HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG1993-0975 - Original - Valley Communications Center - Cambridge Radio Site - 12/22/1993 TO: city of Kent Legal Department 220 4th Avenue South strwrttnacowowar Kent, WA 93032 LEASE SUBORDINATION AGREEME,�TT MW this d C"W of ►aiard as a cost~ Attn: Laurie Evezich ftmdlINftacftft I* • a +MAifi d tb Wdtanrq This TRI-PARTY AGREEMENT is made 19 , between THE CITY OF KENT, THE PORT OF SEATTLE, AND THE VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER as follows: WHEREAS, on October 27 , 1992 , the City of Kent entered into a 10 ,,p lease agreement with the Port of Seattle, for the purpose of Jrenting equipment space in a portion of a building located on real C. property owned by the City of Kent and known as the Cambridge Radio CD Site. A copy of such lease is attached as Exhibit A and 3 incorporated herein as if fully set forth; AND C?` WHEREAS, on February 18, 1993 , the City of Kent executed a Purchase and Sale Agreement with the Valley Communications Center (hereinafter Valley Com) for the sale of the 800 MHz Trunked Radio System and a Mobile Data Terminal System, and the Cambridge Radio site which included the building and radio tower (hereinafter "The System") . A copy of the Purchase and Sale Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein as if fully set forth; AND WHEREAS, by sale of The System to Valley Com on February 18, 1993 , the leasehold interest held by Lessee, Port of Seattle, is preserved and will remain in full force and effect for the length Cif of its original term; AND .tp WHEREAS, all payments of rent owed by the Port of Seattle for the lease of equipment space at the Cambridge Radio Site shall now be 2 made payable to Valley Com; AND WHEREAS, the City of Kent and Valley Com have executed a lease triad �Npnarat d ►acord as a cvoww (hereinafter "Master Lease" attached hereto as Exhibit C and 1"'11"0"" incorporated herein as if fully set forth) for the rental of the %Nfty Mr tM MUM a► arwiatma>crwt. real property upon which the Valley Com facilities, equipment and improvements are located; NOW THEREFORE, The City of Kent, The Port of Seattle, and Valley Com do hereby agree as follows: 1. That the Port of Seattle lease in Exhibit A be subordinated to the Master Lease in Exhibit C entered into between the City of Kent and the Valley Smw T a cam ho ti 6* dw oraarayl d Nord at a cwtaarar emu" and a cem no hawk IN ft tainatq or VAMP 0 tM dr WML C.0�+r Communications Center on the 1993 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Tri-Par ty ,AVreement an subscribed their names as of the � of O�- 1993 . C OF KENT LE STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) U) co CD I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Dan Kelleher is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Mayor of the City of Kent, Washington to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. • Q No ary Public in an for the tate of�� o Washington, residing L� ' A�8 1C •• My commission expires %Q �Pc rr '6F S T L BY TITLE M.R. MU MUM Scut STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I c tify that know or have satisfactory evidence that /2�iiyl0it �.d_� is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he or she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he or she was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Of t I Seattle, Washington to be the free and voluntary act of cr2 �a .ty"If�r the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for th State f s �U���Cti i� of Washington, residing a .� My commission expires VALLEY cMMUNICATIONS CENTER BY TITLE.10 - � �� O STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) O �1 0T` I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ,U ;��� ,,L,) is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that she signed this instrument, on oath stated that she was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Director of the Valley Communications Center to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in �4g instrument. G% Date: ,' C/ •�� Q' > O'• •� ✓`D' T r�% Public in and for the tate of —*-of �a�iington, residing at ' PUBL$4 ,-im"mission expires io - 2-y r WAS' gee "a.aa®sc*ee APPROVED AS FORM• APPROVED AS TO FORM: BY BY ' TITLE MA TITLE `r✓�i NSte` T-_%c VA-UL&`/ G;Y-A M u�'IC f-Tw4u") IIAA L TO: p ',�.(�'J starrart nee cwwey+4, C ty of Kent paced this aocumm a record as a customer Legal Department courtesy and S*Wfs ao 220 4th Avenue South 'tea&u ` Kent, WA 93032 Attn: Laurie Evezich EXHIBITA. LEASE AGREEMENT 1. PARTIES. This lease is executed on this �7 day of LC) October, 1992 , by and between the City of Kent, Lessor, and the CIO Port of Seattle, Lessee. The covenants contained in this lease are C made in consideration of our mutual undertakings and of the O leasehold granted. 2 . PREMISES. Lessor hereby leases to Lessee, a portion of J% certain real property located in the City of Kent, Washington known as the Cambridge Radio Site, the leasehold property described as follows: A. Equipment Row Space as specified in the floor plan a—r diagram attached as Exhibit A and by this reference Hincorporated into this lease. B. Equipment space on the adjacent radio tower for the purpose of mounting and operating specific antenna equipment and microwave dishes as specified in the diagram attached as Exhibit B and by this reference U) po incorporated into this lease. QP- C. The real property upon which the leased property is ~ situated is legally described in Exhibit C and by this reference incorporated into this lease. .•-a The parties agree that the Lessee' s equipment is yet to be installed. The Lessee shall conform installation of its equipment sfe0wtuftcmienonto these exhibits, except where the Lessor determines during paced this docaeeeat of installation or any time during the term of this lease, this rtcoro to . custom courtesy and ocospts acnodifications to the specifications in the exhibits are necessary f"hi'ft7fwtkecCerag0for efficient facility operations, in which case Lessee will make rghdify at the docaNWIt such modifications as directed by the Lessor. 3 . COMMON AREAS. The Lessor grants to the Lessee, for the use of Lessee 's authorized employees and technical personnel, the non- exclusive right to make reasonable and appropriate use of the common areas shown on the attached diagrams, Exhibit A and Exhibit B. Said right shall expire upon the termination of this lease. Common areas include all entrances, driveways, parking areas, loading and delivery docks and areas, walkways, trash and disposal facilities. Lessee' s rights shall, however, be subject to the similar rights of other Lessees; to Lessor' s ownership of, and general rights to control and make changes in the common areas; and Revert Tka campm pas pao0d this dacwneot of record as a custom& courtesy sod scemb 0 tishoity fop the seceregor n€•�e v; ��n IK,33H �INQOt NiN W 90:82:69 899@-*0T0*F "idity of the docivewL to the Lessee' s duty to bear a pro rata share of the costs of maintaining the common areas as provided for later in this lease. Lessee agrees that Lessee's authorized employees and technical personnel shall be subject to the site conduct regulations attached as Exhibit D and by this reference incorporated into this lease. 4. LESSOR'S CONTROL OF COMMON AREAS. All common areas upon which Lessee has a non-exclusive right of use, as provided for above, remain in the ownership and control of the Lessor. The Lessor has the exclusive power to construct and modify all such areas. S. TERM. This lease term shall be for five (5) years and shall begin on the 1st day of September, 1992, and end on the 31st day of August, 1997, unless sooner terminated as hereinafter provided. CO A. If for any reason whatsoever, the Lessor is unable '►n to deliver possession of the premises by the date O specified for the commencement of the term of this CD KT- lease, rent shall be abated until such date as C) possession of the premises is tendered by the Lessor, and in all other respects this lease shall �T- remain in full force and effect and the lease term (J` shall not be extended thereby. In no event shall Lessor be liable for damages caused by failure to deliver possession of the premises. If the Lessor does not deliver possession of the premises to Lessee within SIXTY (60) days after commencement of the term, Lessee can elect to terminate this lease by giving notice to the Lessor at any time before the date the Lessor delivers possession of the premises to the Lessee. B. This lease may be terminated by either party after a minimum 120 days written notice of an intention to do so. Upon Lessor' s receipt of such notice from the Lessee, Lessee shall remove all its equipment from the premises at its sole expense. If Lessee is not removed from the premises at the end of the 120 day notice period, Lessee may not enter the premises except upon written authorization of the Lessor. 6. RENT. Lessee promises to pay to the Lessor, a fixed rent of five hundred and no dollars ( $500. 00) per month ($1, 500. 00 per quarter) , payable quarterly in advance at the first day of each quarter. All rents shall be made payable to the CITY OF KENT and are to be received in the office of the: City of Kent Fire Department 24611 116th Avenue S.E. Kent, Washington 98031 7 . LATE PAYMENTS TAXES AND LICENSES. A. LATE PAYMENTS. THERE WILL BE A LATE COLLECTION CHARGE OF FIVE PERCENT (5%) OR THIRTY DOLLARS AND N0/100 ($30. 00) , whichever is greater, plus one percent (1%) per month interest for any delinquent rental not delivered to Lessor by the tenth (10th) day of the month. B. LICENSES AND TAXES. Lessee shall pay throughout the term of this lease, all applicable taxes, and all license and excise fees covering the business conducted on the premises. co S. USE. The Lessee promises during the term and extensions of co CDthis leasehold, fully to occupy the leased premises and to conduct r the following business there: O CDAn 800 MHZ trunked radio system to be used for the "I�T Lessee' s Police and Fire Departments and by other 011 emergency services organizations as determined by the Lessee. The Lessee agrees to discuss at a future date the integration of its system with the Lessor' s 800 MHZ system, and/ or a regional 800 MHZ system. 9. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. In using the premises, Lessee will comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations, from any and all authorities having jurisdiction. The Lessee specifically agrees to comply and pay all costs associated with achieving such compliance without any notice of requirement or requirements from Lessor, and that Lessor does not waive this section by giving notice of demand for compliance in any instance. 10. INDEMNIFICATION. Both parties agree that as to all claims, actions, or causes of action of whatever kind or nature including those by any person directly or indirectly employed by either party made or asserted against either or both parties and relating in 3 any way to the subject matter of this lease each will be liable to the other only to the extent of each party' s fault or causation and shall indemnify the other for such amount. As to all such claims, actions or causes of action which are the sole fault, negligence, or causation of a party to this lease agreement, such party shall have a duty to defend, save, and hold the other harmless, and upon failure to do so shall pay reasonable attorneys fees, costs and expenses incurred by the other party to this lease agreement in defense of any such third party claims for actions or in asserting its rights pursuant to this paragraph. 