HomeMy WebLinkAbout4287 i ORDINANCE NO. 4287 I AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending various sections of Chapter 5.01 of the Kent City Code, entitled "General Business Licenses," to adopt mandatory code provisions required by RCW 35.90.080, which the state Legislature adopted during its 2017 session and required be in place by January 1, 2019, by any city that imposes a general business license requirement. RECITALS A. In 2017, the state passed legislation requiring cities with business licenses to establish a workgroup through the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) to create a model business license ordinance by July 1, 2018. This legislation was codified in Chapter 35.90 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). In addition, any city that imposes a general business license requirement was required by RCW 35.90.080(2) to adopt, by January 1, 2019, two mandatory provisions provided for in the model business license ordinance—one that defines "engaging in business within the city" and one that establishes a $2,000 minimum licensing threshold under which a person would be relieved of the city's general business licensing requirement. While the statute authorized cities to create a higher threshold than that required by the model ordinance, they could not deviate lower than the level required by the model ordinance. 1 Amend Chapter 5.01 KCC - Re: Business License Threshold Exemption B. The model ordinance was timely created and included provisions that defined "engaging in business" and established a business licensing threshold for out-of-town or transient businesses at $2,000 in annual value of products, gross proceeds of sales, or gross business income. These are the two mandatory provisions RCW 35.90.080(2) requires the City adopt by January 1, 2019 in order to continue applying and enforcing its general business license requirement. C. In order to comply with RCW 35.90.080 and adopt the mandatory provisions into the City's business licensing code, various sections of Chapter 5.01 of the Kent City Code need to be revised. This ordinance makes those revisions. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE, SECTION 1. - Amendment. Section 5.01.020 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Definitions," is hereby amended as follows: Section 5.01.020. Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter. A. Business means all activities, occupations, pursuits, or professions located and/or engaged in within the city, with the object of gain, benefit or advantage to the person engaging in the same, or to any other person or class, directly or indirectly, and includes nonprofit enterprises. The term business shall also mean apartment and residential rental properties of two or more units, as well as rental housing and rental property as those terms are defined in Chapter 5.14 KCC, but shall not mean governmental agencies. 2 Amend Chapter 5.01 KCC - Re: Business License Threshold Exemption B. Business enterprise means each location at which business is conducted within the city. A business may have more than one business enterprise within the city. C. Director means the finance director of the city or his or her designee. D. Department means the finance department of the city. EEngaging. in business:. 1. The term "engaging in business" means commgncing, conducting, or continuing in business, and also the exercise of corporate or franchise powers, as welll as (liquidating a business when the liquidators thereof hold themselves out to the public as conducting such business. 