HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK1995-0184 - Original - Carolyn Law - Commissioning of Original Works of Art - Concrete, Porcelain Enamel on Steel at Green River Trail - 08/02/1995 Contract for Commissioningo f Original Works of Art Kent Arts Commission City of Kent Artist:Carolyn Law Owner:City of Kent Address: 716 North 66th Location: Green River Trail Seattle, WA 98103 Site to be determined Telephone: (206) 782-1294 Media: Concrete porcelain enamel on steel Actual Cost of Artwork: $13.770 Sales Tax: 1,230 Total: $15,000 Pay for public workshops not to exceed $6,000 SS# 213-50-4717 AGREEMENT FOR ART WORK AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF KENT AND CAROLYN LAW THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this 19th day of July • 1995 by and between the City of Kent(the "City"), and Carolyn Law(the "Artist") residing at 716 North 66th Seattle. WA 98103. WHEREAS, the City is implementing a public art program pursuant to Ordinance 2552 by allocating certain funds for the establishment of artworks in certain public places and authorizing the making of payments for the design, execution, fabrication, transportation and installation of works of art and the support of an artist-selection process; and WHEREAS, funds have been allocated for the selection, purchase and placement of artwork; and WHEREAS, the Artist was selected by the City through the procedures duly adopted by the Kent Arts Commission to design, execute, fabricate and install works of art (the "Work") on the Green River Trail (the "site); and WHEREAS, both parties wish to promote and maintain the integrity and clarity of the Artist's ideas and statements as represented by the Work, NOW, THEREFORE, the City and the Artist, for the consideration and under the conditions hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: Article 1. Scope of Services. 1.1 General. a. The Artist shall perform all services and work, and furnish all supplies, material and equipment as necessary for the design, execution, fabrication, transportation and installation of the Work at the Site. b. The Artist shall determine the artistic expression, scope, design, color, size, material,texture, and location on the site of the Work, subject to review and acceptance by the City as set forth in this Agreement. c. The Artist will estimate the life of the Work and will guarantee durability of workmanship and materials against normal wear and tear and exposure to the elements at the Green River Trail for one (1) year. 2 1.2 Structural Design Review. a. Within 30 days after the City approves the Proposal, the Artist shall, prepare and submit to the City detailed working drawings of the Work and the Site, together with such other graphic material as may reasonably be requested by the City in order to permit the City to carry out structural design review and to certify the compliance of the Work with any applicable statutes and ordinances. The City shall furnish to the Artist all information, materials and assistance required by the Artist in connection with said submissions by the Artist promptly on the request by the Artist for such information. b. The City may require the Artist to make such revisions to the Proposal as are necessary for the Work to comply with applicable statutes, ordinances or regulations of any governmental regulatory agency having jurisdiction over the project. c. The City may also request revisions for other practical (non-aesthetic) reasons. d. Within 10 days after it receipt of the Artist's submission pursuant to this Section 1.3, the City shall notify the Artist of its approval, or disapproval, of such submission and of all revisions made in the Proposal as a result thereof. Revisions made pursuant to this agreement become a part of the Proposal. 1.3 Execution of the Work. a. After written approval of the submissions and revisions made pursuant to Section 1.2, the Artist shall furnish to the City a schedule for completion of fabrication and installation of the Work, including a schedule for the submission of progress reports if any. After written approval of the schedule by the City, the Artist shall fabricate, transport and install the Work in accordance with such schedule. Such schedule may be amended by written agreement between the City and the Artist. b. The City shall have the right to review the Work at reasonable times during the fabrication thereof. The Artist shall submit to the City progress reports in accordance with the schedule provided for in Section 1.3(a). c. The Artist shall complete the fabrication and installation of the Work in substantial conformity with the Proposal, attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference. 3 d. The Artist shall first present to the City in writing for further review and approval any significant changes in the scope, design, color, size, material or texture of the Work not permitted by or not in substantial conformity with the Proposal. A significant change is any change in the scope, design, color, size, material, texture or location on the Site of the Work which affects installation, scheduling, site preparation or maintenance for the Work or the concept of the Work as represented in the Proposal. 1.4 Delivery and Installation. a. The Artist shall notify the City in writing when fabrication of the Work is completed and she is ready for its delivery and installation at the Site. b. The Artist shall deliver and install the completed Work at the Site in compliance with procedures approved by the City pursuant to Section 1.3 in accordance with the approved schedule. 1.5 Post-Installation. a. Within 30 days after the installation of the Work, the Artist shall furnish the City with the following photographs of the Work as installed: (a) two sets of three 35 mm. color slides of the completed Work, one taken from each of three different viewpoints; and (b) two sets of three different 8" x 10" glossy black and white prints of the Work and negatives. b. The Artist shall be available at such time or times as may be agreed between the City and the Artist to attend any inauguration or presentation ceremonies relating to the transfer of the Work to the City. The City shall use its best efforts to arrange for publicity for the completed Work in such art publications and otherwise as may be determined between the City and the Artist as soon as practicable following installation. c. Upon installation of the Work, the Artist shall provide to the City written instructions for appropriate maintenance and preservation of the Work. 1.6 Final Acceptance. a. The Artist shall advise the City in writing when all services required prior to those described in Section 1.5(b) have been completed in substantial conformity with the Proposal. b. The City shall notify the Artist of its final acceptance of the Work. 4 c. Final acceptance shall be effective as of the earlier to occur of(1) the date of the City's notification of final acceptance or (2) the 30th day after the Artist has sent the written notice to the City required under Section 1.6(a) unless the City, upon receipt of such notice and prior to the expiration of the 30-day period, gives the Artist written notice specifying and describing the services which have not been completed. 1.7 Risk of Loss. The risk of loss or damage to the Work shall be borne by the Artist until final acceptance by the City, and the Artist shall take such measures as are necessary to protect the Work from loss or damage until final acceptance; except that the risk of loss or damage shall be borne by the City prior to final acceptance during such periods of time as the partially or wholly completed Work is in the actual custody, control or supervision of the City or its agents for the purposes of transporting, storing, installing or performing any other ancillary services to the Work. Provided, that the risk of loss and damage of the Work due to structural or design defect shall be borne by the Artist at all times prior to and after acceptance during the warranty period. 1.8 Indemnityby-City. Upon final acceptance of the Work, the City shall, to the extent of its negligence, indemnify and hold harmless the Artist against any and all claims or liabilities then existing or arising thereafter in connection with the Work, the Site, the Project or this Agreement, except claims by the City against the Artist and claims which may occur as a result of the Artist's breach of the warranties provided in Article 4. Artist shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Kent, its elected officials, officers, Kent Arts Commission, and employees from all claims, litigation and injuries arising out of actions of the Artist, Artist's employees and agents to the extent of negligent acts, errors, and omissions. 1.9 Title. Title to the Work shall pass to the City upon final acceptance. 