HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2000-0544 - Original - King COunty - Rehabilitation of Neely-Soames House - 08/08/2000 Contract #:D28671D DEPARTMENT: Office of Cultural Resources SERVICES PROVIDED: Rehabilitation of Neely-Soames House AMOUNT: $38,000 FUND SOURCE: Cultural Fac. Prog-H/M (Heritage) CONTRACT FOR CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION THIS CONTRACT is entered into by KING COUNTY (the "County") and the City of Kent (the "Contractor"), whose address is 220 41h Avenue S, Kent, WA 98032 and telephone number is (253) 856-5112. Contractor is an art, cultural or historical organization qualified to receive funds pursuant to RCW 67.28.180. The County desires the Contractor to render certain services in connection with the rehabilitation of Neely-Soames House and Garden to use as a public facility for heritage gardening programs and activities. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of payments, covenants, and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the parties hereto, the parties covenant and do mutually agree as follows: I. SCOPE OF SERVICES A. The Contractor shall provide services and comply with the requirements set forth hereinafter and in the following attached exhibits which are incorporated herein by reference: X Scope of Service Attached hereto as Exhibit A X Public benefit provisions Attached hereto as Exhibit B X Personnel Inventory (K.C.0 12.16) Attached hereto as Exhibit C X Affidavit of Compliance (K.C.0 12.16) Attached hereto as Exhibit D X Disability Assurance of Compliance/ Section 504 Attached hereto as Exhibit E X Certificate(s) of Insurance Attached hereto as Exhibit F B. Funds awarded under this Contract shall be used solely for the rehabilitation of the Neely-Soames House, located at 23691 Russell Road South, Kent, WA (the "Property). The Property will be used to support heritage garden programs, as described in Exhibit A and as approved by the King County Council in Motion 10942. All substitutions or amendments to the scope of the project described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Project") must be approved in writing by the Office of Cultural Resources. C. The Contractor agrees to provide public benefit provisions, as required by the King County Council and attached as Exhibit B; and further, agrees to specific public benefit provisions that it does not ordinarily provide in exchange for its receipt of public funds, for a period of ten (10) years as described in Section 11 of Exhibit B. 1 D. The Contractor agrees to acknowledge the source of support for the project in prominently located permanent signage as: King County Landmarks &Heritage Commission Hotel/Motel Tax Fund E. The Contractor agrees to notify the King County Office of Cultural Resources in advance of any public Project activities, including but not limited to groundbreaking events, dedications, and other public programs. II. DURATION OF CONTRACT This Contract shall commence on July 15, 2000 and the scope of work to be performed under the terms of this contract (as set forth in Exhibit A) shall terminate upon completion of the public benefit requirements as set forth in Exhibit B. Notwithstanding the completion of the scope of work to be performed under the terms of this contract and except as noted in Exhibit B, all public benefit obligations of the Contractor shall be binding and enforceable for a period of 10 years. III. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT A. The County shall reimburse the Contractor for satisfactory completion of the services and requirements as specified in this contract in an amount not to exceed $38,000. B. Funds for payment will be available from the Office of Cultural Resources in the following manner: One Invoice in the amount of$38,000, payable upon completion of the work described in Exhibit A, which includes exterior paint, refinishing of wood floors, interior paint work, kitchen cabinets, and floor finishing. The invoice shall also be accompanied by a brief final report that documents total project costs and identifies all funding sources for the project and amounts, including in-kind contributions of materials and labor. The final invoice should also be accompanied by at least one photograph or other illustration of the completed project suitable for use in publicizing the Cultural Facilities Program in print and on-line. All payments are subject to site inspection and approval by the Office of Cultural Resources. C. The Contractor shall submit the final invoice and other documents as are required pursuant to this contract within ten (10) days of completion of construction. Unless waived by the County in writing, failure by the Contractor to submit the final invoice and required 2 documents shall relieve the County from any and all liability for payment to the Contractor for the amount set forth in such invoice or any subsequent invoice. D. If the Contractor fails to comply with any terms or conditions of this contract or to provide in any manner the work or services agreed to herein, the County may withhold any payment due the Contractor until the County is satisfied that corrective action, as specified by the County, has been completed. This right is in addition to and not in lieu of the County's right to terminate this contract as provided in Section IV. IV. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT A. If, through any cause, the Contractor shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Contract or if the Contractor shall violate any of its covenants, agreements or stipulations of this Contract, the County shall thereupon have the right to terminate this Contract and withhold the remaining allocation if such default or violation is not corrected within twenty(20) days after submitting written notice to the Contractor describing such default or violation. If the termination results from acts or omissions of the Contractor, including but not limited to misappropriation, nonperformance of required services or fiscal management, the Contractor shall return to the County immediately any funds, misappropriated or unexpended, which have been paid to the Contractor by the County. B. Notwithstanding any provisions of the Contract, either party may terminate this Contract by providing written notice of such termination, specifying the effective date thereof, at least thirty(30) days prior to such date. C. The County may terminate this Contract in whole or part upon written notice to the Contractor if expected or actual funding, including 2000 appropriation by the King County Council of sufficient funds to support the activities described herein, is withdrawn, reduced or limited in any way prior to the termination date set forth above in Section II or in any amendment hereto. Reimbursement for services performed by the Contractor, and not otherwise paid for by the County prior to the effective date of a termination under subsections B and C herein, shall be as the County reasonably determines. V. MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS A. The Contractor shall maintain accounts and records, including personnel, property, financial, and programmatic records and other such records as may be deemed necessary by the County to ensure proper accounting for all contract funds and compliance with this Contract. All such records shall sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended and services provided in the performance of this Contract. 3 B. These records shall be maintained for a period of six (6) years after termination hereof unless permission to destroy them is granted by the Office of the Archivist in accordance with RCW Chapter 40.14, or unless a longer retention period is required by law. VI. AUDITS AND EVALUATIONS A. The records and documents with respect to all matters covered by this Contract shall be subject at all times to inspection, review or audit by the County and/or federal/state officials so authorized by law during the performance of this Contract and six (6) years after termination hereof. B. The Contractor shall provide right of access to its facilities, including those of any subcontractor to the County, the state and/or federal agencies or officials at all reasonable times in order to monitor and evaluate the services provided under this Contract. The County will give advance notice to the Contractor in the case of fiscal audits to be conducted by the County. C. The Contractor agrees to cooperate with the County or its agent in the evaluation of the Contractor's performance under this contract and to make available all information reasonably required by any such evaluation process. The results and records of said evaluations shall be maintained and disclosed in accordance with RCW Chapter 42.17. D. If the Contractor receives a total of$25,000 or more in federal financial assistance from the County, it shall have an independent audit conducted of its financial statement and condition, which shall comply with the requirements of GAAS (generally accepted auditing standards); GAO's Standards for Audits of Governmental Organizations, Program, Activities and Functions; and OMB Circulars A-133 and A-128, as amended and as applicable. Agencies receiving federal funds from more than one County department or division shall be responsible for determining if the combined financial assistance is equal to or greater than $25,000. The Contractor shall provide a copy of the audit report to each County division providing financial assistance to the Contractor no later than six (6)months subsequent to the end of the Contractor's fiscal year. VII. CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS The County and the Contractor may, from time to time, request changes in services to be performed with the funds. Any such changes that shall be mutually agreed upon by the County and the Contractor prior to implementation shall be incorporated herein by written amendment to this Contract in advance of implementation. It is mutually agreed and understood that no alteration or variation of the terms of this Contract shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto, and that any oral understanding or agreements not incorporated herein, shall not be binding. VIII. SPECIAL PROVISION The County's failure to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this Contract or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof or the acceptance of any 4 performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any right under this Contract. IX. FUTURE SUPPORT The County makes no commitment to support the services contracted for herein nor guarantee regarding the success of the services assumes no obligation for future support of the Project contracted herein except as expressly set forth in this contract. X. RECAPTURE PROVISION In the event that the Contractor fails to expend county funds in accordance with law and/or the provisions of this Contract, the County reserves the right to recapture county funds in an amount equivalent to the extent of noncompliance. Such right of recapture shall exist for a period not to exceed three(3) years following termination of the Contract. Repayment by the Contractor of county funds under this recapture provision shall occur within thirty(30) days of demand. In the event that the County is required to institute proceedings to enforce this recapture provision, the County shall be entitled to its cost thereof, including reasonable attorney's fees. XI. OWNERSHIP OF PROJECT/CAPITAL FACILITIES The County makes no claim to any real property improved or constructed with funds under this Contract and, by this contract, does not assert and will not acquire any ownership interest in or title to the capital facilities and/or equipment constructed or purchased under this Contract. This provision does not extend to claims that the County may bring against the Contractor in the event of recapture of funds expended in violation of this Contract as set forth above. XII. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION A. In providing services under this Contract, the Contractor is an independent contractor, and neither it nor its officers, agents or employees are employees of the County for any purpose. The Contractor shall be responsible for all federal and/or state tax, industrial insurance, and Social Security liability that may result from the performance of and compensation for these services and shall make no claim of career service or civil service rights which may accrue to a County employee under state or local law. The County assumes no responsibility for the payment of any compensation, wages, benefits, or taxes by, or on behalf of the Contractor, its employees and/or others by reason of this Contract. The Contractor shall protect, indemnify and save harmless the County and its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, costs, and/or losses whatsoever occurring or resulting from (1) the Contractor's failure to pay any such compensation, wages, benefits, or taxes; and/or(2) the supplying to the Contractor of work, services, materials, or supplies by Contractor employees or other suppliers in connection with or support of the performance of this Contract. 5 B. The Contractor further acknowledges that it is financially responsible for and shall repay the County all indicated amounts following an audit exception which occurs due to the negligence, intentional act and/or failure for any reason to comply with the terms of this Contract by the Contractor, its officers, employees, agents, and/or representatives. This duty to repay the County shall not be diminished or extinguished by the prior termination of the Contract pursuant to the Duration of Contract, or the Termination section. C. The Contractor shall protect, defend, indemnify, and save harmless the County and the State of Washington (when any funds for this Contract are provided by the State of Washington), their officers, employees, and agents from any and all costs, claims,judgments, and/or awards of damages, arising out of or in any way resulting from the acts or omissions of the Contractor, its officers, employees, and/or agents. The Contractor agrees that its obligations under this subparagraph extend to any claim, demand, and/or cause of action brought by or on behalf of any employees, or agents. For the purpose, the Contractor,by mutual negotiation, hereby waives, as respects the County only, any immunity that would otherwise be available against such claims under the Industrial Insurance provisions of Title 51 RCW. In the event the County incurs any judgment, award and/or cost arising therefrom including attorney's fees to enforce the provisions of this article, all such fees, expenses, and costs shall be recoverable from the Contractor. Claims shall include, but are not limited to, assertions that the use or transfer of any software, book, document, report, film, tape or sound reproduction or material of any kind, delivered hereunder, constitutes an infringement of any copyright, patent, trademark, trade name, and/or otherwise results in unfair trade practice. XIII. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS By the date of execution of this Contract, the Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from, or in connection with the performance of work hereunder by the Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees, and/or subcontractors. The costs of such insurance shall be paid by the Contractor or subcontractors. For All Coverages: Each insurance policy shall be written on an "Occurrence" form. 1. Minimum Scope of Insurance Coverage shall be at least as broad as: (a) General Liability: Insurance Services Office form number(CG 00 01 Ed. 11-88) covering COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY (b) Automobile Liability: 6 Insurance Services Office form number(CA 00 01 Ed. 12-90) covering BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE, symbol I "any auto"; or the combination of symbols 2, 8, & 9. (c) Workers Compensation: Workers Compensation coverage, as required by the Industrial Insurance Act of the State of Washington. (d) Employers Liability or "Stop Gap": The protection provided by the Workers Compensation policy Part 2 (Employers Liability) or, in states with monopolistic state funds, the protection provided by the "Stop Gap" endorsement to the General Liability policy. (e) Personal Property Insurance 2. Minimum Limits of Insurance The Contractor shall maintain limits no less than, for: (a) General Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence by bodily injury, personal injury and property damage, and for those policies with aggregate limits, a $2,000,000 aggregate limit. (b) Automobile Liability: $ 0 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. (c) Workers Compensation: Statutory requirements of the State of Washington. (d) Employers Liability or "Stop Gap": $1,000,000, if Contractor has employees. (e) Personal Property: Contractor warrants that it will procure and maintain additional property insurance limits equal to or greater than the amount of this contract. King County shall be added as a loss payee as respects its interests as they may appear at the time of loss. The Contractor will maintain Personal Property insurance equal to or greater than the amount of this contract for a period of ten years from the date of acquisition of the property. 7 3. Deductibles and Self Insured Retentions Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to, and approved by, the County. The deductible and/or self-insured retention of the policies shall not apply to the Contractor's liability to the County and shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. 4. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies required in this contract are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: (a) General Liability Policies (1) The County, its officers, officials, employees and agents are to be covered as additional insureds as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor in connection with this Contract. (2) To the extent of the Contractor's negligence, the Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the County, its officers, officials, employees, and agents. Any insurance and/or self-insurance maintained by the County, its officers, officials, employees, or agents shall not contribute with the Contractor's insurance or benefit the Contractor in any way. (3) The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made and/or lawsuit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. (b) All Policies Coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled, reduced in coverage or in limits, except as reduced in aggregate by paid claims, until after forty-five (45) days prior written notice has been given to the County. 5. Acceptability of Insurers Unless otherwise approved by the County: Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Best's rating of no less than A:VIII, or, if not rated with Best's, with minimum surpluses the equivalent of Bests' surplus size VIII. 8 If at any time, the foregoing policies shall be or become unsatisfactory to the County, as to form or substance, or if a company issuing any such policy shall be or become unsatisfactory to the County, the Contractor shall, upon notice to that effect from the County, promptly obtain a new policy, and shall submit the same to the County, with appropriate certificates and endorsements, for approval. 6. Verification of Coverage The Contractor shall furnish the County with verification of insurance and endorsements required by this Contract. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be on forms approved by the County prior to the commencement of activities associated with this Contract. The County reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies at any time. 7. Subcontractors The Contractor shall include all Subcontractors as insureds under its policies, or shall furnish separate certificates of insurance and policy endorsements for each Subcontractor. Insurance coverage provided by Subcontractors as evidence of compliance with the insurance requirements of this Contract shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. XIV. CONFLICT OF INTEREST King County Code Chapter 3.04 is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein and the Contractor agrees to abide by all the conditions of said Chapter. Failure by the Contractor to comply with any requirements of this Chapter shall be a material breach of contract. A. The Contractor covenants that no officer, employee, or agent of the County who exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with the planning and implementation of the scope of services funded herein, or any other person who presently exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with the planning and implementation of the scope of services funded herein shall have any personal financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Contract. The Contractor shall take appropriate steps to assure compliance with this provision. B. If the Contractor violates the provisions of Subsection XIII(A) or does not disclose other interest required to be disclosed pursuant to