HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW1998-0322 - Original - Pacific Fiber Link, LLC - Limited Street License for Fiber Optic Cable Maintenance - 10/05/1998 LUAMD STREET LICENSE BETWEEN THE CITY OF KENT AND PACIFIC FIBER LINK,"C . THIS LMrrED STREET LICENSE("License")is entered into between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington Municipal Corporation("City"), and Pacific Fiber Link,L.L.C. RECITALS WHEREAS, PFL seeks to construct,install, operate,inspect,maintain and repair a fiber optic cable route alongside west Valley highway between 180th St. S. and 277th St. S.; and WHEREAS,PFL has requested that the City grant a License to use City night-of-way to construct,install, operate,inspect, maintain and repair a fiber optic cable route;and WHEREAS,the City is willing to enter into this License under the terms and conditions forth in this License so that PFL can commence construction, installation, operation, maintenance,inspection and repair of the fiber optic cable;and WHEREAS, PFL has agreed to install a four(4")conduit and pullboxes for the City alongside PFL's fiber optic line in consideration for this License; NOW,THEREFORE,THE CITY AND PFL AGREE AS FOLLOWS: LICENSE 1. License Granted. The City grants PFL this Limited Street License for a period of ten(10)years from the effective date of this License to install, construct, operate,maintain, remove,repair,reconstruct, replace,use and inspect three(3)six inch(6")ducts containing fiber optic cable and all related equipment(the"Fiber Optic Line")across, along, in,upon, and under the City's right-of-ways described in Exhibit A,which is attached and incorporated by this reference. A general description of the plans and specifications for this Fiber Optic Line are also attached as Exhibit A. This License may be renewed for one additional ten(10)year term, followed by an additional five(5)year term,upon terms and conditions satisfactory to the City and PFL. This License is subject to all the terms and conditions established below. 2. City Owned Facilities. PFL shall provide and install a four inch(4")conduit with pullboxes for and on behalf of the City, at no cost to the City, as set forth more specifically in Exhibit B, attached and incorporated by this reference("City Facilities"). The City Facilities shall be installed alongside and concurrently with the Fiber Optic Line within the borders of the City. The City intends to run its own innerduct and fiber optic line through the City Facilities at some fixture time and the City Facilities shall be adequate for such purpose. The City Facilities shall be owned by the City and, once installed,PFL shall not be responsible for it. 3. Revocation and Termination. The intent of this License is to authorize PFL to construct,install,operate,inspect,maintain and repair its Fiber Optic Line on the designated City right-of-ways,which right-of-ways constitute a valuable property interest owned by the City_ This License does not grant an estate in-the land.described in Exhibit A;it is not an easement;it is not a franchise;it is not exclusive. As a]icrose upon real property,it is revocable at the will of the City. However,prior to termination or revocation by the City,the City shall provide PFL with at least sixty(60)calendar days written notice of that termination or revocation setting forth the reasons for termination or revocation and provide an opportunity to PFL for a full and fair hearing prior to termination or revocation. Upon the effective date of the City's termination or revocation,the City may require PFL to remove the Fiber Optic Line within ninety(90)calendar days;if PFL f&to remove the Fiber Optic Line within the allotted time the City may remove all or part of the Fiber Optic Line and PFL waives any right it may have to any claim for damages of any 1rmd incurred as a result of the City's removal of all or part of the Fiber Optic Line. 4. Permits Required The City's grant of this License does not release PFL from any of its obligations to obtain applicable local, state, and federal permits necessary to install, construct, operate, maintain, remove, repair, reconstruct,replace,use and inspect the Fiber Optic Line. PFUs failure to comply with this Section 4 shall constitute grounds for immediate revocation of this License by the City,provided that the City has given PFL reasonable opportunity to cure this non-compliance and PFL continues to fad to comply after such opportunity is given. 5. Relocation. PFL shall, at its sole cost and expense,protect, support, temporarily disconnect,relocate or remove, all or a part of its Fiber Optic Line when reasonably required by the City for reasons of traffic conditions or public safety,widening or improvement of existing right-of-ways, change or establishment of street grade, or the construction of any public improvement or structure by any governmental agency acting in a governmental capacity,provided that PFL shall,upon receiving approval and obtaining the necessary permits from the City,have the right to bypass in the authorized portion of the same right-of-way, any section of cable required to be temporarily disconnected or removed. 5.1. For the purposes of this Section 5, any condition or requirement imposed by the City upon itself or any person or entity acting on the City's behalf(inchuiing without limitation any condition or requirement imposed pursuant to any contract or in conjunction with approvals for permits for zoning,land use, construction, or development by V"Ilcaiadmgd 2 the City or such entity acting on the City's behalf)that reasonably necessitates the relocation of PFUs facilities within the right-of-ways described in Exhibit A shall be a required relocation for purposes ofthe previous subsection. 