HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD1995-0191 - Original - Vera Omera Roylance - Purchase of 10134 SE 264th - 10/25/1995 REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT with EARNEST MONEY PROVISION WITH VERA OMERA ROYLANCE This contract controls the terms of the sale of real property. Please read carefully before signinci. Agreement between the City of Kent , a Washington municipal corporation, whose mailing address is 220 4th Ave . S, Kent, Washington 98032, ( "Buyer" ) , and VERA OMERA ROYLANCE, whose mailing address is 10134 SE 264TH, Kent , Washington, 98031, ( "Seller" ) , entered into in Kent, Washington, this 25th day of October, 1995 . Received from Buyer, One Thousand and no/00 dollars ($1 000 . 00) in the form of a City of Kent purchase order, as earnest money and part payment on the purchase price of the following described real estate, commonly known to be located at 10134 SE 264th Kent Washin ton 98031 (the "Property" ) , which eller agrees to sell, and which Property Buyer agrees to buy and S is legally described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference . A map indicating the location of the Property is also attached as exhibit B, incorporated herein by this reference . Said purchase order will be converted to check upon final acceptance of this agreement by Seller. PURCHASE PRICE The total purchase price for the Property is One hundred fifty one thousand and no/100 dollars ($ 151 000 . 00 ) payable by City check on closing . [X] CONTINGENCIES: This agreement is contingent upon Page 1 acceptance of its terms by the Kent City Council and upon Seller ' s performance of all inspection requirements listed under Item 9-J. 1 . SELLER' S REPRESENTATIONS: Seller represents : (1) [ ] that the property is connected to a: [X] public/community water main [ ] well [ ] public sewer [X] septic tank [ ] cesspool [X] gas main [X] electrical power [X] telephone [X] cable t .v. [ ] none of the foregoing. (IF WELL OR SEPTIC TANK IS CHECKED, THE WELL OR SEPTIC TANK PROVISIONS, ITEMS 8 (G) and 8 (H) BELOW, ARE PART OF THIS AGREEMENT) , (2) ( ] that there is a condominium or Home Owner ' s fee, (3) [ ] that the property contains lease or encumbered items identified as [ ] hot water tank (s) [ ] heating system [ ] other (4) [X] that all electrical wiring, heating, cooling, and plumbing systems will be in normal working order at the time Buyer is entitled to possession, (5) [XI that he/she knows of no material structural defects, (6) [X] that he/she will maintain the property and yard in present or better condition until time of agreed possession, (7) [X] that shares in light and/or water companies and associations, if any, shall be included in the sale, unless noted, Page 2 (8) that he/she has no knowledge or notice from any governmental agency of any violation of laws relating to the subject property except : 2 . TITLE: Seller to provide title insurance at closing, to be issued by Old Re ublic Title Inc . 1201 Third Avenue Suite 1410 Seattle Washington 98101 . Title to the property is to be free from all encumbrances or defects . Encumbrances to be discharged by Seller shall be paid from Seller' s funds at the date of closing. The following shall not be deemed encumbrances or defects : Rights reserved in federal patents or state deeds; building or use restrictions consistent with current zoning, other than government platting and subdivision requirements ; utility easements ; other easements not inconsistent with Buyer ' s intended use; and, reserved oil and/or mineral rights . 