HomeMy WebLinkAbout4296 I ORDINANCE NO. 4296 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to budgets and finance and adopting the final 2019-2020 biennial budget. RECITALS A. Tax estimates and the preliminary budget for the City of Kent, Washington, for the 2019-2020 biennial years have been prepared and filed as provided by law, and the budget has been printed and distributed. B. Notice has been published in the official paper of the City of Kent setting the time and place for public hearings on the budget. The notice also stated that all taxpayers calling at the Office of the City Clerk would be furnished a copy of the 2019-2020 biennial budget. C. Public hearings were held on September 18, 2018, and October 16, 2018. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1 2019-2020 Biennia/Budget Adoption Ordinance ORDINANCE i SECTION 1. - Budget Ado Lion. Pursuant to RCW 35A.34.120, the budget for the 2019-2020 biennium, as summarized in Exhibit "A" and as set forth in the 2019-2020 biennial Preliminary Comprehensive Budget, which is on file with the city clerk and which is amended by Exhibit "B," all of which are incorporated into this ordinance by this reference, is hereby adopted in the amounts and for the purposes established in that budget as the final budget for the City's 2019-2020 biennium. SECTION 2. - Transmittal. The finance director shall transmit a complete copy of the final adopted budget to the Division of Municipal Corporations in the Office of the State Auditor and to the Association of Washington Cities. SECTION 3. - Budget Administration. City administration shall administer the biennial budget and may authorize expenditures, appropriations, and transfers pursuant to RCW 35A.34.200 and as otherwise provided by law. SECTION 4. - Severabilitv. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION S. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reyiser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance,section, or subsection numbering or lettering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, code, or regulations. 2 2019-2020 Biennial Budget Adoption Ordinance SECTION 6. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force January 1, 2019, which is more than five days after its publication, as provided by law. C ' a November 20, 2018 [YANA RALPH, MAYOR - `' Date Approved ATTEST: 6C November 20, 2018 KIMBERLEY A. OMOTO, CITY K Date Adopted November 23 2018 Date Published APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHU'R "P ITZ'PATRICK, CrfY ATTORNEY 3 2019-2020 Biennial Budget Adoption Ordinance 2019-20 Biennial Budget Exhibit A 2019 Proposed 2020 Proposed Expenditures Expenditures Governmental Funds General Fund 107,690,250 106,361,540 Special Revenue Funds Street Operating Fund 17,645,420 18,025,920 LEOFFI Retiree Benefits Fund 1,423,000 1,449,710 Lodging Tax Fund 291,190 294,400 Youth/Teen Fund 957,730 956,010 Capital Resources Fund 20,591,850 18,152,000 Criminal Justice Fund 5,869,960 6,057,350 Housing and Community Dev Fund 1,175,190 1,175,190 City Arts Program Fund 112,670 108,100 ShoWare Operating Fund 1,423,790 1,124,830 Debt Service Funds Non-Voted Debt Service Fund 9,764,390 8,641,810 Special Assessments Fund 1,119,460 784,160 Capital Projects Funds Street Capital Projects Fund 7,103,340 6,869,980 Parks Capital Projects Fund 3,341,000 3,369,000 Other Capital Projects Fund 56,610 42,780 Technology Capital Projects Fund 2,250,000 2,250,000 Facilities Capital Projects Fund 2,350,000 2,000,000 Proprietary Funds Enterprise Funds Water Fund 49,342,500 33,601,390 