HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW01-005 - Original - TyCom Networks (US) Inc. - Telecommunications System Limited Street License - 01/17/2001 LIMITED STREET LICENSE BETWEEN THE CITY OF KENT AND TYCOM NETWORKS (US) INC. THIS LIMITED STREET LICENSE ("License") is entered into between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington Municipal Corporation ("City"), and Tycom Networks (US) Inc., a Nevada corporation("Licensee"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Licensee seeks to extend a telecommunications system in the City of Kent; and WHEREAS, Licensee has requested that the City grant a permit to use City right-of-way to extend its telecommunications system within the City; and WHEREAS, the City has agreed to issue this license, which constitutes a use permit under ESSB 6676, for a telecommunications system; and WHEREAS, the City is willing to enter into this License under the terms and conditions set forth in this License so that Licensee can commence construction of its planned telecommunications system; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY AND LICENSEE AGREE AS FOLLOWS: LICENSE 1. License Granted. The City grants Licensee this Limited Street License for a period of ten(10) years from the effective date of this License to install, construct, operate, maintain, remove, repair, reconstruct, replace, use and inspect a telecommunications system and all related equipment("Telecommunications System") generally across, along, in, upon, and under a portion of Military Road within the City. A general description of the plans and specifications for this Telecommunications System is attached as Exhibit A. This License is subject to all the terms and conditions established below. 2. City Owned Facilities. In order to obtain this License, Licensee would typically provide and install a four inch (4") conduit with pullboxes for or on behalf of the City, at no cost to the City in the affected right-of-way. This conduit would be provided in lieu of payment to the City for its costs incurred in entering into and administering this License. However, because Licensee is placing its telecommunications system within conduit already being installed by Williams Communications, Inc., and because Williams Communications, Inc. has agreed to provide two one and one fourth inch (#2-1'/4") conduits with pullboxes, the City waives this condition. Limited Street License between City of Kent and Tycom Networks(US)Inc-Page 1 of 7 December 14, 2000 3. Revocation and Termination. The intent of this License is to authorize Licensee to operate its Telecommunications System on the designated City right-of-ways, which right-of-ways constitute a valuable property interest owned by the City. This License does not grant an estate in the land described in Exhibit A; it is not an easement; it is not a franchise; it is not exclusive; and, it does not exclude the City from full possession of the property described in Exhibit A. As a license upon real property, it is revocable at the will of the City. However, prior to termination or revocation by the City, the City shall provide Licensee with at least sixty(60)calendar days written notice of that termination or revocation. Upon the effective date of the City's termination or revocation, the City may require Licensee to remove the Telecommunications System within thirty(30) calendar days; if Licensee fails to remove the Telecommunications System within the allotted time, the City may remove all or part of the Telecommunications System and Licensee waives any right it may have to any claim for damages of any kind incurred as a result of the City's removal of all or part of the Telecommunications System. 4. Permits Required. The City's grant of this License does not release Licensee from any of its obligations to obtain applicable local, state, and federal permits necessary to install, construct, operate, maintain, remove, repair, reconstruct, replace, use and inspect the Telecommunications System. Licensee's failure to comply with this Section 4 shall constitute grounds for immediate revocation by the City. 5. Relocation. Licensee shall, at its sole cost and expense, protect, support, temporarily disconnect, relocate or remove, all or a part of its Telecommunications System when required by the City for reasons of traffic conditions or public safety, widening or improvement of existing right-of-ways, change or establishment of street grade, or the construction of any public improvement or structure by any governmental agency acting in a governmental capacity,provided that Licensee shall, upon receiving approval and obtaining the necessary permits from the City,have the right to bypass in the authorized portion of the same right-of-way, any section of cable required to be temporarily disconnected or removed. 5.1. For the purposes of this Section 5, any condition or requirement imposed by the City upon itself or any person or entity acting on the City's behalf, (including without limitation, any condition or requirement imposed pursuant to any contract or in conjunction with approvals for permits for zoning, land use, construction, or development) that reasonably necessitates the relocation of Licensee's facilities within the right-of-ways described in Exhibit A shall be a required relocation for purposes of this section. 