1.10 Ownership of Documents Models. Upon final acceptance, all studies, drawings, designs, maquettes and models prepared and submitted under this Agreement shall be returned to the Artist and shall belong to the Artist. The City may select and the Artist shall convey to the City one of the original drawings submitted pursuant to Section 1.2 as part of the Proposal, the City representing that such drawing(s) will be used by it solely for exhibition and held by it in permanent safekeeping. At the request of the City, the Artist agrees to loan the City studies, drawings, maquettes for use in exhibits of display for reasonable periods to be mutually agreed upon by the Artist and City, the Artist agrees not to unreasonably withhold Artist consent. 5 Article 2. Compensation and Payment Schedule. 2.1 Subject to the liquidated damage provision of Section 1.4 above, the Artist shall be paid by the City for completed work and/or services related to this Agreement only as provided hereinafter. Such payment shall be in full compensation for all work performed and/or services rendered, and for all supervision, labor, supplies, materials, travel expenses, equipment or use thereof, and for all other incidentals necessary to complete the Work. Total payment shall not exceed the sum fee of Twenty one thousand dollars ($21 000). In the event that it is determined that the Washington State sales tax applies to services rendered by the Artist, the City agrees to pay such amounts owing to the State Revenue Department through payment to the Artist who shall be responsible for collecting and reporting such tax monies to the State. The total payment is subject to adjustment as set forth in Section VIII. Payments will be made upon a percentage of completion as set forth below and in relation to public workshop hours completed by the artist. Workshop payment of$30 per hour for up to 200 hours (not to exceed $6000) for workshop phase. Payable bi-monthly after submission of documentated hours: Payment 3.000 Upon completion of design and execution of contract. Payment 2,250 Upon twenty five (25) percent completion of fabrication of work. Payment 2,250 Upon fifty (50) percent completion of fabrication of work. Payment 2,250 Upon seventy five (75) percent completion of fabrication of work. Payment 5,250 Within thirty (30) days of completion of installation on site if all other contracted services have been provided, no claims by laborers or materialmen have been filed, all taxes have been paid, required releases have been received from the State Department of Revenue and Labor and Industries, and the project finally accepted by the City. 2.2 Prevailing Wage Rate. This contract constitutes a Public Works project of the City of Kent. Accordingly, the Artist shall pay the Washington State Prevailing Wage Rate, when applicable, for all work on this project. 2.3 Artist's Expenses. The Artist shall be responsible for the payment of all mailing or shipping charges on submissions to the City, the costs of transporting the Work to the 6 Site and the costs of all travel by the Artist and the Artist's agents and employees necessary for the proper performance of the services required under this Agreement. Article 3. Time of Performance. 3.1 Duration. The services to be required of the Artist as set forth in Article 1 shall be completed in accordance with the schedule for completion of the Work as proposed by the Artist and approved by the City pursuant to Section 1.2, provided that such time limits may be extended or otherwise modified by written agreement between the Artist and the City. 3.2 Early Completion of Artist Services. The Artist shall bear the transportation and storage costs resulting from the completion of Artist services hereunder prior to the time provided in the schedule for installation. 3.3 Time Extensions. The City shall grant a reasonable extension of time to the Artist in the event there is a delay on the part of the City in performing its obligations under this Agreement or in completing the underlying capital project, or if conditions beyond the Artist's control or Acts of God render performance of the Artist's services impossible or unexpectedly burdensome. Failure to fulfill contract obligations due to conditions beyond either party's reasonable control will not be considered a breach of contract; provided that such obligations shall be suspended only for the duration of such conditions. Article 4. Warranties. 4.1 Warranties of Title. In addition to the warranty set forth in paragraph 1.1.c., the Artist also warrants that: (a)the Work is solely the result of the artistic effort of the Artist; (b) except as otherwise disclosed in writing to the City, the Work is unique and original and does not infringe upon any copyright; (c)that the Work or a duplicate thereof, has not been accepted for sale elsewhere; and (d) the Work is free and clear of any liens from any source whatsoever. 4.2 Warranties of Quality and Condition. In addition to the warranty set forth in paragraph 1.l.c., Artist represents and warrants, except as otherwise disclosed to the City in writing in connection with submission of the Proposal pursuant to Section 1.Lb and 1.2.c, that: (a)the execution and fabrication of the Work will be performed in a workmanlike manner; (b) the Work, as fabricated and installed, will be free of defects in material and workmanship, 7 including any defects consisting of"inherent vice" or qualities which cause or accelerate deterioration of the Work; and (c) reasonable maintenance of the Work will not require procedures substantially in excess of those described in the maintenance recommendations to be submitted by the Artist to the City hereunder. The warranties described in this Section 4.2 shall survive for a period of 10 months as outlined in Section 1.Lc, after the final acceptance of the Work. The City shall give notice to the Artist of any observed breach with reasonable promptness. The Artist shall, at the request of the City, and at no cost to the City, cure reasonably and promptly the breach of any such warranty which is curable by the Artist and which cure is consistent with professional conservation standards (including, for example, cure by means of repair or refabrication of the Work). Article 5. Insurance. 5.1 Risk of Loss and Insurance. The risk of damage to or loss of the Work during development and through installation shall be solely that of the Artist. This risk shall transfer to the City only upon transfer of ownership of the Work, which shall occur after installation is complete and the Work is finally approved and accepted by the City. The Artist shall provide a policy of insurance, covering all risks and hazards against any damage to or loss of the Work while it is being made and installed. 5.2 A. Insurance coverage is not required during the design of this contract or while the artist is completing work on the project in his/her studio. Prior to the initiation of any on-site installation or fabrication, the Artist and/or his/her subcontractors shall purchase and maintain for the duration of any on-site fabrication and/or installation, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from, or in connection with, the performance of work done by the Artist, his/her agents, representatives, employees, and/or subcontractors. B. The Artist and/or his/her subcontractors shall pay for the costs of the required insurance. C. All insurance policies must cover City of Kent, its officers, officials, employees and agents as additional insured as respects: liability arising out of activites performed by or on behalf of the Artist in connection with this Contract. 8 D. The Artist and/or his/her subcontractors must furnish certificates of insurance and policy endorsements as evidence of compliance with all insurance requirements of this Contract. E. The minimum Scope and minimum Limits of insurance required by the Contract are as follows: Coverage shall be at least as broad as follows: 1. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY: Insurance coverage during installation of the artworks in an amount equal to $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence by bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. 2. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY: Insurance coverage equal to $500,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3. WORKERS COMPENSATION: Coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance Act of the State of Washington. Article 6. Reproduction Rights. 