HomeMy WebLinkAbout4273 ORDINANCE NO. q2, AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending section 15.06.050 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Regulations for Specific Districts," to revise sign code regulations in the Midway Transit Community- 1 zoning district. RECITALS A. On December 13, 2011, the City Council adopted the Midway Subarea Plan, which conveys a range of actions that prepares the area for future high capacity light rail transit. The overall goal for the plan includes a dense, pedestrian-friendly, sustainable community around high capacity transit nodes. Policy MLU-1.3 in the plan recognizes the need for flexibility in land uses and density as the market transitions from auto-oriented development form to a dense pedestrian-friendly development form. Policy MUD-3.7 recognizes a difference in sign regulations for_ development adjacent to SR-99 while maintaining the overall urban character of the designated transit-oriented community. B. The City Council also adopted the Midway Design Guidelines and sign regulations on December 13, 2011, as implementation measures for the Midway Subarea Plan. The plan, guidelines, and sign regulations were the result of multiple years of public outreach to businesses, residents, and other stakeholders in the Midway subarea. 1 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re: Sign Regulations in MTC-1 C. The Midway Design Guidelines call for creative and individual expression in the design and placement of signs; they encourage creative, sculptural, and neon signs in the Midway subarea. The guidelines also state that signs should be designed to add pedestrian interest. D. The Midway Design Guidelines recognize the distinct environment of the area along SR-99/Pacific Highway; it is characterized as highway-oriented, but the pedestrian is nevertheless given priority through visual interest and human dimension at the street level. E. In the Midway Transit Community-1 ("MTC-1") zoning district, within the Midway subarea, the following signs are currently allowed as identification signs for single business occupancies: freestanding monument signs up to 15 feet tall and 80 square feet with no sign face larger than 40 square feet; suspended signs including hanging signs, and blade signs up to 20 feet tall and 80 square feet with no sign face larger than 40 square feet; and wall signs up to 10 percent of the first floor fagade, or 24 square feet, whichever is greater, and up to 35 feet tall. F. To date, no new monument signs have been installed on SR- 99 under the MTC-1 sign regulations in Ch. 15.06 KCC, adopted by Kent City Council in 2011. In anticipation of forthcoming development to which these regulations would apply, staff reviewed the sign regulations to evaluate their consistency with the Midway Design Guidelines, other sign regulations in Kent, and neighboring jurisdictions. The intent was to ensure that the regulations are fair, appropriate, and not unnecessarily burdensome while still achieving the intent of the subarea plan and design guidelines. G. Although not envisioned as a traditional downtown, the Midway area is, like Kent's downtown, envisioned as a center of pedestrian scale activity with a dense mix of land uses. Sign regulations for the 2 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re; Sign Regulations in MTC-1 Downtown Commercial Enterprise ("DCE") zoning district, within downtown Kent, allow for freestanding signs other than monument signs up to 15 feet in height and 100 square feet in area for all faces. In contrast to the Midway area, however, a highway does not bisect the DCE zoning district as SR-99 does the MTC-1 zoning district. This distinct auto-oriented context suggests a need for moderately larger signs along the highway frontage in the MTC-1 district than in the DCE district. H. Sign regulations for the City of Des Moines, which is across from and adjacent to Kent's MTC-1 zoning district, and similarly characterized by SR-99 frontage, allow for freestanding signs other than monument signs, up to 20 feet in height and 100 square feet in area for all faces. I. Best practices for sign visibility and motorist reaction time in a 45 mile per hour zone similar to the SR-99 corridor recommend sign sizes of 60 or more square feet per sign face. Appropriate sign visibility is important for motorist safety, effective wayfinding, and the economic interests of businesses. It is in the public interest to increase the allowed height and sign face area for freestanding signs to improve visibility, ensure visual parity between signs in adjacent jurisdictions and those in Kent, and recognize the significant motorized use of the SR-99 corridor. J. Variety in sign design and type can enhance visual interest for pedestrians and motorists; it is in the public interest and consistent with the intent of the