HomeMy WebLinkAbout4293 ORDINANCE NO. 4293 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 3.18.020, entitled "Certain utilities subject to tax," to eliminate the sunset of the allocation of certain internal utility taxes to the payment of debt in the City's other capital projects fund, and to reallocate the these internal utility taxes to the general fund once the debt in the other capital projects fund is retired. RECITALS A. KCC 3.18.020(A)(6)(b) allocates 15.38 percent of the City's internal utility tax to the payment of debt in the City's other capital projects fund. This portion of the internal utility tax is scheduled to sunset on January 1, 2023, or on the first day of the year following the date the debt in this fund is fully retired, whichever occurs first. B. The current estimated date to fully retire the debt in this fund is December 2020, which would sunset the tax on January 1, 2021. 1 Utility Tax Eliminate Sunset Allocate to General Operations C. The city has a demonstrated need to increase funds available for general operations in 2021. The City is facing a significant reduction in revenue, commonly referred to as the City's "fiscal cliff," when, in October of 2019, it will no longer receive approximately $5 million of streamlined sales tax mitigation, and in June of 2020, it will no longer receive $4.7 million of annexation sales tax credit. Coupled with an ongoing structural imbalance of $2 million, the expected impact is a loss of $11.7 million to the City. D. To partially offset this reduction in revenues, this ordinance eliminates the sunset of this internal utility tax, and, when the other capital projects fund debt is retired, reallocates those monies to the City's general fund. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Amendment. Section 3.18.01-0 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Certain utilities subject to tax," is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 3.18.020. Certain utilities subject to tax. A. In addition to the other business and license fees required by the ordinances of the city, the city levies upon all persons, firms, or corporations (including the city) engaged in certain business activities a utilities tax to be collected as follows: 1. Upon every person, firm, or corporation engaging in or carrying on any telephone business within the city, an annual tax equal to six percent of the total gross income, including revenues from intrastate toll, 2 Utility Tax Eliminate Sunset Allocate to General Operations i derived from the operation of such business within the city. This six percent tax will be allocated as follows: 4.7 percent to the general fund, 0.3 percent to youth/teen programs, and one percent to street improvement programs. 2. Upon every person, firm, or corporation engaging in or carrying on a business of selling, wheeling, furnishing, distributing, or producing gas, whether manufactured or natural, for commercial or domestic use or purposes, a fee or tax equal to six percent of the total gross income from such business in the city during the tax year for which the license is required. This six percent tax will be allocated as follows: 4.7 percent to the general fund, 0.3 percent to youth/teen programs, and one percent to street improvement programs. 3. Upon every person, firm, or corporation engaged in or carrying on the business of selling, wheeling, furnishing, or distributing electricity for light and power, a fee or tax equal to six percent of the total gross income from such business in the city during the tax year for which a license is required. This six percent tax will be allocated as follows: 4.7 percent to the general fund, 0.3 percent to youth/teen programs, and one percent to street improvement programs. 