HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG1999-0976 - Original - Sunpro, Inc. - Sunpro Firerms 5.0 Records Management System - 08/16/1999 THE CITY OF KENT SUNPRO FIRERMS 5.0 PURCHASE AGREEMENT This document outlines the City of Kent's (City) agreement to purchase the software and services (outlined below) from Sunpro, Inc. (Sunpro)pursuant to the following conditions: 1. Primary Software items outlined in EXHIBIT I — Price Schedule, which follows this page, will be provided at a cost of$ 31,090. The City may purchase the Optional Software items as outlined in EXHIBIT I at the prices indicated in EXHIBIT I. The purchased software items are subject to the terms listed below (a-b): a) Sales Tax(es) are not included unless specifically identified as line items. b) Freight delivery is F.O.B. to your identified office location. 2. The annual maintenance and support fees will be $7,400. The initial maintenance and support fee will be due January 31, 2000 in the amount of$3,700, and will renew on July 1, 2000 at the annual $7,400 amount. The software maintenance agreement will thereafter be annually renewable on July 1 subject to the annual maintenance agreement terms. 3. The anticipated consulting and training service amounts are given in EXHIBIT I, for both Primary and Optional items. Expenses are limited to actual expenses incurred plus a 15% administration fee. Total expenses (actual expenses + administration fee) are not to exceed $250 per day. Consulting and training services and expenses will be billed and payable as these services are used. 4. The payment schedule for this project shall be as follows: a) $5,245 is payable upon delivery and installation of the software and documentation shown as Phase I in EXHIBIT I. b) $14,995 is payable upon delivery and installation of the software and documentation shown as Phase II in EXHIBIT I. c) $3,650 is payable upon delivery and installation of the software and documentation shown as Phase V in EXHIBIT I. d) $3,600 is payable upon delivery and installation of the software and documentation shown as Phase VI in EXHIBIT I. e) $3,600 is payable upon delivery and installation of the software and documentation shown as Phase VII in EXHIBIT I. f) Training and consulting services will be invoiced as used based upon the criteria given in Item 3 above. g) Sunpro will provide SQL Server consulting services on an as needed basis for$95 per hour to be billed as used. An estimate of 40 hours has been included in EXHIBIT I for a total of$3,800. h) If the City decides to purchase the NAERG software listed in EXHIBIT I, $595 is payable upon software delivery. Page 1 of 2 CITY OF KENT EXHIBIT I FIRE RECORDS MANAGMENT SYSTEM Price Schedule Primary Items Phase I Database Installation $ 5,245 $ 3,500 $ - $ 8,745 Install SQL Server Install Sunpro Databases Create Sample User rights on NT Configure up to 10 workstations to access Sunpro FireRMS Database review and Training Phase II Interface Installation $ 14,995 $ 3,500 $ - $ 18,495 Install Sunpro SMS on interface server Configure SMS for Incidents Phase III FireRMS Setup and Administration $ - $ 2,500 $ - $ 2,500 FireRMS System Administration Training FireRMS System Access,Security,Setup,and Phase IV Incident Reporting $ - $ 2,500 $ - $ 2,500 NFIRS 5.0 System Overview NFIRS 5.0 Configuration and Setup NFIRS 5.0 Data Entry for Field Personnel Phase V Professional Edition $ 3,650 $ 2,500 $ - $ 6,150 Basic Scheduling of Personnel Training Objectives Occupancy setup and input Hydrant setup Development of Reports Phase VI Enterprise Edition $ 3,600 $ 2,500 $ - $ 6,100 Fire Prevention Management Training Management Phase VII Enterprise Edition $ 3,600 $ 2,500 $ - $ 6,100 Hydrant Management Asset and Inventory Management Final Management Reporting Sunpro Annual Maintenance Fee $ - $ - $ 7,400 $ 7,400 Primary Item Total $ 31,090 $ 19,500 $ 7,400 $ 57,990 Optional Items NAERG-7 copies $ 595 $ - $ - $ 595 Crystal Reports Version 7.0-5 user network license $ 1,595 $ - $ - $ 1,595 Additional Report Writing Training at$750/day $ - $ 750 $ - $ 750 DSI Source Code Escrow Setup $ - $ 2,250 $ - $ 2,250 DSI Source Code Annual Maintenance $ - $ - $ 800 $ 800 SQL Server 7.0 Maintenance Assistance 40 Hours $ - $ 3,800 $ - $ 3,800 Optional Item Total $ 2,190 $ 6,800 $ 800 $ 9,790 Primary and Optional Item Total $ 33,280 $ 26,300 $ 8,200 $ 67,780 *Note that services include pricing for 12 days of training at$750/day and 40 hours of SQL Server 7.0 maintenance at$95/hour. The City may elect to use fewer of these services(ie.Fewer training days,less SQL Server assistance) and thereby reduce the total service expenses. i) If the City decides to purchase the Crystal Reports software listed in EXHIBIT I, $1595 is payable upon software delivery. j) If the City Decides to purchase the Source Code Escrow Option, $2,250 is payable to Data Securities International, Inc. (DSI) for setup of a Source Code Escrow Account and the first years maintenance payment, upon proof that Sunpro has deposited the required materials as detailed in the EXHIBIT A of the Master Preferred Escrow Agreement with DSI. k) If the City decides to purchase the Source Code Escrow Option, $800 is payable annually to DSI for maintenance of the Source Code Escrow Account at the end of the first year and annually renewable thereafter. 6. This purchase is subject to the attached: a) Sunpro License Agreement b) Addendum 1 - Sunpro Software Error Correction Guidelines and Procedures c) Addendum 2—City of Kent Terms and Conditions d) Sunpro FireRMS 5.0 Statement of Work e) Sunpro FireRMS 5.0 Installation and Implementation Plan f) Sunpro FireRMS 5.0 Implementation, Installation Tasks, and Project Schedule g) Sunpro FireRMS 5.0 Training Plan h) Sunpro FireRMS 5.0 Integration With PRC CAD Sunpro and the City, prior to system implementation, will review the Sunpro FireRMS 5.0 Implementation, Installation Tasks, and Project Schedule and Sunpro FireRMS 5.0 Training Plan to finalize the implementation and training schedule. The City and Sunpro must mutually agree to any changes to the Sunpro FireRMS 5.0 Implementation, Installation Tasks, and Project Schedule or Sunpro FireRMS 5.0 Training Plan. 7. This legal document is an agreement between the City and Sunpro. By signing this Purchase Agreement,you acknowledge you have read, understand, and are agreeing to become bound by the terms of this Agreement and attachments. AGREED TO BY: cLeym Sunpro, Inc.. KIM o ent (Authorized Signatory) orizedd * ato ) Wti A t ©ice 7/Z (Date) (Date) Page 2 of 2 t �• LICENSE, MAINTAINENCE AND SOFTWARE SUPPORT AGREEMENT SUNPRO, Inc. a Washington State corporation (SUNPRO), hereby grants the City of Kent (CITY) a nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use the SUNPRO fire service software and related materials subject to the following provisions: 1. Definitions 1.1 "Product and Software"means the computer software and services purchased pursuant to this Agreement, and any related documentation, whether in printed or machine readable form, which documentation SUNPRO makes generally available to its customers. Product does not include third-party software and database products purchased from SUNPRO (i.e. Crystal Reports,Microsoft SQL Server, etc.). 1.2 "Updates" mean maintenance releases(i.e. software error corrections)to Product, which SUNPRO provides without charge to maintenance customers. 1.3 "Delivery Date" means that date on which the Product is delivered to and received by the CITY. 1.4 "License Period" means the term of this Agreement. 1.5 "Maintenance Period" means the term for which the Annual Maintenance Fee has been paid. 1.6 "Contract Signing"means the date on which this license agreement is signed by the CITY. 2. Grant of Non-Exclusive License. Subject to the provisions of this agreement, SUNPRO hereby grants CITY a non-exclusive, nontransferable, perpetual license to use and execute the Product in object code form for CITY's own internal operations, including the merging of the Product and any Updates into other programs for CITY's own use,provided that any portion of the Product so merged shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement. 2.1 Limitations 2.La. Copies: CITY shall be entitled to make copies of the Product and any Updates for backup, disaster recovery, archival,training and test License Agreement ver 0102a Page I of 15 purposes only. Any copy made shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including Section 5.2 herein, and any other agreements executed by and between CITY and SUNPRO. 2.2.b. Export Control Act: CITY agrees to comply with the requirements of the United States Export Administration Act of 1979 and any amendment thereto, and with all relevant regulations of the Office of Export Administration,U.S. Department of Commerce. 3. Maintenance and Support. 3.1 SUNPRO will provide CITY with ongoing Support and Maintenance services during the Maintenance Period,pursuant to the terms set forth in this License, Maintenance, and Software Support Agreement. Such services shall include: 3.La Telephone Support. SUNPRO will provide toll free telephone support service from 7 AM to 6 PM Pacific Time,Monday through Friday, on the use of the Product and assistance in error isolation and correction, as more fully described in Addendum 1 to this Agreement; 3.Lb Software Error Correction. Upon discovery of software errors, CITY will first follow the error procedures specified in SUNPRO's documentation. If these procedures do not correct the software error, CITY shall immediately notify SUNPRO pursuant to the guidelines set forth in Addendum 1. SUNPRO shall attempt to reproduce and verify the error and, if so verified,will correct the software error in accordance with Addendum 1. If SUNPRO is unable to reproduce the software error SUNPRO personnel will travel to CITY to reproduce and correct the error. If the reported problem is determined to be an equipment or third party software problem or otherwise not attributable to the SUNPRO software, CITY shall pay SUNPRO's travel expenses incident for the on-site visit, and SUNPRO's hourly labor rate at the then-current rate for software support and consulting. If the software error is attributed to SUNPRO software, SUNPRO shall be responsible for all costs incurred in the correction of the error. Any determination shall be reviewed and agreed to by the CITY and SUNPRO prior to any expense payment. 3.Lc Problem Resolution. Prompt investigation and resolution of any errors, defects or other problems reported to SUNPRO that arise due to defects or other problems caused by SUNPRO's acts or omissions. 3.Ld Product Updates. Updates to the Product, as they become available. Unless otherwise indicated, product updates will be available to the CITY as downloads from the SUNPRO Web Server on the Internet. 3.Le Equipment, Third-Party Software and Third Party Products. Equipment, Third-Party Software and Third Party Products acquired under this License Agreement ver 0102a Page 2 of l5 Agreement are warranted by the manufacturers or licensors thereof. Such warranties as are granted to SUNPRO shall be passed through to CITY. Other such warranties will be granted directly to CITY. If, during the warranty period for an item of Equipment, Third-Party Software or Third Party Products, CITY determines that such items do not perform as warranted, CITY may contact SUNPRO using the procedures described in Addendum 1. SUNPRO shall provide reasonable assistance to CITY in trouble-shooting the reported problem and in assisting CITY in making claims under the above described third party warranties. Notwithstanding the above, SUNPRO makes no warranties, express or implied,with respect to such Equipment,Third- Party Software or Third Party Products except that, during the Warranty Period specified herein, the SUNPRO Software shall be compatible therewith(i.e., shall communicate, share data and otherwise work together with such items without additional software or hardware not specified in this Agreement) when used and maintained as specified or instructed by SUNPRO. 3.2 Termination of Support and Maintenance Obligations 3.2.a. SUNPRO's maintenance and support obligations hereunder shall terminate on the first anniversary(as defined in section 4.2 below) and thereafter on subsequent anniversaries,unless CITY elects to purchase additional support by payment of the Annual Support and Maintenance Fee(as specified in section 4.3.below) 3.2.b. SUNPRO's maintenance and support obligations hereunder shall terminate automatically upon the unauthorized modification of the Product excluding related documentation(or any portion thereof)by CITY,provided however,that this provision does not suggest or imply that CITY possesses the right to modify the Product. 3.3 Obligations by CITYs With Respect to Maintenance 3.3.a CITY agrees to limit Support and Maintenance calls to SUNPRO to two named contacts,one primary and one secondary. CITY will provide these names to SUNPRO during installation. CITY may modify contact names as needed. 3.3.b For Remote Access Telephone support, CITY will provide SUNPRO with dial-up computer access to the Product for problem investigation, analysis and other maintenance needs. SUNPRO agrees to inform CITY of the nature of its dial up activities and obtain CITY approval prior to each access. 3.4 Effect of Termination of Maintenance and Support Obligations. In the event that SUNPRO's maintenance and support obligations are terminated in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, CITY shall have no further rights to Updates or support for the Product. License Agreement ver OIO2a Page 3 of 5 4. Payments 4.1 License Fee. CITY agrees to pay SUNPRO the License Fee set forth in CITY Purchase Agreement. 4.2 Maintenance and Software Support. The initial Annual Maintenance and Software Support fee is in addition to the License Fee and is prorated to an anniversary date of either January 1 st or July 1 st. Thereafter, on or before the anniversary date, the CITY may purchase, at the then current rates, additional Maintenance and Software Support. If CITY fails to keep an annual Software Support Agreement in effect, any resumption of such annual support may be subject to a support resumption fee in addition to applicable software support fees. In the absence of a currently effective Software Support Agreement, Software Maintenance and Support shall be provided at SUNPRO's sole discretion and shall be subject to the then-current hourly rates,plus Upgrade license fees, expenses and other charges. 4.3 Late Charges. Any payments more than 30 calendar days overdue shall be subject to a service charge of 18%per annum. 4.4 Taxes. Any sales, use,value-added or other taxes arising from transactions made in connection with or pursuant to this Agreement(other than taxes based upon SUNPRO's income), shall be bome by the CITY. 5. Ownership 5.1 Ownership by SUNPRO. SUNPRO shall retain all proprietary and intellectual property rights in the Product. The license granted to CITY herein does not convey any rights of ownership in and to the Products. All right, title and interest in the Products and in any idea,know-how and programs which may be developed by SUNPRO in the course of providing any technical services, including any updates, enhancements or modifications made to the Product, shall at all times remain the property of SUNPRO. 