Midway Subarea Plan and Design Guidelines to allow multiple types of signs when they demonstrate creativity and integrity in design and pedestrian-scale interest. K. High sign density can contribute to information overload for motorists, inhibiting visual recognition, decision-making, and response. Sufficient sign spacing is necessary to ensure that motorists are not overloaded. The aggregate allowed sign area for any lot in the MTC-1 3 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re: Sign Regulations in MTC-1 zoning district is one square foot per linear foot of street frontage; a maximum single sign size of 150 square feet for lots with at least 200 feet of frontage is consistent with this ratio, allowing for at least 50 square feet of additional signage elsewhere on the lot. L. On February 12, 2018, planning staff presented the Land Use and Planning Board ("LUPB") with an overview of the need for revised sign code regulations in the MTC-1 zoning district and the proposed revised code language. M. On January 17, 2018, the City requested expedited review under RCW 36.70A.106 from the Washington State Department of Commerce regarding the City's proposed code amendments related to signage in the MTC-1 zoning district. The Washington State Department of Commerce granted the request for expedited review on February 6, 2018. No comments were received from State agencies. N. On February 5, 2018, the City conducted and completed environmental review under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). The City's SEPA Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non- Significance for the code amendments. 0. At its regularly-scheduled public meeting on February 26, 2018, the LUPB held a public hearing regarding the proposed code amendments related to sign regulations in the MTC-1 zoning district. After considering the matter, the LUPB voted to recommend adoption of the proposed amendments to the City Council. P. On March 12, 2018, the Economic and Community Development Committee considered the recommendations of the LUPB at its regularly-scheduled meeting, and recommended to the full City Council adoption of the proposed code amendments. 4 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re: Sign Regulations in MTC-1 Q. At its regularly-scheduled meeting on March 12, 2018, the City Council voted to approve the amendments to portions of Chapter 15.06 of the Kent City Code, pertaining to sign regulations in the MTC-1 zoning district. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Amendment - KCC 15.06.050. Section 15.06.050 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Regulations for Specific Districts," is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 15.06.050. Regulations for specific districts. In all districts the planning director shall have the option to waive sign type requirements in unique and special cases where, due to building design or other special circumstance, the development is unable to conform to stated standards. A. Signs permitted in residential districts. 1. Identification signs for single-family dwellings and duplexes. One identification sign shall be permitted for each occupancy. The sign shall not exceed an area of three square feet, shall not exceed a height of six feet above the surface of the street, shall be attached directly to a building, fence, standard, or mailbox, and shall be unlighted or provided with indirect illumination. Home occupations shall not be allowed additional sign area. 2. Identification signs for multifamily dwellings. One identification sign shall be permitted for each development, except that multiple-family dwellings with more than one street frontage may be allowed an additional sign for each street frontage of such lot. Each sign shall not exceed an area of 25 square feet, may be a wall or freestanding 5 Amend KCC I5.06 - Re; Sign Regulations in MTC-1 sign, shall be unlighted or indirectly lighted, and shall not exceed a height of six feet above the ground if freestanding. 3. Farm product identification signs. No permit is required, but such signs may not be located in the public right-of-way. B. Signs permitted in community commercial, general commercial, and commercial manufacturing districts. The aggregate sign area for any lot shall not exceed one and one-half square feet for each foot of street frontage. Aggregate sign area for corner lots shall not exceed one square foot for each foot of street frontage. The permitted signs enumerated in this subsection shall be subject to the total aggregate sign area. 1. Identification signs for occupancies. Each business establishment may have one freestanding sign for each street frontage if not located in a shopping center, and three additional signs. a. Freestanding sign. The freestanding sign shall not exceed a height of 30 feet. The maximum sign area permitted is 200 square feet for the total of all faces. No one face shall exceed 100 square feet. The sign may be illuminated. b. Additional signs. Three additional signs shall be permitted subject to the following restrictions: i. The total area of all signs, graphics, or other advertising shall not be more than 10 percent of the building facade to which they are attached or on which they are displayed. ii. On properties where a pole sign cannot be erected due to setback requirements or building placement, a projecting sign may be allowed in lieu of the permitted freestanding sign. The projecting sign may not exceed 15 square feet in outside dimension. 