HomeMy WebLinkAbout4282 I i i ORDINANCE NO. r L/ AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the following provisions of the Kent City Code (KCC) to allow for civil infractions as an enforcement tool in code enforcement matters, in addition to other existing civil and criminal penalties, and to clarify when and what level of criminal charges may be brought for violations of the KCC: Chapter 1.04 KCC, KCC 8.01.050, KCC 8.04.190, KCC 8.07.080, KCC 8.08.060, KCC 13.02.090, KCC 14.08.240, and KCC 15.10.070. RECITALS A. Chapter 1.04 of the Kent City Code establishes a system for enforcing city regulations. The purpose of the code enforcement chapter is to provide a system where violations will be promptly resolved while providing both appropriate penalties and a full opportunity for alleged violators to have a hearing to contest the violations. B. Currently, the system established by Chapter 1.04 of the Kent City Code allows for two primary enforcement mechanisms - a civil action before the City's hearing examiner and a criminal misdemeanor action in Kent Municipal Court. While the criminal misdemeanor process can be effective for certain types of major violations, there are many less severe cases where filing criminal charges is not appropriate. The heading examiner process involves extensive paperwork and does not allow for 1 Amend Kent City Code - Code Enforcement Penalties prompt and expedient resolution of code violations. Both existing processes use significant staff resources. C. Code enforcement matters have steadily increased over the last few years, growing from 93 active cases in 2014 to 544 active cases in 2017. Given the steady increase in code enforcement cases, it is critical to adopt a new enforcement tool that allows for prompt resolution while preserving staff resources. D. This ordinance amends Chapter 1.04 of the Kent City Code, as well as several other sections of the code that contemplate penalties for violations, to add civil infractions as an available enforcement mechanism where the existing enforcement tools are not a good fit for the violation. This ordinance does not repeal the other enforcement options and leaves them in place and unaffected by this amending ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Amendment - KCC 1.04,030. Section 1.04.030 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Violation unlawful—Each day is separate violation—Misdemeanor," is amended as follows: Sec. 1.04.030. Violation unlawful - Each day is separate violation - Misde weane#�Cnminal Offense. A. Separate Violations. The violation of any regulation shall be unlawful. A violation continues to exist until abated to the satisfaction of the City, with E-each day, or portion thereof, in which the violation continues constitutinn es a separate offense subiectinq the person responsible for the violation to the civil and criminal penalties provided for in this chapter.4Gt-"i rate e w ia6efo- -n.sued-: 2 Amend Kent City Code - Code Enforcement Penalties B. ""»,sdemeaRefCriminal Offense. In addition to other penalties rp ovided for by this chapter, a person who: any v+ shafl eon ttute—a— erneaner; and the city attorneys eF the eity attefraey s des#wee sl�cll at ins tsr k�er scfetie�ve autherity-to-fine--a v elation as either a eivil violation puFsuant to this ehapteF, eF a-S, a ` ai + kM1raL;e;rrcaa=�t31'... ttn' foxed by the court of not more than ninety (90) days, or biy a fine In an i } flied undeF this chapter shaH be filed or�byw-bet�r sc+ei�--irrrpferkwrrent-an�i--fire:Fa+l cr�f�l+furl �risdefwaeafior c-barges with the Ken pal eour hen t# e city-fiiest irina+ rf»sde Ma totNsl ti, 'ty shall have the bWFden of p , 4.