HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG1993-0070 - Original - CH2M Hill Northwest, Inc - Consultant Services - Kent Lagoons Combined Stormwater Detention and Wetland Habitat Enhancements CONSULTANT SERVICES CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF KENT AND CH2M HILL NORTHWEST, INC. THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the city of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation (hereinafter the "City") , and CH2M Hill Northwest, Inc. , organized under the laws of the State of Oregon, located and doing business at P.O. Box 91500, 777 108th Ave N.E. , Bellevue, Washington 98009-2050 (hereinafter the "Consultant") . Recitals 1. The City is presently engaged in the Kent Lagoons Stormwater Facility and desires that the Consultant perform services necessary to provide consultation and advice to the City on the preparation of plans, specifications, and cost estimates for the Kent Lagoons Combined Stormwater Detention and Wetland/Habitat Enhancements. 2. The Consultant agrees to perform the services more specifically described in the Scope of Work, dated September 24, 1993 , including any addenda thereto as of the effective date of this agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit A which is incorporated herein by this reference as if fully set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth herein, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: I. Description of Work Consultant shall perform all work as described in Exhibit A. CH2M HILL K--Page 1 of 15 Rev. 09/17/93 II. Payment A. The City shall pay the Consultant an amount based on time and expenses, an amount not to exceed One Hundred Ninety- six Thousand One Hundred Fifty-nine dollars ($196, 159 . 00) for the services described in Section I herein. This is the maximum amount to be paid under this Agreement for Tasks 1. 0 through 16.2 in Exhibit A, and shall not be exceeded without the prior written authorization of the City in the form of a negotiated and executed supplemental agreement. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, the City reserves the right to direct the Consultant' s compensated services under the time frame set forth in Section IV herein before reaching the maximum amount. The Consultant's billing rates shall be as delineated in Exhibit B. B. The Consultant shall submit monthly payment invoices to the City after such services have been performed, and a final bill upon completion of all the services described in this Agreement. The City shall pay the full amount of an invoice within forty-five (45) days of receipt. If the City objects to all or any portion of any invoice, it shall so notify the Consultant of the same within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt and shall pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute, and the parties shall immediately make every effort to settle the disputed portion. C. In the event the Scope of Work is modified or changed so that more or less work or time is required by the Consultant, and such modification is reached by mutual agreement of the parties to this contract, the payment for services and maximum contract amount CH2M HILL K--Page 2 of 15 Rev. 09/17/93 shall be adjusted accordingly upon agreement of the parties. III. Relationship of Parties The parties intend that an independent contractor-employer relationship will be created by this Agreement. As Consultant is customarily engaged in an independently established profession which encompasses the specific service provided to the City hereunder, no agent, employee, representative or sub-contractor of Consultant shall be or shall be deemed to be the employee, agent, representative or sub-contractor of the City. In the performance of the work, Consultant is an independent contractor with the ability to control and direct the performance and details of the work, the City being interested only in the results obtained under this Agreement. None of the benefits provided by the City to its employees, including, but not limited to, compensation, insurance, and unemployment insurance are available from the City to the employees, agents, representatives, or sub-contractor of the Consultant. Consultant will be solely and entirely responsible for its acts and for the acts of Consultant's agents, employees, representatives and sub-contractors during the performance of this Agreement. The City may, during the term of this Agreement, engage other independent contractors to perform the same or similar work that Consultant performs hereunder. IV. Duration of Work The City and Consultant agree that work will begin on the tasks described in Exhibit A immediately upon execution of this Agreement. The parties agree that the work described in Exhibit A up to and including the draft predesign report is to be completed within 154 calendar days of the execution of this Agreement, and the balance of the work described in Exhibit A shall be completed CH2H HILL K--Page 3 of 15 Rev. 09/17/93 within 21 calendar days of Consultant' s receipt of all City and other agency comments; provided however, that additional time shall be granted by the City for excusable delays or extra work, as described in Section VI. (D) below. Consultant's commitment to complete these tasks within the work periods stated herein are conditioned upon the completion of related tasks by other consultants or subconsultants not retained by or otherwise under the control or direction of Consultant in accordance with the schedule established by Consultant. V. Place of Work The Consultant shall perform the work authorized under this Agreement at its offices in Bellevue, Washington. Meetings with the City staff as described in Exhibit A, Scope of Work, shall take place at the City's offices at 400 West Gowe, Kent, Washington, or at locations mutually agreed upon by the parties. VI. Termination A. Termination of Agreement If the City receives reimbursement by any federal, state, or other source for work described in Section I herein, and that funding is withdrawn, reduced or limited in any way, or the project is canceled or substantially reduced after the execution date of this Agreement and prior to the completion of the work hereunder, the City may summarily terminate this Agreement. Termination shall be effective ten calendar days after Consultant' s receipt of the written notice by certified mail. CH2M HILL K--Page 4 of 15 Rev. 09/17/93 B. Termination for Failure to Provide Services Bargained For. The Consultant agrees that CH2M Hill Northwest, Inc. was hired by the City based on the Consultant's representation that employees identified in the proposal, attached hereto as Exhibit C, will be available to perform the services described in Section I for the duration of this Agreement. If any of the employees identified in the proposal are unavailable to perform the services bargained for, for any reason, the City of Kent reserves the right to terminate this contract or renegotiate the amount of consideration. The consultant must immediately notify the City, in writing, if any employee identified in the proposal is unavailable to perform the services described in Section I of this Agreement. Nothing in the foregoing language will alter the Consultant' s independent contractor status. C. Termination for Failure to Prosecute Work or to Complete Work Satisfactorily If the Consultant refuses or fails to prosecute the work with such diligence as will ensure its completion within the time frames specified herein, or as modified or extended as provided in this Agreement, or to complete such work in a manner satisfactory to the City, then the City may, by written notice to the Consultant, give notice of its intention to terminate the Consultant's right to proceed with the work. On such notice, the Consultant shall have ten (10) calendar days to cure, to the satisfaction of the City or its representative, or the City shall send the Consultant a written termination letter which shall be effective upon the Consultant' s receipt of the written notice by certified mail. Upon CH2M HILL K--Page 5 of 15 Rev. 09/17/93 termination, the City may take over the work and prosecute the same to completion, by contract or otherwise, and Consultant shall be liable to the City for any additional costs incurred by it in the completion of the Scope of Work referenced as Exhibit A and as modified or amended prior to termination. "Additional Costs" shall mean all reasonable costs incurred by the City beyond the maximum contract price specified in II (A) , above. D. Excusable Delays The right of Consultant to proceed shall not be terminated nor shall Consultant be charged with liquidated damages for any delays in the completion of the work due to: 1) any acts of the federal government in controlling, restricting, or requisitioning materials, equipment, tools, or labor by reason of war, national defense, or other national emergency; 2) any acts of the City, its consultants, or other public agencies causing such delay; and 3) causes not reasonably foreseeable by the parties at the time of the execution of the Agreement that are beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Consultant, including, but not restricted to, acts of God, fires, floods, strikes, or weather of unusual severity; and (4) negotiated and executed supplemental agreements between the City and Consultant for Consultant to perform extra work defined as tasks not included in the Scope of Work referenced as Exhibit A. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the Consultant must promptly notify the City within ten (10) calendar days in writing of the cause of the delay. If, on the basis of the facts and the terms of this Agreement, the delay is properly excusable, the City shall, in writing, extend CH2N HILL K--Page 6 of 15 Rev. 09/17/93 the time for completing the work for a period of time commensurate with the period of excusable delay. E. Rights Upon Termination In the event of termination, the City shall pay for all services performed by the Consultant to the effective date of termination, as described on a final invoice submitted to the City. After termination, the City may take possession of all records and data within the Consultant's possession pertaining to this project which may be used by the City without restriction. Any such use not related to the project which Consultant was contracted to perform shall be without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. The City assumes the risk of using any uncompleted work and work not yet reviewed by Consultant. VII. Discrimination In the hiring of employees for the performance of work under this Agreement or any sub-contract hereunder, the Consultant, its sub- contractors, or any person acting on behalf of such Consultant or sub-contractor shall not, by reason of race, religion, color, sex, ' national origin, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, discriminate against any person who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates. VIII. Indemnification Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including all legal costs and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the CH2N HILL K--Page 7 of 15 Rev. 09/17/93 performance of this Agreement, but Consultant's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the negligence or comparative fault incurred by Consultant, its subconsultants, agents or assigns. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Consultant's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. IT IS FURTHER SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE INDEMNIFICATION PROVIDED HEREIN CONSTITUTES THE CONSULTANT'S WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE, TITLE 51 RCW, SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS INDEMNIFICATION. THE PARTIES FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED THIS WAIVER. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. IB. Insurance The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant, its agents, representatives, employees, sub-consultants or sub-contractors. Before beginning work on the project described in this Agreement, the Consultant shall provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with limits no less than $1, 000, 000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage; and 2 . Commercial General Liability insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits no less than $1, 000, 000 combined single limit per occurrence and $2, 000, 000 aggregate for personal injury, bodily CH2A HILL K--Page 8 of 15 Rev. 09/17/93 injury and property damage. Coverage shall include but not be limited to: blanket contractual; products/completed operations/broad form property damage; explosion, collapse and underground (XCU) if applicable; and employer's liability; and 3 . Professional Liability insurance with limits no less than $1, 000, 000 limit per occurrence. Any payment of deductible or self insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of the Consultant. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the Commercial General Liability insurance policy, as respects work performed by or on behalf of the Consultant and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all the required insurance policies. The Consultant's Commercial General Liability insurance shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer' s liability. The Consultant's insurance shall be primary insurance as respects the City and the City shall be given thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, of any cancellation, suspension or material change in coverage. X. Exchange of Information The City warrants the accuracy of any information supplied by it to Consultant for the purpose of completion of the work under this Agreement. The parties agree that the Consultant will notify the City of any inaccuracies in the information provided by the City as may be discovered in the process of performing the work, and that CH2N HILL K--Page 9 of 15 Rev. 09/17/93 the City is entitled to rely upon any information supplied by the Consultant which results as a product of this Agreement. %I. Ownership and Use of Records and Documents Original documents, drawings, designs and reports developed under this Agreement shall belong to and become the property of the City. All written information submitted by the City to the Consultant in connection with the services performed by the Consultant under this Agreement will be safeguarded by the Consultant to at least the same extent as the Consultant safeguards like information relating to its own business. If such information is publicly available or is already in Consultant' s possession or known to it, or is rightfully obtained by the Consultant from third parties, Consultant shall bear no responsibility for its disclosure, inadvertent or otherwise. All data, documents and files created by Consultant under this Agreement may be stored at Consultant's office in Bellevue, Washington. Consultant shall make such data, documents, and files available to the City upon its request at all reasonable times for the purpose of editing, modifying and updating as necessary until such time as the City is capable of storing such information in the City's offices. Duplicate copies of this information shall be provided to the City upon its request, and at reasonable cost. Any use or reuse of the documents, data and files created by Consultant for the City on this project by anyone other than Consultant on any other project shall be without liability or legal exposure to Consultant. %II. Recyclable Materials Pursuant to City of Kent Ordinance No. 3066, The City of Kent requires its contractors and consultants to use recycled and CH2M HILL K--Page 10 of 15 Rev. 09/17/93 recyclable products whenever practicable. A price preference may be available for any designated recycled product. XIII. City's Right of Inspection Even though Consultant is an independent contractor with the authority to control and direct the performance and details of the work authorized under this Agreement, the work must meet the approval of the City and shall be subject to the City's general right of inspection to secure the satisfactory completion thereof. The Consultant agrees to comply with all federal, state, and municipal laws, rules, and regulations that are now effective or in the future become applicable to Consultant's business, equipment, and personnel engaged in operations covered by this Agreement or accruing out of the performance of such operations. XIV. Consultant to Maintain Records to Support Independent Contractor Status On the effective date of this Agreement (or shortly thereafter) , Consultant shall: A. File a schedule of expenses with the Internal Revenue Service for the type of business Consultant conducts; B. Establish an account with the Washington State Department of Revenue and other necessary state agencies for the payment of all state taxes normally paid by employers, register to receive a unified business identifier number from the State of Washington; and C. Maintain a separate set of books and records that reflect all items of income and expenses of Consultant's business, all as described in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Section 51. 08 . 195, as required to show that the services performed by Consultant under this Agreement shall not give rise to an employer-employee CH2M HILL K--Page 11 of 15 Rev. 09/17/93 relationship between the parties which is subject to RCW Title 51, Industrial Insurance. %V. Work Performed at Consultant' s Risk Consultant shall take all precautions necessary and shall be responsible for the safety of its employees, agents, and subcontractors in the performance of the work hereunder and shall utilize all protection necessary for that purpose. All work shall be done at Consultant's own risk, and Consultant shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to materials, tools, or other articles used or held for use in connection with the work. XVI. Additional obligations Additional obligations of the Consultant and the City are included in Exhibit D. XVI. Non-Waiver of Breach The failure of the City to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements contained herein, or to exercise any option herein conferred in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of said covenants, agreements, or options, and the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. %VII. Resolution of Disputes and Governing Law Should any dispute, misunderstanding, or conflict arise as to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, the matter shall first be referred to the City, and the City shall determine the term or provision's true intent or meaning. The City shall also decide all questions which may arise between the parties relative CH2K HILL K--Page 12 of 15 Rev. 09/17/93 to the actual services provided or to the sufficiency of the performance hereunder. If any dispute arises between the City and Consultant under any of the provisions of this Agreement which cannot be resolved by the City's determination in a reasonable time, or if Consultant does not agree with the City's decision on the disputed matter, jurisdiction of any resulting litigation shall be filed in King County Superior Court, King County, Washington. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Each party shall be solely responsible for its costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees incurred in any litigation arising out of the enforcement of this Agreement. XVIII. Written Notice All communications regarding this Agreement shall be sent to the parties at the addresses listed on the signature page of the agreement, unless notified to the contrary. Any written notice hereunder shall become effective upon the date of mailing by registered or certified mail, and shall be deemed sufficiently given if sent to the addressee at the address stated in this Agreement or such other address as may be hereafter specified in writing. XIX. Assignment Any assignment of this Agreement by the Consultant without the written consent of the City shall be void. If the City shall give its consent to any assignment, this paragraph shall continue in full force and effect and no further assignment shall be made without the City's consent. CH2M HILL K--Page 13 of 15 Rev. 09/17/93 XX. Modification No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the City and Consultant. XXI. Entire Agreement The written provisions and terms of this Agreement, together with any Exhibits attached hereto, shall supersede all prior verbal statements of any officer or other representative of the City, and such statements shall not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of or altering in any manner whatsoever, this Agreement or the Agreement documents. The entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereunder is contained in this Agreement and any Exhibits attached hereto, which may or may not have been executed prior to the execution of this Agreement. All of the above documents are hereby made a part of this Agreement and form the Agreement document as fully as if the same were set forth herein. Should any language in any of the Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language contained in this 15-page Agreement, this Agreement shall prevail. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on this 79 day of Q 1993 . CH2M HILL NORTHWEST, INC. THE CITY OF KENT BY: BY' Its Principod QDirector of Public Works ayor CH2H HILL K--Page 14 of 15 Rev. 09/17/93 Notices to be sent to: CH2M HILL NORTHWEST, INC._ Mr. Don Wickstrom, P.E. CONSULTANT Director of Public Works The City of Kent P.O. Box 91500 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Bellevue Washington 98009-2050 APPROVED AS TO FORM: KentVCity Attorney ATTEST: ZQ Ge Tiz� Kent City Cl k CH2MHILL.p+k CH214 HILL K--Page 15 of 15 Rev. 09/17/93 Exhibit A (September 24, 1993) Scope of Work Kent Lagoons Combined Storm Water Detention And Wetland/Habitat Enhancements This project is generally described as preliminary design (engineering report), final design and services during construction for the Kent Lagoons Combined Storm Water Detention and Wetland/Habitat Enhancements project, and miscellaneous related services as may be authorized. The improvements necessary are as defined in Preferred Plan Combined Storm Water Detention/Enhanced Wetland Facility, April 1991, and wetland mitigation of the property west of the lagoons. The Consultant agrees to furnish the City the following specific services and deliverable products: Phase I—Preliminary Design Services 1.0 Project Background Assessment Scope 1.1 Project Objectives and Schedule 1.1.1 Define City objectives and develop preliminary project implementation schedule. • Based on knowledge of project to date, define City objectives and identify critical path, milestones, construction windows, and con- straints; review with City staff, solicit input, and revise 1.2 Data and Site Review 1.2.1 Review available project data and define needs. • Review available aerial photography, topography, existing facility plans, and available technical data; define additional data needs and timing needs for acquisition sea10026A46.wp5/1 1 9/27/93 1.2.2 Perform site reconnaissance with City staff. • Perform 1/2-day site visit (three CT staff) 1.2.3 Summarize findings in memorandum for City staff review. Deliverables 1. Combined memorandum to summarize results of Tasks 1.1 and 1.2. 