2. Identification signs for shopping centers. One freestanding identification sign, which may list the names of the occupants of the shopping center, shall be permitted for each street frontage of each shopping center. The maximum sign area permitted for a freestanding 6 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re: Sign Regulations in MTC-1 sign is 200 square feet for the total of all faces. No one face shall exceed 100 square feet. A freestanding sign shall not exceed a height of 30 feet, and may be illuminated. 3. Automobile service station signs. The aggregate sign area for any corner lot shall not exceed one square foot for each foot of lot frontage, and the aggregate sign area for any interior lot shall not exceed one and one-half square feet for each foot of lot frontage; and the permitted signs enumerated in this subsection shall be subject to the total aggregate sign area. a. Freestanding signs. One freestanding lighted double- faced identification sign, not exceeding 200 square feet for the total of all faces, with no such face exceeding 100 square feet, is permitted. Such sign shall not exceed a height of 30 feet. If on a corner lot, two monument signs not exceeding 100 square feet per sign for the total of all faces are permitted. Such monument signs shall not exceed a height of 15 feet. Freestanding signs shall be lighted during business hours only. b. Additional signs. Three additional signs shall be permitted subject to the following restrictions: The total area of all signs, graphics, or other advertising shall not be more than 10 percent of the building facade to which they are attached or on which they are displayed. C. Fuel price signs. Fuel price signs shall be included in the aggregate sign area. 4. Farm product identification signs. No permit is required, but such signs may not be located in the public right-of-way. C. Signs permitted in downtown commercial and downtown commercial enterprise districts. The aggregate sign area for any lot shall not exceed one and one-half square feet for each foot of street frontage. The aggregate sign area for corner lots shall not exceed one square foot for each foot of street frontage. The permitted signs enumerated in this subsection shall be subject to the total aggregate sign area. 7 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re: Sign Regulations in MTC-1 1. Identification signs for multitenant buildings. a. Wall sign. Each multitenant building may have one identification wall sign for the building's identification for each street frontage. The sign shall not exceed a total of five percent of the facade to which it is attached. The sign shall not name or advertise the individual tenants of the building. Aggregate sign area shall apply. A multitenant building will have the option of the sign described in this subsection (C)(1)(a) or the identification sign described in subsection (C)(1)(b) of this section. b. Freestanding sign. Each building may have one freestanding sign on each street frontage. The sign may not exceed 15 feet in height. The maximum sign area permitted for the freestanding sign is 100 square feet for the total of all faces. No one face shall exceed 50 square feet. Multitenant freestanding signs shall not name or advertise the individual tenants of the building. 2. Identification signs for occupancies. Each occupant of a multitenant building shall be permitted two wall signs. Such signs shall not exceed 10 percent of the facade of the individual business unit. Aggregate sign area shall not apply. 3. Identification signs for single-tenant buildings. a. Each building may have one freestanding sign for each street frontage. The sign may not exceed a height of 15 feet. The maximum sign area permitted for the freestanding sign is 100 square feet for the total of all faces. No one face shall exceed 50 square feet. b. Three additional signs shall be permitted. All signs are subject to the aggregate sign area allowed. The total area of all signs, graphics, or other types of signs shall not exceed 10 percent of the facade to which they are attached or on which they are displayed. D. Signs permitted in midway transit community-1 district. The aggregate sign area for any lot shall not exceed one square foot for each linear foot of street frontage. Aggregate sign area for corner lots shall not 8 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re: Sign Regulations in MTC-1 exceed three-fourths of a square foot for each linear foot of street frontage. The permitted signs enumerated in this subsection shall be subject to the total aggregate sign area and may be permitted subject to Midway Design Guidelines. 