� be e--d'eubt�':^c what the ielatieR Fed 1. Negligently violates a provision of the Kent City Code is guilty. of a misdemeanor, punishable by up to the maximum penalty established in RCW 9A.20.021 3 as now enacted or hereafter amended; or who 2. Knowingly violates a provision of the Kent City Code, or commits a repeated violation of the Kent City Code, is guilty of a gross. misdemeanor, punishable by up to the maximum penalty established in RCW 9A.20.021(2). as now enacted or hereafter amended. a. For purposes of this section repeated vio atb n man as evidenced by eithef�a prior criminall conviction, a prior committed. finding by the Kent Municipal Court, of an infraction issued under this ('hantar nr a nrinr rnmmittori finrlinn by nnarntinn of IaW nnriar V(-(' 1.04.130 that a violation of the Kent City Code has occurred on the same property or that a person responsible for the violation has committed a violation of the Kent City Code elsewhere within the city of Kent. fo constitute a "repeat violation," the violation need not be the same violation as the prior violation. 3. If a person is found guiles of a criminal offense as provided for in this subsection B or pleads guilty to another of ease o 3 Amend Kent City Code - Code Enforcement Penalties recommend tion of the rosecutor, the court shall order the defendant pay re,tltu tiynl tv ti a city of vent or an. other victim of tho nffnn co fnr thn tottotal suffered In« or .lo.. egg h.. reason of the rnvmmiccinn of the rnme suffered e i vu ��a.av, inaaiv.�i wi r. w.uuaw. SECTION 2. - Amendment - New KCC 1.04.225. Chapter 1.04 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Code Enforcement," is amended to add a new section 1.04.225, entitled "Civil Infractions," as follows: ser_ 104_225. Civil Infractions. A. In addlition to or as an alternative to any other penalty provided for in this chapter or by law, a code enforcement officer may issue to any person who violates any provision of the Kent City Code a class 1 civil infraction as set forth in RCW 7.80.120, as currently enacted or hereafter amended. An infraction issued pursuant to this section shall be filed in the Kent Municipal Court and processed in the same manner as other infractions filed in the Kent Municipal Court. Payment of a mnnetary nenalty chall not relieve a person of the duty to correct the violation. SECTION 3. - Amendment - Revise KCC 8.01.050. Section 8.01.050 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Violation - Penalty," is amended as follows: Sec. 8.01.050. Violation - Penalty. A. Civil code enforcement action. Any violation of any provision of this chapter constitutes a civil violation under Chapter 1.04 KCC for which a monetary penalty may be assessed and abatement may be required as provided therein. For a violation involving a chronic criminal nuisance, a correction letter need not be issued under KCC 1.04.070 prior to the issuance of a notice of violation and the immediate assessment of a civil penalty under KCC 1.04.080. 4 Amend Kent City Code - Code Enforcement Penalties B. Criminal N ge------Misdeffwg eroffense. In addition to or as an alternative to any other penalty provided in this chapter or by law, any person who violates any provision of the Kent City Code may be charged criminally, pursuant to KCC 1.04.030,(B), view of +s+nf of t4afs ehapteF sh jail I-- - n9aximum term fixed by days, or by a fine in an arneunt fixed by the court of not more than one iffilpFisonment-andAne— C. Civil infraction. In addition to or as an alternative to any other penalty .provided in this chapter gr by law, any-person who violates any provision of this Chaoter may be issued a class 1 civil infraction pursuant to R('1A/ 7 An 17n nc ri irronthi onnrtorl nr hnrnaftnr nmonrinri anri V( (- 1.04.225. DG. Abatement proceedings. As