5.L If the City,under its authority, causes a required relocation of all or part ofthe Fiber Optic Line,the City, at least ninety(90)calendar days prior to the commencement ofthe project requiring relocation, shall provide written notice to PFL of the required relocation and shall provide PFL with copies of pertinent portions ofthe plans and specifications for the project. After receipt ofthe City's notice,PFL must complete the required relocation of its affected facilities at least ten(10)calendar days prior to the commencement of the project requiring relocation. PFL will complete this required relocation at no charge or expense to the City. Further,PFUs relocatiom shall be accomplished in a manner that accommodates and does not interfere with the project requiring relocation. The City shall exercise its best efforts to assist with this relocation,including without limitation, priority processing of all necessary permits and approvals. 5.3 PFL may, after receipt of the City's written notice requesting relocation, submit written alternatives to the City. The City will evaluate those alternatives to determine if any ofthe alternatives can accommodate the work that would otherwise necessitate the relocation of the Fiber Optic Lime. If requested by the City, PFL will submit additional information to assist the City in making its determination. The City will give each alternative proposed by PFL&H and fair consideration. In the event the City ultimately determines that no reasonable or feasible alternative exists, PFL shall relocate its facilities as otherwise provided in this Section 5. 5.4. In the event that a relocation of any ofthe Fiber Optic Lime is required by any person or entity other than the City, so long as that person or entity is not acting on the City's behalf in conducting any ofthe activities described in this Section 5, PFL shall make those arrangements,including reimbursement for all of PFL's relocation cost,that it deems appropriate with that person or entity. 5.5 The provisions of this Section 5 shall survive the expiration or termination of this License,unless PFL is permitted by the City to temporarily or permanently abandon its Facilities. 5.6 PFL shall not be responsible for any costs associated with relocation of the City's four inch(4")conduit Facilities throughout this Section 5. 6. Undergrounding. PFL shall,wherever possible,underground its Fiber Optic Lime. PFL shall not erect poles,run or suspend wires, cables, or other facilities in any area where there are no aerial facilities, or in any area in which telephone, electric power wires and Rat LiowmC.wpd 3 cables have been placed underground. Nevertheless,if at the time of permit application,the City does not require the undergrounding of all or part of the Fiber Optic Line,the City may, at any time while this License is in effect,require the conversion of PFVs aerial facilities to underground installation at PFVs sole cost and expense. 6.1. Whenever the City requires undergrounding of any aerial utilities in the street right-of-ways,PFL shall underground its aerial fiwMes in the manner specified by the City concurrently with the other affected utilities IfPFL has aerial Facilities being placed underground and other utilities are present and involved in the undergrounding project,PFL shall pay its fair share of common costs born by all utilities in addition to the costs specifically attributable to the undergrounding of PFVs own facilities. Common costs shall include necessary costs not specifically attributable to the undergrounding of any particular facility, such as costs for common trenching and utility vaults. "Fair share" shall be determined for a project on the basis of the number and size of PFVs facilities being undergrounded in comparison to the total number and size of all other utility faci"hries being undergrounded. If all of PFL's facilities were underground prior to any undergrounding projects contemplated by this Section 6, PFL shall not be required to pay any amounts pursuant to this Section 6. 7. Emergency. In the event of any emergency in which any portion of the Fiber Optic Line breaks,becomes damaged, or in any other way becomes an immediate danger to the property,life,health, or safety of any individual,PFL shall immediately take the proper emer- gency measures to remedy the dangerous condition without first applying for and obtaining a permit as required by this License. However,this emergency work shall not relieve PFL from its obligation to obtain all permits necessary for this purpose, and PFL shall apply for those permits within the next two succeeding business days. 8. Indemnification. PFL shall comply with the following indemnification requirements: 8.1. PFL shall defend,indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents, assigns and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, actions,injuries, damages,losses or suits,including all legal costs,witness foes and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of any of PFUs rights or obligations granted by this License,but only to the extent of the negligence or comparative fault of PFL,its employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, consultants, subconsultants or assigns. 8.2. The City"s inspection or acceptance of any of PFL's work when completed shall not necessarily be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. H // %mt Ucw=2.%pd 4 8.3. These indemnification obligations shall extend to any claim, action or suit that may be settled by compromise,provided that PFL or its insurer shall not be liable to indemnify the City for any settlement agreed upon without the consent of PFL or its insurer where such consent is required by the insurer;however,if PFL or its insurer consents to the agreed upon settlement,then PFL or its insurer shall indemnify and hold the City harmless as provided for in this Section 8 by reason of that settlement. Moreover, if PFL or its insurer wrongfully refuses to defend the City against claims by third parties,PFL or its insurer shall indemnify the City regardless of whether the settlement was made with or without PFL's or its insurer's consent. 