7 Thic cprtinn cote fnrth pvamnlpc of Artivitipc that rnnctifiitp engaging in business in the city, and establishes safe harbors for certain of those activities so that a person who meets the criteria may engage in de minimis business activities in the city without having to register and obtain a business license or pay City business and occupation taxes. The activities listed in this section are illustrative only and are not intended to narrow the definition of "engaging in business" in subsection (1). If an activity is not lictprl Whpthpr it rnnctifiitpc pnnaninn in hiicinpcc in the rity chall ha rdptprminprl by rnncirdprinn all the farfc and rirriimcfanrac and Annlirandp law. 'i Withniif hpinn all inrlimivp Anv nnp of the fnllnwinn Arfivitdpc conducted within the city by a person, or its employee, representative, independent contractor, broker or another actin on its behalf constitutes engaging in business and requires a person to register and obtain a business license. a. Owning renting. leasinc_y_maintaining. or having the right to use or using tangible_.personal property, intangible personal p>o erty, or real property permanently or temporarily located In the city. 3 Amend Chapter 5.01 KCC - Re: Business License Threshold Exemption b. Owning, rentina, leasing, using, or maintaining, an nffirp nl;4rp of hiiczinPqq nr r)thi-r iqt;;hIi,,hi-nint in the ritv C. Soliciting sales. d. Making repairs or providing maintenance or service to real or tangible per5onal property, including warranty work and property maintenance. e. Providing technical assistance or service, including quality control, product inspections, warranty work, or similar services on or in connection with tong iblepersonal property sold by the person or on its behalf. f. Installing, constructing, or supervising installation or construction of, real or tangible personal property. n qnlirifinn negotiating, or ;4nnrr)%/inci fr;inChjSe, kense, or other similar agreements. h. Collecting current or delinquent accounts. i Pirkinn i in Anri ti-Anvnni-tinn fAnnihIp nprqnnAl nrnnprtv solid waste, construction debris, or excavated materials. i Prnvirlinn rficzinfPrfinn qnri ni-cf ronfi-ni -,,-rx/irpq employment and labor pool services, home nursing g1rig, Janitorial services, appraising, landscape architectural servige5, security system services, surveying, and real estate services including the listing of homes and' managing real property. 1. Renderingprofessional services such as those provided bv accountants.-architects,, attorneys, guctioneer5, consultants, engineers, professional athletes, barbers, baseball club 5 and other sports nrnRni7Rfinnq rhpmiqf, rnni ilt,;;ntr nrvrhc)lnnitq rmirt rpnnrtpr,- ---- -- ------------- dentists, doctors, detectives, laboratory I. Meeting with customers or notential customers even when no sa1pr gr ni-ripm ;4rp qn1irit-PrI ;;t the mpi-flnncz M. Training or recruiting agents, representatives„ independent contractors, brokers or others domidled or operating on a 4 Amend Chapter 5.01 KCC- Re: Business License Threshold Exemption job in the city, acting, on its behalf, or for customers or potential customers. n. InvestN atin resolvin or otherwise assistin in resolving customer complaints. o. I:n-store 5tpckjng per manipulating g roducts or goods, sold to and owned by a customer, regardless of where sale and delivery of the goods took place. P. Delivering oods in vehicles owned rented leased i icpri nr maintainpri by the nprcnn nr annthpr artinn nn itc hphalf 9. Acce tin r executing a contract with the city. irrespective of