4. Upon every person, firm, or corporation engaged in or carrying on the business of providing cable television services, a tax equal to six percent of the total gross income from that business in the city during the tax year for which the license is required. All revenue received from this tax must be applied only to funding the city's information technology department operations and capital projects budgets in the proportion determined by the city council in its biennial budget, including all amendments. 3 Utility Tax Eliminate Sunset Allocate to General Operations 5. Upon every person, firm, or corporation engaging in or carrying on a business providing solid waste collection services, a tax equal to 18.4 ' percent of the total gross income from such business in the city during the tax year for which the license is required. This 18.4 percent tax will be allocated as follows: 6.5 percent to the general fund, 0.3 percent to youth/teen programs, one percent to street improvement programs, and 10.6 percent to maintain and repair residential streets, including related impacts to curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and other road amenities, including ' crosswalks along with necessary appurtenances, and improvements related ' to residential traffic calming, but this 10.6 percent portion of the solid ' waste utility tax shall not be used to expand, extend, or widen existing residential streets or to build new residential streets. The amount used '. from this fund for neighborhood traffic calming devices and crosswalks shall not exceed $150,000 in any year. 6. Upon every person (including the city) engaging in or carrying on '. the business of selling, furnishing, or distributing water services, a tax equal to 13 percent of the total gross income from that business in the city during the tax year; upon every person (including the city) engaging in or carrying on the business of selling, furnishing, or distributing sewer services, a tax equal to 9.5 percent of the total gross income from that business in the city during the tax year; and upon every person (including the city) engaging in or carrying on the business of selling, furnishing, or distributing drainage services, a tax equal to 19.5 percent of the total gross income from such business in the city during the tax year. Unless otherwise directed by the city council in its budget process, the total of these tax revenues will be allocated as follows: 43.85 percent to the general fund for the use as allocated in the city's budget; 30.77 percent to the capital resources fund, subject to the limitations provided in subsection (A)(6)(a) of this section; 15.38 percent dedicated solely to the repayment and elimination of debt in the city's 'other capital projects" fund subject to 4 Utility Tax Eliminate Sunset Allocate to General Operations the limitations provided in subsection (A)(6)(b) of this section; 7.69 percent to street improvement programs; and 2.31 percent to youth/teen i programs. a. Unless otherwise allocated by council, these funds must be applied equally to (i) information technology capital programs directed at funding long- and short-term hardware and software replacement, and (ii) street capital programs, but further restricted to funding street ' maintenance, repair, and signage only. b. The 15.38 percent internal tax allocation will be dedicated to the city's capital resources fund for the sole purpose of retiring all debt in the city's other capital projects fund; however, in any-event "is pew`oen tax shall be eh Ml provided. starting January 1, 2023, or ear the first day of the year following the date the debt in #4s-the other capital projects fund is fully retired, whichever occurs first this internal tax allocation will be dedicated to the general fund for use as provided for in the city's budget. B. In computing the tax provided in subsection (A) of this section, the taxpayer may deduct from total gross income the following items: 1. The actual amount of credit losses and uncollectible receivables sustained by the taxpayer. 