HomeMy WebLinkAboutIT1998-0315 - Original - Williams Communications Solutions, LLC - Purchase of Nortel Phone System & Services - 12/18/1998 TELEPHONE SYSTEM REPLACEMENT AND BUILDOUT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is entered into between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington Municipal Corporation("City"),and WILLIAMS COMMUNICATIONS SOLUTIONS, ("Williams"), a Delaware corporation, located and doing business at 22522 29te Drive Southeast, Suite 101,Bothell,Washington 98021. In consideration of the City's payment at the rates and terms established in this agreement for the goods and services that Williams will deliver and provide as established in this agreement, the City and Williams agree as follows: I. PAYMENT SCHEDULE AND TERMS. The following payment terms apply to the purchase of goods and services defined as part of this contract: 1. Fifty percent(50%)of the contract total upon delivery of equipment to the City. 2. Thirty percent(30%)of the contract total upon Cutover and initial operation of the system by the City. 3. Twenty percent(20%)upon formal acceptance of the system by the City,as defined in the System Acceptance section below. The initial installment of the Cash Price must be paid to Williams by Customer within thirty (30)days from the time the equipment is delivered to the site specified(the"Premises"). All other installments will be invoiced upon occurrence of the applicable event that makes the installment,which will be due and payable forty-five(45) days from the invoice date. All other charges authorized by this Agreement or by subsequent authorization of Customer will be invoiced when incurred and will be due and payable forty-five (45) days from invoice date. All payments will be subject to a late payment service charge of 1%per month(or as limited by applicable law)on payments in arrears for more than forty-five days after invoice date. II. SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE. When the installation has been completed,Williams will test the equipment and software (hereinafter, the "System") according to the manufacturer's diagnostic and readiness test specifications in preparation for connection to the public telephone network ("Cutover"). The parties agree that a condition of acceptance of the System shall be continuous operation in accordance with manufacturer's specifications for a period of twenty-one consecutive days-, (the"Acceptance Period')without a Major Failure, as that term is defined in this Agreement. In the event of a Major Failure,the Acceptance Period shall begin again and shall continue until the acceptance condition is met. When the System has operated in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and without a Major Failure for a period of twenty-one consecutive days, the City shall provide Williams with written notice either accepting the System or setting forth deficiencies in operation. Notice shall be provided no later than three calendar days after the successful Acceptance Period. If Customer provides a deficiency notice, Williams will correct the listed deficiencies at 1 which time Customer shall promptly certify in writing its acceptance of the System. Acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld. The beginning of the warranty period shall commence concurrent with a dated Letter of Acceptance issued by the City to Williams. This letter will constitute the City's formal acceptance of the system. III. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The parties intend that an Independent Contractor- Employer Relationship will be created by this agreement,the City being interested only in the results obtained under this agreement. IV. TERARNATION. The City may terminate this agreement for good cause. "Good cause" shall include,without limitation, any one or more of the following events: A. Williams' refusal or failure to supply a sufficient number of properly skilled workers or proper materials for completion of the contract work. B. Williams' failure to complete the work within the time specified in this agreement. C. Williams' failure to make full and prompt payment to sub-vendors or for material or labor. D. Williams' failure to comply with federal, state or local laws,rules or regulations. E. Williams' filing for bankruptcy or becoming adjudged bankrupt. F. Williams' failure to comply with any terms or conditions of this Agreement. If any material breach of this Agreement by Williams continues uncorrected for more than twenty (20) calendar days after written notice from the City to Williams,the City shall be entitled to declare a default under this Agreement and pursue any and all remedies available at law or equity except as specifically limited elsewhere in this Agreement. In addition,the City may suspend performance of its obligations until City's breach is corrected. If any material breach of this Agreement by the City continues uncorrected for more than twenty(20)calendar days after written notice from Williams to the City,Williams shall be entitled to declare a default under this Agreement and pursue any and all remedies available at law or equity except as specifically limited elsewhere in this Agreement. In addition, Williams may suspend performance of its obligations until City's breach is corrected. If the City terminates this agreement for good cause,Williams shall not receive any further monies due under this agreement until the contract work is completed. V. PREVAILING WAGES. Williams shall file a "Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages," with the State of Washington Department of Labor & Industries prior to commencing the contract work. Williams shall pay prevailing wages and comply with Chapter 39.12 of the Revised Code of Washington,as well as any other applicable prevailing wage rate provisions. VI. CHANGES. Any addition or deletion to the System or other change to the work shall be 2 made by means of written agreement between the parties("Change Order'). The terms of this Agreement, including the limited warranty, will apply to such Change Order and equipment or software purchased thereunder. Such warranty will terminate not later than the Warranty Period set forth in this Agreement for the original System. A Change Order must be signed by an authorized representative of each party before Williams will schedule any additional work or order additional equipment or software.A restocking fee may be charged for any configuration changes made less than fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled Cutover which result in the return of a component;such fee will be invoiced as an additional charge. The Cash Price of the System (including milestone date progress payments), Delivery Date and Cutover Date shall be subject to adjustment in the event of any mutually agreeable addition or deletion. VII. WARRANTY. For a period of one year from the date of the Letter of Acceptance, ( the "Warranty Period') Williams warrants that the System will be free from defects in materials and workmanship and will operate in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and the specifications of the City's Request for Proposal as responded to by Williams in its Response to the Request. During the Warranty Period, if warranty work is necessary, Williams will, at its option(i)repair the System in place or(ii)accept return of components of the System for repair or replacement.Such repair or replacement,including both parts and labor,will be at Williams'expense. Repair and replacement parts may be new or like new but each shall be warranted for a period of one year from the date of installation. City's SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY for breach of warranty is limited to Williams'performance as set forth above. THE ABOVE WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTIES. THIS AGREEMENT EXCLUDES ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. WILLIAMS DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY TO PREVENT UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THE SYSTEM INCLUDING TOLL FRAUD. The warranty service provided under this Agreement excludes repairs or replacements caused by: (i) damage to the System due to fire, explosion, power irregularities,power surges,Acts of God(including,without limitation,earthquakes,rains, floods or lightning),or any other cause not attributable to Williams or defects in the System; (ii)City's failure to follow applicable operation,maintenance,or environmental requirements described in any of the manufacturer's manuals, Williams' manuals, and other materials provided to City, including without limitation manufacturer's product bulletins; (iii)City's additions, alterations, modifications, enhancements or repairs to or disassembly of the System(itself or using a third party)without Williams' written consent; (iv)mishandling, abuse,misuses or damage to the System by City or a third party;(v)relocation of the System without Williams'written consent(other than telephone instruments relocated in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications); or(vi) failures or changes required resulting from the local exchange company,interexchange carrier,the power company or other transmission providers. 