3 . CLOSING COSTS AND PRO-RATIONS: The cost of escrow shall be shared equally between Buyer and Seller, except those fees which are expressly limited by Federal Regulation. Seller shall pay for excise tax and revenue stamps . Taxes for the current year, rents, interest, Association, Condominium and/or Homeowner' s fees, water and other utility charges , if any, shall be pro-rated as of date of closing unless otherwise agreed. Page 3 4 . CLOSING OF THE SALE: WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THIS AGREF�N��TT, this sale shall be closed on i 6 , tt 1 VV or before IIee which shall also be the 13 termination date of this agreement . When notified, the Buyer and Seller will deposit, without delay, in escrow with Accountable Escrow, 1048 West James Street, Suite 102 , Kent , Washington 98032 , all instruments and monies required to complete the transaction in accordance with this agreement . Closing, for the purpose of this agreement, is defined as the date that all documents are executed and the sale proceeds are available for disbursement to the Seller. 5 . POSSESSION: Buyer shall be entitled to possession on [X] c1os ' ng, plus 10 D� . Seller agrees to pay the Buyer the sum �of $12=r�q4 for each day of possession beyond the date of agreed possession. (Said payment shall be the sole responsibility of the Seller, due on demand. ) 6 . PERSONAL PROPERTY: Seller agrees to remove all personal property located on the Property prior to agreed possession date . Seller agrees that his or her "personal property" shall include all items, whether considered of value or not by Seller, not classified as fixtures . 7 . S LER ENVIRONMENTAL P SENTATIONS: 11 r represe is hat to the best of is/her owledge, h /she as compl ed ith all atters ari ing out o all feder 1 , st te, fore gn and local aws or administrati e order with espect to SSG �E'1�U U Page 4 j_ 17\, rv\A L C aC ✓� C I 1 "I h.t� Clo I��►�'1�11.�. environmental cQnditions existing on the closing date in(an without lim ation, the Resource nserva ' on and Rect, the Com rehensive Environ ental Res onse, Con and Liabili y Act, the Sup rfund Amend ents Retion Act, the M del Toxics Cont of Act, the S ill Con and Control Ac , and the En ironmental Clea up Reity Act, with res ect to the urchased property. Susentation, and any ' ability that Seller may have foach thereof, shall survive the closing. P( QIn t event Buyer discovers or det s or is noti ied 1S abou existence of any environmental condit on (including, wi out limitatio , a spill, discharg or cont mination) t at e isted as of and or prior to the cl sing date or any act or ission occurrin prior to the clo ing date, the result of hi may require remedial action pursuant to n law or a ch y q P Y Y e the basis for the assertion of any third party clai s , including claims of governmental entities, Buyer s all romptly notify S ller thereof and S ller shal , at its ole ost and expense, roceed with due d' igence and in good f ith o take the approp iate action in esponse ther to . the vent that Seller fa s to so p ceed with due di ce and g od faith, the Buyer , at its option, terminate this ag e without prior notice . 8 . SELLER' S IND ITIES: Seller ag ees to inde nify and hold harmless the yer, against and n respect of , any and all damages, claims losses,, liabi ' ties, judgment demand , Pa 5 fees, o tions, assessments , and expenses and costs, inc ding, wit out limitation, reaso legal , accounting, nsulting, en ineering and othe expense which may be imposed upon or incurred by Buyer, or asserted against Buyer, by any other pa ty or parties (in luding, witho t limitation, a governmental entity) , arising ut of or in c nection with �e any environmen al condition exist ng as of and/o prior to the closing date, cluding the exposure of any pers n to any sucY -� environmental condition, regardless of ether suc CL environmental c ndition or expo re resulted fr m activiti s of Seller or Sel er' s p redeces rs in interest . �� ' This indemn ty shall s rvive the closing and b in Q�WY1 addition to Seller' obliga on for breach of a repre tation or warranty as may be set forth herein. , + 9 . ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS: This agreement is subject to the following 'additional provisions : (A) CONVEYANCE (1) If this is for conveyance of fee title, title shall be by Warranty Deed free of encumbrances except those noted in Paragraph 2 above . (2) If this agreement provides for a sale by real estate contract , Seller and Buyer agree to execute a real estate contract for the balance of the purchase price on Real Estate Contract Form N/A, a copy of which is hereby tendered to the parties hereto, or such other form as attached hereto, and the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference . Said contract shall provide that title by conveyed by Warranty Page 6 Deed. (3) If said property is subject to an existing contract, mortgage, deed of trust or other encumbrance which Seller is to continue to pay, Seller agrees to pay said contract , mortgage, deed of trust or other encumbrance in accordance with its terms , and upon default, Buyer shall have the right to make any payments necessary to remove the default, and any payments so made, shall be applied to the payments next falling due on the contract between Seller and Buyer herein. (4) If this agreement is for sale and transfer of vendee ' s interest under existing real estate contract, the transfer shall be by Buyer' s assignment of contract and deed sufficient in form to convey after title is acquired. (B) TITLE INSURANCE Buyer is authorized to apply for a preliminary commitment for a standard form Buyer' s policy of title insurance to be issued by such title insurance company as the Buyer may designate . Said preliminary commitment, and the title policy to be issued shall contain no exceptions other than those provided for in such standard form and encumbrances or defects noted in paragraph 2 hereof . If title cannot be made so insurable prior to the closing date called for herein, unless Buyer elects to waive such defects or encumbrances , this agreement shall be terminated. (C) GENERAL PROVISIONS SQUARE FOOTAGE: Unless otherwise expressly stated to the Page 7 contrary on the reverse hereof , any square footage as to the building or lot used by Seller or any real estate agent in marketing said property are understood to be approximations and are not intended to be relied upon to determine the fitness or value of the property. Buyer has personally observed the property and has reached its own conclusion as to ty of the size of property based the adequacy and acceptabili upon said personal inspection. (D) ENTIRE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING ALL INCORPORATED EXHIBITS, CONSTITUTES THE FULL UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN SELLER AND BUYER (and AGENT, if applicable) . THERE HAVE BEEN NO VERBAL OR OTHER AGREEMENTS THAT MODIFY THIS AGREEMENT. (E) CONTINGENCY CLAUSE If CONTINGENCIES paragraph on page one herein has been filled in, it is agreed that Seller may keep the property on the market and continue to show it until the contingency has been met or waived by Buyer. If prior to that time, Seller receives another acceptable offer to purchase the property, he shall give Buyer notice of his intent to accept the new offer. Seller' s written notice shall be personally delivered to Buyer, or sent by certified mail to Buyer' s address on the front side of this agreement . The specified number of days shall commence on the day after delivery or, if mailed, then on the third day following its deposit into the mail . In either case, said specified days shall expire at midnight of Page 8 the last day unless that day is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, in which event, it shall expire at midnight the next business day. If within said specified days, written notice from Buyer that said contingency has been met or waived is actually received by Seller or Listing Agent, or is delivered to Seller ' s address on the front side of this agreement, Buyer' s right to purchase hereunder shall