HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG1999-0354 - Original - Code Publishing Company - Legal Publishing Services of Kent City Code - 02/22/1999 CONTRACT FOR SERVICES This Contract is entered into between THE CITY OF KENT, Washington hereinafter referred to as the "CITY," and CODE PUBLISHING COMPANY, hereinafter referred to as the "COMPANY." The Contract covers legal publishing services to include: reformatting of existing code, indexing, printing, reconstituting the Legislative History from the previous KENT CITY CODE, creating hypertext links to both the RCW and WAC, and computer text output of the KCC, along with binders and tabs, hereinafter referred to as the "CODE." GENERAL The Company will publish a newly edited and reformatted code as described in the following sections. The City will deliver to the Company the present Code text and ordinances in hard-copy form and text files on computer disk. PUBLISHING The Company will edit, update, reformat and reprint the Code. The complete text will be proofread and checked for typographical errors, incorrect section references, and inconsistencies. The new text will be printed in a two-column layout, Times 11-point type font (or as specified by the City) with justified margins. The index, editor's notes, and other footnotes will be reprinted in Times 10-point (or as specified by the City). PROOF COPY The Company will provide a proof copy of the Code together with editor's questions and comments for City review and approval. The City will review and annotate the proof copy with desired changes, then return the proof to the Company. PERIODIC SUPPLEMENTS Newly adopted, revised or amended ordinances will be forwarded periodically by the City to Company. Affected pages of the Code, the index, and tables will be edited and revised to reflect new provisions and/or modifications, with appropriate headnotes, catchlines, footnotes, cross references. The Company will provide supplemental updated pages of the Code on a quarterly basis (or as specified by the City). Printed supplement sets together with insertion/deletion instructions will be delivered to City. The Folio electronic edition will be updated concurrently with the printed edition. Print and Folio supplement delivery will occur 4 to 6 weeks following receipt of the last ordinance included in the update. COMPUTER CONVERSION The Company will provide Folio electronic publishing services. The complete Code text and Folio Bound Views 3.1 software will be integrated and delivered to the City ready for the Windows (Win 3.1 or Win98) and/or NT computer environment. The Folio application and Code text may be loaded and will operate on a stand-alone basis or on network file servers. Software licensing permits up to 125 users for official use only. On-site training will be provided by the Company at no charge. 1 PRINTING The Company will print and deliver 50 copies of the completed Code. Camera ready copy and/or print image computer files are available upon request at no additional cost. OTHER SERVICES An Internet Access and annual maintenance of the City Code will be provided through MRSC. The City will set up an account with MRSC. The Company will provide the Code and all supplements directly to MRSC for posting on its website. The Company maintains a subscription service supplying print or electronic Code editions to libraries, private firms, and individuals at no cost to the City. YEAR 1999 & 2000 COMPLIANCE The Company guarantees that its internal systems will meet the following Year 1999 and 2000 compliance standards. Further, the Company also guarantees that its suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, consultants and subconsultants ("Suppliers") will also comply with these standards to the extent it may impact the Company's ability to achieve these compliance standards. 1. Computer and computer-related systems that will be used prior to, during, and after calendar Year 1999 and 2000 will operate without error relating to date data. 2. Software and applications will not abnormally end or provide materially invalid or incorrect results because of date data, especially between centuries. 3. No valid value for current date will cause material interruptions in desired operations. 4. All manipulations of time-related data (dates, duration, days of the week, etc.) will produce the desired results for all date values. 5. Date elements in interfaces and data storage will permit specifying century to eliminate date ambiguity. Alternatively, for any date element represented without century, the correct century will be unambiguous for all manipulations involving that element. For the purposes of this section, a "material interruption" or a "materially invalid or incorrect result" shall mean an interruption or result that causes the City (a) to lose revenues disproportionate to the goods or services provided by the Company, (b) to expend significant amounts (i.e., more than four (4) hours per employee) of unplanned City staff time, (c) to substantially impair the speed, performance or outcome of the City's computer and computer-related systems, or (d) to cause more than a minimal delay in the provision of the goods or services contemplated in this agreement. By making this guarantee, the Company acknowledges that its indemnification provided in this agreement specifically applies to the Company's guarantees and obligations established in this section, and the Company further waives and releases the City from any claim of whatsoever kind or nature, specifically including, without limitation, claims for delay, lost profits, additional costs, and home or onsite overhead, whether those claims are brought by the Company or its Suppliers. 