HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD1996-0206 - Original - Sunnfjord Norway - Agreement of Sister Cities - 04/22/1996 AGREEMENT ON SISTER CITIES OF (ISO DIE, JOLST ER, AND NAUSTDA ) SUNNIFJO D, NORWAY KIENT, OVA S II INGTON U.S.A. The Mayor of Jolster Kommune, Gerd Dvergsdal, the Mayor of Naustdal Kommune, Kjell Klopstad, and the Mayor of Forde Kommune, Aud Viken, representing the Sunnfjord area of Norway; and the Mayor and the City Council of Kent, expressing the will of their residents, are striving for strengthening relations between our cities, and are convinced that these ties will become an important contribution to the cause of peace, friendship and mutual understanding between nations. Representing corresponding authorities, Mayor Gerd Dvergsdal, Jolster Kommune, Mayor Kjell Klopstad, Naustdal Kommune, and Mayor Aud Viken, Forde Kommune and Jim White, Mayor of the City of Kent, solemnly declare our will on becoming Golster, Naustdal, Forde) Sunnfjord area and Kent related. Giving concrete expression to the spirit of international friendly relations, all cities will cooperate within limits of rights conceded to them by the higher government bodies: • To exchange information about the life of the cities and their populations, activities of local government bodies that will promote mutual acquaintance with experience in solving such questions as organization of public services and amenities of the cities economy, industry, transport, health protection, education, trade, culture, sports, social security, organization of people's leisure; • To promote the exchange of official delegations, representatives of public organizations, specialists in different branches of maintenance of town economy, groups of tourists, students, teachers, doctors; workers, amateur groups, musicians, and sportsmen. Accomplishment of the present agreement in every particular occasion must be coordinated between the Kent/Sunnfjord Sister City Partnership Committee and the Kent City Government. This agreement is signed this Twenty-second day of April, 1996. i J vergsdal Kjell lopstad Aud Viken Mayor of Jolster Kommune Mayor of Naustdal Kommune Mayor of Forde Kommune P E 1 { f Jtrn`White; 1VIyor of Kent r INTENSJONSAVTALE OM VENNSKAPSKOMMUNESAMARBEID MELLOM FORDE, JOLSTER OG NAUSTDAL KOMMUNAR I SUNNFJORD,NOREG, OG KENT KOMMUNE I WASHINGTON, USA Ordferaren i Jolster kommune, Gerd Dvergsdal, ordferaren i Naustdal kommune, Kjell Klopstad, og ordferaren i Forde kommune, Aud Viken, som representerer Sunnf ord-regionen i Noreg, og ordforaren og bystyret i Kent, - gir uttrykk for innbyggjarane sin vilje, - tek sikte pi i styrkje sambandet mellom kommunane Are, og - er overtydde om at desse bands vil verte eit viktig bidrag i arbeidet for fred,vennskap og gjensidig forstling mellom nasjonar. Som representantar for likeverdige styresmakter pi same nivi erklaerer ordforar Gerd Dvergsdal, Jolster kommune, ordforar Kjell Klopstad,Naustdal kommune, ordforar Aud Viken, Forde kommune, og ordforar Jim White, Kent kommune, hogtideleg viljen vir til a etablere vennskapssamarbeid mellom Sunnfjord og Kent. Som konkret uttrykk for anda i internasjonale vennskapstilhove,vil alle kommunane sam- arbeide innanfor dei avgrensingane i rammevilkar som er gjevne for dei av hogare, offentlege styresmakter: * For A utveksle informasjon om livet i kommunane og for deira innbyggjarar, aktivitetar knytta til lokale styresmakter- som vil fremje gjensidig kennskap til roynslene med I loyse slike spersmal som organiseringa av offentlege tenester og tilbod innanfor kommunane sin okonomi, industri, transport, helsevern, utdanning, handel, kultur, idrett, sosial velferd, fritidsaktivitetar, * For A fremje utvekslinga av offisielle delegasjonar, representantar for offentlege organisasjonar, spesialistar i ulike delar av kommunal forvaltning, turistgrupper, studentar, laerarar, legar, arbeidarar, amatorgrupper, musikarar og idrettsutervarar. Oppfolging av denne intensjonsavtala mi i kvart enkelt tilfelle vere koordinert mellom Kent / Sun4ord Vennskapskommunekomite og Kent kommuneadministrasjon. Denne intensjonsavtala er underskriven denne 22. dagen i april 1996. C/ e'�'2��l - w" ✓ , erd Dvergsdal Kj A VJ opst Or Aud Viken , o dforar Jolster kommune ordforar Naustdal kommune ordforar Forde kommu r ; 'm White ;�► ordforar Kent kommune L �u: AGREEMENT ON SISTER CITIES OF (ISO DIEy JOLS'I[°IER, AND NAUSTDAL) SUNNFJORD9 NOR WAY KIENT, WASHINGTON U.S.A. The Mayor of Jolster Kommune, Gerd Dvergsdal, the Mayor of Naustdal Kommune, Kjell Klopstad, and the Mayor of Forde Kommune, Aud Viken, representing the Sunnfjord area of Norway; and the Mayor and the City Council of Kent, expressing the will of their residents, are striving for strengthening relations between our cities, and are convinced that these ties will become an important contribution to the cause of peace, friendship and mutual understanding between nations. Representing corresponding authorities, Mayor Gerd Dvergsdal, Jolster Kommune, Mayor Kjell Klopstad, Naustdal Kommune, and Mayor Aud Viken, Forde Kommune and Jim White, Mayor of the City of Kent, solemnly declare our will on becoming (Jolster, Naustdal, Forde) Sunnfjord