3 VIII. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. IN NO EVENT SHALL WILLIAMS AND ITS SUPPLIERS OR SUBCONTRACTORS, BE LIABLE FOR (i) ANY INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, (ii)COMMERCIAL LOSS OF ANY KIND(INCLUDING LOSS OF BUSINESS OR PROFITS),OR(iii)ANY DAMAGES OF ANY KIND RESULTING FROM UNAUTHORIZED USE OF THE SYSTEM, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION,TOLL FRAUD. THIS PROVISION APPLIES TO ALL CLAIMS WHETHER BASED UPON BREACH OF WARRANTY,BREACH OF CONTRACT,NEGLIGENCE,STRICT LIABILITY IN TORT OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, AND WHETHER WILLIAMS OR ITS SUPPLIERS OR ITS SUBCONTRACTORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE OR LOSS. IX. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. During the Warranty Period, in the event Williams fails to restore the System to working order within five(5)hours of the technician's arrival on-site, Williams will pay to the Customer liquidated damages in the amount of$500.00 per hour commencing with the sixth hour and continuing until the problem is resolved. Such damages shall be Customer's sole remedy for Williams' failure to complete repairs and shall not be imposed for: (i)any System outage which is not attributable to a defect in the equipment or improper installation or maintenance by Williams;(ii)any failure to restore which is a result of a force majeure event as set forth in the Agreement; or(iii)any failure to restore which is the result of a delay by Customer or any other third party to provide to Williams the services, software, parts or information necessary to restore the System. Williams shall provide Customer with verbal notification for the reasons for the failure to complete the repairs, followed up with written notification no later than one business day after the service call was placed explaining the sequence of events , the steps taken to resolve the service problem and the reasons for the delay in restoration of service beyond the time frame set forth above. In no event shall Williams'total liability under this section exceed three percent (3%)of the Purchase Price of the System as set forth in this Agreement. X, INDEMNIFICATION. Williams shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including all legal costs and attorney's fees, based on third party claims of personal injury (including death) or damage to property, arising out of in connection with the performance of this Agreement but only to the extent of Williams' negligence. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Williams' work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. IT IS FURTHER SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THIS INDEMNIFICATION CONSTITUTES WILLIAMS'WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE,TITLE 51 RCW,SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS INDEMNIFICATION. THE PARTIES ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED THIS WAIVER. 4 The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this agreement. XI. SOFTWARE LICENSE;PATENT INFRINGEMENT INDEMNIFICATION.The City agrees to execute and comply with the terms of the manufacturer's software license which is attached to this Agreement and incorporated herein.Williams shall defend and indemnify City against any claims or suits brought against City based upon a claim of infringement of any United States intellectual property right(excluding trade secrets)arising out of the use of System. A condition precedent to Williams' obligation stated above shall be that City shall have fully complied with the requirements of this Agreement with respect to retention of,assignment of,and/or sublicense of the right to use the software. Williams shall pay costs and damages in any such suit,provided Williams is notified promptly in writing of the suit, City gives Williams or the equipment supplier the sole right to defend and settle any suit and City,at Williams'request,is available to cooperate and assist in the defense. This indemnity does not extend to(i)any suit or proceeding which is based upon a patent claim covering any combination of equipment and/or software in which the System is solely an element and such element does not form a basis for the claim,or(ii)any item furnished by City,including,but not limited to, Systems or any portions thereof installed by a vendor other than Williams. Should the System become subject to a claim of infringement of a United States intellectual property right(excluding trade secrets),Williams may,at its expense and option:(i)procure for City the right to continue uninterrupted,City's use of the affected equipment, software, or services; or (ii) replace or modify the same so that it becomes noninfringing without diminishing the functionality of the System;or in the event options(i)or(ii)are not feasible, (iii)refund to the City the depreciated value of the System based on a ten year straight line depreciation schedule in which case the City shall return the System to Williams. This indemnity shall not apply to any claims arising out of use of affected items manufactured at City's request to City's production specifications or out of use of the affected items in a manner or for a purpose not contemplated by this Agreement. City's sole and exclusive remedy against Williams with regard to such a patent infringement claim shall be as set forth above. XII. INSURANCE. Williams shall procure and maintain for the duration of this agreement insurance of the types and in the amounts described below against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work by Williams, its agents, representatives, employees, sub-consultants or subcontractors. Before beginning work on the project described in this agreement, Williams shall provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing: 1. Automobile Liability insurance with limits no less than$1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage; and 2. Commercial General Liability insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits no less than$1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and general aggregate for personal injury,bodily injury and property damage. Coverage shall include but 5 not be limited to: blanket contractual; products/completed operations/broad form property damage; explosion, collapse and underground (XCU); and employer's liability. 3. Excess Liability insurance with limits not less than$1,000,000 per occurrence and aggregate. Any payment of deductible or self insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of Williams. The City,its officers,officials,employees,agents and assigns shall be named as additional insureds on the mmuance policy,as respects work performed by or on behalf of Williams and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. Williams'insurance shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought,except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. Williams' insurance shall be primary insurance as respects the City, and the City shall be given thirty(30)calendar days prior written notice by certified mail,return receipt requested, of any cancellation, suspension or material change in coverage. XIII. OBSOLESCENCE PROTECTION. Subject to the conditions set forth herein,in the event that new hardware or software is introduced by the manufacturer of the System which is the subject of this Agreement and the use of such hardware or software requires a "forklift" change, then Williams shall allow the City to return the components purchased under this Agreement for credit towards the purchase of such hardware or software from Williams. The amount of the trade-in credit will be determined on the date of the installation of the replacement of the System and shall be calculated as a percentage of the purchase price of the returned component as follows: For the PBX and the Meridian Mail System: Within 12 months after Cutover Date— 70% Between 12 and 24 months after Cutover Date 60% Between 24 and 36 months after Cutover Date 50010 Between 36 and 48 months after Cutover Date 40% Between 48 and 60 months after