HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2000-0097 - Original - City of Tacoma, Covington Water District - Second Supply Design Agreement - 06/28/2000 � r DESIGN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TACOMA, CITY OF KENT AND THE COVINGTON WATER DISTRICT This Design Agreement (Agreement), dated this 28day of June, 2000, by and between the City of Tacoma, Department of Public Utilities, Water Division, (Tacoma) a municipality, the City of Kent, (Kent) a municipality, and the Covington Water District (Covington or CWD), a special purpose district, all of which are organized under the laws of the State of Washington, sometimes referred to herein individually as "Party", and collectively as "Parties", to become effective on the Effective Date (as defined herein) WHEREAS, Tacoma has an interest in seeing progress with the Second Supply Project to meet the water supply needs of those participating in the Second Supply Project, and WHEREAS, Kent and Covington have a current and future need for additional water supply capacity to provide adequate and reliable service to its present and future water customers, and WHEREAS, design and permitting of the facilities described in this Agreement, hereinafter defined as the Kent/Covington Section of the Second Supply Pipeline (Project), will expedite the additional water supply and capacity needed by Kent and Covington in a timely and cost-effective manner, and WHEREAS, Tacoma, Kent and Covington are participants in the Second Supply Project, which project is intended to secure a longterm water supply for the participants, and WHEREAS, the Kent/Covington Section of the Second Supply Pipeline will be capable of being integrated into the Second Supply Project when the full project is constructed, and WHEREAS, the possible "early design/build" of this section of the Second Supply Pipeline was contemplated in the Conceptual Agreement Between Participating South King County Regional Water Association Member Utilities and Tacoma Public Utilities, Water Division dated February 25, 1998, and WHEREAS, design of the Kent Covington Section of the Second Supply Pipeline will address immediate water supply needs of Kent and Covington, while being complimentary to the long term water supply plans of both, June]] 2000 1 4 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and premises contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby aclmowledged, the Parties hereto agree as follows 1 Defined Terms 1 1 For purposes of this Agreement, when used with initial capitalization the terns set out below are defined as follows 1 1 1 "Design Budget" means the budget for the design and permitting of the Project established pursuant to section 6 1 12 "Due Date" means the date upon which payment of any invoice issued pursuant to section 9 is due 1 13 "Effective Date" means the date upon which this Agreement becomes effective and shall be the date entered in the preamble to this Agreement after signatures to this Agreement are completed. 1 14 "First Diversion Water Right' means the legal right (claim) for Tacoma to divert, extract and use for water supply purposes water from the Green River currently supplying Pipeline No 1 (up to 113 cfs) 1 1 5 "Interest Payment' means the product of the payment due to a Party to resolve a payment dispute and one-twelfth of the Interest Rate for each month for which interest is to be calculated pursuant to section 9 7 Daily interest rate is the Interest Rate divided by 365 1 16 "Interest Rate" means the prime interest rate as established from time to time by the Bank of America, stated as an annual percentage rate, which was 9% as of May 15, 2000 I 1 7 "Kent/Covington Meter" means the meter installed as part of Project construction to measure the amounts of water delivered to Kent and Covington pursuant to this Agreement 1 1 8 "Point(s) of Diversion" means the location(s) at which the water is delivered by Tacoma to Kent and Covington pursuant to this Agreement 1 1 9 "Preliminary Budget' means the budget for the permitting and design of the Project as set forth in Exhibit E I 1 10 "Preliminary Project Schedule" means the schedule for the permitting and design of the Project as set forth in Exhibit D 1 1 11 "Project" or "Kent/Covington Section of the Second Supply Pipeline" or means approximately 9 2 miles of new 72 inch and 60 inch water supply pipeline, that will stretch from Tacoma's Pipeline No 1, approximately 9000 feet downstream of Tacoma's Green River Headworks Control Building, to the intersection of SE 300 Street and 224ffi Avenue SE (Lake Sawyer Road) 1 1 12 "Project Schedule" means the schedule for the construction of the Project established pursuant to section 7 1 1 13 "Prudent Utility Practice" means at any particular time, the generally accepted practices, methods and acts in the municipal water supply industry that would achieve the desired result consistent with reliability, safety and economy or if there are no such practices, methods or acts, then in that event the practices, methods and acts which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in light of facts known at the time the decision was made, could have been reasonably expected to achieve the desired result consistent with reliability, safety and economy 1 1 14 "Second Diversion Water Right" means the legal right obtained in 1986 for Tacoma to divert, extract and use for water supply purposes water from the Green River (up to 100 cfs). 