HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD1998-0323 - Original - SAFECO - Kent-Highlands Landfill Settlement Agreement & Site Release - 02/10/1998 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND SITE RELEASE This Settlement Agreement and Site Release (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement") is entered into by and between Safeco Insurance Company of America, General Insurance Company of America, First National Insurance Company of America (hereinafter collectively referred to as "SAFECO"), Century Indemnity as successor to CCI Insurance Company, as successor to Insurance Company of North America, Century Indemnity as successor to Cigna Specialty Insurance Company formerly known as California Union Insurance Company, Indemnity Insurance Company of North America (hereinafter collectively referred to as "CIGNA Companies"), Lincoln Insurance Company and Guarantee Insurance Company, and their officers, directors, agents, employees, attorneys, representatives and parent, subsidiary or successor corporations, assigns, future acquired entities or affiliated companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Insurers") and the City of Kent and its past and present commissioners, officers, directors, agents, employees, attorneys, representatives and parent, subsidiary or successor corporations, assigns, future acquired entities or affiliated companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Kent") as of the latest date of execution by all signatories set forth below. The Insurers and Kent may collectively be referred to as the "Parties." WHEREAS: 1. The Insurers allegedly provided insurance coverage to certain or all of Kent. 2. Kent individually or collectively owned, leased, conducted operations on, and/or sent waste to premises located at the Kent-Highlands Landfill (hereinafter referred to as "the Site"). For purposes of this Agreement, the Site includes the facility known as the Kent-Highlands Landfill, and its associated storage tanks (whether underground or above ground), barrels, storage containers, conduits, pipes, storage areas, pipelines, buildings, structures, installations, ditches, landfills, lands, soils, waters (whether said waters be surface waters remaining on the Site or flowing through or over the Site or ground water flowing through or under the Site) hazardous substances (as defined in 42 U.S.C. 9601, et sea• or in the applicable state statutes), discharges, wastes, products or by-products that were at any time associated with activities at the Site wherever those materials are presently located. 3. The Insurers maintain that there is no insurance coverage under any policy of insurance issued by the Insurers to Kent for the claim tendered by Kent to the Insurers arising out of alleged contamination on and/or off the Site and Kent maintains that such coverage does exist. 4. The Parties acknowledge the existence of disputed questions of insurance coverage which are raised by this claim. Settlement Agreement and Site Release - I 5. The Parties wish to resolve fully, completely, and finally, all coverage issues that have existed, now exist or may exist in the future with respect to the claims for either defense or indemnity submitted by Kent to the Insurers arising out of alleged contamination at the Kent Highlands Landfill. The Parties' agreement to resolve these issues shall not be taken as an admission or acknowledgment by any party that coverage either does or does not exist and the Agreement is not a retraction of the Parties' previous positions regarding coverage. NOW, THEREFORE, in reliance upon the aforesaid recitals and in consideration of the mutual agreements contained herein, it is agreed by and between the Insurers and Kent as set forth herein; 1. Policy For the purposes of this Agreement only, it shall be deemed that the Insurers issued the following liability insurance policies to all or certain of Kent either as insureds, named insureds and/or additional insureds: CIGNA Companies AGP 61-87-15-8 (5/31/78 — 5/30/79) AGP 13-88-76 (1/1/74 —2/28/78) AGP 10-36-85 (1/1/73 — 12/31/73) AGP 10-34-20 (5/31/72 — 12/31/72) ZCV 0056 87 (1/1/81 — 1/l/82) ZCV 006065 (1/1/82 —4/1/83) ZCV 006471 (1/1/83 — 1/1/84) XCP 145071 (1/1/84 — 1/l/85) SAFECO CP 198381 (5/31/68 — 5/31/69) CP 198381 (5/31/69— 5/31/70) CP 198381 (5/31/70— 5/31/71) CP 310534 (5/31/71 — 5/31/72) Settlement Agreement and Site Release - 2 Guarantee Insurance Company GA 49950 (3/l/78 - 3/l/79) GA 40722 (3/1/79- 3/l/80) Lincoln Insurance Company GA 409737 (3/l/80 - 1/1/81) This list is not meant to be exhaustive of all policies which the Insurers issued to all or certain of Kent. It is the intention of the Insurers and Kent, however, that this Agreement shall apply to all insurance policies (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Policies") issued by the Insurers to Kent, whether the Policies are listed above; and whether Kent is an insured, named insured, additional insured or otherwise allegedly entitled to coverage. The Parties represent and warrant that after a diligent search they have been unable to locate any policy or documents evidencing the existence and terms of any other policy or policies that the Insurers are alleged to have issued to Kent, other than the information provided to date. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute evidence of the existence of any such policy or policies nor shall anything in the Agreement constitute a waiver by the Insurers of their denial of the existence of any such policy or policies. 2. Agreement by the Insurers a. In consideration of the agreements herein given by Kent and in response to a request by Kent for the Insurers to settle the claims made against Kent by the City of Seattle to fund a portion of the remediation of the on-site and/or off-site contamination in connection with the Site, the Insurers agree to fund on behalf of Kent the sum stated in paragraph 2b. b. The Insurers shall pay within 15 days of receipt by the Insurers of a fully executed copy of this Agreement, the amount of$625,000.00 (six hundred twenty-five thousand dollars) as follows: CIGNA Companies $361,625.00 SAFECO $149,375.00 Guarantee Insurance Company $ 73,562.50 Lincoln Insurance Company $ 40,437.50 Settlement Agreement and Site Release - 3 3. Indemnity and Hold Harmless Provisions a. Kent,jointly and severally, agrees to hold the Insurers harmless and indemnify the Insurers against any and all claims and/or lawsuits made and/or brought against the Insurers by any expert, consultant or contractor retained by Kent regarding the Site, which indemnity shall include all of the Insurers' attorney's fees, costs, disbursements and/or expenses incurred by the Insurers in defending against such claims and/or lawsuits. b. Kent, jointly and severally, agrees to hold the Insurers harmless and indemnify the Insurers against any and all claims and/or lawsuits made and/or brought against the Insurers arising from: i. Kent's retention of any experts, consultants or contractors to conduct investigations, studies, response activities or clean-up activities arising from contamination in connection with the Site; or ii. Kent's performance of, or lack of performance of, investigations, studies, response activities or clean-up activities arising from contamination in connection with the Site. C. Kent,jointly and severally, hereby specifically agree to defend, indemnify and hold the Insurers harmless in connection with any other claims or lawsuits, past, present or future, known and unknown, asserted or unasserted, anticipated or unanticipated which have been or hereafter may be asserted against the Insurers by any person, including, but not limited to any claimant, plaintiff, petitioner, governmental agency, entity or body, or insurer or excess insurer in connection with Kent's involvement at the Site. d. Nothing in this paragraph, however, shall be construed to modify, amend, or in any way affect the rights and obligations of the Parties pursuant to the Defense Funding Agreement previously entered into between and among the Parties except that the Insurers' obligations under that Defense Funding Agreement will cease upon payment of the amounts owed under the Defense Funding Agreement for the defense of Kent in the litigation by the City of Seattle for alleged contamination at the Kent Highlands Landfill. 4. Release a. In consideration of the payments set forth in Paragraph 2b. and of the agreements made herein, and except as provided by the Defense Funding Agreement previously entered into between and among the Parties, Kent releases and forever discharges the Insurers and all other persons, firms, or corporations who might be claimed to be liable for defense or indemnity under any Policies, from: Settlement Agreement and Site Release - 4 i. any and all liability whatsoever, past, present or future, for all claims, actions, demands, suits, liabilities, obligations, rights or causes of action of every kind and nature including, but not limited to, compensatory, consequential and/or punitive damages, loss of profit, compensation, emotional distress, property damage, bodily injury, personal injuries, response costs, clean-up costs, cost over-runs, damage or injury to natural resources, payment of orphan shares, expenses, attorney's fees, rescission, reformation, declaratory relief or any other relief, which claims or causes of action arise out of, allegedly arise out of or are in any way connected with the Site and including such claims and costs due to future remedy failure or implementation of re-opener clauses. ii. any and all claims or causes of action for bad faith, unfair claim handling, refusal to defend or settle, statutory violations including any alleged violation of the provisions of the applicable state insurance codes, breach of any implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing, breach of contract, fraud or misrepresentation in connection with the matters released herein; iii. any and all claims arising out of or connected with any monies owed by