5.2. If the City, under its authority,causes a required relocation of all or part of the Telecommunications System, the City, at least sixty (60) calendar days prior to the commencement of the project requiring relocation, shall provide written notice to Licensee of the required relocation and shall provide Licensee with copies of pertinent portions of the plans and specifications for the project. After receipt of the City's notice, Licensee must complete the required relocation of its affected facilities at least ten(10)calendar days prior to the commencement of the project requiring relocation. Licensee will complete this required relocation at no charge or expense to the City. Further, Licensee's relocation shall Limited Street License between City of Kent and Tycom Networks(US)Inc-Page 2 of 7 December 14, 2000 be accomplished in a manner that accommodates and does not interfere with the project requiring relocation. 5.3. Licensee may, after receipt of the City's written notice requesting relocation, submit written alternatives to the City. The City will evaluate those alternatives to determine if any of the alternatives can accommodate the work that would otherwise necessitate the relocation of the Telecommunications System. If requested by the City, Licensee will submit additional information to assist the City in making its determination. The City will give each alternative proposed by Licensee full and fair consideration. In the event the City ultimately determines that no reasonable or feasible alternative exists, Licensee shall relocate its facilities as otherwise provided in this Section 5. 5.4. Notwithstanding the above provisions in this Section 5, the Licensee may seek reimbursement from the City for its actual relocation expenses under any one of the following conditions: 5.4.1. If the City has required the Licensee to relocate these facilities at Licensee's cost within five (5) years of the date of a request for relocation; 5.4.2. If the Licensee holds an ownership interest of the aerial supporting structures for its facilities, and if the City requires an aerial to underground relocation to Licensee's facilities, the City will pay the additional incremental costs of undergrounding these facilities compared to an aerial relocation of the facilities, or will pay those costs required in any approved tariff, if less than the additional incremental costs; or 5.4.3. If the City requests relocation solely for aesthetic purposes. 5.5. In the event that a relocation of any of the Telecommunications System is required by any person or entity other than the City, so long as that person or entity is not acting on the City's behalf in conducting any of the activities described in this Section 5, Licensee shall make those arrangements, including compensation for Licensee's relocation cost, that it deems appropriate with that person or entity. 5.6. Notwithstanding all of the above, the City may require the relocation of the telecommunications system at Licensee's expense in the event of an unforeseen emergency that creates an immediate threat to the public safety, health or welfare. 5.7. The provisions of this Section 5 shall survive the expiration or termination of this License. Limited Street License between City of Kent and Tycom Networks(US)Inc-Page 3 of 7 December 14, 2000 5.8. Licensee shall not be responsible for any costs associated with relocation of the City's two one and one fourth inch(#2-1'/4') conduit Facilities throughout this Section 5. 6. Undergrounding. Licensee shall, wherever possible, underground its Telecommunications System. Licensee shall not erect poles, run or suspend wires, cables, or other facilities, in any area where there are no aerial facilities, or in any area in which telephone, electric power wires and cables have been placed underground. Nevertheless, if at the time of permit application, the City does not require the undergrounding of all or part of the Telecommunications System,the City may, at any time while this License is in effect, require the conversion of Licensee's aerial facilities to underground installation at Licensee's sole cost and expense. 6.1. Whenever the City requires undergrounding of any aerial utilities in the street right-of-ways, Licensee shall underground its aerial facilities in the manner specified by the City concurrently with the other affected utilities. When other utilities are present and involved in the undergrounding project, Licensee shall pay its fair share of common costs born by all utilities in addition to the costs specifically attributable to the undergrounding of Licensee's own facilities. Common costs shall include necessary costs not specifically attributable to the undergrounding of any particular facility, such as costs for common trenching and utility vaults. "Fair share" shall be determined for a project on the basis of the number and size of Licensee's facilities being undergrounded in comparison to the total number and size of all other utility facilities being undergrounded. 