8.4. In the event that PFL re&ws to tender defense in any claim, action or suit by a third party pursuant to this Section 8 and if PFL's refusal is subsequently determined by a court having jurisdiction(or such other tribunal that the parties shall agree to decide the matter)to have been a wrongful refusal,then PFL shall pay all the City's reasonable costs for defense ofthe action, including all legal costs,witness fees and attorneys' fees and also including the City's reasonable costs, including all legal costs,witness fees and attorneys' fees, for recovery under this indemnification clause(Section 8). 8.5. The provisions of this Section 8 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 9. Insurance. PFL shall procure and maintain for the duration of this License, insurance of the types and in the amounts described below against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work by PFL, its agents,representatives, employees, contractors, subcontractors, consultants, subconsultants or assigns. 9.1. Before beginning work on the project described in this License,PFL shall provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing: 9.1.1. Automobile Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage;and 9.1.2. Cymmercial General Liability insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits no less than$2,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and general aggregate for personal injury,bodily injury and property damage. Coverage shall include but not be limited to: blanket contractual;products/completed operations/broad form property damage: explosion, collapse and underground(XCU), and employer's liability. 9.1.3. Excess L iability insurance with limits not less than$2,000,000 per occurrence and aggregate. Ka1U=w2.wpd 5 9.2. Any payment of deductible or self insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of PFL. 9.3. The City,its officers, officials, employees, agents and assigns shall be named as an additional insured on the insurance policy, as respects work performed by or on behalf of PFL and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. 9.4. PFUs insurance shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. 9.5. PFUs insurance shall be primary insurance as respects the City, and the City shall be given thirty(30)calendar days prior written notice by certified mail of any cancellation, suspension or material change in coverage. 10. Modification. This License may not be modified, altered, or amended unless first approved in writing by the City and PFL. 11. Assignment. PFL may assign all or any portion of its rights,benefits, and privileges,in and under this License subject to and conditioned upon approval of the City, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. PFL shall,no later than thirty (30)days of the date of any proposed assignment,file written notice of intent to assign the License with the City together with the assignee's written acceptance of all terms and condi- tions of the License and promise of compliance. Notwithstanding the foregoing, PFL shall have the right,without such notice or such written acceptance,to mortgage its rights,benefits, and privileges in and under this License to the Trustee for its bondholders and assign to any subsidiary,parent, affiliate or company having common control with PFL so long as notice of same is provided to the City and provided PFL remains fully liable to the City for compliance with all the terms and conditions hereof until such time as the City shall consent to such assignment as provided above. 12. Dispute Resolution;Venue;Jurisdiction. In the event of any alleged breach or threatened breach of this License by either party and if the City and PFL are unable to cure the breach or otherwise resolve their dispute,then final resolution of this dispute or claim shall occur solely under the jurisdiction or venue of the King County Superior Court located in Kent,Washington. Each party shall also be responsible for its own legal costs and attorney fees incurred in defending or bringing that claim or lawsuit. // Rat Ucmm2.wpd 6 13. Notice. All notices,requests, demands, or other communications provided for in this License shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when sent by registered or certified m a return receipt requested, addressed as the case may be,to the addresses listed below for each party, or to such other person or address as either party shall designate to the other from time to time in writing forwarded in hike manner. City of Kent Pacific Fiber Link,L.L.C. Contact: CITY CLERK Attn.: Mr. James A Cox 220 Fourth Avenue South .215 Marine Drive Kent,WA 98403 Blaine,WA 98230 Please Copy to: Daniel M. Waggoner,Esq. Davis Wright Tremaine L.L.P. 2600 Century Square 1501 4'Avenue Seattle,WA 98101-1688 14. Integration Clause. This License contains the entire agreement between the parties and,in executing it,the City and PFL do not rely upon any statement,promise, or representation,whether oral or written,not expressed herein. IN WITNESS,this Limited Street License is executed and shall become effective as of the last date signed below. C OF KENT PACIFIC FIBER LINK,L.L.C. By: __— By: T e, ayor Gary Anderson, General Manager well � � � ���' ova-�]<. �d -os-�� APPROVED AS TO FORM: AIAA l 1'�. IA, By: Thomas C. Brubaker, Assistant City Attorney Bat Ucenw2.wpd 7 1a c 1 SIL .M Y[OR ae. +-Ile -•. e y f n 1\ HO Ma!pm rwt»' O ---�uia iisi iY ep z Ir � c < ° .i -�lie'31 a1Na le[ »sr o/s wlwl A'vvl rt•.cis - ' sl\as p+•...»N/ -. _.. _.. - - --sori7� a.,pzl v+e L t o pee1+1M _ apq�S•Ig0.erH[Nam'0 �vw --- u' t u v�n�° ' a A m N N 51\all / 11N +f0 . - � +IM l•�-fit F IoLi°t" 1IV •.O l.as - q WRV •�� o w rS p' R^ --..Tuio•u 0 •we atH N' IS \Hv-Ism°�-- i II •� :nn e I ' M.yJ�[ •W u� rn 4 S /1I n.. ;Act RAa ZN G a O ..AI�eRR 1. p0♦ Ay o SO F -""."" yOyM 1piN Slpll r � /1 t a SWp tom w S •Ai .