HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK1994-0179 - Original - Union Pacific Railroad Company - Interurban Trail Mile Post 167.80 - 11/10/1994 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY CONTRACTS&REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT R.D. UHRICH J.A.ANTHONY ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT DIRECTOR-CONTRACTS& JOINT FACILITIES D.D. BROWN ROOM 1100,1416 DODGE STREET DIRECTOR-REAL ESTATE OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68179 J.L.HAWKINS (402)271-3753 DIRECTOR-OPERATIONS SUPPORT FAX(402)271-5493 D.H.LIGHTWINE DIRECTOR-REAL ESTATE November 23, 1994 W R.ULRICH DIRECTOR-BUILDING SERVICES Crossing: Public: WA-Kent Interurban Trail O-M.P. 167.80, Seattle Sub. Ms. Helen Wickstrom, Superintendent Park Planning and Development Kent Parks and Recreation 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032-5895 Dear Ms. Wickstrom: Enclosed is your fully executed original of our agreement covering construction, maintenance and use of a recreational trail opposite Mile Post 167.80 at Kent, Washington. Union Pacific authorized the installation of fiber optic cable facilities on its property in certain areas. Before using the Railroad's property covered herein, you should thoroughly review the terms and conditions of this document and contact us at 1-800-336-9193 to find out if a fiber optic cable is buried on the subject property near M.P. 167.80 on our Seattle Subdivision. Also, please notify our Manager-Track Maintenance at (206) 764-1467 at least 48 hours before doing any work on our right-of-way. As information, 13-6400825 is Union Pacific Railroad Company's Federal Taxpayer Identification Number and we are doing business as a corporation. If you have any questions concerning the terms of this agreement, please contact me at (402) 271-2343. Questions concerning the installation of the crossing should be directed to Ray Oneida at (206) 764-1467. Sincerely yours, pli& �Z� MILLI SCHEER Contracts Representative 811785.PX AGREEMENT allowing the City of Kent permission to be on and about Railroad property for the purpose of construction, maintenance and use of a nonvehicular recreation trail opposite Mile Post 167 . 80 , Seattle Subdivision, in Kent, Washington. THI AGREEMENT is made as of the /1� tA- day of vim-' , 1994, by and between UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, a Utah corporation (hereinafter the "Railroad" ) and the CITY OF KENT, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter called "Licensee" ) . IT IS AGREED as follows: Section 1 . Right Granted. A. The Railroad hereby grants Licensee the right, during the term, hereinafter stated and upon and subject to each and all of the terms, provisions and conditions herein contained, to enter upon and have reasonable ingress to and egress from the Railroad' s right-of-way at or near Railroad' s Mile Post 167. 80 on the Seattle Subdivision at Kent, Washington, as shown on the attached print dated November 29 , 1988 , marked Exhibit A and described in the attached Crossing Description dated June 7, 1989, marked Exhibit B, for the sole and exclusive purpose of constructing, maintaining and using a nonvehicular recreational trail across Railroad' s right-of-way. Railroad is agreeable to allowing this operation to be undertaken, providing the following conditions are met: B. This agreement and the license and permission herein granted shall be effective as of the date first hereinabove written, and shall remain in full force and effect unless terminated as herein provided. C. The right hereby granted is subject and subordinate to the Railroad' s use of the railroad' s property for railroad and incidental purposes, and is subject to any and all encumbrances and rights (whether public or private) , irrespective of whether or not they are recorded, existing at the time of granting said right, and also to any and all extensions and renewals of said existing encumbrances and rights . Licensee shall not damage, destroy or interfere with the property or rights of nonparties in, upon or relating to the Railroad' s said property, unless Licensee, at Licensee' s own expense, settles with and obtains release from such nonparties on mutually satisfactory terms. U. P. P. P. Co. Audit No. Articles of Agreement Page 1 of 7 D. The parties agree and understand that Railroad operations may include blocking the subject