area and Kent related. Giving concrete expression to the spirit of international friendly relations, all cities will cooperate within limits of rights conceded to them by the higher government bodies: • To exchange information about the life of the cities and their populations, activities of local government bodies that will promote mutual acquaintance with experience in solving such questions as organization of public services and amenities of the cities economy, industry, transport, health protection, education, trade, culture, sports, social security, organization of people's leisure; • To promote the exchange of official delegations, representatives of public organizations, specialists in different branches of maintenance of town economy, groups of tourists, students, teachers, doctors, workers, amateur groups, musicians, and sportsmen. Accomplishment of the present agreement in every particular occasion must be coordinated between the Kent/Sunnfjord Sister City Partnership Committee and the Kent City Government. This agreement is signed this Twenty-second day of April, 1996. t erd Dvergsdal Jim White Mayor of Jolster Kommune Mayor of Kent 3 7 f� A A AGREEMENT ON SISTER CITIES OF ( FO D]E, JOLSTER, AND NAUSTDA ) SUNNF JO D, NOR WAY KENT, WAS H INGTON U.S.A. The Mayor of Jolster Kommune, Gerd Dvergsdal, the Mayor of Naustdal Kommune, Kjell Klopstad, and the Mayor of Forde Kommune, Aud Viken, representing the Sunnfjord area of Norway; and the Mayor and the City Council of Kent, expressing the will of their residents, are striving for strengthening relations between our cities, and are convinced that these ties will become an important contribution to the cause of peace, friendship and mutual understanding between nations. Representing corresponding authorities, Mayor Gerd Dvergsdal, holster Kommune, Mayor Kjell Klopstad, Naustdal Kommune, and Mayor Aud Viken, Fforde Kommune and Jim White, Mayor of the City of Kent, solemnly declare our will on becoming G olster, Naustdal, Frorde) Sunnfjord area and Kent related. Giving concrete expression to the spirit of international friendly relations, all cities will cooperate within limits of rights conceded to them by the higher government bodies: • To exchange information about the life of the cities and their populations, activities of local government bodies that will promote mutual acquaintance with experience in solving such questions as organization of public services and amenities of the cities economy, industry, transport, health protection, education, trade, culture, sports, social security, organization of people's leisure; • To promote the exchange of official delegations, representatives of public organizations, specialists in different branches of maintenance of town economy, groups of tourists, students, teachers, doctors; workers, amateur groups, musicians, and sportsmen. Accomplishment of the present agreement in every particular occasion must be coordinated between the Kent/Sunnfjord Sister City Partnership Committee and the Kent City Government. This agreement is signed this Twenty-second day of April, 1996. -rvxlijll Kl stad Jim White itYor Naustdal Kommune Mayor of Kent I A' •k AGREEMENT ON SISTER CITIES OF (ICORDIE, JOLSTER, AND NAUSTDAL) SUNNFJORD, NOR WAY KENT, WASHINGTON U.S.A. The Mayor of Jolster Kommune, Gerd Dvergsdal, the Mayor of Naustdal Kommune, Kjell Klopstad, and the Mayor of Forde Kommune, Aud Viken, representing the Sunnfjord area of Norway; and the Mayor and the City Council of Kent, expressing the will of their residents, are striving for strengthening relations between our cities, and are convinced that these ties will become an important contribution to the cause of peace, friendship and mutual understanding between nations. Representing corresponding authorities, Mayor Gerd Dvergsdal, Jolster Kommune, Mayor Kjell Klopstad, Naustdal Kommune, and Mayor Aud Viken, Forde Kommune and Jim White, Mayor of the City of Kent, solemnly declare our will on becoming Golster, Naustdal, Forde) Sunnfjord area and Kent related. Giving concrete expression to the spirit of international friendly relations, all cities will cooperate within limits of rights conceded to them by the higher government bodies: • To exchange information about the life of the cities and their populations, activities of local government bodies that will promote mutual acquaintance with experience in solving such questions as organization of public services and amenities of the cities economy, industry, transport, health protection, education, trade, culture, sports, social security, organization of people's leisure; • To promote the exchange of official delegations, representatives of public organizations, specialists in different branches of maintenance of town economy, groups of tourists, students, teachers, doctors; workers, amateur groups, musicians, and sportsmen. Accomplishment of the present agreement in every particular occasion must be coordinated between the Kent/Sunnfjord Sister City Partnership Committee and the Kent City Government. This agreement is signed this Twenty-second day of April, 1996. 4(4 Aud Viken Jim White Mayor of Forde Kommune Mayor of Kent Ing- � r u