whether goods or services are delivered within or without the city, or whether the erson`s office_or_ lace of business is within or without the city. 4. Tf a nersnn. or its emolovee. agent, representative. Independent contractor, broker or another acting on the person's behalf, engages In no other activities in or with the city but the following, it need not rpnictpr anri nhtain a hi iciness licence anri nay tay a. Meeting with suppliers of goods and services as a customer. b. Meeting with government representatives in their official capacity, other than those performing contracting or purchasing functions. r Attpnriinn mpptinnc ciirh ac hnarri mpptinnc ratrpatc seminars, and conferences, or other meetings wherein the person does not provide training in connection with tangible persgnal property sgld by the pgrsgn or on its behalf. This provision does not apply to any board of director member or attendee engaging in business such as a member of a board of directors who attends a board meeting. d. Renting tangible or intangible property as a customer A.then the nrnnprty is not i icpri in the rity 5 Amend Chapter 5.01 KCC- Re: Business License Threshold Exemption e. Attending, but not participating in a "trade show" or "multiple vendor events". Persons oarticiDatina at a trade show shall review the city"s trade show or multiple vendor event ordinances. f Conducting arivarticinn thrnilnh tha mail n Snliritinn calac by nhnna frnm a Inratinn nntciria tha rity S A collar Inratari niitcirla tha rity maraly rialiyarinn nnnric intn the city by means of common carrier is not re uired to re ister and obtain a business license, provided that it engages in no other business activities in the city. Such activities do not include those in subsection M. 6. The city expressly intends that engaging in business includes any activity sufficient to establish nexus for purposes of annlyinn tho license fee under the law and the constitutions of the United States and the .C.tote of vui ini t ii. ,v cxuca is resumed to xrnnntiniin nc Innnn ac the licensee benefits from the activity that constituted the original nexus generating contact or subsequent contacts. EF. Licensee means any business or business enterprise that applies for or is granted a business license. The term licensee shall also mean the person who submits a business license for approval, the owner or operator of a business or business enterprise, and any corporation, partnership, nonprofit, or organization which owns or operates the business or business enterprise. SECTION 2. - Amendment. Section 5.01.040 of the Kent City Code, entitled "General business license required," is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 5.01.040. General business license required. Except as provided in KCC 5,01,045, i1t is unlawful for any business to operate in the city without having first obtained a general business license for the current calendar year or unexpired portion thereof and paid the fees prescribed in this chapter; provided, that a business solely owned and operated by a 6 Amend Chapter 5.01 KCC - Re: Business License Threshold Exemption person under the age of eighteen (18) years shall not be required to have a business license. A business with premises, primary places of business, or main offices outside the city limits must be licensed before conducting business within the city limits. SECTION 3. - Amendment. Chapter 5.01 KCC is amended by adding a new Section 5.01.045, entitled "Threshold exemption," as follows: Sec. 5.01.045. Threshold exemption. To the extent set forth in this