6.1 The Artist retains all rights she may be entitled to pursuant to the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. §§ 101 et seq., and all other rights in and to the Work except ownership and possession, except as such rights are limited by this Section 6.1. In view of the intention that the Work in its final dimension shall be unique, the Artist shall not make any additional exact duplicate, three-dimensional reproductions of the final Work or permit others to do so except by written permission of the City. The Artist grants to the City and its assigns an irrevocable license to make two-dimensional productions of the Work for any reason whatsoever. 6.2 All reproductions by the City shall contain a credit to the Artist and a copyright notice substantially in the following form: (c) Artist's name, date of publication. 6.3 The Artist shall use their best efforts to give a credit reading substantially, "an original work owned and commissioned by the City of Kent,' in any public showing under the Artist's control of reproductions of the Work. 6.4 The Artist may at their own expense cause to be registered, with the United States Register of Copyrights, a copyright of the Work in the Artist's name. 9 Article 7. Artist's Rights. 7.1 Identification. The Artist shall, at their sole expense, prepare and install at the Site, pursuant to the written instructions and subsequent approval of the City, a plaque identifying the Artist, the title of the Work and the year of completion, accession number, the words "Kent City Art Program" and if applicable, the names of all sponsors associated with funding of the Work. 7.2 Maintenance. The City recognizes that maintenance of the Work on a regular basis is essential to the integrity of the Work. The City shall reasonably assure that the Work is properly maintained and protected taking into account the instructions and recommendations of the Artist and shall reasonably protect and maintain the Work against the ravages of time, vandalism and the elements. 7.3 Repairs and Restoration. a. The City shall have the right to determine, after consultation with a professional conservator, when and if repairs and restorations to the Work will be made. During the Artist's lifetime, the Artist shall be consulted regarding the aesthetics of all repairs and restorations. To the extent practical, the Artist, during the Artist's lifetime, shall be given the opportunity to make or personally supervise significant repairs and restorations. b. All repairs and restorations shall be made in accordance with recognized principles of conservation. 7.4 Alteration of the Work or of the Site. a. The City agrees that it will not intentionally damage, alter, modify or change the Work without the prior written approval of the Artist. b. The City shall notify the Artist of any proposed alteration of the Site that would affect the intended character and appearance of the Work and shall consult with the Artist in the planning and execution of any such alteration and shall make a reasonable effort to maintain the integrity of the Work. c. Nothing in this Section 7.4 shall preclude any right of the City (1) to remove the Work from public display or(2) to sell or destroy the Work for any reason. If the City at any time decides to sell or destroy the Work, it shall by written notice to the Artist's last known address to the City, offer the Artist a reasonable opportunity to purchase or recover the 10 Work pursuant to Washington State law for the disposition of property and applicable local ordinances, policies, or rules relating to the disposition of City personal property. 7.5 Permanent Record. The City agrees to maintain on permanent file a record of this Agreement and of the location and disposition of the Work. 7.6 Artist's Address. The Artist shall notify the City of changes in address. The failure to do so, if such failure prevents the City from locating the Artist, shall be deemed a waiver by the Artist of the right subsequently to enforce those provisions of this Article 7. Notwithstanding this provision, the City shall make every reasonable effort to locate the Artist when matters arise relating to the Artist's rights. 7.7 Surviving Covenants. The covenants and obligations set forth in this Article 7 shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, legatees, executors, administrators, assigns, transferees and all their successors in interest, and the City's covenants do attach and run with the Work and shall be binding to and until twenty (20) years after the death of the Artist. However, the obligations imposed upon the City by Sections 7.3(a) and 7.6 shall terminate on the death of the Artist. The City agrees that any subsequent purchaser of the Work will be given Notice of the covenants herein in writing so to be bound thereby. Article 8. Artist as Independent Contractor. The Artist shall perform all work under this Agreement as an independent contractor and not as an agent or an employee of the City. The Artist shall not be supervised by any employee of the City nor shall the Artist exercise supervision over any employee or official of the City. Article 9. Assignment Transfer, Subcontracting. 9.1 Neither the City nor the Artist shall assign or transfer an interest in this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other, provided, however, that claims for money due or to become due from the City under this Agreement may be assigned to a financial institution without approval. 9.2 The Artist may subcontract portions of the Work at the Artist's expense provided that said subcontracting shall not affect the design, appearance or visual quality of the Work and that such Work is carried out under the personal supervision of the Artist and first approved by the City of Kent. 11 Article 10. Termination. If either party to this Agreement shall willfully or negligently fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner, or otherwise violate any of the covenants, agreements or stipulations material to this Agreement, the other party shall thereupon have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the defaulting party of its intent to terminate specifying the grounds for termination. The defaulting party shall have thirty (30) days after receipt of the notice to cure the default to the satisfaction of the other party. If it is not cured,then this Agreement shall terminate. In the event of default by the Artist, all finished and unfinished drawings, sketches, photographs, and other work products prepared and submitted or prepared for submission by the Artist under this Agreement shall, at the City's option, become its property , provided that no right to fabricate or execute the Work shall pass to the City, and the City shall reasonably compensate the Artist pursuant to Article 2 for all services performed by the Artist prior to termination. Notwithstanding the above, the Artist shall not be relieved of liability to the City for damages sustained by the City by virtue of any breach of the Agreement by the Artist, and the City may reasonably withhold payments to the Artist until such time as the exact amount of damages due the City from the Artist is determined. Article I L Contract Administrator. The Contract Administrator for this Agreement shall be the City Administrative Officer, or his designee. Wherever this Agreement requires any notice to be given to or by the City, or any determination or action to be made by the City, the City Administrative Officer or designee shall represent and act for the City. Article 12. Non-Discrimination. In carrying out the performance of the services designated, the Artist shall not discriminate as to race, creed,religion, sex, age, national origin or the presence of any physical, mental or sensory handicap, and the Artist shall comply with the equality of employment opportunity provisions of applicable Federal, State, and local law as presently existing or hereafter amended. Article 13. Compliance. The Artist shall be required to comply with Federal, State and City statutes, ordinances and regulations applicable to the performance of the Artist's services under this Agreement. 