HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG1999-0358 - Original - John M. Grazda - Settlement Agreement Regarding 27510 114th Ave SE, Kent (House) - 04/20/1999 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN JOHN M. GRAZDA AND CITY OF KENT This Settlement Agreement(hereinafter"Agreement") is made this date by and between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation(the "City") and JOHN M. GRAZDA, a single individual ("Owner"). RECITALS WHEREAS, the Owner has a substantial beneficial or fee interest in real property located at 27510 - 114' Avenue Southeast, Kent, Washington (hereinafter the "Property") which is legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, the Owner is the sole owner of a house which was moved onto the property in approximately September of 1995; and WHEREAS, the house was moved onto the property without permits and placed thereon without a foundation; and WHEREAS,the Owner entered into an agreement with the City to place the two-story house on a new foundation on the above-described property and in accordance with the requirements of a building permit within 90-days of removal of the home from its previous location and furthermore agreed that the house would be habitable two years after execution of the Agreement with the City on or about September 25, 1997; and WHEREAS, the Owner has allowed the house to remain up on wood cribbing without a foundation past the two-year grace period and continue to violate other provisions of the Kent City Code as described in the Notice of Violation attached as Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS,the Owner was apprised of the need to remedy the violations at least three times beginning February 14, 1996, until the date of the hearing before the hearing examiner on May 26, 1998; and WHEREAS, on April 10, 1998, the City issued a Notice of Violation to the Owner for maintaining the vacant house in an unsafe condition and creating an accessible and attractive nuisance to children; and WHEREAS, the Notice of Violation required corrective action to be completed by May 1, 1998, by obtaining necessary permits and either: (1)properly repairing the structure to comply with Kent City Codes; or (2) demolishing and removing the structure; and (3) removing and properly disposing of accumulations of litter, trash,refuse, debris, rubbish, and appliances,tires, automobile SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 1 of 5 parts/accessories, barrels, furniture, and junk, including that which has been dumped in the junk vehicles, or face possible monetary penalties; and WHEREAS, on May 6, 1998, a hearing was held before the Kent hearing examiner on the violations alleged in the Notice of Violation; and WHEREAS,the appellant did not appear after service of the Notice of Violation was found to be valid by the Kent hearing examiner; and WHEREAS, at the appeal hearing,the City described the violation of the Owner's property and the hearing examiner concluded that the violations of the Kent City Code occurred as stated in the evidence and testimony presented at the hearing and that the Owner was responsible for compliance with the City Codes; and WHEREAS, after the hearing, the hearing examiner issued an order to the Owner on May 26, 1998, which required the Owner to take certain corrective action; and WHEREAS, the hearing examiner's May 26, 1998 order also directed that a monetary penalty of$500 per day per four violations beginning June 1, 1998 for a total of$2,000 per day be assessed against the Owner and that an additional fine of$500 per day retroactive to September 25, 1997,the date that compliance should have been accomplished by the Owner pursuant to his contract with the City if the Owner failed to complete the required corrective action; and WHEREAS,the Owner did not judicially appeal the order as allowed by the Kent City Code; and WHEREAS,because the Owner did not initiate the work required by the hearing examiner's May 26, 1998 order, the City has determined to file a lawsuit against the Owner in King County Superior Court, to enforce the hearing examiner's order and collect the accumulated monetary penalties; and WHEREAS,the parties have decided to enter into this agreement for the settlement of the pending litigation, under the terms and conditions set forth herein; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual promises and covenants, the City and the Owner agrees as follows: TERMS l. Termination of Litigation. The parties hereby agree that if the terms and conditions of the settlement agreement are preformed as set forth herein, the City shall abstain from filing a lawsuit against the Owner for collection of costs and penalties in the King County Superior Court, except that John Grazda agrees to pay the $500 hearing examiner assessed cost. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 2 of 5 2. Conditions of Settlement. The parties agree that the settlement is conditioned upon the Owner's agreement to demolish the structure,building,and temporary foundation which now exists on the property, on or before May 18, 1999. The Owner further agrees to remove and dispose of the structure, building, and temporary foundation, and to remove accumulation of junk, debris, and objects from the property to legally dispose of the same and to leave the property in a clean "t condition, on or before May 18, 1999. The Owner further agrees to complete 'the fo oin tasks at his own expense. 3. Default. All of the termse oft 's Agreement are material and a breach of a term or condition of this Agreement or the failure to timely perform a condition of this Agreement, shall subject the Owner to any remedy available to the City under law or equity, including but not limited to: The City's Demolition Of The Structure And Foundation. The Owner agrees that in the event he breaches any term of this Agreement,the Owner shall allow the City,its employees, officers,contractors,agents, and representatives, free and unhindered access to the property for the purposes of demolition of the structure, building, and foundation, and removal and disposal of all portions thereof. Owner further agrees to allow the City to file a lien against the property located at 27510 1141h Avenue SE, Kent, Washington 98031 for the costs of demolition. The City shall be entitled to recover all of its costs of such demolitions from the Owner in pending litigation. Pending Liti ag tion. The Owner agrees that in the event he breaches any term of this Agreement,the City will exercise its right to file litigation and proceed as if this Agreement had not been executed. In the event of the Owner's breach,the litigation shall not otherwise be hindered, delayed, or prejudiced on any issue as a result of the execution of this Agreement. 4. Permits. The Owner agrees to obtain all necessary permits for the demolition of the structure, building, and temporary foundation which now exists on the property. 5. Notices. Any notices permitted or required under this Agreement shall be deemed given upon the date of personal delivery, or 72 hours after deposit in the U.S. Mail, First Class, postage fully prepaid, addressed to the City as follows: City of Kent Attn: Code Enforcement Officer 220 —4`h Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 3 of 5 To the Owner as follows: John M. Grazda 20715 — 104`h Place SE Kent, Washington 98031 6. Governing Law, venue. This Agreement shall be governed and construed under the laws of the State of Washington. Venue of any resulting litigation shall be in King County Superior Court, King County, Washington. 7. Titles and Captions. All sections, titles, or captions contained in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be deemed part of the context nor affect interpretation of this Agreement. 8. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes any prior understandings and agreements among them respecting the subject matter of this Agreement. Any amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties' duly authorized representatives. 9. Presumption. Both parties have had an equal opportunity in negotiation and drafting of this Agreement. This Agreement or any section hereof shall not be construed against any party due to the fact that said Agreement or any section thereof was drafted by said party. 10. Third Parties. Nothing herein shall be construed to benefit any third party,and shall provide no rights whatsoever to any third party. 11. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement or the application of such provision to any person or circumstance shall be held to be invalid, the remainder of this Agreement, or the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby. 12. Indemnification. The Owner agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Kent, its officers, officials, agents, employees, and representatives for any and all claims, losses, demands, actions, injuries, damages, or liabilities of any kind or amount whatsoever foreseen or unforeseen fixed or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, arising by reason of the City's(or the City's contractors)demolition, removal,and or disposal of the structure and temporary foundation on the property, or the enforcement of the terms of this Agreement.. 