—' •-flfl"R [MI , ST\tSseS—t — C �j � - 8 / 4G S, \ N\ It ea w. y..I» � to 1\1. yrsq sN u.» �`3�=1.t t K.q&- 'vt p o o - Ih r ,. xO. ,•u, z H Is yRQ$� SIB m I YYY YWLI,0�0 Ste_ 9 � I vp bus, nw iRCSw!�___--___-__ sl•1Sf70 scm YAW„'Oh • n. _ __._ �cwu a,1$,sl q Nl Y 0nzr ___L ISIII [M aM11,i A S lass usa ww n'as w :u INtl �u a,w„a a'o sL so t6.7 s usa sal W On sNa iax n�la a RSYMO y}n WALL 'l D rrA' C T 9 V NNO O �mn A m ti y A yW. 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IIN�B�Sfrf1Y!r 0n sr ofs aVA lif" 1IfIAIO ray O•on .: i / WWI rw, O STA 14.04 I"K Irt W an O a IN 1 .m p115 Jr an STA N N iw � C ffi INN !q(!WJK W an � sN INN re[e IweaER W en rA 110" GIs NWX INM Nmi m IOU OK or FARMEW INNVA N o cullIWlr[71'enr INN tutu rrrt W on_ — � _ eu 13•Y taytW etlll W an y r s.� it en rA 15N3 welt ray W on Sa UNf 90111 I0U"'on a• O rA 13.11 sm NN It on rA IS•" cam NWI Sr an n W a 1aL ArG"fY on 4 SfA I]N CATCH WN W an •1 A 5 rA Ln 1N01 KL M'OLS s —sego rA Isw n1n rva[W 9LJ- z N t e STA 16104 LW¢Tar W O/S N Ly * rA IN11 MI, , NJ1i V QA _ _ � SL, cute 1[rte u'en wN� � rANN CAW OWI Wan n= 1 I • W Ol.lrL -_-31-- i a na n.0 raL W on r . .gyp :>a n m v." as won rA It•,e rew reel!I'an T � SrA ism rY0 WMaIL a•en (1 m I!." a a Teo 1 1 �en nm m eq >2>a a a.10 JJ 0[WI MI15�.1 n n n • 11'Olt ASNAII �' �C rA 1l.N IA WV cold[W On aA u.ER t"almAr p A NA 14.71 a"sk"N'on y 8 I:I 1 1•1 er o — E- r irA 11.13 WATER UM 1r an p J rA 10•13 IN WAN SIO c J' fa 11." LA,W Oall a,on v r r _ r.n.0 rwe errat w en + wl ."• _ VA 11.74 atear rat!Y an N C I S14 III" r 11e -1» 1 - N� W + O e n c 1 u � M. n.N41 alelOPl ytU w en � ...,... nlr rat N'on ---,--,_-fr__w- •.•. m ollm slsr l c t r w A i --LA-R-!L RA o11t{ M[W On C VA 204 O1OM eWM n'On j P 4 _ - _ YW 21M CAM O.M]r On � u1]1.4 tle etln frr 0 n11 n W MN W en n.n.n swl srnf+.r M tl.n tie W4.1 r ■ sr ]I n I[oP OOIN Wer � i n. 1.n MRs IRRN w en IzS •Mf1.n.10 nettwww W On• am W On n.n.t• M 11 1 ■ �{ r 1]M Ka OWOM n.n.er uPXOP1 vwar u•on a wx111 R su 13.41 to ONWO ft1]HL r4M fY4t sir su 1].4 of An KKM 51'On n ".If "to Mtn w On n1 .1 r 111w O ' .'O �• ph 14,21 XPY rac Or on •n� VA?4.2, aaMOPI yWl 1'On a 41rt X-"Ion•11Pa[�n0/] � vn .n su n.4 sm aunt W oA O n1 P.n #C_-On- n 24.76 1elOgee vwl Pen O v 9 ------Ir__ I.34, ir .�11 w Z A G ZTn`O a fa � y A C•! 15MIlt 0 0 O p o L n.1514 [M KrMw ' O n.n.0 ew MaNf nr ]• O u .1 SrawM = r > su u... Vona YY•r.r On � r O m/ n.n w1r art w en i 0 4r Ws O ]t'Ili = r —Lnw- TAW WK W on y a f11 is 11 naa ytYt sr en - —w su 1Mn aMs rmm=w 0.�s j € VA DM to Ma � ------- —w � O ' n.21.fi t04 Or rMrn ....--.... {a \f41S.N IOetO MgA3111 W e/S P .SrMltl ��nw PPIr prl w en fPI1M me"swr \n•n.tl 1[al etNL} 9 __ n!N.M 114 Ors�.i ' u 4 si.]•.4 fen rl N r aef ...... n.r." 044 O.M W On H 'o a uw t Xo. -Ile 7• ti 1 O � X V v O P. S f4r C s � C • . A-1 r � " fr c —w sM ri.0 fftlr war w eA a StA 2f." smell mu w on 1 —]Y rA ri 1: fe's YSa1 fe'OA � O you w On 2 aSTA 21463 KO 01055 sry rr CC f1A 1/.11 reM meMe'Ae P . � sylaA�rA.xs1 ra mn>r on j u 1. 1• - , r + n 1. A w 1 � d nA 11 ri sera 1[ro d o/s A! - fl n+ri Ao wr Irof1Y w eA - _ g 9A 17.6 wr am n.n +5.'w•P.CA I,n.n cola okm w Oil — P O 1•eA AnN] f•'.J'I eMIFI[u'an- -- 9A ri+ri IP.AMe(YMV It a/s A m \r riw r1G Mlelas r'0A 11• \na rivet rot at sP[ jw ri.11 061me:IAYIr fe'eA / � - �yrA 1e ri Nro rrN it on \r ri.11 Oro wlN!f OA • f rw uus slr a \y.a�Merr.am eMMPf AY on - ga� \\n ri.w mW YMN d 0A \ y.n.n mw.,uuwon N nA".e] coo MW w 0A 4 $ SIA OTCH sksm won 1+I11 ssll z Rg + s wf �µ 1 MI e .•v nA 11.1e VAMP YWII 41'CA - •n 1• MA 31 ] cove PM w oA 0 y1 I'A A rA]I M o w wmu it to Ia=na y 1 1 sP nwnro wlN d en it or A. 1 r y �y Oy O cq y ]' VA 53111'MPWr UMNU N O " L M1 1]1 C r O 9y G 4 8 y. y 1 � O — '—_•— t __ ' Y s r•e1L —W— ff1 SNrI GI01 Y9N W 0/S .� 4x C.Jt Mgt u'on - -1 l 3 O P 0 G Ixr x'On f a A m IA O Z N Do Has w sa t .t x3 x.11 cam our 33•*A ral••Am4 W on -- I I. u' _ rlt WywN N 4 � � .t rultt P•o ! z- 311 x ! Gtm MS• r On R u . a -------- - —_Rlx.u� \� s L $ Wo S 1[Cr NSIIIY St !t II ell1 y"I d In __g_a ANI ORo WK u'on o17Yi� :Dr 1 11J� I •n Sx it It utm onr ar on IN US War.Ir 9A_ O p!• A y � O O or C zti < $ r r p y r 10 r . Fml m mom o mttrc .•a wa$ trw + p1 x.11 MdIM URI sr On t . Dula x' c + $ Sl•1(t su x.x x1 F0. -Ix r G � v to u 0 [/may H �5) fx x.w RRS YllolR[IY eA T 'O r � 1 �,[ .Ot /w1� _ YR3 N•en 2 'j i 7["17➢� Y•0.33 Issa NOW w on SIA 40.31 M Sam x'on 1 v .l aVU r - YVSr r m ■loLL A31Rx er on _ _ _ r r s1/ma -sommi.vat Or an Kim 0 III r w eY yLL'R aY 4rs / O a O \V•Ii.w YS WR IY'en �. _ am Amm y•1•_1 swx xllx METa nealnn a ars -_ u \ A•11 n inwe Y•en G ITA 4143 Ye[•0 WR ----- A•1141 JMM mal SY On IN 0 A•ISgI Yes A FWAM •, u•41015 ww m msx Sr on A•mA SYm[YLLIr sr en p ` 11 Y li•eM YLLx q'en i \A•11.13 lY1G Yfl w'en SI 41.14 smm Fm a•0/1O L or ; � In 11 qS ,DILL rou it en .. a Sa I1.w Roll ILA w'Ors ' t1 - jrl II.A Wit N SI•INw ROM S[1100C YMl Y i •1 nl ell •Ss snr • A•II N slYn wer srlon u N VIA, � s' � ns�YILI sr on 1.1. qli♦Y e F ♦ N .r 11. Amy ma tlAM Ir on SYIw1LL seen � II•qNl tll•I em1 q'On •• f4 . YLLYL '0 Y A.11.11 AOw WOW/r On SW n al.m IwwgwlS y'cis 1. ;1_�1•H [M-S h[ __—_._—_ SI•q.li a[Cwt 1YlT SY OA 1A4.13I •ell•w YWU q•on o .1. D six 3« uwl m Yen e •�I1 a1• _TI ' \A•Oy uwl Y9l g'en •/�� • A•44.34 we[S wl[a'on SI•4I.11 Sw YLLSI 11'eh v g.1/ to Kumr Y43 Or on v A a A•44.07 to YLLx it'0A •, H A Y 1 11'on >�m K 3'. o m A•g.x Ova won . to a A•g.w aYSY WJMU Jr eA $l•q w Ulm ma 1e'Vs q tl • eml M A _ G i SI• A•045 SA OIIIII[ q1w US IIWIA[]T On U o w 0 A•qHi wow mG n•on IY^' $ 111mn Sil INx [ a R•-Ia 1 f O UII' �jp9dIG1W� C Sg•S - a "<LLii T-s Trrr SIA A(.N on Mt Sr USIV O 1 ` . r MA Nw1 esu MM sr en »A OI» SNd P"»'On .. • I a' a r SIA Nr» IwM can IV en M It _ III N.O( wu NIAS Sr On LA LA VA N.os ta101 osSN]Y On a s o WA N. aaa Ia . 