12 Article 14. Entire Agreement. This writing embodies the entire agreement and understanding between the parties hereto, and there are no other agreements and understandings, oral or written, with reference to the subject matter hereof that are not merged herein and superseded hereby. Article 15. Modification. No alteration, change or modification of the terms of the Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by both parties hereto and approved by appropriate action of the City. Article 16. Waiver. No waiver of performance by either party shall be construed, or operate as a waiver of any subsequent default of any terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement. The payment or acceptance of fees for any period after a default shall not be deemed a waiver of any right or acceptance of defective performance. Article 17. Governing Law. This Agreement, regardless of where executed, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Article 18. Heirs and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the City and the Artist and their respective heirs, personal representations, successors and permitted assigns. Article 19. Dispute Resolution. All disputes or controversies that may arise between the parties with respect to the performance, obligations or rights of the parties under this Agreement, including disputes as to the physical acceptability of the work or any alleged breach thereof, which cannot be otherwise settled shall be subject to the jurisdiction of civil actions brought before King County courts in the State of Washington and be determined under the laws of the State of Washington. Article 20. Notices. All notices, requests, demands and other communications which are required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given upon the delivery or receipt thereof, as the case may be, if delivered 13 personally or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, as follows: a. if the City, to: City of Kent City Administrative Officer 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 b. if to the Artist, at the address first above written with a copy to: IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first written above. AGENCY: Cit of Kent ARTIST: X4 BY: — --— 1 TITLE: Mayor of Kent TITLE: DATE: 7 _ DATE: WITNESS: BRENDA JACOBER CITY CLERK Approved as to form: �> OG MA. VI(�H, CITY ATTORNEY 14 EXHIBIT A A COMMUNITY PORTRAIT OF THE GREEN RIVER CAROLYN LAW "This kind of project is exactly what I am most interested in doing. One that has the goal of involving people. One that gives ordinary people the broadest format to be expressive (AND CREATIVE) within. One that has the flexibility to let the idea about form and materials come from the artist." This is what I wrote in my letter of interest. As I thought about this project, went back and forth with ideas, I realized that I wanted to accomplish two things. 1. I want people who are involved in this project to feel that their participation has been different from anything they've done before and leaves them with an association with the river that may go into the future. I want to try to make everyone's involvement thought provoking, challenging, fun and unique. 2. 1 want to make something symbolic, beautiful and well crafted, as well as functional, that sits in proximity to the river and brings people into the world of the river - that also marks a spot along the length of the river through Kent. I have chosen to give the project a clear focus - THE RIVER. How do you see it? Which part of it is special to you? How would you make an image that gives your impressions of the river? If you were going to take one photograph of the river , where would you do that and what would be in it? How would you describe the river in a few words? How was it in the past? How is it now? 1 want people who participate in my project to spend time thinking about, looking at and being in the presence of the river. I want them to use this as a springboard to create and suggest images and words that combine to give us a portrait of this body of water. It I think Kent thinks the river is important. The city has done a number of things to enhance to presence of the river in the city. By doing this they are inviting people to it, as well as underscoring the important contribution this river makes to the overall physical and emotional definition of Kent. I have tried to come up with creative and diverse ways of having people make something that can become a part of the art. I also must emphasize that part of what is important for me to accomplish in a participatory project, is having the participation be a process that involves thinking, making choices, seeing something in a different light, having to spend enough time and energy that you take more away from your involvement.. EXHIBIT A THE SITE FOR THE ART)NORK I have not chosen a final site, although I have found three I am interested in which are marked on the trail map. I would like to spend more time in Kent and at the river as well as talking with community members before a final choice is made. THE ARTWORK While I am drawing out a form for this proposal, I am hoping that if selected I will be able to continue thinking about the final piece and make changes that are a result of working with community members. What I do want to achieve is to have a sculptural object that can be interacted with by a number of people at the same time or by one, that is flexible in how it is used but is primarily serving as a place to meet, to sit and rest, eat lunch or snack, take a drink before continuing. Next I want it to be a marker. Finally I want a viewing place or platform which can provide a better view of the river by letting one get above the height you are at walking, running or biking on the trail. I want this form to be rich on the surfaces h t nerles", the relief that the concrete is and words which can be accomplished through a fo cast against. I also want it to be grounded by including the ground plane as part of the piece. I will add additional color through the use of an amazing material called Milestone that has been developed by an individual in Seattle. This material creates a very durable, stone-like surface which can be mixed with rich pigments, unlike typical concrete, and is be directly over the finished concrete surface. For this portion of the project I will be working with another local artist, Benson Shaw, whom I have worked with on other concrete related projects. He has a wealth of knowledge about the use of concrete in unusual applications which necessitate odd formbuilding, etc. It IN CLOSING I hope that you are intrigued by my proposal and are willing to let it fly. I feel that the community would enjoy it and benefit from their participation. I also feel that we will leave something wonderful by the river. EXHIBIT A I have chosen three ways to have the community work with me on this project. �1 . PINHOLE CAMERAS So many people take photographs. A bizillion roles of film are shot and processed. With an easy to use pinhole camera, you get to take one very special photograph. The photos produces by this method are quite lovely and can be very different from your garden variety snapshots. I can imagine setting up along side the river a number of prearranged and publicized times to accomplish this. 2. PHOTOGRAMS AND/OR CYANOTYPES This is a very direct and easy way to make images. Objects are placed on light sensitive paper, exposed to the sun for some seconds and processed in water. They are really fun to make and can be very beautiful and poetic. Photograms are black and white, cyanotypes are blue and white. This could be done both at the river and at other venues such as the Canterbury Faire, the library, etc. 3. STORIES AND WORDS I would like to allow people who don't think of themselves as being visually creative a way to be involved. I feel that this can be through words. People can share short phrases that finish a leading sentence, relate an experience, tell a story from the past or present. I would take those words, edit them and incorporate them into the piece in conjunction with images. This could be done at different venues as well as through the historical society and in get-togethers with other groups. THE IMAGES AND WORDS BECOME... All of the images and words would be translated into porcelain enamel steel "tiles" . This is an industrial grade process used in road signs and other high use situations. For example, the location maps for the Green River Trail are done with this process. These would be one color and white. The images can have a high degree of detail. I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO FIND SOME COMMUNITY MEMBERS THAT ARE INTERESTED IN WORKING WITH ME ON THE INSTALLATION OF THE ARTWORK. For this part of the project I will be working with the technical expertise of Kathy Fridstein who is a Seattle artist and teacher. She has done many photography , pinhole camera and photogram workshop and classes with children and adults. EXHIBIT A KENT PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CITY OF KENT ARTS COMMISSION Proposal Site 6rveki )Z' ✓e Date J5 Artist G ArG 1 2 L"" v✓ Address 7/b Zip 1. Proposal Summary: Title of Work GOr�,r,rtnr Pv✓f-ru.r f- o f" fhc ��e,.-> :r2.r✓c�-- Materials Fabrication Method Weight Dimensions Estimated Project Duration 2. Description of Proposed Artwork: ✓ �.�hc% C �� , rhs ]LomM`4n Rrf7G� ia✓i �5�✓.''1a`�`7G�f-5o5l�iw nv,G-r ivoG tovGf remr�/eiu v-.-�✓�aJPa-7r-n�+s�l1 s,,r,,-irtiuGf-v,lz�;�fSf�'y�`S y�✓fvH-r.-fs�vue 2l-S/c.c(�yfDG lk9,yJ.c a be . 7'Yi L"/ Qi� � �,,�� YL V�✓'. ��/e N !YN/Yl.fvg/ic�'G� "''`G�'lv i1G"7 r i-k vo✓ ✓;n 3. Signage: Artists are required to provide "public notice" (i .e. , a sign e artwork, or plaquedentifying anartists statement.acHow swould ion uyou r sponsors, fulfill this installation requirement? 