an alternative to any other penalty provided in this chapter, abatement proceedings may be instituted under RCW Title 7. EB. Repeat violation or failure to abate - Criminal misdemeanor charge - Chronic criminal nuisance. For the purpose of filing criminal charges under KCC 1.04.220 for a subsequent violation after a prior violation is deemed committed, the subsequent violation for a chronic criminal nuisance must occur within one hundred eighty (180) days from the date the prior violation was deemed committed. For a chronic criminal nuisance, a subsequent violation is a single occurrence of criminal conduct. 5 Amend Kent City Code - Code Enforcement Penalties SECTION 4. - Amendment - Revise KCC 8.04.190. Section 8.04.190 of the Kent City Code entitled "Violation - Penalty" is amended as follows: Sec. 8.04.190 Violation - Penalty. A. EveFy-persen, . . natty, d+eeriield +'xcca-ra-be an i f , tlhent--9f--ene4itmdifG�lars-(p-l-0•0) fef-eae-h-sueh- 4elat+an—Eae"ay4he--"lat3an--exists- Consider -a :Civil code enforcement action. Any violation of an provision of this chapter constitutes a civil violation under-Chapter 1.04 KCC for which a monetary .gnglty._ may...beeaassessed and abatement may be reouired as Provided therein. B, Criminal offense. In addition to or as an alternative to any other penalty provided in this chapter or by law, any person who violates any provision of this chapter may be charged criminally, pursuant to KCC 1.04.030 B .sha+l be gu+lty of a rrrisdenpursuarrt t ;814Q�. C. Civil Infraction. In addition to or as an alternative to any other penalty provided in this chgLpter or by law. a y person. who violates any rovision of this cha ter ma be issued,a class 1 civil infraction pursuant to RC'W' 7.80.120, as currently enacted or hereafter amended, and KCC 1.04.225. SECTION 5. - Amendment - Revise KCC 8.07.080. Section 8.07.080 of the Kent City Code entitled "Violation - Penalty" is amended as follows: Sec. 8.07.080 Violation - Penalty. A. Civil code enforcement action. Any violation of any provision of this chapter constitutes a civil violation under Ch. 1.04 KCC for which a 6 Amend Kent City Code - Code Enforcement Penalties monetary penalty may be assessed and abatement may be required as provided therein. B. Criminal offense. In addition to or as an alternative to any other penalty provided in this chapter or by law, any person who violates any provision of the Kent City Code may be charged criminally, pursuant to KCC 1.04.030 B Kee iT o n r.rTv� yen Tccc . C. Civil Infraction. In addition to or as an alternative to any other penalty provided in this chapter or by law, any person who violates any provision of this Chapter may be issued a class 1 civil infraction pursuant to R( M/ 7 Rn 17n Ac riirranhly anartarl nr hPrPAffPY Amonriari Anri V('( 1.04.225. SECTION 6. - Amendment - Revise KCC 8.08.060. Section 8.08.060 of the Kent City Code entitled "Violation - Penalty" is amended as follows: Sec. 8.08.060 Violation - Penalty. A. Civil code enforcement action. Any violation of any provision of this chapter is a civil violation as provided for in Ch. 1.04 KCC, for which a monetary penalty may be assessed and abatement may be required as provided therein. B. Criminal offense. In addition to or as an alternative to any other penalty provided in this chapter or by law, any person who violates any provision of this Kent City Code, shall be guilty of a isderneaner pursuiantGG " .n 44�—may be charged criminally. pursuant to KCC 1.04.030(B). C. Civil Infraction. In addition to or as an alternative to any other ep. naNt rovid'ed in this chapter or by law. any person who violates any 7 Amend Kent City Code - Code Enforcement Penalties provision of this Chapter may be issued a class 1 civil