continue in accordance herewith. In the event that Seller does not receive such notice from Buyer within the specified number of days , then this agreement shall be terminated. BUYER' S CONTINGENCY MAY ONLY BE WAIVED BY WRITTEN NOTIFICATION TO SELLER THAT BUYER HAS REMOVED THE CONTINGENCY. (F) DEFAULT AND ATTORNEY' S FEES If the Seller defaults in his or her contractual performance herein, the Buyer may seek specific performance pursuant to the terms of this agreement , damages, or recision. If the Buyer seeks damages or recision, the earnest money, upon demand, shall be returned in full to the Buyer. If the Buyer defaults in its contractual performance herein, the earnest money, upon demand, shall be forfeited to the Seller and shall be the sole and exclusive remedy for default available to the Seller. In the event of litigation to enforce any of the terms or provisions herein, each party shall pay all its own costs and attorney' s fees . (F) INCLUDED ITEMS The following items .are included in the sale unless noted Page 9 otherwise : linoleum, window screens, screen doors, plumbing and light fixtures (except floor, standing and swag lamps) , attached cabinets and drawers , attached television antennas, attached carpeting, trees, plants and shrubs in the yard, built-in appliances , shades, Venetian blinds, curtain rods, all attached bathroom fixtures, attached apparatus and fixtures, awnings, ventilating, heating and cooling systems, all outbuildings, barns, garages and their attached fixtures, shelving and other appurtenances, attached irrigation equipment, and any oil or other fuel on hand at time of possession, unless otherwise specified. (G) CONDITION OF WELL (if applicable) Seller warrants that : (1) The private well serving the property has always provided an adequate supply of household and yard water, meeting State Department of Social and Health purity standards ; and (2) continued use of the well is authorized by a governmental permit or other established and existing water right, if required. (H) CONDITION OF SEPTIC TANK Seller warrants that the septic tank serving the property is in good working order and that the tank will be completely pumped out before the closing date and Seller also represents that he/she has no knowledge of any needed repairs . (I) CASUALTY LOSS If prior to closing, improvements on said premises shall Page 10 be destroyed or materially damaged by fire or other casualty, this agreement at option of the Buyer shall become null and void. (J) INSPECTIONS Seller understands that BUYER MAY REQUIRE THAT THE PROPERTY COMPLY WITH THE HOUSING CODE and other governmental requirements of the city or county in which it is located. BUYER ALSO REQUIRES THE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS : [ ] Pest [ ] Electrical [ ] Heating [x] Septic Tank [ ] Plumbing [ ] Soil Survey [ ] Roof [ ] Well Water [ ] Structural [ ] Asbestos COST OF INSPECTION: Seller agrees to pay, in advance, costs of any of the above inspections . OBLIGATIONS TO MAKE REPAIRS : Seller understands that as a result of any city, county or other inspections, he/she may be required to make repairs to the property in order to comply with the housing code whether or not a sale is completed under this agreement . (K) NOTICE TO SELLER, PURCHASER, AND AGENT/BROKER This form contains customary provisions for an agreement for the purchase and sale of residential real estate . The Buyer makes NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND that this form, or any of its provisions, is intended to meet the factual and legal requirements of a particular transaction, or Page 11 that it accurately reflects that laws of the State of Washington at the time you enter the agreement . THIS AGREEMENT HAS SIGNIFICANT LEGAL AND FINANCIAL CONSEQUENCES AND yOU ARE ADVISED TO SEEK INDEPENDENT LEGAL AND FINANCIAL COUNSEL REGARDING THESE CONSEQUENCES . (If you do