4. Special Considerations: Where will work be executed/fabricated? . ` What site preparation will be necessary. 0rc� /,�I ,N�-Do you plan to provide special lighting? elo Are there special considerations related to: Maintenance Weathering �o Public contact (touching, climbing) �s con" �s Vandalism fhLrc A-,"- R�✓ s �� C..�G What do you contemplate as a base? N A How will the work be attached to the base? N 14 Are there any special structural/technical considerations? h� Have you visited the site? es Is this work part of an edition? When could you commence work on this project. -.5'-m Gp,rzor.._YN i.AW EXHIBIT A ESTIMATED BUDGET Pin hole 6AMerA-5 Materials �Fa6, eAf'0r' 0 �nsfrtl.�hr., Artist's labor 3 5 0 Q Wages for assistants (g6n50,j 5hA-V) e4nrwrr- Vn Stw//.atwrc Fabrication Expense ll�sf�//tihoh 9r�y r Rr ,k„ies AV ?f Studio Overhead NSA Transportation to site 3aa. Site preparation I I' S days A1/, Installation VIA Special lighting (if applicable) ¢00 . Insurance Sign • � 23-3 Other P�✓u/.fin on s�«!- Sor,�us t re ?f-cP cosf s 2 3 0 State Sales Tax Total Budget �i-l'd Sf G�r,S Pus'f�,� Gom�ti''`''�.-r� wa-✓l�sl�,n� f'�t �� dc_ /4"Ic . Nvu-rs A��u pG.,4 ESTIMATED SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETION Month Work Stage Jc.� ,�k.S F' �rr�. Gvo ✓!c P��� Via.— h..e-s.� _Ss� Y_i r1�iYi !lB�✓- ('°'r`r'a"` hit u r o C�ir,�n�-r�rrvrG'y Pa''f7�a�h/�- - �'�`'�'� �s�✓� 45-SC 5 S f Cf3 rez1.4/c ,w 14oy -Pe a..m1l✓ r 7�' P✓ 7-wh 1-7 4 b /' T� We Is it possible to visit your studio during production of the piece? 5 If so, please indicate (*) the best times during production for a visit. Artist' s Vqnature - /6- - I' S Date 2875R-24R SHIN>TROM �. NORMAN INC F& SHINST&OM & NORMAN INC. H U BOX B3B• KIRKLANO. WASHiNGTON 9ROea-ub3B 6�D,7-I=rOO • FAX 827-5040 August 2, 1995 F Jim lvtcMnald City of Kent Parka dt Recreation Dept, J L 220 4th Ave. S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 RE: Carolyn Law-Art Project Doer Jinn, Carolyn has asked that I fax this note to you conliMing that she will have commercial liability insurance in place when her art project is ready for installation. Coverage will be written with SAFECO Ins. Co. for$1,000,000 combined single limit of liability on a per occurrence basis. The binder,not annual policy,will be effective only during the window of time she is working at the site location. Specific dates of coverage and the additional insured endorsements will be provided to you just be for the project is scheduled to be installed. Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional motion& "Thank Cott S - tram Shmstrom 8t Normw,,Inc. NUFf11-i /'A( 11-IL INSURANCE COMPANY HOMOONIC® P-O. Box 74 ORECON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY Portlano,OR 97207 Insurance is provided by North Pacific Insurance Company Insured' s Copy Automobile Declarations Continuation Certificate NAMED INSURED AND ADDRESS POLICY PERIOD YOUR AGENT ANDREW C WEISa£CKEA 12:01 A.M. WINSTON C BROUGH COMPANY CAROLYN M LAW Standard Time From PO BOX 70326 WA 98107 716 NORTH 66TH 06/21/95To 12/21/95 SEATTLE SEATTLE WA 98103 POLICY NUMBER TElElHONE AGENT CODE NP 102205 (206) 782-1800 5738--40 } } k: ,�..e,..•r<},,, �.,sr::r „s-r `nr ran rt rrrs rr< r -kr x Kn EE , �'! mow. •��s $�K ?�'i�.6 n'�R:��2s. " ': 9,�.t s�'i t:£.}�a£k§ :a:£u,P4 .�`f.}.Q.e. ss�°Fwi v` ;i:< rs°a:nf.n •.i.. gg } •y�S ';!�k'i:5k�%�'.lM i'�.:,k,,x:G Fk>:,S::.S-!n!�st. Warta. 4 YEAR AND MAKESERIAL NUMBER Symbol Class Code Factor D1C?1B Race SG Terr. 1 85 MAZDA 626 YV1AX8856F1631024 18A 811120 080 093052 24 WA 01 2 85 VOLVO 240 Y.:f;x ' r>�t!# �: RIGkl >11kkC`>G44 2 CAR A.LIABILITY COVERAGE LIMIT OF LIABILITY PREMIUM PREMIUM PREMIUM Single Limit $ 186 186 $ (Bodily Injury/Property Damage) $ 500,000 Each Accident B.PERSONAL INJURY PROTECTION COVERAGE: $15,000 Medical Limit $ 23 $ 23 C.UNDERINSURED MOTORISTS LIMIT OF LIABILITY COVERAGE $ 73 ; $ 73 Single Limit (Bodily Injury/Property Damage) $ 500,000 Each Accident D.COMPREHENSIVE- Deductible: Car 1-$100, Car 2--$100 $ 31 . $ 25 D.COLLISION: Deductible: Car 1-$200, Car 2-$200 $ 71 $ 64 D.TOWING: $100 Limit $ 5 ` $ 5 -- ADDITIONAL COVERAGESICREDITS PER VEHICLE-- $ 4 $ 4 PA 100(4-89) RENTAL REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNT CREDIT -- 10% $ 39CA . $ 38CR Premium Per Car r• $ .35.4 ••.... S 342 --ADDITIONAL COVERAGES/FEES PER POLICY-- Total Policy $ 696 �• Premium r�<� �4) .. ...-., F ..�� a�%r`ii.Le S r�S'SY[Z r R!`� 'y % �.1011�E�8tf x�k'>r1:v by r:v£rw55 S.j:' �d5 . n 7.y r wyy ,, 5 tqC;� f ��:' �.y..�.�M• .�x:r:,��;�`r.�`�"Y4r�.y:r�:':}:�::�o:;}'S{.r4:i5�Yi�J:'ri�'b�'.''i�r �}:fl:r�::t..k�: �k.rrK.,� 'k.K.}�}:..4:x>!w.¢, y,�'lS+�..fl:}}kx$�!M%�ottM.k.}::'ii r.1��CY�i3'M'Y�i�n��S._ :�?�n�:k,.���..��5�4�>u:�.;,...:.r r r�.�i� i. K.k.};.ka;:},x�r:x?`.;>;#';S,Ss:��tR�::.r.�. ,,.�`•,.t„..,.....I:lk'+1a7 <r n:. > •:k � o�1 ;;t��;,3:4�':3 s�!F.;: ��x x>r #,�•: rs.r;?�sF9- :•`s•�x?;s:n. . �^. A-14-W(1-90) PA-28-W(7-94) PA-46(7-94) EG-787 HESE DECLARATIONS AND ANY ADDITIONAL ENDORSEMENTS AND/OR FORMS LISTED �/ �,,.,� .^05/17/9 i UPERSEDE THOSE PREVIOUSLY ISSUED,WHEN COMBINED WITH OUR PERSONAL AUTO OLICY THEY COt�?,2'UYOLJR POLICY, NUMBERED ABOVE. PAi2cia9o1',H�QrJI� ° ��3M31 WtiTO:ZT �6. TE �fll SiAT[ f . 4 f O b ri t STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES PREVAILING WAGE SECTION - TELEPHONE (360) *956-5335 *(Effective. 2-21-95 Prefix 902) PO BOX 44540, OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98504-4540 WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS KING COUNTY EFFECTIVE 03-03-95 (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY NOTE CLASSIFICATION RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE CODE ** ASBESTOS ABATEMENT, CERTIFIED Certified Asbestos Abatement Worker 19.14 4.45 1M 5D ** AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT MECHANICS Sandblaster 11.20 2.19 1B 6B 8F Journey Level Mechanic 14.00 2.19 1B 6B 8F BOILERMAKERS Boilermaker 22.94 8.39 1R 5N '* BRICKLAYERS AND MARBLE MASONS All Classifications 22.54 4.96 1N 5A "* CABINET MAKERS Cabinet Maker - In Shop 11.71 0.00 1 "* CARPENTERS Carpenter 21.70 5.55 1M 5D Drywall Applicators 21.70 5.55 1M 5D Creosoted Material 21.80 5.55 1M 5D Floor Finisher 21.83 5.55 1M 5D Floor Layer 21.83 5.55 1M 5D Floor Sander Operator 21.83 5.55 1M 5D Sawfiler 21.83 5.55 1M 5D Shingler 21.83 5.55 1M 5D Stationary Power Saw Operators 21.83 5.55 1M 5D Stationary Woodworking Tools 21.83 5.55 1M 5D Accoustical Worker 21.86 5.55 1M 5D Piledriver 21.70 5.55 1M 5D Millwright and Machine Erectors 22.70 5.55 1M 5D * CEMENT MASONS CEMENT MASON 21.56 6.60 10 6E PATCHING AND PAVING 21.56 6.60 10 6E CURING 21.56 6.60 10 6E CURB AND GUTTER 21.56 6.60 10 6E SIDEWALKS 21.56 6.60 10 6E SEALING COMPOUND 21.56 6.60 10 6E UNDERLAYMENT 21.81 6.60 10 6E MASTIC, EPDXY, PLASTIC 21.81 6.60 10 6E + CONCRETE SAW 21.81 6.60 10 6E POWER TOOLS AND GRINDERS 21.81 6.60 10 6E SANDBLASTING 21.81 6.60 10 6E FINISH COLORED CONCRETE 21.81 6.60 10 6E GUNITE NOZZLE PERSON 21.81 6.60 10 6E TUNNEL WORKERS 21.81 6.60 10 6E TROWEL MACHINE ON COLORED 23.06 6.60 10 6E SLABS, COMPOSITION OR KALMAN FLOORS ® �I9 io: . WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS EFFECTIVE 03-03-95 KING COUNTY (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY NOTE CLASSIFICATION RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE CODE ** DIVERS AND TENDERS 5 55 1M 5D 8B DIVER 53. 1M 5D DIVER TENDER 23.65 5.55 In addition to the hourly wage and fringe benefits, the following depth premiums apply to depths of fifty feet or more Over 50' to 100' - $1.00 per foot for each foot over 50 feet Over 100, to 175, - $2.25 per foot for each foot over 100 feet Over 175' to 250' - $5.50 per foot for each foot over 175 feet Over 250' - Divers may name their own price, provided it is no less than the scale listed for 250 feet ** DREDGE WORKERS 21.81 5.81 1B 5I ASSISTANT ENGINEER 5.81 18 5I .23 22 OILER 21.23 5.81 1B 51 LEVERMAN 5 81 1B 5I MATES 21.81 1B 51 21.81 5.81 5I BOATMEN 5.81 16 ASSISTANT MATE (DECKHAND) 21.8 1B 5I ENGINEER WELDER 21. 6 5.81 51 21.86 5.81 16 CRANEMAN 5.81 1B 51 MAINTENANCE 21.37 ** DRYWALL TAPERS 21.67 4.96 1 Journey Level ** ELECTRICAL FIXTURE MAINTENANCE WORKERS 8.00 1.37 1J 5A Journey Level ** ELECTRICIANS 23.76 7.26 1J 6H JOURNEY LEVEL 26.14 7.33 1J 6H JOURNEY LEVEL (TUNNEL) 26.14 7.33 1J 6H CABLE SPLICER 28.75 7.41 11 6H CABLE SPLICER (TUNNEL) 12.57 4.42 1J 6H CONSTRUCTION STOCK PERSON ** ELECTRICIANS - MOTOR SHOP 13.95 1.42 2A 6C Craftsperson 13.29 1.40 2A 6C Journey Level ** ELECTRICIANS - POWERLINE CONSTRUCTION 5.78 4A 5A BE 2 Journey Level Lineperson 24..73 5.86 4A 5A BE Cable Splicer 22 34 5.78 4A 5A 8E Certified Line Welder 5.78 4A 5A BE Pole Sprayer 22 22.34.34 5.78 4A 5A BE Heavy Line Equipment Operator 19 27 4.68 4A 5A BE Line Equipment Operator 4 59 4A 5A BE Head Groundperson 16.86 4A 5A 8E 16.86 4.59 5A 8E Powderperson 16.86 4.59 4A Jackhammer Operator 4.56 4A 5A 8E Groundperson 15.85 ** ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS AND TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS 12.07 0.00 1 Journey Level ** ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS 27.79 7.80 4A 6Q Mechanic in Charge 7.61 27. 