2. Amounts derived from transactions in interstate and foreign commerce which the city is prohibited from taxing under the laws and Constitution of the United States. SECTION 2. - Severabilitv. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. 5 Utility Tax Eliminate Sunset Allocate to General Operations SECTION 3. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from the time of passage, as provided by law. � W. November 20, 2018 DANA RALPH, MAYOK Date Approved ATTEST: November 20. 2018 KIMBERLEY „ KOMOTO, CITY CLERK Date Adopted November 23, 2018 Date Published APPROVED AS TO FORM; ARfHUR 11PAT' " IT PATRICK,ICJYY ATTORNEY 6 Utility Tax Eliminate Sunset Allocate to General Operations STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington.The Kent Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter(and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on November 23, 2018 . The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$297.12. Polly Shepherd Publisher, Kent Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 23' day of November, 2018 . Ott 'fer Tri bet, otary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in flrting„ Washington V-R CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE KENT CITY COUNCIL The following are summaries of ordinances passed by the Kent City Council on November 20, 2018: ORDINANCE NO. 4288 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, repealing and readopting Chapter 7.02 of the Kent City Code entitled "Water," to reorganize the chapter and update the Cross-Connection Control sections to develop and implement procedures to ensure the elimination or control of cross-connections between a water consumer's system and the City's public water system and to create additional enforcement provisions allowing for more flexibility. This ordinance shall'' take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4289 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, Auburn and Highline School Districts (CPA-2018.5). This ordinance will take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4290 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Sections 12.13.160 and 12.13.170 of the Kent City Code to adjust school impact fee schedules and the maximum allowable school impact fees. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4291 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital Facilities Plan of the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority (CPA-2018-6). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4292 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to reflect a six-year plan for capital improvement projects (2019-2024) (CPA-2017-7). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4293 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 3.18.020, entitled "Certain utilities subject to tax," to eliminate the sunset of the allocation of certain internal utility taxes to the payment of debt in the City's other capital projects fund, and to reallocate the internal utility taxes to the general fund once the debt in the other capital projects fund is retired. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from the time of passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4294 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, levying 2018 property taxes for the 2019 biennial budget for the City of Kent. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force January 1, 2019, which is more than five days after its publication, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4295 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 3.28.050 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Imposition of the tax - Tax or fee levied," to increase gross receipts rates and square footage tax and establish a gross receipts cap on retailing, and Section 3.28.130 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Limitation of revenue received," to clarify the allocation of revenues derived by Chapter 3.28 of the Kent City Code. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4296 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to budgets and finance and adopting the final 2019-2020 biennial budget. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force January 1, 2019, which is more than five days after its publication, as provided by law. A copy of the complete text of any ordinance will be mailed upon request of the City Clerk. Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk Kent Reporter Friday,November 23,2018 19 Ing 1 Notice. legal Noticee IaP,el Notica. 4g.1 Noticw Leg.l Naticae Employment 9u.lnean Operation. OppoNunllle. vm (CPA20105) lelife to budgets and iP NOTICE OF quest for a waditlba.1 the City of Kent Earn- BRALgatntb y This ordinance will Wk ace pile aducing the PUBLIC HEARING use permit to construct mOMIC and Community III Careers "� eKed and be n brae 30 fine l 2010.2020 bell CRY OF KENT now park factor m Developer office Io Earn your reel days from and after is budget. OFFICEOFTHE GMtllny a halm Van catetl at 400 W Gowe Poneamte llcenee passage, es provided by The ortldnanae anall Pink. HEARING EXAMINER Oamos Landing Park Street In downtown before the market K. effect and be n brae LE CORDON BLAU Within line Ml-YndgaPlM Kent. For more Informs =44, goer beck up. ORDINANCE NO. 42W January 1 2019 which PRELIMINARY Park roneig Bras In door please contact J. Evening dneaes. -AN ORDINANCE of the is more than five days SUBDIVISION eon unctlpn wI1P¢ Ipvgo son Garnham Plannerg I r City Gall of Ole City after Its publication, as A public hem+Ing will be are fish KPWMI Imp,woe at JGarnham®Kent- We Take Payments of email, Washington, provided by law, held to Imhh16°r subdl- .Nfl pr.7an, Thu praline, WA.P..,,I.email . Live Instructed. Armr< t.for Rent amending Sapiens A aopy al In. a nelplein adding a 4.38or.parcel a located .long phi at(253)656-5439, Icing county 1213.1fi0 and taxi of oegy ordient wit into 22 eMgla f ily rest- Absence, bank of me a BM902 'MATERIAL HANDLER BIU!Emerald RlBI 12.13.170 of the Kent be malls, upon request tlential IOW, two land- Greg. TiWar and. nlmng 11/23/1a WANTED Estate School "a'r CIN Code to polvm of the City Clark, soared tracts,one mane- Russell Road between Kin CO:Scenic Vista schoal lltapeat fee pcfi.d. U4'm dv�lqwy A, Komol., tlon tract, one South 212th and anal With dependent o ellggnl 9 Senior AparlMentg ides d tea Imo Cffl1yy Clark sWherworm trace end Streets. ^°^ and UnlgtM mpPming (253)25G-0402 26404smash Anti BE allowable school Impact g885175,.11 awl a tine. private access Hearing Data "contro lsa, Kaeahor 08aaEmNN4JHN6s0NawOm Kent Was 98030 fees. trpcln.Tina ppaparry is lo- WEDNE9DAV, NOVEM 0o$run I0 a[puce,an Hoe Apartments Now This ordinance shell take NOTICE OF cated at 26515 108th BER 20, 2016 at 10:00 d market tot pmgl.mrMmaY Available effect antl be In tome 30 APPLICATION Avenue SE and tell AM aroM.Wral hddwnro Beaotlhsl 152 Bli days from antl after its A Project Tehran Atel tied as King Count, A.- Hearing Locstlon Kent The famd"whad a" i? tartdng el' passage, as incident by oatien has been flied sessvr parcel number CIry He II Caundl Chem- pervy spscfe11p- Ia Ngh 1 BR $9461mo am. wXn C of. Kent Of en� 16586MO20. berg West al 220 41h ' q.a'1'AN sIMnE.ss .Ynal 2BRa $113W.. ORDINANCE NO. 4291 Heering Data Avenue 5, Kent WA Ibvnv sate and aacaaso p IMiYOLrki Bmdg a m of r -AN ORDINANCE of the nag Seiko®` Pahowlnp E new fair doors and win 1 Q application a l ,Yoe Of Ito WEON SDAY, DECEM- 98032 { ����% InWr1lc Lmlls y," CIN Oouncll .1 the CIN antl the pro- HER 5 2018 at 1000 Permit Number tlow Karcher paspn W' Cell Sumn of Keel., Wounri on, apes fir review,Tha AM C E - 2 0 1 a - 1 has men.linen r?5 deem 253-520-9876 amending the Kant IlmU.n and noted adith Hearing Emil Kent RPP321B1552 Emvtoy ant f exp ranee smove TOD:711 Coupredeem Plipn p C Hall Council Cham• The IlceTon rs oenar.l Ipg. WbbmOr4 nIV miner Poe map be eawV.wgd at M PPP the orltl. The head" i "� ThafteaelP[pholo Equal and Its Gepdal Far ltas the Mes of Kent d at bars West at 220 41h vellable br eve at Opp eWy PmvMor antl Element In Mall INo nine) Services, 400 W. Avenue S., Kent, WA the CIry of Kent I CARRIER 1�uantl,a of Karcher DIn crnpbser CepPal F.c,,1.1 sm Plen of Ggws Street,Kent,WA. 98032 real antl Community lggn HA H located IP 0. • i "oeMI tin. Pugo, sauna Ra- DATE OF NOTICE OF Formed SU-2017-6, Davelg maul oKlcal, he ROUTES The Ila WA, south of cmtectible. yyYonul F9eo Adhtadry APPLICATION: Norman- KIVA#RPP3-2174909 ogled al'. 400 W Gower AVAILABLE Seattle, APf77GUE SHIPPING y,CPA-201 BE67" bar 23,2016 The applebacreih is Street n downtown iHIm:MOlrorMal HandPm CONTAINER from Eng- This OtWngUVl+a llvMl 4X1w APPLICATION NAME: triend le Mf owl" at Kant. For more Informs- Location:Tukwlla,WA decal eetleb.eed., real *pool and be in force 30 THUERINGER SHORT the CIry of Kehl Eco- lion, please Panted J.- IN YOUR Shift Weekdays 121 cl'+V . breaking, days from and aPor Its PLAT namk and CammPan Xy son Generate Planner, AREA 4prn pg,.me91e. A0 pplbc.a an paflanga.as PrgvWad by APPLICATION NUM" Dprcimpmant pPila, lo- at(253)856-5439 or via Job type:parnglnp bade this woo and, Fn- Iqw 4RFR:SO 2018.12/KIVA ooted or 400 W Gowe small at Hiring Data :tin "late toy Ilneouph SVnduy, bftDINANCE NO anglest MRP55-2184644 Street In downtown dgarnham®kentwagov' CBII TOd2 tyty DnW Real Art as, AN ORDINANCE 01 Ibis ENV-2019-21 / KIVA Kem For more Infirma This ad for publication Y %.asset Joan d.u,dpilem 6,Idlgq.3N368838'7 ry Oepre of me Cly #RPSW-2184646 Pan, please gentrd on November 23,2018, 1-253-872-6610 SIf www.cotesaeat aom of Kbn,, WplAinglnn, PROJECT DESCRIP 9d+aagm Cdamp Planner #633615 .Of single, odNnp amending the pant Thi no aPpIl.gnl pro- oIBon Ca NOTICED PUBLIC PAWlEd rtme, O19e .. Applr.n.•. ant cemen<. Comprehensive Plan p.agn to sepmam the K.mtWA.ggW ql Ne HEARING CITY OF pOm One COV116pMrvp and Its Capital Facliftles existing residence from (2s31 a56-5438. KENTOFFWE OFTHE m p min the bb o lap w@q NEW APPLIANCES Element to reflect a six- the suture development Ad for publication in HEARING EXAMdINER �`,` d V bin I Aloaholtl:a Anonym0ua year plan for capital im- As a lot line adjustment Kent Reporter on MNTTOWNHOMES lhljt Po AMXI%prtiv dad EdWmli01 All MmrdWdumrSSmall farinf.rmad.oA remember matters and subsequent su1 11/2312010, RUONE PERMIT Current drivers license Din% Beals,ScraNBfls meeting times call 2 g 1 9 - 2 0 2 4 q N Na33898 ,I g 206 56]2836, `)CPA.igk 7 7 110 aM1e reed rig per- A public K%along will be J y' In 9ald aLLnding eelUnde,Factory llnpadac - Pleasayslt°nllne ) Oloaa at the 2,9 sets$lie NOTICE OF PUBLIC held to luen r a to �Il ILO -Ssbd a.cnp.so skills dens This ordinance shag hike Into 9 single Iamlly rest/ ono of 1-acre par b Oi l llw wyi rotas[ a a m b Iltt a to 'Untlafree. wwwwaeftiee....g effect and be In fine 30 HEARING /T;, ".,�;,, P PROMOTE YOUR PE- days from end aver Its denial lots, A critical CRY OF KENT from CC, Community vR,,- � 75 ba Forloquiros.Clere, mat v areas tract,a stormwated OFFICE OFTHE Commercial zoning to -Wmmetermethanol Appliance Distributors me GIONAL EVENT rota. Flaslege, as provided by dobanllGn frelllry imaL HEARING