Cutover Date 30% More than 60 months after Cutover Date No credit For the Telephone Sets: Within 12 months after Cutover Date 70% Between 12 and 24 months after Cutover Date 50% Between 24 and 36 months after Cutover Date 30% More than 36 months after Cutover Date No credit 6 The credit may be applied only to the purchase of those replacement items which are similar to those returned by the City. It may not be applied to other amounts owed by the City to Williams under this or any other agreement nor may it be redeemed for cash. Components must be undamaged and in good working order. The City warrants that at the time of the return, it shall have the right to transfer title to the returned components to Williams, free and clear of any liens or other encumbrances. XIV. NUSCELLANEOUS. A. Nondiscrimination. In the hiring of employees for the performance of work under this agreement Williams,its subcontractors,or any person acting on behalf of Williams shall not, by reason of race,religion,color,sex,national origin,or the presence of any sensory,mental, or physical disability, discriminate against any person who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates. B. Compliance with Laws. Williams shall comply with all federal, state and local laws,rules and regulations throughout every aspect in the performance of this agreement. C. Work Performed at Williams' Risk. Williams shall take all precautions necessary and shall be responsible for the safety of its employees,agents and subcontractors in the performance of this Agreement. The City represents and warrants that the conditions to be encountered by Williams at the Premises and in areas where work is to be performed shall be in compliance with all applicable federal,state and local laws,rules and regulations regarding health and workplace safety. In the event of breach of the foregoing,in addition to all other remedies, Williams may immediately suspend work until the City has promptly corrected such condition(s)at the City's expense. In the event the City cannot or does not correct such condition,it will be Williams'option as to whether to recommence performance or terminate this Agreement for default. The City shall bear the risk of loss to the System from the date of Cutover but Williams shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to materials,tools or other articles used or held for use in connection with the performance of the work. D. Nonwaiver of Breach. The failure of the City to insist upon strict performance of any of the terms and rights contained herein,or to exercise any option herein conferred in one or more instances,shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of those terms and rights and they shall remain in full force and effect. E. Governing Law. This agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. If any dispute arises between the City and Williams under any of the provisions of this agreement, resolution of that dispute shall be available only through the jurisdiction,venue and rules of the King County Superior Court,King County, Washington. F. Attorneys Fees. To the extent not inconsistent with RCW 39.04.240,in any claim or lawsuit for damages arising from the parties' performance of this agreement, each party shall be responsible for payment of its own legal costs and attorney's fees incurred in defending or 7 bringing such claim or lawsuit;however,nothing in this subsection shall limit the City's right to indemnification under this agreement- G. Written Notice. All communications regarding this agreement shall be sent to the parties at the addresses listed on the signature page of this agreement,unless otherwise notified. Any written notice shall become effective upon delivery,but in any event three(3)calendar days after the date of mailing by registered or certified mail, and shall be deemed sufficiently given if sent to the addressee at the address stated in this agreement. H. Assignment. Any assignment of this Agreement by Williams without the consent of the City shall be void except that no consent shall be required for assignment by Williams to its parent, subsidiary, affiliate or to an entity which by merger or acquisition acquires all or substantially all of Williams' assets. I. Modification. No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the City and Williams. J. Severability. If any one or more sections, sub-sections,or sentences of this agreement are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, that decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this agreement and the remainder shall remain in full force and effect. K. Force Mja . Either parry's performance shall be adjusted or suspended to the extent performance is beyond that parry's reasonable control for reasons including, without limitation,the following:strikes,work stoppages,fire,water, governmental action,acts of God(including,without limitation,earthquakes,rains,floods or lightning),or public enemy, delays of suppliers, subcontractors, power company, local exchange company, or other carrier. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties below have executed this agreement. CITY OF KEN _ WILL COMMUNICATIONS S ION ,L. .C. By: Jim White By Its: Ma or Its: X`IcN t eN Date: I D��� U ' / Date: By: M Mulh Iland Its: Information Services Director Date: 8 APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: ROGER A.LUBOVICH, City Attorney 4BRENDA JACO R, ity Clerk Notices to be sent to: Notices to be sent to: CITY OF 1KENT: WILLIAMS COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS,L.L.C.: Marty Mulholland,Information Services Director Sales Manager 220 Fourth Avenue South 22522 29*Drive S.E. , Suite 101 Kent, Washington 98032-5895 Bothell, WA (253) 859-3326/fax(253) 8594018 425/489-3324/fax 425/486-0514 P:V.AWTELES\0771\Wilfi tCbbb%Mdbc 9 nnrtharn rtt taiacom REPRESENTATIVE WITH A COPY OF THE RECEIPT. NTI WILL BREACH OF ANY WARRANTY OR OTHER TERM OF THIS HAVE NO RESPONSIBILITY TO REPLACE A DISK DAMAGED LICENSE, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER NTI ANDIOR NTI'S BY ACCIDENT,AMR OR MISAPPLICATION. SUPPLIERS WERE ADVISED,HAD OTHER REASON TO KNOW, OR IN FACT KNEW Or THE POSS[BELITY N PARTICULAR, NO WARRANTY 5 BEING PROVIDED ON ACKNOWLEDGZSTHATTAEFORW4M xR$FIEC15 SOFTWARE DEVELOPED BY THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE AN INFORMED, VOLUNTARY ALLOCATION BETWEEN THE SUPPLI SUCH SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS MAKE NO PARTIES OF THE R1SIC8(KNOWN AND UNIUVQWN)THAT MAY W�EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING WITHOUT EXIST IN CONNECTION WITH THIS LI �, THAT SUCH LE $ ATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF VOLUNTARY RISK ALLOCATION WAS A MATERIAL PART OP MER ABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR THE BARGAIN BETWEEN THE PARTIES, AND THAT THE REGARDING THE SOFTWARE. NITS SOFTWARE ECONOMIC AND OTHER TERMS OF THIS LICENSE WERE BO NOT WARRANT,GUARANTEE OR MAKE ANY NEGOTIATED AND AGREED TO BY THE PARTIES IN RELIANCE ATHIMB REGARDING THE USE OR THE RESULTS ONSUCH VOLUNTARY RISK ALLOCATION. OF T�K#FUSE OF THE SOFTWARE IN TERMS OF ITS CORD1 THE EVENT CUSTOMER HAS NOT EXECUTED A SEPARATE THE E111'1 RICKK AS TO THB RELSUL CCURACY TS ANb PERFORMANCE PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH A DISTRIBUTOR, AND THIS OF ANY SUCH SOFTWARE DEVELOPED BY SOFTWARE LICENSE BECOMES EFFECTIVE BY REASON OF YOUR OPENING SUPPLIERS IS ASSUMED BY YOU. THE EXCLUSION OF A SEALED DISK PACKAGE, THE ADDITIONAL WARRANTY IMPLIED WARRANTIES IS NOT PERMITTED BY SOME PROVISIONS AND LIMITATIONS LISTED BELOW APPLY: JURISDICTIONS. THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. • "LICENSED SOFTWARE" SHALL MEAN THE COMPUTER PROGRAMS WHICH ARE EITHER OWNED BY OR LICENSED BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE TO NTI AND WHICH ARE CONTAINED ON THE DISKS EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR SUPPLIED TO CUSTOMER. "HARDWARE" SHALL MEAN ENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES,THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT ON WHICH CUSTOMER USES THE LICENSED LIMITATIOM MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. NTI'S AND NTI'S SOFTWARE. SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS COMBINED LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ACTUAyy DAMAGES FROM ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER,AND • NI'1 WARRANTS THAT THE DISKS ON WHICH THE LICENSED REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF THE ACTION(WHETHER IN SOFTWARE IS RECORDED WILL BE FREE FROM DEFECTS IN CONTRACT, TORT ((INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP UNDER NORMAL