1. Identification signs for occupancies. Each single business property may have one freestanding monument sign per street frontage or one projecting sign per street frontage if located along or at the intersections of SR 99, SR 516, South 240th Street, South 24611 Street, or South 2729d Street, if not located in a multitenant building, and one wall sign and one suspended sign per street frontage. a. Freestanding monument signs. Freestanding monument signs shall not exceed a height of 3§ 20 feet. The maximum sign area permitted is 80-100 square feet for the total of all faces. No one face shall exceed 40-50 square feet. The sign may be internally illuminated; provided, that it shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. Freestanding monument signs shall not rotate, blink, flash, or be animated. Freestanding monument signs shall include landscaping and curbing around the base of the sign to prevent vehicles hitting the structure and improve the visual appearance of the sign structure. Landscaping shall be in proportion to the structure, with a minimum of one-half square foot of landscaping for each square foot of sign area, and shall be maintained throughout the life of the sign. b. Projecting or suspended signs. Projecting or suspended signs shall not protrude less than eight feet above the surface of the sidewalk. The following are recognized projecting signs: i. Blade signs. Blade signs shall be double-faced, may be non-illuminated, internal or internal indirect illuminated, or neon tube illuminated. Internal illumination shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so 9 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re: Sign Regulations in MTC-I that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. The maximum sign area permitted is 80 square feet. No one face shall exceed 40 square feet. The maximum sign height permitted is 20 feet. Blade signs shall not rotate, blink, flash, or be animated. ii. Hanging signs. Hanging signs shall be double- faced and shall be non-illuminated. C. Wall signs. Wall signs shall not exceed an area of 10 percent of the building first floor facade to which they are attached, or 24 square feet, whichever is greater. Wall signs shall be attached flat against the building, and placement shall not exceed 35 feet above median sidewalk grade measured from the top of the sign. Wall signs may be non- illuminated, internally or indirectly illuminated. Internal illumination shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. 2. Identification signs for multitenant buildings. Each multitenant property may have one freestanding monument sign per street frontage or one projecting sign per street frontage if located along or at the intersections of SR 99 and SR 516, South 240th Street, South 246th Street, or South 272nd Street and each occupancy may have one wall sign and one suspended sign per occupancy, except the anchor tenants with a business frontage of at least 100 linear feet shall be allowed two wall signs. The aggregate wall sign area shall not exceed 10 percent of the first floor building facade to which the signs are attached. a. Freestanding monument signs. Each multitenant property may have one freestanding monument sign on each street frontage. The sign may not exceed a height of -15 20 feet. The maximum sign area permitted is 80 100 square feet for the total of all faces. No one face shall exceed 40 50 square feet. The sign may be internally illuminated, provided, that it shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so 10 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re: Sign Regulations in MTC-1 that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. Freestanding monument signs shall not rotate, blink, flash, or be animated. Freestanding monument signs shall include landscaping and curbing around the base of the sign to prevent vehicles hitting the structure and improve the visual appearance of the sign structure. Landscaping shall be in proportion to the structure, with a minimum of one-half square foot of landscaping for each square foot of sign area, and shall be maintained throughout the life of the sign. b. Wall signs. Each multitenant building may have one identification wall sign for the building's identification for each street frontage. The sign shall not exceed a total of five percent of the first floor facade to which it is attached. The sign shall not name or advertise