section, the following persons and businesses shall be exempt from the registration, license and/or license fee requirements as outlined in this chapter: A. Any person or business whose annual value of products, gross proceeds of sales, or gross income of the business in the city is equal to or less than $2,000 and who does not maintain a place of business within the city shall be exempt from the general business license requirements in this chapter. The exemption does not apply to regulatory license requirements or activities that require a specialized permit. SECTION 4. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION S. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. 7 Amend Chapter 5.01 KCC - Re: Business License Threshold Exemption SECTION 6. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, as provided by law. r November 6 2018, DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved ATTEST: November 6 2018 KIMBERLEY A 'OTO, CITY RK Date Adopted November 9. 2018 Date Published APPROVED AS TO FORK , ARTHUR PAT I` GPA RICK, 61TY ATTORNEY 8 Amend Chapter 5.01 KCC- Re: Business License Threshold Exemption STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Kent Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter(and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on November 9, 2018 . The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$108.00 . Polly Shepherd Publisher, Kent Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 9' day of November, 2018 . YJe fez Tribbett;"1Wotary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Orting, Washington 'X i C➢ F:; In C t CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTION PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL The following are summaries of the ordinance and resolution passed by the Kent City Council on November 6, 2018: ORDINANCE NO. 4287- AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending various sections of Chapter 5.01 of the Kent City Code, entitled "General Business Licenses," to adopt mandatory code provisions required by RCW 35.90.080, which the state Legislature adopted during its 2017 session and required be in place by January 1, 2019, by any city that imposes a general business license requirement. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, as provided by law. RESOLUTION NO. 1977 - A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, approving the Federal Way Link Extension Project Development Agreement between the City of Kent and Sound Transit. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. A copy of the complete text of any ordinance or resolution will be mailed upon request of the City Clerk. Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk 16 Fridr'.. Noveinik 9,2018 Kent Reporter tf/,,., L.xal At... Lovi Ntl oe.. Leatar Ame... NA$ar NiLeib Mousse lwP,eb Xnuee. CRY OF KENT renovated No a part of at' IT, WEST 12DA0 eppeatema on IN On- records M King Cumty,, entire Comcipel and into, a w r NOTICE OF $to Impmvamdnry A FEET,THENCE NORTH tlandpoul person, you Washington, the banal- ..I..cured bar the Dead `� 1r »"i;, ORMNANCEAND nas Ili 04poe e=1pp4 89'ED ID'WEST SOM ere antliltod b nofbs be- call Iambs, W which la at SCSI gas aosis, / (' RESOLUTION storm weer demmtobm FEET,THENCE NORTH Ire. m lmord may be, tbeld W Jahn G.WUMaI b.s, end .dvmnce., il' l�i// ( �i PASSED BY THE CRY asalq la Prppoeetl Ip b9 0M Otl'11'FAST 129AO Onto, 9tlu mqy da spy C&INLpOm E. Wpn my, mad. pursuanl IS / /�� COUNCIL Inmmtl.d nanonlh tlhv FEET "R1 THE TRUE meet that the pJhep01 del, remains or Wrvg