Kent or any other persons or entities which may involve the interest of Kent, or to become due to any present or future claimant arising out of or connected with the Site, whether asserted or not asserted, known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, past, present or future. For purposes of this Agreement only, "claims" or "suits" shall mean any and all obligations, liabilities, demands, claims, administrative proceedings or lawsuits, past, present or future, presently asserted or unasserted, known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, running in favor of or against the Insurers and/or Kent arising out of or related to the Site. b. The Parties acknowledge that private parties and/or governmental agencies, including, without limitation, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Washington Department of Ecology, have or may have asserted certain claims and/or suits or in the future may assert claims and/or suits against Kent for injuries or damages, and/or for equitable and/or injunctive relief, arising from the Site. However, it is the express intent of Kent and the Insurers that the payments by the Insurers to Kent in the sum of$625,000.00 will limit and void under the Policies, any obligation on the part of the Insurers, past, present and future, including, but not limited to, any obligation to investigate, defend, pay defense, technical, engineering or consulting costs, settle or pay settlements or judgments with respect to any pending or future claims or suits in connection with the Site. Kent expressly accepts the above sum of $625,000.00 in full and complete satisfaction of all of the Insurers' obligations, past, present and future, to or on behalf of Kent under the Policies with respect to environmentally-related claims or suits or any other claims or suits which have or may be brought or asserted against Kent in the past, present or future regarding the Site. Settlement Agreement and Site Release - 5 C. The Parties further agree that Kent accepts the terms of the Agreement, in part, recognizing the affirmative actions taken by the Insurers in investigating the claims against Kent related to the Site and the Insurers' efforts to resolve all liability under the Policies, both conducted in a manner consistent with its obligations to Kent under Washington law, without the need for litigation. d. The Parties agree not to seek, in any manner, reimbursement of, or contribution to, the monies paid by them under this Agreement, from each other, or each other's predecessors, affiliates, corporations, parent corporations, subsidiaries, successors in interest, representatives, reinsurers, attorneys, employees, employers, agents, officers, directors or shareholders by way of subrogation, contribution, defense, indemnity or any other alleged theory of or right to recovery. 5. Agreement By Kent a. Kent represents and warrants that it may have sustained or will sustain unknown or unforeseen damages, injuries, losses and liabilities directly or indirectly related to the matters released herein as of the date hereof, and that additional or different facts than those which they know or believe to be true may be discovered. Nevertheless, Kent agrees the release given in this Agreement shall apply not only to all currently known and anticipated results of the matters released, but also to those currently unknown and unanticipated claims, resulting directly or indirectly from any and all liability for any and all extra-contractual claims, claims in tort, claims under contract, claims for attorneys' fees and expenses, demands, rights, liabilities, damages, losses and causes of action of whatever kind and nature, now existing or hereafter arising from the Site, even if not discovered or brought to the attention of Kent until after the effective date of this Agreement. b. Kent agrees that the obligations set forth in this Agreement are not joint obligations of any of the Insurers who are bound by the Agreement and that breach of the Agreement by one of the Insurers does not void the Agreement as to other of the Insurers. GENERAL CONDITIONS 6. Kent represents and warrants that after a good faith investigation it has determined that Kent is the only known entity or individual entitled to recover for any damages under such claims and it has not and will not in any manner assign, transfer, convey or sell, or purport to assign, transfer, convey or sell to any entity or person any cause of action, any chose in action, or part thereof, arising out of or connected with the matters released herein, and that they are the only known persons or entities entitled to recover for any damages under such claims, causes of action, actions, and rights. Kent represents and warrants that no subrogation of any cause of action, chose in action, or part hereof, has taken place. Settlement Agreement and Site Release - 6 7. Kent further represents, warrants and agrees that they will not in any way voluntarily assist any other person or entity in the establishment of any claim, cause of action, action or right against the Insurers in any way relating to the investigation, handling, defense, or settlement of claims relating to or arising from the claims governed by this Agreement and the releases contained herein. Except as otherwise provided, Kent agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the Insurers for any breach by Kent of any of the foregoing representations and warranties, such indemnity to include, but not be limited to, the Insurers' attorneys' fees and costs. 