7. Emergency. In the event of any emergency in which any portion of the Telecommunications System breaks,becomes damaged, or in any other way becomes an immediate danger to the property, life, health, or safety of any individual, Licensee shall immediately take the proper emergency measures to remedy the dangerous condition without first applying for and obtaining a permit as required by this License. However, this emergency work shall not relieve Licensee from its obligation to obtain all permits necessary for this purpose, and Licensee shall apply for those permits within the next two succeeding business days. 8. Indemnification. Licensee shall comply with the following indemnification requirements: 8.1. Licensee shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents,assigns and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, actions,injuries, damages, losses or suits, including all legal costs, witness fees and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of any of Licensee's rights or obligations granted by this License, but only to the extent of the negligence or comparative fault of Licensee, its employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, consultants, subconsultants or assigns. 8.2. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Licensee's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. Limited Street License between City of Kent and Tycom Networks(US)Inc-Page 4 of 7 December 14, 2000 8.3. These indemnification obligations shall extend to any claim, action or suit that may be settled by compromise,provided that Licensee shall not be liable to indemnify the City for any settlement agreed upon without the consent of Licensee; however, if Licensee consents to the agreed upon settlement,then Licensee shall indemnify and hold the City harmless as provided for in this Section 8 by reason of that settlement. Moreover, if Licensee refuses to defend the City against claims by third parties, Licensee shall indemnify the City regardless of whether the settlement was made with or without Licensee's consent. 8.4. In the event that Licensee refuses to tender defense in any claim, action or suit by a third party pursuant to this Section 8 and if Licensee's refusal is subsequently determined by a court having jurisdiction (or such other tribunal that the parties shall agree to decide the matter) to have been a wrongful refusal, then Licensee shall pay all the City's costs for defense of the action, including all legal costs,witness fees and attorneys' fees and also including the City s costs, including all legal costs, witness fees and attorneys' fees, for recovery under this indemnification clause (Section 8). 8.5. The provisions of this Section 8 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 9. Insurance. Licensee shall procure and maintain for the duration of this License, insurance of the types and in the amounts described below against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work by Licensee, its agents, representatives, employees, contractors, subcontractors, consultants, subconsultants or assigns. 9.1. Before beginning work on the project described in this License,Licensee shall provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing: 9.1.1. Automobile Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage; and 9.1.2. Commercial General Liability insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits no less than $2,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and general aggregate for personal injury,bodily injury and property damage. Coverage shall include but not be limited to: blanket contractual; products/completed operations/broad form property damage; explosion, collapse and underground (XCU); and employer's liability. 9.1.3. Excess Liability insurance with limits not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence and aggregate. Limited Street License between City of Kent and Tycom Networks(US)Inc-Page 5 of 7 December 14,2000 9.2. Any payment of deductible or self-insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of Licensee. 9.3. The City, its officers, officials, employees, agents, assigns and volunteers shall be named as an additional insured on the insurance policy, as respects work performed by or on behalf of the Licensee and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. 9.4. Licensee's insurance shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer's liability. 9.5. Licensee's insurance shall be primary insurance as respects the City, and the City shall be given thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice by certified mail of any cancellation, suspension or material change in coverage. 10. Modification. This License may not be modified, altered, or amended unless first approved in writing by the City. 11. Assignment. Licensee may assign all or any portion of its rights, benefits, and privileges, in and under this License subject to and conditioned upon approval of the City, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Licensee shall,no later than thirty(30)days of the date of any proposed assignment, file written notice of intent to assign the License with the City together with the assignee's written acceptance of all terms and conditions of the License and promise of compliance. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Licensee shall have the right, without such notice or such written acceptance, to mortgage its rights,benefits, and privileges in and under this License to the Trustee for its bondholders and assign to any subsidiary, parent, affiliate or company having common control with Licensee so long as notice of same is provided to the City and provided Licensee remains fully liable to the City for compliance with all terms and conditions hereof until such time as the City shall consent to such assignment as provided above. 12. Dispute Resolution; Venue; Jurisdiction. In the event of any alleged breach or threatened breach of this License by either party and if the City and Licensee are unable to cure the breach or otherwise resolve their dispute, then final resolution of this dispute or claim shall occur exclusively under the venue,jurisdiction and rules of the King County Superior Court located in Kent, Washington. Each party shall also be responsible for its own legal costs and attorney fees incurred in defending or bringing that claim or lawsuit. 13. Notice. All notices,requests,demands,or other communications provided for in this License shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed as the case may be, to the addresses listed below for each party,or to such other person or address as either party shall designate to the other from time to time in writing forwarded in like manner. Limited Street License between City of Kent and Tycom Networks(US)Inc-Page 6 of 7 December 14,2000 CITY OF KENT LICENSEE: Attn: City Clerk Attn: Leonard LeBlanc 220 Fourth Avenue South Tycom Kent, WA 98403 3773-C Martin Way, Suite 104 Olympia, WA 98506 Please Copy to: 14. This License contains the entire agreement between the parties and, in executing it, the City and Licensee do not rely upon any statement, promise, or representation, whether oral or written, not expressed herein. IN WITNESS, this Limited Street License is executed and shall become effective as of the last date signed below. CITY OF KENT LICENSEE By: By: ;6' �--- J WHI Mayor Prin ame: tAcf ill, Date: % - —7 - r/ Its: Date: i APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: -- THOMAS C. BRUBAKE P.\0"RFILES\OpenFi1m\0a2I\Tycom Linuted StmaLice edoc Limited Street License between City of Kent and Tycom Networks(US)Inc-Page 7 of 7 December 14,2000 MARSH USA INC. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CERTIFICATE NUMBER NY -000506495-21 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS Jessica Angiull0 CIO Marsh USA Inc. NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER OTHER THAN THOSE PROVIDED IN THE Risk Management Casualty Dept.,41 at FL POLICY.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE 1166 Avenue of the Americas AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN. Tel:212-345-3419 Fax 212-345-5626 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE New York,NY 10036-2774 COMPANY 8880-TYCOM-00101 A AMERICAN HOME ASSURANCE CO. INSURED COMPANY TYCOM US INC. B N/A 60 COLUMBIA TURNPIKE MORRISTOWN,NJ 07960 COMPANY C COMPANY D COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE DESCRIBED HEREIN HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED HEREIN FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECTTO WHICH THE CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLANS. CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTR DATE(MMIDO/YY) DATE(MMIODfr1') GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2.000,000 A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY RMGL6123620 07/01/00 10/01/01 PRODUCTS-COMPIOPAGG $ 2,000,000 CLAIMS MADE O OCCUR PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 2,000,000 OWNER'S 6 CONTRACTOR'S PROT EACH OCCURRENCE $ 2,000,000 X FIRE DAMAGE(Any one fire $ 1,000,000 X ros Liability, MED EXP A awe person) $ 10,000 A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY RMCA 5347953(A/S) 07/01100 10/01/01 COMBINED SINGLE LIMB $ 1,000,000 X ANY AUTO RMCA 5347952(TX) 07/01/00 10/01/01 ALLOWNEDAUTOS BODILY INJURY $ SCHEDULED ALROS (Per person) X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY ( X NON-OWNED AUTOS Peraccidenl) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE $ GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLO-EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH ACCIDENT $ AGGREGATE $ EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 2,000,000 A X UMBRELLA FORM BE 7394784 07/01/00 10101/01 AGGREGATE $ 2.000,000 OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND WC TATU- EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY TORY LIMITS ER EL EACH ACCIDENT $ THE PROPRIETOR/ INCL EL DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE: EXCL EL DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE $ OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSIVEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS(LIMITS MAY BE SUBJECT TO DEDUCTIBLES OR RETENTIONS) CITY OF KENT IS NAMED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED COVERING ALL EMPLOYEES OF TYCO LTD. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DAIS THEREOF, THE INSURER AFFORDING COVERAGE WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL_30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CITY OF KENT CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED HEREIN,BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOME SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR 220 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH KENT,WA 98403 LIABLRY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER AFFORDING COVERAGE,ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. MARSH USA INC. BY: Katherine S.O'Leary IVAthuf MMt(9/98) VALID AS OF: 10126/00 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NYC-000506495-21 3.0/26/00 PRODUCER COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Jessica Angiullo c/o Marsh USA Inc. COMPANY Risk Management Casualty Dept.,41st FL 1166 Avenue of the Americas E Tel:212-345-3419 Fax 212-345-5626 New York,NY 10036-2774 COMPANY F 58880—TYCOM-00101 INSURED COMPANY TYCOM US INC. 60 COLUMBIA TURNPIKE G MORRISTOW N,NJ 07960 COMPANY H TEXT WORKER'S COMPENSATION COVERAGE 711/00-7/1101 7/1/01-1011/01 INSURANCE POLICY# STATE INSURANCE POLICY# (A) RM AMERICAN 5275025E ASSURANCE CO CA RMWC 5275071 (B)RMWC AL UNION NI N FIRE INSURANCE CO. NV,OR RMWC 5275072 026 (B) INS.CO.STATE OF PA AR,FL,MA,TN,VA RMWC 5275073 RMWC 5275027 (B) ILLINOIS NATIONAL INS.CO. IL,LA RMWC 5275074 RMWC 5275028 (B) ILLINOIS NATIONAL INS.CO. NY,W I RMWC 5275075 RMWC 5275029 (B) Al SOUTH INSURANCE CO. GA RMWC 5275076 RMWC 5275030 (A) AMERICAN HOME ASSURANCE CO. ALL OTHER STATES RMWC 5275077 RMWC 5275031 CERTIFICATE HOLDER CITY OF KENT 220 FOURTH AVENUE SOUTH KENT,WA 98403 Page INCLUDES COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL OF ACORD CORPORATION WITH ITS PERMISSION. 1 a 0 v �Utl O N"S N U ; Z y U Z 2 A w s� F— D O^' w a� m U ry O LL I Q W F-- Z Z W Z (n �zzo M o \ J- Q L- O Z N Y j odob'Maviniw ;Y Lli N� r t L.L ro C 4 < nn I..L ••�i�"v'!��. k,•�' Se��� .�'�'�i ���•}��R•b •I�• '1 .�� •�'�A�a�' •,'�ln. ��I i•Y• K p T Z w ttp ~W ZO Q wS O m< I�y.wONO viQi, N 20 uoMp2o w¢J a o�zoa adz�a" e W J 0 a X w j z z o U 3 w a O Q w o I Q z z~ IOor, aaoa NlOwYIo waiFo ImoO 00DO, IQ-�uw Mo -wh 0,¢QwMFaw <'Z, f^a,U¢rx- oaaaoLL aumwQ�� w m6JmuZDZ Mp�iNz3¢w�¢u ppoz 3LL a�OwO �wJF��..oma zaOuMzwi m�¢OO wo OCZJ O azo NOrcQo O,,n5 wO�m QONWIw L6 3 m wS>30O<mo LLi=Zp3aWzo4r�Z o�is�a z�tlm 0 Nm .0Q-M Oval MoJ<OZpW5 wOZO �IQmti O1,t LLMZ-M NO 6 J Z I w L W W 3; Z N a W] a}QQQ O JQ N U J 0 J �T p i vwi}Gdpd.K a a 2 r Q Z Z O J N In O R w W Q N N O u m U L. 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POSE3-146 913+26 IT I I 913+31 EDGE OF ASPH. 6 LT. I- 913+48 18' CULVERT 4' LT. I� I 1 913+88 RIIY X oT l A 10' A20 913+76 12' CULVERT J'Ll. 1 IG ' S L 1 TEA1P. o ( Z 913+05 FENCE CON. {' RT. WORN SPACE = O 913+BB BEGIN CONDUIT, D I I Q TEMP.WORK SPACE.PLACE CITY z68T S G OF RENT JUNCTION H$Tq`PT = W I la 13+98 EDGE ASPHALT ROAD \ I I 40RNE 14a02 CAS VALVE S CAS VALVE 5'R1. 14+15 SEWER LIRE I I I I4+Is MANHOLE(SAN I I SEWER) 11'LT. 14+25 @ 26aTH STREET, CITY LIMITS 14+33 "HOLE 2-LT. 14H6 ROAD SIGN 14-RT, 914+50 DROP INLET S-RT. W 914+61 EDGE ASPHALT ROAD 1 914 914+71 ENO CONDUIT, +J1 1 I Q 10' Q TEMP.WORK L 1 TEMP. I IO 914+79 ROAOE SIGN V Li. WORK SPACE I I 914+93 DROP INLET 2-LT. = Ig I m Im I £ I 915+32 12' CULVERT V LT. A 8 I I I m I I 1 ASPH. n DRIVE � I I A Fj IG 915+91 GAS LINE K I N I6+25 GUARD PAIL 8'RT. � S Ia1'm I m I -+mnZ o wo I 2rm ycrI $sIa Zy V I AZyC ~ >m AZ m I "mZ� > n V o I s 0 z 0 z I I a W z z I I > I ASPH. A O2 I I DRIVE 17+45 GUARD RAIL 8'RT. m � w E I O W A I I I I I I I I I I I I I 18+26 TOP BANK V FIT. I I I 18+53 ROAD SIGN S'LT. I le I Y S N 18496 rL OF DITCH I I I ml I I 19+40 12' CULVERT V RT. R I i � 9t9+43 EDGE GRAY.DRIVE DR NE 0 919+58 EDGE CRAY.DRIVE I� I 919+63 12- CULVERT V RT. I.= I °i 919r80 EDGELT OF ASPH. a' BI9+B6 MATCH LINE e'LT. 9HT. POSE3-I48 919+66 [ S33AE o ■ a I I(I 15R@;AA �� 9P@ E O _ as 2 t;�llllll ®-0O0g0 Zm � n •R 5 I y y i f m 55 pp pi C." I I I!�I{� Z ;. a�aa> g k �N 1-3 g �� �R pupb R9a Z z I II �-® P�7000}O�mo q••N Yy xnT Irn/X�1�4 x•M1V I {fs �y� Z F@ E �qs FE F a� ! t�C l� � � I I I a ": •�g:.. = w i z: c) ff !I � �o C a 49p FI $9 gg 55 $� �WieFat I c m�0000.o® III ! z 87z I y" g qzxas fig' D[i700�® II 1 IIIIIII.3 q's 833 ` 1 }" leeggE� Uzo° F^ B '�'��d E Y z5@3 d 9f+9Z6 6Y1-MOd 'INS '11.9'HdSv 3003 t1+9Z6 3NI1 H01VN 9f+9Ze 3AItl0'nv 3dOIS d01 LC+9Z6 T IvWw z 'll.l 3dO1S d01 1Z+9Z6 W I Y I Z I 0 I A" 0 nvb I � �o M U AVM to 'nra � o 'n.f N01S Oros I o '3NN SVO 96+fZ6 �I I I o I I � I I a I '18.01 ; (Nb019)310HNVN M n"ll.I 1a3A ,21 '1b3A1nO10O ,LI 914fZ6 I I p ._r x 133HIS 0Z w ; .9 NV OYOa 18+CE8 I N Z b IaNYO d01 p '(3 AI 01b3AlnO I9+fZ6 y ...{___ __i_, 39Yd9 MOM 'ia.6 3lOd tl3(M0� - N i 3NI1 HIMOd'HAO Z4+CZ6 .Oi•.01 D 1 j a08 NONONM LN3A 10 "a 33V d '301ds I I m NtlOM'dN31 D 99+CZ6 I I I I rvy s r a 'la i3Al NNV9 dZi ZoryW I O I ra a "ll.l tlnJ jl SE+fL6 =ozm I I Gry �- 3Ntl0'HtlSY 3903 fl+fLB UZOZ. UI Wr gyp. YD 'ltl.B 33NI1 SW CO+C26 Y3N~ NOO U 3NNO HSY dSV M i ' I I MHO'HdSY 3003 Lf+ZZ6 O I I I I 11.I 183A1n0 f1 SZ+Zi6 V I I m 8 I II I a b HdS I tlSY I I I '1l.I 1a3A1nO ,SI YL+IZ6 I I IN.L N 6f+I Z6 3Ntl0'HdSV SY 3Oa3 3903 9f+IZ6 3nIa0 q I I I AYtlO I I � 3nlaa I Hesr 3nIb0'Hd9v 3003 fI+t28 I 13.l la3nln3 sl m+us a I I I ui I xl � rc I II I 0 I =1 g I 'I II lb.Y d01 IO+Oi6 I W 'll.9'MdSVd9Y 3003 f6+616 99+616 Ltl- ON! 