the forms Of the owing. �,/ The following re sum- parking tot locatedIn the POINT OF BEGINNING fit* This 10ii whin the Count hah,y, y ROOM NA tWn Antl!ar 0ffind at 7// adruillo anclNl.ad Me o r P�ed Tempi Pertyce t Thlslonlnstellle- O of the UT KNi129.0OWN.WSFEET dnmgntl mutt be I THE court, It you do n wisp Carets",TOdss4prvod l. Pa M o UeioulFg,4lming all aN.. by the Kent Clay Council 1.n will result In eppinue- OF THE EAST gook, the and mull be served Tali Sa oa0 Of Yl. on November0,2018: matmtly 14,400 Cubic FEET OF LOT S IN now the Damon aipnin�g Washington Ina,,scat- A wrltllNn nod.o- al tln r/ -Foramens.Co rev RNM ORDINANCE NO. 42B]. yenta .f art and B4O09 CLOCK 13 OP this Summons Within 14 mtdn, pe Bgacaaeror IPPA WPR uamxmdlad Op ' OauniY AN ORDINANCE of iha cub3o ymNo al Hltlp ParX M0411CKEN HEIGHTS toys a1Wn yail s"rvW stae, under King the Nepali or TrgW k r Clay Cauned at lAe city Iva IOE end panlmOlor DIVISION NO,2, At, the dereed the pOwlntlif County AudMW'Fit.No. We to the 6AmdWN,and $COOK Vista ei Nnt, W»eNrvglan leadscapmg VmProre' CORDING TO THE UN- meet Igo Wle IOW Uu With pBIdN 3p/gY600, to ea- Granter PI the 10 11 g j $emOh Aparlmadls CW.. none watlpns BaC mnnp6 ffmAndhel Ores RECORDED PLAT the COUiL 01 the eeMCP auto an obilgadon Ire W� addronmr 264"11 Ave SE ChapVNr'bqt Pf sIW arP Included k Its THEREOF. PARCEL an u 0 this Summmn, von of John G. Wandni NemxMOV T,Wilaun S). K i,WAenaab iN Kent CI'Cr^Cpdp.Pnd pcppP Pt work sop WnC BA NOf4-EXCLUSIVE ...WComprlaint wail he and Cassava E. Wine- M ApsrtmmnlP saw, dad "GP(meai Suadmoae Ing W proppP,Bd 10 EASEM[NT POR IN, veld.ll you wtslnb eaPk di as BenallcMwT33150roat NE e0-304 Awailoa1 k Utur es'to adopt eon- s......aM. .areas GRESS AND EGRESS W.ad Nco of xn W omay lI, Auburn.,WASSOp2 %c, l 6 .tlmf iggh 2 DR., amour even Providers CIN papl Outdoor $IOMOO The OVER A STRIP OF In WP --MI„ yen No Will anum.head NWhaN.fTWYVeao required$945rma. 31590.081 which RMe bat-TwowYlY Plarem, oil-end LAND Gg FEET IN WITTH DESCRIBED AS 1. that dyuroOf aW0IPOT Ifl 110ad of the Tr Thai ryIs how Fodshal Way WA 99023 ��� � "� i 2 Ra•.�fla0nhnuo. stein LeglaWlum mdop4 work end IandsraPimO FOLLOWS-. THE EAST sparone, II Mry, may be mand She 10 ase dnminlm y p�Inh ad dani Ito 2012 ens irnpx.vam.ncl We O-.' tO FEET OF THE FOL gnlVed an. Tama. The df y by both Tel Class Sad LnnitP stet aN mquamd be d Ilrsi.followed by 1.111no I.OWINS DESCRIBED Washingtlne SWm Bev Cry Court by reason of Ned fiat mall M Cahn 241h ' .. CNN Bgwp gbdm by January 1, modmcanons_ PROPERiPI: BEGIN. Woo address Fl thn edRay.r'n ar Gram day at May, 201 B, and 26G-62G-987G 2pi@, by any dal that Comments are due for NINE ON THE WEST hHP.Nww W.wab4.Pig,, toes default on the obll. by peuadrq on the Prep. TwuM Imposes a gmora bael- the above, Prxhaet by LINE OF N"TION 21 TWO SUMMON Id BSuad qotlm secured by the Nay rem on& 3, IS, n... it..me requireadd p.m.,MnnJday, No TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH pn�reuant to Rule4pl ran Deedet7ruOill. proof of which Is In the r �' raN oudfwncnbe Egon! ..at, senator 26,2018,W CIry RANGE 4EAST. W.M., S "tor' Cauu1 Gvdl The ipepps r� opp n"Pmwuarand d feat for which eazalan of ins moo, r / P Thto ortllnonem when Wk. of Kant PlnnMnp Servic- IN, KING COUNTY, Ru ss Of Iho State of this foreclosure Is made arWa3'W' exact and be In force es. WASHINGTON, AT A Washington, Mabdlm Is es follows: Vill,. / Thirty days from and after For more Information POINT SOUTH 001 01 Clemaras,A flaw Cairpo. g Mopfbtly Payments far Thu Trustee Whose IN ks passage,ea prwldaE ForM9Ct