HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG1999-0363 - Original - Valley Medical Center (OHS) - Jail Health Services - 07/01/1999 Contractor: Public Hospital District No. iI of King County d/b/a Valley Medical Center, Occupational Health Services (OHS) 220 S.W. 43rd Street Renton, WA 98055 Services Provided: Jail Health Services Liaison OHS/VMC: Kelley Morse, RN (425) 656-5439 City of Kent: Chief Ed Crawford 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 CONTRACT F04 SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, entered into as of the /3 day of ISP-42- 1999, by the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation (hereinafter "City"), and the Public Hospital District No. 1 of King County, a Washington mWcipal corporation d/b/a Valley Medical Center Occupational Health Services, (hereinafter "Contractor"). This contract supersedes all other contracts and addenda previously entered into by: and between City and contractor for medical services provided at the Kent Corrections Facility. WITNES$ETH WHEREAS,the City is undertaking certain activities necessary to meet health needs as they relate to correctional health services; and WHEREAS, the City desires to engage the Contractor to render certain services in connection with such undertaking of the City. NOW THEREFORE, the parties do mutually agree as follows: I. Scone of Service. A. The Contractor's responsibilities include: 1. A Registered Nurse("RN")will be scheduled for 80 hours per week, and a Physician Assistant ("PA") will be scheduled for 4 hours per week or a combination of staff and hours to equal 84 clinical staff hours per week, excluding holidays. RN and PA hours will be scheduled in a manner that provides the staffing of an RN or PA at CONTRACT FOR SERVICES- 1 City of Kent/VMC-OHS-7/12/99 PACMIW+ E=Mail-WC-C nftd. c the Kent Corrections Facility during the daytime hours of each day and during the evenings on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Prior to performing more than 10 hours of overtime during a continuous week, Contractor shall notify the City, and receive approval therefore. Holidays and leaves of absence will necessitate variation in the scheduling of personnel and ability to recruit appropriate staff may limit ability to providee services. For the eight (8) holidays listed in Exhibit B,Contractor Will not provide staff and coverage in the clinic. However,telephone conversation services will be available. The 64 hours resulting from the eight holidays will be scheduled and worked throughout the year that the holidays occurred. An RN and/or PA will staff those hour$, and a report of the hours worked will be provided at the City's request and at each quarterly meeting. 2. Staff Assistance. Contractor will provide assistance to staff for minor injuries, vaccinations, and a y@arly TB test. 3. Sick Call. a. A minimum of 20 hours/week of sick call will be available. It will be scheduled Monday through Friday. Clinic hours will be determined)by mutual agreement. Sick call consists of diagnostic and treatment services for acute and chronic illness and will be provided by an RN and Physician Assistant consistent with Section I(A)(I). b. Treatment of acute or chronic medical conditions will be limited by: • Licensiure, certification, and training of the RN and PA; and • Availalbility of monitoring, observational and treatment capabilities of qualified staff. C. Laboratory tests ordered by Contractor staff will be handled by the Contractor. Lab tests are not included in the base agreement. CONTRACT FOR SERVICES-2 City of Kent/VMC-OHS-7/12/99 P TMPM E5\0385UA4WC-Contw.d. 4. 14-Day Health Appraisal. a. 14-day health appraisals will be conducted within the 101 and 14'h day of confinement. b. The 14-day health appraisal will include: • Basic',medical/health history; • Vital Signs; • Brief physical examination; • TB sl in test; • Syphilis serology; and • Revieiw of Contractor-approved Reviewing/Screening form.', 5. Health Receiving Screening, a. The Contractor will update, as necessary, the Health Receiving/Scteening form. b. The Contractor staff will train Corrections officers in use and application of the form. C. The Contractor staff will review all Health Receiving/Sckeening forms and recommend appropriate follow-up. 6. Triage. a. Corrections staff will collect written inmate complaints/requests. b. Contractor staff will review written inmate complaints/requests during normal Monday through Sunday clinic hours. C. Contractor staff will prioritize complaints/requests and will follow-up as appropriate. CONTRACT FOR SERVICES-3 City of Kent/VMC-OHS-7/12/99 P\CiviI\FMES`A385Vu1-WC-C..U¢d. 7. Medical Records. a. Contractor staff will maintain the medical records system. b. Contractor staff will maintain a system which protects the confidentiality of health information. C. Corrections staff will ensure the provisions of Section 6(A) above are maintained. d. Contractor staff, upon notification of Corrections staff, will prepare appropriate information on inmates transferred to another correctional facility. e. Pursuant to RICW 70.02.050(1)(i), Contractor shall disclose to the City upon its request health care information and records concerning an inmate of the City Corrections Facility. Contractor is the keeper of the medical records. With the exception of those records released pursuant to RCW 70.02.050(1)0),the release of any confidential medical information 41 be done by the Contractor per the Contractor's policy and procedures. f. Contractor will provide clerical staff to handle medical records. 