crossing for periods of time as necessary in the normal course of operation. The Railroad will make reasonable efforts to keep the crossing clear when switching is not being performed but it shall not be subject to any liability, penalty or breach of this agreement by blocking the crossing. E. Said right is granted only insofar as the Railroad lawfully may grant the same, and the Railroad makes no covenant or warranty of title, for quiet possession or against encumbrances. Said right includes only the Railroad' s property identified in Paragraph A of this section, and no other property; and Licensee, by virtue of this grant, shall not encroach upon, occupy or use any other property of the Railroad. Licensee' s use of said property shall be subject to the safety and performance of work provisions set forth in Section 2 of this agreement. F. The Railroad grants to Licensee only the right for the purpose aforesaid, and no interest in land or estate. thereof Licnsee shall not use or permit use of said property or any p art for any other purpose. No nonparty shall be admitted by Licensee to use or occupy any part of the Railroad' s property for any purpose except as specifically provided for herein without the Railroad' s written consent. Nothing herein shall obligate the Railroad to give such consent, which, if granted, may be subject to such terms and conditions as the Railroad, in the Railroad' s sole discretion, may deem to be necessary or convenient. If said property of the Railroad, or any part thereof , shall cease to be used for the purposes aforesaid or shall be used for purposes unauthorized herein, then the right hereby granted as to such property or parts thereof shall cease and terminate. G. Licensee shall pay the Railroad an administrative handling fee of $500 . 00 upon execution of this agreement. Section 2. Safety and Performance of Work. A. The Railroad shall furnish all labor, material, equipment and supervision for, and shall ( 1) remove existing 16-foot plank crossing, ( 2) install 18-foot rubber crossing, ( 3) renew crossties and ballast, and ( 4) install stop signs and crossbucks at Mile Post 167 . 80 , Seattle Subdivision, in Kent, Washington, as shown generally on Railroad' s Exhibit A print dated November 29, 1988 . B. All remaining work by or on behalf of Licensee on the Railroad' s property shall be performed by Licensee at Licensee' s own expense and without expense to the Railroad. All references herein to work of Licensee shall include such work, whether performed by Licensee or Licensee ' s agents, employees or contractors. Articles of Agreement Page 2 of 7 C. The Licensee agrees to pay the Railroad 1000 of the actual costs of the work performed and material supplied by the Railroad pursuant to Paragraph A above, which is estimated to be Nineteen Thousand Twenty-one Dollars ( $19,021 . 00 ) . Actual costs to the Railroad shall include customary additives to materials, services and labor provided by the Railroad as shown on Exhibit B, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof. Bills for work performed and materials supplied by the Railroad shall be paid by the Licensee promptly upon receipt thereof . D. Before commencing any such work, Licensee shall give the Railroad reasonable notice thereof , which notice shall bu given not less than forty-eight ( 48 ) hours , exclusive of weekends and holidays, prior to the time work is to commence. Railroad' s representative to be contacted prior to entering upon Railroad' s right-of-way is Manager-Track Maintenance in Seattle, Washington, telephone ( 206 ) 764-1467. All of said work shall be performed at reasonable times and in such manner as not to endanger, interfere with, interrupt or delay the Railroad' s operations, nor damage the Railroad' s property, nor cause injuries to or death of persons or damage to or loss or destruction of property of the Railroad. E. Licensee shall exercise due care to prevent injuries to or death of persons and damage to or destruction of property for the safety of whom or of which the Railroad may be responsible, and damage to or destruction of property of the Railroad. Licensee shall and does assume all risk of damage to Licensee ' s own property and injury to Licensee' s own personnel, resulting from or incidental to the prosecution of said work or from the presence of Licensee ' s property and personnel upon or about the Railroad' s