HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW1993-0162 - Original - REI Inc. Accounts Payable Division - Adopt-A-Street - 03/09/1993 ADOPT-A-STREET AGREEMENT Page 1 of 6 CITY OF KENT ADOPT-A-STREET AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered into and between the City of Kent Public Works operations, hereinafter called the "Department" and REI Inc Accounts Payable Division hereinafter called the "Grantee" . Whereas, the Department is granted the authority under RCW 47 . 40 to establish a City-wide Adopt-A-Street Litter Control Program: And whereas the Grantee wishes to contribute toward the effort to reduce roadside litter; The Department does hereby authorize the Grantee permission to participate in the Adopt-A-Street Litter Control Program by picking up litter within the assigned section of streets designated below, in accordance with the following terms and conditions: The Grantee does hereby agree: 1 . To conduct clean up activities in a safe manner and any conditions as may be required by the Department for safety of the participants. Safety of participants is the number one priority of the program. 2 . To assign a leader to each cleanup crew, and that crew leader shall have a copy of this agreement with him/her during the cleanup activity. 3 . To pick up litter no less than as agreed times per year. Additional clean ups should be done as necessary to maintain a neat appearance. Recommended interval for cleanup is: as agreed at least once in the Spring One cleanup shall take place during the months of Spring 4 . To have all participants wear the hat and vest furnished by the "Grantee" during clean up activities. No more than 25 people shall participate in the cleanup activity at one time. 5. To have no more than 2 vehicles parked on the highway shoulder within the assigned area during a cleanup activity. A minimum number of vehicles shall be used to transport the participants to the assigned area . ADOPT-A-STREET AGREEMENT Page 2 of 6 6 . Participants shall be 16 years of age or older. The Grantee shall furnish supervision by one or more adults for every eight (8) minors (under 18 years of age) participating in the cleanup activity. 7 , Participants shall receive safety training utilizing materials and training aids provided by the Department before participating in a roadside cleanup . 8 . To obtain supplies and materials from the Department during regular business hours. 9 . To place filled trash bags at the highway shoulder for pickup and disposal by the Department. 10. To notify the City of Kent Public Works Operations (859-3395) immediately in the event of any emergency of highway right of way. Participants who find anything that is hazardous or suspected to be - hazardous shall not touch it, but take appropriate precautions and leave it for disposal by the proper authorities. 11. Participants shall also not pick up syringes , hypodermic needles, exceptionally large, heavy or unyielding objects. These kinds of materials should be flagged and the Department notified as soon as possible to arrange for proper disposal . 12 . Clean ups shall not be scheduled during a legal holiday, during the afternoon on the day before a legal holiday, or holiday weekends. 13 . To provide the Department a roster of individual participants in the cleanup within 7 calendar days following the cleanup activity. 14 . The crew leader shall report any injuries, incurred by participants during clean up activities, to the Department within two working days of the injury. Notification should include: * Name of injured person * Nature of injury * Date and time of injury * How the injury occurred 15 . To return to the Department the portable advanced warning sign and stand, warning light and unused equipment and materials furnished by the Department, following each use. ADOPT-A-STREET AGREEMENT Page 3 of 6 16 . See Exhibit A for additional conditions that also apply to Gran ee. Exhibit A included, None included (check one) The Department does hereby agree to: 1. Furnish and install an Adopt-A-Street sign with the Grantee name or acronym displayed at the assigned area . 2 . Furnish the Grantee trash bags, a "Volunteer Litter Crew Ahead" advanced warning sign and stand, and warning light, for participants to use during cleanup activity. 3 . Remove the filled trash bags from highway shoulder. 4 . Assist the Grantee, in cleaning up litter if necessary (i. e. , when large, heavy, or dangerous items are found) . 5 . Provide safety materials and training aids to the Grantee ' s representative for use by Grantee in training participants. Public Works Operations to provide training tapes. It is recommended the Grantee have a first aid kit available at the clean up site, and at least one person with a valid First Aid Card be present during clean up activities. Recycling is an accepted and encouraged activity. Recyclable items collected by participants may be removed from the site at the option of the Grantee. Profits from the sale or recyclable items shall belong to the Grantee. The Department may suspend this agreement temporarily because of future construction that will take place within the limits of the assigned area. Once these activities have been completed the Grantee will be notified and the agreement restored. The term of this agreement shall commence on the date of execution indicated below, and shall end on the date of termination unless terminated by the Department, or the Grantee on 30 day notice. Upon termination of this agreement the Adopt-A-Street sign shall be removed and remain the property of the Department. ADOPT-A-STREET AGREEMENT Page 4 of 6 ASSIGNED HIGHWAY SECTION: Street 228th from Intersection of 68th Ave S . to Intersection of 288th with Russell Road Then North on Russell Road to Van Doren Landing Park ET'Left side of Roadway Right side of Roadway ❑ Median City of Kent Public Works REI Inc Accounts Payable Division Operations Name of Organization (print or type) 5821 South 240th 6750 S . 228th Street Address Address Kent WA 98032 Kent WA 98032 City Zip Code City, State, Zip Code (206) 859-3395 Imalea Waddington Phone Number Name of Organization Contact (print or type) Home Address Date of Execution City, State, Zip Code (206) 395-5990 Date of Termination Day Time Telephone Evening Telephone fignature of A� orized y epriesentative Sig ature of Organization Contact £ V4 //�W�14:�Iljl &�czZri eaz '.-'LL Title I Title JAI / ADOPT-A-STREET AGREEMENT Page 5 of 6 EXHIBIT A ADOPT-A-STREET LITTER CONTROL PROGRAM AGREEMENT SUMMARY I. A Litter Control Program for Volunteer Organizations A. The City of Kent would greatly reduce litter on City streets B. Reduce labor cost to the City II. The City Shall Provide A. Registration forms B. Contractual agreement C. Assign a section of highway D. Maintain master records E. Erect & maintain 'Adopt ' signs F. Furnish trash bags G. Advanced warning sign H. Safety training I . Warning light J. Pick up litter bags when full III . The REI Accounts Payable Division Shall Provide A. Designed coordinator B. At least 16 years of age participants C. Parental consent for minors D. List of individuals that participate E. First aid kit F. At least one person with first aid card G. Hard hats, blaze orange vests, and gloves and footwear suitable for weather and road conditions IV. NOTE: All items are subject to change ADOPT-A-STREET AGREEMENT Page 6 of 6 ADOPT-A-STREET ITEMS and RESPONSIBILITY A. Registration Forms Modify State Form City to Provide B. Contractual Agreement Same City to Provide C. Assign Highway Section In-House P u b l i c W o r k s Operations D. Maintain Records In-House Risk/Safety Analyst E. Erect & Maintain Adopt In-House Public Works Signs Operations F. Trash Bags In-House Risk/Safety Budget G. Advance Warning Signs In-House P u b l i c W o r k s Operations furnish from existing inventory H. Safety Training In-House P u b l i c W o r k s Operations furnish training tapes & instructions I . Warning Light In-House P u b l i c W o r k s Operations furnish from surplus J. Hard Hats/Safety Vests Volunteers Furnish Risk/Safety analyst to review for RCW compliance K. Labor & Industry Ins. Volunteers to perform as company sponsored event and perform on company time by contract L. Pick Up Litter Bags In-House P u b l i c W o r k s Operations has pick up and disposal function