HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG1998-0126 - Original - South King County Regional Water Association Member Utilities - Second Supply Pipeline Project - 02/25/1988 Second Supply Pipeline and Associated Components Including Howard Hanson Storage CONCEPTUAL AGREEMENT Between Participating South King County Regional Water Association Member Utilities And Tacoma Public Utilities, Water Division This Conceptual Agreement is a framework for updating the contract dated July 29, 1985 (1985 Contract) for participation in the Second Supply Pipeline Project (Project) between the City of Tacoma Department of Public Utilities (Tacoma) and the participating members of the South King County Regional Water Association. The participating member utilities of the South King County Regional Water Association are the City of Kent, Covington Water District, and Lakehaven Utility District (South King County Utilities, or SKCU) . This Conceptual Agreement is necessary to reflect changes to the Project -and specific elements of the Project not envisioned at the time of the 1985 Contract. It is the intent of Tacoma and SKCU that this Conceptual Agreement, in conjunction with the provisions of the 1985 Contract, will serve as the basis for a Project Agreement which will set forth in detail the specific terms and conditions under which the parties will participate in the Project. The parties 1 hereto acknowledge and agree that nothing in this Conceptual Agreement alters or affects the validity or enforceability of the 1985 Contract. The Project Agreement will be a long-term agreement in which Tacoma provides contractual rights to the Project elements set out below in consideration of financial participation in the Project by the SKCU members. The term of the Project Agreement shall be for the life of the Project. Provisions to assure long term Project operational and financial viability will be included in the Project Agreement. The following represents a conceptual agreement between the SKCU members and Tacoma regarding the participation in the Project as well as water storage at Howard Hanson Dam. For the purpose of this Conceptual Agreement, the Project is composed of the following elements: The Second Diversion Water Right (up to 65 MGD) ; The Second Supply Pipeline, from Tacoma's Headworks treatment building to Tacoma's Pipeline #4 near Portland Ave. Reservoir (approximately 33 miles with a nominal capacity of 72 MGD) ; A share of the improvements at Tacoma's Headworks diversion dam and intake (associated with the Second Diversion Water Right) ; The Seattle Intertie (approximately 8 miles) ; ° A share of the cost of the Tacoma mitigation agreements; 2 ° The Howard Hanson Dam Additional Storage Project (up to 20, 000 acre-feet per year of municipal water supply storage in Phase 1 and options to participate in Phase II) . The foregoing elements are shown on Figure 1. This Conceptual Agreement is predicated on the understanding that Seattle Public Utilities (Seattle) will participate in the Project. If Seattle fails to participate, then Tacoma and SKCU will take such actions as are necessary and appropriate under the circumstances to complete the Project, taking into account Seattle's absence. Each participant (Tacoma, Seattle, and each SKCU member) will contribute capital, in the case of Seattle and Tacoma equal to one-third of the capital costs of the Project and in the case of each SKCU member equal to one-ninth of the capital costs of the Project. Currently the capital costs of the Project are forecast at $195 million (in 1996 dollars) . In return for the capital investments, each participant will receive, except as otherwise set forth herein, the contractual right of access to and use of an undivided share of all Project facilities proportional to the capital investment made, either one-third or one-ninth as appropriate. Further, each participant will receive the contractual right to receive and use a proportionate share of the Second Diversion Water Right water supply, including water supplied by the Project (run of the river and stored water) . 3 In the Project Agreement, Seattle will be granted the ability to utilize the full capacity of the Seattle Intertie, and each of the SKCU and Tacoma will be granted the ability to utilize a proportionate share of the capacity of Project facilities downstream of the Seattle Intertie, in the manner described in the following paragraph. All of the foregoing use shall be without charge. The rights described in this paragraph are considered an essential element of this .Conceptual Agreement. Tacoma and the SKCU utilities shall each have the right to use up to one-half of the one-third of the Project facilities capacity downstream of the Seattle Intertie which could have otherwise been utilized by Seattle. To the extent such capacity is not being used, Tacoma or the SKCU utilities may use without charge all of such unused capacity on a first come, first served basis, unless and until its use is requested by Tacoma or a SKCU utility. In such case, each