2.0 Aerial Photography, Survey, and Base Maps Scope The scope of work for this task is limited to providing guidance to City staff regarding specifications for aerial photography, mapping, and field survey work as required for final design of improvements. It is assumed that the City will provide the Consultant with required aerial photo, survey, and mapping products. The available 1980 COE topographic base mapping (V = 100', 2' contour interval) as supplemented by the City's 1988 Ortho- photo mapping (V = 100', 5' contour interval) will be used for predesign development with consideration of planimetric changes from review of updated aerial photography. 2.1 Aerial Photography and Mapping Specifications 2.1.1 Prepare specifications for aerial mapping of site and adjacent required cover- age area as the basis for development of final design base maps by the City's selected mapping consultant; summarize in memorandum for City staff review. 2.2 Field Survey Specifications and Needs 2.2.1 Prepare specifications for and listing of specific data needs for land survey including photo control survey for mapping; summarize in memorandum for City staff review. Deliverables 1. Combined memorandum to summarize results of Task 2.1 and 2.2. sea10026A46.wp5/2 9/27/93 2 3.0 Existing Wetlands and Dredge Fill Impacts Scope The scope of work for this task assumes that the existing wetland delineation as presented in the Raedeke Report, or as modified by the City, will the basis for use in predesign eval- uation and permitting applications. 3.1 Site Wetlands Boundary Documentation 3.1.1 Transfer wetland boundary provided by the City to the project topographic base map; confirm total wetland surface areas within the site boundary. 3.2 Dredge Disposal Site Wetlands Impacts and Practicable Alternatives Evaluation 3.2.1 Define wetland characteristics, classes, and functions and values of primary (west property) disposal area (assumes no wetlands fill proposed for any al- ternative offsite disposal sites). • Coordinate with Task 5.0 work to define footprint of proposed onsite fill areas for alternative disposal configurations (two); delineate extent of disposal area wetland encroachment for each alternative • Quantify wetland and buffer losses for alternatives by wetland class and functions/values • Summarize results in technical memorandum for City staff review 3.2.2 Perform/document COE 404b[1] evaluation of practicable onsite alternatives in accordance with regulatory guidance, including: • Assess/document impacts, costs, and practicability of alternatives to avoid wetland filling and, alternatively, to fill and mitigate/enhance • Prepare summary technical memorandum in format required for sub- mittal to COE for City staff review Deliverables 1. Base map wetland boundary delineation for Task 3.1. 2. Technical memoranda for Tasks 3.2.1 and 3.2.2. wa10026A46.wp5/3 9127/93 3 4.0 Hydrologic/Hydraulic and Pump Station Evaluation Scope This task is predicated on the use of past hydrologic/hydraulic analyses, only. 4.1 Review Existing Lagoons Hydrologic/Hydraulic (H/H) Analysis Reports 4.1.1 Review existing hydrologic and hydraulic analyses reports and results pro- vided by the City based on work by Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (NHC); verify adequacy of analyses to support predesign, including: • Runoff hydrographs for water quality and detention recurrence inter- val storms • Mill Creek diversion rating and diversion channel hydraulic profiles • Mill Creek outfall tailwater ratings Summarize findings to be used for design in memorandum for City staff review. 4.2 Green River Pump Station Evaluation and Coordination 4.2.1 Define preliminary layout, sizing, and estimated costs for a pump station to discharge lagoon outflows to the Green River. 4.2.2 Prepare feasibility assessment for pump station alternative based on pump station estimated costs and reduction in flows immediately downstream with the pump station; summarize results in a technical memorandum for City staff review. 4.2.3 Coordinate with the City, the City of Renton, R. W. Beck/NHC staff, and the Green River Basin Technical Committee (two meetings) regarding hydraulic (by R. W. Beck/NHC) and feasibility analyses results for the pump station alternative to demonstrate compliance with, or to gain excep- tion from, the Green River Management Agreement Pump Operations and Procedures Plan requirements. 4.3 Hydraulic Design of Pretreatment Facilities 4.3.1 Perform a hydraulic evaluation of water quality and detention design storm flows (hydrographs from R. W. Beck/NHC) through the pretreatment facili- ties to develop hydraulic profiles that interface appropriately with lagoon sea10026A46.wp5/4 4 9127/93 design water levels; coordinate with results of Task 6.0; summarize results with the technical memorandum. Deliverables 1. Memorandum to summarize results of Task 4.1. 2. Technical memoranda to summarize results of Task 4.2 and 4.3. 5.0 Earthwork and Disposal Scope The scope of work for this task is based on disposal of all excavated materials on the 290-acre site west of the lagoons that the City is acquiring. No other disposal sites are to be considered. Investigation of other disposal sites will constitute a change of scope. 5.1 Review Existing Geotechnical Site Data; Determine Adequacy for Predesign 5.1.1 Review/document findings of existing site and adjacent sites (as available and appropriate) geotechnical and hydrogeologic reports (assumes available reports and data to be provided by City). • Summarize findings in a technical memorandum with Tasks 5.1.2 and 5.2.1 5.1.2 Review and assess existing data regarding lagoon sludge contaminant levels. • City staff will document that lagoon sludge is not contaminated and that no special handling requirements will be required. City staff memorandum will be included in an appendix to the Predesign Report. 5.2 Develop and Evaluate Earthwork and Disposal Options 5.2.1 Define criteria as basis for development of alternative dredging/excavation and disposal options. • Dredging/excavation limits and quantities • Excavation and disposal areas depths and side slopes • Excavation and disposal area access • Dewatering criteria assumptions sea10026A46.wp5/5 5 9/27/93 • Identify regulatory construction windows and project schedule impacts • Define wildlife habitat protection criteria (for construction) 5.2.2 Provide alternative layouts for, and evaluate site-specific dredging/ excavation requirements and costs for lagoons, stormwater pretreatment facilities, and proposed wetland enhancement, including: • Document alternative methods and equipment requirements • Define schedule requirements 5.2.3 Evaluate dewatering requirements, potential impacts, and costs, including: • Define anticipated dewatering methods, depths, and extent for the various project elements • Evaluate extent of expected draw-down onsite and offsite • Define potential impacts (i.e., to wells, wetlands, settlement) 5.2.4 Evaluate site-specific materials disposal requirements and uses, including: • Evaluate options for materials placement on screened disposal sites, including stockpiling for reuse/resale, containment berming, and direct placement of materials for wetland/habitat enhancements • Define specific disposal area(s) configurations, slopes, heights, and areas (including impacted wetlands and buffers; coordinate with Task 3.0) • Estimate quantities for material disposal 5.2.5 Organize and attend two meetings (two CT staff) with City staff and two contractors (individually) to solicit input regarding dredge/excavation and materials disposal techniques and alternatives, including: • Practicability of various dredging approaches for site conditions • Equipment and access needs • Dewatering approaches • Production rates using alternative dredge/disposal methods • Phasing and duration of work • Comparative (relative) costs for alternative methods sea10026A46.wp5/6 6 9/27/93 5.2.6 Develop opinions of cost. • Prepare comparative opinions of dredging/excavation costs • Estimate dewatering costs • Prepare opinions of cost for material disposal including potential revenues from surplus material resale 5.2.7 Summarize findings in a technical memorandum for City staff review. 5.2.8 Prepare for, facilitate, and summarize a joint 1-day meeting (three CT staff) with City staff to review alternatives for lagoons dredging/excavation and materials disposal. • Review alternatives with City staff • Perform site reconnaissance (three CT staff) with City staff during the 1-day meeting 5.3 Selection of Preferred Design Alternative 5.3.1 Consolidate results of Task 5.0 with earthwork/disposal aspects of Task 3.0, Task 6.0, and Task 7.0 in a technical memorandum for City staff review, including: • Provide graphic depiction of alternative layouts • Review and compile opinions of cost for the earthwork and disposal project element for the screened alternatives; integrate with storm water pretreatment facilities and wetlands enhancements earthwork opinions of costs • Provide recommendations for selection of design alternative 5.3.2 Prepare for and facilitate a 1-day workshop (three CT staff) with City staff and regulatory agency staff (as available to participate), to select preferred disposal plan, grading/enhancement concepts, and earthwork approach as the basis for final design. Deliverables 1. Technical memoranda for Tasks 5.1.1 and 5.2. sea10026A46.wp5n 7 9/27/93 2. Technical memorandum, including graphic layouts and consolidated opinions of construction cost for earthwork/disposal with Task 5.3. 6.0 Water Quality Pretreatment Scope 6.1 Develop and Evaluate Runoff Pretreatment Concepts 6.1.1 Define runoff pretreatment concepts and criteria. • Based on existing knowledge of stormwater treatment technology, objectives, and siting constraints, define an appropriate pretreatment facilities concept and relative sizing for two pretreatment facilities locations; use criteria from the Stormwater Management Manual for the Puget Sound Basin (SWMPSB) and other applicable design man- uals and information • Prepare concept sketches of pretreatment facilities • Meet with City staff (two CT staff) to confirm the appropriate pre- treatment concept and sizing for further evaluation for the two lagoon-inflow channels • Summarize results in a memorandum for City staff review 6.1.2 Develop pretreatment facility concept. • Assess expected treatment facilities effectiveness (from available data) • Prepare preliminary layout drawings (plan and section) of selected pretreatment facilities concept for each site • Define interconnecting conveyance system facility requirements and sizing • Define control elevations in conjunction with the hydraulic evaluation performed in Task 4.3 • Define operation and maintenance needs and incorporate appropriate access into layouts • Prepare opinions of construction cost for each pretreatment facility wa10026A46.wp5/8 9/27/93 8 • Summarize development of pretreatment concept in a technical mem- orandum for City staff review Deliverables 1. Technical memoranda to document results of Tasks 6.1.1 and 6.1.2. 2. Preliminary design layout for two pretreatment facilities. 3. Opinions of construction cost for pretreatment facilities. 7.0 Wetland Mitigation and Enhancement Scope 7.1 Develop N itigation/Enhancement Plan for Lagoons and West Property 7.1.1 Define requirements for wetlands mitigation/enhancement, objectives and criteria, and alternative concepts. • Define a range of practicable alternatives for wetland mitigation/ enhancement including mitigation banking for the preferred lagoon and materials disposal plan developed with Task 5.0 • Meet with City staff to confirm objectives, including relationship to long-term mitigation banking goals, review and screen alternative wetland mitigation/enhancement concepts to two preferred alterna- tives for further agency review and evaluation • Meet jointly with the City, Ecology, and the COE staff to review the screened alternatives for wetland restoration/enhancement, discuss mitigation banking concepts and conditions for acceptance; select a preferred concept to develop and evaluate more thoroughly. • Summarize results in a memorandum for City staff review 7.1.2 Develop site-specific plan for preferred wetland mitigation/enhancement alternative on west property, including: • Provide for existing wetlands structure and function replacement • Prepare layout, including elevation controls and soils, vegetation, and hydrology features • Define created wetland hydroperiod as basis for vegetative/wildlife enhancement (coordinate with Tasks 4.0 and 8.0) sea10026A46.wp5/9 9 9/27/93 • Prepare opinions of construction cost preferred plan • Summarize results in a technical memorandum for City staff review 7.2 Review of Preferred Wetland Mitigation/Enhancement Plan with Agencies 7.2.1 Attend joint meeting with City, Ecology, and COE staff (two CT staff) to review preferred wetland mitigation/enhancement plan and to gain concur- rence for the proposed wetland banking plan. Deliverables 1. Memorandum to summarize results of Task 7.1.1. 2. Technical memorandum to document results of Task 7.1.2. 3. Agency meeting notes for Task 7.2.1 for distribution and concurrence. 8.0 Vegetative Restoration and Habitat Preservation and Enhancement Scope 8.1 Lagoon, Buffer, Created and Enhanced Wetlands, and Storm Water Pretreat- ment Facilities Preliminary Planting Plan 8.1.1 Validate proposed revegetation concept for lagoons (preferred plan) in con- sideration of the hydroperiod evaluation from Task 4.0; make minor revi- sions (as needed) in consultation with City staff to develop preliminary planting plan. 8.1.2 Define revegetation concepts for created wetlands and buffer on west prop- erty (Task 8.0) and for stormwater pretreatment facilities (Task 6.0); de- velop preliminary planting plan; review with City staff in meeting (two CT staff) for consensus and/or desired modifications. 8.1.3 Identify specific plant species, potential sources, and lead times; factor into critical path schedule. 8.1.4 Identify revegetation monitoring and maintenance needs and timing; define both short-term and long-term monitoring and maintenance needs, including measures to protect revegetation areas from wildlife predation. 8.1.5 Prepare technical memorandum to summarize results jointly with Task 8.2. sea10026A46.wp5/10 10 9/27/93 8.2 Lagoon Wildlife Preservation and Enhancement Plan 8.2.1 Consult with resource agencies (WDG, USFWS) and the Audubon society to review wildlife uses and timing; document if any existing use of lagoons by sensitive or endangered species; verify construction window limitations. 8.2.2 Document recommended sequencing and construction limitations (coordinate with Task 5.0) to minimize disruption to wildlife habitat. 8.2.3 Validate preferred plan for enhancing wildlife uses of the site, including: • Review and recommend revisions to preferred plan concepts • Identify construction approaches to minimize wildlife construction period disturbance • Define short- and long-term monitoring and maintenance needs • Summarize revised plan in a technical memorandum with Task 8.1 Deliverables 1. Technical memorandum to document findings of Tasks 8.1 and 8.2. 2. List and preliminary quantification of plant materials. 3. Critical path schedule update with provisions for plant materials acquisition and wildlife construction windows. 9.0 Public and Interpretive Facilities Scope 9.1 Define Appropriate Public Access Policies 9.1.1 Coordinate with City staff and advisory committee regarding extent of public access proposed for project; document preferred access features for incorpo- ration into preferred design alternative. 9.2 Provide Concept Plan for Interpretive Facilities 9.2.1 Meet with City staff (two CT staff) and advisory committee/task force to define interpretive facilities objectives and alternatives (i.e., interpretive signage/exhibits, temporary and permanent lookout towers/viewing plat- sea10026A46.wp5/11 11 9127/93 forms, trails interface with created wetlands and wildlife habitat, interpretive center). 9.2.2 Develop interpretive program recommendations to meet objectives; summar- ize in a memorandum for City staff review. 9.2.3 Incorporate results into preferred design alternative drawings (Task 10.0). Deliverables 1. Combined memorandum to summarize results of Tasks 9.1 and 9.2. 10.0 Facilities Predesign Scope 10.1 Describe, Depict, and Define Design Criteria for Project Features 10.1.1 Prepare predesign base maps from existing topographic maps; add planimetric features not shown based on aerial photography. 10.1.2 Prepare preliminary design drawing layouts (one sheet each unless otherwise noted) for the following project features: • Lagoons expansion and vegetative restoration/enhancements (two sheets) • Materials disposal/stockpile areas (from Task 5.0) • Created/mitigated wetland areas (from Task 7.0) • Mill Creek diversion facilities (weir, diversion channel, bypass pipeline/channel) • North and south pretreatment facilities (two sheets) and associated conveyance facilities (from Task 6.0) • Lagoon gravity outlet works, controls, and downstream channel to Mill Creek confluence • Pump station and discharge pipeline to Green River (from Task 4.0) • Public and interpretive facilities (from Task 9.0) sea10026A46.wp5/12 9/27/93 12 10.1.3 Briefly describe each project feature including design criteria; prepare technical memorandum to summarize results of Task 10.1. 10.1.4 Meet with City staff (2 CT staff) to review and solicit comments; revise drawings and criteria in response to comments. Deliverables 1. Base map and preliminary design drawings (approximately 10 sheets) from Task 10.1.1. 2. Technical memorandum to summarize results of Task 10.1. 11.0 Project Implementation Scope 11.1 Estimated Project Implementation Costs 11.1.1 Prepare quantity estimates and opinions of project construction cost for preferred plan (one); revise in response to comments; document for predesign report. 11.2 Project Schedule, Effects, and Limitations 11.2.1 Update critical path project implementation schedule prepared initially with Task 1.1.2 (assume two updates); prepare memorandum jointly with Task 11.3 to summarize design effects and limitations for City staff review. 11.3 Contract Documents Packaging for Final Design 11.3.1 Develop recommended approach for contract documents packaging for final design in coordination with City staff; prepare memorandum jointly with Task 11.2 to document recommendations. Deliverables 1. Opinions of project implementation costs prepared with Task 11.1. 2. Combined technical memorandum to summarize results of Task 11.2 and '11.3. a ea10026A46.wp5/13 9127/93 13 12.0 Predesign Report Scope 12.1 Prepare Predesign Report 12.1.1 Prepare draft predesign (engineering) report with preferred design concept summary and drawings; compile technical memoranda products of the various tasks in an appendix. 12.1.2 Meet with City staff (two CT staff) to review draft report and solicit comments. 12.1.3 Revise draft report (single revision) in response to a consolidated set of City and agency comments; issue final predesign report. Deliverables 1. Five copies of draft predesign report and drawings. 2. Twenty-five copies of final predesign report and drawings; five copies of appendix. 13.0 SEPA Compliance and Permitting Assistance Scope 13.1 SEPA Compliance 13.1.1 City staff will perform all tasks associated with SEPA compliance. 13.1.2 The consultant's scope of work does not include an EIS. 13.2 Permitting Assistance 13.2.1 Meet with City to develop a project permitting strategy; define in a memorandum with flow chart for all permitting elements for City staff review. 13.2.2 Prepare for and attend (three CT staff) preapplication meeting with City and COE staff; coordinate with Tasks 5.0, 7.0, 8.0, and 10.0. 13.2.3 Prepare a two-page briefing paper for preferred design concept tailored to each of the permitting agencies; confirm permitting requirements with agency staff and document where permits are not required. aea10026A46.wp5/14 14 9127/93 13.2.4 Prepare permit applications and supporting materials for the following permits anticipated to be required for project implementation: • City Planning Department (Shoreline Substantial Development Permit) • Washington State Department of Ecology (Water Quality Modification [WQM], Section 401 Water Quality Certification, and storm water NPDES NOI for compliance with the NPDES general permit) • Washington State Departments of Fisheries (WDF) and Wildlife (WDW) (Hydraulic Project Approval [HPA]) • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) (Section 404 and Section 10 [as applicable] for work in wetlands and waters of the state) 13.2.5 Coordinate with City and agency staff regarding application materials and permitting status; attend one meeting (two CT staff) with each agency jointly with City staff. Deliverables 1. Permitting strategy memorandum from Task 13.2.1. 2. Agency briefing papers from Task 13.2.2. 3. Permitting applications and supporting materials for agencies identified in Task 13.2.3. 14.0 Public Involvement Scope 14.1 Public and Advisory Team/Task Force Meetings 14.1.1 Prepare for and attend (one CT staff) two public meetings. 