11. LIABILITY INSURANCE. Lessee shall, at Lessee' s expense, maintain commercial general liability insurance, insuring against any and all claims for injury to or death of persons and loss of or damage to property occurring upon, in or about the premises as a result of the acts or omissions of Lessee, its agents, employees, invitees or licensees. Such insurance shall have liability limits of not less than $1, 000, 000. 00 in respect of one occurrence or Z0 accident, and not less than $2 , 000, 000. 00 annual aggregate. All U-) such insurance shall name Lessor as an additional insured, with co severability of interests indorsement. V CJ All such insurance shall be issued by carriers acceptable to Lessor and shall contain a provision whereby the carrier agrees not to 'Ict cancel or materially modify the insurance without thirty days prior written notice to the Lessor. On or before taking possession of this lease, Lessee shall furnish nish Lessor with a Certificate of Insurance including a copy the endorsement naming the Lessor as an additional insured, evidencing the aforesaid insurance coverage, and renewal certificates shall be issued to the Lessor at least thirty days prior to the expiration date of each policy for which a certificate was therefore furnished. The Lessor reserves the right to a certified copy of the policy on request. No use shall be made or permitted to be made of the premises, nor acts done, which will increase the existing rate of insurance upon the premises (without consent of Lessor and compensation for increased premiums) or cause the cancellation of any insurance policy covering the premises, or any part thereof, nor shall Lessee sell, or permit to be kept, used or sold, in or about the premises, any article which may be prohibited by the standard form of property insurance policies. Lessee shall, at its sole cost and 4 expense, comply with any and all requirements, pertaining to the premises. 12. LESSEE EQUIPMENT AND IMPROVEMENTS. A. Lessee shall submit to Lessor detailed plans and specifications for the installation of its equipment and improvements to the leasehold space within sixty (60) days after the execution of this lease. Standards attached in Exhibit E shall be observed and by this reference incorporated into this lease. Lessee will begin installation of the equipment and improvements no later than sixty (60) days after the CO approval of the plans and specifications, and shall be n completed within six months. 00 O B. If Lessee substantially fails to install the rJ equipment and improvements required by this lease, LD this lease shall be terminated and all rentals paid shall be forfeited to the Lessor. U` C. Lessee agrees to install all equipment and improvements at its sole cost. D. Lessee shall, at Lessee ' s sole expense, perform all reasonable maintenance of and keep in good repair the equipment and improvements to be installed in the Cambridge Radio Site Building and the adjacent radio tower. Said equipment and improvements shall be maintained to the satisfaction of the Lessor. All RF equipment or improvements installed shall meet or exceed the standards attached in Exhibit E and by this reference incorporated into this lease. E. Lessee shall make no alterations or improvements to or upon the premises or install any fixtures without first obtaining written approval from Lessor. F. Unless otherwise stipulated to by Lessor, all improvements or alterations erected or made on the premises shall, upon expiration or earlier termination of this lease, belong to Lessor without compensation to the Lessee, however, Lessor shall have the option to be 5 exercised on expiration or earlier termination of the lease, to require the Lessee, at Lessee' s expense, to remove any or all such improvements or alterations. Radio system equipment installed by Lessee will not be considered an improvement or an alteration. 13. CONDITION OF PREMISES. The Lessee has inspected and knows the condition of the premises, and it is understood and agreed that the premises are leased on an "as is" basis without any obligation on the part of the Lessor to make any changes, improvements, or to incur any expenses whatsoever for the maintenance or repair of the premises. 14. CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS. Lessor shall not be liable to the Lessee for claims or damages arising from any defect in the construction of or the present condition of the premises, whether known or unknown, or for damage by storm, rain or leakage or any other occurrence. CO 15. MAINTENANCE. Lessee shall throughout the term of this lease, Ln without cost or expense to Lessor, keep and maintain the leased co premises and all improvements, fixtures and equipment which may now •<r or hereafter exist thereon, in a neat, clean and sanitary U condition, and shall except for reasonable wear and tear, at all times preserve the premises in good and safe repair. Upon the d- expiration or sooner termination of the lease, Lessee shall 0" forthwith return the same in as good condition as that existing at the commencement of occupancy, ordinary wear and tear excepted. 16. FORCE MAJEURE - SUSPENSION. Lessor' s failure to perform any of its obligations under this lease, including a loss of service, shall be excused if due to causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Lessor, including but not restricted to acts of God, acts of the public enemy, acts of any government, fires, floods, earthquakes, and strikes. 17 . ENTIRE AGREEMENT- AMENDMENTS. This lease and the exhibits and attachments referred to in it constitute the full and final agreement of the parties on all subjects contained within it. All prior negotiations and agreements are merged into this lease. No subsequent agreement may modify this lease unless it is in writing and signed by the parties or their authorized agents. 18. LIENS. Lessee will not permit any mechanics, labor, or materialman liens to stand against the lease premises for any labor or materials furnished to Lessee or claimed to have been furnished 6 to Lessee or to Lessee's agents, contractors, or sublessees, in connection with work of any character performed or claimed to have been performed on said premises or improvements by or at the direction or sufferance of Lessee; provided however, that Lessee shall have the right to contest the validity or amount of any such lien or claimed lien. In the event of such contest, Lessee shall give to Lessor reasonable security as may be demanded by Lessor to insure payment thereof and prevent any sale, foreclosure or forfeiture of the premises or improvements by reason of such non- payment. Lessee will immediately pay a judgment rendered with all proper costs and charges and shall have such liens released or judgment satisfied at Lessee' s own expense. 19. SURRENDER OF PREMISES. At the expiration or earlier termination of this lease, Lessee shall promptly surrender possession of the premises to Lessor, and shall deliver to Lessor all keys that it may have to any and all parts of the premises. 20. DEFAULT AND RE-ENTRY. If any rents above reserved, or other obligations provided herein, or any part thereof, shall be and remain unpaid when the same shall become due, or if Lessee shall Ln violate or default on any of the covenants and agreements herein COcontained, then Lessor may cancel this lease upon failure to cure `J after following thirty (30) days notice to cure such deficiency, O and re-enter said premises, using such force as may be required. Notwithstanding such re-entry by Lessor, the liability of the ,.tzr Lessee for the rent provided for herein shall not be extinguished lT for the balance of the term of this lease, and Lessee covenants and agrees to make good to Lessor any deficiency arising from a re- entry and reletting of the premises at a lesser rental than agreed to herein. The Lessee shall pay such deficiency each month as the amount thereof is ascertained by Lessor. In the event it becomes reasonably necessary to make any changes, alterations or additions to the premises or any part thereof for the purpose of reletting said premises or any part thereof, Lessee shall also be responsible for such cost. 21. ADVANCES BY CITY OF KENT FOR LESSEE. If Lessee fails to pay any fees or perform any of its obligations under this lease other than payment of rent, Lessor, city of Kent, will mail notice to Lessee of its failure to pay or perform. Twenty (20) days after mailing notice, if Lessee' s obligation remains unpaid or unperformed Lessor may pay or perform these obligations at Lessee's expense. Upon written notification to Lessee of any costs incurred by Lessor under this paragraph, Lessee will reimburse Lessor within twenty (20) days. 7 22. SIGNS. No sign, advertisement, notice or other lettering will be exhibited, inscribed, painted or affixed by Lessee on any part of the outside of the premises without the prior written consent of Lessor; provided, that such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Lessee violates this provision, Lessor may remove the sign without any liability, and may charge the expense incurred by such removal to the Lessee; provided, however, Lessor shall give Lessee written notice of Lessee' s violation of this provision and Lessee shall have forty-eight (48) hours after receiving said notice to comply with the terms of this provision. All signs erected or installed by Lessee shall be subject to any federal, state or local statutes, ordinances or regulations applicable to signs. 