Kent PlnnnYn9ph 1C' WEST1,2%4AD ration, Nathan F Smnh, 2O16 R:$2,150.00 each no.. end address eta him- RESOLUTION NO. 19]]1. Sehadirs Avenue at 22200 Kent, WA WA FEET FROM THE WSBA 043160, No $10.760.00 sat forth below and hm- fr����/� hv,;// .q RESOLUTION of the 98032, T leph.na: OpSA1D NORTHWEST SECTION; np a for PWIMlff III* lenORNER Alli Charges title In extlYYmg to mining r Cary C.uncll of the C Y 1br2016 rxget .17 11, x around nY perm a563464 Any THENCE SOUTH W Bupered Camgr Dr{CA S1,612.5D mast etl a0 cants tand .. / r / of YWryI,WOa ate, a say perapn rq%dFdming a FEET f0" EAST 9900E 92612,l FYogh IMrup,CA only. Prop tppsas dam al any Ypma e rya,' I proving tom Fndensl Way title Shy ae€pmit the POINT OF BEGINNINGS: D 2, 2ST9400 F: $t tl04.32 BlYllf to M.Pala. Link Fxten Inn Pro ed ion should conWm the (� yy Dirundepment Agreement City for nWee InWrma� THENCE SOUTH 09' (S 9 262 3032 pUS� C.moli Due W Min- The M1ai of the We wIII r I between the City of Kent Lion. For TDO aday� to S6' Y0'EAST 60 EBET S iomiiS. 1112/1B. Stara by November S. bP to PnprKro line Onxmend Sound Thi slt vice, II THENCE SOUTH (0" II/Stld,111VIOII9 Ti urroOde.mail Wks 1-Opp-833-6303 or the of, 21' WEST 27540 96316p4 214 SAS o Rod y hottot Eby YIVOYg sac who �' / sliest and b.Bn face Ym. G al Kant mi .- ..NOTICE ts' coil§ and wmaci hold 1 all M1 rtp.p.0 ens".I.. maths FEET;THENCE NORTH TRUSTEES SALE then Tovages�for enact their ot theIntor�UrorInal the Cato/ upon ds Pas P253Y Topth36 SO" 69' IIIEN WEST SO fJfJf�/rr v eagq fd Etlneomr00.RusPen. FLET THENCE NORTH Pmmueuil tp RCW smaunl} ehrv^re-dnpCrWasd Prdpow 1� GAVE YOUR ari HOMER A copy of Is uare.a, IF Fillil FEET O THE 2TRUE 6i 24 M0(i{p and IY y Ara you b4hlhM 1W4Pgmet to., lost o1' n it beP mar ar Dated.: Fdday, severe POET TO THE TRUE �pp The mum owing a my XK $rem MOd.RTGAGE pa. .saWOnn WNI pa moiled qnr 9.201SA COPY POINT O7" BEGINNING- ORANTOPSTRUSTEE Obligation sN.urnd by Anyone hmnm0 any olnry- jJ ciaSLtlAEr WC nOIeM IpmbrvgO ueetA of lY(amat SERVICES OF IN THE TUPEATe ME aFS�NF'Y Ft70 WASHb CWl.®'RIN INC,l tPorfl he CRY 0809823 Am TOGETHER WPTP the Dead n„2n6,WD%0 gronnndsCtl tlha n,3 bappi chofis hued Relief UM City CWr AN WASHINGTON IN LOWING RESCREEN- Cathleen E.Wendel pthe,In in mho note or thy Iv be homrtl no to / 4chow35 ma naiad 869•784• N aidla AND FOR FK TFtP: PROPERTY' BEGIN- GRAN TEE:Nethenlel free Instrument , 20, these .Na..h tlt Yhoy 4366 11IBJ C0 COUNTY OFKYNG, NINOEni ON TWO W@ST. T;Wllenm Iron Su 1 pure cvr ors balm x Uonto Iq m- r, C BLIC NOTIC GAGE HLI MIBI TION 27 OF SEC,HIP NOTICE Il HEREBY ..Me and'. eush o0rof W RI Iho wean pumurall l PERMIN TION CAGE LLC DOOM, TION 27 TOWNSHIP DIMal Chet the dthdranPWIM duels add ban of .or b RCW oPSoup laO- r DETERMINATION OF CHAMPION PANT 20 NORTH NA KING ,S, H Tr try o witlP, on due under um note a, era to nehmg etch a law NDNSI to K CAN 1. GAGE COMPANY CART W M, IN KING. be,,GOT tl of here of other instrument as ., m oral npro In n waft P Am m W KCC 11 03 BEPla Z,iff a WENDEL D COUNTY A POINT 9,0 2p1$wl Co here e cured, xnd as a>e pro to of vmary ating grounds the City K heltluy. SHIRR an individual uAn TON AT A POINT ggg emala[A a.m.a1 mP titled by sWWtm. to ,We.xlVng the TFus'. �r iba Cry at Kano has.le $djvld.Y M, MIDLAND xn SOUTH Ili Siihhe King C may Adrian.Yo V. X. We. rr %� sad n I o, theO low. I FUNDING N: M Mali WEST t 254.4$ FEET the King CtlumY AtlnNn- The 06.vrsdxsCrlbotl X. /ii/ �� m6nmlton ftlr the t01kn4 FUNDING LLC n WneYtad FROM THE NORTX4� latrntlNN Balking, Bad m.l prapgry will be sold NOTICE TO OCCU, /rr