USE FOR LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE),WILL BE LIMITED TO$S& A PERIOD OF NINETY(90)DAYS AS EVIDENCED BY A COPY OF THE RECEIPT. NTI'S ENTIRE LIABILITY AND YOUR - THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS ARISING UNDER THIS EXCLUSIVE REMEDY WILL BE REPLACEMENT OF THE DISK LICENSE SHALL BE CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NOT MEETING NTI'S LIMITED WARRANTY AND WHICH IS LAW OF THE STATE OF TEXAS. RETURNED TO NTI OR AN NTI AUTHORIZED CUSTOMER HEREBY AGREES TO ADHERE TO TIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS MER SOFTWA SE AGREEMENT: CUSTOMER SIGNATURE: ____ PRINTED NAME: _ _ C�tQ'M— ----- ------------ DATE: ---------- �- �F —R------ NORTHERN TELECOM INC. ae— Rick P. Faletti President, Multimedia Communication Systems Northern Telecom Inc. Meridian Software License FORM 05-LEG-1021 9M Northern Telseom Ine.Products ntnertharn telacnm ADDENDUM A MERIDIAN SOFTWARE LICENSE NORTHERN TELECOM INC. ("NTI") TELECOMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS TRIS-LZGAL DO-C-UMENT 18 A LICENSE AGREEMENT ( ") SZTwZEN YOU, THE END-USSR AND NORTHERN TELECOM INC. ("NTI"). BY OPENING THE SEALED DISK PACKAGE WHICH CONTAINS THE SOFTWARE DISKETTE(S), OR BY EXECUTNG A CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF A SYSTEM WHICH INCORPORATES THIS USER SOFTWARE AGREEMENT, YOU, THE CUSTOMER, AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. Subject to do terms brmusher set ford'.NTI grants to CUSTOMER and/or interactions with the Licensed Software associated with normal use sod reprerttulives with a'need to know, a praonal aontxdueive licease(1) explaind is tie assowtad dommeatatios;Or o ors osctsin licensed Software, propeiemrY to NTI or its wppliers. Attempt to reverse 0001 ,disassemble reverse trwlre,decompik, contained as an integral put Of der Hard am;and (2)to iaMall sod use of in nay other sonar decode Llecond Software,in order to drive the such item d Licensed Software not an i a1 pp.eett d die Hardware-and source cads forum r for any other fare=;Or domrcenutico at other similar priced (3)to w e the associated documentation. CU37'OMER is so tide or - Make AA r prod copies Y owsrship righta,in r o the Licensed Software,in who or to part,and «mackiae readable nunr provided with licensed i Software unless the CUSTOMER oclmowledgss that title to and all cop nights,pmems,trade same ban been tied In« form by NTI intended for periodic secrets and!« say other imellectud property rights to and is all such r°P m =Licensed Software osNor Assoc documentation Licensed Software and associated documentation are and shaft re nois the • Export or»'import Stem and the District of psoparty of NTI nsd/r NTPa�p�rs. Ths oars Licensed Software gran the City atato d theme above restrictions,if Customer has licensed ay be restricted by a ntswre of''sage=cation based upon rumbambia- NOTE: nsed Software d Ilnss wutbr d pry number d t mrmbara sari 1 the .a purer Agreeement. Cusome license" authorized toto fmslteta oars,or some similar rmes nce. Expansion beyond d o spec! d due licensed Software and domtueoWiw o may require payment d as inentceod charge or as«her license fee. Gunned uurobr d copies support additional copsawn as f die is n ed Software Purchase Agreement. NTI considers the Licensed Software to co°tais 'trade score's' of NTI CUSTOMER may assign collectively its rights under this Lia°se to say mWi r its��ppltars. Suit'trade secrets'include.wiUtout Gmiutioa thereto' owner of the Hardware, but not otherwise, subject to the der speafre deW sdrtteture and logic of iadividwl Lieesrd Software sv �the rhos surest liceuse fee for new users, if say. No such Qeograms tAair iaranctioas wish otter partaas of. ,Losnsed Software,both assignments tntrsal and extend, sad the progrurnmhiag teehsqu es employed therein' esadgsurnt shell be valid until CUSTOMER (1)has delegated all d its L order to taaintain tlhe "trade seers'' am d the rfor on contained obGpdia s under this License to the maigsee;and(2)has obtained from the Intro r Licensed Sdtwre,We Licensed Software is being delivered to assigane an uneoadidosal written assumption of all such obti ons;and(3) STOMER is object code form only. has provided NTI acopy ofsa such agnment,delegation and assumption; CU and(4)has uandeffed ysiW possession of all Licensed Software and all NTI r any d its suppliers holding any intellectual property rights in soy associated domenentatiou o the auigsea sad destroyed all archival copes. Licensed Sdtwre,and/or my third Fairly owning asy tat°Ilectual property Ex as vided. neithr this License nor any rights acquit by rights in software from which the Licensed Software was derived, are CUSTOMER of through hi der License e Licensed assignable. n aattempted intended third party beneficiaries of this License. All QaoIs d rights to use assignment istallectual property intended to ifiWIY be accomplished by this Ltanse re allowed shall be void and conclusively presumed a material breech of this explicitly stared. No other grants of such rights shall be inferred or shall License. orue by Implication. If NTI 0)claims a material brearL of this Licesse,and(ii)provides written is nor axing the rights notice d arch claimed material breach to CUSTOMER and('UO�ob!rves CUSTOMER warrants to NTI that CUSTOMERparchbreach rerruias uncorrected and/r Bel granted by this License in anticipation d reselling these rights. that �claimed s following CUSTOMER's receipt of written notice s�eet(yI is reasonable detail the nature of the claimed material breach. CUSTOMERahail: ties CU71TOMER acknowledges that this License may be immediately terminated 11 NTI and CUSTOMER further acknowledges that any such • Hold the Licensed Software in confidence for the benefit of NTI and!« misat terice all be without prejudice to Any other rights and remedies that NTI's supplion using so less a degree of core than it roes to protect its NTI may have at law or in equity. own moat confidential and valuable information;and FOR• EKwcepp a contest retard d the location d each COPY d Irceased Software SOSTWARE, IEXpRM F ANY, WILL WARRANTIES SOLELY THOSE GRANTED made by it;and �(, BY DISTRIBUTOR AS DESCRIBED IN • Use each copy d Licensed Software Only on a single CPU at a (for DMTRg MYKoy O THE AGREEMENT TO WHICH THIS LICENSE O this p�poss,siagk CPU shall includes stems with redundant °g A.I rACNED OR, IN THE CASE OF LICENSED SOFTWARE u°iur and • Affix o each copy d Licensed Software mode by it,is the same form AppZAfal[lTED 1N A SEALED DISK PACKAGE,THOSE WHICH sad location,a repoduaion d the c°pyn notices,"&Marks.and all THAN AT THE END OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. OTHER outer proprietary legeads emd/r logos d NTI o°d/«NTI's supplies, TAN AS SET FORTH THEREIN, THIS LICENSE DOES NOT s on the O ip*sA copy of such licensed Sdtwre delivered to CONFEB OR GRANT ANY WARRANTY TO CUSTOMER FROM IS PROVIDED BY N71"AS STONER; and retain the same without alteration on ail original 115"OR�iTRH LICENSED UTW WARRANTY OFH ANY KIND OR NATURE, and IT� WIT LL„„ OR representatives;t vex to to Licensed Sdtwerou dliicloosed,employees, of WIT110[7TOLIMfTATION) THE IMPLIED LWARRANTIESIOF the confudentisl mature of such Licensed Software and to provide them MZBCHANTABILITY THIS LIMITATION OFSWAORRANTIES WR A AS with a summary n to rogw=* d this Licenies se-, ug MATERIAL FACTOR IN THE • NSE Distributorin to N l at mob time=C all CUSTOMER through o permanen an tly FEE CHARGED FOR OF THE SOFTWARE cease using it. LICENSED. IN No EV LIABLE TO OF �EgN,T WILL NT1 AND/OR NTI'S SUPPLIERS AND THEIR CUSTOMERduailact: pi RMGH CUSTOMER FOR INCIDENTAL,OYEES OR AGENTS INDIRECT, • Use Licensed Sdtwre(i)for any purpose other than CUSTOMEWs owe SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, OR EXEMPLA OF RY internal business purposes and(its)other then w provided by this License; DAMAGBUSINSE OFOR�tKUSIIY SS �NFOING RMATION�BUSINESS or _ ND • Allow anyone other than CUSTOMER's employees, agents and/or INTERRUPTION, OR OTHER ECONOMIC AS A DAMAGE, AOF repreeentetives with a "need to know' to have physical access to gE OR INABILER ITY TO ING SE THE LICENSED Y TO SOFTWARE OR Licensed Software;or • Make any copies of Licensed Software except such limited number of object code copies in machine readable farm only,as may be reasonably necessary for enat al or archival purposes only;or PLEASE pASE REFER TO THE REVERSE SIDE • Make my modifications,enhanoemeuu,adaptations,or traasWas orio to of Licensed Software, except as may result from those CUSTOMER nnrthcrn talacnm REPRESENTATIVE WITH A COPY OF THE RECEIPT- NTI WILL BREACH OF ANY WARRANTY OR OTHER TERM OF THIS HAVE NO RESPONSIBILITY TO REPLACE A DISK