property, regardless of any negligence on the part of the Railroad, howsoever. F. In performing said work on or in the vicinity of the Railroad' s property, Licensee shall exercise special care not to cause or create instability of rock, earth or other material, or cause slides of falling rock, earth or debris, nor to damage, obstruct or interfere with drainage, whether natural or artificial. G. The Railroad, at the expense of Licensee, which expense Licensee agrees to pay promptly upon receipt of bill or bills therefor, shall furnish and station such flagman or flagmen as in the Railroad' s judgment may be necessary or expedient to protect the Railroad' s property and operations at the site of all such work by Licensee near any track of the Railroad. Licensee shall not perform any work in the vicinity of any track or tracks where the Railroad has determined a flagman or flagmen should be stationed, unless such flagman or flagmen are present. H. Upon the completion of such work, Licensee shall restore and leave the Railroad' s property in a condition satisfactory to the Railroad, including filling and leveling of all holes and pits. Articles of Agreement Page 3 of 7 I . Licensor, at its own sole cost and expense, shall determine the appropriate need for and design of warning signs at the crossing and shall design, construct and install those signs. Licensee, at its sole cost and expense, shall maintain the signs throughout the existence of this crossing or of the trail, whichever use terminates first. Licensee and Licensor shall equally share responsibility for the design, construction, installation and maintenance of such signs or signals as more specifically stated in Section 5 . Section 3 . Claims and Liens for Labor and Material. Licensee shall not permit or suffer any mechanic' s or materialman' s lien of any kind or nature to be enforced against the Railroad' s property for any work done or materials furnished thereon at the instance or request or on behalf of Licensee. Section 4 . Compliance with Legal Requirements. Licensee, in performing the work, shall observe and comply with all applicable federal, state and municipal and other laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and shall apply for and obtain any and all public authority, permission and licenses necessary therefor, including any permission or authority from the Washington Utility and Transportation Commission. Licensee shall indemnify and hold harmless the Railroad from and against any loss, cost, damage and expense, liabilities, penalties , claims and forfeitures resulting from any failure of Licensee to comply with the provisions of this section, or to comply with the requirements of any public authority, license or permission obtained as aforesaid. Section 5. Equally Shared Liability. A. The Railroad and Licensee , for themselves and their officers, officials, agents, and employees , shall jointly defend all third party claims, demands , actions and/or causes of action of whatsoever nature that may result from injury to or death of any person or from loss of or damage to any property when such injury, death, loss or damage occurs on or is due to or arises in connection with or as a result of the use of any portion of the Licensee' s recreational trail currently known as the "Interurban Trail, " within that area described by a ten-foot radius of either intersection of the Licensee ' s right-of-way and the Railroad' s tracks at or near Mile Post 167 . 80 , located in Kent, King County, Washington. (b) The Railroad and Licensee further agree that they shall equally share the payment of any monies due as a result of such claim, demand, action or cause of action, including all costs and expenses incident to said defense, regardless of the comparative fault of either party; however, this agreement to equally share payment of claims shall only extend to those monetary liabilities, costs or expenses attributable to the acts or Articles of Agreement Page 4 of 7 omissions of the Railroad and/or Licensee and shall not extend to any monetary liabilities, costs or expenses attributable to the acts or omissions of any person or entity other than the Railroad and Licensee. Section 6 . Termination on Breach and Waiver of Breach. It is agreed that the breach of any covenant, stipulation or condition herein contained to be kept and performed by Licensee shall, at the option of the