HomeMy WebLinkAbout4290 ORDINANCE NO. 4290 i AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Sections 12.13.160 and 12.13.170 of the Kent City Code to adjust school impact fee schedules and the maximum allowable school impact fees. RECITALS A. The City of Kent has adopted a school impact fee program as authorized by the State Growth Management Act (GMA) and RCW 82.02.050. B. Chapter 12.13 of the Kent City Code (KCC) requires that the Capital Facilities Plans of school districts be submitted to the City of Kent on an annual basis for City Council review, and that this review must occur in conjunction with any update of the Capital Facilities Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The City Council has reviewed the Capital Facilities Plans submitted by the school districts. C. The Kent, Federal Way, Auburn and Highline School Districts have requested amendments to the text of Kent City Code to reflect proposed changes to impact fees. D. On September 18, 2018, the City provided the required 60 day notification under RCW 36.70A.106 to the State of Washington of the 1 School Impact Fees - 2018-2019 City's proposed amendment to the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan and Chapter 12.13 of the KCC. The 60 day notice period has passed and by operation of law is deemed approved. E. After a public hearing before the City Council on November 6, 2018, the City Council on December 11, 2018, approved Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-2018-4 to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, Auburn and Highline School Districts, and changes to the Kent City Code to reflect impact fees as follows: (1) for the Kent School District, increasing the school impact fee for single-family units to $5,397, and for multifamily units to $2,279; (2) for the Federal Way School District, increasing the school impact fee for single-family units to $7,221, and for multifamily units to $8,755; (3) for the Auburn School District, increasing the school impact fee for single-family units to $5,716, and increasing the school impact fee for multifamily units to $4,488; and (4) for the Highline School District, increasing the school impact fee for single-family units to $2,573 and for multifamily units to $3,646. F. In order to implement the new impact fee schedules referenced above, it is necessary to amend KCC 12.13.160. G. In addition, the maximum allowable school impact fees as set forth in KCC 12.13.170 are increased to $8591 for single-family dwellings, and $8,755 for multifamily dwelling units. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Amendment. Section 12.13.160 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended as follows: 2 School Impact Fees - 2018-2019 I Sec. 12.13.160. Base fee schedule. The following fee shall be assessed for the indicated types of development: School Single-Family Multifamily Multifamily District Studio Kent, $5.3975 ' $2,2792-,2�rvu $0.00 No. 415 Federal $7.22144�48-G8 $8_,,,75.58,38r6„Op 0.00 Way, No. 210 Auburn, $5,7163T324-.&6 $4,4882"981- 9 0.00 No. 408 Highline, $2.573` ,�S $3,6463462-88 0.00 No. 401 SECTION 2. - Amendment. Section 12.13.170 of the Kent City Code is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 12.13.170. Maximum allowable fees. School impact fees provided by this chapter shall be assessed based on the calculation set forth in KCC 12.13.140, unless they exceed a maximum allowable fee as set forth in this section. There shall be an increase in the maximum allowable fee each year by the same percentage as the percentage change in the previous calendar year's average monthly Engineering News Record (ENR) Seattle Area Construction Cost Index values, relative to the corresponding average monthly ENR Construction Cost Index values for the preceding year, as calculated from October 1st through September 30th. 3 School Impact Fees - 2018-2019 I The maximum allowable fee is set at $822-9 8 591 for single-family i dwelling units and a maximum of $838&- 8 7.55 for multifamily dwelling units for -20182019. SECTION 3. - Corrections by City Cierk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 4. - Severabilitv. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, that decision will not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION S. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after after its passage, as provided by law. V M t/� November 20. 2018 DANA RALPH, MOOR Date Approved ATTEST: Z"6 q November 20. 2018 KIMBERLEY A. MOTO, CITY CLERK Date Adopted November 23 2018 Date Published APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHUR "PA FITZPATRICK, C ATTORNEY 4 School Impact Fees - 2018-2019 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING ) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Kent Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter(and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on November 23, 2018 . The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$297.12. Polly Shephe d Publisher, Kent Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 23' day of November, 2018 . rmm-, J fifer Trl bet , otary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in mOrting, Washington tRU 1 �flaPtrG7 U CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE KENT CITY COUNCIL The following are summaries of ordinances passed by the Kent City Council on November 20, 2018: ORDINANCE NO. 4288 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, repealing and readopting Chapter 7.02 of the Kent City Code entitled "Water," to reorganize the chapter and update the Cross-Connection Control sections to develop and implement procedures to ensure the elimination or control of cross-connections between a water consumer's system and the City's public water system and to create additional enforcement provisions allowing for more flexibility. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4289 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, Auburn and Highline School Districts (CPA-2018.5). This ordinance will take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4290 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Sections 12.13.160 and 12.13.170 of the Kent City Code to adjust school impact fee schedules and the maximum allowable school impact fees. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4291 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital Facilities Plan of the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority (CPA-2018-6). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4292 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to reflect a six-year plan for capital improvement projects (2019-2024) (CPA-2017-7). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4293 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 3.18.020, entitled "Certain utilities subject to tax," to eliminate the sunset of the allocation of certain internal utility taxes to the payment of debt in the City's other capital projects fund, and to reallocate the internal utility taxes to the general fund once the debt in the other capital projects fund is retired. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from the time of passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4294 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, levying 2018 property taxes for the 2019 biennial budget for the City of Kent. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force January 1, 2019, which is more than five days after its publication, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4295 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 3.28.050 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Imposition of the tax - Tax or fee levied," to increase gross receipts rates and square footage tax and establish a gross receipts cap on retailing, and Section 3.28.130 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Limitation of revenue received," to clarify the allocation of revenues derived by Chapter 3.28 of the Kent City Code. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4296 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to budgets and finance and adopting the final 2019-2020 biennial budget. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force January 1, 2019, which is more than five days after its publication, as provided by law. A copy of the complete text of any ordinance will be mailed upon request of the City Clerk. Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk 11 Kent Reporter Friday,November 23,2018 19 bgal Natice• Leal Notleee legal Notlees legal NoNeee Legpl Notica. Employment Buerneu / h _ ap s O e atla .- PP^.rtunitrw LrtUi=, z, q , (CPA-2016-5). hound 1a budgets and fY• NOTICE OF cases for a cormitlonel the City of Kent Eco- He l-E r I ,•, a„. This ordinance will take panto- and sdbefism the PUBLIC HEARING be. Permit to emmt,uct nondc and Community Careers +p H ct and be in farce 30 anal 20E92d20 alcohol OF KENT new park IacllkJe® In Oevmispmenf office, lI Earn your real omm days from and .her its budgnl, OFFICE OFTHE cpddmgg a may Von caled at 400 W Gowns estate license Reveal as provided by Thin ordrommus ahaill tors HEARING EXAMINER 0...inn Laoutng Park Stet In downtown barrel the market aw. effect nod be In form LE CORDON BLAU wHun has M1-Indm osinl Kant Far mare Informs goes back up. ORDINANCE NO, 42W January 1 Main, wNch PRELIMINARY Park naming dlsiAM In t1ma, please cmnlact Ja Eventual gla99nta -AN ORDINANCE of the Is ..,a then hva day. SUBDIVISION can.Wi.n with m Is.. n G ham Planner, t 1. Cry Oourmll ul she City aitur its puukaaon, ex A public /moYong .III be a fish ha0ltatl normal at JGernham®Kent We Take Payments at Kum, W..fdngicn pewldpd Wbhw. Held to Iwasldav s°bdl meet project.The puban s-III or via email yt • $ Live Instructed. Apartments m.Runs ...mines Onshore A copy a Ind cm n Into circus s 4.So acre parcel re bealrad along file at(263)056 larl King county 12,tl9.1 BO and lad.Y.nn mat-.Grill rota 22 single family ms lal+yaasl bank al con, H e33902 MATERIAL HANDLER Blue Emerald Real nee 12.13.1i0 of me Kent be amlin neon srvmkl Mason lots, two land Green Rioter and beat 1112311B WANTED Estate School Cloy Cad@ tun tldjuai of the Glry GIeB. scope trflMa,one recma- Russell Road between Scenic Vista sch°al Impact as atbal Kimb°riey A, KO..ta, lion 1140. one South 212th and 226th Wkh innovative dosB9ns King Co: 2.04ar 04MApartments" E ,alas and the mandatory CRY Clark stmrmweter tract and Streets, end urcue mounting (253)250-0402 2aM104104m Avu BF as school Impact N635119,11123118 throe Ylyeam prxaa. Hearing Date InchnmHalles, Karcher Kent,WA 98030 p MaeemnrmaBaNEAwasaaY lees. coal..Thn Rural is Ie. WEDNESDAY, NOVEM Drags Is a leader on the Apartment.Now This ordinance shall take NOTICE OF dame .1 26516 rush BER 26, 2016 at M01) a"' market for cohlempamrvy Avolleble effect and be in force 30 APPLICATION Avenue SE and di AM archltaclmal manMwaes Beeutltu1162 BRs, days from and after its A project Permit Apt tied as King County As Hearing Locallon Kehl The fa tyo ned com Si rtlnpp at passage,es provided by naNYgn has aopn filed assets, parcel number City Hell Coundl Chem panYg spacadjums in high 1BR $g461M. law. wan Cory of Kent Plan 165B600020- hers West at 220 4th + lever safe endue et i IWiE'dll0°4 2 BR.-$1ID01mo. ORDINANCE NO 4281 sing SurdceA. Following Hrvmrmp DMa; Avenue S Kent, WA p,ep Mw dogde amd woo 1 S.ael 8yeam d. p -AN ORDINANCE of the Is a rWemkil of the WEDNESDAY, DECEM- 96W2 ,/ R.I 00.dow Karmha Dgal t�� Income 6 Y' Clty C°Iantsl pl las CITy appCcarlon xmd rM1e pro- BER 5, 201B et 10:00 Permit Number hue mare then 2G ymere L 0.II so. . of Ks lima Wmshingten, peep br mvbw The alp- AM C E - 2 0 1 B � 1 of a p once in seMc � 2525204157E emunling the KnnY 11.al m and 1151ad slud- HearYraB Lacellon: Kum RPP3-2181552 Empwyment Ina austomars ell o Too:711 Ca-WehnhsNe plan Pa raspy ha rears at City Hal C. 111 Chain- The eppllcaslon a aeneaal iha world Tne M1eedr fide M°N aen as eauel sod Ib Cepkel Feollltles the mffiAas of Kent Plan- be,. West al 220 41h evil for review at unXore o9 Karcher Oro• OOomyrtypoackerrvM Element to include the long Sapdnne, 400 W Avenue S„ Kent, WA the City of Kent Frol CARRIER a Enrpkys, Capital FacilUles Plan of Flows S1ranl,Kent,WA. 99032 ..WAnd Cumrnunlry afgn NA as Mae" In A"WOO A lad Pugat Spend Rn- DATE OF NOTICE OF Permit'. SO-201T-6, DwaVopmbai dfnda, to ROUTES TnKxtlb wA, amen mf cnlreanarea seal Fire AUWofpty APPLICATION: Novem- KIVA k RPP32174909 mated at 400 W Saws AVAILABLE Sec"He ANTIQUE SHIPPING IkPA Est&6). par 23,zote The approach Is Street In downtown Tons Mariana]Handier CONTAINER from Eag- n9a ordinance et.11 teas APPLICATION NAME: wif ficad. or mence at Kent. For more Informal Looddgn•Tukwlts,.WA Ind; sldabasrtla, III e0cs and be In trace 30 THUERINGER SHORT the CIry of Kent Edo- than, pRour nonlact Jar IN YOUR snrh WanMdaya 12pm• cdlinaa, rental days from and after Its PLAT norvc and Community son amhem, Planner, AREA 4pm ns,smaHs. 40 pplIeaaa on passage, as provided by APPLICATION NUM- Development office, to 411253)0565439 or via Jab typo:pave-iyma, sale this wee no, FrF ew. PER SP-2D16-12/KIVA cared at 900 W Gowe small at H1eMB IDnts:Immadlpla- day through Sunday, ORDINANCE NO. 4292 #RPSS.2164W Street in downtown IIgarnlhem•kAnhva ppaavv Call Today M1a Om'a Street, AMWmas. -AN ORDINANCE of the ENV 201621 I KIVA Kent. Far more Iniorma This aft Ian club al y f�shorM Job dmAadplloo Bhmion,36DQ5a-6'36] 'AfrF1%jr.,' City Council of the City #RPSW-2164545 tan please tsmacl an Navambor23,zd1B. 1-253-872-6610 Ghi pi�pad psgplv9p WNwaMa61rtlAl cam omandl li WLosmhin plan Y4N:The appNROJECT Dllcenl pYO- et Sa(.'9humNGmp Planner N NOTICE OF PUBLIC •WascormCaroni agiaskng pramd2a- Apollamoaa Ar.neurraemente Compr°harr.... KKPI Pesos ro same'. the KnnrWsloss or Na HEARING CITY OF flan and Caron ?a and Ira Careful Facilities ring redtlance from (253)65fi,does, KENTOFFICE OFTHE s - III e' •On Ihs Wb truladrrp wIVY NE%1 APPLIANC ES Alcoholics Mon moos Chamond 101-11-0 a s the future development Ad for appeaatlon in HEARING EXAMINER �11>� In$I�'ifl�il be pmvVded Essential UPV 70%a OFF Y year plan for capital via fl lot Ilse aft usrmoni Kent Reporter on KENTTOWNHOMES mane; All Memorandum,Small mar Inlarmatlona provemeht prajecis and iabaegaangayY . Idb tV23/2016. REZONE PERMIT -Current drivers license Dial Drama,SCmlahas 20fiI5B]2835 II ( 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 4 J ylggp the remelalrp par• kB33B9B A public hearing will be M In poacontrol an6 Factory lmporino (CPA-201]-]). sane of ire 29.don.open held to tan&der a re N � yy tl -9Utln® omp0pnr skills topes Please vale online This ordinance shall take Into 9 single Ialmlly real- NOTICE zone al a t ears parcel 1 a ale nbrvo VW .must be ab10 to IIft up to 'un"rwananM www seeKleee.mag ffct and be in force 30 denlial lots. A critical from CC, Community ��� / ggluVe0.0alt nr Kn PROMOTE YOUR RE CITY ftY ue" ,� ]5 lb Far In days Imo amd'. .HAP 11s areas ireM,a stormweter OFFICE OFTHE Cmmmerdel Xnhinngg to Wnmhouse aigasrience Appllence Disirlbutom GIONAL EVENT sidle passing.. es provided by detentlmn lecllllr tact NEARING EXAMINER Nallcommer MJIIItaraYN apes,sal regdlYntl 14fi39 Tukwila Intl.Royal. Hadwid