King County Code Section 3.04.120, as amended, the County will not be liable for payment of services rendered pursuant to this Contract. Violation of this Section shall constitute a substantial breach of 9 this Contract and grounds for termination pursuant to Section IV(C) above as well as any other right or remedy provided in this Contract or law. XV. NONDISCRIMINATION A. King County Code Chapters 12.16 and 12.18 are incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein and such requirements apply to this Contract; provided however, that no specific levels of utilization of minorities and women in the workforce of the Contractor shall be required, and the Contractor is not required to grant any preferential treatment on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin in its employment practices; and provided further that, notwithstanding the foregoing, any affirmative action requirements set forth in any federal regulations, statutes or rules included or referenced in the contract documents shall continue to apply. B. During the performance of this Contract, neither the Contractor nor any party subcontracting under the authority of this Contract shall discriminate nor tolerate harassment on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, nationality, creed, marital status, sexual orientation, age, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability in the employment or application for employment or in the administration or delivery of services or any other benefits under this Contract. The Contractor shall comply fully with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, executive orders and regulations which prohibit such discrimination. These laws include, but are not limited to, RCW Chapter 49.60 and Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. C. During the performance of this Contract, neither the Contractor nor any party subcontracting under the authority of this Contract shall engage in unfair employment practices. It is an unfair employment practice for any: 1. Employer or labor organization to discriminate against any person with respect to referral, hiring, tenure, promotion, terms, conditions, wages or other privileges of employment; 2. Employment agency or labor organization to discriminate against any person with respect to membership rights and privileges, admission to or participation in any guidance program, apprenticeship training program, or other occupational training program; 3. Employer, employment agency, or labor organization to print, circulate, or cause to be printed, published or circulated, any statement, advertisement, or publication relating to employment or membership, or to use any form of application therefor, which indicates any discrimination unless based upon a bona fide occupation qualification; 10 4. Employment agency to discriminated against any person with respect to any reference for employment or assignment to a particular job classification; 5. Employer, employment agency or a labor organization to retaliate against any person because this person has opposed any practice forbidden by KCC Chapter 12.18 or because that person has made a charge, testified or assisted in any manner in any investigation, proceeding or hearing initiated under the provisions of KCC Chapter 12.18; 6. Publisher, firm, corporation, organization or association printing, publishing or circulating any newspaper, magazine or other written publication to print or cause to be printed or circulated any advertisement with knowledge that the same is in violation of KCC Chapter 12.18.030C., or to segregate and separately designate advertisements as applying only to men and women unless such discrimination is reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the particular business, enterprise or employment, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification; and/or 7. Employer to prohibit any person from speaking in a language other than English in the workplace unless: a. The employer can show that requiring that employees speak English at certain times is justified by business necessity, and b. The employer informs employees of the requirement and the consequences of violating the rule. D. Reporting 1. The Contractor entering into a contract or agreement with King County valued at $25,000 or more shall submit to the County Executive a total personnel inventory report providing employment data for minorities, females, and persons with disabilities. The Contractor shall complete the employment profile form provided by the County and attach the completed form to this Contract. Subject to the provisions of KCC Chapter 12.16.060, the Contractor's personnel inventory report shall be effective for two years after the date on which the report was submitted. 2. The Contractor entering into a contract with King County valued at more than S2S,000, contracts which in the aggregate have a value to the Contractor of more than $25,000 should submit an affidavit of compliance in the form provided by the County, demonstrating commitment to comply with the provisions of KCC Chapter 12.16 in accordance with paragraph A of this Section XV. The Contractor shall complete the affidavit of compliance provided by the County and attach the original, notarized, completed form to this Contract. Subject to the provisions of KCC Chapter 12.16.060, the Contractor's affidavit of compliance shall be effective for two years after the date on which the report was submitted. 11 If the Contractor engages in unfair employment practices as defined above, remedies as set forth in KCC Chapter 12.18 shall be applied. The Contractor will complete all reports and forms (including Department of Social and Health Services non-discrimination forms, where applicable) provided by the County and will otherwise cooperated fully with the County in monitoring and assisting the Contractor in providing nondiscriminatory programs. XVI. NONDISCRIMINATION IN SUBCONTRACTING PRACTICES A. In accordance with the provisions of Washington Initiative 200, no County Minority and Women Business (M/WBE) utilization requirements shall apply to this Contract. No minimum level of M/WBE subcontractor participation or purchase from M/WBE certified vendors is required and no preference will be given by the County to a bidder or proposer for their M/WBE utilization or M/WBE status. Provided, however, that any affirmative action requirements set forth in any federal regulations or statutes included or referenced in the Contract documents will continue to apply. B. During the term of this Contract, the Contractor shall not create barriers to open and fair opportunities for M/WBEs to participate in all County contracts and to obtain or compete for contracts and subcontracts as sources of supplies, equipment, construction and services. In considering offers from and doing business with subcontractors and suppliers, the Contractor shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, nationality, marital status, sexual orientation or the presence of any mental or physical disability in an otherwise qualified disabled person. C. The Contractor shall maintain, until at least 12 months after completion of all work under this contract, records and information necessary to document its level of utilization of M/WBEs and other businesses as subcontractors and suppliers in this contract and in its overall public and private business activities. The Contractor shall also maintain, until 12 months after completion of all work under this contract, all written quotes, bids, estimates or proposals submitted to the Contractor by all businesses seeking to participate in this Contract. The Contractor shall make such documents available to the County for inspection and copying upon request. If this contract involves federal funds, Contractor shall comply with all record keeping requirements set forth in any federal rules, regulations or statutes included or referenced in the contract documents. D. King County encourages the utilization of minority owned businesses ("MBEs") and women-owned businesses ("WBEs")(collectively, "M/WBEs") in County contracts. The County encourages the following practices to open competitive opportunities for M/WBEs: • Attending a pre-bid or pre-solicitation conference, if scheduled by the County, to provide project information and to inform M/WBEs of contracting and subcontracting opportunities. 12 • Placing all qualified small businesses attempting to do business in King County, including M/WBEs, on solicitation lists, and providing written notice of subcontracting opportunities to M/WBEs and all other small businesses capable of performing the work, including without limitation all businesses on any list provided by the County, in sufficient time to allow such businesses to respond to the written solicitations. • Breaking down total requirements into smaller tasks or quantities, where economically feasible, in order to permit maximum participation by small businesses including M/WBEs. • Establishing delivery schedules, where the requirements of this contract permit, that encourage participation by small businesses, including M/WBEs. • Providing M/WBEs that express interest with adequate and timely information about plans, specifications, and requirements of the contract. • Utilizing the services of available minority community organizations, minority contractor groups, local minority assistance offices, the County, and other organizations that provide assistance in the recruitment and placement of M/WBEs. E. Any violation of the mandatory requirements of the provisions of this Section shall be a material breach of contract for which the Contractor may be subject to damages and sanctions provided for by contract and by applicable law. XVIL POLITICAL ACTIVITY PROHIBITED None of the funds, materials, property or services provided directly or indirectly under this contract shall be used for any partisan political activity or to further the election or defeat of any candidate for public office. XVIII. SECTION 504 AND AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT The Contractor has complete a Disability Self-Evaluation Questionnaire for all programs and services offered by the Contractor(including any services not subject to this Contract); and has evaluated its services,programs and employment practices for compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, ("504") and the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA"). The Contractor has prepare a Corrective Action Plan for the structural, programmatic, and/or service changes necessary at each of its premises within the State of Washington to comply with 504 and the ADA, and it is attached as an exhibit to this Contract and incorporated herein by reference. Please note that if the Contractor has previously submitted the Disability Assurance of Compliance form and Corrective Action Plan to the County, it is exempt from filing the Disability form for the current contractual year, provided that the Contractor is in the same location. In this instance, the Contractor will attach a copy of the original signed Assurance of Compliance Form affirming continued efforts to comply with Section 504 and the ADA of 1990. 