'INS 99+618 3N11 H31VH ggg w rw`+r nyw3�Mr 3r h 9ww �a l3 i�d SE' o� goQ� VN p gat HilI p m�0000^°® 11I If Z o z "° °pF U ? d Go z o �• w lil� aI1 � e, Xts5 9.g o d a Izo cn y 5 IIiI '~ a3e 9�N ppQSF �� I II is I II LC0F i I Hill 62tiZS6 7H aSt,S J I N� 'HOLM d 1N5 QkQ I O I / fiZ+Z[fi 'HdSV!0 3003 IZ+ZCB I \ 1 10 At 'HOD 30N33 99+IC6 �d I I 1 rl 1 1 / '18.61 'HOD 33N33 16+OC6 ml ° 1111} 1 / I I 1 � I I I I' I I M I ul I f 'lb.ZI 'N00 30N33 LI+OC6 p O I w I K I V I � ¢ ` F I m 1 I I � o x Zz� I W h w oozes z <$ x U-0N of I■ °�� O 'Hd9v 30 3003 2<w 1N. I I M U y p '!b 9 '1'd 1Z+6Z6 y 3 N M j u 'lb.Z 310d 83MOd I 7 '3NIl'bMd 8 O Z I+626 n I DE d 1 O yy HO110'A 96+9Z6 1 I p t7 I I O m I a ' uI II li . m I l 0 1 0 '11.L 1 11 1 w 'HaSV 10 3003 -1d 1 'll 9 'I LL+9L8 'll .9 Lb3Nln3 ,Z1 91+9Z6 11 ,L N'.NS OYOH II+9Z611.4 1 Alv d9V 30 3003 9L+LZ6 I II I 334d5 MbOM 33YdS I I 1 ,DZ tl�01 MOM'dH31 S 1 1 LMN03 ON3 9L+LZ6 I rA1 SL*[ZB 1 1 11.S 131NI do "lb.Z 'b03 30N31M— 'OVOd ll.dW 3903 99+LZ6 VV 3NIl 831vm [9+LZ6 y0 13N�0 I OI 1 1 I I I 1• 133>315 N149Z 'lb.0 131N1 a060 1 1 I o 'NY103A 30 3003 '133MS H119Z D OZ+LZ6 1 'A .1 3n1rn 693 I I; S N149Z $ 3Nn Sr0 10+LZ6 133a1 3N11 M31VM 6L+9Z6 O4On 131HdSY 3%03 9L+9Z6 Nd13nOr 1N3M 30 MID M3n30A11a'dn31ds CD 1 I 1 3N ddS M80M C n31 1 1 'llWN03 N10388 99+9Z6 J M11 I .OL 1.0P) 1 1lVHdSY!0 3003 69+946 O I 99+9L6 1 d 50d 91+9L6 +9Zfi 9Y1�£3 '1N5 I 94 3NIl H31tlY1 lyl 9 MN'n n+W1 FMn f14 N•AV � � � � � ;j�6 � � �i� O Es; � �� �•I� �� m��E_.. y Faflllt,� ®-L,A IIII � s ��x�' e = � � F" g• o €� � WW$iii_ om�OOoo-9® jlj P �IIQ a ? 4g• ; 3 U 8 `� g$ m� �„ o � � �S �' {33j1;E � g 'a 6$ ��•a� �8 � Ed � � 6 ��d5 ['�� J p F E E{s�l�:. elEa 3 a g $ E Y i 9 E I IIIi I I I 111 3 'x a ; ��o 0�1oOo-� �il lll01til1 a' 6B+BC6 ISI-MOd '1H5 3NIl H01VY1 68aBC6 11 .s I'NdSY d0 3003 CB+BC6 - I I T i I I N OI 3NIl Sv0 2[+BC6 OI I �I I 3 I uI �I I I Y i y V w 3NIl d31YM SS+9[6 I I I m 'll.L WYA 831VM CI.9C6 I s I I � I I I � ul I W Q I I J y 3 Z M�rvx I i S ? Z `s z OZZI W 4 x ZQW� a I N z � bx V Y3V1~ J u I Q I s N 0 'HdSY 30 3003 01+SC6 tII nN I I D. a I I a I I I I I yNw 30 dS MOM j 1 arv3C 1 1 30Yd5 I 1 .OL .01 D s MW.'d.31 b 91+IC6 I � ;-_ PI+IC6 i I I M I I I '18.Ll '800 33N31 I O 3111 SID 99aCC6 � I I I I N� I 11.1 1d3A100 .91 CS+CCO I I 3 I I - K I o ° I 5 I I n 0 0 'lb.91 '803 3ON33 09+ZC6 yI y 19,6 UOM d01 9S+ZC6 1 1 11.S 'HdSY 30 3003 BC+ZC6 1 64l'5350d 1NS. 6E aiC6 6Z+Z{63N1'1 NOilW I MATCH LINE 938+89 SHT. POSE3-150 930+89 A 0 IR I I m I I 939+28 Of ASPHALTS.L S. T. A I 0 Im I I U o R I o 10 O EIo I s I C W v GRAVEL OR. I o I z W mI I" • 940+38 TOE SLOPE 9'AT, I I I I 940+48 TOP SLOPE 2'LT. m I 1 940+64 _ I A I I I I 940+64 %TEMP.WORK L 1¢ EMP.20 L I SPACE WORK SPACE EI I I I I I F I I I I 7 S Am I �myz 0 N Ny=O z i v S ZD_n 8>�p I • I Az,o DC I O I mVOz D Z� a � I I is I E I I m I If II 1 942+54 18' CULVERT, TOE SLOPE 12'I ,�L00 TOP SLOPE 2-LT.. L 942+98 O .WO 942+98 WATER VALVE 11'LT.,I J I 8 TEMP.WORK p I 1 f 10'r 20' I- SPACE L 1 TE I 943+07 BEG.CONC. WORK SAGE —R/W N SIDEWALK 943+13 EN D C� I 941+I5 P.1. C RT.. I I EDGE ASPHALT 5'Li., 260TH STREET BEGIN CONWIT "o I 943+25 EDGE MPH.ROAD i Im I 943+42 6 260TH STREET p 943+56 WATER LINE. WATER VALVE E 10'LT. EI I 943+65 EWE ASPH.Rp40 SIGN N 4'Li. _ 94]+BO WATER LINE. R/vr WATER VALVE 9'LT. N —�W 943+84 P.I.A LT., p 1 1 END CONDUIT, 943+84 1 I Im EDGE OF ASPN. 4 1 f. 10'a 20' 10'LT., IL TEMP. L 1 TEMP, c I WORK SPACE WORK SPACE I' 943489 METAL VAULT W TER VALVE 62L LT. 944405 EWE OF ASPHALT 10'LT. 944+29 MATCH LINE SHT, POSE3-152 944+29 m mIw I s Z ([it # - ° g n illili i p oA ��a °a � ## „;.. �£ �� ,# o a e� liiilii I III k F 4 ; s m @ g F l8 T� °�i• - 'c h lip F f' gg l .� 8$ N ! C n 7R. SN 7"•`,"{gipp` =b n F 7S r p .. o- Ax o gp�3 � CI nI�i I2I5s#1� z u _1 m Cam] Fla 5 ua@ V li € Ia t��iIi ®P.©©OO�m� Nm mm si t z R Av..a rar 4'4rAYT sx.w•%,wM.a. M FCH LINE PO4 BECIN SURVEY 944i29 SHT. SE3_ ]51 9<4+29 I T I v o O g44+fi6 I OF ASPH.A 10.Io•LT. z II I o I E x I w I � I 0 o I z I a I� m I $ m I 946h79 P.A. A LT.. a EDGE OF ASPH. 5• Lr. 946+67 POWER POLE 4•TIT. m I � d r I I n 7 AI y lm,z O i i H fl y Z y= 947+53 OVH.POWER LN. s O \ m J A Z O z 947+67 EDGE OF LT.. f a i Z� 4'LT. I n �0 y I z li P In I mI 945+49 P.J.A RT.. a I EDGE OF ASPH. R 4'LT. 2 I y/ \ 946+56 TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOx $ a I I �a 6•LT. I I 949+14 POWER FOIE Y Lt. 949+14 EWE OF ASPH. I 10'LT. I 949+45 10'x 90' I 1 949+43 SIGNAL BOX(ONLINE) L I TEMP. WORK SPACE 949+45 BEGIN OVIT, 949s45 TEMP.,WORN S E 1 SPACE.PACE CITY OF VENT JUNCTION BOx y0 949h49 POWER 949+55 EWE OF ASPH. 949h79 OVH. POWER lN. 950,01 GAS ME I a S1 950+08 OAS ME n 950+91 q RERN ROAD S 950+30 WATER LINE 950+37 BVR TELC.LN. \ rNil 950+43 WATER VALVE 9'RT. D 950h{] EWE OF MEDMN 950+52 m 950+59 EDGE Oi DLE MEDIANflT. �y4 a 950t89N155 Eg5O+B9 SHZ•PO E s o F lilll zvl"icn .1 58 0 8 o 0 e $ � a G" ggE^ "'. g '�c wE^ o l a t'I ( x f z u $ §p 7.R I� I� ®o.©fooFo■mom r-aa,�a mm 85 z0 Ia-I €E ~lOj3�rR "sY IIII �� f� {}[jfC{ M s A...4 r rr•.wr r.+....•...rw.a N xMxt ty/!yl is 4 M/MV �n^ m� d lssr ��ss�lJJ �I R QI B � 's 5ss E@� omas d J i J#atd�°r6s?:Jd p}. DO��� I� 1111111�33 .Y ass , o gggg 9 le�e5 �I0o�°oi [t IiI IIIIII 5 Ge U 6 0a 311 Oe iai� 5 1 d 64+L563NntHOly Wd 1H5 0-455 30Vd5 M60M1 MMOM'd1331 d1) O1+4C6 I 1 ,OE t1119 'HdSV 30 3003 Gff(S6 o I I I I Q I I= � I N ul S to I � L hu � 6I II �to I I I I I I II 'n 01. al I I 'HdSY!0 OL 'Ll.0 310 1 1 d tl 11 0 '' 90f956 I I I I I I I I I I s 11.6 3 W6 931VM I I II 1I.L 'N65V JO 3003 m "Nl d3MOd'1N0 M w JNII 931YM 9Of956 I I U o zNp I II I s0 ?