HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW1995-0189 - Original - City of Seattle Water Department - Purchase of Midway Reservoir Site - 03/17/19957/94 PURCHASE AGREEMENT CITY OF SEATTLE, WATER DEPARTMENT MIDWAY RESERVOIR SITE The undersigned, City of Kent, hereinafter referred to as "Purchaser", agrees to buy from the City of Seattle, Water Department, hereinafter referred to as the "City", real property commonly known as the Midway Reservoir Site, located in King County, Washington, legally described as follows: see attached legal description 1. PURCHASE PRICE. The total purchase price is One Hundred Eighty Seven Thousand Dollars ($187,000.00). Terms of payment shall be all cash at closing or; Twenty percent (20%) down ($37,400), at 7% interest, on a 10 year Deed of Trust (DOT), one annual (yearly) payment. 2. CONDITION OF TITLE AND PROPERTY: The property is sold "as is" and is subject to existing encumbrances, if any. The City does not take responsibility and makes no warranty as to the condition and suitability of the property for any purpose. The purchaser is responsible for ascertaining the usefulness and condition of the property. 3. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES: The City has no knowledge of contamination on the site. The purchaser will be required to waive all claims and release the City from all liability associated in any way with contamination, hazardous substances, wastes or materials used or on the site. If financing is provided the purchaser will be required to comply will all environmental laws during the term of the Deed of Trust and indemnify the City if the failure to do so results in liability. If during the use of the easement area the City releases any hazardous substances, the City at is own expense shall remove, dispose or otherwise handle such hazardous substances as necessary in accordance with applicable laws. 4. CONVEYANCE: The City shall convey title of the property by Quit Claim Deed. 5. CLOSING COSTS: Cost of title insurance shall be at the sole expense of the Purchaser. The City shall pay for the cost of escrow, closing, recording fees and appraisals. Closing will occur after the Seattle City Council accepts and authorizes the sale. 6. EASEMENT RESERVATION: The Purchaser understands that the City will reserve an easement for future underground facilities. Page 1 of 2 IpE TiFICATION OF THE PROPERTY Midway Reservoir Site, Kent, Washington. Tax Lots; 6, 88, N186, & 187 Section 22, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M. j FGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter and of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, Section 22, Township 22 North, Range 4 East of the Willamette Meridian, King County, Washington, described as beginning at the southwestcomer of said northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and running thence east along the southline of said northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and northwest quarter of the northeastquarter 1400.53feet; thence north parallel to the west line of said northeast quarter of the northwest quarter261 feet; thence west parallel to the south line thereof to the west line of said northeast quarter of the northwest quarter; thence south along said west line 261.00 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPT that portion of the South 261.00 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 22, Township 22 North, Range East, Willamette Meridian, King County, Washington,lying westerly of the westerly right- of-waymargin of 36th Avenue South (MilitaryRoad) as now existing. AND: That portion of the North half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 22, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., described as follows: Beginningat a point on the north line of said subdivisionwhich is 996.51 feet west of the northeastcomer thereof; thence south a distance of 70.88 feet; thence south 53059' west, a distance of 350 feet more or less to a point on the easterly line of 38th Avenue South, as now surveyed; thence northerly along said easterly line to its intersection with the east line of 36th Avenue South; thence north along said east line to the north line of said subdivision; thence east along said north line to the point of beginning; situated in King County, Washington. AND: That portion of Section 22, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Commencingat the northwest comer of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 22; thence south 89052' 19" east along the north line of said southeast quarter of the northwest quarter 68.40 feet to the east margin of 36th Avenue South; thence south Oa2l'42" east along said east margin 207.45 feet; thence south 89052' 19"east, 81.12 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing south 89052' 19" east, 352.92 feet; thence north 50035'00" west, 215.67 feet; thence south 53059'00" west, 231.52 feet to the true point of beginning. The easement area will abut Military Road (36th Avenue South), and will be approximately 67,600 square feet (260 foot sided square). The exact location along Military Road to be negotiated between the Purchaser and the City. Said easement area may be developed by the Purchaser, except for a building structure. The development over the easement area shall be reviewed and approved by the City's Water Department before construction. If the Water Department constructs underground facilities in the future, the Purchaser must remove, relocated and/or replace their improvements at their own cost. Other terms and conditions of the easement shall be negotiated between the Purchaser and the City. If sometime in the future the City determines that the easement area is no longer necessary the City will relinquish the easement area by recorded document. 