infraction pursuant to RCW 7.80.120, as currently enacted_or hereafter amended, and KCC„ 1.04.225. SECTION 7. - Amendment - Revise KCC 13.02.090. Section 13.02.090 of the Kent City Code entitled "Violation - Penalty" is amended as follows: Sec. 13.02.090. Violation - Penalty. A. Civil code enforcement action. Any-Wolation of any provision of this title constitutes a civil violation under Ch. 1.04 KCC for which a monetary penalty may be assessed and abatement may be required and/or otherwise enforced as provided therein. B. Criminal offense. In addition to or as an alternative to any other enfefeetpf3cer rre tee-penalty provided in this chapter, vieletien-ef Uant e Gh a nn KG or by law, any person who violates any provision of the Kent City Code may be charged criminally, pursuant to KCC 1.04,030tB1. C. Civil Infraction. In addition to or as an alternative to any other penalty provided in this chapter or by law, any person who violates any provision of this Chapter may be issued a class 1 civil infraction-pursuant to RCW 7,80.120, as currently emoted or hereafter amended. and KCC, 1.04.225. GD. Separate offense. Each day, or portion thereof, that a violation continues to exist shall be considered a separate offense. SECTION S. - Amendment - Revise KCC 14.08.240. Section 14.08.240 of the Kent City Code entitled "Violation - Penalty" is amended as follows: 8 Amend Kent City Code - Code Enforcement Penalties Sec. 14.08.240. Violation - Penalty. A. Civil_ code enforcement_action. Any violation of any provision of a building code enforced under this chapter constitutes a civil violation under Ch. 1.04 KCC for which a monetary penalty may be assessed and abatement may be required and/or otherwise enforced as provided therein. B. Criminal offense. In addition to or as an alternative to any other enforcement procedure or penalty �-t -.e++aptef7provided in tFuis chapter nr by law anv narcnn whn vinlafac anv nrnvicinn of fho Kant r'ifv Cnria may be charted criminally. pursuant to KCC 1.04.030(B). a P,,:mee o-er de F.+..ced b y }lain h,-pte h u any® k3 ccr--vr�">Wva t"-e"' -`v by this—crrapcc; ,Tvn eenstftute--- a -Ta7ft f'G�" iE1,'ET-FfF r dollarsYOF by both and n :'0°1��-'fiF'6st} 'tlfia'nf?q„ e9rar'ges File$-t3eF-EkriS titl@ sla3lk-be # w°tP tY K Tt ^fit and shall ".car the s-ignatuFe of the Kent k}fi—HF- TEk° de9 f#mg.G-.--l4hF:f1-4lSe'e iiC3®�F"®tiT'TllT4���"�p431Z'f"FFn.T subsectien— ea'senable ! 'I'a-eufr ld- C. Civil Infraction. In addition to or as an alternative to any other penalty provided in.-this chanter or by law, any person who violates any provision of this Chapter may be issued a class 1 civil infraction pursuant to RCW 7,80,120, as currently enacted or hereafter amended, and KCC 1.04.225. D. Each day that anyone shall continue to violate or fail to comply with any of the foregoing provisions shall be considered a separate offense. 9 Amend Kent City Code - Code Enforcement Penalties SECTION 9. - Amendment - Revise KCC 15.10.070. Section 15.10.070 of the Kent City Code entitled "Violation - Penalty" is amended as follows: Sec. 15.10.070 Violation - Penalty. A. Civil code enforcement action. Any violation of any provision of this chapter constitutes a civil violation under Ch. 1.04 KCC for which a monetary penalty may be assessed and abatement may be required as provided therein. B. Criminal offense. In addition to or as an alternative to any other penalty provided in this chapter or by law, any person who violates any provision of the Kent City Code may be charged criminally, pursuant to KCC 1.04.030(B). vi�slatif�g er fa N+ tp-ce+np�y wgth any-of-the p+ev%s erns „F this „gym.;wt thereef, shall be pufl4shablle_:n _ ,.,-,.an .with the pFevisens of vrr C. Civil Infraction. In addiction to or as an alternative to any other penalty provided in this chapter or by law, any person who violates any provision of this Chapter may be issued a class 1 civil infraction pursuant to Rf 1A/ 7 Rn 1 7n as cg1rran Hv anartali nr hprpaffpr AmPnri Pri and V(Y' 1.04,225. SECTION 10. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 11. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the 10 Amend Kent City Code - Code Enforcement Penalties correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 12. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage as provided by law. DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved ATTEST: W/d KIMBERLEY A. KOMOTO, CIT LERK Date Adopted (... 7 3 9 Date l5ulblished 77ED AS TO FORM: (T , ACTING CITY ATTORNEY I, 1 11 Amend Kent City Code - Code Enforcement Penalties I I STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING ) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Polly Shepherd, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Publisher of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Kent Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice was published on July 13, 2018. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$93.62. Polly She°l„erd,✓ Publisher, Kent Reporter Subscribed and sworn to me this 13' day of July, 2018 .Jenrt�f'er Tri 4, a tarry Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Orti'ng, Washington rER A No7d ��Tb�i CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF AN ORDINANCE PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL The following is a summary of an ordinance passed by the Kent City Council on July 3, 2018: ORDINANCE NO. 4282 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the following provisions of the Kent City Code (KCC) to allow for civil infractions as an enforcement tool in code enforcement matters, in addition to other existing civil and criminal penalties, and to clarify when and what level of criminal charges may be brought for violations of the KCC: Chapter 1.04 KCC, KCC 8.01.050, KCC 8.04.190, KCC 8.07.080, KCC 8.08.060, KCC 13.02.090, KCC 14.08.240, and KCC 15.10.070. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. A copy of the complete text of any ordinance will be mailed upon request of the City Clerk. Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk Kent Reporter Friday,July 13,2018 13 sear... La.ar NeNma la[el Nn[reea UPI N.U. L.pal N.11eea bG.r Notleea la�l NaNeeaW Om ortunil .%iscomf 1dm CRY COUNCIL CRY OF KEW sIa.carfg of i8,000 to 2 4 2 2 0 4 9 0 4 2 . vloomant. An ehvlrmn- J1,tW-ri dala on The 1pllowlRg Ia !sum PUBLIC NDTICE 70,ON meek trnrde mA flit B000000010maabzl eC1 statement .QUM nary of en hrdlnenoe $EPATHRESHOLO W bMrg manw entl.Too 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 2 2 „ EIS Is not Ypur Mal Me and", as plavlded all by the Kant City DETERMINATION anhdivated III will tube 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 , �aP) gUUmmP,GWee1a�llamnae under ni 11.40020 Owll vn July 3,201B: Pursuant to KCC 11N, rho Vpms.of Me she 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1(KN;or(2)bur monms ORDINANCE NG, 42W Envlronmenml Polty, pmmrimWaly 4 td a t©st 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 4S210tledsloo 3fi made aflpWar,the m,,kat after the date of first AN ORDINANCE of Me Clty of Kent has Is- (depandYnO ad that unb. 6 0 0 0 0 6 0 030 . 