HomeMy WebLinkAbout4308 Instrument Number: 20190211000061 Document:ORD Rec: S105.00 Page-1 of 7 Record Date:2/11/2019 7:48 AM Electronically Recorded King County,WA AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON STATE RECORDER'S COVER SHEET DOCUMENT TITLE(S): 1. City of Kent Ordinance No. 4308 Relating to Dedicating Right-of-way REFERENCE NUMBER(S) OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED OR RELEASED: N/A GRANTOR(S): 1. City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation GRANTEE(S): 1. City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation PARCEL NUMBER: 7830800410 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Full legal description is located on pages 5 and 6 of Ordinance PROJECT NAME: Morrill Meadows Park and SE 2481h Street Instrument Number: 201 9021 1 000061 Document:ORD Rec: 8105.00 Page-2 of 7 Record Date:2/11/2019 7:48 AM King Count,,WA �1 I i i i ORDINANCE NO. 4308 i I AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, repealing Ordinance No. 4302 and right of way dedications made therein, and through this ordinance dedicating as right of way a portion of City-owned property located at Morrill Meadows Park and abutting SE 248th Street, authorizing the Mayor to sign all documents necessary to finalize and define the dedications authorized by this ordinance, and directing the City Clerk to re cord a certified copy of this amending ordinance upon its passage. I RECITALS I A. In July of 2018, the City of Kent and the YMCA of Greater Seattle finalized documents that memorialized their collaborative project to construct a YMCA facility and park improvements within Morrill Meadows I Park. The project's development requires construction of a number of frontage improvements, including the widening of a portion of SE 2481h Street, the installation of a left turn lane at the YMCA's entrance, the construction of sidewalks, and the undergrounding of utilities. B. In order for the YMCA to construct the required frontage fimprovements, it is necessary for the City to dedicate and define a portion of City-owned land at Morrill Meadows for right of way purposes. Morrill a 1 Repeal Ordinance No. 4302 and III Dedication of Public Right of Way at Morrill Meadows Park and SE 248th Street i Instrument Number: 201 9021 1 000061 Document:ORD Rec: S105.00 Page-3 of 7 Record Date:2/11/2019 7:48 AM King County,WA Meadows Park is also generally referred to as King County Tax Parcel No. 783080-0410, and the south 12 feet of a portion of that parcel, as legally described in this ordinance, will be dedicated as City right of way. This dedication will formally establish and define the boundaries of the right of way, which is necessary due to others who make use of City rights of way, including utility, cable, and telecommunication providers. C. On December 11, 2018, Council adopted Ordinance No. 4302, which dedicated a larger right of way and utility access area that included future needs along the full length of SE 248th Street along Morrill Meadows Park. However, dedicating a larger area for future needs would have triggered conversion and replacement property requirements on prior grants the City acquired from the state Recreation and Conservation Office ("RCO"). As a result, staff worked with interested utility providers to limit the right of way to the smallest area of land necessary for current development purposes. In order to revise the right of way dedication to this smaller area, this ordinance repeals Ordinance No. 4302 and redefines the right of way dedication. D. Although Ordinance No. 4302 directed the City Clerk to record a certified copy of that ordinance, there was an error in the electronic process that resulted in the ordinance not being recorded. Therefore, once the right of way area is dedicated through Council's adoption of this ordinance, the City Clerk will be directed to record a certified copy of this ordinance with the King County Recorder's Office. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 2 Repeal Ordinance No. 4301 and Dedication of Public Right of Way at kk I Morrill Meadows Park and SE 1481 Street I Instrument Number: 20190211000061 Document:ORD Rec: S105.00 Page-4 of 7 Record Date:2/11/2019 7:48 AM King CountNI,WA ORDINANCE SECTION 1, - Repealer. Ordinance No. 4302, adopted by the City Council on December 11, 2018, is hereby repealed in its entirety. I SECTION 2. - Dedication of Right of Wax. The south 12 feet of { City-owned real property legally described on the attached and incorporated Exhibit A is hereby dedicated for right of way purposes, including without limitation roadway, sidewalk, and pedestrian path improvements and utility undergrounding and installation. I SECTION 3. - Mayor Authorized to Finalize and Sinn. The Mayor is authorized to sign all documents necessary to finalize and define the dedications authorized by this ordinance. SECTION 4. - City Clerk to Record Ordinance. The City Clerk is hereby directed to attach an appropriate cover sheet and record a certified copy of this ordinance with the King County Recorder's Office. SECTIONS. - Severabilitv. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. ?� SECTION 6, - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and f` be in force 30 days from and after its passage as provided by law. �i i DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved 3 Repeal Ordinance No. 4302 and Dedication of Public Right of Way at Morrill Meadows Park and SE 248th Street Instrument Number: 201 9021 1 000061 Document:ORD Rec: S105.00 Page-5 of 7 Record Date:2/11/2019 7:48 AM King CountN,WA ATTEST: I , KIMBERLEY A. MOTO, CITY LERK Date do ted _ °� 8 1 9 Date Pub ished APPROVED AS TO FORM: Cr R H AT" FITZPATR CITY ATTORNEY P\C-0\0rd--,—\Repea1 Ord a3g2 and Dedicate Right or war-2aBm S—t YMCA-Monty Meadows d— i State of Washington _ County of King CERTIFICATION City of Kent ��^__� I KIMBMLEY A. KOMOTO, clerk of the City of Kent, t r Washington,do hereby certify that tire document on k of 4� which this stamp is imprinted is a true and correct copy of said original as it appears on file and of fecord in my t(eO0r044tE office andofthe whole thereofIN71STIMONYWHEREoF �,it SEAL have affixed this seal of the city t office in *r Kent.Washington on this date f o "f rr M�~ xsM` KllAj0.MEY A.KOMOTO M{_LE tyClerk i 4 Repeal Ordinance No. 4302 and Dedication of Public Right of Way at Morrill Meadows Park and SE 248th Street Instrument Number: 201 9021 1 000061 Document:ORD Rec: S105.00 Page-6 of 7 Record Date:2/11/2019 7:48 AM King County,WA EXHIBIT A TAX LOT 7830800410 THE SOUTH 12,00 FEET OF THE EAST 840.00 FEET OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL, LOTS 25, 26 AND 27, R.O. SMITH'S ORCHARD TRACTS ADDITION TO KENT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 12 OF PLATS, PAGE 27, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON: EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT 27, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 27; THENCE SOUTH 89"IT25" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 27, FOR A DISTANCE OF 14.08 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 3°30 06" EAST ALONG AN EXISTING FENCE FOR A DISTANCE OF 126.34 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89°1 T25"WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 24.05 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 27; THENCE NORTH 01°01'23" EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE FOR A DISTANCE OF 126 00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THE SOUTH 1.5 FEET THEREOF CONVEYED IN DEED UNDER RECORDING NO. 9809303437; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF 108TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST, AS VACATED BY CITY OF KENT ORDINANCE NO. 3766, UNDER RECORDING NO. 20060110000426, BEING THE EAST 30.00 FEET OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W,M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN SOUTHEAST 248TH STREET; TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING WEST OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 89'17'11" WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 1919.02 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00°26 03" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET, TO THE NORTH MARGIN OF SOUTHEAST 248TH STREET AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 00026'03" EAST, ALONG AN EXISTING FENCE, A DISTANCE OF 629.08 FEET, TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF. AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER AND THAT PORTION OF 108TH AVENUE SOUTHEAST, AS VACATED BY CITY OF KENT ORDINANCE NO. 3766, UNDER RECORDING NO. 20060110000426 IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER ALL IN SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. AND OF LOT 25 OF R. O. SMITH'S ORCHARD TRACTS ADDITION Instrument Number: 201 9021 1 000061 Document:ORD Rec: S105.00 Page-7 of 7 Record Date:2/11/2019 7:48 AM King County,WA TO KENT AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 12 OF PLATS, PAGE 27, IN KING COUNTY RECORDS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M.; THENCE NORTH 