13 XIX. KING COUNTY RECYCLED PRODUCT PROCUREMENT POLICY The Contractor shall use recycled paper for the production of all printed and photocopied documents related to the fulfillment of this Contract. If the cost of recycled paper is more than fifteen percent higher than the cost of non-recycled paper, the Contractor shall notify the Contract Administrator, who may waive the recycled paper requirement. The Contractor shall use both sides of paper sheets for copying and printing and shall use recycled/recyclable products wherever practical. XX. SEVERABILITY In the event any term or condition of this Contract or application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other terms, conditions, or applications of this Contract which can be given effect without the invalid tern, condition, or application. To this end the terms and conditions of this Contract are declared severable. 14 XXI. ENTIRE CONTRACT/WAIVER OF DEFAULT The parties agree that this Contract is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral representations or understandings not incorporated herein are excluded. Both parties recognize that time is of the essence in the performance of the provisions of this Contract. Waiver of any default shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent default. Waiver or breach of any provision of the Contract shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of the Contract unless stated to be such through written approval by the County, which shall be attached to the original Contract. COUNTY: CONTRACTOR: for ` Signature- King County Executive Sign re Date Title aOO Date ' Federal Taxpayer ID # Approved as to Form: Office of the King County Prosecuting Attorney Deputy Prosecuting Attorney 15 EXHIBIT A 2000 King County Landmarks and Heritage Cultural Facilities Program IIF King County Landmarksand Heritage Commission Cultural Facilities Program Application King County Office of Cultural Resources (206) 296-7580 V/TDD 506 Second Avenue, Suite#200/Seattle, WA 98104-2307 1-800-325-6165 V/TDD www.metrokc.Qov/exec/culture/ Deadline: • Applications must be received in the office by 4:30 p.m. on January 24, January 24, 2000 2000 or postmarked by January 24, 2000. Instructions • Read the Cultural Facilities Program Guidelines before filling out this form. • Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend a workshop and to discuss their proposal with program staff prior to submitting an application. • Answer all questions in the space provided. Use 10 point or larger type. • Signatures of director and board president required. See page 12. • Submit one original and 10 three hole punched double-sided copies. • Submit two sets of support materials. Applicant Name: City of Kent Parks and Recreation Department Organization Director: John M. Hodgson Title: Parks and Recreation Director County Council Address: 220 4"Avenue South City:Kent Zip: 98032 District#9,13,7,12 (Call King Co. Records Phone: 253-856-5110 Fax: 253-856-6050 e-mail ihod son(aci.kent.wa and Elections at(206) 296-1581 to verity the Council District) Date of Incorporation: 05/28/1890 Previous Fiscal Year's Operating Expenditures $ 5,970,407 Federal Tax ID#: 91-6001254 Previous Fiscal Year's Fiscal Year End Date: 12/31/99 Revenues $ 1,593,768 Project Director Name: Pamela McFall Title: Park Development Coordinator Address: 220 4"Avenue South City: Kent Zip: 98032 Phone: 253-856-5113 e-mail: pmcfall a ci.kent.wa Fax: 253-856-6050 Project Summary Project Title Neely Soames Historical House and Garden Restoration Project Project Description The complete restoration of the House and garden to include the restoration and development of a historic "kitchen" garden and restoration of the home for use as a public facility for heritage garden ing/seminars/gatherings. Amount Requested $38,227 Project Budget $318,549 Project Location 23691 Russell Estimated number of people served 150,000 Road South X Check here if you attended a Heritage Cultural Facilities Program Application workshop Page 1 2000 King County Landmarks&Heritage Cultural Facilities Program 1. Organization Background, Accomplishments, and Plans A. Mission,Goals, and Services. Describe the mission and goals of your organization, group, or agency. Describe the principle programs and services your organization provides, and your organization's major accomplishments, including any previous capital projects. The Kent Parks and Recreation Department's mission is to provide the opportunity and encourage local citizenry to participate in life enrichment activities through park and facility development, professional programming, and the optimum utilization of community resources, one of the most significant being the legacy and honoring of our past. The City of Kent is steward of the Neely Soames Home and the Bereiter Home, both properties are/will be operated with community partners. Kent Parks and Recreation recognizes a diverse population and seeks to identify, enhance, and preserve their cultures. An important element of settlement, of which there is dwindling evidence, was the farming community. The Kent valley brought life, hope and sustenance to original settlers,beckoning people of diverse heritage. The Neely Soames Project attempts to preserve our agricultural heritage and celebrates the beginning of Kent. The Neely Soames Project allows the community to partner with the City of Kent to: • Successfully restore the Neely Soames Home • Support a program that includes a community gathering space, and an office/library horticulture center staffed by WSU Master Gardeners, as well as • Support the ongoing development of a heritage "kitchen" garden with the guidance of the Des Moines Garden Club,WSU Master Gardeners and community members To support our mission and goals, the City of Kent, in partnership with the Washington State Historical Society ]Capital Projects for Washington's Heritage Grant Award) is well underway in the restoration of the Neely Soames Home. And, with the support of the Des Moines Garden Club, South King County Master Gardeners Foundation(Grant Award), Greater Kent Historical Society, Eagle Scouts, many local businesses and the Adopt- A-Park Program, the community continues to develop an historic"kitchen"garden on site. In addition to the Neely Soames Home, the City of Kent in partnership with the Greater Kent Historical Society, has embraced the responsibility of restoring, maintaining and programming the historic Bereiter Home for the use as a community historical museum. With financial support from the City of Kent, King County Facilities and Fixed Assets (Grant Award in 1997/1999), and many contributions from individuals and businesses, the Bereiter Hnme is Amctionino as a rmhlic mnsenm. B. Service area. Describe the geographic area served by your organization. Kent extends from north to Renton, east to Covington ,west to Federal Way and south to Auburn. Our Service area is the Kent Schonl District annrnximatelv 150 000 nenle C. Community Outreach. Describe your organization's community outreach activities, including efforts to expand and/or diversify your visitors, membership, staff, and/or leadership. The City of Kent explores the opportunity for community partnership in each endeavor it pursues. The Neely Soames Historical House and Garden Restoration Project is no exception to this standard. Several community meetings have been held resulting in strong partnerships for the restoration of the home, the development and care of a community historic "kitchen" garden and programming. Outreach meetings facilitated by the City of Kent have included: Garden Clubs, Greater Kent Historical Society, Master Gardeners Foundation, King County Heritage Program Coordinator, local businesses, and service clubs. Most recently, 14 community volunteers, coupled with 2 staff members, and garden club members celebrated National Make a Difference Day on October 23, 1999,by harvesting vegetables from the garden to support the Kent Food Bank and mulch the garden for next tears gardening program. D. Planning. Along range plan is required for all applications except fixed assets under$10.000. For the purposes of this program, a long-term plan is defined as: the programmatic, administrative, and fiscal goals an organization expects to achieve in the next three to five years and the specific actions that will be taken to achieve then:. Please attach a copy as Attachment E. Applicants for fixed assets are encouraged to submit plans and policies supporting their requests, such as collection management or interpretive plans. See item K on the Attachments Checklist(page 12) When was your plan last updated and approved by the governing body? 1999 Page 2 2000 King County Landmarks& Heritage Cultural Facilities Program 2. Project Description continued C. Facility Ownership,Tenancy,and Fixed Assets. Answer whichever of the following questions applies to your funding request: If you are applying for funds to renovate a leased facility: • Name and address of facility owner: • Attach a copy of the lease or agreement governing your use of the facility as(label as Attachment F) If you are applying for funds to purchase or construct a facility: • Address of the building: 23691 Russell Road South, Kent, WA 98032 If you are applying for funds to purchase fired assets: • Describe location where the equipment will be stored and/or installed: Name and address of facility owner: City of Kent -220 4"Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Attach 10 copies of list of equipment proposed for purchase; label as Attachment G. D. List the project's key participants. Include members of your staff, both paid and volunteer: outside consultants, design team;project manager; and their respective qualifications and responsibilities. Please attach resumes for each (label as Attachment B). Lori Flemm,Park Planning and Development Superintendent Pamela McFall,Park Development Coordinator Perry Brooks, Project Manager Boyle-Wagoner Architects Des Moines Garden Club—Kate Bean, Heritage