11 of s cad.aft rEamm*b ck up. PuMkanan pf Ma Notice. arm Olpy Goumll bl Ihq. sae a threshold tlerer- male IIIX quonlM+t 91m 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 D , anvlronmenWl checklbl Ma aWim W that Prg. Ci y M Kem0., W.ehPo g- minatlan for Ms bllaw pp kn p the nyu p bo 600000005q We Teke Payments ..red wkmin this time Wn, Wnoddldp Ehm bl- IN: cbered Mr Me ell will 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 entl other I add c s an hems,the claim Is b,ev- bating prnvleb�ns pi n1a Men gmd DoeNmeenra, hands from 2.25 to 7a5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 2 file weM1 Me lead seen�. i fYG Instructed. as bombe,axcaryl m dM- KeM City Cade(NCC)W Of g Noaclgnmamwe abes. 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 6 0 This Information Employmwrt BID!Emerald Real Mews Pon Is RCW allow br cNll IMraulbmu DNS Inc 'pee evenable to Me public 0n asmnl 14.40.p51 and 1 t.AO. ((MM YY pmpany mo0to- 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 2 , request. Estate School ao an Weareal 0.1 NADEIJ $ME Ito- purge re hkierry 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 3 , Commands are due far Kin CD: NO Thle bat N eeaal In code enfomemeM PROVEMENrs ahopW any amnalete M 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 1 CARRIER 9 an In came agenda With Ma0,11, In .lento. to E N V- 2 0 1 8 -4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 Ma above Friday, July 253 250-0402 Aa 24 mn14psum aAy V, m, Friday, Juty ROUTES m daaa" n ural &.1 ma:lnlfry sl l and RPSA-2181915 mwmmd, fax pNcels eon. 2 4 2 2 0 4 9 0 6 5 , p' amaW arm mpdProbnra mdmllnal pnne%Iaa,and m The Cry of Kam Pemlq 1alMnp m gross alas ama 6 o o a o 0 0 0 th p , '27.2ova,do oly m KadtLAVAILABLEdWrffy wbmn ands whin T's of0,842 ®yyuaml.ol2 4 2 2 0 4 U K N Planning SattNue& PDATE OF FIRST PUBLI- ideal od wlmmM Nmnp poses ld add fin mnmYl01 or 0.&1epra8.ThoeftsW600000UKN Rap more MMamasen, alc/mON:Juty13,2018 mere be Wongghe for WOXa• to the cttyawnea ryryrap• leeetetl M Me eovmeasr The p0wney r-ermataaa '�ne"oP Kent Plvnnlmg '�OnlyJOm Bane ofM.KCC CM1RyNartykedme pf W Modkor oho Oi+ppoaod aaurca Ip- A ee rsum St 2Kent 20 mYJA `Pomona,ReprmonWdryo Ina 1.64 KCC KCC mono propemoe,Is to. Shand end Neden Axe- b1Gn pf mmemdel) In- hSHERRARD MFGDNA a01 M,KCC aM 180, dnWW dren.gs m Mtl cue Satoh, founded by sludke parcels: 02 ,��,GLE TIZZANO 8 LIND KCC $07.a80, KCG area 7lw enlgnr,g g,prmWlllls annual W the scum, 2 3 2 2 0 4 9 0 4 9 8i"fie" Any f '1P.S. 9oill KCC Wmmnm Ill Mapkpv SR 167 ro Me wast and 2 3 2 2 0 4 9 0 2 0 , paned YogU sag oBY MaMew 9 end, 13.02.090, KCC Samet sae roe shallow to the Recr rse Bell to 23UN 028 end tll6ahllttyapeammada' '//�,WSBA#371T9 14.09,240, and KCC Wale the Nneen Awnev the east. The 60�bo1 2322049329. amn should der l Mtl I Attorneys let Personal 15.10.070. Properties 10 dmin In Neal Avenue dghlm/� Documents are due for t Far TDID stay Vmma Find your pellet pit r. RsarmarrWr This add shell SO Owl df✓ncro, Wbhan way runs hardtaWM Me above praised by am bell bell in the Classlieds. Aed.so ear MslWos ar aseb and bo Id karso act nobles,Ma alto pWwedan armul Me omemblago, 4:30 p.m., Fdday July 1-Bd0 B33E3BB or Me m,raep981weMMt.esn Servwe: days Iron end seer IW Mel ql the enhanced IWO OddNenal pomelt 27,2018,m Cry o1 Kant 19]1]Frant Sheet NE ppaosege, as predicted by all. wgX salvo tlhlD luovn. want art Npden are al PWareing$vrvkm. Chy of Kahl'. at Appl..... POBex4DO WW. The oub.ittad ehoduat eluded far eonstruenon For man hrarmabOn Vie GObe7g25 REGIONAL FISHERIES PublPaUlished An m7a Kent A cagy m Me material at tlma o1 mp?IMIIOa 10- staging and no fill Is a. contact Kam Planning 4 �0 OH0st I m' Rasa°.- COALITION Director aalmsM4o NUP TO 70O°/OFFEW S Audu.ter July far 2018 ale mats. al MQUOMWill (ADJUNCILOW ra venom to cola, Al an lhnae per. Services 1 2Ra Fourth DOeld. Friday, July 13, lead shire 8.fadoml lag- Al Mae lacfurer Small 0+1 UpaO mgUAAa ,600 eulaC y4rda of eels. All Me propo.- Avenue S., Kent, WA July 218 2018 and July v14ha CNy GXerk. Wall msMun01m 4P tool. ere ]anal OCE, Dawn- 98W2, TaXepMnp; ADCSafe lefeyexe oDuaenr, cam- alladEiba,Inf Sandi ared- 27,2018.