HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG1993-0562 - Original - King County - The Green River Valley Signal Coordination Plan - 05/27/1993 '.G-92-110 (Renton) INTSRI.O(.AL AGREEMENTA & C FILE ?3-G c--5— ESTABLISHING THE GREEN RIVER VALLEY G SIGNAL COORDINATION PLM E Ma THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this �7 by and between the City of Tukwila (hereafter "Tukwila") heof --Af.� - 6-6 "Kent"), the City of Renton (hereafter "Renton") , King County ("County"), and a)5 0!-- the Washington State Department of Transportation ("WSDOT") for the purpose of r7C - coordinating traffic signals in the Green River Valley according to the provisions set forth below as authorized by Chapter 39.34 of the Revised Code of Washington. 1. Duration. This Agreement shall be in full force and effect, once executed by all parties, for a period of 18 months. Any party to this Agreement may terminate its participation by providing written notice to all other parties any time before 90 days prior to the expiration of the initial 18 month term. 2. Organization and Composition. No separate legal entity is hereby created. An informal administrative entity is created, consisting of one or more representatives from each of the parties to this Agreement. A joint board responsible for administering the administrative entity shall be established consisting initially of the Tukwila City Engineer or his designee, the Kent Traffic Engineer or his designee, the Renton Transportation Director or his designee, the King County Traffic Engineer or his designee, and the WSDOT District No. 1 Traffic Engineer or his designee. Each of these joint administrative board members shall be entitled to one vote on any matter put to a vote. Full Committee consensus will be required for grant applications and acceptance, distribution of grant resources, technical issues, and similar multijurisdictional signal coordination issues. No commitments of money can be made beyond those stated in this agreement. In addition to the voting joint administrators referenced above, the joint board shall be advised by other necessary or proper persons, including but not limited to representatives from Federal Highway Administration, Metro, and the Puget Sound Regional Council. Auburn, SeaTac and Federal Way will be advisors and possible future administrators. 3. Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide coordinated traffic signals throughout the Green River Valley. The Green River Valley is the area approximately bounded by SR-515 on the east, SR-516 on the south, SR- 99 on the west, and I-405 on the north. There are two phases. Phase 1 work items are a, b, c and d. Phase 2 work items are a and f. Administrative items are g through k. Phase 1 work is the initial information compilation for grant application. Phase 1 signal coordination will start with Interurban/W Valley Road (SR 181) between Southcenter Boulevard and SR 516 and with South 180th Street/SW 43rd Street between Southcenter Parkway and SR 515. Additional signals may be coordinated in the future. The Phase 2 work is foreseen as "PS&E" work to implement signal coordination which includes items a and f. Phase 2 will begin after the completion of Phase 1 and after monies have been committed to the project by grant agencies. Phase 2 will begin when a supplemental agreement is made to this agreement and is approved by the participating agencies. These purposes may be achieved by one or more items including but not limited to the following: a. Phase 1 would be the "seed work" including conducting "before" studies, quantifying congestion, potential air quality improvements, INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT - Page 1 GC9627 travel speeds, pollution emissions and fuel consumption; predicting changes in the travel speeds, pollutants and fuel consumption that could be made by making signal coordination improvements and predicting how potential benefits such as reduced vehicular emissions and fuel consumption could be applied to other major arterials in the central Puget Sound region; b. Identifying funding sources for the improvements, including competing for federal "ISTEA" funds; preparation of a TIA grant for a multijurisdictional signal coordination project that would provide interconnect, timing plans, timing plan implementation, evaluation and adjustments; C. Preparing agendas, meeting minutes, and providing the coordination work between FHWA, WSDOT, King County, Tukwila, Renton, Kent, Metro, and others as appropriate; d. Providing Phase 1 reports to each of the Parties as follows: METRO (3) , FHWA (3) , PSRC (3) , TIA (5) , King County (5), Renton (5), Kent (5) WSDOT Headquarters (5) ; and Tukwila (5) , Auburn (2) , SeaTac (2) and Federal Way (2) . Phase 2 work is foreseen as grant funded work: e. Preparing interconnect wiring and timing plans, identifying coordination parameters of existing timing, and future timing plans for a fully coordinated system; f. Preparing cost estimates for hardware needs, interconnect needs, timing plan preparation for weekday peaks and off peaks and Sundays, Saturday plans, and special events such as major shopping, snow, or other such incidents, and investigating the need for the alternative of a master controller or coordination between master controllers, and for timing implementation; Administrative items include: g. The Green River Valley Signal Coordination Committee will approve Phase 1 and Phase 2 scope of work. Members of the Committee will provide information to their jurisdictions and obtain appropriate approvals; h. The Green River Valley Signal Coordination Committee will approve any Phase 2 construction contract scope of work and a supplemental agreement is required for any Phase 2 work. i. The City of Tukwila will be the lead agency and is authorized to enter a contract and direct the selected consultant or other contractors in accord with committee consensus on the scope of work, to accept the work as complete with committee consensus, and to make progress payment(s) to the selected consultant or other contractors. Funds for the work will be paid to Tukwila for the work and set in a special account for Green River Valley signal coordination work as provided in paragraph 4, below; and j. The Green River Valley Signal Coordination Committee will elect a chairperson from the voting representatives set forth in paragraph 2. k. Any unspent funds will be returned to the contributing party in proportion to their funding contribution for Phase 1. Funds from a contributing party will not be returned to a party terminating Phase 1 after the selected consultant is contracted. Any Phase 2 funding will follow the same method unless the agreement is amended. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT - Page 2 GC962 7 1. CFR 48 shall be incorporated in any consultant agreement that may have federal participation. 4. The joint administrative board shall establish a special account with the Finance Director of the City of Tukwila. This fund shall be designated "Operating Account of the Green River Valley Signal Coordination Plan Joint Board". Each party to this Agreement will provide $6,500 for the Phase 1 study and grant application, with the exception of Kent, who will provide information of their signal evaluation study and provide peak hour turning movement counts, and other related information as "in-kind" contribution. 5. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Each party to this Agreement agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other parties for and against all claims or damages of any type, including reasonable attorneys fees, arising out of any act or omission of such indemnifying party. To the extent fault is attributable to more than one party hereto, the obligation to indemnify and hold harmless shall extend only to the extent of such fault. 6. This Agreement may be modified by: a. District Administrator as to WSDOT elements and future additions; and/or b. King County Public Works Director as to King County elements and future additions, as to when the elements and future addition would be defined in a multijurisdictional memorandum of understanding for signal coordination work. 7. NONDISCRIMINATION. All parties to this agreement concur that consultants contracted for this work shall meet King County nondiscrimination requirements. King County Code Chapters 12.16 and 12.18 are incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein and the Consultant agrees to abide by all the conditions of said Chapters. Failure by the Consultant to comply with any requirements of these Chapters shall be a material breach of contract. a. During the performance of this Contract, neither the Consultant nor any party subcontracting under the authority of this Contract shall discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, nationality, creek, marital status, sexual orientation, age, or presence of any sensory, mental, or physical handicap in the employment or application for employment or in the administration or delivery or services or any other benefits under this Contract. The Consultant shall comply fully with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, executive orders and regulations which prohibit such discrimination. These laws include, but are not limited to, RCW Chapter 49.60 and Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. b. If the Consultant fails to comply with King County Code Chapter 12.16, such failure shall be deemed a violation of this Chapter and a material breach of this Contract. Such breach shall be grounds for cancellation, termination