13. Representation or Warranties. Each signatory to this Agreement represents and warrants that he or she has full power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the entity or party for which he or she is signing, and that he or she will defend and hold harmless the other party and signatories from any claim that he or she was not fully authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the person or entity for whom he or she SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 4 of 5 signed. Upon proper execution and delivery, this Agreement will have been duly entered into by the parties,will constitute as against each parry a valid, legal, and binding obligation, and will be enforceable against each party in accordance with the terms herein. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE READ THE FOREGOING SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT, HAVE CONSULTED WITH AN ATTORNEY OR HAVE CHOSEN NOT TO CONSULT WITH ANY ATTORNEY REGARDING ITS MEANING AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY FULLY UNDERSTAND THIS AGREEMENT. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Settlement Agreement on the date set forth below. THE CITY OF KENT OWNER By: ;?/11011"'SBy: &/ WHITE, Mayor GRAZDA, Owner Da ed: -drr _ —T q c� " D e: � cry c c APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: "TRO A. LUBOVICH, CitR ATTESTED: By BRENDA JACO R ity Clerk P:1CiviRCONTRACTIgrazda.agreamen. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 5 of 5 EXHIBIT A Legal Description Lot 1 of King County Short Plat Number 1077138, recorded under Recording Number 7809180866, said Lot being described as follows: The south half of the southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 32, Township 22 North, Range 5 East of the W.M., in King County, Washington. EXCEPT the West 330.00 feet of the North 130.00 feet thereof; EXCEPT the West 30.00 feet for road. CODE ENFORCEMENT EXHIBITS #CV-98-1. #2537 EX: A = NOTICE OF VIOLATION, dated 2/17/98. EX: B = Declaration Of Service, dated 2/22/98. EX: C = Photo's. EX: D = Title. EX: E = Void Construction Permit#6683. EX: F = Contract for moving house. EX: G = Department Of Public Works letter. EX: H = NOTICE OF VIOLATION, dated 4/10/98. EX: I = Tracking Summary Report. EX: J = GeoBase Tax Report. EX: K = Mailing Attempts. EXH I B IT %A I T A f t UhNr-T J Vrr is r- r�— yCITY OF � j P 280 783 945 ..r 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH t J KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895 -APR 10,9 8 T �Ce FORWARD AND ADDRESS CORRECTION Pe}IaTsl1 7012218 U.S.posTtte c�1, r 0%otice ! ETUgN / '� Fo r Mr. Jo7n . Gr a � S�M�a ' 3415 S0°t"r" SeaArt ttle98146I'Vitut of nC+e'I Ad4,.ss�`�••,., too fro sncA o/r� eCMVW"sins t"or 2 for m"donN services. I also wish to receive the w . Mm 3.ra.wid 4b. fallowing services(for an CanpMe■print your unwm errd addras on dw mvem of Na form to that we can return NO extra fee): alaach thh lwm to ft from of the mWOM.or on dw back d spate do"not 1.❑ Addressee's Address e awda RNum Aecefpf Asqusabd'on the rrrello.below the article mmber. 2.❑ Restricted Delivery w aThe Return Recoo YA chow to whom the mWe wes deftwul and fM date Constdt posonaster for fee. C G 3.Article Addressed to: 4a.Article Number J�1tN �)zA� OA P Service z8a �83 9y`-4 E 4b. Type d n 2 4 51 U )1 ti I R A VE S E ❑ Registered 0 ❑ ma Insured 5 )<CNT, WAq C�3 ❑RsWRauiptfor Msf&jmoss ❑ COD 7.Date of ve ; 5.Received By (Print Name) and Addr s ress(Only it requested c and fee is paid) r g B.Signature:(Addressee or Agent) r X PS Form 3811,December 1'64 102595.97-6-o,n Domestic Retum Receipt Form 3840,April 1995 PS Form 38M,April 1995 9 C �y n, -4Q : �+ O C3 R IF T (')0 s O � a � a Ln o CITY Of 11 Jim White, Mayor April 10, 1998 John Grazda NOTICE OF VIOLATION 27510 114 Ave. SE Kent, WA 98031 You have been determined to be the person responsible for the violation(s) henceforth mentioned which occurred at Same as above, Prcl: #3222059145 on or prior to September 25, 1997 and is described as follows: (FILE # 2537) I. DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: 1) Permitting, maintaining, and/or allowing on the subject property a structure in a