DAMAGED LICENSE REGARDLESS OF WHETHER NTI AND/OR NTI'S BY ACCIDENT,ABUSE OR MISAPPLICATION. SUPPLIES WERE ADVISED,HAD OTHat REASON TO KNOW, IN lARTICUI.AR NO WARRANTY IS BEING PROVIDED ON ORWFACTKNBWOFTHEPOSSMU TMMM LZIB'TOBHR IN DEVELOPED BY THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE FORBGOM SV?MCB RBiF7 ECTS AN INFORMED, VOLUNTARY ALLOCATBON BETWEEN THE SU!!Li SUCH SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS MAKE NO TATTLES OF THE RISES(KNOWN AAB)UNIfN0WN)THAT MAY WARRA� .EXPRESS OR HNIIIED,INCLUDING WITHOUT EXIST IN CONNECTION WITH THU LICENSE, THAT SUCH LIMITAT ON THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF VOLUNTARY RISK ALLOCATION WAS A MATERIAL PART OF ABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR THS BARGAIN BETWEEN THB PARTIES, AND THAT THE 3` waralts ARBING THE T,FTWARLGUARANTEE NTI'S SOFTWARE ECONOMIC AND OTHER TERMS OF THIS LICENSE WERE NOT WARRANT,GUARANTEE OR E RESULTS ANY NEGOTIATED AND AGREED TO BY THE PARTIES IN RELIANCE OP SE OFF THEASO�WA26�IN TERMS OF�TS ON SUCH VOLUNTARY RISK ALLOCATION. OL> C/1NIBID,ACCURACY RELIABHITY OR OTHERWISE, IN THE EVENT CUSTOMER HAS NOT EXECUTED A SEPARATE THE ENURE RISK AS TO TRW RESULTS 1% PERFORMANCE PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH A DISTRIBUTOR AND THIS OF ANY SUCH SOFTWARE DEVELOPED BY SOFTWARE LICENSE BECOMES EFFECTIVE BY REASON OF YOUR OPENING SUPPLIERS IS ASSUMED BY YOU. THE EXCLUSION OF A SEALED DISK PACKAGE, THE ADDITIONAL WARRANTY IMPLIED WARRANTIES 13 NOT PERMITTED BY SOME PROVISIONS AND LIMITATIONS LISTED BELOW APPLY: JURISDICTIONS. THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. • "LICENSED SOFTWARE" SHALL MEAN THE COMPUTER PROGRAMS WHICH ARE EITHER OWNED BY OR LICENSED • BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE TO NTI AND WHICH ARE CONTAINED ON THE DISKS EXCLUSI N OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR SUPPLIED TO CUSTOMER. "HARDWARE" SHALL MEAN Co AL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES,THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT ON WHICH CUSTOMER USES THE LICENSED LIMITA ),SAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. NTI'S AND NTI'S SOFTWARL SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS COMBINED LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ACTUA . MAGES FROM ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER AND • NTI WARRANTS THAT THE DISKS ON WHICH THE LICENSED ESS OF THE FORM OF THE ACTION(WHETHER IN SOFTWARE 5 RECORDED WILL BE FREE FROM DEFECTS IN CONTRACT TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT A PEE OF NINETY MATERIALS WORKMANSHIP A UNDER NORMAL L USE FOR A COPY LIABILITY UR OTHERWISE),WILL BE WMTTE)To sm OF THE RECEIPT. NTI'S ENTIRE LIABILITY AND YOUR • THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS ARISING UNDER THIS NOTUSIVEMEETI REMEDY'f1 S LIMTTE REPLACEMENT AND WHICH IS LAW p ET'INULL E OF CONSTRUED D IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RETURNED TO NTI OR AN NTI AUTHORIZED CUSTOMER HEREBY AGREES TO ADHERE TOT TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS MER SOFTWAV-5E AGREEMENT: CUSTOMER SIGNATURE ____ PRINTED NAME: M_ Y -------------- DATE: ___--__--_ _ -,-{-Y---------------------- �-- NORTHERN TELECOM INC. )j/6Pr— Rick P. Faletti President, Multimedia Communication Systems Northern Telecom Inc. FORM 05-LEG-1021 9/95 Meridian Seitwere Lkame Northoro Teiecem Inc.Products CITY OF KENT CommunicaUonsSokibons 4.2 Total System Cost Summary City Hall - Main Switch $ 447,194.95 City Shop (Remote) $ 24,045.34 Corrections Facility (Remote) $ 23,105.06 Fire Administration/Station 74 $ 116,957.00 Six Fire Station Model Systems(6 @$12,061.51) $ 72,369.06 Voice Mail System $ 74,378.31 Senior Center(Mini Carrier Remote) $15,750.92 Resource Center(Mini Carrier Remote) $15,750.92 Golf Course (Mini Carrier Remote $17,245.35 Subtotal $ 806,796.91 Less Trade In(s) NEC 2400 with Telephones $ (2,000.00) C Subtotal I $ 804,796.91 Sales Tax @ 8.65% $ 69,614.93 TOTAL INVESTMENT. $ 874,411.84 CITY OF KENT-CITY HALL Schedule 1 for Opt 81C cannankNiaasolWona Qty Equipment Material Extended Labor Extended PBXI MDF Equipmen 1 SY1025D Opt 81C Pkg Asy DC $ 29,997.92 $ 29,997.92 $ 1.329.94 $ 1,329.94 "Pkg Asy partial listing: 2 Pedestal&Top Cap 2 Core/Net Module 2 Network Module 1 InterGroup Module 1 IPE 16S Module 2 IOP/CD Rom 2 Core/Net Interface Card 2 Clock Controller Card 8lnterGroup Card 4 Peripheral Signal Card 4 Tri-Port Ext Card 1 SuperLoop Net Card 4 ConferencefrDS Card 1 IPE Controller Card 1 SDI 4 Port 1/0 Card 8 Side Cover 2 Clmn Spacer 2 System Monitor • Misc Hdw/NTP's,etc additional items: 1 Discount AMP $ (26,444.44) $ (26,444.44) $ - $ - 2 AS1081 D Ped/Top Cap DC $ 3,470.83 $ 6,941.67 $ 224.78 $ 449.56 7 AS1054D IPE 16S Mod DC $ 5.950.00 $ 41,650.00 $ 37.46 $ 262.24 2 NT5D10EA 80Mb 806 CP/lMem $ 6,445.83 $ 12,891.67 $ - $ - 3 NTBD04BA SLP Net Card $ 1,735.42 $ 5,206.25 $ - $ 1 AS1052 SDI 4 Port Card $ 1,685.83 $ 1,685.83 2 NT6D80AB MSDL 4P Card $ 2,231.25 $ 8,925.00 $ - $ - 1 P0878389 MAT 6 End User(5)Add M $ 1,718.07 $ 1,718.07 $ 299.70 $ 299.70 1 NTAG81AA Audio Cable $ 31.24 $ 31.24 $ 9.37 $ 9.37 1 A0660403 3MB PCMCIA Flash Card $ 545.42 $ 545.42 $ 18.73 $ 18.73 11 NT5D86AA LMX Cable $ 277.67 $ 3,054.33 15 NT51365AA LMX Card $ 1.214.79 $ 18,221.88 11 NTZB06AA Mini Local Package $ 2,975.00 $ 32,725.00 $ 37.46 $ 412.09 6 NT1 F32BA Remote Agent H/W M221 $ 2,237.99 $ 13,427.96 $ 74.93 $ 449.56 1 NT8D96AB SDI MP Cable 2f $ 62.48 $ 62.48 $ - $ - 2 NTCG03AB Clk DDP Cable 3f $ 34.71 $ 69.42 $ - $ - 2 NTCG03AD Clk DDP Cable 7f $ 41.65 $ 83.30 $ - $ - 2 NT1 R03EV 232 MFS Cable 45f $ 208.25 $ 416.50 $ - $ - 1 NT8D73AD ICb Cable 6f $ 118.01 $ 118.01 $ - $ - 5 NTND27AB MSDL 10 Cable 6f $ 104.13 $ 520.63 $ - $ - 4 NTCK80AA MSDL DDP Cable 6f $ 90.24 $ 360.97 $ - $ - 6 NTCK80AB MSDL DDP Cable 18f $ 111.07 $ 666.40 $ - $ - 4 NT6D42CD Ring Gen IPE DC $ 842.92 $ 3,371.67 $ - $ - 1 NT7D05AA UEM Fil Pni $ 24.79 $ 24.79 $ - $ - 31 NT8D02EB Dgtl Set 16P Card $ 1,735.42 $ 53,797.92 $ - $ - 1 CITY OF KENT-CITY HALL , ,-, Schedule 1 for Opt BIC - �Ju�� rMam POUon-;a01Y1wn�6 Oty Equipment Material Extended Labor Extended 19 NT81309AL Anlg Mwt 16P Card $ 1,735.42 $ 32,972.92 $ - $ - 5 NT8D14BB Univ Trk 8P Card $ 1,785.00 $ 8,925.00 $ - $ - 1 NTBD16AB DTMF Rcv 8P Card $ 1,239.58 $ 1,239.58 $ - $ - 5 AS7200 DDP 2T1 Net Card $ 5,950.00 $ 29,750.00 $ 160.56 $ 802.80 2 AS7011 DEC Adm VDT $ 694.17 $ 1,388.33 $ 37.46 $ 74.93 1 AS1201 D MFA 150 75A Rack $ 7,338.33 $ 7,338.33 $ 299.70 $ 299.70 3 NT8D63AA Overhead Cable Tray $ 277.67 $ 833.00 $ 37.46 $ 112.39 1 NT9D15AK 4E&M Trunk 4P Card $ 1,289.17 $ 1,289.17 $ 37.46 $ 37.46 5 NT8D49AA Spacer Kit $ 173.54 $ 867.71 $ - $ - 1 NTVP1001 MRAN 6 Ch Medium $ 3,748.50 $ 3,748.50 $ 37.46 $ 37.46 1 NT5D60AA Ciss Mdm Card $ 2,776.67 $ 2,776.67 $ - $ - 1 MPR3168 System Sub Pak $ - $ - $ - $ - 12 OPF36 Terminal Rat $ 7.44 $ 89.25 $ - $ - 1 Meridian Misc Cable Set $ 437.33 $ 437.33 $ - $ - 1 ML 320 System Printer $ 423.11 $ 423.11 $ 37.46 $ 37.46 1 Interface wBuffer $ 98.84 $ 98.84 $ - $ - 2 RS232 MM Serial Cable $ 5.42 $ 10.84 $ - $ - 1 Inm 4802 System Admin Table $ 125.61 $ 125.61 $ 37.46 $ 37.46 1 SEBODW 2 51214M 2P Sys Mon $ 1,650.13 $ 1,650.13 $ 112.39 $ 112.39 1 TP 5460 HVLo Temp Mon $ - $ - $ - $ - 1 M200SHFD PBX Test Phone $ 270.73 $ 270.73 $ 18.73 $ 18.73 40 UP213-235 Pwrvar Trunk Protector $ 10.71 $ 428.40 $ - $ - 2 MGB/SGL1 Pwrvar Ground Bar $ 5.12 $ 10.23 $ - $ 1 61072-22 Pwrvar PCU 720VA $ 268.41 $ 268.41 $ - $ - 3 95158-12 Pwvar PCU 3800VA $ 1,250.82 $ 3,752.47 $ 37.46 $ 112.39 1 NT5B56AA PowerD Strip $ 14.88 $ 14.88 $ - $ - 14 DL070 Dunk ESF CSU $ 792.54 $ 11,095.56 $ 37.46 $ 524.48 14 DLI03325 RJ48C DB15 Cable $ 23.01 $ 322.09 $ - $ - 800 MDF Stat Cross Connect $ 0.15 $ 116.36 $ 2.62 $ 2,097.93 50 MDF Tmk Cross Connect $ 0.15 $ 7.85 $ 2.62 $ 141.61 80 25PRSEF MDF Cable 50f $ 17.32 $ 1,385.69 $ 37.46 $ 2,997.04 7 110AA2- 300pr AT&T Kit $ 67.43 $ 472.03 $ 3.75 $ 26.22 1 SEB2WMT SysMon Wall Bracket $ 46.28 $ 46.28 $ - $ - Miscl Instl Hardware $ 330.56 $ 330.56 $ 149.85 $ 149.85 Tech/SDS OnSite Cut Support $ - $ - $ 149.85 $ 149.85 Premium Time Included $ - $ - $ - $ - $321,344.78 Subtotal 2 CITY OF KENT-CITY HALL Schedule 1 for Opt 81 C Cammurdc*Wm SoWWnn Oty Equipment Material Extended Labor Extended Telephone Sets 27 AS1082 User Guide Pack 15 $ - $ - $ - $ 400 AS1182 Feature Key ID Kit $ - $ - $ - $ - 35 NT9K08AD 2008HFD Set Ash NT $ 270.73 $ 9,475.38 $ 18.73 $ 655.60 365 NT9K16AC 2616D Set Ash NT9 $ 364.44 $ 133,022.10 $ 18.73 $ 6,836.99 275 NT2K22VH KEM 22 Ash NT2k $ 111.07 $ 30,543.33 $ 18.73 $ 5,151.16 275 P0780135 Foot Stand 22B Ash $ 6.94 $ 1,908.96 $ - $ - 12 