1 IO N pp u ula euM»' n C m_ ee 1� SIA N.» NIL AMMOS Sr On -' VA woos coo 0OM 1r 0A B SIA w.r s"M IM M»'en -.O4 u/3#134 WIN Mt Ir en :>^rS t 1 la I N'M Ya Son um what Ir en 9A�1t `{ 1 uA w.76 [AIM e»M Sr on _ 0 PA SMN I11MiSM eAMis13 31'0n Lao 9 O 2 S A SIA 51.0/ SIGY WUIt(1'On NNO O 11411413 na N'0n tim n 0 11 P »'SIA U. IOI I" 0n C 8 $ AA Slow 1R.r en L A� O A - M SNHI a N.II m eos M6 ILA-IN � L > > C a u v c T 0 i I �11 sit Ln ���111 tWlgil�•71i-��� .__ � Z - _p �j K }�IA5.1� 41M MSN N'OR >_ _ b C PIN rNYI{�07f '; ]O r a si.o N n1 Io•on �� s. � � o IA o.58 in wOR C .1' '---N, o UK Z p Sw O.y tlMl rAwl u'oR_____ 9 u C w iu I la ]r1 v'on , IA 1.24 [M ruff sir 11• j vA 1.i_ya. rlul a on 3 su uw_ppu4 MvJ}.._-------- }4INf f Y Ygll YWLI S � 1111 Q s14 I.fi for of MY[YIN _ ,• y SOYM SWM flYt[I I ■ 1A Im 11 YM Yi r CA �.� All I)!y•y YAr1Yt•I _ lift•y A 1.Yo SAIM 5I541"rAiif u o/i--� ••'t 1}_(.a sWNAI•YI11 p•on ��' sr z {rI1 ro v In tid—oGNT71 }u� cunn N•on J � �q1 ; { L1.11 $4sar4IrOn 7 SIA 3.01 Nrw QM aMo[ -_�_.. . Ir ■�ol_wuiAvl'"n o r1 Au'7s a ••• ia CUSS sir _ O oY� W SIA A.w 1�IGII YWtI 11'On 10' i :D rn irrP Sal:i o%S •n E Qu F c n� atruiYfejS— y � y �O K D cC O 1. N' O p� ", � j.i 1 Sot Np N OY4 YLL YA-IN 1 4 NP O 1 1 o ul OKn 1.1J J 1. YIpa)Yl)\f'a J $ IOL 1, TYI X 0/S 91 J• Ii' ! A auiirl n S/i m X yl Y.p Cp■ ! N A S �IIPITIWJO]f 41\r on , $1.lalar ml Yell 41'a/f it Su lo.n oua RYa uWNW a 0/5 ' -n In' u m n alr rag vYRuol x•o/s �n p i a A z ow, , ' WAX r1 - m mn, • ►•L N ,4i� R 8 o -• $ {I�I).)J Intl v"I\r ills._ z n IraI All sr'eh "to ots A )i•Oy l O S y C1 o w 11; L Y 0 N S wMT¢l IJ.A1. > 0 y i Js C [ )a 1 Flf\IJ. I.M !JI 4w.xll !JJ Ill � z 1: - o a z eulrA7i fr on £IA Il.jO WIN UK A1.1 vmKtJr OA Y ; cQ )4 1410 £Kx4 rAYI W Yn f1MY m it*A C £I,IJ.n u10 Mfxl u•on gAY$5 $4 4.4 [M{M PAINIxl _ . .. -•. I - a Q su 4.n xMfM[xl x•on )MIM 241X)11[[I a _ \£4 4 7< 1M2 or MHY 1 .. N VA ISM u1a asw Y'on 0 8 VA U14. fwxr fa[u•on � 'FA 1£.10 (M _. . 112' j x• mil" 7� I Y• }4 4fm Mal[YM[wxG[Up _ 11JI £4 410 Mo tlfMI GIJ16[ D s4 lJ. nsywl WNICI[ 9i n xn ff«xIC[ J_ in11 n[Y'oh - - n £rJ IM .prx 11_�!_C�__ y Ci�tq Y1w.f 0/f ,00 O �mm m m m m 00, a 0-1 AN pe WPM C yy > t 71TIA�Yf M[M R[s Y' Itl i 0 0 JCS • O -L 3. ' i I Y "ICU Y'Jx fi•ots o y RF7 7� Y) •I W,Cv NA. If.b 'J( M. •J,I{I { I' p U u � 11 t P y G b y l g ., c 0 ru nls I uHGb •J{IY O hll ,J. s a .OHCA Srxrlls fr0Y0 � J• D •r{ M Z LY arJT 14C[M HYMpf 1 i � F ST{v{S tmi m a on s A i n nui slr {ma n0 Mo sr 013 - N I Oz 3210 CATCH WA u•04 I i u .S ur {fOHJIT i 1 ;;w i Al R Yi JJ.10 fH0 0{IMWr ; I Jr Y{fN Ktr IIIfS IfJO S _ VA JI I �I :T v v v g:oA o x r1 1.1 n 8 VA 34.11 •�y W �1 N :I 00♦p O o ��aJsJ '-�llHpll[.nRYY HA DIN p9p No w 0/5 p{".M � o RJPr1 AIOY_.40 a• T' _ xl GNILf - - :{• O• • HHYO SI1 I{�a VIM I10.m y YY IL o IiNHkLly ltslSl 1 0 clyJ :W ',WL'ABitl6±®IiUIddV Cif iD t L rSl,. • z AS 42' Yn t ti }ran c"smmt - va." 411 w � ��nx .fib igis w'o!S__._.__. _ •: I ' 5 slt n.n toasss,r •1 - „ -. . I _ -.. _.__. - - arw 1 a 1 SIA a n vam wlsr a•on ---- O n.SS fYa WE w°/s _. STA38,59 tag or ewP[a i iLP!H alit,yaw ts'ys --r cull.Simi sq n." ".lids,W.M.. _ 1 u�wn unto"ug!M SIAN-15 < ` S StN ,S.M.2'-yttutt Will tR aR ��- •� i . .. r 3 �C at»a atto u= N ••act sr on £ 1 _ $ _w $it a a CABS SIMII a•06 1 s ap tom, ids"st si SIM rmtr r on � p .MOR.M AM_P_unt n�y9 Ma su N." ids 1 .n SST a.I ttyrxat rt w lain 3t 1 oia A i ^ $14 pol ura astl a•on A :! Cy! L a m C e s � , D - c w •J t N N .+ r tUMt SY. 1La y[mt tt. a-,L a n O + N DO n D -t y. 11 O V G 4 4 8 t rJ 0 IA. Y I1G r0. 'lAIL Z A AD 1 C liullim i IMI VMI u /s-o __ _ ._ 1 i f vs I U!ji_f$Q IKEII If 0/1 SIA U." 1pp� t»31.M [MI Wit d rr S (IA .1WA MO. IMNas uiI iP ys iaa 1 Ni1K.1 a af------___ S wim 11KrYt W C/SJJA Pi 1 � fr rK rwJ tY 0/S A'� j YI a I..cr rw MoII II - • _ 1 O p»».» rAYt KIM JI,O(s � E SIp JIAIS II IIIII�.___/� - >S su .n wn.IllWen N (•�� I 1 "o/S�Ism.fJI33----... I NO VA 34.44 to go 11 1�M 1411,0/s Azz I^S SlAwsl Ire r on {I M u tf —_ -- ) sik"fit to J l( WWI u».1 pis Miw St.36.97 KM PMWH i Asr11nl � -o $IA 31.37 c rlso '4 tlA .T s AIYI , Y )[T 9 9 a= >o w R. o • a ti ¢ H L 0 8 $ [ y n. ' :� 0 OR x 0 1 O Ii I G ... ..._.-- SIIIYII YA ».N N m OAJI 1 .. 11'ilRBN I14N SY u Z rI 1O u o n o 1!+� y7l4NMNIgIQ�NMdl1 t I ( p c r I . .I to W.%IMP Y•IIIat 'SFlY 2 I.31.11 Cal 90 2 11 Sr - - la•. - - n.a.0 cn 1911r ¢sue'as ' - si 10a YaJ11SC stoma Iro____- { I•II..S S•S sK w o - o WON Sfta SICII . a SIA 42.6t Cal mall I[RSS SY s/✓ n. Ipl SI n.01 tq fJIIS twat[ .n IA MA IJs nrts oIII6 sr en NSI.n.a Cea tanf flr /// SI.II.IS !C[MIM1e1�/ a 1J SI n II fSpi�iSla[S YJIRI x 0A �/ CC F S�IJ.» ,F Y�MR��•On N 3u1�T�Poit a oh WE m —_5,", qpp $ •w.w q 8 it,n.a act x o/s __-- ^ 7� J•1.SJ a101 43SI N'0/sAl 3 IA 41-11ICt x S/f i ... Jt•Y•iiI .. a u.p Ka rumlc Ja a•on Js. . K , I — SI.PH1 010 SCa x o/s , k I n SfGEI lealat IS'e/s - 9 V 9 y, a n - A n -ni 9l g ►tea � c 8 gF C n a to 16[s S' c n� - aa K SI. !a [ fto a.SS Sat a w K S v y � Su 15.74 m owls t o c $ t a 39 •y11KI .n• -6 9 k i pSOSf SJL a.JO II[ MI. CYIII a a n Y 3R� �:•�6 N p r Lj I'l r O r 0 y a Yf i I � � z C � c rG""i z 0 z ��� 1 la 11.0 Ilc/I10. YA-lm 14.1.�•lp rNr k ILAA m, r VA NHS YNO rY 13'r/S.__.... ri �i vsnu rAml'sI'" ,] VA K a YI[s - ma mmo q 3 rliits lit[i�� � _ LA." 14LsS.P/3 su 1•s 00RR rAxr Sr en ,VA m.m POW nml sr r/s 9 sIA 67.6s Gip Y[II S!'0.n A L I S A N I b �kj_�YMILI II' ' 10 r• Nf[so'a/] A N•1• !rr a'0.n _-- � yylA a.M_KG.II[S IY 0 S g S '"�•�AA1 � .• i•• : }Il k!;i_ t J i •V D r SIA a 00 urNpr IIAmOY •t1a •1 A�IG usr a•off__ It u' 'n a . a ar amY : rum sr e/s n L • A[wmA • _ 1 r y m SIA 30.77 s[cr pAN'•'f ,,, n n Asnusl I MM- A 1• 1 _ _ >a p T> a r�}1 m x-ra[yAww n•an ._ p• I c 8 0 FACt 1NAIst _ �. susm su sl.p z nn� > o 0 T u ]- a i ♦ f3 N 0 N V01 1._A N 1 )D �1 t ["1 Now t' -S1 Ia aw OwKw Swa OOSM StA 0.41 Uwl WAI 1t• S1A O.a rM COw1t w'OK i %;A as-"wusrus - ::, c s1A ass IC1Rt rru w.oJs.