< 13 pzz o I w a <$ Y U=OZ ¢ O 6�Sx UN • I I Y R }o y✓1 3NI- Jlllr I r a m�w $ F J b V U$ II .t 'HdSY 30 3003 I I ~ 16 F 310d g3M0d I 11 0 'Id 01*CS6 y m I ,I I I ' � I c I I .S'HdV 30 3003 (I '11 O'I'd 21ffS6 I IV I r 6 I ' r I r I I la 17 1 4 I m a r IW 'ltl.BL 31Otl H3MOd L[f IS6 a r I 4 0 M4OM'drv31 3"11 O I r I 3OVdS MOM o .G'Hd v JO 3003 d ly 'drv31 1 1 1M16NO3 ON3 I 1 .OL 11 v 1d 50+196 I 1 60fts6 1 ; IYI 6gr.Os6 3Nl)5j`r3S0 3 N�lYp d '!NS 62*096 MATCH LINE R 957H9 SHT. POSE3-15J 957+49 y I 957+53 EDGE OF ASPH. N I AZ m m J y 997+94 P.I. O AT. f , O EOGF OFF ASPN. 6' LT. SECTION LINE -- — t� 956+25 SECTION LINE I I s In 958a61 MANHOLE(WATER) a I o 9'LT. I I I9 I it I , I I I ' I I o I� I I^ 9 lm I 1 m I I K 999a63 FENCE COR. 4'AT, n I I g � o m I I m I I Ix m � I I o I a A N I K m , I v n pN Fi ; i I -MC) CC) x a Z 1 1 1 C, z 11 m xp a >m z I o I y I x mNz� a 961+02 FENCE COR.5'Ri. n m I I I I I I I I m I I N s sl I A I I I X I I s I I61 I 962+66 WATER VALVE 6•LT. C SO -- 1 _254TH PLACE 962+92 SERVICE POLE V LT. W w IR I I I� I 963+41 WATER VALVE 6•LT. N 963+69 SWEET ASPH, A_� m 5'LT, I I I I 96N09 MATCH LINE SHT. POSE3-155 96/+09 E �S �EZ ! 3 o �1 � m m IIII III 5 e 'o� E O ka c : IIIIIIII -0©OqQ A IT €EE, IIIIIIIIt� II F J ! � � §D h v� % k 6€E n F dittP'x;�al�$ f f t l r g " �� o^ e i ljjx u Y >c � •� 3 n r 0 ��� z � y���� Y' � IIISI €� ift(��� ef AW.w a sr 4wy r.�w+�+.AAA a ygy o•vV'4^Vf/M.M Jf4rr+fl �m�o©©o.o® of W7a � gg '" x 'c U - a m^ 8 i E- vi 0', F { d d f SZ{?i C99 'Atli o a' g w z i t d i 1 �VIIIIII� i=p a xS Z 9 5QE � {6 =a .,<<i � Oq0 Oo-� I I IIIIIII ogVa afa U �" I C z H85@i i 69HOL6 991-MOd '1HS 3NIl HO1VM 69,016 1l S n 'HdSY 30 3003 'ltl v'1'0 SStOL I a h I WI N I I I I I xl; I I I I V p I V I I a I I I I I I I m I I 11.9 u I 'HdSV 30 3003 ; "lb.S'MD 3ON33 11 V 'I'd LSr B9 u I ; N I I I I I I m i I I � I I C 3 I Y I I 4 y dl Z a Z0 1`1c Y 0=O? I3 U d z x Za Wr a a y 3 N I I a I a I I I I ; 11.9 m 'NtlSV!O 3003 0+996 I o �I 3OYd9 NNO.i m I I 'dn31 131W 1 m NtlOM'dM31 dL 61i99 I I I j b1r998 ( ; I I � 3 I I I I I I I I � I I I �I I gl I 5 I el a 18I 1b z N I (Mb019) 31OHNVM CC*19fi I I 11 s 'HdSV 30 3003 91rr9 I t 60f196 3N11 IH 1H 60M96 T@ HO1Vn y #uT a✓M Jf 4 Y�+V }s'F1 � liE �® IIII - n E�^� o ad F" 6 6 Lea33aa A zm�0000-o® Ala o n" = off„ N y2a . FN� AEy E m^ y5 W W ` i*f3S C5 Ff•j J , n EiA ! 1- 1Tn JY^Y1 z� 0 iiy F/ OBRp Y Y —O 9E yLL W { V• C.(E5 C E(z 3 a 6n�� �`•�3 yg i xC4 E-' t �e., G c �a 11, J? i sst'f� 1 � d d e i 1 1, 8'<° � ��2, S �� �w ..�cc OoeOO ® IIII1:3 0 2 - [Ec E� aeagg i i � 6z+446 LS 1-93SOd '1HS 3NIl HOIVN 6[t LL6 'MdSV 30 3003 '11.0 1b3A1nO ,LI 61+LL T +N I Ix I I I I �I I 1tl3AlnO " CC+9L ° 3Ntl0'HdgV 3003 9L+9L I 3 l.1 z rc(b3M35)31OHNm LI+gL mso I , I I ' dSV I I 'lb.8z LPM dOtlO CL+SL 3N210'HdW 3003 99+94 �I I I 11,I 1tl3Alno Z1 OS+94 I I I 00 I p I 3 K Y 13 w z I a T m a Ir a � 0 �I I z s HOLD D f9+fG I I ¢ y IN.21 tl313N U31VM z d awl 93LVM 46t14 I z u IN.21 11313M 831VM M 2 " 3NIl 31YM 99+11 I I M 2 � 3Nn 83MOd 'H 9Z+11 I °" p m p w 1 "lb.9 MWA 6M rc I I o x awl SYO v'+'L6 p v� INtl t F Znl yl (1138)'03d Alll z O N y. 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POSE3-162 1016+89 + 1015+91 WATER LWE. WATER VALVE 2 LT., FIRE HYDRANT 4'RT. \ I 1012+25 P.I. D Ri., 1 1017+31 I ENE.O E.OF ASPH. L14 10'r 20' 1017+31 BEGIN STEEL PIPE 1 WORKE SPACE R I I A SPACP.WORK E 0 1017+41 EDGE OF ROAD O zJ9Ih SIRFEI 1019+68 GAS LINE Iz 1oi7.70 4 2397H STREET 1017+68 WATER VALVE 5•LT. 1017+90 WATER VALVE 4'LT. 1017+91 EDGE W ROAD. WATER VALVE 5•LT. I OIT+99 POWER POLE T'RT. j D 1018+01 END STEEL PIPE, IDIe+D1 I 239TH STREET EDGE OF ASPH, L —S 2'LT.,4 TEMP. I TEMP. "n , JEFFERY RD. WORK SPACE WORK SPACE 1018+03 am,PWR.LINE(6W 1018+05 TELE.PED.6'RT. —W-- 1018+27 GAS LINE I I a I OA 1018+56 GAS LINE a 0 O ya I a 1018+79 EWE,GRAV.ORNE n m I 4 GRAVEL DR. Z c Iz I EC z g Z � z ErT� 1019+1e EDGE GRAY.DRIVE n T = 0 O 0 z D m I s T 0 ry 1019+02 OVH.PWR.LINE Plow OWER POLE 10'RT $ a DZ �fnD� 1 AA lAn r F Nn> y Z^O a ��1 ?O Z 1020+21 METAL VAULT 4'RT. z yc < I pZ y� 1020+25 EWE GRAV.DRIVE •ri Pr'2 ZZ O m(P l O n z Z o GRAVEL DR, ~ 1020+55 POWER POLE 9'RT. 1020+59 EWE GRAY.DRIVE 1020+54 OVH.PWR.UK(TIN I I 1020+99 WATER LWE, G WATER METER 3'RT. r I 1021.49 CULVERT 1'LT. 4 021+50 EWE GRAV.ORNE :021.62 16- STORM PIPE I N + I 1022+05 GAS UNE. GAS METER 5'LT., 1022+19 1 I —G _ GAS VALVE 5'LT. 14 Io'r 20' KING COUNTY I 1022+07 EWE GRAV,ERNE 1022+19 I. 1 TEMP. BEGIN DOT R/W,Rom. WORK SPACE WSOOT / BEGIN STEEL PIPE, y o WIC S WORN PACE 1022+29 EWE Of ROAD I I I z O O 9N I m 1023+16 EWE OF ASPH. G 4'RT. D 4f t023+44 MOP LIGHT B• .W. 1023+46 DROP W RAI 4'Ll. 1023+49 1023+46 STORM DIUw MATCH LINE $HT. POSE3-I64 1023+49 i 3g3g sj9 &y a # # & " ; EE� IIIiIi �ppE -iC pacn EE 56� �_ � �� pd o B ',Z.' ��' A 3�°� ° ¢`•I ��� ��� II II �I [ 7 [ � { MAR SE: N 0 a z g r �� 1 N ".c t5' Lei o " c� n 7£ 111 E i[ z AwN W ar WYAI rxM.l A4,MA a yy tt qgqgpp yy •WMr•r4 n�wY Sliif� '�Jltt�lpp 3 � Ala° ': 4ye � �� G �� �•E3 �pp��i'a Sale}tt•d � ® 50Ey u w �F o--I a z 'fifi mI~-beee ' n g : w z m�000o•�® � III�.1E i � zz $_^ 11" 3o ag u 9 e • a o aaaal.Z o a Wsn E.