HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW1998-0327 - Original - Washington Department of Ecology - Coordinated Prevention Grant No. G9800109 - Recycling Program - 02/27/1998 Grant No. G9800109 Coordinated Prevention Grant Agreement with City of Kent STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY AND CITY OF KENT This is a binding agreement entered into by and between the state of Washington Department of Ecology, hereinafter referred to as the DEPARTMENT,and CITY OF KENT, hereinafter referred to as the RECIPIENT,to carry out the activities described herein. RECIPIENT ADDRESS 220 4d Avenue South Kent,WA 98032 RECIPIENT REPRESENTATIVE Robyn Bartelt RECIPIENT TELEPHONE NUMBER (253) 859-6573 FAX (253) 859-3559 RECIPIENT PROJECT COORDINATOR Robyn Bartelt DEPARTMENT PROJECT OFFICER Angela Langley DEPARTMENT FAX (425) 649-7098 REGIONAL DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE Angela Langley FUNDING SOURCE Local Toxics Control Account(LTCA) MAXIMUM ELIGIBLE COST $138,842 STATE GRANT SHARE $ 83,305 LOCAL SHARE $ 55,537 STATE MAXIMUM GRANT PERCENT 60% FEDERAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NO. 91-6001254 For the purpose of this agreement, the RECIPIENT will be allowed to match the DEPARTMENT share with cash and interlocal in-kind costs in accordance with pre-application instructions. The effective date of this grant is January 1, 1998. Any work performed prior to the effective date of this agreement without prior written authorization and specified in the Scope of Work will be at the sole expense and risk of the RECIPIENT. This agreement shall expire no later than December 31, 1999. 1 Grant No. G9800109 Coordinated Prevention Grant Agreement with City of Kent SCOPE OF WORK The task(s) set forth below summarize the RECIPIENT's goals, activities,budget(s) and schedule(s)and expected outcomes. Recipient Regponsibilities: The RECIPIENT is responsible for implementing activities identified in the Solid Waste Management Plan(SWMP),the Moderate Risk Waste Plan (MRWP) and/or the Hazardous Waste Management Plan(HWMP). 1. PROJECT TASK: (WRRA-2)RECYCLING COORDINATOR/PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION Maximum Eligible Cost: $124,674 Schedule: January 1, 1998 to December 31, 1999 Goal Statement: The goal of this project is to increase the residential waste reduction and recycling rate to 90%, and the overall recycling rate to 65%in the City of Kent by expanding existing and implementing new waste reduction and recycling programs. Project Description: The city of Kent has experienced an increase of population of over 24,000 residents during the last grant period. Many of these new residents self-haul their waste and do not recycle. The RECIPIENT will promote recycling programs and services to all city of Kent residents, especially targeting these new residents. In addition,the RECIPIENT will provide educational materials promoting waste reduction practices to non-English speaking residents. The RECIPIENT will provide the following services: • Promote the use and purchase of recycled products. • Establish waste reduction programs targeted at residents,businesses,government facilities, and institutions. • Develop model programs for waste reduction in offices, parks,or other government facilities. • Enhance and expand city-wide procurement program. • Continue to provide and expand upon educational campaigns. • Build upon existing recycling system to make recycling as convenient as disposal. 2 Grant No. G9800109 Coordinated Prevention Grant Agreement with City of Kent • Target waste reduction recycling information to minority, low-income, senior, and other groups not reached by previous efforts. • Distribute educational materials and backyard compost bins to residents. • Provide more opportunities to collect secondary recyclable materials at home or through drop-off services. • Expand and promote grasscycling through educational materials. Expected Outcomes/Impacts: Currently, 83%of Kent's residential customers participate in curbside recycling. Through a successful outreach and education program,this rate will reach 90%by 1999. Accomplishments attained through implementing these projects will be documented and reported quarterly. Such documentation will include number of contacts,new recycling participants,participants at special events,tonnages collected,number of printed education/information materials, and number of compost bins distributed. 2. PROJECT TASK: (WRRA-3) RECYCLED PRODUCTS DEMONSTRATION SITE Maximum Eligible Cost: $14,168 Schedule: January 1, 1998 to December 31, 1999 Goal Statement: The goal of this project is to promote the use of recycled materials through the purchase and display of recycled products at a demonstration site. Project Description: The RECIPIENT will purchase and install such items as park benches,picnic tables, flower boxes, fencing, compost bins, mulch,bike racks, landscape timbers, recycled glass, and artwork using recycled products. The items will be included in the city's Native Plant Arboretum and Demonstration Site situated at the Green River National Resources Enhancement Area. The RECIPIENT will provide signage, brochures and site tours educating the public about the recycled content of the materials. Expected Outcomes/Impacts: 3 Grant No. G9800109 Coordinated Prevention Grant Agreement with City of Kent It is estimated that over 10,000 visitors will visit this site annually. The project will encourage recycling by educating the public about potential uses of recycled materials. Documentation that will be reported includes the number of recycled product informational brochures distributed,the number of demonstration site tours and individual contacts made, and the number of inquiries regarding the use of recycled products. CPG BUDGET Project Task Maximum Eligible Cost 1. Recycling Coordinator (WRRA-2) $124,674 2. Recycled Products Demonstration Site(WRRA-3) 14,168 TOTAL $138,842 FUND SOURCE Total Eligible Cost $138,842 Fund Fund Share(%) Maximum Fund Amount Local Toxics Control Account 60% $83,305 (LTCA) Match Requirement Match Share(%) Match Amount Cash Match or 40% $55,537 Interlocal Costs ADDITIONAL BUDGET CONDITIONS 1. Overhead is eligible;the RECIPIENT may charge 25 percent of the RECIPIENT salaries and benefits applied directly to the project as overhead. 