7. AUTHORIZATION: The Purchasers understand above described real property is subject the Seattle City Council by ordinance. Council does not authorize the sale of offer is automatically rescinded and all released from further obligation. Signed this 17th day of CITY OF KENT: ess arch Please indicate your method of payment: [x] Cash at closing [] 20% on Note/Deed of Trust Page 2 of 2 that the sale of the to authorization by If the Seattle City this property this parties will be 1995 August 2, 1994 EXECUTIVE At 7:35 p.m., McFall announced an executive session of SESSION approximately 15 minutes on property acquisition. The Council meeting reconvened at 7:55 p.m. PROPERTY HOUSER MOVED to authorize Administration to close the ACQUISITION purchase of the Morrill property pursuant to the terms of the purchase agreement and to expend $225,115 for closing (Morrill) plus related closing costs and to expend up to $10,000 for site demolition and clean-up, and further authorize Administration to establish a budget by reallocating $100,000 of Parks grant matching with a remaining amount to come from reserved and unreserved CIP fund balance. Bennett seconded and the motion carried. HOUSER MOVED to authorize Administration to negotiate and (Seattl execute an agreement for the purchase of the Seattle Water U Water Department MidwayReservoir property for the p p y full -purchase Department price of $187,000 plus closing costs and to authorize Midway Administration to establish a budget with funding to come Reservoir) from the $450,000 reserved CIP fund balance. Mann seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Brenda Jac er, CMC City Clerk ALT, OWNER'S POLICY- 10-17-92 POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STEWAI-ZT TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, a Texas corporation, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: 1. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested other than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the title; 3. Unmarketability of the title; 4. Lack of a right of access to and from the land. The Company will also pay the costs, attorneys' fees and expenses incurred in defense of the title, as insured, but only to the extent provided in the Conditions and Stipulations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stewart Title Guaranty Company has caused this policy to be signed and sealed by its duly authorized officers as of the date of Policy shown in Schedule A. STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Chairman of the Boar President City, State EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expenses which arise by reason of: 1. �a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restricting, regulating, prohi iting or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land; (ii) the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land; (i i separation in ownership or a change in the dimensions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land is or was a part; or (iv) environmental protection, or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercise thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of Policy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company, not recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but known to the insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Com any by the insured claimant prior to the date the insured claimant became an insured under this policy; c resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant: d attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or ( resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. 4. ny claim, which arises out of the transaction vesting in the Insured the estate or interest insured by this policy, by reason of the operation of tederal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that is based on: (a) the transaction creating the estate or interest insured byy this policy being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or b the transaction creating the estate or interest insured by this policy being deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfer results from the failure: �i) to timely record the instrument of transfer; or ii) of such recordation to impart notice to a purchaser for value or a judgment or lien creditor. 0 0-9993- � 2 7 6 16 Standard Coverage STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY A.L.T.A. OWNER'S POLICY SCHEDULE A Order No.: 253094 Policy No.: 9993-527616 Policy Date• March 12, 1996 Policy Amount: $187,000.00 at 2:45 p.m. 1. Name of Insured: THE CITY OF KENT, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington 2. The estate or interest in the land described herein and which is covered by this Policy is: FEE SIMPLE 3. The estate or interest referred to herein is at date of Policy vested in: THE CITY OF KENT, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington 4. The land referred to in this Policy is described as follows: As on Schedule A, page 2, attached. Policy No. 9993-527616 SCHEDULE A Page 2 The land referred to in this policy is situated in the County of King, State of Washington, and described as follows: PAR CFT . A: That portion of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter and of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, Section 22, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as: Beginning at the southwest corner of said northeast quarter of the northwest quarter; thence east along the south line of said northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter 1400.53 feet; thence north parallel to the west line of said northeast quarter of the northwest quarter 261.00 feet; thence west parallel to the south line thereof to the west line of said northeast quarter of the northwest quarter; thence south along said west line 261.00 feet to the point of beginning; EXCEPT that portion of the south 261.00 feet of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 22, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying westerly of the westerly right-of-way margin of 36th Avenue South (Military Road) as now existing. PAPrFT. R Lots 1 and 2 of City of Kent Short Plat Number SPC-80-18 as recorded under Recording Number 8009250624 being a portion of the north half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 22, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; PARCEL C: That portion of Section 22, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 22; thence south 89052119/1 east along the north quarter of the northwest quarter 68.40 feet 36th Avenue South; thence south 0021142/1 east along said east thence south 89052119/1 east, 81.12 feet to BEGINNING; thence continuing south 89052119/1 east, 352 thence north 50035100/1 west, 215.67 feet; thence south 53050100/1 west, 231.52 feet to BEGINNING. END OF SCHEDULE A line of said southeast to the east margin of margin 207.45 feet; the TRUE POINT OF .92 feet; the TRUE POINT OF Standard Coverage STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY A.L.T.A. OWNER'S POLICY SCHEDULE B Policy No.: 9993-527616 This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public record. 3. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or inspection of the premises. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records, or liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. 5. Any title or rights asserted by anyone including but not limited to persons corporations, governments or other entities, to tide lands, or lands comprising the shores or bottoms of navigable rivers, lakes, bays, ocean or sound, or lands beyond the line of the harbor lines as established or changed by the United States Government. 6. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water. 7. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. 8. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, capacity, or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. 9. Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including, but not limited to, easements or equitable servitudes. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: As on Schedule B, attached. ( continued) A.L.T.A. OWNER'S POLICY SCHEDULE B Page 2 SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: Policy No.: 9993-527616 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: GRANTEE: Michael E. Dolan PURPOSE: Lay and maintain water pipes for the purpose of providing a water system AREA AFFECTED: Portion of Parcel A RECORDED: August 26, 1915 RECORDING NUMBER: 1014478 2. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: RESERVED BY: Adolph Graham and Edith Graham, husband and wife PURPOSE: The construction, maintenance and repair of a suitable pipe line for the conducting of one half of the waters from said springs across the lands AREA AFFECTED: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: Portion of Parcel A March 18, 1930 March 19, 1930 2593519 3. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN SHORT PLAT, COPY ATTACHED: RECORDED: September 25, 1980 RECORDING NUMBER: 8009250624 4. RESTRICTIONS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT, AS HERETO ATTACHED: RECORDED: August 18, 1975 RECORDING NUMBER: 7508180561 Abrogation of conditions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 was secured by deed recorded under Recording Number 8101120540. 5. Notice of sewer connection charges by the City of Kent, Washington as recorded under Recording Number 8107210418. (continued) Policy No.: 9993-527616 SCHEDULE B Page 3 6. EXCEPTIONS AND RESERVATIONS CONTAINED IN DEED: FROM: DATED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: City of Seattle February 22, 1996 March 12, 1996 9603121427 INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: Easement for underground easement, also to include above ground appurtenances relative to underground water facilities. NOTE: No examination has been made to determine the present record owner of the above minerals, or mineral lands and appurtenant rights thereto, or to determine matters which may affect the lands or rights so reserved. 7. RELEASE AGREEMENT REGARDING HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES: DATED: March 4, 1996 RECORDED: March 12, 1996 RECORDING NUMBER: 9603121428 BETWEEN: City of Seattle and City of Kent 8. The property herein described is carried on the tax rolls as exempt. TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 222204-9006-09 AFFECTS: Parcel A 9. The property herein described is carried on the tax rolls as exempt. TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 222204-9088-00 AFFECTS: Lot 1 of Parcel B 10. The property herein described is carried on the tax rolls as exempt. TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 222204-9186-01 AFFECTS: Lot 2 of Parcel B 11. The property herein described is carried on the tax rolls as exempt. TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 222204-9187-00 AFFECTS: Parcel C END OF SCHEDULE B RLL/hls/0512Q ,-I OPT 3CI'•': 1'O` A''FRC`JA� N .O lt) APPLICAN CITY C!" YFti" is Q O41N'ER: CITY OF SrATTLF _ O - .A TITLE OF SHORT SUBD]VISION: SEAT•NT SHORT SURDIVISIO": LOCATION: Fast side of Military Road, near S. 244th Street. ACTION: APPROVrD two (2) lots. Approved on August 6, 1980, by the Kent Short Subdivision Committee. This is a resolution of the Kent Short Subdivision Committee an -prov- ing a short subdivision creating two (2) lots. The detailed legal description is: TOTAL PARCEL That portion of tine north half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 22, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, w.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said subdivision; thence south 89 52'19" east a distance of 68.40 feet along the north line of said subdivision to a point on the cast margin of 36th Avenue South and the TR.UF POINT OF RFGINNING: thence south 00021'42" east a distance of 247.05 feet along the cast margin of 36th Avenue S. to the intersection with the easterly margin of. 38th Avc. S. (old Military Rd.); thence south 28 56'42" east a distance of 15.47 feet along the easterly margin of 38th Ave. S.; thence north 53059,001, cast a distance of 322.25 feet; thence north a distance of 70.88 feet to the north line of said subdivision; thence north 89 52'19" west a distance of 269.70 feet along the north line of said subdivision to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing approx. 1.041 acres (45,343 square feet). Lot 1 'Phat portion of the north half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Sectio„ 22, Township 22 North, Rannc 4 rast, 1;.1'., in Kino County, •. ishington, described as follows: Commencinq at t8c northwest corner of said subdivision; thence south 89 52119" east a distance of 68.40 feet alon; the north line of said subdivision to a poin8 on the cast margin of 36th Avennc South; thence south 00 21142" cast a distance of 81.45 feet along the cast margin of 36th Avenue South to the TRUE POINT OF nrGINNING; 8hence continuing along said cant street margin south 00 21142" east a distance of 16G.00 feet to the intersection with the easterly margin of 38th Avenue South (Old Military Road); thence south 28056'42" cast a distance of 15.47 feet along the easterly margin of 38th Avenue South; thence nor.ttb53 59'00" cast a distance of 123.39 Beet: thenc(, north 45 21142" west a distance of 152.25 feet to the TRUE POI`vT OF PECINNING, containinq approximately 9,882 square feet (0.227 acre). 9E �11.[-D for Record at Request of G STEWART TITLE COMPANY T H5. 