---�� ' R Will YYt(IT A]s.— b Ii4 Aw x 5 ��aml[s sIJ10 lx_-- COOK SI 1164 I[UatRK YMaI 1t'OK j 1 S 9 STA Ms ula alr a'OK a e a • m l YI O 2 y� H 9rMY1�1K15 w'O/S _- k ^�� g �J.n..uox real R•�_._.__._. .. � � ' 11011:CIJ»on--- _.. S1A Nt5 IIC sua SRO► -�• 1 '�' n i u 31A pa CA101 OwU Jr OK $I $ KM OIM Ar L..10 1ws11a PM SSA x'OK !! 'tan QI $will 124111$lNUI s Hwt Chow Jr an D $1A all KG WKYAr .ora_ SIA 101 SiW YARI x•on--___ - ._ , um rwaC -n Su.m_u1R�gsw sZ•o/s --- .r - 8 p i a a 0► O O y�� n � n y Oyt �1N p 00► n� � t as rls sr tK _ 10 Sd Nin K IE ' I O 0 ' O xA alt OA1C"Oats a'o/S � o A alf r4t�1 11'OL— IS' 0 w n p .-1 I:MI41Y IlIWS/ xRRr sla aw a[OYG w. a.-1u r1 7':57119�IO1111WANd �uUCW311i1I1W10tld1'1 l t i i � � o Ir C IL ON LI A(•id 1 UI cl a �g�■pj $IAY#61 010111140 JY On p gA 1,1 tYo iRts Ir on F. - - •-v slur YYYrt IV on 944.4) 50Ylt rat a•On — S!.1!I tw tYAif S'! Y a0. CA w —F-- $ }u t.0 poY wss s!e a }u Sul, }.m Yl. Sn'o/s____..___._ . .. ^ 1•S•00_IR 00R }IA1"ry t [q•IIMpI�rMht Y yI Im acts 1J' /5 S SI•sl it_N IRSs tr 0 w.11. ^ N � ' SIA loll 0•S r1t10 y'0n 1 a � . 24t $3.101fl_.41.o la ES 0 PIS_ ..___ �. w waI 5400.u40 szr s lOr Vlul' :Df i ' all.16 t gmjm ._ T SL II126 .alai ezae JJ o/S .. . 1 1 AVIKI =s O O ly.__ux ww 0[ts 3f'015 _ .1 y n n `n Ii 11! KOO Wu sw i 8 j S u y fl It eJ lKw Iqt ti'On - 0, 8 A o T y o < 8b O G ri l0' 1 $ !i i N •1}�OJ_O1W M!w 0 ____ i' I IY ¢ ' y ; {1a11 Ylli�4• M 1 s p m o p !Ip'Rf Sll 15•10 NQ -IU N O m -• 1 O 4 y O o 'W4I/ N1L• ! /nI i n • n UMIY UA. MIS YI MIA YA In n M Ir i S4 N I i a ; a ' >• _ _. -_ I{A 11.M lM Was a'en !{M u•fl M e/; S SIA Isrll udl MI!Ir en K ' m g �1�1�n aw eaec 1; N . su n.s! slats AYnY[u•on _ ♦N 3� !IA I4.11 IMIf YAIu u'0/5 Qi !IA INu Wd ewN n'en O ; B SI.111!Il I=CA P Wll SIA IIIL WASLAr VS. L Inn MMISSM r en —_-- ' !P•In 1}� n WIN mix siMll D� A 11.-crs S 1 {I..I/.0 [ess V.IM14111 >11 {u%IBI 1 1 $ 16.15 WMM Ie1S Sr en I ' L b v O 2► O O A � � L ' 1 C It L !V ]r '• �Oa n. I 0 0 RAC n�— 1 sr y {I{19.14 i E V p } In '�' SM'RY WA. IS.■ W MAIL 5[•-IAS .I: it � O � 11 =i YI d O i I I r y� f c Pl� � � Il l 1 f LI oft Mo. •\-II\ ; . cl 'AF 2 q11 u�ru�a ayf s _ u\ff.fo loe r\uil u'on � p' f -• F4w�711� ca mm w of no Kn a on lo' s R _. u\Min stool NWW a•on l fl\fllw ml Y4'l 11'o/t. i oil Y i R � _ l q a � t N u\ul>, ula o\sw a•on 0 AIN N n' N ply N y'� k A7 1 •,o �l._b:�ro� . •pal s'on _ `I lT� •n ; g:o o Nmm n y vi n n y 8 O ' p ti $ O -• 9•r^ C A i a u\n.f. 021,oar sf'en f' a Rt a o � $ A Y- Elo' :F li v n � `7 •ll � q. � + CO J f a fflq fl[ Y0. Y\-1\t N N 9 O tof A Moo ail, ; �MrrH•rrrrr...,. .. I i S n r 11. 'fl 'M. 1-�• p 2 a' n i - g r . � I }11�1.0 �r In•o - - uSn iai[ a S10W Y }lA it 11 aS yaw y • t~ 1 i i A 6• < N � 0 lZ N J HA N r�•1=4 3 /r$9.0 RYA m WNlrl[ li R p Y 10 n W1 1p1 w on i 7 l i !"N CATV iWl M'On i § 1 S11,"•f, Yr[S .•v •n C 9 O 9py =10 O n�y t1 • o Qpw o�O SI 11,a am rvx W an� 9• l f r / S i o i l a a a 1. O C 0' O { IC A n i �i )RANI SIA 11•M YI G"Ii M !11�r1/ N 11 .: o _ P 4 O n Y 1 P. f•Pe OR.b. LMIIi = ��11nnnn S >f Y MIM•9w n•On i +] yy11 SIA L.00 pX*YOtt0 at On �-� ♦i a. C I.f P 11 • q' � 1lriri f0[ IS' �i Ufa 1 0 Yf 11 Ya I al'O S 0 fa '7 2 _ IIGI 1 SI ui 4101s Wan pa �• P a is A a was 1Y 0 v'on N a SS 0 $MR 11iwo10 w on w• ,I •N� Q S� ([a Il�w WpM,CIS l�- Slsw Solt StA u a Soo sus SOW iu aL-i] uon!w' ry. .1 1 �!il wwKn Sron uxnw ru :T • [Oft Of PAWKYI .n C 9 9 9 SP Jt.a lO0 YYIY TWO n 2 N O O Su 30.15 OEM cm SIM �- ��y n a C ~ SIO al 4101 M1N SY 0[S 3 Qom% IO TOIr "15 "10' = n� z� I D O K I S 1 o : fY o LP P I $ r 4 N t ' 1 O f S I 11 t n r r uA, ess xn •-ul i A f = —__w•_... .... I ! T • .1 CA 131utq V451 STA 30.47 cm pw x'US a "m SAW w all it e//ss 9. Q 5 i R LA n.N IIO .- KW 501lxAlK 1 $ u l�.l�� xulr n•o L N 2 V� N yI_ANHf ROY IKIS 11'0/S 3�Yo 9 iSY .N 1 N' ..y �^ N Y. A xn _ � s awa R Sla NAM Ypxx/MI P o SIA 13. JO IKO O'0/S _ 'r A]' $1.O.SI co Ws M'0/S tj•.1•x N.w Nxl JI'a/S ro A u. SIII 10�1'L iiOYSSISw NKl S3�K YO t •'1 '7'111 " x l IA 11.N N• - IA 11.x KOx p;itL _ h =V 9 9 IA 1411 x• ' O O ry 1.00 OU^ y m y n n m y 111. A= 11, y 0. ]N A WSW O ♦ i r 4 10.,u O O oo r ._vl 0 KIIO w L r n i 11 .! 10 y ■ny 0 1MI I Zr�llr K Oe A1. rK's ,I 9 )<8 > � 4 la e 00' 4 m � i$f S rcwlir Sry. Ny0 z f^ 7A K O � AR�]] KA•ly I 1 O to i f o ggill Z D � Z (Y % \'�115�pile• K�N.Oh y(1 , ' '- 1S a• --__• CLi .. O B 1Y 11.1 �M1 ' O .l Sa• YIY e! yt\ i lY�l �Y YU 5v aal u YYIY u .a •. •. a rleLi SI'e . n �I! < YY N I 8 1] ��;1��y _ sr, S 15131v.^^po Sk- I� F SI!n�lf_ucl R y A-.Y y p UNT7i'e (1 sl t S n ■a l0! .Sy ;-n § r) SiS$I Ile OI!rM1 1Y"A .. S%S If nR Of %!l - $11!1 IS fall Y!K IY 0/S c v v o \ N N O O SIY 311li [lSl O NKYY�Io a M lIIIIII YMlll%'0/S - y� N $ A •, O O � y• Y. ' r t ' 11 O i � su s:a !lc%•on S' 1 IA Yllal I l'011 %• , � V ; r j $ + n llllKl SIL lSlp 1[MO Me. Y•1% f M N i O �.w........... Y t O a Z sspp C O z 0. 4 S Q ■p N q'^ C.101 irM t 8 nii. L .r Ir R as 6' 3 ? N ".1st scc ve"a -'O •n c aOVI v •• N N`. O ynn n � y y 00� any y p ~ r A� Oy - K �p v I V r ♦ no O O rDi rm J 1 O � M O y � u w WWilltj a V Z ay ,. # �rl� y I r �` f 4 , �• a mr ai qr ' �,rYltr I b• tt ♦i a ZCN r1 I,y Y S N C R .w- a tA J.19VNRFa•on w aaYYall I LN . St 1n,n1 aal.r lar w o--' 34 Ly ser.1 TAKI IY on O. ,u s.y au...r Is IS .r_ 9do!S"IE Yn mil.), 919 a MYIaYI - Yip _- lwf SIaSI t —^ SI,4,11 IrarorY WYI116 w Yn l 1 it,4.m o ya wen ��� _:•J •: I _`r1 a..rr •,uY 3or an � •(� STA 4.21 sy Val(IY an - IF. .33 I 1 Y . ,Y. IIno owS1 yl. ' L S 9 9 =i o o st ,•u aaw rwl w on y Si,4.42 so"14[S1.On y Su SW S,I[Y SIM,l/on 8 G y` In Sr,!15 KM Yaanr a Z rs i H O S N !Ya WKWAT . a $ SIY!.IQ aKs al rJdW QQ o c 5 G a.Pl q N n � a Is' + I ..::. 