2. Interlocal costs are eligible; other in-kind contributions are not eligible. 3. The fiscal office will monitor expenditures at the task level. A letter amendment is required to redistribute costs among tasks. A formal amendment is required to increase state funding. 4. The maximum allowable amount from the LTCA is $83,305. 5. All remaining costs will be paid by cash match and interlocal costs. 4 Grant No. G9800109 Coordinated Prevention Grant Agreement with City of Kent SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. MINORITY AND WOMEN'S BUSINESS PARTICIPATION The RECIPIENT agrees to utilize to the maximum extent possible, minority-and women-owned businesses in purchases and contracts initiated after the effective date of this agreement. In the absence of more stringent goals established by the RECIPIENT's jurisdiction,the RECIPIENT agrees to utilize the DEPARTMENT's goals for minority-and women-owned business participation in all bid packages, request for proposals,and purchase orders. These goals are expressed as a percentage of the total dollars available for the purchase or contract and are as follows: Minority-owned business participation- 10% Women-owned business participation -6% The RECIPIENT and ALL prospective bidders or persons submitting qualifications shall take the following steps in any procurement initiated after the effective date of this agreement: 1. Include qualified minority and women's businesses on solicitation lists. 2. Ensure that qualified minority and women's businesses are solicited whenever they are potential sources of services or supplies. 3. Divide the total requirements, when economically feasible, into smaller tasks or quantities to permit maximum participation by qualified minority and women's businesses. 4. Establish delivery schedules, where requirements permit, which will encourage participation of qualified minority and women's businesses. 5. Use the services and assistance of the State Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises and the Office of Minority Business Enterprises of the U.S. Department of Commerce, as appropriate. Any contractor engaged by the RECIPIENT under this agreement, shall be required to follow the above five affirmative steps in the award of any subcontracts. By signing this agreement, the RECIPIENT certifies that the above steps were/will be followed. The RECIPIENT shall report to the DEPARTMENT at the time of submitting each invoice, on forms provided by the DEPARTMENT,payments made to qualified firms. The report will address: 1. Name and Federal Tax Identification number of qualified firms receiving funds under the voucher, including any sub and/or sub-subcontractors. 2. The total dollar amount paid to qualified firms under this invoice. 5 Grant No. G9800109 Coordinated Prevention Grant Agreement with City of Kent B. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS If parties other than the RECIPIENT are contributing to the local share of project costs,memoranda of understanding or other written agreements confirming the contribution must be negotiated. These agreements must specify exact work to be accomplished and be signed by all parties contributing to the local match of this project. Copies of these agreements shall be submitted to the DEPARTMENT. C. PROMOTIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS A copy of all promotional and educational materials developed as part of this grant shall be submitted to the DEPARTMENT concurrent with public distribution. The DEPARTMENT shall have the right to use any printed materials developed as part of this project in any manner the DEPARTMENT deems appropriate. The Washington State Department of Ecology will be acknowledged for providing funding in all published material and oral presentations that result from this grant. D. PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACTS 1. The RECIPIENT shall provide written certification that they will follow their standard procurement procedures and/or applicable state law in awarding contracts;RECIPIENTS with no formal procurement procedures will be required to certify that they have complied with the "Standards for Competitive Solicitation," found in the Administrative Requirements for Ecology Grants and Loans, WDOE 91-18 (Revised July 1995). 2. Upon issuance,the RECIPIENT shall submit a copy of all requests for qualifications (RFQs), requests for proposals (RFPs),and bid documents relating to this grant agreement to the DEPARTMENT. 