5.2 Intellectual Property Rights Notices. CITY shall reproduce SUNPRO's proprietary rights notice(s) on any archival and backup copies of the Product made. 6. Confidential Information 6.1 Nondisclosure. Each party agrees that,to the extent allowed by law, it will not knowingly disclose to any third party any Confidential Information belonging to the other party and will prevent the unauthorized disclosure of such Confidential Information. In no event will any party use less care to maintain the Confidential Information of the other party than it uses to maintain its own Confidential Information License Agreement ver 0102a Page 4 of]5 6.2 Confidential Information. Confidential Information may include (but is not limited to) information concerning business methods, business plans, concepts, and test results, including the results of any evaluation of the Product(s). Confidential Information specifically includes CITY's patient, donor, and test result data. CITY acknowledges that Product and any Updates contain valuable trade secrets and CITY agrees to treat the trade secrets as Confidential Information of SUNPRO. 6.2.a Confidential Information does not include (i) information which is or becomes publicly available through no act or omission of the other party; (ii) information of a party,which that party discloses to a third party without restriction on disclosure; (iii) information which is independently developed; or (iv) information which is previously known to the receiving party without nondisclosure obligations. 6.3 Survival of Obligation. The nondisclosure obligations set forth herein shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 6.4 Verification. CITY agrees to maintain appropriate records of the number and location of all copies or partial copies of the Products that may be made for CITY's internal use(including test, archival and backup copies). On SUNPRO's reasonable request, CITY shall furnish SUNPRO with a list of the location,type and serial number of any and all computers on which the Product is installed and of the location and usage of all copies made by CITY. 7. Indemnity 7.1 Indemnity by SUNPRO. SUNPRO shall defend,indemnify and save harmless CITY, at SUNPRO's sole cost and expense, against any claim or liability of any kind, direct or indirect, including claims for personal injury and property damage, including attorney's fees and costs, and arising out of SUNPRO's or SUNPRO's agents/employees' use,or misuse, of PRODUCT. This indemnification includes but is not limited to any claim that SUNPRO's internally developed software incorporating and/or utilizing the PRODUCT is an infringement or violation or alleged violation or infringement of any copyright,patent, or trade secret right or any other right of any person or entity,provided that: 7.1.a SUNPRO is promptly notified in writing of the claim; 7.Lb SUNPRO has sole control of the defense and of any negotiations for its settlement; License Agreement ver 0102a Page 5 of 15 7.1.c CITY provides SUNPRO with reasonable assistance, information and authority necessary for SUNPRO to conduct a defense or to negotiate a settlement; 7.1.d such claim does not arise from the unauthorized use of a superseded or modified release of the Product; 7.Le should the Products become, or in SUNPRO's opinion be likely to become, the subject of any such claim of infringement, then CITY will permit SUNPRO, at SUNPRO's option and expense, either to procure for CITY the right to continue using the Products or to replace or modify the Products or portion thereof to be non infringing with substantially the same functionality, as determined by the CITY. This section states SUNPRO's entire liability for infringement or alleged infringement of copyright,patent or trade secrets by the Product. 7.2 Indemnity by CITY. CITY shall defend, indemnify and save harmless SUNPRO, at CITY's sole cost and expense, against any claim or liability of any kind, direct or indirect, including attorneys fees and costs, and claims for personal injury and property damage, arising out of the CITY's or CITY's agents/employees' use,or misuse, of PRODUCT, including but not limited to any claim that the CITY's internally developed software incorporating and/or utilizing the PRODUCT is an infringement or violation or alleged violation or infringement of any copyright,patent, or trade secret right or any other right of any person or entity,provided that: 7.2.a CITY is promptly notified in writing of the claim; 7.2.b CITY has sole control of the defense of the claim and of any negotiations for settlement of the claim; 7.2.c SUNPRO provides CITY with reasonable assistance, information, and authority to perform the above. This section states CITY's entire liability for infringement or alleged infringement of patent, copyright or trade secrets by CITY's internally developed software incorporating and/or utilizing the Product. 8. Warranty and Disclaimers of Warranty 8.1 Warranty. SUNPRO warrants that,when delivered, the Product will operate in accordance with SUNPRO's Statement of Work,User's Manual, and System Administration manual when operated in the designated hardware and operating system environment. These warranties and SUNPRO's maintenance obligations shall not apply if errors or problems result from CITY's negligence or improper use of the Product. Except as otherwise set License Agreement ver 010Za Page 6 of l 5 forth in this Agreement, SUNPRO does not warrant that the product will operate without interruption or be free of errors. 8.2 Disclaimer of Warranty. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT, THE WARRANTIES SET FORTH ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCTS. 8.3 Allocation of Risks. Section 8 of this Agreement allocates the risks under this Agreement . SUNPRO's pricing reflects the allocation of risk and limitations of liability set forth herein. 8.4 Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or the Implementation Agreement, SUNPRO shall not be liable for indirect damages, even if SUNPRO has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 8.5 SUNPRO further represents and warrants that the SUNPRO Software, including Updates thereto, shall be Year 2000 Compliant. For purposes of this Agreement,the term"Year 2000 Compliant"means,with respect to the SUNPRO Software, that the SUNPRO Software accurately processes date/time data(including but not limited to calculating,comparing, and sequencing) from, into, and between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and the years 1999 and 2000 and leap year calculations (as well as processes and procedures that are not date related but that may rely upon the results of date related processes or procedures in order to properly function),to the extent that other information technology,used in combination with the SUNPRO Software being acquired,properly exchanges date/time data with it. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,the Year 2000 representation and warranty given herein is subject to and conditional upon CITY operating the most current version of the SUNPRO Software made available and delivered to CITY, as well as Year 2000 Compliance of hardware, firmware, software, data and other facilities with which the SUNPRO Software operates, interfaces or otherwise communicates. 8.6 SUNPRO further warrants and represents that the SUNPRO Software does not contain any "back door", "time bomb", "Trojan horse", `worm", "drop dead device"or other program routine or hardware device inserted and intended by SUNPRO to provide a means of unauthorized access to, or a means of disabling or erasing any computer program or data, or otherwise disabling the CAD System. (Nothing herein shall be deemed to constitute a warranty against viruses.) 8.7 The warranties provided in this Section 8.0 shall not apply and the SUNPRO Software will be licensed AS IS for the period during which any of the following conditions occur: License Agreement ver 0102a Page 7 ofl 5 8.7.1 Problems in the SUNPRO Software are caused by unauthorized modification of the SUNPRO Software, Third Parry Software or Equipment by CITY or a third party whether or not permitted hereunder. 8.7.2 Problems in the SUNPRO Software are caused by the SUNPRO Software not being used in accordance with the SUNPRO Documentation, or other instructions provided by SUNPRO, or by misuse or neglect by CITY or its assigns. 8.7.3 Problems in the SUNPRO Software are caused by the SUNPRO Software being used in conjunction with or to interface with any software not specified as compatible by SUNPRO. 8.7.4 Problems in the SUNPRO Software are caused by equipment which does not meet the configuration requirements specified in SUNPRO Recommended Hardware Specifications or by failure of CITY to maintain the requirements listed in the SUNPRO Recommended Hardware Specifications. 8.7.5 Problems in the SUNPRO Software are caused by one or more computer viruses that have not been introduced into CITY's system by SUNPRO. CITY shall maintain up to date virus checking software and shall check all software received from SUNPRO or any other person or entity for viruses before introducing that software into any part of the RMS System. Upon special request by CITY, SUNPRO will provide Updates on media rather than direct downloading to facilitate this virus checking. 8.7.6 Problems in the SUNPRO Software are caused by Third-Party Software, including but not limited to operating system software. 8.7.7 Problems in the SUNPRO Software are caused by lack of Year 2000 Compliance of hardware, firmware, software, data or other facilities manufactured, developed and/or otherwise provided by third parties. 8.7.8 Except as provided below,problems caused by equipment or software provided by third parties other than those third party providers selected by SUNPRO to implement its products and services pursuant to this Agreement with which the SUNPRO Software interfaces, including but not limited to problems License Agreement ver 0102a Page 8 of l5 caused by changes in such equipment or software. If such changes occur which require modifications to the SUNPRO Software, such modifications shall be subject to additional charges by SUNPRO at its then current rates for engineering and technical support. 9. Term and Termination 9.1 Term and Termination. The terms of this Agreement commence on the delivery date of this software and shall continue until terminated by the parties. Either party may terminate this agreement by giving 90 days written notice to the other party. Additionally, either party may terminate this agreement for cause after first providing written notice to the non-terminating party, which notice must provide at least thirty(30) calendar days to cure the cause for termination. If the non-terminating party fails to cure the breach within the time allotted, termination will be come effective at the end of the "cure"time period. With respect to the performance of CITY, cause shall mean failure to make any payment due under this Agreement within 10 days after notice of nonpayment or any other material breach of the representations, warranties, covenants or agreements of CITY contained in this Agreement. With respect to the performance of SUNPRO, cause shall mean a material breach of the representations,warranties, covenants or agreements contained in this agreement. 9.2 Updates and Support after Termination. Upon the effective date of termination of this Agreement, CITY shall have no further rights to Updates or support for the Product. 9.3 Survival of Obligations. The following obligations will survive termination of this Agreement for any reason: 9.3.a All obligations relating to nonuse and nondisclosure of confidential information; 9.3.b All obligations relating to indemnification and protection of proprietary and intellectual rights; 9.3.c All obligations to make payments of amounts that are or become due under this Agreement prior to termination. 9.4 No Damages Due to Termination. Neither party will be liable to the other for any damages,whether direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or otherwise, as a result of terminating this Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions herein. 10. Dispute Resolution. Any controversies or claims between SUNPRO and CITY regarding this Agreement must first be put in writing and delivered to the other Party. The Parties will meet in good faith to attempt to resolve the issue in question. If the License Agreement ver 0102a Page 9 of l 5 Parties fail to come to an agreement on the resolution of the issue, the matter must be submitted to mediation within thirty(30) calendar days after a written request for mediation is delivered by one Party. 10.1 The Parties may agree on one mediator. If they cannot agree on one mediator, the Party demanding mediation shall request that the Superior Court of Yakima County appoint a mediator. The mediation meeting shall not exceed one work day(eight(8)hours). The Parties may agree to extend the time allowed for mediation under this Agreement. 10.2 Mediation under this section is a condition precedent to filing an action in any court. Only after the mediation procedure has failed to resolve a dispute between the Parties may one or both of the Parties file suit in the appropriate civil court. 11. Notice,Legal Address. any written notice required by this Agreement shall be provided by first class mail, sent to the designated person at the following address: FOR CITY Stan Waldrop, Senior Systems Analyst City of Kent 220 0 Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 with a copy to: FOR SUNPRO, INC. G. Kenneth McAllister, CEO SUNPRO,Inc. One Orchardvale Road Zillah, WA 98953 12. Miscellaneous Provisions. 12.1 Assignment. Neither party may assign any rights or delegate any duties under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party. Provided however that such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 12.2 Amendments. This Agreement and all Schedules attached hereto may be amended only by an instrument in writing executed by all the parties. 12.3 Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes any and all prior understandings and agreements,whether written or oral,between the parties with respect to such subject matter. License Agreement ver 0102a Page 10 ofl5 12.4 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be invalid or unenforceable in any respect for any reason, the validity and enforceability of any such provision in any other respect and of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be in any way impaired. 12.5 Waiver. A provision of this Agreement may be waived only by a written instrument executed by the party waiving compliance. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any other provision, whether or not similar,nor shall any waiver constitute a continuing waiver. Failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver of such provision or any other provision. 12.6 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement. 12.7 No third-Party Beneficiaries. Nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, is intended to confer on any person, other than the parties to this Agreement, any right or remedy of any nature whatsoever. 12.8 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 12.9 Headings. The headings used in the Agreement are solely for convenience of reference, are not part of this agreements, are not to be considered in construing or interpreting this agreement. 