Garden Coordinator Master Gardeners of South King County Page 4 2000 King County Landmarks& Heritage Cultural Facilities Program 3. Project Impact Describe the long-term benefit this project will provide to your community, King County, or the region. Please refer to the evaluation criteria listed under the heading "Project Impact"on page 8 of the guidelines in responding to this question. The Neely Soames Historical House and Garden Restoration Project allows the City of Kent to meet its long-term benefit to the community by: • Identifying as a priority the establishment, restoration and maintenance of the Neely Soames Home as a' historic landmark in its community. • Providing public access to one of the few intact historic farm houses in the Kent valley. • Creating a space and garden where heritage and cultural education can take place(focusing on crops historically grown in the Kent valley. • Providing a venue for regional heirloom gardening,preservation and sharing of know ledge. • Forming partnerships with public,private,corporate and service entities creating an atmosphere of community ownership in our past. • Regional benefit derived from the importance of the site historically on the Green River to aid settlement of the valley 4. Post-Project Maintenance and Operation How will the project affect your operations durine and after construction or purchase?For example, will the Page 5 2000 lung County Landmarks& Heritage Cultural Facilities Program project change the type or frequency of programmatic activities, raise or lower maintenance costs, reduce or increase staff levels, etc? Explain how additional needs such as staff or operating expenses will be met. Currently, the Neely Soames Home is vacant, therefore, there are no effects on programming within the house. Once the house has been renovated and is ready for public use, a community education space will be available for the following organizations: Des Moines Garden Club—Use of workshop to support the ongoing maintenance and care of the existing heritage"kitchen"garden on site. Washington State University Master Gardeners of South King County—Use of facility for public diagnostic clinics, classes and seminars related to heritage and community gardening. Kent School District—Educational tours/projects related to gardening and agricultural/community history. Neighboring Home Owners Associations-for community gatherings. Additional organizations could include but not limited to the following: Kent Parks and Recreation(community education/outreach classes),Boy Scouts of America for future Eagle Scout Project,and the Rainier Audubon Society. The facility will not be staffed, but rather a key issued for designated users. Interior maintenance costs will be absorbed by the City of Kent Facilities Division and exterior grounds (mowing) by Park Maintenance. The ongoing care of the historic "kitchen" garden will be maintained by the Des Moines Garden Club/WSU Master Gardeners and community volunteers. Page 6 2000 King County Landmarks&Heritage Cultural Facilities Program 5. Financial Information A. Prior Funding. List funding received from the King County Landmarks and Heritage Commission or the King County Arts Commission in the last four years. 1999—Bereiter House Restoration Project—KC Landmarks and Heritage Commission$25,000 Grant Award 1997—Bereiter House Restoration Project—KC Landmarks and Heritage Commission $25,000 Grant Award 1996-1999—King County Arts Commission—Sustained support 422,810 1999—King County Performance Network-$3,000 1997—King County Special Projects Grant-$5,000 B. Audit or independent financial review. All applicants are required to provide either a certified audit, financial review, or compilation prepared by a Certified Public Accountant(independent of the organization)for its most recently completed fiscal year. Indicate which document is being submitted and include it as Attachment D X Audit ❑Independent Financial Review ❑ Compilation Report Cities and other public agencies may submit a copy of their"Independent Auditor's Report on Compliance with State Laws and Regulations"and their"Independent Auditor's Report on Financial Statements and Additional Information"in lieu of the complete audit document. 6. Funding Strategy A. Budget Development. Explain how the project budget was developed. If the budget presented in this application is a preliminary budget arrived at without firm bids, explain how the cost estimates were determined. The City of Kent contracted with Boyle Wagoner Architects(an architectural firm specializing in historic restoration and preservation)to provide architecture and engineering and structural observation. Boyle Wagoner Architects developed a cost estimate for the improvements necessary for renovation of the house to be constructed in two phases. The improvements meet the City of Kent's Building and Zoning Codes in an effort to convert the building's use from a residential use to a public facility in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Page 7 2000 King County Landmarks& Heritage Cultural Facilities Program 6. Funding Strategy, continued B. Fundraising Plan. Describe your organization's fundraising plan for this project including its goals, timeline, and progress to date. If you have not yet begun a capital campaign, describe your plans. Be as specific as possible about the sources you will approach. Identify major in-kind donations you have received or anticipate receiving. The City of Kent develops and approves the Capitol Improvement/Acquisition budget annually. Long range planning is developed to assure the ongoing commitments to further preserve/enhance/and develop our cultural heritage. Following is a list of contributors to this project: Capital Funds/Proiect Administration/Consultation City of Kent—grant matching capital funds, project administration, labor and materials. Washington State Historical Society— Capital Projects for Heritage Grant Award WSU Master Gardeners Foundation—Grant funds, labor,garden consultation Consultation/Design/Plant Materials/Labor Greater Kent Historical Society—historical consultation Des Moines Garden Club—garden consultation,plant materials, labor Snoqualmie Valley Historical Society—plant materials Kathy Mendelson—historic"kitchen"garden consultation Weisman Design Group—design consultation, renderings(garden) Materials/Labor Boy Scouts of America—Eagle Scout projects of materials and labor for grape arbor and hop trellis Polygon Northwest Company—materials, labor Puget Sound Foundations, SVC, Inc.—materials and labor for garden walkways West Coast Fence Co.—materials and labor for picket fence Sea-Port Dozing and Development, Inc.—materials and labor for grading site C. Contingency Plan. Explain how you will change the project scope of work if you are unable to raise the total amount required for completion of your project as planned. The scope of work for this project has been prioritized to meet the immediate need for repair or replacement of materials. If necessary, the scope of work will be reduced with the understanding that the City of Kent remains responsive to the need of continued restoration and in good working order. Should this project not receive full funding, the City will continue to seek public, private, and corporate partnerships to continue the effort of restoration and maintenance of the Neely Soames Home and historic "kitchen"garden. Page 8 2000 King County Landmarks&Heritage Cultural Facilities Program . 7. Project Budget A. PROJECT EXPENSES SEE ATTACHMENTS Cash In-Kind 1. Design Cost breakdown by phase including feasibility studies, architectural, design,engineering and other consultant fees, design development, schematics, construction drawings,bid documents: Phase I—Weisman Design/Des Moines Garden Club $ $ 1,040 Phase II—Boyle Wagoner Architects A/E $ 41,283 $ SUB-TOTAL: S 41,283 $ 1,040 2. Construction/Renovation Budgets Cost estimate breakdown, including sales tax Phase I—Garden/Grounds Restoration and Development S 5,500 $ 17,424 Phase II—House Restoration S 211,990 $ Phase III—House Restoration $ 38,227 $ $ $ $ $ SUB-TOTAL: $ 255,717 $ 17,424 3. Fixed Assets(equipment, fixtures, furnishings) For fixed assets applications, specify item(s)and cost, including tax); provide a detailed list as Attachment G. For facilities applications that include fired assets, list general categories. $ $ SUB-TOTAL: $ $ 4. Purchase of Facility Cost estimate breakdown including purchase price, commissions, mortgage fees, closing costs: SUB-TOTAL: $ $ 5. Soft Costs (permits,insurance,bonds,sales tax,etc.) Phase II—Shoreline Substantial Development, SEPA Check-List, $ 3,085 $ Building Permit, Demolition Permit $ $ SUB-TOTAL: $ 3,085 $ 6. Financing Costs $ $ 7. Fundraising Costs S $ 8. Total In-Kind Contributions(1-9) $ 18.464 9. Total Cash Expenses (1-9) $ 300,085 10. TOTAL PROJECT COSTS (Expenses+In-Kind) S 318,549 Page 9 Project Budget Expenses Phase I—Renovation of exterior grounds and framework for"kitchen" garden Design Weisman Design— garden conceptual renderings $310 in-kind Research/design/consultation—Des Moines Garden Club $730 in-kind Construction/Renovation Budgets Grade/Fill - Sea-Port Dozing & Development $900 in-kind Sidewalk/Gravel—Puget Sound Foundations, Inc. $3,248 in-kind Picket Fence—West Coast Fence Co. $2,221 in-kind` Paint (fence)—R.R. Enterprises $965 in-kind Trellis/Arbor Supplies—Uresco Cont. Materials $90 in-kind Sewer/Water Line—Polygon NW $10,000 in-kind Irrigation System— City of Kent $4,500 capital Plant materials/compost/bulbs $1,000 grant Phase I —Total Cost $23,964 Phase II—House Restoration - See Boyle/Wagoner Statement of Probable Costs Design Boyle/Wagoner Architects A/E $41,283 Construction/Renovation Budgets Contract bid awarded to Father & Sons Construction $166,990 Contract includes the following work: Demolition of non-historic garage and construction of historically compatible work "mud" room, structural seismic upgrading, electrical/mechanical upgrading, ADA compliance entrances/decking/bathrooms. Woodworking to include: Replacement/repair of deteriorated porch, turned columns, lattice, siding, doors, molding and trim work. Contract amendment to Father & Sons Construction (not to exceed) $45,000 Replacement of existing (deteriorated) foundation Soft Costs (permits, insurance, bonds, sales tax, etc.) Shoreline Substantial Development, SEPA Check-List, Building Permit, Demolition Permit $3,085 Phase II —Total Cost $256,358 Phase III—Restoration Completion Construction/Renovation Budgets Refinishing of wood floors $2,195 Preparation/Paint of Exterior House $9,645 Interior