3. Prior to contract execution,the RECIPIENT shall submit a copy of the proposed contract to the DEPARTMENT for review and written comment. Following execution,the RECIPIENT shall submit a copy of the contract to the DEPARTMENT. E. USE OF EXISTING CONTRACTS The RECIPIENT may use existing contracts that conform to adopted procurement procedures and applicable state laws. The RECIPIENT shall notify the DEPARTMENT if it used contracts entered into prior to the execution of the grant agreement for performance of grant funded activities. F. ENGINEERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS All engineering plans and specifications submitted for review shall be completed and stamped by an appropriate licensed professional engineer certifying that these design documents will provide for facilities conforming to requirements of the Minimum Functional Standards (Chapter 173-304 WAC), and to all other applicable federal, state, and local requirements, including evidence of SEPA compliance. Before construction may begin, final design of the project must be reviewed and approved by the DEPARTMENT,and all appropriate permits for the facilities obtained. This includes, in the case of Solid 6 Grant No. G9800109 Coordinated Prevention Grant Agreement with City of Kent Waste Handling Permits,the approval of a new or amended operations plan by the Jurisdictional Health Department and the DEPARTMENT before construction may begin. G. SEPA COMPLIANCE To ensure that environmental values are considered by the state and local government officials when making decisions,the RECIPIENT shall comply with the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA), Chapter 41.23C RCW,and the SEPA Rules, Chapter 197-11 WAC. Copies of the SEPA documents shall be sent to the DEPARTMENTs Environmental Review Section,the appropriate regional office, and the Waste Management Grants Section. H. WETLANDS PROTECTION To comply with the directive of Executive Order 90-04,Protection of Wetlands, all local governments are requested and encouraged to make all of their actions consistent with the intent of this executive order; specifically, (1)to avoid,to the extent possible, adverse impacts associated with the destruction or modification of wetlands, and(2)to avoid direct or indirect support of new construction in wetlands wherever there is a practical alternative. I. FAILURE TO COMMENCE WORK In the event the RECIPIENT fails to commence work on the project funded herein within six(6) months after the effective date of this grant,the DEPARTMENT reserves that right to terminate this grant. J. DOCUMENT SUBMITTALS Unless otherwise specified, at least three(3) copies of all documents prepared under this grant agreement shall be submitted by the RECIPIENT to the Project Officer. The Project Officer will forward one(1) copy to the appropriate regional office of the DEPARTMENT. K. PROJECT INCOME Any project income directly generated as a result of the activities funded by this grant shall be reported as a credit against the expenses of that activity as required by the DEPARTMENT's Administrative Requirements for Ecology Grants and Loans,WDOE 91-18 (Revised July 1995). L. GRANT PROJECT REPORTING Quarterly progress reports shall be prepared by the RECIPIENT and submitted to the Project Officer of the DEPARTMENT. These reports shall include, but not be limited to,the following information: 1. Information at the task level as appropriate. 2. Accomplishments for the reporting period. 3. Planned activities and schedule for the upcoming two months. 7 Grant No. G9800109 Coordinated Prevention Grant Agreement with City of Kent M. ALL WRITINGS CONTAINED HEREIN This agreement,the appended "General Terms and Conditions," and the DEPARTMENTS Administrative Requirements for Ecologv Grants and Loans, WDOE 91-18 (Revised July 1995), contain the entire understanding between the parties, and there are no other understandings or representations except as those set forth or incorporated by reference herein. No subsequent modification(s) or amendment(s) of this grant agreement shall be of any force or effect unless in writing, signed by authorized representatives of the RECIPIENT and DEPARTMENT and made part of this agreement; EXCEPT a letter of amendment will suffice to redistribute the budget without increasing the total eligible project cost or to change the DEPARTMENT's Project Officer or the RECIPIENT's Project Coordinator or to extend the period of performance as set forth in the Grant Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereby execute this Grant: STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF KENT DEPARTMENT OF LOGY Z Z� James J. Pendowski � Date A orized i ture Date Program Manager Solid Waste and Financial Assistance J 1M W 411 _ Print Name of Authorized Official Title Approved as to form only by Assistant Attorney General. 8 PROCUREMENT CERTIFICATION FORM Recipient: Grant Name: Grant No.: The undersigned, on behalf of the Recipient, certifies that the Recipient: (check and complete one of the following) will follow Recipient's own adopted procurement procedures and applicable state law in procuring grant-related public works contracts, professional and personal services contracts, and purchase agreements. The procurement procedures were adopted i o (date) by tLC-_nrT GtTY CGyuu L- (adopting authority) and are recorded in Qaoigwu�_40 -31 (document name). having no applicable, adopted procurement procedures, will follow the Standards for Competitive Solicitation found in the Administrative Reauirements for EcoloQv Grants and Loans, WDOE 91-18 (July 1995) (the "Yellow Book"), and applicable state laws in procuring grant-related public works contracts, professional and personal services contracts, and purchase agreements. AU RIZED SIGNATURE DATE J m W AA 1ik- Mayo►Z TITLE LEGAL COUNSEL SIGNATURE DATE ass 7 . iA Ty A- -T-%Y, TITLE