1 1 15 "Second Supply Project" means a proposed water pipeline (Second Supply Pipeline) extending from the current Tacoma Headworks Control Building on the Green River to Pipeline No 4 near Tacoma's Portland Avenue reservoir and including the Second Diversion Water Right, a share of the improvements to Tacoma's Headworks, the North Branch of the Second Supply Pipeline, certain Tacoma mitigation agreements, and the Howard Hanson Dam additional storage project 1 1 16 "Tenn" means the duration of this Agreement as established pursuant to section 3 1 1 17 "Uncontrollable Force" means an act or event beyond the control of a Party and which by the exercise of reasonable due diligence and reasonable foresight such Party could not have reasonably been expected to avoid or remove which renders the Party unable to June 27 1000 3 perform, including but not limited to flood, earthquake, storm, accident, fire, lightning and other natural catastrophes, epidemic, war, strike or labor dispute, change in federal, state or local law, restraint by order of any court, regulatory authority which a good faith effort on the part of the appropriate Parry is unable to remove or vacate, or any other cause reasonably beyond the control of the Party affected thereby 1 1 18 "Useful Life" means the period during which the Project can be safely, prudently and economically utilized for the purposes for which it was intended 2 Exhibits 21 The following exhibits, which are attached hereto, are incorporated into this Agreement by reference as if fully set forth herein 2 1 1 Exhibit A-Project Specifications 2 12 Exhibit B-Project Map 2 13 Exhibit C-Project Quality Assurance Reviews 2 14 Exhibit D-Preliminary Project Schedule 2 15 Exhibit E-Preliminary Budget 2 16 Exhibits F through P - intentionally left blank 2 17 Exhibit Q-Special Provisions for CWD and Kent 3 Term 3 1 This Agreement shall take effect on the Effective Date, and shall continue in full force and effect until the earlier of 3 1 1 The date the Project is integrated into and becomes a part of the Second Supply Project 3 1 2 The date the Parties agree that the Project has reached the end of its useful life. 3 2 All obligations incurred during the Tenn shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement until they are satisfied hint 27 2000 4 t r 4 Nature of the Project 4 1 By this Agreement, Kent and Covington are authorizing Tacoma to proceed with design and permitting of the Project 42 It is anticipated that the full Second Supply Project will receive authorization to proceed in 2000 However, if the full project does not proceed, Kent and Covington may give written notice to proceed with construction of the Project in accordance with Exhibit Q 43 The Project shall be designed so that it can be integrated into the Second Supply Project. To that end, the pipeline shall be designed in the right- of-way for and in the alignment of the Second Supply Project 44 The Project shall be designed in a manner consistent with the Project specifications set forth in Exhibit A As consideration for Kent and Covington's acquisition, pursuant to this Agreement, of water capacity rights to be provided by the facilities comprising the Project and the Second Supply Project, Kent and Covington shall be responsible for paying all of the costs incurred by Tacoma to design the Project pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Ownership of the Project shall be vested in and remain with Tacoma. Kent and Covington shall own water capacity rights 45 Tacoma hereby waives and agrees not to assess against Kent and Covington a system development charge in conjunction with the Project pursuant to this Agreement 46 Tacoma shall be responsible for the design of the Project pursuant to the terns and conditions of this Agreement Tacoma shall discharge such responsibilities in a professional and workmanlike manner, and consistent with Prudent Utility Practice for a project of this nature In so doing, Tacoma may use members of its professional staff, employ contractors, and consultants as may be reasonably necessary 47 Tacoma shall be responsible for obtaining, and for keeping in full force and effect during the Term, all permits, licenses, authorizations and regulatory approvals necessary to design, construct, operate and maintain the