HomeMy WebLinkAbout4295 ORDINANCE NO. 4295 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 3.28.050 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Imposition of the tax - Tax or fee levied," to increase gross receipts rates and square footage tax and establish a gross receipts cap on retailing, and Section 3.28.130 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Limitation of revenue received," to clarify the allocation of revenues derived by Chapter 3.28 of the Kent City Code. RECITALS A. In 2012, the City enacted a business and occupation tax and a square footage tax. B. In 2017, the City increased its square footage tax effective January 1, 2019, and dedicated the increase in revenue to capital needs. C. Kent's current business and occupation tax rates are below those of many other cities that utilize the tax. In addition, the threshold of revenue at which a business owes the business and occupation tax is $250,000 per year, which is a higher threshold than all but two cities in the state of Washington. Approximately 45 percent of Kent businesses are below the threshold and do not owe any business and occupation tax. 1 Amend Ch. 3.28 KCC- B&O Rates and Allocations D. The City is facing a significant reduction in revenue, i commonly referred to as the City's "fiscal cliff," when, in October of 2019, it will no longer receive approximately $5 million of streamlined sales tax mitigation, and in June of 2020, it will no longer receive $4.7 million of annexation sales tax credit. Coupled with an ongoing structural imbalance of $2 million, the expected impact is a loss of $11.7 million to the City. In the event the legislature reallocates streamlined sales tax mitigation funds to the City, the amount of those funds will be unknown and will be subject to modification or termination at the will of the legislature. As a result, even if the legislature restores some amount of streamlined mitigation funding, the City will be unable to reliably depend on this funding source. E. The Mayor and City Council have held numerous public meetings in an effort to engage the public regarding the issues facing the City budget as well as the potential for an increase to the City's business and occupation tax. Meetings where the budget and/or the business and occupation tax as well as other revenue issues have been discussed occurred as follows: February 2-3, 2018, Council retreat; March 9, 2018, Council retreat; March 27, 2018, Budget Road Show; April 21, 2018, Budget Road Show; May 17, 2018, Budget Road Show; July 13, 2018, special Council workshop; September 18, 2018, budget hearing; September 25, 2018, special Council meeting/Mayor's budget presentation; September 25, 2018, special Council workshop; October 6, 2018, special Council workshop; October 9, 2018, special Council workshop; October 16, 2018, Council workshop; and the October 16, 2018, budget hearing. F. In addition to the numerous public meetings and hearings regarding issues facing the City budget as well as the potential for an increase to the City's business and occupation tax, the City maintained a 2 Amend Ch. 3.28 KCC - B&O Rates and Allocations FAQ page on its website, asked residents to share feedback, and asked individuals to sign up for email notifications regarding the budget process. G. The City has a low level of service and staffing for a city of its size. The City's number of employees per 1,000 residents has remained constant since 2011. Notwithstanding this, in her 2019-2020 budget instructions, the Mayor directed non-public safety departments funded by general revenues to identify expense reductions totaling at least $2.1 million for 2020. Even with these reductions and $2.2 million of other sustainable revenue increases, the City's general fund revenues are insufficient to cover expected expenses. H. After extensive consideration, the Council has determined that the business and occupation tax and square footage tax rate should be increased beginning January 1, 2020, in order to help fund the general operations of the City and that funds derived from the increases should be dedicated for that purpose. The revenue generated from the original tax rates established in 2012 will continue to be dedicated to street improvements and projects, and program administration. I. Even with the implementation of the rates set forth in this ordinance, Kent business and occupation tax rates for manufacturing and retailing will remain at fifty percent of the statutory maximum. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 3 Amend Ch. 3.28 KCC- B&O Rates and Allocations ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Amendment. Section 3.28.050 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Imposition of the tax - Tax or fee levied," as amended by Ordinance 4242 and later amended by Section 1 of Ordinance 4260, is hereby amended effective January 1, 2019, as follows: 3.28.050 Imposition of the tax - Tax or fee levied. (Effective January 1, 2019) Except as provided in subsection (C) of this section, there is hereby levied upon and shall be collected from every person a tax for the act or privilege of engaging in business activities within the city, whether the person's office or place of business be within or without the city. The tax shall be in amounts to be determined by application of rates against the gross proceeds of sale, gross income of business, or value of products, including byproducts, and by application of rates against the square footage of business office or facility space within the city, as the case may be, as follows: A. Gross receipts tax. 1. Upon every person engaging within the city in business as an extractor; as to such persons the amount of the tax with respect to such business shall be equal to the value of the products, including byproducts, extracted within the city for sale or for commercial or industrial use, multiplied by the rate of 0.152 hundredths of one percent (0.00152) through December 31, 2021, and multiplied by the rate of 0.200 hpinrirarifhc of nnc ncrrcinf (n nn71 offorfivo lnniinry 1 )n77, The measure of the tax is the value of the products, including byproducts, so extracted, regardless of the place of sale or the fact that deliveries may be made to points outside the city. 4 Amend Ch. 3.28 KCC - B&O Rates and Allocations 2. Upon every person engaging within the city in business as a manufacturer, as to such persons the amount of the tax with respect to such business shall be equal to the value of the products, including byproducts, manufactured within the city, multiplied by the rate of 0.046 hundredths of one percent (0.00046) through December 31, 2021, and multiplied by the rate of 0.100 hundredths of one percent (.001) effective January 1. 2022. The measure of the tax is the value of the products, including byproducts, so manufactured, regardless of the place of sale or the fact that deliveries may be made to points outside the city. 3. Upon every person engaging within the city in the business of making sales at wholesale, as to such persons, the amount of tax with respect to such business shall be equal to the gross proceeds of such sales of the business without regard to the place of delivery of articles, commodities or merchandise sold, multiplied by the rate of 0.152 hundredths of one percent (0.00152) through December 31, 2019, and multiplied by the rate of 0.200 hundredths of one percent (0.002) effective January 1, 2020. 4. Upon every person engaging within the city in the business of making sales at retail, as to such persons, the amount of tax with respect to such business shall be equal to the gross proceeds of such sales of the business, without regard to the place of delivery of articles, commodities or merchandise sold, multiplied by the rate of 0.046 hundredths of one percent (0.00046) through December 31. 2021 and miiltinlieri by the rate of n inn hi inrlrerlfhc of nne percent (.001) efuf-- i toior. 1 n17 5. Upon every person engaging within the city in the business of (a) printing, (b) both printing and publishing newspapers, magazines, periodicals, books, music, and other printed items, (c) publishing newspapers, magazines and periodicals, (d) extracting for hire, and (e) 5 Amend Ch. 3.28 KCC - B&O Rates and Allocations processing for hire; as to such persons, the amount of tax on such business shall be equal to the gross income of the business multiplied by the rate of 0.046 hundredths of one percent (0.00046) through December '21 7n71 and rni ilti nlierl h%i hho rmYc F n Inn h .-I dths of f ''... vi v..tuu i auiiure+d n.�i� i r:eiae "er�%�u:n� '.... (.001) effective January 1 2022. I 6. Upon every person engaging within the city in the business of making sales of retail services; as to such persons, the amount of tax with respect to such business shall be equal to the gross proceeds of sales multiplied by the rate of 0.152 hundredths of one percent (0.00152) through December 31R 2021 and multiplied by the rate of 0.200 hundredths of one percent 0,002 effective January 1 2022. 