14.1.2 Prepare for and attend (one CT staff) two advisory team/task force meetings. Deliverables 1. Meeting note summaries for all public and advisory team/task force meetings. sea10026A46.wp5/15 15 9/27/93 15.0 Project Documentation and Promotion Scope The scope of work for this task will carry through Phases II and III of the project. Since the site conditions will not be modified until construction, it is recommended that this task be deferred to Phase II. Implementation of this task at that time may result in more focused video coverage of the specific project features. Therefore, no costs are included for this task in Phase I. 15.1 Video Production 15.1.1 Provide video footage for all phases of the construction project from start to finish. The videotapes will be of such quality, quantity,, and type as can be compiled and used to produce a presentation quality feature video of approximately 30 minutes in length with narration. 15.1.2 Produce a professional, presentation-quality video feature from the prod- uct of Task 15.1.1. The nature of this video will be both general and specific, and will appeal to citizens as well as engineers and scientists. The feature video will "tell the story" of the Kent Lagoons project from conception to completion. Approximate length should be 30 minutes. Narration should accompany the footage as appropriate. Deliverables 1. Construction video tapes. 2. Professional video feature. 16.0 Project Management and Coordination Scope 16.1 Project Management 16.1.1 Prepare work plan and periodic updates for staffing/scheduling/execution of proj ect. 16.1.2 Track cost accounting for services performed; prepare monthly invoices and status reports. 16.1.3 Provide ongoing direction to and communications with project staff. wa10026A46.wp5/16 9/27/93 16 16.1.4 Provide senior review of all deliverable products and ongoing quality improvement (QI) throughout project duration. 16.2 Project Meetings and Coordination (exclusive of task-specific meetings) 16.2.1 Attend regular monthly meetings (assume eight) with City staff to review project progress; combine with periodic coordination meetings with the City's other project consultants. Deliverables 1. Monthly project status reports and invoicing. 2. Summaries of meeting minutes with documentation of all significant project decisions. Phase II—Design Services Design Phase Services will generally include, but will not necessarily be limited to, project management, preparation of drawings, specifications, and contract documents, permit and easement acquisition assistance, assistance with regulatory agencies and other services. The scope and budget of Design Phase Services will be specifically defined by amendments to the AGREEMENT. Phase III—Bidding and Construction Services Bidding and Construction Phase Services will generally include, but will not necessarily be limited to, project management, assistance in obtaining construction bids and awarding con- struction contracts, office services during construction, onsite services during construction, assistance with regulatory agencies and other services. The scope and budget of Bidding and Construction Phase Services will be specifically defined by amendments to the AGREEMENT. Miscellaneous Engineering Services Additional tasks and services may be added during the Predesign, Design and Bidding and Construction Phases and the scope and definition of miscellaneous tasks and services may be established, as required, by amendments to the AGREEMENT. wa10026A46.wp5 sea10026A46.wp5/17 9/27/93 17 EXHIBIT B PAYMENT Compensation by the CITY to the CONSULTANT will be as follows: A. For services enumerated in Section I of the Contract, the CONSULTANT's Salary Costs multiplied by a factor of 2.1, plus Direct Expenses, plus a service charge of 10 percent of Direct Expenses, plus applicable sales, use, value added, business transfer, gross receipts, or other similar taxes. B. Compensation by the CITY to the CONSULTANT shall not exceed the amount stated in Section IIA of the Contract for the services enumerated in Section I. The CONSULTANT will make reasonable efforts to complete the work within the budget and will keep the CITY informed of progress toward that end so that the budget or work effort can be adjusted if found necessary. The CONSULTANT is not obligated to incur costs beyond the indicated budgets, as may be adjusted, nor is the CITY obligated to pay the CONSULTANT beyond these limits. When any budget has been increased, the CONSULTANT's excess costs expended prior to such increase will be allowable to the same extent as if such costs had been incurred after the approved increase. C. SALARY COSTS Salary Costs are the amount of wages or salaries paid CONSULTANT's employees for work directly performed on the PROJECT plus a percentage applied to all such wages or salaries to cover all payroll-related taxes, payment, premiums, and benefits. D. DIRECT EXPENSES Direct Expenses are those costs incurred on or directly for PROJECT including, but not limited to, necessary transportation costs, including current rates for CONSULTANT's vehicles; meals and lodging; laboratory tests and analyses; computer services; word processing services; communication, mail, printing, binding, and reproduction charges; all costs associated with outside consultants, subconsultants, and other outside services and facilities; special CITY approved PROJECT specific insurance costs, letter of credit and bond costs; and other similar costs. Reimbursement for Direct Expenses will be on the basis of actual charges when furnished by commercial sources and on the basis of current rates when furnished by CONSULTANT. FN:cd/BAC7G-569-B.51 September 29, 1993 EXHIBIT D AMENDMENT TO CONSULTANT SERVICES CONTRACT BETWEEN CITY OF KENT AND CH2M HILL NORTHWEST, INC. hereafter referred to as CONSULTANT STANDARD OF CARE The standard of care applicable to CONSULTANT's services will be the degree of skill and diligence normally employed by professional engineers or consultants performing the same or similar services at the time CONSULTANT's services are performed. CONSULTANT will perform any services not meeting this standard without additional compensation. SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATIONS In soils, foundation, groundwater, and other subsurface investigations, the actual characteristics may vary significantly between successive test points and sample intervals and at locations other than where observations, exploration, and investigations have been made. Because of the inherent uncertainties in subsurface evaluations, changed or unanticipated underground conditions may occur that could affect total PROJECT cost and/or execution. The CONSULTANT shall not be responsible for effects on total PROJECT cost and/or execution to the extent caused by these changes or unanticipated underground conditions that occur at points other than where observations, explorations and investigations have been made. CONSULTANT'S PERSONNEL AT CONSTRUCTION SITE The presence or duties of CONSULTANT's personnel at a construction site, whether as onsite representatives or otherwise, do not relieve the construction contractors or the City or any other entity of their obligations, duties, and responsibilities required by such construction work. CONSULTANT and CONSULTANT's personnel have no authority to exercise any control over any construction contractor or other entity or their employees or any other persons at the site except CONSULTANT's own personnel. The presence of CONSULTANT's personnel at a construction site is for the purpose of providing to CITY a greater degree of confidence that the completed work will conform to the Contract Documents and that the integrity of the design concept in the Contract Documents has been implemented and preserved by the construction contractor(s). CONSULTANT neither guarantees the performance of the construction contractor(s) nor assumes responsibility for construction contractor's failure to perform their work in accordance with the Contract Documents. FN:cd/BAGG-569.51 I 9/29/93 Construction sites include places of manufacture for materials incorporated into the construction work. Construction contractors include manufacturers of materials incorporated into the construction work. The applicability of this section (CONSULTANT's personnel at construction site) shall apply only to CONSULTANT's performance of the scope of work described in Exhibit A. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS PAYMENTS Recommendations by CONSULTANT to CITY for periodic construction progress payments to the construction contractor(s) will be based on CONSULTANT's knowledge, information and belief from selective sampling that the work has progressed to the point indicated. Such recommendations do not represent that continuous or detailed examinations have been made by CONSULTANT to ascertain that the construction contractor(s) have completed the work in exact accordance with the Contract Documents; that the final work will be acceptable in all respects; that CONSULTANT has made an examination to ascertain how or for what purpose the construction contractor(s) have used the moneys paid; that title to any of the work, materials, or equipment has passed to CITY free and clear of liens, claims, security interests, or encumbrances; or that there are not other matters at issue between CITY and the construction contractors, that affect the amount that should be paid. CONSULTANT's recommendations regarding progress payments shall not, however, act to release CONSULTANT from any obligations or liabilities otherwise created in this entire contract Agreement. RECORD DRAWINGS Record drawings, if required, will be prepared, in part, on the basis of information compiled and furnished by others, and may not always represent the exact location, type of various components, or exact manner in which the PROJECT was finally constructed. CONSULTANT is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the information from others that is incorporated into the record drawings. Record drawings will consist only of the signed and sealed set of drawing in hard copy form. Any computer-generated files on diskettes or tapes furnished by CONSULTANT are for CITY and other convenience and to be utilized at users sole risk. CONTRACTOR INDEMNIFICATION AND CLAIMS CITY agrees to include in all construction contracts the provisions of the previous section "CONSULTANT's PERSONNEL AT CONSTRUCTION SITE," and provisions providing contractor indemnification of CITY and CONSULTANT for contractor's negligence. FN:cd/BAGG-569.51 2 9/29/93 CITY'S INSURANCE (a) CITY will maintain property insurance on all pre-existing physical facilities associated in any way for the PROJECT. (b) CITY will provide (or have the construction contractor(s) provide a Builders Risk All Risk Insurance policy for the full replacement value of all PROJECT work including the value of all onsite CITY-furnished equipment and/or materials associated with CONSULTANT's services. Such policy will provide a waiver of subrogation as to CONSULTANT and the construction contractor(s) (or CITY), and their respective officers, employees, agents, affiliates and subcontractors. CITY will provide CONSULTANT a copy of such policy. LITIGATION ASSISTANCE The Scope of Services does not include costs of CONSULTANT for required or requested assistance to support, prepare, document, bring, defend, or assist in litigation undertaken or defended by CITY. All such services required or requested of CONSULTANT by CITY, except for suits or claims between the parties to this AGREEMENT, will be reimbursed as mutually agreed, and payment for such services shall be in accordance with Article II, unless and until there is a finding by a court or arbitrator that CONSULTANT's sole negligence caused CITY's damage. REUSE OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS All reports, drawings, specifications, documents, and other deliverables of CONSULTANT, whether in hard copy or in electronic form, are instruments of service for this PROJECT, whether the PROJECT is completed or not. Reuse on another project, change, or alteration by CITY or by others acting through or on behalf of CITY of any such instruments of service without the written permission of CONSULTANT will be at CITY's sole risk. FN:cd/B:\GG-569.51 3 9/29/93 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written: CH2M HILL NORTHWEST, INC. THE CITY OF KENT By: �6'� . �'c.� aPe t /� y: Its Principal �" Director Of Public Works Notices to be sent to: C1121A HILL NORTHWEST, INC. Mr. Don Wickstrom, P.E. CONSULTANT Director of Public Works The City of Kent P.O. Box 91500 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Bellevue, Washington 98009-2050 Kent City Attorney ATTEST: Kent City Clerk FN:cd/BAGG-569.51 4 9129193 S I . ., « � �Com tie bined Stormwatei Ir ontion and Wetland/Habitat bihancementfor Dent Lagoons iJAlf 1 1 / �y �1. l t '• } i � I I p tiiil,n,itt���� r•�, r;d 19"'; City of Kent C KMHli1 q;- Engineers - Planners Economists Scientists April 8, 1993 SEA998.76 Mr. William S. Wolinski, P.E. Environmental Engineering Public Works Department 220 4th Avenue Kent, Washington 98032-5895 Subject: Kent Lagoons Enhancement Proposal Supplemental Materials Thank you again for the opportunity to present our qualifications and approach for imple- menting your Kent Lagoons Enhancement Project. In response to questions raised by the City interview team regarding pump station design experience and our approach to the landscape buffer element of the project, we have assembled some additional materials to address those elements specifically and to supplement our proposal materials. Mr. Bud VanDerAa would be task leader for design of a pump station associated with an outfall to the Green River (understood to be an optional project element). An abbreviated resume is attached to summarize his extensive pump station design experience. We also have included photographs of some representative pump installations for which he has been responsible. Mr. VanderAa would be supported by Mr. Rich Farrell (identified proposal team member), also with considerable experience in the design of numerous lift stations (revised resume attached). In addition, we will provide the required geotechnical (Ken Green), structural (Karen Kornher), electrical, mechanical, and instrumentation and control expertise for successful pump station design, construction observation, and startup activities. If so desired by the City for the landscape buffer and interpretive elements of the design, we would subcontract those services to a landscape architect consultant of your choice. We assume this could be handled in a similar manner to your approach to hiring SAIC and Northwest Hydraulics in supporting roles to the prime consultant. As an alternative, 777 108th Ave. N.E. Bellevue, WA 98004-51 18 206.453.5000 Seattle Office FAX 206,462.5957 P.O. Box 91500,Bellevue, WA 98009-2050 Mr. William S. Wolinski, P.E. Page 2 April 8, 1993 SEA998.76 we could suggest some firms that we have worked with in the past and that have successfully designed facilities similar in scale and purpose. This consultant would coordinate with our wetlands specialists to achieve a functional, unified, and pleasing appearance to the lagoon buffer areas. As we indicated in our interview, we are excited about the prospect of working with you and the other City project team staff to make this project a reality. Please let us know if you require additional materials in support of our qualifications or experience. Sincerely, CH2M HILL William E. Derry, Manager Water Resources Department ls/1002523D.SEA Enclosures (3) c: Gary Gill, City of Kent Richard Chase, City of Kent Stan Wade, City of Kent RICHARD FARRELL, P.E. Civil Engineer Mr. Farrell has a B.S. degree in civil engineering. He has managed the planning, design, and construction phases of wastewater treatment plant components, sewerage systems, site development projects, solid waster facilities, and highway projects. His experience has included the design of numerous pump stations and work on numerous other projects. • Managed wastewater treatment plant expansions at Walla Walla and Manchester, Washington. Designed and is currently providing services during construction for influent pump station at Walla Walla site, with provision for emergency power generation. • Project manager for King County Cedar Hills Landfill 1,500-gpm leachate pump station (three submersible 125-hp pumps). Station designed entirely below finish grade to minimize visual impact in landfill buffer zone. • Designer for numerous pump stations (including stormwater) for City of Bellingham, ITT Rayonier/Port Angeles wood waste site, Chelan County PUD No. 1 (at Dryden Dam). • Designer for Boeing Auburn stormwater pretreatment and detention facilities. • Responsible for predesign engineering for the U.S. Navy's master plan for an air carrier battle group in Everett, including piers, wharf, dredging, breakwater, roads, utilities, and other improvements. 1002523F.SEA 1002523F.SEA/1 4/8/93 MARION H. (BUD) VANDERAA, P.E. Water/Wastewater Engineer Mr. VanDerAa has a B.S. in civil engineering. He has over 30 years of experience (all with CH2M HILL) with focus in design and construction management for small- to large-scale water, stormwater, and wastewater att n and pumping stations work done by CH2 collection systems. He coordinates all pump HILL's Seattle Regional Office. His project experience has included: • Designer of sewage pump stations up to 38,400 gpm, 2,000 hp. • Project manager for design of 32,000-gpm stormwater pump station for Boeing Auburn fabrication site, including services during construction and startup, and 4,000 feet of storm sewer and force main (up to 60-inch diameter). Predesign and design were completed in 45 days. • Senior consultant for design of 10,000-gpm pump station for the City of Everett. • Project Manager for design of Ramsey collector and pump station using two 2,000-hp pumps for WPPS (Satsop). • Senior consultant for design of 12 miles of sewer, force main and sepa- rated storm sewer, and three pump stations up to 8,000 gpm each for the City of Bremerton. • Designer for 7,000-hp, high-head pump station for Caroni water treatment plant, Trinidad, West Indies. Mr. VanDerAa previously has authored input to sewer and pump station design chapters of the Washington State Department of Ecology manual, Criteria for Sewerage Works. 1002523E.SEA 1002523E.SEA/1 4/8/93 Selected Pump Station Project Experience of Bud VanDerAa yr i Vertical propeller low head pump installation for Boeing Auburn stormwater lift station (four 8,000 gpm [71 cfs total]). Size of station is similar to that potentially required for your Kent Lagoons project. 4 �`M { r� Vertical turbine high head pumps installation for Caroni water treatment plant, Trinidad, West Indies. Total installed capacity of 7,000 hp. April 7, 1993 SEA998.76 Mr. William S. Wolinski, P.E., Supervisor Environmental Engineering Public Works Department 220 4th Avenue Kent, Washington 98032-5895 Dear Mr. Wolinski: The CH2M HILL project team is pleased to submit this proposal to provide professional engineering services for preparation of a regional stormwater detention/enhanced wetland facility for the City of Kent. As described in your RFP of March 16, 1993, your proposed project is multifaceted and will require a broad range of professional and technical skills. CH2M HILL has assembled a team of profes- sionals who will fulfill the project requirements and work closely with you and your staff to facilitate a successful project. Members of our proposed project team, led by project manager Gary Graham,have worked together on several projects with features similar to those of the Kent Lagoons Stormwater Detention/Wetland Enhancement Facility. Our extensive experience in wetland enhancement, flood control, stormwater management,water quality and design of environmentally sensitive construction will be instrumental in successful completion of your proposed facility. We believe that we have the enthusiasm, skills, and resources to design, construct, and implement a stormwater detention/enhancement wetland facility that will meet your needs while offering the public a visible and exciting wetland enhancement project. Sincerely, CH2M HILL 181uf , William E. Derry, Manager Water Resources Department Is/10025182.SEA Seattle Office 777 108tri Ave. N.E.Bellevue, WA 98004-5118 FAX 206.453,5900 P.D.Box 91500,Bellevue,WA 98009-2050 P R O P O S A L Combined Stormwater Detention and Wetland/Habitat Enhancement for Kent Lagoons Submitted to City of Kent CW HILL April 1993 Proposal Summary The Kent Lagoons Combined Stormwater De- A recommended action plan to address antici- tention and Wetland/Habitat Enhancement pated key issues for each of these items is pre- Project provides a state-of-the-art,environmen- sented in our proposal. tally sensitive solution for regional management of stormwater runoff in the Mill Creek drainage Design solutions to achieve the plan intent will basin. Successful design and construction will be practical, effective, cost-efficient, and will transform the concept plan into a showcase adhere to schedule constraints. Our approach project with resulting long-term environmental for achieving this solution emphasizes early and and public benefits. The CH2M HILL team of collective input from our design and construc- highly qualified professionals with extensive tion management team staff to identify likely expertise and experience in design and con- construction approaches,timing,and limitations struction management of similar projects will for design. This proactive approach will antici- assist Kent in achieving a successful project. pate problems and will provide appropriate We will work closely with the City to maintain solutions to efficiently avoid/resolve obstacles to public understanding and support for a consoli- project implementation. dated design solution that incorporates the objectives of the preferred plan. Key Team Members All team efforts will focus on achieving suc- Gary Graham, Project Manager cessful and timely project construction in an environmentally sensitive manner. Specifically, • Managed design and construction of City of the CH2M HILL team will provide: Bellingham 18-mgd primary wastewater treatment plant • An interactive design and construction approach resulting in timely project • Managed cost control for City of Brem- implementation erton's 1983-1985 sewerage construction program • A sequenced approach that will streamline construction in compliance with environ- . Specializes in planning, design, and con- mental considerations struction management of wastewater treat- ment facilities • The necessary wetlands and habitat restora- tion expertise to successfully transform the Bill Derry, Senior Advisor plan concept into reality • Deals directly with people who have • A stormwater design approach that results stormwater-related problems that affect in functional and regulatory-compliant their lives and work and helps them find solutions answers and build projects to solve these problems • A thorough understanding of and experi- ence with the required permitting approval . Participates in habitat improvement, stream processes relocation, and multi-use design projects • Appropriate public involvement throughout • Former manager of Snohomish County design and construction to maintain public Surface Water Management Program support • Effective project management that will re- sult in a buildable design 100251CC.SEA/1 4/6/93 Michelle Girts,Wetlands Enhancement Advisor • Develops wetland protection programs for clients like City of Issaquah • Prepares feasibility studies, and conceptual, preliminary, and final designs for con- • Specializes in land use analysis as well as structed wetland systems to treat wastewater environmental policy planning such as Hillsboro, Oregon, 15-acre restoration Don Heyer, Construction Management • Manages engineering design and construc- • Coordinated construction for state-of-the-art tion of pilot-scale wetland systems on proj- dewatering facility in Washington ects such as Halsey, Oregon • Managed construction on a multimillion • Assists in mitigating and restoring disturbed dollar, multiple-use waterfront development wetlands to make them once again habitable project for Port of Olympia for waterfowl and other wildlife • Involved in all aspects of program and Don Heinle, Task Leader, Environmental construction management Design and Permitting This team has the hands-on experience and • Managed final restoration and design of vision to carry the concept plan through to Lake Hicks, King County, project successful completion. We will work with City staff directly to closely and cooperatively elicit • Managed study of impacts of storm drainage productive design input from special interest and the effects of a detention basin on groups. We will strive to promote an overall Arrow Lake understanding of the project, its benefits, fund- ing, and how it fits into the City's overall • Assesses wetlands and water quality for stormwater management program. master plans, environmental impact state- ments, and other permitting projects 100251 CC.SEA Jerry Bibee, Task Leader, PS&E Design • Leads stormwater management design ef- forts such as for Boeing-Auburn wetlands detention and stormwater pretreatment facilities • Manages designs of stormwater marine out- fall extensions for clients such as Kaiser Aluminum, Tacoma • Has experience working in Kent as task leader for Kent Highlands landfill closure and manager of King County Flood Insur- ance Study in Kent Ikuno Masterson, Senior Planner • Leads SEPA and other permitting assistance for projects such as Boeing-Auburn storm- water pretreatment wetlands detention ]00251 CC.SEA/2 4/6/93 1000 se ,h t..:� er ere 4C Qe koo .