HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG1999-0371 - Original - City of Kent Public Works - Sale of Tax Lot #3222059004 to City of Kent Parks - 06/30/1999 AGREEMENT FOR SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FROM CITY OF KENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO CITY OF KENT PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT AN AGREEMENT dated this 25th day of March, 1999, between the Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Kent, hereinafter called the "Buyer", and the Public Works Department of the City of Kent, hereinafter called the "Seller", WHEREAS, the Seller wishes to sell and the Buyer wishes to buy certain real property hereinafter described in the City of Kent, Washington, it is hereby agreed that the sale shall be made under the following terms and conditions. 1. Seller shall sell to the Buyer and the Buyer shall buy from the Seller certain real property located in the City of Kent, County of King, State of Washington, described as follows: The south '/z of the Northwest '/4 of the Northeast '/4 of the Northeast '/4 of 32-22- 5 in King County Washington. EXCEPT portion lying southerly of the following described line. Beginning at the Southwest corner of the above described property; Thence North along the West line thereof a distance of 42.15 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of line herein described; Thence North 87001'00" East a distance of 316.76 feet to a point on a curve to the left with a radius of 957.12 feet; Thence in an Northeasterly direction along said curve an arc length of 301.12 feet to a point 20.00 feet West of the center line of (Subdivision Line) of 114th Avenue Southeast being the terminus of line herein described. 2. The purchase price for the property shall be Three Hundred Thousand Dollars and NO/100ths ($300,000.00) payable in three (3) annual installments of One Hundred Thousand Dollars and NO/100ths ($100,000.00) per year, with the first annual payment to be made on or before September 30, 1999 and a payment in each succeeding calendar year, on or before September 30, thereafter until the full purchase price has been paid in full. 3. The City of Kent Parks and Recreation Department agrees to design and construct a cul-de-sac according to city standards on 114th Avenue SE, at such time as the road from 114th Avenue to the 272"d Street Corridor through the proposed Erin Glade Pat is constructed and open for traffic. 4. The City of Kent Parks and Recreation Department agrees to demolish the house existing on tax lot#3222059004. 5. The City of Kent Public Works Department agrees to make available to Parks and Recreation Department wetland delineation reports and any other information on these two tax lots that could be helpful in park planning and engineering. Public Works Department 1 of 2 03/24/99 Purchase & Sale Agreement IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed the day and year written below. If the dates written below do not coincide, the latest written date shall act as the effective date of this agreement. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREAT ON DEPARTMENT r b Y 1JC) ' �/i =w by John M. Hodgson its its Director I DATE 3 I �� DATE L 4 0, Jim P, ite, M yo Date: 4 0-c-7 Attest: orm. _ BRENDA JACOB . ity Clerk 4ER LUBOVICH, City Attorne Public Works Department 2 of 2 03/24/99 Purchase & Sale Agreement