Polycom Analog Conf. Phone $ 854.34 $ 8,543.41 $ 18.73 $ 187.31 10 M26216CT-900MHz Cordless NTK6 $ 1,018.11 $ 10,181.11 $ 18.73 $ 187.31 282 Re-Use CPE Fax,Modem $ - $ - $ 9.37 $ 2,847.19 400 Handset Cord Ash 25ft $ 1.86 $ 745.73 $ - $ - 400 LineCord 25 ft Stn $ 2.31 $ 925.56 $ - $ - $212,751.24 Subtotal Veft MDF -Tone &Test 704 CPE STA Run Verify&Mark $ - $ - $ 7.49 $ 5,274.79 Set Up Training Room $ 132.22 $ 132.22 $ 224.78 $ 224.78 1 Remove Old NEC System $ - $ - $ 899.11 $ 899.11 $6,530.89 Subtotal Meridian Software 1500 TN 11 SW0000J Base Sft Rls 23 $ 2,975.00 $ 32,725.00 $ 34.06 $ 374.63 11 SWO013A 81C PBX Opt $ - $ - $ - $ - 1 SW0028A FTDS Enbl $ - $ - $ - $ - 11 SW0040A CLASS Opt $ 867.71 $ 9,544.79 $ - $ - 1 SWO047A DISA Opt $ - $ - $ - $ - 10 SWO050B ESN CDP Opt $ 619.79 $ 6,197.92 $ - $ - 10 SWO051B ISDN PRA Basic $ 1,115.63 $ 11,156.26 $ - $ - 10 SWO052D ISDN Priv Ntwrk $ 247.92 $ 2,479.17 $ - $ - 10 SW0053B ISDN PSTN Access $ 396.67 $ 3,966.67 $ 59.94 $ 599.41 10 SWO059B Ntwk Msg Svc $ 545.42 $ 5,454.17 $ - $ - 11 SWO165A ESA Opt $ 1,239.58 $ 13,635.42 $ - $ - 1 SWO150A RAN BCast $ 198.33 $ 198.33 $ - $ - 3 SWO221C Base ACD Sit $ 991.67 $ 2,975.00 $ - $ - 3 SWO224A Enhd ACD Sit $ 1,115.63 $ 3,346.88 $ - $ - ACD Agents=60 $ - $ - $ - $ - $92,653.62 Subtotal 3 { CITY OF KENT -CITY HALL Schedule 1 for Opt 81C communkBom Samoan Oty Equipment Material Extended Labor Extended 2� Call Pilot with 20orts &54 Hours of Storage 1 SW0170A CALL PILOT CONNECTIVITY 42.48 42.48 42.48 1 NTZE30AA CALLPILOT INTEGRATION SUITE 84.96 84.96 84.96 1 NTZE02AA CALLPILOT TOWER SYS 35,422.35 35,422.35 1,062.05 1,062.05 3 NTZE07AA CALLPILOT 4 VOICE C 11,020.29 33,060.86 1 NTZE13AA CALLPILOT NETWORKIN 2,361.49 2,361.49 1 NTZE14AA CALLPILOT NMS NETWK 5,510.14 5,510.14 2 NTZE08AA CALLPILOT STORAGE E 393.58 787.16 1 NTRHOIAA MPC-8 472.30 472.30 1 NTRH9036 CALLPILOT 100 BASET 334.54 334.54 1 NTUB55AA CALLPILOT INTERNAL 3,935.82 3,935.82 74378.31 Subtotal Symposium MIS Sys 34 Seat 1 NT9F28AA Symposium Sery Advance$ 5,950.00 $ 5,950.00 $ 4,195.85 $ 4,195.85 1 NT9F01AA Symposium Base Sit $ 3,817.92 $ 3,817.92 $ 449.56 $ 449.56 3 NT9F02BA CCtr 100 Sit 10A $ 3,776.27 $ 11,328.80 $ 224.78 $ 674.33 1 NT9F27AA Symp Periph Pkg $ 991.67 $ 991.67 $ 149.85 $ 149.85 1 Symph ENet Conn Items $ 357.00 $ 357.00 $ - $ - 3 Supervsr PC Sft Install $ - $ - $ 18.73 $ 56.19 2 AT-210TS 10baseT Transceiver $ 33.06 $ 66.11 $ - $ - 1 Symposium System Design $ - $ - $ 3,109.43 $ 3,109.43 $31,146.70 Subtotal MZ 1 NTZC01AA EUCS MAT 6 Sit $ 607.40 $ 607.40 $ 224.78 $ 224.78 1 NTZCO2AA Ste Admn Module $ 451.21 $ 451.21 $ 74.93 $ 74.93 $1,358.30 Subtotal User Sta Review-Training 704 User Ste Review $ - $ - $ 4.50 $ 3,164.87 41 User Group Training $ - $ - $ 37.46 $ 1,535.98 1 Mail Administrator $ - $ - $ 74.93 $ 74.93 34 Symposium Agent Review $ - $ - $ 47.82 $ 1,625.89 3 Symposium Supervisor Training $ - $ - $ 149.85 $ 599.41 $7,001.06 Subtotal dBase Prep& Inert 1080 PBX dBase $ - $ - $ 2.53 $ 2,727.30 400 Mail dBase $ - $ - $ 0.94 $ 374.63 400 CPND Input $ - $ - $ 0.75 $ 299.70 1 CDP dBase $ - $ - $ 224.78 $ 224.78 30 MIS dBase(Symposium) $ - $ - $ 42.96 $ 1,288.73 1500 ESA /911 dBase $ - $ - $ 1.87 $ 2,809.72 $7,724.86 Subtotal Subtotal $680,511.47 Cut Date a , 1 9(ES7) Discount. $158,930.21 Customer Inita TOTAL SYSTEM INVESTMENT. $521,573.26 4 CITY OF KENT-CORRECTIONSiw Schedule 1 for Remote Site Equipment Canm�inicltlons stewuan. Oty Equipment Material Extended Labor Extended PBXIMDF Equlomant 1 NTZB08AA RPE Mini Remote AC/DC $ 4,016.26 $ 4,016.26 $ 227.59 $ 227.59 2 NTSD02EB Digital Set 16P Card $ 1,757.11 $ 3,514.22 $ - $ - 1 NTSD09AL Analog Mwt 16P Card $ 1,757.11 $ 1,757.11 $ - $ - 2 NT8D14BB Universal Trunk SP Card $ 1,807.31 $ 3,614.63 $ - $ - 1 61072-22 Pwrvar PCU 720VA $ 271.77 $ 271.77 $ - $ - 1 DLO70 DI-ink ESF CSU $ 802.45 $ 802.45 $ 37.93 $ 37.93 Tech/SDS OnSits Cut Support $ - $ - $ 151.73 $ 151.73 Premium Time Included $ - $ - $ $ $14,393.66 Subtotal Nortal Telephone WIon Equipment 2 AS1082 User Guide Pack 15 $ - $ - $ - $ 19 A81182 Feature Key ID Kit $ - $ - $ - $ 2 NT9K08AD 2008HFD Set Ash NT $ 274.11 $ 548.22 $ 18.97 $ 37.93 17 NT9K16AC 2616D Set Ash NT9K $ 369.00 $ 6,272.99 $ 18.97 $ 322.42 6 NT2K22VH KEM 22 Ash NT2k $ 112.46 $ 674.73 $ 18.97 $ 113.79 6 P0780135 FStand 22B Ash $ 7.03 $ 42.17 $ - $ - 16 Re-Use CPE Fax,Modem $ - $ - $ 9.48 $ 151.73 19 LineCord 25 It Stn $ 2.34 $ 44.51 $ - $ - 19 A0274243 Handset Cord 12'-Ash $ 4.92 $ 93.48 $ - $ - $8,301.97 Subtotal YAM MOF-Tone S Teat 35 CPE STA Run Verify 8 Mark $ - $ - $ 7.59 $ 265.52 Set Up Training Room $ 133.88 $ 133.88 $ 227.59 $ 227.59 $620.99 Subtotal Remote Site Oneac UPS-8.0 hrs 1 ON60OXA-WLSN3 600VA UPS $ 1.267.80 $ 1,267.80 $ 37.93 $ 37.93 $1,305.73 Subtotal User Station Review-Training 35 User Station Review $ - $ - $ 9.22 $ 322.61 2 User Group Training $ - $ - $ 37.93 $ 75.86 $398.47 Subtotal dBase Prep E,Inout 51 PBX dBase $ - $ - $ 4.63 $ 23s.01 19 CPND Input $ - $ - $ 0.76 $ 14.41 $250.42 Subtotal cut Date IMT Discount $ (7,853.84) Customer Inita TOTAL SYSTEM INVESTMENT. $ 23,105.06 CITY OF KENT-CITY SHOP Schedule 1 for Mini-Carrier Remote CwMnunkeCvm SoAftne Oty Equipment Material Extended Labor Extended PBX/MDF Equipment 1 NTZB08AA RPE Mini Remote AC/DC$ 3,871.08 $ 3,871.08 $ 219.36 $ 219.36 3 NT8D02EB Digital Set 16P Card $ 1,693.60 $ 5,080•80 $ - $ 1 NT8D09AL Analog Mwt 16P Card` $ 1,693.60 $ 1,693.60 $ - $ - 1 NT8D14BB Universal Trunk 8P Card $ 1,741.99 $ 1,741.99 $ - $ - 1 61072-22 Pwrvar PCU 720VA $ 261.94 $ 261.94 $ - $ - 2 DL070 DI-ink ESF CSU $ 773.44 $ 1,546.89 $ 36.56 $ 73.12 16 25PRSEF MDF Cb125f $ 9.87 $ 157.94 $ 18.28 $ 292.48 1 110AA2- 300pr AT&T Kit $ 65.81 $ 65.81 $ 3.66 $ 3.66 TedVSDS OnSite Cut Support $ - $ - $ 146.24 $ 146.24 Premium Time Included $ - $ - $ $ $15,155.00 Subtotal Nortal Telephone SeftStation Equipment 3 AS1082 User Guide Pack 15 $ - $ - $ $ - 36 AS1182 Feature Key ID Kit $ - $ $ $ 4 NT91(08AD 2008HFD Set Ash $ 264.20 $ 1,056.81 $ 18.28 $ 73.12 32 NT9K16AC2616D Set Ash $ 355.66 $ 11,381.19 $ 18.28 $ 584.96 14 NT2K22VH KEM 22 Ash $ 108.39 $ 1,517.47 $ 18.28 $ 255.92 14 P0780135 FStand 22B Ash $ 6.77 $ 94.84 $ - $ - 16 Re-Use CPE Fax,Modem $ - $ - $ 9.14 $ 146.24 36 UneCord 25 It Stn $ 2.26 $ 81.29 $ - $ - 36 A0274243 Handset Cord 12'-Ash $ 4.74 $ 170.71 $ - $ - $15,362.56 Subtotal Verifv_MDF-Tone S Test 52 CPE STA Run Verify&Mark $ - $ - $ 7.31 $ 380.23 Set Up Training Room $ 129.04 $ 129.04 $ 219.36 $ 219.36 $728.63 Subtotal User Station Review-Tr is nine 52 User Station Review $ - $ - $ 8.77 $ 456.27 4 User Group Training $ - $ - $ 36.56 $ 146.24 $602.51 Subtotal dRase Prep& Input 60 PBX dBase $ - $ - $ 4.39 $ 263.23 36 CPND Input $ - $ - $ 0.73 $ 26.32 $289.56 Subtotal cur Date 1 , sn Discount: $ (8,092.83) Customer Inita TOTAL SYSTEM INVESTMENT: $ 24,045.34 CITY OF KENT - FIRE ADMIN STATION 74 r: Schedule 1 for Opt 61C ` z.: emnunlcefts saMions Qty Equipment Material Extended Labor Extended P®X/MDF Equipmen 1 NTSF1001OPT11CAsyAC $ 1,258.11 $ 1,258.11 $ 329.03 $ 329.03 The Opt11C Pkg consists of. (partial listing) Cabinet Hardware,Cables NTAK04 Power Supply NTDK20 System Core Pack NTBK48 3P SDI Cable additional items: 1 Discount AMP1101 $ (1,612.95) $ (1,612.95) $ - $ 1 NT6R78AB NTP Document Set $ 116.13 $ 116.13 $ - $ - 1 AS1074 PRI DTI T1 Card $ 1,548.43 $ 1,548.43 $ 146.24 $ 146.24 2 NTSD02EB Digital Set 16P Card $ 1,693.60 $ 3,387.20 $ 36.56 $ 73.12 1 NT8D09ALAnalog Mwt 16P Card $ 1,693.60 $ 1,693.60 $ 36.56 $ 36.56 2 NT6D14BB Universal Trunk 8P Card $ 1,741.99 $ 3.483.98 $ 36.56 $ 73.12 1 AS1073 DCHI SDI 2/4 Card $ 1,500.05 $ 1,500.05 $ - $ - 1 NTAK20AD Clock Board $ 483.89 $ 483.89 $ - $ - 1 NTBK51 BA DDCH Board 1 P $ 556.47 $ 556.47 $ - $ - 1 Wyse 55 System Admin VDT $ 506.08 $ 506.08 $ 36.56 $ 36.56 1 ML 320 System Priinter $ 412.92 $ 412.92 $ 36.56 $ 36.56 1 70012801 Interface wBuffer $ 96.45 $ 96.45 $ - $ - 1 RS232 MM Serial Cable $ 5.29 $ 5.29 $ - $ 1 Inm 4802 System Admin Table $ 122.58 $ 122.58 $ - $ - 1 SEBODW 2 25614M 2P Sys Mon $ 1,419.40 $ 1,419.40 $ 109.68 $ 109.68 1 TP 5460 HULo Temp Mon $ - $ - $ - $ - 1 M2008HFD PBX Test Phone $ 264.20 $ 264.20 $ 18.28 $ 18.28 16 UP213-235 Pwrvar Trunk Protector $ 10.45 $ 167.23 $ - $ - 1 MGB/SGL1 Pwrvar Ground Bar $ 4.99 $ 4.99 $ - $ - 1 SEB2WMT SysMon Wall Bracket $ 45.16 $ 45.16 $ - $ - 2 61072-22 Pwrvar PCU 720VA $ 261.94 $ 523.89 $ - $ - 1 DL070 DLink ESF CSU $ 773.44 $ 773.44 $ 36.56 $ 36.56 1 D1.103325 R348C DB15 Cbl $ 22.45 $ 22.45 $ - $ - 48 MDF Stat Cross Connect $ 0.14 $ 6.81 $ 2.56 $ 122.84 17 MDF Tmk Cross Connect $ 0.14 $ 2.41 $ 2.56 $ 43.51 10 25PRSEF MDF Cable 25f $ 9.87 $ 98.71 $ 18.28 $ 182.80 1 110AA2- 300pr AT&T Kit $ 65.81 $ 