-- oor ar {.:.. e vl e w:. ^ es Nei !-r r•'rr.:��•�✓' .. ?<: . "" /';+� ,, .rr'"y✓. „fir c tiicl\ SS pe mpc -�' .� ,✓ :;err;=�✓ r*' Critical Path Schedule s A f� f f r k �' ■ SEPA4.5 ■ Technical Issues 2' ' ■ Constructability ■ Permitting INTERACTIVE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT APPROACH RESULTS IN TIMELY PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION We Will: Define construction approaches and Identify critical path schedule limitations Anticipate and resolve obstacles Tailor design approach to meet construc- tion and schedule needs Key Issues Action Plan Departments of Wildlife and Fisheries con- Dredging and earthwork methods for timely and struction windows for least disruption to efficient movement of large sludge and sediment lagoon wildlife and fisheries habitat quantities Request and document early input from Provide design and construction management forum resource agencies to define construction in predesign to define practicable construction ap- period windows, concerns, and limitations proaches and timing implications Optimizing construction timing to minimize —' Develop critical path construction schedule that groundwater and surface water construction considers seasonal variation in water levels and interface problems habitat use and results in maximum efficiency. Wetland permitting and mitigation ap- —' Request preapplication meeting with Corps of Engi- provals timing for dredge and excavation neers regarding potential Section 404/10 permit mi- spoils placement area tigation needs and timing at outset of predesign. Timing for acquisition of required prop- "' Pursue required property acquisitions and easements erties and easements immediately after definitive needs identified in predesign Planting schedule to maximize wetland and —' Evaluate potential sources, availability, and lead time habitat enhancement success for plant materials for consistency with installation timing window. Public and interest groups support for con- —' Facilitate appropriate coordination with Mayor's En- struction approach and timing vironmenta Task Force and other local interest groups to build consensus on project construction approach and timing Existing Stage 2 Completed Lagoons Project r € d�_ Stage 1 Stage 3 I I I SEQUENCED APPROACH STREAM- LINES LAGOON CONSTRUCTION IN COMPLIANCE WITII ENVIRONMEN'TAI, CONSIDERATIONS We Will: Evaluate and resolve anticipated construc- Identify and incorporate appropriate measures for tion issues in design habitat during construction period Develop and gain concurrence fot cf- Provide coordinated solution to dredge, excavation, ficiently sequenced construction plan and dewatering needs Provide contingency containment plan for potentially contaminated sludge and sediments Key Issues Action Plan Habitat area needs, consolidation potential, —' Develop a coordinated sequenced plan in predesign and timing for movement during for construction period movement, restoration, and construction enhancement of wildlife habitat areas in coordination with resource agencies Construction approaches to accomplish Collectively (with SAIC) consider alternative dredging major sludge and sediment excavations approaches and conventional excavation approaches within consideration of habitat needs (with appropriate dewatering), and recommended cost-effective, habitat-sensitive approach Groundwater and lagoon water level con- Document specific approaches for dewatering of con- trols during excavation and dredge con- ventional excavation areas, for providing adequate struction phase supply of makeup water, and for containment and treatment of return flows for dredging areas (with SAIC) Excavation and dredge materials placement Evaluate extent of area, depth and diking require- location and extent, containment needs, ments for excavation and dredge spoils; define dewatering, and potential for construction expected schedule other dewatering uses (with and potenSAICtial e and future use project Potential extent of localized contamination Complete further sampling of lagoon sludge materials of sludge layer material and materials during predesign, with focus on areas of previously handling and placement identified high PCB levels; develop contingency plan for removal and containment Interface of lagoons construction with pro- Coordinate with Public Works staff regarding plans posed 64th Avenue South construction and timing to implement road project; maintain adequate design buffer to meet lagoon habitat objectives I Cross Sectional View of Kent Stormwater Detention Facility :i.''j:c,. f.'+' f '•f�'..,+f i',ti - :'•},7{�: {.:•' j�,y� 1.iy�f;f,:Y''?:}'}''. o.n•mN.. x,n rn.. o.n e w euaaN ..en. uHui une. rxi ie.n^ anmme.n ■m. ■.m nom� ens. .n•ex.. c WETLANDS AND HABITAT RESTORA- TION EXPERTISE TRANSLATES EXCEL- LENT CONCEPT INTO SHOWCASE. PROJECT We Will: Develop planting plan that considers functional needs Meet wetland and habitat enhancement and hydroperiod conditions function plan objectives Provide construction period planting installation over- Separate wildlife and water quality sight control functions to optimize both Provide qualified, experienced staff to guide successful restoration and enhancement design Key Issues Action Plan Translating understanding of existing Review and incorporate findings from previous wetlands and habitat functions and uses to wetland and biology studies with insight and exper- design to meet enhancement objectives ience from constructed wetland projects; coordinate closely with city and resource agencies staff; formulate recommendations for refinement of plan concept for design implementation Optimization of enhanced lagoon hydro- Evaluate expected hydroperiod characteristics of period under planned project operation lagoon; plan for variability based on experience; refine conditions concept to design and provide contingency for anticipated variability Effectiveness of water quality pretreatment Consider expected performance of water quality to protect lagoon habitat pretreatment to confirm adequacy of protection for sensitive wetland and wildlife habitat species Selection of appropriate plant species to Select plant species to appropriately reflect mesh with enhanced lagoon hydroperiod hydroperiod and desired habitat conditions and characteristics expected variability; confirm availability of sufficient quantities prior to specification Planting approach, methods, establishment Combine in-house expertise with reforestation experts techniques, and timing considerations for to develop practicable and successful planting landscape restoration and enhancement approaches; consolidate findings into conditions of installation contract documents; provide field consultation and oversight in construction Stormwater Water Quality Hydroperiod Discharge Erosion/ Detention Pretreatment Control Constraints Sedimentation /Controls GULATQR( w;URITERIAn Functional Design Solution STORMWATER DESIGN APPROACH RESULTS IN FUNCTIONAL AND REGULATORY- COMPLIANT SOLUTIONS We Will: Validate functional adequacy of detention Refine diversion design from Mill Creek and water quality treatment design Recommend specific outfall design and facilitate Establish design layout compliance with agency approvals applicable regulatory criteria Evaluate storm event effects on enhanced lagoon hydroperiod Key Issues Action Plan Lagoon outfall design for control of Mill ' Consult with Green River Basin Technical Committee Creek flooding and potential for pumped regarding specific requirements for discharge to the high stage releases to the Green River Green River (from Z'iRMA POPP) in combination with primary Mill Creek discharge; formulate recom- mended design approach, coordinate with Renton, and facilitate approvals Detention sizing adequacy and performance ---I' Evaluate effects of recommended outfall design on considerations for larger storm event detention sizing adequacy (by NHC); analyze hydraulic effects for larger storm as contingency; expand design concept footprint of pond if additional detention is required Design criteria for stormwater pretreatment --I' Compare functional objectives for stormwater facilities and surface area requirements pretreatment ponds to Ecology Stormwater Manage- ment Manual criteria guidance; translate concepts to preliminary design layouts to mesh with site constraint; establish agency consensus on adequacy with predesign Enhanced lagoon hydroperiod compliance Prepare technical and functional assessment of with Ecology Wetlands Section enhanced lagoon hydroperiod for Ecology review and requirements consensus;coordinate results with planting restoration design BMP erosion and sedimentation control Require tion n incorporate BMP erosion and sedi- control wi h des gn (both con truct on needs period and operational) Preliminary Final Design Start Project SLPA/ Design Complete Complete Construction GG MM 1993 1994 SEP OC Permitting AUGT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APfi MAY AN Schedule SEPA(Checklist) Potential Permits COE Section 404/10' Ecology Section 401 Ecology Water Duality Modification WildlihNFisherles HPA e>-� Kent Shoreline' Kent Grading!Drainage EIS Control Other Regulatory Unique/Fragile Approvals Areas Variance Green River Basin' Technical Committee 'Assume Individual Permit DNR Easemene 'For Green River Outtall UNDERSTANDING AND EXPERIENCE WITH PERMITTING APPROVAL PRO- CESS EXPEDITES SCHEDULE We Will Prepare applications and supporting materials for Identify and confirm (in writing) needs for required permits all required permits and project approvals Facilitate open communications with agencies and Develop critical path permitting schedule interest groups for timely consensus on permits and coordinated with construction schedule approvals Key Issues Action Plan Desired approach of lead agency to SEPA "' Coordinate with City staff to define SEPA approach review and schedule consistent with desired implementation schedule; incorporate SEPA conditions for project approval with project design Need for, requirements of, and timing for '' Request preapplication meeting with COE; document issue of Corps of Engineers (COE) Sections project alternatives and sludge andsediment disposal 404/10 (individual) permit options; facilitate timely negotiations with COE and Ecology regarding likely mitigation conditions for approval Resource agency (Ecology, Fisheries, Wild- Arrange for site visit during predesign phase with life) potential permit conditions (Section resource agency staff to allow early input on potential 401 Certification, WQM, HPA) concerns and permit conditions; respond with appro- priate design modifications to avoid later delays with permit issuance Need for Shoreline Substantial Develop- Coordinate with city staff on need for shoreline ment Permit for Mill Creek diversion and Permit;document processing time and schedule effect, Green River outfall improvements if required Green River outfall discharge approval —' Request early input from Basin Technical Committee required by Basin Technical Committee on potential conditions for Green River Outfall (workshop); present recommendations and reach consensus Avoidance of delays with potential permit Provide open communications with agencies and in- approvals terest groups to resolve issues that could result in schedule delays ive Public Media Kent Lagoons Protect Displays ` Meetings nk17&Jf3� mAtir Good Project *� " Press Funding ir,, APPROPRIATE PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT THROUGHOUT DESIGN AND CON- STRUCTION MAINTAINS PUBLIC SUPPORT We Will: Facilitate City communications with public Involve advisory team Promote public understanding of project Integrate project with ongoing stormwater control elements and benefits public education program Assist City staff with project communications to elected officials Key Issues Action Plan Level of public use of completed project "' Coordinate with City and agency staff regarding desired or restricted public use levels; facilitate city communication with public to reach agreement on approach Special interest groups (i.e., Audubon Invite special interest groups to workshop to detail Society) support for project proposed construction plans and habitat provisions Maintain support of Mayor's Environmental Provide appropriate coordination with task force Task Force throughout design and construction; incorporate constructive comments with design where feasible and desired by City staff Opportunities for ongoing public education '-' Provide interpretive project signage; hold educational programs for completed project public events at completed site, promote community program for monitoring assistance, etc. Funding and elected official's support for Assist City staff as requested with resolution of project project funding issues; prepare concise project summaries and strategies as needed to support City Council project presentations and create opportunities for visibility of elected officials Construction Constructability Permitting/ Sequencing SEPA Timing Approvals Sludge Wetlands/ Stormw er Sediment Habitats Dewatering pivessions Disposal Enchancement pretre ent CONSOLIDATION OF PLAN ELEMENTS THROUGH PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROVIDES BUILDABLE DESIGN We Will Provide periodic updates of estimated project Provide guidance for consolidation of implementation costs project technical, regulatory, public, and funding issues Facilitate timely and quality project construction Coordinate efforts with City subconsultants Manage project team efforts for maximum efficiency for cohesive project team Keep project from diverging off-track Key Issues Action Plan Resolution of project issues for timely '' Proactive identification of potential issues with project construction resolution strategies for early action Open communications with project team ' Hold regular coordination meetings with City staff; and city staff document all significant decisions with meeting notes for City staff review and concurrence; keep project team staff clearly informed of design decisions Quality control of project design and "' Provide quality control management throughout construction project, with senior staff review of all deliverable products; provide construction management oversight for control of construction quality to match with design intent Control of project design and construction Develop a work plan project team guidance in design costs with periodic updates; provide construction cost updates at,completion of predesign (approximately 30 percent design), and at approximately 70 and 100 percent design completion stages; adjust design as directed by the City to mesh with funding availability 6 Selection of the CH21VI HILL Team Assures Timely and Environmentally Sensitive Approach to Construction of Kent Lagoon Enhancements • Timely Project Implementation • Compliance with Environmental Considerations • Translate Wetlands/Habitat Concepts to Functional Solutions • Regulatory-Compliant Stormwater Management Solutions • Expedite Permitting Schedule • Maintain Public Support • Consolidate Plan Elements to Buildable Design § , ® ! ! 2 § ) ® , § ¥ � ! � § ! B � IS = a= § f§ §: \) � lo )( ( ) \k � \ ® , ! 1 - ; CD c )!\ CD _ r § � � § § CD \ \! } - 1 )§ ] b. — e e o e m $ a g a : p b � m O o � a CD N• C a_s O ^ B Boo $ ' @ w z a.38gR ° z �� E6' 3. �$ 2a 9'a 13 C " g °°N B A - R ' B° $ 9 ,� o f� � 2 ps 'Si B vB }2 ^ -' o`°n � R $ p h� _s' doB �•°= B �.'u„�v a �.. o Y g � a B vCT n 8 dx =o as' "gin ElN e d a T nw 8 n e m'o -c a °$ i a d o g qq a B d` osj=. Cl �� b a A n 6a o — oe cz �3 °3 an@ � H "_ - d pe B as za 9F z R9. FF� dB " P lea o..a ue aq waNe o' �n �' '9mw °° .�� L9. R a$ $ H C S9 a w' q �a Q=Q6 o 0 � .c 9 H c z B o X2 m p ^m ° �vga 3. � u.o ,2 ; d =d - e ^ o o � � ? o a�Z �l � G �s Q B _ 13 k �° 8 F= �$ a nm ; U u "£ o G s' n o °_ o� = a dBmC nog m 'RaR k Ed RmK; = nR ; � E, an v?wanR E� > xn : 'fi S.z 'o ¢EaEv_° w = da = dad Gn "Am _ ' n 9 _ vs a o Via, Q ' � an r = a 75$ S 'S aGON R.R2n a�3� ANo�.; wGRa � QEl i ^� e a' W�4 gZn'u aB?$ w3 „-o 'S.�C '->gu� S. n on � 80 � _ � yy�� � �. _001 a �R" �. � o� fon ao33 d5 R3:X h7 fn 1. Z c �a �aA a ga3 °^ a - 8"8 G�N o sa Ev 313 3: B c 8 o El 8° a v . 