Railroad, forthwith work a termination of this agreement and all rights of Licensee hereunder. A waiver by the Railroad of a breach by Licensee of any covenant or condition of this agreement shall not impair the right of the Railroad to avail the Railroad of any subsequent breach thereof . Section 7 . Default. If Licensee shall fail, refuse or neglect to do, keep, observe and perform each and all of the terms, provisions , conditions and covenants of this agreement, the Railroad, in addition to any other rights and remedies the Railroad may have, may perform any work which in the judgment of the Railroad is necessary to place the Railroad' s property in such condition as will not menace, endanger or interfere with the Railroad' s facilities or operations or jeopardize the Railroad' s employees; and Licensee will reimburse the Railroad for the expense thereof . Section 8 . Insurance. A. Licensee shall procure, or require any contractor engaged or employed to perform any work hereunder on behalf of Licensee on any part of premises to procure, and keep in effect during the period of such work Worker ' s Compensation Insurance in statutory limits, and Contractor ' s Public Liability Insurance providing for a limit of not less than $1 ,000 , 000. 00 for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to or death of one person and, subject to that limit for each person, a total limit of $1 , 000 , 000 . 00 for all damages arising out of bodily injury or death of two or more persons in any one occurrence, and Property Damage Liability Insurance providing for a limit of not less than $1,000 ,000 . 00 for all damages arising out of injury to or destruction of property in any one occurrence and, subject to that limit per occurrence, a total (or aggregate) limit of $1 ,000, 000. 00 for all damages arising out of injury to or destruction of property during the annual policy period. If any part of the work is sublet, similar insurance shall be provided by or in behalf of the subcontractors to cover their operations . Any limitation in the foregoing insurance which excludes work performed within fifty ( 50 ) feet of a railroad track shall be exempted out of said policies. B. Regardless of the insurance provisions set forth in Section 8 hereof, Licensee shall further require any contractor engaged or employed to perform any of the work referred to herein on any part of Railroad' s property covered by this agreement to Articles of Agreement Page 5 of 7 procure and keep in effect during the period of such work Railroad Protective Liability Insurance, in the form set forth in Federal Highway Program Manual, Volume 6 , Section 2 , Subsection 2, dated October 25 , 1974 , issued by Federal Highway Administration, as amended, on behalf of railroad, in amount of $2 , 000 ,000. 00 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, death and property damage, with an aggregate limit of $6 , 000 ,000 . 00 for the annual term of the policy; such insurance shall be in the form and in a company satisfactory to Railroad; and Licensee or its contractor shall not attempt to perform any work on or about Premises until notified by Railroad that the Railroad Protective Liability policy required hereunder is in form satisfactory to Railroad. C. Licensee shall further, at its own sole cost and expense procure and maintain in effect General Public Liability Insurance naming the Railroad as an additional named insured providing bodily injury, including death, personal injury and property damage coverage with a combined single limit of at least $1, 000 , 000 . 00 each occurrence or claim and aggregate limit of at least $1 ,000, 000. 00. This insurance shall contain broad form contractual liability covering the indemnity provisions contained in this agreement and name the Railroad as an additional insured. If coverage is purchased on a "claims made" basis, it shall provide for at least a three ( 3 ) year extended reporting or discovery period, which shall be invoked should insurance covering the time period of this agreement be cancelled. D. The contractor shall furnish to Railroad certificate(s ) of insurance evidencing the required coverage and endorsements and upon request a certified duplicate original of any of those policies. The insurance company(ies) issuing such policy( ies) shall notify the Railroad in writing of any material alteration, including any change in the retroactive