1� �OILtiWlL107NDl�IOIfW S -i1i 'JMuiw911D1 w.w........... .............�. C �i1 1 O A ♦ _� 11. Z a Asr uu z r � y....•. n.e1 A.0 n'ers S .. TALI! M0n 1 S l �C ' � ASIOALI ' Y SIA..s to nwsw . - SIA a OUS.will Y M s fu.7 tiMYOIS � 1 J n SIA..M IWM OMROAT Q N .....r aT .r y VA.11 OI01 OAM IY 0.A �' y 1d G Su 1 A OSOO OMMT sus u VArtIon,e/s 1/1AY0r1 N R a TAW —a'— . - r sn rtics SIA101M lA 111A11R --II'--- .'O D n STA 11 1S SAW us.IY On - e T •n p S z a =>O O �ml'1 A SIA 11.24 O.O TA1AT u•0is >G e w> H � y> O f f� p A 1..1 Kamm/0.S SY OA l: N IS A 11.P 1[IflllSllf.[KSIY w en n•- - g = Y N C T SIA. 11.10 m m 1 ai o � C ... 9S �AIOUIdMI1W91 01 ��� �� O' c O7. —i O l lionw. •1+t 1 Z K 71' r g z sm O 13.17 YSV w0t11 f 541716 YV IVKVM tiff.. VS 1I•M w•V•1MIY1•r OR__�-" V)11411 SWIM Ku 7r OA � 71 ti i STA sn OW14YrI.Q — r . a wrrt t A x1• tt RUM 11• N ..14.31 Go VALVE M'W$ .. u1. Iffols 2 E t " w1olt 'ENV Qf1 RqEt X A -1 VA IIW YPI1 SMY"N 0/t 11 _.71•. .� STA 17.14 WAIrA M1M W OR 1, r VA 11 x tYM111w whow 7r Y1 17.47 =w PAWK111 n Rn- s1Yn fl/,I SU 1/73 YMSO WwY)Jr OAS SIA 17 M MS+Yr[ S'015 S13 tt w IScI w+VtMOt S� _ -n Am wvc n M s o a o GIM Y�I�M' Ayi wN iAw mC r C j t at 0A -1 n p8 C j N.Wi ySYI lt, W . I, nrrtr s r. n•w a -1 � � t 1 0 O o � 3 - - o L$'I la w c pp � ell L _ yF Aa M.N WlM so W OA _ ITXA A.300 PAU PR iWAM runt W 0n emmu 110 11025 07w""'J Tr OA VA JI M WOI„91 M'OA yq A 71 I LMf�IL f10[iAi "' Y tl st M M o. M01„'sn ._ M Y 5 VA M M Km(OfiKR LR'/r,l � N N SI M M SGuI rlLal 31,on � N RM wr sr en p A-.V. S) --- i 7 SIA Il 11 [a of NKRNI R Sti Ism OMMOON YAK IY On 3 VA 24.01 me N ft%VdA - sr 71 on W J MWM M'On — 1 O r D� SH 14.21 s:.n MA SY 0.A nA to 49 IY - :T n r r� SVNAf } }>o o - ■.o r...vA n y H It . H- .20r1 alO raj) xK ym YeN 3v013 O Q� H jr 21A H.L wwm LtlI II On a A A o y en o r � PA a." ■p piK11N O p p 1YWll _3Y__ a SI MIA In OwLY.T O �1 SUOKT A4 M.N N1 1 b �'. � L'1.. .�ry �AUpIddYL11FSr H O u [:n" aoiuiwsrrouwmrmaar ' o a wr �uufmawa�rauMr 0 W Y. ..... ...- . /Y y O A 1 l vim RI. •J.1'A O Z -X.63 w_..s G..-- � c fy ri.w 4KO YY.K V$A ~ O a♦34.73 wGl[Sr OA ♦ . I W a II.V cam WA it On Ay e'111.V W11K Ir 0(�.---- FiFiii . . py 11' 0e Q i ! vp yl♦f wW $ SIA ri OI CAI0 um ri'OR a L14.1: InMptM M E Ir an N fl.ri.17 4MOUM MI[WON O � ITA 39.96 [IO 0141L1 ]O N fl♦21.n OICM w1R Ir 015 -- N ♦NN �Z• 1313 a �8 •� I�1%.n pIO 41 7r On :D r. 1— O=yO9 s p ti ti Yy L N f11 UH7 MlwKss L01 It0/5 DOO• sti G y Y 11 K �O y 1♦ .� KW EMY111 � per. l�Gy O O O A~Ato yy A«' LAY— w �ye a1 F. m p R11xIt w N O ~O 0 O C mill jp V Z ,{ SFA U.N WNW SAui W aA 3Im 34.62 ORO VALVE W on � r _ n Sim r St• [ M SFA 3411, anASw wRr%•en Q SIA Sr SS "la I O W M �- it r s 0 O 11A .77 aan snug -- —-— —iti t�iemi iiA'— N q- 31 'All VA 311,1111 W OA OA' RA CUMA 31'-' _L%.0 aAOaw/AOt W oA _--- s Ia.SO.i�M •ALA •' .'O D� SIA Pas to S MS a•oA A.. AM •n p 2 A A =A0 O saw n^► A E C -O y SIA got MOmw A ) r s $ ga%%is,�Mt r In aaxui en auxu __ � sr C u ILA uk SO%OIIAnISAT 9 n 4 A n 1lIJ SIAL[I - u n u G 1 r � IiNNUdY1XiFSV I O � u C N i +��''s171pJI51g7tg1032q%dY,. p ' u ` ...Illi �rturoauoiu�aru�r A C O C�a N Pll r JJJ JJ.33 «ON IIIM L'Nn iMN iH1 =a.A xUN1 3f On+,rwu n 4J O � a VIA 31 Y Ina Mow - -- y SIJ H Y «ON NV,«ai JI'On O II C ftt W,H 41q HfNI JI'On , F a a t _ sNJ 41.44 MM MVE Y On TA JI N .xN MW 1f On - Y ' H JI, to pa tNYJ[ or A x(i,NNxa w _§' . IJ.I.�Jar«xart a n Vol 2 N JJ,1 or m � N N. aWN i :D� 8 T N� su 44.34 Na or x«t �n L V o a p NNO O p= •1 �1 p O j n y 8 p~ O On i r n r 2 30 f p p s = o u J B c N SNA IN.JN .NC q. Yl•IJN � O N ;; II SSSUUUa111JJr � 9 O P fJ O 1 n 1 l 1.m Kt m II. I] 2 pill .p _n•_. SZ A n` O ggyy fY- _ T� a SrA w.11 "IN W.Or/n c e _ SIA O.M 11 � m w.0 tra n r•aMxr _ roar A m _SIA w.ri [/a a NaMM O N 7L w.M roMA rat sr on N' IT- w �S t;g S1A w." aaA Mal n'an a N•0.07 la.A1M0101 .srxrtl �su M.a IM.rr.Awx a Jr-. n ISO" y 1•1 I•. 1'1 � A y A= N.51.31 Ah YYW n'o/s C G O A SIA SO." KM AwM1M y aA sl.0 two YIAIIM j 2 O SIA SI u MI VW SA'/n O— C >< A.5J.17 KMA"No" AO 0 0 W SS.w tM ur.11M .. _ V N awls Mom W OB 1 W- F(L p t a -IY - N Ojfsl S -man" SMS[T tl fNM M. -In ammumeam u C pr �1y1 - 7101{YW$Iq]11�U�pYdY M � O 0' c a g z a a a a Iw Y sit. M W. 1- O -IY � S •• � QQ E SY Si.fi YYI IfY.[ Ir n 34, swYrs♦ M.1 Ia ()1 z9 a9 9 ��O O nn r`I A n s a�o S Q3 L_ es O M S G 4 0 C - O a 1 5 A • , 1 I I tit LA 2 ` ILI I&R N n L w 1 u R^y $A..b M RW n•n/s KM wto.C. I T A..b hal ft t •n C 9 9 yOy � • Zy►O O A�. . sA s.b Aa Jl1t01[Il s [3�3.67 iax rcxa W �o VA K A T O p + Y 4 Y[All.Ip. SA-1 I S t 11 J A O_ �1 rl io N s A.• O Z fA 1. h _ • 'A 1, �kL,pl IA 1. ! �c IA Q � § 1 r - ,A , r i 1 , F'51 9N • j mm VIr r a •KLMAr MAL w� p S 8 I ir! 1 .•p 1 OC 9 v O SI 11 Y RAC[MS YANI«lS Z 1 O O ti At o n 1IA II.61 Km.e•KV Y y y W o. I oArtt 1 DOS SIA 12.99 Me--- i Cz SIA I1.23 S l,ML§rAM A'e/S _- « rn no 5 o � � o f,i In o 'r 1 0 Ila &MI SIA IJ.Ie KS M 0. KA-IAl 1 � rH f n r J1. 11�>• 'JI MK rll 'Ja ILI <) 1 Z • 31 � ff pyp Z $pa , • P 8 }I�iL rLNfN mr Own W N/f — } a f i n N Z lip 1 N ESN 7 Al 1 f I L T •n =O S 9 NNO O T H ti A� . A y7 `IN O A y c p� it le.n rosin rat pnws iY o/s_ r o A �v Su lulf iU1pN[m O C � O WNf p � 4 v li su mn tro pntwr ^ r 4 n alas IK Ir� ..- SN1nr ya nla 1Il orL Q 5u-ILf KM N � P L NS N y N + G• PI i n 1)Nr Iai a u_ 14 f0a YTS rTr Idi t i Z 1 5 � 1�p4pO SI 10 p la a UKto _ A n n 8 i i us I 1) N .SIIWI 41 I i 55 nl.o��l_p Rss nMuyAnnl C n=M }p R(�� S � 8 p 2 a a NNO O n AyW ►010 my O ► A y i r Y K 00 i On O ripO .� I 1 C N O SWHI SIL I.IN LI 0=C W. Y)-IU � p Iprl O u AA .. y 1 1 [W.MG Yt-RI Cl Yt N+" IN¢rlt Y t f \ Z .. •. .. Na 14 N VAN NMJICM �' 1 8 �j^� 11`IJ1 aSI1W1. o' SIt SUIO IM NMOKiI_..._ — �e i I/ 1 N , OW tHttt 0 too-ol }K''d W ao li 5 -'O N•S II u ' II T (! owe C O 9 O \ ZO►O O Ay\ o w n-' yla,1 ON 1P 0/S .xa o � ILA i ' u ' N � m g 1 C�> 1 n K � y I - _ U jStM_r°NI ILLE IMIS)Y°/S w KM IMNNa 1]�°NAMDC I i Q � WNNI a .. 