decayed, dilapidated or unsafe condition, which creates an accessible attractive nuisance to children, and/or negatively affects, to any degree, by any and all conditions, actions or omissions which, singularly or together, reduce or are likely to reduce or negatively impact the life or limb, health, property or safety of the public, including but not limited to, economy in the provision of public services, general welfare, economic viability, or security in the enjoyment of the community. in violation of Kent City Code 08.01.030, items 3 and 6; in violation of the 1994 Uniform Building Code, section 102, 3402 and 3403, as adopted by Kent City Code 14.02.010., and in violation of the 1991 Uniform Code For The Abatement Of Dangerous Buildings section 302, subsections; 4,7,8, 9,12,13,16, and 17, as adopted by Kent City Code 14.06.010., 14.06.020. 2) Permitting, maintaining, and/or allowing on the subject property, accumulations of litter, trash, refuse and/or rubbish,, in violation of Kent City Code 08.01.030, item 2 c & d & 4. 3) Throwing or depositing litter and/or failing to maintain premises free of litter on any occupied or vacant private property within the city whether owned by such person or not, in violation of Kent City Code 08.04.100. sec; A, B, and C. , 4) Permitting, allowing, and/or cause to allow more than one (1) vehicle of any kind in inoperable condition to be stored or parked on any residentially zoned property for more than thirty (30) days in violation of Kent City Code 15.08.090. 1 NOTICE. OF V IOLATIONT, II. REQUIRED CORRECTIVE ACTION: Corrective action must be completed by May 1, 1998 by 1:00 pm 1) Obtain necessary permits and either: i) properly repair structure to comply with Kent City Codes; or ii) demolish and remove structure. 2) Remove and properly dispose of accumulations of litter, trash, refuse, debris, rubbish and appliances, tires, automobile parts/accessories, barrels, furniture and junk including that which has been dumped in the junk vehicles. 3) You MUST notify this office upon completion for a compliance inspection. III. HEARING NOTICE: On May 6, 1998, 3:00 pm, the Hearing Examiner will hold an appeal hearing in City Council Chambers West, first floor, Kent City Hall at 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington. Except for repeat violations, if the required corrective action is completed AND written approval is obtained from the issuing party at least 48 hours prior to the hearing, the hearing will be canceled and no monetary penalty will be assessed. If you choose NOT to complete the required corrective action by that time, the hearing will continue as scheduled. IV. HEARING EXAMINER HEARING: At the hearing, staff will request the Examiner to issue an order assessing you monetary penalties of Five Hundred ($500) dollars per day and/or allowing the City to abate the unlawful condition at your expense unless you complete the required corrective action by the date and time indicated above, pursuant to Kent City Code Chapter 1.04 "Civil Violations, Enforcement and Abatement". ISSUING PARTY: Z Brian Swanberg Code Enforcement Officer Development Services Division (253) 813-3270 c: Hearing Examiner Legal Department 2 3 H b rr M C7 • rt r O • r to C \ � O O a1 al M m r M H rt fA n co O N < N M N O x 0 N W q O m N M 3 rtx rt W C \ \ \ \ N V m N ID rT fD N N N O A < N m tp m � W W rn R W a ko b rr J J a1 aN a� 01 n P. 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(') N f+ 7 � H y cn H � N w G\] 7C H M N os i otn o a r 03 a� yy H M y ►A^�i p = Cr' M Cy C C Hin y M bf Coy y O O Z A to Q 3 ryi C cPV�I� m \ z -4 f] N R7 PJ M Z Px1 H X �. y � o 0 .NOTION: INQUIRY Geo-Base Data Base GB110 - 'Parcel County Information Master Prcl ID: 3222059145 Place: Map NDX: 1) Situs Addr: 27500 114 AV SE 2) Z.ip: 98031 3)Desc: STR-32-22-05 TAXLOT# 9145 LOT 1 KCSP 1077138 REC A 4) In City Flg: 11) Lot Acre: 3 . 660 17) Tape Updt : 09/17/1997 5) Quarter: NE 12) Lot Size: 000159429 18)Manu Updt: 02/21/1990 6) Levy Code : 1531 13)Gr/Living A: 000470 19) Section: 322205 7) County Use: 101 14)Max#Stories : 0 . 00 20)MoreLeg=9 : 9999 8) Land Value: 000120000 15) KC Roll Yr: 97 21) Prop Type: R 9) Improvement : 000011300 16) County Zone: GR-2 . 5P 10) Personal Pr: 000000000 22)Taxpayer Nm: GRAZDA JOHN M+MELODY A 23) Co-taxpr: 24) In care of : 25) Street Addr: 20715 104 PL SE 26) City, State: KENT WA 27) Zip: 98031 ACTIVE Signs Bonds Per/Lic Assess Proj Zone Viol Disc Act . 000 001 000 000 000 000 000 <ANYKEY> TO CONTINUE