9 aR ` '3. Eggo nE � FS � R G oo G n GIF ? IR a n n $ o n G n El d ' ' x� yea O QGo iEl sm 1 R 3 o_oo a o. a. o' d Welland Mitigation Hillsboro LanditU Hillsboro, Oregon CH2M HILL conducted an initial delineation of The water supply for the constructed wetlands wetlands in the floodplain for the Tualatin River, consists of stormwater runoff held in an upstream which would be filled by a proposed landfill detention pond. This flow is augmented by expansion. The delineation was completed using unquantified seepage of land-applied wastewater 1989 Unified Federal Methodology, and the proj- and landfill leachate,which enters the wetlands as ect was permitted in a phased process. Restora- subsurface flow. The constructed wetlands are tion of remaining wetlands from reed canary grass also flooded during January through March. meadows to ponds with islands and emergent Because of the complex hydrology, extensive vegetation, and conversion of upland areas to water quality monitoring has been initiated for emergent wetlands were proposed as mitigation. the system, including monitoring sponsored by Design, construction and planting oversight, and CH2M HILL's research and development team. monitoring plans for the systems have been pro- vided by CH2M HILL.. Y J Il �' 1 North Bend Airport Expansion and Wetland Miligation City of North Bend, Oregon CH2M HILL developed an acceptable mitigation capacity scrapers to move the material, the con- plan, designed the expansion of the airport, tractor moved in excess of 700,000 cubic yards of provided construction management, and imple- material between October 15 and December 7 mented the mitigation plan. Plans for expansion (7 weeks), provided all required fill, and left the of the airport required filling 30 acres of inter- mitigation site at the correct elevation. Impacts tidal and subtidal areas, with impacts to emergent to emergent marshes were mitigated at two salt marshes and intertidal eelgrass beds. nearby sites. The borrow area for the required fill was a Eelgrass was successfully established in test plots dredge-spoil island that was reduced to an eleva- during 1989 through 1991, with survival ranging tion of minus 1 ft. below MLLW to create the from 62 percent for first-year plantings to 40 per- eelgrass mitigation site. The 404 Permit required cent for 3-year-old plantings. Propagation of dredging and filling he done during the period of planted vegetation and natural recruitment of October 15 to March 15. By using temporary seedlings caused increases over planted densities. dikes around the borrow area. and 35-cubic-yard The site was fully planted in 1992. �4 4 ni `.f ��-its-. ;� �•''fir Centralia Landfill Welland Mitigation Centralia Landfill Closure Group and City of Centralia CH2M HILL constructed stormwater facilities Hydric soils on the site were essentially intact, and a gas flare in farmed wetland adjacent to the and the hay grasses were the desirable hydro- Centralia landfill. The long-term goal for the site phytic species. Therefore, restoration of meadow is to restore any remaining farmed wetland to a and temporary pond wetland was accomplished by natural forested wetland. However, because the regrading and partly filling the drainage ditches, full scope of remedial actions at the site is not yet hydroseeding with a wetland plant mix, and known, an interim goal of establishing 18 acres of natural recruitment of plants via flooding. plaustrine emergent (wet meadow and temporary pool) wetland, which could also be used for final Natural recruitment did not achieve first-year treatment of stormwater, was set. Two acres of goals, so 1,200 Oregon ash and 50 black cotton- forested wetland are being established on a part wood were planted to establish 2 acres of forested of the site most distant from the landfill. wetland. Also, 2,000 slough sedge were planted in the temporary pools_ `16 w m - Stormwater Wetlands Detention and Water Quality Control Facilities Design Boeing Auburn Fabrication Site Boeing Commercial Airplane Group CH2M HILL performed a detailed assessment of Detailed hydrologic modeling and hydraulic back- site drainage improvement alternatives in support water evaluation were performed for verification of planned site expansion for the Auburn Fabrica- of the hydraulic design. tion site. This resulted in development of a com- prehensive site drainage plan. The plan included Other services included SEPA checklist and the proposed relocation of the outfall channel rezone and conditional use applications prepara- through a regionally significant wetland area. tion, survey and base map development, geo- technical investigation and design, wetlands Stormwater improvements were designed up- delineation and legal description preparation, and stream from the two major stormwater outfalls at permit acquisition assistance. Construction man- the site. These improvements consisted of new agement services are currently being provided. and retrofit trunk storm drains, regional (site) water quality treatment facilities, extended and Prior stormwater and wetlands design projects for wetland detention systems, and outlet control the site include relocation of a 40,000-gpm storm- structures with overflow spillways. The project water lift station and approximately 4,000 ft. of designs (two) included trunk storm drains, sedi- trunk Stormwater pipeline, a realignment of the mentation and oil-water separation basins, biofil- Government Canal incorporating fisheries habitat tration channels, high flow diversion and bypass improvements, and restoration of a disturbed ' pipelines, a regional wetlands detention area, and onsite wetland area. an extended detention basin. f 1*611 A 17 s+C` Stormwater Oulfall Tightline and Settling Basin Design Tacoma, Washington Kaiser Aluminum Corporation CH2M HILL recently completed final design Services provided for this project included pre- drawings and specifications for extension of the liminary design, survey, easement legal descrip- Tacoma Works Stormwater Outfall No. 001 and tion, geotechnical investigation, design drawings remediation of "Kaiser" ditch contaminated sedi- and specifications preparation, and permit aequis- ments in response to a Department of Ecology ition assistance. Permitting requirements consent decree. The outfall extension included an included a Shoreline Management Substantial approximate 1,300-foot landward pipeline reach Development permit, an Ecology Section-401 and an approximate 100-foot pile-supported ma- Water Quality Certification and Temporary Modi- rine outfall pipeline (HDPE) with diffuser. fication of Water Quality Standards, a Corps of Sediment remediation consisted of a plan for Engineers Section 10 (Nationwide 7) permit, a excavation of PAH-contaminated sediments from Department of Fisheries Hydraulic Project the Kaiser ditch, vegetative restoration of the Approval, and a Water Quality Modification, City ditch, and placement of sediments within an on- of Tacoma. site sludge management containment area. The outfall extension was implemented in confor A prior project included design of the onsite mance with the revised NPDES permit. stormwater quality control settling basin and the outfall flow and water quality monitoring station. LEGEN e / �o N. f l� ..LwN.•tl ATL_,L HEM Y�.:� 5� .i ff �♦ awf aN '` nmst Eatmwna.,M. k l♦41 r �f I Tf `;iD �. :. �}`__ :..��^.;� F^ v♦�1' �-i. r -':���..•�i{i- iUll�^W��, 'F.,d�r....j ' �,a.edax: ----------------- i SR 520 Bear Creek Relocation and Habitat Study and Mitigation Plan Development Redmond, Washington Washington State Department of Transportation, District t CH2M HILL prepared a detailed hydraulic evalu- A comparative assessment of existing versus post- ation and fish habitat assessment of lower Bear project conditions was made to define the impacts Creek in support of the proposed relocation of a of potential roadway improvements as a basis for meander section of the creek adjacent to the mitigation planning. existing SR 520 highway. This study included detailed hydraulic backwater modeling of the Current work, in conjunction with Watershed creek floodplain, habitat assessment, and field Dynamics, includes conceptual relocation plan- sampling of seasonal salmonid use of the creek. ning for the creek and wetland mitigation plan This work effort was coordinated with King development. In addition to mitigation needs, County Surface Water Management (SWM) Divi- more extensive creek restoration concepts beyond sion staff and was performed in accordance with the mitigation limits are being developed in coor- SWM guidelines. dination with SWM for King County implementa- tion. Projects improvements phasing is also being considered ti Kent Highlands L Udfdi Sto»nwater Control Planning and Design Seattle Solid Waste Utility CH2M HILL assisted the Seattle Solid Waste Utility staff in preparation of an overall site grad- ing and drainage plan for the Kent Highlands Landfill final cover closure design. Services pro- vided have included hydrologic modeling of the onsite drainage systems, alignment and sizing of on- and off-refuse drainage conveyance systems, detention controls,and erosion and sedimentation control facilities. Interim grading, drainage improvements, and erosion and sedimentation controls were designed for construction in 1991 by city maintenance crews. Prior site drainage improvements design has included offsite drainage diversion of landfill area run-on and site grading and revegetation measures to minimize erosion hazard potential from the disturbed site areas. SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 1 Amending CONSULTANT SERVICES CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF KENT AND CH2M HILL, INC. Dated October 29 , 1993 This Supplemental Agreement No. 1, made pursuant to Sections II.A. , II .C . , VI .D. (2) , and XX of the October 29 , 1993 , Consultant Services Contract (the Agreement) between the City of Kent (the City) and CH2M HILL (the Consultant) , has been prepared to add work to the Scope of Work (Exhibit A to the Agreement) and to add compensation to the not-to-exceed amount within Section II.A. of the Agreement. Except as herein amended, the terms and -conditions contained in the Agreement will remain in effect. I . Description of Work Consultant will perform all work as described in Exhibit A-1 and Exhibit A-2 to this Supplemental Agreement. Exhibit A-1 and Exhibit A-2 will become a part of Exhibit A to the Agreement. II . Payment The City will pay the Consultant an amount not to exceed one hundred five thousand eight hundred fifty five dollars ($105, 855) for the services described in Exhibit A-1 and Exhibit A-2 . This is the maximum amount to be paid under this Supplemental Agreement for the services described in Exhibit A-1 and Exhibit A-2 , and this amount will not be exceeded without the prior written authorization of the City in the form of a negotiated and executed supplemental agreement. The total not-to-exceed amount for the services to be performed pursuant to the Agreement and this Supplemental Agreement No. 1 is three hundred two thousand fourteen dollars ($302 , 014) . III . Duration of Work The City and Consultant agree that work will begin on the tasks described in Exhibit A-1 and Exhibit A-2 immediately upon execution of this Supplemental Agreement. The parties agree that the work described in Exhibit A-1 and Exhibit A-2 is to be completed within 120 calendar days of the execution of this Supplemental Agreement . It is provided, however, that additional time will be granted by the City for excusable delays or extra work, as described in Section VI . (D) of the Agreement . 1 IV. Entire Agreement The written provisions and terms of this Supplemental Agreement and the provisions and terms of the Agreement, together with any Exhibits attached hereto and thereto, will supersede all prior verbal statements of any officer or other representative of the City, and such statements will not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of or altering in any manner whatsoever this Supplemental Agreement or the Agreement. The entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereunder is contained in this Supplemental Agreement and the Agreement and any Exhibits attached hereto and thereto. Should any language in any of the Exhibits to this Supplemental Agreement or the Agreement conflict with any language contained in this Supplemental Agreement or the Agreement, this Supplemental Agreement and the Agreement will prevail . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, th par ies have executed this Agreement on this Z� day of e 1994 . CH2M HI TTHwE,� CITY QF KENT BY: BY: �+ Its P ncipal Director of Public , Iorks BY- Mayor Notices to be sent to: -� CH2M HILL, Inc. The City of Kent Consultant Mr. Don Wickstrom, P.E. P.O. Box 91500 Director of Public Works Bellevue, WA 98009_--2050 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 .A ROVE AS TO FORM: e t yAttorney a z 1 A ST: Kent City Clerk 2 Exhibit Al (April 20, 1994) Scope of Work Geotechnical Investigation Green River Natural Resources Enhancement Area Geotechnical investigation work will be conducted in support of the final design and construction of the Green River Natural Resources Enhancement Area project . The work is necessary to identify soil and groundwater conditions in the area of the new construction and at locations of proposed facilities . The Consultant agrees to furnish the City the following specific services and deliverable products : Scope of Work and Deliverable Products TASK 1. MOBILIZATION AND COORDINATION 1 . 1 Prepare drilling specifications and present to three contractors for estimates . Obtain quotes for performing the work and select one . Prepare a contract with the driller to perform the subsurface work. Coordinate with the City of Kent in regards to the timing and access requirements . 1 . 2 Perform necessary utility checks TASK 2 . FIELD INVESTIGATIONS The field investigation will require sampling of soils, collection of samples, field interpretation of soil types and gradation, and installation of piezometers . Two pump test wells will be constructed to provide information about dewatering requirements and creation of water supply for pond make-up water during summer/fall low water periods . 2 . 1 Field locate proposed borings, piezometers, and pump test wells . 2 .2 Define and coordinate survey needs to determine location and elevation of all exploratory locations . The survey locations of all test pits, borings, and test wells will be provided by the City to CH2M HILL. 2 .3 Drill 22 borings for structures and lagoons, 40 ft average depth. Install piezometers adjacent to pump test wells to monitor drawdown during pump testing. Collect soil samples and log the holes from all borings . Field classify the soils and prepare and assign for selected laboratory testing. 2 .4 Install piezometers (in about one half of the borings) . Future piezometer readings to be taken by the City of Kent and provided to CH2M Hill for design purposes . Piezometer readings to be taken at monthly intervals . 2 . 5 Install two pump wells, one in the shallow aquifer (assume 30 feet deep) and another in a deeper aquifer that may be used for summer/fall makeup water during operation of the lagoon (assume 60 feet deep) . 2 . 6 Dig test pits (assume 1 to 2 days with backhoe, Cat 225 or equivalent) at selected locations, collect samples, obtain natural density of soils, observe and document seepage and caving conditions of sidewalls . 2 .7 Install pump and perform pump testing of two separate wells . Contract for a dewatering contractor to supply pump and assist with test . Monitor drawdown in adjacent piezometers for a period of 24 to 72 hours . (Assume OSS, 8 hrs/day, 1 day set-up, 1 day initial pumping, 3 day test period, 1 day dismantle. 14" casing to 12 " casing to 8 " well w/ gravel pack) . TASK 3 . LABORATORY TESTING 3 . 1 Assign laboratory testing, confirm soil classifications 3 . 2 Conduct laboratory testing of selected samples including the following (will be adjusted when performing the work as required by subsurface conditions encountered) : TEST NO. TESTS • Sieve Analysis 40 • Passing No. 200 40 • Moisture Contents 320 • Specific Gravity 3 • Consolidation tests 3 • Direct shear tests 3 • Atterberg Limits 4 • Cation Exchange capacity 6 • Proctor Compaction tests 5 TASK 4 . ENGINEERING ANALYSES 4 .1 Analyze laboratory data and prepare summary table showing results 4 .2 Conduct an analyses of pump well tests . Summarize results in a technical memorandum as the product of Task 4 . 4 .3 Conduct analyses of dewatering requirements . Determine approximate locations and layout for contractor dewatering wells . Estimate quantity of water to be pumped. Develop reasonable estimate of dewatering -sequence for construction and time required for achievement of dewatering. Summarize results in a technical memorandum as the product of Task 4 . 4 .4 Conduct seepage infiltration and exfiltration analyses of wetland/pretreatment pond and for new lagoon. Determine what design measures will be required to control exfiltration in low water periods and handle infiltration water during high ground water periods . Summarize in a technical memorandum as the product of Task 4 . 4 . 5 Perform settlement and bearing capacity calculations for proposed hydraulic structures . 4 . 6 Make recommendations for site stabilization erosion and sediment control measures . 4 .7 Perform analyzses of dikes stability . Summarize results in a technical memorandum as the product of Task 4 . TASK 5 . REPORT 5 .1 Prepare geotechnical data report summarizing the field investigation, information gathered, and laboratory testing. Make twenty copies for issue to Contractors for bidding purposes . 5 . 2 Prepare cross sections showing the variability of subsurface conditions across the site. Prepare technical memorandum summarizing dewatering and seepage estimates and project requirements . 5 .3 Summarize the quantity and quality of materials to be excavated from areas of required excavation. 5 .4 Recommend what if any limitations may be associated with handling and use of native onsite soils . Exhibit A2 (April 20, 1994) Scope of Work Supplemental Wetlands Delineation Green River Natural Resources Enhancement Area The City of Kent has requested CH2M HILL to prepare an estimate for conducting wetland delineation work in conjunction with the design of the Kent Green River Enhancement Area. A site reconnaissance of the area was made on February 18, 1994 prior to preparing this estimate. This reconnaissance found that much of the area along the eastern and southern sides of the existing sewage lagoons appears to have wetland characteristics including standing water and hydrophytic vegetation. These areas are bordered by fill for warehouse parking lots and pads, for streets and paths, currently unoccupied building pads, and the lagoon berms. As a result, many of the wetlands in the area appear to be sharply defined by this fill. However, some sites along the Puget Power corridor appear to be wet meadow that only gradually change to uplands on the south. Other areas along the east side of the lagoon are upland fill with incised drainage channels. Much of the water supporting these areas appear to be derived from stormwater discharge from a number of constructed drainages. Scope of Work The scope of work consists of conducting wetland delineation work along the eastern and southern portions of the existing Kent lagoons area. The proposed work includes a level of effort that will liberally estimate wetland acreage and will provide enough information to support pennitting activities; however, complete wetland reports and field delineation will not be done. The scope includes an inventory level of wetland identification rather than a full delineation. Wetland borders will be defined using existing topographic maps and aerial photographs. Areas of each of these wetlands will be determined within the property. This technique will assume all but fill areas to be wetland and define wetlands by mapping them from toe-of-slope to toe-of-slope of existing fills. This method will produce a liberal estimate of wetlands on the project area, and reduce the overall costs of wetland identification. Additional area for mitigation will be needed from this approach. However, field reconnaissance indicates that relatively little additional area will likely be needed for mitigation as a result of this approach. A memorandum will be prepared to include a field map showing the locations of the wetlands and a complete description of the methodology used. Supplemental Agreement No. 2 Amending Consultant Services Contract Between the City of Kent and CHUM HILL, Inc. Dated October 29, 1993 This Supplemental Agreement No. 2, made pursuant to Sections II.A., II.C., VI.D.(2), and XX of the October 29, 1993, Consultant Services Contract (the Agreement) between the City of Kent (the City) and CH2M HILL (the Consultant), has been prepared to add work to the Scope of Work (Exhibit A to the Agreement), to add compensation to the not-to- exceed amount within Section II.A. of the Agreement, and to modify the terms of compen- sation in Exhibit B. Except as herein amended, the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement will remain in effect. This supplemental agreement also includes an increase in the fee limit for the services performed under Exhibit A, dated September 24, 1993. I. Description of Work Consultant will perform all work as described in Exhibit A-3 to this Supplemental Agree- ment. Exhibit A-3 will become a part of Exhibit A to the Agreement. H. Terms of Compensation ` Add the following paragraph after Section A in Exhibit B: For services enumerated in Section I, Exhibit A-3, of the Contract, the CON- SULTANT's Salary Costs multiplied by a factor of 2.053, plus Direct Expenses. III. Payment The City will pay the Consultant an amount not to exceed Four Hundred Forty-Four Thou- sand Six Hundred and Six dollars ($444.606.00) for the services described in Exhibit A-3. This is the maximum amount to be paid under this Supplemental Agreement for the serv- ices described in Exhibit A-3, and this amount will not be exceeded without the prior written authorization of the City in the form of a negotiated and executed supplemental agreement. The City will increase payment to the Consultant Twenty-Three Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-Four dollars ($23 674.M for work performed under Exhibit A and the revised total amount for all work performed under Exhibit A is Two Hundred Twenty-One Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety dollars ($221 890.00). The total not-to-exceed amount for the services to be performed pursuant to the Agreement and this Supplemental Agreement No. 2 is Seven Hundred Seventy Thousand Two Hundred Ninety-Four dollars ($770.294.00). IV. Duration of Work The City and Consultant agree that work will begin on the tasks described in Exhibit A-3 immediately upon execution of this Supplemental Agreement. The parties agree that the a oaI002949F.wp5/1 9/26/94 work described in Exhibit A-3 through Task 5 is to be completed within 105 calendar days of the execution of this Supplemental Agreement. The balance of the work through Task 9 is to be completed within 45 calendar days which allows 21 calendar days for receipt by the consultant of the City's review comments. It is provided, however, that additional time will be granted by the City for excusable delays or extra work, as described in Sec- tion VL(D) of the Agreement. V. Entire Agreement The written provisions and terms of this Supplemental Agreement and the provisions and terms of the Agreement, together with any Exhibits attached hereto and thereto, will super- sede all prior verbal statements of any officer or other representative of the City, and such statements will not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of or altering in any manner whatsoever this Supplemental Agreement or the Agreement. The entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereunder is con- tained in this Supplemental Agreement and the Agreement and any Exhibits attached hereto and thereto. Should any language in any of the Exhibits to this Supplemental Agreement or the Agreement conflict with any language contained in this Supplemental Agreement or the Agreement, this Supplemental Agreement and the Agreement will prevail. IN WrrNESS WHEREOF, the parties have execute¢ this Agreement on this day of 1994. CH27, THE CITY OF BY: BY: Its Pri ipal irector of 30 _ BY: ayor Notices to be sent to: CH2M HILL INC The City of Kent Consultant Mr. Don Wickstrom, P.E. P.O. BOX 91500 Director of Public Works Bellevue WA 98009-2050 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 APPROVED AS TQ�FO$.M' _ (( � C �� Kent\, ity Attorney AT�'EST: Kent City Clerk w*1002949F.wpS a aa1002949F.wp5/2 9/25/94 Exhibit A-3 (August 25, 1994) Scope of Work Design Services Green River Natural Resources Enhancement Area Final Design Phase Services will be provided for the Green River Natural Resources En- hancement Area Project. The improvements necessary are as defined in the Predesign Report, Green River Natural Resources Enhancement Area, April 1994, without the pump station and outfall, but with a recirculation pump. The Consultant agrees to furnish the City the following specific services and deliverable products. Phase II—Design Services Design Phase Services will generally include, but will not necessarily be limited to, project management, preparation of drawings, specifications, and contract documents, permit and easement acquisition assistance, assistance with regulatory agencies and other services. 