HomeMy WebLinkAboutHR1994-0175 - Original - Rose and Dirk Nelson - Settlement Agreement and Release - 05/20/1994 ORIGINAL (DUPLICATE ORIGINALS) SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE WHEREAS, Rose Nelson and Dirk Nelson, her husband, brought an action in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington under Cause No. C93-163OWD against the City of Kent, wherein Rose Nelson stated a variety of damages and allegations against Kent and its agents or employees involving discrimination, retaliation, and other civil rights violations; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent denies all of the allegations of wrong doing; and WHEREAS, both parties believe that their respective positions, concerning the above-referenced lawsuit are correct, and that they would prevail in the event of litigation, nevertheless, both parties desire to resolve the issues between them; NOW, THEREFORE, Rose Nelson and Dirk Nelson, husband and wife, individually and as husband and wife, and the City of Kent, a Municipal corporation, do hereby enter into this Settlement and Agreement in consideration of the mutual promises and considerations set forth in this Agreement : (1) Monetary Compensation. The City of Kent promises to pay to Rose Nelson and to Dirk Nelson, her husband, and by their signature below, they acknowledges receipt of, the sum of $183 , 000 . 00 . This monetary compensation is a compromise of her disputed claim for a variety of SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE - 1 C:\RWE\WCIA9304\0520Agrmnt damages including general damages, punitive damages, back wages, attorney' s fees, costs and miscellaneous related expenses concerning her allegations . In addition, the City promises to pay to Rose Nelson and Dirk Nelson, her husband, and by their signature below they acknowledge receipt of the sum of $13 , 800 . 00 as compensation for medical expenses incurred. In addition, the City of Kent will "forgive" a disputed debt owed by Rose Nelson and her husband, Dirk Nelson, to the City of Kent in the approximate amount of $6 , 300 . 00 to reimburse the City of Kent for certain Labor & Industry benefits provided to Rose Nelson. In addition to the monetary compensation set forth herein, the City of Kent promises to pay all expenses of the mediator who participated in a mediation and assisted the parties in obtaining a settlement . (2) Employment. As a part of this Agreement, Rose Nelson will terminate her employment with the City of Kent with her last day being the 4th day of May, 1994 , and will not reapply for any employment position with the City of Kent . Rose Nelson will , however, become an independent contractor for the City of Kent effective the 5th day of May, 1994 for a period of up to, but no more than, six months, unless mutually agreed to otherwise . Rose Nelson' s work as an independent contractor for the City of Kent will involve personnel matters, but her work and activities will not take place at the offices of the City of Kent . The details of the contract for independent services by Rose Nelson are set forth in the document SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE - 2 C:\RWE\WCIA4304\0520Agrmnt attached to this Agreement and incorporated herein by reference . Rose Nelson will be compensated for her work as an independent contractor in an amount up to $25, 000 , to be paid in six equal monthly installments . Provided, however, if Rose Nelson takes another job within this period of time or otherwise becomes unavailable for work, payments to her by the City of Kent will stop and her contract as an independent contractor for the City of Kent will come to an end. (3) Miscellaneous Matter. As a part of this Settlement Agreement, the City of Kent agrees to indemnify Rose Nelson and her husband, Dirk Nelson, and hold the same harmless against any claim, suit, action or demand against Rose Nelson for any acts done by Rose Nelson during her employment at the City of Kent which were specifically in the scope of her employment with the City of Kent . In addition, Rose Nelson and Dirk Nelson, her husband, individually and their marital community, agree to indemnify the City of Kent and hold the same harmless against any claim, suit, action or demand by any governmental body or taxing authority, including the federal government or the State of Washington, asserting any claim that the City of Kent owes a tax liability of any kind concerning the settlement of this lawsuit . (4) Release. In consideration of the payment of the afore-mentioned sum, and the other promises and obligations set forth in this Agreement, SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE - 3 C:\RWE\WCIA9304\0520Agrmnt Rose Nelson and Dirk Nelson, her husband, individually and for their marital community, and for their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, hereby release, acquit and forever discharges the City of Kent, its past, present and future : City Council members; elected officials; executives; officers; employees; attorneys; agents; liability insurance carriers and all other persons, firms, corporations, associations and partnerships, including, but not specifically limitied to, Mr. Barney Wilson and Mr. Don Olson, of and from any and all claims, actions, causes of actions, demands, rights, damages, costs, expenses and compensation whatsoever, including attorney' s fees, of any kind or nature arising from or out of her employment by the City of Kent . This Release specifically includes any claims for attorney' s fees, for violation of civil rights acts under Washington or federal law and for any claim of termination, retaliation, sexual harassment or constructive termination. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that this settlement is a compromise of a disputed claim and that the obligations incurred by the City of Kent herein are not to be construed as an admission in the part of the City of Kent, and the City of Kent denies liability. Rose Nelson hereby declares that the injuries she alleges in the lawsuit referred to above are or may be permanent and progressive and that recovery therefrom is uncertain and indefinite, and in making this Release it is understood and agreed that Rose Nelson relies wholly upon her own judgment, belief and SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE - 4 C:\RWE\WCIA9304\0520Agrmnt knowledge of the nature, extent, effect and duration of said injuries . The only limitation on this Release by Rose Nelson and Dirk Nelson is in the event Rose Nelson is made a defendant in a lawsuit brought by any current or past employee of the City of Kent, Rose Nelson shall retain a right to bring a counterclaim against that person in the same lawsuit, such counterclaim for damages would be limited to the issues of that lawsuit and not for claims or damages for which Rose Nelson has been compensated for herein. (5) Dismissal with Prejudice. The parties agree that upon the execution of this Agreement and receipt of the above-mentioned monetary payment to Rose Nelson, the dispute between the City of Rose Nelson shall be at an end and that Rose Nelson' s attorney shall proceed to dismiss the pending action in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington with prejudice . The Dismissal will provide that the costs of litigation, including attorney' s fees, shall be borne by the respective parties hereto. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE READ THE FOREGOING SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE AND FULLY UNDERSTAND IT. #I Signed, sealed and delivered this 7-10 day of May, 1994 . Rose Nelson Dirk Nelson SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE - 5 C:\RWE\WCIA9304\0520Agrmnt City of Kent By. Its : STATE OF WASHINGTON ) r) ) s s : COUNTY OF / k^ ) On this L§f day of May, 1994 , before me appeared Rose Nelson to me personally known, and who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument as her free act and deed, for the consideration set forth therein. Name : Q v O '-j NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington. My Commission Expires : �S STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss : COUNTY OF J A On this 2-6 day of May, 1994 , before me appeared Dirk Nelson to me personally known, and who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument as his free act and deed, for the consideration set forth thereiaName : c r. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington. My Commission Expires : S STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss . COUNTY OP'._..j On this f �— day o� 1994 , before me appeared __.,.� the ' r-��-t.� -'-ti , for theCity of Kent, and who acknowledged e,./she is" duly authorized to exedute the foregoing instrument in his/her official capacity for the City of Kent . NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington. My Commission Expires : SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE - 6 C:\RWE\WCIA9304\0520Agrmnt