23. INSPECTION. Lessor reserves the right to inspect the premises at any and all reasonable times throughout the term of this lease; provided, that Lessor shall not interfere unduly with Lessee' s operations. The right of inspection reserved to Lessor hereunder shall impose no obligation on Lessor to make inspections to CO ascertain the condition of the premises, and shall impose no `O liability upon Lessor for failure to make such inspections. CCU V 24. ASSIGNMENT OR SUBLEASE. O c) A. Lessee shall not assign or transfer this lease or any 'lzr interest therein nor sublet the whole or any part of the 01% premises, nor shall this lease or any interest thereunder be assignable or transferable by operation of law or by any process or proceeding of any court, or otherwise, without the written consent of Lessor first had and obtained, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Lessor shall give its consent to any assignment or sublease, this paragraph shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect and no further assignment or sublease shall be made without the Lessor's consent. B. If Lessee desires to assign, transfer, or sublease any portion of this lease or any interest therein, it shall notify Lessor in writing of said desire to assign or transfer and the details of the proposed agreement, at least thirty (30) days prior to the proposed date of assignment, transfer, or sublease to a third party. The notification shall include, but not be limited to a financial statement of the proposed assignee, including but not limited to a full disclosure of the monetary 8 payment or any other considerations involved, and an affidavit from the proposed assignee stating he has examined this lease, understands this lease, agrees to assume and be bound by all of the Lessee's obligations and covenants under this lease, the same as if it were the original Lessee hereunder, and the proposed date of assignment, transfer or sub-lease. C. Lessor will review the request and respond with either an approval or disapproval of the request not later than ten (10) days prior to the proposed date. Disapproval of any such request shall be final and binding on the Lessee and not subject to any arbitration, provided that any approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Lessor shall charge to the Lessee a reasonable fee for administrative costs in reviewing and processing any assignment or sublease. Lessee may assign this lease to any wholly owned subsidiary without obtaining Lessor's consent or CO payment of fees. Ln CO D. It is understood and acknowledged to by Lessee that as a result of current efforts to establish a regional radio CD network and the need to work inside of sub-regional CD system ownership and management groups, Valley IKT Communications may end up purchasing Lessor's system and CrN expanding it to serve all cities served by Valley Communications. Should this occur, Valley Communications may also end up owning and managing the leasehold site herein. In such event, Lessee consents to assignment of this lease by Lessor to Valley Communications. 25. CONDEMNATION. A. Lessor and Lessee will give to the other immediate written notice of the receipt of notice of any proceedings with respect to a condemnation and of any intention of any authority to exercise the power of eminent domain. B. If all of the premises are taken by any lawful authority under the power of eminent domain for a period which will end on or extend beyond the expiration of the term of this lease, this lease terminates as of the date condemnor takes possession, and Lessee will have no claim or interest in or to any award of just compensation except that the Lessee will be entitled to an amount 9 equal to the fair market value of the Lessee's leasehold interest in any improvement taken by the condemnor made to the premises by the Lessee, but not to exceed the amount of that part, if any, of the award attributable to the value of the improvements. C. If part of the premises is taken by any lawful authority under the power of eminent domain for a period which will end on or extend beyond the expiration of the term of this lease, Lessor or Lessee may choose to terminate this lease as of the date the condemnor takes possession. If neither Lessor nor Lessee elects to terminate this lease, the rent will be reduced in the same proportion that the value of the portion of the premises to be taken bears to the value of the entire premises as of the date condemnor takes possession. Lessee will have no claim or interest in or to any award of just compensation or damages except that the Lessee will be entitled to an amount equal to the fair market value of the Lessee' s leasehold interest ,O in the part taken by the condemnor of any improvements CO made to the premises by the Lessee, but not to exceed the CDamount of that part, if any, of the award attributable to CD the value of the improvements. i� D. If temporary use of all or a portion of the premises is taken by any lawful authority for a period, which would Q` reduce the leasehold and consequently, would cause the premises to be untenantable for the use by Lessee for the purposes set forth in the section of this lease titled "Use, " at Lessee' s determination, then Lessor or Lessee may choose to terminate this lease. If Lessor or Lessee elect to terminate this lease, the lease will terminate the date the condemnor takes possession and Lessee will have no claim or interest in or to any award of just compensation except that the Lessee will be entitled to an amount equal to the fair market value of the Lessee's leasehold interest in any improvements made to the premises by the Lessee. If neither Lessor or Lessee elects to terminate this lease, the lease will continue in full force and Lessee will be entitled to receive any award from the condemnor for the use of all or part of the premises, EXCEPT that Lessee may elect to have the rents reduced by the amount proportionally attributable to any partial temporary taking, in which event the Lessee shall not be entitled to any portion of the award attributable to said use. 10 E. It is understood and agreed that Lessee shall not be party to any negotiation or proceedings at law wherein Lessor claims compensation other than that which is defined statutorily as constituting "just compensation. " 26. ANTI-DISCRIMINATION. In all services or activities, and all hiring or employment made possible by or resulting from this lease there shall be no discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of sex, age (except minimum age and retirement provisions) , race, color, creed, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical handicap, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification. This requirement shall apply to but not be limited to the following: employment, advertising, lay-off or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Lessee shall not violate any of the terms of R. C.W. 49 . 60, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 , or any other applicable federal, state, CO or local law or regulations regarding non-discrimination. Any r violation of this provision shall be considered a violation of a CD material provision of this lease and shall be grounds for ct cancellation, termination, or suspension, in whole or in part, of CD the lease by the Lessor and may result in ineligibility for further CD City agreements. The Lessee will also comply with other anti- C7' discrimination laws or requirements of any and all jurisdictions U` having authority. 27. HEIRS, AGENTS AND ASSIGNS. Without limiting any provisions of this lease pertaining to assignment and subletting, the provisions of this lease bind the heirs, legal representatives, successors, agents and assigns of any of the parties to this lease. 28. HOLDING OVER. If the Lessee holds over after the expiration or earlier termination of the term hereof without the express written consent of Lessor, Lessee shall become a tenant at sufferance only, at a rental rate equal to one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the rent in effect upon the date of such expiration (prorated on a daily basis) , and otherwise subject to the terms, covenants and conditions herein specified, so far as applicable. Acceptance by Lessor of rent after such expiration or earlier termination shall not result in a renewal of this lease nor affect Lessor' s right of re-entry or any rights of Lessor hereunder or as otherwise provided by law. If Lessee fails to surrender the premises upon the expiration of this Lease despite demand to do so by Lessor, Lessee shall indemnify and hold Lessor harmless from all loss or liability, including without limitation, any claim made by 11 any succeeding Lessee founded on or resulting from such failure to surrender and together with interest, attorney's fees and costs. 29. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. Lessee shall not, without first obtaining Lessor' s prior written approval, generate, release, spill, store, deposit, transport, or dispose of (collectively "Release") any hazardous substances, sewage, petroleum products, radioactive substances, medicinal, bacteriological, or disease- producing substances, hazardous materials, toxic substances or any pollutants, or substances defined as hazardous or toxic in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations in any reportable quantities ("Hazardous Substances") in or about the Premises. In the event, and only in the event, King County approves such Release of Hazardous Substances on the Premises, Lessee agrees that such Release shall occur safely and in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Lessee shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Lessor from any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, cleanup costs, response costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees arising out of or in any way related to the Release by Lessee, or any of its agents, representatives, or employees, or co the presence of such Hazardous Substances in, on or about the cn Premises occurring at any time after the Commencement Date. Iq30. NOTICES. Whenever notice must be given by one party to the CD other under this lease, such notice shall be in writing and shall CD be delivered personally or mailed by registered or certified mail 'd' to the following address: S To: The City of Kent Norm Angelo, Fire Chief Kent Fire Department 24611 116 Avenue S.E. Kent, Washington 98031 To: The Port of Seattle Doug Holbrook, Asst. Director of Aviation Operations Port of Seattle, Seattle Tacoma International Airport P.O. Box 68727 Seattle, Washington 98168 or to other such respective addresses as either party hereto may hereafter designate in writing. 31. NON-WAIVER. No failure of the Lessor to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this lease shall be 12 construed as depriving the Lessor of the right to insist on strict performance of such provision or any other provision in the future. No waiver by Lessor of any provision of this lease shall be deemed to have been made unless expressed in writing and signed by the Lessor. No acceptance of rent or any other payment by Lessor by Lessee after any default by Tenant shall constitute a waiver of any such default or any other default. Consent by Lessor in any one instance shall not dispense with necessity of consent by Lessor in any other instance. 32 . ATTORNEYS FEES. If an action be commenced to enforce any of the provisions of this lease, the prevailing party shall, in addition to its other remedies, be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees. 33. CAPTIONS AND CONSTRUCTION. The captions in this lease are for the convenience of the reader and are not to be considered in the interpretation of its terms. 34. REMEDIES CUMULATIVE. The remedies to which the Lessor may co resort under the terms of this lease are cumulative and are not � intended to be exclusive of any other remedies or means of redress O to which the Lessor may lawfully be entitled in case of any breach ITT or threatened breach by Lessee of any provision of this lease. O O 35. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. Time is of the essence to this lease. 11' (?� 36. SEVERABILITY. If any term or provision of this lease or the application of any term or provision to any person or circumstance is invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this lease, or the application of the term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected and will continue in full force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this lease and subscribed their names as of the of 1992 . 