8. Policy and Procedurq Manual. Contractor will maintain a policy and procedure manual for activities and services provided by Contractor staff. 9. Medications. Prescriptions written by Contractor will be supplied in standard pharmacy packing through a pharmacy contract of the Contractor. Contractor will deliver prescriptions once a day, Monday through Friday. Contractor will identify and stock over-the-counter drugs that are commonly used, land bill City a monthly fee for the amount of inventory used. CONTRACT FOR SERVICES-4 City of Kent/VMC-OHS-7/12/99 e:�c��awaesmasvvi-vracce�o-a.aa 10. Medication Administration. Contractor staff will administer all jail health-approved medications to the individual inmates when such staff are on-site during normal Monday-Sunday clinic hours. The City will be responsible for medication distribution at other times. Contractor will be responsible for leaving written instructions for the correctional staff for after-hours administration. 11. Dental Services. On-site dental services will be limited to tooth blocking or pain relief during normal clinic hours. a. Emergency and traditional dental services will be scheduled and coordinated by Contractor staff during normal, Monday- Sunday clinic(hours. Individual dental clinics will handle insurance billing and bill the City separately. 12. Telephone Consultation Services. Contractor staff will provide limited telephone consultation to Corrections staff during periods when the clinic is not scheduled to be open, to include aOer-hours, weekends, and late night calls. This service is subject to the following limitations: a. Contractor staff will be available only at telephone numbers which they will provide; b. Contractor staff will not be on any form of"standby"; C. Telephone consultation will be limited to basic medical triage/screen g and not be construed as emergency care. Contractor stalwill provide advise regarding necessary further action required. Contractor and the City will develop written guidelines for',use of the telephone consultation service; and d. Contractor staff who receive consulting telephone calls will maintain a log indicating the date,time, length of call, and general call content. This log will be reviewed at least quarterly or upon request, with the City Correctional Facility Administrator, CONTRACT FOR SERVICES-5 City of Kent/VMC-OHS-7/12/99 P:1CivilTMEST395UM W.C..tl .d. 13. Coordinate AnnointM'ents. Contractor will coordinate all appointments that utilize outside providers and service including dental. Contractor will work with Corrections staff to ensure transportation is available for scheduled appointments. 14. Direct Billing. Contractor will participate in directly billing the Department of Social and Health Services or private insurance companies where applicable. The Contractor will also make all the appropriate inquiries regarding health care coverage. 15. Optional Services. a. Transportation,—Contractor is not responsible for transporAng inmates to and from medical facilities. Transporting, escort services, and security will be provided by the City. b. X-ray and Ur ent Care Services—for certain offenders, Contractor will provide x-ray and urgent care services to the City at Contractor's location during normal clinic hours on a pre-scheduled(basis. These services are not included in the base agreement set forth in paragraph III(A). C. Psychiatric Services—Contractor will assist the City in identifying cost-effective alternatives for psychiatric services. 16. Quarterly Meetings. The Contractor's Jail Health Services Administrator or designee will meet quarterly with the City's Correctional Facility Administrator and review the heath care delivery system. 17. Quarterly and Annual'(Reports. The Contractor will provide quarterly and annual statistical reports on the health care delivery system in the City's correctional facility, to include, but not to be limited to: CONTRACT FOR SERVICES-6 City of Kent/VMC-OHS-7/12/99 P1Civil\FMESN0395Vul.VMC.C..t .d a. Number of hors of work performed for the City by Contractor, b. The number of inmates for whom OHS staff performed service; C. The number ottimes the hospital has been utilized for service; and d. The average number of after-hours pages received by OHS staff. 18. Subcontractors. Contractor shall bill',directly any subcontractors of the City that Contractor provides services for to such subcontractor's inmates. Such services being limited to the following services under the Contract: a. Over-the-counter medication; b. Prescription medication; and C. Medical visita/exams and ancillary services provided at VMC's OHS clinic site. If payment is not received by the City's subcontractor within sixty. (60) days of billing by Contractor, Contractor shall bill the City and the City shall remit Ul payment within thirty(30)days of receipt of such bill. It will be!the City's responsibility to collect from the subcontractor. B. The City's responsibilities include: 1. Providing an appropriate examination room, furnishings, telephone, and security for the Contractor's staff, 2. Providing for the secority of records and maintenance of confidentiality when(Contractor staff is not on-site; 3. Providing medical, dental, pharmacy and psychiatric services not specifically provided by the Contractor; and 4. The City's Correctional Facility administrator, or designee, will meet quarterly with the Contractor's Jail Health Administrator, or designee,to review the health care delivery