1 of Washington, Inc. ORDER NO. IMPORTANT: This is not a Plat of Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated Iereon with refer nce to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon.PO I elz ? I 7r- IX jorsep sr 7 . i .ur r 'a•. E 2 i �' r R _' • 1" 2 3 14 G R : 9 c 10 i i 1 12 `I S 5243 r PL • r.'•oil Sri r ' •�.� rI frr .. .. ».. „w ~ ter••« ..., got/ 'b Z + 4SAL— • I%'��ff%,�A/r '' S.243AD ST. ,• —rss- _:: -: ; N 1t L91— ?- oft, �i.w w•� 11 . : • J7150ro KEN" SP-; o• _ _ . N ` � _ ; �� R � � i I � � t 2 � � S K , ' • 7 � � LOT 1 � LOT t w e. , i r. A• � Fyr�•p P,p� writ PENT XI 00•10-OW" I/n Lit , edffll ar-1 i� I W r \ NArzcEL A - 1334.as rrf. r. ✓� L Jam.©------�--Win'--------- ►1 ►iJ � ' s 1 'ti el • � LOT3�,'I LZ •I 3 R N �•z �I I r'� #SPC-80-18 Senent Short Subdivisior Lot 2 That portion of the north half of the southeast ^carter of the northwest quarter of. Section 22, Townshir 2`lNorth,ed Range 4 East, '7.11. , in Kine County, Vashinaton, 'a as follows: CN�pp O Commencing at t$e northwest corner of said subdivision; Lthence south 89 52'19" east a distance of 68.40 feet alone Q` the north line of. said subdivision to a point on the east N � margin of 36th venue South and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: thence south 00 21142" east a distance of 81..45 feet along 01) gin of 36th Avenue South; thence south 45 21'42" the east mar east a distance of 152.25 feet; thence north 53 59'00" east a distance of 198.86 feet; thence north a distance of 70.88 feSt to the north line of said subdivision; thence north 89 52'19" west a distance of 269.70 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing approximately 35,460 square feet (0.814 acres). VE IT RESOLVED as follows by the Kent Short Augbsivisio980om ittee in a meeting held in r.he Kent City g short subdivision application OSP-80-18, filed under the re ula- tions of the Kent Subdivision Code by ttie City Of Kent for a short subdivision to permit creation of. two (2) new lots in an 71-7.2, Single Family Residential zoning district, DE AND THE SAME IS IjFRI;I1Y GRANTRD. Principles of Acceptability (Section 2.2.2, Kent Subdivision Code) The approval of this short subdivision is based on the following? principles of acceptablility: 1. Zonin This short subdivision lies within an R1-7.2 Single Family Resi- dential coning district (minimum size lots permitted are 7,200 square feet). Access to a_public street for each lot: ,loth lots have access to Military Road. ndation or 3 cannotabe corrected byfdrainage ��way, detention ponds conditions pondsornormal7t filling. u-King County Department of Public health has no objec- 4. The Scattl- tion to the approval of this shc­t subdivision. C_ONDI'!'IONS APPLIGU_DY^Ill( SHORT SUBDIVISION ccW1IT'1'Br t:o permits for single-family residenocs on these lots are to be issued until such time as the lots are served by sanitary sewers. hT„ Sr;l) at n mectina of the Kent short Subdivision Committee held 9'hursc;ay, August 6, 1990, at 10 a,,m in the Kent City fall. }des >,. Parris, Chairm..n i« nt Short Subdivision Committee -2- 1,ECLARAT' ON. F:now all rnrn lr� Lhc5C l n�>:cnts that w, llr` unfj(,,t Qnt�:, )wnr°rls) in fee t4IMI,Io I -.Ind Cuntrner_ plo theism(. )I ref thr ,nllt1 Ilercin clescrtt,t 1 du hrr^DY make a short subdiviRipll thoreof pursuant to RCW •r18.17 O60 and declare this short plat to be the l;raphic Ioprrs+entatr,m of 6nuh ru, anti that Said root fre. c+?nsent and in accordance with subdivision is trade with the the desire of the! owner(>l). In w•tlness wlterc—' we 'nave set our urr11ra; anr, sr�t.s. N?lamo KENNETH M. LOWTHI,+N Marne SUPs:RINT:NDEtiT OF WATr.R CITY OF SEATTLE CVV N ar Name W N ame N a me STATE or %'ASHINUMN,� s.. County of on thin elay pursona!1y npponrud buloro inu to me known to be the indiVrd'Jal described in and who uxecuted the within and foregoing instfument, and acknowledged that signed the samr as free and voluntary act and dead, for the, uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN undue my hand and official seal this day of 119__ Notary Public in and for fhu state of Washington, residing at .ad STATE: OF WASHINC fUN ss .:ounty bf K1rlR on this day perso.,ally appeared before me KENNETH M. LUWTHIAN, r. SUPERINTENDENT OF '4iATER C11'7 OF S: ATTLE - -- to me ^.Dq+n tr, be the individual described in and who exucuted the within and foregoing >strurent, ,ar.c ackncr.7edycrl that he siped thr sar2 as his free end voluntary act an.1 Icon, for the uses ar..: purpose-1 therein mentioned. �� , GIVEN under rry hand and rfficial seal jlis d• of tJ 0",4.(-; 19 a IF Notary rublic in and f the state of washington, residing dt t✓ „ +ram ,Cnl Short flat: NumUWr 1>alt. _roe st, Jo 70 NAY It .n,, <^011-7711,17dl - 4NIt 00 4 SC.57LE � / "� 40 " ' ' .v r V • — r i - , , v — Thdt pG r'lOn of thE' ihwe5t QUa"te`' e Section K. . as follcv,s: Co, u•,(.,neill q at the '�Or"n-;est cCrnnr o'" tnence Snuth 9 52'19East a distance 0` 5�'.4n `Cr.' alon 'r)e n, h 'hnr s,hhr ,uhchl si0^ tc a point or. the East margir of 36th Avenue Sou* h and the ^r nE,; ;" +S: thence South OC 2''42" East a distance of 247.45 fee' nlonn the Eist '•'a�":'n r;f 3�t^"•venue South to the inters8etion with the Easte,l✓ ",, :;11 or Uh A enuc _out 'ary 'Road l: thence South 22,56' 42' East a c'istaIue ilonn r Fhs r ' o` 3't" %,,enue Soutn; thence North 63°59 OC East 0 'iist�ncc, c` 322.25 'Cr!, hr ce r h a d stance of 7C.83 feet to the 0rtn li'•C ^` s-hid s„ti ivisinn, `.hOrce ';art Q 1'est a distance of 269.70 fee alone the n.� Cf sa;c' suhd�visiContaining 'lo�•t''• approxilrately :.04, a es 43 seen 0 `net` LOT 1 r I the t;crthwest quarter of -haf portion of thr 'forth nal` Cf t.h0 Srluthe,s_ a.,a� to o r nc County, Washington, described Section 22. 