date in any "claims made" policies, or substantial reduction of aggregate limits if such limits apply, or cancellation thereof at least thirty ( 30 ) days prior thereto. The insurance policies shall be written by a reputable insurance company acceptable to the Railroad and authorized to transact business in Washington. Section 9. Fiber Optic Cable Warning. A. Fiber optic cable systems may be buried on the Railroad' s property. Licensee shall telephone the Railroad at 1-800-336-9193 (a 24-hour number) to determine if fiber optic cable is buried anywhere on the Railroad' s premises to be used by the Licensee. If it is, Licensee will telephone the telecommunications company( ies) involved, arrange for a cable locator, and make arrangements for relocation or other protection of the fiber optic cable prior to beginning any work on the Railroad' s premises. Articles of Agreement Page 6 of 7 B. In addition to other indemnity provisions in this agreement, the Licensee shall indemnify and hold the Railroad harmless from and against all costs, liability and expense whatsoever (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees, court costs and expenses) arising out of any act or omission of the Licensee, its contractors, agents and/or employees, that causes or contributes to (1) any damage to or destruction of any telecommunications system on Railroad' s property, and (2) any injury to or death of any person employed by or on behalf of any telecommunications company, and/or its contractor, agents and/or employees, on Railroad' s property. Licensee shall not have or seek recourse against Railroad for any claim or cause of action for alleged loss of profits or revenue or loss of service or other consequential damage to a telecommunication company using Railroad' s property or a customer or user of services of the fiber optic cable on Railroad' s property. Section 10 . Successors and Assigns. This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their successors and assigns, but Licensee shall not assign this agreement or any right hereunder without the written consent of the Railroad. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed, in duplicate as of the day and year first herein written. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY gy �itl; Assistant vice Presider.`._ Contracts & Real F-state Attest: CITY OF KENT BY Title: Cit Cl rk Titl Mayor (Seal) Pursuant to attached Ordinance/Resolution U. P. R. '. Co. Articles of Agreement Page 7 of 7 ------_--.---- --- n tt T1 NT PXOM D1[AIN1�.[ Tic 746 VJ E S T. E R_N ID OL T.s 3 T p' Remove 16 ' Plank X-ing �`��\�\ � ',,;�a"` �• �' 1,10 In 18 ' Rubber X-ing Install Ballast & Crossties Crossbucks & Stop Signs • Install ____., • ��r• �• fate. ' . • AIA - - Toy , E, 77Z+r�' ZO' e 4 Sec 13PL a {'�.INC•a CMC-,NTLJ� V- L: R. L'.. {�. C• D. 9-13'7? A / EXHIBIT A 1N�Sffl IvCz'1�N t UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Kent, King County, Washington M.P. 0-167 . 8 , Seattle Subdivision To accompany agreement with 0:��4'City of Kent covering reconstruction of bicycle/pedestrian crossing at �~ Interurban Trail Scale: 1" = 100 ' Omaha, Nebraska - November 29, 1988 ** L E G E N D ** Road crossing shown: . . . . . . . . -� Railroad right of way shown: .-- EXHIBIT B City of Kent - Interurban Trail Crossing Description A strip of land 27 . 0 feet wide situate in the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 13 , Township 22 North, Range 4 East of the Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington, lying between straight lines parallel with and 30. 0 feet and 57 . 0 feet westerly, measured at right angles, from the centerline of the joint main track of the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company as now constructed and operated, and extending northerly a distance of 600 .0 feet from a straight line drawn at right angles to said centerline of main track at Railroad Survey Station 171+00, which is a point in said centerline that is 585. 5 feet northerly from the south line of said Section 13 , measured along said center line. Date: June 7, 1989 FORM 30-1 WORK ORDER AUTHORIZATION-DETAIL OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES EST START: 01-01-94 PROJ NO: 16871 EST COMP: 12-31-94 A.W.O. NO: W.O. NO: RAILROAD: UPRR CO. B.I . NO: 94EN10 LOCATION: SEATTLE SUB.