utility's use of such capacity shall be limited to the amount of capacity it has a right to use. Some Project participants may wish to retain their contractual rights of access to and control of their proportionate, undivided share of the Seattle Intertie. In that event, the Project Agreement will limit any such participant's contractual rights of access to and control of Project facilities downstream of the Seattle Intertie to such participant's proportionate share thereof. Except as set out above, each participant shall have the contractual right to use for its own purposes its share of the 4 capacity of Project facilities, including without limitation storage at the Howard Hanson Dam. To the extent a participant wishes to make use of any unutilized capacity of Project facilities of any other participant, including without limitation storage at the Howard Hanson Dam, it may do so without charge. Should a participant wish to make use of the capacity of Project facilities of any other participant for which the owner of such Project facilities has a use, the participant wishing to use such Project facilities may not do so without the consent of the owning participant. Under completion and execution of the Project Agreement, each participating member of SKCU will agree, as a signatory to the Project Agreement, to individually accept financial responsibility for their share of Project costs. It is the understanding of the parties that the Project Agreement will incorporate the "take or pay" provisions of the 1985 Contract which includes proportional sharing of Project costs and benefits (Section 6) . The "take or pay" obligation to be incorporated into the Project Agreement means the obligation of the Project participants to pay their proportionate share of fixed capital and fixed operations and maintenance (O&M) costs without regard to the amount of Second Diversion Water Right water taken or not taken. The "take or pay" obligation will not apply to costs which vary with the amount of Second Diversion Water Right water taken, such as variable O&M. 5 In the event that increased levels of water treatment are required in the future, provisions similar to those in the 1985 Contract, Section 4, will be included in the Project Agreement. Capital cost and fixed O&M costs associated .with water treatment will be allocated based on estimated peak flow requirements of each participant while variable O&M costs will be based on the volume of water used by each participant. During Phase I operation of the Howard Hanson Dam Additional Storage Project (Storage Project) , water available to participants can be stored at the dam in proportion to their share of the Project water between February 15 and June 30. In most years total stored water will equal 20, 000 acre-feet if Project participants commit the full amount of their allocation of Second Diversion Water Right water to storage. Water consumed by any participant during the spring refill period which prevents 20, 000 acre-feet per year of water from being placed in storage will be accounted for as a use of that participant's share of storage. If the Storage Project proceeds to Phase II, the storage of additional water for flow management and municipal supply, then participants in the Project will be accorded the opportunity to participate before Phase II is offered to other potential parties. This participation in Phase II will be up to the same proportion as their participation in the Project. Each participant shall have a right of first refusal to a portion of the share of Phase II of any Project participant which has 6 decided to forego participation in Phase II. The share of Phase II foregone shall be made available to the remaining Project participants based upon their Project share, assuming that the sum of their Project shares equal one-hundred percent of the Project. South King County Regional Water Association (SKCRWA) members may develop or may be invited to participate in artificial recharge projects that could operate conjunctively with the Project. In the event that a SKCU member develops such a recharge project and invites other SKCU members to participate in the recharge project, the SKCU member developing the recharge project agrees to invite Tacoma to participate in the recharge project. In the event that a SKCU member is invited to participate in such a recharge project developed by a SKCRWA member which is not a SKCU member, the SKCU member so invited agrees to request that the recharge project developer invite Tacoma to participate in the recharge project. Construction is scheduled to complete all Project components as soon as possible, but in any event by 2064 , concurrent with the completion of the Storage Project. Specific Project elements could be completed earlier, if the risk of earlier completion is considered to be acceptable to the participants. The SKCU parties have a potential need for water which may require action be taken to secure a water supply in advance of the Project schedule. The following sections set out the provisions under which such actions would be taken. 