the individual tenants of the building. The sign may be internally illuminated; provided, that it shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. Aggregate sign area shall apply. A multitenant building shall have the option of the sign described in this subsection (D)(2)(b) or the identification sign described in subsection (D)(2)(c) of this section. C. Identification signs for occupancies. Each occupant of a multitenant building with street frontage shall be permitted two wall signs and one projecting or suspended sign. Each occupancy shall be allowed at least 24 square feet of sign area. The aggregate wall sign area shall not exceed 10 percent of the first floor facade to which the signs are attached. The wall sign may be internally illuminated. Internal illumination shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. The projecting or suspended sign shall be non-illuminated. 'A Frppctanrlinn cinnc Frrpntinnc Thp riirprtnr may nprmit r freestanding signs other than monument-terse freestanding signs within, the MTC'-1 zoning district along the SR- 9 street frontage to a maximum 11 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re: Sign Regulations in MTC-1 sin area of 150 square feet for the total of all faces and a maximum height of 20 feet where the plicantdemonstrates all of the following:. a. Nn cinnle rahinaf faro is nraatar than an cniinro foot- b. Creativity in design that creates Visual interest for motorists and oedestrians consistent with the pals of the Midway subarea Plan and Desian Guidelines. Examples include sculDtural sians or multi- cabinet signs with variation in face shape, size, and height, C. The si n"s support s r ur s is 1ornamented for pedestrian-level visual interest. or 2) screened from view at the pedestrian eye level using landscaping or other creative screening elent: d. The subject property has at least 20�O linear feet of frontage on SR-99 where the sign is to be located, and e. The ro osed signage will not adversely imipactor detract from the welfare of nearby residences• f. The proposed sign location will not obstruct or otherwise interfere with pedestrian movement, the location of pedestrian. facilities within the public right-of-way, or on the private development situ g. A nroiertinn nr susnenderl sign would not arhiava tha intended purpose of such signage. E. Signs permitted in midway transit community-2 district. The aggregate sign area for any lot shall not exceed one square foot for each linear foot of street frontage. Aggregate sign area for corner lots shall not exceed three-fourths of a square foot for each linear foot of street frontage. The permitted signs enumerated in this subsection shall be subject to the total aggregate sign area and may be permitted subject to Midway Design Guidelines. 1. Identification signs for occupancies. Each single business property may have one freestanding monument sign per street frontage or 12 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re: Sign Regulations in MTC-1 one projecting sign per street frontage, if not located in a multitenant building, and two wall signs and one suspended sign per street frontage. a. Freestanding monument signs. Freestanding monument signs shall not exceed a height of five feet. The maximum sign area permitted is 30 square feet for the total of all faces. No one face shall exceed 15 square feet. The sign may be illuminated indirectly. Freestanding monument signs shall include landscaping and curbing around the base of the sign to prevent vehicles hitting the structure and improve the visual appearance of the sign structure. Landscaping shall be in proportion to the structure, with a minimum of one-half square foot of landscaping for each square foot of sign area, and shall be maintained throughout the life of the sign. b. Projecting or suspended signs. Projecting or suspended signs shall not protrude less than eight feet above the surface of the sidewalk. The following are recognized projecting signs: i. Blade signs. Blade signs shall be double-faced, may be non-illuminated, indirect illuminated, or neon tube illuminated. The maximum sign area permitted is 30 square feet. No one face shall exceed 15 square feet. The maximum sign height permitted is 15 feet. Blade signs shall not rotate, blink, flash, or be animated. ii. Hanging signs. Hanging signs shall be double- faced and shall be non-illuminated. C. Wall signs. Wall signs shall not exceed an area of five percent of the building first floor facade to which they are attached, or 24 square feet, whichever is greater. Wall signs shall be attached flat against the building, and placement shall not exceed 15 feet above median sidewalk grade measured from the top of the sign. If a single business building is greater than 65 feet in height, one building identification wall sign for each street frontage may be placed on the parapet. Wall signs may be non-illuminated, internally or indirectly illuminated, or neon tube illuminated. Internal illumination shall be constructed using individual 13 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re: Sign Regulations in MTC-1 letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. Wall signs shall not blink, flash, or be animated. 