13 LESSOR: CITY OF KENT BY Yl„ TITLE_ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Dan Kelleher is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Mayor of the City of Kent, Washington to be the free and voluntary v act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the L7 instrument. c� 1 CD qrlr CD Date: Stateof Notary Public in and for the CD of Washington, residing at My commission expires /6,---4- y ON LESSEE: PORT OF SEATTLE .`° SAS.G�eF��♦♦ o NOrI'MY l� I. BY - - - 2 = PUBLICZ. . 2 s�o TITLE _ / , '. 9 •. ! ,eve, .• ♦♦��i��i00 WAsO�• 14 EXHIBIT "A" 1 ; POWER POLE 46 r OUTSIDE FENCE I 1 f APPROX 10'DRIVE GATE + 1 r 1 FENCE- TOWER BASE 19' TOP 40 FEET HAS B' ACE I + 1 I I Cf) g 1 I r Z I PORT ADDED HORIZONTAL& I = 1 VERTICAL WAVEGUIDE SUPPORTSCD 5' I o r I 75'I BATTERY AND UPS SYSTEMS I PORT UPS EQUIPMENT(4.5) � I + $ ------------------ I 1 N I PORTADDED � I GENERATOR y00�y + (APPROKGXIZ) F- ------------------ I t e is, I 1 N -III + I 1 I PORT RADIQ EQUIPMENT(13_25'L + I I I + I r I I I + 21' MEN I r I I I r I T GATE SCALE: 1/8' - 1 FOOT FILENAME:EXHIBITA.DRW I DRAWN BY:KEVIN LEARNS 51 ' LAST REVISED:09/02/92 I EXHIBIT "B" PROPOSED PORT ANTENNA PLACEMENT ON KENT CAMBRIDGE RADIO TOWER 140 ACTUAL TOWER HEIGHT MAXIMUM HEIGHT WITH APPURTENANCES 146 150' VALLEY COM VHF RX VOTER KENT TRUNK SYSTEM RX ANTENNA KENT M1W TO SQUAK A 140' PORT M/W TO AIRPORT 130' 120' KENT MDT TX/RX ANTENNA KENT TRUNK SYSTEM TX ANTENNA _______________ _ ____ 110' ESTIMATED TREE HEIGHT PORT TX ANTENNAS 100' 90' CO 80' Ln co `,� 70' O '-a' 60' 50' 40' 30' 20' DRAWING NOT ORIENTED NORTH/SOUTH SCALE 112" = APPROX. 10 FEET 10' TOWER BASE 19' FILENAME:EXHIBITB.DRW NORTH WEST EAST GROUND LEVEL DRAWN BY:KEMIN ED KEARNS LEG LEG LEG EXHIBIT "C" KENT'S CAMBRIDGE RADIO SITE 407.49' N TREED AREA LOCATIONS NOT ACTUAL/ 320.61' COUNT APPROXIMATE 110, 0 0 o ° ° ° ° ° ° ° LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ° ° ° ° ° ° ° TAX LOT#157, IN THE NW OTR OF THE S% ° OF SECTION 27,TOWNSHIP 22, RAI JGE 4, ° EAST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDI N, KIN( O i 0 0 0 0 N 50'OIAMETE o j o _ i 0 0 ° PROPOSED BUILDING(21'X 231 °° °° _ ° AND TOWER(19'BASE) $D co L (V C� co ^ POWER/RIONE SERVICE V ._......_._..._.._. NEW POLE FIRE STATION FENCE LD r F-- - 12 i ON � i co POWER SERVICE N 20' WEST HILL FIRE STATION/ a 240' POLICE SUBSTATION 60' I 656.21' MILITARY ROAD SOUTH APPROXIMATE SCALE 1" = 100' FILENAME:EXHIBITC.DRW LAST REVISED:08/25/92 DRAWN BY:KEVIN KEARNS EXHIBIT "D" SITE CONDUCT REGULATIONS Security and Access: There are three (3) gates with locks that need to be managed at the site. The outer drive gate and the inner drive gate have a number of locks in series. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT THE LOCK SERIES BE PROPERLY MAINTAINED WHEN SECURING THE SITE SO AS NOT TO LOCK OUT OTHER AUTHORIZED ACCESS. Locks should be locked when you are inside the site so they are not stolen by kids while you are inside working. One numbered copy of all required keys will be issued to the Port of Seattle for use by all your authorized personnel. No duplication of these keys is allowed. The equipment room has an entry alarm. Valley Com will dispatch Kent Police to the site if the alarm is activated and the person inside does not have the proper security code. Care should be taken to make sure the alarm is reactivated when leaving. There are HALON and pressure water extinguishers on-site. If you have used them immediately report this to the site manager so they can be serviced. al to Any problems with any of the security aspects of the site should be reported immediately to the site manager. O 0 Equipment of Others: d 01% Common site courtesy dictates that on-site personnel only access their own equipment and make no access, use or adjustment to the equipment of others. If there is a need to do so, the site manager should be contacted to arrange such access. There is a safety belt with safety cable attachment at the site which can be used as needed for tower work. Please see that it is treated properly and gets returned to its storage location when used. Site Upkeep: There is no garbage pickup service at the site. All waste material should be removed from the site at the end of each work session. There is a small waste basket on-site that can be emptied in the dumpster located on the south end of the fire station parking lot. The site should be broomed after any work. This includes wire ends and clippings. Periodic vacuum cleaning is also appropriate. REPORT ANY PROBLEMS TO THE SITE MANAGER PROMPTLY f EXHIBIT "F" WESTERN WASHING70N COOPERATIVE INTERFERENCE COMMITTEE WESTERN WASHINGTON COOPERATIVE INTERFERENCE COMMITTEE WWCIC ENGINEERING STANDARD #6 REV B. (11-88) FOR EMISSION DESIGNATOR 20A0 thru 3 & 20FO thru 3 All communications fixed transmitter installations shall employ isolators or alternative techniques meeting the same criteria, to minimize spurious radiation and intermodulation products. Additional filtering required according to frequency and interconnect devices are listed below: 1. Transmitters in the 25 to 54 MHz range shall have isolation of at least 20 dB followed by a low pass filter, then a band pass filter or cavity providing a minimum of 30 dB attenuation removed 1.0 MHz from the operating frequency. 2. Transmitters in the 66 to 88 MHz range shall have at least 25 dB of isolation followed by a band pass cavity providing at least 20 dB of attenuation 1.0 MHz from the operating frequency. 00 3. Transmitters in the 130 to 225 MHz range shall have at least 50 dB of CD isolation followed by a low pass filter and band pass cavity with a minimum of 25 dB attenuation 1.0 MHz removed from the operating frequency. 4. Transmitters in the 400 to 470 MHz range shall have at least 50 dB of isolation followed by a low pass filter and band pass cavity with a minimum of 15 dB of attenuation 1.0 MHz removed from the operating frequency. 5. Transmitters in the 806 to 960 MHz range shall have at least 50 dB of isolation followed by a low pass filter and band pass cavity with a minimum of 15 dB of attenuation 1.0 MHz removed from the operating frequency. The following general engineering standards shall be observed: I. A band pass cavity or crystal filter is recommended at the input of all receivers. Its purpose is to protect against RF energy "off frequency" from mixing in a non-linear device such as the first RF amplifier in a receiver, which can re-radiate causing interference. 2. The band reject duplexer (cross notch duplexer) may not be used without a cavity/isolator outlined above. 3. Single braid coax cable is prohibited. Double shielded cable must have over 98.5% shield coverage. 4. Jacketed coaxial cable is required, unjacketed transmission line of any type is prohibited. One Newport, Suite 414, 3605-132nd Ave. SE, Bellevue, WA 98006 23/3065/20 01/03/89 5. Use of "N" or "TNC" connectors is preferred over other non constant - impedance types. Every effort should be made to prevent the use of coax adaptors. 6. All equipment is to be grounded and shielded. Grounding is to be done with copper strap or heavy braid to a station ground grid. The "green wire" of the AC power plug is not an acceptable grounding point. 7. Transmitting systems must be checked periodically, which includes the isolator, VSWR on the load port of the isolator and overall system insertion loss. S. Bare metallic ties are prohibited for securing transmission lines to towers. In the case of large lines, use of stainless steel or galvanized hangers is permitted. Hardware capable of rusting and dissimilar metals are prohibited. Transmission lines are to be insulated from metallic structures/objects. It is the duty of the installation personnel to prevent "diode junctions" from taking place. co 9. - All loose wire or metal objects are be removed from the tower and- site. � Metal fencing should be plastic coated. 0 "KT 10. All equipment shall be licensed and operated in full accordance with all CD applicable rules and regulations of the regulating agency (FCC, NTIA). There O shall be no modifications which violate "FCC Type Acceptance." mot' 11. It is recommended that all equipment be labeled with the owners name and a current 24-hour telephone contact number (service agency is acceptable). 12. Every effort should be made to protect the equipment from lightning damage. Feed-through lightning protectors should be used on all coaxial cable connections to equipment enclosures. Gas, gap and MOV protectors should be used on control, audio, telephone and power connections. INTERFERENCE POLICY STATEMENT In the event radio interference (RI) occurs and the above standards are complied with, additional isolators, filters, cavities, etc. may be required to correct specific problems. Involved systems, not in full compliance with these standards, will be asked to comply immediately. The standards listed are minimums found to be- good engineering practice in the operation and maintenance of electronic sites. 23/3065/20 01/03/99 E)JIBITI. AGREEMENT BETWEEN VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER AND THE CITY OF KENT FOR PURCHASE BY VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER FROM THE CITY OF KENT OF 800 MEGAHERTZ TRUNKED RADIO SYSTEM AND MOBILE DATA TERMINAL COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 18th day of February, 1993, by and between Valley Communications Center, an administrative agency formed and existing pursuant to RCW 39 . 34 . 030 (3) (b) (hereinafter "Valley Com" ) , and the City of Kent, a municipal corporation, formed and existing under the laws of the state of Washington (hereinafter "Kent" ) . WHEREAS, Kent has purchased and developed an 800 megahertz .,.0 trunked radio system (hereinafter " 800 MHZ " system) , a mobile co data terminal communications system (hereinafter "MDT" ) and site CD qQ- CD facilities to support both systems; and � WHEREAS, Valley Com has budgeted for and has need of the MDT l?, system; and WHEREAS, the public has passed a levy for regional purchase and coordination of an 800 MHZ system; and WHEREAS, the 800 MHZ system involves the right to use certain frequency licenses including several 806-821/851-866 ( "80611 ) frequencies that have unique regulations and which are very valuable to the regional system; and WHEREAS, Valley Com would be in a more advantageous bargaining position as a subregion with respect to the use of the 800 MHZ system and the use of the "806" frequencies as well as the NPSPAC frequencies (821-824/866-869 ) ; and WHEREAS, the regional levy has provided adequate funds to either purchase the 800 MHZ system and use it, or, if the Interlocal Agreement Between Valley Conn and the City of Kent- 1 technology is outdated, to pay the owner of the 800 MHZ system for its initial investment; and WHEREAS, monies have been preliminary budgeted for the purpose of buying and using the 800 MHZ system or compensating the owner thereof for the system should the technology by outdated. NOW, THEREFORE, in mutual consideration of the covenants set forth below, the seller, City of Kent, and the purchaser, Valley Communications Center, do hereby agree to the purchase and sale of the 800 MHZ radio system and MDT system as follows . �10 1 . Bill of Sale: Kent does hereby bargain, sell and r convey unto Valley Com all right, title and interest to the 800 Ilzr O MHZ and MDT communications systems including frequency channels O 1r-r assigned and licensed thereto, as more particularly described in S Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth. 2 . Assignment of Frequencies: Kent does hereby agree to and does assign to Valley Com all frequencies licensed or controlled by Kent for the 800 MHZ and MDT systems and Kent agrees to take all necessary steps, except the payment of relicensing fees, to see that the licenses are properly transferred to Valley Com. 3 . Payment for 800 Trunked Radio System:_ Valley Com will pay $850, 000 . 