1jC,H END WMNa I )1 IS'• I NI ^2M }Qy 11 ) •'O i , N� I LLLoicIi;m —.— If 1 C L 9 a 4O O 40 n a ` or oog a i S h: iu�I.r�nwn rolt nwannrt _.__ u a S Oy a N I1 ). C G II 4 IL A.W ME ONO IID. MA-IW n g u T i o 1 c 1 0 i+' y N SY On Y 8T v SIA 01% a I 'L .A 111 0.....a..,.w it on i ��n.w_�Waiat __ fz P UI O 2 _ N HSI g ( N •N� ��TZ %IA our r 11 rat-MIMI Lr.vs_.....__ a t :nn i T it oLs, •n �A N.4..E_��SSCL�_OLL...__._. M SI 1 N as OW4WT �9 9 9 NANI _> O O SI i�IM0 1ali0ATIaMUT yi m m rn 0 �Ii���Sr2'OAOLS s x.. .. Y i gig 1 S - h: 0 K O p a w b c � • � IY Ai N PR 1• ii �� i ddd! 9 (i � e n iti L j o m yaHr 4 If.i1 1n ua uA-IN to o r N N O i 1 1 f'f T ILL • -IG Q 2 will Is' y u' 1 7 su N f1 CA CWXIE ImW It, 11 P IIA OHO gAtl Ia[IP{M 1T o/s __ x 5 _ s � A u LA N {9 9.11 p A roll IZp»Z1•_//{ ZIR � N " STA 10 n MKI III{IZ{9 Zr{/{ - r�I _ mama m piA NN OA O y � � Ay\ '1N Opt A � (Ov K 6 p x� 1 O p � I ` 1 g x x1 ^ SIxxT{LL fllp Y{ no, LA-IY O 1. s o N C N n O 1 1 � cA 0 r = gyyp 1 14 OIL W •J I IL/ _ . Ili A lip � YI• >I V1 IS' a 1� } ^iu 78 Y .}Y.soa IOMI It13,itON IT Oa � I,. �Y YMY[Y S14 311I1 'il OYL XD. YA�IH - i .'C •n i =9 y 9 Z>O O ymm n I T y y 9= O H >QM �> O ' A � s y > �O $ ! F v i • $ $ ''�1I��9my1}prlt� 1 G N 4 P 1 i a (! s..J sJcs _.. __ _ .. IIR/51. s•A 'JI ss Ls.IY = Z •; Z uc ! i J I Ya+s ii+w Sly!3} •dal NNtl n'0/5..._._ _ t }IA 1.34 !wl MRHI to wswtl IS'.�'_. Sulu hoax Ra(II ml}r o/s _ aI R SIJ S." RW m YWIO( ' 1 r { 5 N O x 4N $ ( I N CNN �g x• ii R tla S.aa ratlll A((mrn Sr vs 1 c •n r v v A �NO O s �( . nnA A P1 1 �yA n► ti ( SIt 1 xy if O S K S ii SIB 6.00 tl01 iR O la• .x� $ s I � o o Ir a 1` SIJ a.SS tlatl wwa+ua}I•a/S; _ ✓ f 9 A 1 n s f +O / l N S � aIYM!Nl OY 'JI IMI.NO 'J1 IM m y G Fi + 1 + } t� S IY C n � fa ara.a w S1J-1aa � O STJ NA lap a 19K ^ C .� 1. . Taa - - a 0 s I a G .W ��_• I IY o T' 'STJ 7.0 Iaa !� of 1p 1 ft i i a SIS 11JS Tana Jac IJNA W oll • N j N ..A,L 1 3 ;la la.-}( a aw"T (1 wxl T ' i Lp Z A A N N O O �m y y OAy n O u A LI I GYfal le0/S c t 9 F -J[a= 9 Sn� � �O K ;u q.i l If a A a x, .8 •i m if tw o + ♦ SYaxl fll. IS.a A aK MLL SIJ-VI ' u N O 1 f fl f Il Il.ft UEMM 4J11 0 r � a _FAIL-" .r O Su 14164 9il_nul lY o fL � !1 A i 4 S14 Isla not m mWof F L It N O i N f B N n w+w ` •• _. __ ..w.m.JO gYl o l7r en z •.• Al / \. -- 3Y 16115—LwI�I11f 41'On _ OAMMK PA/fYf FI nP .— .C.ry p 4w4 1���IIII YMYIX ... SfY44Y �Si7 16"�M! L a a a 17.41 In 4v on z S A L N O OIf SIA 11.4] I I u u_u Cid IKWKK H� Q p 8 " L F - If —•-_• _ _._ [q IiR _�( 4try C z � i $ r r Ic o + 541ttf six I9.0 SIL M b. II/-In r 1 Minimum specifications for conduit and junction boxes Conduit All conduit installed throughout the project shall conform to the requirements of Section 20.3 (5) and 9-29.1 of the State Standards in addition to the following Conduit run shall be no more than 300 feet between junction boxes or approved by the Transportation Engineer. All conduits shall be placed under existing pavement by approved jacking or drilling methods. Approval to open cut the street shall be approved by the Engineer. No more than one half of the street can be closed at one time when open cuts are approved. Street cuts shall use class "B" asphalt shall be a minimum three inches compacted depth or match the existing pavement depth whichever is greater. The materials trench backfill will be approved by the Engineer. Restoration of any street shall be restored to its original condition as soon as possible or a directed by the Engineer. All conduits shall terminate at a junction box and/or signal junction boxe where specified by the Engineer. Conduit smaller than 2" (inches) shall not be used. The conduit shall be Schedule 80 PVC or approved by the Engineer. A Y4" (inch) nylon pull rope shall be installed in all conduits. No conduit run shall not exceed 180 (degree) total bends unless approved by the Engineer. A minimum depth of 24 inches will be required for the installation of all conduit or as approve by LU EXH,I,BIT..L(3 mf-c) Junction Boxes All metal lids of the junction boxes shall be grounded Composite junction boxes can be used by permission of the Transportation Engineer. The type II and type III junction boxes shall have hinge lids.either a single or double hinge type. No junction box shall be placed in a traveled portion of the roadway or driveways All junction boxes shall be sized to accept both fiber optics and copper wire cable. General Notes Detailed information on street cuts, size of conduit, wire size and type,junction boxes and type shall be in the approved construction plans As built plans or drawings shall be provided to the Transportation Engineer showing: street crossings, conduit runs & size, depth, wire size,junction boxes and etc. The Transportation Division shall be involved in all plan reviews and will inspect all conduits, junction boxes and wiring installed within the City. Catalog cuts shall be provided to the City and Transportation Section for approval of all copper and fiber optic cable. Traffic Control plans will be approved by the Transportation Engineer before any work commences. See Kent Specials 1-10. PACIFIC FIBERLINK WEST VALLEY IIIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION JUNCTION BOX(OR"PULL"BOX)LOCATIONS Pursuant to the agreement between the City of Kent and Pacific Fiberlink, Pacific Fiberlink will install junction boxes (or"pull"boxes) at the following street intersections with West Valley Highway (a/k/a Washington Ave. or SR 181): 1. South 277s'Street 2. South 266 h Street 3. Willis Street(a/k/a Kent-Des Moines Road or SR 516) 4. Meeker Street 5. Smith Street 6. James Street 7. South 228m Street 8. South 212s' Street ' 9. South 196s' Street 10. Southeast 180a'Street The exact location of each junction or pull box will be determined between the parties prior to the time of the City's issuance of all development permits for this project.