2. Identification signs for multitenant buildings. Each multitenant property may have one freestanding monument sign or one projecting sign and each occupancy with street frontage may have two wall signs and one suspended sign. The aggregate wall sign area shall not exceed five percent of the first floor building facade to which the signs are attached. a. Freestanding monument signs. Each multitenant property may have one freestanding monument sign on each street frontage. The sign may not exceed a height of five feet. The maximum sign area permitted is 30 square feet for the total of all faces. No one face shall exceed 15 square feet. The sign may be illuminated indirectly. Freestanding monument signs shall include landscaping and curbing around the base of the sign to prevent vehicles hitting the structure and improve the visual appearance of the sign structure. Landscaping shall be in proportion to the structure, with a minimum of one-half square foot of landscaping for each square foot of sign area, and shall be maintained throughout the life of the sign. b. Projecting or suspended signs. Projecting or suspended signs shall not protrude less than eight feet above the surface of the sidewalk. The following are recognized projecting signs: i. Blade signs. Blade signs shall be double-faced, may be non-illuminated, internal indirect illuminated, or neon tube illuminated. The maximum sign area permitted is 30 square feet. No one face shall exceed 15 square feet. The maximum sign height permitted is 15 feet. Blade signs shall not rotate, blink, flash, or be animated. ii. Hanging signs. Hanging signs shall be double-faced and shall be non-illuminated. C. Wall signs. Each multitenant building may have one identification wall sign for the building's identification for each street 14 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re: Sign Regulations in MTC-1 frontage. The sign shall not exceed a total of five percent of the first floor facade to which it is attached, or 24 square feet, whichever is greater. Wall signs shall be attached flat against the building, and placement shall not exceed 15 feet above median sidewalk grade measured from the top of the sign. If the multitenant building is greater than 65 feet in height, one building identification wall sign for each street frontage may be placed on the parapet. The sign shall not name or advertise the individual tenants of the building. Wall signs may be non-illuminated, internally or indirectly illuminated, or neon tube illuminated. Internal illumination shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. Wall signs shall not blink, flash, or be animated. Aggregate sign area shall apply. A multitenant building shall have the option of the sign described in this subsection (E)(2)(c) or the identification sign described in subsection (E)(2)(d) of this section. d. Identification signs for occupancies. Each occupant of a multitenant building with street frontage shall be permitted two wall signs and one projecting or suspended sign. Each occupancy with street frontage shall be allowed at least 24 square feet of sign area. The aggregate wall sign area shall not exceed five percent of the first floor facade to which the signs are attached. The wall sign may be internally illuminated. Internal illumination shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. The projecting or suspended sign shall be non-illuminated. Wall signs shall not blink, flash, or be animated. F. Signs permitted in midway commercial/residential district. The aggregate sign area for any lot shall not exceed one square foot for each linear foot of street frontage. Aggregate sign area for corner lots shall not exceed three-fourths of a square foot for each linear foot of street frontage. The permitted signs enumerated in this subsection shall be 15 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re: Sign Regulations in MTC-1 subject to the total aggregate sign area and may be permitted subject to Midway Design Guidelines. 