HomeMy WebLinkAbout4275 ORDINANCE NO. q?,'Y5 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 2.60.020 of the Kent City Code to: (1) reduce the membership of the Parks and Recreation Commission from 16 to 12 members; (2) provide for only one youth representative position; and (3) create an alternate position on the Commission that would allow the alternate to act in the place of an absent member and to assume a vacant position should one become available during the alternate's term. RECITALS A. The Kent Parks and Recreation Commission was established in July of 2014, and its primary purpose is to help guide and assist the City as the City works to establish and prioritize its parks and recreation services. The Parks and Recreation Commission is a conduit of information ' for the public on matters related to parks and recreation projects. The commission promotes the development of dynamic and well-rounded parks and recreational opportunities, and serves in an advisory capacity to the mayor, city council, and city staff. B. Although the Parks and Recreation Commission is required to hold regular meetings, at times it has been difficult to obtain the quorum necessary to transact business due to the absence of its members at those meetings. Reducing the membership of the Commission will allow for the 1 Amend KCC 2.60.020 - Re: Parks and Recreation Commission efficient operation and effective completion of business. This ordinance will reduce the membership of the commission from 16 to 12 members and require only one youth representative. C. In addition to making the changes needed to effectively and efficiently transact business, this ordinance will also create a new position on the Commission that will allow a person to be appointed as an alternate. It is intended that when all members of the Commission are present, the alternate will serve in a nonvoting capacity. If, however, a member is absent from any meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission, the alternate will serve as a pro tempore voting member for that meeting and may vote on all matters before the Commission. The alternate may also assume any position that is vacated by an incumbent member or otherwise becomes available during the alternate's tenure without the necessity of further Council confirmation. A search for a new alternate would then be undertaken. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Amendment - Revise KCC 2.60.020. Section 2.60.020 of the Kent City Code entitled "Membership, terms, residence requirements," is amended as follows: Sec. 2.60.020. Membership, terms, residence requirements. A. Number of members. The memberships of the city parks and recreation commission shall consist of 12 16-appointed members, in addition to an optional alternate. Members are to be appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council. Each member of tha rnmmiccinn chall haves an aniial vnta in rlaricinncded-ins of tha commission, axrant fnr tho alfarnata whn will carves in a nnnvntinn ranarity 2 Amend KCC 2.60.020 - Re: Parks and Recreation Commission R niterarir:,rY.i. M ,ir Aer. An alternate may, hP annninhPri hn YhP sroei irn',issioui by hl;P . .. :.r and confirmed by the city council. Once appointed and confirmed, the alternate will serve in a nonvoting capacity when all regular members are oresent at a meeting of the parks and recreation commission. When a regular member of the parks and recreation commission is absent from a meeting, the alternate will serve as a ro tem ore voting member for that meeting n may vote on all matters before the commission. Should a oosition as a regular member on the parka and re,reua hi nn �pmmi�5inn hcrnmP a�iailahl? rliirinn the alternate's term, the alternate will assume that position as a regular member without any further council confirmation required. CB. Terms of office. The term of office for commissioners shall be for three years, except for the initial terms as provided below. 1. Commissioners may only serve up to two consecutive terms, except for those commissioners appointed to an inaugural term that is less than three years in length. If, however, a commissioner was appointed to an inaugural term that was less than three years in length, then that commissioner shall be permitted to serve two consecutive three-year terms after the inaugural term expires. 2. The term of office of the first six commissioners appointed and confirmed shall expire December 31, 2015; the term of the second six commissioners appointed and confirmed shall expire December 31, 2016; the term of office of the final four commissioners appointed and confirmed shall expire December 31, 2017. 3. When a vacancy occurs on the parks and recreation commission, the alternate will assume that osition as a regular member without any further council confirmation reguired. If the alternate becomes a re ular member of the parks and Recreation Commission the indlv'ldual' Yh reo vP?r h,.r drill honiii o geyw .....n annnin-Mant- The mayor shall then appoint, subject council confirmation a new 3 Amend KCC 2.60.020 - Re., Parks and Recreation Commission alternate com issioner:appe' IV I. L position shall be for three years, or for the remainder of the unexpir-- —"�-"eveF is the shorter peFied of time. DG. Residence requirements. At least 6-19 persons appointed to serve on the parks and recreation commission shall reside within the corporate limits of the city. To the extent practicable, appointment shall reflect a balance and diversity of users of and interests in Kent's parks and recreation services, and shall include net FneFe than - one 1 youth representatives of high school age who lives within the city's municipal boundaries. ED. Removal. The mayor may remove members from the parks and recreation commission in the following instances: 1. A commissioner resigns from the commission; or 2. A commissioner is absent from more than two consecutive regular meetings; or 3. A commissioner is absent four times within any 12-month period; or 4. Upon the joint recommendation of the commission's chair and the parks and recreation director. Any decision to remove a commissioner shall be final, and there shall be no appeal. SECTION 2. - Severabilitv. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. - Corrections by City Clerk or Coale Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the 4 Amend KCC 2.60.020 - Re: Parks and Recreation Commission correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, as provided by law. DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved ATTEST: KIMBERLEY 4j KOMOTO, CITY CLERK Date Adopted y I 13 Date Oublighed APPROVED AS TO M: H FITZPATRICK, C ATTORNEY 5 Amend KCC 2.60.020 - Re: Parks and Recreation Commission � cayu� dati IVY cc CFm we°o'�U tLm y ' c d� wv � �-" oo[r�.1 GUv' ob� w ° a � nc n�gfLE �6 - E��YVee. e s_2a.o °-E �b Z.Z.J F z y L U >V i ° z o E o• L t L tv, _ q n e V v c o V C O L "CCVi i.� Lo UUGcv EC� �'. o � yE �q �' � R vVL vi- c Z 4 i �'CC_ ct°' vvc'° � ro.N NptioE_'-�so a`. >99�oc�N.m 0 C = ry'y�'i 4xi PYII P9pg� dl 4 o th v v O iz.. Gq, �1) o c Gn fu ° c > O' CL o0 00 O aJ C cG LrA P O.0 O N G di � 5 It W `,ems ' ncn Z0. o G� ca coa` x Ow N c c c CL Cl o o _ 0 w j abo c ° Y pi o A on oba° 0 U .C ,0 c ^ 'c O z C CA F Col U` CIO n �`" .'7. ... 'd a, •,� as p y c, ,�, an � ar