7. Upon every other person engaging within the city in any business activity other than or in addition to those enumerated in the above subsections; as to such persons, the amount of tax on account of such activities shall be equal to the gross income of the business multiplied by the rate of 0.152 hundredths of one percent (0.00152) through December 31 2021 and multiplied by the rate of 0.200 hundredths of one percent (0.002) effective January 1, 2022. This subsection includes, among others, and without limiting the scope hereof (whether or not title to material used in the performance of such business passes to another by accession, merger, or other than by outright sale), persons engaged in the business of developing or producing custom software or of customizing canned software, producing royalties or commissions, and persons engaged in the business of rendering any type of service which does not constitute a sale at retail, a sale at wholesale, or a retail service. B. Square footage tax. Upon every person who leases, owns, occupies, or otherwise maintains an office, warehouse, or other place of business within the city for purposes of engaging in business activities in the city, 6 Amend Ch. 3.28 KCC - B&O Rates and Allocations I the tax shall be measured by the number of square feet of warehouse ' business floor space or other business floor space for each office, warehouse, or other place of business leased, owned, occupied, or otherwise maintained within the city during the reporting period, calculated to the nearest square foot. 1. Subject to the reductions established in subsection (B)(6) of this section, the amount of the tax due shall be equal to the sum of the number of square feet of business warehouse floor space for each business warehouse leased, owned, occupied, or otherwise maintained within the city multiplied by the Fate of $0.06 quaftnef4yrate for each calendar yeari. listed below, and the number of square feet of other business floor space '. for each office or other place of business leased, owned, occupied, or I otherwise maintained within the city multiplied by the me, _`$0.02 quarte4yrate for each calendar year list below. Effective Date Business Warehouse Other Business Floor Floor Space Space 1/1/2019 0.06 quarterly rate 0.02 quarterly rate 0.24 annual rate 0.08 annual rate 1/1/2020 0.09 quarterly rate 0.02 uq arterly rate 0.36 annual rate 0.08 annual rate 1/1/2025 0.12-quarterly rate 0.02 Quarterly rate 0.48 annual rate 0.08 annual rate 1 1 2028 0.15 quarterly rate 0.03 quarterly rate 0.60 annual rate 0.12 annual rate 2. For purposes of this section, business warehouse means a building or structure, or any part thereof, in which goods, wares, merchandise, or commodities are received or stored, whether or not for compensation, in furtherance of engaging in business. 7 Amend Ch. 3.28 KCC - B&O Rates and Allocations 3. For purposes of this section, other business floor space means the floor space of an office or place of business, other than a business warehouse. j 4. For purposes of this section, the square footage shall be computed by measuring to the inside finish of permanent outer building walls and shall include space used by columns and projections necessary to the building. Square footage shall not include stairs, elevator shafts, flues, pipe shafts, vertical ducts, heating or ventilation shafts, janitor closets, and electrical or utility closets. 5. Persons with more than one office, warehouse, or other place of business within the city must include all business warehouse floor space and other business floor space for all locations within the city. When a person rents space to another person, the person occupying the rental space is responsible for the square footage business tax on that rental space only if the renter has exclusive right of possession in the space as against the landlord. Space rented for the storage of goods in a warehouse where no walls separate the goods, and where the exclusive right of possession in the space is not held by the person to whom the space is rented, shall be included in the warehouse business floor space of the person that operates the warehouse business, and not by the person renting the warehouse space. 6. If the square footage tax imposed in this subsection (B) is less than or equal to the gross receipts tax imposed in subsection (A) of this section, no square footage tax will be due; if the square footage tax imposed in this subsection (B) exceeds the gross receipts tax imposed in subsection (A) of this section, the taxpayer shall also remit the excess over the gross receipts tax payable under subsection (A) of this section. 8 Amend Ch. 3.28 KCC- B&O Rates and Allocations C. Gross receipts and square footage threshold. I 1. Gross receipts threshold. The gross receipts tax imposed in subsection (A) of this section shall not apply to any person engaging in any one or more business activities which are otherwise taxable pursuant to this section, whose value of products, including byproducts, gross proceeds of sales, and gross income of the business, as the case may be, from all activities conducted within the city during any calendar year does not exceed the threshold amount of $250,000. 2. Square footage threshold. The square footage tax imposed in subsection (B) of this section shall not apply to any person unless that person's total floor area of business space within the city exceeds the following threshold: a. Four thousand taxable square feet of business warehouse space; or b. Twelve thousand taxable square feet of other business floor space. If the square footage tax applies, it applies to all business space leased, owned, occupied, or otherwise maintained by the taxpayer during the applicable reporting period. D, Gross Recelots Maximum - Retailing Activities, 0ffectiye January 2022, the gross receipts tax imposed in subsection LA) of this section shall not aooly to retailing_activities exceeding 20.000.000 in any oallendar year which are otherwise taxable pursuant to this section. 9 Amend Ch. 3,28 KCC - B&O Rates and Allocations DE. Rules. The director may promulgate rules and regulations regarding the manner, means, and method of calculating any tax imposed under this section. SECTION 2. - Amendment. Section 3.28.130 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Limitation of revenue received," as amended by Ordinance 4147 and later amended by Section 2 of Ordinance 4260 is hereby amended effective January 1, 2019, as follows: 3.28.130 Limitation of revenue received. (Effective January 1, 2019) One-half of the revenue FeEeived from the square foetage-ta* shall be allocated to the city's capital resources fund, Remaining revenue Revenue received from the taxes imposed by this chapter shall then be dedicated to the general operations of the city subject to the following two exceptions: A. Revenues equivalent to the original gross receipts and square footage rates in effect from 2013 through 2018 shall first be applied to the actual cost to staff and operate the business and occupation tax division, imelud --, one infoFmation teehnology position dedicated to supporting that divisien, but not to exceed the amount budgeted for that division by the city council. allocatiOns, !00 percent of any feekhtakRemainino revenue shall be allocated to the design, construction, maintenance, improvement, operation, and repair of the city's transportation infrastructure and appurtenant improvements including, without limitation, streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, bicycle and pedestrian lanes and paths, street trees, drainage, lighting, and signalization. B. Square footage revenues equivalent to 0.03 quarterly on business warphniicp flnnr cnarp and n_n1 niiarfprly nn nfhpr himinpcc flnnr cnarp shall be allocated to the cit 's capital resource fund. 10 Amend Ch. 3.28 KCC - 8&O Rates and Allocations SECTION 3. - Severabilitv. If any one or more section, subsection, I or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 5. - Petition for Referendum. Pursuant to RCW 35.21.706, the city shall provide for a referendum procedure to apply to this ordinance increasing the rate of the city's business and occupation tax. A referendum petition may be filed with the city clerk within seven days of passage of this ordinance. Within 10 days, the city clerk shall confer with the petitioner concerning the form and style of the petition, issue the petition an identification number, and secure an accurate, concise, and positive ballot title from the city attorney. The petitioner shall have 30 days in which to secure the signatures of not less than 15 percent of the registered voters of the city, as of the last municipal general election, upon petition forms which contain the ballot title and the full text of the measure to be referred. The city clerk shall verify the sufficiency of the signatures on the petition and, if sufficient valid signatures are properly submitted, shall certify the referendum measure to the next election ballot within the city or at a special election ballot as provided pursuant to RCW 35.17.260(2). This referendum procedure shall be the exclusive method of referendum for this ordinance, and shall supersede all other statutory initiative or referendum procedures that may apply. 11 Amend Ch. 3.28 KCC - B&O Rates and Allocations I SECTION 6. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. November 20. 2018 DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved ATTEST: November 20. 2018 KIMBERLEY A. OMOTO, CITY CL K Date Adopted November 23. 2018 Date Published APPROVED AS TO FOAM: R 1J9 "PkPlITZPATRICK, ITY ATTORNEY 12 Amend Ch. 3.28 KCC - B&O Rates and Allocations STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County,Washington.The Kent Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter(and not in supplement form)which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on November 23, 2018 . The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$297.12. Polly he Publisher, Kent Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 23rd day of November, 2018 . �, Jan Lifer Tibet Public for the State of Washington, Residing in i Orting, Washington 6yl 'f)7; W %1 ""..:...1..:`. CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE KENT CITY COUNCIL The following are summaries of ordinances passed by the Kent City Council on November 20, 2018: ORDINANCE NO. 4288 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, repealing and readopting Chapter 7.02 of the Kent City Code entitled "Water," to reorganize the chapter and update the Cross-Connection Control sections to develop and implement procedures to ensure the elimination or control of cross-connections between a water consumer's system and the City's public water system and to create additional enforcement provisions allowing for more flexibility. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4289 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, Auburn and Highline School Districts (CPA-2018=5). This ordinance will take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4290 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Sections 12.13.160 and 12.13.170 of the Kent City Code to adjust school impact fee schedules and the maximum allowable school impact fees. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4291 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council' of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plain and its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital Facilities Plan of the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority (CPA-2018-6). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4292 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to reflect a six-year plan for capital improvement projects (2019-2024) (CPA-2017-7). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4293 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 3..18.020, entitled "Certain utilities subject to tax," to eliminate the sunset of the allocation of certain internal utility taxes to the payment of debt in the City's other capital projects fund, and to reallocate the internal utility taxes to the general fund once the debt in the other capital projects fund is retired. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from the time of passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4294 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, levying 2018 property taxes for the 2019 biennial budget for the City of Kent. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force January 1, 2019, which is more than five days after its publication, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4295 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 3.28.050 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Imposition of the tax - Tax or fee levied," to increase gross receipts rates and square footage tax and establish a gross receipts cap on retailing, and Section 3.28.130 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Limitation of revenue received," to clarify the allocation of revenues derived by Chapter 3.28 of the Kent City Code. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4296 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to budgets and finance and adopting the final 2019-2020 biennial budget. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force January 1, 2019, which is more than five days after its publication, as provided by law. A copy of the complete text of any ordinance will be mailed upon request of the City Clerk. Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk Kent Reporter Friday,November 23,2016 19 lees.VAN..• Legal N.C.— less.Notleu Legal Notle Legal NaNaee Employment ...A... oneindisti.m. OPpartarxt.es itDPA-2016-&I. Iatln9 to budget and 11- NOTICE OF quest for a conditional the Cry of Kent Ed. (AP[.FyUi if sexual Will .aka ounces end debating the PUBLIC HEARING use permit to construct numb and Community Careers ahael and be In farce'30 real 2019 2020 bramul CITY OF KENT new park faclildw In- Umwl.prrmM once , II la Earn your real days from and aft., Its budget. OFFICE OFTHE cledhey a new VAN acted at 400 W Gawe estate license Y. passage as provided by Theordlnence shell take HEARING EXAMINER Domm§ Landing Park almost In downtown before iha market. aw. offset and be In IDEA, LE CORDON BLAU within the Mt-Induelrlel Kent. For more Informs goes back up. ORDINANCE NO. 42W January 1, 2019, which PRELIMINARY Park aoni district In ton, plans. contact Ja- -AN ORDINANCE of the Is more than five days SUBDIVISION denWncgon with a levee son Garnhadd, Planner, Evening ceases. 1 CIry C°un°il of he CIry at,, Its pVhd sldri as A public Mmfing will be and fish habitat Improve- at JGarnham®Kent We Tako Payments of Kent. Washington, peoWdad by Is . held to derneidw subdi. ant project.The se.... WA.gov or via.mall 11 „ L a Live Instructed. AYertensnL for Rent emmodle, Seelmna A copy of the complete viii a 43b acre parcel Is coal along the at(253)856-5439„ King Couirty 12,13,160 antl few atl anmyy sod narnee wq Into 22 atlngm femly rear- righVaast bank of the a M902 "MATERIAL HANDLER Blue Emerald Real 1213.170 of ,he Kent be maned upon depend central cam,,. We land- Green River and along 1U23I18 WANTED Estate School KENT GPy Cost. la sued atlR Re Cfark. Scapa tmem,one recrea- Russell Read between Scenic Vista With Innawalive cosiggns King Cc: SeniorA edmama adnaai.nose.lee"had Kimberley A. Kornai. tion bad, one Semh 212th antl 228Ih and un ea maONYn P OWN and om ToNcrel.n City Clerk st.M.A.r tract antl Streets. q*B W o (253(25ag402 26,11111 Ava SE allowable school impact $835116,11/23/13 throe prlv.b access Henri Dale " Monti Karcher 61aaEawndtlSaM6n^mle.raan %AW rruau.The r e le p. WEQrN�gF.SDAV, NOVEM• Ooslgm is a leader on the Apartment.Now The ci•nahca ahald to" NOTICE OF call at property 10Bth DER 28, 2016 at 10:00 m�' � market for conimmporery Kent,WA 980 0 Available enact and as In farce 30 APPLICATION Avenue SE. and Noes. AM Th.archh .ol eves Seoul 1 B 2 Bills, days from elm atl•' He A Project Permit Ap II- fled as Knlg.County AS- Hearing Lacaimn; Kent The }emly-ewn,d corn starling ml: Far" D,as provided by @aged. hoe Oaen filed Sesser parcel nuorbi CIry Hall Council Chem- pang spsplailzo. In Ngh IBR,yA94syinq. PBW eh City of Kan, Plan ,8586MO20„ bars West at 220 41n evm sets alnd sa In'XI, / 2 BRa $1130lmo. ORDINANCE NO 4291 cosso nine SprVlaae, Following HaalVng Qaea: Avenue S., Kent, WA ties Fr doors and w e" ' Q lneunm teel umee pgiplay'� Oily Coamolpof the Ciry � pcggipn audNCE of then1hpin D� BER NES2018 atE10:00 Perrmit Number �ir ._. ! tl haz smoreKarcher 25Dsdg^ Call Susan of Npnp, Wpdhhyymd, Fr rave'.The see AM C E - 2 0 1 6 - , of Ax rl.mvm n alrmca 253-520-9876 meramding the KOM pli°ailed and Ilslad atud� Hearing Location. Kant RPP321B1552 Employment fN TOO:711 Comprohesshm Plan lea may be revew. at City Hell Council Chem- The applci I. Reoe- In. cunrld T ell over s'ila froelondaa NtinE g and IN Carter FACIA es the oNlcea of Keor Plan- tors West at 220 41h available WE review at the 'arid- The head goanse of Karcher De- OtrryaMJryPraHdAVYM Element m In.lude 1Na ding SsZ`t,, 4MW W. avenue s., Kent, WA the City of Ken, Eco- CARRIER .,no NA Is moread in Antique. a Emphrynr cepa.] FapYithse plan Of Gowe StrgaC,K,ni,WA. 98032 comic and Carron y ROUTES Tukwila WA, south of C.Imi table. Om region Sm{mtl Re• DATE OF NOTICE OF Permit SU-2017-6, Devolaral DOW in- Seehle. aqlone. far Aut er IN APPLICATION: Never, KIVA 4 HPP3-2174909 .card a1 00 W Gawe AVAILABLE ANTIQUE SHIPPING ICPA 2018.6). ber23,2016 The application is Slreet n downtown Tms;.Material Homes, CONTAINER from Eng- YNa erdirmnce Dean lake APPLICATION NAME available for Woo' at Kent, For more Informs Location:Tukwila,WA Iantl; sideboard,, desks, enact end be In forts 30 THUERINGER SHORT the Ciry, of Kent Eco- tied, pioesm "Thus Ja� IN YOUR Shift : Weekdays 12pm- chines, b.okcas- days from and after Its PIAT noddle and Commudlry son Gamhem, Plmaner, AREA 4p,n esourells, 40 pplats an ppWfage, as provided by APPLICATION NUM- ONelopment office, I. at(253) B56-5439 or vla Job type:part time sale this wa,kand, FrI- iaw BER:SP-2016-12 I KIVA cared at 400 W Gown oneall at H11ft DBLp Immediate. day through Sunday, ORDINANCE NO. 4292 PRESS.2164644 Street In downtown jganniiam®ke^lwa.Oov. CeITOdB N Cola Street Antiques, r ad AN ORDINANCE of the ENR2010-21 l KIVA KamG For m44c IOMrmA. TM1Ia eat for pubin.aliod Y General Job description Shelton 360350-8387 „I r In i Ciy Council of he City #RPSW-2164645 lien, please tooke l ad November 23,2019. 1-253-872-6610 SglIpppaIngand Receiving wwwo.Watrea6..dd oI ""' Washington, pRDJECT DESCRIP- Sharon Clamp, Planner, 4833615 .0 at PlAUDI amenying the Kent TION:Th Al llcent era et SClanni NOTICE OF PUBLIC ^washook. Onanlze- APPn.ase. Com'toh..... Plan poses to pa rate the K,O,INA.gov or vie HEARING CITY OF tarn end Calso ft Ann nt. d Its Call Facilities Wallrg oudemca fears f259}BG6'5-034. KENTOFFICEOFTHE v' �� a Eon the lob bel1,,0 ell NEW/APPUANCES Element to regecr Ix- the Issue dembpmem d Pod pab1lCal on In HEARING EXAMINER „$tl II' III be Alcoholics Aation& ua year plan b, cepllsl Ire- WH a hal ON edpwlmeni on, Repartee on KENTTOWNHOMES b. w aklllsprW�dad E$aunbaN AUK 0f 7�0%QSFall for information& pro".Om prolecis chat gut REZONE PERMIT f1 11 Currant drivers license Dlri Daniel,StNlchos meetin times call seasonally pa,"- 11I2a896 s, �• II In goad standing 0 2 0 i 9 2 0 2 4 ) vide the emalning par 4633393 p bllc M1eerin III be 2065872838 L1411>- Pu gw g and FactoryKenn The Please visit online Try ordinance shall take Ilons of lb92%rely alto NOTICE OF PUBLIC held to aconsider1-acre a en NIj 11 8must beomp.to skills rtlWa www.eaeBleaa.or Into 9 sin la Fmll reed. HEARING Tone of a .sere parcel )J i iha a flXA I„ -must be able to IIft up to •OrydWTWerfAlY(y• 9 etleoi and he In mine 30 cantle. tom A crmcal from GG, Community / 75 las Form elinva,Oaspr VAID PROMOTE YOUR RE- days from and after Its CITY OF KENT M M'(nr GIONAL EVENT stet.- ppa&ves e, as rovldedb areas hours, trust, HEARING OFTHEEXAMINER MRCur T16rciel Meng to � ^Weed,Net used nee Applle1aowl.Ibtl,Bld. wide with a$325 Alessi- IAW. g p y damntion facility bad+ HEARING EXAMINER MR T16, Muhd amly apW.,not requliaY i4B:ag TAikwlla Intl,Blvd. sled listing or 25 a tar ORDINANCE NO, 0293 Me perimeter landscape SHORELINE RWIdbn,lel Townhouse "A •AbIIBy Iv pnovWD rowel- 2%-2446%6 Dacia antl a private CONDITIONAL USE zoning. tine proposed Wuh U.Nurer aorelca STAINLESS e display ad. Cell this AN ORDINANCE of the street accessed from PERMIT zoning Nolaanollnn s -Organlzatlon and earn- AppUANOE awspeper r 36( City Council of rho City 116th Avenue SE are LOWER RUSSELL consistent vx4 Ih.Olt,D tion to derail PACKAGE 293Bf.rdeiails of Kent, Wasisob an,. also being proµneed as LEVEE SETBACK- Comprehensive Plan -Able to read, writ., antl WASHINGTON OI- amandlhg section part.'al 05VO pment. yAN OOREN'S LAND- Lantl Use Plen Map tles 9 �'^ "a communWarp pHoplyely $1400 VORGE SEPARATION, 3.10,020, enhled PROJECT LOCATION: ING PARK 4Wr0.11an of NO, MJYygd / as Hrelgle®@p iha lob Rofr6ypretOy H®egn& $155. $175 with chi.- "Certain militias subject 2125211 hh Avenue SE 138 The Applicant 1 RDJehuwasher RELOCATION A apP i ppb dean. N COURT dAP-es to Russ' to sensN of themWI.Wtlon inat. thesung Cpunry ppArwla A public hearing will he mined a Multifamily De mtler•IRrchereml n. to 'N.Ulnder1waral PEARANCES. Includes numbered 092206007 held 1. consider a ign Revew "Ifeetle" / 9 Call Credal Do�r1. property bills, custody, .i certain Internal utility & 0922059045 Zoning: Shoreline Conditions I M F D R-2 0 1]-6 f `�j Find our elect B[ 2%-2ME% is a oaont O Countermen pi debts Is the In the Cry.othent r denllel s'ngle family resi Use Permit to construct R4-unn2 78956Isociaus for de f% // / m the Classifieds. Cemetery Plot. Le al AaernatloW, Si deans. Frei fund OTHER PERMITS AND approximately 1.4 miles and to Wellcome the Ire of now flcodwall and lev- wgopment for the silo an p wa.AouM6lMamtar.eui Ty2-5295 www,PaEa PLANS WHICH MAY BE MI Can ee el spCil.ns okng the August 16,2017 j) it -- MountaiConnoton plots for for sale lagelallernetives.cgm J6ni na4a�flu d ehc4 didem �he s the Rlme udood PerEQUIRED mit Final River Park, of s teen Waring AY ❑E Data: a 1�V Advetli5e your tevye We plats ¢Mv by Legal Notions dtlOtl In 1No other,Xlty tp.p Short Plot, Bulltling Per 212,h and South 226th BER 5, 2010 at 11:00 V�III P` Iit lA upcoming tarries sale Add far sale. Ekaallent pprdjaas fund N ran, mYG AM i 9 In your local community cation. $4500 Call Thla o4nnince shall teat Streets. The project Is `' 9 623-670-4040 CITY IC KENT effect antl be In Free 30 RUBtIC COMMENT PE• boplptl long the Hearing L.calion: t )1 1111 newspaper and online NOTICE OF RIQA: N.vam6ar 23, ri hVea.t bank of the Kent CIry Had Gsurell ^' ORDINANCES days from the time of gOrB M Dacembew 7 g Ctmmhers Worst at 220 4 JII Ill°111 j@ Ire Evaoh houaentl.al O1aC nOtdcOdl ,q PASSED BVTHE KENT aseage, as pmvltled by gg1B All per&40p ma Green Rver and ti.ng Ih Avenue S., Kent, WA 4 4 househoidom yaur,Vs Add all to