system. CONTRACT FOR SERVICES-7 City of Kent(VMC-OHS-7/12/99 P1Civil\FILESWl85Vai6VMC-Conn .doc II. Time of Performance. The services of the Contractor are to commence of the Pt day of July, 1999, and to terminate on the 31' day of Decembor, 2000. The duration of the contract may be extended or terminated upon mutual written agreement between the parties hereto and pursuant to the terms and cohditions of the agreement. All requests for extensions and changes to the Contract must be provided to the Corrections Facility Administrator by May 1 of the year the Contract expires. III. Compensation and Method of Payment. A. The City agrees to compensate Contractor as set forth in the Fee Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit"A." The scope of Contractor's services shall be as set forth in Exhibit"A"and as otherwise set forth in the Agreement. Any service which is mentioned in this contract, but which is not mentioned in Exhibit"A,"shall be included in the annual fee paid by the City as set forth in Exhibit"A," and no further payment shall be forthcoming. B. The City shall pay Contractor monthly and within 30 days of receipt of an accurate invoice from Contractor. Late payments shall bear interest at 1% per month. C. Any services requested by City and provided by Contractor that are not set forth in Exhibit"A," shall be billed by Contractor at its usual and customary rates. IV. Indemnification. The City will protect, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Contractor, its officers, employees, and agents from any and all costs, claims,judgments, and/or awards of damages, arising out of or',in any way resulting from the negligent acts or omissions of the City,its officers,employees, and/or agents. The City agrees that its obligations under this subparagraph''11extend to any claim, demand, and/or cause of action brought by or on behalf of any employee or agent. For this purpose,the City, by mutual negotiation, hereby waves, in respect to the Contractor only, any immunity that would otherwise be available against such claims under the Industrial Insurance provisions of Title 51 RCW. In the event the Contractor incurs any judgment, award, and/or cost arising jtherefrom, including attorney's fees,to enforce the provisions of this article, all suc4 fees, expenses, and costs shall be recoverable from the City. CONTRACT FOR SERVICES-8 City of Kent/VMC-OHS-7/12/99 P1CiviUTLEW38Nail-VMC.C..tr d.dx The Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents, and volunteers (harmless from any and all , claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including 01 legal costs and attorney's fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. The City's inspection or acceptance!of any of Contractor's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. IT IS FURTHER SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THIS INDEMNIFICATION CONSTITUTES THE CONTRACTOR'S WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE, TITLE 51 R.C.W., SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF'!THIS INDEMNIFICATION. THE PARTIES ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED THIS WAIVER. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. The Contractor agrees that the obligation to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City and its agents and employees, under this subparagraph extends to any claim, demand, or cause of action brougt by or on behalf of any employee of the Contractor, against the City, its officers, agents, or employees and includes any judgment, award, and cost arising therefrom, including attorney's fees. V. Chanees. Either party may request changes in the scope of services, performing or reporting standards, or budget provided herein. Proposed changes which are mutually agreed upon shall be incorporated by written,amendments to this agreement, signed by both parties. This contract supersedes all previous contracts or agreements relative to services. VI. Termination. The City may,by written notice of default to the Contractor,terminate the whole or any part of the Agreement if the Contractor fails to provide services called for by this Agreement within the time specified herein, or if funding becomes no longer available for the project described herein. Either party to this Agreement may terminate the whole or any part of the Agreement for any reason by providing written notice to the other party ninety (90) days prior to the effective date of termination. CONTRACT FOR SERVICES-9 City of Kent/VMC-OHS-7/12/99 PiCiviPP6ESWI85Vail.V C-Convw.dm VIL Notification. Each party shall identify an individjual who can receive notification and assist in solving problems which may arise out of or in connection with the performance of this contract. City of Kent Corrections Facility Valley Medical Center Name: Ed Crawford Name: Kelly Morse Title: Chief Title: Director,Renton Occupational Health Svcs. Phone: (253) 856-5963 Phone: (425)228-3440, x5439 Address: 220 Fourth Ave. S. Address: 220 SW 43rd St. Kent, WA 98032 Renton, WA 98055 VIII. Insurance. The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property that my arise from or in connection with the performance of the contract work by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, employee's, or subcontractors. Before beginning work on the project described in the Agreement, the Contractor shall provide Certificate of Insurance evidencing: A. Automobile Liability insurance with limits no less than$1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for(bodily