7rn:•nship 22 t�orU,, Rnnne 4 Eas'_-. r+.t'• • _ as follows: Commencing at the `dorthwest corner of said suhc'ivision; thence South 89°52'19" East a distance of 6R.40 feet along the '�Crth ,i"e P,f said s'•�tdivision to a point on the east wargin of 36th Avenue South; thence South 0( 21'42' East a distance of 81.45 feet along; the East margin of 36th !venue South t� the UE O;"_ Of BEGINNING; thence continuing ; along said Cas: street ria,gin South 00 2'.'42 Fast a distanc0 of 166.00 feet to the in along tersectign with the Easterly mare& of 3,"h ,"vr^ue South ;Old Military P.oad); thence South 28 56'!2- East a0distance of 15.47 feet :''0nc; the [.asterty n,arnio of h458Avenue ce South; thence ?In th 53 59'00•' fast a cistancc c` 12_.39 fcet;G tcontaininnapor•cximately West a distance or 1 2.25 feet to -he 7, ' 9,f,'Z square feet „ 2 2•' 1 c,'e , LOT 2 F t <C„thnast nuar'r n° the Northwest quarter of Fi That portion f the t;ortl hal Cf hr m, Co;lnty, '�gashington, des- tl RannO Ist, Section 22, "Oan,shir 22 'lo+ h, c'•�hed as follows: 0 the 'Jor'h�,�e cer•nOr nF caul suh:!;v;°,ion•, thence' South�89 52'19" Fast Cormlencinu at I s. `r 4t� feet ale""; "�r n••th line Of 5a��' suhdivis�nn to a point on te a distance o` 6;. nr �E , thence c; th 00 21' East n,a,•q, n F 3 r'. ; i, a r E. ; r, � kith ;rn,m �muth; thence a2' East 0� ,'•1 `cc, a1onr s .0. ,�1., 5t ,, rl c ,nee of 15'C.• r r,,,� ��cr ,nr t' z°,WOO ast a Instance .,o, 9, 1- -0 n tin 'rnr'h 'one cf said sub- �, of 19 '.6 FOe' unc� ',r ��+,nuc `f Ir,�' *n !f POINT Of rr r div,sicr,; thence 0 aFrel. AEG, l G, COr.ni,lhi,r , a;c ,y .1r[N4vioo✓>.1 1" T/!/1 J!/4O/✓/t/Oit/ /J /fA'OL1F �►'iT'S/Ti: E fxEf �'V'f�Vr .RA� �bf/ .Ot'�'�'�'i� I✓/1.f/ l.�E Its/,rii�1 Q� T•✓t c�rr or ..ra.orf2.L pFf✓.9rE.E i p e',wovE.o ds- �.�f ci>s� e�E,✓r s r�pr os A L.17L s � , /vso C', w,aewww Qr rE.e�� ,�a✓4�r Jtiao�r%vGs v eewllw/1E6 ,�/.✓d L'd!/.l�fY .01JE.fJ'Q.R.r OAF/t6'. co�.vrr .vrsE.rro.� qL_ A.14 , i. . kw, QUITCLAIM DEED �7,,N al 'as day a f A(Z&A',C_r J"" coas —.HIS INDEN'TUPE, madeOf the a.) 1, 1" 1975, between the U'.JITED STATES of ,RrRiCA, acting by and through I V . U9 , " , %qelfarl! lhel'vi" CJ110(1 thu Secretary of jjcjlt!j, 1_1%jeitlon, an the secretary) acting by and thr,.)ui4h the Regional Director for i n x of the It' ent 0- -1, Lducat'o n, and Welfare (herein called the Departrent) undel and pursuant to the powers tive Property and Administrative in tiji. 1,edural Pro, and authority cont,-1j:1e(j Se ry ices Act Of 1149 (63 :;tat. 377), ,!; 71M,--nded, and Title VI Of the C1%,ij Act of 1964 (78 fzLo',.and re(j.uliLiolls promul(ji Lc-d thereunder, (;PANTUR; and the (1tv of scnt.Lle, a Political subdivis ion of the State of Washington, GRANTEE. Of the reservations, conditions, The (1111,NTORinco.nbideration after r forth and the agree ct covenants, and restrictionS _ of the GIU1:41'UL; faithfully to observe end performthe rar.1c, ment and or other good and valuable considerations, receipt Of which U. R ULME AND QUITCLAIM is hereby acYnowlvd9,:d, jo..s hereby REMIS S I GRANTEE, guccossors anf3I nsitjns, nil of the right, s. 'Into tjj�; 'or title, interest, property, and estate Of t 1i e GRANTOR to the al property described as follows: That port 0 ion section 22. Township 22 worth. wn hin9t 4 Fast, W. M­ in King County, du.,;cribed as follows: Corunc-licinq it the northwest corner of OIL southeast ju,-rt_er of the norti-W_%t (ju.irL4,r rOuLl"9-52'19" S(,4.ion 22; th,�!Ilcc of said st f) I k,j the north- line of Said east 01 rjR.40 of: t1kc. northwes-�qui,rtcr qu.jr Ler 4 h j%vulluk! Sr�)VLh; 01.0,1117". Of 3 14 to titr. east naicli- 0*21142" vast along sair! vast -m-irijin south south 99152,19" cast, 207.45 feet; thvnce nbu of I)eclinning; 81.12 fcot to the tract point south 89052*19" 00 s'st". - thence continuing : 352.92 feet: thenc,= north 50*3V00" we west, 215.0 feet: thence south 5305!)'00" of 1w,(Onriing. 4. 231.52 f._.t.t to the true point WITH Impreiv(.11'ents lo,:att d tii, onr . Pj1B.j*.,t'T To the in the Unj tt:-A 0, r,!r.,:!rvnLirMA rd, 1 lilyStates i.jtcnt and eanements Of rv-_­) A 4, �J, MOM[ - a; { F y . +.' sUBJECT TO all easements, ens, eservations, exec tiona 1 li n z a ,� "'br interests of record or now 4existing on the above -identified ° ` r property lle Wr the tenements, heredita- TOGETHER WITH, all and singular, q+r wants and appurtenances thercunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and +x O co remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof and also all the 4; Lr) estate, right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and x a demand whatsoever in law as well as in equity of the said GRANTOR, of, in or to the above -identified property for every part and pared thereof, except an herein otherwise expressly provided and except as th" same or any thereof are herein reserveZ, :unditAoliu 1, J lra!_ed or re:%tric!-ed. :: en4w4"pS, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above -identified property, together with the appurtenances, unto the said GRA::TEE, its successors and ansiyns and each of t1Ues; rl(OVIDFD, 110ttiCEH, that this deed is made and accepted upon each of the following conditions subsequent, which shall be binding upon and enforceable against the said GRA:+T:.E, its successors or assigns, and each of them as folluwe: 1. That for a period of Unirty (30) years from the date of this% used the above -identified property i herein conveycd shall be utilized continuously } for pu'.)lic health purposes in accordance with the • proposed program and plan as set forth in the Application of the GRANTEE dated February 26, 1974, as amended or supplemented by further commanicutions s,, .r from the GRANTLI: to the Depar'-ment, and each and F all of the letters, mays, drawings and other Pape!"; 2 4y. transmitte,, with r: rcfcrred to in any of the foregoinq, and for no ether purpusc. "s tir r K it w r , -2- �. , -..r � -• aL�" K':. a,S?�,�3,... !£ .. `?•,. tip' , .a.. i'r, w • �,,� "� �s5 o-d3*F.n- a ^k ci _I t'r"f 't'd.' '.' CJ. 2. That during the aforesaid period of thirty (3t1) a �Y %i intierc to #'c' a! r���ac3`wr or ^: csc st.±nr> on `the aa.r:,_rwidcrta c • ., years the said GRAIMEE will resell. lease, �' y„s p;c,ar rtgage or encumber or otherwise dispose of the i s, h _d.t� � a twalanc 4 `g;:filar, ttxt'. Cr+... ab'�o'vcii�-idcntificd1property or any part thezco� or ,.. .5 th= •., R•_ r :.girt) ism''. ntezest thereinonly as the Secretary, or h .-� + ' ;-i �• i'e',nr"'Erl .t ;,.,., .'t[•S I„ i. successor in function, in accordance with the v I applicable regulations, may authorize in writing. n c 1 Ca. z°r $:icjll t C.wi.= .. sr t• _§ , R ._ r 3, ghat one year from the date of this deed and dun, t, z annually thereafter for the aforesaid period of `' + t'S' thirty ti years, unless the Secretary, or his thi. _y (30) i successor in unction, otherwise dltccts, the GltJ11I1'I t: will filer with the Uel,artmcnt, or its suecc .sor in .uriction, reports on the operauor• end na:^tcnancc of thc,`ahuvr-ldcntlflcu t,roi„_•rtv, oad will evidencinc as rtyuested, such other pertinent data J S ,• r , •rtv for th(. ;,url -)'- i , c p clfirc: �n Lill Pr 1 1i .,r „ti;l ,ins• f Mir-' sl q,' 'Mj1at'duriny t:,c o: �ra5,3:d �,urior3 of thirty (30I r.t,c aF{iC LTL1t. LL +'i11 Jat .ill ti.'c. l,c an rcr,ain n fu.'