8. This Agreement is the result of a compromise and accord and shall not be considered an admission of liability or responsibility. This Agreement is a compromise and settlement of disputed claims, is the product of arms length negotiations. 9. This Agreement prevails over prior communications regarding the matters contained herein between the Insurers and Kent or their representatives. The Agreement was drafted by counsel for the Insurers and Kent and there shall not be a presumption or construction against the Insurers or Kent, each expressly waiving the doctrine of contra proferentum. 10. This Agreement is an integrated agreement and contains the entire agreement regarding the matters herein between the Insurers and Kent and no representations, warranties, or promises have been made or relied on by the Insurers or Kent other than as set forth herein. 11. This Agreement is intended to confer rights and benefits only on the Insurers and Kent and is not intended to confer any right or benefit upon any other person or entity. No person or entity other than the Insurers and Kent shall have any legally enforceable right under this Agreement. All rights of action for any breach of this Agreement are hereby reserved to the Insurers and Kent. 12. This Agreement is without prejudice or value as precedent and shall not be used in any proceeding or hearing to create, prove, or interpret the obligations under, or terms and conditions of, any other agreement or any insurance policy. 13. This Agreement is not a policy of insurance, and the Insurers and Kent do not intend that it will be interpreted as such. 14. This Agreement shall be deemed to fall within the protection afforded compromises and offers to compromise by Rule 408 of the Federal Rules of Evidence. The existence of this Agreement, and terms thereof, and any acts or omissions related thereto, shall not be used by way of discovery, evidence, offer of proof, or otherwise, except in any action or proceeding to enforce or defend the terms of this Agreement. 15. The Parties represent and warrant to the extent applicable: a. that they have taken all necessary corporate and/or legal actions to duly approve Settlement Agreement and Site Release - 7 the making and performance of the Agreement and that no further corporate or other approval is necessary; b. that the making and performance of this Agreement will not violate any provision of law or of their respective articles of incorporation or by-laws; C. that they have read this Agreement and know the contents hereof, that the terms hereof are contractual and not by way of recital, and that they have signed this Agreement of their own free act; d. that in making this Agreement, they have obtained the advice of legal counsel; and e. that the Mayor of the City of Kent has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of all of Kent as identified in the Agreement. 16. Wherever possible, each provision of the Agreement shall be interpreted in such manner as to be valid under applicable law, but if any provision of the Agreement shall be invalid or prohibited thereunder, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of the Agreement. 17. Each of the terms of the Agreement is binding upon and for the benefit of the Insurers and Kent. Any assignment of the Agreement by either Party without the written permission of the other Parry, except by operation of law, shall be void and of no effect. 18. The Insurers and Kent agree that this Settlement Agreement and its terms and conditions are confidential to the extent permitted by law and shall not be disclosed to anyone without the written consent of all Parties to this Settlement Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, written consent shall not be required for any disclosure (a) made pursuant to court order or (b) made to an attorney, reinsurer, auditor, representative, director or employee of the Insurers or Kent, provided that any such disclosure is made in the furtherance of a financial or business interest of the Insurers or Kent and is not part of a general publication or dissemination, or (c) made pursuant to the Parties' obligations under the Public Disclosure Laws or (d) made pursuant to a valid and proper subpoena or production request directed to Kent or(e)by a Party to enforce the terms of this Agreement or (f) by Kent upon a determination by a court that such disclosure is a prerequisite to a judgment in favor of Kent against any other person with respect to claims released by this Agreement. Any person to whom a disclosure is made under (b) or (d) shall be advised of the confidentiality requirement. 