7 Provisions For Supplying Water to Covington Water District and City of Kent Under Certain Circumstances. The Covington Water District (Covington) and the City of Kent (Kent) have identified a need for water deliveries in the event that the Project, or certain portions of it, are delayed. This section sets forth the circumstances under which such water supply would be needed, and how the parties intend to supply it. The Contingencies set forth below permit the construction of facilities in Project right-of-way. If Kent/Covington should exercise any such Contingencies, any facilities constructed pursuant thereto can be constructed in the Project right-of- way. First Contingency - In the event that Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) authorization and appropriation for initiating Storage Project design has not been passed into law on or before October 1, 2000, and completion of the Project is delayed thereby, Covington and/or Kent may require the commencement of design of that portion of the Project stretching from a point approximately 9, 000 feet west of the Headworks Control Building to S.E. 304th Street (Kent/Covington Intertie) by providing Tacoma written notice of their desire to commence such design activity. Such design work shall be for the full Project capacity, and may be undertaken by either Tacoma or Kent/Covington, as specified in the Project Agreement, and such work shall be paid for by the party or parties which sent notice to Tacoma pursuant to this Conceptual Agreement. The right of 8 Kent and Covington to send notice to Tacoma pursuant to this First Contingency shall expire on the last day of 2001. Second Contingency - In the event that Kent and/or Covington have given Tacoma notice pursuant to the First Contingency and WRDA authorization and appropriation for initiating Storage Project design has not been passed into law on or before October 1, 2002 , and completion of the Project is delayed thereby, Kent and/or Covington may require the commencement of construction of the Kent/Covington Intertie by providing Tacoma written notice of their desire to begin such construction. Such construction work may be undertaken by either Tacoma or Kent/Covington, as specified in the Project Agreement. The Kent/Covington intertie will be sized to provide capacity adequate to serve the needs of the parties participating in the construction of this Kent/Covington Intertie. The costs of constructing the Kent/Covington Intertie will be apportioned among participating parties based on the proportionate share of capacity in the Kent/Covington Intertie that will be available to each participating party. The right of Kent and Covington to send notice to Tacoma pursuant to this Second Contingency shall expire on the last day of 2003 . Third Contingency - In the event that Kent and/or Covington have given notice to Tacoma pursuant to the First and Second Contingencies, Kent and/or Covington may elect to extend the Kent/Covington Intertie to the Project headworks by providing written notice to Tacoma of such intention. Such construction 9 work may be undertaken by either Tacoma or Kent/Covington as specified in the Project Agreement. This extension will be sized to provide capacity adequate to serve the needs of the parties participating in the construction of this extension. The costs of constructing the extension will be apportioned among participating parties based on the proportionate share of capacity in the extension that will be available to each participating party. The right of Kent and Covington to send notice to Tacoma pursuant to this Third Contingency shall expire on the last day of 2011. Fourth Contingency - In the event that Kent and/or Covington have given notice to Tacoma pursuant to the First and Second Contingencies, Kent and/or Covington may elect to extend the Kent/Covington Intertie to the vicinity of 124th Street by providing written notice to Tacoma of such intention. Such construction work may be undertaken by either Tacoma or Kent/Covington as specified in the Project Agreement. This extension will be sized to provide capacity .adequate to serve the needs of the parties participating in the construction of this extension. The costs of constructing the extension will be apportioned among participating parties based on the proportionate share of capacity in the extension that will be available to each participating party. The right of Kent and Covington to send notice to Tacoma pursuant to this Fourth Contingency shall expire on the last day of 2016. 