.i :uhvrtt-d instrtutivn or a n^,n-I,rofit in�ti ur_ioa, a• r l _r.r' r c rtinn 7 ,1,1a12„LI J,7, •,: + c;(,Cl ' Ir,R [ •'CTt'L t ^.• under Section �6l(6) of the 1939 In'crnal ltcvcnuc Code or Sc+ _,on 501 (c� xf1) of tlic 19 Internal ,tr`vcnt . Corlc, 5. -That for the i.•,> aoci dur ng which the above- 1. In tl identificc. property is used for i purpose for -- :stance rs which the Irdezal financial a .+� �. q ••, . .. .. extended by the licpartmcnt or for ono her purpurc I : • involving the provi�sion of similar S [vlc'r or benefits. file GFv\dT-:1: "',rcby �yreen that it will comply with Title VI of the Civil Pig`ltn Act of ,. itirements i:nlN,sc, 1364 (fin d h.,• or pursuant to the Regulation of the Dcparta:ent Coda of Federal of ili:alth, Eriucatina and �<cl _anr (t,5 3- - � Regulations Part 80) issued pursuant to 4" that title, to. the and that, in accordance with Title VI" Of that Act ct and the Regulation no person in the United Stater. shall, on the ground of race, color or national origin, P be excluded from participation in, be denied the ;J1 00 benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to dis 0 0 crimination under the program and plan referred to in condition subsequent numbered 1, above, or under any other program or activity Of the GRANTEE, its successors or assigns, to which such Act and Regulation IJPP17 by reason of this conveyance. G. That the GPV-TM, shall, within a reasonable tilrl-I following the date of this deed, relocate the existing perimeter fence, or install a new cyclone fence, along the now reservation boundary on the north, to connect with tho existing fencing along the cast and west boundary lines, at . n 1 6 expense to, and to the satisfaction of, the Department. In the event 0: a breach of any -)f the conditions subsequent set forth above whether caused by the legal or other -ors or assigns, Cc perform ir.�I)ility of raid GnANTT-E, It!; su,:cc,-;!, ally of the obligations herein set forth- all right' title and interest in and to the above -identified property shall, at the to and becorc the property of the option of the GRANTOP, revert UNITED STATES OF xm;HICA, whit;', in addition to all other remedies for ­ Luch Preach, shall have an i"ieclintc: ri,!.-,t a: entry thereon, anu* 11 the said GRANTEE, its successors or assigns, shall forfeit ail right, title and interest in and to the above -identified 4, an, and all Of tile tenements, heredital,--entr ar! ' property an thereunto belonging; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the appurtenances ucct.,snor in failure of the secretary, or his sIf fu::=1,.inn, to insist 4 V MWMMMMMM� fwmwmv� •� 'I, "� �.' 'i I" AA til "v_; k'_ 09ML AM 'k 1.ro'•Z'..a"A Ad. � Sd' Y.'"erd �` � �+: >M2 tL". .-.J � . hr,+, .{• iV. .,�. ... f Wig? a . b ,. ,i/ .. _ ., ,. 7.•.r.. 77 in any one or more instances upon complete performance of any of t °. s-the said conditions shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquish- _.went of the future performance of any such conditions, but the obligations of tilt! said GRA.tiTEE, its successors and assi,ns, with t `,•, 3' respect to such future performance shall continue in full force r and effect; PROVIDED FURTNL'R that in the evert the UNITED STATES xs` OF AMERICA fails to exercise its option to re-enter the premises j i for any such breach 9f conditions subs«quent numbered 1, 2, �, 4, and t� G within. thirty-one (31) years fron the date of this deed, said conditions numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and G together with all rights of the UNI';.;D STATES OF*x4ERICA to re-enter for any breach thereof as in this paragraph provided, shall, as of that date, terminate and be extinguished; PROVIDED FUR1171.R tiwt the expiration of conditions subsequent nur,i,ered 1, 2, 3, 4, End G and the rights to re-enter shall not affect the obligation of the GRANTEE, its i successors and assigns, with respect to cond,tion subsequent numbered S herein or the right reserved to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to re-enter for breach of raid condition. In the event title to the above -identified property is reverted to ':hc UNITIiD STATES OF AMERICA for noncompliance, or 1 voluntarily reconveyed in lieu of rev.ztcr, the said GRANTEE, its successors and assign, at the option of the Secretary, or I his successor in function, shall be responsible and shall be i required to reimburse the UNI'PED STATES OF A.ML'RICA for the decreased value of the at,ove-identified property not due to 1 reasonable wear and tear, acts of Cod and alterations and conversions ;Wade by the sold GRANTEE to adapt the property ;o ! the use for which the property gas acrluired. 1'l:e UNITED S'iA'1'I:S 1 Or A?1.1:RICA shall, in addition thereto, be reimbursed for such ` ` U.Inaycs, including such costs as mal be incurrr•: in-ocov:rinr� title to or po,session of the above -identified prv;:erty, as it rjuy sustain as a result of the noncompliance. .. ,.'.: �. .. �' �'. i.".� 1{u'::mot ,�•. �. -�,i ... .; F�',,. J. s' . .aP&.., `..irk*'` .£•., w,,; ei .J .. J. _. c—. .. 1 ,.afy.�}':•. .%�.i^'Qlv'.".3KY ''a3e•�•� yY, _'. � c ., :.. a ,J� -- {•, " ,��Jr" `q1^x•" r'�`.ti+ ;'�•"�" '�ik" � � �"•7 rF tti� ,-n�,,, ..� tzr��tr ���1. ,i•r •a"tr•.r .. .1 _ ,'. f h condi-tions or Sala said`CPANTEE May secure abrogation o t c 6S6re d1, , 2.., 3•�.,4,�..and G herein bf =csa sdt5 egac�t n. , niny'ihc consent'of the SecretJry or his - `succes,sor in function; and �p 'b Payment to the UNITED STATES bF AMLRICA in 0' '` accordance with the following conditions: CO abrogation is requested by the G?ANTLL for s the purpose of r1dying the property or a portion ' {' thereof available to servo the needs rlr purposes "" or a`third party,"pnyr•ent shall be baned upon the current fair value, ns of the date of any such " requested abrogation, of the property to be, released fropl the conditions and r'nstrictions, "less amortized credit at the rate of'thrce and dine -third 13-1/3) percent of the public benefit `r'allowancc gtantcd'-on the original sale price'for L'ach 't:+clve '(l?) month n ciuri.ncl which the 1-''• r'o(,�•rtf `hasiL,:esl oti.13z�d Li accnYdancc with _ 1"' t?ic`pu'rpases specified -i}I 'the aLovc-idr_n'tificd' :. _ program ar.d plan.'' vc:rsi'. tii).'if abrorlat`ion" is'requcst.