•i§� Y N 8 c i m I<• an 3 �d la 3 0W g.s c 0 �3 ! Y U i' � iC za 591'S]SOd .1H5 60+000t 60TOS01]HI9 0014W a0 3Nb0'HdSY 3003 99+6ZOt i; N N J1 3 .S 'Hd9tl!D 3003 2S+fiZ01 _ i Y I N W flf) x� 1 w J Q) Q n I U N z Q0 Vm U I Z z K I Q U I p w w I O a ' p ,s rc o, u I � V F� r.N IQ ZW PC Q u y (b3M3S)310MYM 9I+GZ01 1 s O nZY a u z N' do u "NOD aN3 IG+9Z01 OZ ZO�j l0pSd1 NOI13Nnr 1N3M d0 x r \ 1 3]YdS MboM n w i s AID 33Ytd 33tldS p l u" �n - 'dW31 '1 rc I MOM'dW31 D zQw/.. "I .OZ• 0 D� 1 w LnON00 ON3 Y 3 9S+9Z01 'M/a ioo axe ss*9z01 \ N 1N3N .10 A1)0 m M M301S Z0 sm 'ON00 N1038 91+9ZOl S NIY6O Hwis K+9ZO1 OYOb'HdSY 3003 2C+9ZOl SO I x 3Nn b3Mod HAD 91+9601 p m 36 JZ UIN1 dON0 16+SL01 �9(S N3\ ? u b.S m W 919'bs/0Y06 I $ s3NIOW 530 1N3M D 9S+SZ01 b NNND Mots '31,1I1 b31YM 1Z+SL01 n '� 3NIl b3MOd 'MO CI+SZ01 o OYOb'HdSY 3003 90+SZ01 33Ydb '3d1d< 1331 N1030'lb8 Y 'I'd 96+h201 p NOD O 16 d'3NO3 H3 I6a 1201 H 1b,Bl (W8015)31OHNYW C9+1201 33Y4S A80% V 'Id CI NIYbO I +IZOI 'll 9 'd C(+ILOI x dW31 1 1 'lt.9131N1 dOdOa, .Lu .02 •Al DI 3tlld MOd AI ZG+K01 Iry S6+IL01 1 3.11 3Wd HIND OS+IZ01 IN,Il 310d b3ON3 4G+IZ01 3dld 13315 ON3 / m 9 p 'Hd9v do 3003 'NNb0 dAA I -1 MMS BL+IL01 33vd5 MbOM MOM'tln3 D 4' lrv� a / - .OL •.01 11 1 'M3YMMIS u 7 BLN20l '3NO3 NID38 ZZ+IZOt t OVON 'HdsY,3tl009 91+IZOl o o (b3M3S)310HNYn p t x S 3NIl 113M S CO+*ZOI z a 3NIl b3MOd(HAO O6+CZOt u KENt s Il 13nlrA 831VM 91G bs 010 1 s9+Cz01 p C4Y Ua'RS w 11.1 WYA 83LYM Z9+CL01 0_ 3NIl'3131 'bn0 69+CZ01 r o OLO ClN G 'lb .0 3AWA SYO +S+CLO1 !x / 6l0 m 3HIl SM ZS+CZ01 4 fit+CZO/ 'S0 k� 3N/j HJly sod INS 66KZ01 6 MATCH LINE 1030+09 SHT, POSE3-164 1030+09 I 0 A ti S Z O p 1030+63 DVH.PWR.LINE (2W). POWER FOLE 2'AT, 1030+89 WATER METER 9'AT. m 1011+03 WATER METER 6'AT. � I I 1031♦40 EDGE ASPH.DRIVE 1031+40 MANHOLE 9'RT. 0'�6A I I o 0 GONG. DR. tl NI ~ � 1031+95 EDGE ASPH, DONE w F I 1032+10 5.LT OF ASPH. y, 5'LT. a f F I N 1032+41 METER 1 3-A 3'AT. 1032+50 OVH.PWR, LINE P W P � POWEE R POLE 6'AT. W v 1032+24 WATER METER 14 AT. m T 0 O i m n o - n n ; ^ am C I_ ym,Z oT n n 1 C A ul Nowo f a r m ! 1 z ?1033+54 020 z 10' v 20 0 1. fLI m ?WOXK SPACE 1033+54 BEGIN PIPE. Z(( 0 is C TEMP.WORK n SPACE a3 1033.54 EDGE ASPH.ROAD in 1053+86 WATER LINE z I O 4 K � � m € 'Za 9 V n � � I C � A 1034+92 WATER LINE. WATER METER 8'AT. 1034+95 EDGE ASPH.ROAD 1035+05 ENO STEEL PIPE 1 1035+05 Q TE4P.WORK 1 11 10'a 20' I SPACE L 1 TEMP. WORK SPACE Fi I ZIk I 1036+46 EDGE OF6'LT 10 8+69 MATCH LINE SNT. POSE3-I66 1036+69 Est oGm 1 i 3\Y\I =✓ 5 liiillill i ► ; s c. }} a .. ..� 1 �� � A � � 9E?!PI �1��7�81a Pi9t f F ( f 7 1 IC �"a .�'SS �ig5 i m 6 'Y R�' Gn,o ti5g� ¢EC o_ C D ��II I, r 1 SC Z Z Si m ry �� i�•3 �9 � i� � p� •� il�} ( i ( f A'wI•w wVI�tiwl Jf 4IrwV � y3y• Y% !� t] aasifS4{{ #ftj:t s 333° y ga W aft 0 3 73 'q �o H3 Y123H n i ��I� tt 1 E lF sllai� $ ` y 3 .F = t E-I g 5 nZ l9 i { 3 i j sast�.E6 g ys < < a rn 0 3 W S■ a 1 F I� ( IIIIIIa f3 x� o s , � aa � =0``FF 8 i I I 1111 33 � y _ �8e &9 5 axo p p 6z+Ct01 01-f350d '1HS 1I 3N11 H01YN GZ+Cr01 1 _ 'HdSY N 3003 Z6+[r01 k 'tl0 'HdS 11 r NMS MM fS+Zr01 '11.S 310HNYN OS+Zr01 � N �d I w 80 'HdSY I J S U K Z 5 3h O to 'HO'HdSY Z O 511N11 U10 59+0101 3 p p W N 2 � a o u a a � Lj � W Q � N y N 111 �Zd gg C� 7z O W V=2 �< OZ aJi� Y ZQWN Ip Q> Y3N~ I $ y '80'HdSY 30YdS MHOM 30Yd5 1 'dN3l 1 'I XMOM'dN31 S 11lIONO3•(MG) 1 d!— 1 II pW SL+6f01 3N11'md'H SZ+6C01 d M 3Na0'HdSY 3003 90+6Cp1 W 8 t �e--r, n-ef� rc z and N30108'y r9+9c01 �tlup cam✓�vo $ I I 1 �$ o 3Ntl0'XdSY 3003 C9+8f01 30Yd5 M!M '8 'tl 'apONON0D N1 N1038 [r+9f01 � P .OL'dA31 Ol D 1 1 m ` fr+B[Ol ` In la.0 1XYa0AH 3HId I 7 3N11 OM U+LS01 - a 3NN0 'HdSY 3003 69+LC01 0 x I $ 'tl0'HdSY 3Na0'HdSY 3003 IS+Lf01 e n W)'H1 'tlmd 'HW 91+LCOI p Z g a SY 3 3 d z 'Hd 30 3003 rO af01 'a0'Hd9Y 69+9f01 S91-f350d '1H5 69+9fO1 3 Nll H01YW m^� �mEO©OO^"® i o eye ga" $99 $ U A@ mo �• i!8f tilld �o �99 ` OgOO�� I� 1 g g B6+6101 B9f� 3N11 y3jrso, .,HS B6+6101 r inn'aMd'HAO 61+6101 r o r o 'lb.z1 \x\ 1 n I No ONOJ 'HdW d0 3003 L9+6001 J �o y 1NYUOAN 3du r '"IN.6 3ANA U31VM 09+610t N r I mr I dO'0M00 � I 1 I 410"HdsY � 'a0'nvaD I I 0 0 1 I \ I O Q �1 1¢U I 'ba 'Ndsv U9N� I i u Y Q I I o i I W r m W 2-n 31ONNIn ',d 01+L101 30 D I I I f by'ONOa NbOM NbOM'dn OC+L101 f .09] �.3Nd.31 1 1 31 01 yl I-n 3lOHNY11 OL+G101 ml al; f Oc+c101 i mu"'dAm D ce+9101 I ¢ I f rc 'lb X b313n a31YM L G 1B1WIOVONd GG+9101 IN3� I Q u 'n a la3nim Al ^Og I I xa3 dR31 1 13n,Ynx IN otl oc+91o1 31bbOd`yOJ I I ,a 1.D1 3 I m 3Nn sY 99+910t z 'ab 1,VHdSY 3003 G9+910t Z ; 'Wa < 30VId H16LL D BS+910t ZO Hjl.l I 3jbld \\ n z x 'Ob 11YHdsY 3003 1(M9) 'Nl'N" W 91+9101 O U Z N�sZt O\ m 1 w Ll.[U313M b31YM 01+9101 UZ 01 NI d'� 'll .f S313n tl31YM x P Z w 3Nb0'1 SY 3003 U N U N 1noN00 H103990+9101 Y3 �F NO'HdsY aVa 'll.1 1tl3A,OD A. I I I \\ 3 'Y Ha'x v 3003 CZ+9YOl 'll .1 1a3A1(1'J ,.ZI L0+9101 3Nbp'HdsY 3003 96+9101 F nl 6i I I i I 'HO'HdsY 3Nb0'1 V 3003 ZG+SY01 I I'1l.z 1N3Alna j1 99+9101 = I I m z •lb v 'I'd 5119101 I I I; Z y I 1 0 z I I I 'll.0 a313n b31YM OO+9Y01 II I o I I U 0 o a< I gl o I � I a 3Nba'Hd V 3003 U+ssa II ; (me) 'Nl Vdw'HA0 Bz+1v01 (MO 'NI'bMd 'MO OZ+11D1 tl0'HdSY !S SO'NOSY JOf IQ 3Nbp'HCStl 3003 69+C901 Of O a x n x 7 'HdSY d0 3003 1c+b0 0 11.S 1NVb0AH 381. LC+[1pl 6Z+LY03N?9 N31 ry0d '1H5 6L+001