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AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the
City of Kent, Washington, approving the
consolidating budget adjustments made between
January 1, 2018 and June 30, 2018, reflecting an
overall budget increase of $11,145,837.
SECTION 1. - Bud_ ecett Adjustments. The 2017-2018 biennial
budget is amended to include budget fund adjustments for the first and
second quarters of 2018 from January 1 to June 30, 2018, as summarized
and set forth in Exhibit "A," which is attached and incorporated into this
ordinance. Except as amended by this ordinance, all terms and provisions
of the 2017-2018 biennial budget Ordinance No. 4230, as amended by
Ordinance Nos. 4245, 4251, 4258, 4266, and 4270 shall remain
SECTION 2. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection,
or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such
decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this
ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect.
1 2017-2018 Budget Adjustment
First and Second Quarters 2018
SECTION 3. - Corrections hy Ct Clerk .,or Code Reva er. Upon
approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the
correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering;
or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or
SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force five days after publication, as provided by law.
DANA RALPH, MAY R Date Approved
wr IlA -w lboyGe
F(Zl � (8
gJ zq
Date P blis ed
2 2017-2018 Budget Adjustment
First and Second Quarters 2018
Exhibit A
City of Kent
Budget Adjustment Ordinance
Adjustments January 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018
Previously Approval Total
Fund Title A Adjustment
Approved Requested pp q Ordinance
General Fund 749,137 1,898,170 2,647,307
Street Fund 812,740 1,549,900 2,362,640
Lodging Tax Fund 54,000 - 54,000
Public Arts Program Fund - 5,000 5,000
Criminal Justice Fund 414,050 470 414,520
Street Capital Projects 640,640 2,525,290 3,165,930
Parks Capital Projects 16,820 16,820
Water Operating Fund - 9,160 9,160
Sewerage Operating Fund 1,157,490 60,660 1,218,150
Solid Waste Operating Fund 184,500 (360) 184,140
Golf Operating Fund - 990 990
Fleet Services Fund 1,052,840 2,950 1,055,790
Central Services Fund - (22,210) (22,210)
Facilities Management Fund 32,380 32,380
Insurance Funds 1,220 1,220
Total 5,065,397 6,080,440 11,145,837
Budget Adjustment Detail for Budget Changes
January 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018
Approval Previously Not Total
Date or Approved by Previously Adjustment
Other Fund Council Approved by Council Ordinance
General Fund
Two Limited-term Plans Examiner Positions 2/6/2018 453,590 453,590
Reallocate Liability Insurance Budget (106,840) (106,840)
Transfer out to Health Care/Benefits Fund 750,000 750,000
Transfer out to Capital Resources Fund 1,250,000 1,250,000
Non-Rep Salary Survey Adjustment 5,010 5,010
Carryover Budget-ECO 2017 82,36D 82,350
Carryover Budget-Parks 2017 213,197 213,187
Total General Fund 749,137 1,898,170 2,647,307
Street Fund
Reallocate Liability Insurance Budget 20,400 20,400
Non-Rep Salary Survey Adjustment (64,090) (64,090)
Transfer TlF monies to LID 363-224th-228th(EVH-88th) 2,059,440 2,059,440
Reallocate funds to close 1st Ave North Improvement Project 101,720 101,720
Reallocate funds from B&C Street Maintenance to B&O ADA (450,000) (450,000)
Reallocate funds to close S 212th St&72nd Ave Concrete Project (67,570) (67,57D)
Reallocate funds from Unallocated B&O to B&O In-house Overlays Project (50,000) (50,000)
Transportation Master Plan 2017 780,000 780,000
Carryover Budget-Transportation equipment&software 2017 32,740 32,740
Total Street Fund 812,740 1,549,900 2,362,640
Lodging Tax Fund
]ayRay Marketing Contract 2/20/18 17,800 17,800
Chamber of Commerce Contract Increase 1/22/18 6,500 6,500
T-Bird Marketing -City Logo 1122/18 29,700 29,700
Total Lodging Tax Fund 54,000 - 54,000
Public Arts Program Fund
ECD DSAP Funding Arts Program 5,000 5,000
Total Public Arts Program Fund - 5,000 5,000
Criminal Justice Fund
Establish JAG Grant KCC 3.70 42,060 42,D60
Establish WASPC Grant KCC 3.70 12,490 12,490
Reallocate Liability Insurance Budget 470 470
Carryover Budget-Police equipment 2017 359,500 359,500
Total Criminal Justice Fund 414,050 470 414,S20
Street Capital Projects
Establish TIB Grant for 132nd Ave Pedestrian Improvements 1/16/18 640,640 640,640
Establish budget for LID 363-224th-228th(EVH-88th) 2,059,440 2,059,440
Reallocate funds to close 1st Ave North Improvement Project (101,720) (101,720)
Reallocate funds from B&O Street Maintenance to B&O ADA 450,000 450,000
Reallocate funds to close 5212th St&72nd Ave Concrete Project 67,570 67,570
Reallocate funds from Unallocated B&O to B&O In-house Overlays Project 50,000 50,000