- KENT, WA STATE: WA DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING SERVICES VAL SEC: 4502 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JOB ACCT UNIT TOTAL CHRGABLE TO NO. NO. DESCRIPTION QTY UM COST LABOR MATERIAL P.I . O.E. OTHER --- ---- ------------------------ ------- -- ------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ! !VAL SEC: 4502 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !** NON JOINT FACILITY **! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ** SIDING ** ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 ! 709 ! ENGINEERING ! ! ! ! 500! ! ! ! ! LABOR ADDITIVE 133.09% ! ! ! ! 665! ! ! ! 1709-0021-00010 ! ! JOB TOTAL ! ! ! 1165! ! ! ! 1165 2 ! 008 ! XTIE ! 12!EA! ! ! 360! ' ! ! ! XTIES -UNLD W/C 100031 !MD! ! 1201 ! ! ! ! ! XTIES-RENEW/ W/C 10005! 2!MD! ! 4441 ! ! ! ! ! MAIL STORE EXPENSE ! ! ! ! ! 2! ! ! ! ! SALES TAX ! ! ! ! ! 141 ! ! ! ! LABOR ADDITIVE 133.09% ! ! ! ! 576! ! ! ! 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! !709-0021.00010 ! ! JOB TOTAL ! ! ! ! 11401 3761 ! ! 1516 3 ! 009 ! RAIL ! 40!LF! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ITEM NBR: 551 1330 1 ! 40!LF! AT ! ! ! ! ! ! ! WELD ! ! ! ! ! 279! ! ! ! ! RAIL - UNLD/ W/C 12003! !MD! ! 240! ! ! ! ! ! RAIL -REPLAC W/C 12005! !MD! ! 2401 ! ! ! ! ! FIELD WELD - W/C 13004! 2!MD! ! 414! ! ! ! ! ! MAIL STORE EXPENSE ! ! ! ! ! 2! ! ! ! ! SALES TAX ! ! ! ! ! 11! ! ! ! ! LABOR ADDITIVE 133.09% ! ! ! ! 1012! ! ! 1 I I I I ' ---------� --------'I ---------� ---------1 --------- 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !709-0021-00010 ! ! JOB TOTAL ! ! ! ! 1906! 292! ! ! 2198 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 4 ! 010 ! OTM ! ! ! ! ! 302! ! ! ! ! OTM UNLD/DIS W/C 14003! !MD! ! 1201 ! ! ! ! OTM REPLACE/ W/C 14005! !MD! 2401 ! ! ! ! MATL STORE EXPENSE ! ! ! ! ! 2! ! ! ! ! SALES TAX ! ! ! ! ! 12! ! ! --- ---- ------------------------ ------- -- ------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- FORM 30-1 WORK ORDER AUTHORIZATION-DETAIL OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES EST START: 01-01-94 PROJ NO: 16871 EST COMP: 12-31-94 A.W.O. NO: W.O. NO: RAILROAD: UPRR CO. B.I . NO: 94EN10 LOCATION: SEATTLE SUB.- KENT, WA STATE: WA DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING SERVICES VAL SEC: 4502 -----•-------------------------------------•----------------------------------------- JOB ACCT UNIT TOTAL CHRGABLE TO NO. NO. DESCRIPTION QTY UM COST LABOR MATERIAL P. I. O.E. OTHER --- ---- -------•---------------- ------- -- ------ --------- -------- --------- - 4 ! 010 ! LABOR ADDITIVE 133.09% ! ! ! ! 457! ! ! ! !709-0021-00010 ! ! JOB TOTAL ! ! ! ! 817! 316! ! ! 1133 5 ! 011 ! BALAST ! 1!CL! ! ! 510! ! ! ! TRK-SURF,LIN W/C 17009! 18!MD! ! 240! ! ! ! ! ! BALLAST UNLD W/C 19003! 1!MD! ! 2401 ! ! ! ! CONTRACT - BALLAST ! ! ! ! 1 6001 ! ! ! MATL STORE EXPENSE ! ! ! ! ! 4! ! ! ! ! SALES TAX ! ! ! ! ! 20! ! ! ! ! LABOR ADDITIVE 133.09% ! ! ! ! 504! ! ! ! !709-0021-00010 ! JOB TOTAL ! ! ! ! 984! 11341 ! ! 1266 852 6 ! 027 ! SIGNAL ! ! ! ! ! 175! ! ! ! ! SIGNS ! ! ! ! ! 37! ! ! ! ! SIG GENERAL W/C 30004! !MD! ! 30! ! ! ! ! SIG-GEN RENW W/C 30005! !MD! ! 301 ! ! ! ! SIGN - CONST W/C 82004! 1!MD! ! 159! ! ! ! ! MATL STORE EXPENSE ! ! ! ! ! 1! ! ! ! ! SALES TAX ! ! ! ! ! 8! ! ! ! ! LABOR ADDITIVE 133.09% ! ! ! ! 181! ! ! ! !709-0021-00010 ! ! JOB TOTAL ! ! ! ! 400! 221! ! ! 621 7 ! 039 ! RDXING ! 18!TF! ! ! 4176! ! ! ! RDXING,PUB - W/C 20003! !MD! ! 240! ! ! ! ! ! RDXING,PUB-R W/C 20005! 2!MD! ! 3911 ! ! ! ! ! CONTRACT EQUIPMENT ! ! ! ! ! 500! ! ! ! CONTRACT CUT STREET ! ! ! ! ! 5001 ! ! ! ! CONTRACT ASPHALT ! ! ! 500! ! ! ! ! MATL STORE EXPENSE ! ! 321 ! ! SALES TAX ! ! ! ! 1671 ! ! ! ! LABOR ADDITIVE 133.09% 1 ! ! ! 685! ! ! --- ---- -------•-------_---_- --- --- -- ------ -- ------- --------- --------- --------- --------- FORM 30-1 WORK ORDER AUTHORIZATION-DETAIL OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES EST START: 01-01-94 PROJ NO: 16871 EST COMP: 12-31-94 A.W.O. NO: W.O. NO: RAILROAD: UPRR CO. B.I. NO: 94EN10 LOCATION: SEATTLE SUB.- KENT, WA STATE: WA DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING SERVICES VAL SEC: 4502 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JOB ACCT UNIT TOTAL CHRGABLE TO NO. NO. DESCRIPTION OTY UM COST LABOR MATERIAL P.I . O.E. OTHER --- ---- ------------------- --- ------- -- ------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- I I ! ! ! ! ! ! !709-0021-00010 ! ! JOB TOTAL ! ! ! ! 