not understand the effect of any part, consult your Attorney before signing. Federal law may impose certain duties upon Brokers or Signatories when any of the signatories receive certain amounts of U.S . currency in connection with a real estate closing. ) 10 . AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE: Seller hereby acknowledges receipt of copy of this agreement . Buyer offers to purchase the above property on the above terms and conditions . Seller shall have until 5 : 00 p .m. , November 3 1995 to accept this offer by delivering a signed copy thereof to Buyer. J White, Mayor Date -' / 11 . SELLER' S ACCEPTANCE: t e_,, Seller agrees to sell the property on the terms and conditions specified herein. Seller acknowledges receipt of a copy of this agreement, signed by both parties . SELLER) Phone Number Page 12 Seller' s Address : 10134 SE 264th Kent Washin ton 98031 APPROVED AS TO FORM: tLe- ROGER A. LUBOVICH CITY ATTORNEY Page 13 J EXHIBIT "A" That portion of the South 150 feet in width of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., lying Westerly of T.E. Crow Road No. 843. SITUATE in the County of King, State of Washington. END OF EXHIBIT"A" 60997 Page 2 LA1I1b1 I t v )0 ,,i'1• j r \ " r Lot i .� `U del ti' •'� Y '/ '� '.,i•r s, �I ,• r,`~,t���l ^rjr ,,..�,r.�..�.251.ro N —_l-==ir-r-��•tr�•..�_u .,.r `_'�J%��_ -1->•• - .. .r .S'L �.r.T•. .,1 _�.t -"10 1rN[, 5 IGDiII ST ,,,•, •„!• •e yo+r�d cc LOT 1 0/ .J c� o �q/8a t � a� �•f (( V If ,� . 1p I e 1 '/• LOT 2 , t ci r �G C,�i 04 ' Lot b c �1 v, • � k P W fit rl 114 �cR J)C�InQjol y', +� orl • ' Zp,vtd O ' o cam' \t s SF. 264TFi 57�1„ .,ter rl.ar•1 � n,• __ _ ..... ..i......., ... �` TU 41 —•— 7 cJ �J ` �Ms�T � r a y l�rAl-� i ,, I yy�ocry,tyc ��l j i 4 ZaNtd G1 �oss�n,r� jet" i8vv Y JIJo r�ss.y y 7" Its A ✓td S�'' ' +I 0tgl,Ln,•d,Sco�'t' �A�su,n ��r✓ f} zoNrd s'.E 1S ,N. �� —„r--,t:2:z;..���i II'r`_' zap d S is Z,,NeJ \ PUSC_ a /o II ------------- -- 1----�'r_ !-]T!'TJIJ>— S *t 'r I,Jl cojoic +t i t r r-P + r ' t C J l� C ,n , 0. "; t "t ' s a ,... Add01NIN6 OWERSJJIIS I N ;. �z .r....•_T �"�L_--i'- S L.2Go1K ST, , Pt - t ♦O _OF ACC2AGC S SALES SJJOlV/1' 1201 Third Avenue, Ste. 1410 1010 SE Everett Mall Way, Ste. 206 '� ** OLD REPUBLIC Seattle,WA 98101 Everett,WA 98208 * (206)625-1952 (206) 514-0101 TITLE, LTD. (800) 877-6850 (206) 803-0893 Ar * ** FAX (206)682-0152 FAX (206) 514-3342 SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT No2of2 Order Number: 60997 TO: ATTN HELEN WICKSTROM CITY OF KENT 220 S 4TH KENT WA 98032 Your Reference: Roylance ( X) This is a supplemental title report covering changes since our report dated: April 13, 1995 at 8:30 a.m. ( ) The following information affects the title to the property covered by our preliminary report, but is not intended to represent a complete report to date. (a) Paragraph(s) 3 and 5 is/are deleted. (b) The following is added to our Title Commitment as Paragraph 6: 6. MORTGAGE, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: Mortgagor: 'Vera Roylance Mortgagee: King County Amount: $2,500.00 Dated: June 27, 1995 Recorded: July 12, 1995 Recording No.: 9507120383 (c) The ALTA Owners Coverage is amended as follows: Amount: $ 151,000.00 Premium: $ 441.00 Tax: $ 36.16 Rate: Homeowners 30% discount includes prior title (d) Note 1 is amended as follows: NOTE 1: GENERAL TAXES, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY AFTER DELINQUENT; 1ST HALF DELINQUENT ON MAY 1; 2ND HALF DELINQUENT ON NOVEMBER 1: Year: 1995 Amount Billed: $ 502.20 Amount Paid: $ 502.20 Parcel No.: 292205-9131-09 Levy Code: 1525 ASSESSED VALUATION PER KING COUNTY OFFICE OF FINANCE: Land: $ 58,900.00 Improvements: $ 52,100.00 Affects portion exempt. GENERAL TAXES, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY AFTER DELINQUENT; 1ST HALF DELINQUENT ON MAY 1; 2ND HALF DELINQUENT ON NOVEMBER 1: Year: 1995 Amount Billed: $ 562.60 Amount