Sewer Fund 32,168,150 32,411,620 Drainage Fund 43,380,150 31,366,120 Solid Waste Fund 600,350 622,420 Golf Complex Fund 3,050,790 5,532,110 Internal Service Funds Fleet Services Fund 7,930,660 6,088,490 Central Services Fund Central Stores 387,290 395,040 Information Technology 9,079,150 9,658,590 Facilities Fund 5,838,450 5,867,350 Insurance Fund Unemployment 173,610 174,510 Workers Compensation 1,456,980 1,469,450 Health and Employee Wellness 14,898,160 15,345,100 Liability Insurance 210171606 ,. . . - 2;( 6,"l20' Property Insurance 566,610 566,510 Total Gross Budget 354,056,300 322,797,600 2019-20 Biennial Budget Exhibit B 2019 2019 2020 2020 Revenues Expenditures Revenues Expenditures Governmental Funds General Fund 107,718,120 107,718,120 106,315,370 106,315,370 Parking Enf Officer.75FTE to 1.0FTE 14,000 15,730 16,170 16,170 Finance Admin Asst 2(1.0)FTE (41,870) (73,600) Communications Training 30,000 30,000 30,000 107,690,250 107,690,250 106,361,540 106,361,540 Special Revenue Funds Street Operating Fund 17,645,420 17,645,420 18,025,920 18,025,920 LEOPFI Retiree Benefits Fund 1,179,590 1,423,000 1,202,950 1,449,710 Lodging Tax Fund 294,830 291,190 300,670 294,400 Youth/Teen Fund 957,730 957,730 956,010 956,010 Capital Resources Fund 16,194,310 20o591,850 15,529,980 18,152,000 Criminal Justice Fund 6,300,130 5,869,960 6,500,700 6,057,350 Housing and Community Dev Fund 1,175,190 1,175,190 1,175,190 1,175,190 City Arts Program Fund 112,670 112,670 108,100 108,100 ShoWare Operating Fund 1,150,000 1,423,790 1,150,000 1,124,830 Debt Service Funds Non-Voted Debt Service Fund 10,227,890 9,764,390 9,105,570 8,641,810 Special Assessments Fund 1,305,380 1,119,460 793,180 784,160 Capital Projects Funds Street Capital Projects Fund 7,103,340 7,103,340 6,869,980 6,869,980 Parks Capital Projects Fund 3,341,000 3,341,000 3,369,000 3,369,000 Other Capital Projects Fund 1,534,060 56,610 1,570,870 42,780 Technology Capital Projects Fund 2,250,000 2,250,000 2,250,000 2,250,000 Facilities Capital Projects Fund 2,350,000 2,350,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 Proprietary Funds Enterprise Funds Water Fund 42,708,060 49,342,500 35,284,880 33,601,390 Sewer Fund 32,320,310 32,168,150 32,579,660 32,411,620 Drainage Fund 37,045,700 43,380,150 32,083,870 31,366,120 Solid Waste Fund 618,810 600o350 631,190 622,420 Golf Complex Fund 2,899,210 3,050,790 5,584,990 5,532,110 Internal Service Funds Fleet Services Fund 8,643,070 7,930,660 5,115,460 6,088,490 Central Services Fund Central Stores 447,090 387,290 456,010 395,040 Information Technology 9,138,700 9,079,150 8,657,300 9,658,590 Facilities Fund 5,754,880 5,838,450 5,775,070 5,867,350 Insurance Fund .. 1 11 1 .., ... , . . 1 , , Unemployment 121,700 173,610 121,700 174,510 Workers Compensation 1,094,000 1,456,980 1,094,000 1,469,450 Health and Employee Wellness 15,052,030 14,898,160 15,789,180 15,345,100 Liability Insurance 1,810,690 2,017,600 2,171,640 2,036,120 Property Insurance 565,920 566,610 565,920 566,510 Total Gross Budget 339,031,960 354,056,300 323,180,530 322,797,600 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Kent Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter(and not in supplement form)which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on November 23, 2018 . The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$297.12. Polly Shep eheh rd Publisher, Kent Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 23 ° day of November, 2018 . J ifer Tri bet , otary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Orting„Washington 0 ., �r;w`>If dad a� G. l fit: �� CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE KENT CITY COUNCIL The following are summaries of ordinances passed by the Kent City Council on November 20, 2018: ORDINANCE NO. 4288 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, repealing and readopting Chapter 7.02 of the Kent City Code entitled "Water," to reorganize the chapter and update the Cross-Connection Control sections to develop and implement procedures to ensure the elimination or control of cross-connections between a water consumer's system and the City's public water system and to create additional enforcement provisions allowing for more flexibility. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law, ORDINANCE NO. 4289 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital FaciPities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, Auburn and Highline School Districts (CPA-2018,5). This ordinance will take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4290 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Sections 12.13.160 and 12.13.170 of the Kent City Code to adjust school impact fee schedules and the maximum allowable school impact fees. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4291 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital Facilities Plan of the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority (CPA-2018-6). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4292 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to reflect a six-year plan for capital improvement projects (2019-2024) (CPA-2017-7). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4293 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 3.18.020, entitled "Certain utilities subject to tax," to eliminate the sunset of the allocation of certain internal utility taxes to the payment of debt in the City's other capital projects fund, and to reallocate the internal utility taxes to the generail fund once the debt in the other capital projects fund is retired. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from the time of passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4294 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, levying 2018 property taxes for the 2019 biennial budget for the City of Kent. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force January 1, 2019, which is more than five days after its publication, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4295 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 3.28.050 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Imposition of the tax - Tax or fee levied," to increase gross receipts rates and square footage tax and establish a gross receipts cap on retailing, and Section 3.28.130 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Limitation of revenue received," to clarify the allocation of revenues derived by Chapter 3.28 of the Kent City Code. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4296 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to budgets and finance and adopting the final 2019-2020 biennial budget. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force January 1, 2019, which is more than five days after its publication, as provided by law. A copy of the complete text of any ordinance will be mailed upon request of the City Clerk. Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk Kent Reporter Friday,November 23,2018 19 ' 4go1 slat.... Legal Noticus pound NOD.— Legal Notleee Legal Notre.. Employment Issue... OPa.... Oplb'therm l yo f� III 1. (CPA201B-5). faring to budgets and tF NOTICE OF quest for a conditional the CM/ of Kent Edo r Thisbulaance will take nancu 004 edoplovg the PUBLICHEARING se pYmn m construct .pare. and Community r e Mad and be In fore.30 usual 2019,2020 alpmnlul CRY OF KENT new park faclnl.m In- Oeealaement office to Sam Your Mal days from end attar IN budget. OFFICE OFTHE cIsgdr%ry a now Van caletl t 400 W Gowe estate tYganae k,. passage, As pmvded by This mdlnanae shall take HEARING EXAMINER Ooxenti Landing.. Park, Sheet In downtown bBstat LMemnreB4 1. effect antl be in Mrc. LE CORDON BLAU wIAIn the M1-Induslrlal Kent. For more Informs- gore he mwk ORDINANCE NO, 4290 January 1, 2019, which PRELIMINARY Park Adding Thai In Far, pplaaao contact is- Egoes b ck up.� -AN ORDINANCE of the Is more than flue days SUBDIVISION mmerChlon wish a levee son Gomham, Planner, I - s OIry Clancil of the CIry after Its pablegaiom, es A public hawing will be and Ueh habiMl Thomas. at JGernhem®Kent- We Take Payments of Kamp Woshtlrotor, provided by Ww held to kwnaidar a i- mom project.The papa,. V—Sev m via email Q' � l � Live Instructed. Apart W ror Rent amending Sections A Copy of Mr, 0@mpa,W vYdang a door e@r9 pplWp 19 4lDMWd 01bn6 Me at(253)B56-5439. Kin cppnlm• 12.13.160 and read of a mull.....will IN0 2 sngl9 knoll Rdi rlghVngt Rank Of the #033902 k MATERIAL HANDLER Blue Emerald Real mar 12.13.1]0 0l the Kent OO real6. upon request l .gang hads two land, Green River and son, 11/23/19 WANTED Estate School Cg4y Carla to adjust ad an.Copy Clark, scene traces,one reared. Russell Road between Scenic Vista adhaol Od Imo gmhad° Klmberl0 A. Komatc, III tract, WIIh IdoapelNe depipa m King Co: read Y mnR $amM1 212th antl 22Bm a fMUmdln Senior Apmnmenta wfoa and rba maxVmam Cory Clerk seormwerer tract and Sheets. a drd unique o (253)250.0402 26Kam WMAve SE mllo-wahla latlmll Impact #B3511B,11/23/1B In. private access Hearing Data ;"i WbMtobgllae, Kadahar gMaEmgsnCHRl6tguv rem Kent,WA 88030 , Design Is a leader on the mhly acted The 26515 is Ire- D EDNESDAY NOVEM market hm pontnm Apudments Now TMa nand be I shell asks NOTICE APPLICATION Avetl at 26515 ii DER 2E, 2018 at 10:00 zy0 archh.iurul hardcomurn , Afial 1&s day, and 1}p In brae 30 oject Permit Avmnutl in and tdshb- He Thu Eumq awnatl cam ;Besutlbl l a If days Pram Bn4 anar Ito p Project PBbee Afi ad fled as Jos Count' ber Hearing Location: Kent 6" sOr$ pha Panama"am as prpMd@d b"m catl0n Fes baBO filed e r po4ael number Clry Hell Council Cham- pany apmoWlVx6s in high 1 BR $g4MmP. IaWwith C of Kent Plan 1e56600020. Nma West at WO got AvnYlly migh laaa to. 2 Bill$113(/mv. ORDINANCE Neu 4291 Plus6p Maos Following TH T DOWI; Avenue S. Kent, WA Imar Soto sod apdaaa.- . fir/ AMr'L P lsueam,8.Na boa. AN ANOgRUDII.N ORDINANCE f the II�taMal�pxrdlnlh4lpro 9ERN 62oie etElGiiOa 98032 Number /p 'i t. rboyeas l flrKanyorages u Oavlg f jj Cell Susan of K@Y, WON %In, a kr rev ew The ap AM C E - 2 0 1 B - 1 has marl Than 25 baud r 253-520-9876 arvie ire Mad H@np plientle, and Jump stud- Hearing Locetlom: Kent RPP3-2181552 emPr.yment of ettpv/uluem In aprvlc TOD:711 CnmprahenBNa Plan des may he reviewed at CIry Hail Guards Chaim- The epppNca4lob Is gene..r Ins pvglomona. ell over ]Fie Nstttwknaan equal and N, Capital Facilities the anises of Kent Plan- bars West at 220 4th avanable Ior YBNI.w et 'Iha .aril. Thu heed S' pepwluairyAaoicammd Element to Include the nimg Senv1oae AM W Avenue S., Kent, WA the Olt, al Kent Ed. CARRIER quarters of Karcbm Or Empk}n✓ Gapilal Facilities Plan of Ggvaa Signed Kant,WA. 98032 rlpmVc and Community most NA is tvaaWd in Antleraea Re the Puget Sound Re- DATE OF NOTICE OF Permit SU 2017.6. DBJBE9proant Office. Iv- ROUTES logrese WA, .path of collectibles planed Fire Authority APPLICATION Nov elKIVA#RPP3 21]499 cabal at 400 W Gowe AVAILABLE generic' ANTIQUE SHIPPING TPA-2018-6). ber23,2010 The application Is Street In downtown Title:Material Handler CONTAINER from I his cudli once shall take APPLICATION NAME: avallaNa for uniform, at Kent. For more inform.-" Loc itlon:Tukwila,WA lend; and@b nand. patient,,.Hutt and be In fine 30 THUERINGER SHORT the CityN of Kent Eric- than, please .Onot J. IN YOUR shin Weekdays 12pm- chinas, bookces- day9 nose and antlr Its PLAT namle sad Cammur so Gernham. Planner, 4 easmalls., 40 d"A on g"$.a., as provided by APPLICATION NUM- Dexvlapmonl vfnao. la- at(253)856-5439 or via AREA d�ob & law BER:SP-2016-12/KIVA cat" at 400 W G. smaller pg Date sale this wee mrM, Frl- ORDINANCE NO. 4292 RPSS 2164644 street In downtown Hiring Date : Immediate- ley Through Sunday, -AN ORDINANCE Of the N Igarnham•henhvegma. Call Today $ry�y Gam Street Aaeggames, rrPkf'l., a ENV-2018-21 / KIVA Kent. For more Infcrma- This ad for pnblealivn Y flan@rnl Joa dOacrlpnaa S(rvon0n,39D�353.93a i 0"TV aged i @f IhO City pRPSW-2164645 lion, place. odua l am Nawmbna 23,2010 1-253-672-6610 ourntopkapend Receiving wvhv.cptastreetcom 0Y Kent, WBNhngton, PROJECT DESCRIP- Sharon Clamp, Planner, 0833615 -OrdBrre IN • Amladln. IM@ Karat TION The eppllcant pro- At SCIJIA NOT C -Welet soy Oxganiza- Appliance. G@mpmnanaNe Plan poses to separate the KendVVA.gov or vie HEARINGCRYOF Can and C.ac In Ann cements crud I% 09pba INtlag l rib existing residence from 253/6S6.543$. KENTOFFICE OFTHE m i. if -On fna JobN�eo ga V wish NEW APPLIANCES C19m@n4 t0 Bagdad A Was the future development �d lOr plaalticnbpn In HEARING EXAMINER 111 ;lit II I be vovdidod Emenr ai UP TO 70%OFF Aleahlllu Anonymous year Plan for treating Im- 0 e p I,a lot qu adjustment Kpn1 Ro-oanpr on KREZONE PERMIT -Current All Dan%.Manufacturer for information 5 �$ prammeh prt2 4 1 and subsequently subdl. 9833899 REZONE PERMIT -Current standing license Dln OenN,Scarlmi meeting26-5 7-2times cell 2 tl d B - 2 0 2 4 r 4 B33e9B q � gas 206-59]it online ) videof morning cHe Apublic consider will m- Ou� p in good stapes and Fact firms rleo- Th. se1darge Ilona h the 2 oaam ens and to consltler a re -must gbeam mar skills tlpns Please visit online TMm oectnance shell take Into 9 single}emlly real NOTICE OF PUBLIC zone of a 1 acre arced x n ww✓»(!x wd W -must be able to IIX u m "UnderWstMan wettleae.arg effect and be in force 30 Mutual Iota„ A critkcal HEARING P 1` P 1Tyy PROMOTE YOUR RE- days from and after IN areas tract,a stormwaeer CITY OFFICE E FTH bom CC Commodity 1. rvllm , ]Nabs For ianceradlEa,Tma tens OFFICE OFTHE COmmarda agnirnugp to `.. Wlvphouse 4aplrl@noe Appliance Dlstrlbu[ors® GIONAL EVENT state- pa45age, as provided by detention facility tract, HEARING EXAMINER adii MUMbonly a plum,not required 14639 Tukwila into.Blvd, ice with a r $1, class- law. MaU Prlml Ie,d.aape SHORELINE R6slatun l Townhouse °4. -Ablllry tp p,mmo excel- 206.244-6966 fflled listing or $15]5 for ORDINANCE NO. 4293 I,ml and a wool. CDNDETIONAL USE zoning. The proposed a lent cumromor ea^Wde display d, Call this -AN ORDINANCE of the street accessed from zoning da.N amlan m -Organ zdtlen and are.- STAINLESS PERMIT ®® APPLIANCE newspapN or 360.344 OYIy GaOpCll of ItV0 OBIy 16th Avenue SC are LOWER RUSSELL onslslanl with No`,I�/@ non to daW l 293E Wr details. 04 Kau l', Wagihngmn, else, being punriand as LEVEE SETBACK- Comprehensive Pfan µ -Able to road write, end PACKAGE WASHING DI nrn@Indlnp 6aedtlon bent.10ata prego maml. VAN DOREN'S LAND. Land Use Plan Map dos vfff `it .om rnmearm 9Iwoe.ly $1499 VORCE-SEPARATION Sampan entitled PROJECT LOCATION: r Refrl)}ocmpre Range $155. $175 with chid a amen utlnmes s. in. 2125211sth Avenue SE INGPARK 4]so.T of MU, MI%@d asnrelgta®14 the lob oDI9hWaahBr t Wx" to ellm nele the RELOCATION so.The Multifamily gDe dren. N COURT AP sunset of the statiston numbered County parcels A public hearing will be gned a Review amlly ❑ r mLarmBurchad Edignoo "NmN Under Wampnty" PopRANCES„ Includes numbered 0922059W held to consider a sign Review appllaatdn hrr 9atom Oa1l Credit Dept,. property, bill custody, o} demean Internal Willry a OV20SOM Zommg: Shoran^^ Geri...I (M F 0 R-2 0 1 ].6a 208"Pg4.69S6 support Complete prep= daXeB to the payment of SR•& single really rest- RPDR@17326R for Find your perfect pet debt In the C other Use Permit to construct ) .scar, of dependents, Mya daMxdtll appadxamgNN 1.4 m us 14-isat amorphous. de r/fur in the Classilieds. cemetery%at. Legqal After^eaves, 50& ^^pltal projects fund, OTHER PERMITS AND t nmry 11 vekopment for the site 0n •�' aaa.imMGImM.N.tan ,s, -5295 www-era• and to reellecete the n PLANS WHICH MAY BE POdwal and Iw- �i Cemele lots for sale. ve p Ity M$lc the ee gmank o along the Aueaµi.4B,2O%]. ��,�� ry P lagelele nett scam renal MII I REQUIRED: GINI Gen east hank of h@ Green fWeNrsp Data liyi olpf Advenise your Mountain View at,C...by gpameml fund coca theatruclidn Permit, Final River between South WFONF.SDAY, DECEM a N„l I'l Eo two plots soda by TMs Adalundaa,hei Wk. Streets. The project Is W' a In your I. .I coma sale e,� ter seal.. EMyolCall -- eaut CITY F KEN. has Pit the ga ar re meal PUB Plot,DBul ENTdling Par donne, Th bank pr21gah and Smith oject me Kant Clry ONORI18 01Cound0l , „ ,i .' la reach ihnusends arty Get no714cotll illy all raf@OLB 4Vnd le,mllrp mils AM n our local commune location, $4500 C CRY IC KENT PUBLIC COMMENT PEated Hearin Locbtlon: la newspaper end online ORDINANCES day.l and be .In force 30 2RIOD111 November 23 g p PASSED BY THE KENT P@A@age, as. forn throvMetl b time y 0 6 to ecembe ] Green RVuax and along Member.Waxy at 220 4 I V71 C'*f, Va P y 2019 All persons may Russell Ruud between Ih Avenue S, Kent. WA ua�i households In your area. ''aH to YtlOY, CRY COUNCIL se comment oa this opal,- South 212m and 229th 98032 QNry( (` 0...Jan.to pla3ali0d ad The following am Lam. ORDINANCE NO. 4294 coUarl, Comments must Streets, Permit ZCA-201 B-3 / t q! aril ran and stand out. merles of aroma.... CANGav ORDINANCE E Of the be In writing and re- Hearing Data RPP32183225 IiII Cell 8003M-2527 to posaad by the Kenn CIry N ry covert in the Kent Plan WEDNESDAY NOVEM- The application Is CBIL 1.BpB.3S3.2627 CamnaN on Nauamber al Kant, Washlreglnn,. n nivgg IOepYfinenl by 4^30 °y finis out how. 2dermin _ Guying "Ad ppndpnary P.M. Frday December BMR 2h 2018 ch 1000 available for review at !. Fax:36069 4$N ORDINANCE NO. 4280 Wxes ter+ha 2019 been- 7, 2018 at 220 41h Ave Current Employment Opportunities at - -AN ORDINANCE DI the noel budget for the Clry nua SOV[h, Hant WA Hearing It...her: Kent • b PUBLISHING �,Ic Clay CpunalX OF 1dlp Carof Kent' 93032.For qquoadonn re CIry Hall Council Cham- of K@of we;phirmod,a This ordlnence shall Nke garddng thla Pro]uat, bars venue West at eiKent� WA FBBCUred Position dNNmao u,vul., p@Nllna end '0340ppY�inmm efredl and be m fine please grand Mal ..... -kni Chapter 7.02 of Ina K.an January 1, 2019, which