1. Identification signs for occupancies. Each single business property may have one freestanding monument sign per street frontage or one projecting sign per street frontage, if not located in a multitenant building, and two wall signs and one suspended sign per street frontage. a. Freestanding monument signs. Freestanding monument signs shall not exceed a height of 15 feet. The maximum sign area permitted is 80 square feet for the total of all faces. No one face shall exceed 40 square feet. The sign may be internally illuminated; provided, that it shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. Freestanding monument signs shall not rotate, blink, flash, or be animated. Freestanding monument signs shall include landscaping and curbing around the base of the sign to prevent vehicles hitting the structure and improve the visual appearance of the sign structure. Landscaping shall be in proportion to the structure, with a minimum of one-half square foot of landscaping for each square foot of sign area, and shall be maintained throughout the life of the sign. b. Projecting or suspended signs. Projecting or suspended signs shall not protrude less than eight feet above the surface of the sidewalk. The following are recognized projecting signs: i. Blade signs. Blade signs shall be double-faced, may be non-illuminated, internal or internal indirect illuminated, or neon tube illuminated. Internal illumination shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. The maximum sign area permitted is 80 square feet. No one face shall exceed 40 square feet. The maximum sign height permitted is 20 feet. Blade signs shall not rotate, blink, flash, or be animated. 16 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re; Sign Regulations in MTC-1 ii. Hanging signs. Hanging signs shall be double- faced and shall be non-illuminated. C. Wall signs. Wall signs shall not exceed an area of 10 percent of the building first floor facade to which they are attached, or 24 square feet, whichever is greater. Wall signs shall be attached flat against the building, and placement shall not exceed 35 feet above median sidewalk grade measured from the top of the sign. Wall signs may be non- illuminated, internally or indirectly illuminated. Internal illumination shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. 2. Identification signs for multitenant buildings. Each multitenant property may have one freestanding monument sign or one projecting sign and each occupancy with street frontage may have two wall signs and one suspended sign per street frontage, except the anchor tenants with a business frontage of at least 100 linear feet shall be allowed three wall signs. The aggregate wall sign area shall not exceed 10 percent of the first floor building facade to which the signs are attached. a. Freestanding monument signs. Each multitenant property may have one freestanding monument sign on each street frontage. The sign may not exceed a height of 15 feet. The maximum sign area permitted is 80 square feet for the total of all faces. No one face shall exceed 40 square feet. The sign may be internally illuminated; provided, that it shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. Freestanding monument signs shall not rotate, blink, flash, or be animated. Freestanding monument signs shall include landscaping and curbing around the base of the sign to prevent vehicles hitting the structure and improve the visual appearance of the sign structure. Landscaping shall be in proportion to the structure, with a 17 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re: Sign Regulations in MTC-1 minimum of one-half square foot of landscaping for each square foot of sign area, and shall be maintained throughout the life of the sign. b. Wall signs. Each multitenant building may have one identification wall sign for the building's identification for each street frontage. The sign shall not exceed a total of five percent of the first floor facade to which it is attached. The sign shall not name or advertise the individual tenants of the building. The sign may be internally illuminated; provided, that it shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. Aggregate sign area shall apply. A multitenant building will have the option of the sign described in this subsection (F)(2)(b) or the identification sign described in subsection (F)(2)(c) of this section. C. Identification signs for occupancies. Each occupant of a multitenant building with street frontage shall be permitted two wall signs and one projecting or suspended sign. Each occupancy shall be allowed at least 24 square feet of sign area. The aggregate wall sign area shall not exceed 10 percent of the first floor facade to which the signs are attached. The wall sign may be internally illuminated. Internal illumination shall be constructed using individual letters/characters, or sign cabinets with an opaque field or background so that only the individual letters/characters are illuminated. The projecting or suspended sign shall be non-illuminated. G. Signs permitted in neighborhood convenience commercial districts. 1. Generally. One freestanding double-faced identification sign shall be permitted for each lot. The sign shall not exceed a maximum area of 50 square feet for the total of all faces. No one face shall exceed 25 square feet. A freestanding sign shall not exceed a height of 15 feet and shall be unlighted or provided with indirect illumination. 