12.1 OCounterparts. This agreement may be executed by the parties in separate counterparts, each of which when executed and delivered shall be an original,but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 12.11Ambiguity. This Agreement has been prepared and negotiations herewith have been conducted by the joint efforts of all parties, and the parties agree that any perceived ambiguity herein is not to be interpreted against any of the parties. License Agreement ver 0102a Page 11 ofl 5 By signing this Agreement, the parties acknowledge that they have read and agreed to the terms and conditions herein. CITY 0n By: 'I ftj (date) SUNPRO,INC. a Washington corporation B GLZ` G. Kenneth McAllister (date) Chief Executive Officer License Agreement ver 0102a Page 12 ofl5 ADDENDUM I SUNPRO SOFTWARE ERROR CORRECTION GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES All Software Errors reported by CITY employees shall be resolved as set forth below. Initial response by SUNPRO will be based upon the priority assigned by CITY's supervisor of the Records Management System. Resolution response will be based upon the priority jointly agreed on by SUNPRO and CITY. CITY shall specify a central contact person at each RMS site and a CITY RMS coordinator who will be the focal point for all RMS activity. If CITY determines that a Software Error exists, CITY shall immediately notify SUNPRO by telephone, followed by an error report in writing, setting forth the defects noted with specificity requested by SUNPRO. The written report must be faxed to SUNPRO at(509) 839-3942. Telephone notification will be made to SUNPRO's support line at(800) SUNPRO 1 ((800) 786-7761). "Normal Business Hours" are 7:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m. (Pacific Time), Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. The main support line will be answered either by an attendant or automated attendant at all hours. During Normal Business Hours, the attendant will ring the support department line. If a support representative is available,the call will be handled immediately. If all representatives are busy, the CITY employee will be given the option to leave a message or return to the receptionist. In the case of priority-one problems as noted below,the CITY employee shall alert the receptionist. All other problems may operate on a call- back basis after leaving a message in the support voice mailbox. During Normal Business Hours, each trouble report will be assigned a software trouble report number. The number shall be used for all subsequent inquiries relating to the original Software Error report. CITY's subscribing to optional dial-in support shall provide SUNPRO with a separate standard telephone data modem line in each area in which RMS Server or interface equipment is installed to enable SUNPRO to access, diagnose, update or install a workaround to the system. CITY shall additionally provide a voice telephone line located in each such area to allow simultaneous voice and data access. At the time of execution of this Agreement, 24 hour per day, 7 day per week support is not available. At such time as SUNPRO implements 24 hour per day, 7 day per week support for any of its clients, CITY shall be entitled to that same service level of support. Until that time all telephonic support shall be consistent with those telephonic support services offered to any of its CITYs,but in no case less than 0700— 1800, Pacific Standard Time,Monday through Friday. If the problem is not a priority-one issue, SUNPRO will operate on a call-back basis. If requested or so stipulated in the response time criteria below, a SUNPRO representative will use its best efforts to return the call on the same day or as soon as possible, and in License Agreement ver 0102a Page 13 of 15 any event, in a manner consistent with the priority and order in which the call was received. CITY shall make every effort to respond to SUNPRO in a timely fashion when requests are made to follow-up calls or additional documentation on the reported problem. Priorities are assigned as follows: Priority One Hours of Availability: Monday through Friday,7:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m.,Pacific Time Description: A critical software error which severely impacts the ability of CITY to perform dispatch functions. Such Software Errors include: V Software Server software lockup V Data corruption caused by SUNPRO Software V Inability to transfer Incident information from or to CAD. Initial Response: SUNPRO will respond with a call back within an average of thirty(30) minutes during Normal Business Hours(7:00 AM to 6:00 PM Pacific Time,Monday through Friday),but in all cases SUNPRO will respond during the same business day to a call received within Normal Business Hours. Resolution Response: SUNPRO will work continuously to provide CITY with a workaround solution or to completely resolve the problem. Notification: It is the responsibility of CITY to notify SUNPRO of a Priority-One issue. SUNPRO will update the CITY supervisor of progress frequently during problem resolution and provide a final report of the status of the system once the workaround has been provided or the problem has been resolved. Priority Two Hours of Availability: Monday through Friday,7:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m.,Pacific Time. Description: A non-critical Software Error,which prevents the User from performing a data entry or system administration function. These do not include cosmetic,documentation,or reporting problems. These also do not include questions or inquiries regarding the operation of the software or its installation and training. Initial Response: SUNPRO will respond with a call back within an average of one(1)hour during normal Business Hours. Resolution Response: SUNPRO will provide a workaround for CITY when possible within an average of twenty-four(24)hours. SUNPRO will provide a problem resolution in the form of an Upgrade or modification to the Software in an upcoming Update. Notification: SUNPRO will notify the CITY supervisor when a workaround has been provided or the problem has been resolved. SUNPRO will provide CITY a monthly list of outstanding and resolved issues showing all problems reported during the period or unresolved as of the date of the report. License Agreement ver 0102a Page 14 of 15 Priority Three Hours of Availability: Monday through Friday,7:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m.,Pacific Time. Description: All other software or documentation errors not described above. These include but are not limited to: ♦ Reporting errors or calculation problems ♦ Documentation inaccuracies ♦ Cosmetic issues ♦ Misspellings ♦ Questions or inquiries relating to SUNPRO Software functionality, system administration or installation Initial Response: SUNPRO will not respond to these items unless specifically requested to do so at the time of the request. If a reply is requested,SUNPRO will respond within an average of twenty-four(24)hours during Normal Business Hours. Resolution Response: SUNPRO will correct documentation errors in upcoming releases of the documentation. Notification: SUNPRO will notify the CITY supervisor when a workaround has been provided or the problem has been resolved. SUNPRO will provide CITY a monthly list of outstanding issues and resolutions showing all problems reported during the period or unresolved as of the date of the report. License Agreement ver 0102a Page 15 of l 5 ADDENDUM 2 To License, Maintenance and Software Support Agreement City of Kent Terms and Conditions This addendum is hereby incorporated as part of the License, Maintenance And Software Support Agreement between the City of Kent, a Washington Municipal Corporation ("CITY") and Sunpro, Inc., a Washington Corporation ("SUNPRO"), dated :2/27 , 1999. To the extent this Addendum 2 conflicts with any other term or condition in any other contract documents, the terms and conditions in this Addendum 2 will control. 1.0 CONTRACT APPROVAL Each party's obligations will commence when the contract is approved by the City Council, signed by the Mayor, and signed by the Information Services Director. Upon written notice to SUNPRO, the CITY may set a different starting date for the contract, and all warranty and price guarantees, and other time sensitive conditions will be adjusted accordingly. The CITY will not be responsible for any work done by SUNPRO, even work done in good faith, if it occurs prior to the contract start date set by the CITY. 2.0 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The CITY is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity. As such all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work for the CITY shall comply with the regulations of the CITY's equal employment opportunity policies. The following conditions specifically identify the CITY's contractor, subcontractor and supplier adherence requirements. The SUNPRO must comply with each of the following conditions for this agreement to be valid and binding. If SUNPRO or any of SUNPRO's subcontractors or suppliers willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the outlined directives, it will be considered a breach of contract and it will be at the CITY's sole determination regarding suspension or termination for all or part of the contract. SUNPRO must comply with the following conditions: 1. SUNPRO must have read the City of Kent administrative policy number 1.2 attached as Exhibit 1 of this addendum. 2. During the time of this agreement SUNPRO will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color,national origin, age, or the presence of any sensory,mental, or physical disability. 3. During the time of this agreement SUNPRO will provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 4. During the time of this agreement SUNPRO will actively consider hiring and promotion of women and minorities. 1 of 4 5. The requirements outlined in this adherence statement shall be complied with prior to the + execution of any agreement SUNPRO and the CITY. 3.0 SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION 3.1 For each Software Product, SUNPRO will deliver to CITY certain Software Documentation, entitled "User Manual," that will provide CITY's product users complete and thorough written documentation on the SUNPRO products and systems that are the subject of this agreement. The User Manual may be updated by SUNPRO from time to time, any updates issued by SUNPRO will be provided to CITY at no additional cost as part of the Software Maintenance and Support Agreement. These "User Manuals" are in addition to any documentation provided as part of the software system such as an online help system. 3.2 For each Software Product, SUNPRO will deliver to CITY certain Software Documentation, entitled "System Administration Manual," that will provide CITY's system administrators complete and thorough written documentation on the setup and maintenance of SUNPRO products and systems that are the subject of this agreement. The System Administration Manual may be updated by SUNPRO from time to time, any updates issued by SUNPRO will be provided to CITY at no additional cost as part of the Software Maintenance and Support Agreement. These "System Administration Manuals" are in addition to any documentation provided as part of the software system such as an online help system. 3.3 For each Software Product, SUNPRO will deliver to CITY certain Software Documentation entitled"Entity Relationship Diagrams,"that will provide CITY's users and system administrators complete and thorough documentation of the tables and relationships used for data storage. The Entity Relationship Diagrams may be updated by SUNPRO from time to time, any updates issued by SUNPRO will be provided to CITY at no additional cost as part of the Software Maintenance and Support Agreement. 3.4 For each Software Product, SUNPRO will deliver to CITY certain Software Documentation entitled "Data Dictionary," that will provide CITY's users and system administrators complete and thorough documentation of the system data elements. The Data Dictionary may be updated by SUNPRO from time to time, any updates issued by SUNPRO will be provided to CITY at no additional cost as part of the Software Maintenance and Support Agreement. 4.0 PRODUCT FUNCTIONALITY The functionality described in this section applies to SUNPRO's FireRMS Version 5.0 product and all subsequent versions. SUNPRO's software application shall provide the following functionality: 2 of 4 a) Functionality documented in SUNPRO's proposal. b) Functionality documented in any amendments to SUNPRO's proposal. d) Functionality documented in SUNPRO's software documentation. e) Functionality documented as part of this contract. 5.0 PROJECT RESPONSIBILITIES. 5.1 The CITY will be responsible for providing meeting rooms, providing access to computer facilities and equipment, responding to SUNPRO requests for approvals, coordinate CITY staffing related to the project, and other requests related to CITY business in a timely manner. 5.2 SUNPRO will be responsible for all other items relating to implementation. including system installation, providing technical and user training to CITY staff, and providing adequate system documentation. All services and implementation shall be provided in a timely manner. 5.3 Both the CITY and SUNPRO will be responsible for working in a cooperative manner to develop a project implementation timeline. This time line will be incorporated into this agreement by mutual consent of the CITY and SUNPRO. Any subsequent delays to that timeline shall be pre-approved by the CITY and SUNPRO and such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 6.0 ACTS OF INSOLVENCY. Without waiving any other rights granted to CITY in this agreement, the CITY may terminate this agreement between SUNPRO and the CITY by written notice if SUNPRO makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, suffers or permits an appointment of a receiver for its business assets,becomes subject to any proceeding under any bankruptcy or insolvency law whether domestic or foreign, or has wound up or liquidated its business, voluntarily or otherwise. 7.0 SURVIVAL AND REMEDIES. 7.1 Any claim for damages incurred by either party resulting from breach of this agreement by the other party shall survive termination. The remedies provided herein shall not be deemed exclusive but shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to all other remedies provided by law and equity. No delay or omission in the exercise of any remedy herein provided or otherwise available to either party shall impair or affect its right to exercise the same. 3 of 4 EXHIBIT 1 CITY OF KENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NUMBER: 1.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998 SUBJECT: MINORITY AND WOMEN SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 CONTRACTORS APPROVED BY: Jim White, Mayor POLICY: Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City of Kent will conform to federal and state laws. All contractors, subcontractors and suppliers of the City must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding contracts with the City amounting to $10,000, or more within any given year, must take the following affirmative steps: 1. Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women. Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the City's nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract and subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the contract. Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments. 1. Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subject to these regulations are familiar with the regulations and the City's equal employment opportunity policy. 2. Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state, and local laws, policies, and guidelines. 