00 for the system. It is understood that the money may come to Valley Com piecemeal and without any set time frame . Once the money becomes available to Valley Com it will be paid over to Kent. No interest will be charged. All payments must be Interlocal Agreement Between Valley Com and the City of Kent-2 made by the end of 1996 . However, if the full $850, 000 . 00 is not obtained from the levy or through sale of pieces of equipment through the levy, then the terms of payment will be renegotiated between Kent and Valley Com. 4 . MDT System and Site Development Payments: Valley Com will pay $322, 827 . 84 for the MDT system and site development costs to be paid over the years 1993 through 1996 . Kent will receive the first payment of $125, 000 . 00 in 1993, with three equal payments thereafter without interest. Kent and Valle Coma. V 3q P Ym Y have agreed to assign the purchase price under this paragraph, y, 9 -S° •,C ' with $135, 885 . 59 being assigned to site development costs and O 'd $186, 942 . 25 being assigned to MDT systems costs . U i� 5 . 800 and MDT Service Levels: Valley Com will set �i- functional standards and enforce them so that the service levels of the 800 MHZ and MDT systems will not degrade. If the functional standards are violated, then Valley Com must upgrade the systems , expand the systems, or allow no further users of the systems . In the event there is degradation of the service levels without adequate funding to upgrade or expand the systems, then this issue shall be reopened for further negotiation. 6 . Talk Groups: Valley Com will set standards for the use of talk groups and enforce them. To the extent that the standards allow discretionary use of talk groups, Kent will have the discretion to use the talk groups assigned to them in the fashion that it wishes , subject to Valley Com operational rules . The standard shall be designed so that there will be no degradation of existing communications systems service or Interlocal Agreement Between Valley Com and the City of Kent-3 capacity in talk groups . It is realized that the regional rules may alter this portion of the agreement, and this portion of the agreement is intended to be in effect until regional rules are adopted. 7 . Leases: Kent will assign the Port, of Seattle equipment space lease to Valley Com and will use its best efforts to assign the Squak Mountain lease to Valley Com. If undue problems occur in assigning the Squak Mountain lease to Valley Com, then it will be kept in Kent ' s name and Kent will allow Valley Com to use its lease with reimbursement to Kent for the direct costs of such a lease. Kent is -presently using its Cambridge tank site as a part of the 800 MHZ system and agrees to enter into a lease of O that portion of that property presently necessary for continued CD � use of the equipment necessary for the 800 MHZ . The parties agree to pay and accept fair market rental for the property. There is presently a proposal from Kent pending and Valley Com is reviewing that offer. If the parties cannot agree on a lease price or term, then the parties will appoint an arbitrator whose decision on all lease terms including price and duration of lease shall be final and binding upon both parties . If the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator then each party shall appoint their own arbitrator and the arbitrators shall appoint a third arbitrator. The majority decision of the arbitrators will be binding on the parties . The procedure on arbitration shall be controlled by the Superior Court Mandatory Arbitration Rules (MAR) and Local Rules (LRMAR) as much as is practical . The costs Interlocal Agreement Between Valley Com and the City of Kent-4 of arbitration, whether one person or three person arbitration, will be split between the parties . Valley Com and Kent agree to sign a lease document, whether arrived at through negotiation or arbitration. 8 . Maintenance and Upgrade: Valley Com will become responsible for the maintenance and necessary upgrades of the 800 MHZ and MDT systems upon signature of this agreement. 9 . Future Access: Valley Com will hereafter assume Kent ' s responsibilities for dealing with the Port of Seattle over any proposal to merge communication systems hereinafter. v, Likewise, Valley Com will be responsible for entertaining any Ln other proposals for access to, use or merger with the Valley Com pMDT and 800 MHZ systems following signature of this agreement. O t7` VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS CIT OF ENT By: By: Its : D n Kelleher, Mayor April 8, 1993 ATTEST By: City Cler Approve s to form: Approved as to form: ' Y. Lawrence J. /Warren R er A. u Ll City Attorney City11:02. Interlocal Agreement Between Valley Com and the City of Kent- 5 EXHIBIT A 800 MHz SMARTNLT TRUNKED RADIO SYSTEM, MOBILE DATA TERMINAL (MDT) SYSTEM AND RADIO SITES EQUIPMENT LIST The following listing indicates a general description of the facilities, equipment and frequencies that are considered a part of the systems being acquired by Valley Coin. Cambri&e Radio The Cambridge Radio Site has been developed on a parcel of land owned by the City of Kent, adjacent to their Cambridge water tank and situated behind Kent's West Hill Fire Station, located at 26512 Military Road South. The site is approximately 45' by 75' and is fenced. The site is serviced with single phase commercial power from Puget Power I-0 and has telco service (200 pair cable) from US West. There is no water to the site. The to site is also supported by an emergency generator which was provided by the Port of OSeattle as part of their lease agreement and remains a part of the site. The site is composed of two structures, a 140' Microflect antenna support tower (108- �a L850340) and a radio equipment building measuring approximately 28' by 23'. Detailed Q. construction drawings, plans, engineering documents and as-built photographs will be provided. The tower is fully developed with multiple waveguide ladders, climbing ladder, safety climb system and anti-climb guard. The building is a wood frame, slab-on-grade structure with thermostatically controlled ventilation/cooling. The building-is fully insulated. There is no air condirioning in the building. The building has smoke and heat detection, room temperature detection, door entry alarms and site power alarms, all integrated into . the Inttac alaiiu systein. There is also a complete overhead cable tray system. Audio and data communications with Valley Com are accomplished with Telco Systems digital channel bank equipment operating on a T-1 circuit (Circuit Number 6-UHDA- 0050) leased from t1S West. There are also two OPX circuits serving the site off Kent's PBX (OSNA 206-859-2862 40A and 40B), one for normal telephone use and the other to provide dial-in access to the SSMT. EXHIBIT A - PAGE 1 Vallev_Communications Center In general, the modifications and equipment additions done at Valley Com as a part of the system involved upgrades to the CentraCom II+ console system to make it compatible with Smartnet trunking, the addition of three (3) control stations in selected console positions and the implementation" of a' VHF-to-800 patch system to allow interoperability of all Valley Corn users. Also included was the T-1 link to the Cambridge site (including an inventory of spare channel bank and CSU cards) and the installation of Intrac alarm equipment. SQuak Mountain The lease at Squak Mountain is for 147 square feet of space in King County's facility. In general all system equipment is installed in what is known as the "guest room", with the exception of battery equipment which lives in the "battery room". The development of this site was essentially all "system" equipment, with the exception of electrical modifications in the guest room. 800 MHz Smartnet Trunked Radio System The system is a two-site simulcast trunked radio system with six (6) channels. The 110 Cambridge site is the "prime" site and Squak mountain is a "remote" site. The sites are to linked by a 6 gigahertz microwave system that is fully equipped for the current system CO capacity and includes an inventory of spare cards for critical components. The O microwave system is licensed under call sign WNTF934 on 6555.0000 MHz at Cambridge and call sign WNTF935 on 6825.0000 MHz at Squak Mountain. CD sThe Smartnet system utilizes the-following frequencies, which are licensed under call sign WNQC445: Channel ##1 808.3125/853.3125 MHz Channel #2 807.6125/852.6125 MHz Channel ##3 807.1125/852.1125 MHz Channel ##4 806.9625/851.9625 MHz Channel ##5 806.8125/851.8125 MHz Channel ##6 809.2875/854.2875 MHz EXHIBIT A - PAGE 2 System equipment is fully documented in aS-built documentation which is located and maintained at every site. In general this equipment includes: CentraCom II+ Central Electronics Bank (CEB) cards and components Main and Back-up Central System Controllers Site Controllers Digitac Comparators Simulcast control, optimization and test equipment, including Efratom rubidium standards at each site MSF5000 repeaters Antenna systems including combiners, multi-couplers, and line air compressors DC Backup power systems for microwave and MSF5000 transmitters UPS systems for control electronics Stand-alone System Manager Terminal (SSMT) with multi user capability. System Watch Terminal LO CC) Standard inventory of spare cards and components CD Local Assignment System (LAS) with Radio Service Software (RSS) for Spectra O and MTX820S radios O Intrac alarm monitoring system Q� Mobile Data Termi_nal_.(MDT) S• stern_ The MDT system operates from a single transmit location at the Cambridge site. The MDT system was developed as a stand-alone system and utilizes frequencies and antenna systems separate from the trunked system. Implementation of the MDT system included software modifications to the 'Valley Com Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system to provide MDT functionality and message switching capability. The MDT systtni utilizes the following frequencies, which are licensed under call sign WNQC446: 807.7125/852.7125 MHz System equipment is fully documented in as-built documentation which is located and maintained at every site. In general this equipment includes: Network Control Processor (NCP500) MSF5000 data base radio with GCC interface Antenna system EXHIBIT A - PAGE 3 11-W ran,Q."W wxvo of*Mmw K MALL TO: SW City ,cf Kent \� a�a Legal Department �e 220 4th Avenue South EXHOB Kent, WA 93032 L//�� Attn: Laurie Evezich LEASE AGREEMENT 1. PARTIES. This lease is executed on this day of Ai*gust— ^- 1993, by and between the City of Kent, a municipal corporation U') formed pursuant to RCW 35A, hereinafter Lessor, and the Valley co Communications Center, an administrative agency formed pursuant to � RCW 39. 