19. This Agreement is entered into, and shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the State of Washington. Settlement Agreement and Site Release- 8 20. This Agreement may be executed in two (2) or more original or facsimile counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one instrument. 21. In the event of litigation to enforce the terms of this Agreement, costs and reasonable attorney fees shall be awarded to the substantially prevailing party. 22. Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the rights and obligations of the parties as established in the Defense Funding Agreement previously entered into between and among the Parties. Settlement Agreement and Site Release - 9 Century Indemnity as successor to CCI Insurance Company, as successor to Insurance Company of North America., Century Indemnity as successor to Cigna Specialty Insurance Company formerly known as California Union Insurance Company, Indemnity Insurance Company of North America (herein collectively referred to as "CIGNA Companies") Dated: By: Its: Safeco Insurance Company of America General Insurance Company of America First National Insurance Company of America (herein collectively referred to as"SAFECO") Dated: By: Its: Guarantee Insurance Company Dated: By: Its: Lincoln Insurance Company Dated: By: Its: City of K Dated: By: Its: Settlement Agreement and Site Release- 10 Century Indemnity as successor to CCI Insurance Company, as successor to Insurance Company of North America, Century Indemnity as successor to Cigna Specialty Insurance Company formerly known as California Union Insurance Company, Indemnity Insurance Company of North America (herein collectively referred to as "CIGNA Companies") Dated: By: Its: Safeco Insurance Company of America General Insurance Company of America First National Insurance Company of America (herein collectively referred to as"SAFECO") Dated: BY Its: Guarantee Insurance Company Dated: By: Its: Lincoln Insurance Company Dated: BY Its: City of Kent Dated: By: Its: Settlement Agreement and Site Release - 10 Century Indemnity as successor to CCI Insurance Company, as successor to Insurance Company of North America, Century Indemnity as successor to Cigna Specialty Insurance Company formerly known as California Union Insurance Company, Indemnity Insurance Company of North America (herein collectively referred to as "CIGNA Companies") Dated: BY: Its: Safeco Insurance Company of America General Insurance Company of America First National Insurance Company of America (herein collectively referred to as"SAFECO") Dated: BY: Its: Guarantee Insurance Company Dated: z9 By; Its: Lincoln Insurance Company / gyp_ Dated: Lh��� BY: Ae4 Its: v0- City of Kent Dated: BY: Its: Settlement Agreement and Site Release - 10 Century Indemnity as successor to CCI Insurance Company, as successor to Insurance Company of North America, Century Indemnity as successor to Cigna Specialty Insurance Company formerly known as California Union Insurance Company, Indemnity Insurance Company of North America (herein collectively referred to as "CIGNA Companies") Dated: By: Its: Safeco Insurance Company of America General Insurance Company of America First National Insurance Company of America (herein collectively referred to as"SAFECO") Dated: By: CO-Its: \�-�nVl Guarantee Insurance Company Dated: BY Its: Lincoln Insurance Company Dated: BY Its: City of Kent Dated: By: Its: Settlement Agreement and Site Release - 10 I ; O 1-3 § ® � b 0 \ k 2 § E , � � k 1-3 � n 2 2 \ 0.. 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WILMINGTON TRUST COMP' 03"'LJ1 79 nry+7C']�1r1 MAIN OFFICE-OPERATIONS aty�T� 9 OOS25229 WILMINGTON,DELAWARE PAY TO THE ORDER OF: 'Ihe aty c f ymt and its Aticri:W Qmg WffinY PAY E3:6,:78:1.K** NO. Dian-0 Dailey M AIL$LLL1V(r t Hamer Ba17ey POrbrgZSS & lbffimn 3W Pic aer TI-Wx 888 S.W. Fifth Awme AU ORIZED SIGNATURE Pm tlar d, CR 97204-M lie 0696L,C3v 0:03 L L0009 21►: 0007 5 L lI' DATE wary 22, 19% NO. 069645 ICU The Lincoln 62-9 Insurance Group 311 INSURED ACC.DATE CLAIM NO. ADJ. PAYABLE THROUGH WILMINGTON TRUST COMP, Cityt�of 7��...,.4. 0�1 78 0^ 5� ID MAIN OFFICE-OPERATIONS 4Ll.Y 1 i'�1 i1. WILMINGTON,DELAWARE PAY TO THE ORDER OF: 1he City Cf Y01t and its Atbxrey Greg McEli qir PAY **36►781.25** NO. D1aTm Dailey MAIL a.1111V.T&Halger Bailey parbrgraSS & HOffTrara. TO 300 Picrieex TD&-r 888S.W.. Fifth Aveme ATUEPortland, CR 97204-2089 Z111. D R 11006964511' i:03LL000921: 0007 5L3111 ESSEX INSURANCE COMPANY Creator Bank on behalf of Richmond,virginla 88-02 LINCOLN INSURANCE COMPANY 510 P.O. BOX 2010 001141 GLEN ALLEN, VIRGINIA 23058-2010 VENDOR I.D. K NO. D [AY THIS AMOUNT 001141 01-16-98 ******$40,437.50 PAY THE SUM OF FORTY- THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED ***** *****THIRTY-SEVEN DOLLARS AND 50 CENTS***** Pay to the order of The City of Kent and its attorney Greg McElroy II'00 L L4 LII' 40S L0000 20i: 20 L 36 2899u■