HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD1994-0170 - Original - Robyn Bartelt - Settlement Agreement & Release of Claim - 06/22/1994 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AGREEMENT by and between Robyn Bartelt (Bartelt) and City of Kent (the City) ; W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Bartelt and the City hereto desire to settle the lawsuit that is currently pending in King County Superior Court, Cause No. 93-2-03918-2; NOW, THEREFORE, in and for the consideration composed of the mutual promises recited herein, Bartelt and the City agree as follows; 1. Concurrently with the execution of this Settlement Agreement, Bartelt and the City shall execute and deliver to each other a Release of Claims in the form of Exhibit "A" hereto. 2. The City shall pay Bartelt the lump sum of Eighty-Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($82,500.00) . Payment shall be made to the "Law Office of Judith A. Lonnquist". It is understood that said sum is for personal injuries; there will be no W-2 and/or 1099 form issued by the City or its agents relating to said payment. 3. The City has reclassified Bartelt in her current position to a level 32E, effective April 1, 1994. 4. Bartelt and the City hereto expressly acknowledge and agree that neither this settlement Agreement nor any action taken pursuant thereto constitutes, nor shall the same be construed to constitute, any admission of liability or fault of any kind 1 whatsoever by Bartelt and the City (which liability or fault Bartelt and the City expressly deny) , but is trade solely for the purpose of terminating the disputes between them and avoiding the further expense and distraction of litigation. 5. This settlement is in full and final settlement of all claims against the City (but not against Barney Wilson and Yvonne Wilson) as set forth in the Release of All Claims. it is agreed that Bartelt will file a voluntary nonsuit without prejudice as to Barney Wilson and Yvonne Wilson and Bartelt agrees not to institute any lawsuit against Barney Wilson and Yvonne Wilson for claims made in this lawsuit. However, it is understood that in the event, Barney Wilson and/or Yvonne Wilson institute any action against Bartelt, that Bartelt may raise any and all claims she may have against them, including those involved in this litigation. Date: C yofKnt Date: CG ;7z3 Robyn . artelt 2 R E L E A S E O F C L A I M S KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Undersigned, Robyn Bartelt, being of lawful age, for the consideration of ZTGHTY TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND NO[100 CENTS M 2 500.001 to the undersigned in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, along with a reclassification to level 32E, does hereby and for her heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns release, THE CITY OF KENT, ITS ELECTED OFFICIALS. THE WASHINGTON CITIES INSURANCE AUTHORITY• ITS ATTORNgXS, and his, her, their, or its agents, servants, successors, heirs, executors, administrators and all other persons (with the sole exception of Barney Wilson and Yvonne Wilson) , firms, Corporations, associations or partnerships of and from any and all claims, actions, expenses and compensation, including economic loss, attorney's fees, medical expenses, or emotional distress, which the undersigned now has or which may hereafter accrue on account of actions of the City of Kent or its agents or employees, involving any and all allegations directed toward Robyn Bartelt by the City of Kent as set forth in King County Cause Number 93-2-03918-2. It is understood and agreed that this settlement is the compromise of a disputed claim, and that the payment made is not to be construed as an admission of liability on the part of the party or parties hereby released, and that said releases deny liability therefor and intend merely to avoid litigation and buy their peace. RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS - 1 The undersigned further declares and represents that no promise, inducement or agreement not herein expressed has been made to the undersigned, and that this Release (combined with the separate Settlement Agreement and stipulation for and order of Partial Dismissal) contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto, and that the terms of this Release are contractual and not a mere recital. In consideration of the payment of the above sum, Robyn Bartelt agrees that she will satisfy any and all lien claims or subrogation claims by any health care provider or any medical insurance carrier against these settlement funds arising out of any health care or mental health care she has received. Robyn Bartelt agrees to indemnify the persons named in this Release and their liability insurance carrier, and hold the same harmless against any claim, suit, action or demand asserting a subrogation or lien claim by a health care provider or medical insurance company. It is also understood and agreed that the City of Kent releases the undersigned, Robyn Bartelt from any claim, action, expense or compensation the City of Kent now has or may have against Robyn Bartelt arising out of the allegations as set forth in King County Cause Number 93-2-03918-2. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE READ THE FOREGOING RELEASE AND FULLY UNDERSTANDS IT. RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS - 2 - Signed, sealed and delivered this n_ day of June, 1994. CAUTION: READ BEFORE SIGNING BELOW Roby Bartelt Kent STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF ; -j fv(az ) On this -Z-� day of June, 1994, before me personally appeared Robyn Bar?elt, to me known to be the person named herein and who executed the foregoing Release and she acknowledged to me that she voluntarily executed the same. My term expires: Notary Public STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF On this ZZ day of June, 1994, before me personally appeared ttuk i f t A1W-io✓t-_ , a representative of the City of Kent, to me known to be the person named herein and who executed the foregoing Release and she acknowledged to me that she voluntarily executed th4 sane. My term expires: Notary Public RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS w 3 -