34, hereinafter Lessee. The covenants contained in this CD lease are made in consideration of our mutual undertakings and of CD the leasehold granted. IId' (7% 2. PREMISES. Lessor hereby leases to Lessee, a portion of certain real property located in the City of Kent, Washington known as the Cambridge Radio Site, the leasehold property described as follows: "t A. The real property upon which the leased property is Z situated is legally described in Exhibit A attached �d and by this reference incorporated into this lease. .�.+ � Jo 3. COMMON AREAS. The Lessor grants to the Lessee, for the use of Lessee's authorized employees and technical personnel, the non- exclusive right to make reasonable and appropriate use of the common areas shown on Exhibit A. Said right shall expire upon the termination of this lease. Common areas include all entrances, driveways, parking areas, walkways. Lessee' s rights shall, however, be subject to Lessor's ownership of, and general rights to eas; and to the Lessee' s control and make changes in the common ar $Newrb"�raduty to bear a pro rata share of the costs of maintaining the amw � �,,,, *common areas as provided for later in this lease. Lessee agrees «wd as a that Lessee's authorized employees and technical personnel shall be "ad me" :subj ect to the site conduct regulations attached as Exhibit B Wft to&4 mom *why oftwe and by this reference incorporated into this lease. 4 . LESSOR'S CONTROL OF COMMON AREAS. All common areas upon which Lessee has a non-exclusive right of use, as provided for above, remain in the ownership and control of the Lessor. The Lessor has the exclusive power to construct and modify all such areas. S. TERM. The term of this lease shall be for one five (5) year term and shall begin on the 1st day of July, 1993 , and end on the 30th day of June, 1998, unless sooner terminated as hereinafter provided. The Lessee shall have the right to renegotiate this lease for three additional terms at a rental rate mutually agreeable to the parties. st,.wtraat k" Np•ya eft' 9TD SQ80338 AAN3 :,NIX W 90:nH:SD jSSg_*0TD*6 P*W &A ba"04 of road as a catmw ovM* WA s X I au M.ri11q to ttia"Va q ae w6dily of do dowwo* A. If for any reason whatsoever, the Lessor is unable to deliver possession of the premises by the date specified for the commencement of the term of this lease, rent shall be abated until such date as possession of the premises is tendered by the Lessor, and in all other respects this lease shall remain in full force and effect and the lease term shall not be extended thereby. In no event shall Lessor be liable for damages caused by failure to deliver possession of the premises. If the Lessor does not deliver possession of the premises to Lessee within SIXTY (60) days after commencement of the term, Lessee can elect to terminate this lease by giving notice to the Lessor at any time before the date the Lessor delivers possession of the premises to the Lessee. 6. TERMINATION. This lease may be terminated by the Lessor if the Lessee fails to perform a material term, condition or covenant of this lease. Ln cc A. Lessor must give Lessee prior written notice of any such C default and a minimum of one hundred-twenty days (120) to O cure. If Lessee fails to cure within 120 days or if Lessee's default is not subject to cure, this lease may be terminated by Lessor upon written notice of an intention to do so. Upon Lessee' s receipt of such notice from Lessor, Lessee shall be provided a reasonable time to remove all its equipment, improvements and its facility from the leased premises. Provided, however, radio tower footings shall not be considered equipment, improvements or a part of Lessee' s facility. B. Except as provided herein, Lessee agrees to restore the Cambridge Radio site to the satisfaction of Lessor, after the removal of its equipment, improvements and facility. C. This lease may be terminated by the Lessee if Lessor fails to perform a material, term, condition or covenant of this lease. 7. RENT. Lessee promises to pay to the Lessor, a fixed rent of one hundred and seventy dollars ($170. 00) per month ($510. 00 per 2 quarter) , payable quarterly in advance at the first day of each quarter. All rents shall be made payable to the CITY OF KENT WATER UTILITY and are to be received in the office of the: City of Kent Fire Department 24611 116th Avenue S.E. Kent, Washington 98031 S. LATE PAYMENTS TAXES AND LICENSES. A. LATE PAYMENTS. THERE WILL BE A LATE COLLECTION CHARGE OF FIVE PERCENT (5%) OR THIRTY DOLLARS AND N0/100 ($30.00) , whichever is greater, plus one percent (1%) per month interest for any delinquent rental not delivered to Lessor by the tenth (loth) day of the month. B. LICENSES AND TAXES. Lessee shall pay throughout the term of this lease, all applicable taxes, and t� all license and excise fees covering the business LO conducted on the premises. co O9. USE. The Lessee promises during the term and extensions of this leasehold, fully to occupy the leased premises and to conduct 3 the following business there: V' � A public safety radio system including an 800 MHz trunked radio system to be used for the Lessee's Police and Fire Departments and by other emergency services organizations or governmental communications needs as determined by the Lessee. 10. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. In using the premises, Lessee will comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations, from any and all authorities having jurisdiction. The Lessee specifically agrees to comply and pay a ll costs associated with achieving such compliance without any notice of requirement or requirements from Lessor, and that Lessor does not waive this section by giving notice of demand for compliance in any instance. 11. INDEMNIFICATION. Both parties agree that as to all claims, actions, or causes of action of whatever kind or nature including those by any person directly or indirectly employed by either party made or asserted against either or both parties and relating in any way to the subject matter of this lease each will be liable to 3 any way to the subject matter of this lease each will be liable to the other only to the extent of each party' s fault, negligence, or causation and shall indemnify the other for such amount. As to all such claims, actions or causes of action which are the sole fault, negligence, or causation of a party to this lease agreement, such party shall have a duty to defend, save, and hold the other harmless, and upon failure to do so shall pay reasonable attorneys fees, costs and expenses incurred by the other party to this lease agreement in defense of any such third party claims for actions or in asserting its rights pursuant to this paragraph. 12 . LIABILITY INSURANCE. Lessee shall, at Lessee' s expense, maintain commercial general liability insurance, insuring against any and all claims for injury to or death of persons and loss of or damage to property occurring upon, in or about the premises as a result of the acts or omissions of Lessee, its agents, employees, invitees or licensees. Such insurance shall have liability limits of not less than $1, 000, 000. 00 in respect of one occurrence or V) accident, and not less than $2 , 000, 000. 00 annual aggregate. All cJ such insurance shall name Lessor as an additional insured, with a severability of interests indorsement. O All such insurance shall be issued by carriers acceptable to Lessor and shall contain a provision whereby the carrier agrees not to qqrt7` cancel or materially modify the insurance without thirty days prior written notice to the Lessor. On or before taking possession of this lease, Lessee shall furnish Lessor with a Certificate of Insurance including a copy of the endorsement naming the Lessor as an additional insured, evidencing the aforesaid insurance coverage, and renewal certificates shall be issued to the Lessor at least thirty days prior to the expiration date of each policy for which a certificate was therefore furnished. The Lessor reserves the right to a certified copy of the policy on request. No use shall be made or permitted to be made of the premises, nor acts done, which will increase the existing rate of insurance upon the premises (without consent of Lessor and compensation for increased premiums) or cause the cancellation of any insurance policy covering the premises, or any part thereof, nor shall Lessee sell, or permit to be kept, used or sold, in or about the premises, any article which may be prohibited by the standard form of property insurance policies. Lessee shall, at its sole cost and 4 13. LESSEE EQUIPMENT AND IMPROVEMENTS. A. Lessee agrees to install all equipment and improvements at its sole cost. Standards attached in Exhibit C shall be observed and by this reference incorporated into this lease. H. Lessee shall, at Lessee's sole expense, perform all reasonable maintenance of and keep in good repair the equipment and improvements to be installed in the Cambridge Radio site facility and the adjacent radio tower. All RF equipment or improvements installed shall meet or exceed the standards attached in Exhibit C and by this reference incorporated into this lease. C. If after expiration or notice of an intent to terminate this lease, the Lessee wishes to sell its equipment, improvements or its facility, the Lessor may elect and the Lessee agrees to sell any of its equipment, improvements or facility to the Lessor for fair market CO value. O "�T 14. PERMITS. Lessee shall, at its sole cost, be responsible for O obtaining any permits or licenses that are necessary to conduct its CO business. IKT J� 15. CONDITION OF PREMISES. The Lessee has inspected and knows the condition of the premises, and it is understood and agreed that the premises are leased on an "as is" basis without any obligation on the part of the Lessor to make any changes, improvements, or to incur any expenses whatsoever for the maintenance or repair of the premises. 16. CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS. Lessor shall not be liable to the Lessee for claims or damages arising from any defect in the construction of or the present condition of the premises, whether known or unknown, or for damage by storm, rain or leakage or any other occurrence. 17. MAINTENANCE. Lessee shall throughout the term of this lease, without cost or expense to Lessor, keep and maintain the leased property and all improvements, fixtures and equipment which may now or hereafter exist thereon, in a neat, clean and sanitary 5 condition, and shall except for reasonable wear and tear, at all times preserve the premises in good and safe repair. 18. FORCE MAJEURE - SUSPENSION. Lessor's failure to perform any of its obligations under this lease, shall be excused if due to causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Lessor, including but not restricted to acts of God, acts of the public enemy, acts of any government, fires, floods, earthquakes, and strikes. 19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT- AMENDMENTS. This lease and the exhibits and attachments referred to in it constitute the full and final agreement of the parties on all subjects contained within it. All prior negotiations and agreements are merged into this lease. No subsequent agreement may modify this lease unless it is in writing and signed by the parties or their authorized agents. 