65.81 $ 3.66 $ 3.66 1 UL720815 PowerD Strip $ 45.68 $ 45.68 $ - $ - Misd Intl Hardware $ 129.04 $ 258.07 $ 73.12 $ 146.24 Tech/SDS OnSite Cut Support $ - $ - $ 146.24 $ 146.24 Premium Time Included $ - $ - $ - $ - 18797.49 Subtotal i CITY OF KENT -FIRE ADMIN STATION 74 Schedule 1 for Opt SIC $' co mnuoa�Sowws Qty Equipment Material Extended Labor Extended Telephone Sets 2 AS1082082 User Guide Pack 15 `$ - $ 19 AS1182 Feature Key ID Kit $ - $ - 2 NT9K08AD 2008HFD Set Ash $ 264.20 $ 528.40 17 NTSK16AC 2616D Set Ash $ 355.66 $ 6,046.26 6 NT2K22VH KEM 22 Ash $ 108.39 $ 650.34 6 P0780135 Foot Stand 22B Ash $ 6.77 $ 40.65 16 Re-Use CPE Fax, Modem $ - $ - 7888.89 Subtotal Verify MDF -Tone &Test 35 CPE STA Run Verify&Mark $ - $ - $ 7.31 $ 255.92 Set Up Training Room $ 129.04 $ 129.04 $ 219.36 $ 219.36 604.32 Subtotal OPT 11C Software : 200 TN 1 NTSF8022 Enterprise Net Software $ 3,145.26 $ 3,145.26 $ 731.20 $ 731.20 3876.48 Subtotal User Station Review-Training 35 User Station Review $ - $ - $ 8.88 $ 310.94 2 User Group Training $ - $ - $ 36.56 $ 73.12 384.07 Subtotal dBase Prep &lnout 75 PBX dBase $ - $ - $ 4.46 $ 334.53 19 CPND Input $ - $ - $ 0.73 $ 13.89 348.42 Subtotal Symoosium MIS System 5 Seat 1 NT9F28AA Symposium Sery Advance $ 6,024.38 $ 6,024.38 $ 3,944.85 $ 3,944.85 1 NT9F01AA Symposium Base Sft $ 3,865.64 $ 3,865.64 $ 455.18 $ 455.18 5 NT9F026A CCtr 100 Sft 10A $ 421.71 $ 2,108.53 $ 151.73 $ 758.63 1 NT9F27AA Symp Periph Pkg $ 1,004.06 $ 1,004.06 $ 151.73 $ 151.73 1 Symph ENet Conn Items $ 361.46 $ 361.46 $ 75.86 $ 75.86 1 Supervsr PC Sft Install $ 18.97 $ 18.97 2 AT-210TS 10baseT Transceiver $ 33.47 $ 66.94 64 Symposium System Design $ 37.93 $ 2,427.60 21263.81 Subtotal Discount: $ (41,897.85) Cut Date 9 E L TOTAL SYSTEM INVESTMENT: $ 116,957.92 Customer Inita 2 CITY OF KENT-FIRE STATION 1 Schedule 1 for Remote Site Equipment �sawaro Oty Equipment Material Extended Labor Extended PI3XIMDF Equipment 1 NTZB08AA RPE Mini Remote AC/DC$ 3,871.09 $ 3,871.09 $ 270.97 $ 270.97 1 NTSD02EB Digital Set 16P Card $ 1,693.60 $ 1,693.60 $ - $ - 1 NT8D09AL Analog Mwt 16P Card $ 1,693.60 $ 1,693.60 $ - $ - 1 NT8D14BB Universal Trunk 8P Card $ 1,741.99 $ 1,741.99 $ - $ - 1 61072-22 Pwrvar PCU 720VA $ 261.94 $ 261.94 $ - $ - 1 DL070 DI-ink ESF CSU $ 773.44 $ 773.44 $ 45.16 $ 45.16 Tech/SDS OnSits Cut Support $ - $ - $ 180.65 $ 180.65 Premium Time Included $ - $ - $ - $ - $10,532.45 Subtotal Nodal Telephone SMIStation Equipment 1 AS1082 User Guide Pack 15 $ - $ - $ - $ 7 AS1182 Feature Key ID I0t $ - $ - $ - $ - 1 NT9K08AD 2008HFD Set Ash NT $ 264.20 $ 264.20 $ 22.58 $ 22.58 6 NT91(16AC 2616D Set Ash NT9 $ 355.66 $ 2,133.97 $ 22.58 $ 135.49 16 Re-Use CPE Fax,Modem $ - $ - $ 11.29 $ 180.65 7 UneCord 25 ft Stn $ 2.26 $ 15.81 $ - $ - 7 A0274243 Handset Cord 12'-Ash $ 4.74 $ 33.19 $ - $ - $2,785.90 Subtotal Verify MOF-Tone S Test 23 CPE STA Run Verify&Mark $ - $ - $ 9.03 $ 207.75 Set Up Training Room $ 129.04 $ 129.04 $ 270.98 $ 270.98 $607.76 Subtotal User Station Review-Trainins 23 User Station Review $ - $ - $ 11.06 $ 254.49 1 User Group Training $ - $ - $ 45.16 $ 45.16 $299.65 Subtotal dElase Prep&Input 31 PBX dBase $ - $ - $ 5.56 $ 172.21 7 CPND Input $ - $ - $ 0.90 $ 6.32 $178.53 Subtotal Discount: $ (2,342.78) TOTAL SYSTEM INVESTMENT: $ 12,001.51 Cut Dabs Customer instals 1 1 CITY OF KENT-FIRE STATION 2 Schedule 7 for Remote Site Equipment `� Cannu�kMb�sdunaa Qty Equipment Material Extended Labor Extended PRX1MQf-E4UWnW 1 NTZB08AA RPE Mini Remote AC/DC $ 3,871.09 $ 3,871.09 $ 270.97 $ 270.97 1 NTOD02EB Digital Set 16P Card $ 1,693.60 $ 1,693.60 $ - $ - 1 NTSD09AL Analog Mwt 16P Card $ 1,693.60 $ 1,693.60 $ - $ - 1 NTSD14BB Universal Trunk 8P Card $ 1,741.99 $ 1,741.99 $ - $ - 1 61072-22 Pwrvar PCU 720VA $ 261.94 $ 261.94 $ - $ - 1 DLO70 Dunk ESF CSU $ 773.44 $ 773.44 $ 45.16 $ 45.16 TedUSDS OnSite Cut Support $ - $ - $ 180.65 $ 180.65 Premium Time Included $ - $ $ $ $10,532.46 Subtotal Nartel TelephWe 820it_bn EgUIP011911t 1 AS1082 User Guide Pads 15 $ - $ $ - $ 7 AS1182 Feature Key ID IGt $ - $ - $ - $ 1 NT9K08AD 2008HFD Set Ash NT $ 264.20 $ 264•20 $ 22•58 $ 22'58 6 NT9K16AC 2616D Set Ash NT9 $ 355.66 $ 2,133.97 $ 22.58 $ 135.49 16 Re-Use CPE Fax,Modem $ - $ - $ 11.29 $ 180.65 7 LineCord 25 It Stn $ 2.26 $ 15.81 $ - $ - 7 A0274243 Handset Cord 12'-Ash $ 4.74 $ 33.19 $ - $ - $2,765.90 Subtotal Veft MDF-Tone&Test_ 23 CPE STA Run Verify&Mark $ - $ - $ 9.03 $ 207.75 Set Up Training Room $ 129.04 $ 129.04 $ 270.98 $ 270.98 $607.76 Subtotal User Station Review-Training 23 User Station Review $ $ - $ 11.06 $ 254.49 1 User Group Training $ - $ - $ 45.16 $ 45.16 $299.05 Subtotal dBase Prep&Inout 31 PBX dBase $ - $ $ 5.56 $ 172.21 7 CPND Input $ $ - $ 0.90 $ 6.32 $178.53 Subtotal Discount $ (2,34178) TOTAL SYSTEM INVESTMENT. $ 12,001.51 Cut Date 1 Customer Instals CITY OF KENT-FIRE STATION 3 " Schedule 1 for Remote Site Equipment Cgpp,w�lc.donssal�ont Oty Equipment Material Extended Labor Extended PBXIMDF Equlpnnnt 1 NTZB08AA RPE Mini Remote ACIDC $ 1,871.09 $ 1,69 .60 $ 27 - $ 270.97 1 NTBD02EB Digital Set 16P Card $ 1.693.60 $ 1,693.60 $ - $ - 1 NT8D09AL Analog Mwt 16P Cana $ 1'693.60 $ 1,741.99 $ - $ 1 NTBD14BB Universal Trunk 8P Card $ 1,741.99 $ 1,741.99 $ $ 1 61072-22 Pwrvar PCU 720VA $ 261.94 $ 261•94 $ - $ - 1 DLO70 Dunk ESF CSU $ 773.44 $ 773.44 $ 45.16 $ 45.16 TedVSDS OnSke Cut Support $ - $ - $ 180.65 $ 180.65 Premium Time Included $ - $ - $ $ $10,532.45 Subtotal Nortal Telephone SedStation Equipment 1 AS1082 User Guide Pads 15 $ - $ - $ $ 7 AS1182 Feature Key ID Kit $ - $ - $ $ 1 NT9K08AD 2008HFD Set Ash NT $ 264.20 $ 264.20 $ 22.58 $ 22.58 6 NT9K16AC2616D Set Ash NT9 $ 355.66 $ 2,133.97 $ 22.58 $ 135.49 16 Re-Use CPE Fax,Modem $ - $ - $ 11.29 $ 180.65 7 LineCord 25 ft Stn $ 2.26 $ 15.81 $ - $ - 7 A0274243 Handset Cord 1Z-Ash $ 4.74 $ 33.19 $ - $ - $2,785.90 Subtotal Vedb MOF-Tons a Test 23 CPE STA Run Verity&Mark $ $ $ 9.03 $ 207.75 Set Up Training Room $ 129.04 $ 129.04 $ 270.98 $ 270.98 $607.76 Subtotal I Isar Station Review-Training_ 23 User Station Review $ - $ - $ 11.06 $ 254.49 1 User Group Training $ $ - $ 45.16 $ 45.16 $299.05 Subtotal di3ase Prop&lnout - $ 5.56 $ 172.21 31 PBX dBase $ $ 7 CPND Input $ - $ - $ 0.90 $ 6.32 $178.53 Subtotal Discount $ ($31278) TOTAL SYSTEM INVESTMENT: $ 12,001.51 Cut Dab L Customer Initals tm . y CITY OF KENT-FIRE STATION 4 .� Schedule 1 for Remote Site Equipment eanmuniauon.sclupan Qty Equipment Material Extended Labor Extended PB IMDF Eauipment 1 NTZBOSAA RPE Mini Remote AC/DC$ 3,871.09 $ 3,871.09 $ 270.97 $ 270.97 1 NT81302EB Digital Set 16P Card $ 1,693.60 $ 1,693.60 $ - $ - 1 NT61309AL Analog Mwt 16P Card $ 1,693.60 $ 1,693.60 $ - $ 1 NT8D14BB Universal Trunk 8P Card $ 1,741.99 $ 1,741.99 $ - $ 1 61072-22 Pwrvar PCU 720VA $ 261.94 $ 261.94 $ $ 1 DL070 Dunk ESF CSU $ 773.44 $ 773.44 $ 45.16 $ 45.16 Tech/SDS OnSite Cut Support $ - $ - $ 180.65 $ 180.65 Premium Time Included $ - $ $ $ $10,532.45 Subtotal Nortel Telephone SNUStatlon Equipment 1 AS1082 User Guide Pack 15 $ - $ $ $ 7 AS1182 Feature Key ID Kit $ - $ - $ $ 1 NT9K08AD 2008HFD Set Ash NT $ 264.20 $ 264.20 $ 22.58 $ 22.58 6 NT9K16AC 2616D Set Ash NT9 $ 355.66 $ 2,133.97 $ 22.58 $ 135.49 16 Re-Use CPE Fax,Modem $ - $ - $ 11.29 $ 180.65 7 LineCord 25 It Stn $ 2.26 $ 15.81 $ - $ 7 A0274243 Handset Cord 12'-Ash $ 4.74 $ 33.19 $ - $ - $2,785.90 Subtotal Ve f/MDF-Tone&Test 23 CPE STA Run Verify&Mark $ - $ - $ 9.03 $ 207•75 Set Up Training Room $ 129.04 $ 129.04 $ 270.98 $ 270.98 $607.76 Subtotal User Station Review-Training 23 User Station Review $ $ - $ 11.06 $ 254.49 1 User Group Training $ - $ - $ 45.16 $ 45.16 $299.65 Subtotal dBase Prep d,Ind 31 PBX dBase $ - $ - $ 5.5s $ 172.21 7 CPND Input $ - $ - $ 0.90 $ 6.32 $178.53 Subtotal Discount $ (2,342.78) TOTAL SYSTEM INVESTMENT. $ 1$061.51 Cut Date 7 Customer Initals t CITY OF KENT-FIRE STATION 6 Schedule 1 for Remote Site Equipment CO�ui19dOM.SONAbnB city Equipment Material Extended Labor Extended 1 NTZBOSAA RPE Mini Remote AC/DC $ 3,871.09 $ 3,871.09 $ 270.97 $ 270.97 1 NT8D02EB Digital Set 16P Card $ 1,693.60 $ 1,693.60 $ - $ - 1 NT8D09AL Analog Mwt 16P Card $ 1,693.60 $ 1,693.60 $ - $ - 1 NTBD14BB Universal Trunk 8P Card $ 1,741.99 $ 1,741.99 $ - $ - 1 61072-22 Pwrvar PCU 720VA $ 261.94 $ 261.94 $ - $ - 1 DLO70 DI-ink ESF CSU $ 773.44 $ 773.44 $ 45.16 $ 45.16 TedUSDS OnSite Cut Support $ - $ - $ 180.65 $ 180.65 Premium Time Included $ - $ - $ - $ $10,532.45 Subtotal 1 AS1082 User Guide Pack 15 $ - $ - $ - $ -_ 7 AS1182 Feature Key ID Kit $ - $ - $ - $ 1 NT9K08AD 2008HFD Set Ash NT $ 264.20 $ 264.20 $ 22.58 $ 22.58 6 NT9K16AC 2616D Set Ash NT9 $ 355.66 $ 2,133.97 $ 22.58 $ 135.49 16 Re-Use CPE Fax,Modem $ - $ - $ 11.29 $ 180.65 7 LineCord 25 ft Stn $ 2.26 $ 15.81 $ - $ - 7 A0274243 Handset Cord 12'-Ash $ 4.74 $ 33.19 $ - $ - $2,785.90 Subtotal Ve ft MDF-Tone&Test 23 CPE STA Run Verify a Mark $ - $ - $ 9.03 $ 207.75 Set Up Training Room $ 129.04 $ 129.04 $ 270.98 $ 270.98 $607.76 Subtotal user g Ion Review-Tn iinina 23 User Station Review $ - $ - $ 11.06 $ 254.49 1 User Group Training $ - $ - $ 45.16 $ 45.16 $n9.65 Subtotal dBase prep r!