1.0 Geotechnical Design Tasks Scope 1.1 Prepare cross sections showing anticipated subsurface conditions at each of the following structures: a. Lagoon outlet control structure b. Lagoon inlet; overflow weir No. 1 C. Lagoon inlet; overflow weir No. 4 d. Overflow weir No. 2; diversion to high flow bypass channel e. Overflow weir No. 3; diversion to bypass channel at 64th f. Box culvert at outlet of high flow bypass channel g. Box culvert at 64th Avenue South h. Box culvert at 72nd Avenue South i. Diversion control structure from Mill Creek j. Pumping platform and intake sea100294A0.wp5/1 9/25/94 1.2 For each of the above structures, analyze for the following: a. Magnitude and rate of settlement. Establish maximum height of fills or time for surcharges if preloading is required. b. Design of sheet pile cutoff weirs. Review downdrag on sheetpiles and time for consolidation from embankment loads. C. Develop design for support of box culverts. d. Assumes no foundation piles required for any structures. 1.3 Analyze construction dewatering requirements with Contractors. Finalize locations and size requirements for sedimentation ponds and backup pond area if needed. 1.4 Establish design elements for permanent make-up water from wells. 1.5 Establish layout for disposal area perimeter and interior containment dikes. Establish construction corridors and access road requirements. Deliverables 1. Memorandums. 2.0 Review City-Furnished Topographic Data Scope 2.1 Add City-furnished topographic data to base mapping developed in Predesign Report. 2.2 Evaluate consistency of City-furnished data with existing data. Any supple- mental survey data required shall be furnished by City staff. 2.3 Revise topographic contouring as appropriate. Deliverables 1. Base mapping of project areas with revised contours. 3.0 Design Drawings Scope Prepare design drawings to an approximate 80 percent level of completion for review by the City and other agencies. The following groups of drawings shall be prepared. The wa 1OO294AO.wp5/2 8/25194 scope is predicated on the number of drawings shown for each group. The City of Kent will furnish their employee, Jack Myer, at no cost to CH2M HILL to operate a CAD machine in CH2M HILL's Bellevue office for a minimum of 60 days to produce a mini- mum of 36 design drawings. 3.1 General Drawings (5 drawings) 3.2 Civil Drawings (24 drawings) 3.3 Structural Drawings (17 drawings) 3.4 Mechanical Drawings (15 drawings) (Hydraulic profiles from Predesign Report shall be used as is) 3.5 Electrical and Instrumentation and Control Drawings (9 drawings) 3.6 Landscape Drawings (Phase 1) (10 drawings) Deliverables 1. Design drawings at approximate 80 percent level of completion. The City will re- ceive 12 sets of drawings for City and agency review. 4.0 Specifications Scope Prepare specifications to an approximate 80 percent level of completion for review by the City and other agencies. The specifications shall be in a form as customarily made avail- able for bidding and construction for a project of this type. The contract forms and other "legal" portions of the contract documents shall be prepared by the Consultant, using the City format and wording. The technical specifications shall be prepared by the Consultant using the Consultant's normal format. Deliverables 1. Specifications at approximate 80 percent level of completion. The City to receive 12 sets of specifications for City and agency review. w&100294A0.wp5/3 8/'25/94 5.0 FInalize Contract Document Scope The Contract Document, drawings, and specifications, shall be completed after internal review by Consultant staff, receipt of City staff and agency comments, and adjudication of the comments by the City staff and the Consultant. The City of Kent will furnish their employee, Jack Myer, at no cost to CH2M HILL to operate a CAD machine in CH2M HILL's Bellevue office for a minimum of 10 days to finalize a minimum of 30 design drawings. 5.1 Consultant to perform review of the drawings and specifications. 5.2 Complete the drawings and specifications in the manner agreed to in the ad- judication process. Deliverables 1. Submit a photo-mylar set of the final drawings, a half-size reduction set of the final drawings, and a camera-ready copy of the specifications to the City at the comple- tion of the design. 6.0 Construction Cost Estimate Scope 6.1 Prepare a construction cost estimate based upon the drawings and specifications at the 80 percent level of completion. 6.2 Prepare a construction cost estimate at the completion of design. Deliverables 1. Memorandums to summarize the results of Tasks 7.1 and 7.2. 7.0 Environmental Permitting Scope Prepare permit applications for and monitor permit reviews for all required environmental permits. The City grading, building, and associated permits will be dealt with by City staff. w&100294A0.wp5/4 9126194 7.1 Corps of Engineers Section 10 and 404 Permits, and 401 Permit 7.1.1 Preparation and submittal of permit applications. 7.1.2 Monitor permit application review and submit additional data as required. 7.2 Other Permits Prepare, submit, and monitor other permit applications, as required, which may include the following: 7.2.1 WQM (Temporary Modification of Water Quality Criteria) 7.2.2 NOI (General Permit for Stormwater Discharge) 7.2.3 NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) 7.2.4 HPA (Hydraulic Project Approval) 7.2.5 DNR (DNR Easement) 8.0 Project Management and Coordination Scope 8.1 Project Management 8.1.1 Prepare work plan and periodic updates for staffing/scheduling/execution of project. 8.1.2 Track cost accounting for services performed; prepare monthly invoices and status reports. 8.1.3 Provide ongoing direction to and communications with project staff. 8.2 Project Status Meetings 8.2.1 Attend regular monthly meetings (assume five) with City staff to review project progress. 8.3 Technical Meetings 8.3.1 Meet with City staff to present 80 percent design drawings and specifications 8.3.2 Meet with City staff to receive 80 percent design review comments. 8.3.3 Meet with City staff to adjudicate design review comments. yea 100294A0.wp5/5 9/25/94 8.3.4 Allowance for eight (8) additional meetings with the City staff and/or agencies. Deliverables 1. Monthly project status reports and invoicing. 2. Summaries of meeting minutes with documentation of all significant project decisions. Phase III—Bidding and Construction Services Bidding and Construction Phase Services will generally include, but will not necessarily be limited to, project management, assistance in obtaining construction bids and awarding construction contracts, office services during construction, onsite services during construc- tion, assistance with regulatory agencies, O&M manual, computer programming, landscape master plan, and other services. The landscape master plan will include design drawings for Phase II landscaping, habitat management plan, wetland mitigation monitoring plan, and landscaping operation and maintenance plan. Task 15 Project Documentation and Promotion from the October 29, 1993 agreement, will be deferred to Phase III. The scope and budget of Bidding and Construction Phase Services will be specifically defined by future amendments to the AGREEMENT. sea100 %A0.wp5 9ea100294A0.wp5/6 V25/94 Supplemental Agreement No. 3 (May 10, 1996) Amending Consultant Services Contract Between the City of Kent and CH2M HILL, Inc. Dated October 29, 1993 This Supplemental Agreement No. 3, made pursuant to Sections II.A., II.C., VI.D.(2), and XX of the October 29, 1993, Consultant Services Contract (the Agreement) between the City of Kent (the City) and CH2M HILL (the Consultant), has been prepared to add work to the Scope of Work (Exhibit A to the Agreement), to add compensation to the not-to- exceed amount within Section II.A. of the Agreement, to modify the terms of compensation in Exhibit B, and to modify the terms of the agreement as stated herein. Except as herein amended, the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement will remain in effect. I. Description of Work Consultant will perform all work as described in Exhibit A-4 to this Supplemental Agree- ment. Exhibit A-4 will become a part of Exhibit A to the Agreement. II. Terms of Compensation Add the following paragraph after Section A in Exhibit B: For services enumerated in Section I, Exhibit A-4, excluding Task 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 of the Contract, the CONSULTANT's Direct Salary multiplied by a factor of 2.95, plus Direct Expenses. Direct salaries are the amount of wages or salaries paid CH2M HILL's employees for work directly performed on the project, exclusive of all payroll-related taxes, payments, premiums, and benefits. For services enumerated in Section I, Exhibit A-4, Task 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 of the Contract, the CONSULTANT's direct salary multiplied by a factor of 2.53, plus Direct Expenses. Should the fee limit stated in Section III be exceeded, the hourly rate for Gary Graham will revert to $105.00 per hour for any additional work. Should the fee limit stated in Section III be exceeded, any overage resulting from the presence of a second inspector onsite prior to July 15, 1996, will not be charged by CH2M HILL. Any inspection time during this period required to cover the contractor's operations outside a normal 8-hour work day is excluded from this provision. III. Payment The City will pay the Consultant an amount not to exceed Four Hundred Ninety-Six Thou- sand Five Hundred and Fifty-Eight dollars ($496,558.00) for the services described in Exhibit A-4. This is the maximum amount to be paid under this Supplemental Agreement seal 002C50F.wp5/1 5/10/96 for the services described in Exhibit A-4, and this amount will not be exceeded without the prior written authorization of the City in the form of a negotiated and executed supplemental agreement. The total not-to-exceed amount for the services to be performed pursuant to the Agreement and this Supplemental Agreement No. 3 is One Million Two Hundred Sixty-Six Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty-Two dollars ($1,266,852.00). IV. Duration of Work The City and Consultant agree that work will begin on the tasks described in Exhibit A-4 immediately upon execution of this Supplemental Agreement and will be retroactive to the commencement of these work activities in February, 1996. The parties agree that the work described in Exhibit A-4 is to be completed consistent with the requirements of the bidding and construction activities. V. Resolution of Disputes and Governing Law DELETE the last sentence of the second paragraph of Section XVII, "Resolution of Disputes and Governing Law," from the City's original contract with CH2M HILL, dated October 29, 1996, and REPLACE with the following: In any claim or lawsuit for damages arising from the parties' performance of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to compensation for all legal costs and attorney's fees incurred in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit, in addition to any other recovery or award provided by law; provided, however, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the City's right to indemnification under Section VIII of this agreement. VI. Additional Provisions Add the following provisions: CONSULTANT's Personnel at Construction Site The presence or duties of CONSULTANT's personnel at a construction site, whether as onsite representatives or otherwise, do not make CONSULTANT or CONSULTANT's personnel in any way responsible for those duties that belong to the CITY and/or the construction contractors or other entities, and do not relieve the construction contractors or any other entity of their obligations, duties, and responsibilities, including, but not limited to, all construction methods, means, techniques, sequences, and procedures necessary for coordinating and completing all portions of the construction work in accordance with the construction Contract Documents and any health or safety precautions required by such construction work. CONSULTANT and CONSULTANT's personnel have no authority to exercise any control over any construction contractor or other entity or their employees in connection with their work or any health or safety precautions and have no duty for inspecting, noting, observing, correcting, or reporting on health or safety deficiencies of the construction contractor(s) or other entity or any other persons at the site except CONSULTANT's own personnel. sea1002C50F.wp5/2 5/10/96 CONSULTANT neither guarantees the performance of the construction contractor(s) nor assumes responsibility for construction contractor's failure to perform work in accordance with the Contract Documents. For this AGREEMENT only, construction sites include places of manufacture for materials incorporated into the construction work, and construction contractors include manufacturers of materials incorporated into the construction work. VII. Entire Agreement The written provisions and terms of this Supplemental Agreement and the provisions and "terms of the Agreement, together with any Exhibits attached hereto and thereto, will super- sede all prior verbal statements of any officer or other representative of the City, and such statements will not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of or altering in any manner whatsoever this Supplemental Agreement or the Agreement. The entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereunder is con- tained in this Supplemental Agreement and the Agreement and any Exhibits attached hereto and thereto. Should any language in any of the Exhibits to this Supplemental Agreement or the Agreement conflict with any language contained in this Supplemental Agreement or the Agreement, this Supplemental Agreement and the Agreement will prevail. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on this day of , 1996. CH2M , INC. THE CITY OF KENT 4� BY: BY: fyPrin hector of Public Works BY: r' ' uv Mayor Notices to be sent to: CH2M HILL, INC. The City of Kent Consultant Mr. Don Wickstrom, P.E. P.O. Box 91500 Director of Public Works Bellevue, WA 98009-2050 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 APPOVED AS TO FORM; Kent City Attorney ATTEST: Kent City Clerk 7)EP u 7_Y sea1002C50F.wp5/3 5/10/96 Exhibit A-4 (May 10, 1996) Scope of Work Bid and Construction Phase Services Green River Natural Resources Enhancement Area Bid and Construction Phase Services will be provided for the Green River Natural Resources Enhancement Area Project. The project is defined in the Construction Contract Documents, which are being completed under the Design Services work scope for this project. Phase III - Bid and Construction Phase Services Bid and Construction Phase Services will generally include, but not be limited to, project management, bid document printing and other bid-phase services, construction phase meetings, construction contract administration, on-site resident inspection, submittal review, construction phase technical support, completion of the landscape master plan, assistance with regulatory agencies, record drawings, and related tasks. Key individuals to be involved in this project and their roles are: Gary R. Graham - Project Manager Robert L. Ristine - Resident Inspector through July 12, 1996 Michael D. Gibb - Resident Inspector after July 12, 1996 The construction is anticipated to be done in two periods: April 1996 through November 1996 and May 1997 through September 1997. Thus, the services described in this scope of work are anticipated to start in February 1996 and to be complete by October 1997. 1.0 - Bidding Services Scope 1.1 Print and bind the contract documents for distribution to City, plan centers, and bidders. All specification sections will be bound in two 8 1/2 by 11-inch volumes and all drawings will be bound in a separate 11 by 17-inch volume. A limited number (20 sets) of separate full-size drawing sets will be reproduced for use by the City and CH2M HILL staff and for sale to bidders, upon request. 1.2 Accept requests for contract documents from bidders, ship documents, maintain a plan-holders list, and coordinate other aspects of the contract document distribution. Non-refundable deposits for the documents and shipping will be received from bidders and credited by CH2M HILL to the project charges. NPw415.D1 Page 1 Rev.5/10/96 kntscop5a.doc 1.3 In response to bidder inquiries, CH2M HILL will interpret contract drawings and specifications during the bidding period. As necessary and agreed to by the City, CH2M HILL will prepare and distribute addenda to the prospective bidders. 1.4 Conduct a pre-bid meeting and tour of the project site. Prepare notes from the meeting and distribute to all plan holders. 1.5 The City will receive bids. CH2M HILL will tabulate the construction bids and will review apparent low bid and report recommendations on contractors qualifications to the City. The City will award the contract and will execute the contract documents with the Contractor that were prepared for that purpose. Deliverables 1. Seventy five complete bid packages; specifications and 11 by 17-inch drawings. 2. Twenty 22 by 24-inch drawing sets. 3. Plan-holders list. 4. Pre-bid meeting notes. 5. Copies of addenda and related correspondence. 6. Bid tabulation. 7. Recommendation letter. 2.0 - Construction Contract Administration CH2M HILL will provide the specific services described below during the construction period. It is anticipated that the City will contract directly with an independent testing laboratory to perform quality assurance testing. CH2M HILL will coordinate with the testing lab personnel regarding scheduling of the field testing. Scope 2.1 Conduct pre-construction conference with contractor and City. Document the discussion and distribute meeting notes. 2.2 Conduct weekly status meetings with the contractor and the City to discuss project status and to address issues to facilitate completion of the work. Prepare notes from the meetings and distribute. 2.3 Review Contractor's monthly progress payment requests. Provide recommendations to the City regarding payment. NPw415.D1 Page 2 Rev. 5/10/96 kntscop5a.doc 2.4 Review the Contractor's construction schedule for compliance with the contract document requirements and to verify that it is a realistic and reasonable plan. 2.5 Administer the change process. Set up change procedures that meet the requirements of the City's administrative processes, review the need for change orders, coordinate with the CH2M HILL staff that will prepare the change orders, request price proposals from the Contractor, review the price proposals when received, and facilitate change order negotiations between the City and the Contractor if necessary to arrive at a mutually-acceptable price. 2.6 Provide technical specialists at the construction site to witness and to review the results of equipment performance testing or to address specific construction issues in the field. 2.7 At the completion of each construction period, set up a final inspection team, conduct the final inspection, and the prepare the final punch list. Monitor completion of punch list work and inform the City regarding status. 2.8 At the completion of all construction, process the final payment request and prepare documentation to serve as the basis for terminating the construction contract. 2.9 Provide warranty inspection assistance to the City. Eleven months after substantial completion, conduct a formal warranty inspection to verify the project components continue to meet the project requirements. Document the results of the warranty inspection and notify Contractor of the needed corrections. 2.10 Provide assistance related to the resolution of Contractor claims that may arise during or following construction as requested by City. The scope of work for this service will be developed on a case by case basis. These services may include review of engineering technical issues and interpretation of the contract documents but shall not include providing legal opinions. Deliverables 1. Pre-construction conference meeting minutes. 2. Weekly project meeting minutes. 3. Monthly progress payment request recommendations. 4. Copies of change orders for execution and change log. 5. Final inspection and punch list letter report. 6. Warranty inspection letter report. 7. Reports associated with specific claims issues. NPW415.D1 Page 3 Rev.5/10/96 kmscop5a.doc 3.0 - Field Office Staff Scope 3.1 Provide an on-site resident inspector. The resident will determine compliance with the contract documents, record construction progress,coordinate and communicate with the contractor's field staff, and coordinate with the City's staff. The resident will also coordinate and communicate with CH2M HILL'S office staff and will coordinate with the independent testing laboratory. 3.2 Provide an on-site geotechnical engineer during the early phase of the excavation activities. Primary duties will be to determine compliance with the contract documents on the geotechnical issues associated with earthwork activities. 3.3 Provide an on-site resident inspector to cover the Contractor's daily operation beyond one 8 hour shift. The duties of this inspector will be the same as indicated in Scope Item 3.1. 3.4 Provide an on-site field clerk to support the resident. Primary duties will include word processing, filing, spreadsheet work and administration of the submittal process. Deliverables 1. Copies of inspector daily reports. 4.0 - Engineering And Technical Support (Office Services During Construction) Scope 4.1 Provide interpretations of the contract drawings and specifications during the construction period and evaluate requested deviations from the approved drawings and specifications. 4.2 Review shop drawings and other contractor submittals (schedules, test samples, test results, catalog cuts) required by the contract documents. Deliverables 1. Copies of clarifications and related correspondence. 2. Copies of shop drawings and other reviewed submittals and related correspondence. 5.0 -Project Management and Coordination Scope NPW415.D1 Page 4 Rev.5/10/96 kntscop5a.doc 5.1 Prepare work plan for staffing, scheduling, and execution of the project. Include critical construction contract administration procedures. 5.2 Track cost accounting for services performed. Prepare monthly invoices and status reports. 5.3 Provide ongoing communications with, and direction to, project staff. 5.4 Meet monthly with City staff for coordination and to review current project status and significant issues. The weekly meetings will take place on the same day as the weekly meetings with the Contractor. Set up special meetings as necessary for specific issues. 