or suspension of this Contract, in whole or in part. c. During the performance of this Contract, neither the Consultant nor any party subconsulting under the authority of this Contract shall engage in unfair employment practices as defined by King County Code, Chapter 12.18. It is unfair employment practice for any: INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT - Page 3 GG962 7 (1) employer or labor organization to discriminate against any person with respect to referral, hiring, tenure, promotion, terms, conditions, wages or other privileges of employment; (2) employment agency or labor organization to discriminate against any person with respect to membership rights and privileges, admission to or participation in any guidance program, apprenticeship training program, or other occupational training program; (3) employer, employment agency, or labor organization to print, circulate, or cause to be printed, published or circulated, any statement, advertisement, or publication relating to employment or membership, or to use any form of application therefore, which indicates any discrimination unless based upon a bona fide occupation qualification; (4) employment agency to discriminate against any person with respect to any reference for employment or assignment to a particular job classification; (5) employer, employment agency or a labor organization to retaliate against any person because this person has opposed any practice forbidden by King County Code Chapter 12.18 or because that person has made a charge, testified or assisted in any manner in any investigation, proceeding or hearing initiated under the provision of King County Code, Chapter 12.18; (6) publisher, firm, corporation, organization or association printing, publishing or circulating any newspaper, magazine or other written publication to print or cause to be printed or circulated any advertisement with knowledge that the same is in violation of King County Code Section 12.18.040 C. , or to segregate and separately designate advertisements as applying only to men and women unless such discrimination is reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the particular business, enterprise or employment, unless based upon a bone fide occupational qualification; and/or (7) employer to prohibit any person from speaking in a language other than English in the workplace unless: A. the employer can show that requiring that employees speak English at certain times is justified by business necessity, and B. the employer informs employees of the requirement and the consequences of violating the rule. 8. MINORITY AND WOMEN'S BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. King County Code Chapter 4.18 is incorporated by reference as is fully set forth herein and the Consultant agrees to abide by all the conditions of said Chapter. Failure by the Consultant to comply with any requirements of this Chapter shall be a material breach of contract. During the term of this Contract, the Consultant shall: A. Comply, as to tasks and proportionate dollar amount throughout the term of this Contract, with minority/women's business utilization requirements specified in the County's request for proposal and identified in this Contract. If this Contract is awarded to a firm or individual certified by the State of Washington Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprise and recognized by King County as a minority or women's business, the minority/women's business set-aside provision shall not apply provided that the certified firm shall perform at least 25% of the work of this contract itself. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT - Page 4 GC962 7 B. Request approval for any proposed substitution of minority/women's businesses. The King County Office of Civil Rights and Compliance will approve the substitution of a certified minority/women's business when: 1. The minority/women's business cannot perform the necessary tasks; or 2. The minority/women's business is unwilling to perform the necessary tasks. C. Comply with the original Contract percentage use of minority business enterprises and/or women's business enterprises whenever Contract supplements, amendments or change orders are made which affect the total dollar value of this Contract. D. Not engage in agreements between a responding party and a minority business enterprise and/or women's business enterprise in which said minority and/or women's business enterprise promises not to provide subcontracting quotations to other responding or potential responding parties. E. Meet the goals of the Contract for contracting with minority/women's business enterprises. Goals for this Contract and any subsequent supplements, changes, or amendments to it are 0 % for minority business and 0 % for women's businesses or a