4 of 4 Sunpro FireRMS 5.0 Statement of Work for City of Kent, Washington Sunpro Statement of Work-City of Kent,Washington-Page Iof 10-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary Table of Contents 1. Overview...................................................................................................................................................3 2. Sunpro FireRMS 5.0 Software..................................................................................................................3 3. Minimum Hardware Requirements...........................................................................................................5 A. Client Computers and Workstations.....................................................................................................5 B. Printer Requirements.............................................................................................................................5 C. Network Operating System...................................................................................................................5 D. FireRMS(SQL 7.0)Database Server...................................................................................................5 E. SMS Server............................................................................................................................................6 F. Remote Fire Station Access...................................................................................................................6 4. Professional Services.................................................................................................................................6 A. Sunpro Project Management...........................................................................................................7 B. System Implementation and Installation.........................................................................................8 C. Training..........................................................................................................................................8 D. Data Conversion.............................................................................................................................8 5. SMS Integration.........................................................................................................................................8 6. Customer responsibilities during implementation and training.................................................................9 7. Project Contact List............................................................................................................................. 10 Sunpro Statement of Work-City Of Kent,Washington-07/23/99—Page 2 of 10 Confidential and Proprietary 1. Overview This Scope of Work provides a description of the products,services,and equipment to be provided for this specific project. Within this document, 1)"Sunpro"refers to Sunpro,Inc.;2)"Client" refers City of Kent,Washington(the organization,which has contracted for the project,described herein). General responsibilities for the parties are outlined within this Statement of Work. Acceptance testing criteria will be based upon the Acceptance Test Plans(ATP)for the current production version(s)of the proposed software,modified to include any additional functionality described in this Statement of Work. Any work activities or software functionality outside of the capabilities of the current production version of the proposed software will be described within this document if it is to be provided as a part of this project. Additional work activities and software functionality not described in the Statement of Work will be considered a change order to this project. This Statement of Work does not include the configuration and/or programming of network infrastructure,including servers,clients,routers,switches,bridges,or any other ancillary systems that FireRMS may be interfaced with. This Statement of Work does not include the provision of or installation/configuration of SQL Server 7.0. This Statement of Work does not include training for third-party software.The Client shall provide all of the above items. This Statement of Work does not include any Client requests for work or items not described in this Statement of Work or the Purchase/Licensing Agreement,including but not limited to custom software. 2. Sunpro FireRMS 5.0 Software This project will include a phased delivery and installation of the then-current production version of Sunpro FireRMS 5.0 Enterprise Gold(SQL Server 7.0 database).For this installation,the FireRMS server will operate on a Windows NT Server 4.0 operating system and network. Client workstations must operate with the Windows NT,95,or 98 Workstation clients.The following modules will be provided to the customer. ■ FireRMS 3.7 will be provided to the Client. The Client may elect to use equivalent modules in FireRMS 3.7 after November 1, 1999,until such time as they are completed in Version 5.0. ■ FireRMS 5.0 Enterprise Gold Edition Software,licensed for up to 10 facilities/fire stations for use by City Of Kent,Washington; ■ Sunpro SMS-CadLink for integration with PRC CAD will be provided to the CAD Center. This Scope of Work includes only the Sunpro components of SMS-CadLink and does not include any software or services required by the CAD Vendor. Sunpro Statement of Work-City Of Kent,Washington-07/23/99—Page 3 of 10 Confidential and Proprietary FireRMS 5.0 Software Features • NFIRS Lite Edition provides a simple, cost effective Incident Data Collection package that meets the NFIRS specifications and enables the contribution of to the state and the National Incident Database. • FireRMS Standard Edition provides the standard tools essential to Departmental Record Keeping needs. Built-in tools include Personnel Builder, Incident Reporter, Station Rosters, Training Reporter and Activity Reporter. • Incident Reporting records NFIRS incident report, complete company reports, built-in Routine Calls and Automatic Narrative. The new NFIRS specification includes basic EMS Patient Care Data. • Training Reporter records training and competency (certification) records for personnel. • Activity Reporter records miscellaneous activity records for a station or crew (Hydrant maintenance, public education, inspection, etc.). • Station Rosters are automatically generated for normal duty assignments to assist you in recording attendance at Incidents, Training, and Activities. • Personnel Builder records data about your personnel. • FireRMS Professional Edition advances the Standard Edition. The Professional Edition additional features include: • EMS Patient Care Reports are added to the NFIRS specification that enables the tracking of patient care information such as Patient Interventions, Transportation Information, and Trauma Information. • The Sunpro Daybook Desktop provides a complete Station, Company or Individual Rosters, Logs, FYI and Request forms for recording day-to-day station data entry. • The Occupancy Builder records Basic, Incident, Prevention, HazMat, Pre-Plan, Systems, and Supplemental Information pertaining to any occupancy in your department. In addition, you can print a "QAP" (Quick Assessment Plan) for given occupancies. • Build Hydrant, Equipment, and Vehicle Profile information and Manage Inventory Assignments. • FireRMS Enterprise Edition provides the most Advanced Fire Department Records Management System in the industry. • Personnel Management including Commendations, Reprimands, Evaluations, Employment events, Medical Events, attachment of Photographs occupational injury and exposure tracking. • Advanced Training Management including Standards, Competencies, and Accreditation tracking. • Advanced Scheduling for Personnel, Training, Inspections, Hydrant, Maintenance, and Station Activities • Prevention Management_includes the Expanded Pre-Plan data, Permits, Hazardous Materials, Underground Storage Tanks, Fire Protection Systems, Hydrants and Fire Flow, and attachment of Photographs, Drawings and Video. • Occupancy Activity and Inspection Management that includes the ability to record detailed Inspections, Violations, and Follow-up Information, and Remote Data Entry options. • Maintenance and Testing of Vehicles, Facilities, Equipment and Hydrants Sunpro Statement of Work-City Of Kent,Washington-07/23/99—Page 4 of 10 Confidential and Proprietary 3. Minimum Hardware Requirements Hardware is to be supplied by the client or the client's representative, and must be installed prior to FireRMS installation. The Requirements listed below are recommendations based upon our own internal benchmarking, experience in working with Sunpro clients and other technical specialists. The Client must consult with their own technical advisor(s)prior to implementing Sunpro on their system to ensure that the right configuration is properly implemented. A. Client Computers and Workstations Sunpro RMS software minimum hardware requirements require a Pentium processor with a minimum of 64 megabytes of RAM,a mouse,and a monitor capable of displaying at least 800 by 600 video resolution. The recommended workstation operating system is Windows 95/98 or Windows NT. The computer'should have a minimum of 200 megabytes free space to install the software.Each Client that has access to the Sunpro Database is required to have a network connection and must have a Client Access License for access to any NT Server or SQL Server that is deployed. Each client will have an instance of FireRMS 5.0 installed to the local workstation. B. Printer Requirements Printers must support Windows 95/98 or Windows NT(whichever client operating system is used). C. Network Operating System The recommended network operating system is Windows NT 4.0,with Service Pack 4. Sunpro does not recommend`peer-to-peer'network operating systems such as Lantastic or Windows 95 networking operating systems. D. FireRMS (SQL 7.0) Database Server The FireRMS server should be a dedicated computer designed and configured as a network server. Sunpro recommends a hardware supplier that specializes in server manufacture such as Compaq, Hewlett Packard,etc.The following are the minimum specifications: ■ Intel Pentium PH processor or higher(PII 300MHZ minimum,recommended) ■ 512 MB RAM,more is always better. ■ 2.5 GB of usable disk space minimum for operating system and database(additional space will be required for several years' on-line storage. More space is needed if a redundant disk array design is used. ■ The rule-of-thumb estimate for on-line data storage is'/z gigabyte(500 megabytes)for every 10,000 incidents that the department responds to. This will provide an estimate on how to size the data storage requirements for FireRMS. ■ Network card. • CDROM for software delivery ■ A backup device,such as a tape drive and corresponding software,is required. ■ A dedicated database server is required.This server should NOT be the Primary Domain Controller(PDC)or a Backup Domain Controller(BDC). ■ Multiple physical disks drives should be used. RAID Level 5 is recommended.Performance is greatly enhanced by larger memory and striped disk arrays allowing simultaneous read /write operations.Minimum of two local physical disk devices is recommended ■ The operating system must be Microsoft Windows NT Server Version 4.0 or above with service pack 3 or above. Sunpro Statement of Work-City Of Kent,Washington-07/23/99—Page 5 of 10 Confidential and Proprietary ■ SQL Server 7.0 must be installed. The Sunpro FireRMS 5.0 Database and Client Application software will be installed on this server. E. SMS Server If a single instance of the SMS Interface Software is to be installed(for example,SMS-CadLink to FireRMS 5.0),the SMS Server may be combined with the FireRMS Server. If multiple instances of the SMS Interface Software is to be installed(SMS-CadLink,SMS-PDSI,and SMS- Cerulean),a separate SMS Interface Server may be required. The SMS server should be a dedicated computer designed and configured as a network server. Sunpro recommends a hardware supplier that specializes in server manufacture such as Compaq, Hewlett Packard,etc.The following are the minimum specifications: ■ Intel Pentium PII processor or higher(PII 30OMHZ minimum,recommended) ■ A minimum of 256 MB RAM,the more instances of SMS running,the more RAM required. ■ 2.5 GB of usable disk space minimum for SMS,data files,and cache files. ■ Network card with a TCP/IP connection to the FireRMS Database Server(s)and any other interface servers. ■ CDROM for software delivery ■ A backup device,such as a tape drive and corresponding software, is required. ■ A dedicated database server is required.This server should NOT be the Primary Domain Controller(PDC)or a Backup Domain Controller(BDC). ■ The operating system must be Microsoft Windows NT Server Version 4.0 or above with service pack 3 or above. ■ The Sunpro SMS Software and FireRMS 5.0 Client Application software will be installed on this server. F. Remote Fire Station Access • The minimum recommended bandwidth for remote fire station access is 56kbps. ■ Remote Fire Station access to FireRMS requires a properly engineered Technology/Software Solution. SUNPRO RMS supports properly engineered remote fire stations being connected via a WAN. In order to ensure adequate performance,the technology of a WAN connection requires active participation of the Clients Network System Administrator. ■ Ideally,the largest bandwidth possible must be used to connect to the RMS Server. This means fractional T-1 (256kbs or better). Obviously,with a Fiber Backbone(or Cable TV backbone)that supports 10mbps or higher the system will operate similarly to a system on a local area network. • Remote Fire Station access services are not a part of the Sunpro deliverables. All fire stations shall have access to the FireRMS server via recommended(minimum)connection,when the FireRMS is installed. In all cases,it is the responsibility of the client to ensure that minimum bandwidth requirements are met. 4. Professional Services Services include Project Management,Installation,Implementation,and a joint installation and training program for the client. Should the department require additional services,a change order will be required. The following documents describe these Professional Services more fully: ■ Implementation and Installation Tasks and Project Schedule ■ Implementation and Installation Plan Sunpro Statement of Work-City Of Kent,Washington-07/23/99—Page 6 of 10 Confidential and Proprietary ■ Training Plan These documents are client specific and must be finalized in Project Planning meeting(s)or discussion(s)between the Sunpro Project Manager and the Client's Project Manager. A. Sunpro Project Management Sunpro provides project management services for all implementations.The following are the duties performed by the project manager,and the people assigned to the various tasks. ■ Project supervision,and customer meetings(as further defined in the Implementation Schedule)to ensure proper management of the project. ■ Documentation design,documentation of scope of work,status reports,and development of additional scope of work documentation(i.e. third party software and other interfaces). ■ Provide end-to-end Sunpro testing in conjunction with the agency and gain operational acceptance by the agency. ■ Implementation testing and acceptance by Sunpro Implementation Technician(s); ■ Training Technicians will test all functions of the Sunpro Software prior to system acceptance. ■ Identified software deficiencies will be corrected at no-charge to the Agency prior to system acceptance ■ Resolve any Sunpro RMS technical issues