5.5 Meet three times with the Environmental Task Force to update them regarding the status of the project. Deliverables 1. Weekly project status reports. 2. Monthly invoicing. 3. Minutes from special meetings. 6.0 -Landscape Master Plan Scope 6.1 Provide Phase II landscape design drawings. These four drawings will show general locations of planting types, but will not specify individual plantings. The drawings will not be assembled into a bid package with specifications, since the City plans to do this work. Deliverables 1. Landscape master plan, consisting of 4 new drawings. 7.0 -Habitat Management Plan Scope 7.1 Prepare a Habitat Management Plan for the project. This plan will provide City staff with procedures for managing the new habitats that will be created with this project. Deliverables Nrw415.Dl Page 5 Rev.5/10/96 kntscop5a.doc 1. Habitat Management Plan 8.0 -Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Plan Scope 8.1 Prepare a Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Plan for the project. This plan will provide City staff with procedures for monitoring the wetland mitigation areas that will be created with this project. Deliverables 1. Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Plan. 9.0 - Operation and Maintenance Manual 9.1 Develop an Operations Manual using Word, or compatible, software. Assume City staff are available to provide timely review of the draft O&M Manual by returning review comments within two weeks of receiving the draft manual. Base existing facilities descriptions on information provided by City staff. Include a description of the facilities and specify the operational and maintenance requirements associated with the drainage facilities. The manual will be suitable for use as a general operational tool and for introducing new operations staff to the facilities. It will contain procedures for both normal and emergency operations. The manual will primarily rely on the use of contract drawings; a minimal number of additional information will be included. It will also include instructions for any laboratory testing that may be required to monitor the performance of the facilities. Detailed operation and maintenance materials will be provided by the equipment and materials suppliers via the construction contract and will not be included here. Deliverables 1. Five hard copies of the final manual will be provided to the City. 2. One computer file copy of the manual will be provided on a 3.5-inch diskette. 3. One additional hard copy of the O & M manual for regulatory agency use. 10.0 - Assistance With Regulatory Agencies Scope NPW415.Dl Page 6 Rev.5/10/96 kntscop5a.doc 10.1 Monitor and respond to regulatory agency concerns and permitting issues. 11.0 - Record Drawings Scope 11.1 Develop record drawings for the project. These drawings will be based on the record drawing information provided by the Contractor and on information from field inspection and other records kept by CH2M HILL during the construction. 11.2 Convert Microstation drawings to AutoCAD Version 11 format and copy to 3.5" diskettes. Deliverables 1. One set of reproducible (velum) and one set of bluelines (both 22-inch by 34-inch format) of the record drawings will be provided to the City. 2. AutoCAD drawing file for each drawing will be provided to the City on 3.5" diskette media. 12.0 -Partnering Workshop Scope 12.1 Conduct a 2-day partnering workshop to define common goals for, and to obtain committment from, the various members of the project team. This would include the Owner, Contractor, Design Staff and Construction Management Staff. Conduct the workshop at the CH2M HILL Bellevue office. Facilitators will be a combination of CH2M HILL staff(that have no other involvement in this project) and an outside consultant for personality profiling. Other activities will include team building, establishing a decision tree, defining submittal and other project-specific procedures, and producing a project partnering agreement. 12.2 Attendance by primary CH2M HILL project staff at the 2-day partnering workshop. Deliverable 1. Partnering agreement for each participant. NPW415.D1 Page 7 Rev.5/10/96 kntscop5a.doc Supplemental Agreement No. 4 Amending Consultant Services Contract Between the City of Kent and CH2M HILL, Inc. Dated October 29, 1993 This Supplemental Agreement No. 4, made pursuant to Sections II.A., II.C., VI.D.(2), and XX of the October 29, 1993, Consultant Services Contract (the Agreement) between the City of Kent (the City) and CH2M HILL (the Consultant), has been prepared to add work to the Scope of Work (Exhibit A to the Agreement), to add compensation to the not-to- exceed amount within Section II.A. of the Agreement, and to modify the terms of the agreement as stated herein. Except as herein amended, the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement will remain in effect. 1. Description of Work Consultant will perform all work as directed by the City to complete plans and specifications for the subject project commencing with the April 1995 draft plans and specifications. II. Terms of Compensation For services enumerated in Section I of Supplemental Agreement No. 4 the terms of compensation shall be as defined in Supplemental Agreement No. 2. III. Payment The City will pay the Consultant an amount not to exceed Forty Seven Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Three dollars and Eighty Eight cents ($47 693 88) for the services described in Section I. The total not-to-exceed amount for the services to be performed pursuant to the Agreement and this Supplemental Agreement No. 4 is One Million Three Hundred Eleven Thousand Five Hundred Thirty-Six dollars and Ninety cents ($1,311,536.90). VII. Entire Agreement The written provisions and terms of this Supplemental Agreement and the provisions and terms of the Agreement, together with any Exhibits attached hereto and thereto, will super- sede all prior verbal statements of any officer or other representative of the City, and such statements will not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of or altering in any manner whatsoever this Supplemental Agreement or the Agreement. The entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereunder is con- tained in this Supplemental Agreement and the Agreement and any Exhibits attached hereto and thereto. Should any language in any of the Exhibits to this Supplemental Agreement or the Agreement conflict with any language contained in this Supplemental Agreement or the Agreement, this Supplemental Agreement and the Agreement will prevail. seal 002 CA D6.w p5/1 6/5/96 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on this /3 day of c Tu.v-e, 1996. CH2M HILL, INC. nn THE CITY OF KENT �44-BY: V, I', BY: Its Principal Director of Public Works BY: Mayor Notices to be sent to: C142M HILL INC. The City of Kent Consultant Mr. Don Wickstrom, P.E. P.O. Box 91500 Director of Public Works Bellevue WA 98009-2050 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 APPROVED AS TO FQRNI: rKentXity Attorney t6>' A TEST: �J a�v�� Kent City Cl rk seal002CAD6.wp5/2 6/5/96 Amendment No. 1 to Supplemental Agreement No. 3 (May 10, 1996) Amending Consultant Services Contract Between the City of Kent and CH2M HILL, Inc. Dated October 29, 1993 This Amendment No. 1 to Supplemental Agreement No. 3,made pursuant to Sections II.A, II.C.,VI.D.(2), and XX of the October 29, 1993, Consultant Services Contract(the Agreement)between the City of Kent(the City) and CH2M HILL (the Consultant),has been prepared to add work to the Scope of Work (Exhibit A to the Agreement). Except as herein amended,the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement will remain in effect. I. Description of Work Consultant will perform all work as described in Exhibit A-5 to this Amendment No. 1 to Supplemental Agreement No. 3. Exhibit A-5 will become a part of Exhibit A to the Agreement. II. Terms of Compensation The terms of compensation shall not be changed. III. Payment The payment ceiling in Supplemental Agreement No. 4 shall not be changed. This work shall be accomplished within the overall budget established for the work in Supplemental Agreement No. 3. IV. Duration of Work The City and Consultant agree that work on Tasks 13.1 and 13.2,as described in Exhibit A- 5, will begin immediately upon execution of this Amendment No. 1 and will be completed by March 1, 1997. VII. Entire Agreement The written provision and terms of this Amendment to the Supplemental Agreement and the provision and terms of the Agreement, together with any Exhibits attached hereto and thereto,will supersede all prior verbal statements of any officer or other representative of the City, and such statements will not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of or altering in any manner whatsoever the Supplemental Agreement or the Agreement. The entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereunder is contained in this Supplemental Agreement and the Agreement and any Exhibits attached hereto and thereto. Should any language in any of the Exhibits to this Supplemental Agreement or the Agreement conflict with any language contained in this SEAJCKMEMOMDOC Supplemental Agreement or the Agreement, this Supplemental Agreement and the Agreement will prevail. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have executed this Agreement on this o78 day of / -�- 1996. CH2 L INC. THE CITY OF KENT BY: BY: TIt's r ncip ctor of Publi BY. M or Notices to be sent to: CH2M HILL,INC. The City of Kent Consultant Mr. Don Wickstrom,P.E. P.O. Box 91500 Director of Public Works Bellevue,WA 98009-2050 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent,Washington 98032 APPROVED AS TO FO Kent%City Attorney Al TEST: Kent City Cl k SEA/CKMEM032.DOC 2 Exhibit A-5 (September 26, 1996) Amendment No. 1 to Supplemental Agreement No. 3 Scope of Work Bid and Construction Phase Services Green River Natural Resources Enhancement Area The following task will be amended to the existing scope of work as described in the Supplemental Agreement No. 3, Exhibit A-4. 13.0 - Repackaging of Wetlands/Uplands Planting and Structures Contract Documents Scope 13.1 Prepare camera ready contract documents for the Wetlands/Uplands Planting Contract. These documents will consist of a one volume set of plans and specifications that will incorporate the existing design that was prepared under the Design Services work scope and included as Additive Alternate "A" of the original contract documents. The existing drawings and specifications will be used as the basis for this construction contract with minor modifications to incorporate the current as-built conditions. The documents will describe the work necessary to establish a wetland plant community in the constructed wetland and lagoon cells and establishment of grasses,shrubs, and trees in selected upland areas surrounding the wetland and lagoon cells as shown on the existing plans. 13.2 Prepare camera ready contract documents for the Structures Contract. These documents will consist of a one volume set of plans and specifications that will incorporate the existing design of the Observation Towers 1-3,Foot Bridge,and Pedestrian Bridge that were included in the original contract documents as Additive Alternates C,D,E,F, & G. The design of these structures will be consistent with the original contract documents with minor modifications to incorporate the current as- built conditions. A revised pile supported foundation will be designed for the Pedestrian Bridge to accommodate existing soil conditions at this location. Deliverables 1. Camera ready contract documents for the Wetlands/Upland Planting Contract with the following drawings: Original Drg. No. Drawing Title 1 A-1 Title Sheet 2 A-4 Abbreviations 3 A-5 General Notes 4 C-2 Existing Site Plan 5 K-1 North Parking Lot 6 K-2 South Parking Lot 7 R-2 Large Scale Planting Plan- 1 8 R-3 Large Scale Planting Plan-2 9 R-4 Landscaping Sections 10 R-5 Planting Details 11 R-6 Planting Details 12 R-7 Plant Materials List 13 R-8 Mill Creek Diversion Channel 2. Camera ready contract documents for the Structures Contract with the following contract drawings: Original Drg. No. Drawing Title 1 A-1 Title Sheet 2 A-3 Legend 3 A-4 Abbreviations 4 A-5 General Notes 5 C-2 Existing Site Plan 6 J-1 Ped. Bridge-Plan/Elev/Section 7 New Ped. Bridge-Pile Layout 8 J-2 Ped. Bridge-Foundation Design 9 J-3 Ped. Bridge-Wing Walls 10 J-4 Foot Bridge-Plan/Elev/Section 11 J-5 Foot Bridge-Details 12 K-3 Tower-Fndtn Plan/Section/Details 13 L-1 Tower 1&2-Plan& Elevations 14 L-2 Tower 3-Plan&Elevations 15 L-3 Tower-Roof Plans 16 L-4 Tower-Section& Details 17 0-1 Standard Details 18 0-2 Standard Details 19 0-3 Standard Details Amendment No. 2 to Supplemental Agreement No. 3 (May 21, 1997) Amending Consultant Services Contract Between the City of Kent and CH2M HILL, Inc. Dated October 29, 1993 This Amendment No. 2 to Supplemental Agreement No. 3, made pursuant to Sections II.A, II.C.,VI.D.(2),and XX of the October 29, 1993,Consultant Services Contract(the Agreement)between the City of Kent(the City) and CH2M HILL (the Consultant),has been prepared to add work to the Scope of Work(Exhibit A to the Agreement). Except as herein amended,the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement will remain in effect. I. Description of Work ] Consultant will perform all work as described in Exhibits A-6 and A-7 to this Amendment No. 2 to Supplemental Agreement No. 3. Exhibits A-6 and A-7 will become a part of Exhibit A to the Agreement. II. Terms of Compensation The terms of compensation shall not be changed. III. Payment The payment ceiling in Supplemental Agreement No. 3 shall be increased as follows. Work Covered in Exhibit A-6 $36,080.00 Work Covered in Exhibit A-7 $62,437.00 Total $98,517.00 The budgetary amount in Supplemental Agreement No. 3 shall be increased from Four hundred ninety six thousand five hundred and,fifyeight dollars. ($496,558.00) to Five hundred ninety-five thousand and seventy-five dollars ($595,075.00). IV. Duration of Work The City and Consultant agree that work,as described in Exhibit A-6 and A-7 will begin immediately upon execution of this Amendment No. 2 and will be completed by November 15, 1997. VII. Entire Agreement The written provision and terms of this Amendment to the Supplemental Agreement and the provision and terms of the Agreement, together with any Exhibits attached hereto and thereto,will supersede all prior verbal statements of any officer or other representative of SEA/KEMTAGREEMT2.DOC 1 the City,and such statements will not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of or altering in any manner whatsoever the Supplemental Agreement or the Agreement. The entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereunder is contained in this Supplemental Agreement and the Agreement and any Exhibits attached hereto and thereto. Should any language in any of the Exhibits to this Supplemental Agreement or the Agreement conflict with any language contained in this Supplemental Agreement or the Agreement,this Supplemental Agreement and the Agreement will prevail. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have executed this Agreement on this 1-6 day of hkAy 1997. CH2M HILL,I.N✓C. Q THE CITY OF KE BY: 4J V.1'J# BY: W-Z-� It's Principal Dir ct r of Public s BY: May Notices to be sent to: CH2M HILL,INC. The City of Kent Consultant Mr. Don Wickstrom,P.E. P.O. Box 91500 Director of Public Works Bellevue,WA 98009-2050 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent,Washington 98032 APPROVED AS Tno tg a Kent City Attorney,A.SS'T- A ST: -u,� a"-r� Kent City Cler SEAIKENTAGREEMT2.DOC 2 Exhibit A-6 (May 21, 1997) Amendment No. 2 to Supplemental Agreement No. 3 Scope of Work . Bid Period and Construction Phase Services Green River Natural Resource Enhancement Area Observation Towers and Pedestrian Bridges Bid and Construction Phase Services will be provided for the Green River Natural Resources Enhancement Area Project Observation Towers and Pedestrian Bridges. The project is defined in the completed Construction Contract Documents. The following tasks will be amended to the existing scope of work as described in the Supplemental Agreement No. 3,Exhibit A-4. 1.0 Bid Document Printing and Bid Period Assistance Scope 1.1 Print and bind the contract documents and deliver to City for distribution to plan centers and bidders. The specifications and drawings shall be bound together in one 8-1/2 by 11 -inch document. 1.2 In response to bidder inquiries,CH2M HILL will interpret contract drawings and specifications during the bidding period. As necessary and agreed to by the City, CH2M HILL will prepare and deliver to the City up to 3 addenda for distribution to the prospective bidders. Deliverables 1. Ninety(90)complete bid packages;bid documents/specifications and drawings. 2. Draft of Addenda 2.0 Engineering Support(Office Services During Construction) Scope 2.1 Provide interpretations of the contract drawings and specifications during the construction period and evaluate requested deviations from the approved drawings and specifications. SEUSEAINENTADDENDUM2.00C 1 106M.SD.ST 2.2 Review shop drawings and other contractor submittals required by the contract documents. 2.3 Perform periodic visits to the site. 2.4 Develop record drawings for the project. These drawings will be based on the record drawing information provided by the Contractor and on information from field inspection and other records kept by CH2M HILL and the City during the construction. 2.5 Convert Microstation drawings to AutoCAD Version 11 format and copy to 3.5" diskettes. 2.6 Track cost accounting for services performed. Prepare monthly invoices and status reports. 2.7 Meet with City staff as requested for coordination and to review current project status and significant issues. (Assume 3 meetings.) DeJiverab les 1. Copies of clarifications and related correspondence. 2. Copies of shop drawings and other reviewed submittals and related correspondence. 3. One set of reproducible (velum) and one set of bluelines (both 22-inch by 34-inch format) of the record drawing will be provided to the City. 4. AutoCAD drawing file for each drawing will be provided to the City on 3.5" diskette media. 3.0 Construction Contract Administration Assistance&Inspection Scope 3.1 Attend a one-day pre-construction meeting and field review with the selected contractor and subcontractors. The City will arrange the meeting,document the discussion and distribute meeting notes. 3.2 Attend meetings with the contractor and the City as requested to discuss project status and to address issues to facilitate completion of the work. The City will arrange the meetings,document the discussion and distribute meeting notes, (assume 3 meetings). 3.3 Assist the City with change orders. Review the need for and assist with preparation of change orders when requested by City staff,review price proposals from the contractor as requested,and facilitate change order negotiations between the City and the contractor if necessary to arrive at a mutually-acceptable price. 3.4 Set up final inspection team,conduct a one-day final inspection,and prepare final project deficiencies punch list. Monitor the completion of punch list work and inform the City regarding the project completion status and remaining contractor work prior to construction contract closure. SEC/SEA/KENTADDENDUM2.DOC 2 106848.SD.ST 3.5 Provide a part time on-site resident inspector. The budget is based on 150 hours of the resident inspector's time. The resident will normally be on-site between 6 and 20 hours/week depending on the Contractor's schedule. The resident inspector will be onsite full time when the Contractor is driving piles or involved in other critical work. Deliverables 1. Draft of change order materials for execution by City. 2. Final inspection and punch list memorandum. 3. Copies of inspector daily reports. SECISEAIKENTADDENDUM2.DOC 3 ° m Q � _ 40 _ � - « � % ^ % 2 ° \ \ _ » & ® W k _■ % # / \ § § : 5 # 2 * _ < 6 m � § § § \ 4 7 LO rt 2 � © ^ Go ° 0 _ } 8 B [ k\ c § _ - - ® - 2 $ cli / g EIMGo c 2 2 a 2 / e 0_ gCIF §d C . cm ) ® - - a. § . § co $ co 2 - co 2 a q co a m e@ 2 m w ) a a ' ■ ■ k ) a � c & 2 m 2 ƒ 9 ® co ■ 2 , § , 0CL k § 2 2 . cc ] , v ) § 2 § , _ 1 - ) — ] 2 £ / 2CL � ts _ t ( ■ § < a ) c cm 0 CD — § c 72 ° > k = § ` 'D ) 0 CL, § » 2 ( J 0 7 k / = 0 �) ` � \ \ CD « § N ) ) § k) k ) \ ) o %} \ ] = 3 — cq q Ln o o m n A � w a w e u a m 2� � o � a N o O M _p O O OD _p O f0 c? rCL N W Q fA fA fR !9 E9 co o' tT np C r N. 3 40 to T N M O N M O r- N N m 3 a co a 0 O O r CM n �-OD M n O) C L O N! M M 1R Ml cc O �7 fR b! 6`1Ilull I ij O N N � M N M cm T N s —2 10 p rn M co 8 v} yr 10co cm cn rn us o v co N O L ^ c* LO m L N N IV 16 1 T m 2 a v� en v3 u� v3 cc L cNo m cor N O) M CD O M O N M 2 a O F� d► u► us v► H1~ Way W W~ C O W C d m V tl C C W W 4 N as cofa W Q a O O IL .O c 'm �E a cm c o CL c a` C V o � N N d C C O O U Y c y WN C � C O ~ m W U m o, o o pi N c�1 Fi I I Exhibit A-7 (May 21, 1997) Amendment No. 2 to Supplemental Agreement No. 3 Scope of Work Design Phase Services Green River Natural Resource Enhancement Area Boeing Ditch Wetland Mitigation Design Phase Services will be provided for the Green River Natural Resources Enhancement Area -Boeing Ditch Wetland Mitigation Project. The following tasks will be amended to the existing scope of work as described in the Supplemental Agreement No.3, Exhibit A-4. 1.0 Perform Site Survey Scope 1.1 City to perform cross sectional surveys of the existing site. Deliverables 1. City to provide survey information for preparation of base map. 2.0 Establish Base Map Scope 2.1 City to prepare base map for the existing site. Deliverables 1. City to provide base map of existing site. 3.0 Geotechnical Design Scope 3.1 Visit the site and collect near surface grab samples on existing cut slopes. 3.2 Confirm soil types by running grain size analyses on grab samples. SECISEA/KENTADDENDUM4.DOC 106848.SD.LN 3.3 Perform slope stability analysis using soil type information. 3.4 Evaluate tree root stabilization procedures. 3.5 Prepare Geotechnical Memorandum with design recommendations. Deliverables 1. Geotechnical Memorandum. 4.0 Hydraulic Profile Scope 4.1 Prepare hydraulic profile of the project. Using existing information from the Green River NREA Project, develop a hydraulic profile that confirms that the proposed cross section will provide adequate hydraulic capacity. Deliverables 1. Hydraulic Profile Drawing 5.0 Landscape Design Scope 5.1 Develop conceptual design of the wetland planting elements. Identify types and general quantities of plant materials. Discuss concepts with City. Deliverables 1. Conceptual design drawing. 