combined M/WB goal of 0 %. Minority and woman-owned firms utilized to fill these requirements must have been certified by the State of Washington Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises and recognized by the Director of the King County Department of executive Administration prior to the time the proposal is submitted. Minority/Women's Business (M/WB) Liquidated Damages: The County in general, and the M/WB program in particular, are damaged when a contract, or portion of a contract, to be performed by a minority/women's business is not actually performed by a minority/women's business in compliance with King County Code Chapter 4.18. Because the actual amount of such damage is not reasonably calculable, the parties agree and stipulate that liquidated damages equal to the dollar value of the utilization lost to the County due to the violation, not to exceed 10% of the total dollar value of the Contract, shall be the amount required to compensate the County for resulting delays in carrying out the purpose of the program, the costs of meeting utilization goals through additional contracts, the administrative costs of investigation and enforcement and other damages and costs caused by the violation. The Consultant shall be liable to the County for such liquidated damages in the event the Consultant or a subconsultant fails to perform a commercially useful function and/or operates as a broker, front, conduit, or pass-through, as defined in King County Code, Chapter 4.18. F. Maintain relevant records and information necessary to document compliance with King County Code, Chapter 4.18, and the Consultant's utilization of minority and women's business in its overall public and private business activities, and shall include the right of the County to inspect such record. 9. SECTION 504 AND AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. The Consultant shall complete a Disability Self Evaluation Questionnaire regarding its ability to provide programs and services to persons with disabilities mandated by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, (504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) . The Consultant will prepare a Corrective Action Plan for the structural and/or programmatic changes INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT - Page 5 GC9627 necessary at its premises for compliance with Section 504 and the ADA. The Consultant shall return a notarized Disability Assurance of Compliance form and the Corrective Action Plan with the contract. The Disability Assurance of Compliance form and the Corrective Action Plan must be reviewed by the King County Office of Civil Rights and Compliance before the contract will be signed. Please note that if the Consultant has previously submitted the Disability Assurance of Compliance form and Corrective Action Plan to the County, it is exempt from filing the Disability form for the current contractual year, provided that the Consultant is in the same location. In this instance, the Consultant will attach copy of the original signed Assurance of Compliance form affirming continued efforts to comply with Section 504 and the ADA of 1990. 10. Copies of this Agreement shall be filed with the City Clerk of each municipal party hereto, the King County Auditor, and the Secretary of State of the State of Washington. DATED: � �� ty CITY OF TUKWILA AL� r John W. ,Rants APPROVED AS TOO FORM: l OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY DATED: 1p - 7 _ CITY OF NT i t May r Dan Kelleher APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY DATED: CIT OF NT Ma "Clymer APP D AS TO FORM: ATTES�" OF ICE OF THE TY ATTORNEY Marilyn .J%/Itersen, City Clerk DATED: KIN COUNTY �p� J o� C 1-1 AQff' "" l 1 ,County . xecutive Tim H' DATED: ".; - 97 / 3 STAT A INGTON J Approved as to form /7o /IY c DESIGN/UTILITIESJRAILROAD ENGINEER Assistant Attorney General CD.D18.SIGNAL INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT - Page 6 G G 9 6 2 7 GREEN RIVER VALLEY INTERAGENCY SIGNAL COORDINATION SCOPE OF WORK City of Kent King County City of Renton City of Tukwila Washington State Department of Transportation June 18, 19921 GC9627 PROJECT DESIGN REPORT 100 GENERAL 101 Project Description The work under this AGREEMENT consists of preparing a Project Design Report for two arterial segments in South King County. The roadways involved are: 1) SR 181 from SR 516 to Southcenter Blvd, and 2) 180th St/43rd St from Southcenter Pkwy to SR 515 (108th Ave). This PROJECT (Phase 1), will produce the documentation identifying benefits and justifications of coordinated signals along the two major arterials. The candidate corridors have traffic signals controlled by five different agencies. The report will be used to seek Federal, State & Local funds available for air quality improvements and congestion management. Phase 1 will be the foundation for implementing Phase 2's short term improvements, building to Phase 3's mid and long range improvements. The CITY OF TUKWILA will provide the overall direction for the PROJECT. The CONSULTANT shall accomplish studies as may be pertinent and necessary. ` 'hen alternatives are being considered, the CITY OF TUKV4'ILA will have the right of selection. Phase 2 of this project, consisting of development and implementation of timing plans, PS&E, construction, and determining measures of effectiveness for after studies, may be performed by the CONSULTANT at a later date under, a Supplemental Agreement to this AGREEMENT. 