through Sunpro's designated project manager and development team. ■ Designate a person to act as Project Manager and Training/Implementation technician whom all communications will be addressed. ■ Project Manager: Les Flue—253-536-4741 or Brad Smith—509-952-5636 ■ Certified Implementation Technician—Mat Jackmond—360-951-1046 ■ Certified Training Technician—To Be Assigned ■ Sunpro Technical Support— 1-800-786-7761 or 509-829-3264 Roles and Responsibilities • These services will be performed by Sunpro(generally by E-mail): ■ The Sunpro project manager will coordinate all installation,implementation and training tasks through the assigned Client Project Manager. • The Sunpro Project Manager will notify the assigned Client Project Manager of all progress,problems,schedule delays,and any other issues related to the project implementation. ■ Scheduling of Sunpro implementation resources will be coordinated through the assigned Client project manager,and actually performed by the Sunpro Project Manager. Sunpro Account Contacts ■ The following Sunpro representatives have responsibility for accounts at various stages of implementation: ■ Account Representative—Les Flue ■ Has responsibility for all pre-sales activities on accounts including proposals, demonstrations and marketing ■ Project Manager—Les Flue and Brad Smith ■ Has responsibility for implementation of the project.This person takes over after the sale and continues to be responsible until full implementation is complete. ■ Implementation and Training Technician ■ Has primary responsibility for installing FireRMS and Training the customer's team on FireRMS ■ Implementation Technician—Mat Jackmond Sunpro Statement of Work-City Of Kent,Washington-07/23/99—Page 7 of 10 Confidential and Proprietary • Training Technician— ■ Sunpro Technical Support ■ Has responsibility for the account after implementation is complete. B. System Implementation and Installation Sunpro,in cooperation with the client will ■ Install and configure FireRMS 5.0 on the FireRMS Server for the department; ■ Configure up to 10 workstations for access(this will include installation at remote fire station sites). During workstation configuration,Client support personnel will receive instruction on how to complete this process. If necessary(usually due to time restrictions),the Client Support personnel may be responsible for completing the configuration of workstations. • In order to satisfy Y2K deadlines,the software and services will be delivered in phases. The expected deadline for each phase is as follows: ■ Phase I,II,III,IV,V(Database Installation,Interface Installation,FireRMS Setup and Administration,Incident Reporting,Professional Edition)by September 30, 1999. ■ Phase VI(Enterprise Edition—Training Management,Hydrant Management,Fire Prevention and Inspection Management)by October 31, 1999. ■ Phase VII(Enterprise Edition—Asset and Inventory Management and Final Management Reporting)by December 31, 1999. System Implementation and Installation is described fully in the IMPLEMENTATION AND INSTALLATION PLAN. C. Training Application Training will be taught using a Train-the-Trainer approach. This Scope of Work includes a complete Train-the-Trainer program for the client as outlined in the TRAINING PLAN. In addition to the Training,the customer will be expected to complete code table setup and validate code use prior to end-user training. This may double the actual training time. Training is described fully in the TRAINING PLAN. D. Data Conversion Version 5.0 will include routines to import existing Sunpro FireRMS 3.7 Training Data. The client will be able to use these tools to import its data(when available). Data conversion is an optional add-on and covered under a separate DATA CONVERSION STATEMENT OF WORK. If required,Data Conversion will be charged at$125.00 per hour times the number of hours required to perform such data conversion. E. SQL Server Administration Services The implementation of FireRMS 5.0 includes the initial installation and configuration of the SQL Server 7.0 product on a City supplied Windows NT 4.0 network server. In order to assist the City in maintaining the FireRMS 5.0 database server,Sunpro will provide technical support personnel to the City at a rate of$95.00 per hour. These Sunpro technical personnel Sunpro Statement of Work-City Of Kent,Washington-07/23/99—Page 8 of 10 Confidential and Proprietary will provide routine maintenance,as needed for the SQL Server 7.0 database server and assist City personnel in developing a backup and recovery plan for the database platform. F. King County EMS Project Sunpro will participate with the client in a project to include King County EMS data points in the Advance Incident Management module of the Enterprise Edition. Additional costs for this customizing may be necessary. If necessary,said costs will be detailed in a contract addendum. 5. SMS Integration This project includes the delivery and installation of Sunpro SMS and integration with PRC CAD. This includes: ■ SMS-CadLink for integration between Sunpro FireRMS and the clients CAD system as described in the document—SMS-CADLINK. 6. Customer responsibilities during implementation and training ■ Provide a safe work area during installations of all RMS Software and Implementation and Training. ■ Provide,install,test and accept all network and hardware performance. ■ Provide,install,test and accept all Wide Area Network configurations. ■ Prior to system implementation and installation,provide to Sunpro's project manager in written form all department standard codes for each of the modules,personnel lists,and any data conversion files that are identified in the section on Professional Services. ■ Agency will provide and set-up a training room and schedule training with Sunpro and Agency's staff. ■ The agency is responsible for providing the hardware and network infrastructure. The installation and testing of the hardware and network infrastructure will be completed prior to Phase I implementation. ■ All of the training courses will be conducted at the Fire Department facilities.The department will be responsible for providing the necessary PC's to be used by the trainees. ■ Work diligently with Sunpro technicians during the Implementation and Training Phase to ensure timely completion of all tasks and functions. ■ Remote fire station access,file servers,and workstations must conform to the published Sunpro Operating System Requirements. ■ Between each phase of training and implementation,the customer is expected to complete the setup and implementation as taught during the training session(s)and to practice using the modules that have been taught to date. Sunpro Statement of Work-City Of Kent,Washington-07/23/99—Page 9 of 10 Confidential and Proprietary 7. Project Contact List Customer SYSTEM INFORMATION CONTACT City of Kent Fire Department NETWORK OPERATING SYSTEM ADDRESS CLIENT OPERATING SYSTEM CITY STATE ZIP FireRMS 5.0 SYSTEM ORDERED PHONE DATABASE FAX CUSTOMIZATION ORDERED PAGER CELLULAR DATA TO CONVERT EMAIL NUMBER OF DATABASES PROJECT-MANAGER: OTHER INFORMATION (ice.Departments) CONTACT Jim Carrol ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX PAGER CELLULAR EMAIL SUNPRO Pi,OJ MIS NEQ . MANAGERK CONTACT Brad Smith SUGGESTED MOTEL ADDRESS MOTELPHONE CITY STATE ZIP RATE CLOSEST AIRPORT: PHONE OTHER FAX PAGER CELLULAR 509-952-5636 EMAIL bsmith@sunpro1.com Sunpro Statement of Work-City Of Kent,Washington-07/23/99—Page 10 of 10 Confidential and Proprietary FireRMS 5.0 Installation and Implementation Plan for City of Kent, Washington Sunpro Installation and Implementation Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 1 of 13-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary i FireRMS 5.0 Installation and Implementation Plan City of Kent, Washington Scope of Work—Infrastructure Definition 3 Server................................................................................................................... ................................................ ...........................3 Workstations...................................................................................................................................................................................3 RemoteFire Stations.......................................................................................................................................................................3 FireRMS..........................................................................................................................................................................................4 SunproSMS....................................................................................................................................................................................4 Installation and Implementation Process 5 Pre-requisites..................................................................................................................................................................................5 Responsibilities...............................................................................................................................................................................5 Clientor Client's Representative................................................................................................................................................5 Sunpro.........................................................................................................................................................................................5 InstallSunpro FireRMSS-SQL.......................................................................................................................................................6 Install Sunpro FireRMSS-SQL-Workstation Install ONLY. ........................................................................................................6 Multiple Database/Jurisdiction Installs...........................................................................................................................................7 Pros&Cons of SAME SQLServer vs.Different SQL Servers..................................................................................................7 DifferentSQL Servers................................................................................................................................................................8 SAMESQL Server.....................................................................................................................................................................8 SPECIALNOTES:.....................................................................................................................................................................9 Minimum Hardware Recommendations 10 A. Client Computers and Workstations.......................................................................................................................................10 B. Printer Requirements...............................................................................................................................................................10 C. Network Operating System.....................................................................................................................................................10 D. FireRMS Server......................................................................................................................................................................10 E.SMS Requirements...................................................................................................................................................................11 E. Remote Fire Station Access.....................................................................................................................................................I I Acceptance Testing Plan and Implementation Check List 12 Sunpro Installation and Implementation Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 2 of 13-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary FireRMS 5.0 Installation and Implementation Plan Scope of Work — Infrastructure Definition Server • For this installation,FireRMS will be installed on a customer supplied NT Server. Server Location/Name IP Address Workstations • The customer will supply all of the workstations. Each workstation will comply with the minimum hardware recommendations. Workstation Location IP Address Remote Fire Stations • Remote Fire Stations will be connected to the FireRMS Server via T-1. Workstation Location IP Address Connection to FireRMS Server Sunpro Installation and Implementation Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 3 of 13-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary FireRMS 5.0 Installation and Implementation Plan FireRMS This project includes the installation and implementation of FireRMS 5.0 as follows: • FireRMS 5.0 Enterprise Gold Edition software will be installed on the FireRMS server at the City of Kent, Washington site. • A single database will be created to maintain all records for the City of Kent,Washington. • A training database will be initially created for Implementation and Training tasks. Once Training has been completed,a live database will be created and the client setup tables will be copied from the training database to the live database. Sunpro SMS • SMS will be installed on its own hardware • Sunpro SMS will be installed and configured for use with the CAD;.