<Input 31 PBX dBase $ - $ - $ 5.56 $ 172.21 7 CPND Input $ - $ $ 0.90 $ 6.32 $178.53 Subtotal Discount $ ($342.78) TOTAL SYSTEM INVESTMENT: $ 1X061.51 cut Date 17, 8 E Customer Initals Y CITY OF KENT-FIRE STATION 6 z Schedule 1 for Remote Site Equipment cwnmuialwnasautlom Oty Equipment Material Extended Labor Extended PBX/MnF Eguiwawant 1 NTZB08AA RIDE Mini Remote AC/DC $ 3.871.09 $ 3,871.09 $ 270.97 $ 270.97 1 NT8D02EB Digital Set 16P Card $ 1,693.80 $ 1,693.60 $ - $ - 1 NT81309AL Analog Mwt 16P Card $ 1,693.60 $ 1,693.60 $ - $ - 1 NT8D14BB Universal Trunk 8P Card $ 1,741.99 $ 1,741.99 $ - $ - 1 61072-22 Pwrvar PCU 720VA $ 261.94 $ 261.94 $ - $ - 1 DLO70 DLink ESF CSU $ 773.44 $ 773.44 $ 45.16 $ 45.16 Tech/SDS OnSite Cut Support $ - $ - $ 180.65 $ 180.65 Premium Time Included $ - $ $ $ $10,532.45 Subtotal Nortel Telephone SaMatieon Equipment 1 AS1082 User Guide Pack 15 $ - $ $ - $ _ 7 AS1182 Feature Key ID Kit $ - $ - $ - $ 1 NT9K08AD 2008HFD Set Ash NT $ 264.20 $ 264.20 $ 22.58 $ 22.58 6 NT9K16AC2616D Set Ash NT9 $ 355.66 $ 2,133.97 $ 22.58 $ 135.49 16 Re-Use CPE Fax,Modem $ - $ $ 11.29 $ 180.65 7 LineCord 25 ft Stn $ 2.26 $ 15.81 $ - $ 7 A0274243 Handset Cord 12'-Ash $ 4.74 $ 33.19 $ - $ - $$785.90 Subtotal Verify MDF-Torts&Test 23 CPE STA Run Verify&Mark $ - $ - $ 9.03 $ 207.75 Set Up Training Room $ 129.04 $ 129.04 $ 270.98 $ 270.98 $607.76 Subtotal User Staion Review-Training 23 User Station Review $ - $ - $ 11.06 $ 254.49 1 User Group Training $ - $ - $ 45.16 $ 45.16 $299.65 Subtotal dRase Prep&Ind 31 PBX dBase $ - $ - $ 5.56 $ 172.21 7 CPND Input $ - $ - $ 0.90 $ 6.32 $178.53 Subtotal Discount: $ (2,342.78) TOTAL SYSTEM INVESTMENT: $ 1$061.51 Cut Date 17 Customer Initala g. CITY OF KENT-SENIOR CENTER Schedule 1 for Mini-Carrier Remote Ca 0. nk#JM$Ok* a City Equipment Material Extended Labor Extended PBX/MDF Equipment 1 NTZB08AA RIDE Mini Remote AC/D $ 4,016.25 $ 4,016.25 $ 227.58 $ 227.58 2 NT8D02EB Digital Set 16P Card $ 1,757.11 $ 3,514.22 $ - $ - 1 NTBD09AL Analog Mwt 16P Card $ 1,757.11 $ 3,514.22 $ - $ - 2 NTOD14BB Universal Trunk 8P Card $ 1,807.31 $ 3,614.63 $ - $ - 1 61072-22 Pwrvar PCU 720VA $ 271.77 $ 271.77 $ - $ - 1 DL070 DLink ESF CSU $ 802.45 $ 802.45 $ 37.93 $ 37.93 1 131-103325 RJ48C DB15 Cable $ 23.29 $ 23.29 16 25PRSEF MDF Cb125f $ 9.87 $ 157.94 $ 18.28 $ 292.48 1 110AA2- 300pr AT&T Kit $ 65.81 $ 65.81 $ 3.66 $ 3.66 Tech/SDS OnSite Cut Support $ - $ - $ 146.24 $ 146.24 Premium Time Included $ - $ - $ - $ - S1$909.07 Subtotal Nortel Telephone Set/Station Equipment 2 AS1082 User Guide Pack 15 $ - $ - $ - $ 17 AS1182 Feature Key ID Kit $ - $ - $ - $ - 16 NT9K16AC 2616D Set Ash $ 369.00 $ 5.904.00 $ 18.97 $ 303.52 16 Re-Use CPE Fax,Modem $ - $ - $ 9.14 $ 146.24 16 LineCord 25 ft Stn $ 2.26 $ 28.31 $ - $ - 36 A0274243 Handset Cord 12'-Ash $ 2.34 $ 35.14 $ - $ - $6,522.23 Subtotal Verify MDF -Tone&Test 31 CPE STA Run Verify&Mark $ - $ - $ 7.59 $ 235.17 Set Up Training Room $ 133.88 $ 133.88 $ 227.59 $ 227.59 $596.64 Subtotal User Station Review-Training 33 User Station Review $ - $ - $ 9.22 $ 304.17 2 User Group Training $ - $ - $ 37.93 $ 75.86 $362.77 Subtotal dBase Prep& Input 39 PBX dBase $ - $ - $ 4.63 $ 180.48 15 CPND Input $ - $ - $ 0.76 $ 11.38 $191.86 Subtotal TOTAL SYSTEM/NVESTMENT. $15,750.00 Cut Date 3, 9 Est Customer 1 . i n� CITY OF KENT-RESOURCE CENTER Schedule 1 for Mini-Carrier Remote Cammn�ontsawaa Qty Equipment Material Extended Labor Extended PBX/MDF Equipment 1 NTZB08AA RPE Mini Remote A $ 4,016.25 $ 4,016.25 $ 227.58 $ 227.58 2 NTSD02EB Digital Set 16P Card $ 1,757.11 $ 3,514.22 $ - $ - 1 NTBD09AL Analog Mwt 16P Car $ 1,757.11 $ 3,514.22 $ - $ - 1 NTSD14BB Universal Trunk 8P $ 1,807.31 $ 1,807.31 $ - $ - 1 61072-22 Pwrvar PCU 720VA $ 271.77 $ 271.77 $ - $ - 1 DLO70 DLink ESF CSU $ 802.45 $ 802.45 $ 37.93 $ 37.93 1 DLO70 DLink ESF CSU $ 802.45 $ 802.45 $ 37.93 $ 37.93 18 25PRSEF MDF Cb125f $ 9.87 $ 157.94 $ 18.28 $ 292.48 1 110AA2- 300pr AT&T Kit $ 65.81 $ 65.81 $ 3.66 $ 3.66 TedVSDS OnSite Cut Support $ - $ - $ 146.24 $ 146.24 Premium Time Included $ - $ - $ - $ - $12,909.00 Subtotal Mortal Telephone SeU3tation Equipment 2 AS1082 User Guide Pack 15 $ - $ - $ - $ - 17 AS1182 Feature Key ID Kit $ - $ - $ - $ - 16 NTOK16AC2616D Set Ash $ 369.00 $ 5,904.00 $ 18.97 $ 303.52 16 Re-Use CPE Fax,Modem $ - $ - $ 9.48 $ 151.73 16 LineCord 25 It Stn $ 2.26 $ 33.98 $ - $ - 16 A0274243 Handset Cord 12'-As $ 2.34 $ 42.17 $ - $ - $6,359.17 Subtotal Verffy MDF-Tone S Test 33 CPE STA Run Verify&Mark $ - $ - $ 9.22 $ 257.93 Set Up Training Room $ 133.88 $ 133.88 $ 227.59 $ 227.59 $619.W Subtotal User Station Review-Training 32 User Station Review $ - $ - $ 9.22 $ 295.00 2 User Group Training $ - $ - $ 37.93 $ 75.86 $380.03 Subtotal dBase Prep& Input 40 PBX dBase $ - $ - $ 4.63 $ 185.20 16 CPND Input $ - $ - $ 0.76 $ 13.66 $202.30 Subtotal TOTAL SYSTEM INVESTMENT. $ 14750.92 Cut Date !3 Customer jc ri SF^ b CITY OF KENT-Golf Course Schedule 1 for Mini-Caller Remote cc W"*,W0r4 soul" Qty Equipment Material Extended Labor Extended PBX/MDF Equipment 1 NTZB08AA RPE Mini Remote AC/DC $ 4,016.25 $ 4,016.25 $ 227.58 $ 227.58 2 NTBD02EB Digital Set 16P Card $ 1,757.11 $ 3,514.22 $ - $ - 1 NTBD09AL Analog Mwt 16P Card $ 1,757.11 $ 3,614.22 $ - $ - 2 NT8D14BB Universal Trunk 8P Card $ 1,807.31 $ 3,614.63 $ - $ - 1 61072-22 Pwrvar PCU 720VA $ 271.77 $ 271.77 $ - $ - 1 DL070 DLink ESF CSU $ 802.46 $ 802.45 $ 37.93 $ 37.93 16 25PRSEF MDF Cb125f $ 9.87 $ 157.94 $ 18.28 $ 292.48 1 110AA2- 300pr AT&T Kit $ 65.81 $ 65.81 $ 3.66 $ 3.86 Tech/SDS OnSite Cut Support $ - $ - $ 146.24 $ 146.24 Premium Time Included $ - $ - $ - $ - $14,828.73 Subtotal Nortel Telephone Set/Staton Equipment 2 AS1082 User Guide Pads 15 $ - $ - $ - $ - 17 AS1182 Feature Key ID Kit $ - $ - $ - $ - 16 NT9K16AC 2616D Set Ash $ 369.00 $ 5.904.00 $ 18.97 $ 303.52 16 Re-Use CPE Fax,Modem $ - $ - $ 9.14 $ 146.24 36 UneCord 25 ft Stn $ 2.26 $ 81.29 $ - $ - 36 A0274243 Handset Cord 12'-Ash $ 4.74 $ 170.71 $ - $ - $0,359.17 Subtotal VVe jty MDF -Tone&Test 33 CPE STA Run Verify&Mark $ - $ - $ 9.22 $ 304.17 Set Up Training Room $ 133.88 $ 133.88 $ 227.59 $ 227.59 $611.81 Subtotal User Station Review-Training 33 User Station Review $ - $ - $ 9.22 $ 304.17 2 User Group Training $ - $ - $ 37.93 $ 75.86 $380.03 Subtotal dBase Prep& Input 48 PBX dBase - $ - $ - $ 4.63 $ 226.75 16 CPND Input $ - $ - $ 0.76 $ 12.90 $239.65 Subtotal TOTAL SYSTEM WWSTMENT. $17,245.35 CutDate Customer I COPY RECEIVED DEC 181998 Kent City Attorney ,'°' �saas-►� December 9, 1998 4294"14 ru Imp cwn ...►. City of Kent Office of the City Gaff-2nd.&ior 220 Fourth Ave. South Kent, WA 98032 To whom it may concern: . fWs In order to resoNo the outstanding is .on Iiqui�hMd datnsgss,�o the following assurance for a future maintenance contract In the went a mairr/snanca agree"""Is bs pit. prior to the sxPlrM* m of the wmrr=V p� in aseadond N*ddabd Williams shall make a mein nd flew s'wo b tiN q» ahrsd damages for failure to meet that K sib . in the purchase agrasment but basal on on spedlw of the system bang maintained. We trust this will satisfy Your re4u -NYMWM Iooks forward to a successful install and a long-term reiatbnship w18t the City of KenL Sirxarely, e eland Pacific Region VP and General nager, �n� •� ern-otit-ant:13•L �WJ, Sift (I8d156 ,SI- '�3t1 CITY or�o"er►�5V �S Jim WMte, Mayor December 18, 1998 Mr. Phil Sprute Senior New Systems Sales Executive Williams Communications Solutions 22522 29P Drive S.E., Suite 101 Bothell, WA 98021 Dear. Mr. Sprute Please find enclosed a signed copy of the Williams Contract for the purchase of the Nortel phone systems and services. We are eager to begin the next planning phases and look forward to using the Norte[ phones throughout the City of Kent. Please also note that we've only enclosed the base contract in order to save paper but for filing purposes the City Clerk's office will attach the City's RFP and all of the Williams responses and materials. Also please note that we expect to receive the Certificate of Insurance documents as soon as possible. Again, we look forward to working with you. Sincerely C��M iq� � ( (_0 ( Marty Mulholland, Director of Information Services 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH / KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (253)859-3300