with a r $1, 76fosill law. two perimeter landscape SHORELINE Ransil Tmvnwmo pk Ablllty to Panda n excel- 206-24 NG Had Ilppor or $1,5]5 tar ORDINANCE NO. 4293 Veils, and a prNete CONDITIONAL USE alumina. The proposed 4 Ian,oualormir aerobe STAINLESS & dYapYAy ad Gall this -AN ORDINANCE of she street accessed from PERMIT nuking reslpproednn Ie -Organization and often- APPLIANCE naweaepor or 060-344• CIry Cards, of the Gly 1161h Avenue Be are LOWER RUSSELL conffi16taM with the Clty's tlon to d.Mll PACKAGE 293E for detail.. of Karl, Of theg"' also balr�g pre aced as LEVEE SETBACK- Co.peNoasiw Aden -Able to reatl,wade, antl WASHINGTON DI of Ming 94tMaa part of INIa deve� meal ypN OOREN'S LAND- Lunrl Uaa Plan Map tlea• ar t p communpcaW .1frobveiy $1499 YORGE-SEPARATION 316.020, standard netl PROJECT LOCATION: ING PARK lgannalbm at MU, Mmum as itrelalns In the lets Relri®®nmiM,Range B $155. $175 with call Certain mollies subject linato the 21 2 62 11 61h Avpngs 9E RELOCATION PARK Ua%=Tee appIlenap nab ;� u3answerer to Isai to after. NO COURT AP- sunset °} thamallocalion King County parcels A public hearing will be armed a MNO%MlIY 06 mdnr•ktrchnklesignwam Rise..�uflaqrrfllmomm to 1Nacall CredpfOtlaL PEARANCES. Includes numbered 0922059007 held 1. coundil a ReNMy illCeg9bm j ��, ?. 206.restDo of carbon 'manual unity g 092205OW Zonln I{@@n n6appp support WYPe, custody 9 Snorellhe Conditions y PA F-2 R-z EY 1 T a support Lampmta prop- 1aMda to the Cis..Payment of BR e, s ogle family ea use Permit m .4 rruct RPOR 21132501 for . // Find your perfect pet endue ai daaumal dpbl b the C4Ys other tlenval pq nnu luwnhnumn tln / /i % in the Classi/fads. cemete.y are<. Legal Ak rhativea, 503- mepllal pm)gma fund OTHER PERMITS ME) apPra4lmnmly 1.4 mlloa JI2-5295 www. am- and tp reelteaetlm iM1e PIANS WHICH MAY BE °}new ficgdwall and feu- VaBrypinent ter ire site on / aaa.rauMCltn111Mweam Cemetery plots for sale. P Ismal utll taxes to the an sbe* O AHong the Heaphboard 10.2017. (�� m Mountain Vl. Came Iegalelsernellves.cum M RWUIRED- Clvll Cam pal balsa of axe Green HuarHrgg Data. Advertise your general land the ,,notion Perot Final Prue, between South WEDNF-EOAY, DECEM �, � rory two lots Aida by dale In the other as Ital Short Plat Building Per- OCR S. 2016 at 11:00 j II 1 upcoming garage sale by for Ie. For heel Leal NOOcae p 9 212th and South 226th professorhsomeo le rellall mots Ho l In your per and 623location $4,500. Call CITY NO IC KENT Try affect.,it befine 30 Mks PUBLIC COMMENT PE- S t,d" Thank of the Henn C Location: 1 ) 4^��ttl newspaper antl ds of Go 6]0-4040 NOTICE OF a 2Fill018 November 23, YPh is Mach lM1anaBnda al Get ncilrAdl ORDINANCES days from the tome of 2018 to December ] g ennst bank of the Kraal CIry on C°uncll rise a Green Rowe and along In Avenue Wadtm2204 r1111h119.'i1 Ill' your aroa Add act to your PASSED BV THE KENT P g as provided by 2016 All persons may qussell coed between th Avenue S Kant, WA o o honaeholtlm do CITY COUNCIL few. comment on this eppll South 212th and 228rh 96032 (\` l�(nf�ll Go 0.11.0 to pla9aYlbd ed / The following am abm^ ORDINANCE NO. 4294 catlon. Comments must Streets. PamH. ZCA-20103 / f y rrlla,balllldDlaldn¢li dalit and abroad aof. merles nt ardinancae -AN ORDINANCE of the be in wrltlnp and re Haa] ® 0110, RPP3-2183225 II 2aA t Call B00.TBB-2527 to Mpnagad by the KOM City CIry Causal of she Cory calved in the Kent Plan- WE134dFSpAV NOVEM:• The eppllcelion Is • { t �, Call 1.6aa39a•262T find out how. emo on November of Kant, Washington, nin90opabmanl by 4:Oa BER 2B, 2018 at 10�.00 Mil for review at Fax:as"arassup 20,2016 levying 2016 property P.M. Pdtlay, December AM r r Current Frinploynne ORDINANCE NO. 4266 nixes for the 2019 hoes- ], 2o16 at 220 4th Ave- Hearing Location: Kent • bINC r Unite AN ORDINANCE of the noel budget for