-d by thcG%'\ =L "thc`j;urpotc of ma}:ing' the proper a'va4lnDlc t::.'• ouccrr as` sc^•Ir ty"for, flnancinq of new''constructien',' for r acquirrng ub�!>tL c or batter iaci`i icy o for r�locae3'r; cl�cwhcrc;' ail for t'hr' purpose of f 9 r:,, r :�i= • • {uriher''advancing or prcmotin7 ihc•proTlr.l^, 1 k • .. O .. 1 a In thr_"�lIA :'t .iCll'. r'1 Cii )-ZrJtir•]t'.1 �Inlf p�. 'ay +tnt i:hali„};c'taascd u(.un ".h_ pul,lic' ' brncE.c 51l'o'•.•anc:r_�^r�nt,edto UTIC, �• 6ne hundred (loo) percent :ron'tl:c N-I price o lY, r - !huv ;aG3' I o }t.j7 jrnd "( 2,voO.U6) oiFars as of the .ntc of this instrvmcnt, less a-r•xlit at the rate of C F i M y , M �, j. y •"IY one-third (3-1/3) p ercent of the ,a three and « ublic benefit allowance granted for I each twelve (12) months during which the property has been utilized in accordance with 1 the purpose specified in the above -identified program and -,plan; provided, however, the 94� _ ID shill execute such agreement, supported ° OGRANTEE co by surety bond or other security that may he i + � deemed by the Secretary to be necessary or s�. advisable, to assure that the proceeds of sale *<`' obtained by GRANTEE in any disposal of any portion a. of the property for effectuating one or another of the aforesaid purposes for which abrogation is requested, will be devoted to the program 2 specified in the above -identified program use (. and plan. �{ The GRANTEE by the acceptance of this deed covenants and for it -'elf, its successors and assigns, and every successor Crre* a rees g herein conveyed or any part thereof-- I in interest to the property which covenant shall attach to and run with the land for so the property herein conveyed is used for a purpose for lor.� as the Federal financial assistance is eXt(.:;ded by the which for another purpose involving the prQ'ision of i Departr-11t or 1 or henefits and which covenant shall in any similar services without regard to technical classification or desig- ` :J event, and legal or otherwise, be binding to the fullcsl- extent nation, law and equity, for' -he benefit and in favor of and permitted by CP.A:PPoR and its nj cc.essors against the GRANT 1:Z, 01 enforceable by the and assigns, and every successor in interest it:; successors to the property, or any part thereof -- that it will c�mi,J} Vi of the Civil Rights hcL of 13G4 (78 btat. 2411 r wits. Title imposed by or purusua)t to the ccec;ulation of and all requirements the Ucpartment of livalth, Iclucation, and welfare: (45 Code of r I � Z` .Y -7- ,F .,r 'm»s, r , � f ru •e � � .s tlw w , '' i=" a. 'y7M_" -� �.t r � ,�" ky5�,f}. •:• �`iY,7 , �r .V"t' r to have been received and held in trust by the GRANTEE for the y GRANTOR and shall be subject to the direction and control of the _ Secretary, or his successor in function"w The GW,';TEE by the acceptance of this deed further covenants and agrees for itself, its successors or asaigns, that at all "^ — times during the period that title to said property is vested in 0 the GR/iNTEL subject to conditions subsequent numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, Co and 6 hereinbefore set forth (except for any period during which ' O lf) the GRANTO:' exercises the right to reposness, control'and use the •� 5 . r same as provided in the next succeeding paragraph hereof) the G13.INTE'1: ;boll at its own sole• cost rtnd .,x;,ensc keep and maintain the property and the improvements thereon, including all buildings, structures and equipr'�ent at any tin^ citu:+te upon said property, in good order, condition and repair, and free from any waste whatsoever; and in the event any thereof shall need restoration or repair, or shall become lost, damaged or destroyed by any cause other than ordinary wear and tear, acts of God or alterations or conversions made by the GRANTEE to adapt the property_ to the use for which it is acquired, the GRANTEE will promptly repair and restore the property or improvements to their former condition and use, or, in the ca=^ of improvements. will replace them wit; "�• i equivalent or more suitable improvements. If the CRANTEE, its successors ^r assigns, shall cause any of said improft—nta to l be insured auainst 1,,cs, damage or destruction, and any such loos, damage or destr•.ietion shall occur during the period GR:•::'TEE holds title to said property subject to conditions subsequent numLerA 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, said insurance and all monics payable to the WiNNTEL, its successors or as:,ign:., thcr,•u:.1'!1 shall, he held :n trust tr• the CVN—i :1:, its successors or assigns, and ::hall be promptly us•:ct by the GIV%NTLE for Uir jvr nr.c of rcj,•,i: i nrj 4 i such irprovemer.ts and restoring the rare to their former condition and use or for the purpose of replacing said improvements with equivalent or more suitiolc improvements, or, if not so 1 } z ; ' 1 N �.s� `����,aF� •C ,"3+•,y��^.,r^^,ea. �0. "9tM -vim''-n.'�"iF.+�.r `. •'.y f .yss, - .. T r. _ � I 't.(: Ij.t':Y. }.;^.!?9: rKi :-'a; ... ...+ ..... ,. .• :. a- t.'. . � I'.li used, shall be paid over to the Treasurer of thc,United Statestlh in an amount not exceeding.the unamortized public benefit allowance of the improvements lost, damaged or destroyed. The GRANTEE, by the acceptance of this deed, further covenants and agrees for itself, its successors and as that the UNITED STATUS OF A1%91pICA shall have the right during j w W any period of emergency declared by the President of the United O States or by the Congress of the United States to the full unrestricted possession, control and use of the property i here!:•• conveyed, or any portion thereof, including any additions or improvements thereto made subsequent to this conveyance. Prior to the expiration or termination of the thirty 00) year period 'of restricted ise,by the CWNTEE, such use may be either uxcxluaivc or nonc•x(:.,l:, :c , n< shall not iml>o:u n .} ohliq,tion .. _ u1Jon tilt GfiJv rr,mcnt rent cr an, )th--r feo,!! or chtrn,:n d_riny the period of emergency, cs:cept that the rover, t shall (i) bear the entire ,opt pf raintenance of :uch portion of the property used by it cy.clu lively or, over which it,.may have e>.rju.ive possession or. control, (ii) pay the fair share, commensurate with the use, of th- coat of maintenance of such of the property as it may use nonexclusively< or ovcr,which it ma}• have nonexclusive posses, —ion or contrpi, (iii) pay a.frir r,.ntal for thr: use• of the improvements or additions _o the i.,., prami a,<:, made by thu said CNN,%T1:E without Government aid, and (iv) be r,.sponsiblc for a,y damage to the property caused by nable wear and tear and act„ of C-1 and,the common it!; vac, r aso _.. , Subs._: vent to tl,c cx,iratic., or termination j enr,y excepted. 