2. Identification signs for buildings. One identification sign shall be permitted for each principal building. The sign shall not exceed an area 18 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re: Sign Regulations in MTC-1 of five percent of the facade to which it is attached, shall be attached flat against the building, shall not project above the eave of the roof or the top of the parapet, and shall be unlighted or provided with indirect illumination. Such signs shall not advertise or name individual tenants of the building. 3. Identification signs for occupancies. Signs not exceeding a total of five percent of the facade of the business unit to which they are attached shall be permitted for each occupancy in a multitenant building when the occupancy has outside frontage. H. Signs permitted in industrial districts. 1. Aggregate sign area. The aggregate sign area for lots in the M1 and AG districts shall not exceed one-half square foot for each foot of street frontage. The aggregate sign area for lots in the M2 district shall not exceed three-fourths of a square foot for each foot of street frontage. The aggregate sign area for lots in the M3 district shall not exceed one square foot for each foot of street frontage. In no case shall the aggregate sign area exceed one-half square foot for each foot of street frontage on a corner lot. The permitted signs enumerated in this subsection shall be subject to the total aggregate sign area. a. Identification signs for buildings. One identification sign shall be permitted for each lot on each street frontage, which may be a freestanding sign or a wall sign. The maximum sign area permitted for a freestanding sign is 200 square feet for the total of all faces. No one face shall exceed 100 square feet. If the sign is a wall sign, its size shall not exceed 20 percent of the building facade. A freestanding sign shall not exceed a height of 20 feet. The sign may be illuminated. b. Identification signs for occupancies. One identification sign shall be permitted for each occupancy on each street frontage and shall be a wall sign. The maximum size of the sign shall be 10 percent of the building facade. This sign may be illuminated. If the identification sign 19 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re: Sign Regulations in MTC-1 permitted under subsection (H)(1)(a) of this section is a wall sign, an additional wall sign may be permitted on a building facade not facing a street frontage. 2. Farm product identification signs. No permit is required, but the sign may not be located in the public right-of-way. I. Signs permitted in planned unit developments, special use combining districts, and mobile home park districts and for conditional uses. All signs in planned unit developments, special use combining districts, and mobile home parks and for conditional uses shall be incorporated as part of the developmental plan and approved with the developmental plan. Subsequent changes which conform to the adopted signing program may be granted by the planning director. J. Signs permitted in shopping centers. The aggregate sign area for each occupant of a shopping center shall not exceed 20 percent of the front facade of the unit. Wall signs are permitted on each exterior wall of the individual business unit. A minimum of 30 square feet shall be permitted for any occupancy. No combination of signs shall exceed 10 percent of the facade to which they are attached. If there is an attached canopy or overhang, a 10-square-foot sign may be attached to the canopy or overhang in addition to the other permitted signs. Such sign shall be at least eight feet above any pedestrian walkway. SECTION 2. - Severabilitv. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the 20 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re: Sign Regulations in MTC-1 correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. _ ( DANA RALPH, MAYOR Date Approved ATTI=qT: z" I IA, ;J ;y CI �` KIMBER A. KOMO TY CLERK Date Adopted _- Pu 120119 Date Published APPROVED AS TO F !R ARTHUR "PAT" FITZPATRICK, CITY ATTORNEY P,C.,o,d ,.e,1.Os060Ma.,..,- C,mm-�SPn,0b..-,do.. 21 Amend KCC 15.06 - Re: Sign Regulations in MTC-1 Q^0 1 1 - E oY Ca� ° Y Q 1 �� - L v o v 1 o U �-0 c� v X 3w ° oU �� v c� a�E' a�� c°cn U � -c L p `° ro an E-b - O �� _ x w > 3 `G v x rh 3 v p Y Cu _ o o O .� w > y'° x o0 'o .m- N U U OU m in cC N aG U «'' 7 .�.� V - u ° boon = 3 v- �' � � � .c o o o v -o > CL n� o �o U anbanzsv s °' a� anUNo3c03 �a-o � E °' � ° aG4t :t ° ° c� O a� c> O 00 O O E O =y S Q M v O C aG C U u N U L O 3 bn v� O ..o. zZ �� c c L c > o.� o cU - c u E � :3 c�° c c 0- c o c '- E �ZZ �-Q O cc.o o �s y L pN �o.E � 3 � � E '- �_ Z Z Y E U. 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