88'43'15" WEST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH HALF OF SAID SECTION 20, A DISTANCE OF 2,355.69 FEET; THENCE NORTH 1016 45" EAST, PERPENDICULAR TO SAID SOUTH LINE, 30.00 FEET TO THE NORTH MARGIN OF SOUTHEAST 248TH STREET, AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE, CONTINUING NORTH 1°16'45" EAST, 323.00 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 353.00 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 20; THENCE NORTH 88'43'15" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 297.28 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1'16'45" WEST, PERPENDICULAR TO SAID SOUTH LINE, 213.00 FEET, TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 140 FEET OF THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 20; THENCE SOUTH 88'43115" EAST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 252.28 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1'16'45"WEST, PERPENDICULAR TO SAID SOUTH LINE, 110.00 FEET, TO THE NORTH MARGIN OF SOUTHEAST 248TH STREET; THENCE SOUTH 88'43'15" EAST ALONG SAID NORTH MARGIN 45.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. (ALSO KNOWN AS ADJUSTED PARCEL "B" OF CITY OF KENT LLA LL-2018-2 RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 20180613001395) 3, .�reh��W„ a✓v*v ~h+lv.vrtvva.+ - /�. �2 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING ) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd,being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to,published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Kent Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter(and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on February 8, 2019. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$157. Polly e erd Publisher, nt Reporter Subscribed d s orn to me this 8th day of February, 2019. GALE `�� ••o�t�tSSiO,v���n Gale Gwin,No ary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Covington,Washington C„ NOTq Ry CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL The following are summaries of the ordinances passed by the Kent City Council on February 5, 2019. ORDINANCE NO. 4306 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, granting to new Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC and its affiliates, successors and assigns, the right, privilege, authority and non- exclusive franchise for five years, to construct, maintain, operate, replace and repair a small cell telecommunications network, in across, over, along, under, through and below certain designated pubic rights-of-way of the City of Kent, Washington. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4307 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, approving the consolidating budget adjustments made between December 1, 2018 and December 30, 2018, reflecting an overall budget increase of $820,500. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 5 days after publication, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4308 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, repealing Ordinance No. 4302 and right-of-way dedications made therein, and through this ordinance dedicating as right-of-way a portion of City-owned property located at Morrill Meadows Park and abutting SE 248th Street, authorizing the Mayor to sign all documents necessary to finalize and define the dedications authorized by this ordinance, and directing the City Clerk to record a certified copy of this amending ordinance upon its passage. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. A copy of the complete text of any ordinance or resolution will be mailed upon request of the City Clerk. Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk 12 Friday,February 8,2019 Kent Reporter ' ;a r / ' click!www.soundclassifieds.com eniail!classified@soundpublishing.com call toll free! 1.888.399.3999 or 1.800,388,2527 Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Le Nt _ gal Notices Legal Notices ^..,.