1 , of the thirty .(30) year perir: of r stri,:teu' une, the ohl'_,lationn of the Government shall Uc as set forth ii, tho precedinq sentence, and in aGdition the Government shall tic ^b, gated to Pay a fair rental for all or any aortion of con'�eyed premises which it uses i �r% I F ,= IN WITNESS %HEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed as of the day and year _first above written. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Acting by and through the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare GRAJNT0R By E. Ke y, Re�.n rector Be Region X, Department th, Education,and Welfare Pursuant to the authority of Ordinance 104744 , the foregoing conveyance and the real property described therein is hereby accepted for and on behalf of The City of Seattle which by such j acceptance agrees to assume and be bound by all the obligations, conditions, covenants, and agreements therein contained. THE CITY OF SEATTLE, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, located in K' g County GRANTS / Hy y s/ r ,r Mayor 65 s ~• PSC �'O ATT-rST: I i' City comptroller t � i -11- co STATE OF ss County of King ) On this }t_day of A�if!ST , 1975, before me — personally appeared Bernard E. Kelly, to me known to be the Regional Director of Region X, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, and known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfafc for the United States of America, and acknowledged to me that he subscribed to the said Quitclaim Deed the name of the United States of-merica and the name of the Secretary of Health, Education, and welfare on behalf of she United States of America, and further that the United States of America executed the said ;nstrum ent. 1t7 WITN'ES$ eM EREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. J ' r "' •.: ( t state :rotary Pu 1-c i an .or `; J+ of Washington, residing at $CJ1GVbIC- Y My Comnlsr, R iyl�. STATE OF W.k`'}IINGTON ss Coun'.y of King ) 1975, before On this �0th-=--"ay of July SAM SMI^H JOHt: me, the undersigned officer, personally appearedand Q//Q• B. KEL'UM f, to me known. anO known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing acceptance, who being `'Y me SAMM SMIT{; Acting duly sworn, did depose and say that he, 'o77/74r0=1 is the/Mayor of Mil, B. Y.ELLUM sting The City of Scattlr:, and thct he, Q/%J// "ix�73a" , is the/City Comptroller, that they are duly designated, em.powcred, and authorized by Ordinance 104744 of The City of Seattle, Washington, approved Acting on lv 30 =07;, executethe _`orego.ng by the /Mayor acceptance and to sign their names thereto; and that they signed their names thereto and acknowledged that _.ey executed the foregoing a ri ty of Seattle, Washington, for instr•:rent for and ^n bctial.a .o_ .hc \� t9¢.pu:poses and uses therein dcscri.ec:. (• Y .- ;7o pry P is :n a� .oz the State �` CPU c .. •� -- of tashington , res-wing a.. i ; c ii � vK.( -12- expires: Dv=,_ a 'i7S I OF!7) 'kd,� his dayoL��L�17 be.- n, f INDENT "' CHIti RE, 1980, by and between t!je :AT':'; OF AliFRICA, actIn" by and thV0Wjh thy' qvCr1't3VY Of the '.."t of lJoalth An, 11t,man !­.r1.1lcC.13, (herein called the Secretary), acting by a n d through the Principal Regional Official for Region X under and pursuant to the powers and authority contained in the Federal Property and Ad.ninistrativ�' Services Act of 1949 (63 Stat. 377) as a-.lQndCd (herein called 'he I%ct) and the Civil :tiqht!,, Act of 1964 (78 Stat, 241) ar).j requl,%tions ptcirul,iated thereunder, GRANTOR and ,�1,7y OF SFAr-rLF, 3 poli- tical subdivision q ()f the State of �,,tqhin ton, GIA.%TFE: r. WIT!"ESSETH: II by QLlitClllim Duet? dated I of A,,iqust 4, 1915 (recor,iod at 7508180561, In th' O."10i,11 _1Cccrc's ol� nq County, W,,tshinqtorl) UlvrPln c3lle'! t!,p •the UNITED STATES OF AXERTCA, �jnder and j:Ursu,%)t t, tat, powers"Ind ti 1.1thorit"• colltair)-d in th., ;,rovii;inn-, Act, did CCnVCY Unto "it certain 6 Of r"'11 :iropertV situated in Kinq County, partic-'I'arl', ripscribed IT) the Deed: !-,a;d conveyance was :nick expressly subject to certain conditions, which the GRANTEE; expressly ar,.SuMcd and agreed to cbservo a7,4 perfor�n, Inc1L.,jjI--j the conditions ti subsequent de4i(lnate-i therein as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, for A perio,.! of t"UtV (30) years fr,Drn the date of the need: andea th- Pee,' providpd thlt t!lc GRANTEE nay SCcUrc abrogation cf the Conditionssubncquerlt designated 1, 2, 3. 4 and 6 ctt'llninq con:o.nt 0! t,,V 70crelary and payinci the •y current .air va'­ie Of tl,e PV-2� crt'.`7 a t 0 - said conditions I a 1) r o ri;. e ,�IJF,RFAS, t�,n now wi!-,hCq Subsequent designated 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6; 1 n d ry -ind that S in the Secret, �1,lq further ro th, it i d. the best interests of the '27it0d StZl"'S to "I'Pro" the abrogation of said condition-', designated 1, 2, 1, 4 and 6; and gERbeen given F.A, i ice of t!le proposed transaction ham to the Administrator of General services, and he has approved thereof; _X m„ c :i f ! rr „Cr,'C` Do:lar. paid by ? •. C!1_ .. i,!: LO :him (i'.,...:OR (' :1 !: hp r�1 ,'Cl' 17, the .. y ORN 'OR h,_ released Succo! :liors 9, 3, ;lc GRANTE!. have c.:.used. ( an9 year first 1 a - I ;.c'. w-i _ten. 1q 'Cy c.nu _ 1roc:;.• t cccca w s• _. ..., _ Of .._ai tn ..n(: Il Liman` SeL'v'cos '? al. Of — no tc-n i l p ac)r ('.'•. Cme C CCCa ;.. .,{r01•tl t0 r` rrincinal RC,iOnal official for ?:egior, X. Dcpartm nt ut jV a x Ilcalth cr.d Human Services, and ;mown to no to be the person 7}' who executed the within instrument on behalf of the Secretary ; of Department of Health and liuman Services for the United - p States of America, and :+c'tnowledgeci to me that he subscribed iq x3' the said 0llitclai;n Dced the nnro of the United States of %+mericia. .1"� t I`J 1CI.NESS W11ERPOF I i,avc hereunto set my hand and affixed m}' official seal the date and }'ear first above writton. Y; `.otnry Public 1❑ and t; SLaLc of re^idin:, at My commission ex-pires: ' \.r .. , : _ ..... fry L.• rr ��¢ Yam^.: s. .;^:^5:..:;`r��5�r•--[-..gr.�-. (, /y. �og for SEATTLE WATER C' FT i r- 1015.3rd AVE. - C.11 rLR f S EATTLE, wA o c s - i f n •5 r::.