4A 6Q Mechanic 129 7.17 4A 6Q Constructor 12.35 0.00 4A 6Q Probationary Constructor 2 WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS EFFECTIVE 03-03-95 KING COUNTY (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY NOTE CLASSIFICATION RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE CODE **FABRICATED PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS ARCHITECTURAL AND PRESTRESSED CONCRETE ALL CLASSIFICATIONS 8.85 0.24 1 6A ALL OTHER CONCRETE PRODUCTS MAINTENANCE 14.05 2.70 1B 6S OPERATOR 13.55 2.69 1B 6S GUNITE 13.55 2.69 1B 6S REBAR 13.55 2.69 1B 6S FABRICATOR 13.55 2.69 1B 6S WET POUR 13.30 2.69 1B 6S YARD PATCH 13.30 2.69 1B 6S WELDER 13.30 2.69 1B 6S CLEAN UP 13.30 2.69 1B 6S * FENCE ERECTORS AND FENCE LABORERS Fence Erector 13.80 0.00 1 Fence Laborer 11.60 0.00 1 * FLAGGERS Journey Level 14.46 4.45 1M 5D GLAZIERS Journey Level 22.38 4.18 2E 5G GREENHOUSE ERECTORS Greenhouse Erector 8.00 0.00 1 HEAT AND FROST INSULATORS (ASBESTOS WORKERS) MECHANIC 24.69 5.01 1J 6R HEATING EQUIPMENT MECHANICS Journey Level 16.04 2.41 11 5A INDUSTRIAL ENGINE MECHANICS Industrial Engine Mech. 12.86 2.79 1 INDUSTRIAL VACUUM POWER CLEANER Journey-levet 7.90 1.17 1 INLAND BOATMEN Operator 17.59 2.96 1K 5D Engineer-Deckhand 16.81 2.96 1K 5D Deckhand 15.19 2.96 1K 5D INSPECTION, CLEANING, SEALING OF SEWER AND WATER SYSTEMS Technician 6.25 0.00 1 Cleaner Operator, roamer Operator 8.25 1.48 1 TV Truck Operator 8.75 1.78 1 Grout Truck Operator 9.50 1.98 1 Head Operator 10.50 2.28 1 INSULATION APPLICATORS Journey Level 16.58 0.00 1 IRONWORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL 20.25 8.77 1B 5A 3 WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS EFFECTIVE 03-03-95 KING COUNTY (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY NOTE CLASSIFICATION RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE CODE ** LABORERS 1M 5D Asphalt Raker 19.62 4.45 19.14 4.45 1M 5D Ballast Regulator Machine 4.45 1M 5D 5D Batch Weighman 14.46 Cassion Worker 19.98 4.45 1M 19.14 4.45 1M 5D Carpenter Tender 4.45 1M 5D 19.14 445 1M Cement Dumper/Paving 19.1 5D Cement Finisher Tender 4 . 19 5D .14 4.45 1M Chipping Gun 4.45 1M 5D Chuck Tender 19.14 5D Clean up Laborer 19.14 4.45 1M 19.14 4.45 1M 5D Concrete Form Stripper 4.45 1M 5D Concrete Saw Operator 19.62 5D Crusher Feeder 1 4.45 1M 199..1414 4.45 1M 5D Curing Concrete 4.45 1M 5D Demolition Wrecking and Moving 19.14 (including charred materials) 4.45 1M 5D Diver 19'98 5D Drill Operator (Hydraulic, Diamond, Air Trac) 19.62 4.45 1M 19.14 4.45 1M 5D Epoxy Technician 4.45 1M 5D Faller/Bucker-Chain Saw 114 5D 12..14 4.45 1M Final Detail Cleanup 4.45 1M 5D Gabion Basket Builder 19.14 5D 19.14 4.45 1M General Laborer 4.45 1M 5D Grade Checker and Transit Man 19.62 5D 19.14 4.45 1M Grinders 4.45 1M 5D Hazardous Waste Worker Level A 19.98 1M 19.62 4.45 5D Hazardous Waste Worker Level B 4.45 1M 5D Hazardous Waste Worker Levels C and D 19.14 4.45 1M 5D High Scaler 19.62 62 4.45 1M 5D Hod Carrier/Mortarman 19. 4.45 1M 5D Jackhammer 19.62 5D 19.98 4.45 1M Miner 4.45 1M 5D Nozzleman - Concrete Pump, Green Cutter when 19.62 using high pressure air and water on concrete and rock, sandblast, Gunite, Shotcrete, Water Blaster 4.45 1M 5D Pavement Breaker 146 5D 14..46 4.45 1M Pilot Car 4.45 1M 5D Pipe Reliner (not insert type) 19.62 5D 19.62 4.45 1M Pipelayer and Caulker 4.45 1M 5D .98 Pot Tender 19.98 5D 19 4.45 1M Powderman 4.45 1M 5D 19. Powderman Helper 19.62 1M 5D .98 Railroad Spike Puller (power) 98 4.45 19 4.45 1M 5D Re-Timberman 4.45 1M 5D Spreader (Concrete) 19.62 5D 4.45 1M Spreader - Clary Power or Similar Types 19.62 4.45 1M 5D Stake Hopper 19.14 1M 5D Tamper (Multiple and Self Propelled) 19.62 4.45 Tamper and Similar Electric, Air and Gas 19.62 4.45 1M 5D4.45 1M 5D Toolroom Man (at job site) 19.14 1M 5D Topman - Tailman 19.14 4.45 19.62 4.45 1M 5D Trackliner (Power) 4.45 1M 5D Tugger Operator 19.14 1M 5D Vibrating Screed (air, Gas, or Electric 19.14 4.45 _ 4.45 1M 5D Vibrator 19.6262 4.45 1M 5D Well-Paint Person 19. * LABORERS -UNDERGROUND SEWER AND WATER CONSTRUCTION 19.14 4.45 1M 5D GENERAL LABORER 19.62 4.45 1M 5D PIPELAYER 4 WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS EFFECTIVE 03-03-95 KING COUNTY (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY NOTE CLASSIFICATION RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE CODE ** LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION Irrigation Equipment Installers 11.07 0.00 1 Irrigation & Landscape Equipment Operators 10.63 0.00 1 Landscaping or Planting Laborers 8.42 0.00 1 °* LATHERS JOURNEY LEVEL 21.72 5.55 1J 6H "* MACHINISTS (HYDROELECTRIC SITE WORK) Machinist 16.84 0.00 1 "* MATERIAL SUPPLIER - TRANSIT MIX Transit Mix - Under 9 Cu. Yds. 19.00 5.84 21 bI 8U Transit Mix - 9 Cu. Yds. and Over 19.25 5.84 21 6I 8U '* METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) Fitter 15.86 0.00 1 Welder 15.48 0.00 1 Machine Operator 13.04 0.00 1 Painter 11.10 0.00 1 Laborer 9.78 0.00 1 MODULAR BUILDINGS Cabinet Assembly, Electrician, Plumber, 10.23 1.33 1 Equipment Maintenance, Utility Person, Tool Maintenance, Welder Production Worker 7.93 1.33 1 PAINTERS JOURNEY LEVEL 19.04 3.15 1 5A PLASTERERS JOURNEY LEVEL 21.34 6.75 1B 5A PLAYGROUND AND PARK EQUIPMENT INSTALLERS Journey Level 8.42 0.00 1 PLUMBERS AND PIPEFITTERS JOURNEY LEVEL 26.60 9.21 1T 5A POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS 5D 8L A-Frame Crane over 10 ton 22.05 5.81 1N A-Frame Crane, 10 tons and under 19.95 5.81 1N 5D 8L Assistant Engineers (Oilers) 19.95 5.81 1N 5D SL 5.81 1N 5D 8L Backhoe 75 HP & under 22.05 Backhoe 75 HP & over 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Backhoe 3 yds &under 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L 5.81 1N 5D 8L Backhoes over 3 yards to 6 yards 22.85 5.81 1N 5D 8L Belt Loaders - Elevating Type 22.05 Bobcat 19.95 5.81 1N 5D 8L Brooms 19.95 5.81 1N 5D 8L Bump Cutter 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Cableways 22.85 5.81 1N 5D 8L Chipper 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Compressors 19.95 5.81 1N 5D 8L Concrete Batch Plant 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Concrete Pumps 22.05 5'81 1N 5D 8L Conveyors 22.05 5.81 1N 5D Crane - 200 tons and over, or 250' of boom 23.85 5.81 1N 5D 8L including jib with attachments Crane - 100 Tons thru 199 Tons 23.35 5.81 1N 5D 8L or 150 Ft. Boom including Jib and over 1N 5D 8L Crane - 45 Tons through 99 tons or 22.85 5.81 150 Ft. of Boom 5 WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS - EFFECTIVE 03-03-95 KING COUNTY (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY NOTE CLASSIFICATION RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE CODE Crane Overhead, Bridge Type (45 - 99 tons) 22.85 5.81 1N 5D 8L5 81 1N 5D 8L Crane Overhead, Bridge Type 100 T. and Over 23.35 1N 5D 8L Crane Overhead, Bridge Type (20 - 44 tons) 22.41 5.81 8L Cranes - 20 - 44 tons 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 22.05 5.81 1N 5D 8L Cranes - through 19 tons 5 81 1N 5D 8L Crushers 22.41 8L Deck Engineer/Deck Winches (power) 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 2285 5.81 1N 5D 8L . Derrick, Building 5 81 1N 5D 8L Dozers, D-9 & under 22.05 5D 8L Drill Oilers - Auger Type 22.05 5.81 1N 22.41 5.81 1N 5D SL Drilling Machine 5 81 1N 5D 8L Equipment Service Engineer (Oiler) 22.41 8L 19.95 Finishing Machine/Curb Extruder 19. 5.81 1N 5D 5.81 1N 5D 8L Fork Lifts, under 3000 tbs 5 81 1N 5D 8L Fork Lifts, 3000 lbs and over 22.05 5D 8L 22.Q5 5.81 1N Grade Engineer 5.81 1N 5D 8L Gradechecker and Stakeman 2192.905 5.81 1N 5 5D 8L Hoists, Air Tuggers, 5 81 1N 5D 8L Hydralifts/Boom Trucks 10 tons and under 19.95 5 81 1N 5D 8L Hydralifts/ Boom Trucks over 10 tons 22.05 5 81 1N 5D 8L Loaders, 8 yds & over 23.35 5D 8L Loaders, Overhead 6 yards up to 8 yards 22.85 5.81 1N 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Loaders, Overhead under 6 yards 5.81 1N 5D 8L Locomotives, All 22.41 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Mechanics, All (Welders) 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Mixers, Asphalt Plant 5.81 1N 5D 8L Motor Patrol Grader Non-finishing 22.05 5.81 1N 22.41 5D 8L Motor Patrol Grader - Finishing 5.81 1N 5D 8L Mucking Machine, Mole, 22.85 Tunnel Drill and/or Shield 5 81 1N 5D 8L Oil Distributors, Blowers, etc. 19.95 5D 8L 19.95 5.81 1k Pavement Breaker 5 81 1N 5D 8L Permanent Shaft-type Elevator or Manlift 22.41 1N 5D 8L 22.05 Piledriver (Other than Crane Mount) 22.05 5.81 8L 5.81 1N 5D Plant Oiler (Asphalt Crusher) 5.81 1N 5D 8L Posthole Digger, Mechanical 19.95 19.95 5.81 1N 5D 8L Power Plant 5.81 1N 5D 8L Pump Truck Mounted 22.41 Concrete Pump with Boom Attachment 5.81 1N 5D 8L Pumps, Water 19'95 5.81 1N 5D 8L Quad 9 and Similar, D 10 and HD 41 22.85 5.81 1N 5D 8L Remote Control Operator 22.85 5D 8L 22.85 5.81 1N Rollagon 5.81 1N 5D 8L Roller, Other than Plant Road Mix 22.05.05 5.81 1N 5D 8L Rollers, Plantmix or 22 Multilift Materials - Composition Materials 5 81 1N 5D 8L Roto-Milt, Roto-Grinder 22.0 5D 8L 22.05 5.81 1N Saws, Concrete 5.81 1N 5D 8L Scrapers - Carry All 22.05 22. 