10 Contingency Participation In the event that Kent and/or Covington exercise the First, Second, Third or Fourth Contingencies, upon such exercise Kent and/or Covington shall make a written offer of participation in the activities to be undertaken pursuant to any such Contingencies to Lakehaven and Tacoma. Upon receipt of such written notice, Lakehaven and Tacoma shall notify Kent and/or Covington whether they wish to so participate. Should Tacoma and/or Lakehaven elect to participate in any of the Contingencies, the party so electing shall pay their proportionate share of the costs of implementing any such Contingency. Tacoma option Another party or parties may elect to construct facilities pursuant to the Second, Third or Fourth Contingencies with a capacity of less than the full Project capacity. In that event, and in addition to the right to participate in such activities, Tacoma may elect to require that the facilities to be constructed be sized to full Project capacity, and Tacoma shall be responsible for paying the additional costs associated with increasing the capacity from that planned by the participating parties to full Project capacity. Water Supply If Kent/Covington exercise their rights under the First and Second Contingency, Tacoma agrees to provide to Kent/Covington for the period commencing with the completion of the Kent/ 11 Covington Intertie up to 10 MGD and up to a maximum of 3300 acre- feet per year of water from Tacoma's First Diversion Water Right. Any water committed to Kent/Covington may be recalled by Tacoma at any time after the year 2011, by Tacoma providing Kent/ Covington written notice of such recall not less than three years prior to the effective date of such recall. In payment for such water supply, Kent/Covington agree to pay to Tacoma an amount equal to the O&M costs and the capital costs of wells operated and developed to support this water supply to Kent/Covington, as set forth in Figure 2 . If Kent/Covington exercise their rights under the First, Second and Third Contingencies, and if the extension of the Kent/Covington Intertie is built to the Project headworks, then in that event on and after the last day of 2011, Kent/Covington may elect to take their proportionate share (2/9) of the water available under the Second Diversion Water Right. In payment for such water supply, Kent/Covington agree to pay the costs of exercising the right to receive such water, including without limitation the costs of the MIT Agreement, if any. Credit for Expenditures In the event that Kent/Covington exercise their rights under the First, Second, Third or Fourth Contingencies, and the Project is completed, Kent/Covington and any other party participating in any such Contingency shall receive as a credit against their share of Project costs an amount equal to the monies paid by each 12 participant to implement those portions of the Contingencies which are incorporated into the Project. In the event that Tacoma exercises the Tacoma Option to increase the capacity of the Kent/Covington Intertie and/or the extension to the headworks, and the Project is completed, Tacoma shall receive as a credit against its share of Project costs an amount equal to the monies paid by Tacoma to exercise the Tacoma Option. O&M and Sunk Costs If the Kent/Covington Intertie and/or the extension to the headworks are constructed pursuant to the Second and Third Contingencies, fixed O&M costs for operating such facilities will be apportioned among the participating parties on a basis proportionate to the capacity of such facilities which is available to each participating party, without regard to the amount of water taken or not taken. Variable O&M costs will be apportioned based on the amount of water used by each participating party. If Kent/Covington, and other participating parties, construct facilities pursuant to any of the foregoing Contingencies, and such facilities are not incorporated into the completed Project, Kent/Covington and the participating parties shall make a payment to Tacoma to compensate for a share of the costs incurred by Tacoma to procure permits, rights of way, easements and the Second Diversion Water Right. Tacoma, 13 Kent/Covington and other participating parties shall enter into good faith negotiations to determine the amount of such payment. 14 Provisions For Supplying Water to Lakehaven Utility District Under Certain Circumstances Lakehaven Utility District may need water delivery prior to completion of the pipeline portion of the Project in 2001, and prior to completion of the Project in 2004 . The section sets forth, among other matters, how the parties intend to supply it. The Options set forth below permit construction of facilities in the Project right-of-way. If Lakehaven should exercise such Options, any facilities constructed pursuant thereto can be constructed in the Project right-of-way. Tacoma will provide written notification to Lakehaven as soon as practicable after determining: (1) that the pipeline portion of the Project will be completed after 2001; (2) that the entire Project will be completed after 2004 . Option 1 Upon receipt of the written notice or notices from Tacoma described in the proceeding paragraph, Lakehaven shall have the right to: 1. By written notification to Tacoma, have Tacoma initiate and complete engineering and design work necessary to construct the mutually agreed upon facilities required to provide early water delivery to Lakehaven. 