Paid: $ 562.60 Parcel No.: 292205-9131-82 Levy Code: 1525 ASSESSED VALUATION PER KING COUNTY OFFICE OF FINANCE: Land: $ 36,100.00 Improvements: $ 0.00 Affects remainder of property. Dated as of October 23, 1995, at 8:30 a.m. FOR INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE ON THIS ORDER CONTACT: SEATTLE OFFICE Lisa Gosciejew, Title Officer Erik Graves, Assistant Title Officer Kim Kazmirski, Title Assistant (206) 689-5643 Your Title Officer can assist you with properties in both King and Snohomish Counties Ig 1201 Third Avenue, Ste. 1410 * OLD REPL SIC Seattle,WA 98101 (206) 625-1952 * TITLE, LTD. (800) 877-6850 * * * FAX (206)682-0152 PRELIMINARY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Our Order Number: 60997 Unit 3 TO: ATTN HELEN WICKSTROM CITY OF KENT 220 S 4TH KENT WA 98032 Your Reference: Roylance Inquiries should be made to: John Wickwire, Chief Title Officer Lisa Gosciejew, Title Officer Marla Davis, Title Assistant (206) 689-5643 SCHEDULE A Effective Date: December 17, 1993 at 8:30 a.m. 1. Policy or Policies to be issued: ALTA Owners Policy 10-17-92 Amount: $ Later Standard Premium: $ Later ) ( ) ( X Extended Tax: $ Later Rate: Standard Proposed Insured: Kent Parks 2. OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY agrees to issue on request and on recording of any appropriate documents, its policy or policies as applied for,with coverage as indicated, based on this preliminary commitment that fee simple title to the property described herein is vested on the date shown above in VERA OMERA ROYLANCE, as her separate estate subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions, and exceptions contained in the policy form. This report and commitment shall have no force or effect except as a basis for the coverage specified herein. 3. SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT"A" FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION 60997 Pagel EXHIBIT"A" That portion of the South 150 feet in width of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., lying Westerly of T.E. Crow Road No. 843. SITUATE in the County of King, State of Washington. END OF EXHIBIT"A" 60997 Page 2 SCHEDULE B 1. THE TAXES SHOWN ABOVE, as billed and paid, reflect an exemption allowed pursuant to RCW 84.36. Any change in ownership or the death of the taxpayer may result in curtailment of the exemption and an adjustment of the amount of taxes due. No insurance is given against any additional taxes levied against said Premises caused by the curtailment of said Exemption. Tax Account No.: 292205-9131-09 Levy Code No.: 1525 Amount of Taxes without exemption: $1,547.53 2. EXCISE TAX, if unpaid. NOTE: For purpose of determination of amount of excise tax due, said property is situate in: City of Kent As of the date hereof the Excise Tax Rate is: .0153 Prior to closing confirmation of the current excise tax rate chargeable for the property described herein should be made by calling King County Records and Election Division, Excise Tax Department, at (206) 296-1590. 3. FINANCING STATEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: Secured Party: Seattle Heating Debtor: Vera Roylance Covers: Personal Property on real estate described herein Filed: May 29, 1991 in the office of the County Recorder Uniform Commercial Code No.: 9105290783 ASSIGNMENT OF FINANCING STATEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: Assignee: American General Finance Filed: May 29, 1991 UCC No.: 9105290783 4. IN THE EVENT THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS OCCUPIED BY A MARRIED PERSON AND SPOUSE AS A HOMESTEAD, the conveyance or encumbrance of the property must be executed by both husband and wife, pursuant to RCW 6.12, which now provides for an automatic homestead on such property. NOTE 1: GENERAL TAXES, PLUS INTEREST AND PENALTY AFTER DELINQUENT; 1ST HALF DELINQUENT ON MAY 1; 2ND HALF DELINQUENT ON