\ SMS Optional Features(to be determined later). • Sunpro SMS will be installed and configured for use with PDSI Telestaff; • Sunpro SMS will be installed and configured for use with Cerulean PacketCluster Mobile. SMS Location/Name IP Address SMS Listener SMS Queue Processor Sunpro Installation and Implementation Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 4 of 13-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary FireRMS 5.0 Installation and Implementation Plan Installation and Implementation Process Pre-requisites ■ Hardware meeting the minimum recommended requirements outlined in the Sunpro Document—"Operating System Requirements"must be installed and configured. ■ Client software(NT 4.0, SQL Server 7.0,etc.)must be available on-site. ■ Network installation and configuration-Servers,clients,hubs,routers,modems,etc.must be in place; ■ All WAN(Wide Area Network,Remote Fire Station Access)connections must be installed and tested. ■ Server must be prepared for Implementation: • Ensure that each Client has access to the FireRMS Server ■ Two Windows NT user accounts must be established on the network for Sunpro use. An administrative account in which the Technician has(administrative)read,write,create,and delete writes to the file server and a client account that is a sample of the typical client user that will be using the system. ■ Administrator Account: PW: ■ Client Account: PW: ■ Client access accounts must be setup for each user that will be access Sunpro FireRMS during the training phase. ■ Ensure that the Sunpro SMS server has access to the FireRMS server. NOTE: In a `single instance SMS", SMS may be installed on the FireRMS server. Otherwise SMS would normally be installed on a separate Sunpro Interface machine. Responsibilities Client or Client's Representative The Client or Client's Representative will be responsible for the following as they relate to overall completion of this project: ■ Provide a safe work area during installations of all RMS Software and Implementation and Training. ■ Provide,install,test and accept all network and hardware performance. ■ Provide, install,test and accept all Wide Area Network configurations. ■ Prior to system implementation and installation,provide to Sunpro's project manager in written form all department standard codes for each of the modules,personnel lists, and any data conversion files that are identified in the section on Professional Services. ■ Client will provide and set-up a training room and schedule training with Sunpro and Client's staff. ■ The client is responsible for providing the hardware and network infrastructure. The installation and testing of the hardware and network infrastructure will be completed prior to Implementation. Sunpro Sunpro will be responsible for coordinating and providing: ■ End-to-end Sunpro testing in conjunction with the client and gain operational acceptance by the client. Functionality testing is defined in the Acceptance Test Plan;install,test,and gain acceptance of the Sunpro (Application)RMS software. • Install,test,and gain acceptance of the Sunpro SMS Interfaces. ■ Resolve any Sunpro RMS issues through Sunpro's designated project manager and development team. • Provide one set of standard FireRMS documentation on CD ROM for printing and distribution by the client; ■ Provide Application and User documentation acceptable to the client for any interface to CAD or client system/application and any customization of FireRMS. This is in addition to standard FireRMS documentation. Sunpro Installation and Implementation Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 5 of 13 -07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary FireRMS 5.0 Installation and Implementation Plan Install Sunpro FireRMS5-SQL There are several steps to successfully install FireRMS5-SQL,most are done at the NT4/SQL7.0 Server. ■ Insure that"Microsoft Windows NT4"is installed with"SP4" ■ Observe the"Blue Screen"when NT boots-up,the last part of the top line states which service pack is installed. "Microsoft®Windows TM NT Version 4.0(Build 1381,Service Pack 4)" ■ Insure that"Microsoft SQLServer7.0"is installed. (IE4 with SP1 is also required) ■ Keep "defaults"of"Multi-Protocol"(which includes"Named Pipes")and"Case Insensitive Sort Order"-at this time we are not aware of any"non-standard"settings that should need to be made,we will advise in a Technical Support Bulletin as further items surface. ■ Start SQLServer 7(SQL Server 7 and SQL7 Agent should be set to start with boot-up). ■ If it is running,ring,there is a"SQL7.0 Icon" in the"System Tray". ■ Install Sunpro FireRMS5SQL Program onto the Server ■ Install Sunpro SQL-Utils Program onto the Server(in same directory as FireRMS5SQL). ■ Create a sub-folder in FireRMS5SQL,called"Install' ■ Copy the contents of the FireRMS5SQL CD into the Install sub-folder ■ This will result in a copy or replica of the entire distribution CD on the File Server. ■ Run Sunpro SQL-Utils Program and"Create New Database"(you will be told that the "Database does not exist", Say OK,it shouldn't exist since you are creating it(this is a safeguard for"Multiple Database/Jurisdiction Installs". For more information on"Multiple Database/Jurisdiction Installs"see the attached Addendum). ■ NOTE:Database Creation will take between 1/2 hour to 1 1/2 hours per Database. The variable here is the "Amount of RAM available to the CPU"more than the"CPU Speed". ■ Next,start the FireRMS5SQL Program and Identify the Server&the Database. ■ You can tell the name of the SQLServer from"SQL Enterprise Manager"(It is the name of the NT4-Server on which it is installed). ■ The Default name of the Database is"RMS5SQL",and can also be obtained from "SQL Enterprise Manager" ■ Repeat the installation of the FireRMS5SQL program on all clients Workstations. ■ The client workstations will be installed from the setup program in the folder on the file server in which you copied the FireRMS5SQL CD(Install). Until we integrate the"Microsoft Installer"into Sunpro's products,we suggest that an icon be placed on each workstation's desktop. This will allow the users to run updates when they are released(when the Program notifies the user that"The Data Files Do Not Match the Program,an Update must be run"). This update may be run from the files in the"Install"folder. ■ Due to the way that SQL-Clients"attach"to the SQLServer Databases,there is"No Need to Map a Drive to the SQLServer Data Directory". Install Sunpro FireRMS5-SQL - Workstation Install ONLY. There are several steps to successfully install FireRMS5-SQL,most are done at the NT4/SQL7.0 Server. Here is the steps needed for all"Client Workstation Installs". Install Sunpro FireRMS5SQL Program onto each Workstation. There are 2 ways of installing this software; 1)Directly from CD or 2)from a Network Drive. Installation"Directly from a CD" ■ Insert the CD into the workstation's CD Drive. ■ Find the"Setup.exe"file on the CD,it should be in either the"root",or in a Directory named" SQL"on the CD. Proceed to Common to both Installations) Installation"from a Network Drive" Sunpro Installation and Implementation Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 6 of 13-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary FireRMS 5.0 Installation and Implementation Plan ■ Locate the"Network Drive and Directory"where your Network Administrator has copied the"Setup files"from the Sunpro Installation CD. (e.g.\FireRMS5SQL\Install). ■ Find the "Setup.exe"file in the"Network Directory". Common to both installations ■ Highlight the SETUREXE file and press Enter(or Double Click on the file with your left mouse button),this will begin the installation and advise you that the Installation Program is preparing. ■ The next screen you see should say"FireRMS 5.0 SQL Server"with a"Welcome Window",after reading the information,click the"Next"button with your left mouse button. ■ Next you will see the"Software License Agreement". You must select"Yes"to proceed with the installation. ■ The next screen will display the"User Information"stored in the Registry,correct the information if necessary and click on the "Next"button with your left mouse button. ■ Next you will be asked to"Choose the Destination Directory",we suggest you select the"default"of "C.I Fire"MQL". ■ If your Network Administrator requires a different directory(such as"C.lProgram Filesl FireRMS5SQL"),click on the "Browse"button. When the"Choose Directory"window appears,hit the"Home"or"Left Arrow"key first since any typing will remove the'highlighted text',and enter the correct location and click on the"OK"button. NOTE: The"Client Program Files "must be installed on a'Local Drive'on the workstation. ■ You will be advised that"The Directory does not exist",and asked if it should be created,this is normal in a"New Install"so click on"Yes" Note: If this is an Upgrade,you should not see this warning,if you do,say"No". Updates must be installed into the original program location on the local drive. ■ Click on the"Next"button of the window of Step 7 ■ In the"Setup Type"window,choose"Typical"and click on the"Next"button. ■ Finally you will be asked to"Select Program Folder",click on the"Next"button and the actual"Program Installation" will be started,showing you the progress ■ Next you should see a screen that says"Click Finish to complete Setup",click finish and you are done. You will notice that an Icon has been placed on you desktop for starting FireRMS5SQL. Note: Do not click on the"Sunpro Icon"until the"Server Side"of the installation is completed. ■ When you start the FireRMS5SQL program for the first time(and the first time only),you will be asked to provide the following 2 items,they must be provided by your Network Administrator prior to being able to use the newly installed program: Server Name: Database Name: Multiple Database/Jurisdiction Installs Pros & Cons of SAME SQLServer vs. Different SQL Servers Install all Databases on Same Server Install all Databases on separate server(s) Pros Lowered shared cost of hardware and Server Higher cost per jurisdiction for hardware and server license software licenses. Requires only t Database Administrator Higher cost per jurisdiction for Database Administration Only one back-up routine and device Multiple Back-up routines and devices Sunpro Installation and Implementation Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 7 of 13-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary FireRMS 5.0 Installation and Implementation Plan Someone else is in physical control of your Your jurisdiction is in control of your data. data Different SQL Servers ■ *-For"Multiple Database/Jurisdiction Installs onto Different SQLServers",follow all steps for single install on each NT4/SQLServer7 computer. SAME SQL Server ■ *-For"Multiple Database/Jurisdiction Installs onto the SAME SQLServer",begin by naming the Databases with the name of the Jurisdiction(without spaces between words),this will reduce confusion in Workstation Installations& Database Maintenance. ■ After each Database is created,you will need to "Start FireRMS5SQL from the Icon that was put onto your"Server Desktop"when you Installed FireRMSSQL. When you start FireRMS5SQL,you will be asked 2 questions which will create a DSN(ODBC Data Source Name)for FireRMS5SQL to use in locating the correct Database: ➢ The"NAME of the SQLServer" (an easy way to assure that you enter it correctly is to'double-click on the"SQL7.0 Icon"in the"System Tray"and use the"Ctrl+C"key combination to copy the name,which should be highlighted,to the clipboard,close the "SQLService Manager window",then use"Ctrl+V"to paste the name into the"Setup Text-Box" ➢ The"NAME of the SQL Database(that you just created)" To find the"correct spelling of the Database",you can open the"SQL Enterprise Manager"and drill-down to the "Databases"to view the names,or look in the":\MSSQL7\Data"directory(with explorer)for the names of the databases. ■ We suggest that you at least enter the Name of the Jurisdiction in the Department Name field so that the Database can be identified when first starting the program from a workstation because the name will be on the top window border. ■ Next go to "Settings/Control Panel/ODBC-32(ODBC Data Source Administrator)"and click on the"System DSN" Tab. During the last step(above)a"System DSN"named"RMS5SQL_DSN"was created. In order to be able to create another Database,you must"Alter the Name of the DSN",to do so take the following steps: ➢ Click on the "RMS5SQL_DSN"item in the Name Column ➢ Click on the "Configure..."button. ➢ Change the Last 3 letters of"RMS5SQL_DSN"(the"DSN")to another I to 5 letter designation for the Jurisdiction(it's initials or such). ➢ Click on the"Next"button. ➢ Make sure that"With NT Authentication..."is NOT selected(until Sunpro releases "the fully NT Security mode compatible release" ➢ You may connect to the Database as SA(or another SQL Admin) ➢ Assure that the"change default database to"is checked and that it reads the"Correct Database" ➢ Do not change any other items as you continue on to through the configuration items. ➢ Finally,click on the"Test Data Source..."button,you must see a"TEST COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY!" message,or something is wrong and you need to go back through all the steps above that are after the"Create Database"(there must have been a mistake made somewhere!). ■ Now you are ready to again Start"SQL Utils"again and"Create New Database"again. The reason that"SQL Utils" starts with the"Create New Database"option is that there is NOT a RMS5SQL_DSN. Sunpro Installation and Implementation Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 8 of 13 -07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary FireRMS 5.0 Installation and Implementation Plan SPECIAL NOTES: ■ We suggest that you create one additional Database that maintains the"RMS5SQL"name for the Database and maintains the use of the"RSM5SQL_DSN"ODBC Data Source Name. (for testing purposes) ■ In order to attach(on the SQLServer machine only)to the Database of your choice,you need to change the Name of the "System DSN"that points to that Database to RMS5SQL_DSN. (Don't forget to change the original RMS5SQL_DSN to something else first,like"RMS5SQL_001") ■ Updating SQL Databases(when advised to by Sunpro when we ship you an Update CD)requires only that you: ➢ "Start SQL Utils"once for each of the databases that reside on the SQLServer, ➢ Enter the "Server Name", "Database Name",and login with SQL Admin rights ➢ Choose the "Update Now to database version#.#.###" ■ Sunpro has a"DSN Changer"utility available for Admin use in Multi-Database environments. Sunpro Installation and Implementation Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 9 of 13-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary FireRMS 5.0 Installation and Implementation Plan Minimum Hardware Recommendations Sunpro focuses on providing the best Fire Department Records Management System in the Industry and does not sell hardware, nor do we provide the technical expertise of installing,setting up,and managing computer networks. However,we have had many years of experience in helping our many clients resolve many of these issues. The Requirements listed below are recommendations based upon our own internal benchmarking,experience in working with Sunpro clients and other technical specialists. The Client must consult with their own technical advisor(s)prior to implementing A. Client Computers and Workstations Sunpro RMS software minimum hardware requirements require a Pentium processor with a minimum of 64 megabytes of RAM,a mouse,and a monitor capable of displaying at least 800 by 600 video resolution. The recommended workstation operating system is Windows 95/98 or Windows NT. The computer should have a minimum of 200 megabytes free space to install the software.Each Client that has access to the Sunpro Database is required to have a network connection and must have a Client Access License for NT Server 4.0 and SQL Server 7.0. Each client will have an instance of FireRMS 5.0 installed to the local workstation. B. Printer Requirements Printers must support Windows 95/98 or Windows NT(whichever client operating system is used). C. Network Operating System The recommended network operating system is Windows NT 4.0,with Service Pack 4. Sunpro does not recommend `peer-to-peer'network operating systems such as Lantastic or Windows 95 networking operating systems. D. FireRMS Server The FireRMS server should be a dedicated computer designed and configured as a network server. Sunpro recommends a hardware supplier that specializes in server manufacture such as Compaq,Hewlett Packard,etc.The following are the minimum specifications: ■ Intel Pentium PII processor or higher(PH 30OMHZ minimum,recommended) ■ 512 MB RAM,more is always better. ■ 2.5 GB of usable disk space minimum for operating system and database(additional space will be required for several years'on-line storage. More space is needed if a redundant disk array design is used. ■ The rule-of-thumb estimate for on-line data storage is '/Z gigabyte(500 megabytes)for every 10,000 incidents that the department responds to. This will provide an estimate on how to size the data storage requirements for FireRMS. ■ Network card. ■ CDROM for software delivery ■ A backup device,such as a tape drive and corresponding software,is required. ■ A dedicated database server is required.This server should NOT be the Primary Domain Controller(PDC)or a Backup Domain Controller(BDC). ■ Multiple physical disks drives should be used. RAID Level 5 is recommended.Performance is greatly enhanced by larger memory and striped disk arrays allowing simultaneous