cities. Ordinance 9430 provided for the use of Conservation Futures Funds collected in the years 1990 through 1993 for the completion of projects as set forth in Ordinance 9071. This amendment is entered into to provide for the allocation of additional funds made available for project completion. The parties have agreed to amend the existing Interlocal Cooperative Agreement to provide for additions in the references to the fund allocation. THIS AMENDMENT is entered into between the CITY OF KENT ("City") and KING COUNTY, and amends and attaches to and is part thereof of the existing Interlocal Cooperation Agreement entered into between the parties, dated the 29 day of Jan u , 1991. The parties agree to the following amendments: Amendment 1: Article 1. Recitals The fifth paragraph of the Recitals Section is hereby appended to provide for the 1994/95 allocation, and hereafter reads: "On , 1996,the King County Council passed Ordinance_ , which appropriated a total of$2,375,347 in Conservation Futures Levy proceeds to the City of Seattle and Suburban cities. The Council has approved the allocation of 1994/95 Conservation Futures Funds to the jurisdictions and authorized the King County Executive to enter into interlocal cooperation agreements with the City of Seattle and the Suburban Cities in order to initiate the approved projects." Amendment 2• Article VII,Responsibility of County The first two sentences of this article are amended to include Attachment C, which lists the 1994/95 Suburban Conservation Futures Allocation, and hereafter reads: 1 September 25, 1996 Interlocal Amendment b "Subject to the terms of this agreement, the County will provide Conservation Futures Levy Funds in the amount shown in Attachment A, B and C. The City may request additional funds; however, the County has no obligation to provide funds to the City in excess of the amount shown in Attachments A,B and C." In all other respects,the terms, conditions, duties and obligations of both parties shall remain the same as agreed to in the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement. This document shall be attached to be a part of the existing Interlocal Cooperative Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, authorized representatives of the parties hereto have signed their names in the spaces set forth below: KING COUNTY CITY OF NT i Gary Locke King County Executive Ma r Date Date Acting under the authority of Acting under the authority of Ordinance Resolution No. Dated: Approved as to form: Approved as to form: NORM MALENG City Attorney King County Prosecuting Attorney ATTEST: 4Cityerk 2 September 25,1996 Interlocal Amendment A ATTACHMENT C 1994/95 CONSERVATION FUTURES CITY OF SEATTLE AND SUBURBAN CITIES ALLOCATIONS Jurisdiction Proiect Allocation Seattle Greenspace Additions $ 479,000 Ballard/Greenwood Neighborhood Open Space $ 436,347 Thornton Creek Watershed(Victory Creek) 110 000 Seattle Subtotal $1,025,347 Bellevue Lewis Park Addition $ 400,000 Des Moines McSorely Creek $ 100,000 Issaquah Issaquah Creek Greenway $ 150,000 Kent Kent Southeast Boundary OS $ 200,000 North Bend/Snoqualmie Meadowbrook Farm L 500 000 Suburban Subtotal $1,350,000 TOTAL $2,375,347 Conditions City of Seattle- Greenspace Additions: This project is for greenspace additions in the Duwamish Head Greenbelt, and in the Maple School Natural Area. These properties were identified as priorities in the City's 1993 Urban Greenspaces Policy. The Duwamish Head Greenbelt property is highly visible from downtown Seattle;has an excellent view of the City, Elliot Bay and the Cascades,which are threatened by development. The Maple School ravine property is adjacent to Graham Street, an east/west arterial between the Duwamish valley and the Beacon Hill Neighborhood. City of Seattle -Ballard/Greenwood Neighborhood Open Space: The goal of this project is to acquire needed open space in a densely populated Seattle community that is currently under- served. The local community has conducted an impressive grass roots open space identification planning process that has yielded over 100 possible sites for local open space acquisitions. The community has agreed to identify a final list of properties for acquisitions,that are located along the Interurban North Trail and will complement this regional facility. 3 September 25,1996 Interlocal Amendment City of Seattle-Thornton Creek Watershed (Victory Creek): This project includes a wooded .16 acre parcel that contains the confluence of Thornton and Victory Creeks, in Northeast Seattle. This property complements additional nearby city acquisitions and street vacations and meets the criteria for the Urban Waterways 2000 program. Suburban Cities City of Bellevue -Lewis Park Addition: This 14-acre scenic property is located on Lakemont Boulevard and is the last remaining large parcel contiguous to Bellevue's 35-acre Lewis Park. The park is located south of I-90, where 1/3 of the City's residents live today, in a neighborhood with intense development pressure. Bellevue is providing a significant match of$1.5 million from its adopted CIP program, and has applied for $500,000 in state IAC funds. City of Des Moines -McSorely Creek: This project is a 9 acre wooded open space, located on 16" Avenue in Des Moines. The property contains McSorely Creek and is connected by a trail to a local elementary school. The property is offered for sale to the City at a significant discount, less than one quarter of its appraised value, because the owner wishes to see it preserved in perpetuity. Acquisition of this parcel will also help the city meet its shortfall of 50 acres of open space identified in its adopted comprehensive plan. City of Issaquah -Issaquah Creek Greenway Phase I: This 8 acre project consists of seven previously-approved platted lots located in a floodplain along Issaquah Creek off the Issaquah- Hobart Road. The site is surrounded by open space.dedicated through an adjacent development and will be a link in the City's local trail network,which passes through the nearby Issaquah High School. Acquisition of this site will also help the City better protect this salmon-bearing creek and contribute to its greenway project. The City will also remove a paved road into the properties as part of the proposed site restoration. Geographic balance in funding supports only partial funding of this application. City of Kent-Kent Southeast Boundary Open Space: This project is a wooded 14.5 acre site containing an intermittent stream, located on the city's southeast boundary along State Route 18. The property is part of a proposed combined open space and ballfield park in an area that is one of the most rapidly urbanizing communities in King County, a community with a deficit of open spaces. There are few remaining open space opportunities in this community and the City is working to identify local funds for acquisition of the ballfield portion of the adjacent site. City of North Bend/Snoqualmie-Meadowbrook Farm: Located between the Cities of North Bend and Snoqualmie, Meadowbrook Farm is an exceptional open space with multiple benefits important to our region. This property is a key 54 acre inholding located in the most scenic portion of the farm, at the base of Mount Si. Interlocal Amendment 4 September 25, 1996 King County Offfice of Open Space Parks,Planning,and Resources Department 1621 Smith lhwer 506 Second Avenue Seattle,Washington 98104 (206)296-7800 February 4 , 1991 Ms. Helen Wickstrom City of Kent 220 4th Ave. So. Kent, WA 98032-5895 RE: Finalized Interlocal Agreement Document Dear Ms. Wickstrom: Enclosed for your permanent record is an original document of the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement between King County and your city regarding the Conservation Futures Fund. The document has been filed with the King County Records and Elections section, and has also been transmitted for filing with the Secretary of State, as required under R.C.W. 39 . 34 . 040. Please contact me if you have any questions on this matter. Sincerely, Carol V. Gagn at Acting Manager CVG:pao Enclosure cc: Pat Steel, Chief Financial Officer ATTN: Bruce Martin, Disbursements Supervisor Steve Oien, Budget Analyst Judy Chapman, Interlocal Coordinator