Project 5 Quality Assurance and Quality Control ,min]] 2000 5 � r Tacoma shall undertake the design of the Project in accordance with the quality assurance and quality control program set forth in Exhibit C 6 Initiation of Project Design 6 1 Upon the execution of this Agreement, Tacoma shall promptly initiate the design needed to commence construction of the Project Such design shall be accomplished in a manner consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 62 Tacoma shall take all commercially reasonable actions to complete the permitting and design of the Project in an expeditious manner as defined by the Preliminary Project Schedule (Exhibit D) and Prelimmary Budget (Exhibit E) 63 Upon the completion of Project design, Tacoma shall send written notification to Kent and Covington that Project design has been completed, and that the Project is ready to be bid and constructed 7 Initiation of Project Construction 7 1 The Project construction will likely proceed as the first phase of work in 2001 under the full Second Supply Project authorization An updated Budget and Schedule for the Second Supply Project will be developed when the project receives full approval by the project participants to proceed 7 2 Construction of the Kent/Covington Section of the Second Supply Pipeline may proceed in accordance with Exhibit Q if the full Second Supply Project does not proceed In such event, a separate Project Budget and Schedule will be developed for this section of pipeline 8 Oversight of Project Design 8 1 During the course of the permitting and design activities described in section 6, members of the Tacoma Project team shall meet with the Kent and Covington personnel (including consultants, if needed) as frequently as necessary to keep Kent and Covington fully informed regarding the progress on the permitting and design of the Project, but in any event no less frequently than once every other month At such meetings, Tacoma shall report to Kent and Covington all significant design activities completed since the prior meeting, all permitting and design activities expected to be completed by the next meeting, the percentage of the June 27 2000 6 } L relevant budget expended to date, the permitting and design activities completed to date relative to the relevant schedule, and any other developments that should be brought to the attention of Kent and Covington to keep them fully advised regarding the Project. 82 Tacoma shall make available to Kent and Covington any and all information, documents, plans and correspondence regarding the permitting and design of the Project that may be reasonably requested by Kent and Covington Kent and Covington shall have access during normal business hours to any and all information, documents, plans and correspondence regarding the permitting and design of the Project, and to the Project site 83 At all meetings held pursuant to subsection 8 1, Tacoma shall solicit from Kent and Covington advice regarding the permitting and design of the Project, and Kent and Covington shall provide Tacoma advice on such topics, which advice shall be consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and with the objective of completing the Project in a manner consistent with the Project Schedule and Design Budget 84 Tacoma shall take into account and incorporate in the Project design the advice so provided by Kent and Covington, if and to the extent Tacoma determines that such action to be reasonable and appropriate 8 5 Kent and Covington will have the right to approve the consultant's scope of work, schedule and budget under which Kent and Covington will be billed, and such approvals will not be unreasonably withheld 86 The Project Schedule and Design Budget shall only be revised by the agreement of the Parties 9 Bilhn2S and Payment for Protect Design and Permitting 9 1 During any period when all or any portion of the Project is being permitted or designed or during any period when the costs of such permitting and design remain outstanding or in litigation, Tacoma shall cause all consultants who seek payment for activities or material related to the Project to forward to Kent and Covington and Tacoma on or before the first or third Thursday of each month an invoice Such invoice shall set forth the amount of payment claimed, the activity, service or material provided, whether the payment is a change order and the contract under which payment is sought In addition, Tacoma may forward to Kent and Covington a separate invoice for costs associated June 27 ]OW 7 with the Project, including but not limited to costs of Tacoma's professional staff, associated overheads and any taxes, which Tacoma has incurred during the preceding calendar month or months for the pennittmg and design of the Project 92 Kent and Covington may request from Tacoma, and Tacoma shall promptly provide to Kent and Covington, any