Paint Work $10,639 Kitchen Cabinets $4,950 Shelving & Counters Workshop $1,485 Second Floor Finishings $9,313 Phase III —Total Cost $389227 TOTAL PROJECT COST PHASE I,II, III 31$ 8,549 Neely / Soames House Renovation City of Kent Parks and Recreation Department Statement of Probable Costs (REVISED) BOYLE •WAGONER ARCHITECTS August16,1999 Prepared by RL/NE The following summary represents the probable construction cost for the Neely/Soames House Restoration based on Design Option 3,as presented in the Predesign Study dated September 18, 1998. The costs are divided into three parts to clarify the components of the proposed project. Part 1: House Renovation Includes itemized costs for renovation work to the main portion of the house,and the demolition of the existing non-historic garage. Pan 2 New Workshop Construction Includes itemized costs for the construction of a new workshop, similar in form to the 1890s garage,in place of the existing garage. The costs are summarized as follows: S/SF Probable Cost-Part l: House Renovation 1680 SF) S101,836 S61 Probable Cost-Part 2: Workshop Construction 240 SF) S68,424 $285 Total Probable Cost(1920 SF) S170 260 S89 Costs by Division: SUMMARY of COSTS for PROJECT SUBTOTAL %of Pro'. DIV I -GENERAL CONDITIONS S28,943 20,57% DIN' 2-SITEWORK S12,825 9.11% DIV 3-CONCRETE S5,800 4.12% DIV 4- MASONRY(not used) SO 0.00% DIV 5-METALS S1,502 1.07% DIV 6-WOOD& PLASTICS $40.834 29.02% DIV_-THERMALMOISTURE PROTECTION 55,743 4,08% DIV 8-DOORS&WINDOWS S10,932 7.77% DIV 9- FINISHES SS,754 6.22% DIN 10-SPECIALTIES 51,000 0.71% DIV 12-APPLIANCES SO 0.00% DIV 15-NIECHANICAL 522,100 15.71% DIV 16-ELECTRICAL S16,350 11.62% Subtotal 5154,782 10%Design Contingency ' 315,47,8 Construction Cost`• S 170.260 The contingency noted is for items not fully defined or qualified. " Sales taxes,permit and design fees.and construction contingency and project administration costs are not included in this estimate. In addition to the construction costs,the Owner should assume the additional costs of items to be provided by the Owner.i.e.,equipment,exhibits,furnishings,and a construction contingency to cover unforeseen conditions and construction changes. Hazardous materials abatement,seismic analysis,printing of bid documents.construction contingency maintenance costs.fire protection systems-security systems.or any other site work beyond the footprint of the building are not included. Bid Documents indicate six Additive Alternates as follows: :I Construction of new casework in kitchen S4,950.00 #2 Application of new finishes at building exterior S9,645.63 -3 Application of new finishes at building interior S 10,639 94 Refinish wood flooring at Meeting Room $2,195 35 Construct new casework at new Workshop $1,485 '6 Inclusion of all work at the Second Floor S9,313 Page I of I Construction/Renovation Budget Phase III Construction Completion Cabinet Work - $4,950.00 Labor, materials for first floor Kitchen Refinish Wood Floors $2,195.00 Labor, materials for wood floors/first floor Prep. & Paint Work $9,645.63 Labor, materials, exterior siding, trim, exterior doors, windows, gutters, downspouts. Interior Paint Work $10,639.00 Labor, materials, ceiling, walls, doors, interior trim, and windows/first floor. Shelving & Counters $1,485.00 Labor, materials, shelving, counters/new workshop— first floor Second Floor Finishes $9,313.00 Labor, materials, insulated piping, radiators, electrical rough-in/finish, light fixtures. TOTAL Request $38,227.63 2000 King County Landmarks&Heritage Cultural Facilities Program 7. Project Budget continued B. PROJECT INCOME (Capital Sources) Projected Check if you Amount Income have applied Confirmed 1. Applicant's Contribution 2. Corporations (identify) $ ❑ $ 3. Foundations (identify) Master Gardener Foundation of King County $ 1,000 ❑ $ 1,000 S ❑ $ 4. Government (including federal, regional, and local agencies) City of Kent Capital Project Fund $ 184,492 ❑ $ 184,492 Capital Projects for Washington Heritage—Grant $ 76,366 ❑ $ 76,366 $ ❑ $ 5. Individual Donors Board: $ $ Others: $ $ 6. Other (describe) Weisman Design/Des Moines Garden Club $ 1,040 ❑ $ 1,040 Garden/Grounds Restoration Donors—Phase I $ 17,424 ❑ $ 17,424 $ ❑ $ $ ❑ $ 7. AMOUNT REQUESTED FROM KING COUNTY CULTURAL FACILITIES PROGRAM $ 38,227 8. Total Projected Income $ 318,549 9. Total Funds Confirmed $ 280,322 Projected Income(#8)should equal Cash Expenses(#9)reported on previous page. Page 10 CiVy of Kent, Washington 2000PREUMINARYBUDGET PARKS DEPARTMENT SUMMARY BUDGET ANALYSIS 1998 1999 YTD 2000 Budget Budget Actual Budget 9f30/99 Recommended Change$ Change % REVENUE Intergovernmental Revenue 31,255 35,702 13,679 (35,702) (100.0) Services& Charges 999,787 996,062 861,278 1,052,768 56,706 5.7 Miscellaneous Revenues 857,136 695,286 666,431 740,524 45.238 6.5 Transfers& Other Non Reven 574,809 511,506 52,380 609,979 98,473 19.3 Total Revenues 2,462,988 2,238,556 1.593,768 2,403,271 164,715 7.4 EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM Parks Administration 603,781 742,111 527,296 721.067 (21.044) (2.8) Parks Planning 292,184 273,311 179,300 245,323 (27,988) (10.2) Senior Center 1.165,111 1,001,216 816,000 994,421 (6,795) (0.7) Adult Day Care 44,245 44,912 32,054 44.232 (680) (1.5) Recreation 1,616,579 1,638,590 1,220,379 1,668,001 29,411 1.8 Aquatics Recreation 39,552 50,336 38,483 57,448 7,112 14.1 Rec/Cultural Program 231,398 227.341 148,951 252.999 25,658 11.3 Parks Maintenance 2,235,506 2,479,142 1,988,355 2,513,475 34,333 1.4 Pks Mnt Payroll Clrg (85,803) Arts Commission 95,671 142.180 84,852 147,965 5,785 4.1 City Arts Program 140,255 155,044 19,306 146,174 (8,870) (5.7) Canterbury Faire 35.568 52,527 37,545 53,699 1,172 2.2 Balloon ClassidSplash 19,677 36.781 24,256 30,316 (6,465) (17.6) Cultural Arts Prog 285,873 316,364 200,530 307,683 (8,681) (2.7) International Festival 11,660 12,085 425 3.6 Specialized Recreat 325,647 339.157 237,884 386,957 47,800 14.1 Camps 143,046 157,507 123,371 161,087 3,580 2.3 Youth/Teen Programs 535,737 537,018 393,093 553.467 16,449 3.1 Sub total Expenditures 7,809,830 8.205,197 5,985.852 8,296,399 91,202 1.1 Parks Maint-Reimb (22,605) (18,834) (15,096) (19.399) (565) 3.0 Net Expenditures 7,787,225 8,186,363 5.970.756 8,277,000 90,637 1.1 EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT Salaries 3,411,000 3,729.221 2,753.703 3,860.738 131,517 -3.5 Benefits 867,659 1,026,551 695,562 1.043,172 16,621 1.6 Supplies 430,385 496,487 356,129 493,052 (3,435) (0.7) Services& Charges 2,942,102 2,833,903 2,162,657 2,790,460 (43,443) (1.5) Transfers Out 121,255 101,035 98,977 (2,058) (2.0) Capital Outlay 37,429 18,000 17.801 10.000 (8,000) (44-4) Sub total Expenditures 7,809,830 8,205,197 5,985.852 8,296.399 91,202 1.1 Cost Allocation (22,605) (18,834) (15,445) (19,399) (565) 3.0 Net Expenditures 7,787,225 8,186,363 5,970,407 8,277,000 90,637 1.1 11Q 2000 King County Landmarks&Heritage Cultural Facilities Program Operating Budget NOTE: Report operational/program activities only;exclude capital projects. Budget information should be for the organization that will operate the facility. ACTUAL ACTUAL CURRENT BUDGET NEXT YEAR 1997198 199811999 199912000 200012001 Operating Expenses: Permanent Personnel 1.Heritage 2. Technical 3. Administrative 4. Education and/or Outreach Temporary Personnel 5. Heritage 6. Technical 7. Administrative 8. Education and/or Outreach 9. Exhibition I Programmatic expenses 10. Marketing 1 Promotion expenses 11. Fundraising expenses 12. Education and/or Outreach expenses 13. Occupancy expenses(mortgagelrentlutilities) 14. Travel and Transportation 15. Administrative Expenses 16. SUBTOTAL 17. Depreciation(if applicable) 18, In-Kind expenses(=In-kind income) 19. TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES Earned Income 20. Admission 21. Membership Dues 22. Classes/ Workshops/Lectures 23. Concession Sales I Rental I Leases 24. Interest&Earnings(savings,reserves,etc.) 25. Other Earned Income 26. TOTAL EARNED INCOME 27. Earned income percentage 28. EARNINGS GAP Contributed Income 29. IMLS or other Federal Government 30. Wash.Commission for the Humanities 31, Other State Government 32, King County Landmarks&Heritage 33, Other County Government 34. City Government 35. Corporations 36, Foundations 37. Individuals 38. Benefits/Fundraising Events Other contributions 39. a. 40. b. 41. SUBTOTAL CONTRIBUTED INCOME 42. IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS 43. GRAND TOTAL INCOME 44. SURPLUS (OR DEFICIT) 45. OTHER"INTER-FUND"TRANSFERS 46. SURPLUS IOR DEFICIT)AFTER Total Liabilities&Net Assets-beo.of Year Total Liabilities&Net Assets-end of year Page I I 2000 King County Landmarks&Heritage Cultural Facilities Program 8. Operating Budget, continued B. Operating Budget Notes. If budget figures demonstrate an increase or decrease of more than 10%from the previous year in any category,please briefly explain the reason for the change. Indicate the line number and year with each note. Ifyou have budget items that you think require additional clarification,you may also use this space to provide that additional information. Line Number / Year Note Page 12 2000 King County Landmarks& Heritage Cultural Facilities Program Application Checklist Application One original and 10 double sided copies, three-hole punched. Please clip together rather than stapling. Illustrations(NEW For 2000) You may attach up to four 8 `/2 xl 1 or two 1 lxl7 pages to your copies of the application. Any illustration pages should also be three hole punched. The purpose of these illustrations is to help reviewers better visualize your project. Consider using these pages to show plans and elevations for new construction, including site plans and/or images of a building or equipment proposed for purchase or restoration. Attachments Include two sets of attachments with your original application unless otherwise noted. Check the attachments you have included below and label each attachment with the indicated letter. Required for Facility and Fixed Asset Applications X A. List of board of directors, including professional affiliations and length of service X B. Resumes for key project participant identified in question 2.E ❑ C. If non-profit organization, copy of IRS determination letter X D. Independent financial review, compilation, or audit for the most recently completed fiscal year X E. Long Range Plan (not required forfred asset requests tender $10,000) Required for Facility Applications X F. Copy of currently lease (if renovating leased facility) or statement of ownership interest in real property (list all loans secured by the property and all liens and other