102 Scope of Work The CONSULTANT shall operate in a manner similar to a CITY Project Engineer while preparing all necessary contract documents. The CITY OF TUKWILA, in conjunction with City of Kent, king County, City of Renton, and the Washington State Department or Transportation (WSDO 1) personnel, will provide all necessary support services to the CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT shall provide all labor and services necessary to complete the work of this AGREEMENT, including all supplies, equipment, incidentals, and materials, except as designated elsewhere in this AGREEMENT, necessary to prepare and deliver to the CITY OF TUKWILA, all items of work as designated in the Scope of Work. GC962 7 103 Schedule The CONSULTANT shall perform the work in accordance with the attached schedule. The schedule will be used as a tool to track the Project Design Report development activities and keep the Report on schedule both in the CONSULTANT and CITY offices. ;ny adjustments in the schedule shall be coordinated between the CONSULTANT and CITY. 104 Collection of All Available Data Traffic survey information to be provided by the CITY and other supporting agencies will include: 1) Existing intersection geometrics; 2) Existing intersection spacing; 3) Existing signal phasing, timings, and timing plans; 4) Cturent PM intersection turning traffic count data; 5) Intersection delay, system navel time and delay data for SR 181 and 180th/43rd. Information will be provided to the CONSULTANT in a condensed Graphic or tabular format, ready to be placed in the final report. The following is an outline of anticipated areas of significant work. 200 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS 210 Intersection & System Studies The CONSULTANT shall perform an analytical intersection and system study of the existing conditions. The CONSULTANT shall utilize measured intersection delay and system travel time and delay findings to calibrate the analytical model. 220 Benefit Predictions The CONSULTANT shall generate a PM signal timing plan for the candidate corridors. The CONSULTANT shall perform an analytical study to determine benefits to congestion and air quality components after implementing coordinated signal timings plans. Before and after measures of effectiveness will be documented. The CONSULTANT shall generate and document the benefits in reduced congestion and improved air quality for the report. The CONSULTANT shall discuss, in general terms, the potential benefits from identical improvements to other regional arterials. GC9627 '00 SYSTEM DESIGN '10 Equipment Needs and Cost Estimates The CONSULTANT will contact local manufacture and suppliers of existing agency signal control equipment, identifying equipment needs for making the system operational utilizing WWV time referencing. The CONSULTANT shall make recommendations concerning equipment needs and prepare a construction cost estimate. 400 IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES 410 Funding The CONSULTANT will research and prepare recommendations on funding sources �or the Phase 2 project. The CONSULTANT shall coordinate with the FHWA, TIA, and PSRC on opportunities for receipt of congestion management and air quality funds for Phase 2 and the mid and long term improvements (Phase 3) project. The CONSULTANT will explore unique funding sources used by similar signal coordination projects conducted nationwide. The CONSULTANT will document the findings and recommendations in the report. 420 Phase 3 Plan - Mid and Long Term Improvements The CONSULTANT will discuss possible raid and long term improvements for the south King County area. The CONSULTANT will recommend possible corridors to be added, and identify equipment needs for the coordination of signals. 500 REPORT The CONSULTANT shall present the findings and recommendations of the PROJECT in the form of a formal report. The CONSULTANT shall submit a draft for review and 40 copies of the final report to the CITY OF TUK'vN ILA. 600 APPLICATION FOR FUNDS The CONSULTANT shall prepare the application for State, Federal, or other funds available for this project. 