� ;d►: .. - The following are sum- effect and be in force 30 this project, which pro- cution of binding agree- City for more informa- -� '. merles of the ordinances days from antl after its poses to amend the City merits by the Applicant/ tion. For TDD relay set- passed by the Kent City passage, as provided by of Kent Zoning Code Owner with Kent to miti- vice, call Council on February 5, law. section 15.04 to allow gate identified environ- 1-800-833-6388 or the 2019. A copy of the complete certain types of ad- mental impacts. These City of Kent at I estateORDINANCE NO. 4306 text of any ordinance or vanced manufacturing In improvements and/or (253)856-5725. at estate -AN ORDINANCE o f resolution will be mailed the Downtown Commer- agreements may Include Published In the Kent t I I I 1 the City Council of the upon request of the City cial Enterprise (DCE) improvements to road- Reporter Friday, Feb ru- ' City of Kent, Washing- Clerk. zone. The amendment ways, intersections and ary 8,2019#844087 ton,granting to new Cin- Kimberley A. Komoto, includes several criteria intersection traffic sig- INTHESUPERIOR Real Estate for sale Apartments for Rant gular Wireless PCs,LLC City Clerk and design re uirements I(lag county King county AnnounaemeMa and its affiliates,succes- Published in the Kent in order to integrate car- riots, stormwater deten- COURT OF aiaao,Kin 9 tion, treatment and con- WASHINGTON KENT PROMOTE YOUR RE- sors and assigns, the Reporter February 8, tain advanced manufac- veyance, utilities, sani- FOR KING COUNTY - .. Scenic Vista GIONAL EVENT state- right, privilege, authority 20194843638 turing uses into Kent's tary sewerage and do- In Re The Estate of: C.- Senior Apartments wide with a$325 classi- and non-exclusive fran- VALLEY MEDICAL downtown, limit truck im- mastic water systems. HENRY J. 26404 104th Ave BE fied listing or$1,575 for cries for five years, to CENTER pacts, and ensure Compliance with Kent's FRANGELLO, ��- Kent,WA 98030 a display ad. Cell this construct, maintain, op- District Healthcare quality site design. Design and Construction Deceased. Apartments Now newspaper or 360-344- erate, replace and repair C Standards may require No.18-4-06252-4 KNT System omments are due for Available 2938 for details. a small cell telecommu- NOTICE OF BOARD the above project by the deeding/ dedication PROBATE NOTICE Beautiful 1&2 BRs, WASHINGTON Dl- nications network, in MEETING 4,30 n.m. Fri dav Febru- df right-of-way for identi- TO CREDITORS starting at: VORCE-SEPARATION, across, over, along, un- Notice is hereby given 1Y to City of Tied improvements. (RCW 11.40-030) ReSlaurenV 1 BR-$946/mo. $130. $175 with chit, der, through and below that meetings of the Val- Kent Planning Services. Compliance with Title The personal represen- Event Center 2 BRs-$1130/mo. dren. NO COURT AP- certain designated pubic ley Medical Center For more Information, 11.03 and Title 11.06 of tative named below has Seat 90+ in this vintage Cr?Section 8accepled. pEARANCES. Includes rights•of-way of the City Board of Trustees will be contact Kent Planning the Kent City Code may been appointed as per- building located in the "- Income Limas Apply. property, bills, custody, of Kent,Washington. held as follows: Services at 220 Fourth require the conveyance sonai representative of Can- middle of new large Call Susan support Complete prep This ordinance shall take The Valley Medical Avenue S., Kent, WA of Sensitive Area Tracts this estate. Any person master plan community 253-520-9876 station of documents. effect and be in force 30 ter Board of Trustees Fi- 98032, Telephone: to the City of Kent in having a claim against at Ten Trails in Black TDD:711 Legal Alternatives, 503- days from and after its nance, Facilities and (253)856-5454. the decedent must, be- master g A person re order a preserve trees, Diamond with 6,000 new ThisinstifurionisanEquai 772-5295. www.para- Passage, as provided by Audit Committee will be sa li requiring a regulate the location and fore the time the claim residents over the next OpportunityE oyerProv�rand legalalternatives.com ORDINANCE NO. 4307 Board law. held t Room pat Vallee lion bshould contact of a density of development othelnvise barred pllcable 20 years! The building Y based upon known has had a new roof on - AN ORDINANCE of Medical Center, Renton City for more informa- statute of limitations, the addition ( Lost the CityCouncil of the WA, on Tuesday, Febru- tion. For TDD relay ser- physical constraints present the claim In the portion), KENT Y such as steep and/or un- Ci of Kent, Washing- a 19,2019. vice, cell stable slopes or prox- manner as provided in new lighting installed h' 9- rY Scenic Vista tan, a 1-800-833-6388 or the RCW on or m b and prepped for new pproving the con- The Valley Board will imi to lakes, or to y zone heating.NC zoning Senior solidating budget adjust- hold a Board meeting at City of Kent at maintain or enhance we' serving on or mailing to has great flexibility plus Apartments ments made between 1:30 p.m. in the Board (253)856-5725. ter the personal rsonal nta- possibllity for B t units p December 1, 2018 and Room at Valley Medical Published in the Kent with q the provisions n of rive t the personal rep- possibility a artment with 2 26404 104th Ave SE December 30, 2018, re- Center, Renton WA on Reporter Friday, Febru- P the address attorney at p a 8,2019#844090 Chapter 6.12 of the Kent the atltlress stated be- bedrooms plus a dent Kent,WA 98030 flecting an overall bud- Tuesday, February 19, ry I ^' ;�uY ` et increase of 2019. City Code may require low a copy of the claim full bath.