1316! 5875! ! ! 6691 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 500 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 9 ! 709 ! CITY OF KENT ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! XTIE ! 12!EA! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! XTIES-RENEW/ W/C 10005! 1!MD! ! 122! ! ! ! ! XTIES-LOAD/P W/C 10006! !MD! ! 240! ! ! ! ! ! LABOR ADDITIVE 133.09% ! ! ! ! 482! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !709-0021-00010 ! ! JOB TOTAL ! ! ! ! 844! ! ! ! 844 11 ! 709 ! CITY OF KENT ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! RAIL ! 40!LF! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ITEM NBR: 551 1330 0 ! 40!LF! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! RAIL -REPLAC W/C 12005! !MD! ! 240! ! ! ! ! ! RAIL - LOAD/ W/C 12006! !MD! ! 120! ! ! ! ! ! LABOR ADDITIVE 133.09% ! ! ! ! 478! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !709-0021-00010 ! ! JOB TOTAL ! ! ! ! 838! ! ! ! 838 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 13 ! 709 ! CITY OF KENT ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! OTM ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! OTM REPLACE/ W/C 14005! !MD! ! 120! ! ! ! ! ! OTM LOAD/PIC W/C 14006! !MD! ! 120! ! ! ! ! ! LABOR ADDITIVE 133.09% ! 1 1 ! 319! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !709-0021-00010 ! ! JOB TOTAL ! ! ! ! 559! ! ! ! 559 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 15 1 709 ! CITY OF KENT ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ROXING ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! RDXING,PUB-R W/C 20005! !MD! ! 240! ! ! ! ! ! RDXING,PUB - W/C 20006! !MD! ! 120! ! ! ! ! I LABOR ADDITIVE 133.09% ! ! ! ! 478! ! ! ! --- ---- ------------------------ ------- -- ------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- FORM 30-1 WORK ORDER AUTHORIZATION-DETAIL OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES PROJ N0: 16871 EST START: 01-01-94 A.W.O. N0: EST COMP: 12-31-94 W.O. N0: B.I . NO: 94EN10 RAILROAD: UPRR CO. STATE: WA LOCATION: SEATTLE SUB.- KENT, WA VAL SEC: 4502 DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING SERVICES JOB ACCT UNIT TOTAL CHRGABLE TO NO. NO. DESCRIPTION QTY UM COST LABOR MATERIAL P.I. O.E. OTHER --- ---- ------------------------ -- ------ -------- 1 I I I I I ! !709-0021-00010 ! ! i ! JOB TOTAL ! ! ! ! 838! ! ! ! 838 ! ! 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 ! ! ! ! t 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 t t I I I ! ! ! ! ! I 1 I 1 1 ! 1 ! ! ! 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I ! ! ! ! 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I t I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 ! ! ! I I I I 1 I I I I I t I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I --- ---- ------------------------ ------- -- ------ --------- --------- --------- ------- !PROJECT TOTALS 16871 ! ! ! ! 10807! 8214! ! ! 19021 --- ---- ------------------------ ------- -- ------ --------- --------- --------- --------- FORM 30-1 WORK ORDER AUTHORIZATION-DETAIL OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES EST START: 01-01-94 PROJ NO• 16871 EST COMP: 12-31-94 A.N.O. NO: N.O. NO: RAILROAD: UPRR CO. B.I . NO: 94ENIO LOCATION: SEATTLE SUB.- KENT, NA STATE: NA DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING SERVICES VAL SEC: 4502 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JOB ACCT UNIT TOTAL CHRGABLE TO NO. NO. DESCRIPTION QTY UM COST LABOR MATERIAL P.I. O.E. OTHER --- ---- ------------------------ ------- -- ------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- I 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 ( I I I 1 I I 1 I t I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I i I I I t 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I [ I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I i 1 I 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 ! I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 I I i I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I I I ! ACCT 709 SUBTOTAL ! ESTIMATE DOES NOT ! ! 19021 ! ! INCLUDE S.H. MATERIAL E 108 ! ! ! ! ! ! TREATED AS AN ASSET TRANSFER [ ! ! I - ------ --------- --------- ! !ESTIMATE TOTALS ! ! ! ! 10807! 8214! ! ! 19021 ESTIMATED BY: EENG628 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: $19,021 -------------- -------------- DATE: 08-22-1994 APPROVED BY: APPROVED BY: