HomeMy WebLinkAbout4294 i ORDINANCE NO. 4294 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, levying 2018 property taxes for the 2019 biennial budget for the City of Kent. RECITALS A. Pursuant to RCW 84.55.120 and after providing all appropriate notice, the City Council held public hearings on September 18, 2018, and October 16, 2018, to consider the City of Kent's budget for 2019, to address the City's property tax levy to be imposed in 2018 for collection in 2019, and to review revenues and limit factors. B. In accordance with RCW 84.55.120, any increase in property tax revenue other than that resulting from the addition of new construction and improvements to property, annexations, and any increase in the value of state-assessed property and the refund fund levy, requires the adoption of a separate ordinance specifically authorizing the increase in terms of both dollars and percentage. C. Pursuant to RCW 84.52.010 and WAC 458-19-020, taxes shall be levied in specific dollar amounts. 1 Property Tax Levied (i%) 2019 Budget Ordinance NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Recitals Incorporated. The foregoing recitals are incorporated into this ordinance. SECTION 2. - Property Tax Levied. There is hereby levied against the assessed value of the property in the City of Kent, Washington, a tax for the City's 2019 budget in the following amount for the General Fund, for the purpose of paying the general expenses of municipal government: Levy per $1,000 of assessed valuation Fund (estimated) Dollar Amount General Fund $1.5006 $30,755,540 This property tax levy represents a 1.0% increase over last year as shown below. 2019 Regular Property Tax Levy $30,755,540 Less 2018 Regular Property Tax Levy (30,067,316) Less New Construction Levy (342,560) Less Refund Levv (44,991) Property Tax Increase $ 300,673 Change 1.00/0 2 Property Tax Levied (1%) 2019 Budget Ordinance SECTION 3. - Limitation on Levy. The application of the General Fund levy shall be consistent with and shall not result in tax revenue in excess of the limitation imposed by RCW sections 84.55.010 and 84.55.0101. SECTION 4. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 6. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force January 1, 2019, which is more than five days after its publication, as provided by law. �. November 20. 2018 DANA RALPH, MAYOR " Date Approved ATT T: November 20. 2018 KIMBERLEY . KOMOTO, CI ERK Date Adopted November 23. 2018 Date Published APPROVED AS TO FORM: AATHUR PA "FTTZPAT CK, CFfY ATTORNEY 3 Property Tax Levied (1%) 2019 Budget Ordinance STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING ) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County,Washington. The Kent Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter (and not in supplement form)which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on November 23, 2018 . The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$297.12. Polly Shepherd Publisher, Kent Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 23' day of November, 2018 . ififer Tri be otary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Orting, Washington rid Yq(9i'", I CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE KENT CITY COUNCIL The following are summaries of ordinances passed by the Kent City Council on November 20, 2018: ORDINANCE NO. 4288 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, repealing and readopting Chapter 7.02 of the Kent City Code entitled "Water," to reorganize the chapter and update the Cross-Connection Control sections to develop and implement procedures to ensure the elimination or control of cross-connections between a water consumer's system and the City's public water system and to create additional enforcement provisions allowing for more flexibility. This ordinance shall' take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided' by law, ORDINANCE NO. 4289 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, Auburn and Highline School Districts (CPA-201&5). This ordinance will take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4290 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Sections 12.13,160 and 12.13.170 of the Kent City Code to adjust school impact fee schedules and the maximum allowable school impact fees. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4291 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital Facilities Plan of the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority (CPA-2018-6). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4292 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to reflect a six-year plan for capital improvement projects (2019-2024) (CPA-2017-7). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4293 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 3.18.020, entitled "Certain utilities subject to tax," to eliminate the sunset of the allocation of certain internal utility taxes to the payment of debt in the City's other capital projects fund, and to reallocate the internal utility taxes to the general fund once the debt in the other capital projects fund is retired. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from the time of passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4294 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, levying 2018 property taxes for the 2019 biennial budget for the City of Kent. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force January 1, 2019, which is more than five days after its publication, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4295 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 3.28.050 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Imposition of the tax - Tax or fee levied," to increase gross receipts rates and square footage tax and establish a gross receipts cap on retailing, and Section 3.28.130 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Limitation of revenue received," to clarify the allocation of revenues derived by Chapter 3.28 of the Kent City Code. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4296 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to budgets and finance and adopting the final 2019-2020 biennial budget. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force January 1, 2019, which is more than five days after its publication, as provided by law. A copy of the complete text of any ordinance will be mailed upon request of the City Clerk. Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk Kent Reporter Friday,November 23,2018 19 Greer Natreee Goods Notrcee Gooey Notre.. tn(Ar Notice. Lease Notleee E pl y... ..erne.. /"91vn m4 op dnrn. Dppo.mnme. f� (CPA 201E n tailed to budgets and to PUBLIC EAR quest /m a contlllli the C of Ken[ Eco- °' r This ordinance III take nY fg11 ReCome Yn affect and be In term 30 M1°al end 020 red the PUBLIC HEARING use perms to construct no nsa and Come, to- /D�^r 'i your Hrwl 2tlig.2020 Dlpnnlel CT-OFKENT new park facilities... In Donn. .1 0 office to- Earn ydaenel days from and after d Its budget HEARING E EXAMINER cludlh a new Van tee at 400 W Gowa ppassage, as provided by effect ordinance shall take HEARING ON BILNER DomnPe Ml—Industrial Pack Street In downtown Data"back kup.law, effect and be In brw LE CORDON BLAU within me Mt Industr al Kent For more nlorma aay hadKu ORDINANGE NO. 42M January 1, 2019, which PRELIMINARY Park zoning dlslrlct In amh please contact J.. Evening cannel -AN ORDINANCE of the Is more than five days SUBDIVISION conjunction with a levee see Garnham Planner d Ctlty Carchar .1 me Cddy .tiro Its Pagination, as A public hearing will be and fish habital improve- at JGareham®Kent Wh Take Payments 01 Kdn6. Waahlnpmn, prewpded by law M1eltl to consider subdL most prpimal Tdp prolppk WA,gov or via email C C,'dd , Live Instructed. Academy.ror Rent my col S.W. A copy of the ommpfek, ding;A 433 a parcel is lWated Mking the at(253)856 5439. King County 12.13.160 ark Cast al arty avdlinmbw wtlX Intro 22 stet.family reel dghamer, bank of 0, #833902 MATERIAL HANDLER Blue Emerald Reel 12,13.170 of the Kent be mpIf°d vpan mgluaet dential Job, Me land Oman Rover and along 11/23/1B WANTED Estate School save Clry Coda to adjust of the CITy Clarkl scan.tracts,one..,.a Rvyaall Reed belwaen _ Scenic Vista school YbapaM fee gddyd. Kimberley A, Khrei firm tract one Somh 212th and 2261h - With YonpyalNe dead Kin.CO: Senior AparmTpnis. ales and iha maximum C Clerk stormwater tract and Broker, ° held Unique maurdln9 (253)250-0402 269W retain A"Sit ali4wN,bie school Impact 0835118,11/23/18 thmro Peters aromas, Moonlit Data � technologies funds, m E" " Kent WA 98030 fee.. yramfa..Th pwpamY In la- WEDNESDAV, NOVEM Design Is a leader on the muaEm WOROAK"aaeamm Apartment.Now This ordlnence shall Take NOTICE OF caned at elects 10% BER 28, 2016 at 10:00 ' m market dm ...ipm ern r, e Avellable effect and be In fame 30 APPLICATION Avenue SE and Icahn- AM amhWom.I franchisees. Beautiful 162 Bee, days from and after Its A Project Pomp Appli- fled as KHN County As- Hearing Location: Kent Teo Iemlay,maned ohm- atnHlrvp et: garage, as provided by cation has damn filed soccer panel number City Hall Call ChipemXyl mpeolslome An "on 10R.5648/1Y6m. reveal with City of Kent Plan 1BSB600020, bets West at 220 blh lever. anitd accessaY /i/ l EI7iY4:'2BRa $1130fre ORDINANCE NO. 4291 ship SoMms the . pmHuw1ng Ne9I deal: Avenue S, Ork Was 1 I Q I6em.B oQlly ,� Cry-AN��cNAalGrmaIE fGlry Iq Ippggon hnd�ih°tl i� BER 5WED@SP010 etE10p o0 Permit Number l clog Etlr deprm Nk wil OJ�J a umlis p r. I 1 dawn Kanner Design �� Cell Susan ai Kand, Wmfing'on, ppaq br rawl'a'w Tha Plm AM C E - 2 0 1 6 - 1 -' has Mara than 25 ydam 253520-9876 ernaMtnp the Rent Ilcgdon anvil Vlmled atud- Hearing I.meon: Kant RPP3-21 B1552 emprey.nene al on arlorreq In saiylc TOO:711 Cempeahohe". plan Pas may ba rw ad at CIry Hall Cm encll Chem. Thq a(rWWPcpgmn Is .eneul Ind guslomma all oval and Its Ca sal Fedlilles aYvllable fah YPvfUw at the warm The heed i, ]lrlm Mawduam fnav egwu P the minces of Kent W bars West et Kohl IA rtem of Karcher De DppawanttyF"',m4darand Element to include the 'ng SeMcm, 4Iro W. Avenue S-, Kent, WA the Clry o1 Kent Ecc CARRIER ... Fmparyms Cepnel FacllHles Plan of no, Karl,WA 98032 bonds. and Community ROUTES ®'0tiNw11aMVdA, Iosoue[M1 of cn pmnnmpa toe Puget Sour" Rd� DATE OF NOTICE OF Permit SO 2017.6, Davelapmpel puree, 14 1 gqtlnk Flre Author APPLICATION. Novem- KIVA#RPP3-21]4909 ealod M 400 W Gewq AVAILABLE SAe"m ANTIOUE SHIPPING (CPk-2p16'bI 1er23,2016 The ap�llpmllmn a Street In downtown ?This 4rdirynnce eheit.take APPLICATION NAME, avaiiaable ar raylev✓ at Kent. For more Informa Ti114'M%term{H9ndkr CONTAINER from Eng- aXect and be In force 30 THUERINGER SHORT the CIry of None Eco- tiron,, Shift mn:Tukwila, 12 mod; ukmpuarda., desks, des from and after Its {dams° k, PdA Ja. NYOUR she Weekdays 12pm- ohmsfl cgpkcen Y PLAT Development end Community at G)856.. PFeneea p m "to lck, 90 prasa an Tabards,as Provided by APPLICATION NUM- caland t 40 oHlce, ve, at(253)856-5439 or vie AREA Job typo:part-doe data lock, wppkpnd, m, Gleam. HER SP-201B-12/KIVA Stretl at 400 do Gowa email et Inn D". :immediate- tlgy ChrpUgh SpmdmY BRDIMANCE NO. 4292 #RPSS 2194646 sheet in downtown IgeYrvmem Dkansµa,®oy� CaIITOda Cot. $resat Adding", AN ORDINANCE'of drop ENV-201821 / KIVA Kpm. Far mar& Inwood This ad for puMGcalbn y General Job tlescrlptlan Shall$61.0ito' i ( Ctlty C at, s1 the CIry #RPSW-2184MS lion please oonaace on WpdvmlAaY 23,20111 1-253-872-661U SMi4/apko veil Rommlying wwweotastrest cam m at, Wa®'If tom, PRO,IFCT DESCRIP Sharon Clamp Planner, #833615 =Orda,P addng OEM= am&ntlln0 Ifv Kuni TION:The appl.O,pre. Wdd0vm11* —NOTICE OF PUBLIC =Warahouao Centuries- Amen.... Ann ementd Cmppe"Ismarvo plan ogee' to sPamte the Kq°IVJA.gav or vie HEARING CITY OF 14onamd Oelabginq ark Its Caphai FadAllov onabling middanw from (253)65 -5938. KENTOFFICE OFTHEpo"i a .On 1ho Kind IeailJ will NEW APPLIANCES Aleehtlllcs Amen moue Element W mi a see- The si Wavelepecon Ad for publlcatlon In HEARING EXAMINER bay accotlod Essourbal UP TO 70%OFF erinf rellmee gall P cdoinal ral an foe cnuld proj iet cts deubsaquvn9l'y uubddY 161123/2016.irrat her on KRE70NE PERMITHOMES9 -Cstie All Menulact.& DhLendfeevammN -Current tlrvers Ilcense DI a nam,Scent-ems20fi 5B]2B3B. 2 A i 7- - 2. 0 2 q kTo #B33B9BA °�"Gls vglnd public dNdfing will bel Ingoodstanding endFapioeylmporbaP assalsltmnllne Q" ) dentalA mbalNOTICE RI PUBLIC mrs to pomades a e -motgcam toIlklu dons www.aeettleee.pr in nodnanca sham 18Xn ro 9 slnpla femlly Yhsb HEARING eons of 1 e per el )t ^mats be ab�m to Ilk up m 'Undgse,uxa 9 . dam911 and by d a after 90 dental kte. A crryctll CRY OF KENT from GC'. Community e T pyLGvi4 PROMOTE VENT RE- days from end alder Its r...trout,a stormwamr OFFICE OFTHE Commo�afal zoning In "v' '� .Wersohouse, sepprlsnce Appliance�lsfrmutons ift GIONAL EVENT slate- pppsgege, as provided by dhionll&n pal frodd, HEARING EXAMINER MR416, MumMmlh/ aplps.not regrhrpd 14639 Tukwila loll BNd. wide with fl r$1,75dir foryl- iOw me Penal I Private SHORELINE Reidential Townhouse -Ability to provide excel- 206-244.6966 {Geld Melted or$Gall for ORDINANCE NO 42he corm and a ;IrWam CONDITIONAL USE ze di The. prmpaaed �� lent customer sary ce a display ad. Cell 44 -AN ORDINANCE of the street accessed {rem STAINLESS news LOWER whets tlemlgn.e '$ -Organization and atten- APPLIANCE pgogr or 360-394 Cry Cpunpil pl glop icily 116ih Avenue SE er LOWER RUSSELL igrWdeleM Wlrh IRR Gl4'y$ A tlon to tletall PACKAGE WASHINGTON2936 for . a d4of Wtltlhasie , also bnlbg rowT a as LEVEE SETBACK- Comprob ml" Men -Able to read, write, antl $1KA WASHINGTON DI amamm�p 9acElan part of iN1n loverapArent VAN DOREN'S LAND- L. Vso Plan Man Oaks- rya^v ° mmmunlcate 91Aertivaly VORCE-SEPARATION 316,020, shifted PROJECT LOCATION: ING PARK dgrvgllan k MU, Mluod as nreletes to top lob Refrl®0mfor,Range& $155. $175 with cell- Cortaro obilliee crasher 21252116th Avenue SE kls J p9hW&eher to tax," to ellminale 00 RELOCATION s.The Iderce ebb Oren. NO COURT AP- sunset of the allocation King Currey pm'caie A public' hearing will be mood a M 4amllyy Di Please submit resume to "New Under Whrral PEARANCES. Inclutles nlAnrbered 0922p5ppp7 held to c der a ela®n RaWewv ap�ilma'Ibn " orderBkenherdemlge.Lom Call Credit Dept property bills, custotly sY angle dintprnal udY11pY & 0922059045 Zero she aline Cmntllilonal 1 M F D R P.0 i i-8 2DO-244.6'969 ei4Lpon Complete Rrap mxae to tea mymamt of SR-6, mingle family mhu Use Permit to conavuq RPDR 217Dp5d) ror a /, , Find your perfect pet Legalof doampme deft te the Pa cpfy# other OTHE appmearne it 1 4 mlloe 14-tell townhouse tl /((l//i L in the Classifieds. Cemetery Plot. Legal S. netlway 5rm and to mmorde e Id. OTHER PERMITS AND of rww tendered and Inv. aetlopment for the site o �,/ m .mmcimmW cm YT2.5296 www.Pere- former tees lima the PLANS WHICH MAY BE as s alkes along the Augdol 162017, / ...._ Cemetery plea for sale. Onellefernativas.com es REQUIRED: Cldl Can- east bank of the Green Hoetlmp DO W Advertise your Mountain View Come. general fund a the tru,tl,, Peron, Final WEDNESDAV, DECM " tery two plots add by Svbl.She other a L1 Short Plet, Building Per- River between South m upcoming garage sale M Le¢dl Nolleed �' g 2GEh and South 220th DER 5, 2016 at 11:00 1 r\\\1 a t. We sale. Problem pp gpmcie toed is retha mlts in your local community location, $4500. Cell CRY OF KENT Thls mdiestrum shall talks PUBLIC COMMENT PE- acealq. The "else' Is AM pp 44 n NOTICE OF effect and be In fine 30 RIOD: November 23, tl nVait U long qtl the grant kCtty Hal Connell o I1W all Il newspaper end online 623 s7D-40a0 ORDINANCES days }tom the time of 2016 to December 7, ,.an Rluer end along CYmndmm Wort at 220 4 le IIII° p to reach thousands of (96t ntlLlC9dl r„ PASSED BYTHE KENT passage, as provided by 2018 All persons may Ruvaall Read between th Avenue S. Kent, WA n lykl households lny°uraree Add art W yet i' CITY COUNCIL awn comment on dogs al South 2121h antl 226th 96032 Go online to UEssghed ad The following are sum, ORDINANCE NO 4294 cal Comments must Streets. Permit ZOA20183 / II and soar tluf. arias of pkYnaums -AN ORDINANCE of the be In writing and re- Hearing Dets' RPP3 2183225 0I 11 wwx.8oupdCNr46M$N°q° Call BOO.388-2527 to padead by the Kent CYey CITY Correll of the CIry vapvad 'e the Kent Plan- WEDNESDAY, NOVEM� The pplkalipn Is � Call:1-600-368-252] Ommmoil n November c1 Kant, Washington nine Dapannrent by 4-30 DER 2B, 2016 al 10:00 avhllable 'a1r 4avdoµ at " ! Fax:g�00-6 07 find out how. 20,2n1B; levying 20A6 property PM. Real DecemOm' AM ORDINANCE NO. 42M Iaaea for the 2019 bite- ],2018 at 1220 4th Ave- Hearing Loo.i.ir: earn e PUBLISHING INIC Current -AN ORDINANCE or plop meal Warfare for the City sue sekh, Kent WA CIry Hall DeLeon Ch.- Employment" CIry cAusell of Ihv City ul Kant 90032,For eqlbosTom,re bars West at 220 bth of Need Waehing.n, nit- pAhI6M�&'IeW U6°din Oda ss 9mdlnp thle protect Avenue $, Karl, WA BB UrB PD$ On • m.Na us parking. and medppprrg plevse contest Jason ge032 ton kpnam Chapter 7.02 of Cho Kant January 1. 2019, which Garnham AGE senior Permit Nmmber DRIVER(CLASS B) (Everett,WA) -uNwro City code anMInd N mover them give days Planner, at (253) al SMC-2019-1, RPP3- hdaair 1Ma.r,• to omproade Ali Its Pdbfaadbre, ms 5439,Igarehem® 2161563 me dertlor and updale Ossild by few 92pS knew,,VE MEETING. The apPllcallon is Sound Publishing, Inc. IS Opking for do mtlii m,w,et¢Inemn,ulbnu mp mam.COnia awn available for re law e1a1dIa a erienced truck driver with a CbL-B to drive Control sections to do ^AN OROi NANOE pl khp q vvubfdc mooting is TEN- the CI of Kehl Eco- tP [Stan l .top and implement OIry Gouncll N he CIry TATYVELV ephgduled for ry va""n p of Kent, 'Wmhln I a.m. on Thpeadm, metric and Community n, rocedures to ensure 9grt 10:00 y Gavel mepM oXlce, lo- OUI Of PdIlle Pleld Bred In EVereR,WA.MgsthaNe -yneonm,oe the elimination or comedy amending $scfan February 2e, 2010,This meted t d00 W Gowahi C .oigmisaofxecnme Of cress-connecticas be 528.050 of the liWnl Clry public meeting will be street In downtown excellent driving record,be able lO lift SU lbS and -uia tween a water Cnkv, mtoyod held In the Economic raga Im ositlon of the tax Kant. For more Infirmfl na.mera system and P — and Community Diced- load/ungadhud. rpaa ,tma. the CRY", publle water Tax ar fee Lvied,"to In' operant Lion, please contact Ja- s stem and to ere arose- grass re se Iv o C°Mseme" son Garnham planner, an,rm«m v etp art P Room at pup West be zl a ass-seas no sea TPII$ poll I5 on the night chili (startingmMbr asknal m maroon pro- ca.4 and square bob Gowe Sleet Kent, Was ( ) p 9 aorlT we voldela aldrrwJryg for mare age tar and establish a 98032. Please be ad. a um at This m8fi grass mcvKind can on re is This meaning date Igmnhad get twa{Ymv. appf0Xi6Patetfl 9 prof and is FU-Time, 3738 "e^� ruling,281and Kids Cite g his ve tar 3,2YcgPlon r ^9"" airam.a Ie oaeinrorl�a ao 3.ze.13r of the Kent D dal aiml°M ro °,time on Moemmbis�+2a rD1B, '.houtsperweek Thesdledulevadesand requires a XY PipaBa G0.m old floe #83360E days Imo and after Its Code, entitled"lamlrnggry and dad at feast a weak .v,e.wna.,rcoargnaa Passage ss provided by of revenue received: to hero,. the scheduled NOTICE OF PUBLIC oni dledibllilg, Must have knowledge of the Puget -Goiisda q clarify the Il.datlme of moappg.,IY you have Amy HEARING .-dye -n ORDINANCE NO. 4261 .Inc..r derived by ggbpbtlans, pbaeo hall CITY OF KENT Sound area.Must providemrrentcopy pfdrNing rsww.. -AN ORDINANCE of the Chapter a2B of the Kent Jasoo Oermham, Konl OFFICE OFTHE .mmenonaanasn Glry Council of the CIry Clty Code. Planning Services, at HEARING EXAMINER db5hd(l at hoe OfnteNlQW, -w,honelane of Knot. Washington, this ordinance shall take 253-856-5439; CONDITIONAL USE "Lninem,mhnonba.gn amending the Kent effect and be In force 30 1peAehppv®kpogsya®qy PERMIT Please email applicatlonto. rMmun Comprehensive Plan days from and after Its AO P0Py. For islum.- LOWER RUSSELL end Is Capital Facil Rles ravager as Unbridled by add Frogy N6NtlMbor LEVEES /e qfe,.� � Lore -In+lling<wa„nr Element to Include the aW 23,201e VANDOREN'SLANO- •iaVi7WI■ Qr sound NbllShl m and be sure to -bons B .bir. I Capital Facllnes Plans ORDINANCE NO. 4296 #B34BD4 ING PARK indgde ATFR:URI1lER lniheSgb eClllfle, a' of the Kent Federal AN ORDINANCE of the RELOCATION PUSLISRINR.IjJfi I V Iwous,v"nv,n, Way, Auburn and High CIry Council of the CIry Find it,BUYIf,Sell it A Publlc hovnVm will be 2°"'""""^ a'n Ile& ski Districts of Kent, Washington, re mter,46Xrd.re ere held to conald.r the re- Far a list order most err nl lob Lectures and to learn more about usylelt our wtbHte:WwwroUedpv6BeHinkmand