the City us South, Kent WA City Hall Coundl Cham- CIry Council of the CIry of Kaordlnance shell fake 96032. For euestloea M. bers West at 220 4th Peatlur'ed Position Aenm,ropum of Kent, Weshbrio p,lm- effect and ordinance h fine snrdbg this pfnQae4 Avenue S., Kent, WA .taehUM,uslr.mv chapter A2 oft a Kent January 1, 2D1s, which cemnem�Alcaa eats Paomit Number: DRIVER(CLASS B) (Everett,WA) � CIry Code shared Is more than five days Planner, at (253) 056- SMC-201 B-1, RPP3- ,n„Idae,lu "Water,"Apr to r organize papagQ Its pubiMAdon, as 5439,gglg.gqamham 0 2161563 Sound PIIbli Inc, IS lookin for an ire ch Crass-Con or and bGNorn Otl ONANCE WNO. 4295 T[P TAIY'VE MEETING: The application Is g, g .Mommememu,annionmoame -AN ORDINANCE o1 the avalla t for review at experienced truck driver with a EDA to drive -room, Control sections to de- A Houle meeting Is TEN- the Ciry of Kent Eco- - ,rw„h velap and implement CIry Council f the CIry TATIVELY scheduled for -nMs� procedures m implement m Kem. of 10:00 am an Thomad "°rcnla and ctsmm°nIry out of Paine Field area in Everett,Will,Must have Pr duayy Development office, Hit- liberal the elimination or control amending Section Februm 2B, 2019.Thls called al 400 W Gowe •sbbn^Iiseb:nna: mf cross-connactlons he 3.20.050 of the Kent City public meeting wu1 be street h aHwGrowh excellent driving retard,be able to lift SOlbs and Mean a water Code, embed M1eld in ire Economic ea9,a Im ositlon of iha ten - Kent. For more Inform- conaumerer system and P and Community Duval load/unload truck, •atvnOhn4wCAmr the Cty's public water Tea or fee levied,"to in ailment Conference sloe' pNaNna' conindl Je- .YnfuMlml s stem and to create ad- crease gross receipts Room at 400 West ©)856-5 9 or are tln i Anyway y fee and square foot- at(253)6sssa39 or ma This pgsidon is an the night shift standing Ada, visional enforcement pro- a Gowe Street Kent, d consist troIr wn rla:lenity allowing ro,mtse ®a sex and establishcap onnr a 98032. Please be aft- This so for usica, approximately 9 pm) and is Full-Time, 37-38 -nun eppa receipts visad loos meeting tlam This aft itlr Paul andon r ys., This ordinance shell take Wai"p',• end Secrlmh is subject to change. o"November 23,201 So hours er Week.Thesdiedule Varlesandr Whre1 -seime e0act and be in force$0 3.26,130 of the Kant City planes cell to carry time p days from and after its Code, entitled'Limitation and data at least a week A 03360Bw R .ry,wncenw,yram„ Of revenue MaeNel to -PUBLIC blbl1mu Must have knowledge of the Puget -Neemaa Desaege, as provided by before the hedulad NOTICE OF PUBLIC `t g awartm rr uty darroy the allocation of meeting.of you haveany HEARING i it -m„A ORDINANCE NO. 4289 ,swedes derived by quesllohs, please all CITY OF KENT Sound area.MUST provide current[Day Of drlV ng pneaMre .AN ORDINANCE.ai Imo C'hapt®®3�26 of too Kant Jason Gernhm, Kenl OFFICE OFTHEPO sauononnananer CHY Counsll mF the City This e�tllnence shell take 253-6565439;�ces, el CONDITIOEARING NAL USE dh9lfaetdttllme of interview. str mrvawpw of KAat, Washlaplan, 9ffct and be In force 30 PERMIT Please emalld application to: Cgmpreh naN'o plan days from and e11er Its p COPYo For puddroa- LOWER RUSSELL PP Na�taaeea and pb Cap", From,Hae oassage, as provltlatl by qpg RUoay. Novnmbar LEVEE SETBACK- f SOUND f5. Wu IE IlSlill ,ego and be Sure to meal so Element Yea fnclwtlo Ilum 7nw 23 2016 VAN DOREN'S LAND- Capital FavHRlma Plans ORDINANCE NO. 4296 aB34B04 ING PARK IncludeATTIhDRIVERinthesub•ectline. of rho Kant, Fedoal -AN ORDINANCE of the RELOCATION PUBLItSHI•INGINC ) kneelBWeruVnlMn City Cal l of the CI Buy it, p g 111,i -amen gVey comfol endDlshlleta of Ko"r, Washington, m Find iAteaumr,�one it held to courractmr the re- For a list clear most mrrenrjab openings and to learn more about us visit rowebslle:www.wundpublbhing.mm Ifimb 9