documentation or other infonnation that Kent and Covington may reasonably request to understand the nature of the costs contained on any invoice issued pursuant to subsection 9 1 93 Tacoma shall review all invoices issued pursuant to section 9.1, and shall advise Kent and Covington by the first Monday after the invoice is received if, in Tacoma's judgment, the invoice is properly due and payable 94 Upon receipt of the notification from Tacoma pursuant to subsection 9 3, payment of invoices forwarded to Kent and Covington by any consultant, or by Tacoma shall be due and payable by Kent and Covington to the party issuing the invoice by check or by wire transfer to the bank and account designated by such party not later than the close of business on the second Monday after the invoice is received (Due Date) 95 If payment of any invoice is not received by the party that issued the invoice on or before the Due Date, such payment shall be considered past due, and the amount of such invoice shall accrue a late payment charge for each day that the invoice remains unpaid equal to the product of the amount of the invoice and the daily interest rate pursuant to section 1 1 6 Such charge shall continue to accumulate until the unpaid invoice and all late payment charges are paid in full to the party that issued the invoice 96 If Kent and Covington dispute all or any portion of an invoice issued by Tacoma pursuant to this section 9, Kent and Covington shall pay such invoice in full pursuant to this section 9, and shall indicate in writing to Tacoma the portions of the invoice that Kent and Covington dispute and the reasons therefore The Parties shall make a good faith effort to resolve such dispute If such efforts are unsuccessful, either Party may seek resolution of the dispute pursuant to section 20 9 7 If the resolution of any dispute over an invoice, whether through Agreement of the Parties or by dispute resolution pursuant to section 20, results in the payment of money from Tacoma to Kent and Covington, such payment shall include an Interest Payment for the period ,una 27 2000 8 1 commencing with the date the disputed invoice was paid, and ending on the date the payment resolving the dispute is made to Kent and Covington 10 Audits of Design Invoices 10 1 Kent and Covington shall have the right to audit any invoices issued to Kent and Covington pursuant to section 9, provided that such audit is conducted not later than the third anniversary of the date the invoice was issued 102 During normal business hours, Tacoma shall make available to Kent and Covington any and all documents and information related to any invoice issued pursuant to this Agreement reasonably requested by Kent and Covington in the course of conducting any audit 10 3 Based upon the results of any audit conducted pursuant to this section 10, Kent and Covington may dispute amounts paid pursuant to any invoice on or before the third anniversary of the date the invoice was issued Kent and Covington shall provide Tacoma a written report setting forth the invoice or invoices that are disputed, the amount of payment or payments disputed, and the reasons therefore. The parties shall make a good faith effort to resolve such dispute If such efforts are unsuccessful, either party may seek resolution of the dispute pursuant to section 20 104 If resolution of any such dispute, whether by agreement of the Parties or by dispute resolution pursuant to section 20, results in payment of money from one Party to the other Parry, such payment shall include an Interest Payment for the period commencing with the date the payment was made or should have been made, and ending on the date the payment ending the dispute is made 11 Construction or Tennmation of the Second Supply Protect 11 1 The Parties anticipate that the Project will be integrated into the Second Supply Project If and when that occurs, the payments made by Kent and Covington for the costs of pennittmg and designing the Project pursuant to this Agreement shall be credited against the payment obligation of Kent and Covington for the costs of permitting, designing and constructing the Second Supply Project Interest on such payments made by Kent and Covington will only be included to the credit if and to the extent that the credit for payments made by Tacoma on the Second Supply Project include interest mne 27 2000 9 1 + 12 Notices 12 1 Any notice required or permitted to be given under or pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the other Parry at its address set forth below either (i) in person, (ii) by overnight delivery service, (ill) by first class mail, postage prepaid, or (iv) by facsimile equipment providing confirmation of the completed transmission, if a copy of such facsimile transmission is immediately sent by one of the alternative means set forth in (i), (ii) or (iii) above Notices shall be effective upon