read/write operations.Minimum of two local physical disk devices is recommended ■ The operating system must be Microsoft Windows NT Server Version 4.0 or above with service pack 4 or above. Sunpro Installation and Implementation Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 10 of 13-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary FireRMS 5.0 Installation and Implementation Plan ■ SQL Server 7.0 must be installed. The Sunpro FireRMS 5.0 Database and Client Application software will be installed on this server. E. SMS Requirements If a single instance of the SMS Interface Software is to be installed(for example,SMS-CadLink to FireRMS 5.0),the SMS Interface may be combined with the FireRMS Server. If multiple instances of the SMS Interface Software is to be installed(SMS-CadLink,SMS-PDSI,and SMS-Cerulean),a separate SMS Interface may be required. Sunpro recommends a hardware supplier that is on the Microsoft NT Hardware Compatibility List.The following are the minimum specifications: ■ Intel Pentium PII processor or higher(PII 30OMHZ minimum,recommended) ■ A minimum of 256 MB RAM,the more instances of SMS running,the more RAM required. ■ 2.5 GB of usable disk space minimum for SMS,data files,and cache files. ■ Network card with a TCP/IP connection to the FireRMS Database Server(s)and any other interface servers. ■ CDROM for software delivery ■ A backup device,such as a tape drive and corresponding software,is required. ■ A dedicated database server is required.This server should NOT be the Primary Domain Controller(PDC)or a Backup Domain Controller(BDC). ■ The operating system must be Microsoft Windows NT Version 4.0 or above with service pack 4 or above. ■ The Sunpro SMS Software and FireRMS 5.0 Client Application software will be installed on this server. E. Remote Fire Station Access ■ Remote Fire Station access to FireRMS requires a properly engineered Technology/Software Solution. SUNPRO RMS supports properly engineered remote fire stations being connected via a WAN. In order to ensure adequate performance,the technology of a WAN connection requires active participation of the Clients Network System Administrator. ■ Ideally,the largest bandwidth possible must be used to connect to the RMS Server. This means fractional T-1 (256kbs or better). Obviously,with a Fiber Backbone(or Cable TV backbone)that supports 10mbps or higher the system will operate similarly to a system on a local area network. ■ If low-bandwidth is the only option,then you must develop a solution involving an"Application Server". An example of an Application Server approach is Microsoft Windows Terminal Server and/or Citrix's MetaFrame or WinFframe product. This product is an NT based product that runs in a Client/Server mode. Programs are run on the server and client software is employed to provide workstation access via dial-up or direct connection. Please consult with your network administrator and an authorized Citrix reseller about configuration and use of Citrix. While each installation is different,the following"Rule-of-Thumb"can be used as a starting point. Sunpro does not warrant performance at this bandwidth,but requires the customer to benchmark performance using his or her own network technicians. ■ For SQL Server Database versions,the minimum recommended bandwidth is 56kbps,fractional T-1. The 56kbps requirement is per workstation concurrently connected to the file server; ■ For other database versions,please contact Sunpro. Sunpro Installation and Implementation Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 11 of 13 -07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary FireRMS 5.0 Installation and Implementation Plan Acceptance Testing Plan and Implementation Check List After completion of the install,complete the following Check List and attach as part of the"Acceptance Test Plan" documentation. Sign Item Comments Completed Off Ensure NT Server is installed and Must be completed prior to any on-site work by Sunpro Network Backbone is implemented technician(s). and operational Install SQL Server 7.0 May be coordinated with customer and/or Partner Project Manager Install FireRMS 5.0 Program on Into directory: FireRMS Server Install SQL Utils on FireRMS Server Create FireRMS 5.0 Database(s) Database Name(s): Start the FireRMS 5.0 Client License Level: Program for each Database and set the license level Install SMS onto SMS Server. Install FireRMS 5.0 Client onto SMS Server Run FireRMS 5.0 with"/regserver" switch to register the OLE Server Configure SMS for Integration with CAD Server parameters Agencies Primary Translation Tables (INC01/INCO2) Resources Table Secondary Translations if needed Create an"Installation Directory"on the Server on a common Shared Drive for installation. Install FireRMS 5.0 on(up to) 10 workstations,including attaching to FireRMS 5.0 Database Setup and configure FireRMS 5.0 Incident Reporting for SMS Testing • Basic Dept.Info ■ Dept Structure • Other Agencies ■ Apparatus Create 3 sample"User Groups"for Security purposes ■ Admin.Group Sunpro Installation and Implementation Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 12 of 13 -07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary FireRMS 5.0 Installation and Implementation Plan ■ Users Group ■ Default Group Create 2"User Accounts" ■ Name=admin,pw=admin ■ Name=userl, pw=userl Enter personnel info for both users above Provide"System Administrator Training" Basic Instruction on SMS-CADLink use and maintenance ■ Upgrades ■ SQL Utilities ■ Technical Support ■ Other Administrative needs Create a"Database Maintenance Plan"for each Database. Also do an immediate Backup of each Database. 18.) Exit Interview Obtain Sign-Off on this document. List items agreed upon that still need attention. Sunpro Installation and Implementation Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 13 of 13 -07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary Sunpro FireRMS 5.0 Implementation and Installation Tasks And Project Schedule For City Of Kent, Washington Implementation And Installation Tasks And Project Schedule Page 1 of 5 July 23, 1999 re-Installation Project Management 7/23/99 M meeting with client to finalized Scope of Work M C� Contracts finalized and completed /23/99 Review Hardware specifications and requirements Complete Data Conversion Documentation �J Equipment and Network Installed and Operational Verify Data Conversion Requirements are being satisfied Client EUT Training completed on Windows and Office re-Installation Requirements lient erver Installed lient S SQL Server Installed Klient ___� etwork installed and operational L liens emote Fire Stations have access lient Assemble data for Configuration of FireRMS r.� lient C� epartment Demographic Information lient Basic Department Information lient epartment Structure lient Divisions lient Battalions lient Stations lient Shift Patterns lient Personnel Information lient Apparatus Identification lient Cities Klient able Building: Klient Involvement Codes lient Other Agencies lient Other Activity Types lient Other Training Locations lient Department Ranks/Positions lient Training Methods lient Training Providers lient Training Catalogue lient Implementation And Installation Tasks And Project Schedule Page 2 of 5 July 23, 1999 nstallation and Implementation 2.5 days —� re-Requisites Completed Client_W� /6/99 lInstall and Configure FireRMS5 SQL on Server [� mplementation ransfer converted data plementation �] stall FireRMS5 on Workstation(s) plementation stall FireRMS5 SMS Interface Software I lFlementation Configure SMS for CAD Integration plementation Testing of SMS to FireRMS data transfer plementation ireRMS Lite and Standard Edition Training 3.5 days 1 /9/99 re-Training Consulting lInstructor C� Review Department requirements for: Personnel,Rosters,Incidents,Training,and Other Activities U nstallation,Setup,Program Updates,and Support 0.5 day nstructor Code Setup Incidents and EMS Code Setup Personnel and Personnel Rosters Code Setup-Security and Access Rights JrC-ode Setup Training 1 day nrstructor 11 Training Catalogue Setup �I Training Credentials Setup Training Credentials Tracking ECode Setup Other Activities omplete Code Setup not covered during Training Session lient nput and Use 0.5 days Enstructor Roster Input Fire Incident Input Training Input Activities Input omplete Acceptance Testing and Sign-off rain Departmental Personnel �� lient Implementation And Installation Tasks And Project Schedule Page 3 of 5 July 23, 1999 ireRMS Professional Edition Training [� re-Training Consulting 1 da Vnstructor [� Review Department Requirements for: Occupancies,Hydrants,Equipment,Apparatus,Daybook F nstallation,Setup 0.5 days nstructor Code Setup Occupancies [� Code Setup Hydrants Code Setup Apparatus Code Setup Daybook [� _ Complete Code Setup not covered during Training Session lient nput and Use 0.5 days nstructor Occupancies Hydrants Equipment and Apparatus Daybook omplete Acceptance Testing and Sign-off [771rain Departmental Personnel Q lient Implementation And Installation Tasks And Project Schedule Page 4 of 5 July 23, 1999 ireRMS Enterprise Edition Training 3 days —_� �� re-Training Consulting linstructor —' Review Department Requirements for: Inspections, Scheduling,Advanced Personnel,Inventory, IVnstamilation intenance,and Testing and Setup 0.5 day (( nstructorr Code Setup Inspections Code Setup Scheduling Code Setup Advanced Personnel Code Setup Inventory Code Setup Maintenance Code Setup Equipment Testing omplete Code Setup not covered during Training Session lient 0 nput and Use 1 da nstructor Scheduling Inspections Advanced Personnel Inventory Maintenance Qr Equipment Testing omplete Acceptance Testing and Sign-off Q rain Departmental Personnel lient rysalis Smartech Reporting —3 day-" nstructor sing FireRMS in Strategic Planning sing FireRMS to Manage Training Accreditation sing FireRMS to Manage Fire Prevention Programs omplete Final Acceptance Testing and Sign-off Implementation And Installation Tasks And Project Schedule Page 5 of 5 July 23, 1999 Sunpro FireRMS 5.0 Training Plan for City of Kent, Washington Training Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page I of 9-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary TRAINING PLAN Formal Training- SUNPRO Sunpro Training is a Train-the-Trainer approach. Training sessions will commence after the entire Network infrastructure is completed(provided by the customer or customer's agent) and after Installation and Implementation by Sunpro Installation Technicians. The formal SUNPRO training program will be conducted at the Fire Department facilities. The department will be responsible for providing the necessary PC's to be used by the trainees. Note: It is recommended that no more than 1 trainee per workstation position, or more than 12 trainees per class,participate in training sessions. More than 1 trainee per position or 12 trainees per class, will not allow for the sufficient individual hands-on experience required to ensure that the training be successful. Train-The-Trainer The Train-The-Trainer approach is the most logical training solution for the department. While SUNPRO personnel can provide very extensive training on the capabilities of the respective systems, they can not provide training,which may change existing Fire Department policy or procedures. In nearly all cases,the introduction of new RMS system creates a situation whereby departments will change some policies and procedures. This is usually the case, due to the fact that previous manual or computerized operations presented certain limitations,which had a direct impact on the current daily operations. Therefore, SUNPRO proposes and will provide Train-The-Trainer training for the SUNPRO System. This methodology will allow the department"Training"personnel to learn the full capabilities of those systems. Having completed the Train-The-Trainer sessions and armed with a full understanding and knowledge of each system, the department's Trainers will then have the ability to provide their own department specific training. This site-specific training will include some policy or procedural changes, as well as RMS functionality. Due to the vast functionality of the systems,there may very well be some commands or functions of the product that may not be of benefit to the department operation. The Train-The-Trainer approach permits the department System Administrators and System Trainers to learn the full capabilities of the respective systems; permitting them to determine what commands and/or functions within each of the modules will be utilized as part of their daily operation. Roles and Responsibilities ■ Training will be performed by Sunpro by a Certified Sunpro Training Specialist; ■ The Training will be scheduled by the Sunpro Project Manager, in cooperation with the assigned Sunpro Partner Project Manager along with the Client Project Manager; ■ The number and duration of trips required to complete this phase shall not exceed the number specified in the original contract. Additional trips will require the completion a work change order. Training Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 2 of 9-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary TRAINING PLAN Prerequisites ■ Prior to training, System Implementation must have been completed. ■ Sunpro Training requires a Train-the-Trainer(TtT) approach. After completion of all of the TtT sessions, a preliminary set-up of the Sunpro RMS module will have been accomplished. Final setup and verification of the setup should be performed after the TtT session and prior to end-user training. ■ The formal SUNPRO TtT courses will be conducted at the Fire Department facilities. The department will be responsible for providing the necessary PC's to be used by the trainees. ■ It is recommended that no more than 1 trainee per workstation position, or more than 12 trainees per class,participate in training sessions. More than 1 trainee per position or 12 trainees per class, will not allow for the sufficient individual hands-on experience required to ensure that the training be successful. ■ While SUNPRO personnel can provide very extensive training on the capabilities of the respective systems, they can not provide training,which may change existing Fire Department policy or procedures. In nearly all cases, the introduction of new RMS system creates a situation whereby departments will change some policies and procedures. This is usually the case, due to the fact that previous manual or computerized operations presented certain limitations, which had a direct impact on the current daily operations. ■ Prior the training delivery, the client should have designated its TtT Team members. This TtT methodology will allow the department team members to learn the full capabilities of this system. Having completed the TtT sessions and armed with a full understanding and knowledge of each system, the department's Trainers will then have the ability to provide their own department specific training. This site-specific training will include some policy or procedural changes, as well as RMS functionality. Due to the vast functionality of the systems, there may very well be some commands or functions of the product that may not be of benefit to the department operation. The TtT approach permits the department System Administrators and System Trainers to learn the full capabilities of the respective systems; permitting them to determine what commands and/or functions within each of the modules will be utilized as part of their daily operation. ■ Between each phase of training and implementation,the