2 . Upon the completion of the design and engineering work described in subparagraph 1, by written notification to Tacoma, have Tacoma initiate and complete construction of the facilities required to provide early water 15 delivery to Lakehaven, and supply water in amounts up to 1, 650 acre-feet per year, and at a rate up to 5 MGD. The activities described in subparagraphs 1 and 2 above shall be paid for by Lakehaven. Tacoma will utilize reasonable efforts to expedite activities described in subparagraphs 1 and 2 above. In the event that Tacoma and Lakehaven agree that the development of groundwater supply from Tacoma sources is necessary to meet the early delivery water requirements of Lakehaven, the following conditions will apply: 1. In payment for such groundwater supply from Tacoma sources, Lakehaven agrees to pay Tacoma an amount equal to the O&M costs and capital costs of wells operated and developed to support this groundwater supply to Lakenhaven, as set forth in Figure 2 . 2 . When Phase I of the Storage Project begins operation and Project water is available to Lakehaven, this supplemental groundwater supply will no longer be available to Lakehaven except on an as available basis. 3 . Alternatively, a groundwater recharge project, such as Lakehaven's Oasis Project, could serve in place of the Storage Project. Implementation of such a groundwater recharge project coupled with the availability of Project water, would remove Tacoma's groundwater obligation except on an as available basis. 16 4 . In any event, any groundwater committed to Lakehaven may be recalled by Tacoma at any time after the year 2011, by Tacoma providing Lakehaven written notice of such recall not less than three years prior to the effective date of such recall. Option 2 If the Project has not been completed by the last day of 2010, on and after such date Lakehaven may elect to take its proportionate share (1/9) of the water available under the Second Diversion Water Right by way of diverting water from the Green River in the vicinity of Auburn. Lakehaven shall make such election by providing written notice of such election to Tacoma. In payment for such water supply, Lakehaven agrees to pay the costs of exercising the right to receive such water, including without limitation the costs of the MIT Agreement, if any. Lakehaven shall make a written offer of participation in the activities to be undertaken by Lakehaven pursuant to this Option 2 to Tacoma, Kent and Covington. Upon receipt of such written notice, Tacoma, Kent and Covington shall notify Lakehaven whether they wish to so participate. Should Tacoma and/or Lakehaven elect to participate in any of the Contingencies, the party so electing shall pay their proportionate share of the costs of implementing any such Contingency. In the event that Lakehaven exercises its rights under the this Option 2, and the Project is completed, Lakehaven and any other party participating in any such Option 2 activities shall 17 receive as a credit against its share of Project costs an amount equal to the monies paid by each participant to implement those portions of Option 2 which are incorporated into the Project. If facilities are constructed pursuant to this Option 2 , fixed O&M costs for operating such facilities will be apportioned among the participating parties on a basis proportionate to the capacity of such facilities which is available to each participating party, without regard to the amount of water taken or not taken. Variable O&M costs will be apportioned based on the amount of water used by each participating party. If Lakehaven, and other participating parties, construct facilities pursuant to this Option 2, and such facilities are not incorporated into the completed Project, Lakehaven and the participating parties shall make a payment to Tacoma to compensate for a share of the costs incurred by Tacoma to procure permits, rights of way, easements and the Second Diversion Water Right. Tacoma, Lakehaven and other participating parties shall enter into good faith negotiations to determine the amount of such payment. Tacoma Option Another party or parties may elect to construct facilities pursuant to Option 1 or Option 2 with capacity less than the full Project capacity. In that event, and in addition to the right to participate in such activities, Tacoma may elect to require the facilities to be constructed be sized to full Project capacity, and Tacoma shall be responsible for paying the additional costs 18 associated with increasing the capacity from that planned by the participating parties to full Project capacity. Other Matters In the event that Lakehaven pursues piloting of artificial recharge in the Mirror Lake or Redondo-Milton Channel aquifers, Tacoma agrees to extend the Interim Water Supply Agreement, dated June 8, 1995, for an additional four years (from June 8, 1999 until June 8, 2003) , on the condition that Lakehaven pays any additional costs of water transmission or installation or operating costs of any pumping facilities which may be required. DATED this ZS 8z day of 1998 . Tacoma Public Utilities City f Kent By: By: Mark