700 MEETINGS AND PRESENTATION The CONSULTANT shall participate in meetings with the Committee and make on-- presentation to the Committee and agency administrators when the report is complete. b:9036e.doc G C 9 6 2 7 Green River Valley Interagency Signal Coordination City of Kent Responsibility As defined in the interlocal agreement between the City of Kent, King County, City of Renton, City of Tukwila, and the Washington State Departmentf he of Gre River�ValleyhIn etty of ragencyent Sig11ll a1 contribute staff time and materials, to land, "i11 Coordination Project. The scope below summarizes services the City of Kent (CITY) contribute for this project: 100 SIGNAL EVALUATION STUDY The CITY will supply its Signal Evaluation Study as part of this project. The study ',vill identifying the existing equipment and future needs for one of the candidate corridors inside Kent city limits. 200 TRAFFIC INVENTORY & SURVEYS 210 Traffic Inventory The CITY will gather available information from each agency and field verify the inventory of existing equipment. The inventory will be mapped for immediate and future needs. The CITY will obtain, from each agency, the most current PM intersection turning traffic count information (no more than one year old, plus or minus). If current count information is not available, the CITY will collect this data, by performing manual intersection traffic counts. 220 Traffic Surveys The CITY shall perform intersection and system traffic surveys. The CITY shall perform intersection delay and system travel time and delay studies along the candidate corridors. The candidate corridors are defined as: 1) SR 181 from SR 516 to Southcenter Blvd, 2) 180th St/43rd St from Southcenter Pkwy to SR 515 (108th Ave). System travel time and delay studies will performed along the full lR�16. SR 181 and 1th of each corridor. ersection delay 80th St,tSR 181 and SB studies will be performed at the SR 181 and S I-405, 43rd St and East Valley Rd, & 176th St and SR 515 intersections. GC9627 300 COMPILATION OF DATA The CITY will provide to the City of Tukwila the above information in a condensed format. The information will be provided in a `raphic or tabular form, ready for insertion into the final report. a:9036f.doc GC9627 Citv of Kent Provided Traffic Data Summary of Data Requirements Category Data Type Location 1. Nerwork Data 1. Intersecrions SR 181 & 43rd/180th Corridor I 2. Configurations (r of and lane assignments) 3. Distances (stopline to stopline) 2. Timing Data 1. Existing Cycle Lengths Intersections: SR 1R1 @ SR 516 @ 196[h St 2. Existing Offsets @ Meeker St @Todd Blvd @ lames St @ 180[h St @ ZZSth St @ Strander Blvd @ 212.Lh St @ Longacres WY @ 208[h St @ 19th St ZO�th S[ @ Grady Wy 3. Existing Interval Durations @ 2oa�St @ SoUL1CenL Blvd and Phase Lengths Phase Sequenc es 18 th Ave @ Sou[hcenter Pk- @ Andover Para:E @ Andover Park W @Sper y Ave 5. Minimum Greens rd S Oaksdale Ave @Talbot Rd @Lind Ave @Smithc:s Ave @E.Valley @ 165th PI @ NB 167 Ramp @ SR 515 3. Saturation Flow, Lost SR 181 @ Willis St, S 212th, Time and Green 1. Saturation Flow S 180th & NB 1405 Ramp Extension Data 43rd/180th @ Southcenter, ?. Green Extension Time E. Valley & SR 515 4. Speed Data 1. Posted Speed On The Each Corridor Corridor 2. Peal: Hour Travel Times/Speed S. Volume 1. Total Volumes On Intersections: Approaches See Category 2 Locations AND 2. Turning Movement Counts SR 1S1 @ 234th St 180th St @ 72nd Ave 6. Control Data 1. Intersection Delay SR 181 @ Willis, 180th, NB I-405 Ramp 2. Queue Length 43rd/180th @ Southcenter Pky, E.Vallev & SR 515 r GC962 t soaa�bos�:.a« M e e t i n g N o t e s DATE: October 6, 1992 LOCATION: City of Tukwila Public Works Department SUBJECT: Transportation Committee PRESENT: Joan Hernandez, Committee Chairperson Steve Lawrence, Councilmember Ross Earnst, Director of Public Works Ron Cameron, City Engineer Brian Shelton, Senior Engineer Scott Traverso, Tukwila business citizen II.A. Interlocal A reement Establishing the Green River Valley Sig-al Coordination Agreement A. Seed money five cities - Grant money for coordination - Tukwila lead agency - $5 , 000 Tukwila share B.Authorize mayor to sign agreement - Check to see if needed - Reports or consent III.B. 1991 Overlay Project Completion A. Construction complete - 20 street, 12 ped paths - $1, 600,455 . 80 cost - Under budget B. Council action -Accept project-consent agenda III.C. East Marginal WaY Street y-acation A. Citizen petition for vacation 1989 - Public hearing December 4, 1989 - Transportation committee early 1990 - Postponed until design was further along B. Prelim intersection design finished - Property owner needs City ROW - Needs setback for gas station - Wants City to vacate ROW C. City design ready - Could put sidewalk on easement 962 7 - Check what channels needed next