5D 8L 05 5.81 1N Scrapers, Concrete 5 81 1N 5D 8L Scrapers, Self-propelled 45 yards and over 22.85 5.81 1N 5D 8L Scrapers, Self-propelled under 45 yards 22.41 41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Screed Man 19.95 5.81 1N 5D 8L Shotcrete Gunite 23.3 _ 8L 5.81 1N SD Shovels and Attachments, 6 yards & over .4 5.81 1N 5D 8L Shovels 3 yds & under 22.411 1N 5D 8L Shovels over 3 yards to 6 yards 22.85 5.81 1N 5D 8L 22.85 5.81 Slipform Pavers 5.81 1N 5p BL Spreader, Topside Operator 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Sub-grader - Trimmer 23. 8L 23.35 5.81 1N 5D Tower Crane 5 81 1N 5D 8L Tractors 75 HP & under 22.05 5D 8L 22.41 5.81 1N Tractors over 75 HP 5.81 1N 5D 8L Transporters, All Track or Truck Type 22.85 6 WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS - EFFECTIVE 03-03-95 KING COUNTY (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY NOTE CLASSIFICATION RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE CODE Trenching Machines 22.05 5.81 1N 5D 8L Truck Crane Oiler/Driver 100 T. & over 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L Truck Crane Oiler/Driver under 100 T. 22.05 5.81 1N 5D 8L Wheel Tractors, Farmall Type 19.95 5.81 1N 5D 8L YoYo Dozer 22.41 5.81 1N 5D 8L * POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS - UNDERGROUND SEWER AND WATER CONSTRUCTION (SEE POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS) * POWER LINE CLEARANCE TREE TRIMMERS JOURNEY LEVEL IN CHARGE 19.61 4.69 4A 5A TREE TRIMMER 16.93 4.60 4A 5A LINE CLEARANCE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 18.65 4.65 4A 5A SPRAY PERSON 18.33 3.94 4A 5A TREE TRIMMER GROUNDPERSON / CHIPPER OPERATOR 11.87 3.72 4A 5A * REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING MECHANIC MECHANIC 25.72 8.04 to 5A * RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION Res. Carpenters 11.85 3.50 1 Res. Communication Tech. i2.07 0.00 1 Res. Drywall Tapers 19.15 0.00 1 Res. Electricians 15.21 C.00 1 Res. Electronic Tech. 12.07 0.00 1 Res. Glaziers 11.87 0.00 1 Res. Insulation Appl. 11.00 2.96 1 Res. Laborers 7.96 0.00 1 Res. Painters 14.66 0.00 1 Res. Plumbers 16.26 3.41 1 Res. Refrigeration Mech. 12.73 4.01 1 Res. Sheet Metal Mech. 13.55 2.70 1 Res. Soft Floor Layers 19.89 0.00 1 Res. Sprinkler Fitters - Fire Protection 15.50 3.32 1R 5C ROOFERS AND WATERPROOFERS JOURNEY LEVEL 21.00 4.80 1R 5A USING BITUMINOUS MATERIALS 24.00 4.80 1R 5A SHEET METAL WORKERS MECHANIC 24.77 6.95 1Z 5B SIGN HANGERS SIGN PAINTER 18.39 2.42 1 SIGN HANGER 15.63 2.42 1 CONSTRUCTION 15.63 2.42 1 SILK SCREENER 12.16 2.42 1 CONSTRUCTION "B" 7.91 2.42 1 PRODUCTION SILK SCREENER 7.82 2.42 1 SHOP PERSON 4.99 2.42 1 SIGN MAKERS AND INSTALLERS (ELECTRICAL) Journey Level 17.29 2.00 1 Stock Person 8.65 1.74 1 SOFT FLOOR LAYERS JOURNEY LEVEL 19.29 4.91 1B 5A SOLAR CONTROLS FOR WINDOWS All Classifications 11.20 1.24 1 5S SPRINKLER FITTERS - FIRE PREVENTION JOURNEY LEVEL 26.59 10.39 11 5C 7 WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS EFFECTIVE 03-03-95 KING COUNTY (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY NOTE CLASSIFICATION RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE COO ** STAGE RIGGING MECHANICS (Non Structural) 10.50 2.73 1 Mechanic ** SURVEYORS Chain Person 9.35 0.00 1 Instrument Person (Junior Engineer) 11.40 0.00 1 Party Chief 13.40 0.00 1 ** TELEPHONE LINE CONSTRUCTION - OUTSIDE 1B 5A CABLE SPLICER 17.71 3.06 SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER I 17.71 3.06 1B 5A SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER 11 17.29 3.04 1B 5A INSTALLER - REPAIRER 16.86 3.02 1B 5A TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - HEAVY 17.71 3.06 1B 5A TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - LIGHT 16.27 2.98 1B 5A JOURNEY LEVEL TELEPHONE LINEPERSON 16.27 2.98 16 5A HOLE DIGGER/GROUND PERSON 8.66 2.52 1B 5A TREE TRIMMER 16.27 2.98 1B 5A POLE SPRAYER 16.27 2.98 1B SA TELEVISION SYSTEM TECHNICIAN 14.43 2.87 18 5A TELEVISION TECHNICIAN 12.70 2.76 1B 5A TELEVISION LINEPERSON 11.67 2.70 1B 5A TELEVISION GROUND PERSON 8.08 2.48 1B 5A '* TERRAZZO WORKERS AND TILE SETTERS 1N 5A JOURNEY LEVEL 22.12 4.96 `* TILE, MARBLE AND TERRAZZO FINISHERS 1N 5A FINISHER 17.70 4.96 -* TRAFFIC CONTROL STRIPERS 18.14 4.11 1K 5A JOURNEY LEVEL * TRUCK DRIVERS 1M 5D 8L A-Frame or Hydralift Trucks or Similar 21.22 5.61 Buggymobile and Similar 21.22 5.61 1M 5D 8L 21.22 5.61 1M 5D 8L Bulk Cement Tanker 1M 5D 8L Bull Lifts, or Similar 20.64 5.61 Equipment (Not Warehousing) 1M 5D 8L Bus or Employee Haul 20.64 5.61 5.61 1M 5D 81 Dumpster 0 less than 16 yards 20.641M 5D SL Dumpster 16 30 yards 21.22 5.61 (Fifteen cents ($.15) per hour increase for each 10 Yard increment over 30 Yards.) 1M 5D 8L Escort Driver/Pilot Car 15.48 5.61 8L Explosive Truck (Field Mix) and Similar 21.22 5.61 1M 5D 61 1M 5D 8L 5. Flatbed Truck - Dual Rear Axle 20.64 5D 8L 1M Flatbed Truck - Single Rear Axle 18.88 5.61 5D 8L Fuel Truck, Grease Truck, Greaser, Battery 20.64 5.61 1M and/or Tire Service Man 1M 5D 8L Hyster (Hauling Bulk Loose Aggregates) 21.22 5.61 Leverman and Loaders at 20.64 5.61 1M 5D - 8L Bunkers and Batch Plants 5.61 1M 5D 8L Lowbed and Heavy Duty Trailer: 21.22 im 5D 8L Mechanic 20. 5.61 1M 5D 8L 5D Mechanic Helper 20.395.61 8L oil/Transport Tanker 20.64 5.61 1M 21.22 5.61 1M 5D 8L Oil Distributor Driver 5.61 1M 5D 8L Pick-Up Truck 18.88 18. 5D 8L 88 5.61 1M Pickup Sweeper 5 61 1M 50 8L Scissors Truck 20.64 8 WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS EFFECTIVE 03-03-95 KING COUNTY (SEE BENEFIT CODE KEY) HOURLY HOURLY OVER WAGE FRINGE TIME HOLIDAY NOTE CLASSIFICATION RATE BENEFITS CODE CODE CODE Slurry Truck 20.64 5.61 1M 5D 8L Sno-go and Similar 20.64 5.61 1M 5D 8L Spreaders, Flaherty 21.22 5.61 1M 5D 8L Straddle Carrier (Ross, Hyster, and Similar) 20.64 5.61 1M 5D 8L Scamper 20.64 5.61 1M 5D 8L Team Driver 20.64 5.61 1M 5D 8L Tractor, Small Rubber-Tired 20.64 5.61 1M 5D 8L Vacuum Truck 20.64 5.61 1M 5D 8L Warehouseman & Checkers 20.64 5.61 1M 5D 8L Water Wagon & Tank Truck: 0 - 3000 gal 20.64 5.61 1M 5D 8L Water Wagon & Tank Truck: Over 3000 gal 21.22 5.61 1M 5D 8L Winch Truck 20.64 5.61 1M 5D 8L Wrecker, Tow Truck, and Similar 20.64 5.61 1M 5D 8L `* WELL DRILLERS Irrigation Pump Installers 11.60 0.00 1 Oiler 9.45 0.00 1 Well Driller 11.60 0.00 1 9 BENEFIT CODE KEY EFFECTIVE 03-03-95 i##i#ti##i##;#;iitiii#itiiiRft##fRii Rfit#itiit#itfiffiiitiR##f#fffRtfRiiiti#tif tffifftit###iiiti;;;iiiiiiiiRitiiifiRii;i OVERTIME CODES 1. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT(8)HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY(40)HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL ALSO BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. C. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. E. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS), SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL ALSO BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. G. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE- HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. I. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. J. THE FIRST EIGHT(8)HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. K. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. M. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS(EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF WORK IS LOST DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER CONDITIONS)SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. N. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. O. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT FOR MAKEUP DAYS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. P. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS(EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS)SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE- HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. R. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. S. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE PLUS HEALTH AND WELFARE AND VACATION. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE PLUS HEALTH AND WELFARE AND VACATION. T. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. FOR ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT(8)HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY(40)HOURS PER WEEK AND_. FOR ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS,SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS,THE HEALTH&WELFARE,AND VACATION BENEFITS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE. PENSION AND TRAINING SHALL BE PAID AT THE REGULAR HOURLY RATE. U. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS(EXCEPT LABOR DAY)SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT THREE TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. W. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS MAY BE WORKED AS A MAKE-UP DAY AT THE PREVAILING HOURLY RATE OF WAGE (NO OVERTIME) WHEN WORK IS LOST DUE TO ANY REASON BEYOND THE EMPLOYER'S CONTROL. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. BENEFIT CODE KEY EFFECTIVE 03-03-95 1. Z. THE FIRST EIGHT HOURS ON THE FIRST SHIFT ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL OTHER HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. 2. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT(8)HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY(40)HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. THE FIRST SIX(6) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF SIX (6) HOURS ON SATURDAY AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. E. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS OR HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAY) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE- HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS OR ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. AT THE GHT URLY TE OF WAGE F. IN ADDITION TO THE HOLIDAY OPAY ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCEKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE SS OF EIGHT(8 HOURS ON HOLIDAYS HALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. J. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON PAID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE, INCLUDING THE HOLIDAY PAY. ALL HOURS WORKED ON UNPAID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. L. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. .ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. N. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE, IN ADDITION TO THE HOLIDAY PAY. 0. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. 4. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. HOLIDAY CODES 5. A. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY,MEMORIAL DAY,INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY,THANKSGIVING DAY,FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(7). B. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY,LABOR DAY,THANKSGIVING DAY,FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,THE DAY BEFORE CHRIST",AND CHRISTMAS DAY(8). C. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY,THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(8). D. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRIST"DAY(8). OR DAY, F. PRES DAENTIAL ELECTION DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, HE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHR S MAS DAY(9). G. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(7). H. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS(6). 2 BENEFIT CODE KEY EFFECTIVE 03-03-95 5. I. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY(6). ). HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,DECEMBER 24TH,CHRISTMAS DAY,AND DECEMBER 31ST(9). M. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL. DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(8). N. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS'DAY,THANKSGIVING DAY,THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(9). 0. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRIST"DAY(6). Q. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY(6). S. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY,THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRIST"DAY(7). T. PAID HOLIDAYS: SEVEN(7)PAID HOLIDAYS. U. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY,CHRISTMAS DAY,AND A DAY OF THE EMPLOYEES CHOICE(7). V. PAID HOLIDAYS: SIX(6)PAID HOLIDAYS. W. PAID HOLIDAYS: NINE(9)PAID HOLIDAYS. X. HOLIDAYS: AFTER 520 HOURS - NEW YEAR'S DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRIST" DAY. AFTER 2080 HOURS - NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY,CHRISTMAS DAY AND A FLOATING HOLIDAY(8). Y. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION DAY,THANKSGIVING DAY,THE FRIDAY FOLLOWING THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRIST"DAY(8). Z. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERAN'S DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY,THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(8). 6. A. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS EVE DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY(7). B. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND THE DAY BEFORE NEW YEAR'S DAY(9). C. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY(9). E. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, LAST MONDAY IN MAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY,FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY(9). F. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHGTON'S IFRIDAY AFTER TDAY, MEMORIAL DAY,HANKSGIVIN DAY ANDACHRISTDENCE MAS DAY()LABOR DAY, VETERANS DAY,THANKSGIVING AY H. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY,THANKSGIVING DAY,THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(8). I. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY,FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY,AND CHRISTMAS DAY(7). 3 BENEFIT CODE KEY EFFECTIVE 03-03-95 6. M. PAID HOLIDAYS: THANKSGIVING AND CHRISTMAS. DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING. I VNEW YEARS DAY, MEMORIAL DAY,INDEPENDEDAY,LABOR AND OR DAY, G DAY CHRISTMAS DAY. UNPAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEARS DAY AND THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING AND N. PAID HOLIDAYS: MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, VING DAY. YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, Q. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY. UNPAID HOLIDAY_ PRESIDENTS'DAY. DAY; MEMORIAL R HOLIAYS: NEW YEA 'S DAY; MARTIN DAY,,DINDEPENDENCERDAY; THANKSGIVING EDAY;I THE FRIDAY AFTER TONS THANKSGIVING DAY; AND CHRISTMAS DAY(8). RIAL DAY, NDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, S. THANKSGIIVING LIDAYS DAY,THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSOGIIVING DAY, CHRISTEMAS EVE DAY,AND CCHRIST" DAY(8). T. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE LAST WORKING DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY,AND CHRIST"DAY(9). U. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY,AND A FLOATING HOLIDAY(9). V. THANKSGIVING DAY, DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS EVE DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND EMPLOYEE'S BIRTHDAY(9). NOTE CODES IVERS 8. B. THE WAGE RATE OF PAY ODEPTH R DIVERS SHALL BE ONE-HALF TIMES ETHEPDIVERS ED DRATE OD SCUBA DIVERS. THE S D. WORKERS WORKING WITH SUPPLIED AIR ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL SI.00 PER HOUR. E. ALL CLASSIFICATIONS, INCLUDING ALL APPRENTICES, REPORTING TO AN EMPLOYER'S DESIGNATED JOB HEADQUARTERS AND WORKING A MINIMUM OF FOUR (4) HOURS IN ANY ONE (1) DAY SHALL RECEIVE A PER DIEM ALLOWANCE OF TWENTY-FOUR DOLLARS (S24.00) IN ADDITION TO THE PREVAILING HOURLY RATE OF WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS. YEAR OF SERVICE. TEN (IO) DAYS VACATION AFTER THREE YEARS OF F. FIVE (5) DAYS VACATION AFTER ONE SERVICE. R CHRISTMAS DAY EXCEPT WHEN LIFE OR PROPERTY IS IN N LABOR DAY 0 J. IMMINENT WORK SHALL GER. SHOULRMED D D ANY OOF THESE SSE HOLIDAYS FALL ON SUNDAY,THE FOLLOWING MONDAY SHALL BE MINE CONSIDERED A LEGAL HOLIDAY. K. VETERANS DAY AND THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING ARE OPTIONAL HOLIDAYS AND ARE PAID AT THE REGULAR RATE OF PAY ONLY WHEN WORKED. L_ WORKERS ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS - LEVEL A: S0.75, LEVEL B:50.50, AND LEVEL C:5025. N. WORKERS ON LEVEL C:SHAZMAT ROJECTS RECEIVE LEVEL D:A DITIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS LEVEL A: 51.06, LEVEL B:S0.75, R. FIVE(5)DAYS VACATION PER YEAR. REPRESENTS THE COST TO A CONTRACTOR UN WHICH U. THE PRE� ACATIONAMOUN PROVIDING THE FOLLOWING VACATION PLLAN ONE WEEK AFIERONE MAY BE REASONABLY O _ YEAR TWO'FLEE KS AFTER TWO HOURS MUST BE OE WE K AFTERS TIME O BE ELIGIBLE.EIGHT YEARS. UWEEKS AFTER SIXTEEN YEARS. TWELVE 4