#B15591. K{mbadeY A..Ioomanp M f11B, HgwaM4P. pmJaal town Commerclel Enter- {Rs3) 0685454. Any AD COPY murueuuonp 8 opera- endFactorylmperlec- GayCXmak bid, old::Wbla Jupd on.. pomun mquhMg a #B1s378 Ibnm.vWlt rW# CRY OF KEM PUMwhad In Me Komt Ina will eflncl Me amount Tnn 611 Imported to Me disability eammmmdo- 7/13/1B mgigrraMleherles •OYIdarWMftWp�a�pu.µ+. NDIICE OF AN Ft( W on July 48, of fill Chet Is ultimately she will like be ob- Idea should contact Me coollum,"ofmg Fur lnyufnaaq Droll hr Vlall ORDINANCE 2018.#81665s y Eagle Crank Lend 8 Da� far lull 1p0 dadeplpgdn, ApP9m,#s Weather.placed on the she For emote M1em u Public CIry for more Informs- wwpa nt, LLC, RedW 1463gmzkwiW My,Blvd. PASSED BYTXE purposes of this emery- Works enNronmenWl Ida.. For TOO relay sat- Gadder, 15215 SE REPORTER mosamnpm IF d ..red vice, call 272ry Si Ste 201 Kent, (FedvNllwas Vi ) 2W-240-6966 the Opwnsy Tormofead 1b00-633-6388 or Me WA 9,M2, Is staking STAINLESS PUBLIC I I Pmfirl reached eRanAl, Clry M Kant el Cvmra paper Ms The Forlorn] W Mirror APPLIANCE AUCTION Mal 0,73 Mlles m the f253)aft&BM6. WmN�an BLOW Oe, Is s.ekit o general as- PACKAGE want,While the Remy Edn paopga, AIDR; Rd pperUnoM 4f EapXagfe al9nmenf ro deras with $1499 ficonsatl Poland alto is apomslble cinl GpMWaappn BmpmwMw wdting oKw for and Rafrigqn,i or,Range 8 located qudeldd Kona o9y Oohed: FrldaY JuIY IS, NPDES and San. PholaOnspM' Wk. Pd" Dishwasher limits will vanda leas 20,a Wocga.Dwsro,0a Gsnva- cry caverepe will be •Now Undlaz Womanly sled K Cavity, Ihq 4 163B7 al Pe+md. The CnBlCmdd Daft,Friday,July 20th,2015 @ 12:00 p.m. CRY el m was Lhmd n+3,e testae, Mount d Saar- aaaae.shard vOrtrig 4. W5.244.19sa Government vehicles,including A9ansr rot sEPA ra+law DETERMINATION OF aoggo w bdslad al 164e0 0lgamem eWswe, auvd o1 to prelacl This re- NONSIGNIFICANCE SE 272ad SIT In Kenn In could IneNda stand nOw- cars,trucks,SUVs,vans&more! blew analyzed anAl.n- The CIry of Kant Public Kass count$Try.pretest rea plo.Schedule map+la, mental Impecls assoclat- Works decameter has InmNas .1 sores of colu CA) some gunning 150+Units ad with me proposed Inmared num-halect de.f.tard.for Commea- dndFar weekend work matarmUon p�p!mctl On oho envlmnmenrel review tar dal canshuctlon ec- Ddwnvy say, Ir.4uding ® pmadesal t0 amend Won.. The miteWlrrg Dantlldetes must have AUCTION PREVIEW DATE: mua�Mlan pt awmr Kuhl Cigty Code C,,fier wmmrbmdy W Blgg Shoe excellent communlra+lon 166,e00 cuble yards of y W_Wdmr to be can- Crook, aze her InIYIImePn entl mrgaNxatlonal skills Thursday,July 19th 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. material. A Determine slalom with State low W orvvyp & Any par- and be able to work of tlon of Nonslgnnlcence and current granal m. aadh tlashmg W proaasr feuMvey in a deadline Sale#ACFBFC18811 was Issued for to Dow- terms to baba Worked. Malr views is the Wash delve. advlro ml=n they Farmstead r.We.- 00 carpal Oystame Ile Ingl4h Raw oeparkaml mayrum M boa year m www.autoauctions.gsa.gov had protect an Dace.- Waf ri Me pUBnc We. of Estogy mgerd rp MI. prevlcus newspaper se- bar 13, 2013.The Dow- for system from content- Approach,of ilWWI4d r1ha ca to m hilted Fr.e..,are to preview DAA Seattle's GSA Inventory online net Farmstead DNS and ni Isom RuwAwl water In Ecology, $*van err -Al. area envied ,.rated moons and systems. T e proposed Mn Applicators,May no. usa me Touched We do, Electric Trimmer Weed doCurtnsmasan can- amendremnW also dry CwMgy In wHNr+g no panampmn M vend WA Whacker Taro 12', E25, NO children under 18 reload 'n the SEPA file strengthen add clarify amp Mom$04%aytl N Nhe Sloto DrNers Llcanse rel adtl Dan,,game (9ENV-2013.2 / KIVA he