Garnham, AICP senior DRIVER(CLASS B) (Everett,WA) City Cod. entitled Is more than live days planner, at (253) 856- Permit Number: -as.aen "WareC to reorgflnlze. offer IN publication, as 2181561B4, RPP3- �-.,Irda 5439,jgarnnam® - a,w. doe chapter and a diva pdwaeeahylaw. kar+riva��gem. ztstssa Sg6Rtl' Publishing, nQ is looking FOf an _r,°l Ohs Cress-Can c4{en. ORDINANCE NO 4295 TENTA VVE MEETING: The flppllceteone a .MWmele Xlnnk,paowlYr Control sections to de- -AN ORDINANCE @I the A public medic Is TEN- vallable for at experienced truck driver Wlth a(t)L-d to drive em"a e CI Cmoncil of me GI g the Clry of Kent Ecd- -xN+'curet' veldp and Implement ry ty TATIVELV mphadUled for mani OM Community -acme„ procedures to ensure of Kent. Washington, 1000 firm,On ttauusda�', Dvvalovmvnt onlce, l out of Paine Field area in Everett,WA.Must _Va4onL1ntl the Wicandramtlon or control amenling Saction February 2&. 2p1@.Th, aced at Development W Go 1. -olxrc6saFsr..cunue Of crass-conmba lops In- 3,28,050 of the Kent City public mOAdVng -III be Street n downtown excellent driving record,be able to llR$U lbs and -arm Woman a wafer "Dad@, actnl.d bald In Ch@ essmBmIC Kent. For mom Informs- imee; wnsumels eyslem and Imposition of the fax — and Community Gavel- load/unload bud. Svw'Jusskeprmm the Clys public water Tax or he levleq"to In opment Coherence so° Woman conlacp Ja- -r„m;.xn„e system end to create ad ameua gross replace, Room at 400 West mnham Planner, N.Inslax.e.r y rate@ and square at(253)856-5439 or mien This position is on the night shift (starting -La„r ulaionml s{I I mdaa'I Age lax and polebllenpa 98032.Spain, be ad small at sagas, isnure,wa vacant,y, axaa6 mean,pap an to woad this maetmg Gate jalal(�'ve G�ro"Nu�ab�ime. approximately 9 pal and is Full-Time, 31-38 �_ � ae,,, This ordinance shell take fudging,, and Section Is nub]Acti. to chnnge. an Nevvmbvr 2pg.2pig11on hogf5 er Week.The schedule requires -[nm enact and be a force 30 3.20 30 of the Kent Clas Pleas.cab.to verify tome #033fi0B p g -aaale days from and after Its Code, entitled"Limltalion and date at least a weak ruenexxrcnrabne Of revenue appeal m a """"'-' nexibilty,Must have knowledge of the Puget pq.®ease, es prevltled by before the scheduled NOTICE RI PUBLIC ,gruel-n law clam the derived don 1 acting.If you have any HEARING ORDINANCE NO 4209 ravonuma derived by ueaYlens, pleoso cell CRY OF KENT $OUrid area.Must provide ChrfQnt copy gf dlNflg hoods -AN ORDINANCE of the ChapCoo 3.28 0l the Kent .seen Garnham, Kent OFFICE OFTHE .dnvhekmWlpm Gtly Council of the Cl Thy o�dlnence shall Nke p63-S565439,wices, at CONDITIOEARING ENALIUSE abstract at brief of interview. atictrancawivm aY Kum Wnshington, offset and be In brce 30 .^w mendag. In. Kent tl from and bras IN IgarnM1am®kentwapos, PERMR Please email Comwhens Ne Plan Y AD COPY. For pubWaa- LOWER RUSSELL s�IkI�k,r[At1r)A, u u g[ mica, d ids Capital Factions page g, ea prei by flan Fnday, November LEVEESETRACK- 4a/\/�,�© Element to Include the aW 23,201E VAN DOREN'SLANO- IrlaliYl`;Yr■ (a15QGxydi®Ilfndri6h�i3)Ilnlj 6ri1 and be Sgfe }6 1.AT CapXfll FecllMles Plans ORDINANCE NO 4296 #934804 INGPARK tlmm fad of the Kent Federal AN ORDINANCE of the RELOCATION PUBLISHPNOII b� mdgdeAIIN;6hIVEIi lri the$gb)eR hale, w^„iws,�ivmn.e,. Way, Alddurn and Nigh. Cory Council of The CIry Find it,Buy it,Sell it A public hearing will be I ca-1 ` ", -¢seem line School Dksdr6aW of Kent, WeghnINO., to ..nd.ro.amra.... held to consltler the re- Fora listdfdarmostrorreetjob openings andte learn roundabout asvlsltduredulte.www.raundpublhfl affin m