injury and property damage; and B. Commercial General Liability insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits no less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit per occurrence and Two Million Dollars($2,000,000)aggregate for personal injury, bodily injury,and property damage. Coverage shall include but not limited to: blanket contractual; products/completed operations/broad from property damage; and employer's liability. Any payment of deductible or self-insured retention shall by the sole responsibility of the Contractor. The City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all the required insurance policies. IX. Independent Contractor. The parties shall intend that an Independent Contractor-Employer Relationship will be created by this Agreement,the City being interested only in the results obtained under this Agreement. This contract!'does not create an agency relationship between CONTRACT FOR SERVICES- 10 City of KentNMC-OHS-7/12/99 P1CiviUME$WUWail-VMC-C..=.d the care provider Occupational Health Services("OHS")or Valley Medical Center ("VMC") and the City of Kent. Neither OHS nor VMC is an agent or legal representative of the City of any purpose. The agency is not granted any express or implied right or authority to assume or create any obligation or responsibility on behalf of or in the name of the City or to bind the City in any manner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY: CONTRACTOR: City of Kent Public Hospital District No. 1 of King County d/b/a Valley Medical Center _ Occupational Health Services Ila— By: cloBy: ilk Print N Jim White Print Name: P u 1 M Its: IV Mayor Its: /f d.......s yc.✓.r — tin c C 4 f-.: By: _ Print Name: Ed Crawford Its: Chief of Police ATTEST: ATTEST: By: By: Brenda Jaco e City Clerk Print Name and Title: APPRO ASTO v: �- rth5EVatlFitzpatrick Assistant City Attorney for the City of Kent CONTRACT FOR SERVICES- 11 City of Kent/VMC-OHS-7/12/99 P�Civi1�FILES�OJe5Vu1-VMC-Conmctdoc EXHIM A BASIC PROGRAM COMPONENTS FEE Clinical Staff and Services July 1,1999—December 31,1999 Registered Nurse&Physician Assistant $115,440.00 Malpractice Insurance January 1,2000—December 31,2000 Trained clinicians for back-up/coverage $245,380.00 Medical Director Oversight On-site services 84 hours/week(including a minimurp of 20 hours/week of sick call) Injury and illness treatment services 14-day Health appraisal Exam services(see lab fees below) Administration of vaccinations&TB tests Basic dental services,i.e.tooth blocking&pain relied' Triage system Medication Administration 24 hour Telephone Consultation Services Included in annual rate Access to clinical staff 24 hours/day,7 days/week Telephone Consultation Guidelines Policies/Procedures&Clinical Guidelines Included in annual rate Operational Policies&Procedures Clinical Protocols,Practice Parameters,&Triage Guidelines Dental Services Usual and customary rate Appointment Coordination Included in annual rate Ongoing Medical Records Management Included in annual rate Initial Photocopying of Records One time fee at usual and customary rates Insurance Billing Included in annual rate Program Set-Up,Management&Medical Oversight Included in annual rate Program Set-up Recruiting,Hiring,Credentialing Staff Training Scheduling Medical Records System Operational Maintenance Access to Medical Director and Clinic Manager 24 hours/day,7 days/week Quarterly Meeting Attendance Ongoing Personnel Management Problem Solving Identifying Service Gaps Medical Oversight Access to Medical Director and Clinic Manager 24 hours/day,7 days/week Quarterly Meeting Attendance Quarterly Assurance Quality Improvement Scope of Practice Monitoring Referral Monitoring EXHIBITA (CONTIATED) ADDITIONAL PROGRAM ELEMENTS FEE Lab&Health Appraisal Tests Blood Draw $15.00(off-site only) CBC with Differential $12.00 Urine Collection $15.00(off-site only) Urinalysis $11.00 Throat Culture $26.95 RPR $10.00 Dilantin Level $30.00 Chem Panel—19 $20.00 VDRL $17.00 TB Skin Test $12.00 Culture Specimen,Bacteria $18.00 Gram's Stain,Smear(Stain&Interpretation) $9.00 Pregnancy Test,Urine $11.00 Chlamydia $13.50 Trichomonas $8.00 All other general medical related tests Usual and customary rates Supplies&Medication Stocking No additional charge for inventory monitoring. Actual goods billed at OHS' cost. Delivery of Medication Daily Delivery of Prescription Medication(Monday-priday) No additional charge Weekend and Emergency Deliveries Arranged at a negotiated rate Occupational and Employee Health Services On-the-Job Injury Triage System No additional charge On-site Employee Health Services To be priced at competitive rates but Flu Shots provided on-sire for convenience TB Skin Test Hepatitis B,Series of Three Injections(includes vaccine) Hepatitis B,Injection Only Hepatitis B Titer Hepatitis B Vaccine—Booster Drug Screen,Collection and Lab Processing Drug Screen,Collection Only Medical Review Officer Services Breath Alcohol Test Breath Alcohol Test Confirmation OPTIONAL SERVICES FEE Transportation No additional charge for coordination responsibilities Services Not in Jail Health Service Guidelines On-site Physician Services $150.00/hour X-ray Usual and customary rates Urgent Care Services(available Monday-Friday,6:00am- OHS fee schedule(based on the Dept.of 6:00pm,at OHS Renton,and 7:00=-5:00pm at OHS Auburn) Labor&Industries fee schedule) Emergency Services at VMC's Emergency Department Usual and customary rates Psychiatric Services No additional charge for evaluating alternatives