6.0 Final Design Documents Scope 6.1 Prepare camera ready contract documents for the Boeing Ditch Wetland Mitigation Contract. These documents will consist of a one volume set of plans and specifications. The documents will describe the work necessary to establish a stable drainage ditch within the existing easement that will meet the required hydraulic conditions of the Green River Natural Resource and Enhancement Area and provide at least one acre of wetland mitigation area. Deliverables 1. Camera ready contract documents for the Boeing Ditch Wetland Mitigation Contract with the following drawings: SEUSEANENTADDENDUM4.DOc 2 106848.SD.LN f 1 A-1 Cover Sheet 2 A-2 Legend&Abbreviations 3 C-1 Overall Project 4 C-2 Hydraulic Profile 5 C-3 Plan&Profile Sheet(1'=30') 6 C-4 Plan&Profile Sheet(1'=30') 7 C-5 Plan&Profile Sheet(1'=30') 8 C-6 Typical Section 9 H-1 Culvert Improvements 10 J-1 Details 11 L-1 Planting Plan 12 L-2 Landscape Section&Details 13 L-3 Landscape Section&Details 14 L-4 Plant Materials List 15 M-1 Disposal Site Plan 7.0 PermittingfEasement Assistance Scope 7.1 City to perform all tasks related to permitting and easements. 8.0 Cost Estimating Scope 8.1 Prepare a final construction cost estimate after completion of the design drawings. Deliverables 1. Final construction cost estimate. SEUSEANENTADDENDUM4.DOC 3 106848.SD.LN 9.0 Project Management Scope 9.1 Provide overall coordination, and guidance for execution of the design and completion of the contract documents. Monitor and track labor and expense costs and provide review and approval of monthly invoices. 9.2 Meet with City staff as required to discuss project status. Deliverables 1. Monthly invoices. SECISEA/KENTADDENDUM4.DOC 4 . n Of C f 3 w N y /0 N N N N N N N O f N N m N N w N N N N N N M N 0 N M N N N N N N N N N C m O N N O L N H N w N 44 N N N 10 N N O G i0 LY f m m L m f N w 3 N N w w N N N N N N N O ob N Amy a m m m b N m fV N E N N N N N N N N N N N N LL m W f m q O N w N N N N N H N N N III S N N N N N H N N N H N N _ _ C n m 9 ol S N f 0 E a o o s m c N N N N N H N N N N � - am m m o m w a n o o m m o a � e Y H N w to N N N w w w w 0 p N O f O n L N f m O N y N N N N N N N N N p O m b f m N O O O b�O f N w N N N N N N N N w V d .Q d " 1 W N Q C .. C y rn a, E m c A 7 E m fAl, y I O w C _i c C N; c It cl u! c al s rn E A c � E c 3 u w u t w c - - g- E - H - d v al ul co c c a d O -{a - w�- 0!-- x; � -ii � -a U -a co Y Y� Y 10, Y Y Y Y Y o o 0 0 N ; N I o 0 0 o e a m 3 N m m m O O O L e m N m I m i N m I V Y m O m N O O • I _ N I Y ci 0 � o Im m e � I = m . oa E � 0 0 0 0 R _ N • W � � m O O O N O O O Y N N I O N N O N N — -- +ho — H y N N 2 �I r N z 3 E N N O C G po m C p C d w e U fA N cIA �l G aI C e w! o GI a pl m! yl •� ml • o� I gl a p �I a -" c, : I°' � a Q s Y!i w L ari .09 R', • l y c, m m �a�a o I . '- JJIo o m CLf 1 1 S • JI LL I IInI � W IA, i— f O N N N d O d I 3 N 1 N Ov O d d d m m xj I m m I I tp O III t7 m C L m N m m N m �j t7 t7 d m N O d N N � Qm `�• m m m N m m d m N O I u m I u o m m y I p i t N u q � E I q CO N E — 0- 0 w n w m I m L N C 1 0 m e m Y b i 's I a I , N y i I I Im I I J a m m uI cI 3 IS XY^1 U of aI -' -ra-- �f in n'-� -o w q I_ c LL m I _ j I I i ai 3 N S O O I O O O N m N N N N w -IT m N 3 0 a0 O O O V ^ m O N ^ N N N Go— — Cl m V �--lO f 0 m m O O O Oi G tll N '� m ZN 3 e I O O O N wi Y m N H Cl!C m o 0 o N cn IA N N f) N N W t0 4? y W L O' m O O O m I 10 CM 10 N N w N N = N I N N N N O I O O N 9 m m N N m r N N N N N m w C .Q T O Y II N i w N w N a N N N H N N N N b A ►� I � ►� ►° I V t N N V ~ tl O C O � U N m � Q O m a ci 31 E, ; sl vl '! y c v a Of E NI o W c V o « w we Eo 25 U W U, g U W LL'O I �� y) mi, c Z 41� 4 C p -�Q v a r —}- CONTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEMENT #6 PROJECT Green River Natural Resources Enhancement—Landscape Oversight Services CONSULTANT CH2M Hill PO Box 91500 Bellevue WA 98009-2050 425-453-5000/fax 425-462-5957 Attention Tim White DATE June 23 1999 THIS CONTRACT MODIFICATION AGREEMENT SPECIFICALLY AMENDS THE Green River Natural Resources Enhancement AGREEMENT (the "Contract") entered into between the City of Kent and CH2M Hill on December, 1993, and supplemnted on 10/93, 5/96, 6/96 and 5/97. All provisions in the Contract shall. remain in full force and effect except as expressly modified by this document. Whereas landscaping services needed to complete the above referenced project have caused the need for the modification, the City of Kent and CH2M Hill desire to modify the contract. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the modifications to the Contract are as follows: I. Section II. Payment , is modified as follows: The Cityshall hall pay the Consultant based on time and materials an amount not to exceed Twenty Nine Thousand Five Hundred Forty Seven and forty two cents ($29,547.42) for these modifications, which causes the total contract amount based on time and materials, including all agreed_ upon modifications to be One Million Four Hundred Thirty Nine Thousand, Six Hundred and One Dollars and thirty two cents ($1,439,601.32) for the work described in Exhibit A and Supplemental numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and the attached Scope of work and this Contract Modification #6. The Consultant will complete the work described in this Contract Modification Agreement by October 31, 1999. Section IX, Insurance , is modified as follows: The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant, its agents, representatives employees sub- consultants or sub-contractors. Before beginning work on the project described in this Agreement the Consultant shall provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing: Lagoons Landscaping/June 23, 1999 Pagel of 3 Project Number: 86-3001 Saved as:CH2Mhi11CM6.doc 1. Automobile Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage, an 2. Commercial General Liability insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and general aggregate for personal injury, bodily injury and property damage. Coverage shall include but not be limited to: blanket contractual; products/completed operations/broad form property damage; explosion, collapse and underground (XCU if applicable; and employer's liability; and 3. Excess Liability insurance with limits not less than 1,000,000 limit per occurrence and aggre ag te.. 4. Professional Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 limit per occurrence. Any payment of deductible or self insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of the Consultant. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the Commercial General Liability insurance policy, as respects work performed by or on behalf of the Consultant and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all the required insurance policies. The Consultant's Commercial General Liability insurance shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability The Consultant's insurance shall be primary insurance as respects the City and the City shall be given thirty_(30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, of any cancellation, suspension or material change in coverage. II. Consultant accepts all requirements of this Contract Modification by endorsing below. Consultant further agrees that this Contract Modification constitutes full payment and final settlement of all claims for contract time and for all costs of any kind, including costs of delays, related to any work either covered or affected by this Contract Modification. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into a contract modification that is binding on the parties of this contract. Lagoons Landscaping/June 23, 1999 Page 2 of 3 Project Number: 86-3001 Saved as:CH2Mhi11CM6.doc IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract Modifications on the day and year first written above. CH2M HIL THE CITY OF KENT By I/V✓ &y y � +rit - Its V cam. er-1-s,mil-- Its Mayor )P4 7 -Tr--te DATE: 7/ 2.4/ 9 I DATE: I? — a(y - 9 APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Kent City Attorney Date City Clerk Date NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: Mr. Tim White, SEA Mr. Don. E. Wickstrom, P.E. Senior Staff Scientist Director of Public Works CH2M Hill The City of Kent Engineering Department PO Box 91500 220 Fourth Avenue South Bellevue, Washington 98009-2050 Kent, Washington 98032 425-453-5000/fax 425-462-5957 253-856-5506/fax 253-856-6500 Lagoons Landscaping/June 23, 1999 Page 3 of 3 Project Number: 86-3001 Saved as:CH2Mhi11CM6.doc CH2M HILL 777 1081h Avenue NE Bellevue,WA 98004-5118 CHZMH I LL Mailing address: P.O.Box 91500 Bellevue,WA 98009-2050 May 18, 1999 Tel425.453.5000 Fax 425.462.5957 106848.BD.FD William Wolinski, P.E. Public Works Department City of Kent 220 4th Ave. Kent,WA 98032 Subject: Landscaping Oversight Services Dear Bill: This letter contains the scope and budget for CH2M HILL professional services associated with oversight of the Green River Natural Resources Area landscaping contractor. This oversight is expected to occur from March 1, 1999 through October 31, 1999. This work is currently being billed through the Boeing Ditch project. Upon approval of this scope, a new task number on the existing CH2M HILL-City of Kent contract will be initiated by CH2M HILL and billed accordingly. Note that some tasks include past efforts for other meetings. These hours are presented to allow for transfers of this time from the Boeing Ditch to the correctly scoped task. Contractor Oversight is partitioned into seven tasks: 1) preparation of the spring 1999 work change directive and change order, 2) preparation of a contract checklist, 3) attendance at meetings,4)weekly visits to the site,5) preparation of monthly status memoranda,6) coordination with the City; and 7) project administration. Details of each element follo"I . 1. Preparation of the Spring 1999 Change Order(CO). This task includes attendance at two meetings with Paul Brothers, Inc. (PBI), meeting with the City and PBI regarding the scope of the CO, and preparation of the CO. The latter activity would include preparation of a work change directive and, subsequently, contract modification (CO). 2. Preparation of Contract Checklist: CH2M HILL will review the original contract and develop a contract checklist for use during project oversight. The checklist shall include critical tasks and deliverables expected from the contractor during project installation to assist in the oversight of the work by both the City and CH2M HILL. 3. Prepare for and Attend Meetings: This task includes attendance at meetings and assumes that up to 5 future meetings will occur in the City of Kent between the City,CH2M HILL and/or PBI during the course of 1999 installation. In addition, this portion of the scope . 1 William Wolinski,P.E. Page 2 May 18, 1999 106848.BD.FD includes 2 past meetings between CH2M HILL,PBI, and the City. Consequently, a total of seven (7) meetings are scoped in this effort. 4. Site Visits: This task assumes weekly site visits to review ongoing work, discuss possible course changes, and provide input to installation decision-making. It assumes 4 hours per week during the growing season from May 21 through October 29, 1999. This site visit will initially be conducted on Friday afternoons,but will deliberately become less predictable after the first few weeks. Matt Knox will be notified of the time of the site visit at the beginning of each week,however. Summaries of these visits will be prepared monthly(see below, Preparation of Monthly Status Memos). 5. Preparation of Monthly Status Memos: A total of five(5) monthly summary memos will be completed and submitted to the City. Three copies of each memo will be submitted during the last week of June,July,August,September,and October, respectively. The one or two page memo will contain a summary of contractor work that occurs during that month, projected work during the ensuing month,problems or delays with the work, and suggested modifications necessary for the successful completion of the work. Integrated into this memo will be a report of the general status of revegetation components where appropriate: upland trees and shrubs, transitional, scrub-shrub, emergents, and grasses. 6. Coordination with City: This task supports periodic requests from the City for examination of data, for response to Contractor issues independent of those discussed during weekly site visits, and to address City concerns specific to Contractor performance between releases of monthly memos. This task would not be utilized without verbal approval of its scope and level of effort from the City. It is limited to 15 hours of labor. 7. Administration: This task supports administration of the Oversight work. It includes administrative hours for accounting,preparing invoices,preparation of scope and budget,project close-out, and other management tasks associated with this task. The budget(including expenses) to conduct the work is found on the next page. Expenses for the work include communication and computer charges (a combined$6.00 per labor hour) and mileage at$0.31 per auto mile. The above scope is restricted to field support and advice to the City specific to the installation of wetland and upland plants on the Green River Natural Resource Area only. This scope specifically does not include support to the City of Kent for contractor claims although CH2M HILL can provide a scope and budget for it. Please be advised that CH2M HILL does not provide nor does this scope include support for legal advice regarding contractual execution issues. William Wolinski, P.E. Page 3 May 18, 1999 106848.BD.FD Budget: 1999 Green River Natural Resources Area Landscaping Contractor Oversight —Expenses-- Labor Total Service Hours/ Labor Labor Center Auto Scope Element Units Unit Hours Cost Charges Mileage Subtotal Prepare for and Attend Meetings 7 5 35 $3,431.05 $210.00 $43.40 $3,684.45 Prepare Change Order 1 80 80 $7.842.40 $480.00 $0.00 $8,322.40 Prepare Check List 1 8 8 $784.24 $48.00 $0.00 $832.24 Weekly Site Visit 24 4 96 $9,410.88 $576.00 $74.40 $10,061.28 Monthly Memorandum 5 4 20 $1,960.60 $120.00 $0.00 $2,080.60 Coordination with City 15 1 15 $1,470.45 $90.00 $0.00 $1,560.45 Project Administration 6 6 36 $2,790.00 $216.00 $0.00 $3,006.00 Total 290 $27,689.62 $1,740.00 $117.80 $29,547.42 If you have any questions regarding the scope or budget please feel free to call Tim White (425/453-5005 X5630). Sincerely, CH2M HILL Tim White/SEA Senior Staff Scientist ott Trusler/SEA Vice President SEA\Documentl c: Linda Korbus Lisa Hill JUL 20 1999 17:13 FR MARSH USA INC 303 308 4900 TO 912538566500 P.02iO4 CERTIFICATE OF INSURAN_�CE _ .. _.. ..DATEIMM:DD.W PRODUCER I THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MAI 101 OF INFORMATION AH MARSH$McLENNAN INC ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 1225 17TH STREET SUITE 2100 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR DENVER CO 80202 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. ATTN: PAULA DELEON COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY 16114,01234 SEA1M SEA A ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY INSURED COMPANY CH2M HILL,INC. a NATIONAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 777 108TH AVENUE NE BELLEVUE,WA 98004-5118 COMPANY C COMPANY ) O THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. co TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POUCY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION UMITS LTA DATE(MM WD/YY) DATE(MM/DD/W) OENERALUAGIUTY GENERAL AGGREGATE S 2,000.000 A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY GLO8378563-04 05/01/99 05/01/00 PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG S 2,000,000 CLAIMS MADE ❑X OCCUR PERSONAL 8 ADV INJURY ;$ 750.000 OWNER'Sa CONTRACTORS PROT EACH OCCURRENCE S 750,000 X $250,000_SIR FIRE DAMAGE fAmy one fire) Is 750,000 I MED EXP(Any am person) Is A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY _X ANY AUTO BAPS378518-04(AOS) 05/01199 05/01/00 COMBINED SINGLE UMI7 S 1,000,000 ALL OWNED AUTOS TAPS378560-04(T)O 05/01/99 05/01 too BODILY INJURY S _ SCHEDULED AUTOS BAP8378561-04(VA) 05/01/99 05/01100 (Per person) HIRED AUTOS MAPS378562-04(MA) 05/01/99 05/01100 BODILY INJURY NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per acddenq S i PROPERRY DAMAGE S GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY-EA ACCIDENT i S ANY Aura OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH ACCIDENT S AGGREGATE B EXCESS LIABILITY i EACH OCCURRENCE 6 _ 1,000,000_ X UMBRELLA FORM BE7011399 05101199 05/01/00 AGGREGATE ; S 1,000,000 OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM Is WORKERS COMPENSATION AND STATUTORY LIMITS A EMPLOYERS'LAMMITY _ VVC8378565-04 05)01/99 05101100 EACH ACCIDENT 1,000,000 ThIE PROPRIETOW INCL STOP GAP LIABILITY DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT 8 1.000.000 PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE. EXCL ONLY DISEASE•EACH EMPLOYEE E 1,000,000 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATJONS&WATIONS/VEHICLESISPECIAL ITEMS (LIMITS MAYBE SUBJECT 10 RETEXIMNS) PROJECT: GREEN RIVER NATURAL RESOURCES, PROJECT *:106848; FIN: TIN WHITE/SEA; DESC: GREEN RIVER NATURAL RESOURCES ENHANCEMENT - LANDSCAPE OVERSIGHT SERVICES. CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON IS NAMED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED AS THEIR INTEREST MAY APPEAR AS PER INC BLANKET ENDORSNENT TO THE GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY. COVERAGE PROVIDED BY THE ABOVE GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY SRALL BE PRIMARY AND IS LIMITED TO LIABILITY RESULTING FROM THE NAMED INSURED'S OWNERSHIP AND/OR OPERATIONS. ICERTIFICAI'fv Hbt4 CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES SE CANCELLED 8EFORE THE ATTN TERESA BAIM EXPu ATNDN DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 220 4TH AVE SOUTH BUT 3�RE WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE COMFN:ATE MOLDER NAMED To THE LEFT. KENT WA 98032 TO MAIL SUCH NOTN:E SHALLIM sENO OBLN1An ORuaelUTY OFIQ UPON E COMP AT. 1 Ts OR RESENTATIVES A 1 r DORDZ55 1�3)'', oACQRD'COFtR4RATfON t993 JUL 20 1999 17: 14 FR MARSH USA INC 303 308 4900 TO 912538558500 P.03iO4 ©ZURICH-AMERICAN INSURANCE GROUP LIABILIT COMMERCIAL INSURANCE INSURANC COVERAGE CHANGE ENDORSEMEN Insurance for this Coverage part provided by: ZURICH INSURANCE COMPANY GLO8378563-01 Eff. Date: 5m-9, This endorsement changes the policy. Please read it carefully. BROAD FORM ADDITIONAL INSURED THIS ENDORSEMENT MODIFIES INSURANCE PROVIDED UNDER THE FOLLOWING: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART ALL PERSONS, ORGANIZATIONS OR ENTITIES FOR WHOSE PROTECTION AND BENEFIT THE NAMED INSURED HAS AGREED TO NAME THEM AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED 6Y CONTRACT DURING THE TERM OR THIS POLICY INDICATING SUCH COVERAGE. HOWEVER, INSURANCE WITH RESPECT TO EACH PERSON, ORGANIZATION OR ENTITY SHALL NOT EXCEED SUCH COVERAGE AND/OR LIMITS OF LIABILITY OF THE NAMED INSURED. U-GL-113-8 (E)(0418: JUL 20 1999 17:14 FR MARSH USA INC 303 308 4900 TO 912538566500 P.04iO4 AL/1l.11,_ . CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE � 4`� PRODUCER TI11S CEHTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION VAN GILDER INSURANCE CORPORATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 700 BROADWAY,SUITE 1000 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR DENVER,COLORADO 80203 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY 15114-00005 SEA SEA A SECURITY INSURANCE CO OF HARTFORD INSURED COMPANY '^ CH2M HILL,INC. B 777 108TH AVENUE NE BELLEVUE,WA 98004-5118 COMPANY C COMPANY -- 1 D � s � THIS 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HA VE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED,NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT.TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN 15 SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POUCY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICYEXPIRATION LIMITS LTR DATE(MMADON" DATE GENERAL L ARILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE IS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIAHIUTY PRODUCTS-COMP/CP AGG 5 CLAIMS MADE 7 OCCUR PERSONAL&AOV INJURY 9 OWNERS&CONTRACTOR'S PROT EACH OCCURRENCE 'S FIRE DAMAL3E(Arty one fire) S MED EXP(Any one person) S AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COM81NE0 SINGLE LIMIT S ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS •'---. 6001Lr INJURY 3 iSCHEDULED AUTOS (Pot perean) HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY S (Per eecldenq NON-OWNED AUTOS � I PROPERTY DAMAGE S GARAGE LIABILITY _AUTO ONLY-EA ACCIDENT 13 ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY- iEACH ACCIDENT I 9 AGGREGATE S EXCESS LIABILITY 'EACH OCCURRENCE S UMBRELLA FORM ` AGGREGATE s OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM I S WORKERS COMPENSATION AND STATUTORY LIMITS , EMPLOYERS'uASILIT► -EACH ACCIDENT Is THE PROPRIETOR/ INCL DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT 9 PARTNER4IF7fECUTNE OFFICERS ARE: EXCL DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE I S A OTHER PROFESSIONAL SPL701338 05I01/99 05/01/00 $1,000.000 EACH CLAIM AND LIABILITY* I IN THE AGGREGATE DESCRIPTIONOFOPERATIONG&OCATION"EHICLESISPECIALITEM6 (LIMITS MAYBE SUBJECTTORETENTWNS) PROJECT: GREEN RIVER NATURAL RESOURCES, PROJECT X:106846; PM: TlM WHITE/SEA; DESC: GREEN RIVER NATURAL RESOURSES ENHANCEMENT - LANDSCAPE OVERSIGHT SERVICES. *FOR PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY COVERAGE, THE AGGREGATE LIMIT IS THE TOTAL INSURANCE AVAILABLE FOR CLAIMS PRESENTED WITHIN THE POLICY PERIOD FOR ALL OPERATIONS OF THE INSURED. THE LIMIT WILL BE REDUCED BY PAYMENTS OF INDEMNITY AND EXPENSE. CEtiTIi��A'! HQLLIER : CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCEELED BEFORE THE ATTN TERESA BAIM EXPIRATION DATE THMEOF• THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 220 4TH AVE SOUTH 30 DAYS W N NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, 1(ENT WA 96032 BUT AILI TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE$HALL IMPOSE No OGUOATION OR LIABILITY ANY AND PON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES A REP ATIVE 71jA ate,• xcoa42 S.cs�s) ,, " :�AcbAozCOACIAArttON1s9S ** TOTAL PAGE.04 **