encumbrances). Required for Fixed Assets Applications ❑ G. 10 copies of the itemized list of assets proposed for acquisition. Please attach a copy of Exhibit G to each copy of the application submitted. Optional X H. Evidence of Community Support(i.e. letters, agreements) X I. Architectural Plans/Schematic Drawings/Restoration Plans ❑ J. Planning Studies/Fundraising Plans/Statement of Need K. Collection Manage ment/Conservation Policies and Plans (for fixed assets applications related to these activities) ❑ L. Exhibition and Interpretive Plans(for projects related to these activities). Signatures Each signatory declares that she or he is an authorized official of the applicant organization or individual representative, is authorized to makes this application, and will assure that any funds received as a result of this application are used only for the purposes set forth herein. IA A4ZS�� A. Presi o the Board of Dir ors B. rg nization residento 1rs xecutive Director* *If the organization does not have a director on staff, a second member of the Board with fiscal authority should provide the second signature. Page 13 EXHIBIT B King County Office of Cultural Resources 2000 Heritage Cultural Facilities Program Public Benefit Considerations for the City of Kent /Neely Soames House To ensure that the citizens of the region receive real economic value in consideration for the funding to rehabilitated the Neely Soames House for use as a public facility with an emphasis on heritage gardening, the City of Kent, ("Contractor") shall be obligated to provide substantial benefits to the public(the "Public Service Obligations"). The Public Service Obligations consist of the "Useful Life Obligations," set forth in Section I below, and the "Quantifiable Public Benefits" obligations, set forth in Section 11 below. Section L• Useful Life Obligations. Contractor agrees to undertake the following public benefit requirements for the duration of the useful life of the facility being constructed pursuant to this contract: A. Contractor shall operate and maintain the Neely Soames House constructed pursuant to this contract for the public good; B. Contractor shall establish reasonable hours of operation for the Neely Soames that shall be accessible to the public; C. Contractor shall conduct business as a high-quality heritage organization worthy of public confidence and pride; D. Contractor will pro-actively implement maintenance projects maximize the operating life of the facility constructed pursuant to this contract. E. Contractor shall, as reasonable and appropriate, affirmatively provide programs, performances, exhibition and/or educational opportunities for residents of diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds and recruit audiences, staff and board members reflecting the ethnic and cultural diversity of the region. Section 11: Quantifiable Public Benefits obligations. Contractor agrees to provide the following quantifiable public benefits valued at $12,667 over a 10 year period: A. Free Admissions: Contractor will establish hours of operation for the Neely Soames House and Garden which are accessible to the public. Admission to garden during these hours will be free of charge or by voluntary donation only. Since the garden is not fenced or regularly staffed, Contractor will not be required to keep track of the number of visitors. B. Reduced Rental Fees for Non-Profit Organizations: The Master Gardeners of South King County will have their offices in the building free of charge. The Master Gardeners and the Des Moines Garden Club will provide heritage gardening programs, activities, and technical assistance for the community. Additional meeting space in the home will be made available for use by both for-profit and non-profit entities. The Contractor will establish a rental fee schedule with both a market rate and a reduced rate and/or free-use Public Benefit Considerations City of Kent/Neely Soames House Contract #D28671D Page 2 policy for non-profit organizations. The difference between the market rate and the actual fee the Association charges a non-profit organization will be considered a Quantifiable Public Benefit. Contractor will maintain records of the rental use of this space to document rentals at the market rate, non-profit rate, and any rentals provided free of charge. C. The Quantifiable Public Benefit for this contract is $12,667, with a goal of$1,267 per year for the 10 year public benefit period. With regard to the Quantifiable Public Benefit identified above, at the completion of this first reporting year, and every year thereafter, the parties will review the annual report to determine if Contractor is in substantial compliance with the Quantifiable Public Benefits obligations. The County shall determine whether the Contractor has substantially complied with its Quantifiable Public Benefits obligations. If the Contractor is not in substantial compliance, the County will notify the Contractor in writing and the Contractor shall be obligated to propose, for County approval, a new mix of Quantifiable Public Benefits in order to satisfy the public benefit obligation of$1,267 in services provided; such County approval will not be unreasonably withheld. CITY OF �Q]J�JSV JS i Jim White, Mayor December 5, 1997 King County Procurement Services Division Department of Finance 620 King County Administration Bldg 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 Re: Personnel Inventory Report To Whom It May Concern: The City of Kent is a municipality employing 604 regular employees as of the pay period ending 9/15/97. A number of our employees are represented by the AFSCME Local 2617, TEAMSTER Local 117, IAFF Local 1747, and the Kent Police Officers Association. The City's EEO data with refere,lice. tc ;c Categories is maintained in accordance with the EEOC's EEO-4 reporting requirements. The City does not have information on additional breakdowns of categories as specified by your form. For example, the City categorizes the maintenance, manual labor and service job categories as one category called Service/Maintenance. The City does not have the Skilled Craft category listed by classification. In addition, because the City provides public safety protection to the citizens of Kent, all uniformed Police and Fire personnel are categorized in the Protective Services category. If I can be of further assistance in regards to the City's employee EEO information, please feel free to contact me at (253) 859-6832. Sincerely, Anh Hoang Human Resources Analyst Exhibit C Personnel Inventory Report U KingC°unty Procurement Services Division Department of Finance 620 IGng County Administration Bldg. 500 Fourth Avenue Seattle,WA 98104 Revised (206)296-4210 FAX(206)296-4211— 08/97 TTDNOICE 296-0100 http:/Avww.metrokc.gov Legal name of business p,, ,-f Telephone No. dba (if applicable) Street address 2�20 ---e;kI+t�1-2 �7 u 2L} City X-.per --�- State 1A A Zip Code q -2,2 DO ANY OF YOUR EMPLOYEES BELONG TO A UNION AND/OR DO YOU USE AN EMPLOYEE REFERRAL AGENCY? YES C NO If yes,list the unions and/or employee referral agencies with whom you have agreements: Imcd 11 !74 f you expect` to d more thin 0 000 WA of public(construction)work, or more than$25,000 worth of business with Fling County,the unions or employee referral agencies must submit a statement of compliance with King County Code Chapter 12.16. DO YOU HAVE ANY EMPLOYEES? YES�NC . If yes, list on the Employment Data Chart below the total number of employees for all businesses located in (1) King County. If none, fist the total number of employees for all businesses located in (2)Washington State. If none, list the total number of employees for all businesses located in the (3) United States. Employment Data Whites African Asians Native Hispanics Disabled Minority Disabled Americans Americans Sub-Total Sub-Total Job Categories M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F Managerial 4 I 9 O Professional 7 4 2 2 S 3 Technical 2-7 Clerical 4 raz I ► D D .4 2 ExeWvO-sefes Z i maLoj+j Service 43 -7 2 C7 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 sotlb� Labor I S 1 3 Cb 2 On-Job Trainees Apprentice 'Skilled Craft 3 3. p Cj ,3' p = p`- 4:� D.. Sub-Total b$(oA 1011 'Journey worker. List by classification on reverse, e.g., carpenter,,plumber, etc. Total number of Employees Reported Above: 604 (If no employees, write CO").) This report.covers Business Location(s) in (circle one): [Kmg County, Washington State, Other States] for the Payroll Period ending (MONTH/DAY/YEAR): IRS Employer Identification 'Nlumber. I — (Q Do I a S� Submitted by. �t A H I-1 Ofkw Title:iij(A MMI'f t�ltZ ANM I e: !2I S�e(7 name(o/rnt or Noe* Exhibit D Affidavit antCertificate of Compliance With King County Code Chapter 12.16, Discrimination and Affirmative Action in Employment by Contractors, Subcontractors and Vendors. r T•'V nF Krn�r Company Name: STATE OF WASHINGTON 3. Statement from Union or Worker Referral Agency: This SS statement affirms that the signee's organization has no practices and policies which discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, COUNTY OF KING religion, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, nationality or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability. The undersigned, being first duly sworn, on oath states on behalf of the Contractor as follows: The information required in this section shall be submitted on forms provided by the County unless otherwise specified. Definition: 'Contractor' shall mean any contractor, vendor or consultant who supplies goods and/or services. 