permOMng end halal Igat data of pahlllbeh,,of and proof of emwe vehl- hag'.W $00,Bleak and #RPSA-213045sr are In- Wood bWarsoom, far this nonce. EoWCgy le r, a mence. Desks 14"$30, 2 her, SEATTLE orpataipy by eWmnce installation 01 cross con- Wowp public pommanw I C Man.ne 1 horse Into this NNlew. thump. systems donne and considers whether We MWr a caMNI6va P.m,Last Blowers$25 3130 D Street SE,Auburn,WA The Nolen NO seam, rNam do pl*Mom'pro,, dlachorpm from cub Pro- hourly when and bonne each all era In excellent parcels: 2y2204a058, Psoo and samnglhen anal Ina would cause a mea too pmIhl aeclhdfne condmon. 253.737.2200 2 4 2 2 0 4 9 1 0 2 . dually, the gameness for sumble change no o. health Imme",, paid Cell'(266)172EB56 daaseatt e.cOm 2 4 2 2 0 4 9 1 U 3 Wliwb ed fib"M WIM Me ceWng wher quality, ras n6 (amandn, sink, lawn Mower, $Bs. ppmrmllndg an dd mouses. and, I1 ad wNmhpr rho add hoXueysy,MIRd 401k 2 4 2 2 0 4 9 0 3 9 Ilon raquimmedta there pprmfhat b , moths bad vaM am hWplayoi mnloar. Sogtrm FonRR2oY BppYead 2 4 2 2 0 4 e 0 4 0 In. Bh lhn owenidrinp Pubic or, $25,.Hat m TffineaW, n ul EavlrmnmanWl Checklist Rmavmt Madden gtoTior Emall us your cover let- 6eIndi Ahau n�bW;$03 • p • . nt EmploymentNo:ENV-2018-6 XI ahlltlpgmdehon vat dal, retlwne, and Include each. Cell: (206) P2- Curr- ubli KIVA No: gMmmmund undo, WAG fare everroWs of your each ase FaatMradPOBItIDR .W admu RPSA-2182152 173201A-320 Cam boot walk ahmwceslhp Prolsb: K-PWE Cross mans can be submitted your IM000e alone end REPORTER Federalway,wA) Hot,"'p'"cur Connacllan Central 1n:Department Of Based w ON crops W: Home FurniMenge I gee{auaee,eem Location:Those pro gy Aft.: WMo, Of aWty mrean0 lbeFederalWaylvirrornseeking a generalassignment .m°remHe"a.a�pa.,wom posed ....Wants 1.- PO,.m ConsIdaBlem lomdpubilthla2 Boeing B Downsizing ammo peat the snore Cry of SlOrmwaier P.O. B. 0#iUiR ea XaNutlo Dlnefrlo set medium dark Rporterwilhwrllingexperienceandphulogaphyskills. -Savnwar Kerry, 47696 mpi, Olya, WA ATTN:HPJMMREP wood 47x36 with a 131h. Primary coveragewill bechyguYemmentiffinds,and -MUg4a Appllaam:clry of Kent, 9Bs04469s 1e My eubJam ilnv, extension, s chairs Im lnPG dSSI nmem StOdef;dnd Wo dlndudPs oaf -X1pjrra�ry 220 4M Ave. S, Kant, #616592 3pv(ICl pubewNrO Ida are clUevd Sane Is a Cap- 9 9 P WA 98032 7/+3/16,7/20/16 Equo10fap�rtordly Em Wer`a cheld$lgtll coverdge.Shcedulemay inClodesomeeveningandlor -,mn� Lead Agency Cly of phX�yvar(EOEymM 1965 Howard porn. �alyplalaex Kent Reach the readers MmnRly suppgJtle dWor- wpmnsh Sd00 4 dsaw- WeekendWOdt. .m°r Th.lead agency for this the dallies miss.Call dly tin M.wnrgpWem. ar wood ddesk $25;Neck Candidates mosthdVe lx(e ent(ommU2 Oiondnd OeeM1e pmpmal hes determined 80g 8-2527 today Chuck mN our webeM tlo Iron glltling chair (seats OrgdnhdgOnd dhl S,ddd be dbPWWad[effHVVPyln 'p"meamrtn mat astral not have a to place your ed In find am mare about eel 2 ppopto) Indwassaat- tm,n probabo slgmra¢anf d- wWw. Pad. S251 L.. adeadllntdf awfifilment Mdlnildfmlofa"yexr -r "b,m vmmm hired he the en- the Classified.. noundpublHM1lnp.emm saga (253)836-9284 N useof G ff gf 2dausn a nenRlsv Ired.Pnddgn alsore wires use of rmnalvehkle, ssessionyfvalid a`n"n"°° g p p "' "" Place your Classified ad 24/7 WA51ate Oryefs Li(enseand mofofadNevehi(le insurance. .s'.11...m^-n-,,...,, �aJa� da�a-i Email e,and us yourcover letter,ehumincludefive a„e° fvgei"" 7/lY�IlY p Rmmpderelyourhestworkshowusingyourrepo ing tale.. ltlikaadMlting rApp4lp::caeNt@soundpubadhlnq,9r rn..Maawrrlar s oltt'n dc/assi,frerdsw com xpnfdbXdk'dB1111M!"RR7FNMNFPfprAespbJkfYipk mates. beed *7"1a1�1RrAI Ir/ h.1h, a PUayISwmH.LN!G INC/ 1,on . r ForallsroPcwmadawvmfbbopmMptamdlolRxmonoreadautuldsfaaurwe6414e�WwwygMndpUBllnblrrp,ante