$6McCai Apartments Now �t ,pT g CITY OF KENT provisions for mass tran• and filing the original of Pam McCain Available i3�n $820,500. BOARD OF TRUSTEES PUBLIC NOTICE sit adjacent to the site. the claim with the court 253-569-6858 Beautiful 1&2 BRs tiB`�' effect andThis in shall takee 5 (District Healthcare Sys- DETERMINATION OF In addition to the above, in which the probate pro- 0 starting at: � � ''�- days after publication,as By:Kathryn Holland NONSIGNIFICANCE Kent follows revisions to ceedings were com- b'J��� 1 BR•$946/mo - -_ Pursuant to KCC 11.03, the Washington State menced.The claim must p e Executive Assistant to 2 BRs-$1130/mo �-4 ORDINANCE NO. 4308 the Board of Environments. - Policy, Environmental Policy be presented within the Section Sam ted. the Cityof Kent has is- Act, Chapter 197-11 later of: (1) Thirty days Income Limits > =� - AN ORDINANCE of Trustees Hear? PpN LOST CAT- Black and the City Council of the #830109 sued a threshold deter- WAC (effective which im- after the personal repre- Call Susan About white longhair adult male City of Kent, Washing- 2/8/19,2115/19 initiation for the follow- bar en 1997),ES which 24 mailed t served or MoveInS lalsif tuxedo. gSmall white ton repealing Ordinance mg: elements E609 land madto the notice to the t P 9 CITY OF KENT Determination of Nonsig- and which 6o94, and creditor as provided 11.4o 20 253-520-9876 patch on left upper lip. No. 4302 and right-Of- PUBLIC NOTICE nificance(DNS)for: rules which took effect der RCW 11.40.020 When it comes to TDD•711 His name is Puss-Puss. way dedications made DETERMINATION OF MINIWAREHOUSES on May 10, 2014 in re- (1)(c);or(2)four months employment, This Institution is an Equal Last seen in the Costco therein, and through this NONSIGNIFICANCE ENV-2018-24, sponse to 2ESSB 6406 after the date of first Opportunity Prov/derand area of Covington on ordinance dedicating as Pursuant to KCC 11.03, KIVA#RPSW-2185147 passed by the State publication of the notice. SoundC/�sifieUs Employer 11/30/18, but could be right-of-way a portion of Environmental Policy, Compliance with Kent's Legislature in2012. If the claim Is not pre- has it all...the MMMEMMmiles from home. fl you City-owned property lo- the City of Kent has is- Comprehensive Plan, Comments are due for sented within this time Whether you're or someone you know cated at Morrill Mead- sued a threshold deter- the Washington State the above project by frame,the claim Is forev- latest job buying or selling, have seen or are feeding ows Park and abutting mination for the follow- Growth Management Act 4,30 p.m.- Friday. Febru- er barred,except as oth- o ennin s, the a stray tuxedo, please BE 248th Street, author- ing: (GMA), The Local Pro- ary 2 01°,to City of erwise provided in RCW P 9 call 253-639-2797.Large izing the Mayor to sign Determination of Nonsi- ect Review Act ESHB Kent Planning Services. 11.40.051 and has n all.From 9 1 ( 11.40.060.This bar is ef- REWARD if found! 9,educational automobiles and all documents necessary niDVANe(DNS)for: 1724 and EBB 6Con- For more Information, festive as to claims opportunities employment to real to finalize and define the ADVANCED Kent's Design and Con- contact Kent Planning against both the claims Legal Notices dedications authorized MANUFACTURING struction Standards Services at 220 Fourth estate are household dent's probate and non- dece- an more by this ordinance, and IN DCE ((Ordinance 3' M' and Avenue S., Kent, WA probate assets. goods,you'll rind CITY OF KENT directing the City Clerk ENV-2018-25, Concur an Manage- 98032, Telephone: everything you need NOTICE OF to record a certified copy KIVA#RPSW-2185201 merit (Chapter 12.11, (253)856-5454. Date of First 24 hours a clay at ORDINANCES of this amending ordi- The City of Kent has Kent City Code will y P requiring Publication: y 9 ty ty ) An person re uirin a SOUNDCLASSIFIEDS.COM wwwsoundclassireds.com PASSED BY THE nonce upon its passage. initiated a non-project require concurrent im- disability accommoda- Continued on CITY COUNCIL This ordinance shall take environmental review for provements or the ease- tion should contact the nextitage... Measuringupt® ':� i �.1� ��1.I ' � ', i � 1�� �;� �, 111., i l , l � , � I , I � I , , � ,, 1� ,1 �� , ! 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