EXAMINER MR,T16, Muniba lty apro➢,not maqulrad 14639 Tukwila Intl.Blvd. wide with a$325 class- taw, owe pedometer Landscaper SHORELINE Residential Townhouse -Ability to Proved.excel 205-244E966 fled IIs1Ing or$1575 for ORDINANCE NO. 4293 pNl and a prNata CONDITIONAL USE zgnmg, The proposed fit, turn on$Wmeasamiw -- STAINLESS a•display ad. CBII this -AN ORDINANCE ei the street accessed 1mm PERMIT zeal g daslpne0en s -Oro nlzatlon and aaen- APPLIANCE paper or 360344 City Council of the City 116th Avenue BE ere LOWEERMIT consistent wGph the CHys pan to dotal ppCKAGE 2933 krtletells, of HOmt Was Nln9lom, also bring pro ad as LEVEE SETBACK- CampemarrsPva Pace -Able to read, wrhe, and WASHINGTON DI ,020 er lan PR Jf this devdppplant VAN DOREN'S LAND- I.anri Usn Pro.Mep din yv.rr Ifi commum.lm .NncAvedy $1499 VORCESEPARATION 319020, enUled pgOJECT LOCATION. IOREINSNG InnntVan of MU, Mkxsd , , asftrelalasfilhn Ida Re/rlggpratOc,RangaB $155, $1]5 with ch I- Geneln dI11Ces subject 21252116th Avenue SE RELOCATION Uby Th. upppOcant.gab hour it.,, NO COURT AP- to ties elmnate inn King County parcels mutter a M.IIXamll De ;%� Please submit resume to 'Nee LfnalarWMYanty' sunset al the allocation A public hearing III be Y r" PEARANCES. Includes numberetl 092205900] held to c.nslder, slgn Review eppllwtl l orderepkanhuntlnlpn.[om Call C"vndl1 DO 7 property, bills, oratory, ofmad Internal OfiMy 6 Ova2,o Oseer Zoning Sheehan Ctandltanal (MFOR-2017-6. err d��"' 206.2444M *=p�wq. Comppppa Mi to the ppaymenl at Sp.p, loan, fimlly read Use Permit to construct RPOR-2173256) for a Find your penect pet anatl.n of dwvmpnLS, them In has Owe Other der^pal 14-uNt twvnldue. de in the Classilleds, eemete.y Amin Leggal A'armatives 506 capital projects fear, OTHER PERMITS AND appvaxdmatsiy 1.4 Mlae q� aye lwlMClmMMa.agn T12-5295. a d to ra Ilowte iha m- plANS WHICH MAY BE f a.0m.dwnll and lei" veltapmant for the alto an / �L ,pare a economy elan the real lil 201i Cemetery plats for sale legel.It T ea,com ternal Nlllry taxes to the REQUIRED: Glvll Gen- g Hsar4n Deter. �"l Advertise our Mountain View Game g°nNal fund once the east bank of the Green gg v sihortion Permit Final River between South WEDNE9DAY, DECEM a upcoming garage sale 19 1wo plots aide by tag 1 Notlee. dObO In Pia ether CA lye Short Plat, Bulltling Per 2121E and South 228ih BER 5, 2010 at 11:00 & "1 led. far safe. Exwllenl gtbj0a1q 74md Ya eptLrWi4!- mlts AM III In your local community location. $4500, Call CRY OF KENT TT Streets, The project Is nr' 623.670-4040 file artllmanoq ahatlI inks PUBLIC COMMENT PE lO t" aloe the Hearing Location'. sIl 'I 61 newspaper and online NOTICE OF effect and be In force 30 RIOD: November 23, g Kent CIry Hall Council lit ORDINANCES days from the time of 2016 to December ]. rtgix+east bank of the Chambers West at 2204 I(°41 Ifl'll All to reach thousands of 4aC 0optodl , Green River and along PASSED BVTHE KENT Paaaege, as pmvltletl by 2016 All persons may Russell Road between tin Avenue $,., Kant, WA 't 4, households In your area Add an 10 yroMr CRY COUNCIL aw dent on the spell- S.ulh 21211 and 22ath 96032 ��1 W Go online to and clusified OUL The editorial are sum ORDINANCE NO 4294 ration Comments must Streets. Permlc ZCA-20lea / r goy gpPpggl� ypya merles of oNlnences -AN ORDINANCE of the be In wrung and re- Heering Data RPP3 2183225 p t 5 Call Boa388-2527 to ppitAs&ad by the Kan,CIry CIry Council of the City carved in the Kant Plan- WEONESDAY, NOVEM- The applidil lot Is - Gall!l.QO0opera E27 CAvnP1 on November of Kent, Ws➢hda9lAn, ping pepnamnm by new BERDNESDA 28, , NOVEM_at 1111 evalleble Imo re w at " I f 1 ,360596fiBW find out how. 20,201W levying 2018 pprIoperty PM. R0d0y, December Frooks ORDINANCE NO. 4286 tamAM mat sbutlr et of 2019a bCin- 7,201p lei 220 aide Ain- Hearin9 Lacallon: Kant • a v. ic Current Erapployment Opportunities at AN ORDINANCE of the ^° 9 ry nee South, Kant WA CIry Hall Council Chem- pCVryuI in Klka o.rwb 09 thin City of Kept mtllnence shall take 96032. For quesdans re- bens West at 220 ath Cghapter Zad°f ands* pt January and t, 2018n whlrh Gar1..form .c cannot Arge project Seniordramee .....permi S., Kohl' NumberA. DRIVER(CLASS B) (Everett,WA)Featured PositionY City Code enthled is mine than five day.. Pinnnm. at L2�a37 Ill SMC2018-1, RPP3- Id and Mk9a. "Wined," to mom.pizn near Its piawlee°°n, As sele,gamhamO 2181563 Sound Publishin , Inc, is looking for an the chapter and data ppromiB dbyluw gpnjtyn uy 9 9 r the Crass-Cannnall0n OROINAN E NO 4295 TENTAM9 MEETING. Tha applloll Is fri u,suntrm.rausto AN ORDINANCE of the ova table for .view It experienced truck driver with a 01 B to drive Control ssctlons to de- A1PydIle mamMg Is TEN- the CI of Kent Eco- mIu Yabp OM Implalrvem GIN Coal of the GIN TA VFLY sahm ied hero mank,and Commun a ou togldu104 to tined of Kent, Wash nglon, ip:o0 om pn•I'hursdayyl ppvpfmPmant Hlce, l0 OUI Of PdifIP Field died In Everett,Will MNRVI318 vamonulaad iha edught,tian or conlml amending Seddon Fghnrory 2B, 2Thu This tad at 400 oW Gawe -Pi -NialEdwrumne of °ease-a°nnaatirmsbe- 3.2e.o50of the Kentcdy pohm mgo,mg wPI be `street m downtown excellent driving record,be able to lift50bsand -n„p tween a water „C'°de, eniXletl bald in the Eaangmlp Kent, For more infirm." umn consumer's pynam end Tsixp05gfee vied,"bin firrift of the has - nod Communtry Dmmt. titan, please contact Jo. odd�Un odd flUdL ssmeu nnpcea the CIry' ppubna water °r - opener CgnlNan.q so G.ranam, Planner, system and to create ad- cease gross receipts Room el Opp We,, ddtiq $eMoreement pro. -fee flntl square loot- Game Street Kent, WA mell50i a56-Sd39°,vie This PgSlflon IS on the night Shift (Startle. �d[m Vlalgrna allowVa for mere ago tax and establish A 98032. Pleas° be ad- arm... Immobility 0 grans mcmllpte cap on m- send this earn, data Igernhem Hkdntwa.gpv, 3PPlgxillA$tpiY 9 Pln� end IS FU -T IIIQ, 3)-36'','"`�a^�nria This ordinance shall take tallnpp end Seddon is subject to change, This ad for publlnnl'kn _neml effect and be In Inom 30 of the Kent CIry Please cell to verlN time °n November 23,2018. hgBrS per WQPk,ThQ$dlQdpiQVdneS end 7PgWfPS -game days from and after Its Cade, entitled"Limltetian nd date at least a week it 633608 ."harei"'hea Ao� p¢aaago, as provided by °I rev°^°° manylvad' to before the scheduled NOTICEO PPUBLIC flexlh it.Must have knowledge of the Puget -rna,Ar� Ina clarity the allocation f meeting.If you have any HEARING .woman,-n ORDINANCE NO. 4269 .Vargas denied by questions, Please on, CITY OF KENT '.Soundalea.Must proycle current copy of all nrwucl., -AN ORDINANCE of the Choplor 3.28 of the Kent Jason Gerair Kant OFFICE OFTHE .o,mduorrgmvv CIry Courroll cal'Ihq CIry Tnis ordinance shall take Y5o 05fi 54 Services. at EARING99 OEXAMINER MUSE Iabstl'dckattime of interview. ,oeman�oAiaimonm,aa, ai C2. de ngt WmhM®Ln' affect and be In hoe 30 ammerdRn M. Kant jgD COP® For parc PERMIT PPdSP Prudl application to a4irn ComprehanaM➢ PMn days from and after Ita AD COPY-For pdbd4ga- LOWER RUSSELL rma`° end its Ca IMI F'aafltlbe assage, es provided by Joe F1Ma, November LEVEEBETBACK- 'No If .1. p P y Tareers�^sggndl7u6141uWIg.Trrtn and be sure to nPPi Element tin dud° the awe 23,2010 VAN DOB EN'$LAND- � � CepXfll F CIIHI Plans ORDINANCE NO. 4296 #834Bo4 gING ELOCAAR TION PUBL19H1NKiINC Indude AITNAAIVER InthesllbtPQ InQ. he CIX of the Kant, Federal AN ORDINANCE of the __._ c,wraawrv,mmmev Way g CI Council of N yit, p g e4w.aso A,•^n»s;. VMg a dal and of Kent, WeshlnptpD,City Find it it hold tto consitler Hine re- For a flat Aided most usual apenings4nd to learn more about so Ant gurwebsbe:www.mundpubllshing.rpm