receipt If to Kent Public Works Director City of Kent 220 0' Avenue So Kent, WA 98032-5895 If to Covington General Manager Covington Water District 18631 S E 300ffi Place Kent, WA 98042 If to Tacoma Superintendent Tacoma Water P O Box 11007 Tacoma, WA 98411 3628 South 35'1' Street Tacoma, WA 98409 12 2 Either Party may change the address to which notices shall be sent by giving notice of such change in accordance with subsection 12 1 13 Uncontrollable Force 13 1 A Party shall not be in breach of this Agreement as a result of such Parry's failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement when such failure is due to an Uncontrollable Force, to the extent that such Party, despite the exercise of due diligence, is unable to remove such Uncontrollable Force Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to require either Parry to prevent or settle any strike or labor dispute in order to obtain relief under this section 13 13 2 Each Party shall notify the other as soon as practicable of any Uncontrollable Force that may impair performance under this JunL27 2000 10 Agreement Neither Party shall be denied relief from its obligations under this section 13 because of a failure to give notice within a reasonable period except to the extent that such failure increases the losses of the other Party 13 3 This section 13 shall not relieve any Party from the obligation to pay money when due under the terms of this Agreement 14 Assignment Neither Party may assign this Agreement, or all or any part of such Party's rights or obligations under this Agreement, without the prior written consent of the other Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties hereto, their successors and permitted assigns 15 Waivers Except as otherwise provided herein or as agreed to by the Parties, no provision of this Agreement may be waived except as documented or confirmed in writing. Any waiver at any time by a Party of its rights with respect to a default under this Agreement or with any other matter arising in connection therewith, shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or matter Either Parry may waive any notice or agree to accept a shorter notice than specified in this Agreement Such waiver of notice or acceptance of shorter notice by a Party at any time regarding a notice shall not be considered a waiver with respect to any subsequent notice required under this Agreement 16 Invalid Provision The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other provisions hereof, and this Agreement shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provisions were omitted 17 Amendment No change, amendment or modification of any provision of this Agreement shall be valid unless set forth in a written amendment to this Agreement signed by the Parties 18 Entire Agreement and Interpretation ,unt'7 moo I I 18 1 This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement of the Parties, and supersedes any and all prior agreements with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement The rights and obligations of the Parties hereunder shall be subject and governed by this Agreement The headings used herein are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement 182 This Agreement has been jointly drafted by the Parties, and is not to be interpreted or construed against any Party as the drafter of this Agreement 19 Independent Contractors 19 1 Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no Party shall be obligated or liable for any obligation or liability of another Party, and no Party shall have, by virtue of this Agreement, any right, power or authority to incur any obligation or liability of, to act as the agent or representative of, or to otherwise bind another Party 19.2 The Parties hereto are independent entities and shall not be deemed to be partners or j oint-venturers or agents of each other for any purpose whatsoever 20 Dispute Resolution 20 1 Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, any and all disputes arising under this Agreement shall be resolved by binding arbitration pursuant to this section 20 202 The Parties shall make good faith efforts to resolve by informal discussion any dispute arising under or in connection with this Agreement If at any time a Party to a dispute determines that such informal discussions will not result in a resolution, such Party may initiate binding arbitration of any dispute arising under or in connection with this Agreement Any such arbitration shall be conducted pursuant to the rules for commercial arbitration of the American Arbitration Association or the rules of such other non judicial dispute resolution service as agreed to by the Parties to the dispute In any such arbitration proceeding, the Parties to such dispute shall have the rights of discovery available to parties in civil litigation under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 