your. lI CRY COUNCIL 2AW �' Russell 2th between ,111' ORDINANCE NO. 4294 4omdnerd on thla aped South 212rh and 22Bih 96032 �Sl�a i Go aN n,1. ales tad d The following are sum- he In Canned. mdsC Streets. Permit: ZGA 201B3 / r B g,�, a.Ld stand out mass of ordinances CIry Central dm WEbhtg and 10 Hearing Date: RPP3-21B3225 hll ° Cstl18OO"0118.2627 t0 passed by the Kent City ry rpNDd In the KaM Plan The appllcari.n red W� � Call:1-BDOSW2627 of1. Kent, a r WEONESDA1 NOVEM v I1 , find out haw. Council an November pp^pp91on R Oppeml, by 430 BER 23, 2018 at 10:00 available for review e[ Fez;2Bg398.6800 ..._ ORDINA20, NCE tax gfar to 2D19 bed P 019 of 220 dth Ar ssn He 4 ORDINANCE NO. f the nial budget far the City nub South, Kent WA Hearing Location Kent • s PUBLISHING -AN ORDINANCE of the h Hall Geat Chain- Ciry Council of the CIry ThisOf r gOrdin For questions re- b Wad at 220 4h of Kent VoWisp Far, a- Affect orand be snail take placed this .mess. Avenue S., Kent, WA FB3tUTBa POtIt10n A6rMrhs, .saline and 4eadaptln9 eHecr and be In force ple�ao wntacr Jaaom g6032recsanAw,NUU"vm Chapter 7.02 of the Kant Jamrady 1, 2019, which Garnham, AICP Senior Permit Number: DRIVER(CLASS B) (Everett,WA) -oetr.m CIy Cade entitled 9a mars than five day. planner, At (253) 056- SIC-2o1 B-1, RPP3 loss nor t earah tar end und0te Provided d0Potoldal ae 5439iieggovham® 2181563 9 9 -Frdrm p P The application is Sound Publishing, Inc. is looking for an _ter he Cross-C.nnectled ORDINANCE NO 42N TENTATIVE MEETING: aVAzexAwnhmissac rs -AN ORDINANCE of Ina ava1 Ad. far review at experienced truck dmief with a(DL-6 to drive •-hirevue Control sections In de A pubnc Meeting Is TEN- the City of Kent Eco- uusivin, v.Ap and Mel.m.of CIy CbunOI of ins Ctly TATIVELY Whedeled for nevnia and community , out of Paine Field area In Everett,WA,Must have procedures to en. ,a of Kent Washington, 10:00 Amy on Thui9 tl'mm//� pobDBppmDwl oftice, lo- vmnonwane the elimination or a.adal amtlhtling G9altaa Februtlry q6, 2019,TtlNa cater et 400 W Gowe mggsinis®......e of ernes eonnemons WF 3.20.06P of m,K,m ciy .amm wing win be Street m downtown excellent drying record,be able to lift 501 bs and Weed a water Cade, enlmad held the Economic NAAW consumers system and TV"llfen of the tax - and Community Deveh Kent. For more in'orme- IeadNnload trick, kMr�lnuwniaxr the CI s bllc water Tax ai Me levied,"is in- omen Conference lion, please contact Je- M1elLpdn y Pu on Garnham, Planner, Pasty w4 system antl to create ad- obese gross roc Ipts Roam at 400 Wesl et 253 e5fi-5439 or via This position Is on the n ht shift (startingr dtllRcoal onbr.om.nt px.- agasrexnantl square Not- t 98032�PIeaseKent, bo alp ell at 9 r>Pos a,wn vlabno atlaing for mom mul lac on re- ---approximately 9 pm) and is Full TIME, 31.38 Di - IlnxlbBllly trees P eP vlsed IM1Is meeting date This ad (sa publOemlYan °"e`"`" Tnia Ominanae anah take 1nuBhpp. old sec1l°^ is subject m M1ang°. on November z3,2m e. hours erweek.The schedule varies and requires -„�I" effect and be In for..30 3.28.130 of he Kent CIry please cell b verity time p 6336oB p days from and after Its Code, entitled"Limitation And data M least a week ax"NxaxuCeypCMm. .stases, as pmvltled by of revenue received,' to berate the Scheduled NOTICEOF PUBLIC (IeYkuldly.Must have knowledge of the Puget -mutoia W. clflrily he ellecatlen of ntippnng l}you hays any HEARINGlNrtxdxl'Fl ORDINANCE NO. 4289 noesxuap derived by gqeeedons, .Lase call CRY OF KENT SoNUdared.Must provide current copy ofdmmg W'ae -AN ORDINANCE.1 the QIMPYpr 028 of the Kent Jason Garnham, Kant OFFICE OFTHE owns. City G.aiScll ram''ryA CIry Ally Cede Planning Simon. at HEARING EXAMINER ahstrina at time oflnteIVlew, y,.ymiti4M This ordlnence shell take 253 B5fi-5439; CONDITIONAL USE oamnurahx°°a,wxr of KdN. WeshlnEon elect and bed In rode30 j home PERMIT Please email application to: am.mem the PlanIts obg,lm comprehensive Pies days from and .her by ,a COPYelders Far penador LOWER RUSSELSETBACK -Watrus el and es L.pkal ed.IIHthe Passage, as provided by 23, Frtlday, Nouembar LEVEE SETBACK ,gr,/lyvlg a;,g� sNod '"'"tt�'"ix° Capital to Include the law 23,20INANCE04 VAN OOREN S LAND i^sVYLY!'•UN 2ilrfel5�5GflfndpuL>aflshing•Wm dnd Ile Sure 10 se onm.m. Pill Wei Facilities Plans CIry CouocllAoiC he.Ciry Find;[N ell it A pub.ING acne will be PUBLISHING INC IndudeATTN:DRNERmihesuhled line. ewm ewe,w,,Nxnro, of the Kent, Federal g fe tt634604 held bi ohe in�IRII,the re- For ls[ofsmmosttm Way, Auburn end HI to of Kent,Washington y Ilea Bob.l Diyfeleta. rentjobopenmgsandto learn more about usvlsit ourwebslte:wwwsaundDublbhing.mm