Ina: im ully cpmpahy; End WEST CORNER OF 91h Awermna,In limn Ni pt to eallaM1'In.mrµnmae of PANTS OR TENANTS %�j. DnterminstYM oX Nannlg WI amar pq,ena, Pa( SAID SECTION; Saaab, Some o{ WNgI. sale xnd the abligalbn The purchaser et IIw l tl Nticame yONS)eon Ilea,. or ocouparKs un. THENCE SOUTH Yngian.Soo at post auP- secured by the Coed ul Testator.SAW 1.rail FEE. KENT SERVIOC known Clelming my le- 89°6a"10" EAST 'Cu don In the Ngeast and Trust as provided by to poeseseon of the CENTER ENW-201&f0, gall or equilabW ry0111, II. FEET TO THE TRUE heap bidder, agangN of statute. Th.sWe OM bu pOPOrly an IN Mill day /i. Anrveunumsnwnea KWAOI RPSW�2YB82V1 11s dslalo,lion ar ImM. POINT OF BEGINNING; lisp rime o1 got¢, the Pit made WOtlove warranty, zII'D ho OW eels, es H may/ III Ingot Energy eat In toe opal drapery THENCE SOUTH Win) doao reel axP.ap or Ymplled re against me grantor on- pear PROMOTE YOUR RE. IP Ep Proposes W Pea pappind am rearwift anpdprumhead I'n g+o cam. 80°BQ'1a" EAST S0 Brain ,. glifk IMa, paltlinp ch. Pas salon, der Ua Deed of Trust GIONAL EVENT siW asserg skoft did mi, Pllalm8d'send re lit,ld an Nat 0p°191'tiw WESPENCE SOUTH2rSAD anonN�MKiACNtu"d 16thor n day of Ndeemh.e having nY), and anyone lWasival Junior online Moo ach A$325 Coca- prpyP porMnl and s1Olm S M PWmYldla tide W FEET;THENCE 27SAO HOT�Nrof BLOCK onlinIF r d YNMg ar SI 6%6 ur seat., /pollnias led Property, cpOemivpy 691S9'tp WEST 00 �S BN BLOCK 3 pE 1610 The unumii rII o in daeb o swum, Vn- a d16 I nd. Cull M'W RA1NI@I IMANOR, AS must 4a to earaOvmpb pl dludlrre xoalpnnts and P od' paced I mpla tees la the designated No DOES 1 FEET,THENCE NORTH FED PLAT RECORDED meal uN seta" by No. fenumn, After'the 20th 2*7 mcon' pnr ar 360344 ad.i two.smry 43,059 lhapugh SO, Maje sO, 01701 W EAST 271L40 IN VOLUME %4 OF season,5.2p16(IT deyo day fallowing tyro sale 283a Wndma l 4qurm unit warehouse Defendants. Case No. FEET TO 'THE TRUE PLATS 'PAGE se, NiIN save doloy,to the Purolator has theWASHINGTON Dt- Carding set add 4,926 162-21290-1 KNT POINT OF BEGINNING, RECORDS OF KING chose w OWMnilnuancO nl(tM to loud amNP M O Ce VORCE-SEPARATION, acosi Flat al 11-1 xraa SUMMONS BY PUBLI EXCEPT THAT POR- COUNTY AUCVTOR. of the solo, The sale will amandr.ke by sm maay THE. $176 with CNN- W dha Soup end Amon CATION TO THE ❑E- TION OF SAID EASE- guests in has Count,.1 Its becmdmned am Is, proceedings under the Conn. NO COURT Ali end ettso a pobrytion 0 the FENDANT: WENDEL D. MENT LYING WITHIN King, Slate at Wei templed II at any gme on uNcwful dowlnaf act, Yf PEARANCE6, Ia�omdma taxi Wisdom Y 13 loot BELT2:The date of first PARCEL.A.SITUATE IN rem, or barer. NOyPSo, S, Rural SDAP RCW Hours: pnopafiy, bills, ..lady, (lei a bulldtl,fg ate publlcation to INS malls, THE COUNTY OF The Parcel Nd.: 2015, Qi1 days FOARM XI suppoU. Go.plak. Prxp,. laden of 45 fore) tln do, I.October 26, 2015 It KING, STATE OF 713tWhOSSO OD Cho sot. date), the do. This 's as oftmmryl by a auaCloa W d'auanrenls. CPmmodate ooppe,avoml you fall..Alloy W appear WASHINGTON. al And mare commonly Ixun a as?bath In Pare debt coll.ecor mo..Ilea a 8-Sam Leggal Alfaroervem, S03- Nulpm.m. T w pro and xmswer, wend TICE TO 'Tide DEFEN. known as: 35631 12th Tprsith III Is cured and the debt, Any Infmmagon ]]3 6255,. WmMu.paeo pound Will ran.- Ihmmof, phaviOlix) will RANTS (READ THESE Ayd $W, Federal Way, Trasmo's fee.lad comb Outland w 1l be used for Monday IngWnlYax ad eg Cory ran wilt Yry dude igmp. xppiy mo.pa Wr re,- PAPERS CAREFUL Vl WA 96023, are paid. 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