203 The award of the arbitrators shall be final, and may be enforced in any June 27 ,wo 12 court having jurisdiction In making any such award, the arbitrators shall have the authority to grant such relief as they deem appropriate, including without limitation the award of damages and the granting of specific performance 204 Pending the decision in any binding arbitration process pursuant to this section 20, the Parties to such process shall continue to fulfill their respective duties under this Design Agreement 21 Indemnification Each Party hereto agrees to hold harmless, indemnify and defend the other respective Party, its officers, employees and agents from any and all claims for monetary damages due to physical injuries, including without limitation death and property damages, when such claim arises from or the damages is alleged to have been caused by or related to this Agreement, except that said indemnity shall not extend to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of a Party, or its officers, employees or agents 22 Third Party Beneficiaries 22 1 Except as specifically provided in subsection 22 2, none of the provisions of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of or be enforceable by any third party 22.2 The Parties intend that the parties to the Second Supply Project Agreement shall have the same rights as those granted to Kent and Covington pursuant to section 8 23 Duty of Good Faith The Parties agree that in taking actions or making determinations required or provided for under this Agreement, each shall act with fairness and in good faith 24 Execution in Counterparts This Agreement may be executed in three counterparts, any of which shall be regarded for all purposes as one original The Parties agree to execute any and all deeds, instruments, documents and resolutions necessary to give effect to the terms of this Agreement 25 Signature Clause June 27 2000 � f Each of the undersigned signatories represents and warrants that he has all necessary and proper authorization to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the Party on the behalf of which he is signing lun<?, 2000 14 COVINGTON WATER DISTRICT CITY OF TACOMA By m By 15�s ornsby, resident Mark Crisson Board of Commissioners Director of Utilities B By David R Knig t, Secr ry Kenne Merry Board of Cormnisioners Water uperintendent By %2 Approved as to Form General Manager By Mark Bubenik Appro as to F Chief Assistant City Attorney By 0 � K C Cayce General Counsel CITY OF KENT By m Whrte 7-1/-o0 Mayor By Don Wickstrom Public Works Director Approved"as to Foorin, ' / j By i[ v1�(/� I /lam 1.�' liL , rOv Roger Lubovich City Attorney Project Specifications • Pipeline Material Specifications: The pipe and appurtenance materials will be as determined earlier in the preliminary design for the Second Supply Project. The pipe will be of spiral welded steel with coal tar enamel on the exterior and polyurethane lining in the interior The pipeline involves approximately 4 2 miles of 60" diameter and 5 0 miles of 72" diameter pipe The pipeline will be buned except for the bridged crossing over the Green River The short connection from Pipeline No 1 to this pipeline is expected to be 24" diameter The pipe and appurtenances will be provided in accordance with AWWA Standards and Tacoma's standard technical specifications The design life of the pipeline is expected to be over 100 years. • Pipeline Route The pipeline connects to Tacoma's Pipeline No. 1 approximately 9000 feet downstream of Tacoma's Headworks Control Building The pipeline continues westerly in the Second Supply Pipeline right of way consisting of an old railroad right of way, undeveloped land, crossings of private, City of Black Diamond and King County roads, along the John Henry Coal Mine, through a gravel mine and along acquired easements along Lake Sawyer Road This section of the pipeline will end at the intersection of SE 304th Street and Lake Sawyer Road. See attached map- Exhibit B • Metering and Telemetry: A connection with meter and associated telemetry at the end of the pipeline will be designed later, if needed. If the full Second Supply Project proceeds, the metered connections will be at other designated locations May 9,2000 Exhibit A IN N .etiev + JJ J� r RO ]o r S JS Je J] F �f1 k s a 1S 1 ]] M 1 121 N f.fo 5 ] + 11*10POSE D �. SECONDSUPPLY PIPELINE 4 t� WL + H W / 2 `aKL FUTUR SSP y STATE PARK �/ ��O `�♦ aS�EXISTING PPELINE t C F / �G� EADWORKS 44• ! S CONTROL BUILDING 8 �- 20 21 ]] 2] 21 W w Q / EXISTING \ ig€ ]° PIPELINE NO. \ ]e 17 ]L 25 \J Jo DEEP L ��b J•Z�' WL /WETLANDS KENT/COVINGTON SECTION OF WW /WATERWAYS THE SECOND SUPPLY PIPELINE iN EXHIBIT B f f F E EL 0 Amam /&tl r 33 ]5 L \ + J 1]OF ]D Pi'" ]6 l WIL 1 22 w ` OJ EXIST PIPELINE . p1 N - �P 5 .,. wL WL Age WL ] 5 $ 11 6# 6 2w + - e Sa=iS_4Fu FU eryi" f IDEA U E SSP ui 1 Pu. ME : iu �) 6 e e + 2 20 6I.ACS " r 1x .r DIAMOND r �'• W W 2AU LAE 2 4 — _.... . WL =' --- — — -- — Ls � 11 SECOND SUPPLY IPELINE ww WL _--- $ 6B • , _ 5 + . 