'Contract'shall mean F. Subcontractors: For public work projects and contracts over any contract, purchase order or agreement with King County $10,000, the prime contractor shall be required to submit to the Government, hereinafter called the County. County, along with its qualifying documents under this chapter, employment profiles, Affidavits of Compliance Reports and Union A. Contractor recognizes that discrimination in employment is Statements from its subcontractors in the same manner as these prohibited by federal, state and local laws. Contractor recognizes are required of the prime contractor. Reporting requirements of the that in addition to refraining from discrimination, affirmative action is prime contractor during the contract period will apply equally to all required to provide equal employment opportunity. Contractor further subcontractors. recognizes that this affidavit establishes minimum requirements for affirmative action and implements the basic nondiscrimination G. Employment Goals for Minorities,Women and Persons with provisions of the general contract specfications as applied to service, Disabilities: Employment goals shall be established for two industry ccnsultant and vendor contracts exceeding $25,006, or public work categories, i.e., construction contractors and vendorlservice contracts exceeding $10,000. Contractor herein agrees that this contractors, using a mufti-factor availability analysis. affidavit is incorporated as an addendum to its general contract, and recognizes that failure to comp,'y with these requirements may 1. Construction contractor and subcontractor performance: Goal constitute grounds for application of sanctions as set forth in the attainment is based on the total hours of employment as determined general specifications. King County Code Chapter 12.16 and this by the monthly utilization reports. affidavit, PROVIDED FURTHER, that in lieu of the affidavit, the Executive may accept a statement pledging adherence to an existing 2. Consultant and vendor/service contractor performance: Goal contractor affirmative action plan where the provisions of the plan attainment is based on the total number of employees as determined are found by the Executive to substantially fulfill the requirements of by Personnel Inventory Reports. this chapter. H. Alternative Goal Option: Contractors may establish goals in- B. Contractor shall give notice to their supervisors and employees dependently if they believe the King County goals are not applicable of the requirements for affirmative action to be undertaken prior to to their specific situation. Contractors who secure King County's the commencement of work. assent in pursuing this option•must use a multi-factor analysis with methodology and data sources approved by the County. C. This person has been designated to represent the Contractor and to be responsible for securing compliance with and for reporting I. Underrepresentation of Minorities, Women and Disabled on the affirmative actions taken: Persons: Underrepresentation of minorities, women and disabled persons will' not be teemed a per se violation of King County Code AUTHORIZED AFFIRMATIVE ACTION REPRESENTATIVE Chapter 12.16 where a contractor's employment statistics LO-- — t i ?le demonstrate that minorities, women and disabled persons are NAME: underrepresented in its workforce in relationship to the county employment goals. The burden will be on the contractor to show D. Contractor will cooperate fully with the M/WBE and Contract that the minimum affirmative action measures set forth below have Compliance Division and appropriate County agents while making been met and that a reasonable 'good faith' affirmative action plan every reasonable 'good faith' effort to comply with the affirmative in compliance with this chapter has been pursued. action and nondiscrimination requirements set forth in this sworn statement and in King County Code Chapter 12.16. J. Minimum Affirmative Action Measures:Contractor agrees that failure to implement and/or maintain reasonable 'good faith' efforts Reports. The Contractor agrees to complete and submit with to achieve the County employment goals will constitute a breach of this affidavit such additional reports and records that may be this agreement The evaluation of a contractor's compliance with necessary to determine compliance with the affidavit and to confer this chapter shag be based upon the contractor's effort to achieve Mth the MWBE and Contract Compliance Division staff at such times maximum results from its affirmative action program. The contractor as the County shall deem necessary. The information required by shag document these efforts and shag implement affirmative action 3iis chapter includes but is not gmted to the following reports and steps at least as extensive as the following: :ecords: e,Ole, y. Policy Dissemination: internal and external dissemination of 1. Personnel Inventory Report This report >ppall inelmje ,lic tie'contractor'e equal employment opportunity policy, posting of oreakdown of the employer's workbrce showing rare, ¢ender, and, ridodscrimination policies and of the requirements of this chapter on iisability status. � o bogeiin boards dearly visible to all employees; notification to each / u vAbcontractor, labor union or representative of workers with which 2. Monthly Utilization Report This report shall apgly-to`ppbNy� a'dere is a collective bargaining agreement or other contract, York contractors and subcontractors and shall provide:the nwnbe� -subcontract, or understanding of the contractor's under this chapter, if hours of employment for minority, women and disabled employees'. inclusion of the equal opportun' oil in advertisinet 2. Recruiting:Adoption of recruitment procedures desigr .n increase the county-sponsored training prograri_ on relevent areas of affamative action representation of women, minorities and disabled persons in the pool of and equal employment opporhnity. applicants for employment; including, but not limited to establishing and maintaining a current W of minority,women and disabled recruitment sources, Where a cont-actor's employment statistics demonstrate that minorities, providing these sources written notification of employment opportnities and women and disabled persons are underrepresented,failure to follow any advertising vacant positions in newspapers and periodicals which have minority, of the requirements of Paragraph J(1-10)shall be prima facie evidence female and/or disabled readership. of noncompliance with this agreement. 3. Self-Assessment and Test Validation: Review of all employment policies K Contractor agrees in all its employment policies and practices to refrain and procedures, including review of tests, hiring and training practices and from discrimination agaistany person on the basis of race,color,creed,religion, policies, performing evaluations, seniority policies and practices, job national origin,sex,age, marital status, sexual orientation,ortne presence of classifications and job assignments, to assure that they do not discriminate any mental,physical or sensory dsablities, including but net h-uted to hiring, against, or have a discriminatory impact on, minorities,women and disabled frog,layoff,promotion or demotion,job assignment,wages,a.•%d other terns persons:validation of all tests and other selection requirements where there is and conditions of state and local rules, laws or ordinances and regulations an obligation to do so understate or federal law. regarding any such discrimination. 4. Record of Referrals:Maintain cunentfile of application of each minority, L Contractor agrees to provide reasonable access upon request to the woman and disabled applicant or referral for employment indicating what action premises of all places of business and employment,relative to work undertaken was taken with respect to each such individual and the reasons therefore. in this contract,and to records,files,information and employees in connection contact these people when an opening exists for which they may be qualified. therewith, to the MMBE and Contract Compliance Division or agent for Names may be removed from the file after twelve rrnNhs have elapsed from purposes of reviewing compliance with the provisions of this affidavit and agrees Jvir last application or referral. to cooperate in any compliance review. 5. Notice to Unions: Provide notice to labor unions of the contractors M. Shard tr±e MMlBE C^^-<c Cx-ptia Divslon :d,coon compla r>4 nondiscrimination and affirmative action obligations pursuant to Kng County investigation or review,the Contractor not to be in good faith compliance with -ode Chapter l Z 16. contractors shall also notify the Kng County Executive if the provisbns contained in this affidavit,it shall notify the County and contractor labor unions fail to comply with the nondiscrimination or affirmative provisions. in writing of the finding fully describing the basis of noncompliance. Contractor may request withdrawal of such notice of noncompliance at such time as the 5. Supervisors:Ensure that all supervisory personnel understand and are compliance office has notified in writing the contractor and the County that the directed to adhere to and implement the nondiscrimination and affirmative action noncompliance has been resolved. obligations of the contractor under this chapter. Such direction shall include, out not be irnited to,adherence to,and achievement of,affimnati a action prices N. The contractor agrees that any violation of the specific provisions of this n performance appraisals cf supervisory personnel. chapter and of any tern of fie affidavit of compliance required herein,including reporting regniernents,shall be damned a violation of Kng County Code Chapter 7. Employee Training: Develop on-the-job training opportunities which 12.16.Any such violation shall be further deemed a breach of a material provision expressly include minorities,women and disabled persons. of the contract between the County and the contractor. Such breach shall be grounds for implen>antation of any sanctions provided for in this chapter, 3. Responsible Person: Designate an employee who shall have including but not limited to,cancellation,termination or suspension,in whole or -esponsibuTrty for implementation of the contractors affirmative action measures. in part,of the contractor by the County,liquidated damages;or csqualification of the contactor PROVIDED,that the implementation cif any sanctions is subject 3. Progress Reporting: Prepare as part of the affirmative action plan an to the notce and hearing provisions of Kng County Code Chapter 12.16.110. analysis and report on the progress made toward eliminating the inderrepresentabon of women, minorities and persons with disabilities in the O. Contractor recognizes that it is bound by all provision of Kong County contractors workforce on an annual basis. Code Chapter 1Z16 and acknowledges receipt of a copy thereof. 10. Contractor Training: In addition, contractors who do not meet amployment goals for women,minorities and persons with disabilities and who do not have appproved affirmative action measures may be required to attend VALID ONLY IF NOTARIZED DESIGNATED CONTRACTOR: City of Kent comwry Nrrr ADDRESS: 220 4th Avenue South Kent '.'ashincton °': n street coy sew J Zo AUTHORIZED SIGNER: �iLl(/ Sunt. Plannincr & Dev. —4 swr.e.. row NAME Lori Fleprm PHONE: 27;9_rigq-) Type or Prig SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me O RECEDED BY: this_ , days 19 �Q '�G�';➢1o$AN�s ' : + OTA :.Z^ ova cor.,n Dow j rr Notary RON:h\rrnE brlM SdOrr d L to Z, residling ate-��" .w� li Jl1i ``,o f• .cN� ,