customer is expected to complete the setup and implementation as taught during the training session(s) and to practice using the modules that have been taught to date. Team Approach The ideal Implementation Team consists of seven (7)key individuals from the department, one (1) Sunpro Technician and the Sunpro Project Manager(if different from the technician). Key representative(s) will be responsible for their specialized areas of the project. These team players are outlined below. Training Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 3 of 9-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary TRAINING PLAN Team Descriptions ■ Sunpro RMS Project Leader (department personnel, ideally an individual with database understanding, does not have to be afire person.) ■ This individual will be responsible for developing an overall understanding of the Sunpro RMS product. This would include knowledge of system administration functions within FireRMS 5.0 such as upgrades, user setup &preferences, licenses,how the different modules interact, workstation setup, etc. This person does not need to understand the specific code setup of each module or necessarily how to utilize each module. The Project Leader should have authority and responsibility for ensuring the project is completed in a timely manner. ■ Computer Network Support Representative(department personnel) ■ It is recommended that the Computer Network Support Representative be certified in SQL 7.0 Database Administration and NT Network Administration. This individual should be knowledgeable about the workings of the network and computers supporting Sunpro RMS including and remote connection procedures and issues. This person will be relied upon heavily for a successful implementation of this installation as the Sunpro RMS software can perform only as well as the infrastructure upon which supports it. ■ Daybook and Roster Representatives (department personnel, ideally a fire person who is knowledgeable about the current shift rotation and roster schedules for the department.) ■ Will be responsible for the decisions on how the daybook module is configured,helping with the setup and learning thoroughly the workings of this module. ■ Fire/EMS Incident Module Representatives (department personnel, needs to be afire person who is very knowledgeable about the current Fire&Medical incident reporting system and has a good understanding of the needs of the individuals inputting the reports on the line.) ■ Will be responsible for the code setup decisions of the Fire and EMS modules. (Depending on the internal structure of the Fire Dept. this could be one person for Fire incidents and another for EMS incidents.) The code setup for the Fire module is usually quite simple whereas the EMS module can be quite intensive. This person should be prepared to help with the setup and to learn the full functionality of these two modules. ■ Training Module Representatives (department personnel, needs to be a fire person with knowledge of the training records needs of the organization.) ■ Will be responsible for the code setup decisions for the training module, helping with the setup and learning the full functionality of this module. ■ Occupancy, Prevention,Inspection and Hydrant Module Representative (department personnel, needs to be afire person with knowledge of the fire prevention needs of the district.) ■ Will be responsible for the code setup decisions for the inspection and hydrant modules, helping with the setup and learning the full functionality of these modules. The hydrant module is fairly simple to configure while the inspection module can be quite involved. This person needs to be currently familiar with the occupancies of the district, how the inspections are currently being handled, common violations in the district, permits issued, etc. Training Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 4 of 9-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary TRAINING PLAN ■ Equipment Inventory and Maintenance Representative (department personnel, needs to be a person knowledgeable of the apparatus and equipment inventory of the district.) ■ Will be responsible for identifying the apparatus and equipment inventory that needs to be included in this module, helping with the setup and learning the functionality of the module. This person may be a fire person or a fleet manager person. ■ Supplies Inventory Module Representative (department personnel), needs to be a person knowledgeable in the supplies inventory processes and procedures of the department). ■ Will be responsible for identifying the supplies inventory processes that need to be included in this module, helping with the setup and learning the functionality of the module. This person may be a fire person or a supply officer. Training Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 5 of 9-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary TRAINING PLAN Training Syllabus The following Training Syllabus describes the training sessions that may be delivered. Actual training will be delivered in accordance with the Implementation, Tasks, and Project Schedule. Program Title: Fire RMS 5.0 LITE Lesson Lesson Title Length Target Number 5.0.1 Installation, Set-up, Variable Client Program Program Updates, Manager/DBA Support 5.0.2 Code Set-up 2 hours Client Program Manager Personnel Personnel Manager Incidents Incidents Manager 5.0.3 Fire Incident Input 2 hours Incidents Manager Client Trainers 5.0.4 Reporting Tools Variable Client Program Manager Personnel Manager Incidents Manager Program Title: Fire RMS 5.0 Standard Lesson Lesson Title Length Target Number 5.1.1 Installation, Set-up, Client Program Manager Program Updates, Support 5.1.21 Code Set-up Client Program Manager Personnel Personnel Manager Rosters Incidents Manager Incidents 5.1.22 Code Set-up Client Program Manager Training Personnel Manager Training Manager 5.1.23 Code Set-up Client Program Manager Activities Personnel Manager Activities Manager 5.1.31 Fire Incident Input Incidents Manager Client Trainers 5.1.32 Training Input Training Manager Training Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 6 of 9-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary TRAINING PLAN Client Trainers 5.1.33 Activities Input Activities Manager Client Trainers 5.1.4 Reporting Tools Client Program Manager Personnel Manager Incidents Manager Training Manager Activities Manager Program Title: Fire RMS 5.0 Professional Lesson Lesson Title Length Target Number 5.2.1 Installation, Set-up, Client Program Manager Program Updates, Support 5.2.21 Code Set-up Client Program Manager Personnel Personnel Manager Rosters Incidents Manager Incidents 5.2.22 Code Set-up Client Program Manager Training Personnel Manager Training Manager 5.2.23 Code Set-up Client Program Manager Activities Personnel Manager Activities Manager 5.2.24 Code Set-up Client Program Manager Occupancies Occupancy Manager Incidents Manager 5.2.25 Code Set-up Client Program Manager Advanced EMS Incidents Manager Training Manager 5.2.26 Code Set-up Client Program Manager Hydrants Hydrant Manager Occupancy Manager 5.2.27 Code Set-up Client Program Manager Equipment Equipment Manager 5.2.28 Code Set-up Client Program Manager Apparatus Apparatus Manager 5.2.29 Code Set-up Client Program Manager Daybook— Rosters Personnel Manager Daybook— Logs Daybook FYI/Requests 5.2.31 Fire Incident Input Incidents Manager Client Trainers Training Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 7 of 9-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary TRAINING PLAN 5.2.32 Training Input Training Manager Client Trainers 5.2.33 Activities Input Activities Manager Client Trainers 5.2.34 Occupancies Input Client Program Manager Occupancy Manager Incidents Manager 5.2.35 Advanced EMS Input Client Program Manager Incidents Manager Training Manager 5.2.36 Hydrants Input Client Program Manager Hydrant Manager Occupancy Manager 5.2.37 Equipment Input Client Program Manager Equipment Manager 5.2.38 Apparatus Input Client Program Manager Apparatus Manager 5.2.39 Daybook Input Client Program Manager Personnel Manager 5.2.41 Chrysalis SMARTech Client Program Manager Personnel Manager Incidents Manager Training Manager Activities Manager Program Title: Fire RMS 5.0 Enterprise Lesson Lesson Title Length Target Number 5.3.1 Installation, Set-up, Client Program Manager Program Updates, Support 5.3.21 Code Setup — Occupancy and Prevention Inspections Manager 5.3.22 Code Setup — Personnel Manager Scheduling Training Manager 5.3.23 Code Setup — Personnel Manager Advanced Personnel Management 5.3.24 Code Setup — Inventory Equipment and Inventory Manager 5.3.25 Code Setup — Maintenance Manager Training Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 8 of 9-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary TRAINING PLAN Maintenance 5.3.26 Code Setup — Equipment and Equipment Testing Maintenance Manager 5.3.27 5.3.28 5.3.29 5.3.31 Inspections Occupancy and Prevention Management Manager 5.3.32 Scheduling Personnel Manager Management Training Manager 5.3.33 Inventory Management Equipment and Inventory Manager 5.3.34 Maintenance and Maintenance Manager Testing Management 5.3.35 Using FireRMS In Administrative and other Strategic Planning personnel with Strategic Planning responsibilities 5.3.36 Using FireRMS to Training Manager Manage Training Accreditation 5.3.37 Using FireRMS to Occupancy and Inspection Manage Fire Prevention Manager Fire Prevention Manager Public Education Manager Training Plan-City of Kent,Washington-Page 9 of 9-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary Sunpro SMS-CadLink Fire"S 5.0 Integration With PRC CAD for City of Kent, Washington SMS-CadLink-City of Kent,Washington-Page I of 5-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary Sunpro SMS-CadLink Table of Contents Incident Record Integration ........................................................................................................... 3 ClosedRecord Download........................................................................................................... 3 Additional SMS-CadLink Features................................................................................................. 3 Additional Units Clearing the Scene........................................................................................... 3 Code Table Synchronization....................................................................................................... 3 Rosters.........................................................................................................................................4 Hydrants......................................................................................................................................4 OccupancyInformation..............................................................................................................4 Addresses....................................................................................................................................4 SMS-CadLink-City of Kent,Washington-Page 2 of 5-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary Sunpro SMS-CadLink Sunpro SMS will be configured to provide PRC CAD to FireRMS integration using the existing Sunpro messages IncOI and Inc02. IncOI will provide download of CAD data to create an Incident in FireRMS. Inc02 will provide a download of CAD data to update the Incident record in FireRMS as each subsequent unit clears the scene. At present, PRC has the following level of integration: Incident Record Integration Closed Record Download(Inc01) At the close of an incident the PRC CAD Message Switch(CMS)will transmit a data packet of incident data to the Sunpro Message Switch (SMS). The SMS will create an incident record within Sunpro,populating applicable fields with PRC CAD incident data. Additional SMS-CadLink Features Should the CAD system be upgraded, or the CAD Center acquire a new CAD Vendor, SMS is capable of the following additional features. These features are standard to SMS and no additional Sunpro software costs are incurred. Additional Units Clearing the Scene (Inc02) If additional units were assigned to the incident at the time that the CMS initiated the download to create the incident, additional downloads from CAD will be initiated whenever a unit clears the scene up to and including the close of the CAD incident. CAD will be considered as the master database—existing data within Sunpro will be overwritten. Code Table Synchronization Periodically, the interface may initiate a request to synchronize code tables. Either [CAD], or FireRMS may initiate the request for new or changed records for the following tables: • Hydrants • Occupancies o Hazardous Materials stored at Occupancies o Occupants and Contacts for Occupancies • Units and Unit Assignments • Personnel Information, and Personnel Qualifications (Competencies) • Roster and Day Book Assignments SMS-CadLink-City of Kent,Washington-Page 3 of 5-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary Sunpro SMS-CadLink Rosters • Sunpro will be the master database for Roster information; • After a Day Book Roster is created, SMS may send to CAD the daily roster; • After any Roster changes are made in FireRMS, SMS may send to CAD the updated roster, with changes; • If Roster's are changed in CAD, CAD will send to FireRMS any roster changes Hydrants • Sunpro will be the master database for Hydrant information; • Hydrant records for new and existing hydrants will be added and modified through Sunpro. • Periodically, the CMS interface will initiate a request to synchronize code tables with FireRMS. • Hydrant Status—Hydrants that are placed out of service will have an Out of Service flag set in the FireRMS Hydrant Database. During code table synchronization, this information will be transferred from SMS to CMS. • If geo-validation is not successful through the Integration Module, a log of unsuccessful geo-validation attempts will be available to the CAD user to allow for manual geo-validation through CAD. Occupancy Information • Sunpro will be the master database for occupancy information, including business contacts, location specific caution notes,hazardous materials information, and pre-fire plans. • Information that is tracked by Sunpro,but not by CAD (e.g., inspection reports, pre-fire plan graphics and text)will not be shared between the systems. • Occupancy records for new and existing occupancies will be added and modified through Sunpro. • Periodically,the CMS interface will initiate a request to synchronize code tables with FireRMS. • If geo-validation is not successful through the Integration Module, a log of unsuccessful geo-validation attempts will be available to the CAD user to allow for manual geo-validation through CAD. Addresses • [Cad Vendor] will provide Sunpro with an executable routine (COM, DLL, ActiveX Control) that Sunpro will imbed in its program to validate Addresses from within FireRMS. • If geo-validation is not successful through the Integration Module, a log of unsuccessful geo-validation attempts will be available to the CAD user to allow for manual geo-validation through CAD. SMS-CadLink-City of Kent,Washington-Page 4 of 5-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary Sunpro SMS-CadLink The integration module may include error-checking routines. Where error checking has identified potential problems or an incomplete transfer of a record, a summary of the problem issues will be recorded in text format. SMS-CadLink-City of Kent,Washington-Page 5 of 5-07/23/99 Confidential and Proprietary