110 + + 2 32 W a atria l� n e ss5 2e )1YYY t2 M 15 � gaga C - 4 ga E E E _ - - � - - fl LM�E + + �I]2 + KENT/COVINGTON SECTION OF THE SECOND SUPPLY PIPELINE e « E>C T ie i A• Ams l 9Ol Protect Quality Assurance Procedures Conceptual design developed by Tacoma, other Project participants, and consultant design leads/experts 20% Design Level CH2M Designfrech Memos J JHDR Designfrech Memos MW Design/Tech Memos CH2M QA/QC HDR QA/QC MW QA/QC CH2M Prol Mgr Review T R C Review TRC=Technical Review Committee 'Sr CH2M, HDR, MW&Tupac experts (4) SSP Partner Workshop -Review @ concept&20% 65% Design Level CH2M Design HDR Design Mont Watson Design CH2M QA/QC HDR QA/QC MW QA/QC CH2M Prot Mgr Review Tacoma/Partner Review Contractor Review 95% Design Level CH2M Design HDR Design Mont Watson Design CH2M QAIQC HDR QA/QC MW QAIQC CH2M Prot Mgr Review Tacoma/Partner Review 100% Design Level CH2M Design HDR Design Mont Watson Design CH2M QA/QC HDR QAIQC MW QAIQC CH2M/Tac Pro? Mgr Reviews Final Dwgs/Specs 4/17/00 Exhibit C 4 s ° s 5 � s ' i V y 2 i ' r R 01 Y j lif� ! it oa Is m 'm in Is to Is in m R in m Is is n a is is is Is m ;a In m M 'Im im gee m m o n e °. a s 9 C S N 3 r B B R F R F! 10 1A W R R R A 300d .xd3 oo^o£rid.j2 INN I:QI 99'TT Oo, L"V-9C Preliminary Budget Summary of Estimated Tacoma and Consultant Costs for Design and Permitting of the Kent/Covington Section of the Second Supply Pipeline Tacoma Costs S250,000 Page 2 attached for details Consultant Costs S1,609,000 Page 3 attached for details Total Estimate S1,859,000 Exhibit E Kent/Covmgton Agreement May 2,2000 Page I of 3 Preliminary Budget Tacoma Costs: Estimated Tacoma Water (In-house) design/administration costs for the for the Kent/Covington Section* of the Second Supply Pipeline Task Hours Budget Management/Admen 900 $70,000 Design 800 $50,000 Clearing** 0 $50,000 Surveying 700 $30,000 Specs/drawings 750 $30,000 Permit fees 0 $20,000 TOTAL 3,150 $250,000 *PL##1 to SE 304th St &Lake Sawyer Road with Tacoma designing the section from SR169 to SE 304th St **Clearing by contractor sufficient for surveying (20' wide strip) Exhibit E Kent/Covington Agreement June 6, 2000 Page 2 of 3 Second Supply Project Consultant Budget for Final Design- Kent/Covington Section Task Task Name Hours Labor$$ Expenses CDC Cost Total$$ 101 1 Administration Services 180 13,128 1,610 0 14,738 101 2 Pro ram Manager 320 39,060 3,649 0 42,709 101 3 Regulatory Program Management 101 3 1 Overall Project Regulatory Strategy 200 25,720 1,286 0 27,006 101 34 Auburn Narrows Mite ation Site 88 11,120 556 0 11,676 101 3 5 Project GIS 54 4,974 249 0 5,223 205 1 Permit Acquisition/Assistance AESI 18,100 1,4401 19,540 205 1 1 Permit-U S Army Corpof Engineers 24 2,256 113 0 2,369 205 1 2 Permit-WA Dept of Fisheries 48 4,488 224 0 4,712 205 1 3 Permit-Dept of Ecology 48 4,488 224 0 4,712 205 1 4 Permit-WA Dept of Natural Resources 32 3,000 150 0 3,150 205 1 6 Permit-WA Department of Health 46 4,198 210 0 4,408 20518 Permit-King County 124 12,864 643 0 13,507 205 1 13 Permit-City of Black Diamond 60 6,040 302 0 6,342 205 1 16 Permit Railroads 541 5,170 259 01 5,429 2060 Permit Conditions and Compliance Plan 96 8,882 444 0 9,326 207 0 King Cc CMP Implementation 52 4,974 249 0 5,223 209 1 Permit Set up/Track/Report 100 9,244 462 0 9,706 209 2 Perm ittin /Desi n Coordination 254 39,188 1,959 0 41,147 2107 Geotechnical Permitting Support 62 6,440 322 0 6,762 2209 BPA/Pu et Coordination 50 5,783 289 0 6,072 211 1 2 Lining/Coating Lining/Coating 18 1,844 20 134 1,998 2140 Corrosion Protection 2141 Induced Current and Voltages 1161 11,020 1,264 01 12,284 2142 Stray Current 24 2,231 259 0 2,490 2143 Corrosion Recommendations 140 13,766 1,358 134 15,258 2201 -.MaDpinq 318 30,940 5,944 2,665 39,549 2202 Surveying 78 6,585 0 654 7,239 2202 Surveying- INCA 1,956 131,750 10,750 0 142,500 2203 Special Crossings Verification 384 41,446 1,821 1,542 44,809 22032 Special Crossings- Upper RR Crossing 70 6,552 900 587 8,039 2221 Water Treatment Evaluation 24 2,686 0 201 2,887 301 0 Geotechnical Design (Investigation) 321 4,160 405 0 4,565 301 0 Shannon & Wilson Geotech Design (Investigation) 1,1311 98,533 1,770 27,355 127,658 301 2 Mile 1 7 to 8 0 48 5,876 0 402 6,278 3021 Civil 3021 2 Mile 1 7 to 8 0 1,840 211.329 5,343 15,419 232,091 302 1 3 Std Dtis-Trnch, bkfll, eyrnt, valves, pipe, etc 8 72 7,972 1,792 603 10,367 3022 Cost Estimate &coordinate Mothers 116 10,042 0 9721 11,014 3022 Environmental Control Procedures 1,962 199,617 22,047 01 221,664 30221 Mile 1 7 to 2 2 8 1,040 0 67 1,107 302 2 2 Mile 2 2 to 8 0 1101 12,438 0 922 13,360 302 3 Cathodic Protection Design 302 3 1 Mile 1 7 to 2 2 210 19,691 2,276 0 21,967 362 3 2 Mile 2 2 to 8 0 232 23,055 1,947 436 25,438 30233 Mile 8 0 to 10 7 (TPU Portion) 164 15,415 1,779 0 17,194 30234 Coatings, Special Crossings, Misc Corrosion 72 7,252 805 0 8,057 306 Structural 960 86,355 4,318 12,500 103,173 307 Drawings 1,148 106,764 32,264 9,620 148,648 308 Specifications 423 43,756 1,003 2,883 47,642 3081 Specifications- P1 Vault 33 3,551 400 277 4,227 302 1 6 Sec Coordination and processing for others 96 9,176 0 804 9,980 309 Project Administrative Services 900 59,360 8"03 0 67,863 403 1 Construction Mgt(Bidding Assistance 48 5,608 I 287 0 5,895 TOTALS 14,625 $1,408,926 $120.457 $79,617 $1,609,000 Exhibit E 6127/00 Page 3 of 3 Special Provisions for CWD and Kent- The Covington Water District (Covington) and the City of Kent (Kent) have a mutual need to receive deliveries of firm water from the Second Supply Project (Project) at the earliest date possible To achieve this objective, Covington and/or Kent desire to complete the design, permitting and construction of the upper portion of the Project pipeline without further delay The upper portion is located beginning from a point approximately 9000 feet west of the Headworks Control Building to S E 3040i Street Covington and/or Kent will enter into an agreement with Tacoma for the design and permitting of full Project capacity in this upper portion of the Project pipeline. It is expected that this agreement will be approved in June 2000, at which time the design team led by CH2M/Hill will immediately proceed with this work with an estimated completion date of March 2001. Covington and/or Kent will pay for the cost of this design work and contract management will be done by Tacoma. All costs associated with this work will be considered reimbursable costs to be shared by Project partners in accordance with the Second Supply Project Agreement. During the remainder of the year 2000 and while the design work described above is proceeding, Tacoma expects to receive an Incidental Take Permit from the U S Fish & Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service pursuant to its Green River Habitat Conservation Plan Also, Tacoma plans to finalize and approve the Second Supply Project Agreement with Project partners, finalize the financing plan for the Project, and seek final approval from the Tacoma Public Utility Board and Tacoma City Council to proceed with completion of the Project It is anticipated that the timing of these events will be such that transition from design to construction of the portion of the project most critical to Covington and Kent can proceed smoothly An assessment of progress on the Tacoma efforts described immediately above will be made periodically during the design period If it becomes evident at some point that approval to proceed with the full Project will likely be delayed, Covington and/or Kent may initiate construction of the upper portion of the Project pipeline through a written request to Tacoma The upper portion will be sized to provide full Project capacity The costs of this construction will be paid by Covington and/or Kent with all funds expended to be credited to their obligation of the full Project costs June 27, 2000 Page 1 of 2 Exhibit Q If a decision is made by Covington and/or Kent prior to the end of 2002 to construct the upper portion of the Project pipeline, Tacoma will commit to provide water to Kent and/or Covington as described below Upon completion of construction, Tacoma will provide firm supplies to Covington and Kent of up to 10 MGD (5 MGD each) during the summer months (June 15�' to September 15`h) until 2007 unless proportionately reduced by drought or emergency conditions After 2007, the amount will reduce by 2 MGD (1 MGD each) each year as so. 2007 10 MGD 2009 8 MGD 2009 6 MGD 2010 4 MGD 2011 2 MGD 2012 0 MGD Kent and Covington can receive additional water on an as available basis year around Tacoma will receive its pubhshed Constant Use Customer wholesale rate for the water delivered to Covington and Kent. In the event the design or construction of the upper portion of the Project pipeline were to initiate any mitigation concerns, Tacoma commits to work with the involved parties to assure that the applicable mitigation agreements will be implemented upon use of Second Diversion water rights If at some point after construction of the upper portion is completed, Kent and Covington desire to extend this pipeline to Tacoma's Headworks Building, they may provide Tacoma written notice of that desire Once the Project pipeline is extended to the Headworks, and mitigation and permitting issues with applicable agencies are resolved, Covington and/or Kent will each be entitled to 1/9 of the Second Diversion water in accordance with the intent of the provisions in the Second Supply Project Agreement Other parties may share in the cost of this extension in accordance with the intent of the provisions in the Second Supply Project Agreement rune 27,2000 Page 2 of 2 Exhibit Q