20. LIENS. Lessee will not permit any mechanics, labor, or r materialman liens to stand against the lease premises for any labor lf) or materials furnished to Lessee or claimed to have been furnished (10 to Lessee or to Lessee' s agents, contractors, or sub-lessees, in C) connection with work of any character performed or claimed to have ItTbeen performed on said property or improvements by or L the -- direction or sufferance of Lessee; provided however, that Lessee CDshall have the right to contest the validity or amount of any such �. lien or claimed lien. In the event of such contest, Lessee shall give to Lessor reasonable security as may be demanded by Lessor to insure payment thereof and prevent any sale, foreclosure or forfeiture of the property or improvements by reason of such non- payment. Lessee will immediately pay a judgment rendered with all proper costs and charges and shall have such liens released or judgment satisfied at Lessee' s own expense. 21. SURRENDER OF PREMISES. Upon the expiration or earlier termination of this lease and after removal of all its equipment, improvements and facility from the site, Lessee shall promptly surrender possession of the property to Lessor, and shall deliver to Lessor all keys that it may have to any and all parts of the property site. 22. DEFAULT AND RE-ENTRY. If any rents above reserved, or other obligations provided herein, or any part thereof, shall be and remain unpaid when the same shall become due, or if Lessee shall violate or default on any of the covenants and agreements herein contained, then Lessor may cancel this lease upon failure to cure 6 following one hundred-twenty (120) days notice to cure such deficiency. 23. ADVANCES BY CITY OF KENT FOR LESSEE. If Lessee fails to pay any fees or perform any of its obligations under this lease other than payment of rent, Lessor, city of Kent, will mail notice to Lessee of its failure to pay or perform. Twenty (20) days after mailing notice, if Lessee's obligation remains unpaid or unperformed Lessor may pay or perform these obligations at Lessee's expense. Upon written notification to Lessee of any costs incurred by Lessor under this paragraph, Lessee will reimburse Lessor within twenty (2 0) days. 24. SIGNS. No sign, advertisement, notice or other lettering will be exhibited, inscribed, painted or affixed by Lessee on any part of the outside of the premises without the prior written consent of Lessor; provided, that such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Lessee violates this provision, Lessor may remove the sign without any liability, and may charge the expense incurred by such removal to the Lessee; provided, however, Lessor shall give U-) Lessee written notice of Lessee's violation of this provision and cc Lessee shall have forty-eight (48) hours after receiving said O notice to comply with the terms of this provision. All signs "rlr Q erected or installed by Lessee shall be subject to any federal, state or local statutes, ordinances or regulations applicable to (D signs. 25. INSPECTION. Lessor reserves the right to inspect the premises at any and all reasonable times throughout the term of this lease; provided, that Lessor shall not interfere unduly with Lessee's operations. The right of inspection reserved to Lessor hereunder shall impose no obligation on Lessor to make inspections to ascertain the condition of the premises, and shall impose no liability upon Lessor for failure to make such inspections. 26. ASSIGNMENT OR SUBLEASE. A. Lessee shall not assign or transfer this lease or any interest therein nor sublet the whole or any part of the premises, nor shall this lease or any interest thereunder be assignable or transferable by operation of law or by any process or proceeding of any court, or otherwise, without the written consent of Lessor first had and obtained, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Lessor shall give its consent to any assignment or sublease, this paragraph shall nevertheless 7 continue in full force and effect and no further assignment or sublease shall be made without the Lessor's consent. B. If Lessee desires to assign, transfer, or sublease any portion of this lease or any interest therein, it shall notify Lessor in writing of said desire to assign or transfer and the details of the proposed agreement, at least thirty (30) days prior to the proposed date of assignment, transfer, or sublease to a third party. The notification shall include, but not be limited to a financial statement of the proposed assignee, including but not limited to a full disclosure of the monetary payment or any other considerations involved, and an affidavit from the proposed assignee stating he has examined this lease, understands this lease, agrees to assume and be bound by all of the Lessee's obligations and covenants under this lease, the same as if it were the original Lessee hereunder, and the proposed date of assignment, transfer or sub-lease. cXD C. Lessor will review the request and respond with either an 0 approval or disapproval of the request not later than ten O (10) days prior to the proposed date. Disapproval of any such request shall be final and binding on the Lessee and CD not subject to any arbitration, provided that any 10' approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Lessor shall charge to the Lessee a reasonable fee for administrative costs in reviewing and processing any assignment or sublease. Lessee may assign this lease to any wholly owned subsidiary without obtaining Lessor's consent or payment of fees. 27 . CONDEMNATION. A. Lessor and Lessee will give to the other immediate written notice of the receipt of notice of any proceedings with respect to a condemnation and of any intention of any authority to exercise the power of eminent domain. B. If all of the premises are taken by any lawful authority under the power of eminent domain for a period which will end on or extend beyond the expiration of the term of this lease, this lease terminates as of the date 8 condemnor takes possession, and Lessee will have no claim or interest in or to any award of just compensation except that the Lessee will be entitled to an amount equal to the fair market value of the Lessee's leasehold interest in any improvement taken by the condemnor made to the premises by the Lessee, but not to exceed the amount of that part, if any, of the award attributable to the value of the improvements. C. If part of the premises is taken by any lawful authority under the power of eminent domain for a period which will end on or extend beyond the expiration of the term of this lease, Lessor or Lessee may choose to terminate this lease as of the date the condemnor takes possession. If neither Lessor nor Lessee elects to terminate this lease, the rent will be reduced in the same proportion that the value of the portion of the premises to be taken bears to the value of the entire premises as of the date condemnor ;f) takes possession. Lessee will have no claim or interest w in or to any award of just compensation or damages except CD that the Lessee will be entitled to an amount equal to O the fair market value of the Lessee' s leasehold interest in the part taken by the condemnor of any improvements made to the premises by the Lessee, but not to exceed the S+ amount of that part, if any, of the award attributable to the value of the improvements. D. If temporary use of all or a portion of the premises is taken by any lawful authority for a period, which would reduce the leasehold and consequently, would cause the premises to be untenantable for the use by Lessee for the purposes set forth in the section of this lease titled "Use, " at Lessee's determination, then Lessor or Lessee may choose to terminate this lease. If Lessor or Lessee elect to terminate this lease, the lease will terminate the date the condemnor takes possession and Lessee will have no claim or interest in or to any award of just compensation except that the Lessee will be entitled to an amount equal to the fair market value of the Lessee's leasehold interest in any improvements made to the premises by the Lessee. If neither Lessor or Lessee elects to terminate this lease, the lease will continue in full force and Lessee will be entitled to receive any award from the condemnor for the use of all or part of the premises, EXCEPT that Lessee may elect to have the rents reduced by the amount proportionally attributable 9 to any partial temporary taking, in which event the Lessee shall not be entitled to any portion of the award attributable to said use. E. It is understood and agreed that Lessee shall not be party to any negotiation or proceedings at law wherein Lessor claims compensation other than that which is defined statutorily as constituting "just compensation. " 28. ANTI-DISCRIMINATION. In all services or activities, and all hiring or employment made possible by or resulting from this lease there shall be no discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of sex, age (except minimum age and retirement provisions) , race, color, creed, national origin, marital status, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical handicap, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification. This requirement shall apply to but not be limited to the r, following: employment, advertising, lay-off or termination, rates :n of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Lessee shall not violate any of the Va terms of R.C.W. 49. 60, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Q or any other applicable federal, state, or local law or regulations O regarding non-discrimination. Any violation of this provision �- shall be considered a violation of a material provision of this tT lease and shall be grounds for cancellation, termination, or suspension, in whole or in part, of the lease by the Lessor and may result in ineligibility for further City agreements. The Lessee will also comply with other anti-discrimination laws or requirements of any and all jurisdictions having authority. 29. HEIRS, AGENTS AND ASSIGNS. Without limiting any provisions of this lease pertaining to assignment and subletting, the provisions of this lease bind the heirs, legal representatives, successors, agents and assigns of any of the parties to this lease. 30. HOLDING OVER. If the Lessee holds over after the expiration or earlier termination of the term hereof without the express written consent of Lessor, Lessee shall become a tenant at sufferance only, at a rental rate equal to one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the rent in effect upon the date of such expiration (prorated on a daily basis) , and otherwise subject to the terms, covenants and conditions herein specified, so far as applicable. Acceptance by Lessor of rent after such expiration or earlier termination shall not result in a renewal of this lease nor affect Lessor's right of re-entry or any rights of Lessor hereunder or as otherwise provided by law. If Lessee fails to surrender the 10 premises upon the expiration of this Lease despite demand to do so by Lessor, Lessee shall indemnify and hold Lessor harmless from all loss or liability, including without limitation, any claim made by any succeeding Lessee founded on or resulting from such failure to surrender and together with interest, attorney's fees and costs. 31. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. Lessee shall not, without first obtaining Lessor's prior written approval, generate, release, spill, store, deposit, transport, or dispose of (collectively "Release") any hazardous substances, sewage, petroleum products, radioactive substances, medicinal, bacteriological, or disease- producing substances, hazardous materials, toxic substances or any pollutants, or substances defined as hazardous or toxic in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations in any reportable quantities ("Hazardous Substances") in or about the Premises. In the event, and only in the event, the City of Kent approves such Release of Hazardous Substances on the Premises, Lessee agrees that such Release shall occur safely and in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Lessee shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Lessor from any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, cleanup costs, response costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees arising out of or in any way related to the Release LA LA by Lessee, or any of its agents, representatives, or employees, or J the presence of such Hazardous Substances in, on or about the '�T Premises occurring at any time after the Commencement Date. O tD 32. NOTICES. Whenever notice must be given by one party to the IKT other under this lease, such notice shall be in writing and shall 01% be delivered personally or mailed by registered or certified mail to the following address: To: The City of Kent Norm Angelo, Fire Chief Kent Fire Department 24611 116 Avenue S.E. Kent, Washington 98031 To: The Valley Communications Center Chris Fischer, Director 23807 98th Avenue South Kent, Washington 98031 or to other such respective addresses as either party hereto may hereafter designate in writing. 11 33. NON-WAIVER. No failure of the Lessor to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this lease shall be construed as depriving the Lessor of the right to insist on strict performance of such provision or any other provision in the future. No waiver by Lessor of any provision of this lease shall be deemed to have been made unless expressed in writing and signed by the Lessor. No acceptance of rent or any other payment by Lessor by Lessee after any default by Tenant shall constitute a waiver of any such default or any other default. Consent by Lessor in any one instance shall not dispense with necessity of consent by Lessor in any other instance. 34. ATTORNEY'S FEES. If an action be commenced to enforce any of the provisions of this lease, each party is responsible for its own attorneys' fees. 35. CAPTIONS AND CONSTRUCTION. The captions in this lease are for the convenience of the reader and are not to be considered in the interpretation of its terms. 36. REMEDIES CUMULATIVE. The remedies to which the Lessor may resort under the terms of this lease are cumulative and are not r-- intended to be exclusive of any other remedies or means of redress Un to which the Lessor may lawfully be entitled in case of any breach cc or threatened breach by Lessee of any provision of this lease. CD d O_ 37. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. Time is of the essence to this lease. •-- 38. SEVERABILITY. If any term or provision of this lease or the C application of any term or provision to any person or circumstance is invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this lease, or the application of the term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected and will continue in full force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this lease and subscribed their names as of the ;,2;" ri of 1993 . —T 12 LESS,O CITY OF KENT BY 'lam q P TITL MAYOR T STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that-B nk C a is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged thatshe signed this instrument, on oath stated thatshe was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the L�✓1,�� �,�rt,37 rman of t#a—L.1Iae��t-ie�s--�oa�r� f^r va i i py Communi P'" to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and urposes mentioned in the instrument. 00, �N►ffNryHii" a '� �'�' 'N •' •• otar ub]� c in and for the_ tate o s Q. i,�* t,� j of Washington, residingin R� i f My commission expires 40 Co O EE: VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER BY '% - TITLE ,Ln CD 0 v 0 co 13 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certi;y that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument, on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the x .c�ucw to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Date' i/ ---�•cs.a����y� , " Notary Public in and for the tate L f ��,`�,�•GRAB "Qf Washington, residing at �� 4' O :''' Aj*•" My commission expires - - Un w (D OF W NG'kV lT APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM: BY BY _ 1 TITLE i 1'� y�a�s�aw �" _ LE CC77)/J?�ti-/L c port.doc 14 . EXHIBIT A The West 45 feet of the South 75 feet of the following described property: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 27, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M. , in King County, Washington described as follows: The South 250 feet of the North 470 feet of the East 210 feet of the West 570 feet of said Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter; EXCEPT that portion thereof described as follows: Beginning on the East line of said tract a distance of 110 feet South when measured from the Northeast corner thereof; thence running Southwesterly to a point-on the South line of said tract a distance of 65 feet West when measured from the Southeast corner thereof; thence East along said South line to the Southeast corner of said tract; thence North to the Point of Beginning. t`- L[7 CO CD J O Nr EXHIBIT SITE CONDUCT REGULATIONS The Cambridge site is situated in the middle of several tracts of land owned by Kent that have numerous public and governmental uses including a park, a fire station and a water tank and pump site. As such, it is important that the radio site area be maintained in a visually appealing manner to fit the upkeep of the surrounding property. The site will be kept clear of any debris and accumulation of weeds or other brush. No equipment or material will be stored in the yard area of the site unless it is to support work in progress and then it shall not be stored any longer than necessary to complete the work. The building will be maintained so that its appearance is in harmony with the fire station area. There is no garbage service to the site. Large accumulations of trash will be removed from the site as they are created by work in progress. Minor accumulations of trash may be disposed of in the fire station's dumpster. Access to the site is via an outer gate that has several locks in series on it. It is very important that the lock series be properly maintained when securing the site so as not to lock out other authorized access. r� co O �t O O �1' WESTERN WASHING MN CooPERATIVE INTERFERENCE commrrrEE WESTERN WASHINGTON COOPERATIVE INTERFERENCE COMMITTEE WWCIC ENGINEERING STANDARD #6 REV B. (11-88) FOR EMISSION DESIGNATOR 20A0 thru 3 & 20FO thru 3 All communications fixed transmitter installations shall employ isolators or alternative techniques meeting the same criteria, to minimize spurious radiation and intermodulation products. Additional filtering required according to frequency and interconnect devices are listed below: 1. Transmitters in the 25 to 54 MHz range shall have isolation of at least 20 dB followed by a low pass filter, then a band pass filter or cavity providing a minimum of 30 dB attenuation removed 1.0 MHz from the operating frequency. 2. Transmitters in the 66 to 88 MHz range shall have at least 25 dB of isolation followed by a band pass cavity providing at least 20 dB of attenuation 1.0 MHz from the operating frequency. t` q3. Transmitters in the 130 to 225 MHz range shall have at least 50 dB of G isolation followed by a low pass filter and band pass cavity with a minimum Oof 25 dB attenuation 1.0 MHz removed from the operating frequency. O 4. Transmitters in the 400 to 470 MHz range shall have at Ieast 50 dB of d' isolation followed by a low pass filter and band pass cavity with a minimum of.15 dB of attenuation 1.0 MHz removed from the operating frequency. 5. Transmitters in the 806 to 960 MHz range shall have at least 50 dB of- isolation followed by a low pass filter and band pass cavity with a minimum of 15 dB of attenuation 1.0 MHz removed from the operating frequency. The following general engineering standards shall be observed: 1. A band pass cavity or crystal filter is recommended at the input of all receivers. Its purpose is to protect against RF energy "off frequency" from mixing in a non-linear device such as the first RF amplifier in a receiver, which can re-radiate causing interference. 2. The band reject duplexer (cross notch duplexer) may not be used without a cavity/isolator outlined above. 3. Single braid coax cable is prohibited. Double shielded cable must have over 98.5% shield coverage. 4. Jacketed coaxial cable is required, unjacketed transmission line of any type is prohibited. r One Newport, Suite 414, 3605-132nd Aue. SE, Bellevue, WA 98006 23/3065/20 01/03/89 S. Use of "N" or "TNC" connectors is preferred over other non constant impedance types. Every effort should be made to prevent the use of coax adaptors. 6.! All equipment is to be grounded and shielded. Grounding is to be done with copper strap or heavy braid to a station ground grid. The "green wire" of the AC power plug is not an acceptable grounding point. 7. Transmitting systems must be checked periodically, which includes the isolator, VSIVR on the load port of the isolator and overall system insertion loss. --_ 8. Bare metallic ties are prohibited for securing transmission lines to towers. In the case of large lines, use of stainless steel or galvanized hangers is permitted. Hardware capable of rusting and dissimilar metals are prohibited. Transmission lines are to be insulated from metallic structures/objects. It is the duty of the installation personnel to prevent "diode junctions" from taking L0 place. Co U 114- 9. - All Ioose wire or metal objects are be removed from the tower and- site. CD Metal fencing should be plastic coated_ O NT 10. All equipment shall be licensed .and operated in full accordance with all applicable rules and regulations of the regulating agency (FCC, NTIA). There shall be no modifications which violate "FCC Type Acceptance." 11. It is recommended that all equipment be Iabeled with the owners name and a current 24-hour telephone contact number (service agency is acceptable). 12. Every effort should be made to protect the equipment from lightning damage. Feed-through lightning protectors should be used on all coaxial cable connections to equipment enclosures. Gas, gap and MOV protectors should be used on control, audio, telephone and power connections. INTERFERENCE POLICY STATEMENT In the event radio interference (RI) occurs and the above standards are complied with, additional isolators, filters, cavities, etc. may be required to correct specific problems. Involved systems, not in full compliance with these standards, will be asked to comply immediately. The standards listed are minimums found to be- good engineering practice in the operation and maintenance of electronic sites. 23/3065/20 01/03/89