Total Street Capital Projects Fund 640F640 2,525,290 3,165,930
Parks Capital Projects
ECD DSAP Funding Downtown Place Making Projects(Willis St.&Lunar Raver) 16,820 16,820
Total Parks Capital Projects Fund - 16,820 16,820
Water Operating Fund
Reallocate Liability Insurance Budget 30,250 30,250
Non Rep Salary Survey Adjustment (21,090) (21,090)
Total Water Operating Fund - 9,160 9,160
Budget Adjustment Detail for Budget Changes
January 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018
Approval Previously Not Total
Date or Approved by Previously Adjustment
Other Fund Council Approved by��rnril Ordinance
Sewerage Operating Fund
KC Grant-Lake Fenwick 1/16/16 89,000 89,000
Department of Ecology Grant for NPDES Activities 12/12/17 50,000 50,000
RCD Grant-Watershed 5/16/17 77,830 77,830
KC Grant-Watershed 1/16/18 1,002,800 1,002,800
KC Grant-Green River Watershed Design 1/16/18 50,000 50,000
Reallocate Liability Insurance Budget 43,100 43,100
Nan-Rep Salary Survey Adjustment 17,560 17,560
Adjust KCD Grant for Downey Farmstead to amount received 2009 (112,140) (112,140)
Total Sewerage Operating Fund 1,157,490 60,660 1,218,150
Solid Waste Operating Fund
Non-Rep Salary5urvey Adjustment (360) (360)
Carryover Budget-vehicle,recycling grants and activities 2017 184,500 184,500
Total Solid Waste Operating Fund 184,500 (360) 184,140
Golf Operating Fund
Reallocate Liability Insurance Budget (10) (SO)
Non-Rep Salary Survey Adjustment 1,000 1,000
Total Golf Operating Fund - 990 990
Fleet Services Fund
Reallocate Liability Insurance Budget 2,570 2,57D
Non-Rep Salary Survey Adjustment 380 380
Carryover Budget-Fleet vehicle replacements 2017 1,052,840 1,052,840
Total Fleet Service Fund 1,052,840 2,950 1,055,790
Central Services Fund
Reallocate Liability Insurance Budget S,DDO 1,000
Non-Rep Salary Survey Adjustment (23,210) (23,210)
Total Central Services Fund - (22,210) (22,210)
Facilities Management Fund
Establish Budget for Temps 35,DOO 35,000
Reallocate Liability Insurance Budget (310) (310)
Non-Rep Salary Survey Adjustment (2,310) (2,310)
Total Facilities Management Fund - 32,380 32,380
Insurance Funds
Reallocate Liability Insurance Budget 1,220 1,220
Total Insurance Funds - 1,220 1,220
Grand Total All Funds 5,065,397 6,080,440 12,145,837
Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the
Publisher of the
Kent Reporter
a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general
circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date
of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language
continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The
Kent Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of
the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County.
The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of
the Kent Reporter (and not in supplement form)which was regularly
distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed
notice, a:
Public Notice
was published on August 24, 2018
The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the
sum of$142.0
Polly Shep ed
Publisher, Kent Reporter
Subscribed and sworn to me this 24"' day of August, 2018 .
T . nifcr Trt Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in
rting, Washington
""' y
" c6 200
SkIN 0
The following are summaries of the ordinances and resolutions passed by the Kent
City Council on August 21, 2018:
ORDINANCE NO. 4284 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of
Kent, Washington, approving the consolidating budget adjustments made between
January 1, 2018 and June 30, 2018, reflecting an overall budget increase of
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after publication, as
provided by law.
RESOLUTION NO. 1972 - A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent,
Washington, recognizing the Meridian Orchard Neighborhood Council.
This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage.
RESOLUTION NO. 1973 - A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent,
Washington, that: (1) authorizes the submission of applications for grant funding
assistance through the Land and Water Conservation Fund Outdoor Recreation
Legacy Partnership Program of the Recreation and Conservation Office, as provided
for in Chapters 79A.15 and 79A.25 of the Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 286
of the Washington Administrative Code, and other applicable authorities, for
renovation of West Fenwick Park and field drainage services at Service Club
Ballfields, and (2) identifies the Parks Director as the City's authorized
representative for purposes of securing the grants and binding the City to the grant
terms and conditions.
This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage.
A copy of the complete text of any ordinance or resolution will be mailed upon
request of the City Clerk.
Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk
" 14 kiudy Augus124,2018 Kent Reporter
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PROMOTE YOUR RE- 2018, reflecting an over after identified as the are Contractor. In- sum e0up, odeaxel DATE OF NOTICE OF
GIONAL EVENT state- all budget Increase of Saes Creek Elemen- SJ�o, ,C yYaAliffil lending io submit mach bid. Security shall APPLICATION.A u g u a
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a display ad. Call this affect entl be in force PROJECT SCHED- below: •Ile Inspection cantor- Cher by caddied check or NAMEINUMBER P S E
newspaper or 360 344 live days after publlca- ULED BID DATE -Builders Exchange of once held at the bid bond issued by a KENT SERVICE CEN.
2938fordetalls lion,as provided by law Seated consiruallsm bids Washington school. Most In the surety company licansed TER
WASHINGTON pl- RESOLUTION NO. 1972 will be A,,at.mkdod, 2607 Wetmore Avenue wurryertl, outside the to candust business in ENV-2018-10
i VORCE SEPARATION, -A RESOLUTION of the a„ggm_pgy, ykgggggdgg Everett,WA 96201 school administration Washington State. KIVA#RPSW-21 B3198
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AOCIION We sage. apprpalmately,
pgp E. RESOLUTIONS A copy of the complete down0upd pelnl to your Offering °Backhce'Pallos 144000 cubb yyards of
Be your bofry LOV$ PASSED BYTHE CRY pr Hier order 425-2263911 cut and 8,0D0 cubic
arydl68g toy d saaW text of any Ordinance or range of seMces.
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1639. order form and . free /.�� PROJECT LOCATION'.
and amve�utl.m3 Banged Crw Clark
A. KomOIO tefull bathreom&
HOME SE smart by dla Kent G!ryry CaunClll Clry Clerk on-line d glllzer/take off King South Co n zth Street
o Are�ANCE 20i S. #822576 too,- Contact Bullders kitchen remstlelfng k. King County Parcel
Leading mart home ORDINANCE ND. 4204 Exchange of Washing antlfloorin -• ?' Number3830000062
provider Vrvint Saran -AN ORDINANCE of the !1/2418 _. ton atg(425) 25B.13D3 Inslallalion. OTHER PERMITS AND
Home has as oeor lust Giry Gouncll of the Clry INVITATION TO BID should you fees re as_ ' Special Spring Clean upPLANS WHICH MAY BE
for you. Call ggig•aid of Karl,W,anhintba cop The Kent School DISIdet ordence.. Zae•7$j-)9'19 •Tree Service •Hauling REQUIRED: Grade &
city to get a prafi fin- mvl Ins come ldatln extends an Invitation to Drawings and p •Pomom FIII paimnl➢. tool p6t-
aly Installed aamt se- tr 1 0 gs a one p- uoantwae.a I„w,.e •'PJtadfin mtlt, Server arms,
bullgdY adfuahnon4u qualified General Can IVans may also be exam- •ftlgtlpe Trlm •PpiuLa OhRAPMAPo03ERYICE p
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www.soSOUND PUBLISHING • • •B tit&P hp Klfahen& gut, ing,etc. spppyy
N swrMaaa gprchA PpayphD PE-
Force, deckbuilding RIOD:IO COMMENT 010
mem riwxeam. RIDO: Augael 24., P01B
CpmAx Re,Painting&
Ili it a FeaturBti Position SenhFREE
Repairs ads pomoi 7MY
lavmh1l,Dr1a CONST SOUNDUCTIO FREE ESTIMATE And all yard services m pWeahi may sonar
.ee:emr�pinnn CONSTRUCTION 2D64124191 Corm an file uppPine In
CREATIVE ARTIST a Imerlgr/ENeriar 208-387-6100 Commands la mum be le
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(Everett,WA] wane Peintlngand Khlag entl geSvsd la
Home Repairs Ka@4 -fda Planning 5srvlcas
$tlUOd$SIYhShM k90d GaalihcArtiR pOSYpppdNdlt3ble 'I rursala � Advertise your by 4;3g P.M, Petday,
Bull.itFotl Decks
e- ` entl Fences .• upcoming September 7, "to m
fifffemkip ggarage sale ?2 dlh Avorus Sputa,
ands6a1chadit equileSiddlil this saNpmihpp xa.,n namnm„•c Penn
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09dptG1C5f9tlha lCOm,NMWdIJq Is%eLf GIVRU7Nl .rw�. •,e�e,uo• Expert Work O/Coa ml®kmntvna.ppov.
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SOUND rlea6Peimatllpagrtwredoma4'ICs11111G amdlandb fiat g ° " Mne�ha 4 2018
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Foralist ofourmostcunen a saatk t°"`s"r andAtivenise your service Fintl ll Buy it,
tlob openings amnoleam moreahout usvisitourwebsde:wwaid. dpubllshlnmmm l�pea xlttvsecD B60-9E3-2517 fmnHheadsn