2 MISCELLANEOUS This Contract can be terminated by either party upon 30 days' written notice. The Company will be entitled to compensation to the extent of actual work performed, consistent with the Compensation provisions. Text which has been converted to computer format will be delivered to the City on computer disks in generic ASCII format. COMPENSATION Payments to the Company from the City will be made according to the Scope of Work - Cost Proposal attached. A progress payment of fifty percent is due upon delivery of the text proof. Balance is due upon delivery of the completed Code. EFFECTIVE DATE This Contract is effective upon signature by both the City and the Company. Code Publishing Company City of Kent By: By: Zj� Ma arm Bustion, President Brent McF II, Di ctor of Operations Date: 1041 q fr i Date: 12�5 Approved As To Form By: �, R r A. Lubovich, City Attorney Date: t 19 9 3 Scope of Work -Cost Proposal City of Kent February 19" The following is a Scope of Work to be performed by Code Publishing Company for the City of Kent. Code Publishing will: l. Edit, reformat, and re-index the current Kent City Code(KCC)including proofing approximately 750 pages from disks in ASCII text provided by the city. 2. Include all ordinances not codified at the time of reformat. 3. Print reformatted code. 4. Create Folio Bound Views 3.1 CD ROM electronic infobase of the entire code. 5. Provide on-site training for staff and continued telephone support. 6. Create hypertext links to the CD-ROM version of the RCW and WAC- one time fee. 7. Provide 50 sets(minimum order)of custom embossed, expanding post binders. 8. Provide 50 sets of printed, laminated tab dividers. 9. Reconstitute the Legislative History from the previous KCC. 10. Provide the entire Kent City Code and subsequent supplements to MRSC for posting. 11. Provide outside subscription service at no cost to the city. Editorial Costs Per page Estimated Total Edit, reformat, and re-index, includes proofing approximately 750 pages from disks provided by the city $7.00 $5250 Supplements at the time of reformat $10.00 $2100 (estimated 210 pages) Folio Bound Views 3.1 $150 Recurring maintenance, on-site training N/C Reproduction Costs Printing cost(per impression) $0.04 $ 1500 (750 x 50 sets x$.04) Miscellaneous Costs Each Total Hypertext Links(2 each) $250 $ 500 Post binders $1750 Tab dividers $210 Reconstituting legislative history $1625 Estimated Total $13,025 Future Supplement Costs Editorial Text, index, ordinance tables(per page) $16.00 Pages with tables, graphics(additional per page) $15.00 Printing cost(per impression) $0.04 Folio updates $75.00 Internet Costs-City to Arrange Directly with MRSC C de publishing.inc................................................................................. Scope of Work and Costs for City of Kent, WA May 27,2008 Internet Hosting for Municipal Code: Code PL&Nshing Co. wilt' u0st the soaichable City of Dent iVil111iCipil'1 Lode on the company's web server and will provide a link to the City's web site. The online code can be supplemented on demand with each ordinance provided by the City. E-mail ordinances in word processing format to CPC t(codepublishin .corn. Annual Internet hosting fee $350.00 pet year l�1 By: X Margaret O. Bus ion, President Mike CaiTington,,'1TTrirector Code Publishing Co. Brenda Jacober,City Oferk Dated this '7 day of 2008 .............................................................................................................................................................. .... ..... ...... Lode Publishing Company 206 527.6831/800.551.2633 9410 Roosevelt Way NE www.codepublishing cam Seattle,WA 98115-1164 %Pcodepublishing.com oodepublishinginc ............................................................................................................ Scope of Work and Costs for City of Kent,WA June 18,2013 Code Publishing will provide additional online options for the Internet-based municipal code. Online Options(check options checked below)- Included- Mobile format; Synchronized TOC/Code Locator Bar, Static Table Headers, links to cites (Intracode), all ordinances(City hosts), uncodified ordinances, state statutes,title PDFs Setup: ■ Archival/Compare Versions(redhned) 600 ■ OrdTrak 75 ■ Custom Table Headers 195 Total new setup: 870 Annual. ■ Print and Save Selections 125 ■ Title PDF files 75 ■ Zoning Definition Mouseovers 295 ■ OrdTrak 75 ■ Archival/Compare Versions(redlined) 75/version Total new annual. 645 Special: ■ Rotate Heading Text in Zoning Table 75/hour ■ Mouseover Zone Abbreviations 75/hour Total one-time special 150 Current. ■ Annual Webhostmg and Maintenance 350 Total future annual cost 995 By: By 0 Margaret O Bustion of Kent President,Code Publishing Co. Dated., ZDl Dated- ........................ 11 .. .................................................................................................. . .... ..... . . . Code Publishing Company 206 527 6831/800 5512633 9410 Roosevelt Way NE www codepublishing cam Seattle, WA 98115-2844 cpc(ocodepublishmg com