HomeMy WebLinkAbout4283 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County,Washington. The Kent Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter(and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on July 20, 2018 . The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$73.96 . Polly S epl erd Publisher,iKent-Rtf rter Subscribed and sworn to me this 20' day of July, 2018 . +neri betf;" otary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Orfing,Washington 0oolssfgvco w o 56 m i <jC G' y d� � S 202(i / I CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF AN ORDINANCE PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL The following is a summary of an ordinance passed by the Kent City Council on July 17, 2018: ORDINANCE NO. 4283 - AN ORDINANCE of the city council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending section 9.28.020, entitled "No parking zones," to prohibit parking in certain areas of the Laurel Springs, Ceder Point, and Shadowbrook neighborhoods. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. A copy of the complete text of any ordinance will be mailed upon request of the City Clerk. Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk ' 12 today,July 20,2018 Kent Reporter WA wall Ro erne r.e.p N.L.e. U�/ Room.b Rarvl Riser captures $50K Mt. Rainier Stakes l pnq p li 190� �'h�'A r amp % i�11� FGd,.Ip PREA17 0313 us, r Applleant.Dmnna Aided, BY RBroRraB STRAP rvinnereSwrdayto tie his own trackrewrd Soadmbe tot" `v, Sipe location_ for most stakes wins in one day. addition 00221 Hanson Ave SE y 1,. Kent VIA 96042 Riser untruthfuRlrelystampedhlmselfm to lliser,the 43-year-0Idwdghthadwms '� :y, +e Pmposap, Appeal of the top local Candidate for the Longacres with Baja Sur'forthe$50,000IGng Comity - i1PNnms"f SKArw DPER's can appointed Mile,racingto abrilliant 2r/e-lenngthvicmry Express and Top Quabtyin the$50000 """ Pontelvoo mpHNlp Ipm111.1mry dulenrno".- over Bul l in the$50,000 Mr.Rainier BoeingStakes. AP aar.at.ro.Re.t ttivsln Aide)Kent flan dust a beer tasting ranee 64+M'AnvtlNa room, wall never de mM aelawaot by Stakes for 3-year-oldsand up. "It's hard not to smile ona day like ttus, °"ti MnaMad tin, but no door xavrml{g� an Inm pmporty LWEI on a beautiful, PHEM ruci 31 ur. i With Juan Hernandez riding at124 Wright said in a Emerald Downs press p v *nl mu-df0 ^�yMOR! $0l9oNCN"fC area, Caro- HE deammg Data:to pounds,Riser ran ll/16 miles m1:40.06 release.'It's a great day for me and my papa wHlamsa roam. be OmMend -a stakes record-and aid$260,$220 crew.' tonal, u"doc. bma�Mama91 pereasThey Mampgn JNNa P •�,'° mood The 5 hraMrk tin rieoy lddl(g I[Bc$dY;.hGOg; and$2.10 on SundayatHmerald Downs Riser's winNngtime broke the markof v 4 ,;na bPrhnadNy ovnningq6h l a-.a.at_.nWL.9.. ..ID_s--x auppa n, Rpaol drharlg, xa6•xB3tl6T6 inAubrfm.Blaine Wright is thewiruring L90.20 set byDipleWashington Horse of Help around nmuaa,Llvm Written comments and Ordination ClrappeHAlpine Farms of Sugar theyear Stryker Phdin 2014,andisjusth+o LARc at Kant I" A9do posnlon Humor additional information j This s a lob net lual a can be absdnod by con City,Idaho. ticksofflGd Katabaticrs crack record 1393/5 senior Community rental teeing the Project Men Wright,mctdentally,saddled three stakes set fit 1998. 1°man open' coat for the r.am s$70 agar listed above � ; LARC at KOM nm n tlee. per week or$280 month Published In the Kent ilful one antl Iwo bad far a nice place is live, Reposer Jay 20, 2010 �_.. - ...-.�.............. .�� �-�.�- room apartment homes j' Our community avers a colors WIFI "ablalncl. 4817099 Kentwood High pitches,62 For sti kes, bllllardegame area, N Plus B bears per week of _m 'IheNationals drafted theright handed �% theater"rev 24-how yourDma, CriYOFKEW ass center, a full knob- Must love natuma NOTICE OF AN pitcher in the fifth round in 2013 out Of for center, mca ale 11 urea dogs Single person, ORDINANCE makes th¢Universi ofWashin on.He was not WIF In the clubhouse, smoke outside only PASSED BYTHE CITY grad Voth 1110. es tY n These references re- COUNCIL the *]monomy lades T R 1F�11 drafted out of high school. the alebhmeaa, comma- priced.2062610204 The following 's a sum MLB debut Washingtonhadcalledup VOthddree gundun, dog park, 0e""r nhotOgmail.omm mart' of an mrienae isity previous times,but each time he of sent IJVO "bmey, nwoMnN / passed by theKent 17, P g rrgwalmtimre, raameM Council July b backto the minors before playingin a f i v nw kid oral we 2018 ORDINANCE NO a2ea m BY RHPOHTBR STeAR game. a}ally gated commo- g !......- -AN ORDINANCE of the nlry with beeutnul land- AtTdpl ERAwith 72 shfs etasOq Voth staining Soloed homes city caution of the Cry of Pmner Kentwood High had a3,56 ERAwlth 72 strikeouts and 24 "r II offer beautiful mews Near Washington t at g dry and Mount - g ZB 020 settled p Na School starpitcher Austin walks in 76 innings and 15 starts. R rl Happened gar- Voth made his Major League N.a, Voth is the second Kentwood graduate to located restockedb We loon P ite,a'ogp"n toa pen ( 1•s1: . non outside Baseball debut on Saturdaynw la inMLB.Matt Hague his debut / Y rl reel f the laurel s,;j P Y gu ton of Komi with plenty Springs, cedar Poll with the Washington 2012 with the Pittsburgh Pirates. 1 of shopping, restewtlmCN° and Shad.scompk P', end recreamm�al a Nationals ' The achooLlraspmduced six other A" ..e.ommt. neighborhoods. leaders Ion the ema, we This ordinance shell take Voth,26,who helpecilead " professional athletes,including Rodney are right oft of Highway HOME SECURITY Thicopps and be inhallt force take Kentwood to the Class 4A Austin Voth Sharkey,NBA;Comm Vanderste otand [ ` 167 and cadaverously Io- Lsadln mart home 30 aped close to Kent Ste- a days from and after Its state title in 2010,pitched 4.1 LndseyMoore,WNBA;Ernie Conwelland '„ non and the trensn can Proved r V'vM Buren assage, as provided by ter F a limited time we Haute ties an over lust Pw innings,gave up seven earned Huns,walked Mike Kamey,NFL;and Cann Weaver,Major " r make nlimonths re t for you. 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