HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2000-0394 - Original - IAC - Youth Athletic Facilities Grant - Kent Memorial Park Field Maintenance #00-1306D - 09/27/2000 YAF Project Agreement Youth Athletic Facility Grant Account Project Sponsor: Kent Parks & Rec Dept Project Number: 00-1306D Project Title: Kent Memorial Park Field Maintenance IAC Approval Date: 9/21/2000 A. PARTIES OF THE AGREEMENT This Project Grant Agreement (Agreement) is entered into between the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC), P.O. Box 40917, Olympia,Washington 98504-0917 and Kent Parks& Rec Dept, 220 4th Ave S, Kent, WA 98032-5895(Project Sponsor)and shall be binding upon the agents and all persons acting by or through the parties. B. PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT This Agreement sets out the terms and conditions by which a grant is made from the Youth Athletic Facility Grant Accountof the State of Washington's General Fund. The grant is made by the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC)to the Project Sponsor for the project named above. C. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The subject Project is described on the attached Project Summary. D. TERM OF AGREEMENT The Project Sponsor must insure that the facility developed, improved, and/or maintained through the Youth Athletic Facilities Account funding identified in the Project Agreement is made available for public youth and/or community athletics for a minimum of twenty(20)years from the date of project completion. E. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The Project reimbursement period shall begin on September 22, 2000 and end on November 30, . 2000. No expenditure made before or after this period is eligible for reimbursement unless incorporated by written amendment into this Agreement. F. PROJECT FUNDING The total grant award provided by IAC for this project shall not exceed$24,304. IAC shall not pay any amount beyond that approved for funding of the project. The Project Sponsor shall be responsible for all total project costs that exceed this amount. The contribution by the Project Sponsor toward work on this project at a minimum shall be as indicated below: Percentage Dollar Amount IAC -YAF -MAINT 50% $24,304 Project Sponsor 50% $24,305 Total Project Cost 100% $48,609 G. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS All rights and obligations of the parties to this Agreement are subject to this Agreement and its attachments, including the Sponsor's Application, Project Summary, Eligible Reimbursement Activities Report, Project Milestones, and the General Provisions, all of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein. Except as provided herein, no alteration of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement will be effective unless provided in writing. All such alterations, except those concerning the period of performance, must be signed by both parties. Period of performance extensions need only be signed by IAC's Director. The Project Sponsor has read, fully understands and agrees to be bound by all terms and conditions as set forth in these documents. YAF Project Agreement Youth Athletic Facility Grant Account Chapter 43.51 RCW,Chapter 286 WAC Page 1 of 2 PROJAGR1.RPT H. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE STATUTES, RULES,AND IAC POLICIES This Agreement is governed by, and the Sponsor shall comply with, all applicable state and federal laws and regulations, including Chapter 43.51 RCW, Chapter 286 WAC and published agency policies, which are incorporated herein by this reference as if fully set forth. I. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS OR MODIFICATIONS OF THE GENERAL PROVISIONS (none) J. PROJECT GRANT AGREEMENT REPRESENTATIVE All written communications sent to the Sponsor under this Agreement will be addressed and delivered to: Project Contact IAC Name: Shane Gilbertson Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation Title: Project Manager Natural Resources Building Address: 220 4th Avenue South PO Box 40917 Kent, WA 98032-5895 Olympia,Washington 98504-0917 www.wa.gov/iac These addresses shall be effective until receipt by one party from the other of a written notice of any change. K. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This agreement, along with all attachments, constitutes the entire agreement of the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding this Agreement shall exist or bind any of the parties. L. EFFECTIVE DATE This agreement, for project#00-1306D, shall be effective upon signing by all parties. STATE OF WASHINGTON n BY: DATE: �S Z D O C) Laura Eckert Johnson, Director PROJECT SPONS BY; DATE: �/�a�I'00 TITLE: Pre-approved as to form by the state Assistant Attorney General Youth Athletic Facility Grant Account Chapter 43.51 RCW,Chapter 286 WAC OOfl Youth Athletic Facilities iRECRERTION Maintenance Category Post-Evaluation Project Summary TITLE: Kent Memorial Park Field Maintenance NUMBER: 00-1306D (Development) STATUS: Board Funded SPONSOR: Kent Parks & Rec Dept EVALUATION SCORE: 139.8750 BOARD RANKING: COSTS: SPONSOR MATCH: IAC-YAF- MAINT $24,304.00 50% Appropriation\Cash Local $24,305.00 50% Donated Labor Donated Materials Total $48,609.00 100% DESCRIPTION: The scope of this project is to install automatic irrigation at two fields and Kent Memorial Park (KMP). The current method of irrigating KMP fields 2 & 3 is the, drag hose method,which requires staff to be on hand to manually move the hoses and sprinkler heads. This practice is not cost effective and labor is intensive. After the conversion from manual to automatic irrigation it will allow our maintenance staff to focus more time on the rest of the field, ie, grass cuttings, field prep, bleacher repair, and will help insure premium fields for premium play. The scope of work for Fields 2 & 3 includes: Installing an electrical hookup for a automatic irrigation controller and installation of an automatic irrigation system on field's 2 &3. This project, in conjunction with the 1999 YAF Grant funds that were used to irrigate Field#1 will complete the conversion of manual irrigation to automatic for Kent Memorial Ballfield Park. LOCATION INFORMATION: Kent Memorial Park is located in the City of Kent in south King County. YAF GROUP: King COUNTY: King SCOPE (ELEMENTS): Architectural & Engineering Sales Tax Utilities Athletic Fields Site Preparation FISCAL YEAR: 2001 DATE PRINTED: September 22, 2000 1PAPSUM2.RPT Kent Memorial Park Field Maintenance Inreragmry - OUTDOOR 'r Eligible Reimbursement Activities Report HECHEBTION Project Sponsor: Kent Parks& Rec Dept Project Number: 00-1306 D Project Title: Kent Memorial Park Field Maintenance IAC Approval: 9/21/2000 Development Project: Element Item Unit Quantity Description Architectural&Engineering A&E development Lump Sum 1.00 Athletic Fields Irrigation-automatic for turf/playrield Acres 2.25 Installation of automatic irrigation and restoration Sales Tax Sales Tax Lump Sum 1.00 Site Preparation Mobilization - Lump sum 1.00 Utilities General service connection Lump sum 1.00 Run 110 volts to maintance building for irrigation clock ELIGREIM.RPT September 22, 2000 Page: 1 KRICRIERTION I tnagm y Commrtut fur Milestone Report By Project Project Number: 00-1306 D Project Name: Kent Memorial Park Field Maintenance Sponsor: Kent Parks & Rec Dept IAC Project Manager: Darrell Jennings x Milestone Target D. Comments/Description Project Start 09/22/2000 Bid Awarded 09129/2000 Construction Started 10/02/2000 Project Complete 11/30/2000 Final Docs & Billing to IAC 02/28/2001 X= Milestone Complete I = Critical Milestone 1MILESTO.RPT September 22,2000 Page: 1