NOVEMBER 1: Year: 1993 Amount Billed: $ 446.58 Amount Paid: $ 446.58 Parcel No.: 292205-9131-09 Levy Code: 1525 60997 Page 3 ASSESSED VALUATION PER KING COUNTY OFFICE OF FINANCE: Land: $ 73,500.00 Improvements: $ 35,000.00 Affects portion exempt. TEREST AND PENALTY AFTER DELINQUENT; 1ST HALF DELINQUENT ON GENERAL TAXES, PLUS IN MAY I-, 2ND HALF DELINQUENT ON NOVEMBER 1 Year: 1993 Amount Billed: $ 449.29 Amount Paid: $ 449.29 Parcel No.: 292205-9131-82 Levy Code: 1525 ASSESSED VALUATION PER KING COUNTY OFFICE OF FINANCE: Land: $ 31,500.00 Improvements: $ 0.00 Affects remainder of property. NOTE 2: t in Kent Parks. We find no pertinent matters of record against the According to the application, title is to ves name(s) of said Party(ies). NOTE 3: The language contained in the printed Exclusions from coverage and Conditions and Stipulations of the Policy of the committed for may be examined by inquiry at the office which issued the Commitment, and a specimen copy Insurance Policy Form(s) referred to in this Commitment will be furnished promptly upon request. NOTE 4: ine if there are any service, n Capacity Chargeallation, maintenance, or connection charges Investigation should be made to de for sewer, water, electricity or Metro NOTE 5: In the event this transaction fails to close, a cancellation fee will be charged for services rendered in accordance with our schedule. END OF SCHEDULE B HH/sh 60997 Page 4 TITLE, LT1. j OLD I� Order No. / _ 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 1410 Seattle, WA 98101-3095 Plat Vol Page 206-625-1952 2 A ,y LOT 2 /P r ' w0 _ -i 2$ n ,IPA h o 0 , J LOT 3 h R Ot . p v J Q � C a s 01'a o n�r h S M Sa .vsn v \ pb l ea ro : 131 K6N" can r •• SE. 264TH ST, Dimensions of subject premises are This sketch does not purport to show all highwa}s, roads, or easements affecting said property. No liability is assumed for variations in dimensions and location. and is not based upon a survey of the property described in this order. It is furnished without charge, solely for the purpe assisting in locating the described premises. Company assumes no liability for inaccuracies therein. OR 04 II Q a CD o N n v, a n o �- OMZ� 4� O El p r 9 OD m o 'n^ Rl � mDOZC C > ozm �iI Z p a� cn W rn Q Cn ^'T p fD n rcoZO o ul m� (DC co -� n 4.� _ w L 0 Cl m w o m -0.v to D C o P Ul � I R m °ocD>°c .II o0um,C 0 om m a ZZ 2 m9 0 lm. c� Ix 0 Z � � O�D m (Dfl v „fit' W am M m rMmo p mom a m zom Cm CD D m � ' om _ O DO Q omc ,1 �y = N' CD ,-, oCD Fn am. Q CD 0 0 pmv O r I 7 CDa D�D Q. F<O N o ZOD o °�P Z m m_ o 7 p o cnz< o m r.� F*1 OZZO •a to � C'f D r J I c m CD C= m m o m-4 n �.. zom a 0 �, z2 pm �� o m N O D' Dm-'no Rm DO�oC�O c1 CL =, �W�S�� Z D z -c��mm = O se 0 m z 'fl ^^ acc > Z -+moo- 'cD i �I 0 < p .. O-nm�2 t} tD a D�mmm —1 _ Q CL o I� y z G) m D �7�7 ��//�� a� r o- O N r Zmm--, Z O m in r x C Z7 m77omo _j < -mu- _ ID T OI fl m cam �Zm I I I n '< 'a o_ a<= *o � mOZo�°Dm OI D ZT2D- Ln 7Jmm Z � < �r; m m ,,,ZD m ¢� 'a m D>0-m D W `D' U �; C >i<mo v Ul o w o (/� �nP0m t7 < W ~ oDODD D ° m 7 -�rZ n r- n a oymac m N D 3 oOOo,'II c m a cm M.m - =� C o X miM2 Tr fl. 70 4t: nr D moxOcmnI 'NO CD -< zm� O d azmcn= C> I Oaocnm ADDENDUM "A" The following is part of the purchase and sale agreement dated 10/25/95 between Vera Roylance, the Seller, and the City of Kent, the Buyer. It is agreed between the the Seller and Buyer as follows: Paragraphs 7 and 8 have been removed from the agreement. To the best of Seller's knowledge, there are no dangerous or hazardous substances on the property and if the Buyer becomes aware of any prior to closing, they have the right to not purchase the property and will be under no further obligation to the Seller. This offer is subject to Seller's attorney's review to be deemed acceptable unless the Seller notifies yer within ten days of execution of this agreement. B yer date Seller date Agent(Company) By date