Crisson Jrit Director M yor Lakehaven Utility District Covington Water District By: By: President Presi tent Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioner Lakehaven Utility District By: President Board of Commissioners 19 associated with increasing the capacity from that planned by the participating parties to full Project capacity. Other Matters In the event that Lakehaven pursues piloting of artificial recharge in the Mirror Lake or Redondo-Milton Channel aquifers, Tacoma agrees to extend the Interim Water Supply Agreement, dated June 8, 1995, for an additional four years (from June 8, 1999 until June 8 , 2003) , on the condition that Lakehaven pays any additional costs of water transmission or installation or operating costs of any pumping facilities which may be required. DATED this day of , 1998 . Tacoma Public Utilities City of Kent By: By: Mark Crisson )J* White Director r Lakehaven Utility District Covington Water District By. By. {' President Pre ident /,2-/ Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioner Lakehaven Utility District President Board of Commissioners 1? I � D n N ml O Z 0 v IC.s I . o Cn C f ' r f f I � r �� fIIm O �, I�n C3 CA f I� os ass Zoecn rn x H I examples of Groundwater Cost CSICUIRtion Capital Cp%to Produce 3300 AM Feet From h Tacotns_AQ�L Assumptions: 1) For estimating purposes each well produces 1500 gpm 2) Pumping period is 120 days 3) Drilled well casing and screen has a 40 year economic life 4) Pumps, motors, electrical equipment and telemetry equipment has 25 year economic life 5) Well building has 50 year economic life 6) Inflation is 3%per year 7) discount rate is 6% per year T2lcal well constnion c=(Plant costs) 8B drilled in 1989 cost S93,020 3% inflation 1990-1996 (7 years) (1.03)'(93,020) = S 114,403 Annual cost 40 year life @ 6% S 7,603 0.06646 (114,403) = Pump, motor, electrical& telemetry equip. in 1990 cost S102,626 3% inflation 1991-1996 (6 years) (1.03)6 (102,626)-S122,541 Annual cost 25 year life @ 6% S 90586 0,07823 (122,541)= Well building(U.P•)in 1987 cost $91,114 3% inflation 1988-1996 (9 years) (1.03)9 (91,114)= S118,883 Annual cost SO year life @ 6% 0.06344(118,883)- �"` # Total estimated annual capital cost per welt SZ4,73 i (does not include land or land rights, engineering costs, environmental and permitting costs or transmission piping from well to distribution system) Production—1500 Mm {60 325,851 gal/acre feet —795.5 acre feet/well Number of wells needed — 3300 acre feet 795.5 acre feet/well =4.15 say 4 wells ' • 4 {S24,731) Total estimated annual capital cost to produce 3300 acre feet/year= = S98,924 H C C+7 N Page 1 of 4 Q&M Cost Calculation Capital Cost to Produce 3300 Acre Fyn From Groundwater in South Taco n■ 1 nuffer Include only costs directlytelsted to aroundwat ly. XAg 0.1082(7,573,029)12—$409,701/yr Sgaalst Sup& 600, Source of Supply General 0.1082 (237,339)/2—$12,840/yr 601.31 Source of Supply Was 601.33 (59,589 + 137,813)/2=$98,701 601.4 Water Supply Control 0.1082 (451,626)/2=S24,433/yr 601.7 Fleet Services 0.1082 (489,914)/2=S26,504/yr 603. Miscellaneous 0.1092 (139,292)/2—$7,049/yr 610. Maintenance Supervision&Engineering 0.1082 (22,459)/2—$1,215/yr 611.4 Maintenance Wells& Springs 185,213/2 =S92,607/yr 612.0 Misc. Maintenance Water Supply Plan 0.1082 (2,311)/2- $125/yr $263,474 Water Treatment 640. Supervision&Engineering Operation 0.1082 (182,924)/2- $9,8961yr 641. Chemicals 0.1082 (600,019)/2—$32,461/yr 642. Operating Expense Treatment 0.1082 (524,403)/2=$28,370/yr 642.5 Fleet (Treatment) 0.1092 (36,368)/2—$1,968/hr 642.7 Fluoride Application Plant 0.1082 (19,488)/2 —S1,054/yr 643. Miscellaneous 0.1082 (60,890)/2= S3,294/yr • 650 Supervision&Engineering Maintenance ' Page 2 of 4 0.1082 (46,088)/2 — $2,493/hr 652 Water Treatment Equipment Maintenance 0.1082 (251,961)/2—$13,631/yr 652.14 Fluoride Plant Maintenance 0.1082 (5,388)/2 -S291/yr 653. Miscellaneous Maintenance 0.1092 (16,477)/2— $991/yr S94,679/yr H,ItIr Transmission & Storage 660. Supervision&Engineering Operation 0.1082 (320,664Y2=S17,348/yr 661. Operations 0.1092 (235,034)/2-$12,716/yr 665. Miscellaneous Operations 0.1082 (40,628)/2= $2,198/yr 670. Maintenance Supervision&Engineering 0.1082 (10,039Y2— $543/yr 671. Maintenance Transmission 0.1082 (345,276)/2— S18,6791hr 672. Maintenance Storage 0.1082 (20,519)/2—S 1,110/yr 673. Miscellaneous Maintenance 0.1082 (37,967Y2— $2,054/yr 681.3 Care of Grounds 0.1082 (95,781)/2—$5,182/yr 685.12 Building Services 011082 (1,391,338)/2—S75,271/yr $I35,101Iyr Source of Supply $2631474 Water Treatment 94,679 Trans. &Storage I35.101 S493,272 Taxes 423,472 1,034,131 (409,701) = SI9 .424 Total Estimated O&M Demand Costs for 17 Wells $688,6961yr Total for 4 wells 4 (688,696) — $162,046/yr 17 ' Page 3 of 4 Total Estimated Annual O&M+Capital Costs for 4 wells to produce 3300 acre feet for Scenario No. 2- SI62,046+598,924-5260,9701yr' • Note that this is an annual cost since capital costs and the mayority of O&M costs are axmual whether or not wells are actually pumped in a given year. r r Page 4 of 4